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Nowadays, the Campaign is no stranger to today's society.

In Malaysia, the
Campaign has become a habit as in the government sector of business, politics and
so on. Campaigns like this are actively carried out by sectors or government bodies
with the aim of providing awareness, information and disseminating messages to the
community. The majority of all walks of life are tired of the introduction of this new
media because everything is just at your fingertips to get a complete source of
information. Campaigns usually emphasize the concept of print media items in a
single advertisement used. But we need to follow the current distribution which is the
reception of an announcement through the media with only our own fingertips.

Dengue Fever is caused by the dengue virus that is spread through the bites of
aedes mosquitoes. Occurs throughout the year with a peak in the middle of the year.
Infecting all ages of gender and race especially in urban areas. For example there is
an article about the outbreak of this disease posted on social sites. Dengue fever is a
disease caused by a dengue virus infection that is spread by female aedes
mosquitoes and the way it is spread is through mosquito bites from people who have
the dengue virus to healthy people. There is no vaccine for dengue, but the main
treatment is supportive therapy in which patients are encouraged to maintain body
fluids, especially drinking at least a glass of water a day.

The best way to cure the disease is to recognize the early signs of dengue fever as
our own way of prevention based on the facts and information presented. Following
this, a study was conducted to find out and evaluate the level of public awareness of
the dangers of dengue fever in their daily lives and also identify the use of new
campaign-based media. Significance of the Study About the Early Signs of Dengue
Fever through the New Media is to introduce a new way of campaigning that is in line
with the current circulation and also gives importance to all parties, especially to the
local community who still do not know the signs of a person infected with dengue
fever and through the media new as a medium of announcement that is easily
understood by all local groups.

Among the importance of this study to the surrounding community is to be able to

prevent by knowing the signs of the disease before it is more to a critical level. If we
look at the current situation, there are many weaknesses in terms of the medium of
publicity about the disease to the surrounding community and also the attitude of
indifference to the disease in the environment if seen the increase in the surrounding
community suffering from dengue fever is drastic drastically, Using media methods
new for the introduction of early signs of dengue fever around the Urban focus area.
For example the social media approach. Thus, we can tell the local community about
the dangers of the disease and the local community will be sensitive to such things
that they need to be on the alert. In addition, this method also provides
understanding and also as knowledge of how the disease is transmitted to a patient
as well as they can know how to prevent it from the very beginning.
Conclusion The epidemic occurred due to exposure to a sensitive environment and
spread in the location due to the high density of vectors as a result of indifference by
the local community that allowed the breeding of aedes in the environment. this is
without control which can be carried out on the 7th day after reproduction through
the index case. The existence of unoccupied residential premises and abandoned
houses has a very negative impact on the control work carried out. Ongoing
awareness and enforcement campaigns have to some extent made the public aware
of the dangers of dengue fever until the outbreak is over and declared over. From
that, there needs to be something that is used as a solution in the case, that is, the
community itself needs to find a way to prevent such things. From here you need a
medium of notification that is quickly delivered to the community easily.

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