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NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE”S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Hee A BSE Fn Bel I) Se bE Load Code for the Design of Building Structures tL 28 8) FL GB 50009 — 2001 (ti) Chief Editarial Department: Ministry of Constauction of the People’s Republic of China Approval Department: Ministry af Construction of the People" s Republic of China Executive Date: March 1 ,2002 China Architecture & Building Press Fetch chime Beijing 2002 Notice of Promulgation for the National Standard“Load Code for the Design of Building Structures” Document JB [2002] No. 10 According to the requirements of “Notice of Printing and Distributing for the * 1997 Preperation and Revision Plan of Engineering Construction Standards" (Document JB [1997] No. 108)-Ministry of Construction” ,that the” Load Cade for the Design of Building Structures" has been revised by Ministry of Construction together with the relevant departments, after a joint examination of relevant depart- ments, hence the new code has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of GBS50009—-2001, and it shall come into force upon March 1,2002. Herein, clauses 1.0.5, 3.1.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.5, 401, 41.2, 4.3,.1, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 6.01, 6.1.2, 7,11 and 7. mandatory clauses, which must be enforced strictly. The original” Load Code for the Design of Building Structures” GBJ 9—87 shall be abolished after December 31,2002. ‘The Ministry of Construction is ia charge of management and explanation of the mandatory. clauses in the code, the China Academy of Building Research will be responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents and the Research Institute of Standards and Nosms ~ Ministry of Construction will organize the China Architecture & Building Press to take on publishing and distributing works of this code. 2 ore Ministry of Construction of the People’s Republic of China January 10, 2002 NOTICE ‘The code is written in Chinese and En relish, The Chinese text shall be taken as the ruling one in the event of any inconsistency between the Chinese text and the English text. chitectural complex has been put forward. 10, The requirement for checking calculation of erosswind direction wind excitation is added for the Mexible structures . The present code may be in need of local revised in the future, that the concemed information and contents of local revised clauses will be published on the magazine of “ Knyineering Construction & ication” Clauses marked with boldface letters in the cule are mandatory clauses and must be enforced strictly. In order to enhance the quality of code, all relevant units are kindly requested to sum up and we cummulate their experiences in actual practices during the process for implementing this code, that the relevant opinions and advices, which muy be available for reference to next revision, can be posted to the China Academy of Building Research (Postcode: 100013; No. 30, Bei San Huan Dong Lu, Bei- jing, China) . ‘Chief Editorial Unit: China Academy of Building Research Participating Units: Tongji University, China Architecture Design and Research Group, China In- temational Engineering Institute for Light Industry, China Institute of Building Standard Design and Research, Beijing Institute of Architectural Design ad China Academy of Meteorological Seiences. Chief Drafting Staffs; Chen Jifa Hu Dexin Jin Xinyang Zhang Xiangting Gu Zicong Wei Caiang Cai Yiyan Guan Guixe Xue Heng Reviser (English edition of code) : Chen Dingwai Professor, China Acarlery of Building Research, Oct. 2004, Beijing, China Preface According to the requirements of Document JB[ 1997] No. 108-Ministry of Construction, “Notice of Painting and Distrbuting for the‘ 1997 Preparation and Revision Plan of Engineering Construction Standards’ thot the “Load Cull: for the Design of Building Structures"GRJ 9—87, which was ap- Proved by 1987 the State Capital Consiniction Commission of the People" s Republic of China, has been revised by the China Academy of Building Reseasch together with the relevant units. 1h the period of revision, the code revision group earied out various studies on specific topics, summarized the recent domestic design experience and referred to the concemed contents of abenad codes and! intemational standarls, meanwhile, the various ways were used by the code revision group. to solicit widespread comments from nation-wide relevant units, the code was bom out through repeated revisions and finally, the new version of code was decided afier examination ‘The code includen 7 chapters and 7 appendices, the main revised contents in present code are as follows: 1. Based on the revised combination rule in the revised edition of “Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Structures”, and cast away the old ideas for“combination of wind Toad” 5 the combinations, which are contmlled by the permanent load effects, have been ackled into the funda. ‘pental combinations of loads; in the serviceability limit states design, two types of combinations in. luding the characteristic combination and the frequent combination are given in the combinations of short term effets, in the mean time, the coelficiems for frequent values for variable loads ane in- creased; the respective coefficients of combinations values are given in the all combination values of variable loads 2. Partial adjusted and supplemented to live lands on floors. 3. For uniform live loads on roofs, the live load on unmanned ro is adjusted and the stipulations for the loads of roof garden, helicopter parking apron are added. 4. The character of service for crane is changed to the working grade of crane. 3. Wind pressure and snow pressure have been considered anew respectively by their statistical data, aecording to the new observation records fom nation-wide meteoralogical observatory, mean- whik , the mean reumence interval for the refeence values of wind load, snow load have been changed from 2 30-year mean mecurence interval to « 0-year mean rccurmence intervals the values of Snow pressure and wind pressure from the main meteorological stations thmughowt the country, during a 10-year, @ 50-year and a 100-year mean recurrence intervals respectively axe given in the appendix of the code. 6. A category of terrain roughness is added. 7 The adjustment coelficients considering the topographic conditions have heen given to the expo- ‘ure factors of wind pressure for the buildings in mountain area, 8. A special stipulution for the wind load on the fencing structure is given 9. The consideration for the influences of interference with each other between buildings in a ar- D.4 Valves of Snow Pressure and Wind Pressure for the Towns, Cities of Nation-wide D.5> The Distribution Diagrams of Reference Snow Pressures, Wind Pressures and the Zoning Diagram for the Cocfficients of Quasi-pemanent Values of Snow Lowds throughout the Country - ; Appendix E- Empirical Formulae for the Structural Fundamental Natural Period of Vibration E.1 High-rise Structures ~ E.2 Tall Buildings ----~ Appendix F Approximate Values for Vibration Mode Factors of Structures Appendix G Explanation of Wording in This Code S2seeR g Table of Contents 3° Classification of Loads and Combination of Lead Effects 3.1 Classification of Loads and Representative Walues of Loads 3.2 Combination of Loads 4 Live Loads on Floors and Roofs 4.1 Uniform Live Loads on Floors in Civil Buildings 4.2 Live Loads on Floors in Industrial Buildings“ 4.3 Live Loads on Roofs -+--+ 4.4 Ash Loud on Roofings > 4.5 Construction and Maintenance Loads, and Horizontal Load on Railings 4.6 Dynamic Coefficient 5 Crane Load 5.1 Vertical and Horizontal Crane Loads 5.2 Combination of Multi-erane “+++ 5.3 Dynamic Coefficients of Crane Loads 3.4 Combination Value, Frequent Value and | Qo i-permanent Value of Crane Load: 6 Snow Load - 6.1 Characteristic Value of Snow Load and Reference Snow Pressure 6.2 Roofing Snow Cover Distribution Factor 7 Wind Lead 7.1 Characteristic Value of Wind Laad and Reference Wind Pressure 7.2. Exposure Factor for Wind. Pressure 7.3. Shape Factor of Wind Load -+-+ 7.4 Along Wind Direction Wind Excitation and Dynamic Wind Effect Factor ~ 7.5. Gust Factor --- 7.6 Cross Wind Direction Wind Excitation - Appendix A. Self-weight of Commonly Used Materials and Structural Members Appendix B- Determination Method of Equivalent Uniform Live Loads on Floors ~ Appendix C Live Loads on Floors in Industrial Buildings Appendix D Determination Method for the Reference Snow Pressure and Wind Pressure D.1 Reference Snow Pressure ; D.2 Reference Wind Pressure D.3° Statistical Calculation of Snow Pressure and Wind Velocity -- 2 Terms and Symbols. 2.1 Terms 2.1.1 Permanent load Tn the service period of structure, the value of load is not varied with the time, or the variation of load, which is compared with the mean value, can be neglected, or the variation of load is in one sense and can aitain some limiting value, 24,2 Variable load Jn the service period of structure, the value of load is varied with time, ot the variation of load , which is compared with the mean value, can not be neglected. 2.1.3 Accidental load In the service period of structure, the loud is not occured definitely, once it is occured, that the load is with a significant value and its continuous time is very short. 2.1.4 Representative values of a load Measuring values of a load are adopted for the checking calculations of the limit states in design, such as, the characteristic value, the cumbination value, the frequent value and the quasi- permanent value, 2.1.5 Design reference period The time parameter is selected for determing the representative values of the variable load. 2.1.6 Characteristic value The fundamental representative value of a load, which denotes the chumcteristic value for the sta tistical distribution of the maximum load in the design reference period (such as, mearevalue, made, mid-value or certain fmetile) 2.1.7 Combination value For the values of variable loads after combination, that their transcendental probability for the load effects in the design reference period can be tended toward indentical with the corresponding prob- ability for the load effect of the appearance of single load alone; or the values of variable loads afer combination, that the structure should has the unified stipulated reliability index. 2.1.8 Frequent value For the value of variable load in the design reference period, that the transcendental total time is in small ratio of stipulated time, or the transcendental frequency is the stipulated frequency. 2.1.9 Quasi-permanent value For the value of variahle load in the design reference period, that the transcendental total time is about one-half of the design reference period. 2.1.10 Design value of « load ‘The design value of a lead is the product of representative value of loud and partial safety coeffi- 2 1 General Principles 1.0.1 The code was drawn up to suit the needs for design of building structures, and to conform with the requirements for the safety, serviceability and the economy, rationality of building structures. 1.0.2 The code is applicable to the structural design of building engineering, 1.0.3 The code was drawn up in accordance with the principles stipulated in the” Unified Standard for Relinbility Design of Building Structures” (CB 50068—2001) . 1.0.4 Actions, which are dealt with the design of building structures, include direct actions (loads) and indirect actions (such as the actions may be caused by deformation of subsoil, shrinkage of con- erete, distortion due to welding, variation of temperature, earthquake and etc.). Oruy the stipulations of concerned loads were dealt with the code. 1.0.5 A 50-year design reference period was adopted by the code. 1.0.6 Actions or loads, which are dealt with the design of building structures, besides they shall be implemented in accordance with the code, the stipulations of other current national standards shall still be conformed 2.1.22 Reference wind pressure ‘The reference pressure of wind load, its maximur value of wind velocity with a 50-year mean re- currence interval, can be commonly determined according to the observational data of the 10 min mean wind velocity at the 10m height from the open, plane terrain in locality, through the probability statis- tics, meanwhile, considering the relative air density, hence, the reference wind pressure can be deter- mined according to the equation (D.2.24) . 2.1.23 Terain roughness ‘The description of the grade for distribution conditions of the irregular obstacles on the terrain within the scope of 2km, where the wind blowed aver before reaching the structural objects. 2.2 Symbols €,—characteristic value of permanent load: Q\—characteristic value of variable load; Sex——chamacteristic value of permanent load effects; Sqx——characteristic value of variable load effects 5—design value for combination of load effects: R—design value for resistance of structural members S,—along wind direotion wind load effects: Sc—cross wind direction wind load effects; T——~natural period of vibration for structure; H—top height of structures B-—width of windward side for structures Re—Reynolds number: St—Strouhal number; characteristic value of snow load; sy reference snow pressure; characteristic value of wind load: ‘ty —reference wind pressures oe ¥,¢——eritical wind velocity for cross wind direction resonance; ‘gradient angle; Be——dynamic wind effect factor at 2 height; Bg mst factor; Yo— importance factor of structures Ye7—partial safety factor for permanent load; Yg——Partial safety factor for variable load; — combination. value coefficient of variable loads; Ge —frequent value coefficient of variable load cient of load. 2.1.11 Load effect The response of structure of structural member, such as intemal force, deformation, crack and esiete.s is caused by load. 2.1.12 Combination of loads When in the limit states design, the stipulations are used for the simultaneous occurrence of the design values of different loads to guarantee the reliability of structures, 2.1.13 Fundamental combination When in the calculation of ultimate limit states, the combination of permanent loads and variable loads belongs to the fundamental combination. 2.1.14 Accidental combination When in the calculation of ultimate limit states, the combination of permanent loads, variable loads and an accidental load belongs to accidental combination , 2.1.15 Characteristic combination When in the calculation of serviceability limit states, the characteristic values or the combination values are adopted as the representative values of loads for combination. 2.1.16 Frequent combination ‘When in the calculation of serviceability limit states, for the variable losds that their frequent val- ues or quasi-permanent values are adopted as the representative values of loads for combination 2.1.17 Quasi-permanent combination ‘When in the calculation of serviceability limit states, for the variable loads that their quasi-perrna- nent values are adopted as the representative values for combination. 2.1.18 Equivalent uniform load ‘When in the design of structures, the actual loads are not distributed in suceession, that they are ‘commonly substituted by the uniform load; the equivalent uniform load denotes its load effects, which is sustained by structure, can keep identical with the actual load effects. 2.1.19 Tributary ara Tributary area is adopted for the caleulation of beam, column members, it denotes the loading area for the flooring, which shall be divided by the zero line of shearing force in floor slab, it can be simplified appropriately in the actual application. 2.1.20) Dynamic coefficient ‘The coefficient is adopted for the structure or the structural member sustaining dynamic load, which is designed according to the static design, the value of coefficient is the ratio of the mucimum dynamic force effects and the comesponding static force effects of the structure or the structural mem- ber. 2.1.21 Reference snow pressure The reference pressure of snow load, its maximum value with a 50-year mean recurrence interval , can be commonly determined according to the observational data of the self-weight of snow cover on the open, plane terrain in locality through the probability statistics . 3 Classification of Loads and Combination of Load Effects 3.1 Classification of Loads and Representative Values of Loads 3.1.1 Londs on structures can be elussified into the following three types: 1 Permanent loads, such as, self-weight of structure, earth pressure and prestressing force ete. 2 Variable loads, such as, live load on floors, live load on roofi, ash load, crane load, wind 3° Accidental loads, such as explosive farce, collision force and ete. Note: self-weighi sienotes the laud proces! by Hhe weight of the material itself (gravity force). 3.1.2 Different representative values shall be adopted for different loads in the design of building structures. ‘The characteristic value shall be adopted as the representative value of permanent load. ‘The characteristic value, combination value, frequent value or quasi-permanent value shall be adopted as the representative value of variable load in accordance with the require- ments of design. ‘The representative value of accidental load shall be determined in accordance with the dis- tinguish features of service for building structures. 3.1.3 The characteristic value of permanent nad: For the self-weight of structures can be determined by calculations for the design dimensions of structural members and the unit weight of materials, For various materials and structural members which have considerable variances in self-weight (such as. thermal insulation materials fabricated on the site, thin-walled concrete members and etc), the upper or lower chareteristic value of self-weight shall be taken accorting to unfavorable situations for the structures. Note: The sit weight for commonly used materials and structural members can be referred to the Appendix A of the Code 3.1.4. The characteristic value of variable load shall. be adopted in accordance with the stipulations in the relevant chapter of the Code 3.1.5 When in the ultimate limit states design or in the serviceability limit states design according to the characteristic combination, that, the characteristic value or the combination value shall be adopted as the representative value of the variable loan, in accordance with the stipulations of combination . The combination value of variable loads shall be the characteristic values of variable loads multi- plied by the coefficients for combination value of loads 3.1.6 When in the serviceability limit states design aocording to the frequent combination, that, the frequent value, the quasi-permanent value shall be aclopted as the representative value of the variable load; for the design according to the quasi-permanent combination, that, the quasi-permanent value 6 g———quasi-permanent value coefficient of variable lead; p2,-——reofing snow cover distribution factors p——exposure factor for wind pressure: jég—shape factor for wind load; a7—terrain, geomorphic adjustment coeflicient of wind load; &—tmaginification factor for wind fluctuations y—wind Muctuation factor; : {—damp ratio of structure, vibration mode factor of structure; 2) The combination is controlled by the permanent load effects: 5 = roSce+ 3) rowaSon (3.2.3-2) Note: 1 “The design values in the foncamental combination are suitable oaly For loads nd fod effets in the Bie car condition . 2 When the Sy can not be clearly judged, taking each variable loed effect as: Sqiy in turn, then the mest unfavourable combination of load effect can be selected. 3 ‘When the vertical permanent load effect is considered as the controlling combination, hence, only the vertical variable load s limited to participate in the combination. 3.2.4. For ordinary bent and frame structures, the simplified mule may be adopted for the fundamental combination, and it shall be determined in accordance with the following combination values, taking the most unfavourable value: 1) The combination is controlled by the variable load effects; S = Yee + YoSon ¥oSea + 0.95) 7oSoue G.2.4) 2) The combination is controlled by the permanent load effects, it is still adopted in accordance with formula (3.2.3-2). 3.2.5 Partial safety factors for fundamental combination shall be adopted as follows: 1 partial safety factor for permanent load: 1) When the effect of permanent load is unfavourable to structures —for the combination is controlled by the variable load effects, that the 1.2 shall be taken: —for the combination is controlled by the permanent load effects, that the 1.35 shall be taken; 2)When the effect of permanent load is favourable to structures under ordinary condition that the 1.0 shall be taken; —for the checking calculation for the overturning, sliding or floating of structure, that the 0.9 shall be taken. 2 partial safety factor for variable load: —under ordinary condition that the 1.4 shall be taken; —the characteristic value of variuble load Is greater than 4 kN/m? for floor structure of industrial building, that the 1.3 shall be taken. ‘Note: For the special conditions, it can be determined in. accordance with the stipulutions for the relevant design codes of building structures. 3.2.6 The design values for accidental combination, combination of load effects, may be determined according to the following stipulations; The representative value of accidental load is not multiplied by the partial safety factor; the proper representative values for other leads, which may occur simultane- ously with the accidental load, may be adopted according to observation materials and engineering ex- periences. Formulas calculating the design value of load effects under different cases can be stipulated 8 | shall be adopted as the representative value of the variable load. ‘The frequent value of the variable load shall be the characteristic value of variable load multiplied by the coefficient for frequent value af load , ‘The quasi-permanent value of the variable load shall be the characteristic value of variable load multiplied by the coefficient for quasi-permanent value of load. 3.2 Combination of Loads 3.2.1 When design of building structures, the loads, which are possible occurrence simultaneously ‘on structures during the service process of structures, shall be based on, hence, the combination of loads (effects) for the ultinate limit states and for the serviceability Limit states shall be carried out re- spectively, and the most unfavourable cambination of effects shall be taken in the each design. 3.2.2 For the ultimate limit states, the combination of loads (effects) shall be carried out in acoar- dance with the fundamental combination or the accidental combination of loads effects, and the follow- ing design expression shall be adopted in the design Hig k (3.2.2) Where 7——-importance factor of structures S——~design value of combination of loads effects; R—design value of the resistance of structural members, determined in accordance with the stipulations. in relevant codes for the design of building structures. 3.2.3 For the fundamental combination, the design value S of the combination of loads ef- values ; 1) The combination is controlled by the variable load effects: S$ = ¥6Sa+ YoSan + 2) ToeSonm (3,.2.3-1) m Where ¥¢—partial safety factor of permanent load, shall be adopted in accordance with the Clause 3.2.5; Yqc—partial safety factor for the variable load of number i, herein, the Yq. which shall be adopted in accordance with the Clause 3.2.5, is the partial safety fac- tor of variable load @: Scx—the lnad effects value is calculated in accordance with the characteristic value of permanent load Gy; Sc ——load effects values are calculated in accordance with the characteristic values of variable load Q,, herein, the Soy, denotes the controlling one among all vari- able load effects; Wa—coefficients of combination values of the variable loads Q, shall be adopted in accordance with the stipulations of the Clauses in the Chapters of the Code re- spectively; ‘——number of the variable leads participated in the combinations. 4 Live Loads on Floors and Roofs 4.1 Uniform Live Loads on Floors in Civil Buildings 4.1.1 ‘The characteristic value and the coefficients for combination value, frequent value and quasi-permanent value of uniform live loads on floors in civil buildings shall be taken according to the stipulations in the Table 4.1.1. ‘Table 4.1.1 ‘The Characteristic Value and the Cacfficients for Combination Value, Frequent Value and! Quast-Permanent Value of Uniform Live Loads on Floors in Civil Buildings 1 CCoeficent for Coefficient for | Coefficient for ad [value (u/m?)| Smbination | Frequent vale) value value We | | Wy (1) Dwelling, hostel, hotel, of | od flee, hospital ward, mursery, | | (2) Glasroom, laboratory, no | oo 06 a5 reading room, meeting room, hospital outpatient room Conteen, dining-hall, ordinary 1s 07 06 0s archives | (1) Asenaiy tail, theater, | 3.0 0.7 as 0.3 cinema, grand-stands with fied seas. | (2) Laundry | 3.0 0.7 0.6 os (4) Stores amd shops, exhibi- 3.8 0.7 06 | Os tion hall, station, port, airport | hall and waiting room for passen- ers | (2) Stands without fived seat | 3.5 0.7 as 0.3 — — ~ ~ | (1) Gymnasium, arena | 4.0 0.7 0.6 os (2) Dance hull 5 40 0.7 0.6 0.3 (1) Storehouse for exeing| 50 books, archieves, storerocm: os aw | 08 (2) Densely bookease store- Bo owe — —_| —_—_|___. Ventilator motor room, elevar | 1 | . ; F . or 70 09 a9 0.8 cnet janet sepamtely by the relevant codes. 3.2.7 For the serviceabil the quasi-permanent combination of loads shall be adopted in ucconlance with the different require- ments of design, and the design shall be carried on according to the design expressions as follows; S<€ G.2.7) Where C——'The stipulated limiting values, which denote the structures or the structural members reaching, the requirements of normal service, such as the limiting values of deforma- tion, crack, amplitudle of vibration, acceleration, stress and etc., shall be adopted according to the stipulations in the different relevant design codes of building struc- tures. 3.2.8 The design values S for the characteristic combination, the combination of load effects shall lhe adopted in aocordance with the following formula; it states, the characteristic combination, the frequent combination or s Sa + Sou + 2 beSon G.2.8) Note: The design values in the combination are suitable for the loads und Joad effects in the linear condition. 3.2.9 The design values 5 for the frequent combination, the combination of load effeets shall be adopted in accordance with the following formula: S = Sa+ dnSqn + 2 aS (3.2.9) hall be adopted according to the Where y—coelficient far frequent value of variable load Q, stipulations in the different Chapters of the Coxe; gy —eoefficient for quasi-permanent value of variable load Q,, shall be adopted according to the stipulations in the different Chapters of the Cade. Nowe: ‘The design values in the combination aze suitabbe for the lands and load effects in the linear condition. 3.2.10 The design values 5 for the quisi-permanent combination, the combination of load effects shall be adopted in aecordance with the following formula: S = Sat D) daSou (3.2.10) Netet The design nalues in the combination are stale for the Jods and lad fects in the Knear condition. 4.1.2 For design of floor beams, walls, columns and foundations, the characteristic values of the live load on floors listed in the Table 4. 1.1 shall be multiplied by the following specified re- duction coefficients. 1 Reduction coefficients for design of floor beams: 1) Item No.1 (1), when the tributary area of floor beams is larger than 25m , the 0.9 shall be taken; 2) Item No. 1(2) ~7, when the tributary area of floor beams is larger than SOm?, the 0.9 shall be taken; 3) Item No.8, for secondary beams of one-way slab Qoors and longitudinal ribs of channel slabs, the 0.8 shall be taken; for main beams of one-way slab Moors, the 0.6 shall be taken; for beams of two-way slab floors, the 0.8 shall be taken; 4) Item No. 9 ~ 12 the reduction coefficients, which belong in same kind of buildings, shall be adopted. 2 Reduction coefficients for the design of walls, columns and foundations: 1) Hem No.1 (1), the stipulations in the Table 4.1.2 shall be adopted; 2) Item No, 1 (2) ~ 7. the reduction coefficients, which belong in same as Noor beams, shall be adopted; 3) Item No.8, for one-way slab floors, that the 0.5 shall be taken; for two-way slab floors and flat slab floors, the 0.8 shall be taken; 4) Item No.9 ~ 12, the reduction coefficients, which belong in same kind of buildings, shall be adopted. Note: The tributary area for Noor beams denotes the actual area, which shall be determined in accordance with the range of the both sides of beam extending to one-half of spacing respectively alomg the axija- cent beams. ‘Table 4.1.2 Reduction Coefficient of Live Lead According to the Number of Stoveys in a Building, number of storeys abore the calculated | | T™ the 1 | a3 | 4-5) 6-8 | ze > 20 section of walls, columns und foundations | 0.70 | 0.65 0.6 0.55 | | | Note: The value in brackets is adopted when the tributary area of the beam is larger then 25a. Reduction coefficients of the total live loads ‘om each floor above the ealculaied section 0.85 4.1.3 The Jocal load on the floor structure ean be converted to the equivalent uniform live load wo- cording to the stipulations in Appendix B of the Code. 4.2. Live Loads on Floors in Industrial Buildings 4.2.1 During the manufacturing, installation and maintenance periods, the local loads on floors in industrial buildings caused hy equipment, pipes, conveyances and removable partitions shall be atlopt- ed in considerstion of actual conditions, and can be replaced by equivalent uniform loads. 12 ( Contiwed) T sects ; Coefficient for Coufficient for | Coeicient Item ‘Type Characteristic sete | for uas-permanent No. ‘value (kN/na") oa % value We Automobile passage and garage: } | (1) with one-way slab oor, (span of stats ts not less than 2a) passenger cur 40 a7 07 0.6 s fire truck BO 0.7 O7 0.6 (2) with two-way slab and flat] dab Door, (column net work size is) not less than Grn x Gir) Pascnger car 25 1 O.7 0.7 0.6 ire truck _ 2.0 0.7 o7 06 | Kitchea (1) ordinary 20 0.7 0.6 0.8 (2h for dining hell _ 4.0 7 0.7 0.7 2.0 0.7 05 od 28 0.7 0.6 as 2.0 O7 Os O4 | hall, hospital outpatient department 25 07) 0.6 0.5 (3) Fire dispersed stairease, oth. | er civil buildings _ 3.8 0.7 0.8 0.3 Balcony: 2 (1) ordinary 25 0.7 0.6 Os (2) whem population may beeon-| 3.5: sentrated | | Note; 1 Live loads listed in this table are suitable for the ordinary usable conditions. When the service load is greater or the condition may be in an exceptional case, the values of actual loads shall be adopted. 2 In the item No.6, the live load of storehouse for collecting books, when the height of boakshelf is greater than 2m, the live load of storehouse for collecting hooks shall be determined according to the weight of per meter height of bookshelf not less thant 2.SkN/m" . 3 In the item No. 8,the live load of passenger car is suitable to the passenger car, which is parked to carry less than 9 passengers only; the live load of fire truck is suitable to the total weight of full loaded with OOkN large-scale vehicle; when the demands of this table are not conformed, hence, the local load of truck wheel shall be converted into the equivalent uniform load sccording to the equivalent principles of structural effects. 4 Inthe item No. 11, the live loud of staircase, where the precast trade of staircase shall still be checking calculated by the 1.5 kN concentrated load. 5) The self-weight of partition wall and the second decorating boad are not. included in the loads listed in this table. For the self-weight of fixed partition wall shall be considered a4 dead load, when the Positions of partition wall have a free and flexible arrangements, the self-weight of non-fixed parti- tion wall shall take the weight for 1/3 per meter length of wall, which is counted as the additional value (KN) of the live load oa Moors, the additional value i mot less than 1.0 kN/m?, 1 p cordance with the total weight of helicopter, meanwhile, its equivalent uniform load is not less than 5.0 kN/m? ‘The loeal lead! shall be determined by the actual maximum take-off weight of helicopter. when there is without the technical materials for the type of helicopter, generally, the different demands for the light, middle, heavy three types can be depended on to select the characteristic value and the act- ing area of local load according, to the stipulations aa follows: —Light type, the maximum take-off weight is 2t, the characteristic value of local load is 20kN, the acting area is 0. 20m x 0. 20m; —Midile type, the maximum take-off weight is 4t, the characteristic value of local load is 40kN, the acting area is 0.25 mx 0. 25m; —Heavy type, the maximum take-off weight is 6t, the characteristic value of local load is GOkN, the acting are is 0.30m x0. 30m, Coefficient for combination value of loads, the 0.7 shall be taken, coefficient for frequent value, the 0.6 shall be taken, coefficient for quasi-permanent value,,the 0 shall be taken. 4.4 Ash Load on Roofings 4.4.1 When in the design of industey plants and their adjacent buildings, of which a lot of ashes are ejected during the production process of plants, for the roofings of plants. such as mechanical plant, metallurgical plant, cement plant and etc. that are possessed of definite dedusting facilities and guar- anteed clearing-all ash regulations, hence the ash load on the horizontal projection of their rafs shall be adopted respectively in accordance with the Table 4.4.1-1 and 4.4.1-2. Table 4.4.1-1 Ash Load on Roofings Charaseriati value ] (kN?) | i Tomy) Canlliest | Concem | Oiee Item types Wide With wind shield oo | for ut Ne. ve ombiration | Cguent rickt | the wine | the wine] "Mme #2 | value | ate shield | shield Casting workshop for me- 1 |ehanical plant {eupola fur-) G5 | 0.75 | 0.30 nace) | Steelmaking workshop [oxy-| 015 i 0.0 i cxrverir] | | 09 09 0.8 Manganese, chrumium fer- 3 | alloy vodka O75 | 1.00 | 0.20 Silicon, olism, feroallay 4 oe 0.30 | 0.50 | 0.” | : ie . Note; 1 The equivalent uniform live loats on floors, including the live loads on flours for the calculation of sec- ondary been, cain bean and foundation, can be determined according to the stipulations in Appendix 2 af the Code. 2. Values listed in Appendix Caf the Code can be adopied shen there are ie lack uf data fir ordinary work shops for metals processing, instrument arxi meter manufacturing, semiconductor productian, cation spin sing and wearing, food and grin processing and tire preductions, 4.2.2 For operating loads on floors (including working platforms) in equipeent free aanes of indus- tial buildings, including the self-weight of operators, common tools, fragmentary materials and prod- ucts they all can be considered as a uniforn live load of 2.0 kN/m?, Live loads on staircases in workshops can be adopted according to actual conditions, but cannot _ be less than 3.5 kN/m?, 4.2.3 The coefficients for combination values, the ceefficients for frequent values and the coeffi- cients for quasi-permanent values of the live loads on floors in industrial buildings, besides they are given in the Appendix C of the Code, shall be adopted in accordance with the actual conditions, but in any eases, the coefficients for combination values and far frequent values shall not be less than 0.7, the coefficients for quasi-permanent values shall not be less than 0.6. 4.3 Live Loads on Roofs 4.3.1 Uniform live loads for horizontal projection of roofs on buildings shall be adopted ac- cording to the Table 4.3.1 Uniform live loads on roofs shall nat be combined simultaneously with snow loads. ‘Table 4.3.1 Uniform Live Loads on Roofs whem ‘Characteristic | Coefficient far | Coefficient | Coefficient for we Type vale combination | for frequent | quas-permannent (ene) value ve value ¥e valuey, 1 Unmanned roof 0.7 0s 0 4 2 ‘Manned roof | 0.7 ~ rr Od lL] Root garden| 3.0 0.7 0.6 0.8 Note: 1 The unmanned roof, when the construction or maintenance loads are heavy, that the actual com ditions shall be adopted; the stipolutions of the relevant design cocks shall be adopted for different Structures. it is right to increase or decrease 0.2 KN/m? for characteristic values. 2° “The manned rool, which takes account of other uses. its corresponding live load an floors shall be adopted. 3) The ponding load on the roof. which ix caused due to the impeded drainage, drainage blocked up and ete, the detailing measures for precaution shall be taken; Wf mecessary, its live load on roof ing shall be determined by the possible depth of ponding. 4 The five load for root garden is not incloding the self-weight of soil, stone, materials in the Bower nursery and ete. 4.3.2 Helicopter park loud on the roof, which is considered as the local load, shall be taken in ac- 13 When the height difference of multilevel roofs is twice the height difference of the roofs, but is not greater than 6m within th distribution width, the increasing coefficient 2.0 will be taken. When at gutters on roofs are not greater than 3m within the distribution width, the increasing coef ficient 1.4 willl be taken. 4.4.3 Ash load shall be considered simultanaously with the larger one of the snow load or the live load of unmanned! sof. 4.5 Construction and Maintenance Loads, and Horizontal Load on Railings 4.5.1 When designing the roof slabs, purlins, reinforced concrete eaves, canopies and pre- cast beams, that the concentrated load 1.0 kIN (self-weights of workers and small tools) of con- struction or maintenance shall be taken and the checking calculation shall be carried out at the most unfavourable locations. Note: | When comtruction loads for the light or the widened structural members may exceed the above mentioned load. the checking calculation shall be carried out according to the actual conditions, or ‘the temporary fucilities, such a bearing plates, supports and ete. . shall be adopied to sustain te ‘vas . 2) When calculating the load-bearing capacity of caves and canopies. a concentrated Load shall be tak- en at interval of 1.0m along the plate width; when checking calculation for the overtuming of eaves, canopies, a concentrated load shall be taken ut interval of 2.5 ~ 3.00 akong the plate width. 4.5.2 The horizontal load on the top of railings for staircase, stands, balconies, manned roofs, and etc., shall be adopted according te the stipulations as follows; 1 For dwelling houses, hostels, office buildings, hotels, hospitals, nurseries and kingdergartens, 0.5 kN/m? shall be taken. 2 For schools, canteens, theaters, cinemas, stations, halls, exhibition buildings and sta- diums, 1.0kN/r? shall be taken. 4.5.3 When the combination for quasi-permancnt loads is adopted, that the construction load, the maintenance lond and the horizontal lacs on railing can be neglected. 4.6 Dynamic Coefficient 4.6.1 The dynamic calculation for the design of building structures, when the ample evidence can be obtained, that the static calculation, which is expressed the self-weight of heavy articles or equipment multiplied by the dynamic coefficients, can be used instead . 4.6.2 The values of 1.1 ~ 1.3 can be adopted as the dynamic coefficients for transporting, loading or unloading heavy goods, as well as starting or stopping vehicles; their dynamic load is transmitting to the floors and beams only. 4.6.3. ‘The helicopter Inad on the raf shall also be multiplied by the dynamic eoefficients, the value of 1.4 can be taken for the helicopter with hydraulic pressure type landing grary its dynamic loud is transmitting to the floors and bears only Characteristic value Workshops with ssh source i ceenent plant (kil howe, | 1 | swindling, house, combined stowe| 1.00 ‘howe, dying, house, enshing house) Workshops without ash’ source in cement plant (air ig [fmpreHor station, machi) 9) repair workshop, materials) * station) | Gent | Getiien | OnE for for ae combination | frequent _ value Ye] eee de | 08 os 09 | | | | | —__1___l. Note: Untifsem aah toads lister! in the Table are applicable only for rouls with the slope a = 25"; when a a45, the ash load can be ignored; when 25° NNow-unifarm distbution 0.3, taking ya =0.3; efficients, for the mountain peak taking 3.2, for the mountain slope: taking 1.4; Where tga 7 Wind Load 7.1 Characteristic Value of Wind Load and Reference Wind Pressure y; 7.1.1 Characteristic value of wind load vertical to building surfaces shall be calculated in ac- cordance with the following equation: 1 When in the design of principal load-bearing structures 1 we = Beat.wo (LL » Where, -——characteristic value of wind load (kN/m*) ; 8, —dynamic effect factor of wind at a height of 2; és —shape factor of wind load; H,—exposure factor for wind pressure; Wy —reference wind pressure (kN/m!); 2 When in the design of fencing structures Wa = Ber suewo (TL 1-2) Where f,,—gust factor at a height of z . 7.1.2 A 50-year mean recurrence interval for wind pressure given in the Appendix D.4 At- tached Table D.4 of the Code shall be adopted as the reference wind pressure, but it shall not be Jess than 0.3 kN/m*, ‘The reference wind pressures, which are adopted for the high buildings, the high-rise Structures and the other structures sensitive to wind load, shall be raised appropriately, and shall be specified in the relevant design codes. 7.1.3) When the value for reference wind pressure of a city or a constniction site is not given on the Distribution Diagram of the Reference wind Pressure for Nation-Wide, the value for reference wind pressure can be determined on the basis of the dats for annual maximum wind velocity in the locality, ‘through the statistical analysis according to the definition of reference wind pressure, and the influence for the amount of sample data shall be considered (see also the Appendix D). When the data of wind velocity are without in the locality, hence, they can be determined on the basis of the specified refer- ence wind pressure or the data over a long period of time for the adjacent regions, through the contrast analysis with the meteological phenomena and topography conditions; also they can be determined ap- proximately by the Distribution Diagram of the Reference Wind Pressure for Nation-Wide in the Ap- pendix D (Attached Fig D.5.3) of the Code. 7.1.4) The values of 0.6, 0.4 and 0 can be taken as the coetfici value and quasi-permunent value of wind loud respectively. ats for combination value, Frequent 7.2 Exposure Factor for Wind Pressure 7.2.1 For the smooth terrain or the slightly rising and falling topography, that the expasure factor for B Table 7.3.1 Shape Factor of Wind Load [teem to ‘Tyra ‘Shapes. and shape factors 414 — a | ms Enclosed denle | 7 nos e | o 1 pitched roof on wr | +0.2 the per +08 For medium values, calculated by interpalation =, 3, 3 z « Bs =a Enclosed double 2.5H, taking » =2.5H, A |W} Fig-7.2.2 Sketch ep for reuntain pesk and mauntain slope For the other parts of the mountain peak and the mountain slope can acord with the Eig.7.2.2, "the value I can be taken for the adjustment coefficients 74. Jc» then the adjustment coefficients be- tween AB and BC can be determined by the linear interpolation value of 2° The closed terrain between the mountains, such as basin, valley and ete, 90.75 ~0.85; The mountain valley pass, the mountain pass identical with wind direction, p= 1.20~1,50, 7.2.3 For the buildings or structural constructions on the offshore sea surface, islands, besides the ‘exposure factor for wind pressure can be determined by the category A terrain moaghness according to the Table 7.2.1, that the adjustment coefficients given in the Table 7.2.3 shall still be considered . ‘Table 7.2.3 Adjustment coefficients 9 for offshore sta surfaces, islands Distance ffoen seashore (km) | 7 <40 f a-0 : 100 7.3 Shape Factor of Wind Load 7.3.1. ‘The shape factor of wind load for a bui cording to the following stipulations 1) When the shape of a building or a structural construction is same as the shape chown in the Table 7.3.1, that the stipulations of the Table 7.3.1 can be adopteds 2) When the shape of building or a structural construction is not same as the shape shown in the Table 7.3.1, that the relevant materials can be referenced; 3) When the shape of a building or a structural construction is not oaly different with the shape shown in the Table 7.3.1, but also in lack of reference materials, then their shape factor may be de= termined by the wind tunnel test: 4° The shape factors for the important and the complicated shaped buildings or structural can- structions shall be determined by the wind tunnel test. ‘or a structural construction can be adopted ac~ 2 ((Contiqued) tem No. Types Enclosed double pitches ref with skylight, a pert roof Learned om cme side off main house Enclosed double: pitehod sex with skylight, two pet os learsod on: both sides of main house Enclowes triple span dauble pitebesd roof swith uneaal span and cane height and with skylight in endlle spar “The 2, of windward pitch, the values given in lem No.2 muy be adopted, od the jt of the upper part of wiedward wall for the middle span ean be de teamed by the formula given below: pg =0,6(1—2h,/h) When Ay = hi, taking 2241 = ~0.6 Ereloaed double span double pitched cools with skylight “The jo, of winewand skylight foe on the second span, the values os follows may be adopted: When adh, taking 1, When a s4h, tabing 2, Enelosed double patched roof with parapet wall When the parapet wall is not so high, the roof shape factor of the roof without paropet can be adopted! 2B ‘Types ( Coetinued) Shapes and shape facies 2, Enclosed high-low double pitched roof double pitched ool with skylight ‘The 1, listed herein may be adopted for arches! roof with skylight double span double pitched * ~ 3-0 ™ 4 ‘The y, of windward pitch, the values given in the Tem No.2 may be double span double pitched root with: lanequal span sane unequal Enclosed triple span double Pitched root with uneqqual span and ‘The 1, of windward pitch, the values given ia tiem Na,2 may be adopted, and the jt, of the upper part of winelwand well foe the micklle span can be de- termined by the formula given below; 61 = 2h, 7A) 0.6 a7 (Conta) [ tem No Types Shapes are shape Factors py Enelosed hed oad 0 ite saith skylight and wind shield a double pitched roofs with skylights red wind shield Enc 2 laced tp tt savtouh raf! ‘The j«, of windward pitch, the values given in Item No.2 may be adapted. When the number of tooth faces are incremed or decreased, it can be eveely regulated within three sections of (1).(2)and (3). "The of the sleight face may be aulopted as Fallens: When wxth, 4.20.2 When a> 4h, 1.20.6 (Continued) Shapes and shape facioes yey Enclosed double itched moat with campy ka) ‘ a — os ga Ode cos The jt, of windward pitch, the values given in Item No.2 may be adopted Opposite: to enclosed double pitched roofs with canipy on each rool (— 4-03 i = 5 FoF ‘The figure ia applicable to the coemltioes in which the: + is $= 20k, the 2, | of windsaurd pitch, the values jgven ie Mem No.2 may be adoyded Enelosed dowble pitched rood ar arched roof! wth sunken skylight double spas, daub piteboct rool or arched roof with sunken skylights ‘tem No. ‘Types Shapes and shape factoes p25 ts) Co og Hebel 3 “a Double pitched =15 6 roof with one | sade open ' Tr For the ys, of windwant pitch, the values given in Kem No. 2 may be adopted ny ea aos, i i a) with gable walls in two ends (15) open in four sides _ ‘Shape factor o Ha He | Lm 121. pieces et!) ‘cenveat hollow brick 96 300mm x 250hmen x 16th (83: pieces! wi) steam pressed fly ath brick 14.0- 16.0 | dey weight deproe ‘ceramaite hallow block 5.0 length 600, 400mm. wielth 130, 230mm, depth 250, 200mm 6.0 390m x 290mm x 15M Ay ah light-cinder hollow block 7.0-8.0 | 390mm 3 150mm «150mm, 390mm «240mm x | 190mm steam pressed fly ash acmconcrete| 5.3 block : eancrete hollow small block 18 390mm 5 150mm 5 190mm cerushed brick 2 piled ‘cement decorative: brick 18 ‘20mm & 20Qeun « 24eun( 1042 pieces’ a) elaced brick m8 150mm x LS0em x Bmin( $556 pieces’ m?) | _ menue O.12KN/o® | Sen thickness 6. Lime, cement, mortar and concrete kN/ mt) quicklime block W quickline powder boo laked lime plaster 13.5 Time mortar, mixed mortar mv cement, lime and coke-cinder mortar 4 lime cinder lo~12 ‘cement cinder 12-4 (Continued) Name of materials | Self-weighn | Remarks 4.Sail, sand, gravel, rock KN? um) urs ” 15-16 [chy Pe APhumid, $= 35%; wery humid, # = 25° clay 13.8 dy, loose, void-mtio © 1.0 chy 6 dry, #= 40", compacted ciny a humid, # = 35°, compacted clay 20 very humid, # = 25°, compacted sandy sl 12.2 dry, lowe sandy sail 16 dry, $= 35°, compacted snes 18 humid, $9 35°, compacted sony sil 20 vey humid, #25, exmpacted ‘anny sail 4 by, fine sand sand sil ” dey, fine sane pred 16-18 | aby clay mixed with gavel 18 | dey, tease j send acixed with gravel 15—17) | dry, loose sand nixed with youve 16-19.2 | dey, compacted soon mixed with gavel 18.9~ 19.2 | fami : pumice 6~8 dey pice Giller 46 | sand: stone: Bo shale B shale 14.8 piled chips sare stone 4 #20 pranite, marble 2B pasite 15.4 piled chipa ; limestone ee limestone 15.2 poled chips shelly limestce 4 shdomte 16 piled chips, = 48 isle m1 ‘iw 38.2 mica 7.6 basalt 5 feldaper 25.5 homblende, chlorite 20 homblende, chlorite m1 Filed chips enushed sone Wis | piled rock flour 6 layish or calcareous porous. clay 5-8 used for filler, $ © 35° dire filles 466 disbase plate 9.5 47 Pipe) asphalt slag wool 12-16 50 | tet condurivity 0.041—0.052 [WH{en-K}] Nasae of materials Sell wesght _ 7. Asphalt, coal ash and oil KN a} ‘anthracite 15.5 integral port anthracite 95 piled with lamp, # = 0 anthracite a piled with broken pieces, # = 35° cov power 7 piled, # = 13" (ogg shag) Leiquet 10 piled brown coal 12.8 brown coal 7-8 piled peat 1s peat 3.2—4.2 | piled chara! 3-5 coal tar R coal tar 7 piled, # = 45° coke cinder 10 cal ash 6.5 eval ash 8 compactest eraphite 2.8 con) war 9 cil wax 9.6 ‘crude oil ( petrofeum } 5.8 keresene a koresene 12 barrelled relative deraity 0.82 = 0.89 lubricating eal 14 line Ca peoline 6.4 | bamelled, relaive density 0.72 ~ 0.76 animal oil, vegetable: sil a3 _soyuebean oil | 3 barrelled, in iran tank, 360% per take 8. Miseellaneoust KIN mn?) ‘ordinary piss | 36 steelwnire plas 26 foam glass 365 plas wool OS-1 wed for insulation filler rock wool O.5-2.5 asphalt glass woo! 08-1 heat conductivity (085 ~0.087[ 8 (m= K)] glass wool board (pipe sleeve) 11.5 | heat conductivity 0.065 ~ 0.0471 W/ (mK) ] lass fiber reinforced plastic 4-2 slag wool 1.2- 1.5) | loosened, heat eorductivity 0.081 ~ 0.0 (18/(m+K)] slag, wool products (bow, brick, Bond heat conductivity 0.087 ~ 0.07 (W(m-K)] ( Comtimed) L Name of eutectls [_Seteweigte ‘Remarks 6. Lime, sement,artar ars coperete( kN!) line coke-cineer emrtar 3 - lime-eamth mixture 1S lime! earth = 3°7, rammed fiee siraw-lime mad 16 paper steprlime anad 16 Kime savdist nisture 34 Time sanadust = 1:3 lime triple mixed soil 3 Aime sand, gravel cement 12.5 Hight loose, $= 20" cement 5 in balk, $e 3° ‘coment 6 in bag and compacted, # = 40° slag cement 14. coment ostar 2» eement vermiculite mortar 5-8 ssbesten-cement plscer 19 expanded pearlite mortar 7-18 sum moar n crmshed brick cancrete 18.5 plain conerete nom vibrocast o¢ not vibrocast slag concrete 0 ccxker-cinder concrete 6-17 used far losd- bearing coker-cinder concrete W~ 14 used foe filler iva filings concrete 28 ~ 65 pemeconcnete 14 asphalt concrete | 20 on-sane! macropoeta comoret: foam concrete scroconcrete single back lime fly ssh aerennerete 6.0~6.5 steel reinforced concrete 4-25 enwhed brick steel 20 reinforced cuncrete wite-meth cement 25 wed for load-bearing siuoture sodium sibieste acid resisting concrete | 20~23.5 Ay sah ceramsite concrete Lows | . T.Agphalt, coal ash and ail(KNS a?) petal asphalt 1011 | according to relative dormity ue 2 coal asphalt 13.4 cal-tar 10 _J (Contra!) Name of materials Selfowcighn Remarks 9, Foodstuff kN) flowr 7 com 7.8 fee nillet, sorghum (onlin) 1 in bulk rellet, sorghum (keodianz) pockagesd sesame 4s paackagest fresh fruit 35 jin bale fieah fruit 3 boxed pean (groan) 2 packaged, with shell tim (can) 45 boxed vine, soy, vegetable oil and vinegne 4 bot, boned bean cake 9 packed i iund form 28k per piece mineral salts w in pieces, salt 8.6 fine grain in bull salt al packaged granulated sugar 1S in bulk gpunadaed mug 7 prckagest 10, Mawonry( kN! 1) os Tine square stone 4 (pesiie, square tones | rmoriared fine scusce sone 25.6 lime se0ne rmoriared fie square stone na sand-stone rmorared square rubble a8 granite, upper and liwer faces approximately even andl smo mmortared square rubble | Lime stow mortared square rubble 0.8 aand-sinne Ii dry rubble 0.8 unite upper and lower faces appepimately even snd smocth laid dey cube » lime stone lid. dry rabble 16 sandstone ‘mortared ordinary brick 18 rmortured machining brick 9 wwortared clinker 2 mortared fire-beick 2 montared slag beick 2 smortared coke-cinder brick 125-14 ‘sclobe brick masonry 16 clay brick cavity wall musoery 7 filled with debris, one ft andl ose sure! clay brick cavity wall masonry B all stunt clay brick cavity wall sony 12.5 en load-bearing clay brick cavity wall masonry 15 Jowd-bearing, fly-ash foun block mason=y 88.5 | yank: casbide alae: waste gypaum = 74:22: triple mixed soil) 7 fame? sane: soa = 1:1:9~ Le 52 (Coetismed) Name of materials Self-weight I Remaries: 8. MiaceBlanecus( KINA i) ‘expanded pearlite ponder O.8~2.5 | dey. loosened, eat conductivity 0, 052 — 0. 076| [Wm] ‘cement pearkite products, hydemphobic | 3.5-4 | sireryth NY mm? best conductivity 0.058 ~ 0.081 pesstiny pruduces: (Wem K)] expanded vermiculite O.8-2 [heat combctivity 0,082 ~0.00 [/(m-K)] asphalt vermiculite products 35-45 heat conductivity 0.81 ~ 0.006 [Wi/(m>K)] cement vermiculite products 466 hem conchutivity 0.058 ~0.14 [W/(enK)] ‘polyvinyl chloride panel { pipe) 13.6-16 polystyrene foam plastics heat conciuctiviry not greater than (1.0950 W/mK] ashesins bard remisture content mt renter than’ % ‘eelsified asphalt soft rubber white phosphorus 18.3 colaphany 10.7 mmaget a alcobul 7.85 100% pure aloha 6.6 barreled, lative density 0.79 ~ 0,82 byctrochlorie: ariel nm concentration 40% nite ciel 15.1 ‘concentration 9156 sulphuric acid 9 ccancenerstion 87% caustic sod W ‘concentration 60% ammonia chloride 15 in bag, pile! wea 7S | in bag, piled ammonia bicarbaeie 8 in bag. piled ‘waler 10 at tempersture 470 when devaity is maximum ice 5.56 books 3 aored on shelves. gazed printing paper iy newspaper 7 Xuan paper 4 coon, come yam. 4 compacted, averaged weight nice sirew L2 ce is _| 9, Fines Neri) pally 6 | #eas rice as in bull beara 73-8 | #sar beans | 68 packaged wheat 8 pom" S1 (Coosinued) Name of materials ‘Sel weight ‘Remarks: 13. Ron kN ut) _ slate rol on 9 Sm thickness ‘slate root 0.96 12. erm thickness: seheat-serne- rd rot 0.16 calculated based on \Onen thickamss sssreston boar! tile 0.18 sel-weight of the tile only comugated ashestos shingle o2 1820men 725mm x Sm galvanised sheet im 0.05 No.24 ccornugated iro 0.08 No.26 coloured sieel sheeting comugated tle | 0.12~0.13 | 0,6eun thickness coloured stec! sheeting archy coloured stoc! sheeting roofing o3 including the weights of thermal insulation and lamps} 1.SkN/ on? organic glass mofing, 0.06 1.0mm thickness dazed rool 03 9 Smum galvanized wire glass, including the self-weight| cof frome laws brick roof 0.85 including, sell-woight of the frame asphalt felt waterproof layer (including | 0.05 | om layer of felt. tw coats of oil altered asphalt ‘waterprod rall rofing} 0.25~0.3 | four layers, one layer af felt, ne coats of oil, pebbled! on surface 0.3~0.35 six layers, two layers of felt, three coats of ail, peb- bled on surface 0.35-0.4 | eight Layers, three Layers of felt, four ents of oil. peb= bles! on surface etok waterpecaf layer ot Son thickness skylight on roof 0.35-0.4 | 9.4mm galvanized wire glass, including self-weight the frame 14. Ceilings kN/m?) plastered steel wice-reah 0.45 suspended ceiling hemep plastered lath ceiling | 04s inchuding hanging wood, average thickness af | 20mm ‘sand plastered lah cx 0.55 including hanging wal. average thickness of 25mm ceed matting plastered cing 0.48 including hanging, wood joist lave board ceiling 0.25 including hanging wood three-ply board ceiling 0.18 ineluding hanging, wood straw board ceiling including hanging wood and joints strips. ‘wood wool slab ceiling strips (Contirmed) Name of materials ‘Self-weight ‘Remarks U1. Particion walls and wall surfasces( KMé ra?) double facing lath and plaster partition ag pltstered thickness 16~ 24mm at each face, including] te joints single facing bath and plaster partition O35 plastered thickness [6 ~ 24mm, inehucling the jaises (Cotype light steel joist partition 0.27 bro layers 12mm paper-covered gypaaim boards, witht ‘nsalaing, layer 0.32 ‘two layers [2un paper-covered gypaum boards, filled| ‘with rock wool insulating board 50mm 0.38 theee layers [2enm paper-covered gypsum board, with-| out insulating, layer 043 three Inyers [2mm paper-coveced gypsum boards, lled| with rack woo! insubsting board $m 0.49 four layers 12mm puper-covered gypeum board, with-| out insulating layer 0.54 four layers 12mm paper-rovered gypsum boards, filled| with rock woo! insulating, board Oram sticky glazed brick wall surface 0.5 25mm thickness, including cement mortar base ‘cement rendeving wall surface 0.36 ‘20mm thickness, cement coarse sand eerazza wall surface 0,553 | 2Smm thickness, including base eater scrubbed stone wall sufice =O. 25mm thickness, inchuding base lime course sand rendering, Os 20mm thickness artificial cut sione wall surfsce external wall siveen surface: 0.5 0.7 25men thickness, including base including 25mm thickness cement mortar bane 12. Rol trusses, dooes andl windows ( kN/m?} [0.07 +.0.0071) calculated scoording: tthe area of horizonnl roof pr-| jection, span tis memsured in meter steel of tresses (0.12+0.0111] without skylight, including bao, calculated accond-| Jing to the aren of horizontal rool pmjection. span i ia mesoured in meter wood framed gles windows. 0.2-0.3 ‘cel framed glass winduws. 0.40.45 wood doors O.1-0.2 sive! doves 0.4 ~0.45 13. Roof kav) clay plaintiled roof 0.35 calculated accoriing to actual ares, the seme as below ‘cement plain-tiled mot 0.50.55 cmunsion tiled rou 09-11 simplified Chinese minsion tiled roof | 0.5 (leng-tan-wai) slave rool 0.46 6.3mm thickness L_slwe roof 00 GG Seem thickness (Continued ) Name of materials Selb weight | Remarks ~polourd ied sheeting metal curtain | wall plate metal eat insulation (polyurethane) compand plare ‘uueriall colowed steel sheeting Gilling with polystyrene thermal insulation plate coloured steel sheetinyg with rock-wool ore plate GRC aenghoned cement polyphery] ‘compound thermal insulation plate GRC hollow partition wall plate ‘GRC inside partition wall plae light GRC thermal insulation plate light GRC hollow pastition wall plate light large-scale wall plate (imamental plate series) light strip-type wall plete (Simamental plate serie) thickness 8mm thickness 100mm: thickness 120un GRE wall plate steel mesh Filling with mck wool com- pound plate (GY plate) siliewe of ime plate Tai-bai plate ‘honeycomb compound plate gypsum pearlite hallow stip plate strengthened cement eypstun pelyphenyt thermal ingulation plate glee curtain wall 56 17 Buallding wall platea( kN?) Ol oO Os 0.16 0.12~0, on 0.25 03 0.35 0.4 O17 0.7~0. 0.45 0.50 OL La 0.08 0.10 O12 0.95 O14 0.45 0.17 1.0-1 ‘wo layers, coloured steel shoating thickness 0. Gmm, | polystyrene core material thickness 251mm plate thickness 40mm, steel sheeting thickness 0.6mm plate thickness 60mm, steel sheeting, thickness (Gun plate thickness BOmm, stecl sheeting, thickness (mn two layers, colaured stee! sheeting thickness O. 6mm, polystyrene core material plate thickness $0 ~ 240mm plate thickness 100mm, ten layers of enloured steel sheeting, Z-type keel reck-wool core material plate thickness 12fhem, two layers of coloured steel shooting, Zerype kee! mck-woal core material length 2400 — 2300mm, width 600mm, thickness | ‘mem length 2400 ~ 290m, width 600mm, thickness 60mm, 300.knen x 600run > 60m 00m x 600mm x 60mm 000m x 500mm x 120mm, high-strength cement] foaming core maverisl Unified standards 3000m x 1000 ( 1200, 1500) mj high-strengghened cemena foaming core rterial ‘core material, providing differen steel skeleton and| cold drawn steel mesh according. silferent spacing of| ppurlin are, loads 9 thickness 1mm rack wool com material thickness SOmmn, double sur- ce steel mesh cement mortar thickness 25ras each plate thickness Gram plate thickness Bam plate thickness. 10mm plate thickness 100mm, steel mesh filling wath polyseyreze thermal insulation layer, each surface plaster ing cemeet mortar thickness 20mm, thickness 7S length 2500 - 3000 widih 600m, thickness Oram 3000 cn > 600ene 6am, 5 | gonmrully, it cam be adopted in accordance with enlarg- ing the 209% ~ 20% self-weight per unit area of glans | (Contitmaee) Nace of materials Seltweight | Remarks 14. Ceilings ( kN a?) sounc-insulation paper sheeting ceiling | 017 10mm thickness, including hanging wood and joints sirips ‘scund-insulation paper sheeting ceiling | 0.18 13min thickness, including hanging wood aed joins stripe sounchinadation paper sheeting ceiling, 0.2 ew thickness, inchading hang wood and joint strips Verype light steel joist suspened ceiling | 0.12 one layer of Stam paper-coveres! gypsum board, with fnsulating layer 0.17 two layers. of Smm papes-cowered gypmum bound, with} SOmm thickness mck wool board insulating layer 0.20 ‘0 layers of Sum paper-covered spam board, with- out insulating Layer 0.25 two layers of Sm paper-covered sypeum bond, with ‘S0eun thickness mck wool board insulating layer Wetype light steel joist and aluminum | .1~0.12 | ome layer of 1mm thickness minem! wool sound abe alloy joist ceiling socbing bourd, without insulating layer spreading with coke-cinder agsl sawdust 0.2 Stimm thickness, cokecinder and sawdust mised at a iroulation layer on ceiling rio of 125 L 15. Floaring( kN? a} floor board grllage 0.2 self-weight of grillage only hahecod! floor baad 0.2 25mm thickness, including self-weight of scissors bridging, nails, etc. , excluding the selfweight of grillage| plow Boor board 0.18 small ceric tile aoring 0.55 including cement coarse sure base cement omamental tile Booting 0.6 tile thickness 25mm, including cement conse sand base terse Morin, 0.68 rman covering, 20mm cement moar base linoleum 0,02~0.03 | linoleum paper, used for surface of feoring, vwood black flooring 07 scdditive paving 76mm thickness carwsion preventive fretice snagnesite Boring, 0.28 2mm thickness cast-iron Booring 4-5 ‘60mm thick crushed sone base, Oram coresing: clinker Doering 1.7~2.1 | 60mm sand bese, 53mm covering, fat-paved clinker ooring 3.3 ‘60m sane base, 11Siwa covering, side-paved black tile flooeing, Ls sand hase, fat-paved 16, Extruded shape stec! plate use in buildings N/m?) single-vanve type ¥-300 ($-30) 0.12 ‘wave height 173mm, plate thickness 0. nm ouble-wave type W-550 on ‘wave height 130m, plote thickness 0. Seu triple-teave type V-200 0.135 ‘wave height TOeam, plate thicksvess 1 mm rmutiple-wive type V-125 0.065 wave height 35mm, plate thickness 0. nm rmultiple-suve type V: 079 ‘wave height 35mm, plate thickness 0). Genm 55 b= Fh, 40.73 (B.0.5-3) 2 3 (2)When b., < bigs by > 2-20, bustle b= by (B.0.5-4) Where {—span of slabs bz——caleulated width for acting. plane of the load parallel to the span of slabs byy-——ealoulated width for acting plane of the Inad perpendicular to the span of slabs and bu = be +2544 by = by #254 A Where 5, —width for acting plane of the load parullel to the span of slab: By———width for acting plane of the load perpendicular to the span of slabs s——thickness of the bedding courses h—thickness of slab. Fig B.0.5:1 Ellective distribution width of bo- ‘eal load on simply supported slab Cube long sick Fig B.0.5-2 Effective distriwstion widkh of Incal toad on for acting plane of the load is parallel 1 the simply supported slab Cthe long, side for acting plane of the span of lab) load is perpendicular to the span of slab) 3°) When the local loud is acting near the non-supported side of the slab, i.e. d< 6/2 (Fig. B.0.5-1) ,the effective distribution width of the load shall be reduced, and can be calculated according to the following equation: (B.0.5-5) Where b'——reduced effective distribution widths d—distance from the center of load acting plane to the non-supported side. 4 When two local loarls are adjacent, but ¢ <6, the effective distribution width of the loads shall be reduced, and they can be calculated according to the following equation( Fig. B.0.5-3): re bye veges (B.0.5-6) Where e—distance between the centers of two adjacent local loads. 5 ‘The effective distribution width of local load on cantilever slabs (Fig.5.0.5-4) is: 58 Appendix B Determination Method of Equivalent Uniform Live Loads on Floors B.0.1 Equivalent uniform live loads on floors (slab, secondary beam and main beam) shall be de- termined on the basis of needs in aecomlance with the equivalent value requirements for intemal forces “(such os bending moment, shearing foroe, and etc.), deformations and cracks at the control portion of design. Generally, however, they can be determined by the equivalent value of intemal force only, B.0.2 Equivalent uniform live loads on continuous beam, slab, can be calculated in accordance with single span and simply supported. However, when calculating internal forces, they shall still be considered 8 continuity . B.0.3 When the difference in live loads on floors is relatively large due to differences from the wa- nufacture, the overhaul, the technology of installation or the arrangement of structure, hence, the floor shall be divided into several areas to detennine equivalent uniform live loads separately . B.0.4 Equivalent uniform live load for local load ( including concentrated load) on one-way slab, Ger should be calculated according to the following equation: BM yay 7 (B.0.4) Ge Where 1 —span of slabs $—ellective distribution width of loads on slab, which can be determined in accordance with B.0,5 of this Appendix. Myaz——absolute maximum bending moment of simply supported one-way slab, which shall be determined in accordance with the most unfavourable arrangement of equiptment. When calculating Moa» equipment load shall be multiplied by the dynamic coefficient, and the bending moment, which is caused by the operation load on the area in span of slab occupied by the e- quipments, shall be deducted 0.5 The effective distribution width & of local load on one-way slab can be calculated in aceor- » dance with the following stipulations: 1 When the long side for acting plane of the local load is parallel to the span of slab, the effec- tive distribution width & of the load on simply supported slab is: (Fig.B.0.5-1) (1) When b= bys by eO.6l, buts b= by +071 (B.0.5-1) (2) When buy 3 Bays 0.61 € Boys bee l e 5 = 0.6), + 0.94 (B.0.5-2) 2 When the long side for acting plane of the loud is perpendicular to the span of slaly, the ef- fective distribution width & of the load on simply supported slab is: (Fig. B.0.5-2) (When bay < bey bey e220, base ls Appendix C Live Loads on Floors in Industrial Buildings C.0.1 The equivalent uniform live loads on floors in ordinary workshops for the metal working, the instrument and meter manufacturing the semiconductor production, the cottan milling, the preparatory of tire plant and the grain processing, may be adopted as the values listed in Tables C.0.1 ~ €.0.6 respectively . ‘Table C.0.1. Uniform Live Loads on Floors for Metal Working Workshop [M.W.W) Charmeterstic value (NA?) ‘Coedfiient | Conic | Coelficient ‘Sh Seexnlay beans) | te | ta | frm | meme oem - ia Lmbiation| Grape | permanent | PO sem | smn | sping | spacing | beam [lun | values | sales 9 site | e20m | plim | 220m cM. ww) MI080, 2354 CWOIBO, XSIK, 1a | 0.95 | os | xesw. Beso, I Ro | Oo 40 10.0 A Chl6d, XSZK, 18.0 no 20 goa | 3.0] Lo | os | os | Xeaw, Bé080, (M0. MLO50A, 73040 oy} sw 0 Mipan, 73025 | 6140, XSIK, 16.0 10.0 0.0 so [70] Lo |) 095 | os | xerwW, Esso, | 06132, X50A, 20 4.0 ao | 60 | 50) to | o9s | 0.85 | xeowW. Beas-1, MIDIO, 22K Note: Lams ised inthis table are applicable ww Moor siuctures wth he ene-way supper, cast-in alike and brew. ‘well asthe precast chanel sla can eho. Span of alah listed in tha table denctes the spacing for logins il of chan wl da, 2 Th self wigbe of psiion walls and hanging eins are at Inculest im th Ia Usted ae ile. 1 The equipment (including dymunic effect) and operaizen bids, ceder inwtaHation, overhsul une noma sevice conditions free cen considered it the Los std inthe table 4 When desing he walla, coum and fruedsions, he sume wales fr the desig of wan ass Listed in thin tube cm be sedogsed sa the five loads on flsars, ‘Table C.0.2 Uniform Live Loads on Floors for Instrument and Meter Manufacturing Workshop 5 —- —— Charscsiale wl (RNY?) | cate] ame of hb foe qui secondary) Main joandinatoe, Remarks ‘wortahops oan a feat beats [eons pe sakes | Sabon ay elm! s20m| " _ _ _ ral works | 7 Optical pescessing | 7.0 40 | oa or |r i, so | 30 | ao] os 5 ‘x05 ‘ soa" Gat, aw pling | aki (312 bs by 2x (B.0.5-7) Where 2——-distance between the center for acting plane of the local nad and the support. Fig. 8.01, 5-4 Eifeetive Fig.B.0.3-3. Effective distribution width of distribution width of local ‘two ardjaceet Joel fase load! on cantilever slab B.0.6 ‘The equivalent uniform load of two-way slabs can be obtained according to the same peinci- ples for one-way slabs, and can be determined by the equivalent value of the absolute largest bending moment of a slab which is simply supported on four sides, B.0.7 ‘The equivalent uniform live low! of the bending moment and the shearing force for local loads Pf soondary beams (including the longitudinal rib of channl slab), shall be calculated respectively, , Becording to the following equations, and herein the larger value shall be takes: gu = (B.0.7-1) qv = (B.0.7-2) Where s——spacing of secondary beams; i—span of secondary beam; May and Vyg—the absolute largest bending moment and shearing force of simply supported sec- ondary beam, which are determined by the most unfavorable arrangment of the ¢= quipment. {In additon to local load directly acting on the secondary beam, when the secondary beam is con sidered a8 a simply supported beam for calculating the value of M,... and Vig, furthermore, the live load transmitted from adjacent slabs ( herein, the dynamic effects of equipment load shall be consid ered und the operation loads on the area occupied by equipment shall be deducted), as well as, the unloading effect of adjarent secondary beams on both sides shall he considered. B.0.8 When the distribution of loars is rather uniform, the equivalent uniform live loads on the main beam can be determined by the sum total loacks divided by the overall load-bearing area. B.0.9 In general, the equivalent unifor live loads on columns, foundations can be taken the same value as those far the main beam 39 ‘Table C.0.4 Uniform Live Loads on Floors for Cotton Milling Warleshop Character value (kia?) ] sunny an Condi | Coedicnt | Gc Ne Naame a Skah fe foe | fae quis | Repersernaive os a ed | spn sp van ji | ren | al 2m 392,00 0 I 8.0 FAD01 208 1 | Canting bg — | 15.0 | 10.0 FARIIA a0 | 60 | 60 PAMDL AISA. 2 | Come yum so aa! | men dow | 45.03) (10.00 | (8.0) | TORMSSA | | | 08 oa ar 60 | FANS 306 SOTA 3 (0.9) 3.0 5.0 5.0 | 4.0 GADIS OLS ESPERO | ATMS, 721 762 ‘Twisting chap, | 4 tao 6.0 6.0 5.0 | 4.0 20-180 Winping shop | | | too. 150 . ‘Weaving stop ‘Shatle boom Ins] 645 63 33) 44 EASIS ESD 5 | os | os | ov Sword eat ken | 18.0) 9.0 | a} 6.0 | 4.5 a reo0.200 | SOMET-190 Totes Valuo inthe aces ae applic cn tho Tac le fr the hes pti of are yarn machine wy. Table C.0.5 Uniform Live Loads oa Floors for Preparatory Workshop of Tire Plant ‘Charsetrvistio value (kN/m} (Coefficient coefeiens | Coc : | Smet as | low low ee | Mette workshops Seeumery | Main | cemnbination | Gemquent equipment | spon | spac, | beam) | eum | values | values yy | = | 12m} 2.00] values # | | Procesing an ge | roming a op 1) meer | wo no | 120 0.95 | 0.85 pleation of carton sthahep | ble, | : ((Contirased) Chasusteisie valur (ANZ) Coefficient | Conficient | Coelicieen| tr Nave ol slab tor fir quae a Lseconudary| Min [ean femport | pe Hemarts seem span | gue nt) au values 3m 22m en) veer 98. | values fy | ralues hy Opsical workshop - foal | ra | so | s0 [ao| os | os | 07 Awe of onfinary optical 40 | 40 | 40 [30] oF 07 0.6 hoot thre | 30) $0 | so fo] o8 | os | a7 Avenbiy ectioay) gy | a0 | a0 | a0] or 07 | 6 |. Padute are, sete on sgt wlgeitee | oe | so | sa [aol os | on | on panting int ements (ges) a plain epider } Stocco for werkshop T 1 isstrumms =| 4.0 | 40 | a0 |3.0) 10 | 095 | os saoredense Lagos | 39 | 3a | 30 | 60) 1.0 | 09s | os Notes Sew Note i the Table C.0. ‘Table C.0.3 Uniform Live Loads on Floors for Semiconductor Production Workshop ee Chott wae Cin) eh | _ Carfficiens | Cantficiemt | Contficiers « | ‘Slabs . fn tor te | tegee | OO [Name of workshops Geib) atin | ion spree bran pipe, span | span | spacing | pein values i | luca | loa, 312m) 532.0] 12] 2.0m on 1 wo} so) 60} 60] so] 10 » fe so] 60] 60 / so | 40] 10 J Sects _ device watson — | 3 sa} so] 5.0] 40 [30] 10 40) 40] 3.0} 30 30) Le [Notes See Note in the Table C.0.1 Grarseteritie value (KN ai”) a of Sib Secunuary beam Mas span | sn | span | somcing| we ang) eam 9 2 Sj 3 Bo O32 3 op Fie: pla Fine baller wdrcee =| 7.0] 6.0] 3.0] 5.0] 40] 40) 40 rolling sp Gemeg | 0] 30] 30) 40) 30] 3.0) 3.0 Newe:] it is impossible for the drawing stop wo be fully expaipped with cull rollers, live load! on the enain beam of bos many ber Anker an 10 Kt. 2 Live la for top lowe for hug plane sieves are comet the euipeeet hang, om the beam 3 W vilmaing sieve SXDIU is otc! im tie oleming emp of ioe plant, the equieeen! wnbew live lead may be taker as the value specifi foe the what shop of Sour plant See Note in the Table C2 1 (Contirmed) ‘Characteristic valor (RN/in") | ‘Cortiierent: Gatco | Cats | OME Name of sp | fr be “ rorennitive workshops ~ Sevondary | Main | combinitian | teeqaent | ‘equipment ser | spam | teams) | tam | values | eam ge | meet BL.2m) elm ‘rues | Prcening and king shea mate Prepay 0 a0 80 6.0 Lo O95 0.85 rials, relirang us-| workshop . ha . ing dense ring a chine: —_l|_i_ ‘The Joe of the electric hoist for the inspection and repair of sa vefiesing, machine in not inch, eee skal be contd ‘ered separately in the design Live loads in makings involving pricesing anu ther applietion uf cmbem black are concurrently usaf foe stam wna ‘obo block, Wf the room is mot used at a stuneronm, tbe aise fave merical shall be reshuced ‘See Note im the Table C.D. Table C.0.6 Uniform Live Load om Floors for Grain Processing Workshop T Coeffelcan| Casdfteteen | C=C Kuow of Sab Seceniry beam te | te | gi, | tape wvthabege | Main fcombinstion) frequent “ i spun | gar | span | spacing ewig! team | roca | vale yy | emnent] Pret Rf)» S0| 10m 2 el 9? Say waluet A Flour plant Drewing | IMINO chavo mins | wo] 12.0] 20| 20/20) 20] 2.0 | | | | | | E00 oll me Milling shop | 12.0| 10.0} 9.0 | 10.0/ 9.0 | go] 9.0 wn wae SXOI1_vteaing lout. so}so]40} 5.0) 40] 40] 40 see GEL song ing eaxhine, CRM slo | 0 | o9s | oes _ - Top foe | fortune =| 2.0 | 2.0] 20] 6.0) 6.0] 60] 60 Pion pee | What dewene | 14.0/ 12.0 10.0] 10.0) 9.0 | 9.0 | 9.0 | Wheat cloning op meine 63 —"The meteorological fentures in the larger regian of the locality can be reflected, avoiding the in- uence of local topography and circumstances. 1.2.2 The data materials for the observation of wind velocity shall conform with the requirements. as follows: 1 All recording materials shall be taken from the self-recording anemograph, hence, the former non-self-recorded timely observation materials shall be adapted through the appropriate adjustments. 2 When the difference between the height of anemograph and the stacdard beight 10m may be excessively larger, then the wind velocity at standard height can be converted in accordance with the following equal vent) (D.2.2-1) Where s—actual height of anemograph (m) ; 4; ——-wind velocity observed by ancmograph (m/s); @——efrain roughness index for the open and smooth terrain; Using the cup-type anemogmaph, the adjustments for the influences of temperature, atmospheric pressure on the density of air must be considered, the density of air cun be determined avcording to: the following equation: _ 0.001276. ? = 14 0,00366¢ Where = t——temperature of air (%C); P ¢—vapour pressure (Pa). Also on the basis of the height above sea level 2 (m), the density of air can be estimated approx- imately according to the follewing equation: p = 0.00125" (t/m") (D.2.2-3) ‘When selecting the data of yearly maximum wind velocity, the materials above 25 years shall. be possessed in general, if itis nat satisfied, at least, the materials of wind velocity may not be less than 10 years. Reference wind pressure shall conform with the stipulations of D.3, after the reference wind ve- locity with a 50-year mean recurrence interval vp is calculated, the reference wind pressure shall be de- termined by the following equation: 2) (var) (D.2.2-2) atmospheric pressure (Pa) ; tp = Sod (D.2.2-4) D.3 Statistical Calculation of Snow Pressure and Wind Velocity D.3.1 The extreme type [probability distribution is adopted for the yearly maximum value x of the ‘show pressure and the wind velocity, their distribution function are F(x) = exp|—expl- a(x - «)]) (D.3. 1-1) Where u—location parumeter of distribution, it és the made of distribution; 66 Or Appendix D Determination Method for the Reference Snow Pressure and Wind Pressure D.1 Reference Snow Pressure D.1.1 When defining the snow pressure, its observation site shall have representative character. ‘The representative character of site denotes the contents ss follows: —The topography along observation site is open and smooth terrain; —The distribution of snaw cover keeps uniform; —The place for design project shall be located within the topographic scope of observation site, or they have same topography ‘The special investigation and particular disposal shall be taken for the regions where the local variation for the snow cover is especially big, as well as the mountainous districts are with plateau ta- pogmaphy . D.1.2 Snow pressure denotes the weight of snow on a unit harizoatal area, its measuring unit is kN/ m’. When the stations of meteorological observatory have the records of saow pressure, hence, the reference snow pressure can be calculated by the data of snow pressure directly, when there are no records of snow pressure in the stations of metearological observatory, that the depth of anew cover can be used indireetly to calculate snow pressure according to the following equation : S = Apg (kW/m?) (D.1.2) Where h—depth of snow cer, denotes the vertical depth fiom the surface of snow cover to the ground (m); density of snow cover (t/m?) ; g—acceleration of gravity, 9.8m/s. Accompanying with the variutions of the factors for the depth of snow cover, the covered time of show, as well as, the geographical and meteorological conditions in the locality, and ete. , that, the density of snow may be varied with a larger range, for the meteorological chservatory stations are no di- tect records of snow pressure, which can be calculated by the mean density of snow in districts, The reference snow pressures can be calculated by the stipulated method in D.3. The maximum snow pressure data over the years, that the maximum snow pressure between the July of every year to June of next year can be adopted. D.2 Reference Wind Pressure D.2.1 When defining the wind pressure, its observation site shall has representative character. ‘The representative character of site denotes the contents as follows: —The topography along observation site is open and smooth terrain; D.4 Values of Snow Pressure and Wind Pressure for the Towns, Cities of Nation-wide Attached Table D, 4 Snow Pressure and Wind Pressure During 50-year Mean Recurrence Interval of Nation- wide Cities and Towns Wind pressure (N/m?) | Some pressure (kN?) | Zoning for Thread | Gy, Tow sues oer, _ ; con ames. ary [m=O] n=30) 09400) 9-10] 9-30) «= 10) “ae Beijing ge 1 oa | os | oso | 0.25 | 040 | 0.45 o ‘Tiunjinsihi 33 0.0 | oso | 0. | 025 | 040 | 0.45 T Tene ana 32 | oa | oss | 0m | a2 | 0.35 | 0.40 0 Shahi . _ | 2.8 | oo | 0.55 0.60 [10 | 0.20 | 02s | tl Changing | 259.1 | 0.25 | 0.40 | 0.85 Shijiaahuangi “ws | 02s | 035 | 040 | 0.20 | 0.30 | 0.35 Weisian ws | 0.20 | 0.30 | oss | oo | 0. | 0.35 igi “ye-8 | 0.20) 0.30 | 0.35 | 025) 038 fom) Il “Fongning [0.7 | 0.0 | Tos [os] os Tow) a Weichang B28 | 0.35 0.20 | 0.30 | 0.35 0 “Phangjiakak ma.2 | 0.35 ous | os | 0%) 0 Huila 536.8 | 0.25 0.15 | 0.20 | 0.25 0 | Chengde REZ ‘o30 | 00 | o4s | om | os | oss) Tl abn 4.9 | 0.30 | 0.40 | 043 | 0.25 | 0.40 | 0.90] 0 Hebei | Qinghong 7.2 {02s | 0 | oas| o2s|ow| ous] Oo | Qinbusgdanehs Tat | oas | as [aso | vas | 02s | 030 1 Bein v0 | 02 | 0 | os | 0.20 oas| tl | Targshanshi a8 | 0.30 | 0.90 | o4s } 0.20 040} 0 | Leting ~—Ftas | 030 | 040 | o4s | 0.25 Los a Booting v2 | 0.20 | 0.40 | 04s | 0.0 | 035 | om | 0 Hisayang, 9 | oa) oa | ow | oa | alos | o 0.40 | o4s | 0.20] 0.30) 035] a4 | 04s 0.20 | 0.30 | 0.35 i os | oa ois | 02] 0%] TT | oa | 02) 035] ou] O 0.20) V0.0 0.35 a 0.55 | 0.65 | O15 | O25 | 0.0 T a—measure prameter of distribution. The relation between the parameters of distribution and the mean value ye, the standard deviation is determined as fallews: a = L285 (D.3.1-2) 2 we pS (D.3.1-3) | D.3.2 When the mean value % and standard deviation s of limited sample are used as the approxi- mate estimated and a, taking ¢ @ =7 (D.3.2-1) a (D.3.2-2) ‘The coefficients C, and C3 are shown in the Table D.3.2 Table D.3.2 Cocfficiems Cy and C; fn G a cy eC 0 0.9997 o 117465 0.55208, 15 1 oons7 70 118336 0.55877 » 1.06283 80 1.19385 0.58688 3 “Lomas a 1.20649 0.55860 ee re 100 “1.20809 0.56002 35 12887 20 12292 0.56878 40 1 nats? 500 1 2saa0 0.57280 | 45 1.15185 1000 1.26851 0.57450, 30 Pte | = 1.28255 0.57722, D.3.3° The tiaxinam snow pressure and the maximum wind velocity

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