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M Idea For Yo o How t b Sober

Tips, tricks, and ideas I’ve gathered from being penpals with 2,744 people
(and counting!) over the past five years ...

some kind of replacement drink – I’ve found that

rs , le m sa hoora t yo for bitter is better. You’ll want to remove the alcohol
reachin ou ! from your house if possible, especially for the
first week. If you have a spouse or roommate, ask
eaching out for support is a good thing. There are them to put their booze where you can’t see it.
lots of people who want to quit drinking who Don’t have a bottle of champagne staring at you
aren’t looking for support. You are. There are lots every time you open the fridge (even I don’t do
of people who haven’t even started to recognize that that and I’m 4+ years sober). Have some take-out
they need to quit. You have. menus or frozen dinners ready (like buy 7 boxes of
And you’ve emailed me, so you’ve ‘raised your macaroni and cheese for the first week!).
hand’. I know you don’t realize it, but that puts you 4. Remove as many temptations as you can. Don’t
ahead of lots of folks. It really does. wait until next week or for a ‘better time’. There
I’ve received emails and have been penpals with is no right time to start. That’s the booze voice/
2,744 people as of today. This does not make me an wolfie. [Wolfie says: “but I have to go to this event,
expert. I am not a doctor or a specialist. I am just a but I have to take care of... but next week is ...”
regular sober girl. Doesn’t matter. If you came down with tonsillitis
One thing I do know for sure in all of this penpaling next week, you would skip some things.]
that I’ve done: you have to want to quit. I can’t 5. If you’re like me, you’ll need some kind of support.
convince you that being sober is a good idea. Needing support isn’t weird, it’s normal. If you
But even if you’re not sure you want to quit, I’d say were running your first 5K, you’d have support
this: “quit anyway, for a while, 100 days at least, to see (books, audios, coaches, groups, online, buddies).
how you like it.”
If you’ve been trying to quit for a while and you
Yes, you have a voice in your head that screams haven’t been successful, then we can say a few things:
“Drink Now.” But there’s ANOTHER voice that asked what you’ve been doing up to now is good but it’s NOT
for this newsletter thingy. quite enough. It’s better to have MORE supports to
start, and then ease off when you’re 60-90 days sober.
Us boozers, we like to ‘sip from the straw of support’
instead of ‘gulping’ (link to mini-video about support
on page 2).
If you’ve been half-assed at trying things to be
sober, you can just say this to yourself: “I’m going to
quit for 100 days even if I hate it. I want to see how
much better being sober is, Belle assures me it’s worth
So let’s put aside your drinking voice for now, and it. I can’t quite yet imagine 100 days but I can imagine
you can press MUTE on Wolfie for just a second. 2 days at a time, so I’m going to do that.”
(And to be fair, when I quit, I mentally pictured it as
Now, rea thi lis wit your booz 2 days at a time and I got myself a fruit treat every 2
voic turne OFF days as a reward.)
If what you’ve been doing up to now hasn’t worked,
1. For the first 7-9 days sober, you’re going to feel a
then now it’s time to NOT just try harder, but to TRY
bit like you have the flu: tired, not interested in
doing chores, unenthusiastic. You will do best if
you sleep, order takeout, catch up on TV, and rest. If you had a 5 year old girl next to you who was
Decline social obligations and vegetate. Do the crying and crying, you’d try DIFFERENT things until
minimum required to not get fired from your job. she stopped crying. You’d suggest a treat, you’d
suggest a bath, you’d distract her, you’d tempt her
2. If you’re not sober now, I want you to look ahead
with pancakes, you’d turn on a good movie – you’d
at this coming Monday. (If your booze voice starts
keep trying different things until she stopped crying.
up with “but I have to drink for this event,” or
whatever, just ignore it for now.) TRY DIFFERENT.
3. Here are some things that you will want to have
in place when you start on Monday. You’ll want ... /2
or whatever else you think might help, anti-
Magi lis wit super power : ing anxiety...). If you don’t think you can honestly
t d differentl speak with your current doctor, then go to a clinic
and talk to someone else.
This list has super powers. Pick 10-15 things you can 19. Know that crying is totally normal, required, and
do differently starting on your quit day. probably necessary.
1. Write in a journal or blog every day for the first 30 20. Think about what you’re going to GET by being
days (or 60). sober. The benefits coming to you. How great it’ll
2. Read sober blogs at least 1 hour every day (for me, be once the crappy part is over.
it was 1-2 hrs a day).
3. Rethink your evening routine and give up making O m sit ther ar other support for
dinner if it’s too much. Either make meals in the
morning to reheat, or eat easier things (pasta & yo . An al of thes thing ar fre ...
sauce) just to begin, or order take-out. The links below work now. If they don’t work later,
4. If you have signed up to be sober penpals with me let me know and I’ll send you updated links.
through the Jumpstart class, then email me every • Blog []
4 hours (yes really), morning, noon and night to
• Daily micro emails []
check in (you can do this as long as you need to,
but usually it’s only for the first 16 days or so). • One minute audio messages [
5. Plan your 30 day, 60 day & 90 day treats now. Go to and put them in your shopping cart.
6. Have daily treats for the first 2 weeks, and then
I wor har t ensur tha 80% of
treats every second day thereafter. wha I writ an produc i fre
7. Sign up for the Sober Jumpstart class and/or a If you’d like more support and accountability, I have
call with me. Talking with someone – counsellor, additional tools and resources available for purchase.
therapist, mentor – it makes a HUGE difference.
8. Go to bed early every night for 7 nights, as early as

humanly possible. Yes, 8 p.m. is good. Even if you
don’t sleep.
9. Schedule a bath to occur earlier in the evening so
that it sets the mood for the rest of the night. Bath
first and then dinner.
• A special bundle of Archived Podcasts (listen to
10. Change your schedule for when you eat dinner audios while you walk, commute, or do dishes.
(earlier/later). If you have to feed kids or others Saves time! (save 10%))
earlier, fine, but you can eat at different times –
• Have a sober penpal for a year with the Sober
just for a month. Schedule something to coincide
Jumpstart Class (save $75)
with wolfie time (like feed kids and then listen to
an audio in the tub for half an hour). • Or you can make a direct donation to fund the
mailing of these kinds of newsletters. It’s nice to
11. Go to a face-to-face meeting (even once a week
get mail from France, oui?
would be helpful to begin – hire a babysitter or
trade babysitting if you need to). • All links found at:
[discount links work until April 22, 2018]
12. Give up any expectations that you’re going to ‘get
stuff done’ and just be sober.
13. Try to do some kind of exercise every day, even if
it’s only 10 minutes. The more exercise, the better,
and walking is good.
14. Rent / stream some new TV and movies that you
can watch only if sober, as a sober treat. Have you
seen the Amazon series Transparent? It’s genius. Now i ’ tim for somethin els .
15. Pretend, just for a while, that you’re sick, that you You’ve done alcohol research. You know what
have the flu. You need to take good care of you. Very happens. What you maybe haven’t had is a period
very good care. That you come first. Just for a while. of sobriety research. You can begin your sobriety
16. Give up doing the laundry so often. research. Starting today would be good. Let me know
17. Give up any ideas of a clean and tidy house for now. when you’re ready to feel better :)
18. Talk to your doctor about medication (either
anti-booze medication or maybe anti-depressants

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