King Tutankhamun

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King Tutankhamun:

King Tutankhamun: Living image of Amun (formerly Tutankhaten: Live image of Aten) aka the boy king
took over the throne after his father's death, Akhenaten at the age of 9. His father was related to King
Tut's mother, The Younger Lady. Akhenaten and The Younger Lady were brother and sister.

He was married at 8 to his half sister, Ankhesenamun. During their marriage they had two daughters:
317A and 317B; they were still born and have remained nameless.

He moved his father's remains to the Valley of the Kings as well as moving the capital from Akhetaten to

Tutankhamun was physically disabled. He had large front incisors. narrow waist, breasts, rounded hips,
gynecomastia, marfan syndrome, x-linked intellectual disability syndrome, fronlich syndrome, klinefelter
syndrome, androgen insensitivity syndrome, aromatase excess syndrome, antley–Bixler syndrome,
temporal lobe epilepsy, scoliosis, hypophalangism, clubbed left foot, malaria, flat head, curved spine and
bone necrosis.

What caused King Tut's death at the age of 19 is unknown; it could of been that he was hit on the head,
malaria, he was murdered, hippo bit him, chariot accident or broken leg.

Howard Carter, was an English archaeologist and Egyptologist who discovered King Tut's tomb in
November 1922. He died of lymphoma at the age of 64. His tombstone even says, "May your spirit live,
may you spend millions of years, you who love Thebes, sitting with your face to the north wind, your
eyes beholding happiness." Perhaps the pharaohs saw fit to spare him from their curse.

The other victims of King Tut's curse were James Henry Breasted, Sir Archibald Douglas Reid, Richard
Bethell, Aaron Ember, Hugh Evelyn-White, Aubrey Herbet, George Jay Gould, Sir Bruce Ingham and
George Herbet, 5th Earl of Carnavon.

James Henry Breasted returned home to find that his pet canary was eaten by a cobra and the cobra was
still occupying the cage. Since the cobra is a symbol of the Egyptian monarchy and a motif that kings
wore on their headresses to represent protection. Breasted didn't die until 2nd December 1935,
although his death did occur immediately after a trip to Egypt.
Sir Archibald Douglas Reid was a radiologist, merely x-rayed Tut before the mummy was given to
museum authorities. He got sick the next day and was dead three days later.

Richard Bethell died in 1929 under suspicious circumstances: He was found smothered in his room at an
elite London gentlemen's club.

Aaron Ember died in 1926, when his house in Baltimore burned down less than an hour after he and his
wife hosted a dinner party.

Hugh Evelyn-White hung in himself in 1924.

Aubrey Herbet died of sepsis just five months after the death of his supposedly cursed brother.

George Jay Gould was a wealthy American financier and railroad executive who visited the tomb of
Tutankhamen in 1923 and fell sick almost immediately afterward. He never really recovered and died of
a pneumonia a few months later.

Sir Bruce Ingham. Howard Carter, the archaeologist who discovered the tomb, gave a paperweight to his
friend Ingham as a gift. The paperweight appropriately (or perhaps quite inappropriately) consisted of a
mummified hand wearing a bracelet that was supposedly inscribed with the phrase, "cursed be he who
moves my body." Ingham's house burned to the ground not long after receiving the gift, and when he
tried to rebuild, it was hit with a flood.

Lord Carnarvon accidentally tore open a mosquito bite while shaving and ended up dying of blood
poisoning shortly thereafter. This occurred a few months after the tomb was opened and a mere six
weeks after the press started reporting on the "mummy's curse," which was thought to afflict anyone
associated with disturbing the mummy. Legend has it that when Lord Carnarvon died, all of the lights in
his house mysteriously went out.

Tut's tomb has been untouched for 3,200 years.

There were 5,398 items found in the tomb, including a solid gold coffin, face mask, thrones, archery
bows, trumpets, a lotus chalice, two Imiut fetishes, gold toe stalls, furniture, food, wine, sandals and
fresh linen underwear.

Despite King Tut's painful life he had a lot of hobbies; these included ostrich hunting, swimming, darts,
bowls, marbles, music, games, studying and partying.

His two advisors: Ay and Horemheb tried to erase Tut from history. After Tut's death Horemheb took
over and had Ay and Tut erased from history.

King Tut is buried at KV62 in the Valley of the Kings.

King Tutankhamun's family: Akhenaten (father), Ankhesenamun (half sister), Nefertiti (mother in law),
The Younger Lady (mother), Ay (brother in law), Smenkhare (brother in law), Amenhotep lll (great
grandfather), Thutmose lV (great-grandfather), Tiye (grandmother), Meritaten (sister in law), Yuyu (great-
grandfather), 317A and 317B (stillborn daughters), Tjuyu (great-grandmother), Meketaten (sister in law),
Mutemwiya (great-grandmother), Ankhesenpaaten Tasherit (niece), Sitamun (aunt) and Iset (aunt).

Golden mask: Tut's golden mask was actually made for his mother, Nefertiti. The mask weighs about 25
pounds and stands about 2 feet tall. This priceless treasure is composed of a solid gold base inlaid with
semi-precious stones such as lapis lazuli, obsidian, and quartz.

There was rumours that Tut's golden beard fell off by itself, but a material called beeswax was used to fix

He had 130 canes; they were there to help him walk.

He needed at least 450 people to help him walk.

King Tutankhamun on screen appearances: Mr Peabody and Sherman (2014 Dreamworks animation
film), Curse of King Tut's tomb (2006 fantasy horror film), Tut (2015 drama series), Time Walker (1982 sci-
fi/horror film), Princess of the Sun (2007 animated film), Mysteries of Egypt (1998 family/short film),
National Geographic: King Tut's Final Secrets (2005 history/documentary) and Through the Magic
Pyramid (1981 fantasy/film film).

Songs about King Tutankhamun: Out of the gloom, was about the discovery of King Tut's tomb in 1922.

King Tut by B.O.B who is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer and conspiracy theorist.

Old King Tut by Billy Jones and Ernest Hare.

In Old King Tutankhamun's day by Sophie Tucker.

King Tut Fun: Hogwarts house (Ravenclaw), Disney character (Woody), Harry Potter character (Cedric
Diggory), Disney villain (Scar) and Harry Potter villain (Voldemort).

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