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I will graduate in May. I The future perfect
will see you in June. By the expresses an activity that
time I will see you, I will will be completed before
have graduated. another time or event in the

Exercise 1:
Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
I'll tell you tomorrow. I ...................................................... by then. (decide)
When you come next time, we ........................................................ in a new house. (move)
By the time we reach the coast, the storm ................................................ . (end)
In two years's time I ................................................... my university studies. (finish)
He .......................................................... the film before he retires. (complete)
Next year we ................................................... in Spain for ten years. (be)
Don't worry. I ............................................................ the manager by noon. (contact)
The dinner will be ready when we get back. Mum ...................................................... it. (cook)
Please, call again later. Mr. Jones ......................................................... by two o'clock. (return)
The garden party will be in July. Do you think the grass ................................... in time? (grow)

Exercise 2:
What will Marion have done by the time she gets married?
+ prepare the wedding reception - buy wedding rings
She will have prepared the wedding reception. She won't have bought wedding rings.
+ send wedding invitations - regret her decision
+ order a photographer - receive wedding gifts
+ try on her wedding dress - change her surname
+ find a place for the wedding reception - leave for her honeymoon
+ book hotel rooms for wedding guests - move to a new place


Exercise 3:
Rewrite these sentences in the future perfect or future continuous. Use the verbs in brackets.
This time tomorrow I will be on my way to London.
This time tomorrow I will be driving to London. (drive)
We will live in a new house at the end of this year.
We will have moved in a new house by the end of this year. (move)

1. I have no homework for tomorrow.

I ..................................................... any homework tonight. (not do)
2. I am going to do my homework tonight.
I ..................................................... my homework by tomorrow. (finish)
3. The show starts at 9 p. m. and it ends an hour later.
We ................................................... the show between 9 and 10 p.m. (watch)
4. The show ends just a few minutes before ten o'clock.
The show ............................................. by ten o'clock. (end)
5. You can meet your grandpa while he is working in the graden.
You can meet your grandpa in the garden. He ............................................. grass. (cut)
6. Your grandpa won't be waiting for you if you come late.
Hurry up or your grandpa ............................................... by the time you arrive there. (leave)
7. In 2050 the Internet will be accessible everywhere.
In 2050 everyone ................................................... the Internet. (use)
8. In 2050 everyone will be connected to the Internet.
By 2050 everyone .................................................... the Internet one way or the other.

9. How will I recognize you? - According to my red dress.
How will I recognize you? - I ...................................................... a red dress. (wear)
10. I can't wear this dress at the party. I have used it so many times.
I will need a new dress for the party. I .......................................................... this one by then.
(wear out)

Exercise 4: Future perfect vs future progressive

Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences.
In a ten years' time most people ........................................... smart watches. (wear)
Hurry up or the coach ................................................... before we reach the station. (leave)
Shall I say hello to Ann? I ........................................... to her. (talk)
When you get up tomorrow morning, I .............. already .................................. to Cork. (drive)
When you get back the decorators ........................................................... all the work. (finish)
By this time tommorow we .................................................. our new car in the garage. (have)
Can we meet at 5 o'clock? - Sorry, I .............still .................................. . (work)
This time next week we .............................................. at the seaside. (relax)
On 1 July Marion ................................................... engaged for a year. (be)
By the time we get to the cinema the film ...................................................... . (end)

Exercise 5:

Exercise 6: future perfect vs future progressive

Exercise 7:


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