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SN Practice Book ANNE WATSON PETER VINEY ee MACMILLAN wacmilan Education Between Towns Fioad, Oxford oxa ‘division of Macrnitan Publishers Limited Jompanies and representatives throughout the world SBN 1 405 00385 5 ext © Anne Watson and Peter Viney, 2008 Josign and istration © Macmitan Publishers Limited 2004 {i ights reserved: no part ofthis publication may Be produced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any orm, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, ‘ecording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission sf the publishers. designed by Amanda Easter iustrated by Chris Pavely, pp. 7, 17,20, 57 and 45 over design by Jackie Mil at 320 Design. Sever photography by Getty Images/Digttal Vision (9; Getty mages/Photodisc (t, tc, tr, bl, Bo) vrinted and bound in Thailand (8 2007 2008 2008 2008 oos7essa2 Ta xi! + Complete this conversation using the verb be. Cab Driver: Hi! Where to? Passenger: The Hilton, please. Driver Hey, are __ you here on business? Passenger: Well, |___ _ on business last week, but now |____ here on vacation. My husband ___ here, too. Driver: Where ______ you from? Passenger: We _______ from Minnesota. Driver: Hey, |__ from Minnesota, too. Which part? Passenger: Rochester. Driver: ______ you really? My wife and | ______ in Minneapolis until last yea we came here. 2 Match the beginning and end of the sentences: a There isn't any taxis here late at night? b Are there no rooms in the Hilton, It was full. © There were a lot of big hotels in New York Was there ~a business center in this hotel. It’s too small, e Is there a taxi for you outside the hotel yesterday? f There are a Best Western Hotel here? 3 Write the question form of these sentence: a They're from Florida. © There are many hotels near the airport. Are they from Florida? ek eS b Ryan was in Washington last year. d_ Shannon knows Asia very well. 4 Are these sentences true (1) or false (F)? Correct the false answers. a American bills are all different colors. [Fe You don’t usually tip at gas They're all the same color, stations in the U.S.A. b American bills are all the same size. 1) f In America you never give a tip © Anickel is five cents. oO toa cab driver. o d_ There are four dimes in a dollar. oO tou need nap, se Grammar les 2 7 and 12 an Vocabulary Fl 1 | Put the conversation i 4 Oh, please call me Megan. bb Nice to meet you, too, Ms. Malden. m c thank you. Good to meet you. it Mr. Daroy’) Good afternoon. My name's Megan Malden {1} OK, Megan, and I'm Chris a # How do you do, Ms. Malden. go 2 @ Introduce yourself to Amanda Wong. You: ‘Amanda Wong b Introduce Amanda Wong to Justin Pitt. You: ‘Amanda Wong dustin Pitt: 3 Complete the questions with How ...?, to break the ice with this visitor. a _How was _ your trip? tt was OK, but the plane was a bit late. b the traffic from the airport? Speen ea ES eSESERY OUI Notel Great. It’s really comfortable. d And_____ your children? Oh, they're just fine, thanks. 4 Match the sentences with the situations. a How do you do2———_ You're offering help. b Howcan |help you? You're saying hello before noon. © Good evening. You're meeting someone for the first time. Good morning. You're making polite conversation, How was your trip? You're saying hello at around 6:00 p.m. ___ you need help, use Grammar Files 2 and 12 and Vocabulary Fil 6 | Write the mi ing words in the conversa next week Seeyou can! free Fhisis how about the moming Matt; Hello, is that Diego Cordova? This is__ Matt Brandon Diego: Hi, Matt. What __ _____ do for you? Matt: — I'm coming to Mexico City __ ____ . Can we meet’? Diego: Sure. When are you __ ey Matt: Well, ___ Wednesday the 10th? Diego: Let me see. Fine.In____________ or atternoon? Matt: Is 11:00 a.m. OK for you? Diego: Great. No problem. — 2 Complete the table. 2 two 2nd second es a 3 Choose the correct time. a 3:45 a quarter after three Qo d 6:10 ten after six o a quarter to four M six after ten a b 4:15 a quarter after four oO e 12:35 twenty-five to one a a quarter to four oO thirty-five after twelve a © 5:50 tentofive Oo f 8:20 twenty after eight a ten to six oO twenty to eight o 4 What is Kayla Vanel doing next week? go to Pittsburgh a 's going to Pittsbur. 3 b meet Sarah c have lunch with Toshiro ciao. ane TE HE Visit the factory e go home ™ jityou masd help, use Grammar File 7, ? Complete the sentences with am, is, are, does or do. @ Simon _is___ going to Hong Kong on Wednesclay What time does. his plane land? b 1_____ going to Rio de Janeiro on Thursday. When — _ you leave? « They _.. going to Seoul on Friday. When _____ they arrive? d= Karuna __ taking the train to Calcutta on Monday. What time ______ her train get in? e@ We___ flying to Tokyo next Tuesday. When ___ you arrive? 2 Write the questions in the conversation. . _Where are you going on Wednesday? _ I'm going to San Francisco on Wednesday. b sue 2 It’s the 3rd. © aie My flight leaves at 10:00 a.m. a ee 2 Its AA1578. e 2 My plane arrives at 12:15. f 2 On Thursday I'm going to a meeting. 3. ok at Maria’s itinerary for next week. Write what she is going to do each day. Mon, - fly to Rio de Janeiro, Tues. ~ meet Juan at 10:30, Wed. Thurs. - attend sales conference, Fri. ~ return to Rio take train to Vitoria, BeiMoniay She's going to fly toRiode Janeiro, cet! 9 Tuesday 10 Wednesday 11 Thursday 12. Friday | Ifyou need help, use Gremmar Files 7, 1 and 12. 1 Read the text about Soo-Jin Smith, Ask six questions about her. Soo-Jin Smith works at AlphaCom. She's the Human Resources Manager. She's trom New York. She was born in Korea, but she was brought up in the U.S.A. She works for Andrea Muller. a Where: eect b What ___ be Seo Sel Whietse ee Where 7° Who 2 Write the verbs in the 3rd person singular of the present simple. Put them in the correct column. Is] [es] [ies] travel pass travels does carries cany come do visit fly try peewee > go work speak worry 3 Complete the description of Eric Mendez. Use the verbs in parentheses. Bric Mendez comes ____ (come) from Seattio. He _______ tive) in Houston and ______{work) for a computer software company. He ___ travel a lot for his job end often {fy to Mexico winere he —__ (visi) customers. He {69¢91) perfect Spanish because his father ;ome] from Chile, 4 What do you do? Write true answers. What do you do? Where do you live? Where were you born? Where were you brought up? What nationality are you? What do you do on weekends? ___ sonose (Soreness erent tina, tore 1 Write questions. a_ Ask the store clerk if she has USA Today. _Do you have USA Today? b Ask her how much it is. Ask her for some cookies. Ask how much they are. e Ask how much the tax is on the cookies. 2 Match the beginning and end of the sentences. 1 Pdlike $18.35. b Will taebe a Mars bar, please? © Will that be the small size, please. That'll be anything else? e Couldihave the sugar-free one. f Piltake all? 3 You're choosing a gift. Decide what to buy these people, using I'll take or I'd like. a Your brother: a DVD or a pair of Adidas sunglasses? take the Adidas sunglasses, please. b Your sister: a Louis Vuitton purse or a movie pass? © Your 10-year-old nephew: the latest techno CD or a pair of Nikes? d_ Your boss: a Rolex watch or a plastic Statue of Liberty? 4 How much change do you get from a $20 bill? o Thirteen dollars and forty-seven cents. ——_______ Six dollars and twenty-two cents. Eleven dollars and sixty-five cents. Nine dollars and thirty cents. oaod | you need help, use Grammar Files 10, 12 and 16 and Vocabulary File 1 Eighteen dollars and ten cents. —One. dollar and ninety cents _ 1 Gompi PRR Oe D> 7 Check-in at a he tel te this conversation at a hotel frant desk: Good morning. _May T help you? Yes. Do Sure. How long - IK _ any vacancies? _—.. to stay? For a w Do you want or a double room? A double with color TV. Alll our rooms have a color TV. Will ______________ credit card? : Yes, by American Express. Would __________ the guest registration card, please? OF course. 2 What do you do with these cards? Match. a b c SA Find si b cs d e 4 Consuela Rodriguez has just checked in. How room charge card 4 You pay your bill. credit card 2 You complete your name and address, etc guest registration card 3 You shop or eat in the hotel. sk someone to do these things. Use Could you...? or Would you ...? able answers. _Could you give me your passport number? __ Sure, fill in this form? 2 ee show me some identification? complete this card? sign here, please? ill these people help her? bring her some coffee turn down her bed take-herbags-te-horreom give her the room key Bell captain The bell captain will take her bags to her room. Front desk clerk Housekeeper Room service waitress © | rvou nee hl, use Grammar Files 10 and 16 end Vocabulary Fe =p 8 Hotel information 1 Put the phone conversation in the correct order. @ Yes, and tomorrow night, too. b Ninety-five dollars per night. nl © Hey, wait! What's your name? oO 4d Adouble with a king-size bed. How much will that be? | @ Hi Do you have any vacancies? o f Pine Trees Motel. Wayne speaking. @ g Sounds fine. See you tonight. Goodbye. o fh For tonight? o i Yes, we do. And what kind of room do you want? o 2 Make questions and short answers about facilities in this hotel. Use the verb have. a VCRV it have a VCR? Yes, itdoes __ b DVDx Widescreen cable TV ¥ d__Direct-dial telephones / e Internet access X 3 Make sentences about facilities above. a ‘t has a VCR, but it doesn't have a DVD, b 4 Where do you find these facilities? in the bedroom in the bathroom cable TV x king-size bed bath hair dryer cot shower wet bar ltyou need help, use Grammer Files 2 and 12 and Vocabulary File 3. 1 Match the gr a b © a 5 i ting with the response, How do you do? -—— it was great to see you, too. How ate you doing? Oh, she's fine, Pleased to meet you iN You, too. See you soon. How's Stephanie? ~ Pm very well, thank you It was great seaing your Good. And you? Take care. Nice to meet you, too. 2 Write the sentences and questions using going to ... and will be -ing. a I'm staying in Seattle, I'm going to stay in Seattle. T'll be staying in Seattle. How long are you staying here? I'm staying for a week. What are you doing? oreo I'm working on the Japanese account. 3 What are these people doing? a lan King / attend meeting / Atlanta Tan King is attending a meeting in Atlanta, Consuela Rodriguez / visit film companies / Hollywood Jessica Adams / do business / Hong Kong Josh Crosby / sign a contract / New York. Michael Robertson / buy supplies / Chicago you need help, use Grammar Files 7 and 10 and Vocabulary File 6, a te ios ations 1 Gheck (7) the correct form. a | Where Lauren comes from? a Lonny is in Boston since Tuesday. |v Where does Lauren come frorn? | | Lonny has been in Boston since Tuesday. b (7 Jarrived last night, @ [7] How do you like it here? | have arrived last night What do you like it here? 2 |_| How long tire have you been here? [1] Hew long have you been here? 2 Read Luke McKenzie’s answers. Write the questions. b Pm here in| “Tokyo for the conference on Asian Business Interests. Icome from Melbourne, Australia, but Hive in Sydney. My name is Luke McKenzie. Vil be staying for another week. I'm staying at the Miyako Hotel. t ~ (cnet 700 fascinating, but a bit crowded, Ww VVWVWy a b c qd e f 3 Complete the sentences with the correct tense: present perfect or past simple. a |_arrived __ in Washington last Sunday. (arrive) b Wang-Jin____ in our company since last week. (be) © When ere? (you, get) 7 How long __ here? (she, be) e Gerry —______ to Mexico after his trip to the U.S.A. (go) f Consuela___a lot of programs when she was in LA. (buy) 4 Complete these sentences with for, since or ago. Hannah's been here _for___ two weeks. The store opened six months Cor a b . © Mr. Vernon has worked here along time. d e ft g Dae-Yoon has been in school _____ September. My parents stayed in this hotel a month We've lived here _________ 2001. How long_dd you see her? you need help, use Grammar Flos &, 9,12 and 18 and Vecabulary File 4. | Find suitable ways to start these sentenc: a _CouldTsee _ themenu, please? se cif _— the bil, pleas: b ___ a Perrier. i adessen? © _______ awine list? Bie the chicken salad. a ____ today’s special. ___..... anything else? 2 Write the question form of these sentences: a Sharon has lunch at work. _Does Sharon have lunch at work? b Minoru eats with his family in the evening. c The students prefer to eat together. d_ This restaurant serves all day. € Rosetta wants to go to the cafeteria today. {They usually order pizza at lunchtime. 3 Correct the menu in this restaurant! * *& ED'S BISTRO kk | | *& *& ED'S BISTRO x *& APPETIZERS DESSERTS APPETIZERS DESSERTS Grilled turkey Espresso Mineral water Chips and calea Pecan pie Salmon steak ENTREES DRINKS ENTREES DRINKS Exgplant dip Brownies Tee cream Nachos Sodas Lamb chops Ifyou need help, use Grammar Files 12 and 16 and Vocabulary File 4 | Write the short answers ta the questions. a Do you have any cay-on baggage? Yes, b Do you have any baggage to check? No, © Did you pack your bags yourself? Yes, Has your baggage been with you all the time? Yes, @ Do you have a seating preference? Norra RLS J It’s 2:00 p.m, Jeff Kramer's taking a plane at 4:00 p.m. and he’s still at work. Give him advice using shouid and shouidn’t. a callacab You should call a cab now. __ b check your ticket start writing an e-mail d_ phone your friend label your bags f go out for coffee g Mai a organize golf for next weekend 3 Match the information with the flight terms. Departure time ———_ 12 ve b Flight number 14:30 © Gate number Chicago d_ Destination AAS22 4 Write the question form of these sentences using the correct form of do: a Mark flies to Denver once a month Does Mark fly to Denver once a month? b Hee-Yeong booked her flight to Seoul yesterday. You prefer aisle seats d_ They arrived in Venezuela last Monday. e The plane leaves in five minutes. f The check-in clerk asked a lot of questions. ) Myou naed help, use Grammar Files 7, 12 and 18 and Vocabulary Fil 2 g conveyor Traveler Security: “Then go through the Traveler Where? Here? Security: That's right, ma'am. Now, would you mind opening your __ 2 Traveler: Not at all. Security: Now, would you mind emptying your __, maar? Traveler: Well, all right. It’s just my - Security: Now, could you take off your ______, please? Traveler: Do | really have to? Security: Yes, ma'am, you do. Traveler: Oh well. There you are. 2 Your co-worker is tired. He asks you to do these things for him, using Would you mind ...? Accept or refuse to do them! a open the window _Would you mind opening the window for me? _ Sure. no problem b call the travel agency Pe ee a © photocopy this 200-page report d_ send this order e clean my desk a rn Leeann mee 3 Complete the sentences using the prepositions at, on, off, through, out of and up. When you go (a) ______ the Security Check (b) ______ an airport, you have to put your carry-on luggage (c) ______ the conveyor. Security looks (¢) _____ an X-ray of your luggage. You take any metal objects (e) your pockets and you go (f) _______ the scanner. Then you pick (g) your luggage. If you are using a cell phone, Security may ask you to turn it (b) >} yu need nop, use Grammar Files 14,15 and 16 and Vocabulary Filo 2 Write conversations between the flight attendant and these travelars, Use you can’t or you'll have to, Find different ways to apologize. a Aman is smoking as he comes onto the plane. Attendant: _I'mafraid you'll have to put your cigarette out, Man Oh, Um sorry. b Ateenager is playing with her Gameboy Attendant Teenager: _ i © Awoman is using her cell phone. Attendant: Woman: d= Aman is sitting in the wrong seat. Attendant: Man: Awoman is using her Discman. Attendant: Woman: es Eas A 2 Match the people with the events. zi a Major Edward March is attending a Democrat political convention. b Professor Kimberly tine is speaking at a medical congress. Senator Hilda Linton is watching a military parade. d_ Doctor Teresa Gonzales is visiting a high school in his town. Mayor David Goll is presenting her new book on philosophy. 3 cite what these people are doing on the plane. Choose suitable vervs. a The man _is reading _ The Washington Post. b The woman _ to her neighbor. © Mand Mrs. O'Connor _________ their meal. qd Chelsea___amovie. e The businessman _______ on his laptop. f |__ my English exercises. > |ttyouneeanetp, use Grammar Files 7,16 and 1. 1 Write the verbs in the present perfect or past simple. a Theplane took _ (take) off ten minutes ago. The passengers s __.. (not, eat) their meal yet. ¢ Theattendant ___ fst, serve) coffee. Air Traffic Control (give) the pilot clearance at 10:30. @ The passengers ____ (fasten) their seat belts before take-off f The pilot _________ {not, made} an announcement yet. 2 Write sentences saying what Jeff Kramer has just done and hasn’t done yet. a take off a d= land a have a drink w pick uphis bags [X] He's just taken off = 4 r b have lunch a e leave airport a watch a movie aw find a cab ® ¢ fasten seat belt a f take acab Z iand aw check into the hotel i, 3 Read the note and complete Donna Franklin's travel itinerary. 1 nin SUPERIOR TRAVEL %* i morning Easte : . ‘Travel Itinerary Donna Franklin TRAVELING TO: oul arr Fork Worth at 8:49 a.r| Centzal time on AVight Ps ‘ona hour before departure. aia Depart: 1055 am. Pacific Loses Please report to the transfer clesk immediately upon arrival, B Depart: Arrive: ‘THESE TICKETS ARE NON-TRANSFERABLE «Sneath aie vata ocavuaey 2 | Write these in full: a 11.08 b 35°F © 7,249 a 3h e i 51% $8.99 2 Write the sums in figures, then write the answers. a three times ten 3x 10 = 30 b six minus four © multiply five by five d_ divide twenty by four one plus eight, plus twelve, minus three f four times two, minus eight 9 add three and seven, then subtract four 3 Complete the table using the past simple. to start Istarted I didn't start Did T start? No, T didn't to come You Yes, tohave She yes, tobe We No, to work They No. 4 Write the story in the past simple. Use each verb once. ank close be get eeme invite work find live lose Angela O'Neill (a)_came__ to Seattle two years ago. Before that she (b) _______in Chicago where she (c) _____ as a sales representative for an electronics firm, but she (d) _______ her job when the company (e) — A She (f) _______ very lucky because she quickly (g) ________ a new job with Devereux Computers. Last year when she (h) _______ a really big contract, the Chief Executive () ______ her, and Gj) ____her out for dinner. Which verbs were irregular? ye eed np, use Grammar Fle 8 and Vocabulary Fe 1 a 1 You have guests Ask your guests to come in. Offer to take their coats. Establish use of first names: ‘Ask how long they've been in your town. in your home, Write short santan: Devereux’s for these situations: Tell them where to sit. Ask one of them to pass the bread. 2 Compare what Helena Devereux used to do before she married Max, with what she does now. live in New York / live in Seattle She used to live in New York, Now she lives in Seattle. _ work at Bloomingdale's / not work sell fur coats / wear fur coats play golf on Sundays / work out every morning go to jazz clubs / go to the theater 3 Write sentences about these people using the present perfect and for or since: a Wilbur and Charlene / live in Seattle / three weeks. _Wilbur and Charlene have been living in Seattle for three weeks Max Devereux / be Chief Executive / ten years. Helena and Max Devereux / be married / a long time. Wilbur / work at Devereux Computers / since 2001. | yeu need help, use Grammar Fes 3,7, 8 and 9 and Vocabulary File 6 | Write the verbs in the correct form using to or adding -ing. @ Thank you very much for having _ (have) us. b You'll have ________ (come) to our place next time. © It’s time for us (go) home d itwas areal pleasure _ —— (meet) you @ Weenjoyed _ e) you again, @ We'd betterbe _______. (leave) soon. 2 Write positive or negative sentences starting with ! hope. a Did you have a good time? hope you had a good time, b Can you come for dinner at my place? © Will you find a cab? d_ Did | offend you? @ Were you bored? 3 Charlene wrote a thank-you note to Helena two days after the dinner party. Complete it. Pear Helena, 1 just wanted to _______ you again for the niee : The —__ was delicous and we really ourselves. I1's our rest time, s0 Lhope you ean us for dirmer soon. Best wishes, rarlere P.S. Wilbur is realy —_________ about the coffee stain on your white carpet! 4 What had these people better do? a Wilbur and Charlene have been at the party too long. —They'd better leave. __ b Wilbur and Charlene have missed the last bus. ¢ Helena has a stain on her carpet. d_ Maxis sleeping and his guests are leaving. J younced help, use Grammar Files 7, 8 and 18 19 A trip to the mall 1 Look at the shopping list and complete the conversations in the department store. a Sales Clerk: Can I help you? Amanda: Yes. I'm looking for a _pair of sneakers. __ Sales Clekie 2 See TE Amanda: White or beige. b Sales Clerk: May ! help you? Bill: Yes, please. Do you have SOREN nies Salen Clerk: Bill: Extra large. © Sales Clerk: Can |help you? PAmanicia:) <5 Vesuplense® |tfyou nea nel, use Grammar Fes 8,9 and 1 and Vocabulary Fle 6 > 979 Di. 22 Bus | Put the words in the correct column. Event seming, = weinee_cesentatio,, hotey , igitor Yai “2 cipant VS a ining cour? particiby wade fai, “’®Senter asco exhipitio® exhibitor Company office “erence eo “hit ne ny of z : biti . Universi) fon|c<) 2 Write the verbs in the present perfect or past simple. he eee terete = Zi | Ive been {be} to quite a few trade fairs since! = (beyinthis | job. The first _________ (be) in Denver in 1998 and the most recent ______ (be) last year in Tokyo. Since 1998, | (meet) a lot of interesting people and|_________ (make) some good business contacts. However, my best experience ___________ (be) when we | —____ (exhibit) in London two years ago. We (have) a large stand and a lot of people —______ (come) to visit us. That’s how!____ (meet) the person who is now our biggest customer. } Choose the correct word to make positive comments about the conference. a The best / worst part of a seminar is the socializing b_ The presenter was very interesting / boring. Everybody listened to him. © The five-day training course was a waste of time / very useful. We learned a lot. d_ We saw some exciting / dull products at the trade fair. @ Meeting people at trade fairs is tiring / fun. > }you nod ol, ue Grammar Fs 8 ano | Match the beginning and end of these questions: a Have you ever in politics? b How do you feel *, to Florida? © Are you interested worked in another country? | GE |§} I ara a) uw emis g is on your right. 6 s ALS 1 You can't miss it Destination: b You're coming out of Kennedy Hospital. Turn right, then take the second right. Go straight ahead to the top of this long street, turn right and your destination is on your right. couumeus | AX any MEMORIAL. Destination: KENNEDY aLVD, ¢ You're coming out of Memorial Park facing Fraser Street. Go straight ahead through two intersections, go right at the next intersection, go across one street, take a left at the next street, then go across two more streets, and you'll see your destination on your left. Destination: 2 Look at the map again. Write different ways of getting from Perey Library to Convention Hall. ® Go south to Kennedy Boulevard, then b Go up to Perry Street and turn left to Columbus Drive, then © Go up to Perry Street and take aright, then time afternoon morning behind now a.m. Man: Hello. International Tech ivan: Hello, This is Ivan, calling frorn Moscow. Man, Moscow, huh? What Wvan: It’s three in the ____. | just got back from lunch. Man: Do you know what time it is here in New York? Ivan: Isn'tit9:00__? time _ is it in Russia agit ? Man: No, it's earlier. It's seven o'clock in the ________. ’'m the office cleaner. Wan: So, how many ___ is Moscow ahead of New York? Man: Moscow is eight hours __ New York Ivan: Oh nol Sorry. | thought New York was only six hours _____ Moscow. 2 Make indirect questions. a What time is it? Do you know —what time it is? b What's her e-mail address? Do youknow When did he arrive? Do you know —______ = enencaneee + How much does it cost? Do you know —_ 3 Make more in ect questions. a Where does he live? Can you tell me _where he lives? _ b When are they coming? Can you tell me 2 Which computer do they have? Can you tell me 2 d_ Who did she phone? Caen 3 — —— 2 4 Complete the sentences using home or at home. a Wilbur is calling Mr. Devereux _at home, _ b Cherylis flying ______ tomorrow. © Bryan and Kelly had a barbecue party _______ last weekend. d_ Mrs. Lane likes staying _____ and watching TV. e Do you think you could drive me ____ later? f I'lltake the children ___ now. 325 1 Ask for these things using Gould f have ...? and make choices using PW have ... a Eggs You: _Could I have e993, please? Waiter: Certainly. Would you like them scrambled, over-easy or sunnyside-up? You: _U ll have them scrambled, please. b Coffee You ae Waiter: Sure. Colombian, Brazilian or Kenyan? You: a c Juice You: = Waiter: Sure. We have orange, grapefruit or tomato. You: Bread You: Waiter: Do you want pancakes, muffins or toast? You: ™ 2 Rewrite the sentences using have something done. a The waiter served Rob’s breakfast in his room Rob had his breakfast served in his room, _ b The clerk photocopied Pamela's report. ¢ The hair stylist will cut Jacqueline’s hair. d= The clerk is faxing Carolyn’s letter. @ The cook poached Jeff’s eggs. 3 Which item is different? melon, grapefruit, orange, fruit flavor =cut favor ees mushrooms, grits, tomatoes, potatoes, freshly-squeezed, boiled, poached, scrambled sausages, cornflakes, bacon, ham juice, water, sugar, coffee eoa0o0e {ltyeuneot hp ute Grnar Fn 1 dad ocala Fl { Put this conversation in the correct ort a They're just fine. How's Emily? Nice to see you too, Andrew. How are you? dinner with us. She's very well ~ she wants you to come and have Very well, thanks, Kate. How's your tarvilly’? Hi, Kate! It’s great to see you agai i How about Wednesday evening? q I'd love to. When? a Yes, that’s great. Bye for now. See you Wednesday. oO Fa-7oeoe 2 Answer the questions in the conversation using the correct present or past tense. A: Do you know Stephanie Evans? B: Yes, Ido. 1_have known _ (know) her for a long time. A: Where does she work? B: Well, she usually ____ (work) here in Maine, but right now she —______________ (work) in New Orleans. Is that right? When did she move there? A: B: Oh, she —_ (be) there since last July. A: Have you ever worked in the New Orleans office’? B: No, never, but!____ (go) there once or twice last fall. ‘A; And what about Cameron McGregor? Is he still down in Miami? B: Oh, he (ust / leave) the company!1 think he _______ (got) a job in London. 3 Look at Ryan's family. Put the correct word in the sentences. Use each word once. sister wife daughter father fusbasd mother son brother Ryan is Marguerite’s _husband, _ Marguerite is Ryan’s Laura is Ryan's Carl is Marguerite’s Marguerite is Laura's Ryan is Carl's Carl is Laura’s Laura is Carl's Ryan _m._ Marguerite Cart Laura za *ea0cD _|Hfyou need hel, use Grammer Files 7, @and 9 and Vocabulary File 6. b 35 34 Describing people | Rewrite the sentences. aogoo =e Joo-Yeon has brown eyes. Maive has red hair. Louis is blue-eyed. Roy is bearded. Anita has long hair. Sonia is dark-haired. 2 Put the adjectives in the correct order in these sentences. a b 3 Write informa’ a f She's the young, blonde, tall woman. She's the _tall, young, blonde woman. He's the Brazilian, good-looking, young guy. He's the — guy. It’s the brown-eyed, beautiful, Japanese girl. She’s the gil They're the dark-haired, little, pretty girls. They're the girls. She's the midalle-aged, small, Spanish woman. She's the woman, n about these people using who. Ryan /live /in LA. Ryan is the man who lives in LA. Wilbur / sell / computers Max / own / Devereux Computers Consuela / buy / movies Natalie / come / from Paris Ashley / have / the funny little husband 4 Describe yourself. > youd hep us Grammer Fs 2a 35 Describing things 1 Compare the digital cameras. 3 small The Cam111 _is smaller than the _ CodaKO. The CodaKO _isn't as the _Cam111 ‘b compact The Gam111 is = the Digitsnap, The Digitsnap isn't nen hacen {i c expensive The CodakO is the Camt11. The Cam111 isn’t the CodaKO. d_ heavy The Digitsnap is __________ the Codako. The CodaKO isn’t _______ the Digitsnap. @ good value for money The Cami11 is___________the Digitsnap. The Digitsnap isn't _________ the Gam111. 2 Whatis the Cam111 salesman saying about the camera? a small It's the smallest on the market. compact Digitsnap ‘$250 8009 CodakKO. b © good value for money light 3 Write questions using How ...? a _How wide is the Egg 1112 _ The Egg 111 is 4.82 centimeters wide. b The Mississippi River is 3,780 kilometers long. The Eiffel Tower is 300 meters high. The Pyramids are 5,000 years old. New York is 215 miles from Washington D.C. © Syren ha cb mitra Write full sentences from the information, a Margaret / start work / 9:00 a.m. _Margaret starts work at 9:00 4.n_ b The store / open / 10:00 a.m. - 6.30 p.m. © Roger / work / five days / week d__ Helen / not work / afternoon e Sandy/ have / 3 weeks’ vacation / year f Baxter / often work / 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. 2 Randy is a waiter. Write what he has to and doesn’t have to do in his job. a wearauniform / —He has to wear a uniform. — b weara suit x © worklonghours ¥ work nights x e dopaperwork x 3 ‘ite the adverbs from most to least frequent. usually sometimes often always never seldom aon I 4 Write true sentences about your job or studies, using the adverbs in exercise 3. —Lalway: © jlyou need help, use Grammar Files 5, 7 and 15, ww aking + Weita questions. When are Viv and Christine going on vacation? Viv and Christine are going on vacation on July 2nd. agp Bea eee om - a Frederick usually spends his curen ation in the mountains. © - Ha cael Maria went to the ocean with her familly. a iE Sean flies to the U.S.A. once a year. e = Alvaro is going to stay in South America for a month. t Rodney toured Ireland last summer. 9 Sophie and Jeremy bought lots of souvenirs in Japan. 2 Write the verbs in the past tense. Use each verb once. I l Tony and | (a) _went__ down to Mexico last spring. We (b) ________our trip in Mexico City. The Aztec pyramids at Teotihuacan were fascinating, and our guide (c) _______ everything about their history. We then (d) to Acapulco, where we (e) ____in the sea and (f) _______ the nightlife. A week later, we (g) __________ another plane to Chiapas where we (h) ______all the Mayan ruins. We (i) ______ quite a lot of rain there. We () our trip in the Yucatan where we (k) a lot of souvenirs before flying home. swim | fly buy take ge know enjoy visit stat get fin 3 Your friend has just come back from a vacation. Ask questions, using was / were like. @ swimming pool - warm and clean © weather — hot and sunny hat ing pool like? 2 was b scenery - fantastic d__ restaurants — good, but expensive 2 2 | ¥ youneed help, use Grammar Files 7, 8 and 12. Complete the conversations. a Travel Agent: Mr. A: Travel Agent: Mr. A: Travel Agent: Mr. Az Travel Agent: Ms. B: Travel Agent: Ms. B: Travel Agent: Mrs. C: Travel Agent: Mrs. CG: ( Hello. Gan! help you? Yes, pleas Re d _like_a ticket to Seattle. ______ or one-way? One-way, please. For w.—— For Tuesday the 16th. Do you want am. = d 2 I'd prefer to fly in the afternoon. Atw. At about three o'clock then. 'm sorry, but the b_— fos — or an a__— a _t____? There are flights every hour. = o_______ is full. You can have first class or coach only. ____ m________ is first class? One thousand, two hundred and fifty dollars. H Ah. Plt ___ coach. Match the words with the definitions. Frequent flyer card -~eoaocD Roundtrip Coach Non-stop One-way Open A flight with no stopovers You can’t return with this ticket A ticket with no fixed return date A card for people who fly alot The cheapest class You go there and back with this ticket s .zwrite these sentences using would like. a Do you want a one-way ticket? _ Would you like a one-way ticket? _ We want to change our fight. Do you want a morning or afternoon flight? She wants to stay an extra week. Ityou need te ftp, use Grammar Files 7 and 16 and Vocabulary File 2 2 39 F 1 Complete the conversation with these words. ae verve a table for tomorrow night, please. ations 1eSEIV [table party reseve no-smoking menu Woman: I'd like to Manager: For how many people? Woman: Oh, sorry. it’s for a — Bh oF eight Manager: Well, we're quite busy, but | have a at 7.30. Woman: That's OK,A________ table, please. Manager: Yes, fine. Woman: — Do you have a children’s 2 Manager: Yes, we do. And there are also two special ______ on the menu every day. Woman: That sounds great. 2 Put the conversation in the correct order. a (J Ifyoulike. Which cardisit, please? f+] American Express. b (1 Can! pay now? gL What's the expiration date, please? ¢ (1) Can you give ine the number? fh [2 Thank you, Mrs, Leonard a i tts six twelve. i (1 Yes, it’s 5520 6689 1235 5687. e (1 And finally, what's the name as i [J Mrs, Joan M. Leonard. printed on the card? 3 Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. a We sold out those tickets ages ago. _Those tickets were sold out ages ago. b They printed his name on the card. c Jasmine mailed the tickets to Michael. d_ Hussein takes all the reservations. People often pay bills by credit card. # The customers have to pick up the tickets at the theater. __}tfyeu need help, use Grammar Files 8, 10 and 11. Put the verbs into the correct tenses iin this conversation at the ‘Drug Stora, Pharmacist: Hello. Gan | help you? Customer: Yes, |_weit__ (go) to a restaurant last night and (eat) seafood and now |__ (have) an upset stomach. Pharmacist: How long you have) i? Customer: ‘Well, it __. {start) in the micidle of the night Pharmacist: —--— you __...______. (s¢6) your doctor yet? Customer: No, | haven't. You see, | (not, live) here. |__(visit) some friends for a few days. Pharmacist: Well, |______ (give) you this medicine, but you should go to a doctor it it (not get) better. Customer: — Thank you. G’ > advice to these people using should. a | feel sick. See / doctor _You should see a doctor. b | have toothache See / dentist __. Sc a eee © Ihave a headache Take / aspirin zon d_ I've been bitten by a mosquito Use arti lsstelrnin feet pees ese es ne PR UES S ES aa Write some things you need when you go to another country. a _You need a passport. _ c b d Wubur has a sunburn, Write the doctor’s questions. Doctor: How —are you? _ Wilbur: Not very well. | have a sunburn. Doctor: How bad ____? Wilbur: _ {t's very bad indeed. Look at my face. EW] kong eae I've had it since yesterday. How much I'm afraid | only used a little suntan lotion Well, use this after-sun lotion, and next time, Wilbur, wear a hat! you need help, use Grammar Fes 7, 8, 9,12 and 16. 41 Hotel p 1 Rewrite the sentences to make thein more polite, a | want to speak to the manager! dt wanta bigger room! Could T speak to the manager, please? coe eet Te b Look after my baggage for an hour! Take my bags up to my room! ¢ Call a cab tor me! | want to check in at 10:00 a.m. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition of time. @ until from by to The guests left at 10:30. You have to check out____ 12:00. You don't have to leave your room ______ 12:00, The office is open ___ 9:00am. ___ 5:00 p.m. aoe 3 If these things happen, what will Sara do? a miss her train / take a cab If she misses her train, she will take a cab, b have a lot of work / stay late ¢ rain / go to the movies after work d_ not rain / play tennis after work 4 If these things happen, what might Tom do? a not like the hotel / go elsewhere _If_he doesn't like the hotel, he might go elsewhere, b go to the restaurant / have fish © work hard / get a pay raise d_leave his job / go traveling for a year _> tv nee use Grammar Fes 10,14 18 an 6 and Vocabulary Fl 9, 42 Complaints | Match the complaints to the answers. a There are no towels in my room, ——— Ml contact the room service waiter. b | can't get through to Japan. aN ll send the engineer from maintenance. © My breakfast is late. I'll get the housekeeper for you. I'm still waiting for my luggage. Please call the hotel operator. @ The air-conditioning doesn't work The belthop is on his way, 2 Write what these people have been doing. a Natalie / try to contact room service / twenty minutes She's been trying to co b Gordon / wait for a cab / fifteen minutes © Amelie / talk on the phone / half an hour d_ Ken/work in Greenville / five years € Hiro / live in Kobe / alll his life 3 What do you have done when... @ your car breaks down? © -your hair is too long? (repair) _I have it repaired, _ (cut) b your suits are dirty? your TVis out of order? (dry-clean) — (fix) 4 Complete the adjectives in the postcard from Natalie'to her-friend. | >1oken dirty freezing out of order expensive noisy eels Hi Maggie I'm staying at the Presidential Standard Hotel here in L.A. It's awfull The bedrooms are sold and ____. The shower is always ________ and the water is anyway. The ait-conditioning is very ______-. The restaurant is _________ And I can’t even complain to anyone because the phone is ! Love Natalie = J tyou nese help, use Grammar Fle Gand Vocabulary File 3. 43 Somewhere to go ay 1 The hands-on Science @ y Museum oD (727) 977-5555, Downtown St. Petersburg Perfect for kids 4th Street South Science Museurn Open 7 days a week 1 Choose expressions which mean the’same as the ones in the conversation. [ra preferto Would youlike Whatabeut Sounds good That suitsme Why don’t we Mom One: How about taking the kids to the movies? _What about _ Mom Two: Well, I'd rather take them to'a museum. Mom One: OK, then, let's visit the Science Museum. Mom Two: Good idea! Do you want to go tomorrow? Mom One: Yes. That's fine byme, Mom Two: OK. So !'ll see you tomorrow. That's July 4th, Independence Day, Mom One: Hey! We'd better check that the museum is open! 2 Put the verb into the correct form. Use the infinitive or -ing. a How about going _ (go) to Busch Gardens tomorrow? Let's ___ (visit) that new art gallery. Would you like _________ come) with me to see the football game? Why don't we (watch) a movie instead? I'd rather ___ (stay) home tomorrow. What about ____" (listen) to some jazz? Do you want _____ (relax) at the beach? I'd prefer_________ (rent) a boat. zat*toaos 3 Rewrite these phrases using two words only. a The state where the sun shines. The _sunshine state! _ b Sports you do in water. © Thecoast on the west side. The d_ Agame of football. AL Trips that are for business. f A trip where you go fishing, » aS [Drv kit ind } What are these people doing? Chense the correct answer. a b cl d ° t Would you like to have lunch with us? Gore on, | insist! ‘Oh no, | can't. You'll be with your family. a Why don't you come to the pool with ‘i us tomorrow? Of course you can! It’s no trouble at all. Well, if you're sure it’s not too much trouble. I don't want to intrude on your Sunday. Then, thank you, I'd love to. inviting [in: [Accepting 2 Rewrite the sentences using the present continuous or going to .. b d e i We're taking the boys to the game on Sunday. —We're going to take the boys to the game on Sunday, Larry and Jean are going to spend the afternoon at the pool. cduardo picking you up at the hotel lator? lan isn’t flying to Atlanta for the weekend, Are Sven and Trudi traveling to Scandinavia this summer? Jane's going to try that new Mexican restaurant tonight. 3 ite Rebecca and Ian's arrangements for next Monday. seonosD ey'll visi factory si: :00. i Mon. 6 7.00 am. Visit faatoy sve a 1100 a.m, Coffee with engineers 100 ppm. Lure with managers i { —_ 230 pam. Anend demo su a a I 330 pam. Watch production video #00 pam. Return to Fama, tye ness op, ue Grammar Flos 7 and 10 45 Car rental ar Pe 1 Complete the conversation with the following vrords. car license insurance rent grade C.D.W. automatic: | Customer: Good morning, !" torent a Clerk Sure, ma'am, What _ would you like? Customer: Well, I'd rather have a small _________ car. Clerk: So, you need a Grade C, then. May |see your? Customer: Here you go. It's Canadian. Is that OK? Clerk: Certainly. Do you want _______ and PA.|.? Customer: Of course. I'll take both. How much is it? Clerk: It's $52 per day plus 2 Write the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the conversations. a Clerk: Grade Ais cheap. Mr. A: Don't you have anything cheaper? _ Clerk: No, sir. Grade A is the cheapest, b Clerk: Grade F is a big car. Mrs, B: Don't you have anything 2 Glerk: No, ma’am. Grade F is the © Clerk: Grade Vis spacious. Mrs. C: Don’t you have anything Clerk: No, ma'am. Grade Vis the d Clerk: Grade S is fast. Mr. D: Don’t you have anything Clerk: No, sir. Grade S is the e Clerk: Grade C is compact. Mrs. C: Don’t you have anything Clerk: No, ma'am. Grade C is the 3 Correct the typing errors in this description: This car is a (a) Iflu-size (b) tactumaoi model. it can seat five (ce) sualdt. It is (d) ria-ddinonoctei and has a (e) oraid. It costs $72 (f) iyald. a pe d 5 seer areca ere t e ea ee f 468 Experiences ! Write expressions to ‘accept’ or ‘reject’ these compliments. 2 |'m very impressed by your English. (Accept) __ ee Soe eran nee b I wish | could speak a language as well as you do. (Accept) Sees a — ae © You have very little accent. (Reject) —___ ena = You hardly make any mistakes in English. (Reject) 2 Write sentences using / wish... a I can’t speak French. I can't cook like my mother. —Lwish I could speak French b | can’t play the guitar. e Ican'tdrive. ¢ can't swim. 3 Answer the questions with / think so or | don’t think so. a Can Wilbur speak Spanish? x d_ Does Tonio live here? x don't think so. es b_ Is Cody in the office today? ¥ @ Is Andie going to the party? ¥ © Will Alicia be coming to the meeting? v | “ite the sentences in the past simple. a learn English at school. T learned English at school. _ b Do you study languages? 2 ¢ Madeleine doesn’t like the seminar. José goes to Spain. e@ Does Elsa work in this company? 2 eo 47 Check-out | Put the expressions into the correct category. Apologizing Ciecaane Thanking Explaining a My apologies. e Pmreally sorry. i That's very kind of you. b It'snot really my fault. f Yousee,whathappened j I'm extremely sorry. was| c I'msony. g I'mso sony k Let me check. d= Thank you, hh What exactly is the 1 I didn’t realize that problem? 2 Put the verbs into the past tense. Use each verb once. make leave eat check stay pay have call Ralph Hinton (a) stayed ___(stay) in Room 355 at the Studio Inns Hotel in L.A. for one night. He (b) ____ (have) a snack in his room last night and (ce) ____ (eat) breakfast at the buffet this morning. He (d) ___ (call) Tokyo yesterday afternoon and today he (e) ______ (make) three calls to his boss in Salt Lake City before he () _________ (check) out. He (g) _____ (pay) by American Express and (h) _______ (eave) the hotel at eleven thirty a.m. Which verbs were irregular? 3 Complete Ralph Hinton’s hotel account oe a using the information above, and Date: October 20] these words: loon: | Nama: Ralph Hirten | calls total charge tax due Metriod of payment Buffet Room _ International Check-out time Cay over rom previous pages: Room. 10729 sevice! 10720 breaks: +0130 cals: 10/29 10/30 I you need help, uce Grammar File 8 and Vocabulary Fie 3 1 Find the e people's jobs. Company lawyer Chief Executive Officer Nurse Chef | Purchasing Manager Production Manager Sales-exeettive a Uave travels around a {ot selling his company's goods. bales executive b Moira looks after sick people in hospital. His: © Terry runs the company. d_ Melissa takes care of all the legal aspects of her company. e 1 9 Rob cooks ina restaurant. Joseph is in charge of manufacturing in his company. Karen buys supplies and components for her firm. 2 Fill in this form with your own personal details. Fariy name: First name: Migde inital Birth date Telephone Cell phone: E-mai: Nationaity: Country of citizenship’ 3 Write the full or abbreviated form. a 14.02 fourteen point zero two epee eas thirty degrees Celsius i e 3,212 ee d eight and three quarters e 29% t sixty-two thousand one hundred and one 9 65°F h ten and ahalf Socializing | Which expressions do you use to say ‘hello’ or ‘goodbye’? How are you? It was nice meeting you. Keep in touch Please call me Jim Take care! 'd like you to meet Sue. How do you do? Thanks for everything. See you soon Jj Hope to see you again next year. k Hi! | Nice to meet you. satreance latch the ‘ice breakers’ to the most natural response. How was your on erage ee chilly at the moment. The plane was a little late. How long have you been here? No thanks, I have everything. Do you need anything? Very comfortable, thanks. Did you find our offices all right? Until next Tuesday. What's the weather like in Washington? Since last Monday. 2M a b How's your hotel? c d e f 9 How long will you be staying? Yes, thanks. Your map was great! 3 Write appropriate ‘small talk’ questions. a Where do you come from? We came from Philadelphia. b i i 2 \We went to Florida on vaoation last summer. Gin a? No, | haven't. I've never been to England. d - 7) Yes, we sometimes go to the theater. Q@ a= _ = 2 Yes, | have two boys and a girl. f Z : igi 2 We usually play sports on the weekend, ‘Tre vel and Hotels 1 Which part of the airport do these peaple have to ga to? immigration control, | baggage-claimn || customs | security check check-indesk | | transter desk departure lounge a Isamuis going to pick up his baggage. —baggage claim bb Joo-Yeon has just arrived in the United States. —___. © Barry is going to get his boarding pass. d_ Martais going on to another flight. e f 8 Bob has to declare some goods. Cindy is going to wait for her plane. Marco has to have his hand baggage checked. 2 You're staying in a hotel. Where do you go to do these things? you want to rolax you want to eat or drink you need help ora sorvioo Swimming pool coffee shop swimming-pesl concierge desk bar fitness center restaurant business services beauty salon health club front desk laundry service cocktail bar ‘3 What do these people do? a The bellhop serves the rooms b The room maid registers information © The concierge carries a reservation d_ The waiter makes ae guests The front desk clerk cleans luggage 1 The guest gives dinner | Money } Match the amounts. a $6.50 eighty-nine cents b £15.99 two euros sixty cents © 89¢ forty-nine dollars forty cents d 2,60€ \\—six dollars fifty cents @ 59p fifteen pounds ninety-nine pence # $49.40 fifty-nine pence 2 Complete the words in the sentences. a Clara paid herhotel bi tt bye 9s _c__ is b Doyouhave any ¢_______ for the drinks machine? ¢ I'm sorry, but! only have a 50 dollarb d_ Pablo told the cab driverto keepthec_ asat_ € f The supplier sent the i We've finished our meal. We're waiting forthec______. 3 Check that you know these ‘money' verbs. Write the past simple and the past participle. spend spent ; spent Food and drink 1 Circle the answer. Jeff never eats desert. What won't he have? nachos hash browns brownies) sausages b Sonia is a vegetarian, What won't she eat? eggplant cutlets rice zuchini © Paul likes a hot drink for breakfast. What will he have? tea orange juice mik grapefruit juice Louis can’t stand fish. What won't he eat? turkey steak lamb cod e Vera wants to lose four pounds. What shouldn't she eat? broccoli pastries sole boiled eggs 2 Match the beginnings and ends of the phrases. a freshly-squeezed milk b decaff eggs © mashed wine d_ scrambled juice e white chicken 1 roast coffee g low-fat potatoes 3 Write similar expressions. a Could! have a table for two, please. Tdlike _ b Could! see the menu, please. c Are you ready to order? Would you like something to drink? f How about some wine? @ [iltake today’s special, please. Camm inati 2 sommunications ie 4 What would you say in the following situations? a Greeta visitor to your company or home. bb Introduce someone to one of your co-workers. © Ask someone to help you carry something. d_ Ask permission to read someone's magazine. Invite someone to your home for dinner. 4 Recommend a restaurant to someone. g Thank someone for their help. 2 Put the telephone conversation in the correct order. Hmm. Wednesday's pretty full. What about Thursday? [E Hello, I'd like to arrange the sales meeting next week. et Let's see. The afternoon would be better. At two o'clock? [] Great. Then, let's go for 2:00 p.m. next Thursday. , Oo That'd be fine. Morning or afternoon? Oo How about Wednesday? Certainly. What day would suit you? 3 Write these sentences in a more ‘polite’ form. What's your name? Could T have your name, please? _ b I want to speak to the manager. »s ©*o0205% © Bring me some more coffee. What's the time? e Passme the salt, Where's the nearest bank? > Bee

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