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CHIR20001- Advanced Clinical Neurology & Diagnosis


SUBMISSION DETAILS (student to complete)

Student Name: Chelsea Graving WEEBLY URL:
SID:s0268698 Submission for unit/course: CHIR20001- Advanced Clinical Neurology & Diagnosis
First marker: Andrew Vitiello Second marker:


(100-85%) (84-75%) (74-65%) (64-50%) (49-45%) (< 45%) TOTALS

 The student outlined the  There were some minor omissions  There were some major omissions  There were significant and major
 There were some noticeable omissions  There were some significant omissions
epidemiology, causes and when outlining the epidemiology, when outlining the epidemiology, omissions noticed when outlining
when outlining the epidemiology, causes when outlining the epidemiology,
progression of the condition to an causes and progression of the causes and progression of the the epidemiology, causes and
and progression of the condition. causes and progression of the
exemplary degree condition. condition progression of the condition
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY  The amount of information provided was condition /20
 The amount of information provided  The amount of information provided was  The amount of information provided,  The amount of information
reasonably developed and conveyed the  The amount of information provided,
was expertly crafted and conveyed generally well crafted and conveyed the and the time taken to deliver the provided was generally poor and
appropriate message in a somewhat and the time taken to deliver the
the appropriate message in a timely appropriate message in a timely message required significant below the standard set by the
timely manner message could have been refined
manner manner modification group

 The correct and complete  A somewhat correct and complete  An incorrect and incomplete
 The correct examination was performed  A largely correct examination was
examination was performed for the examination was performed for the  A largely incorrect examination was examination was performed for the
for the condition of interest with some performed for the condition of interest
condition of interest without errors condition of interest with some performed for the condition of interest condition of interest
minor omissions with some noticeable omissions
 The examination was performed to omissions that also exhibited major omissions  The examination was performed to a
 The examination was performed to a  The examination was performed to a
an exemplary degree displaying  The examination was performed to a  The examination was performed to a very poor standard and exhibited
good degree displaying some certainty satisfactory degree displaying noticeable
certainty in the procedure and a high somewhat good degree displaying some sub-standard level displaying significant very significant uncertainty in the
in the procedure and a good level of hesitancy in the procedure and a
degree of technical competency hesitancy in the procedure and an above uncertainty in the procedure and a poor procedure and a very poor level of
technical competency satisfactory level of technical
 The examination was performed in a average degree of technical competency degree of technical competency technical competency
 The examination was performed in a competency
timely manner, i.e., at a speed that  The examination was performed in a  The examination was performed in a  The examination was performed in a
reasonable manner, i.e., at a speed that  The examination was performed at a
would be expected within a real somewhat timely manner, i.e., at a speed manner that would be below the manner that could not be considered
would be expected in a clinical speed that would be expected by a
clinical encounter by a professional. that would be expected by a novice prior standard expected of a student competent in any way
encounter by a junior intern. student embarking on a clinical program.
 Video demonstrated every aspect of to entering a clinical setting. embarking on a clinical program.  Video demonstrated a very poor
 Video demonstrated almost every  Video demonstrated some aspects of the
the neurological examination in a  Video demonstrated almost every aspect  Video demonstrated a poor neurological neurological examination in a very
aspect of the neurological examination neurological examination in an unclear
clear and unambiguous manner of the neurological examination in a examination in an unclear manner unclear and ambiguous manner
in a clear and unambiguous manner manner
 The examination always took the somewhat clear manner  The examination rarely took the patient’s  The examination failed to take the
 The examination mostly took the  The examination generally took the
NEUROLOGICAL patient’s concerns/issues into  The examination at times took the concerns/issues into account, i.e., patient’s concerns/issues into
patient’s concerns/issues into account, patient’s concerns/issues into account, /45
ASSESSMENT account, i.e., draping or patient’s concerns/issues into account, draping or pain/discomfort account, i.e., draping or
i.e., draping or pain/discomfort i.e., draping or pain/discomfort
pain/discomfort i.e., draping or pain/discomfort  The examination performed would have pain/discomfort
 The examination performed would have  The examination performed would have
 The examination performed would  The examination performed would have unlikely provided most of the necessary  The examination performed would
almost certainly provided all the potentially provided most of the
have clearly provided all the potentially provided most of the results to rule in/out the condition of not have provided any of the
necessary results to rule in/out the necessary results to rule in/out the
necessary results to rule in/out the necessary results to rule in/out the interest necessary results to rule in/out the
condition of interest condition of interest
condition of interest condition of interest  The equipment used during the condition of interest
 The equipment used during the  The equipment used during the
 The equipment used during the  The equipment used during the examination was of poor quality and  The equipment used during the
examination was mostly professional examination was professional and was at
examination was professional and examination was somewhat professional utilised in a manner that was appropriate examination was inappropriately
and always utilised in a manner that times utilised in a manner that was
always utilised in a manner that was and almost always utilised in a manner and possibly diagnostic used and unlikely to provide any
was appropriate and diagnostic appropriate and possibly diagnostic
appropriate and highly diagnostic that was appropriate and diagnostic  There were significant omissions in the diagnostic information
 There was a good degree of infection  There was a reasonable degree of
 There was an exemplary degree of  There was a somewhat good degree of degree of infection control procedures  There were no infection control
control procedures exhibited during the infection control procedures exhibited
infection control procedures infection control procedures exhibited exhibited during the examination procedures exhibited during the
examination during the examination
exhibited during the examination during the examination  The examination was performed in a examination
 The examination was performed in a  The examination was performed in a
 The examination was performed in a  The examination was performed in a manner that caused the patient  The examination was performed in a
manner that caused the patient almost manner that caused the patient
manner that did not cause the manner that caused the patient only significant pain or discomfort manner that held almost no regard
no unnecessary pain or discomfort noticeable pain or discomfort
patient undue pain or discomfort minor pain or discomfort for the patient
 The list of differentials was somewhat  The list of differentials was incomplete
 The list of differentials was insightful  The list of differentials was generally
correct and could have fit the clinical  The list of differentials was incomplete and barely related to the clinical case  The list of differentials did not relate
and fit the clinical case precisely correct and mostly fit the clinical case
case better and marginally fit the clinical case to the clinical case at all
 The rationale for each of the  The rationale for each of the  The rationale for each of the differentials
 The rationale for each of the differentials  The rationale for each of the differentials  There was almost no coherent
differentials was well reasoned and differentials was well reasoned and was very poorly reasoned and
DIFFERENTIAL was reasonably well reasoned and was poorly reasoned and underpinned rationale for any of the differentials
underpinned by an excellent amount underpinned by a reasonably good underpinned by almost no evidence /15
DIAGNOSIS underpinned by a somewhat good by barely any evidence and it was not underpinned by any
of evidence amount of evidence  The discussion surrounding the choice of
amount of evidence  The discussion surrounding the choice of evidence
 The discussion surrounding the  The discussion surrounding the choice differentials was very unclear and not
 The discussion surrounding the choice of differentials was unclear and not  The discussion surrounding the choice
choice of differentials was very clear of differentials was clear and helpful
differentials was somewhat clear and informative of differentials was generally absent
and informative informative

 There were ample references from  There were a somewhat good number  There were ample references, but they  There were only a few references, and  There were none or almost no
well-respected peer-reviewed of references from well-respected were mostly not from well-respected they were mostly not from well-  There were hardly any references references supporting the
sources. peer-reviewed sources. peer-reviewed sources. respected peer-reviewed sources supporting the assessment assessment
 All references fully adhered to the  All references fully adhered to the  Most references adhered to the  Only a few references fully adhered to  Almost no references adhered to the  None of the references adhered to
prescribed CQU Vancouver style prescribed CQU Vancouver style guide prescribed CQU Vancouver style guide the prescribed CQU Vancouver style prescribed CQU Vancouver style guide the prescribed CQU Vancouver
guide with no errors with some minor errors with significant errors guide style guide
 Overall, the video was developed to
 Overall, the video was developed to
 Overall, the video was developed to a  Overall, the video was developed to an  Overall, the video was developed to a a very poor level and would not be
an exemplary level and would be  Overall, the video was developed to an
high level and would be considered of above average degree and could be satisfactory level and would be considered of a publishable
considered of a publishable unsatisfactory level and would not be
a publishable standard with some considered of a publishable standard considered of a publishable standard standard
VIDEO PRODUCTION standard considered of a publishable standard
minor modifications with some alteration with some considerable modifications
VALUE & OVERALL  The student demonstrated an  The student demonstrated a poor /10
 The student demonstrated a good  The student demonstrated an above  The student demonstrated a  The student demonstrated a very
PRESENTATION exemplary degree of ownership degree of ownership with regards to
degree of ownership with regards to average degree of ownership with satisfactory degree of ownership with poor degree of ownership with
with regards to the way in which the way in which the video was
the way in which the video was regards to the way in which the video regards to the way in which the video regards to the way in which the
the video was recorded, produced, recorded, produced, and presented
recorded, produced, and presented was recorded, produced, and presented was recorded, produced, and presented video was recorded, produced, and
and presented


Markers to complete


TOTAL ( /100)

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