Stats Project Tech Instructions

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Algebra 1 Statistics Project

Calculator and Computer Instructions

Mean, Median, Quartiles on TI with raw data 2-4

Box and Whisker on TI with raw data 4
Mean, Median, Quartiles on TI with frequency data 5
Box and Whisker on TI with frequency data 6
Frequency Tables and Histograms on Excel 7
Cumulative Tables and Histograms on Excel 7-8
Mean, Median, Mode on Excel 8
Circle Graphs on Excel 9
Percentiles, Quartiles, and Box-and-Whiskers
Calculator Instructions

Entering the Data:

1. Use the STAT key to get to this window.

2. Choose menu option 1 by typing in a 1 or just hit ENTER.

3. Clear any data left in L1 by following the next two steps.

A. Using your up arrow key to enter the lists’ label line and
highlight L1 as shown.


4. You are now ready to enter your data. Enter your data and after each entry hit the ENTER key.

Sorting the Data (Ascending):

Sort your data in ascending order (lowest to highest) by following these steps.

1. Use the STAT key to get to this window.

2. Choose menu option 2 by using your down arrow key and ENTER or just hit 2.
4. Enter the list to sort by hitting the keys 2ND 1 . (L1 is listed above the 1 key.)

5. Hit ENTER and the word DONE should appear on your window.

6. To see your data, do either of the following:

A. Go back to the STAT menu and choose the EDIT option.
B. Retype 2ND 1 ENTER . Use the right or left arrow keys to view all your data.

7. When you are finished reviewing your data, type 2ND MODE (QUIT is above the MODE key).

Calculate the Mean, Median, Quartiles, Min., Max., and the number of data elements (n).

1. Hit the STAT key and then use the right arrow key to go to the CALC menu.

2. Choose menu option 1 by hitting ENTER or just type a 1. Your screen should look like the one below.

3. Enter the list where your data may be found. In this case, it is L1 so type 2ND 1.

4. Hit ENTER.

* The X is the math symbol for the mean (avg.).

* n indicates the number of data elements in the sample.


Number of data elements.

5. Use the down arrow key to show more statistical values.

Lowest data value. (minimum)
1st Quartile (25th percentile).
2nd Quartile (median, 50th percentile)
3rd Quartile (75th percentile).
Highest data value. (maximum)
Graphing a box-and-whiskers.

1. Make sure the Y= graphs are off by hitting Y= and clear any old graphs. Then hit 2ND Y= . The window
will appear similar to the one shown below.

2. Hit Enter.

3. The next three steps will select the correct options for our graphs.
A. Place the curser over the On option and hit Enter. This will turn the graph on.
B. Use your down arrow key to get to the Type: options. Use the right arrow key to choose the second
box-and-whiskers graph by hitting Enter.
C. Move to the Xlist: option. This is where your data may be found. Type in L1 . The Freq: should be 1.

4. Hit the ZOOM key and the select number 9 off of the ZOOM Menu or Just hit the ZOOM 9 keys. This is
the Zoom Statistics Option. A box-and-whiskers graph like the one below should appear.

5. Use the TRACE key and the right and left arrows to move along the graph and read the data values.
Data with Frequency Columns

Entering the Data:

A. Under L1 enter the data scores.

B. Under L2 enter the frequency of each data score.

Calculate the Mean, Median, Quartiles, Min., Max., and the number of data elements (n).

1. Hit the STAT key and then use the right arrow key to go to the CALC menu.

2. Choose menu option 1 by hitting ENTER or just type a 1. Your screen should look like the one below.

3. Enter the list where your data scores may be found. In this case, it is L1 so type 2ND 1.

4. Enter a comma , and the list (L2) where the frequency can be found 2ND 2 .

5. Hit ENTER. The screen should look similar to the one below.

* The X is the math symbol for the mean (avg.).

* n indicates the number of data elements in the sample.


Number of data elements.

6. Use the down arrow key to show more statistical values.
Lowest data value. (minimum)
1st Quartile (25th percentile).
2nd Quartile (median, 50th percentile)
3rd Quartile (75th percentile).
Highest data value. (maximum)

Graphing a box-and-whiskers – using a data and frequency list.

1. Make sure the Y= graphs are off by hitting Y= and clear any old graphs. Then hit 2ND Y= .

2. Hit Enter.

3. The next three steps will select the correct options for our graphs.
A. Place the curser over the On option and hit Enter. This will turn the graph on.
B. Use your down arrow key to get to the Type: options. Use the right arrow key to choose the second
box-and-whiskers graph by hitting Enter.
C. Move to the Xlist: option. This is where your data may be found. Type in L1 .
D. Move to the Freq: option. This is where your frequency list may be found. Type L2.

4. Hit the ZOOM key and the select number 9 off of the ZOOM Menu or Just hit the ZOOM 9 keys. This is
the Zoom Statistics Option. A box-and-whiskers graph like the one below should appear.

5. Use the TRACE key and the right and left arrows to move along the graph and read the data values.
Creating Histograms in MS Excel

1. Open MS Excel.

2. Double Click on the Sheet1 tab at the bottom of the window and type “Data”.
3. On your Data worksheet, cell A1, type “Data” in the top row. In cell B1, type
“Interval Start”. In cell C1, type “Interval End”. In cell D1, type “Frequency”.
In E1, type “Freq Label”. In F1, type “Cumulative”. In G1, type “Cumulative
Label”. (see example next page)
4. Starting in A2 and continuing down column A, type all of the data in your set.

5. Calculating and entering intervals: Find the interval size by dividing the
range of your data by the number of bars you want to see in your histogram.
Round up to the next integer. In Columns B and C, type the start and end of
each interval. The intervals must all be the same size! For example, if the first
interval is 1-4, the next must be 5-8. Cell B2 should contain your lowest data
value. The bottom-most cell in column C should contain your highest data

6. Creating a frequency table: Highlight cells in column D - the same number

of cells as you have intervals in column C. With those cells highlighted, type a
frequency formula and hold down Shift and Ctrl as you press Enter. If done
correctly, this should complete your frequency chart. For example, using
“=frequency(a2:a61,c2:c6)”, the a2:a61 assumes you have typed 60 values in
column A. The c2:c6 would contain the ends of your intervals, except for the
last one.
7. In column E under “Freq Label”, type the ranges of your intervals. Using the
example, I would type “’0-14” in E2, “’15-29” in E3, and so on. You can type an
apostrophe as the first character in a cell, to prevent excel from formatting it as a

8. Creating Histogram Chart: Highlight the numbers in column D. Select

Insert Chart. You want “Column”, then hit Next. Click the Series tab at the top
of the window. Put the cursor in “Category (X) label”, and highlight your intervals
in column E. Click Next. Give your chart a title (like “Frequency Histogram for….”
and a label for the x and y axes. Hit Next. Select “As new sheet:” and type “Freq
Hist”. Hit Finish.
9. Double click on any bar in your graph. Select the Options tab at the top of the
window that opens. Change your Gap Width to 0. Hit OK.
10. Creating Cumulative Frequencies: Go back to the Data worksheet. In F2,
type “=D2”. In F3, type “=F2+D3”. Either use the fill down trick, or follow this
pattern to type in equations for all of the cumulative frequencies.
11. In Column G starting in G2, type the cumulative frequency ranges. From my
example, I would type “0-14”, “0-29”, “0-44”, and so on.
12. Creating Cumulative Histogram: Highlight the numbers in column F.
Select Insert Chart. You want “Column”, then hit Next. Click the Series tab at
the top of the window. Put the cursor in “Category (X) label”, and highlight your
intervals in column G. Click Next. Give your chart a title (like “Cumulative
Frequency Histogram for….” and a label for the x and y axes. Hit Next. Select “As
new sheet:” and type “Cumulative Hist”. Hit Finish.
13. Double click on any bar in your graph. Select the Options tab at the top of
the window that opens. Change your Gap Width to 0. Hit OK.


14. In C15 type “Mean”. In C16 type “Median”. In C17 type “Mode”. In C18 type
15. In D15 type “=average(a2:a61)”. (This assumes all your raw data is in a2
through a61. Adapt if yours is different.) Select D15. Go to Format Cell.
Change the type to Number and Decimal Places to 2.
16. In D16 type “=median(a2:a61)”.
17. In D17 type “=mode(a2:a61)”.
18. In D18 type “=max(a2:a61)-min(a2:a61)”


19. In the data sheet, highlight cells A1 through G18. Select FilePrint Area Set
Print Area.
20. Print the Data
Data Interval Start Interval End Frequency Freq Label Cumulative Cumulative Label
Sheet, the Frequency 0 0 14 9 0-14 9 0-14
Histogram Sheet, and 1 15 29 2 15-29 11 0-29 the
4 30 44 2 30-44 13 0-44
Cumulative 6 45 59 1 45-59 14 0-59
Histogram Sheet. 7 60 74 1 60-74 15 0-74
7 75 90 2 75-90 17 0-90
Example Data Sheet: 9
55 Mean 27.5
65 Median 12
89 Mode 7
90 Range 90
Using MS Excel to Create a Circle Graph

1.) Open MS Excel to a new, blank spreadsheet.

2.) Type your categories in Column A, and your frequencies in Column B.
3.) Highlight the data cells in both columns.
4.) Click Insert -> Chart and select “Pie”. Click Next.
5.) In Step 2, Click Next again.
6.) In Step 3, click the Title tab and enter an appropriate title for your chart.
7.) In the Legend and Data Labels tabs, select or deselect the appropriate boxes, until the graph shows
the information you want to see. Click Next.
8.) Select the “As New Sheet” button, and type an appropriate name for the sheet. Click Finish.

Beverage Frequency
Water 8 Beverage Preferences
Soda 2
Diet Soda 5
Juice 6 Sports Drink Water 24%
Milk 2 31%
Drink 10 Regular Soda
Milk 6%
Diet Soda
Juice 18% 15%

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