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DETAILED LESSON PLAN (Grade 7- Philippine Literature)

Teacher: Teaching Time:


A. Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of literature and other text types serve as
means of valuing other people; also, how to use processing information strategies,
different forms of adverbs and conditionals for him/her to play an active part in a
Chamber Theatre presentation.

B. Performance The learner skillfully delivers sentences using type two conditional sentences through e-
Standards storyboard, e-storytelling, and e-poster with poem which communicates the
importance of the virtue of contentment in one’s life and achievements.

The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation through
employing effective verbal and non- verbal strategies based on the following criteria:
Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions, Style and Body Movements or Gestures.

C. Learning
Competencies/  Share personal opinion about the ideas presented in the material viewed.
Objectives EN10VC-IIg-23
 Make connections between texts to particular social issues, concerns, or
dispositions in real life. EN10RC-IIg-5
 Analyze literature as a means of valuing other people and their various
circumstances in life. EN10LT-IIg-15
 Use conditionals in expressing arguments. EN10G-IIg-20

II. CONTENT Subject Matter: Virtue of Being Contented

“Spellbound” by Ying Wu and Lizzi Xu (video)
The If Generation (text)
Language Focus: Type Two Conditional Sentences/Present Unreal Conditionals

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Grade 10 Teachers Guide (Second Quarter) page 115-117
Grammar book of Celci Murcia
The If Generation:
2. Learner’s Material
B. Other Learning laptop, projector, chalk, hand-outs, speaker
Preliminaries a. Prayer
b. Greetings
Good morning, everyone! How are you Good morning, ma’am! We feel great
today? today.

c. Checking of attendance (checking of attendance)

Class secretary, is anyone absent None ma’am.

d. Setting of Standards
( will be used in
recording performance of student.) (reading the rules)
This morning, the class will be divided 1. Listen Attentively
into three clans. This will be the 1st clan, 2. Do not make unnecessary
2nd clan, and the 3rd clan. noises
1st clan – COURAGE 3. Cooperate to all activities
2nd clan – DETERMINATION 4. Have fun learning!
3rd clan – PATIENCE

Before we go on to our discussion, I

have here rules that each clan must
abide throughout our session today.
Everybody please read.

1. Listen Attentively
2. Do not make unnecessary noises Yes, ma’am.
3. Cooperate to all activities
4. Have fun learning!

Every time a clan abide the rules, they

will earn a feeling-loved emoji but if a
rule will be disregarded, a hazard badge
will be placed in the behavioral chart
and will serve as a minus point.

The total points of each activity will be

reflected in the scoreboard which will
determine the winning clan.

Do you get that, class?

A. Reviewing Previous
Lesson To check if you still remember our discussion
last meeting, we will start the clan competition.
I have a game titled “RAISE YOU FLAGS”. The
groups are given their flags/nametags. The first
clan to unanimously raise their flags will be the
one given a chance to provide the answer.

From the group, I will be calling names based

on our randomizer flashed in the screen.

Pictures will be flashed in the screen and you

are going to formulate sentences based on
what you see. However, you have to use
prepositions in your sentences.

A family is having a picnic under a

tree. The preposition used is under.
My favorite dog is on the table. The
preposition used is on.

I lost my ring at the beach. The

preposition used is at.

The cat is hiding between the pots.

The preposition used is between.
Based on our discussion last meeting and the
sentences you have made, what is a a word governing, and usually
preposition? preceding, a noun or pronoun and
expressing a relation to another
word or element in the clause, as in
“the man on the platform,” “she
arrived after dinner,” “what did you
do it for?”.

What is the importance of learning Learning prepositions are important

prepositions? How can it help in our daily lives? because they act as vital markers to
the structure of a sentence; they
mark special relationships between
persons, objects, and locations.
It seems that you have really understood our
last discussion. Let us give ourselves a round of (clap… clap… clap…)
applause for that.

A. Establishing a Today’s lesson, you are expected to:

Purpose for the  share insights about the virtue of being
Lesson contented in one’s life;
 analyze the message of the pictures
and video presented and its relevance
to real life;
 discuss the use of conditional
sentences specifically the type
two/present unreal conditional
sentences; and
 create an e-storyboard, e-storytelling,
and e-poster with poem which
communicates the importance of
upholding the virtue of being
contented in one’s life and

B. Discussing New Out of all the people in this room, who dreams
Concepts & to be on top? Me, ma’am!
Practicing New
Skills #1 It is natural for people to dream. Our dreams
stir our imagination to desire of the things that
we want to achieve or to have the title that we
want. Nevertheless, sometimes, when we fail
to achieve our dreams, we get disappointed
and we compare ourselves to other people. We
feel we are not good enough and we are a

Have you ever felt that you are a failure? Yes, ma’am.

At this moment, I am going to present a short-

animated film titled Spellbound. Everyone is
requested to keep quiet and internalize the
message of the video.

Are you ready class?

What can you infer from the video that you The girl is envious of her sister
have watched earlier? because she feels like her sister has
so many accomplishments compared
to her ma’am.

Yes, ma’am. I have felt envious of

Have you felt the same way as the envious girl other people who have succeeded in
in the video? How and why? life and made more of their lives
compared to me.


Nowadays, many people have issues with

appreciating what they have; it is always the
matter of ‘If I were richer…’, ‘If I were
younger…’, ‘If I were him…’ etc. I don’t have a
problem with the fact that we want more from
our lives; what annoys me is the fact that we
keep saying what we would do ‘IF’ …

When I was younger, I thought that if my

parents had been richer, I could have been
more fortunate with my life. I was losing my
time on thinking that if I had been born in the
family of my cousin, I would have enjoyed
private tennis lessons, skiing holidays in Austria
or expensive, fashionable clothes. What I didn’t
take into consideration back then was the fact
that I didn’t really like sport, I absolutely hated
skiing and expensive clothes often covered the
lack of personality. In other words, I was
jealous of the things that I didn’t want in

Nowadays I keep finding myself the new ‘ifs’

that can successfully keep me away from being
happy. I think that if I had more time, I would
start going to the gym; if I had more money, I
would eat healthy etc. Result? An overweight
30-year-old woman, always complaining about
how difficult life is.
Today’s generation is very envious of
other people’s success; hence, we
Based on the video and the essay that you have sometimes neglect our capability to
read, what do you think is the negative thing achieve something on our own using
happening in today’s generation? Can you our own capabilities.
relate to that?
To overcome the feeling, I have set
myself to be optimistic and to see my
strengths to conquer the battle that I
What did you do to overcome the feeling of have in myself and in my life ma’am.

The best thing to do ma’am is to

foster self-love and self-worth. We
What do you think is the best thing to do if one have to understand that all of us do
feels envious and worthless? not have the same capabilities and
strengths. The one thing that we can
do is to strive hard and be contented
with what we have.

It seems that everyone has really felt this

heartbreaking feeling. Nevertheless, let us clap
for ourselves for overcoming it.

C. Discussing New Sometimes, we get misinterpreted of how we

Concepts & speak of our dreams. So, this time, we will
Practicing New unravel another discussion on grammar. But
Skills #2 before delving deeper to crux of the matter
may I ask; how do you express your dreams and I express it by saying it verbally or
desires? sometimes by writing ma’am.

How did the speaker in the essay that you have The speaker said that “When I was
read, presented his desires? younger, I thought that if my parents
had been richer, I could have been
more fortunate with my life.”

“I was losing my time on thinking

that if I had been born in the family
of my cousin, I would have enjoyed
private tennis lessons, skiing holidays
in Austria or expensive, fashionable

“I think that if I had more time, I

would start going to the gym; if I had
more money, I would eat healthy

Base on the sentence that you have provided, It contains a condition that the
what is its content? speaker desires to attain to be

What made you conclude that there is a “If” is present in the statement of the
condition? person.

Yes, you are correct. There are conditions in the There is a probable result before or
statements. If the conditions are met, what is after the condition to support it.
its effect to the desire of the speaker?

Base on your answers, what type of sentences Conditional sentences, ma’am.

are used in presenting a condition and a
probable result?

Yes, that is correct. In presenting desires, the

speakers use conditional sentences.

Conditional clauses consist of two sentences.

One is a clause that starts with if, which is
called as ‘if clause’. The other is called the Main
clause. Each sentence has a verb. It is important
to know which tenses are to be used in these
clauses and they play a big role in determining
the meaning of the sentence.

Detailed information for the type 2 is given


Form of The Type 2:

The tense in if clause is generally simple past

tense; the tense in main clause is generally
would although there are different uses which
we will specify below.

The conditional sentences indicate us a possible

condition and its probable result. It means that
the expected actions depend on a condition. If
Clauses – Type 2 is used to express dreams,
unreal situations and things that are unlikely to
happen. In other words, the condition specified
in the clause is not actual but is a condition that
is currently being imagined. Although the verb
is used in the past, we use type 2 when talking
about present time or now.

1. The sentence can begin with an if clause
or a main clause. If the sentence begins
with an ‘if clause’, put a comma between
the if clause and the main clause.

When I was younger, I thought that if my
parents had been richer, I could have been
more fortunate with my life.

I was losing my time on thinking that if I had

been born in the family of my cousin, I would
have enjoyed private tennis lessons, skiing
holidays in Austria or expensive, fashionable

I think that if I had more time, I would start

going to the gym; if I had more money, I would
eat healthy etc.

If I went to Paris, I would see the

Eiffel Tower. / I would see the Eiffel Tower
if I went to Paris.

2. In ‘If Clauses Type 2’, we usually use

‘were’ which is past form of ‘to be’ instead
of ‘was’ although the pronoun is ‘I, he, she
or it’.

If I were you, I wouldn’t stop
studying hard until I am successful.
If she were ill, she couldn’t attend
the meeting.
If it weren’t snowy, I would go out.

3. In Type 2, one or two of the clauses can

be negative
If I woke up late, I wouldn’t I be
aware of what happened.
If my mother did not remind me, I
would forget my worksheet at home.
If she were angry, she wouldn’t not
talk to us.

Now, I have question for you class, what do you

think is the implication of learning the present The importance of learning the type
unreal conditional sentences? 2 conditional sentences is that it will
help us to express our desires,
emotions and ourselves in writing as
well as in speaking. It will also help
us formulate sentences that express
conditions in a grammatical way.

Why is it important to know the correct

formula in using type two conditional It is important ma’am because in this
sentences? way, if we are knowledgeable about
it, we can convey the conditions in a
correct way and we will not be

D. Developing
Mastery Have you learned something today class? Yes ma’am.

To check if you have understood our topic, I

have prepared a wishing well.

Can anyone tell me what a wishing well is? A wishing well is a term from
European folklore to describe wells
where it was thought that any
spoken wish would be granted. The
idea that a wish would be granted
came from the notion that water
housed deities or had been placed
there as a gift from the gods.
Yes, that is correct!
I have prepared a wishing well which contains
strips of papers where regrets and desires of
other people are written. The wishers wish to
let you make the sentences for them so that
they can deliver their desires and regrets
effectively. If you have expressed the regret or
desire correctly, with the use of the type two
conditional sentences, the wishers will give you
a gold coin as a merit and a point will be added
to your clan. And as a clan, you have to act as
one; hence, the clan who will raise all of their
flags at once with no one left behind will be the
one to be given a chance to unravel a wish.

As I say, knock knock knock… can I have a wish?

You have to reply “abracadabra!” and I will
count 3.. 2.. 1.. as a signal for you to raise your

Is that clear class? Yes, ma’am.

I want my dreams to come true so that I can

If my dreams come true, I would
travel around the world.
travel around the world.

I will buy a yacht if I have a million pesos.

If I had a million pesos, I would
probably buy a yacht.
I want to have power to bring back the dead so
If I had the power to bring back the
I can have my mom again.
dead, I would use it to have my
I want to speak English fluently because so that
I can move to England.
If I can speak English fluently, I would
move to England.
I want to have many children so that I will have
a lot of money.
If I could have many children, I would
have to have a lot of money.
I want to be a celebrity so that I have many
If I could be celebrity, I would have a
lot of admirers.
I wish I am still you so that I can still ride
If I could be younger, I would ride a
I wish I could inherit a big fortune so I can travel
around the world with my loved one.
If I could inherit a big fortune, I could
travel around the world with my
loved one.
I want to graduate in college and find a good
job so that I can help my parents.
If I could graduate in college and find
a good job, I could help my parents.
I wish I will be like Anna so that I can have a
stable and happy life.
If I am Anna, I could have had a
stable job.
Good job class! You have really listened and
participated to the discussion. Hence, all of the
clans are requested to stand and let us give
ourselves the “Fighting Clap”. The clap is done
in this manner – 123 laban laban… 123 laban
laban… 123 ahu ahu laban! 123 laban laban… 123 laban laban…
You may now take your seats. 123 ahu ahu laban!

Based on the wishes or desires of the people,

do you detect something?
Yes ma’am, some desires expressed
are due to envy that they want to be
someone else because they think
that they will be happy if they will be
Yes, that is correct. In short, they are not
contented of what they have because they
desire to be someone else or achieve so much No ma’am, we must be contented of
more. Do you think that is good class? what we have and we must not envy
other people. We must strive to
improve ourselves and avoid
compering ourselves to others.
Definitely! With this, our next activity will let us
see more the importance of being contented.

E. Finding Practical This time class, I have a picture frame which I

Applications of have discovered in an abandoned building. I
Concepts and Skills picked it up because I see the relevance of this
in Daily Living in our discussion today.

1st clan – COURAGE No teacher, being so obsessed of

Do you think that keeping track with knowing other people’s success or
other people’s progress will help you progress in life will drag me down. It
grow as a person? Why or why not? will make me very conscious. Hence,
I will be very disappointed to myself
if I do not share the same success or
progress as them.

My secret of being contented of

2nd clan – DETERMINATION what I have is that I motivate myself
What do you think is the secret to be and I let myself understand that we
contented with what you have? have our time to shine. I work hard
and focus on developing myself. I
love myself the way I am and I am
beautiful and creative in my own

3rd clan – PERSEVERANCE “Work hard and focus in yourself.

Base on the visual, make a motto that Other people’s success is not your
you want other people to embody. failure.”

Activity 1 (Product/Performance) A story about a person who has all

the luxury in life. He lived well since
Class, this time, we will have another activity. he was born and never knew any
This activity will be the major competition disappointing day in his life.
between the clans. Each clan will be given their Nevertheless, he does not feel
badge which contains the tasks of each group. contented of what he has and it
Each clan will be given 10 minutes to prepare bothers him. He thought that ‘If I
and 3 minutes to present their work. were born in a poor family, I would
be very miserable.’ One day, he
1st clan – COURAGE (ADVANCE) discovered that he has a half-brother
Your clan is tasked to present an e-storyboard and hence, he will have a rival with
portraying a person being envious of other the wealth of his parents. Hence, he
people’s achievement. Make conditions that planned to eradicate his brother in
can help the person to be contented and realize his life, he poisoned him but he
what he/she have. Use type two conditional wasn’t successful. The father saw the
sentences. Fighting! attitude of the brother to the other
one and said to himself ‘If I had took
care of my son’s attitude in the past,
he would be a good man.’

One day, a young guy who does not

love his parents wished something ‘If
I were born with different family, I
would be very happy!’ The mother
was very sad and she want her son to
be happy. She prayed to Goddess
Savithri for the happiness of his son.
She said ‘Goddess, please hear my
son’s pleading. If I were to kill my self
2nd clan – DETERMINATION (AVERAGE) for that, I would do it.’ The Goddess
Your clan is tasked to present an e-storytelling heard the prayer and said ‘I would
portraying an experience/story with the theme hear your prayer if you and your
that talks about the importance of being husband would let him be in his life’.
contented and be thankful. Make conditions The mother agreed. One day, the boy
that can help the person to be contented and opened his eyes and now in a very
realize what he/she have. Use type two wealthy family. He has the luxury in
conditional sentences. Fighting! life but his present parents do not
take care of him. With that he said to
himself ‘If I could turn back time, I
would cherish my parents and be
If rivalry vanished,
The world would be in harmony.
3rd clan – PATIENCE (STRUGGLING) If desire be gone,
Your clan is tasked to interpret a poster in a I would be glorious.
form of a poem with the theme that conveys
the things that one must remember to stay Stand up child and open your eyes
contented on what he/she have. Make Stop yourself to ask for the Ifs of life
conditions that can help the person to be Look around you
contented and realize what he/she have. Use You have the time you’ve got.
type two conditional sentences. Fighting!

Each member of the clan must contribute to

the activity. Be guided with these criteria:

Creativity 40%
Originality 30%
Relevance to the theme 30%
TOTAL 100%

Acitivity 2 (differentiated Instruction)

Class, will do another activity. Within the same I.

group, I will give you different tasks. You’ll Wishes are not always good
manage to complete the task in 5 minutes. Having too much will get you in
COURAGE People must see that we have all the
Create a song with the theme of being contented
good things in life
in one’s life. Write a one paragraph essay to
Let us be contented in what we have
explain why you choose the song. Be sure to use
type two conditional sentences.
God gave us 24 hours
If you were wise it well,
You would maximize it well.
Equal of all the human race
Stay on your track and strive hard
Its only you who can help yourself

Get up! Get up!
There is no time to waste.
Other people’s success is not your
failure (repeat)

The theme of the movie is one’s

goodness and self-motivation that
we must give to ourselves. If I were
DETERMINATION faced with a challenge, I would take
Create a movie poster portraying self- that and do everything that I can.
motivation and write a one paragraph review
using type two conditionals.
If you maximized your time, trashing
all the ifs of life, you would succeed
without you knowing.
Make a slogan to motivate your fellow youth
using type two conditionals. Explain why you
have chosen that line.

Be guided by the rubrics in rating your


30 pts. - Presentation is creative, organization

and delivery are very impressive, and free from
25 pts. - Presentation is creative, organization
and delivery are impressive, has minimal errors
20 pts.- Presentation is less creative,
organization and delivery are quite impressive,
errors are observable
15 pts. - Presentation and delivery need

Okay, time is up. Submit now your outputs.

F. Making Around of applause for yourselves because you (clap… clap… clap)
Generalizations and have now learned the type two conditional
Abstractions about sentences. Which is most used to express
the Lesson dreams, unreal situations and things that are
unlikely to happen. In other words, the
condition specified in the clause is not actual
but is a condition that is currently being
imagined. Although the verb is used in the past,
we use Type 2 when talking about present time
or now.

G. Evaluating Learning I am so glad that you have really understood

our discussion today. Please settle down in your
seats and get you’re a pen.

To further assess your understanding about our

lesson you will answer the question written in
the paper distributed to you. You will only
encircle the letter of your answer. You shall
manage to answer that within 3 minutes.

Is my instruction clear, class? Yes ma’am.

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. A
H. Additional Activities Assignment:
for Application or
Remediation Make a 1-minute video on self-motivation and
self-worth. Include conditions and use the type
two conditional sentences.

Submitted to:

Course Professor

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