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Lesson 3.1. The hiring processes

Lesson 3.2. Tips for success
Culture file: Famous business decisions
Lesson 3.3. Grammar (e.g.: expressing abilities, speaking about the past)


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with a suitable word or word combination.

applicant a vacancy interview a covering letter financial package

a head-hunter a reference a probationary period résumé a shortlist

a) The starting salary of the successful ....... will be decided on the basis of qualifications

and experience.

b) The usual American English word for 'CV' is ………………….

c) Our company has ……………. for a graduate in economics.

d) Applicants will be called for ………………… between 10 and 16 April.

e) We ask all our new employees to work ............................ of between one and three


f) The interview panel will draw up …………………. of only five candidates.

g) Please send ……………………. together with your CV.

h) It is usual to ask your previous employer for ……………………. when you apply for a


i) For high performers, a good …………… is not all that matters. They need a challenge

as well.

j) They hired ……………… to attract some executives from a rival company.

Exercise 2. Match the verbs (1 to 6) to the nouns (a – f) to make collocations (i.e.: common
word combinations).

1. to train a) a vacancy/post
2. to shortlist b) an interview panel
3. to advertise c) the candidates
4. to assemble d) references
5. to make e) new staff
6. to check f) a job offer

Exercise 3. Which are the stages of the hiring processes from an employer's point of

Exercise 4. Use the words in the box to form work collocations and then fill in the gaps.

mate x satisfaction x title load place shop description bench market

hunter station centre prospects horse

workmate satisfaction

1. Some of the staff say she’s the manager, some say she’s the owner. Do you know what her
actual …job title……….is?
2. I’m sorry, but nowhere in my………….does it say that I have to empty the wastepaper bins.
3. At the moment, John has such a heavy ………………..that we can’t even get out at the
4. The assembly-line worker was sacked because he was constantly away from his…………
5. My wife is a real……………….. . She puts in 8 hours at the office and then comes and does
all the housework.
6. Above the carpenter’s ……………there was a row after row of bright shiny tools.

Exercise 5. Choose the correct words/phrases.

1. Due to the unsafe conditions at the plant, the workers decided to____________until
their demands are met by the management.
a. work to rule
b. go on the picket line
c. go on strike

2. Many employees were_____________as a result of the economic crisis.

a. sacked
b. laid off
c. dismissed

3. Not only we appreciate for what we do but we also receive____________ at

Christmas and Easter.
a. perks
b. benefits
c. bonusses

4. Not too many years ago, miners and factory workers would have to line up outside
their employer’s office every Friday to collect their_________________
a. salary
b. profit
c. wages

5. On arrival at the military base, the new__________________were told to report to

the registration area.
a. trainees
b. apprentices
c. recruits

6. If there is any hope of meeting this deadline, we’ll have to work____________all

next week.
a. part-time
b. overtime
c. flexi-time

Exercise 6. How do you call someone who…

• is applying for a job? ________________

• asks questions at an interview ? ________________
• has other people working for him/her? ________________
• is attending an interview? _______________
• is paid to work for an organisation or another person? ________________
• has special knowledge of a subject? ________________

Exercise 7. Read the text and fill in the blanks with words from the box.

curriculum vitae (CV) / resume probationary period interview

covering letter application form psychometric test

These days many applicants submit their ......................... (1) speculatively to companies

they would like to work for. In other words, they do not apply for an advertised job, but hope

the employer will be interested enough to keep their CV on file and contact them when they

have a vacancy. When replying to an advertisement, candidates often fill in a /an

………………………. (2) and write a / an................. (3). The employer will then invite the

best candidates to attend a /an ……………. (4). Sometimes candidates will take a /an

......................(5) before the interview to assess their mental ability and reasoning skills. These

days it is normal for successful candidates to have to work a /an ………………. (6) in a

company. This is usually three or six months; after that they are offered a permanent post.

Exercise 9. Match A to B to form words describing different kinds of workers and


refuse designer dangerous challenging

business hygienist fulfilling strenuous

computer collector arduous stressful

graphic practitioner mind-numbing motivating

assembly-line executive demanding physical

talent servant gruelling intellectual

plastic surgeon rewarding stimulating

fire worker hazardous secure

dental fighter glamorous mundane

civil programmer

general scout

sound technician

Exercise 10. Put the jobs from ex 6 under the appropriate heading.


(offices) (manual work)

Exercise 11. Which of the adjectives in Column C best describe the jobs in Exercise 9?

E.g. “…being a graphic designer is challenging…”

Exercise 12. Which job(s) would you associate with the following?

• high earnings
• sense of achievement
• job satisfaction
• physical tiredness
• stress
• danger

Exercise 13. Which jobs do you think would appeal the most to………………?
• an adventurous person
• a caring person
• a person who likes children
• an ambitious person
• a team player
• a person who likes to keep fit

3.1.1. Reading for specific information. Taking notes.

a) Complete the recruitment advertisement using the words from the box.

b) identify the requirements for the position of administrator

- personal traits:

- responsibilities:


- skills:

- abilities:

3.1.2. SPEAKING.

Rank the following according to how important you think they are for a happy working
life (1 =the most important, 6 = the least important)

Pleasant working environment

Recognition of achievement

Good remuneration

Opportunity for creativity

Helping others

Opportunity for personal development

Talking about work experience.

A. Have you ever been to a job interview? Tick the questions that you recognize.


• I have been working as …for…

• Tell us about you/ your
• I hold a degree/diploma in…
qualifications/ experience in...
• I have also pursued…
• How would you describe yourself?
• I feel that my
• Why do you want to work for us?
• What do you look for in an employer?
dedication/organisational skills/
• What is you’re the most important
people skills will be useful.
• I am after a job that…
• How can you contribute …?
• I have always thought that one of my
• Give us 3 reasons for which we
assets is…
should hire you.
• What do you do for a living? • I work as a..
• Is there anything you'd like to ask? • I hope to be promoted…
• What were your responsibilities at • I don’t intend to resign.
your last job? • My immediate plans are…
• Have you ever toyed with the idea
• Hopefully, I will soon…
of …?
• Have you ever thought of/ • I will definitely not…
consider…? • There is no way I would ever…
• Are you looking forward to retiring?
• What are you aiming for in your
career as a whole?
• How would your boss and co-
workers describe you?
• How do you handle stress and
• What motivates you at work?

B. Practice 1. Choose 3 interview questions and give comprehensive answers.


• Paraphrase the following quotations. Which do you agree with?

Further reading:

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