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Student’s Name: April Rose Tuplano Activity Box No: 309 EXC1

Program/Yr/Block :BSED-SOCIAL STUDIES/3F ID Number : 2018-02500

Which word are you familiar with? Mark the word with an X. How many have you identified? List down
the words you marked, and write your own understanding about each term. Compare your list with your
study buddy.

1. Blog - it is an online sharing your personal idea or thoughts about anything that you think can help
other people

2. Facebook - a social network that allows users to chat, connect with friends and family, and share
images , videos, and data with others.

3. Media - it is a field that brings news and information to people in a different types media

4. Literacy - it is our ability that we used everyday in our life, the knowledge that we have in any specific

5. Google - it is a search engine that being used of many people to get a reliable sources and information
they needed.

6. Cyberspace - it is also called as virtual world which we can communicate with other around the worl.
Cyberspace are all the website or application that is being used to share on connect to others.

7. Twitter - it allow us to keep up-to-date with the latest news and developments, and share it with
others instantly, we can see the trending news or topic in our country every day.
Student’s Name: April Rose Tuplano Activity Box No: 309.EXPE1

Program/Yr/Block :BSED-SOCIAL STUDIES/3F ID Number : 2018 - 02500

THE A-Z OF TECHNOLOGY TERMS. Make a glossary of terms of at least 20 ICT-related terms with each
having a conceptual or operational definition or description. Cite the source of your definition.


Apache it is the webserver that receives this request, processes it and then serves the page,
whose output is then displayed on your browser.

Big Data basically extremely large amounts of data points, that may be analysed using
computers to possibly reveal trends, patterns and other such co-relations between
the data forming the data set itself.

CAPTCHA it is a computer program that is intended to identify if interactions with a website

(say filling a form) is from a human being or through a bot.

Dynamic website Websites whose content are stored in a database instead of being part of the code

Encryption process of converting data (say text) into human unrecognizable or encrypted form
to make sure that anyone trying to gain unauthorized access to this will not be able
to “see” the actual data.

Framework a platform for developing software or web applications

Grid Layout the process of dividing the viewable area of the browser in the form of a grid (or
matrix) and placing the design elements inside the grid.

HTML HTML is the language used to define various elements that gets displayed on a user’s
browser. Even for dynamic websites, the end output will be a HTML block.

IOT (Internet of an umbrella term to basically say that it is a collection of devices that are connected
Things) to the internet and have the capability to communicate with each other.

JavaScript Using JS one can control the outcomes of various user actions like click on HTML

Keylogger This package offers a complete and fully functional webserver to take care of most
website’s needs.

MySQL an open source database management system. In combination with PHP, this powers
one of the most popular web technology stacks available today which is the LAMP
stack. Both PHP and MySQL are open source, meaning they are free to download and

Online A term that has commonly come to mean "connected to the Internet". It also is used
to refer to materials stored on a computer (e.g., an online newsletter) or to a device
like a printer that is ready to accept commands from a computer.

Program A set of instructions that tells a computer how to perform a specific task.

QuickTime A video format developed by Apple Computer commonly used for files found on the
Internet; an alternative to MPEG. A special viewer program available for both IBM PC
and compatibles and Macintosh computers is required for playback.

RAM Random Access Memory; the amount of memory available for use by programs on a
computer. Also referred to as "main memory".

spyware Any software that covertly gathers user information, usually for advertising
purposes, through the user's Internet connection.

tool bar On a graphical user interface system, a bar near the top of an application window
that provides easy access to frequently used options.

upload The process of transferring one or more files from your local computer to a remote
computer. The opposite action is download.

virtual classroom An online environment where students can have access to learning tools any time.
Interaction between the instructor and the class participants can be via e-mail, chat,
discussion group, etc

WAN Wide Area Network; a group of networked computers covering a large geographical
area (e.g., the Internet).

XML Extensible Markup Language; A markup language for coding web documents that
allows designers to create their own customized tags for structuring a page.

zoom The act of enlarging a portion of an onscreen image for fine detail work; most
graphics programs have this capability

Student’s Name: April Rose Tuplano Activity Box No: 309.EXPA1

Program/Yr/Block :BSED-SOCIAL STUDIES/3F ID Number : 2018 - 02500

Name of your Friend:

My Friend’s Thought about
the Concept (Ask your friend
Concepts Identified My Thoughts about the to get an answer )

A. Having a friend with It's okay to have a friend Having an fb friend from
people lives in other country who is from another country another country is okay, it
in facebook as long as they are not doing even helps me to practice
anything wrong to me. We speaking and understanding
can make friends and talk English better. It also help
about our country, the me to enhance my
tradition or the values of the knowledge outside my own
country. country.

B. The use of gadgets inside Gadgets in school help a lot, Although the gatgets can
the classroom especially for students who help the students to learn
have difficulty with their and improve thier learning
lessons, they can use a skills, it can also distract the
cellphone or laptop to student in learning if they
search for a lesson that they not use it properly. So, the
do not understand so that student must balance thier
they can understand it time on using gadgets inside
better. the classroom

C. Using educational There are many educational Educational apps can help
application in learning application that can use by students to do thier work
the students even the easier and help them to
teacher that can help us to have more time to study.
facilitate our work and to
improve the learning of

Student’s Name: April Rose Tuplano Activity Box No: 309.EXC2

Program/Yr/Block :BSED-SOCIAL STUDIES/3F ID Number : 2018 - 02500


 Promotes personalized learning

 Increases students’ motivation and creativity

 Provides extended learning opportunities and

 Addresses different learning styles

 Provides virtual and simulated real-life learning


 Learners have direct control of their learning

 Develops problem-solving skills

 Encourages active learning

 Fosters metacognition skills

Student’s Name: April Rose Tuplano Activity Box No: 309.EXPE2

Program/Yr/Block :BSED-SOCIAL STUDIES/3F ID Number : 2018 - 02500

“How Technology has influenced my life as a learner?”

I live in a family that doesn't use much technology so I don't know much about technologies or how to
use it. When I was in Junior High School I am not totally engage with the definition of tecnology, what is
the use of technology and when we use the technology. I am using computer and mobile phones for my
assignments and projects but I am not good in manipulating different website. And also I start to create
my social media accounts to meet other people but there are some instances that I am not a good user
because I am not aware the effect of social media without reading the directions and instructions,and as
time goes on, my knowledge of the use of technology are increases. During my Senior High School my
knowledge about technology become broad. I learned that using technology is not easy especially with
the use of internet, technology controlling us in our everyday living we want to share our experiences
and sometimes including our personal infomation and that is a bad habit because we are eating by the
modern society and the modern system. Now, as a college student I am now aware in using technology
as a learner. I learn how to choose reliable information from the website, avoid plagiarism, and cite your
references if needed. It helps me on my homework, academics and commuting to school and also
memorizing most of my academic work. Technology has also enhanced my brain positively and
negatively also. It has affected me in a negative way by me not using my brain to figure out the problem
on my own.I know that technology has a big impact on us it can make our work much easier but
remember know your limitations. At my age I can Technology» should only be utilized when it is
appropriate to the situation at hand.
Student’s Name: April Rose Tuplano Activity Box No: 309.EXPA2

Program/Yr/Block :BSED-SOCIAL STUDIES/3F ID Number : 2018 - 02500


1. Role of technology in education  https://d86.hinsdal
The term «instructional technology» has changed significantly recently,
describing any tool that is used to enhance learning. By this definition,
even the textbook was, at one point, a «technology» available to students
and teachers. Technology does not replace good teaching, however.Digital
instructional technology has the benefit of permitting access to research-
supported instructional strategies that we, as educators, value within the
classroom.Due to its ever-increasing role in the lives of all individuals,
technology must be thoughtfully integrated to be truly effective.say that
my knowledge is not enough but then I am still in the process of learning.

2. Educational technology has improved the teaching-learning process and

made it more effective and process oriented. Educational technology has
not only maintained the standards of education but also improved the
ways of teaching by giving it Teaching Aids and Programmed Instructional
Material. Educational technology has opened up new fields of educational
researches in the field of examination process, evaluation and classroom-
teaching. Educational technology has provided practices and strategies
that help teachers to teach according to individual differences of
learners.Educational technology has provided scientific foundation to
education through the theories of learning and intelligence. Thus
educational technology is required in each and every aspect of teaching
learning process. Educational technology serves all the purposes for
modern education. Education today can’t go far without the help of
educational technology.The innovations of technology in the field of  https://johnparank
education have done wonders to educational process. It has not only
maintained the structure but also improved the nature of the educational m/2015/01/21/rol
process. e-of-educational-

Student’s Name: April Rose Journal entry number: 1

Program/Yr/Block :BSED-SOCIAL STUDIES/3F ID Number : 2018 - 02500

“As a pre-service teacher, what is the significance of learning these concepts and roles of technology? In
what way can I use Technology effectively and efficiently when I become a teacher?”

Computer based effective teaching offers powerful, interesting and new way of providing knowledge to
students. So, for effective teaching with new technology every teacher needs to know about technology.
Teachers need to know how to operate & integrate the tools effectively. Effective teachers maximize the
potential of the technology to develop student’s understanding and stimulate their interest to improve
subject proficiency. Technology can be used strategically to provide better access for learning and
concept clearance.Technology helps in education to create a better educational syllabus, learning
material, and future products and services. It’s really important to integrate technology into classrooms.

Me as a teacher I can use the Multimedia approach of education like use of audio-visual tools & devices
for better understanding of concepts has widely been set up in almost all the institutes. This led to
speedy and effective learning and that might be non-volatile. As a teacher I might also refer to internet
technology and so share the same with my students.

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