Morning Pages. Walinyer Ortiz

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Corporación Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR”

Bachelor in Education
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Subject: Writing Strategies in English
Free Writing: Morning pages

In this section, you are going to plan, write, revise and create free Morning Pages on the
following Topic: 

¬ My first thoughts ¬

* Writing Morning Pages: The morning pages is an exercise that ‘assists people to gain self
confidence in harnessing their creative talents and skills, and unblock writing and thinking
barriers’. It originated with Judith Cameron, a U.S. writer-facilitator and author of The Artists
Way (1992).

You will have a three days morning pages process. You will use for this the first thought in the
morning for three days in a row. Check the following instructions:

1. Keep in mind the first thought that comes to your mind as soon as you wake up.
2. Write it down in a paper.
3. As soon as you have the possibility come to the computer and look for an image that
represents your thought.
4. Write a paragraph between 100 and 150 words about your thought, what is it about? How
do you feel about it? Is it important for you? Describe it and give as many details as


Date: _MAY 24th 2021_____________

IMAGE How to make my wife happy again?

As soon as I woke up this question came to my mind, it must have been

because the night before We were in a disccution, she was complaining
against me that I am always busy and did not dedicate overly time to her and
to the children, with those word she told me I remember how we were before,
things that we used to do together like going to the park and sitting down in
front of the sea, watching the beautiful sunset of our city and later going to
eat pizza or ice cream and spend hours talking about what we did during the
week, when all those memories passed over me I started to reflect and ask
me: How can I make my wife feel happy again? Me and just me had the
answer, I said to my self Warlinyer you have to demonstrate to your wife and
children that they are the most important, that family is first and job, friends
etc, are in a second level, them I woke my wife up and told her that since that
day things were going to be different and that our family would live great
things and we would once again be one as we have always been, so later I
kissed her and we continue giving sleep to our eyes.

Author: Diana Margarita Araque

Adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz – Elsy Marina Cantor
Corporación Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR”
Bachelor in Education
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Subject: Writing Strategies in English
Free Writing: Morning pages


Date: _May 25th 2021____________

Why he dies if he was a good person?
Early in the morning I woke up thinking about my birthday and what I was
going to do that day but out of the blue that thought was interrupted when I
received a call where I was informed that my pastor has died at dawn, it was
hard strike to me, I couldn´t believe it, he couldn’t have died, I said,
Immediately I remembered that the past Saturday when he told me that he
was going to visist me but that day didn´t arrive, my eyes were full of tears,
memories and more memories came to my mind, when he used to advise me,
when he used to tell me, wally; when are going to teach me how to speak
english, the more I remembered him, the more my soul was in sadness, at
that very time, Then a satisfaction thought in the form of question came up
to my mind. Why am I so sad about that?, Shouldn´t I be happy and see the
good side of the situation? yes, of course I said, he was a Christian person
and he believed that dead was a dream from which one day we will have to
wake up, I forgot absolutely that is was turning year and my thoughts were
just about the pastor, but inside myself something told me you are a believer
too, what you´ve got to do is prepare yourself and prepare others to believe
that Jesus is the unique hope for a lost world and that we have to wait in his
promises till the last day of our lives as He did it, finally I get up and went


Date: May 26th 2021____________

Author: Diana Margarita Araque

IMAGE Adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz – Elsy Marina Cantor
Corporación Universitaria del Caribe “CECAR”
Bachelor in Education
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Subject: Writing Strategies in English
Free Writing: Morning pages

Give it all and never give up…

Being 7: 00 o´clock in the morning my alarm rang and I opened my eyes and
Do the three days thoughts have the same time, a thought of satisfaction came up to my mind, I thought That
something in common? What is it? I have given it all, all for my family, all in my studies, that I was an example
for others specially for my children, but why I had that thought? But that´s
What I see in common in these thoughts not the case? Was a thought over the first one, as an answer, but I started to
is that in the three ones I feel motivated, test me, in a deep way. I ask me: what am I doing for my family? Am I
motivated to continue, because life goes studying to be an excellent professional in my career? like Christian person
on and we have to think what we did Am I fulfilling with my mission of taking people toward Jesus Christ? And to
before in order to be every day better, it all this question the only answer was I have to give it all and never give up,
doesn´t matter the situation we are going even if it seems that everything is lost or seems confused just continue since
through or the mistakes we had that day till now, I am with that thought and I think I don´t have to change
committed always we need to have goals my mind, because I want my children to be people who bring positive things
and point toward them, in the fist thought to society, I want to be an exemplary professional, that´s what I wish in the
I reconized that I was neglecting my deepest of my heart as well that all people accept Jesus Christ as their
family but I reflect and decided that they savior, I know that´s not impossible, it will only become a reality when I
were going to be first, at the second, the convince me that real result are gotten just if I give it all and never give up.
lost of a friend made me feel sad but I
remembered what he did and said and
that was taken by me like life example and finally I felt motivated to give it all and never give up, not matter come what
may, that´s what I want to do, always be in movement, in such a way that my existence has sense.

Author: Diana Margarita Araque

Adapted by: Rubén Mauricio Muñoz – Elsy Marina Cantor

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