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Special Chapter 2

(Adva nced Rhythmica I Concepts)


When two or more different rhythms are played within a space of time.
i.e. one measure of time.
one of the rhythms is considere d the dominant pulse,and the other, the poty pulse.

polyrhythms are expressed in ratios, such as 2:3 or 5:4.

Since polyrhythms are of a strictly mathematical in one can use to

calculate any polyrhythm.

laydownapulseofY(dominantpulse), subdividethispulseintogroupsof XandplayeveryY'snoteof that


3:4 :
, ,

pulse of 4 (dominant pulse),4/4 measure ,

subdivision of 3 eighth note triplets played to every quarrer note (poly putse). :


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