Cabela's Alaskan Adventures Walkthrough

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Cabala's Alaskan Adventures
Version 1.0
Author: MysticWeirdo


1. Introduction
2. Version History
3. Game Basics
4. General Hunting Strategy
5. Adventure
6. Open Season
7. Achievements
8. Downloadable Content for the 360 version
9. Equipment
11. Contact Information
12. Credits

1. Introduction
I am MysticWeirdo also known by my real name Warren Grieder.

Cabala's Alaskan Adventures is primarily a hunting game where you'll hunt a

variety of different animals that can be found in Alaska in 12 main maps. The
game also offers 4 maps for fishing, one for ice fishing, two spin casting,
and one fly casting. Both the hunting and fishing can be playing either in
the games Adventure or Open Season modes. The are also four contest type,
dog sled, two bird shoots, and a survival trail, which are exclusive to the
Adventure mode.

This game is available for Xbox 360, PS2, and PC. There is also an optional
bonus pack available for the Xbox 360 version. I've played this game 360
version with the bonus pack installed while writig this guide.

2. Version History

Version 1.0 October 22, 2006 Initial Version of this Guide.

3. Game Basics

3.1 Menus

3.1.1 Start Menu

The Start Menu has two options: Select Career which will load an existing
career from one of the four save slot, and Create a career which stars a new
career which you can then either save to one of the save slots or just
continue without saving

3.1.2 Main Menu

Adventure starts or continues Adventure Mode. If you're starting a new

Adventure you proceed to customize your hunter in the Hunter Creator and
select one of three difficulty setting: Greenhorn, Sportsman, or Simulation.

Open Season take you the the hunter creation and difficulty selection as well
followed by and area select of available hunting and fishing areas.

Load/Save take you to a submenu when you can save your career, load a career,
chance save device, or Create a new career.
Career take you to the career menu.

Options takes you to the options menu.

Help/Tutorial take you to a menu of help items and give you an oppurtunity to
play a tutorial mission. Don't bother with this as you must play the same
mission as part of the game.

Extras takes you a submenu where you can view the games artwork, review
content you've downloaded, access the Xbox Live Marketplace, and view the

3.1.3 Career Menu

Game status provides a summary of your progress in the game.

Player status shows the values of your attributes: Strength, Endureance,

Agility, Perception, and Dexterity. Any points you've earned can be
distributed here.

High Score shows you're records for the current career.

Exhibition is a gallery of the species you've claimed in the career.

Achievements takes you to the achivement list for this game.

3.1.4 Option Menu

Controller Sets allow you to review the controller options or choose an

alternate configuration

Audio: Adjust volumes for Music, Fx, Speech, and Movies.

Controller Options: Toggle Invert Axis, and Vibration and set the sensitivity

Gameplay Options: Toggle the following settings on or off.

Avialable at all difficulties: HUD, Subtites
Avialable at Greenhorn and Sportsman: Bullet Camera, Tip-Up Time, Animal
Avaialbe at Greenhorn only: Aim Help, Autoclaim.

3.1.5 Pause Menu

Resume takes you back to the current hunt.

Restart begin the hunt over. Any claims made since you entered the hunt will
be losts.

Options takes you to the options menus.

Main Menu exit the hunt to the main menu. Any claims made since you entered
the hunt will be losts.

Outpost takes you to the outpost exterior. You'll maintain credit for your
claims so long as you stay out for the outpost building.

3.1.6 Outpost Menu

Outpost Manager: Get tags for the hunts here.

Store: Buy and sell equipments
Locker: Equip items you own. You can equip up to 4 items in the weapons
category (2 weapons and 2 scopes), 2 hunting aids, 1 set of clothing, 3
survival items, 4 food/water/healing itmes, 4 fishing gear items, and1
fishing bait/lure item.
Career: Go to the career menu
Travel/Leave: Go to the next area of Alaska, you will be unable to return in
this career.

3.2 Hunter Creator
Choose from
Male 21 Years Strength-5 Endurance-5 Agility-4 Perception-4 Dexterity-3
Nale 39 Years Strength-4 Endurance-3 Agility-5 Perception-5 Dexterity-4
Male 45 Years Strength-3 Endurance-5 Agility-4 Perception-5 Dexterity-4
Female 26 Years Strength-4 Endurance-4 Agility-5 Perception-5 Dexterity-3

Each of these can be customized from 5 choices of Appearance (skin color), Eye
Color, and Hair. Male characters also have 5 settings for facial hair. Since
the entire game is mostly first person these setting are rather pointless.

3.3 Difficulty Settings

Greenhorn: The easiest setting, all options are avaible. You start with
2,000 credits.

Sportsman: Autoclaim and hunter sense are dispable You start with 1,500

Simulation: Animal Radar, Bullet Camera, Drop Dot, and Display Tracks
features are also disabled. You start with 1,000 credits.

3.4 HUD

Top Left:

Health meter: Green Bar. Your dead if this is reduced to zero. If this
happens you can either restart the hunt or exit to the outpost. (Exitting to
the outpost will allow you to maintain credit for any claims before you died.)

Endurance meter: Blue Bar. This meter decline when your moving or aiming a
bow. When it drops to zero your need to stop to catch your breath or proceed
at a snails pace.

Stealth meter: Arc. The more bars displayed the stealthier you are. You
stealth is reduced by walking, and furthur by running. If you crouch you can
move slowly without the stealth decreasing.

Ammo: Displayed the ammount of ammunation currently loaded and your remaining

Top Right:

Compass and windage meter. The wind direction is indicated by the green
arrow on the compass. The wind strength is indicated by the green bar
enimating from this arrow in Greenhorn and Sportsman

Animal radar: In greenhorn and sport animars appear as squares or around on

the compass, only the animals in the direction you're facing are displayed.
Red is large game, green is small game, yellow indicates an animal that you've
wounded, and an "X" is a dead animal.

3.5 PDA

Back Pack: You can select which equipped items to use here. Change
weapons/lures here.

GPS: Area map: The squares/fish represent areas when game is likely, but
don't rely on them.

Region Info: Review Objectives, Tags, and Enviroment (region description)


Player Stats: Review your attributes and distrubut earned points.

Tracking: Review any tracks you've examines in Greenhorn or Sportman


3.6 Controls

Listing of the controls are available in the game under the Option Menu >
Control Sets.
4. General Hunting Strategy

4.1 Radar

On Greenhorn and sportsman difficulty you have the use of the animal radar
that will point you towards the animals. The big game animals will appear in
red and the small game animals will appear in green. These can help you keep
track of your quarry. The animals will appear in the same place in
simulation, using the knowledge gained in the easier difficulties, you can
save time tracking down your prey (The Adventure section of this guide gives
the locations for simulation mode).

Wounded animals appear as a flashing yellow dot on the radar. Unless you
restart or exit to the outpost, this uses up one of your tags so your need to
track it down. If you don't it will either die, after which you can still
claim it, or heal up, which makes it harder to track down as it still uses up
your tag.

4.2 Approaching Game Animals

Pay attention to the wind direction on the radar. If it's pointing in the
direction of the animals your scent may give you away. This may be a non
issue for prey that tends to attack you, but other animals may bolt. When
possible approach from the other direction.

Your movements will allow give you away. Running make more noise than
walking, which in turn makes more noise that sneaking. Keep in mind you
can't see as far when sneaking.

If your endurance meter is low, you'll be breathing heavy. This may give you
away as well so stop to catch your breath before going into range of the
animals. This will also help if you need to chase after a wounded animal.

4.3 Targetting

You may want to spend some time on the target range to get an idea of how much
you need to allow for gravity when aiming, especially when there is a minimum
distance requirement and/or you're playing on simulation difficulty and don't
have the luxury of a drop dot.

In general you'll need to aim above the animal to allow for gravity and left
or right depending on the wind direction. If the animal is moving you'll need
adjust your aim to target the area in front of the animal.

Make sure to equip a scope if available, especially when there's a distance

requirement, to make targetting a bit easier.

If you're being attacked, it may be necessary to "shoot from the hip", that is
shoot without aiming so you can defend yourself.

Ideally you want to bring down the animal with one shot, either to the head or
the heart. That's either said that done so be prepared to take a second
shot, or go chasing after the wounded animal.

4.4 Claiming your kill

Provide you have the appropriate tags you can walk up to the fallen animal and
claim it. (Greenhorns can turn on autoclaim to avoid this.) You need to do
this to get credit for the kill.

4.5 Hunting Laws

There are a few rules you must follow to avoid getting warning and fines. If
your break these rules you'll get three warning and have the hunt terminated
for a fourth infraction. You'll also get fines of 200 cc start on the 3rd
warning for Greenhorn, the 2nd warning for Sportsman, and the first warning
for Simulation.

The Laws:
You are only allowed to shoot animals that you have tags for. Be mindful of
weapon, distance, gender, and size restriction. The only circumstance where
you can shoot an animal without a tag is if its attacking or charging at you.

You cannot shoot at the offspring. Tags for an animal cannot be used on its
young. Again you can defend yourself if the offspring attack.

Do not fire a weapon with 50 yards of a building. Not even in self defence.

Do not run animals over with a vehicle.

4.6 Big Game Animals


The are several species of bears in the game: Grizzly Bear, Black Bear, Kodiak
Bear, Polar Bear, and Glacier Bear. (The Glacier Bear only appears in the
downloadable content for the 360)

The Polar bear is special case for the tutorial only and is a fairly easy

The other bears have more or less the same type of behavior. They are likely
to attack when you get too close. Unless there's a minimum distance
requirement, this can work to your advantage in that they'll charge straight
at you, giving you a clear shot at their head.

Wounded bears will typically run from you. Shooting them from behind will not
bring them down quickly so try to get a shot from the side if you wound one.

A bear with a cub in tow will be a female. Watch for this if there's a gender


Lynx, Arctic Wolf, and Grey Wolf are small fast targets. They like to try to
get behind you for a sneak attack. Try to back and turn away from them while
going for a head shot.

Male wolves may try to avoid you, but females are likely to attack.

Musk Ox, Bison, Roosevelt Elk


These large herd animals make easy targets. If there isn't a distance
requirement, you can allow them to charge you for an easier headshot.

Yukon Moose

The antlered males will charge at you if you get too close. The females will
typically run from you.

Mountain Goat

The males will charge you while the females will run.

Other game

The remaining species: Dall's Sheep, Stone Sheep, Sitka Black-tailed Deer, and
Barren Ground Caribou will typically avoid you, although the may turn suddenly
and run in your general direction, although this isn't an attack.

4.7 Small Game Animals

The coyote will behave like the larger wolves and try to get behind you. Try
to back and turn away from them while going for a head shot.


These animals will charge at you, but not as quickly as some other animals.
If you aim for their nose when they charge you can kill them easily.


The Arctic Fox and Red Fox will try to avoid you. Try to get these from a
distance before they detect you or you'll have trouble chasing them down as
they're quite fast.

Other small game


Beaver, Showshoe Hare, and Red Squirrels are all fairly fast small target.

You may have trouble seeing the beavers and squirrels in the tall grass, while
the hares will be a bit more visible on the snow. These animals will on
occasion turn sharply are run towards you, providing you with an opportunity
for a shot if your fast enough.

4.8 Equipment Use

Besides the weapons, there are various lures and scent masks that you can use
as well as assorted survival equipment. I've found most of this to be
ineffective so unless the scenario requires some of these I wouldn't bother.

The only equipment of any practical use is the medkits. These can buy you a
little extra time to track down a required animal in woods filled with hostile

You may notice a glass icon or a fork icon on the hud. These indicate thirst
and hunger. You can use a canteen to alleviate thirst and jerky or a Self
Heating Meal for hunger, but the slot these use can be better filled with med

5. Adventure

There are four regions in Alaskan Adventures, excluding the tutorial. At

minimumn you are required to complete the 3 Main Hunts and the first fishing
contest in each region in order to progress to the next area. Optionally
there is a second fishing contest, two other contests, and several special
hunts, 3 in the first two areas and 6 in the last two. [Note bonus pack 1 adds
a 7th special hunt to the fourth area.]

When doing the hunts it is not necessary to claim all of the animals in one
outing. After making a claim, you can exit to the outpost area and reenter
the hunt area and maintain credit for the claim. Just don't enter the outpost
building itself as this may reset the kill count if you do more that restock
your ammo. Any timers will be set back to their initial time as well. The
only situation where this doesn't work is when kills must be claimed is a
specific order, you'll need to do these in a single hunt.

You'll earn credits for completing the hunts, with bonuses for one hit kills
and trophy legends.

This section was written based on sportman difficulty as I when after the
platinum medals on the 360 version of the game having earned the bronze,
silver, and gold medals previously. On greenhorn difficulty there will be
more animals on the map. On greenhorn and simulation you can use the radar to
help track down the animals. For the gold medals on Simulation difficulty
you'll need to remember where the animals were on the map in the easier
difficulties and head for them (as mentioned in the sticky topic by Genghis
Alex on, or concentrate you search on the game squares
on the GPS map.

5.1 Tutorial

Location: Northwest Territories

Objective: Polar Bear

30-30 Lever Rifle
Compact Scope
Casual clothing

The tutorial introduces you to the basics of the hunting portion of the game.
You start of by moving down the path to you left. Keep following it to the
fallen log.

You'll need to duck under it to keep going down the path. This is intended to
teach you about sneaking with increases your stealth.

After clearing the log start again and keep going down the path until your
told to shoot the bottles.

Turn right and position to crosshairs over one of the bottles. Shoot the
bottle to be informed about how to aim. Aim and shot the second bottle.

Lower your rifle and check your the GPS in your PDA. The polar bear is marked
to the east of your current location, There a checkpoint part way to the
polar bear. Exit your PDA and continue down the path to the checkpoint.

You'll be told to equip a scope to the rifle. Go into the Backpack section of
the PDA to do so.

Keep going down the path until your told to aim at the polar bear. You'll
need to allow for gravity and wind when aiming. You'll have a drop dot for
this mission to account for gravity. The wind meter will give you some idea
whether you need to be left or right of the target.

Take you shot. If the bear doesn't fall shoot it again to finish it off.

Lower your rifle and go up to the fallen bear to claim the kill and end the
tutorial mission.

5.2 Western Arctic

You can save at the tent thats to the left in front of you. The two signed to
the right are the contest boards. If you turn right you can see the outport
building. You need to go into this building to get tags and equipment prior
to participating in the hunts and fishing contests. The Dog Sled contest can
be entered without addition equipment.

Go into the outpost and get the tags for the three main hunts and the required
equipment and any optional equipment you care to bring along. Be sure to
equip it in the Locker.

New inventory

458 Bolt Rifle: 1755 cc (Bonus pack 1 required)

357 Magnum: 1500 cc (Bonus pack 1 required)
30-06 S-Auto Rifle: 520 cc
270 Bolt Rifle 523 cc
16Ga Shotgun 1000 cc
Rifle Scope 210 cc
Shotgun Scope 220 cc
Recurve Bow 300 cc
Arrows 0 cc
Bullets 0 cc
Tip-Up 100 cc
Ice Pack 30 cc
Salt Lick 20 cc
Bull Moose Decoy 120 cc
Cow Moose Decoy 120 cc
Moose lure 15 cc
Scent Cover 10 cc
Predator Decoy 50 cc
Mountain Man 650 cc (Bonus pack 1 required)
H-W Winter 2 250 cc
H-W Winter 1 280 cc
H-W Winter D 2 270 cc
H-W Winter D 1 300 cc
Binoculars 530 cc
H-W Tent 300 cc
Super Med Kit 290 cc (Bonus pack 1 required)
Standard Med Kit 150 cc
Canteen 15 cc
Jerky 20 cc

You need to but out of the outfits, the Tip-Up, and the Ice Pack for the
mandatory missions. You'll also need the shotgun if you want to complete are
of the optional missions as well. Make sure to fully stock up on arrows and
bullets, you can get 120 of each here. You'll need to return to the outpost
after completing the hunts to get the tags for the special areas and too
replenish your ammo.

There are three landmarks on the map where the hunts will take place

Seward Peninsula is in the norteast by the target range. North Slope is south
to the outpost. Koyukuk is southeast of the output.

5.2.1 Main Hunt 1

Location: North Slope

Objective: Hunt two Musk Ox with a rifle

There should be a head of Musk Ox just over the hill to the south of your
starting point. If you have a scope on your rifle you should be able to get
two from the top of the hill.

The musk ox may charge you if you get to close, be prepared to shoot from the
hip to defend yourself. Avoid the other wildlife if possible, only shooting
them in self defence.

5.2.2 Main Hunt 2

Location: Seward Peninsula

Objective: Hunt two Caribou, one male and one female with a rifle

The Caribou can be found by going south and then southwest around the hill
beside your starting point, this is the area on the GPS with two red squares
to the west of where you start. The female will have a young one following
her. Try not to shoot to the offspring, it's not legal.

5.2.3 Main Hunt 3

Location: Koyukuk

Objective: Hunt two Moose, one male and one female with a rifle.

There's a small group of moose around the three red squares on the northern
part of the map. The males will charge you and so shouldn't be much of a
problem to claim one. The females don't have antlers and may require more
stealth to track down.

5.2.4 Secret Objective: Missing Hunter

Location: Koyukuk

Objective: Find the missing hunter

Head east of the upper of the three red squared north of the lake on the GPS.
Help is spelled out in rocks here. The missing and now deceased hunter is in
a small hole just north east of here. (You should be on the northern edge of
the map line up east of the lake and west of the easternmost green square.

Reward: 45-70 Replica

5.2.5 Fishing 1

Location: Seward Peninsula, Frozen Lake

Objective: Ice Fishing - Catch four Arctic Char. Each Char must weight at
least 7 pounds
Walk ahead to the large school of fish on the radar or the Red/Green fish area
on GPS in Simulation. This will be the second location that you're offered to
drill. Drill a hole, choose the shrimp lure. Deploy the lure are wait for a

Set the hook by moving the left thumbstick in the direction of the arrow.
Real in the fish by paying attention to the vertical meter on the left. Push
the Left Trigger if meter is above the green around and the right trigger if
its below the green area. Watch out for the meter to invert if the fish
changes direction.

Repeat this until you've filled your quota of Arctic Char. Silver Salmon also
take this bait so let the silver colored fish slip away and only set the hooks
on the green colored fish. You may want to move south to the yellow fish on
the GPS.

5.2.6 Fishing 2

Location: Seward Peninsula, Frozen Lake

Objective: Ice Fishing - Catch two Northern Pike in under 5 minutes and then
two Silver Salmon in under 5 minutes

Same location as the first mission, user the herring bait to get the two Pike
and then pull your rig. Switch to the shrimp, and ignore any Arctic Char that
nibble, while waiting for the silver salmon.

5.2.7 Contest 1

Objective: Dog Sledding: Resilience

Medal Scores:
Gold: 6:09
Silver 6:44
Bronze 7:20

It takes three "mushes" a the beginning for the race to get the dogs up to
fulls speed. However, if you mush twice at the beginning and maintain the
speed from them your dogs won't get tired. You finish the race in about 6:32
with no penalty, good for silver.

5.2.8 Contest 2

Dog Sledding: Speed and Techniques

Gold: 6:31
Silver 7:06
Bronze 7:42

Again just Mush twice right at the start and try to keep from hitting the
sides of the course. This should be good for about 6:32 on the clock plus 30
second penalty for the damage your sled takes, good for a silver.

5.2.9 Special Hunt 1

Location: North Slope

Objective: Hunt two Arctic Foxes and two Snowshoe Hare. Use a shotgun

This is probably the most difficult of the Western Arctics hunts, that is
unless you've released that you maintain your kills if you exit to the outpost
instead of restarting if you get killed.

Both off the required species can be found on the shores of the lake to the
south of the starting point and along the river to the southeast of there.
They'll likely scatter after the first couple of shots so you may want to exit
to the outpost if your doing this on Simulation after the kills to reset the
animals positions. Other difficulty levels can use the green arrow to track
the animals.

5.2.10 Special Hunt 2

Location: Seward Peninsula

Objective: Hunt one female Musk Ox from more than 50 yards

The musk ox are where the caribou where in the Main Hunt. There are several
them. Take aim with a scoped rifle from a distance and hope you're aiming at
a female. There may or may not be offspring to help you decide.

Try not to get trampled when going to claim your kill.

Reward: 243 Pump Rifle

5.2.11 Special Hunt 3

Location: Koyukuk

Objective: Hunt one Arctic wolf and one Wolverine with a rifle from less than
50 yards! You must take them down and claim them in this order.

Both of these animal can be found east of the start (in the area with the
three 3 square on the GPS on the morthern part of the map) Both will attack
you making them easy to kill at the required distance. Be prepared to shoot
the wolf's mate and young in self defence.

5.3 Interior Alaska

You'll be able to see the save point, the two contect boards, and the outpost
building in front of you on your arrival.

The Outpost story has some new inventory in addition to the merchandise from
the previous area.

22 Mag Revolver 320 cc

375 Bolt Rifle 1555 cc
Handgun Scope 300 cc
12Ga P. Shotgun 360 cc
7mm Pump Rifle 720 cc
Spin Rod 100 cc
Spin Reel 80 cc
Spin Pack 50 cc
Coyote Decoy 100 cc
Coyote Call 22 cc
Game Feeder 150 cc
H-W Forest 2 350 cc
H-W Forest 1 320 cc
H-W Forest U 2 340 cc
H-W Forest U 1 370 cc
M-W Tent 350 cc
Rangefinder 300 cc
S-H Meal 40 cc

You'll need to get the Spin Rod, Spin Reel, and Spin Pack for the required
missions. If you didn't find the Replica Rifle in the previous region you'll
need the 375 Bolt Rifle for the optional mission. You'll no longer require
the Tip-Up or Ice Pack so feel free to sell those. You may wish to exchange
your outfit for one of the new ones.

Get the main mission tags and stock up on ammo. Come back after the hunts for
more ammo and the Special Hunt tags.

Two of the hunting landmarks at northeast of the outpost: Delta Junction and
Yokun Delta. The third Kuskokwim is to the west from the Delta Junction
entrance. The target range is to the south.

5.3.1 Main Hunt 1

Location: Yukon Delta

Objective: Hunt two Grizzly Bears

Head up to the north side of the map and look for the Grizzlies around the red
square on the east side of the map or the cluster of squares in the center.
You'll need to do some swimming to get there.

Be aware that there are also Black bears here so make sure to shoot only if
the bear is brown in color, unless you're being attacked. The bison in the
are may also charge you so be prepared to defend yourself against them as

5.3.2 Main Hunt 2

Location: Delta Junction

Objective: Hunt two Bison with a rifle.

You'll find the Bison herd a short distance east of your starting position,
just past the easternmost red square on the south side of the map.

Bison tend to charge at you, giving you an easy shot at them.

5.3.3 Main Hunt 3

Location: Kuskokwim

Objective: Hunt two Dall Sheep.

Head to the westernmost red square at the north end of the map to find the
Dall Sheep. Be prepared to shoot them as they run past you.

5.3.4 Secret Objective: ATV accident

Location: Kuskokwim

Objective: I've heard that the ATV acident took place near here. Pay
attention to any signs, the animal could be wounded and dangerous.

You'll find a wrecked ATV north of your starting point a east of the lake, a
bit northeast of the second green square from the west side of the GPS map in
a valley. A Dall's sheep foot print will be in front of it and a trail of
footprints and blood go to the southwest, then west, then north.

You'll see a message when you get the east end of the first segment of the
northern boundary from the west in a dead end. Back up and look up at the
injured sheep.

Rewards: Crossbow

NOTE: This sheep won't count towards your quota in the main hunt.

5.3.5 Fishing 1

Location: Kuskokwim Mountains, Alpine Lake

Objective: Spin Fishing - Catch two Northern Pike

You'll want to take your boat into the area where the yellow fish is on the
GPS map. Look for fish on the radar in Greenhorn and Sportman, or a circle of
bubble in Simulates and stop the boat.

Turn to face the fish on the radar or the bubbles. Choose the spinner lure.
On the 360 hold the right trigger and move the left thumbstick from the bottom
to the top and release the right trigger just before you reach the top with
the left thumbstick to get a good cast. Start realing in with the right
trigger. Stop when the fish-cam appears and wait for it to take the bait.
Set the hook and real it in like in the ice fishing, but you can also get the
meter to move up faster (or down slower) by pushing the left thumbstick up,
and down faster (or up slower by pushing the left thumbstick down. So below
the green use Right trigger + Left trigger up, and above the green use Left
trigger + Left trigger down. You can try to keep it in the green when its
centered with Right trigger + Left trigger down provided the fish isn't
swimming away.

The pike are green with white dots, and have long bodies and a pointed head.
Dolly Varden, which are wider with a round head, might take the spinner bait
as well, you can just left them go. If the fish doesn't take the bait, it was
probably a lake trout.

5.3.6 Fishing 2

Location: Kuskokwim Mountains, Alpine Lake

Objective: Spin Fishing - Catch two Dolly Vardens and two Lake Trout

Use the spinner lure to catch the Dolly Varden around the red fish or bit to
the south of it, and the crank bait for the lake trout around the green fish.
Land them like the pike in the previous mission. Ignore any pike that might
bith when fishing for the Dolly Varden.

5.3.7 Contest 1

Objective: Waterfowl Shooting - Free Ride

Medal Scores:
Gold - 4000 Points
Silver - 3200 points
Bronze - 2800 points

Steer the boat down the river. It will pause 24 times as flocks of birds
emergy from the left and right.

In the free ride try to aim for where the flocks cross to maximize the
potential from the shoot gun. Try to hit the birds with both shots at each

The first 5 stops are critical as their a fierly large flocks, you should get
over 2000 points from them by aiming for points where the flocks cross. If
you can manage that, a medal score should be easy enough with 19 stops

5.3.8 Contest 2

Objective: Waterfowl Shooting - Time Limit

Medal Scores:
Gold - 4000 Points
Silver - 3200 points
Bronze - 2800 points

This is the same course as the first contest but this time there's a five
second time limit. Aim for one of the flocks and take both shots as there
won't be time to wait for the flocks to cross. You'll may need a bit of
practice to get a medal here.

5.3.9 Special Hunt 1

Location: Yukon Delta

Objective: Hunt a Coyote, a Red Fox and a Lynx!

All of these can be found around the squares on the northern end of the map.
The Coyote and Lynx both will attack you, but unlike previous aggressive
animals they will try to get behind you to attack. You may need to turn
quickly which you can do while aims so be ready to shoot them from the hip.

The foxes are not aggressive, try to get a shoot at them when the other
species aren't bothering you. Try to come in from the west as there's usually
one playing in the river there.

Reward: Rattling Antlers

5.3.10 Special Hunt 2

Location: Delta Junction

Objective: Hunt a Bison Trophy Legend. You will have to tuse the .375 Bolt
Rifle or the Replica Rifle.

You're target will be northeast of the starting point where you'll find a lone
bison which should be a trophy legend.

Reward: 500 mag Revolver

5.3.11 Special Hunt 3

Location: Kuskokwim

Objective: Hunt a Male Grey Wolf and a male Coyote using a scoped rifle. Each
kill must be a Trophy Legend kill.

Head northwest of the starting point to find the Coyote around the green
square on the south shore of the lake.

The Grey Wolf will be around the red square just east of when the coyote was.
There are multiple wolves here, you can avoid warning and fines by waiting for
them to attack before shooting.

5.4 South Central Alaska

The save point is ahead to the left when you enter this region. The outpost
and the costest board are straight ahead.

Again the Outpost store has some new inventory in addition to the merchandise
from the previous areas.

Compound Bow 450 cc

12Ga O/U Shotgun 1400 cc
50 Muzzleloader 215 cc
Single-Shot Pistol 1500 cc
350 Bolt Rifle 825 cc
Ultra Spin Rod 180 cc
Ultra Spin Reel 120 cc
Meat 50 cc
Bear Lure 10 cc
Buck Call 10 cc
M-W 2 380 cc
M-W 1 410 cc
M-W Special 2 400 cc
M-W Special 1 430 cc
A. G. Spot Scope 570 cc
D. Med Kit 250 cc

Buy a Bow (Compound Bow recommended) if you haven't recieved the crossbow, and
the Ultra Spid Rod and Reel to be able to complete the the mandatory hunts and
the fishing. The Special hunts with required the previously (and still)
available 22 Mag Revolver (you may want the handgun scope) and the 50
Muzzleloader. Consider changing in clothing more appropriate for the region.

The huntain landmarks are Kenai Peninsula to the northwest, Kodiak Island to
the southwest, and Cordova to the southeast. The target range in in the
northeast corner.

5.4.1 Main Hunt 1

Location: Cordova

Objective: Hunt two Mountain Goats, one female and one male! You must use a

The mountain goats are just to the southwest of when you start. The male will
likely charge you when you stand, making it the easier kill. The female will
avoid you however, if your lucky it will run to your right after you've turned
southwest making it easier to chase down than if if runs across the river to
the south.
There's also another group of goats north west of the two red squares in the
center of the map.

If you down have a crossbow you'll need to have some stamina to aim and take a
shot, as the other bows cannot be shot "from the hip". Make shot you don't
run yourself out of breath.

5.4.2 Main Hunt 2

Location: Kenai Peninsula

Objective: Hunt 3 Stone Sheep with a Bow.

You'll find a small herd of the sheep at the red square along the north shore.
You should be able to get a shot at one of them from the hill to the east
before they spot you.

5.4.3 Main Hunt 3

Location: Kodiak Island

Objective: Hunt 4 male Kodiak Bears

You'll find some bears at the red square just south of the river. The are
more on the north side of the river between the green and red squares. If you
wait for them to charge you can get a clean shot and not have to worry about
warning and fine if you shoot a female by mistake.

5.4.4 Secret Objective: Enviromentalist

Location: Cordova

Objective: Find the missing environmentalist.

Head to the eastern east of the river around the two green squares in the
north east corner of the GPS map. You'll find the enviromentalists tent

I recommend that you equip a firearm rather that the bow required for the main
hunt here before you get to the tent as you'll be immediately attacked by two
bears which you'll need to kill.

Two more bears will attack after you take them down.

Reward: Prototype R.Scope

5.4.5 Fishing 1

Location: Alaskan Coast, Rapid River

Objective: Spin Fishing - Catch two Sockeye Salmon

Landing fish here is done just like the previous area.

For the sockeye same head east from red fish on the gps map to the northern
tip of the patch of dark blue water on the map. Use the shrimp lure.

5.4.6 Fishing 2

Location: Alaskan Coast, Rapid River

Objective: Spin Fishing - Catch two Silver Salmon and two King Salmon

Use spoons for King and crankbait for Silver.

Look for the Kings around the Green fish on the map or just south of it. The
silvers can be found around the yellow fish.
5.4.7 Contest 1

Objective: Crouse & Ptarmigan Free Ride

Medal Scores:
Gold - 1000 points
Silver - 650 points
Bronze - 500 points

There are ten scene where you have two shots to takes are three or four birds
that where flush out. Many of these will have at least one bird the flies
close to you in the center provide a nice target for you to get at least the
bronze score by going after these.

5.4.8 Contest 2

Objective: Crouse & Ptarmigan Countdown Timer

Medal Scores:
Gold - 1000 points
Silver - 650 points
Bronze - 500 points

Same scenes as the first contest but in a different order. The time limit
isn't a real factor as the optimal shot comes well before the count runs out.

5.4.9 Special Hunt 1

Location: Cordova

Objective: Hunt 10 Beavers with a handgun in under 3 hours.

Note Use the 22 Mag Revolver, I've see a post the the one you get as a reward
doesn't work for this hunt.

The time limit isn't a real factor, if you're running out of time just exit to
the outpost, and come back in to main your kill count and reset the clock.

The beavers are all over the place, the nearest ones are to the northwest. In
simulation you can try looking around any of the squares on the GPS map (or
just bag the two to the northwest, exit to outpost and return five times).

5.4.10 Special Hunt 2

Location: Cordova

Objective: Hunt a Male Grizzly Trophy Legend in under 3 hours with the Muzzle

Avoid the family of bears charging at your starting point, none of them are
your target. The muzzleloader is a lousy weapon to try to defend yourself
with so get out of the way fast.

You're going to find the required bear in the two red squares south of the
vehicle on the map, it won't be the only one there. You'll likely need two
shots with the muzzleloader so start backing away after your first shot and
check the tags to see if you got the right bear.

5.4.11 Special Hunt 3

Location: Kenai Peninsula

Objective: Hunt a male Yukon Moose Trophy Legend from at leased 60 yards. Yoo
must use a scope.
The moose is in the cluster of squares along the south bank. The best place
to get a clean shot at it from the required distance is the island in the
water to the north. You'll need to aim quite high above it to account from
gravity. It's a long trek to claim the kill because on the steep banks on the
shoreline here.

5.4.12 Special Hunt 4

Location: Kenai Peninsula

Objective: Hunt a male Caribou Trophy Legend in under an hour with a handgun.

Look for the Caribou in row of squares on the south side of the map east of
where the moose was in special hunt 3. You don't need to worry about distance
this time so you can approach in on the south shore rather that from the
island, just what out for the goats here.

Reward: Cow Elk Decoy

5.4.13 Special Hunt 5

Location: Kodiak Island

Objective: Hunt a male Black Bear Trophy Legend from at least 30 yeards with a

There are three Black Bears in the vicinity of the red square along the south
shore of the river. Your best bet is to hop in the truck and try to drive
north to the river to avoid getting trampled by a moose. Get out at the
river and go west alongs it's southern bank and hope to get a shot at the
largest of the three bears from and adequate distance.

5.4.14 Special Hunt 6

Location: Kodiak Island

Objective: Hunt a male Kodiak Bear Trophy legend and a male Sitka Deer Trophy
legend. You must use a muzzlelooader for the bear and a bow for the dear.

There will be three or four Sitka Deer where the Black Bears where is Special
Hunt 5. Come at closer to the mountain than the river. The one you want is
furthest west in the woods, so you can scare the closer ones off.

The are are few Kodiaks around the green square is on the north side of the
river. The one you want will be one of them. Try to attract their attention
one at a time so you can pick them off when they charge to avoid the fines
without having the hopeless task of fending off all of them with the slow
loading muzzleloader.

Reward: Buck Lure

5.5 Southeastern Alaska

The save point and the two contest boards will be right in front of your.
You'll need to turn right to see the outpost building entrance. Once again
new inventory has been added to the store

12Ga Shotgun 690 cc

308 Bolt Rifle 1200 cc
17 Bolt Rifle 1015 cc
Premium Scope 360 cc
Fly Rod 180 cc
Fly Reel 75 cc
Fly Pack 70 cc
Predator Call 12 cc
Elk Call 25 cc
Moose Call 15 cc
Elk Lure 15 cc
Sitka Doe Decoy 140 cc
Sitka Buck Decoy 140 cc
L-W Forest 2 480 cc
L-W Forest 1 500 cc
L-W Forest S 2 470 cc
L-W Forest S 1 500 cc
L-W Tent 400 cc

You'll need the Fly Rod, Reel and Pack for the mandatory missions. The
predator, Elk, and moose calls will be required for the options missions. You
make want to switch into the new clothing here.

Sitka is beside the outpost building, Jeneau is the southern landmark and
Ketchikan is the western landmark. The target range is in the northwest

5.5.1 Main Hunt 1

Location: Sitka

Objective: Hunt two Sitka Deer with a shotgun and two Sitka Deer with a rifle.

Turn west, cross the rivers over the logs, and go straight toward the hill to
the west where a large group of Sitka await on the other side. If your lucky
you may be able to aim a shot when you crest the hill if the Sitka haven't
noticed you. There's also chance the sitka may run towards you for an easy
shot. Failing those scenario, you might have to chase after one of them while
shooting from the hip.

Exit to the outpost and come back after claiming one or two unless you want to
track down the scattered group. Remember which weapon you've used for the
kills so you can switch to the other weapon for the last two.

5.5.2 Main Hunt 2

Location: Juneau

Objective: Hunt 3 male Grizzly Bears with a bow.

Look for the bears around the red squares at the north end of the map. Unless
you have the crossbow, be sure not to run out of breath or you won't be able
to defend yourself against the wolves you'll also run into in this area.

5.5.3 Main Hunt 3

Location: Ketchikan

Objective: Hunt two male and two female Grey Wolves with a scoped rifle.

Turn so the water is on your left side and walk along the shore. Go past the
first set of logs you could cross the water on. As you approach the second
set you'll notice some wolfs on the other side, in the wicinity of the
northeastern red square on the GPS map. One of these will be a male.

There will be females at two squares on the south side of the river, west
from here.

You may need to exit to outpost and come back to get a second male.

The males will typically run from your while the females will attack.

5.5.4 Secret Objective: Marmot Infestation

Location: Sitka

Objective: Deal with the marmots

You'll find a farmhouse with a field beside it in the southeast corner of the
map. Set into the circle to begin a challenge. You'll need to shoot a total
of 25 Marmots that pop up through the holes in the field. You'll need to
adjust for the wind.
Reward 400 cc B. S. Spot.Scope

5.5.5 Fishing 1

Location: Ketchikan Mountains, Rapid River

Objective: Fly Fishing - Catch two Rainbow Trout

You'll need to use the egg cluster fly to the rainbow trout. Ignore the GPS
map, there aren't any by the spot they're marked. The first time I complete
this I got one just downstream from where you start and another halfway
between the red and yellow fish on the map.

A better spot is the point of land on the other side of the river by the
fallen tree. (black_chewbacca's post on the gamefaqs forums was the first
reference I've seen to this). On similutation I had both Rainbow Trout in
the first two casts there.

To cast when fly fishing the left thumbstick controls the motion of the hook
to the left along the vertical bar. Move in up and down keep it withing the
sliding bar. After changing directions 4 to 8 times press the right trigger
to cast. After this it's the same as spin casting.

5.5.6 Fishing 2

Location: Ketchikan Mountains, Rapid River

Objective: Fly Fishing - Catch two Cutthroat Trout and two Arctic Graylings.

You can use cricket fly for both species. If you get the graylings first
switch to the Dry flys for the Cuthroats. If you get the cutthroats first
switch the the streamer flys for the greyling.

You can get both species along the shore you start on. The Greyling will
typically be found in the shallow water along the shore and the cutthroats in
the deeper channel in the center of the river.

5.5.7 Contest 1

Objective: Shooting Marathon - Surivival

Medal Scores:
Gold - 820 point
Silver - 780 points
Bronze - 730 points

You're walking down a path through a series of 17 checkpoints defending

yourself against a series of hostile animals: the various species of bears,
wolverines, lynx, and wolves. You're armed with a rifle that holds six

At each checkpoint you will have to fight 2 or 3 animals, with the second and
third animals appears after the ones before them are dead.

Checkpoint # Number of Animals

------------ -----------------
1 2
2 3
3 3
4 3
5 3
6 3
7 2
8 3
9 2
10 2
11 2
12 2
13 3
14 2
15 2
16 2
17 2
You should have enough points for the bronze medal by the 14 or 15th
checkpoint (if you can make it that far) but you must complete the course for
it to count. If you can avoid getting attacked to ofter the only thing that
can go wrong is for too many wounded animals to die of there wounds rather
that a shot from your rifles, depriving you of the score from that animal.

The bears and wolverine will typically head straight for you making them
easier targets the the other creatures which may try to get behind you. Aim
well and hope for mostly bears and wolverines. For wolverine aim for there
nose as they run towards you. Bears fire a shot to stun the and files shot
from a closer distance to the head to finish them off. For the wolves, and
lynx you're well advice to shot from a distance and hope for lunk shot or to
at least break up there attack run, especially for the wolves and coyote whose
jumping attack seem to damage you from well out of range.

If a wolf or lynx gets too close, try backing away and turning. This may
allow you to avoid its attack.

Unload your rifle between checkpoints to reduce the change of reloading while
your under attack. When you trigger a checkpoint start backing away to reduce
the risk of animals spawning in your laps. Make sure your fullly rested
before entering a checkpoint so you'll be able to maneuver.

5.5.8 Contest 2

Objective: Shooting Marathon - Time Attack

Medal Scores:
Gold - 820 point
Silver - 780 points
Bronze - 730 points

You going down the same path as the previous content. You're rifle is a bit
more powerful but only holds three shots at a time. There are the same number
of checkpoints and the same number of animals at each.

This time all of the animals spawn at the same time and you have a time limit
in which to kill the animals. They aren't as aggressive as the first contest,
but you need to bring them down quickly for several reasons, the timer being
the least of them. It's also possible that the animals may fight each
other, if one of them kills the other you won't get credit for the kill.

I noticed a glitch on my first attempt: If the animals run too far away
they'll die of there own accord depriving you of the score for the kill.
After getting killed and restarting within the contect this didn't happen
making it possible to get a medal score. It this glitch is happening to you,
try letting the animals kill you and selecting restart.

Follow a similar strategy to the first contest by making sure your rifle has a
full three rounds at the checkpoints, being fully rested before entering the
checkpoint and taking a few steps back to avoid being surrounded by the wild
animals. Bears will fall with a single shot to the head at close range
instead of two, which makes up a bit for the lesser amount of ammo. The
reload time is faster so you won't be vulnerable as long when run out.

You need to kill between 35-37 of the 41 animals to get the bronze score here
so you have your work cut out for you.

5.5.9 Special Hunt 1

Location: Sitka

Objective: Hunt a male Roosevelt Elk from less than 50 yards. You must use
the Elk Call.

Use the Elk as sound as you start to statisfy that requirement. You'll find
the Elk where the sitka deer were in Main Hunt 1. There's a good chance it
will charge you for an easily kill within the required range.

5.5.10 Special Hunt 2

Location: Sitka
Objective: Hunt a male Roosevelt Elk Trophy Legend from more that 60 yards!

The trophy elk is in around the red square to the west across the river.
You'll need to swing north of it to have a chance of a clear shot at the
necessary distance from the hill there.

5.5.11 Special Hunt 3

Location: Juneau

Objective: Hunt 6 Red Squirrels in under 2 hours with a shotgun.

Look for the squirrels in toward the northwest red square and the red and
green squares in the northeast.

You can exit to the outpost if times running low to preserve your claims and
reset the clock.

Reward: Deluxe Fly Reel

5.5.12 Special Hunt 4

Location: Juneau

Objective: Hunt four Mountain Goats with a bow, in under 3 hours. All must be
taken down from under 75 yards.

Look for the goats around the red square on the northern part of the map.
Most of them will be females that you'll need to track down, but there may be
a male that will charge you for an easier kill.

Exit to the outpost and come back to reset the clock if you're running low on

Reward: Deluxe Fly Rod

5.5.13 Special Hunt 5

Location: Ketchikan

Objective: Hunt a Black Bear and a Yukon Moose with a scoped rifle from under
100 yards. You must use the Primos Coyote Bear Buster Call and the Primos
Moose Call

Use both calls on entering to take care of the requirement. (If you have to
leave to the outpost and come back do this again)

You can find both the bear and moose between the green square to the east of
the river and the red square further west.

5.5.14 Special Hunt 6

Location: Ketchikan

Objective: Hunt one Grey Wolf from under 20 yards and one Wolverine from under
30 yards, in this order, with a bow. Both must be Trophy Legends kills and
must be hunted in under 3 hours.

The order requirement prevents your from preserving your claims so you'll need
to do this in one go. Healing items are recommended.

The grey wolf is near the green and red squares to the east for the river. It
should attack so the distance won't be a factor. Try not to be winded and get
your shot off quickly.

The wolverine will be around the red squares on the east side of the river, or
perhaps a bit furthure west. It too will attack making the distance factor a
non issue.

Reward: B. S. Spot.Scope
5.5.15 Special Hunt 7

Location: Juneau

Objective: Hunt one Glacier Bear from more that 75 yards. It must be a Trophy
Legend Kill.

There are a couple of Glacier Bears in the area with the red and greens
squares are the north end of the map. I believe both to be Trophy Legends, as
I've wound one of the them on four seperate failed attempts and had the tag
marked as completed.

Try to get to the slope north of where the bears are and take a shot from
there. You'll need to allow for gravity and wind at the considerable
distances you'll be shooting from.

With a bit of lunk you'll be able to get a kill shot from the slope, as you
may not get a chance to follow up from an adequate distance.

6. Open Season

The four weapon master achievements (Xbox 360 only) are obtained in open
season. After you reach the fourth region in adventure start going through
the areas here, taking one of each of the 3 animals available with both of the
weapons given to you there. Only do one tag at a time so you don't lose
credit if you get killed (also recommended in the sticky topic by Genghis Alex
on Don't exit the career when doing these your you'll
need to start over.

6.1 Hunting

The twelve hunting areas become available as you play through the adventure.

6.1.1 North Slope

Unlocking Requirement: Available Initially

30-30 Lever Rifle
12Ga P. Shotgun
Rifle scope
S. Med Kit


Musk Ox - Over the hill just to south of the starting point.

Lynx - A little ways to the south east of the starting point
Arctic Wolf - A little ways to the south east of the starting point

6.1.2 Yukon Delta

Unlocking Requirement: Available Initially

270 Bot Rifle
500 Mag Revolver (Handgun)
Rifle scope
S. Med Kit
Predator Call
Coyote Call


Coyote - west to center portion of the northern square cluster.

Red Fox - center portion of the northern square cluster.
Bison - East side of northern cluster of squares on the gps map.

6.1.3 Cordova

Unlocking Requirement: Available Initially

Recurve Bow
22 Mag Revolver
Salt Lick
D. Med Kit
M-W Tent


Mountain Goat - Southwest of where vehicle is parked

Yukon Moose - Southwest of start
Grizzly Bear - Nortwest of start

6.1.4 Sitka

Unlocking Requirement: Available Initially

12 Ga Shotgun
243 Pump Rifle
Compact Scope
Salt Lick
Moose Call
Rattling Antlers
D. Med Kit


Sitka Black-tailed Deer - Red square in the northeast corner

Beaver - north and a bit west of the starting point among other places.
Roosevelt Elk - Northwestern red square in area between the two rivers.

6.1.5 Seward Peninusula

Unlocking Requirement: Arrive at Western Arctic

30-30 Lever Rifle
Recurve Bow
Rifle scope
S. Med Kit
S. Med Kit
Salt Lick


Barren Ground Caribou - near the two red squared southwest of the vehicle
Wolverine - near the two red squared southwest of the vehicle
Arctic Fox - Green square in the northeast corner

6.1.6 Koyukuk

Unlocking Requirement: Arrive at Western Arctic

12Ga Shotgun
243 Pump Rifle
Rifle scope
D. Med Kit
Salt Lick
Coyte Call


Wolverine - Near line of red squares north of lake.

Arctic Wolf - East of start and northwest of lake.

Musk Ox - South east of staring point. West of the red square to the
southwest of the lake in the center.

6.1.7 Delta Junction

Unlocking Requirement: Arrive at Interior Alaska

45-70 Replica (Rifle)
12 Ga O/U Shotgun
Salt Lick
M-W Tent


Bison - Southwest of the narrow pass the coyotes are at, in the large cluster
of squares. Avoid the pass and come up from the south to avoid the coyotes.

Red Fox - Over the hill to the northeast of the starting point

Coyote - West of bridge and the southernmost point of the northern boundary at
a narrow pass.

6.1.8 Kuskokwim

Unlocking Requirement: Arrive at Interior Alaska

17 Bolt Rifle
Single-Shot Pistol
Rile scope
S. Med Kit
S. Med Kit
Salt Lick
Coyote Call
M-W Tent


Dall's Sheep - Red square southeast of lake.

Grey Wolf - Nortwest of start to the south of the lake near green square.

Black Bear - Green square east of lake.

6.1.9 Kenai Peninsula

Unlocking Requirement: Arrive at South Central Alaska

Compound Bow
500 Mag Revolver
Handgun Scope
Salt Lick
Moose Call
Rattling Antlers


Mountain Goat - Western Island, either cluster of squares.

Barren Ground Caribou - Cluster of squares on the south shore.

Grizzly Bear - Red square of eastern island, near where you start.

6.1.10 Kodiak Island

Unlocking Requirement: Arrive at South Central Alaska

30-06 S-Auto Rifle
Compound Bow
Compact Scope
Predator Call
Rattling Antlers
D. Med Kit
H-W Tent

Kodiak Bear - Between the squares on the north shore.

Yukon Moose - South bank of river due north of starting point. Or between the
squares on the north shore.

Sitka Black-tailed Deer - Red square on south bank of river.

6.1.11 Juneau

Unlocking Requirement: Arrive at Southeastern Alaska

Compound Bow
12Ga Shotgun
Salt Lick
Predator Call
S. Med Kit
S. Med Kit
S. Med Kit
M-W Tent

Glacier Bear (or Grizzly Bear without the Bonus pack) - red squares to the

Arctic Wolf - red squares to the north

Red Squirrel - Around the green square in the southwest corner.

6.1.12 Ketchikan

Unlocking Requirement: Arrive at Southeastern Alaska

50 Muzzleloader
Rifle scope
Crossbow Scope
Salt Lick
Moose Call
Predator Call
S. Med Kit
S. Med Kit
H-W Tent


Grey Wolf - Northwest green square but too close too building, lure it away.

Yukon Moose - Green and red squares east of river.

Black Bear - Second red square from the south on the east side of the map.

6.2 Fishing

The fishing in open season mode add several addition contests for each of the
four fishing maps, which are all available initially.

6.2.1 Seward Peninsula, Frozen Lake

List of Objectives:

Number of Fish 1: Catch 4 fish in under 5 minutes

Number of Fish 2: Catch 8 fish in under 10 minutes

Number of Fish 3: Catch 16 fish in under 20 minutes

Weight Limit 1: Catch 15 pounds of fish in under 5 minutes.

Weight Limit 2: Catch 30 ponds of fish in under 10 minutes.

Weight Limit 3: Catch 60 fish in under 20 minutes

Catch the Biggest Fish 1: Catch an Arctic Char weighing at least 13 pounds in
under 10 minutes.

Catch the Biggest Fish 2: Catch a Northern Pike weighing at least 18 pounds in
under 10 minutes.

Catch the Biggest Fish 3: Catch a Silver (Coho) Salmon weighing at least 12
poinds in under 10 minutes.



6.2.2 Kuskokwim Mountains, Alpine Lake

List of Objectives:

Number of Fish 1: Catch 2 fish in under 5 minutes

Number of Fish 2: Catch 4 fish in under 12 minutes

Number of Fish 3: Catch 8 fish in under 20 minutes

Weight Limit 1: Catch 20 pounds of fish in under 5 minutes.

Weight Limit 2: Catch 40 ponds of fish in under 10 minutes.

Weight Limit 3: Catch 80 fish in under 20 minutes

Catch the Biggest Fish 1: Catch a Northern Pike weighing at least 18 pounds
in under 10 minutes.

Catch the Biggest Fish 2: Catch a Dolly Varden weighing at least 7 pounds in
under 10 minutes.

Catch the Biggest Fish 3: Catch a Lake Trout weighing at least 26 poinds in
under 10 minutes.


Spin Rod
Spin Reel
Crankbait Lure
Spinner Lure
Spoon Lure
Shrimp Lure

6.2.3 Alaskan Coast, Rapid River

List of Objectives:

Number of Fish 1: Catch 3 fish in under 5 minutes

Number of Fish 2: Catch 6 fish in under 10 minutes

Number of Fish 3: Catch 12 fish in under 20 minutes

Weight Limit 1: Catch 60 pounds of fish in under 5 minutes.

Weight Limit 2: Catch 120 ponds of fish in under 10 minutes.

Weight Limit 3: Catch 200 fish in under 20 minutes

Catch the Biggest Fish 1: Catch a Silver (Coho) Salmon weighing at least 12
pounds in under 10 minutes.

Catch the Biggest Fish 2: Catch a Sockeye Slamon weighing at least 9 pounds
in under 10 minutes.

Catch the Biggest Fish 3: Catch a King (Chinook) Salmon weighing at least 36
poinds in under 10 minutes.


Ultra Spin Rod

Ultra Spin Reel
Crankbait Lure
Spinner Lure
Spoon Lure
Shrimp Lure

6.2.4 Ketchikan Mountains, Rapid River

List of Objectives:

Number of Fish 1: Catch 3 fish in under 5 minutes

Number of Fish 2: Catch 6 fish in under 10 minutes

Number of Fish 3: Catch 12 fish in under 20 minutes

Weight Limit 1: Catch 60 pounds of fish in under 5 minutes.

Weight Limit 2: Catch 120 ponds of fish in under 10 minutes.

Weight Limit 3: Catch 200 fish in under 20 minutes

Catch the Biggest Fish 1: Catch a Rainbow Trout weighing at least 13 pounds
in under 10 minutes.

Catch the Biggest Fish 2: Catch a Cutthroat Troat weighing at least 6 pounds
in under 10 minutes.

Catch the Biggest Fish 3: Catch a Arctic weighing at least 3 poinds in under
10 minutes.

Fly Rod
Fly Reel
Egg Cluster Fly
Streamer Fly
Cricket Fly
Dry Fly

7. Achievements

The are 46 achievement worth a total of 1000 gamerpoints to be earn in the

Xbox 360 version of this game.

16 of these are medals. 12 of these are for clearing the three main hunts and
first fishing contests in the four regions on each of the three difficulty
levels, Bronze for Greenhorn, Silver for Sportsman, Gold for Simulation. The
other 4 medals, Platinum medals, require all hunts and contests for an area
to be completed on either Sportsman or Simuation (except for hunts added by
bonus packs).

Western Arctic Bronze Medal 25

Interior Alaska Bronze Medal 25
South Central Bronze Medal 25
Southeastern Bronze Medal 25

Western Arctic Silver Medal 50

Interior Alaska Silver Medal 50
South Central Silver Medal 50
Southeastern Silver Medal 50

Western Arctic Gold Badge 75

Interior Alaska Gold Badge 75
South Central Gold Badge 75
Southeastern Gold Badge 75

Western Arctic Platinum Medal 25

Interior Alaska Platinum Medal 25
South Central Platinum Medal 25
Southeastern Platinum Medal 25

4 of the achievements are acquired for claiming 10 different species with a

given weapon class in Open Season mode. The 10 kill must be done in the same
session, if you exit the career or power down the 360 the count will be

Rifle Master Award 20

Shotgun Master Award 20
Bow Master Award 25
Handgun Master Award 25

25 achievements are for claiming the first of a species in Adventure Mode.

Difficulty is not a factor.

Polar Bear Award 10

Caribou Award 10
Musk Ox Award 10
Yukon Moose Award 10
Arctic Wolf Award 10
Bison Award 10
Grizzly Bear Award 10
Dall's Sheep Award 10
Grey Wolf Award 10
Mountain Goat Award 10
Stone Sheep Award 10
Kodiak Bear Award 10
Black Bear Award 10
Sitka Deer Award 10
Roosevelt Elk Award 10

Arctic Char Award 5

Silver Salmon Award 5
Northern Pike Award 5
Dolly Varden Award 5
Lake Trout Award 5
Sockeye Salmon Award 5
King Salmon Award 5
Cutthroat Trout Award 5
Arctic Grayling Award 5
Rainbow Trout Award 5

The last achievement is for claiming 3 Male Bear Trophy Legends in adventure

Bear Buster Award 10

8. Downloadable Content for the 360 version

8.1 Bonus Pack 1

Bonus Pack 1 is availble from the Xbox Live Marketplace:

Added equipment:

458 Bolt Rifle

357 Magnum
Super Med Kit
Mountain Man Clothing

All of these can be bought from the outpost store in Adventure modes beginning
in the first area.

Added Hunt:

Glacier Bear (Special Hunt 7 in Southeastern Alaska and replace Grizzly Bear
in the Open Season hunt in Juneau)

9. Equipment

9.1 Weapons and scopes

30-30 Lever Rifle Initial inventory

Compact Scope Initial inventory
458 Bolt Rifle 1755 cc Western Arctic Outpost (Bonus pack 1 required)
357 Magnum 1500 cc Western Arctic Outpost (Bonus pack 1 required)
30-06 S-Auto Rifle 520 cc Western Arctic Outpost
270 Bolt Rifle 523 cc Western Arctic Outpost
16Ga Shotgun 1000 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Rifle Scope 210 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Shotgun Scope 220 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Recurve Bow 300 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Arrows 0 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Bullets 0 cc Western Arctic Outpost
45-70 Replica Western Arctic Secret Objective
243 Pump Rifle Western Arctic Special Hunt 2
22 Mag Revolver 320 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
375 Bolt Rifle 1555 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
Handgun Scope 300 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
12Ga P. Shotgun 360 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
7mm Pump Rifle 720 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
Crossbow Interior Alaska Secret Objective
500 mag Revolver Interior Alaska Special Hunt 2
Compound Bow 450 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
12Ga O/U Shotgun 1400 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
50 Muzzleloader 215 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
Single-Shot Pistol 1500 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
350 Bolt Rifle 825 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
Prototype R.Scope South Central Alaska Secret Objective
12Ga Shotgun 690 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
308 Bolt Rifle 1200 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
17 Bolt Rifle 1015 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
Premium Scope 360 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
Crossbow Scope Only appears in Open Season Hunt in Ketchikan

8.2 Fishing Gear

Tip-Up 100 cc Western Arctic Outpost

Spin Rod 100 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
Spin Reel 80 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
Ultra Spin Rod 180 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
Ultra Spin Reel 120 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
Fly Rod 180 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
Fly Reel 75 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
Deluxe Fly Reel Southeastern Alaska Special Hunt 2
Deluxe Fly Rod Southeastern Alaska Special Hunt 4

9.3 Fishing Lures/Bait
Ice Pack 30 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Spin Pack 50 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
Fly Pack 70 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost

9.4 Hunting Aids

Salt Lick 20 cc Western Arctic Outpost

Bull Moose Decoy 120 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Cow Moose Decoy 120 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Moose lure 15 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Scent Cover 10 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Predator Decoy 50 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Coyote Decoy 100 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
Coyote Call 22 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
Game Feeder 150 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
Meat 50 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
Bear Lure 10 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
Buck Call 10 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
Rattling Antlers Interior Alaska Special Hunt 1
Buck Lure South Central Alaska Special Hunt 6
Cow Elk Decoy South Central Alaska Special Hunt 4
Predator Call 12 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
Elk Call 25 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
Moose Call 15 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
Elk Lure 15 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
Sitka Doe Decoy 140 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
Sitka Buck Decoy 140 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost

9.5 Clothing

Causal Initial inventory: Available only in Tutorial

Mountain Man 650 cc Western Arctic Outpost (Bonus pack 1 required)
H-W Winter 2 250 cc Western Arctic Outpost
H-W Winter 1 280 cc Western Arctic Outpost
H-W Winter D 2 270 cc Western Arctic Outpost
H-W Winter D 1 300 cc Western Arctic Outpost
H-W Forest 2 350 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
H-W Forest 1 320 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
H-W Forest U 2 340 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
H-W Forest U 1 370 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
M-W 2 380 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
M-W 1 410 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
M-W Special 2 400 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
M-W Special 1 430 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
L-W Forest 2 480 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
L-W Forest 1 500 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
L-W Forest S 2 470 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
L-W Forest S 1 500 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
Waders Equipped during fly fishing

9.6 Survival Gear

Binoculars 530 cc Western Arctic Outpost

H-W Tent 300 cc Western Arctic Outpost
M-W Tent 350 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
Rangefinder 300 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
A. G. Spot Scope 570 cc South Central Alaska Outpost
L-W Tent 400 cc Southeastern Alaska Outpost
B. S. Spot.Scope Southeastern Alaska Secret Objective and/or
Special Hunt 6

9.7 food/Drink/Medicine

Super Med Kit 290 cc Western Arctic Outpost (Bonus pack 1 required)
Standard Med Kit 150 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Canteen 15 cc Western Arctic Outpost
Jerky 20 cc Western Arctic Outpost
S-H Meal 40 cc Interior Alaska Outpost
D. Med Kit 250 cc South Central Alaska Outpost

This document is Copyright 2006 MysticWeirdo aka Warren Grieder.
All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by
their respective trademark and copyright holders.

Permission to host this document is given to the following:


Sites that DO NOT have permission and never will:

This file may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or
otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission,
except GameFaqs, IGN and Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

11. Contact Information
For suggestions and/or corrections for this guide please email:
mystic.weirdo [at]

The most recent version of this guide will be on

Please check there before contacting me with additions/corrections.

Please include Alaskan Adventures FAQ in the subject of any email

regarding this FAQ.

12. Credits
Thanks go to the following:

Activision and Cabala for making this game.

The following sites for hosting this FAQ:


A post by black_chewbacca on gamefaqs for a better location for the rainbow

trout in Southeastern Alaska.

The sticky topic by Genghis Alex on for making the point
that the animals only spawn in certain locations. (Point 10 in the list at Without this
piece of information I may not have attempted writing the guide. Points 3, 5,
and 13 agrees with my own observation prior to the creation of the topic, the
remainder of the tips take a different approach that I do, so you may want to
check them out for an alternate viewpoint on some items.


Submitted by MysticWeirdo - Created 10/23/06

See All Cabela's Alaskan Adventures Walkthroughs and FAQs
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