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Paraphrasing is presenting ideas and information in your own words and

acknowledging where they come from. By using your own words, you demonstrate
your understanding and your ability to convey this information.

We have identified 5 steps involved with paraphrasing. They include:

1. Read the original text until you understand it

2. Note down key concepts
3. Write down your version of the text without looking at the original
4. Compare your paraphrased text and make adjustments to ensure that it
does not remain too similar. Edit your work so it is written in an academic
manner and it flows with the rest of your assignment
5. Make sure you have included a citation

Four tips for paraphrasing:

1. Start your first sentence at a different point from the original source
2. Use synonyms
3. Change the form of words
4. Change the sentence structure


Sometimes you only need to paraphrase the information from one sentence. Here
are some examples of paraphrasing individual sentences:

 Original: Her life spanned years of incredible change for women as they

gained more rights than ever before.
Paraphrase: She lived through the exciting era of women's liberation.

 Original: Giraffes like Acacia leaves and hay, and they can consume 75
pounds of food a day.
Paraphrase: A giraffe can eat up to 75 pounds of Acacia leaves and hay

 Original: Any trip to Italy should include a visit to Tuscany to sample the

region's exquisite wines.
Paraphrase: Be sure to make time for a Tuscan wine-tasting experience
when visiting Italy.

 Original: Symptoms of influenza include fever and nasal congestion.

Paraphrase: A stuffy nose and elevated temperature are signs you may
have the flu.

 Original: The price of a resort vacation typically includes meals, tips and

equipment rentals, which makes your trip more cost-effective.
Paraphrase: All-inclusive resort vacations can make for an economical trip.

 Original: He has tons of stuff to throw away.

Paraphrase: He needs to get rid of a lot of junk.

Paraphrasing Paragraphs
Paraphrasing a longer passage can take a little more effort, as you have to ensure
it is different enough from the original to be classed as your own work.


Example #1:

Original passage:

In The Sopranos, the mob is besieged as much by inner infidelity as it is by the

federal government. Early in the series, the greatest threat to Tony's Family is his
own biological family. One of his closest associates turns witness for the FBI, his
mother colludes with his uncle to contract a hit on Tony, and his kids click through
Web sites that track the federal crackdown in Tony's gangland

Paraphrased passage:

In the first season of The Sopranos, Tony Soprano’s mobster activities are more
threatened by members of his biological family than by agents of the federal
government. This familial betrayal is multi-pronged. Tony’s closest friend and
associate is an FBI informant, his mother and uncle are conspiring to have him
killed, and his children are surfing the Web for information about his activities.

Example #2:

Original passage
"The communication problems that endanger marriage can't be fixed by
mechanical engineering. They require a new conceptual framework about the role
of talk in human relationships. Many of the psychological explanations that have
become second nature may not be helpful because they tend to blame either
women (for not being assertive enough) or men (for not being in touch with their
feelings). A sociolinguistic approach by which male-female conversation is seen as
cross-cultural communication allows us to understand the problem and forge
solutions without blaming either party."

Paraphrased passage

How is it possible to solve the problem of divorce in American? Some people

suggest that the problem is that women are not asserting their rights. Others think
that men need to step up to the plate and be more considerate of their spouses.
However, another way to look at the problem is to see why men and women are
having trouble communicating effectively. Deborah Tannen in “Sex, Lies, and
Conversation; Why is It So Hard for Men and Women to Talk to Each Other?”
suggests that solving problems in communication between men and women in
marriage is not a matter of changing techniques. Instead, she suggests that we
need to help marriage partners have a new way of thinking about how they speak
and listen to one another. Tannen says that accusing women for not speaking up,
or men for not expressing themselves doesn’t help matters. Instead, she suggests
we teach men and women to understand the different ways the other gender
communicates so that they can better understand what the other person is saying
and resolve differences instead of placing blame.

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