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Submitted to :
Dr. Sadia Iftikhar
Subject :
Submitted by :
Naima Zainab
Sap ID :
Class :
DPT (4-B)
Date :
Student mail :
1.Inferior olivary nucleus:
ION is convoluted C-shaped body that is
deep to the olive. Its structure found in the medulla oblongata
underneath the superior olivary nucleus.

a) In vertebrates ION coordinat signals from the spinal cord to
cerebellum to regulate motor coordination and learning.
b) It also acts as a relay station for the rubrocerebellar fibers.

2.Medial longitudinal
Large number of association fibers in the
white matter of each cerebral hemisphere. These bundles of axons are
situated near the midline of the brainstem made up of both ascending
and descending fibers.
a) It carries information about direction that eye and head
b) It connects the cranial nerve nuclei III, IV and VI together.
c) It is the main pathway that connects the vestibular and cochlear
nuclei with the nuclei controlling the extraocular muscles.
3.Superior olivary nucleus:
Superior olivary complex or superior olive
is collection of brainstem nuclei. It is an important component of
ascending and descending auditory pathway.
a) It establish reflex connection with motor neurons of trigeminal and
facial motor nuclei mediating contraction of tensor tympani and
stapedius muscles in response to loud noise.
b) It send olivocochlear fibers to end in organ of corti through the
vestibulocochlear nerve. These fibers are inhibitory in function and
serve to modulate transmission to cochlear nerve.
4.Medial accessory olivary nucleus:
It is one of the part of ION. It lies
between the primary olivary nucleus and pyramid, and forms a curved
lamina the concavity of which is directed laterally.
a) Function as a relay station between the spine and cerebellum.
b) Integrate sensory and motor information to provide feedback and
training of neurons.

5.Nucleus ambigus:
It is column of cells situated halfway between
inferior olive and nucleus of spinal tract of trigeminal nerve. It is also
known as ventral motor nucleus of vagus.
a) It control motor innervation of ipsilateral muscle of soft palate,
pharynx, larynx and upper esophagus.
6.Nucleus of tractus solitaries:
It is defined as the series of sensory nuclei
forming a vertical column of grey matter embedded in the medulla
oblongata near its dorsal surface.
a) It involves in the sensory component of autonomic system that
control visceral organs such as heart and lungs.
b) It receives and respond to stimuli from the respiratory,
cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.
c) Reticular formation.
7.Relation of nucleus ambigus with vagus nerve:
In addition to vagus nerve nucleus ambigus
contributes efferent fibers to
a) Glossopharyngeal (cranial nerve IX)
b) Accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI)

Relation of nucleus of tractus solitaries:

In lateral and caudal parts taste sensation
from the epiglottis via vagus nerve (cranial nerve X).

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