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Persuasive speech text

Name : Mega Ganevia Salsabila

Class : C

Npm : 0720101092

Miss Sorry I'm going to change my spesific persuasive topic that I wrote for assignment 10 from
smokers shoud be educated on dangers of smoking in public places to other's health to smoking
should be banned in all public places.


Opener building on areas of agreement with audience

Hallo everyone ! Before i start my speech let me tell you my story. As a frequent user of
public transportation, honestly ,I am irritated by smokers. I've frequently sat next to them. Forget
about reprimands; the smoker has been offended, and some have become angry, simply by
displaying my discomfort. One day when i get home from school , I got out of the public car,
coughing and wheezing, smoke filling My eyes and lungs. I tugged frantically at my tie to loosen my
collar because I wore a school uniform at the time , my head pounding as I got out the car. Was it a
fire? No, I was simply sitting in public car when a driver next of me decided to light up a cigarette.
The smoke went right into my face and lungs. All of a sudden I couldn't breathe, and The ashes from
cigarette were blown by the wind and caught fire on my veil and I really panicked but The driver
didn't even say sorry to me.

Statement of persuasive claim

Ladies and gentlemen,

Every year, up to 890.000 people die as a result of secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke, also
known as passive smoking, is an insidious Killer that is harming adults and, more critically, children
across the country on a daily basis. My goal in speaking to you today is to enlist your support in a
ban of smoking in all public places without hesitation.

Preview of persuasive points

To illustrate my argument i will point out throught the three main points .
1. Secondhand smoking is very harmful to non-smokers
2. If people are prohibited form smoking in public it would be safer for the environment. 
3. Smoking ban would greatly affect public health

first, The number of people who smoke has grown over the time . Even though they are
aware of how harmful smoking can be, people continue to smoke. It is a personal choice, as well as a
highly addictive habit. Smokers choose to expose themselves to the health risks associated with
smoking. but, Medical studies have shown that smoking not only causes health problems for the
smoker, but also for those around them. According to the WHO, up to 890.000 people are killed
each year due to secondhand smoke. More than 60,000 children under the age of five died as a
result of lower respiratory tract infections caused by passive smoking. As a result, many people
believe that smoking should not be allowed in public places. Although there are arguments on both
sides, i strongly believe that a ban is the best course of action. For years people hav been smoking
public thinking " If I want to pollute my lungs and ruin my health, why should that be any concern of
yours?" But , The facts are that secondhand smoke is responsible for many of the same diseases as if
the sufferers had smoked the cigarettes themselves. These diseases include cardiovascular diseases,
lung cancer, and respiratory diseases. So ,people should not allowed to smoke around other people
in public.

second, Besides, smoking habit can cause harm to the environment. All elements of
cigarette tend to pollute waterways, soil, and beaches. It will also damage the quality of water and
contaminate it. Marine ecosystem can also be damaged because some cigarette butts are found in
the fish's stomachs. Although, I know that some of them are smoking in a smoking area, many of
smokers are still smoking in outside areas and even not aware at all. And they may cause another
problem which is littering. There are still many smokers don't care about the environment because
they are lack of discipline. They usually throw their cigarette Butts everywhere without thinking what
things around If people are prohibited From smoking in public it would be safer for the
environment and If the smoking ban is enforced the littering of these Butts will no longer be an issue
and the environment will be cleaner and healthier for everyone. Thus,smoking in public places
should be prohibited immediately.

and the last, If smoking is banned in public areas, it will lead a healthier lifestyle for everyone.
People will see it as a government endorsement for a healthier lifestyle of everybody. This is because
by banning smoking in public areas the government sends the message that the government cares
about the health of the citizens and that the government discourages people from smoking. it
reminds people that health care is very important. It means that the government is seriously
concerned for the well-being of its citizens. reminded to live a healthy lifestyle. If smoking in public is
disallowed, smokers will smoke less. Since the government has banned smoking in public, smokers
can only smoke at home or in designated area set aside bythe authorities. When smokers smoke less
of course it will bring positif impact for them. For example ,they may gain their weight. As we know
Cigarettes reduce appetite and after quitting/ smoke less , they may find their self eating more,
boosting their immune system, Lower risk of cancer and more. As a result, prohibiting smoking in
public places has many positive effects on people's lives.


In conclusion, banning smoking in public places will give some justice not only to the non - smokers
but also environmental , By prohibiting people from smoking in public the government is protecting
the God given rights of its people to live a full and healthy life. It encourages people to take steps to
better their guality of life and to take care of themselves as well as the people around them.
Therefore, smoking should be banned in all public places.

Memorable concluding remarks

You should stop smoking in public places to save millions of life. So, above all, do you agree if
smoking should be banned in public places?


At least some of you dont agree with me , While you have the option of whether to smoke or not, I
DON'T have the option of not breathing. Maybe half of you think banning smoking is in breach of
smoker's human rights. But In my opinion,those who harm others and themselves has no human
rights. They not only harm their own health but effecting others as well when smoking in public
places. So, smokers can still smoke in their personal place or designated smoking areas. This is fair to
everyone. l do hope that i would never again like to see people smoking in public

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