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Curriculum & Material Development

Learning Burden

Departement of Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Faculty of Postgraduate Program
University of Indraprasta PGRI

Ardila Kusuma Putri Inggrid Amalia Safitri

(20207470092) (20207470056)

Iswadi Yazid Mahendra Yosua Firdaus Palallo

(20207470049) (20207470073) (20207470024)

Prof. Dr. Mashadi Said
1. What is Learning Burden
2. What is Word
▪ What is involved in knowing word
▪ Why word is important?
3. Learning Burden
▪ Learners Previous Experience
▪ Unteaching
▪ Intrinsic Difficulty
4. How to Teach Vocabulary
5. Interference
▪ What is Interference?
▪ Interference in L2
▪ Interference in Communication
▪ Interference vs Integration
What is Learning Burden?
is the amount effort needed to learn & remember.
One of the difficulties many students have face throughout history is
learning new concept & trying to understand
how the words work around them works.
Learning Burden depends on

The learners previous The way which the The intrinsic difficulty
experiences of English word is learned or of the words
and their first mother taught
What is Word?
A single distinct meaningful
elements of speech or writing.

A word is a speech or sound, or its
representation in writing, that symbolize and
communicate a meaning and may consists of
a single morpheme or combination of

Knowing one word form includes spoken

form, written form and word parts. NATION (2001)
What is Word?
Why Word is important?
Word knowledge plays an important role in language
teaching, it provides the basis for learners to
grasp four language skills listening,
speaking, reading and writing.

Without a certain amount of words, learners

cannot expect to understand fully the content
of listening and reading and express their meaning
clearly in the process of speaking and writing.
What is Word?
What is involved in
knowing word?
Nation (2001)
Points out:
• Words are not isolated units of
• Knowing a word involves knowing its
form, meaning and use
What is Word?
What is involved in
knowing word?

Receptive Productive
Knowledge Knowledge
What is Word?
What is involved in knowing word?
What is Word?

Language viewed as a source of

confusing or interference
Means that word has got a lot of meanings
depending on the different contexts.
What features makes learning
word difficult?

Learning Burden depends on

The learners previous Unteaching Intrinsic difficulty

experiences of English
and their first mother
Learning Burden factors
Learner’s Previous Experience
Features affecting learning burden:

Spoken Form (Pronunciation)

Learning burden Solution

• L2 use the different and • L2 and L1 has the same

arrangement of sounds to L1 language group or word
• The stress isn’t predictable. features.
e.g. • Introduce difficult sounds (R)
ca-NA-dian and consonant clusters in the
ja-pan-ESE early stage
Learning Burden factors
Learner’s Previous Experience
Features affecting learning burden:

Written Form
Learning burden Solution
• L1 isn’t using Roman script. • Teaching the pattern of
• Irregularity of high frequency regular low frequency words
word • Analogy Teaching of the
e.g. better, worse spelling of new words
Learning Burden factors
Learner’s Previous Experience
Features affecting learning burden:

Grammatical Patterns
Learning burden Solution
• The word in L2 doesn’t • Showing the usage of parallels
occur in the same pattern to L2 patterns to L1 patterns
L1 e.g.
e.g. We talked/spoke about it
I like to sing We discussed it
saya suka bernyanyi
Learning Burden factors
Learner’s Previous Experience
Features affecting learning burden:

Learning burden Solution
• The words aren’t occurred with • Learn words in
predictable types, meaning, and context or study
translation of words words in collocation
e.g. making money
• It’s a grey area between grammar
and meaning
Learning Burden factors
Learner’s Previous Experience
Features affecting learning burden:

Learning burden Solution
• Use a lot of an • Choose shortest words (the most
infrequent/low frequency frequent words)
words • Tell learner that some word is not
e.g. lavatory commonly used
• In L1, complex words are e.g. use “hardworking” instead of
more polite and respectful “diligent” (not most frequent
e.g. Arigato gozaimasu 10.000 words)
Learning Burden factors
Learner’s Previous Experience
Features affecting learning burden:

Learning burden Solution
• Use an old-fashioned, An impolite, • Teach the situations
American Usage, British usage, and their meaning.
formal, colloquial (informal) e.g. kid (speaking) and
language. child (writing)
• The way L2 context translated into • The values held by
L1 context. some English Speaker.
e.g. Addressing people
Learning Burden factors
Learner’s Previous Experience
Features affecting learning burden:


Learning burden Solution

• When the meaning isn’t predictable • Making use of lists of
from its form and the meaning of L1 loan words
word • Drawing attention to
• Words literal meaning or figurative word parts
meaning. • Drawing attention to
e.g. raining cats and dogs the underlying
concepts of words
Learning Burden factors
Learner’s Previous Experience
Features affecting learning burden:

Other words that a certain word brings to mind e.g boy-girl
• If L2 word has similar associations with its translation in
the L1, there will be light burden. (table – chair)
• To lighten the burden, learners have to develop
association for English word they learn.
Learning Burden factors

The learning burden of a word can be affected by the way it is taught.
This means that as a result of bad organization the difficulty of learning
word is increase. The unteaching is common.

There are the causes of this difficulty under three headings:

Repetition Attention Relationship with Exceptions

Learning Burden factors
Craik & Lockhart, 1972; Craik & Tulving,1975
believe that repetition is not important factor in vocabulary learning. They
believe that is the type of attention that is given to an item which decides
whether it will be remembered or not.

Type of Repetition

Oral Repetition Repetition of Coursebook

This is not as In some courses, half of different
effective way of words occur only once and most of the
learning compared words less than five times.
with having to recall The teacher can check the repetition of
the form of the word. vocabulary in their textbook and find the
destiny index.
Learning Burden factors
The destiny index of a passage or a lesson or a book is the proportion of
different words to the total number of words. The destiny index of modern
written English is usually of the ratio of 1:2:4. This means that on an average
each word is repeated between two or three times. In fact around of 40
percent of words will occur once and will not be repeated at all.
Learning Burden factors
Relationship with Others
Similarities between words can make learning easier. Knowing the meaning
and hopeful can be the learning of meaningful easier. The similarities
between word can also make leaning more difficult.

Before looking at the general rule behind cases of interference. A common
presentation of long and short is to teach and then demonstrates the meaning of

Long: ummi Long: ummi

Short: puupuu Short: puupuu

Learning Burden factors

Most rules have exceptions.
Words like of, yatch, and, blood are exceptions to useful spelling rules. The effect of
teaching exceptions is to make the learning of the rule more difficult. Exceptions
are called exceptions because they do not follow the rule.

The teacher needs to consider which is important, the learning of the rule or the
learning of the exceptions. Exceptions should not be introduced until the
rule has been leaned. The early introduction of exceptions is a clear
example of unteaching.
Learning Burden factors

Intrinsic Difficult
The learning burden of a word can also be affected by features of the
word itself.
Rogers (1969) found that the part of speech word affected its learning. Whether
words are learned to be recognized (receptively) or to be produced (productively)
affects their difficulty.

A teacher cannot do a great deal about intrinsic difficulty

caused by the part of speech and the need for receptive
or productive learning, except to be aware of these
sources of difficulty and to recognize their effect.
How to Teach Vocabulary?

How to Teach Vocabulary

(Vocabulary Exercise)?

Useful vocabulary Useful prepared Ways of helping learners The proportion of time in a
learning exercises exercises for vocabulary remember previously course that should be given
that require little or learning met words to vocabulary teaching
no preparation
How to Teach Vocabulary?
Find the core meaning

Word card testing

Word Using the dictionary

Guessing from context

Useful vocabulary learning exercises Spelling dictation

that require little or no preparation
Word Form Pronunciation

Word parts

Suggest collocates
Word Use
Word detectives

Choosing The teacher chooses words that the

the words learners need to know
How to Teach Vocabulary?
Word & meaning matching
Sentence completion
Semantic analysis
Completing lexical sets

Useful prepared exercises for

vocabulary learning Following spelling rules
Form Recognizing word parts
Building word family tables

Sentence completion
Collocation matching
Use Collocation tables
Interpreting dictionary entries
How to Teach Vocabulary?
Spend time on a word by dealing with two or three aspects
of the word, such as its spelling, its pronunciation, its parts,
related derived forms, its meaning, its collocations, its
grammar, or restrictions on its use.

Get learners to do graded reading and listening to stories

at the appropriate level
Ways of helping learners remember
previously met words Get learners to do speaking and writing activities based on
written input that contains the words.

Get learners to do prepared activities that involve testing

and teaching vocabulary, such as Same or different?, Find
the difference, Word and picture matching.

Set aside a time each week for word by word revision of

the vocabulary that occurred previously
How to Teach Vocabulary?
Activities include watching TV shows,
Meaning- movies, extensive reading, listening to
focused input radio or music or being a listener in a

Language- Keeping a diary, writing notes,

focused blogging, having conversations, and
learning giving speech
The proportion of time in a course that
should be given to vocabulary teaching Meaning- Strategy development, intensive reading, word
focused output card learning, and vocabulary teaching

Encouraging students to go ahead and make

constructive errors
Creating many opportunities for students to practice
Creating activities that force students to focus on
getting a message across
Assessing student's fluency not their accuracy
Talking openly to the students about fluency
What is Interference?

Albert Valdman (1966)

burden experienced by non-native speaker of
certain language who studied second or foreign
Interference in L2/Second Language
Interference is caused by the use of rules of speaking
from one language when speaking another.

EVIDENCE (Krashen, 1981) :

• First language influence appears to be strongest in complex word
order and in word for word translation.

• First language influence is weaker in bond morphology. Inflectional

morphology belongs to the category of structure that performers
generally do not transfer in second or foreign language performance.

• First language influence seems to be stronger in acquisition poor

Interference in L2/Second Language
Weinrich, 1970
Factors of Interference

Speaker Prestige & style

The limited
vocabularies of TL
Disloyalty to target mastered by learner Needs of synonym
Interference in Communication

(Uriel Weinrich, 1968)

In communication the causing factors of interference are
the limited words of certain language in facing global
Interference in Communication

Yusuf, 1994
Types of Interference

Phonic Grammatical Lexical Semantic

Interference vs Integration

Interference Integration
• Focus on process of • Product of interference
administering words • Measured by dictionary
• Most dominant problem • Adopting words
in language change
• Learners’ previous experience of L2 and L1
Learning Burden and Interference should help learners
•make theregular
The more previous knowledge
and predictable to between
the relationship be more useful
L1 and L2 learning and
organize, so the learners can receive the knowledge more
• The teacher or the course designer attention to the similarities and patterns
effective and efficient.
• Teacher’s knowledge of the learners’ L1 and linguistic features of L2
Curriculum & Material Development


Departement of Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Faculty of Postgraduate Program
University of Indraprasta PGRI

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