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MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agent

Integration Guide
APRIL 2021
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MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agent Integration Guide

April 2021

®, ™ Trademark of Mitel Networks Corporation

© Copyrights 2021, Mitel Networks Corporation

All rights reserved.
1 MiCollab SIP Softphone Agents Integration ..............................................................................................1
1.1 Overview of ACD Agent 1
1.2 Compatibility 1
1.3 User scenarios 2
2 Adding New ACD SIP Softphone Agents ...................................................................................................3
2.1 Create Template 3
2.2 Create User 5
2.3 Configure user for MiVB and MiCC 6
3 Adding an ACD SIP Softphone Agent to Existing AGENT ........................................................................7
3.1 Edit User 7
3.2 Configure ACD GROUP in MiVB and MiCC 8
4 Migrating an existing Minet ACD Agent to SIP softphone ........................................................................9
4.1 Creating A Template 9
4.2 Migration of User 11
4.3 Executing the User Migration Script 12
5 References ..................................................................................................................................................14

Solution-Level - MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agents Integration


This document describes how to provision and setup the ACD SIP Softphone in MiCollab,
MiVB, and MiCC. It includes procedures on how to setup a new agent on MiCC, MiCollab,
MiVB, and MBG for the SIP ACD softphone to function. This document also includes details
on migrating existing agent using a MiNET phone into a SIP ACD SIP Softphone agent on
MiCC, MiCollab, MBG, and MiVB.


The ACD SIP Softphone feature extends Hot Desking capabilities to a SIP softphone. This
feature allows the user to inherit Hot Desking features, such as ACD on the SIP softphone that
can be deployed. Once the user logs in to SIP softphone, the MiVoice Business system
associates the user's personal phone settings, such as directory number and other settings to
the softphone.
Note: This ACD SIP Softphone feature can be used together with MiCC and MiVB.

The ACD SIP Softphone feature is compatible with the following product versions:

Products Supported Releases

MiVoice Business 9.0 SP1

MiCollab 8.1.1

MiContact Center Business 9.1

The ACD SIP Softphone feature is supported only in MiCollab integrated mode.
If the system is in collocated mode, you must convert it to integrated mode. To convert
collocated mode into integrated mode, see MiCollab Administration Guide and MiCollab Server
Manager Help.
You must enable Flow Through Provisioning. To enable, see MiVoice Business System
Administration Tool Help.

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Solution-Level - MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agents Integration


This solution guide covers the procedures to configure the following user scenarios:

User Scenarios Possible Conditions

Adding a New ACD Agent with SIP softphone only

Agent with SIP softphone and other devices
(devices include Desk phone, UC Endpoint, and so on)

Adding New SIP Agent having other devices

softphone for an
existing Agent

Migrating an existing ACD Agent with one Hot desk device

ACD Agent to SIP
ACD Agent with one Hot desk device and MiNET Softphone

ACD Agent with one Hot desk device and other devices
(devices include Desk phone, UC Endpoint, and so on)

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Solution-Level - MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agents Integration


To add a new ACD SIP Softphone agent, you need to perform the following procedure

Step 1 2.1 Create Template

By using Default Template or Custom Template

Step 2 2.2 Create User

By using Quick Add, Bulk User Provisioning (BUP), or Active Directory (AD)
with Integrated Directory System (IDS) Sync

Step 3 2.3 Configure user for MiVB and MiCC

After you perform these steps, A welcome email is sent to user with the link to download the
PC client and a deployment email is sent to the user with the steps to deploy the client and
register it. Please follow the screen steps to register and login to the client.
To define Agents and Groups, please see MiVoice Business System Administration Tool Help
and MiContact Center for Business Installation and Administration Guide.


The template contains the user information and applies SIP softphone capability for Hot
Desking users along with Teleworker service for the user.
The default template includes a Hot Desk SIP Softphone user with a single phone, you can
also create a custom template to assign other devices to the user. The template allows you to
create many users with the similar configurations.
a. Default Template

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Solution-Level - MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agents Integration

Figure 1: Edit User Page

User Information
For Password and TUI Passcode, the default value is “Randomly Generate”. “Same as
Primary Phone Extension” and “Use this value” radio buttons are disabled.
Service Information
• Include Primary Phone: Checked and disabled
o Hot Desking User: Checked and disabled
o ACD Agent: Checked and disabled
o Enable SIP Softphone: Checked and disabled
o External Hot Desk License: Unchecked and disabled
o Preferred Set: Default value is “No Device” and disabled
o Deployment Profile: Default value is “Default”
o Include Teleworker Service: Checked and disabled
o Service Level: Default value is “Full” and disabled
• Include Secondary Phone: Disabled
• Include Another Phone: Disabled
• Include Group: Disabled
• Include MiCollab Client Service
o Feature Profile: Default value is “UCC (V4.0) Premium” and disabled
o Desk phone extension: Default value is “None”
o Soft phone extension: Default value is “None”
o Deployment Profile: Default value is “Do Not Deploy”

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Solution-Level - MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agents Integration

• Include NuPoint Unified Messaging Voicemail: Disabled

• Include Audio, Web and Video Conferencing: Disabled

b. Custom Template
If there is a requirement to add additional phones, add a MiCollab Service or change the
fields that are disabled by default, you must make a copy of this default template and then
make the required changes to the copy as required. See the MiCollab Administrator’s Guide
for further information on creating templates.


You can create a user using any of the following methods.
a. Quick Add
Select the appropriate role and click the Phones tab. The screen appears as shown in the
figure below. Enter the values in the fields that you want to change.

Figure 2 : Quick Add Page

 By default, Hot Desking User, ACD Agent and Enable SIP Softphone checkboxes will
be disabled.
 Check the box, Enable SIP Softphone, to enable the functionality for a hot desking user.
When you enable this functionality, MiCollab Client Service assigns the phone type as
SOFTPHONE and Device Type as 76.
 The Enable SIP Softphone for MiCollab for PC Client setting is supported for MiCollab for
PC Client only.
 By default, Preferred Set value is set to No Device and is disabled, and Deployment
Profile value is Default. You can change the Deployment Profile value and set as
Configured on the Client Deployment side.
 The Teleworker service for the user will be enabled/disabled based on the template

b. BUP & IDS

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Solution-Level - MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agents Integration

Users can also be created from Bulk User Provisioning or IDS (Active Directory) sync. When
the appropriate role is selected, the user with same configuration as stated above will be
created for the users.


After creating template and users, you must configure the users to MiVB and MiCC.
1. Configure new added user to Agent Group in flow through and users on MiVB in non-
flow through environment. For details on this configuration, see System
Applications > Automatic Call Distribution > ACD > Programming section in the
MiVoice Business System Administration Tool Help.
2. Configure user on MiCC. For details on this configuration refer to MiContact Center
Business Installation and Administration Guide, Adding ACD Hot Desking Agents

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Solution-Level - MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agents Integration


To add a new ACD SIP Softphone capabilities to an existing user, you need to perform the
following procedure

Step 1 3.1 Edit User

Edit existing user and an ACD SIP Softphone

Step 2 3.2 Configure ACD GROUP in MiVB and MiCC

After you perform these steps, a welcome email is sent to user with the link to download the
PC client and a deployment email is sent to the user with the steps to deploy the client and
register it. Please follow the screen steps to register and login to the client.
To define Agents and Groups, please see MiVoice Business System Administration Tool Help
and MiContact Center for Business Installation and Administration Guide.


To add a Hot Desk ACD SIP softphone agent, go to Phones > Hot Desking user.

Figure 3 : Edit Page without Deployment Field Enabled

Note: The Enable SIP Softphone option enables the checkbox for ACD Agent.
1. Select ACD Agent to enable the SIP Softphone checkbox.

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2. The Deployment Profile field will appear with default value and the Preferred Set
field will appear with default value “No Device”. Both these fields will be disabled.

Figure 4: Edit Page with Deployment Field Enabled

3. You can deploy the phone as per deployment profile.

4. If the Teleworker service is required for the phone, you must create it from the
Teleworker tab.
After you create the phone, the following fields will be disabled:
• Hot Desking user
• ACD Agent
• Enable SIP Softphone
• External Hot Desk License
• Preferred Set


After editing the user and adding ACD SIP Softphone, you must configure ACD Group in
MiVB and MiCC.
1. For details on this configuration for MiVB, see System Applications > Automatic
Call Distribution > ACD > Programming section in the MiVoice Business System
Administration Tool Help.
2. For details on this configuration for MiCC, see MiContact Center Business Installation
and Administration Guide, Adding ACD Hot Desking Agents section.

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Solution-Level - MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agents Integration


MiNET ACD phones are no longer supported and hence they get converted or migrated to
SIP Softphones. This change of template from MiNET to SIP, will convert all users in the
CSV to the new role. With this the services of the users will also change based on the new
To migrate an existing MiCollab user with the MiNET ACD Phone to the new ACD SIP
Softphone perform the following steps.

Step 1 4.1 Creating A Template

Add a new template if the default Hot Desk SIP Softphone User template does
not have the detail you require.

Step 2 4.2 Migration of User

Remove the Desk Phone and/or MiNET softphone from MiCollab Client Service
tab. This will delete phones from UCA DB.

Step 3 4.3 4.3MiCollab SIP Softphone Agents Integration

Create a .CSV file with the details of the user that must be migrated.

After you perform these steps, a welcome email is sent to the user with the link to download
the MiCollab PC client application and a deployment email is sent to the user. Follow the steps
in the email to register the client and login the MiCollab user.


The template contains the user information and applies the SIP softphone capability for Hot
Desking users along with Teleworker service to the user.
You can migrate a user using the default template (Hot Desk SIP Softphone User) or you can
create a custom template, if the default template does not have all the information you
The custom template should be similar to the user's existing template except that the phone
that is being migrated to the ACD SIP softphone will have Enable SIP Softphone option
Note: The user service will migrate as per the new template and previous services will be
removed from the user’s account.
To use the SIP ACD Hot Desk Softphone in the template:
1. Copy the existing template and select the Enable SIP Softphone checkbox and select
Include Teleworker Service, if required.

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Figure 5: Displays the existing Template

Select SIP Softphone ACD for the type in the Softphone extension dropdown.
Note: If the Other Phone is used, then ensure to select the Derive DN checkbox in the template.

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Figure 6 : New Template

2. Click Save. It automatically creates a new role with the same name.
Note: You can confirm the changes from Users and Services > User Roles tab, this role name will
be used for migrating the users.


1. Navigate to the user that need to be migrated from User and Services.
2. Under the MiCollab Client tab, set the Soft phone extension and Desk phone
extension fields to 'None', click Save.
Caution: This will delete all the user’s details from UCA DB and clear the phone settings
in MiCollab Client.

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3. Execute the script on the MiCollab as follows, see section 8.3 for more details.
After the migration is complete, a success message appears. If not, an error message
indicating the reason for the migration failure appears.
Note: When migrating users, there should not be any special characters in the new role


When you execute the migration script, the user’s role automatically changes to the newly
created template. MiNET Hot Desk will change to SIP Hot Desk phone.
Note: If the phone is in a call, this action will fail. Please check if all the users are migrated
1. Navigate to the user that need to be migrated from USP.

2. Run the script that is available at /usr/mas/bin/ on MiCollab as follows:

a) Create a .CSV file with the details of all users that must be migrated.

Note: The mandatory fields in .CSV file are Role Name and Primary Phone. If the user has
multiple phones, then provide the Secondary and Other Phone details.

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The format of .CSV file is as follows:

First Last Role Primary Secondary
Name Name Name Phone Phone Other Phone

Microsoft Excel can be used to create this file. An example copy of .csv file can be
found at: /usr/mas/bin/. The file should be saved as UserData.csv

b) Copy UserData.csv file on MiCollab in /tmp folder

c) Open a putty session to MiCollab and run the following command:
A message notifies successful completion of the migration. If the migration fails, an error
message appears, indicating the reason for the failure.
To know details of errors, see the UserHavingError.csv file at /tmp/UserHavingError.csv.

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• MiCollab Server Manager Help
• MiCollab Installation and Maintenance Guide
• MiCollab Administrator Guide
• MiVoice Business System Administration Tool Help
• MiContact Center – MiVoice Business User Guide
• MiContact Center – MiVoice Business Installation and Administration Guide

| 2021-April | 14
Solution-Level - MiCollab ACD SIP Softphone Agents Integration

© Copyright 2021, Mitel Networks Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The Mitel word and logo are trademarks of Mitel Networks Corporation. Any reference to third party trademarks is for reference only and Mitel makes no
representation of ownership of these marks.

| 2021-April | 15

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