Introduction - 19190055 Violina Almaghfiroh

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The Effectiveness of Learning Mathematics for Students Using Realistic Mathematics

Education (RME)

Violina Almaghfiroh


Mathematics is one area of research that is significant in efforts to enhance the

standard of education in Indonesia since mathematics is significant in everyday life and other

sciences. Mathematics is one of the obligatory subjects for schools, in elementary school until

secondary school. according to Law No. RI. 20 of 2003, which governs the National

Education System. so that mathematics is a science that must be learned by everyone. But

besides the importance of mathematics, the current condition reveals the opposite outcomes.

According to the findings of a 2015 PISA (Program of International Study Assessment)

survey, the results of mathematics education in Indonesia are also concerning. Indonesian

students' mathematical skills was 386 points lower than the world average of 490. ( PISA,

2016). This happens because many students are bored with monotonous way of mathematics

learning given by the teacher.

Mathematics instruction is the practice of supplying students with learning

opportunities in which they gain competencies in the mathematical material being learned. To

provide this learning experience, several approaches are needed so that students feel

comfortable with learning, One of the methods is the Realistic Mathematics Education

(RME) Method. The RME methods as a method to learning mathematics which begins with

providing contextual problems will be more meaningful. According to Syafri in Fauzan,A (2002) suggesting that the RME approach is 'an approach that utilizes real life and the
environment experienced by students to smooth the learning process of teaching

mathematics, so that the objectives of mathematics education can be better achieved'. On the

other hand, Freudenthal in Bray, A also explained that RME is "Learning is

carried out in interaction with the environment, and starts from real problems or that can be

imagined by students and emphasizes process skills in solving given problems". RME

(Realistic Mathematics Education) is a form of mathematics in which students' knowledge

and experience serve as the basis for learning. The emergence of mathematical principles or

systematic mathematical understanding is based on realistic problems. This is a somewhat

different kind of study than learning mathematics. (Saragih, 2016). Based on the views of the

experts mentioned above, it is possible to conclude that Realistic Mathematics Education

(RME) method is a student-oriented approaches to learning mathematics, which one

mathematics should be deeply connected significantly in the context of student's daily lives to

learning experiences that are oriented to real things (real).


There are many benefits of using the RME approach in mathematics learning. because

mathematics is an abstract science, all of which can also be related to everyday life. This

RME approach provides many benefits in the mathematics learning process, but this

approach does not intend to replace the teacher's role, but rather to make it easier for teachers

to guide students in learning. The benefits of the RME approach are divided into 2 categories,

namely benefits for students and benefits for teachers. The first benefit for students is that

students easily understand mathematics material, the second is that students can be motivated

to continue learning mathematics, the third is to train students to think critically. while the

first benefit for teachers is to be able to assist teachers in concretely delivering mathematics
material, the second is to help create a fun and non-monotonous mathematics learning

process, the third is that this approach does not cost money and is easier to use than other


All the benefits that exist in this RME approach make it attractive for teachers to

apply it in learning in the classroom. Teachers can apply this approach in several ways. For

example, the teacher links math material with problems around students. because this first

special step makes students know that mathematics is not far from everyday life. In general,

the application of mathematics learning using the RME approach can be done as follows:

(1) Understanding the concept of contextual problems: The teacher in this first step can

provide contextual problems and then instructs students to solve these problems. In this initial

step, the teacher's role can be referred to as a technical guide for modeling the RME

approach. In this initial step, students think critically and creatively. because later students

will have their way of solving the problem.

(2) Contextual problem solving: In this second learning step, students solve the problem

given in the first step, then are given a manual or module as material for students to answer.

in this second stage the teacher acts as a guide in the sense of guiding and directing students

to solve these problems, for example, asking why you can think about this? where did you get

that way? Are you going to be the way you are? and so forth. So those students are really

required to think critically and reasonably. And in this second stage, the teacher expects

differences in problem solving or differences in answers from each student.

(3) Discussion and comparison of answers between students: In this third step the teacher

divides small groups into the class. The aim of this small group is that students can compare

the results of the various answers of all students. But still with the teacher's guidance. So that

in this step all students are required to take an active role in the learning process because
otherwise they will be left behind. With this step, students can exchange opinions and

thoughts with what they have solved in the previous step.

(4) Conclusion Drawing: From the three steps that have been taken previously at this stage

students are asked to conclude the results of the discussions that have been carried out. both

individually and in groups. The conclusions that can be obtained later such as conclusions

from mathematical concepts, or concepts from the mathematical material that is being

discussed. Theorems, axioms, and even formulas can be found in this conclusion. because at

this stage, it is easier for students to understand mathematics because mathematics is a

science that is not to be memorized but to be understood. So that in this case, the conclusion

in this step produces a concept that is easy to understand.

The benefits and application of this RME approach not only has benefits or positive

impacts but also produce a negative impact, because everything that exists naturally has

positive and negative impacts. The positive impacts obtained by the application of RME in

mathematics learning include: Making students able to study independently and in groups,

making students able to think creatively and critically, and helping students find concepts of

mathematical material. While the negative impact is that students are more lazy, because the

abilities of each student are different, some are quick to understand the material and problems

and some are slow to understand the material. So that it will make some students not

interested in the mathematics learning process that is being carried out.

Bray, A. & Tangney, B. (2015). Enhancing student engagement through the affordances of

mobile technology: A 21st century learning perspective on realistic mathematics

education. Mathematics Education Research Journal,28(1),173-197.


Fauzan, A., Slettenhaar, D. & Plomp, T. (2002). Traditional mathematics education Vs

realistic mathematics education: Hoping for changes. In P. Valero & O. Skovsmose.

Proceedings of the 3rd International Mathematics Education and Society Conference

(pp. 1-4). Copenhagen Denmark, Centre for Researh in Learning Mathematics.

PISA. Programme for Internasional Student Assessment (2015)Result:Excellence And

Equity In Education. Volume1.Paris: OECD publishing 2016.h.205

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