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“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio


(Pechay, Pak Choi, Mustard, Spinach, Celery, etc.)

A. Land and Seedling Preparation

1. Prepare the land thoroughly. This is done by plowing once and harrowing twice
or thrice using animal drawn implements or hand tractor with a rototiller.

2. Prepare the seedling plot measuring 1 meter wide and 10 to 15 metes long.
Pulverize the soil in the plot and then water. Broadcast the seeds evenly. A
hectare will need 50,000 to 60,000 seedlings . Seedlings will be ready for
transplanting when they are about 20 days old. To accelerate growth of
seedlings, spray 0.67% foliar fertilizer solution when they are 7 days old by
mixing 100 ml of the foliar fertilizer in 16 liters of water.

3. Prepare the area for transplanting either plot size or block size.

4. Make one final harrowing to eliminate the weeds.

B. Care and Management

1. Dig a hole on each hill and place about 100 to 150 grams of organic fertilizer.

2. Transplant one seedling on each hill preferably in the afternoon when the heat of
the sun is no longer intense. If transplanting is done early morning the seedlings
must be protected from the heat of the sun.

3. Water the plot after transplanting. Make sure that the water reaches at least 7 cm
to 10 cm below the root zone of the plants.

4. Spray 0.67% solution foliar fertilizer at 7- to 10-day intervals until the plants are
50 days old by mixing 100 ml of the foliar fertilizer in 16 liters of water. If the
plants appear chlorotic for lack of nitrogen, mix 160 grams of urea (46-0-0) into
the solution providing for a 1 % concentration..
“MICROBES AT WORK”!/genegregorio

5. If necessary, side dress with complete fertilizer (14-14-14) at the rate of 2 to 3

grams per hill at a distance of 7 cm from each plant.

Important: If crop protection is needed, use only biological, herbal or biodegrable

crop protection chemicals following the manufacturer’s instructions and mix them
during foliar fertilizer application to save on labor cost.

C. Harvesting

1. Harvest the crops at the right age of maturity, about 30 to 75 days after
transplanting for most of the varieties.

Important: For 30- to 45-day crops like pechay, leaf mustard, leaf lettuce and
similar crops, start spraying the foliar fertilizer solution 7 days after transplanting
and subsequently at 5 to 7 days intervals. Mix 160 grams of urea (46-0-0) with the
foliar fertilizer for every knapsack sprayer load (16 liters of water). The last spray is
about one week before harvest.

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