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Heroes of the Imperium

Of the
A Wrath & Glory Fan

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Section 1: Characters
a. Character Creation Rules
b. Species
c. Archetypes
d. Talents & Ascension Packages
e. Character Common Abilities
f. Organizational Abilities
g. Psychic Powers
h. Stratagems
3. Section 2: Wargear
a. Armour Traits
b. Armour
c. Weapon Traits
d. Weapon Upgrades
e. Weapons: Ranged
f. Weapons: Munitions
g. Weapons: Melee
h. Miscellaneous Wargear
i. Special-Issue Wargear
j. Relics
4. Section 3: NPCs
a. Warlord Traits
b. Champions
c. Troops
5. Section 4: Vehicles
a. Vehicle Traits
b. Vehicle Catalog
6. Section 5: Battlefield Terrain, Emplacements, & Fortifications
a. Barrier Material & Breaching Barriers
b. Battlefield Terrain
c. Emplacement Weapon & Fortification Traits
d. Emplacement Weapon & Fortification Catalog
7. Section 6: Bestiary
8. Section 7: Conversion Notes
9. Document Change Log

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Greetings Citizen!

What you see here is a project that started for my home game roughly 3 months after the Wrath & Glory RPG was released. I
realized the material that had been released was lacking in crunchy bits to make use in game. So, I started making my own! I have a great
bunch of guys in my play group. We are all lifers in regard to Warhammer 40K, I myself have been playing off and on since the Rogue
Trader Days of 1st edition!!!

I have always loved the universe and story of WH40k. And while other RPGs have done well with it, I feel the Wrath & Glory RPG
has captured that spirit very nicely. The way they balance using different power levels of pc’s together is great. But I can tell that the original
writers were role-players first, and wargamers second. Things were missing that I felt should have been included in the core book…. Like the
Chimera APC… I know that Ulysses Spiel probably had a score of books planned out before things went south and Cubicle 7 picked up the
game. I am glad Cubicle 7 is embracing the game and listening to players. I can’t wait to get ahold of the new Core Book! The book needed
a new layout to make things easier to find.

This document you see here is everything I felt was in the 40k Tabletop that needed to be added to the 40k RPG. Some things I have
had to use a judicious interpretation to make it RPG suitable. Somethings were just plain not converted because they were to centric to the
wargame and had no real amalgam in the RPG. The concept of using Stratagems in the RPG as new uses for Wrath and Ruin expands on
how to use those points. Warlord Traits and Relics to make NPC’s more colorful. New common abilities for the various Archetypes, and new
Species and Archetypes!!! And lots of guns and vehicles!!!

I pulled some material from older editions of the tabletop. Squats for instance, and more grenade types. While the titanic
warmachines exist in the tabletop, I have decided to hold off doing conversions for those vehicles and creatures until after I have done all the
Hero, Heretic, and Xenos conversions.

This is a living document! As new Codex and Datasheets are released, I will add the material to this document. I hope to remember
to update the document change log at the end of the doc when I make updates, but there will always be little editing things that are done that
will not be noted.

I plan on a companion document to this one tentatively called “Codex: Heretics of the Imperium” to cover Chaos, Genestealer Cults,
and various renegade IG. Then a “Codex: Xenos Threats to the Imperium” document. I already have Orks, Tyranids, and GSC converted at
time of this writing.

In addition to my conversion notes in the last section of this document, I have included a Character Creation rules section for new
and streamlined rules for making characters. Scattered throughout the document, especially in the Characters and Wargear sections are new
material of my own creation to fill in holes and such in what is available to the players for their characters. A good 90% of my conversion
adhere to these formulae. But really, a lot of it was common sense. I did end up expanding the weapon and armour traits by a ton just to
accommodate all the eccentricities of the WH40k tabletop. My biggest concern has been game balance when I am making these conversions.
Thankfully the feedback I get from my players is straightforward in that aspect. We did several game sessions to just test out rules and
conversions with a brainstorm session afterwards to discuss how to fix things.

So overall, I hope you are happy with what you see here and do please give me feedback!!!

Your Humble Imperial Servant!

Eric ‘Duckie” Duckworth

Find me on Facebook at:

Duckies Wrath & Glory RPG Archive


A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
The following materials have been consulted and/or converted in full or in part in the making of this document:

Necromunda books: Codex: Dark Angels

Codex: Deathwatch
Necromunda Rulebook Codex: Genestealer Cults
Book of Judgement Codex: Grey Knights
Book of Peril Codex: Imperial Knights
Book of Ruin Codex: Space Marines I & II
Gangs of the Underhive Codex: Space Wolves
House of Chains Codex Supplement: Imperial Fists
Enforcer Tactics Card Pack Codex Supplement: Iron Hands
Codex Supplement: Raven Guard
Warhammer 40k Older Edition books: Codex Supplement: Salamanders
Codex Supplement: Ultramarine
WH40k Rogue Trader (1987) Codex Supplement: White Scars
WH40k Compilation Psychic Awakening: Blood of Baal
WH40k Compendium Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury
WH40k Battle Manual Psychic Awakening: Ritual of the Damned
Psychic Awakening: Saga of the Beast
Warhammer 40k 8th Ed books: Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good
Vigilus I
Chapter Approved 2017
Chapter Approved 2018 White Dwarf Magazine:
Chapter Approved 2019
Index Imperium I & II March 2018 (Genestealer Cults in Necromunda)
Imperial Armour Index Forces of the Astra Militarum March 2019 (Officio Assassinorum)
Imperial Armour Index Forces of the Adeptus Astartes July 2019 (Blood Ravens)
Codex: Adepta Sororitas October 2019 (Sisters of Silence)
Codex: Adeptus Custodes November 2019 (Inquisition)
Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus December 2019 (Necromunda Expanded Terrain Rules) needs
Codex: Astra Militarum data entry
Codex: Blood Angels

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Section 1:


A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Character Creation Rules
Wrath & Glory PC Creation Summary Maximum Starting Minor Psychic Powers: 6
Maximum Starting Discipline Powers: 5
1. Determine Tier of game Max Total Psychic Powers: 9
a. This determines the build points available for Max Dice Pool Bonus: +9
PC creation along with maximum and minimum Max Difficulty Penalty: +9
ratings for skills and attributes
b. Keep a running total of the number of build Tier 6 Pre-assigned Attributes
points spent at each section of pc creation.
2. Choose Race One at rating 8
a. Note Species abilities Three at rating 7
3. Choose Archetype One at rating 6
a. Note Prerequisites for later Two at rating 5
b. Note Benefits Build Point Cost: 437
4. Purchase Ascension Package if the Tier of your
Archetype is less than the Tier of the game being played. Tier 6 Attribute Array
a. Note Prerequisites for later
b. Note Benefits Strength 5
5. Purchase Attributes Agility 8
a. You must purchase a minimum in your Toughness 7
attributes to cover Prerequisites Intellect 5
6. Purchase Skills Fellowship 6
a. You must purchase a minimum in your skills to Willpower 7
cover Prerequisites Initiative 7
b. Remember the total value of your skill is the
Skill Rating PLUS your Skill’s Attribute Tier 6 Per-Assigned Skills
7. Purchase Talents One at rating 8
8. Refine your purchases in Steps 5-7 to reach your max. Two at rating 7
Build Point total for the Tier of game being played. One at rating 6
9. Choose Special abilities Seven at rating 5
10. Choose A Background One at rating 3
11. Choose Wargear Total Build Point Cost: 330
12. Figure Calculated Attributes
13. Apply any additional Build Points given by the Game Tier 6 Skill Array
a. Recalculate as necessary all of your skills and Athletics 5
attributes. Awareness 5
Ballistic Skill 7
Tier 6 Character Build information Insight 5
Investigation 5
Build Points: 600 Leadership 8
Max BP Spent on Attributes: 400 Medicae 5
Base Attribute Maximum at Character Creation: 12 Pilot 5
Base Attribute Maximum: 14 Scholar 6
Skill Maximum: 10 Stealth 4
Max Starting Talents: 5 Tech 5
Max Psychic Powers at Character Creation: 7 Weapon Skill 7

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Adeptus Custodes Size: Large (+1D)
Build Point Cost: 150 Avalanche of Muscle: Ogryns gain a +3 Bonus Dice instead of
Base Tier: 6 +1 when charging.
Speed: 6
Attribute Modifications: +1 Agility, +3 Strength, +1 Toughness, Ratling
+2 Willpower, +3 Resolve, +2 Wounds Build Point Cost: 10
Size: Average (+0D) Base Tier: 1
Gains the <Adeptus Custodes> keyword Speed: 5
Aegis of the Emperor: A character with this ability gains a +*2 Attribute Modifications: +1 Agility
Armor Bonus. In addition, they may soak any mortal wounds Size: Small (-1D)
suffered by a psychic power. The character suffers no shock when Outsider: +1DN to all Interaction tests with members of the
soaking in this manner. Adeptus Astartes or Astartes Primaris.

Bullgryn Squat
Build Point Cost: 30 Build Point Cost: 10
Base Tier: 2 Base Tier: 1
Speed: 6 Speed: 5
Attribute Modifications: +3 Strength, +3 Toughness Attribute Modifications: +1 Toughness
Size: Large (+1D) Size: Small (-1D)
Avalanche of Muscle: Bullgryns gain a +3 Bonus Dice instead of Outsider: +1DN to all Interaction tests with members of the
+1 when charging. Adeptus Astartes or Astartes Primaris.
Note: For the purposes of choosing Stratagems for use in game, a
Ogryn Squat <Brotherhood> member may use any Astra Militarum
Build Point Cost: 20 Stratagem that are not restricted to a <Regiment> and a Squat
Base Tier: 2 <Guild> member may use any Adeptus Mechanicus Stratagem
Speed: 6 that are not restricted to a <Forgeworld>.
Attribute Modifications: +2 Strength, +2 Toughness

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
New Archetypes by Tier
Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Imperial Pilot Adeptus Arbites Canonness Custodial Guardian
Naval Crewman Cybernetica SM Apothecary Custodial Shield
Datasmith Captain
Missionary SM Captain
Sister of Silence SM Chaplain
Skitarii Ranger SM Chapter
Skitarii Vanguard SM Librarian
SM Lieutenant
SM Techmarine
Space Wolves Iron
Space Wolves Wolf
Space Wolves Wolf

New Archetype Abilities Zealot (See Common Abilities) Added to the Munistorum Priest
and Death Cult Assassin Archetype’s Benefits in the Wrath &
Authority of the Inquisition: Added to Inquisitor, Inquisitorial Glory Core RPG.
Acolyte, Inquisitorial Adept
New Keywords
Canticles of the Omnissiah Added to the abilities of both Tech- All Troops, Champions, Vehicles, Wargear, Powers and Abilities
Priest and Skitarius Player Characters in the Wrath & Glory are assumed to have the Imperium Keyword.
Core Book.
Commissars gain the Officio Prefectus Keyword.
Iron Will: Added to Inquisitor: If a threat Psyker would target an
Inquisitor who is not a Psyker with an ability, the Inquisitor may New Archetypes
use their Wisdom to attempt to Deny The Witch as if they were a
Adeptus Arbites
Master of Machines: Tech-Priest’s automatically reduce the
time by half for any Tech test. They receive +Rank on Tech tests Build Point Cost: 10
to fix or repair a damaged machine. When repairing a <Forge
World> Vehicle or Astra Militarum Vehicle, they receive +2 x Prerequisites
Rank on the Test. For a Questor Mechanicus vehicle, they receive Tier: 2
+1 1/2 x Rank on the test. (This Replaces the Rites of Repair Species: Human
ability for Tech-Priests in the Wrath & Glory Core Book) Attribute: Toughness 2, Willpower 4
Skill: Scholar (2)
Quarry Added to Inquisitor
Shield of Faith (See Common Abilities) Added to the Sister of Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Arbites, Champion
Battle, Sisters Hospitaller and Crusader Archetype’s Benefits
in the Wrath & Glory Core RPG. Influence: +2

Unquestionable Wisdom: Added to Inquisitor: All Imperium By the Emperor’s Law: A Champion with this ability gains
allies within 12m of this Champion use this Champions Wisdom +Rank Bonus Dice to Attack and Interaction tests when dealing
for any Wisdom based tests they must make. with or targeting any Heretic or Scum-type threats

War Hymns (See Common Abilities) Added to the Munistorum Voice of Command: A Champion with this ability may issue
Priest Archetype’s Benefits in the Wrath & Glory Core RPG. Combat Orders (see Astra Militarum Common Abilities) to ally

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Wargear: Arbites Carapace Armour, Suppression Shield, Custodial Shield-Captain
Arbites Shotgun, Combat Knife, Shock Maul, d3 Choke
Grenades, d3 Shock Grenades, a copy of the Lex Imperialis. Build Point Cost: 75

Canoness Prerequisites
Tier: 6
Build Point Cost: 60 Species: Adeptus Custodes
Attribute: Agility 3, Strength 6, Toughness 4, Willpower 4
Prerequisites Skill: Ballistic Skill (4); Weapon Skill (4), Scholar (2)
Tier: 4
Species: Human Benefits
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 3, Willpower 4 Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Custodes
Skill: Scholar (3), Ballistic Skill (3), Weapon Skill (3)
Influence: +5
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta Sororitas, Aegis of the Emperor: A character with this ability gains a +*2
<Order>, Champion Armor Bonus. In addition, may soak any mortal wounds suffered
by a psychic power. The character suffers no shock when soaking
Influence: +3 in this manner.

Acts of Faith Inspirational Fighter: Allies within 12m of this Champion gain
+2 Bonus Dice for any one attack during their activation.
Purity of Faith: The Canoness and any allies within 15 meters
and line of sight add +Rank to Corruption tests. A Canoness Wargear: Auric Aquilla Armour, Misericordia, Castellan Axe,
gains +Rank to any dice pool to resist psychic powers and effects. Storm Shield

Shield of Faith
Cybernetica Datasmith
Lead the Righteous: Allies within 12m of this Champion gain +1
Build Point Cost: 50
Bonus Dice for attack rolls.
Wargear: Sororitas Power Armor, Rosarius, Chaplet
Ecclesiasticus, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, d3 ea of Frag Grenade Tier: 2
Species: Human
and Krak Grenade
Attribute: Toughness 4
Skill: Ballistic Skill (3); Stealth (2), Tech (3)
Custodial Guardian
Build Point Cost: 50 Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, <Forge
Tier: 6 Influence: +1
Species: Adeptus Custodes
Attribute: Agility 3, Strength 6, Toughness 4, Willpower 4 Canticles of the Omnissiah
Skill: Ballistic Skill (4); Weapon Skill (4), Scholar (2)
Master of Machines: Cybernetica Datasmiths automatically
Benefits reduce the time by half for any Tech test. They receive +Rank on
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Custodes Tech tests to fix or repair a damaged machine. When repairing a
<Forge World> Vehicle or Astra Militarum Vehicle they receive
Influence: +5 +2x Rank on the Test. For a Questor Mechanicus vehicle they
receive +1 ½ Rank on the test.
Aegis of the Emperor: A character with this ability gains a +*2
Armor Bonus. In addition, may soak any mortal wounds suffered Wargear: Cybernetic Enhancement with a Servo Arm and 2
by a psychic power. The character suffers no shock when soaking augments, Refractor Field, Gamma Pistol, Power Fist,
in this manner. Gamma Pistol (12+2ED; AP -3; Range 30m; Salvo 1;
Devastating vs Vehicles <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Wargear: Auric Aquilla Armour, Misericordia, Guardian
Spear, Storm Shield Imperial Pilot

Build Point Cost: 0

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Prerequisites Keywords: Imperium, Champion
Tier: 1
Species: Human Influence: 0
Attribute: None
Skill: Pilot (2), Tech Use (2) Void Born: You are as adept in Zero-G as you are on land. When
transitioning suddenly to changes in gravity you suffer no ill
Benefits effects.
Keywords: Imperium, Champion
Wargear: Auto-Pistol, Uplifting Primer or equivalent.
Influence: 0

Born to Drive: Choose a vehicle type (Leman Russ, Chimera,

Sister of Silence
Lightning Fighter, etc) when you are piloting that type of vehicle,
Build Point Cost: 10
you gain +1 Bonus Dice to all tests for that vehicle.
Wargear: Auto-Pistol, Vehicle of Choice (matching above
Tier: 2
choice), and a basic crew for it if it requires, Flak Armour, Kit
Species: Human
equivalent to an Imperial Guardsman (bedroll, medkit, etc),
Attribute: Toughness 2, Willpower 4
Uplifting Primer or equivalent.
Skill: Scholar (2)
Special: Always has a Psychic Mastery of 0, May never have the
Missionary Psyker Keyword from any source.

Build Point Cost: 10
Keywords: Imperium, Astra Telepathica. Sister of Silence,
Tier: 2
Influence: +2
Species: Human
Attribute: Toughness 2, Willpower 4
Psychic Abomination: A Character or unit with this ability
Skill: Scholar (2)
cannot be the target of a psychic power. Other Psykers within
36m of this character or unit suffer a -2 Die penalty to any
Psychic Mastery test or Deny The Witch test.
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Champion
Wargear: Sisters of Silence Armour; Boltgun, Flamer, or
Influence: +2
Executioner Greatblade; and d3 Psych-Out Grenade
Word of the Emperor: Adeptus Ministorum Troops within 12m
may Re-roll failed Resolve Tests. Skitarii Ranger
War Hymns: Adeptus Ministorum and Astra Militarum Troops Build Point Cost: 50
within 12m gain +2 Initiative.
Zealot: A Champion or Troop with this ability gain an additional Tier: 2
+1 Bonus Dice for attack rolls when making a Charge attack. Species: Human
Attribute: Toughness 4
Wargear: Rosarius, Autogun, LasPistol, Chainsword, d3 ea of Skill: Ballistic Skill (3); Stealth (2), Tech (3)
Frag Grenade and Krak Grenade
Naval Crewman Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Skitarii, <Forge
Build Point Cost: 0
Influence: +1
Canticles of the Omnissiah
Tier: 1
Species: Human
Heavily Augmented: The Skitarius’ body is designed to
Attribute: None
withstand the rigours of war. Skitarii do not bleed and gain +1/2
Skill: Scholar <Naval> (2), Tech Use or Medicae (2)
Rank to Soak tests.

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Wargear: Galvanic Rifle, Skitarii Auto Cuirass Narthecium: As an action, a Narthecium grants a target a free
Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3, Rad Resistant soak roll and removes all shock from the wounded target. The
Narthecium also grants the target a new Defiance check to
Skitarii Vanguard recover from near death. The Narthecium can be used but once
per target per wound set received.
Build Point Cost: 50
Space Marine Captain
Tier: 2
Build Point Cost: 60
Species: Human
Attribute: Toughness 4
Skill: Ballistic Skill (3); Tech (3)
Tier: 4
Species: Adeptus Astartes or Primaris Astartes
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 4, Willpower 3
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult Mechanicus,
Skill: Ballistic Skill 3, Weapon Skill 3, Leadership 4
Skitarii, <Forge World>
Influence: +1
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Canticles of the Omnissiah
Influence Bonus: +2
Heavily Augmented: The Skitarius’ body is designed to
Rite of Battle: <Chapter> allies within 12m may reroll 1’s
withstand the rigours of war. Skitarii do not bleed and gain +1/2
(except for Complications) made on attack rolls.
Rank to Soak tests.
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier for
Wargear: Radium Carbine, Skitarii Auto Cuirass
any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they may
Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3, Rad Resistant
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Chart,
Radium Carbine (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 36m; Salvo 3; Assault,
make two rolls and pick one).
Rad 2 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Wargear: Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered
Space Marine Apothecary 3), Iron Halo, Bolt Pistol, Master Crafted Boltgun,
Chainsword, 2d3 Frag Grenades, 2d3 Krak Grenades.
Build Point Cost: 60 Optional Jump Pack use with Astartes Power Armour
A Captain may use a Relic Blade or Storm Shield
PREREQUISITES A Captain may use a Space Marine Bike (Requires Piloting 3)
Tier: 4 but cannot use a Jump Pack
Species: Adeptus Astartes or Primaris Astartes A Captain may use Terminator Armor instead of Astartes
Attribute: Intellect 3, Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 4 Power Armour with the following weapon options available to
Skill: Ballistic Skill 3, Tech 1, Medicae 3, Weapon Skill 3 him
Chain Fist, Power Sword, Relic Blade, Storm Bolter, Wrist
BENEFITS Mounted Grenade Launcher (on Power Fist) (Damage as
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> Grenade, AP as Grenade; Range 40m; Salvo 1)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Influence Bonus: +2 Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Iron Halo: Armor Rating: *4, Force Shield
Rites of Medicae: Apothecaries automatically reduce the time by Relic Blade (8+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee)
half for any Medicae test. Apothecaries heal a number of wounds
equal to the number of icons generated on a Medicae Test plus Space Marine Chaplain
their Rank.
Build Point Cost: 60
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier for
any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they may PREREQUISITES
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Chart, Tier: 4
make two rolls and pick one). Species: Adeptus Astartes or Primaris Astartes
Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 4, Willpower 5
Wargear: Astartes Power Armour of choice, Bolt Pistol, Skill: Ballistic Skill 3, Leadership 3, Scholar 1, Weapon Skill 4
Astartes Combat Knife, Chainsword, 1d3 Frag Grenades, 1d3
Krak Grenades, and a Narthecium. BENEFITS
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> the following Litanies of the Devout to be in effect until combat
Influence Bonus: +2 Fervent Acclimation: Allies within 12m of this
Champion have all aura ability ranges increased by 6m.
Litanies of Battle: Before the start of combat, choose one of the Fires of Devotion: Select an ally with 12m of this
following Litanies of Battle to be in effect until combat ends: Champion. If that ally makes a Charge attack, they gain +2
Canticle of Hate: Increase the Speed of allies within Initiative.
12m by +4 when making charge attacks. Litany of Devine Protection: Select an ally within 12m
Catachism of Fire: When allies within 12m make a of this Champion. If that ally would lose a wound, roll a d6, on a
ranged attack against the closest visible threat to them, they add 5+ the wound is not lost.
+1ED to the damage roll. Oath of Glory: Select one ally within 12m of this
Exhortation of Rage: When allies within 12m roll a Champion to activate first in the turn. Threats cannot steal
critical on a melee attack, they can make an immediate second initiative from the selected ally.
attack with the same weapon. This second attack does not Psalm of Remorseless Protection: Allies within 12m of
generate any additional attacks. this Champion gain +1 ED when making melee attacks.
Fortress of Resolve <Imperial Fists>: When an ally Vow of Retribution: Threats within 12m of this
within 12m attacks from a held action, they gain +2 Bonus Dice Champion suffer a -2 penalty to all Willpower Tests.
to the attack.
Intonement For Guidance <Grey Knights>: Allies with Litanies of Hate: <Chapter> allies within 12m may reroll 1’s
12m ignore all DN modifiers to their shooting attacks this turn. (except for Complications) made on melee attack rolls.
Invocation of Destruction <Blood Angels>: Choose an
ally with 12m. Until your next activation, whenever the selected Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier for
ally makes a melee attack, if they score a critical hit, the AP of any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they may
their weapon is increased by 4. draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Chart,
Invocation of Focus <Grey Knight>: Allies within 12m make two rolls and pick one).
that are armed with Nemesis or PSI weapons have their weapons
AP increased by -1. Spiritual Leader: All <Chapter> allies with 18m may use the
Litany of Faith: When allies within 12m make a Soak Chaplains’ Resolve instead of their own.
roll, they receive 1 less Shock from the roll.
Mantra of Strength: You gain +2 to Strength and Wargear: Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered
Weapon Skill. Add +1ED to melee weapon damage rolls. 3), Rosarius, Crozarius Arcanum, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol,
March for Macragge <Ultramarines>: Allies within Astartes Combat Knife, Power Fist, 2d3 Frag Grenades and
12m gain +2 Speed when Charging 2d3 Krak Grenades.
Medusan Furore <Iron Hands>: Allies gain +2 Strength Optional Jump Pack with Astartes Power Armour
while within 12m of this Champion. Optional Terminator Armor with the following weapon options:
Recitation of Focus: Allies within 12m receive +2 Stormbolter
Bonus Dice to Weapon Skill rolls Combi-Weapons
Recitation of Projection <Grey Knights>: Allies within Combi-Flamer: As Boltgun and Flamer
12m armed with Bolt or PSI weapons have their ranges increased Combi-Melta: As Boltgun and Melta Gun
by 12m. Combi-Plasma: As Boltgun and Plasma Gun
Refrain of Convergence <Grey Knight>: This Rosarius (Armour *4, Force Shield)
Champion gains +2 Bonus Dice for Deny the Witch Tests. Crozarius Arcanum (8+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Brutal, Master
Selfless Saviors <Salamanders>: Troop allies within Crafted, Power Field, Steadfast)
12m can become the target of any attack that targets a Champion
within 4 m of the troop. Space Marine Chapter
Stoic Prosecution <Dark Angels>: When an ally within
12m makes a ranged attack, they gain +2 ED to the damage.
Strike off The Head <White Scars>: When an ally
within 12m makes a melee attack, they gain +1 ED to the damage. Build Point Cost: 60
Swift as the Raven <Raven Guard>: Allies within 12m
gain +2 Speed when Charging. PREREQUISITES
Tale of the Wolf King and the Lord of the Deeps Tier: 4
<Space Wolves>: Allies within 12m gain +2 ED when using a Species: Adeptus Astartes
melee weapon versus a Monster or a Vehicle. Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 4, Willpower 3
Words of Power <Grey Knights>: Allies within 12m Skill: Ballistic Skill 3, Weapon Skill 5, Leadership 4
gain +1ED to damage rolls.
Litanies of the Devout <Black Templar>: A Black Templar Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Chaplain may know Litanies from this list or from the Litanies of
Battle list, but not both. Before the start of combat, choose one of Talents: Dual Wielder: Weapon Skill
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
***: Psychic Hood provides +1 Icon for Deny the Witch Tests
Influence Bonus: +2 and the user does not need to use a Hold Action to perform a
Deny the Witch test, but is limited to one Deny the Witch test per
Honour or Death: If the Chapter Champion is with 6m of turn per Tier Level.
another Character or Champion, the Chapter Champion must
attempt a Heroic Intervention Action for said target. This action Space Marine Lieutenant
immediately has the Chapter Champion move with 2m of target
and takes any attack damage said target would have. A Chapter Build Point Cost: 50
Champion may reroll 1’s (except for Complications) made on
melee attack rolls. PREREQUISITES
Tier: 4
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier for Species: Adeptus Astartes or Primaris Astartes
any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they may Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 4, Willpower 3
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Chart, Skill: Ballistic Skill 3, Weapon Skill 3, Leadership 2
make two rolls and pick one).
Wargear: Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
3), Champions Blade, Power Sword, 2d3 Frag Grenades, 2d3
Krak Grenades. Influence Bonus: +1
Champions Blade (7+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Master Crafted,
Penetrating 1) Tactical Precision: Allies within 12m may reroll 1’s made on
soak rolls.
Space Marine Librarian
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier for
Build Point Cost: 75 any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they may
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Chart,
PREREQUISITES make two rolls and pick one).
Tier: 4
Species: Adeptus Astartes or Primaris Astartes Wargear: Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered
Attribute: Willpower 4, Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 4 3), Bolt Pistol, Master Crafted Boltgun, Chainsword, 1d3 Frag
Skill: Ballistic Skill 3, Psychic Mastery 1, Weapon Skill 3 Grenades, 1d3 Krak Grenades. Optional Jump Pack use with
Aquilla Mark VII Armor
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, Psyker, <Chapter> Space Marine TechMarine
Influence Bonus: +3
Build Point Cost: 60
Psyker: A Librarian begins play with any combination of two PREREQUISITES
minor psychic powers and/or discipline powers from the Wrath Tier: 4
and Glory Core Book, All Space Marine Disciplines (subject to Species: Adeptus Astartes
<Chapter> restrictions), and the smite psychic power. They may Attribute: Intellect 3, Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 4
purchase additional powers, subject to Tier restrictions. They may
Skill: Ballistic Skill 3, Tech 3, Scholar 1, Weapon Skill 3
attempt to Deny The Witch.
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier for Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they may
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Chart, Influence Bonus: +2
make two rolls and pick one).
Rite of Repair: Tech-Priests automatically reduce the time by
Wargear: Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered half for any Tech test. Tech-Priests repair a number of wounds to
3), Boltgun*, Bolt Pistol*, Astartes Combat Knife, Force Stave a vehicle or machine equal to the number of icons generated on a
**, Psychic Hood***, 1d3 Frag Grenades, 1d3 Krak Grenades, Tech Test plus their Rank.
and Jump Pack (optional) or Terminator Armour (Optional)
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier for
*: May replace the Boltgun or Bolt Pistol with any other similar any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they may
one-handed weapon, including combi-weapons. draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Chart,
**: May replace the Force Stave with either Force Sword or make two rolls and pick one).
Force Axe

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Wargear: Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered Tier: 4
3), Boltgun*, Bolt Pistol*, Astartes Combat Knife, Power Axe, Species: Adeptus Astartes or Primaris Astartes
1d3 Frag Grenades, 1d3 Krak Grenades, Servo Arm with 2 Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 4, Willpower 3
Augments or a Conversion Beamer and no Servo Arm. The Skill: Ballistic Skill 3, Weapon Skill 3, Leadership 4
Techmarine may crew a Thunderfire Cannon but must have 2
servo arms and stay within 12 m to activate it. BENEFITS
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>
*: May replace the Boltgun or Bolt Pistol with any other similar
one-handed weapon, including combi-weapons. Influence Bonus: +2
Conversion Beamer: (14+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 1;
Heavy 6; At half or greater range, 16+3ED AP 2) Jarl of Fenris: Allies within 12m may reroll 1’s (except for
Thunderfire Cannon (13+6ED; AP -1; Range 180m; Salvo 5; Complications) made on attack rolls.
Heavy 8, MBT, Indirect)
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier for
Space Wolves Iron Priest any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they may
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Chart,
make two rolls and pick one).
Build Point Cost: 60
Wargear: Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered
3), Belt of Russ, Bolt Pistol, Master Crafted Boltgun,
Tier: 4
Chainsword, 2d3 Frag Grenades, 2d3 Krak Grenades.
Species: Adeptus Astartes
Optional Jump Pack use with Astartes Power Armour
Attribute: Intellect 3, Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 4
A Wolf Lord may use a Relic Blade or Storm Shield
Skill: Ballistic Skill 3, Tech 3, Scholar 1, Weapon Skill 3
A Wolf Lord may use a Space Marine Bike (Requires Piloting
3) but cannot use a Jump Pack
A Wolf Lord may use Terminator Armor instead of Astartes
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>
Power Armour with the following weapon options available to
Influence Bonus: +2
Chain Fist, Power Sword, Relic Blade, Storm Bolter, Wrist
Mounted Grenade Launcher (on Power Fist) (Damage as
Rite of Repair: Iron Priests automatically reduce the time by half
Grenade, AP as Grenade; Range 40m; Salvo 1)
for any Tech test. Iron Priests repair a number of wounds to a
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
vehicle or machine equal to the number of icons generated on a
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Tech Test plus their Rank.
Belt of Russ: Armor Rating: *4, Force Shield
Relic Blade (8+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee)
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier for
any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they may
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Chart, Space Wolves Wolf Priest
make two rolls and pick one).
Build Point Cost: 60
Wargear: Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered
3), Hellfrost Pistol, Tempest Hammer Astartes Combat Knife, PREREQUISITES
Power Axe, 1d3 Frag Grenades, 1d3 Krak Grenades, Servo Tier: 4
Arm with 2 Augments or a Conversion Beamer and no Servo Species: Adeptus Astartes or Primaris Astartes
Arm. The Iron Priest may crew a Thunderfire Cannon but must Attribute: Strength 4, Agility 4, Toughness 4, Willpower 5
have 2 servo arms and stay within 12 m to activate it. Skill: Ballistic Skill 3, Leadership 3, Scholar 1, Weapon Skill 4
Hellfrost Pistol (14+3ED; AP -4; Range 30m; Salve 2; Pistol,
Mortal 1 <Space Wolves>) BENEFITS
Tempest Hammer (10+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>
Unwieldly 2, Mortal 2 <Space Wolves>)
Conversion Beamer: (14+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 1; Influence Bonus: +2
Heavy 6; At half or greater range, 16+3ED AP 2)
Thunderfire Cannon (13+6ED; AP -1; Range 180m; Salvo 5; Littanies of Battle (As Chaplain above)
Heavy 8, MBT, Indirect)
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier for
Space Wolves Wolf Lord any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they may
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Chart,
Build Point Cost: 60 make two rolls and pick one).

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Spiritual Leader: Allies with 18m may use the Chaplains’ Combi-Flamer: As Boltgun and Flamer
Resolve instead of their own. Combi-Melta: As Boltgun and Melta Gun
Combi-Plasma: As Boltgun and Plasma Gun
Wargear: Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered Wolf Amulet (Armour *4, Force Shield)
3), Wolf Amulet, Crozius Arcanum, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Crozarius Arcanum (8+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Brutal, Master
Astartes Combat Knife, Power Fist, Healing Balms, 2d3 Frag Crafted, Power Field, Steadfast)
Grenades and 2d3 Krak Grenades. Healing Balms: A character equipped with these balms may heal
Optional Jump Pack with Astartes Power Armour a target non-vehicle of d3 wounds.
Optional Terminator Armor with the following weapon options:

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Talents & Ascension Packages

The following are new or modified talents for player characters. • Prerequisites: <Attack Skill> 3
• Effect: When attacking a Heretics or Daemon threat,
Acts of Faith (Modified) +Rank Bonus Dice to attacks, Conviction, and Resolve
• Cost: 30 tests
• Prerequisites: Adeptus Ministorum or Adepta Sororitas,
must not possess the Chaos Keyword, Willpower 3+ Chapter Champion
• Each time you select this Talent, you gain 2 Faith and • Cost: 10
you may choose to gain access to two effects from the • Prerequisites: Adeptus Astartes, Company Champion
list below. To gain access to all six effects, you must • Effect: Gain the Chapter Champion keyword and the
purchase this Talent three times. You may use this talent following ability: Chapter Champion once per game,
only once per round. As an action, suffer 1 Shock and have a threat take a -2 Die penalty to any melee attack
spend 1 Faith to activate one of the chosen effects. against this champion. Black Templars cannot use this
o Aegis of the Emperor: Until the beginning of Stratagem.
your next activation, if you would lose a wound
due to a threats use of a psychic power, roll a d6 Chapter Master
each time a wound is lost in the is way, if an • Cost: 10
icon is generated, heal that many wounds (to • Prerequisites: Adeptus Astartes, Chapter Champion
your max Wounds) Effect: Gain the Chapter Master keyword and gain the
o Divine guidance: You gain +Rank to Ballistic following Special Ability in place of any Rites of Battle
Skill tests for your Activation. they may have: Chapter Master All allies with 20m gain
o Hand of the Emperor: Gain +3 to your Speed +1 Bonus Dice on attacks rolls.
o Light of the Emperor: You automatically pass
any Resolve Tests till the end of the turn. Chief Apothecary
o The Passion: You gain +Rank to Weapon Skill • Cost: 10
tests for your Activation. • Prerequisites: Adeptus Astartes, Apothecary
o Spirit of the Martyr: Heal d3 wounds • Effect: Gain the Chief Apothecary keyword and the
• Miracles: Any Champion or Threat that has made at following ability: Chief Apothecary gain +2 Bonus Dice
least 1 purchase of this Talent can collect and use a to any Medicae Test.
Miracle Dice Pool. Whenever one of the following
conditions are met, the champion may roll a die and add Chief Librarian
that die, at the value rolled, to their Miracle Dice Pool. • Cost: 10
When the Champion is making any Test, rolling
• Prerequisites: Adeptus Astartes, Librarian
Damage, or Soak, the Champion may select one or more
dice from their Miracle Dice Pool to replace dice to be • Effect: Gain the Chief Librarian keyword and the
following ability: Chief Librarian know one additional
rolled for the test. The selected Dice are not rolled, they
Psychic Power and be able to use Deny The Witch one
directly replace the dice and act as rolled dice. The
additional time per turn.
Champion or Threat gains a die for their Miracle Dice
Pool under the following circumstances:
o Vengeance: Anytime this Champion kills a
threat Champion or unit. • Cost: 30
o Sacrifice: Anytime an ally Champion with Acts • Prerequisites: Adeptus Mechanicus, Tech-Priest
of Faith is killed. • Effect: Increase the +Rank bonus for working on Astra
o Purity: Anytime this Champion or an ally with Militarum vehicles to 3x Rank, and Questor Mechanicus
Acts of Faith resists a Psychic Power without to 2x Rank.
using Miracle Dice.
o Valour: Anytime this Champion rolls a Grey Hunter
Complication on any Wisdom based Test. • Cost: 20
• <Designers Notes: With the material released in the Beta • Prerequisites: Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>
Codex from Chapter Approved, the Acts of Faith was • Effect: The PC is now considered a Grey Hunter Space
increased by 2. To balance out the over all cost to gain Marine of the <Space Wolves>. Gains +1 Toughness,
all of them, the cost to purchase the talent was reduced Willpower, and Ballistic Skill
from 40 to 30 build points. Miracle Dice Pool added
from Codex: Adepta Sororitas > Hard to Kill
• Cost: 5 per Tier of Campaign
Chaos War Veteran • Prerequisites: Hardy
• Cost: 30
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
• Effect: The PC gains 1 wound per Tier of the Campaign. for Heavy Bolter, Twin Heavy Bolter, or Hurricane
This Talent may be selected multiple times. Bolter) that is not keyword specific listed in the Wargear
• Cost: 25 Special Issue Projectile Ammunition
• Prerequisites: Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angels>, • Cost: 35
Chaplain • Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 5, Influence +3
• Effect: The PC now has the Inner Circle ability, the • Effect: This character access to Special Issue Projectile
Deathwing Keyword, and the Aura of Dread ability (Any Ammunition when firing a projectile type weapon
threat within 12m of this Champion suffers an additional (except for Auto Cannon or Heavy Stubber weapons)
+2DN penalty to all Wisdom basted tests.) that is not keyword specific listed in the Wargear section.

Master of Sanctity Use the Terrain

• Cost: 10 • Cost: 20
• Prerequisites: Adeptus Astartes, Chaplain • Prerequisites: Stealth 5
• Effect: Gain the Master of Sanctity keyword and the • Effect: Receive +Rank to all Stealth Tests when moving
following ability: Master of Sanctity: This Chaplain into, thru, or out of cover
knows one additional Litany of Battle and can recite one
additional Litany. Veteran of the Psychic Awakening Campaign
• Cost: 30
Master of the Forge • Prerequisites: <Attack Skill> 3
• Cost: 10 • Effect: When attacking a threat with the Psyker
• Prerequisites: Adeptus Astartes, Tech-Priest Keyword, add +Rank Bonus Dice to attacks, Conviction,
• Effect: Gain the Master of the Forge keyword and the and Resolve tests
following ability: Master of the Forge: When this
champion repairs a vehicle using their Blessings of the Veteran of the Tyrannic Campaign
Omnissiah ability, they repair the maximum amount of • Cost: 30
wounds they could. • Prerequisites: <Attack Skill> 3
• Effect: When attacking a threat with the Tyranid
Siege Captain Keyword, add +Rank Bonus Dice to attacks, Conviction,
• Cost: 20 and Resolve tests
• Prerequisites: Adeptus Astartes, Astra Militarum, or
Adeptus Mechanicus; Scholar (2), Ballistic Skill (3) Veteran of the Vigilus Campaign
• Effect: When attacking a Building or Fortification, • Cost: 30
increase the damage of any weapons used in the attack • Prerequisites: <Attack Skill> 3
by +4ED. • Effect: When attacking a threat with the Chaos or
Daemon Keyword, add +Rank Bonus Dice to attacks,
Sister Superior Conviction, and Resolve tests
• Cost: 30
• Prerequisites: Sister of Battle, Scholar (2), Ballistic Veteran Soldier
Skill (3), Weapon Skill (3) • Cost: 20
• Effect: Gain +2 Influence, +1 Agility, Initiative, • Prerequisites: Astra Militarum
Intellect, and Willpower. • Effect: The PC is now considered a Veteran Soldier of
his <Regiment>. Gains +1 Toughness, Willpower, and
Special Issue Battle Cannon Ammunition Ballistic or Weapons Skill
• Cost: 35
• Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 5, Influence +3 Voice of Command
• Effect: This character access to Special Issue Battle • Cost: 20
Cannon Ammunition when firing a Battle Canon type • Prerequisites: Willpower or Intimidation of 3
weapon (Battle Cannon, Taurox Battle Cannon, or • Effect: A Character with this ability may issue Combat
Vanquisher Battle Cannon) that is not keyword specific Orders (see Astra Militarum Common Abilities) to ally
listed in the Wargear section. Troops.

Special Issue Bolter Ammunition Xenos War Veteran

• Cost: 35 • Cost: 30
• Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 5, Influence +3 • Prerequisites: <Attack Skill> 3
• Effect: This character access to Special Issue • Effect: When this Talent is selected, choose a Xenos
Ammunition when firing a bolter type weapon (except keyword from the following list: Ork, Tau, Aeldari,
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Tyranid, Necron. When attacking a chosen threat, Story Element: The Space Marine is now considered a member
+Rank Bonus Dice to attacks, Conviction, and Resolve of the <Deathwatch> in addition to any other <Chapter>
tests affiliation and may use any Space Marine Stratagem that is not
<Chapter>. The Marine now has access to all <Deathwatch>
The following are new ascension packages for player characters. keyworded material. The Marine gains +2 bonus to Strength,
Toughness, Willpower, Weapon Skill, and Ballistic Skill
Basic Ascension Package Wargear: Is issued any <Deathwatch> Wargear desired.
Cost: New Tier x 10
Grey Knight
Prerequisites: Cost: New Tier x 10
Minimum Campaign Tier: 2
Race: Any Prerequisites:
Attribute: None Minimum Campaign Tier: 5
Skill: None Race: Adeptus Astartes
Attribute: None
Benefits: Skill: Psychic Mastery 4
Keywords: Any that apply
Influence Bonus: +1/2 Tiers ascended Benefits:
Story Element: The character gains the following per Tier Keywords <Deathwatch>
ascended: +1 to any attribute, +1 to 2 skills or +2 to one skill. The Influence Bonus: +2
character gains +1 Talent for every 2 Tiers ascended. Story Element: The Space Marine is now considered a member
of the <Grey Knights> instead of any other <Chapter> affiliation
Deathwatch Veteran and may use any Space Marine Stratagem that is not <Chapter>.
Cost: New Tier x 10 The Marine now has access to all <Grey Knights> keyworded
material. The Marine gains Lore <Daemon> 4.
Prerequisites: Psyker: A <Grey Knight> Psyker begins play with any
Minimum Campaign Tier: 5 combination of two minor psychic powers and/or discipline
Race: Adeptus Astartes powers from the Wrath and Glory Core Book, All Space Marine
Attribute: None Disciplines (subject to <Chapter> restrictions), and the smite
Skill: None psychic power. They may purchase additional powers, subject to
Tier restrictions. They may attempt to Deny the Witch. Unless
Benefits: noted otherwise, a Grey Knight may attempt to manifest one
Keywords <Deathwatch> psychic power on each of their activations.
Influence Bonus: +2 Masters of the Warp
Wargear: Is issued any <Grey Knights> Wargear desired.

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Character Common Abilities
The Adeptus Custodes common abilities are summarized below. • Fire on my Command (Valhallan): Target ally may fire
into melee with no chance of hitting other allies.
Aegis of the Emperor: A character with this ability gains a +*2 • First Rank Fire! Second Rank Fire!: All Lasguns and
Armor Bonus. In addition, may soak any mortal wounds suffered Hot-Shot Lasguns in the ally unit gain the Rapid Fire 2
by a psychic power. The character suffers no shock when soaking trait.
in this manner. • Fix Bayonets!: Target ally may make an immediate
charge movement and a melee attack, even if they have
The Emperor’s Chosen: Any +*X Armour Bonus this character already activated this turn.
possesses is increased by 1. • Form Firing Squad! (Mordian): Target ally gains +2
Bonus Dice to attack rolls when targeting a Character or
The Adeptus Mechanicus common abilities are summarized Champion.
below. • Forwards, For the Emperor!: Target ally may make a
double move and shoot with no penalties from moving
Bionics: A character with this ability gain a +*3 Armor Bonus. on their next activation.
• Get around behind them! (Tallarn, Tank Order): Target
Masterwork Bionics: A character with this ability gain a +*4 ally tank may make an immediate move, even if it had
Armor Bonus. already activated this turn. This move does not count
against the target tank for subsequently activating this
Canticles of the Omnissiah: Members of the Adeptus turn.\
Mechanicus with this ability may, at the start of their activation • Get back in the fight!; Target ally may make an
each turn, choose one of the following effects to apply to them till immediate attack, even if they have already activated this
the beginning of their next activation:
• Benediction of the Omnissiah: Gain +2 Bonus Dice to • Mount up! (Armageddon): Target ally may make an
Ballistic Tests immediate ranged attack and then embark upon an ally
• Chant of the Remorseless Fist: Gain +2 Bonus Dice to Transport. The target ally must not have disembarked
your Weapons Skill Tests already this turn.
• Incantation of the Iron Soul: Gain +2 Bonus Dice to • Move! Move Move!: Target ally makes an immediate
Resolve Tests move, even if they have activated this turn.
• Invocation of Machine Might: You have +2 Strength • Pound them to Dust (Cadian, Tank Order): Target ally
• Litany of the Technomancer: Roll a d6 for each threat tank may make an attack with its turret weapon, even if it
within 2m of you, deal 1 mortal wound for each icon has already activated this turn
generated. • Repel the Enemy! (Vostroyan): Target ally may fire any
• Shroudpsalm: Gain a +2DN cover bonus vs any attacks. of its weapons as if it had the Pistol trait when in melee
This bonus does not count if you are already in cover. range.
• Take Aim!: Target ally gains +2 Bonus Dice when
The Astra Militarum common abilities are summarized below. shooting on their next activation.
• Without Mercy (Death Korps of Krieg): All Lasguns
Combat Orders: An Astra Militarum Champion or Character and Hot-Shot Lasguns gain the Pistol trait until the end
with the Voice of Command Ability may issue Orders to Troops
of the turn.
or Vehicles under their command. These Orders are given at the
beginning of any given activation to an ally Troops unit with 12m.
Grinding Advance: A vehicle with this ability may fire its turret
Some of these orders are listed as Tank Orders and can only be weapon twice when it activates in a turn if it has not moved more
given to such a vehicle. Orders are only issued one per turn no
than ½ its cruising speed since it last fired the turret weapon.
matter how many Characters or Champions may issue them. The Furthermore, shooting attacks with this vehicle’s turret weapons
Orders are listed below.
do not suffer a penalty for moving and shooting.
• Bring it down!: Target ally gains +2 wounds to the
damage dealt when attacking on their next activation. Voice of Command: A Character or Champion with this ability
• Burn them out (Catachan): Target ally may make an may issue Combat Orders (see above).
attack with any Flame weapon it is equipped with, even
if it has already attacked this turn. The attacking ally The Officio Assassinorum, Adepta Sororitas, Inquisitorial,
does not suffer a penalty to the DN to shoot the threats Ministorium, and Officio Munitorum common abilities are
cover. summarized below.
• Elimination Protocol Sanctioned (Militarum
Tempestus): Target ally gains +2 wounds to damage Acts of Faith: See New Talents for updated information
dealt to a Vehicle or Monstrous Creature.

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Authority of the Inquisition: Champions with this ability may War Hymns: Adeptus Ministorum and Astra Militarum Troops
use any Wargear with the Imperium keyword as if it had the within 12m gain +2 Initiative.
Inquisition keyword also.
Zealot: A Champion or Troop with this ability gain an additional
Independent Operative: A unit with this ability may never be +1 Bonus Dice for attack rolls when making a Charge attack.
given Warlord Traits or Relics.
The Adeptus Astartes and Primaris Astartes common character
Lightning Reflexes: A unit with this ability may soak Mortal abilities are summarized below.
And They Shall Know No Fear: Adeptus Astartes reroll failures
Quarry: A Champion with this ability gains a bonus against on any Resolve Test.
keyworded Champions based on the <Ordo> they belong to.
• Ordo Hereticus: Gain +2 Bonus Dice and +2 Base Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any
Damage for weapons when attacking Heretic and successful attack against a Mob.
Psyker Champions
• Ordo Malleus: Gain +2 Bonus Dice and +2 Base Black Rage <Blood Angels>: Increase this Blood Angels Speed
Damage for weapons when attacking Chaos and by 2 if he charges. If this Blood Angel loses a wound, roll a d6, if
Daemon Champions an exalted icon is generated, the wound is ignored.
• Ordo Xenos: Gain +2 Bonus Dice and +2 Base Damage
for weapons when attacking Xenos Champions. Bolter Discipline: Space Marines firing Bolt-type weapons with
• Other <Ordo>: Gain +2 Bonus Dice and +2 Base the Rapid Fire Trait double the Rapid Fire Traits value. Adding
Damage for weapons when attacking Threat Champions +1 to the weapons Salvo for each additional 2 of the Rapid Fire
Trait gained in this way.
Sacred Rights: Sacred Rights are available to any Adepta
Sororitas or Adeptus Ministorum Champion or Unit at the Combat Doctrines: Combat doctrines are usable by any Space
beginning of any combat. At the beginning of combat, the Marine unit (Character group or Threat) with 3 or more members
commanding character (or threat commander) chooses which of that share the Space Marine keyword regardless of their
the following Sacred Rights to apply to himself and his forces. <Chapter> affiliation. At the beginning of combat, the
At any time during combat, the commander can spend a Glory to commanding character (or threat commander) chooses which of
change to another Sacred Right but may not choose a Sacred the following Combat Doctrines to apply to himself and his
Right that has already been used this combat. The effects of the forces. At any time during combat, the commander can spend a
current chosen doctrine last until the end of combat. These Glory to change to another doctrine but may not choose a doctrine
doctrines only apply to Adepta Sororitas or Adeptus that has already been used this combat. The effects of the current
Ministorum. chosen doctrine last until the end of combat. These doctrines only
• Aegis of the Emperor: When a Deny the Witch Test is apply to Space Marines.
made for a unit when this Right is in play, add +3 Bonus • Generic Combat Doctrines
Dice to the Test. o Assault Doctrine: The AP of Pistol and Melee
• Divine Guidance: When resolving an Ranged attack for weapons is improved by 1 whilst this doctrine is
a unit when this Right is in play, if a Critical is rolled, in effect (ie. AP 0 becomes AP -1).
increase the attack’s AP by +1. o Devastator Doctrine: The AP of Heavy and
• Hand of the Emperor: Increase Speed when Charging Grenade weapons is improved by 1 whilst this
by +2. doctrine is in effect (ie. AP 0 becomes AP -1).
o Tactical Doctrine: The AP of Rapid Fire and
• Light of the Emperor: When a Willpower based Test is
Assault weapons is improved by 1 whilst this
made by a unit when this Right is in play, this unit may
doctrine is in effect (ie. AP 0 becomes AP -1).
re-roll all dice for the test except for a Complication.
• <Chapter> Specific Combat Doctrines
• The Passion: When resolving a Melee attack for a unit
o Calculated Fury <Iron Hands> Whilst the
when this Right is in play, if a Critical is rolled, increase
Devastator Doctrine is in effect, <Iron Hangs>
the attack’s AP by +1.
gain +2 Bonus Dice when firing a heavy
• Spirit of the Martyr: When a unit is killed when this
Right is in play, roll a d6. If any Icons are generated, that
o Devastating Charge <White Scars> Whilst the
unit may make 1 attack with any weapon it is armed
Assault Doctrine is in effect, <White Scars> add
1 icon to the damage made with melee weapons
when making a charge attack.
Shield of Faith: A Unit with this ability gains a +*2 Armor
o Knights of Sigismund <Black Templars>
Bonus and may attempt to Deny The Witch by rolling Willpower
Whilst the Assault Doctrine is in effect, when
for the Psychic Test. If this unit is a Psyker, they gain +2 Bonus
resolving a melee attack against a non-vehicle
Dice for Deny The Witch attempts.
threat and this unit Charged, if a Critical Hit is

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Heroes of the Imperium
scored, the attack hits automatically. Shift all
Exalted Icons to damage. The following common abilities are Adeptus Astartes <Chapter>
o Legacy of Dorn <Imperial Fists> Whilst the specific.
Devastator Doctrine is in effect, Heavy
Weapons fired by a Space Marine with this Brotherhood of Psykers <Grey Knights>: If 2 or more Grey
ability gain +2 ED when used against a vehicle Knights are within 6m of ach other then they all gain +1 Bonus
or fortification. Dice to their Psychic Mastery Tests.
o Savage Fury <Space Wolves> Whilst the
Assault Doctrine is in effect, whenever a Space Daemon Hunter <Grey Knights>: All melee attacks against
Wolf makes a melee attack and a Critical Hit is <Daemons> do +2 Wounds more damage.
scored, add +1ED to the damage of the attack.
o Scions of Guilliman <Ultramarines> Whilst the Defenders of Humanity <Deathwatch>: Gain +2 bonus dice on
Tactical Doctrine is in effect, a Space Marine attacks against a xenos threat and on tests to resist psychic powers
ally that moved but did not charge may make from a xenos threat.
ranged attacks as if they had remained
stationary. Inner Circle <Dark Angels>: A Dark Angel with this ability
automatically passes Resolve Tests and gains Lucky for melee
Honour the Chapter: You are subject to the orders of your attacks against threats with the Fallen keyword.
chapter master and must honour both the beliefs and traditions of
your chapter. Jink <Dark Angels>: If a Dark Angel with this ability Charges, it
gains a +*2 Armor Bonus until the end of the turn.
Honour the Chapter <Primaris>: As above but Primaris do not
suffer any Geneseed-based penalties from their <Chapter> Mission Tactics <Deathwatch>: At the beginning of combat,
selection. choose a Mission Tactic. This tactic is in effect for the entire
combat and cannot be changed except through the use of the
Hunters Unleashed <Space Wolves>: Whenever a Space Wolf is Adaptive Tactics Stratagem. Each of the following tactics allows
Charged or Charges, they gain +1 Bonus Dice on the next melee for the reroll of 1s on damage rolls versus a certain type of xenos
attack they make. threat.

The Red Thirst <Blood Angels>: Blood Angels Primaris now Mission Tactic Xenos Threat Type
suffer the effects of The Red Thirst contrary to preconceived Furor Troop Level Tier Threat
notions of Geenseed Immunity to it! Venerator Bike, Jump Pack, or Land Speeder
(or equivalent) Threat
Rite of Battle: <Chapter> allies within 12m may reroll 1’s Dominatus Elite Tier Threat
(except for Complications) made on attack rolls. (Jarl of Fenris Malleus Vehicle, Walker, or Monstrous
for <Space Wolves>) Creature Threat
(non-Bike, Jump Pack, or Land
Rites of Medicae: Apothecaries automatically reduce the time by Speeder)
half for any Medicae test. Apothecaries heal a number of wounds Purgatus Adversary Tier Threat
equal to the number of icons generated on a Medicae Test plus Reptarus Fly Threat
their Rank.
Legacy of Dorn <Imperial Fists>: When resolving an attack
Rite of Repair: Tech-Priests automatically reduce the time by against a Vehicle or Building with a Heavy Weapon by a unit
half for any Tech test. Tech-Priests repair a number of wounds to with this ability, increase the damage by +2ED.
a vehicle or machine equal to the number of icons generated on a
Tech Test plus their Rank. (Battlesmith for <Space Wolves>) Masters of the Warp <Grey Knights> As Masters of the Warp,
Grey Knights in a unit (Character group or Threat) with 3 or more
Savage Echoes <Blood Angels>: Whilst the Assault Doctrine is members may, at the beginning of combat, choose which of the
active, a unit with this ability that is charged or charges gains +2 following Tides to apply to himself and his forces. At any time
Initiative. during combat, the commander can spend a Glory to change to
another Tide but may not choose a Tide that has already been
Shock Assault: When a Space Maine performs a Charge attack, used this combat. The effects of the current chosen Tide last until
he gains +1 Bonus Dice to his attack. the end of combat. These Tides only apply to Grey Knights.
• Tides
Space Marine Implants: Space Marines do not bleed. Space o Tide of Convergence: Attacks with a PSI
Marines gain +1 bonus dice as a situational modifier to any test if weapon are made at +2 Base Damage and
the Game Master deems it appropriate for one of the 19 implants. +2ED.
o Tide of Escalation: When this unit has this
Tactical Precision: <Chapter> allies within 12m may reroll 1’s Rites of Banishment ability and is manifesting
made on soak rolls. (Huskarl to the Jarl for <Space Wolves>)
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Heroes of the Imperium
the Smite Psychic Power, the Smite does an (except for Heavy Bolter, Twin Heavy Bolter, or Hurricane
additions +2 mortal wounds of damage. Bolter) that is not <Chapter> specific listed in the Wargear
o Tide of Fury: Attacks with a Nemesis Weapon section.
are made at +2 Bonus Dice
o Tide of Shadows: This unit gains a +2DN Surgical Strikes <Raven Guard>: Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is
cover bonus even when it is not in cover. This in effect, all units with this ability gain 1 icon on Melee Attack
unit gains a +1DN to any cover bonus it already and Melee Damage Rolls.
is receiving.
Teleport Strike <Grey Knights>: One per game, a Grey Knight
Relentless Hunt <Dark Angels>: Whilst the Devastator Doctrine Troops may deploy to the battle via Teleportarium. This Grey
is in effect, all <Dark Angels> armed with Heavy or Rapid Fire Knights arrives within 6m of any Grey Knight Champion on the
weapons increase their ranges by 12m, and all Pistol or Assault battlefield.
weapons increase their ranges by 6m.
The Sisters of Silence common abilities are summarized below.
Rites of Banishment <Grey Knights>: Anytime a <Grey Knight>
manifests the Smite power, the range is reduced to 24m and the Psychic Abomination: A Character or unit with this ability
damage is 1 mortal wound. If the target of the power is a cannot be the target of a psychic power. Other Psykers within
<Daemon>, the damage is 3 mortal wounds instead of 1d3. 36m of this character or unit suffer a -2 Die penalty to any
Psychic Mastery test or Deny The Witch test.
Scions of Guilliman <Ultramarines>: An <Ultramarine> with
this ability that moved but did not charge on their activation may Witch Hunters: A character or unit with this ability gains a 2
make ranged attacks as if they did not move at all. Bonus Dice when attacking a threat with the Psyker keyword
with a melee weapon.
Special Issue Ammunition <Chapter>: Has access to any of the
Special Issue Ammunition when firing a bolter type weapon

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Heroes of the Imperium

Organizational Abilities
The Adepta Sororitas <Orders> abilities are
summarized below. Mars Glory to the Omnissiah: You may use one additional
different Canticle of the Omnissiah during your activation.
Argent Shroud Deeds Not Words: Each time a threat is reduced
to 0 wounds by a member of this Order, you gain 1 Faith. In Metalica Relentless March: When this member of the Adeptus
addition, When this unit charges, gain an additional +1 Bonus Mechanicus would charge, gain an additional +2 Bonus Dice on
dice to the attacks. attacks this activation. In addition, treat all Rapid Fire weapons as
Assault for the attack.
Bloody Rose Quick to Anger: Each time a member of this Order
Charges or is Charged, they gain +2 Strength, Agility, and Ryza Red in Cog and Claw: When this member of the Adeptus
Initiative. In addition, Melee weapons and Pistol weapons used Mechanicus attacks with a Melee Weapon, his attack gains
by this unit have their AP increased by +1. Lucky.

Ebon Chalice Daughters of the Emperor: Choose a new effect for Stygies VIII Shroud Protocols: When this member of the
your Acts of Faith Talent. In addition, if this unit performs a Adeptus Mechanicus is attacked by a ranged attack from 24m or
Miracle, you may discard a Miracle Die to have it be considered a more away, the attack suffers an additional +2DN penalty.
6 instead of what it would normally have been.
Triplex Phall Forge of the Eastern Frontier: Members of this
Our Martyred Lady The Blood of Martyrs: Each time a member Forge World receive + Rank to their Tech and Scholar skills when
of this Order is reduced to 0 wounds, you gain 1 Faith and 1 dealing with unknown technology.
Miracle Die. In addition, gain +1 Bonus Die to attacks if an ally
was killed this turn. Voss Prime The Right Hand of Mars: Members of this Forge
World receive + Rank to their Tech Skill when dealing with
Sacred Rose Devout Serenity: A member of this Order gains +1 vehicles.
Bonus Dice to attacks made when using a Hold Action. In
addition, when this unit performs an Act of Faith, roll a die. If an The Imperial <Regiment> abilities are summarized
icon is generated, then gain one Miracle Die. below.
Valorous Heart Stoic Endurance: Each time a member of this Each <Regiment> has a special ability and a Regimental Bonus.
Order wound lose a wound, roll a d6. If an icon is generated, the The Bonus grants ½ Rank bonus dice to the Skill or Resolve as
wound is not lost. In addition, reduce the AP of weapons used to listed.
attack this unit by 1.
Armageddon Industrial Efficiency: <Armageddon> Troops with
The Adeptus Mechanicus <Forgeworld> Dogma are Rapid Fire weapons have the listed Rapid Fire bonus increase
summarized below. by +1. <Armageddon> vehicles hit by AP -1 weapons, have the
AP reduced to AP 0. Regimental Bonus: Pilot
Agripinaa Staunch Defenders: When this member of the Adeptus
Mechanicus would attack using a held action, add +1 Bonus Dice Cadian Born Soldiers: Gain +2 Bonus Dice on attacks made by a
to the attack. <Cadian> soldier if he did not move this activation. Regimental
Bonus: Resolve
Deimos With the Emperor’s Blessing Do We Provide: Members
of this Forge World treat <Grey Knights> as <Gryphonne IV> for Catachan Brutal Strength: <Catachan> soldiers gain +2 to
the purposes of who they can target with their abilities or Strength. A <Catachan> vehicles gain +1ED to all weapons.
Stratagems. Regimental Bonus: Survival

Graia Refusal to Yield: When this member of the Adeptus Death Korps of Krieg Cult Sacrifice: <Death Korps of Krieg> do
Mechanicus would be slain, roll a d6, heal a number of wounds not suffer any DN penalties when making a Resolve Test.
equal to the number of icons generated. Regimental Bonus: Intimidation

Gryphonne IV The Lost Forge: When a member of this Forge Militarum Tempestus Militarum Tempestus Regiments choose
World attacks a Tyranid, they add + Rank to all attacks. from one of the following Doctrines below and apply it to their
Lucius The Solar Blessing: When this member of the Adeptus
Mechanicus is attacked by a weapon with AP -1, treat that
weapon as AP 0 instead.
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Heroes of the Imperium
Crack Shots: Units with this Doctrine that are armed with Rapid Combined Auspex: Increase the bonus from using a Auspex by
Fire weapons have their ranges of hose weapons increased by +1 Bonus Dice to Awareness for every Friendly Astra Militarum
10m. vehicle within 12m of this Character.

Death From The Dark: Anytime a threat suffers a wound by a unit Disciplined Shooters: When shooting a Rapid Fire weapon at a
with this Doctrine, it must make pass a Resolve Test of DN3 or on target within 36m, you may make two shooting attacks with this
it’s next activation it must move up to its max speed in the most weapon at no multi-action penalty on your activation.
direct route away from this unit.
Fire From the Hip: Rapid Fire weapons may be fired as if they
Mobilized Infantry: Infantry with this Doctrine gain +1 Bonus also had the Assault weapons trait.
Dice for ranged attacks with Heavy Weapons.
Gunnery Expert: Heavy Weapons with a range of at least 60m
Predatory Strike: A unit with this Doctrine scores a critical hit on have their range increased by 10m.
a 5 or 6 on the wrath die.
Jury-Rigged Repairs: At the beginning of the turn, friendly
Prized Weaponry: Weapons a unit with this Doctrine are equipped vehicles with at least one infantry with this doctrine within 2m of
with have their AP increased by -1. it may roll a d6 and repair a number of wounds equal to the
number of Icons generated plus 1.
Resolute Heroism: When attacking with a ranged weapon against
the closes threat, a unit with this Doctrine gains +2 Bonus Dice to Lords’ Approval: Increase the AP of melee weapons by -1 if
the attack. another member of this Regiment is within 18m.

Storm Troopers: When making a shooting attack at ½ range or Monster Hunters: Heavy Weapon attacks Monster Threats are
less, and a 6 is rolled on the Wrath Die, a <Militarum Tempestus> made as if the weapons have the Mortal 2 weapon trait or Mortal
soldier may make an immediate attack with the same weapon. +2 if it already has the Mortal X trait.
This second attack does not generate more attacks.
Pyromaniacs: Increase the damage of Flame weapons used by
Militarum Tempestus Regimental Bonus: Intimidation this unit by +2ED.

Mordian Parade Drill: If all members of a <Mordian> Mob are Slum Fighters: Infantry that score a critical on a melee attack
with 2m of each other, that mob gains +2 bonus dice to their gain +2ED on the damage.
attack rolls. <Mordian> vehicles within 6m of each other gain the
same bonus. Regimental Bonus: Resolve Wilderness Survivors: This unit gains the benefit of -2DN cover
modifier if it did not move this turn when it is being shot at.
Tallarn Swift As The Wind: With any weapon, except a Heavy
Weapon, <Tallarn> gain +1 Bonus Dice when shooting and The Space Marine <Chapter> abilities are
moving. <Tallarn> vehicles may do so with any weapons. summarized below.
Regimental Bonus: Awareness
Abilities for some chapters are discussed in the W&G Core RPG
Valhallan Grim Demeanor: <Valhallan> soldiers may reroll any pg 95-98: Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Imperial Fists, Iron Hands,
dice when making a Resolve Test. Regimental Bonus: Resolve Raven Guard, Salamanders, Space Wolves, Ultramarines, and
White Scars. Additional <Chapter> abilities for other Chapters are
Vostroyan Heirloom Weapons: All Heavy and Rapid Fire listed below along with the additions announced for the 2019 SM
weapons increase their range by 12m. Regimental Bonus: Codex are listed below.
If your desired <Chapter> is not listed below, you may create a
Creating Astra Militarum Regimental Combat Doctrines Successor Chapter (sew below for how to do so!)
To create Regimental Combat Doctrines you will first have to Black Templars Righteous Zeal: +2 Speed when charging. Black
choose one of the following skills to receive your Regimental Templars may soak mortal wounds.
Bonus in: Awareness, Intimidation, Leadership, Piloting, Resolve,
or Survival. Then you will choose any 2 of the following chapter Black Templars Lost Librarius: Black Templars cannot be
tactics to make your <Chapter> unique! Librarians.
The Regimental Combat Doctrines are: Blood Ravens Relentless Seekers: Enemies suffer the least
desirable of 2 complications when they roll a complicationon
Agile Warriors: Gain +2 Speed when Charging and reduce any attack rolls against members of this Chapter. In addition, Psykers
penalties to moving through terrain by ½. with this chapter ability may reroll 1s on the psychic test.

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Crimson Fists No Matter the Odds: All ranged attacks with Bolt Creating a Space Marine Successor Chapter
weapons made against mobs are made as if the weapon had the
Spread trait in addition to any other traits. To create a Successor Chapter you will first have to choose one of
the First Founding Chapters found in the Wrath & Glory Core
Dark Angels Grim Resolve: Dark Angels gain +2 Bonus Dice for RPG. This selection will dictate your Geneseed weakness. Then
their ranged attacks if they did not move this activation. you will choose any 2 of the following chapter tactics to make
your <Chapter> unique!
Flesh Tearers: Blood Angels Successor Chapter. Use all Blood
Angels chapter abilities but replace The Red Thirst with Fury The Successor Chapter Tactics are:
Within (see below)
Bolter Fusillade: When making a ranged attack with a Bolt
Flesh Tearers Fury Within: When charging or being charged, add weapon, you gain +1 Bonus Dice on the attack.
+1 ED to melee attacks made until the end of this champions
activation. When this champion scores a critical hit with a melee Born Heroes: Champions with this Tactic grant allies within 12m
attack, increase the AP of the weapon by 1. +1 Bonus Dice to all Willpower based tests.

Grey Knights Purity of Soul: Grey Knights receive a bonus to all Duelists: When resolving a melee attack against an Infantry or
Willpower based Tests equal to their Rank x2. Biker threat, any Critical hit deals an additional +Rank icon of
damage. You cannot select this Tactic is you have already
Imperial Fists Siege Masters: <Gains> By spending a Wrath selected the Whirlwind of Rage Tactic.
point, ranged attacks made by an Imperial Fist ignore DN
modifiers based on cover. Any Exalted Icon generated on a Fearsome Aspect: Threats within 4m of a unit with this Tactic
ranged attack by a bolt weapon generates a mortal wound in must pass a DN2 Resolve Test or suffer Fear.
addition to any damage dealt.
Hungry For Battle: When a unit with this Tactic charges,
Iron Hands The Flesh is Weak: <Gains> An Iron Hand Marine increase that unit’s Speed and Initiative by 2.
gains a bonus to their Soak equal to the number of cybernetic
replacements he has up to Rank. Indomitable: A unit with this Tactic gains +2 Bonus Dice for
Resolve tests against Fear and Terror.
Raven Guard Shadow Masers: Attacks made against a Raven
Guard from more than 24m are treated as if the target had cover Inheritors of the Primarchs: If you select this Tactic you cannot
equal to +2 DN. If the target Raven Guard is not a vehicle and is select a second. Instead select one of the following <Chapters>
entirely within a terrain feature, the attack is made at a -2 dice and use their Chapter Tactic as your second choice: Ultramarines,
penalty to the Ballistic Skill of the shooter. Imperial Fists, White Scars, Raven Guard, Salamanders, Iron
Salamanders Forged in Battle: Any Salamander that attacks from
a Held Action gains +1 Bonus Dice on attack rolls and +2 wounds Knowledge is Power: When a Psychic Mastery Test or a Deny
damage rolls. Weapon attacks with an AP of -1 made against a The Witch test is made by a unit with this Tactic, the unit gains +2
Salamander are made as if it had AP 0. Bonus Dice for the test.

Salamanders Promethean Cult: Whilst the Tactical Doctrine is in Long-Range Marksmen: A unit with this Tactic adds 6m to any
effect, when attacking with a Flame weapon, increase the Base weapon used to make a ranged attack with.
Damage by +1.
Master Artisan: A unit with this Tactic gains the Master
Steel Confessors Born of Steel: Gain Rite of Repair as a Tech Crafted weapon upgrade for any one weapon it possesses.
Preferred Enemy: When this Tactic is chosen, select one of the
Steel Confessors The Flesh is Weak: As Iron Hands Chapter following keywords: Tyranids, Aeldari, Ork, Heretic Astartes,
Necrons, or Tau. When a unit with this Tactic resolves an attack
Space Wolves Hunters Unleashed: In any turn that a Space Wolf against a threat with the selected keyword, the attack gains the +2
charges, they gain +2 Bonus Dice to their Weapon Skill Tests. If Bonus Dice.
they are charged, the bonus lasts until end of their next activation.
Rapid Assault: A unit with this Tactic gains +1 Bonus Dice when
Ultramarines Codex Discipline: Ultramarines add 1 icon to firing an Assault type weapon.
resolve tests.
Scions of the Forge: Vehicle units with this Tactic do not suffer
White Scars Lightning Assault: White Scars on bikes units do not penalties for being Lightly or Heavily Wounded when making
suffer a DN penalty when they move and shoot heavy or assault attacks.

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Heroes of the Imperium
Stalwart: When resolving an attack against a unit with this House Terryn Gallant Warriors: This unit gains +d3x2m when
Tactic, damage rolls are reduced by 1 icon to a minimum if 1. it charges.

Stealthy: A unit wit this Tactic gains +Rank Bonus Dice to Questor Mechanicus Household Traditions
Stealth Tests and +1/2 Rank as a DN bonus when being attacked
by threat that is 24m away or more. House Krast Cold Fury: This unit gains an added +2 Bonus Dice
for melee attacks when it charges. In addition, this unit gains +2
Tactical Withdrawal: A unit with this Tactic can declare a Bonus Dice when targeting a Titanic threat with a melee attack.
Tactical Withdrawal and move up to +1/2 Speed away from a
Threat and make a Ranged attack as their activation. House Raven Relentless Advance: This unit gains ignores the
penalty when running and attacking with assault weapons. When
Warded: A unit with this Tactic may Soak Mortal Wounds. this unit runs, it treats Heavy weapons as Assault Weapons.

Whirlwind of Rage: When a unit with this Tactic makes a melee House Taranis Omnissiah’s Grace: When this unit would lose a
attack when charging, a critical hit on the attack deal +d3 mortal wound (except a mortal wound), roll a d6. If an Exalted Icon is
wounds in addition to any other damage dealt by the attack. You generated, that would is not lost.
cannot select this Tactic if you have already selected the Duelists
Tactic. House Vulker Firstorm Protocols: This unit gains +2 Bonus Dice
to ranged attacks that target the closest threat.
The Squat <Brotherhood> and <Guild> abilities are
summarized below. Freeblade Qualities and Burdens

When making a Squat character, you must decide if the character A Freeblade has two random Quality or one Chosen Qualities. A
is a member of the Astra Militarum or an Independent Operative Freeblade has one random Burdens or two chosen Burden.
with the Imperial keyword that belongs to either a <Brotherhood>
or a <Guild> from the Squat home worlds. Freeblade Qualities

If belonging to a Squat <Brotherhood> you must create a name Indomitable: This unit gains +2 Wounds, Willpower, and
for the Brotherhood. After a name is chosen, choose any one Fellowship.
Astra Militarum <Regiment> ability and any one Adeptus
Astartes Successor Chapter Tactic. Combined these two selections Last of their Line: This unit gains +1 Bonus Dice when
create the <Brotherhood> abilities for your character. attacking Titanic threats.

If belonging to a Squat <Guild> you must create a name for the Legendary Hero: One per combat, gain 2+ Bonus Dice to any
Guild. After a name is chosen, choose any one Adeptus one attack or +2ED to any one damage roll.
Mechanicus <Forgeworld> ability and any one Adeptus Astartes
Successor Chapter Tactic. Combined these two selections create Mysterious Guardian: This unit may be the subject of ranged
the <Guild> abilities for your character. attacks that target an ally within 12m.

Peerless Warrior: A unit with this quality must roll a die to

determine its effect:
The Questor Household and Freeblade Qualities & • 1-3: Increase this units Speed by +4
Burdens common abilities are summarized below. • 4-5: Gain +2 to your Melee Weapon Skill
• 6: Gain +2 to your Ballistic Skill
These abilities only apply to the Vehicle when it is piloted.
Sworn to a Quest: This unit gains +1 Bonus Dice when attacking
Questor Imperialis Household Traditions a threat Champion.
House Cadmus Hunters of the Foe: This unit gains +1 Bonus Freeblade Burdens
Dice when targeting a non-titanic threat with a melee attack. At the start of each turn, a Freeblade must pass a Fellowship
(DN3) Test to have its Burdens not apply for the turn.
House Griffith Glory of the Charge: This unit gains an added +2
Bonus Dice to attacks when it charges. Driven to Slaughter: Whilst this Burden applies, this unit must
always move towards the nearest visible threat. When it does so, it
House Hawksword Oathkeepers: This unit ignores wound suffers an added -1DN penalty to all attacks that activation.
modifiers from being wounded.
Exiled in Shame: Whilst this Burden is in effect, this unit
House Mortan Close-Quarters Killers: This unit gains an added cannot be he subject to any ally Stratagems.
+3 Bonus Dice for melee attacks when it charges.

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Heroes of the Imperium
Haunted by Failure: Whilst this Burden applies, whenever this
unit rolls a critical hit in combat, they suffer a complication also. Obsessed with Vengeance: Whilst this Burden applies, this unit
may only target the closes visible threat with ranged attacks of
Impetuous Nature: Whilst this Burden applies, every move this charge actions.
unit makes must be as a charge action against the closest visible
threat. This does not apply if a threat is already within 2m of this Weary Machine Spirit: Whilst this Burden is in effect, when
unit. wounded, this unit is always Heavily Wounded.

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Heroes of the Imperium
Psychic Powers
Imperial Psykers and Space Marine Librarians have access to all of the following disciplines subject to any Keyword limitations. Space
Marine Librarians may only select one Obscuration keyworded discipline unless noted otherwise.

The Abyss Duration: Instant

Point Cost: -- Range: 48m
DN: 7 Multi-target: No
Activation: Full Action Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Dark Angels>
Duration: Instant Effect: When manifested, select a visible threat. The selected
Range: 36m threat suffers an additional +1DN penalty on all attack rolls until
Multi-target: No the end of this Psykers next activation.
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Raven Guard> Potency [2] Increase penalty to +2DN
Effect: Choose a threat within range and visible. Roll 3d6, the Potency [4] Increase penalty to +3DN
threat suffers 1 mortal wound for each icon generated.
Potency [2] Roll 4d6 Blessings of the Machine God
Potency [4] Roll 5d6 Point Cost: --
DN: 5
Armoured Resilience Activation: Full Action
Point Cost: -- Duration: Instant
DN: 6 Range: 24m
Activation: Full Action Multi-target: yes
Duration: Instant Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Iron Hands>
Range: 12m Effect: When manifested select an ally vehicle (non-Titanic).
Multi-target: Yes When making attacks with the selected vehicle for the rest of this
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights> turn, all attack rolls gain +1 Bonus Dice.
Effect: When manifested select an ally. The selected ally may Potency [1] Gain +2 Bonus Dice or target a Titanic
make Soak rolls without gaining Shock until this Psyker’s next vehicle.
Activation. Potency [3] Gain +2 Bonus Dice and target a Titanic
Aspect of Stone
Point Cost: -- Blood Boil
DN: 5 Point Cost: --
Activation: Full Action DN: 6
Duration: Instant Activation: Full Action
Range: Self Duration: Instant
Multi-target: No Range: 12m
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Imperial Fists> Multi-target: yes
Effect: When manifested, you gain +4 Strength and Toughness Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Blood Angels>
until the end of your next activation. Effect: When manifested select a visible threat, make a Psychic
Potency [2] Gain +5 Strength and Toughness Mastery Test with a DN of the threats Toughness. Deal a number
Potency [4] Gain +6 Strength and Toughness of mortal wounds to the threat equal to the number of excess icons
generated on the test.
Astral Aim Potency [2] Gain +2 Bonus Dice for the Psychic
Point Cost: -- Mastery Test.
DN: 5 Potency [4] Gain +4 Bonus Dice for the Psychic
Activation: Full Action Mastery Test.
Duration: Instant
Range: 36m Blood Lance
Multi-target: Yes Point Cost: --
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights> DN: 6
Effect: Choose an ally within range. That ally may target threats it Activation: Full Action
cannot see but are visible to this Psyker. The threat does not gain Duration: Instant
the benefit of cover to their defense. Range: 12m
Multi-target: no
Aversion Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Blood Angels>
Point Cost: -- Effect: When manifested and select a visible threat and draw a
DN: 6 line between the threat and this Psyker. Roll a d6 for each threat
Activation: Full Action
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
the line passes over and deal one mortal wound for each icon Effect: When manifested select a visible threat. Make an opposed
generated. Psychic Mastery test vs the threats Willpower. If you win you
Potency [2] Increase the damage to Icons +1 mortal may immediately activate the threat and make all decisions for
wounds that threat this activation. The threat may not activate again the
Potency [4] Increase the damage to Icons +2 mortal rest of the turn.
wounds Potency [2] Gain +1 Bonus Dice to the opposed Psychic
Mastery Test
Burning Hands Potency [4] Gain +2 Bonus Dice to the opposed Psychic
Point Cost: -- Mastery Test.
DN: 6
Activation: Full Action Draconic Aspect
Duration: Instant Point Cost: --
Range: 36m DN: 6
Multi-target: No Activation: Full Action
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Salamanders> Duration: Instant
Effect: When manifested, until the start of your next activation, Range: 24m
when resolving a melee attack by this Psyker, the attack deals d3 Multi-target: No
mortal wounds instead of normal damage Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Salamanders>
Potency [3] Increase damage to 2d3 mortal wounds Effect: When manifested, all threats within range suffer a -4DN
Potency [5] Increase damage to 3d3 mortal wounds penalty to Willpower based tests until the start of your next
Point Cost: -- Drakeskin
DN: 6 Point Cost: --
Activation: Full Action DN: 6
Duration: Instant Activation: Full Action
Range: 36m Duration: Instant
Multi-target: No Range: 36m
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Imperial Fists> Multi-target: No
Effect: Choose a visible non-Fly threat and make an opposed Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Salamanders>
Psychic Mastery test vs the threats Willpower. If you win, the Effect: When manifested, select a <Salamanders> ally or yourself.
threat takes 1 mortal wound for ach icon you win the test by Until the start of your next activation, the subject of this power
Potency [2] Increase damage to d3+1 for each additional gains +2 Toughness
icon you win the test by Potency [1] Increase to +3 Toughness
Potency [4] Increase damage to 2d3+1 for each Potency [3] Increase to +4 Toughness
additional icon you win the test by
Edict Imperator
The Darkness Within Point Cost: --
Point Cost: -- DN: 7
DN: 6 Activation: Full Action
Activation: Full Action Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Range: 24m
Range: 36m Multi-target: Yes
Multi-target: No Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights>
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Raven Guard> Effect: When manifested select an ally. The selected ally may
Effect: Choose up to 3 threats within range and visible. Roll 1d6 immediately make a shooting attack and then a move as if it was
for each, the threat suffers 1 mortal wound for each icon their Activation.
Potency [2] Roll 2d6 each Empyrean Domination
Potency [4] Roll 3d6 each Point Cost: --
DN: 7
Dominate Activation: Full Action
Point Cost: -- Duration: Instant
DN: 7 Range: Self
Activation: Full Action Multi-target: No
Duration: Instant Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights>
Range: 36m Effect: When manifested gain d3 Wrath Points
Multi-target: No
Keywords: Psychic, Inquisition Empyric Channeling
Point Cost: --
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
DN: 5 Effect: When manifested, select an ally or yourself. Until the start
Activation: Full Action of your next activation, when a ranged attack is resolved against
Duration: Instant the subject of a Fire Shield, increase the difficulty of the attack
Range: 36m by +2DN.
Multi-target: Yes Potency [1] Increase difficulty by +3DN
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Ultramarines> Potency [3] Increase difficulty by +4DN
Effect: When manifested, choose an ally Psyker. Until the
beginning of your next activation, both you and the allied Psyker Flaming Blast
gain +2 Dice for any Psychic Mastery Tests or Deny the Witch Point Cost: --
Tests. In addition, any Perils of the Warp results are reduced by DN: 6
1 level to a minimum of the lowest level of Perils possible. Activation: Full Action
Duration: Instant
Engulfing Fear Range: 48m
Point Cost: -- Multi-target: No
DN: 6 Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Salamanders>
Activation: Full Action Effect: Choose a point on the battlefield visible to this Psyker.
Duration: Instant Roll a d6 for each threat within 6m of that point. Deal 1 mortal
Range: 36m wound for each icon generated.
Multi-target: No Potency [2] Increase damage by +1 mortal wounds
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Dark Angels> Potency [4] Increase damage by +2 mortal wounds
Effect: When manifested, all threats within range suffer an
additional +1DN penalty to all Willpower based tests. Fortify
Potency [1] Increase penalty to +2DN Point Cost: --
Potency [2] Increase penalty to +3DN DN: 4
Activation: Full Action
Enveloping Darkness Duration: Instant
Point Cost: -- Range: 24m
DN: 7 Multi-target: Yes
Activation: Full Action Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Imperial Fists>
Duration: Instant Effect: When manifested, select 1 ally within range to regain d3
Range: 48m lost wounds.
Multi-target: Yes Potency [2] Increase to d3+1 lost wounds
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Raven Gurd> Potency [4] Increase to 2d3+1 lost wounds
Effect: When manifested choose a threat. The selected threat
gains a +4DN penalty to all ranged attacks until the beginning of Fury of Medusa
this Psykers next activation. Point Cost: --
Potency [2] Increase penalty to +5DN DN: 6
Potency [4] Increase penalty to +6DN Activation: Full Action
Duration: Instant
Ethereal Manipulation Range: 36m
Point Cost: -- Multi-target: no
DN: 7 Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Iron Hands>
Activation: Full Action Effect: When manifested select a visible threat. Draw a straight
Duration: Instant line from the Psyker to the threat. For each threat the line passes
Range: 12m over, roll a d6. For each icon generated deal 1 mortal wound to
Multi-target: Yes the threat. If the threat is a vehicle, inflict d3 mortal wounds.
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights> Potency [3] Roll 2d6.
Effect: When manifested select an ally. The selected ally may Potency [5] Roll 3d6.
gains +2 Bonus Dice to all attacks until this Psyker’s next
Activation. Fury of Nocturne
Point Cost: --
Fire Shield DN: 6
Point Cost: -- Activation: Full Action
DN: 6 Duration: Instant
Activation: Full Action Range: 36m
Duration: Instant Multi-target: No
Range: 36m Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Salamanders>
Multi-target: Yes Effect: When manifested, select a threat that is visible to this
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Salamanders> Psyker. Make a Psychic Mastery Test with a DN equal to the

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Threat’s Toughness. If successful, deal a number of mortal DN: 6
wounds equal to the amount you passed the test by. Activation: Full Action
Potency [2] Increase the damage by +d3 mortal wounds Duration: Instant
Potency [4] Increase the damage by +2d3 mortal wounds Range: 36m
Multi-target: Yes
Fury of the Ancients Keywords: Psychic, Obscuration, Space Marine
Point Cost: -- Effect: Choose a visible threat. Make a Psychic Test vs targets
DN: 7 Resolve. If you win, all attacks made by the threat are done at an
Activation: Full Action additional -2DN penalty until the start of your next activation.
Duration: Instant Potency [2] DN penalty increases to -3
Range:24m Potency [4] DN penalty increases to -4
Multi-target: No
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine Hammerhand
Effect: Choose an enemy target within range, draw a line between Point Cost: --
the Psyker and the target. Any threat the line crosses takes 1 DN: 6
mortal wound Activation: Full Action
Potency [2] Increase to 2 mortal wounds Duration: Instant
Potency [4] Increase to 3 mortal wounds Range: 24m
Multi-target: Yes
Fury of the Wolf Spirits Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights>
Point Cost: -- Effect: Choose an ally and add 1 icon to all damage rolls made by
DN: 7 the selected ally till this Psykers next activation.
Activation: Full Action Potency [1] Add +2 Icons
Duration: Instant Potency [2] Add +3 Icons
Range: self
Multi-target: no Inner Fire
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Space Wolves> Point Cost: --
Effect: If manifested, the Wolf Priest gains the following phantom DN: 5
weapons until the start of your next activation. Freki & Geri Activation: Full Action
(11+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee) Duration: Instant
Range: Self
Gate of Infinity Multi-target: Yes
Point Cost: -- Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights>
DN: 6 Effect: When manifested select a threat within 2m. Roll a number
Activation: Full Action of dice equal to the number of Icons generated on this Psychic
Duration: Instant Test. For each roll of 1, the Psyker suffers 1 Mortal Wound, for
Range: 24m each Icon generated on the dice, the threat suffers 1 Mortal
Multi-target: No Wound.
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights>
Effect: Choose an ally within range, immediately move that ally Iron Inferno
anywhere on the battlefield that is no closer than 18m of a threat. Point Cost: --
Potency [2] Choose 2 allies DN: 6
Potency [4] Choose 3 allies Activation: Full Action
Duration: Instant
Gaze of the Emperor Range: 24m
Point Cost: -- Multi-target: No
DN: 6 Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Imperial Fists>
Activation: Full Action Effect: Choose a point within range that is visible. For each threat
Duration: Instant within 12m of this point, roll a die and deal 1 mortal wound for
Range:24m each icon generated on the die roll.
Multi-target: No
Keywords: Psychic, Astra Militarum Jaws of the World Wolf
Effect: Choose a visible point on the battlefield and draw a line Point Cost: --
between the Psyker and that point. Any threat the line crosses DN: 7
takes 1 mortal wound Activation: Full Action
Potency [2] Increase to 2 mortal wounds Duration: Instant
Potency [4] Increase to 3 mortal wounds Range: 36m
Multi-target: Yes
Hallucination Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Space Wolves>
Point Cost: --
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Effect: If manifested, target a visible threat that is not a vehicle. Mind Raid
Make a Psychic Mastery Test (DN4) and deal a number of mortal Point Cost: --
wounds to the target equal to the number of icons generated. DN: 6
Activation: Full Action
Lightning Call Duration: Instant
Point Cost: -- Range: 36m
DN: 7 Multi-target: no
Activation: Full Action Keywords: Psychic, Obscuration, Space Marine
Duration: Instant Effect: If manifested, choose a choose a threat. Deal 1d3 mortal
Range: 48m wounds to the threat. If the threat is a Champion, make a Psychic
Multi-target: Yes Mastery Test vs the threats Willpower. If you win, gain 1 Wrath.
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Whitescars> Potency [2] Gain 2 Wrath
Effect: If manifested, target the closest threat and make an Potency [4] Gain 3 Wrath
opposed Psychic Mastery Test vs the threats Willpower. If you
succeed, you deal d3 mortal wounds. Mind Wipe
Potency [2] Damage increases to d3+1 mortal wounds Point Cost: --
Potency [4] Damage increases t0 d3+3 mortal wounds DN: 7
Activation: Full Action
Living Lightning Duration: Instant
Point Cost: -- Range: 36m
DN: 6 Multi-target: No
Activation: Full Action Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Dark Angels>
Duration: Instant Effect: When manifested, select a visible threat. Make an opposed
Range: 36m Psychic Mastery Test vs the threats Conviction. If the Psyker
Multi-target: No wins, reduce the threats Willpower, Ballistic Skill, and Weapon
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Space Wolves> Skill by 2 until the end of the turn.
Effect: If manifested, the closest visible threat suffers 2d3 mortal Potency [2] Increase reduction to 3
wounds. If this damage destroys the threat then the next nearest Potency [3] Increase reduction to 4
threat within 36m of the destroyed threat suffers 2d3 mortal
wounds, and so forth until no threats remain or a threat is not Mind Worm
destroyed in this manner. Point Cost: --
Potency [2] Damage increases to 2d3+1 mortal wounds DN: 6
Potency [4] Damage increases t0 2d3+3 mortal wounds Activation: Full Action
Duration: Instant
Machine Flense Range: 24m
Point Cost: -- Multi-target: Yes
DN: 6 Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Dark Angels>
Activation: Full Action Effect: When manifested, select a visible threat. The selected
Duration: Instant threat suffers d3 mortal wounds and must activate last this turn.
Range: 36m Potency [2] Increase damage to d3+1 mortal wounds
Multi-target: Yes Potency [4] Increase damage to d3+1 mortal wounds
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Iron Hands>
Effect: When manifested select a visible threat vehicle to suffer Might of Heroes
d3+1 mortal wounds. Then select a threat vehicle with 12m of that Point Cost: --
vehicle and roll a d6 for each mortal wound the first vehicle DN: 6
suffered. The second vehicle suffers 1 mortal wound for each icon Activation: Full Action
generated on the die rolls. Duration: 1 turn
Range: 36m
Mental Fortitude Multi-target: Yes
Point Cost: -- Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine
DN: 4 Effect: Choose an ally and until the end of your next activation,
Activation: Full Action the target gains +2 Strength, Toughness, and Initiative.
Duration: 1 turn Potency [2] Bonus increases to +3
Range: 36m Potency [4] Bonus increases to +4
Multi-target: Yes
Keywords: Psychic, Astra Militarum, Inquisition Murderous Hurricane
Effect: Choose an ally within range and until the beginning of Point Cost: --
your next activation, the ally automatically passes any Resolve or DN: 5
Conviction Tests. Activation: Full Action
Duration: Instant
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Range: 48m Multi-target: no
Multi-target: Yes Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Ultramarines>
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Space Wolves> Effect: When manifested, until this Psyker’s next activation, this
Effect: If manifested, target a visible threat. Roll a die for each Psyker has a +*2 Armour Bonus and all attacks made against this
member of the targeted threat. On a 6, that threat suffers 1 mortal Psyker are at a +2DN penalty.
wound. Potency [2] Increase to +*3 Armour Bonus and +3 DN
Potency [2] Damage increases to 1 mortal wound per Penalty
icon generated on the die Potency [4] Increase to +*4 Armour Bonus and +4 DN
Potency [4] Damage increases to 1 mortal wound per Penalty
icon generated on the die plus 1 more.
Psychic Barrier
Nightshroud Point Cost: --
Point Cost: -- DN: 6
DN: 6 Activation: Full Action
Activation: Full Action Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Range: 30m
Range: 30m Multi-target: Yes
Multi-target: Yes Keywords: Psychic, Astra Militarum
Keywords: Psychic, Astra Militarum Effect: Choose an ally, until this Psyker’s next activation, target
Effect: Choose an ally within range. That ally gains a -2DN cover ally gains a +2 bonus to Resilience.
bonus whenever it is targeted by a ranged attack till the end of the Potency [2] Increase the bonus to +3
turn Potency [3] Increase the bonus to +4

Null Zone Psychic Fortress

Point Cost: -- Point Cost: --
DN: 8 DN: 5
Activation: Full Action Activation: Full Action
Duration: 1 turn Duration: 1 turn
Range: Self Range: 36m
Multi-target: No Multi-target: Yes
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine
Effect: Until the beginning of your next activation, threats within Effect: Choose an ally within range, until the beginning of your
18m of you cannot soak mortal wounds and any enemy Psykers next activation, the ally automatically passes any Resolve or
halve the number of icons generated on a Psychic Test. Conviction Tests, and any time they take a mortal wound from a
Potency [3] Increase range to 24m psychic power, roll a d6 for each mortal wound, on a 6 that wound
Potency [5] Increase range to 30m if ignored.

Objuration Mechanicum Psychic Maelstrom

Point Cost: -- Point Cost: --
DN: 7 DN: 7
Activation: Full Action Activation: Full Action
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Range: 36m Range: 60m
Multi-target: yes Multi-target: No
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Iron Hands> Keywords: Psychic, Astra Militarum
Effect: When manifested select a visible threat. Until the Effect: Choose a threat within range. Make an opposed Psychic
beginning of this Psyker’s next activation, whenever the threat Mastery Test vs the targets Resolve. If you win, the target takes
makes an attack and rolls a Complication, the threat suffers d3 d3 mortal wounds, if you tie, the target takes 1 mortal wound, if
mortal wounds. the target wins no damage is done.
Potency [1] Inflict d3+1 mortal wounds on a Potency [3] Increase damage to d3+1 mortal wounds
Complication. Potency [5] Increase damage to d3+2 mortal wounds
Potency [3] Inflict d3+2 mortal wounds on a
Complication. Psychic Scourge
Point Cost: --
Precognition DN: 6
Point Cost: -- Activation: Full Action
DN: 5 Duration: Instant
Activation: Full Action Range: 36m
Duration: Instant Multi-target: No
Range: Self
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine
Effect: Choose a threat within range. Make an opposed Psychic Reforge
Mastery Test vs the targets Resolve. If you win, the target takes Point Cost: --
d3 mortal wounds, if you tie, the target takes 1 mortal wound, if DN: 5
the target wins no damage is done. Activation: Full Action
Potency [3] Increase damage to d3+1 mortal wounds Duration: Instant
Potency [5] Increase damage to d3+2 mortal wounds Range: 6m
Multi-target: Yes
Psychic Shackles Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Iron Hands>
Point Cost: -- Effect: When manifested select a visible ally to regain d3 lost
DN: 6 wounds.
Activation: Full Action Potency [2] Gain d3+1 lost wounds.
Duration: Instant Potency [4] Gain d3+2 lost wounds.
Range: 36m
Multi-target: Yes Righteous Repugnance
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Ultramarnes> Point Cost: --
Effect: Choose a threat within range. The chosen threat has its DN: 7
Speed reduce by half until the start of this Psykers next Activation: Full Action
activation. Duration: Instant
Range: 24m
Psysteel Armour Multi-target: Yes
Point Cost: -- Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Dark Angels>
DN: 6 Effect: When manifested, select an ally. The selected ally gains
Activation: Full Action +2 Bonus Dice and Base Damage for all melee attacks until the
Duration: Instant beginning this Psyker’s next activation.
Range: 24m
Multi-target: Yes Sanctuary
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Iron Hands> Point Cost: --
Effect: When manifested select a visible ally to gain a +*1 DN: 6
Armour Bonus until the end of the turn. Activation: Full Action
Potency [2] Gain a +*2 Armour Bonus. Duration: Instant
Potency [4] Gain a +*3 Armour Bonus. Range: 24m
Multi-target: No
Purge Soul Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights>
Point Cost: -- Effect: Choose a friendly target within range. The selected
DN: 5 target’s armour gains the Invulnerable Trait until your next Turn.
Activation: Full Action
Duration: Instant Scryer’s Gaze
Range: 24m Point Cost: --
Multi-target: No DN: 7
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights> Activation: Full Action
Effect: Choose a threat within range, Make an opposed Psychic Duration: Instant
Mastery Test vs Willpower of the target. Deal a number of Range: Self
mortal wounds to the target equal to the number of net icons Multi-target: no
generated on the test. If the target won the test nothing happens. Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Ultramarines>
Potency [1] Add +1 Icon Effect: When manifested, this Psyker gains 2 Wrath Points.
Potency [2] Add +2 Icons Potency [1] Increase to 3 Wrath Points
Potency [3] Increase to 4 Wrath Points
Point Cost: -- Shadowstep
DN: 7 Point Cost: --
Activation: Full Action DN: 7
Duration: Instant Activation: Full Action
Range: Self Duration: Instant
Multi-target: No Range: 36m
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Blood Angels> Multi-target: Yes
Effect: When manifested, until this Psyker’s next activation, this Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Ultramarines>
Psyker has +3 Speed and can make up to 3 additional melee Effect: When manifested, choose an ally Champion. Remove the
attacks that do not incur a Multi-action penalty until the end of Champion from the battlefield and set them up anywhere in range
this Psyker’s next activation. and outside of 18m from a threat.
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Effect: When manifested, choose a visible threat. Roll a d6 for
Shield of Sanguinus each member of the threat unit. Deal a mortal wound to the threat
Point Cost: -- for each icon generated on the die roll(s).
DN: 6
Activation: Full Action Storm Caller
Duration: Instant Point Cost: --
Range: 24m DN: 8
Multi-target: yes Activation: Full Action
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Blood Angels> Duration: Instant
Effect: When manifested and select an ally, until this Psyker’s Range: 12m
next activation, the ally gains a +*2 Armour Bonus. Multi-target: Yes
Potency [2] Increase to +*3 Armour Bonus Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Space Wolves>
Potency [4] Increase to +*4 Armour Bonus Effect: If manifested, until the start of this psyker’s next
activation, the psyker and all allies within range gain +1 cover
Shrouding bonus to all attacks directed against them.
Point Cost: -- Potency [1] Increase the cover bonus to +2
DN: 6 Potency [2] Increase the cover bonus to +3
Activation: Full Action
Duration: Instant Tectonic Purge
Range: 36m Point Cost: --
Multi-target: Yes DN: 6
Keywords: Psychic, Obscuration, Space Marine, <Primaris> Activation: Full Action
Effect: Select an ally Phobos unit. Until the start of your next Duration: Instant
activation, threats that target the selected ally cannot do so unless Range: 24m
it is the closest visible target to them. Multi-target: No
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Imperial Fists>
Soulsight Effect: When manifested, until your next Activation, all threats
Point Cost: -- suffer -2 Speed and -2DN Penalty to all movement and Charge
DN: 6 attacks.
Activation: Full Action Potency [2] Increase penalties by +1
Duration: Instant Potency [4] Increase penalties by +2
Range: 36m
Multi-target: Yes Telepathic Assault
Keywords: Psychic, Obscuration, Space Marine, <Primaris> Point Cost: --
Effect: Select an ally Phobos unit. Until the start of your next DN: 7
activation, the selected ally gains +2 Bonus Dice for their ranged Activation: Full Action
attacks and can ignore cover DN modifiers for their targets. Duration: Instant
Range: 48m
Spectral Blade Multi-target: No
Point Cost: -- Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Ultramarines>
DN: 5 Effect: Choose a visible threat and make an opposed Psychic
Activation: Full Action Mastery test vs the threats Willpower. If you win, the threat
Duration: Instant takes 1 mortal wound for ach icon you win the test by
Range: Self Potency [2] Increase damage to d3+1 for each additional
Multi-target: No icon you win the test by
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Raven Guard> Potency [4] Increase damage to 2d3+1 for each
Effect: When manifested and until the beginning of this Psykers additional icon you win the test by
next activation, this Psyker’s Strength become equal to their
Willpower and all melee attacks are made as if the weapon had Tempest’s Wrath
an AP of -4. Point Cost: --
DN: 6
Storm of the Emperor’s Wrath Activation: Full Action
Point Cost: -- Duration: Instant
DN: 6 Range: 48m
Activation: Full Action Multi-target: Yes
Duration: Instant Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Space Wolves>
Range: 36m Effect: If manifested, target the visible threat. Until the start of
Multi-target: Yes this Psykers next activation, the target suffers an additional +2DN
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Ultramarines> penalty to all attack rolls.
Potency [2] Penalty increases to +3DN
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Potency [4] Penalty increases to +4DN Duration: Instant
Range: Self
Temporal Corridor Multi-target: No
Point Cost: -- Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Raven Guard>
DN: 7 Effect: When manifested, this Psyker gains a +2DN bonus to all
Activation: Full Action attacks directed against him till the beginning of his next turn.
Duration: Instant Potency [1] Increase bonus to +3DN
Range: 6m Potency [3] Increase bonus to +4DN
Multi-target: Yes
Keywords: Psychic, Obscuration, Space Marine, <Primaris> Unleash Rage
Effect: Select an ally Phobos unit. The selected ally makes an Point Cost: --
immediate move at double speed. DN: 6
Activation: Full Action
Tenebrous Curse Duration: Instant
Point Cost: -- Range: 24m
DN: 6 Multi-target: no
Activation: Full Action Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Blood Angels>
Duration: Instant Effect: When manifested, select an ally. The selected ally can
Range: 36m make one additional attack this turn at no multi-action penalty.
Multi-target: No
Keywords: Psychic, Obscuration, Space Marine Veil of Time
Effect: Choose a threat without Fly and deal d3 mortal wounds to Point Cost: --
it. In addition, until your next activation, that threats Speed is DN: 6
reduced by half (round down). Activation: Full Action
Potency [2] Damage increases to 1d3+1 mortal wounds Duration: Instant
Potency [4] Damage increases to 1d3+2 mortal wounds Range: 36m
Multi-target: Yes
Terrifying Visions Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine
Point Cost: -- Effect: Choose an ally within range, that ally gains +2 speed when
DN: 7 making a charge attack and automatically wins initiative and
Activation: Full Action initiative cannot be seized from it until the beginning of your next
Duration: Instant action.
Range: 60m Potency [1] Increase to +4 Speed
Multi-target: Yes Potency [2] Increase to +6 Speed
Keywords: Psychic, Astra Militarum
Effect: Choose a threat, that threat has a -2 DN penalty to any Vortex of Doom
Willpower based Test until the beginning of this psyker’s next Point Cost: --
activation. DN: 8
Potency [2] Increase the DN penalty to -3 Activation: Full Action
Potency [3] Increase the DN penalty to -4 Duration: Instant
Range: 24m
Trephination Multi-target: No
Point Cost: -- Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights>
DN: 7 Effect: Choose a threat target within range, the threat takes d3+1
Activation: Full Action mortal wounds and any other threat within 6m takes d3 mortal
Duration: Instant wounds. If the Psychic Mastery test was a critical success,
Range: 36m increase the damage to d6 mortal wounds for all threats affected.
Multi-target: No Potency [2] Add +1 mortal wound
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Dark Angels> Potency [4] Add +2 mortal wounds
Effect: When manifested, select a visible threat and make a
Psychic Mastery Test using the threat’s Toughness as the DN. Warp Shaping
The threat suffers 1 mortal wound for each excess icon generated Point Cost: --
on the test. DN: 5
Potency [2] Increase damage by +2 mortal wounds Activation: Full Action
Potency [3] Increase damage by +4 mortal wounds Duration: Instant
Range: Self
Umbral Form Multi-target: No
Point Cost: -- Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Grey Knights>
DN: 5 Effect: When manifested select a Tide that is not Dominant. The
Activation: Full Action selected Tide becomes Dominant.
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Wrack and Ruin
Wings of Sanguinius Point Cost: --
Point Cost: -- DN: 6
DN: 5 Activation: Full Action
Activation: Full Action Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant Range: 36m
Range: Self Multi-target: no
Multi-target: no Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Imperial Fists>
Keywords: Psychic, Space Marine, <Blood Angels> Effect: When manifested select a Building or Fortification with
Effect: When manifested this Psyker’s speed increases to 12 and one unit either wholly in or on it. Roll nine d6 and deal a number
he gains the Fly keyword until the beginning of his next of mortal wounds to the target unit equal to the number of icons
activation. generated on the die roll.

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

The use of Stratagems is optional in Wrath & Glory play. If using Stratagems, each character will begin with Tier+1 Wrath Points instead of
the normal 2 Wrath Points. Each Stratagem lists the number of Wrath Points that must be spent to use the Stratagem and each Stratagem may
only be used once per game session (unless noted otherwise). Wrath Points may be gained through normal game play.

Any NPC’s under a PC’s control may have Stratagems used for their benefit but these must be paid for with Glory. Stratagems can be used by
the GM for NPC Threats, but these are paid for by Ruin.

Each Stratagem will list any keyword restrictions after the cost that must be met in full for the Stratagem to apply. Unless noted otherwise,
Stratagem effects end at the end of that character or threats activation.

The following Stratagems are generic to any faction or race and Use this Stratagem when a threat Psyker attempts to manifest a
may be used more than once per game: psychic power within 48m of a Grey Knights Psyker or Vehicle.
That Psyker of Vehicle may immediately attempt to Deny the
Command Reroll (Cost 1) Witch at +1 Bonus Dice.
Use this Stratagem to reroll all 1s (except for Complications) on
any Test. Aerial Spotter (Cost 2; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem and target an ally Wyvern or Basilisk, that
Counter Offensive (Cost 2) vehicle gains +2 Bonus Dice for its ranged attacks on its next
Use this Stratagem after a threat has attacked, make an immediate activation this turn.
attack against that threat.
Ambush (Cost 3; Astra Militarum, Tallarn>)
Insane Bravery (Cost 2) Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally that has not
Use this Stratagem in place of any Resolve or Conviction test, you activated this turn that has the benefit of any cover. That ally
pass that test. gains a +2 DN bonus when making any attacks on its next
The following Stratagems are available to Imperial units only and
may be used only once per game unless noted otherwise: Ambushing Fire (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven Guard>)
Use this Stratagem at the start of a turn that the Tactical Doctrine
Abhor the Witch (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, Black Templar) is in effect. Any attacks by you or an ally with an Assault or
Use this Stratagem when an enemy Psyker manifests a power Rapid Fire weapon gain +1 AP if the attack rolls a critical hit.
within 36m of you. Roll a 1d6, if an exalted icon is rolled the
power is negated by the sheer willpower of the Black Templar. Armour of Contempt (Cost 1; Imperium)
Use this Stratagem when an ally vehicle takes a one or more
Acquisition at any Cost (Cost 2; Adeptus Mechanicus) mortal wounds from an attack. Roll a d6 for each, if an icon is
Use this Stratagem and select an ally Troops with 12m of this rolled that mortal wound is ignored.
Champion. Until the end of the next turn, the selected Troops is
+2 Defense and Imitative. Armoured Fist (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, <Armageddon>)
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally that is
Acrobatic (Cost 1; Officio Assassinorum, <Callidus>) embarked upon a Transport. They gain+2 Bonus Dice when
Use this Stratagem and select a Callidus Assassin to gain +2 shooting on its next activation if it disembarks.
Speed and gain a +2DN bonus to all attacks directed against it
until the end of the turn. Auspex Scan (Cost 2; Imperium)
Use this Stratagem when a Threat moves to within 24m of you.
Adaptive Strategy (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) You interrupt that threats activation and make an immediate
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of a turn to change the current attack against it. The threat continues with their activation after
Combat Doctrine to any other. your attack is resolved.

Adaptive Tactics (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>) Avatars of the Emperor (Cost 1; Adeptus Custodes)
Use this Stratagem only if you are using the Mission Tactics Use this Stratagem to allow all allies within 12m you to use your
special rules. At the start of any of your turns, you may change the Willpower for any Willpower based tests they must take until the
mission tactic to any other mission tactic. end of the turn.

The Aegis (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>) Avenge the Fallen (Cost 1; Imperium)

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Use this Stratagem after an ally is reduced to 0 wounds by a Use this Stratagem when you or al ally declares a ranged attack,
threat. All other allies gain +1 Bonus Dice on attacks that target ignore any DN modifiers for the attack.
said threat.
Bolster Defences (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Imperial Fists>)
Battle Rites (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally within 12m of
Use this Stratagem to change the current Sacred Rite to any you that is wholly within a terrain feature or has cover, gain an
other, even one already used. additional +2 DN vs all attacks made against you or the selected
Behold the Golden Host (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood
Angels>) Bolter Drill (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Imperial Fists>)
Use this Stratagem and select an ally with the Death Mask ability. Use this Stratagem when shooting, if an attack with a Bolter
Until the start of that allies next activation, his Death Mask ability weapon rolls a 6 on the Wrath die, the character or mob may
is increased to 24m. immediately attack again with the same weapon. This second
attack does not generate additional attacks.
Benevolence of the Machine Spirit (Cost 1; Imperial Knights)
Use this Stratagem when a target ally Vehicle suffers one or more Boltstorm (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes)
mortal wounds, roll a d6 for each mortal wound, heal 1 mortal Use this Stratagem and select a target Champion or ally. Until the
wound for each icon generated up to the number originally end of the turn, the selected Champion or ally gains the following
suffered. ability to their ranged attacks: When resolving an attack against a
target within half range, the attack gains the Spread trait.
Benevolence of the Omnissiah (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus)
Use this Stratagem when a target ally Vehicle suffers one or more Bonded Oathsworn (Cost 1; Imperial Knights)
mortal wounds, roll a d6 for each mortal wound, heal 1 mortal Use this Stratagem when an ally is the subject of a charge action.
wound for each icon generated up to the number originally Select an ally within 12m to immediately activate and perform a
suffered. charge action.

Big Guns Never Tire (Cost 1; Imperium) Born in the Saddle (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <White Scars>)
Use this Stratagem when an ally vehicle shoots to have it gain +2 Use at the beginning of your turn, target Champion or ally on a
Bonus Dice to the attack. Bike gains +2 Bonus Dice on attacks on their next activation.

Binharic Override (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus) Bring Down The Beast (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey
Use this Stratagem to change the Battle Protocols of target Knights>)
Kastelan Robot Troop. That Troops Battle Protocols may not be Use this Stratagem when you or an ally within 12m targets a
changed for the remainder of the game. Vehicle or Monster with a ranged attack. Gain +3ED on the
Bio-Scryer Cogitator Array (Cot 3; Imperial Knights, <House
Cadmus>) Bringers of the Emperor’s Justice (Cost 1; Adeptus Custodes)
Use this Stratagem when a threat activates and choose an ally that Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is making a melee attack
is visible to that threat. The selected ally interrupts the threats against a Heretic Astartes threat. If the attack is a critical attack,
activation and may make an immediate attack against said threat. you or your ally may make an immediate second attack against
The threat may act as normal afterwards. the same threat. If the threat was a Black Legion unit, the second
attack happens if the original attack roll was a 4+ on the Wrath
Bitter Enemy (Cost 1: Adeptus Astartes, <Imperial Fists>) Die. These second attacks cannot generate additional attacks.
Use this Stratagem when making a melee attack against an Iron
Warriors threat to gain +2 Bonus Dice on the attack and +2ED on Broadcast Targeting Data (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus)
damage. Use this Stratagem and select an ally with a Data Tether. Any ally
within 12m of the selected ally that attacks a threat vehicle gains
Blazing Piety (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) +2 Bonus Dice on ranged attacks. This bonus lasts until the end of
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally manifests a psychic the turn.
power. If the target is Chaos, it suffers d3 mortal wounds. If
Daemon, if suffers 2d3 mortal wounds. Burning Descent (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally armed with
Blessed Bolts (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) Hand Flamers. They may make an immediate ranged attack with
Use this Stratagem when a Champion or Troop attacks with a their Hand Flamers at 24m range. they may attack as normal in
ranged weapon. Increase the Base Damage of the weapon by +2 the rest of their activation.
and the AP by -2 till the end of their Activation.
Burst Missile Net (Cost 1; Adeptus Custodes)
Blind Faith (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas <Order of the Valourous Use this Stratagem to have an ally make a n attack with any
Heart>) Missile or Rocket weapon they are equipped with against any

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
threat visible to them. This attack does not count as the ally’s marker and roll a d6 for each threat, if an icon is rolled, the threat
activation this turn. takes 1d3 mortal wounds.

Castellan Strike (Cost 1; Adeptus Custodes) Cogitated Martyrdom (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Iron Hands>)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is attacking with an Axe Use this Stratagem when you or an ally would lose a wound,
weapon, increase the AP of the attack by +2. select an ally within 6m and roll a die. If an icon is generated, the
selected ally suffers the wound instead.
Chainsweep (Cost 1; Imperial Knights)
Use this Stratagem and select a Titanic ally. The selected all may Cognis Heavy Stubbers (Cost 1; Imperial Knights)
make a ranged attack with an added LBT trait. Use this Stratagem and select an ally armed with a Heavy Stubber
weapon. Those weapons replace their Heavy trait with the Assault
Chalice Overflowing (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood trait until the end of the turn.
Use this Stratagem to allow a Sanguinary Priest a second use of a Cognis Overwatch (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus)
Narthecium on a subject that has already benefited from it this Use this Stratagem before a held action attack with a Cognis
battle. weapon, that attack is made at +2 Bonus Dice.

Choral Guidance (Cost 1; Adeptus Sororitas) Concentrated Fire (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem when attacking with an ally vehicle that has at Use this Stratagem to have an ally with a Heavy Weapon make all
least 2 other ally vehicles within 12m of it, gain +2 Bonus Dice on their attacks on their next activation be made at +2ED.
all ranged attacks this Activation.
Concussion Grenades (Cost 1; Imperium)
Clandestine Infiltration (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus, <Stygies Use this Stratagem when a visible threat moves. The selected
VIII>) threat is affected by a Concussion Grenade attack. Concussion
Use this Stratagem at the end of the turn, add any one <Stygies Grenade (Toughness DN4 test or be knocked Prone and
VIII> Troops mob to the battlefield anywhere more than 24m Staggered. Toughness or Medicae DN 4 test to recover. SBT.
from a Threat. This mob may activate as normal next turn. Does not affect targets in sealed environments.)

Clavis (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>) Conqueror Doctrina Imperative (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus)
Use this Stratagem if there is a threat vehicle with 4m of an ally Use this Stratagem and select a Skitarii Infantry. That trop gains
that is not a mob or vehicle. Roll a d6, do d3 mortal wounds to the +1 Bonus Dice on their ranged attacks this turn. If they have a
threat vehicle for each icon generated. Data-Tether of some type, increase to +2 Bonus Dice.

Cleansing Flames (Cost 2; Adepta Sororitas <Order of the Ebon Consolidate Squads (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
Chalice >) Use this Stratagem to have 2 Troop squads form a new Mob. The
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is attacking with a Flame squads must be within 6m of each other to do so. Move all
Type weapon to gain +4ED to the attack. members of this new mob to within 2m of each other member.

Clearance Protocols (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Imperial Fists>) Controlled Aggression (Cost 1; Imperial Knights, <House
Use this Stratagem to have yourself and any allies within 6m Krast>)
equipped with Grenades to make an immediate Grenade attack Use this Stratagem and select an ally. When the selected ally
that does not count as an Activation this round. attacks on its next activation and gains a critical hit on an attack,
that attack gains +2ED.
Cloaked by the Storm (Cost 3; Adeptus Astartes, <Space
Wolves> Counter-Charge (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>)
Use this Stratagem when a Rune Priest manifests a power. Use this Stratagem when a threat declares a charge against you or
Threats suffer an additional +2 DN penalty to all ranged attacks an ally. When their charge is finished, the unit charged by the
against this Rune Priest and all allies within 12m of him. threat may immediately activate and attack them back.

Close-Range Bolter Fire (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Imperial Courage and Honour (Cost 1; Imperium)
Fists> Use this Stratagem at the start of a turn. You and all allies gain +2
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally within 12m, Willpower until the end of the turn.
when you or the selected ally shoot on their next activation, any
bolt type weapons they attack with gain the Pistol Trait in Crush Them! (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
addition to any other traits the weapon has. Use this Stratagem and choose an ally vehicle. That vehicle gains
+10m to its speed when making a charge attack and an additional
Cluster Mines (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) +1 Bonus Dice on any melee attacks it makes.
Use this Stratagem after a Bike moves. Place a marker on the
battlefield to represent the Cluster Mines. When any threat moves Crushing Assault (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>)
to within 6m of the marker, the mines detonate. Remove the
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally perform a charge while Champion gains the Death Company Keyword and the Black
mounted as cavalry. When the charge move is finished, roll a d6 Rage ability for the rest of the game.
for each threat within 2m of those charging. The threat suffers a
mortal wound for each Icon generated on the die. Deathgrip (Cost 1; Imperial Knights)
Use this Stratagem and select a Titanic ally. The selected ally may
Cunning of the Wolf (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space make an immediate melee attack. If the attack targets a unit with a
Wolves>) single member and it hits, that unit suffers an added d3 mortal
Use this Stratagem to give yourself or ally unit a free move. wounds.

Cycle of War (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Ultramarines>) Deathwing Assault (Cost 2 or 3; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of any activation to have the Angels>)
current Combat Doctrine become Assault Doctrine until the end Use this Stratagem when an ally arrives on the battlefield via
of the turn. Teleportarium or Teleport Strike. If the unit contains 5 or fewer
this Stratagem costs 2, if more than 5, it costs 3. This unit may
Datalink Telemetry (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) immediately move and make a ranged attack.
On your activation, select an ally vehicle within 24m of your
position, that vehicles next attack automatically hits. Roll to hit as Decapitating Blow (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven Guard>)
normal but transfer all exalted icons rolled to damage. Use this Stratagem when a threat Champion is slain by your or an
ally’s attack. All threats within 12m of the slain Champion must
Dataspike (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus) pass a DN4 Resolve Test or suffer the effects of Fear for the rest
Use this Stratagem after a Champion attacks. That champion may of the game.
make one immediate attack against any vehicle within 2m. If the
attack is successful, deal an addition al d3 mortal wounds. Decapitation Doctrine (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes,
Deadly Descent (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) Use this Stratagem when you or an ally (non-mob or vehicle)
Use this Stratagem if you or an ally is equipped with a Jump makes an attack against a non-mob or vehicle xenos threat. You
Pack to gain +12m range to any Pistol attacks. gain +2 wounds to any damage dealt by the attack.

A Deadly Prize (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven Guard>) Deafening Assault (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus, <Metalica>)
Use this Stratagem to place a Melta-Bomb IED on the battlefield Use this Stratagem and select a threat within 12m of any ally. The
within 2m of this Champion. The IED will explode if any threat selected Threat is -2 to all Willpower based Tests till the end of
moves within 2m of it. the turn.

Death Grip Bite (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>) Defensive Focus (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Ultramarines>)
Use this Stratagem when a beast ally activates to have their melee Use this Stratagem after you or an ally is targeted by a charge
attacks gain +2ED. attack. You and up to 3 allies within 12m of the charging threat
may make an immediate ranged attack against the threat.
Death On The Wind (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is making a melee attack. Defensive Gunners (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
Gain +2 ED to all damage rolls made that activation by you or the Use this Stratagem when an ally vehicle is the target of a Charge
selected ally. attack. The ally vehicle may immediately shoot any weapons at
the charging threat.
Death to the Alien (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>)
Use this Stratagem before an you or an ally makes a melee attack Deft Maneuvering (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
against any Xenos threat. If the attack roll generated a 6 on the Use this Stratagem when an ally vehicle is the target of a ranged
wrath die, then make an immediate second melee attack after this attack to reduce the base damage of a threat’s weapons by half.
attack is resolved. This second attack cannot generate more
attacks. Descent of Angels (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood Angels>)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally equipped with a Jump
Death to the Traitors (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) Pack declares a charge. Increase Speed by +6.
Use this Stratagem before an you or an ally makes a melee attack
against any Heretic Astartes threat. If the attack roll generated a Desperate For Redemption (Cost 3; Adepta Sororitas)
6 on the wrath die, then make an immediate second melee attack Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally within 2m of a
after this attack is resolved. This second attack cannot generate threat. The chosen unit may make an immediate melee attack
more attacks. against the threat.

Death Visions of Sanguinus (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood Devastating Reach (Cost 1; Imperial Knights)
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the game and select a
Blood Angels Champion that is not a Primarus. The selected
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Use this Stratagem and select a Titanic ally. That ally may charge Use this stratagem and target a <Forge World> Kataphron
a threat that is located up to 30m above the ‘ground’ that the Destroyer Troop and a <Forge World> Kastelen Robot Troop
Titanic ally is standing. within 12m of each other. Each of the target troops gain +2 Bonus
Dice on attack rolls this turn.
Devastating Refrain (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
Use this Stratagem when an ally vehicle is attacking to gain +2 Elusive Hunters (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, <Militarum
Bonus Dice to the attack. Tempestus>)
Use this Stratagem when a threat would target you or an ally who
Devout Push (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Black Templars>) is not within ½ range of their ranged attack. The attack is made at
Select an infantry or biker unit to have the selected unit gain +4 +2DN.
Embodied Prophecy (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
Direct Onslaught (Cost 1; Astra Militarum) Use this Stratagem to have a non-Flying unit gain +1 Bonus Dice
Use this Stratagem to have a friendly vehicle gain +2 Bonus Dice to attacks this turn with a melee weapon.
a=on all ranged attacks on its next activation.
The Emperor’s Executioners (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space
Divine Chorus (Cost 2; Adeptus Mechanicus) Wolves>)
Use this Stratagem and have the target Adeptus Mechanicus unit Use this Stratagem when you or an ally that attacking a Thousand
to be affected by a second Canticle of the Omnissiah. Suns unit rolls a critical on the attack. They may take an
additional activation after this one to attack the Thousand Suns
Divine Intervention (Cost 2; Adepta Sororitas) unit again.
Use this Stratagem when a Champion is killed. Discard from 1-3
Miracle Dice and return that Champion to play with a number of The Emperor’s Judgement (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas <Order of
wounds remaining equal to the number of Miracle Dice discarded. the Sacred Rose>)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is attacking with a Bolt
Dominatus Doctrine (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>) Type weapon to gain +4ED to the attack.
Use this Stratagem when attacking an Elite Level Tier Threat, add
1 icon to the damage roll against this threat The Emperor’s Will (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Black
Double Kill (Cost 1; Officio Assassinorum <Vindicare>) Use this Stratagem when you or an ally activates and moves,
Use this Stratagem after a Vindicare Assassin makes a ranged make an immediate attack with any Pistol type weapons. These
attack. The Assassin may make a second attack at no additional attacks do not count towards other attacks to incur a multi-attack
penalties against a different target. penalty.

Dragonslayer (Cost 2; Imperial Knights, <House Griffin>) Empyric Channeling (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, Psyker)
Use this Stratagem and select an ally. On that allies next Use this Stratagem to add +1 Bonus Dice to your Psychic
activation, they gain +1ED to all of their attacks that target a Mastery test. If within 10m of another ally Psyker, add an
Champion or Vehicle. additional +1 bonus dice to the Psychic Mastery test for each
other ally Psyker in range.
Drilled to Perfection (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, <Militarum
Tempestus>) Empyric Surge (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally makes a ranged attack Use this Stratagem after you manifest a psychic power, until the
using a held action. The attack is made at +2 Bonus Dice. end of the turn, all allies gain +2 to Willpower based Tests.

Dunestruders (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus) Engine Purge (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Iron Hands>)
Use this Stratagem and choose a target Ironstrider Ballistarii or Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the turn if the Devastator
Sydonian Dragoon ally, they receive a +2 bonus to Speed when Doctrine is active. When you or an ally resolves an attack and
charging this turn. generates a critical hit with either a heavy or grenade weapon,
increase the AP of the attack by 1.
Duty Eternal (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes)
Use this Stratagem when an ally Dreadnaught is targeted by an Even in Death (Cost 2; Imperium)
attack, halve the number of wounds suffered by all attacks until Use this Stratagem when you or an ally Champion is reduced to 0
the end of the turn. wounds. You or the selected ally may make 1 immediate ranged
or melee attack as if it were your or the ally’s activation.
Duty Unto Death (Cost 2; Astra Militarum, Death Korps of
Krieg) Ever Vigilant (Cost 2; Imperium)
Use this Stratagem when a Champion is reduced to 0 wounds, that Use this Stratagem after a threat activates. Select an ally or
Champion may make an immediate ranged attack. yourself that is visible to the threat to immediately make a ranged
attack against the threat. This does not count as your or your ally’s
Elimination Volley (Cost 2; Adeptus Mechanicus) activation for the turn.
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Use this Stratagem when an Astra Militarum ally fails a Resolve
Ever Lapping Fields of Fire (Cost 2; Astra Militarum, Cadian) Test. That ally passes the test but takes d3 mortal wounds.
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally inflicts one or more
mortal wounds on a threat. Till the end of the turn you and all Final Redemption (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
other allies gain a -1 DN bonus when shooting that threat. Use this Stratagem, until the end of the turn, roll a d6 for each
member of an ally Squad that is slain. Deal a number of mortal
Exalted Court (Cost 3; Imperial Knights) wounds to the threat that slayed the squad member equal to the
Use this Stratagem before the combat and choose an ally Questor number of icons generated of the die roll.
or Dominus Class ally to gain the Champion keyword and gain
the ability to have a Warlord Trait and use Relics. Finest Hour (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>)
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the turn to double the range
Experienced Eye (Cost 1; Astra Militarum) of any Aura Abilities of target Champion till the end of the turn.
Use this Stratagem to have an ally make all shooting attacks at -a
1 AP bonus on their next activation. Fire on my position (Cost: 3; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem when an Astra Militarum Champion is reduced
Exceptional Proficiency (Cost 2; Adepta Sororitas) to 0 wounds. Target any threat within 6m of that ally, roll a d6, if
Use this Stratagem to have you or an ally gain +1 Bonus Dice and an icon is generated the threat takes 1 mortal wound, if an exalted
+1ED acks until the end of the turn. icon is generated the threat takes d3 mortal wounds.

Explosive Judgement (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) Firstborn Pride (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, Vostroyan)
Use this Stratagem when resolving an attack with a Bolt type Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally. That ally gains
weapon. The attack gains +2 ED and the target does not receive a -1 DN bonus to Shooting attacks their next activation.
any bonus from cover.
Flakk Missile (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes)
Extremis Trigger Word (Cost 2; Adepta Sororitas) Use this stratagem before shooting a threat with the Fly trait while
Use this Stratagem and choose an ally. The selected ally may using a missile launcher. If the attack is successful, the attack
make an immediate melee attack that does not count as that deals 1d3 mortal wounds in addition to any other damage dealt.
Troops activation for the turn.
Flamecraft (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Salamanders>)
Faith And Fury (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) Use this Stratagem when attacking with a Flame weapon. Add
Use this Stratagem and select you or an ally, until the end of their 1d3 mortal wounds to the damage dealt.
activation, the selected Champion or ally gains Devastating for
their attacks. Focused Bombardment (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem when an ally vehicle shoots with its main
Faith Is Our Shield (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas <Order of the weapon, the attack gains +2ED.
Argent Shroud>)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally would suffer a wound Forlorn Fury (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood Angles>)
from a mortal wound. Roll a d6 for each wound to be lost, if an Use this Stratagem to activate a Death Company Champion or
icon is generated then the wound is not lost. ally. This does not count as that ally’s activation for the turn.

Fall Back and Re-Engage (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, Fortress of Shields (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angels>)
<Ultramarines>) Use this Stratagem and select a unit equipped with at least 3
Use this Stratagem to have yourself or an ally make an immediate Storm Shields. That unit receives 1 less wound from melee
move at up to full speed away from a threat and them make an attacks made against it.
immediate charge attack against the same threat.
Fresh Converts (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus, <Agripinaa>)
False Flight (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven Guard>) Use this Stratagem at the end of the turn, add any one
Use this Stratagem whenever a Raven Guard moves. They may <Agripinaa> Troops mob to the battlefield anywhere more than
move thru Threats as if they weren’t there but must end their 24m from a Threat. This mob may activate as normal next turn.
movement more than 2m away from any threat.
From Golden Light They Come (Cost 1 or 3; Adeptus Custodes)
Favour of the Imperium (Cost 2, Imperium) As Teleportarium below.
Use this Stratagem before the game and select one Champion to
have any 1 piece of Special-Issue Wargear. Full Charge (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, <Militarum Tempestus>)
Use this Stratagem an ally vehicle makes a shooting attack against
Fight on the Move (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>) a threat within 24m it, the attack gains +2 Bonus Dice.
Use this Stratagem to have yourself or an ally with 12m to gain an
added+1 Bonus Dice on their attacks when Charging. Full Throttle (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angels>)
Use this Stratagem to give your self and all allies on bikes within
Fight to the Death (Cost 1; Astra Militarum) 12m +4 Speed until the end of their next activation.
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
is against an <Emperor’s Children> threat, add +4 Bonus Dice
Full Tilt (Cost 2; Imperial Knights) instead.
Use this Stratagem when a Titanic ally performs a charge action
to have the, gain +4 to their speed and an added +1 Bonus Dice to Gravatic Amplification (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes)
their attacks on that charge action. Use this Stratagem when yourself an ally is shooting with a Grav
Weapon, he may reroll the damage roll made for that weapon.
Furious Charge (cost 1; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem to have a charging ally gain the Mortal 1 trait Grenadiers (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
on attacks made during their charge. Use this Stratagem when an ally mob makes a ranged attack, each
member of the mob may attack with a grenade of choice they are
Furious Recital (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) equipped with instead of one attack roll for the whole mob.
Use this Stratagem when attacking with a vehicle unit. The target Resolve each attack separately.
of the attack’s gains a -1D penalty to Wisdom-based Tests until
the end of the turn. If the target is a Chaos unit, the penalty is -2 Hail of Fire (Cost 2; Astra Militarum)
Dice. Use this Stratagem when an ally vehicle attacks a threat vehicle to
have all of the allies’ ranged attacks be made as the weapon had
Furor Doctrine (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes <Deathwatch>) the Mortal 2 weapon trait.
Use this Stratagem when attacking a Troops Level Tier Threat,
add 1 icon to the damage roll against this threat. Hammer Blow (Cost 2; Astra Militarum, <Militarum
Fury of the First (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) Use this Stratagem when a threat is destroyed by a ranged attack
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally in Terminator Armour by an ally vehicle. All threats within 24m of the destroyed unit are
attacks, add +2 bonus dice to the attack. pinned and have all movement reduced by ½ and all raged attacks
they make are made at +1 DN. These effects last until the end of
Fury of the Proven (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>) the next turn.
Use this Stratagem to gain +2ED to a ranged attack.
Hammer or Wrath (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes)
Gene-Wrought Might (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) Use this Stratagem when a you or an ally equipped with a Jump
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally Infantry Pack finishes a charge move, target Threat receives d3 mortal
Champion or Troop. The chosen Infantry gains the Mortal 2 Trait wounds.
for all their melee attacks this turn.
A Hated Foe (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Crimson Fists>)
Gifts of the Mechanicus (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, <Militarum Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is targeting an Ork threat
Tempestus>) with an attack to gain +2 Bonus Dice on the attack.
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally makes a ranged attack
with a Hot-Shot weapon. If a critical hit is rolled on the wrath die, Head First (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
the weapon gains the Mortal 2 weapon trait. Use this Stratagem to increase an ally’s speed by 2 when they
declare a charge attack.
Go! Recon! (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem to have a Scout ally make an immediate move, Heed the Prognosticars (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey
even if it has already activated this turn. This move does not count Knights>)
against the ally for any purposes the rest of the turn. Use this Stratagem and choose a Champion, that Champion gains
+3 Resilience till the end of the turn.
Gloria Mechanicus (Cost 2; Adeptus Mechanicus)
Use this Stratagem and change the Canticle of the Omnissiah Hellfire Shells (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes)
that is currently being used to any other Canticle. Use this Stratagem when attacking with a Heavy Bolter or the
Heavy Bolter profile of a combi/multi weapon. Add 1d3 mortal
Glory In Honour! (Cost 3; Imperial Knights, <House Terryn>) wounds to the damage dealt.
Use this Stratagem and select an ally to immediately perform a
melee attack. This does not count as that ally’s activation in the Hero of the Chapter (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes)
turn. Use this Stratagem before the game to give any one Champion a
Warlord Trait if it does not already have one.
Godhammer Lascannons (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes)
Use this Stratagem when you select a Land Raider to shoot. Your Heroic Intervention (Cost 1; Imperial)
attacks with any LasCannon weaponry gain +2 Bonus Dice and Use this Stratagem when an ally within 6m of this Champion is
+2 ED until the end of the turn. the target of an attack. The attack targets this Champion instead.
This Stratagem cannot be used by a Champion embarked in a
The Gorgon’s Rage (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Iron Hands>) vehicle or fortification. This Stratagem may be used multiple
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally attacks with a melee times in a game.
weapon. Add +2 Bonus Dice to the attack roll. If the melee attack
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Heroine In The Making (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
Use this Stratagem before the game to give a Adepta Sororitas Inescapable Vengeance (Cost 2; Adeptus Custodes)
Champion a Warlord Trait. Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is making a ranged attack
against a threat Champion. The ranged attack gains +2 Bonus
High-Speed Focus (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angels>) Dice.
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an Ally on a Bike, gain
+2 Defense until the end of the round. Infiltrators (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven Guard>)
Use this Stratagem to give any Infantry unit a free movement.
Holy Rage (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) That unit must end its movement no closer than 18m from a
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally Charges to gain +2 Bonus threat.
Dice to attacks.
Infoslave Skull (Cost 2; Adeptus Mechanicus)
Holy Trinity (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) Use this Stratagem immediately after a threat Steals the Initiative,
Use this Stratagem before shooting with a unit containing 1or cancel their Initiative (losing the Ruin or Glory spent) and
more each of Bolt weapon, Flamer weapon, and a Melta weapon. immediately activate yourself or any one ally within 24m.
Add +1 icon to all damage rolls made for that unit this activation.
Inner Circle (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angels>)
Honour The Chapter (Cost 3, Adeptus Astartes) Use this Stratagem before the game and choose a Champion or
Use this Stratagem at the end of the Turn, select a Infantry or Land Raider. The selected unit gains the Deathwing Keyword
Biker (individual or mob). The target Infantry or Biker may make and the Inner Circle ability until the end of the game.
an immediate melee attack.
Inspire Fear (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Custodes,
Honour The Martyrs (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas <Order of the Adepta Sororitas)
Martyred Lady>) Use this Stratagem on your activation to force a visible threat
Us this Stratagem when an ally Champion is killed to gain +2 within 6m of you to make a Resolve Test (DN 4) or suffer Terror
Bonus Dice to all attacks till the end of the combat. till the end of the turn.

Honoured Sergeant (Cost 1; Imperium) Inspired Tactics (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)

Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the game to have a target Use this Stratagem to have any Champion with the Voice of
NPC Sergeant to have any one piece of Special Issue Wargear. Command ability to issue an Order, even if he has done so
already this turn.
Howl of the Great Pack (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes; <Space
Wolves>) Inspiring Command (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes)
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of a turn. Choose a Wolf Use this Stratagem to have a chosen Champion’s aura abilities
Lord and have all allies within 24m automatically pass any increased by +6m in range.
Resolve Tests this turn. All threats within 24m of this Wolf Lord
suffer a +2 DN penalty to all Resolve Tests this turn. Intercepting Volley (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>)
Use this Stratagem immediately after an Eldar or Aeldari threat
Hunt the Fallen (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angel>) with Fly moves. Choose yourself or any ally with 24m of the
Use this Stratagem and select a threat Champion. That champion threat and they make an immediate ranged attack against the
gains +2 Initiative. You and any allies that target the threat gain threat. The attack is made at a -1DN penalty.
Lucky on their melee rolls against the selected threat.
Intractable (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angels>)
Hunter-Slayer Missile (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Primaris>) Use this Stratagem to have yourself or an ally unit make an
Use this Stratagem and select a Repulsor Tank, then select a immediate ranged attack. This attack does not count as their
threat vehicle or monstrous (or larger) creature within 96m of the activation this turn.
selected Repulsor. Roll a d6, deal d3 mortal wounds to the target
threat for each icon generated. Ion Aegis (Cost 2; Imperial Knights)
Use this Stratagem and select an ally Dominus Class ally. That
Hypermetabolism (Cost 1; Officio Assassinorum, <Eversor>) unit cannot move on their next activation. All allies within 12m of
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of a turn and select an that unit gain a +*2 Armour Bonus until the end of the Dominus
Eversor Assassin. Each time the selected Assassin would suffer a ally can move again.
wound or mortal wound, roll a d6. If an icon is generated, then the
wound is not lost. Ironhail Heavy Stubbers (Cost 1; Imperial Knights)
Use this Stratagem before the combat. Any Titanic ally armed
Indomitable Guardians (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus with a Heavy Stubber weapon will have that weapon gain an
Custodes, Adepta Sororitas) added -1 PA.
Use this Stratagem when a threat resolves a melee attack. Choose
an ally within 6m of the threat to immediately activate and charge Judgement Of The Faithfull (Cost 2; Adepta Sororitas)
the threat.
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Use this Stratagem to activate yourself or an ally even if you or Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the game if your unit
they have activated already in the turn. contains both a Dark Angels Infantry and a Space Wolves
Infantry. Roll a d6 for each, and they suffer a mortal wound for
Jury Rigging (Cost 1; Astra Militarum) each icon generated on the die roll. For each mortal wound
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the turn. Choose a target suffered, the unit gains +2 Willpower, Strength, Initiative, and +2
ally vehicle. That vehicle may not activate this turn but instead is Bonus Dice to Weapon Skill tests until the end of the game or
repaired 1d6 wounds. healed in any manner.

Keen Senses (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>) The Lions Pounce (Cost 1; Adeptus Custodes)
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally to suffer no Use this Stratagem when declaring a charge attack that only
range or cover penalties on their ranged attacks this turn. targets threat vehicles, increase your speed by 2 and gain an
additional +1 Bonus Dice to the attack.
Killing Zone (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, <Militarum Tempestus>)
Use this Stratagem after your or an ally deals 1 or more wounds to Living Storm (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>)
a threat. For the rest of the turn, any further attacks that deal Use this Stratagem when a Psyker manifests the Living Lightning
wounds to the same threat deal one additional wound. power when within 12m of 2 ally Psykers. The damage done by
the power is d6 instead of d3 base.
Killshot (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes)
On your activation, select a Predator within 24m of your Lone Wolf (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>)
position, that Predator may target a threat within 150m. Roll to Use this Stratagem when an ally Infantry Troops is reduced to one
hit as normal for the Predator, but the damage done is 3d3 Mortal member, that member gains +4 Wounds, is a Champion, and all
Wounds instead of normal damage. attacks for the remainder of the game gain +1 Bonus Dice and +1
Knight of the Cog (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus)
Use this Stratagem and select any Titanic Vehicle. Choose any Lucifer-Pattern Engines (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood
one Canticle of the Omnissiah ability for the chosen vehicle to Angels>)
be have till the end of the turn. Use this Stratagem and select a vehicle other than a Dreadnaught
or a Fly vehicle. Increase this vehicles speed by 12m until the end
Knowledge of the Foe (Cost 0; Imperium) of the turn.
Use this Stratagem after an enemy Champion has been killed to
recover 1 Wrath, 1 Glory, or 1 Ruin Point. Machine Empathy (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, Iron Hands)
Use this Stratagem when an ally Vehicle attacks. All attacks for
Last Rites (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) the vehicle are made at no penalty to shooting heavy or assault
Use this Stratagem to have you or an ally gain +2 Bonus Dice to weapons when the vehicle moves this turn.
any Wisdom based Test.
Machine Spirit Resurgent (Cost 1; Imperial)
Laugh in the Face of Death (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Use this Stratagem and select an ally vehicle, that vehicle may
Wolves> make 1 additional attack this turn with any one weapon at a
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is subject to an effect by a Ballistic Skill of 10.
threat that reduces their Resolve, you or the ally gains +1 Bonus
Dice for all attacks on their next activation. Machine Spirit’s Revenge (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus)
Use this Stratagem when an ally Vehicle is destroyed, do not roll
Lay Low The Tyrants (Cost 1; Imperium) a die, that vehicle Explodes doing an additional d3 mortal wounds
Use this Stratagem whenever an ally attacks a threat Champion, in damage.
increase the damage done by 2 icons.
Malleus Doctrine (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>)
Legio Teleportarium (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus, <Lucius>) Use this Stratagem when attacking a Vehicle, Walker, or
Use this Stratagem at the end of the turn, add any one <Lucius> Monstrous Creature Threat (non-bike, jump pack, or land speeder
Troops mob to the battlefield anywhere more than 24m from a of equivalent), add 1 icon to the damage roll against this threat.
Threat. This mob may activate as normal next turn.
Martial Precision (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Ultramarines>
Linebreaker Bombardment (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) Use this Stratagem before you or an ally attacks, their ranged
On your activation, select a Vindicator within 24m of your attacks gain the Spread Trait.
position, that Vindicator may target a threat within 150m. Roll to
hit as normal for the Vindicator, but the damage done is 3d3 Martyr’s Immolation (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
Mortal Wounds instead of normal damage. Use this Stratagem when an ally Vehicle is destroyed to have it
explode immediately.
The Lion and the Wolf (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Martyred (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
Angels>) Use this Stratagem when a Champion is killed to have that
Champion make one attack with any weapon and gain d3 Wrath.
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
then the Dark Angel may make an immediate additional attack
Martyrdom (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) against the same threat. This additional attack does not count as
Use this Stratagem when an ally Champion is reduced to 0 an activation.
wounds, gain d3 Faith. If the slain Champion was a Warlord, gain
3 Faith instead. Noble Sacrifice (Cost 2; Imperial Knights)
Use this Stratagem before rolling to see in an Imperial Knights
Master of the Trifold Path (Cost 3; Adeptus Astartes) ally explodes. If the chosen ally is either an Armiger Class or a
Use this Stratagem before the game to have a Champion gain 1 Questoris Class ally, it explodes if an Icon is generated. If it is a
Warlord Trait of their choice to be in effect till the end of the Dominus Class ally, it explodes if an Icon is generated all units
game. within 3d5x2m are affected.

Masterful Marksmanship (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) Oathbreaker Guidance System (Cost 2; Imperial Knights)
Use this Stratagem with shooting a Bolter weapon with Special Use this Stratagem and choose an ally attacking with a missile
Issue Ammunition. The attack does 1d3 mortal wounds in weapon. That ally may target an ally that is not visible to them
addition to any other damage dealt. and ignores their DN modifier from cover they may have.

Masters of Combat (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>) Oaths of Honour (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Black Templars>)
Use this Stratagem to gain +2Bonus Dice on your next melee Use this Stratagem when an ally attacks with a melee weapon,
attack. that ally gains +2 Bonus Dice to the attack.

Mental Focus (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>) Officio Prefectus Command Tank (Cost 2; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem to allow yourself or an ally Psyker to attempt Use this Stratagem before the game session. Choose an ally
to manifest a Psychic Power. Leman Russ, all ally troops within 6m of this vehicle have +2
bonus dice for Resolve Tests.
Mentor’s Guidance (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>)
Use this Stratagem and choose a Champion within 12m of a Wolf Only In Death Does Duty End (Cost 2; Imperium)
Priest. The selected Champion gains Devastating on their ranged Use this Stratagem when an ally Champion is reduced to 0
attacks until the end of the turn. wounds, that Champion may make an immediate ranged or melee
attack at no wound penalties.
Mercy is Weakness (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Iron Hands>)
Use this Stratagem at the start of the turn and choose an Ally and Optimal Repulsion Doctrines (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Iron
a Threat. Each time this threat is attacked by the selected ally and Hands>)
the attack is a critical, the attack does double damage. Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is resolving an attack
using a Held Action. The attack scores a critical hit on a 5-6 on
Methodical Firepower (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Iron Hands>) the Wrath Die. If you or the ally has the The Flesh is Weak ability,
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the turn if the Devastator then score a critical hit on a 4-6 on the Wrath die.
Doctrine is not in effect. Choose yourself or an ally and have the
Devastator Doctrine be in effect for their next activation. Optimized Salvo (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>)
Use this Stratagem when a <Deathwatch> mob is using Special
Mobile Command Vehicle (cost 1; Astra Militarum) Issue Ammunition. Each member of the mob may choose a
Use this Stratagem to have any Champion with the Voice of different type of Special Issue Ammunition to fire. Roll all
Command ability who is embarked in a Chimera to issue an attacks separately then.
Order, even if he has done so already this turn. The target of this
Order may be up to 150m away from the Chimera. Orbital Bombardment (Cost 3; Adeptus Astartes)
This Stratagem may only be used once per game. During your
Moment of Grace (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) activation, choose a visible point on the battlefield, target it as a
Use this Stratagem when making an attack roll or a Soak roll. Huge Blast Template. Roll a die for each target (individual threat
Discard from 1-3 Miracle Dice to add 1 Bonus Die to the roll for or mob) in the area of effect. If no Icon is rolled the target takes
each die discarded. 1d3+1 wounds, if 1 Icon is rolled the target takes 1d3 mortal
wounds, if an exalted icon is rolled the target takes 2d3 mortal
Networked Machine Spirits (Cost 1; Adeptus Custodes) wounds.
Use this Stratagem if there are 2 or more allied vehicles with a
Machine Spirit ability within 12m of each other. All of these Order of Companions (Cost 2; Imperial Knights, <House
vehicles gain an additional +2 Bonus Dice for ranged attacks until Raven>)
the end of the turn while they are within 12m of each other. Use this Stratagem and select an ally. The selected ally gains +1
Bonus Dice or +2ED to any one roll on their next activation.
Never Forgive, Never Forget (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark
Angels>) Our Darkest Hour (Cost 2; Imperial Knights <House Taranis>)
Use this Stratagem when a Dark Angel targets a Heretic Astartes Use this Stratagem when an ally vehicle is reduced to 0 wounds
threat with a melee attack. If a critical hit is made with the attack, and did not explode. At the end of the turn, set that unit back up as
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
close as possible to it’s previous position and with 2d3 wounds Use this Stratagem and chose a Champion, Troop, or Vehicle
remaining. attacks with a Plasma type weapon. Attacks using any Plasma
type weapons are made at +2 Bonus Dice and +2 to the weapons
Outnumbered But Never Outmatched (Cost 1; Adeptus Base Damage until the end of the turn.
Astartes, <Dark Angels>)
Use this Stratagem when you or any allies within 12m are Plant the Vexilla (Cost 1; Adeptus Custodes)
attacking a mob, gain +2 Bonus Dice on all attacks against the Use this Stratagem to increase the range of all of your aura
mob until the end of the round. abilities by 12m until the end of the turn.

Overkill (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>) Point-Blank Efficacy (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, <Militarum
Use this Stratagem at the end of the turn when battling a Necron Tempestus>)
threat. Any Reanimation Protocol rolls made during the next Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is making an attack with a
turn are made at a -1DN penalty. Hot-Shot weapon. For the rest of the turn, all ranged attacks
against threats within ½ range are made at +2 Base Damage.
Overwhelming Assault (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey
Knights>) Powerful Adept (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>)
Use this Stratagem and choose an ally or yourself to gain +2 Use this Stratagem to have the range of all manifested powers
Bonus Dice and +2ED on your next ranged attack. increased by 12m until the end of your turn.

Overwhelming Impetuosity (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Praetorian’s Wrath (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Imperial Fists>)
Wolves>) Use this Stratagem at the start of a turn that the Devastator Tactic
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally that charged. is in effect. Any attacks by you or your allies with a Heavy or
The ally’s melee attacks for the rest of the turn gain +1 Bonus Grenade weapon that scores a Critical hit has the AP of the attack
Dice. increased by 1.

Overwhelming Savagery (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Precision Drop (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, <Militarum
Wolves>) Tempestus>)
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally. That ally gains Use this Stratagem to have you and any ally with 20m to
+2 ED on all attacks on their next activation. automatically pass a Pilot Test for a Jump Pack or a Grave Chute.

Pack Hunters (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>) Preliminary Bombardment (Cost 2; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem when a beast ally activates and is within 6m of This Stratagem may only be used once per game. During your
an ally. The beast ally gains +2 Bonus Dice or all attacks made on activation, choose a visible point on the battlefield, target it as a
their activation. Huge Blast Template. Roll a die for each target (individual threat
or mob) in the area of effect. If an no Icon is rolled the target
Pack Hunters (Cost 1; Imperial Knights) takes 1d3+1 wounds, if 1 Icon is rolled the target takes 1d3 mortal
Use this Stratagem when an ally Armiger Warglaive activates and wounds, if an exalted icon is rolled the target takes 2d3 mortal
is within 24m of an ally. The beast ally gains +2 Bonus Dice or all wounds
attacks made on their activation.
Preternatural Senses (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey
Pain Is A Lesson (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Imperial Fists>) Knights>)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally within 12m would be the Use this Stratagem when making an attack from a held action.
target of an attack. If you or the selected ally suffers damage, you Gain +2 Bonus Dice to the attack.
suffer no shock for Soaking any wounds from the attack.
Priority Threat Neutralised (Cost 1; Imperium)
Pariah’s Gaze (Cost 1; Officio Assassinorum, <Calexus>) Use this Stratagem after a threat Champion has been killed. Gain
Use the Stratagem and select a Calexus Assassin to have all of 3 Wrath, Glory, or Ruin points.
their ranged weapons base damage increased by d3+1 until the
end of the turn. Protector Doctrina Imperative (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus)
Use this Stratagem and select yourself or an ally to gain +1 Bonus
Percussive Blast (Cost 1; Astra Militarum) Dice on their melee attacks this turn. If they have a Data-Tether
Use this Stratagem when a threat vehicle suffers a wound by a of some type, increase to +2 Bonus Dice.
Battle Cannon attack and halve that vehicles movement until the
end of their next activation Psybolt Ammunition (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>
Use this Stratagem when attacking with a Bolt type weapon. The
Piercing Strike (Cost 1; Adeptus Custodes) weapon gains the Bane <Daemon & Psyker> Trait.
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally makes a melee attack. The
attack generates 2 extra icons on the damage roll. Psychic Channeling (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>
Use this Stratagem when a yourself or an ally Psyker is making a
Plasma Specialists (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus, <Ryza>) Psychic Mastery Test, add +2 Bonus Dice to the Test.
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Use this Stratagem to have a friendly vehicle within 24m ignore
Psychic Conclave (Cost 1; Astra Militarum) any damage modifiers for the rest of the turn.
Use this Stratagem and select an ally Psyker, on that Psykers next
activation it gains +2 Bonus Dice to all Psychic Tests and can Relics of The Imperium (Cost 1 or 2; Imperium)
attempt to manifest one additional psychic power. Use this Stratagem before the game session. For 1 Wrath, your
character begins play with a weapon they are equipped with to
Psychic Onslaught (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights> have the Master Crafted Trait added to it. For 2 Wrath, your
Use this Stratagem when yourself or an ally attacks with a character beings play with a weapon with the Master Crafted
Gatling Psilencer, Heavy Psycannon, Psilencer, or Psycannon. trait and may increase any one numerical value of the weapons
Increase the Base Damage and AP by 2 for the attack. stat line by 1.

Purgatus Doctrine (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>) Rolling Death (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem when attacking an Adversary Level Tier Use this Stratagem and select an ally vehicle. On the selected
Threat, add 1 icon to the damage roll against this threat vehicle’s next activation, if that vehicle moves only up to half
speed, it gains +2 Bonus Dice to all attacks it makes that
Purity of Faith (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) activation.
Use this Stratagem when an enemy Psyker attempts to manifest a
psychic power within 48m of an Adepta Sororitas unit. Roll a d6, Rotate Ion Shields (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus and Questor
on a 4+ that psychic power is resisted, and the effects negated. Mechanicus)
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the turn. When a threat
Rage of the Machines (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus) attacks any Vehicle with armor that provides an Invulnerable
Use this Stratagem and select an ally Vehicle, until the end of the save, increase the armor rating of the armor by +2 till the end of
turn, that vehicle gains +1 Bonus Dice on all attacks when the turn.
Sacred Banner of the Order Militant (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
Rally the Faithful (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) Use this Stratagem before the game and select an ally with a
Use this Stratagem when an ally fails a Willpower based test. Simulacrum Imperialis. It is upgraded to Sacred Banner. In
That ally passes the test instead. addition to its normal abilities, the power of the banner can be
used once per game at the start of any Turn. When used, until the
Rapid Fire (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Primaris>) end of the Turn, the Invulnerable save from that units Shield of
Use this Stratagem and select yourself or an ally, all Bolt Type Faith ability is increased by +2.
weapons you or the ally are equipped with gain the Rapid Fire 2
trait. Sacred Rites (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
Use this Stratagem at the start of your activation to gain 1 Faith.
Raptoris Doctrine (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>)
Use this Stratagem when attacking a Fly Threat, add 1 icon to the Sally Forth! (Cost 3; Imperial Knights)
damage roll against this threat Use this Stratagem to have a Titanic ally immediately move
The Raven’s Blade (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven Guard>)
Use this Stratagem and select a threat. Anytime you or an ally Sappers (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Imperial Fists>)
charges the selected threat they gain +2 Speed and an added +1 Use this Stratagem to gain +2ED when you or an ally within 12m
Bonus Dice to the attack. is attacking a building or fortification.

Red Rampage (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood Angels>) Saturation Bombardment (Cost 1; Imperial Knights <House
Use this Stratagem before a Champion makes a melee attack. Vulker)
Increase this Champions Initiative by 6 til the end of the turn. Use this Stratagem and select an ally. When that ally scores a
critical hit on their next activation, that attack gains +2ED.
Refusal To Die (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes)
Use this Stratagem and select an ally Death Company unit. For Scion of Guilliman (Cost 1, Adeptus Astartes, <Ultramarines>)
the rest of the turn if this unit were to suffer a wound, roll a d6. If Use this Stratagem when an Infantry Mob or Bike Squad is
an Icon is generated the wound is not lost. selected to attack, that Mob or Squad gains +1 Bonus Dice on all
attacks rolls till the end of the turn. If the selected Mob or Squad
Reject The Flesh, Embrace The Machine (Cost 1; Adeptus is a Tactical Squad or Intercessor Squad, they gain +1 Bonus
Astartes, <Iron Hands>) Dice and +1ED on their attacks.
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is chosen as the target for
an attack. Until the end of the turn, if you or the chosen ally suffer Scion of the Forge (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Iron Hands>)
a wound, roll a d6, if an exalted icon is generated the wound loss Use this Stratagem before the game. This Champion may have
is ignored. any 1 piece of Special-Issue Wargear.

Relentless (Cost 1; Astra Militarum) Scryerskull (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus)

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of an activation to eliminate Use this Stratagem an choose an Armiger Class ally to gain +2
the penalty to attacks from environmental effects for the duration Bonus Dice when targeting a threat with Fly on it’s next
this activation. activation.

See, But Remain Unseen (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven Slay The Tyrant (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Crimson Fists>)
Guard>) Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is targeting a threat
Use this Stratagem and elect an ally that has not attacked this turn. Champion to gain +2 Bonus Dice on the attack.
Until the beginning of your next activation, any attacks against
that ally are made at an additional +1DN penalty. Slayers of Shadows (Cost 1; Imperial Knights <House Mortan>)
Use this Stratagem and select an ally to ignore all DN modifiers
Seeking a Saga (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>) on their next activation.
Use this Stratagem and choose a Champion within 2m of a threat
champion. The selected Champion gains +2 ED to all attacks Sons of Guilliman (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Ultramarines>
against the threat champion until the end of the turn. Use this Strategy and select yourself or an Infantry or Biker ally
to gain the +2 Bonus Dice for their attacks until the end of the
Send in the next wave! (Cost 2; Astra Militarum, Valhallan) turn.
Use this Stratagem at the end of a turn that a Troops or Vehicle
ally was destroyed. You may set this ally up on the battlefield Soul Horror (Cost 2; Officio Assassinorum, <Calexus>)
edge furthest away from any threats. It may activate as normal Use this Stratagem and choose a Calexus Assassin. Threats
next turn. within 6m of the selected Calexus cannot make melee attacks this
Sentinel Storm (Cost 2; Adeptus Custodes)
Use this Stratagem and select a visible ally to make an immediate Souls of Iron (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Iron Hands>)
ranged attack against a threat that is visible to them. This does not Use this Stratagem when a threat Psyker manifests a psychic
count as the ally’s activation this turn. power within 48m of this Champion. Roll a d6, if an icon is
generated the power is resisted.
Shield of Flesh (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem and select a friendly unit that is closer to a Spark of Divinity (Cost 1; Adeptus Custodes)
threat than a friendly unit being attacked at range by the threat Use this Stratagem when a threat Psyker manifests a power with
attacking it. The selected unit is the new target of the threat. 24m of you. You may attempt to Deny The Witch as if you were a
The Shield Unwavering (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Imperial
Fists>) Speed of the Raven (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angels>)
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of a turn. Select an ally to Use this Stratagem and select yourself or an all that is charging to
gain +2 Bonus Dice on all attacks rolls and +2ED to all damage gain +2 Speed and +1 Bonus Dice for attacks until the end of its
rolls on their next Activation. activation.

Shock and Awe (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Black Templars>) Splash Damage (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is disembarking from a Use this Stratagem to have an ally vehicles attacks gain the
vehicle. Threats cannot use held actions to attack you. You or Spread Trait for attacks made on its next activation.
your allies that disembarked gain + Bonus Dice to attacks for the
rest of the turn. Squad Doctrines (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Ultramarines>)
Use this Stratagem at the start of an activation to have yourself or
Shoulder the Mantle (Cost 3; Imperium) an ally Infantry or Bike ally be subject to a different Combat
Use this Stratagem before the game to allow any 1 character to Doctrines that is currently active until the end of the turn.
have 1 Warlord Trait.
Stand Firm (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angels>)
Skilled Riders (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes) Use this Stratagem when yourself or an ally is targeted by an
Use this Stratagem when an ally Bike or Land Speeder moves. attack to have gain +1 Defense against the attack.
Till the end of the turn, that ally gains +2 to their Defense.
Stasis Shell (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angel>)
Skyfire (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) Use this Stratagem when yourself or an ally attacks with a
Use this Stratagem when an ally Hunter or Stalker attacks, when grenade launcher to gain +1 Bonus Dice to the attack and if it hits,
targeting a threat with Fly, the attack gains +2 Bonus Dice and the target suffers d3 mortal wounds.
increase the ED of the attack by +4.
Staunch Allies (Cost 2; Imperial Knights, <House Hawkshroud>)
Skyreaper Protocols (Cost 1; Imperial Knights) Use this Stratagem when an ally is targeted by a threat charge. An
ally within 24m of the charged ally may make an immediate
attack against the threat. This attack interrupts the threats

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
activation. After this attack is resolved, the threat may finish their Strike from the Skies (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven
activation. Guard>)
Use this Stratagem and choose a Champion or ally with a Jump
Steady Advance (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes) Pack to gain +4 Speed to any charge attacks made this turn.
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally shoots using the Bolter
Discipline ability, increase the Rapid Fire Trait value by an Strike of the Archangels (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood
additional +1. Angels>)
Use this Stratagem at the start of a turn to have yourself or any
Steel Mind, Iron Logic (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus, <Graia>) allies in Terminator Armour gain +1 Bonus Dice for all melee
Use this Stratagem when a threat Psyker manifests a power with attacks until the end of the turn.
48m of a <Graia> Troop, roll a d6, if you roll an Icon, the power
is negated. Suffer Not The Witch (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally to gain
Stem the Green Tide (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>) Devastating on your attacks that target a Psyker until the end of
Use this Stratagem when using a Hold Action to interrupt an the turn.
activation by an Ork threat. Make an attack against the threat,
when your hold action is over, that Ork threat receives a -1die Superior Intelligence (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, Militarum
penalty to any attacks declared in their next activation. Tempestus)
Use this Stratagem when a Threat enters the battlefield from
Stimm Overload (Cost 2; Officio Assassinorum, <Eversor>) ambush or through Stratagem or Special Ability use. Then
Use this Stratagem and select an Eversor Assassin to make an yourself or an ally within 30m may make an immediate attack
immediate melee attack, even if it has already activated this turn. against that threat before it can do anything further during its
After the attack is resolved roll a d6 and the selected Assassin activation.
suffers a number of mortal wounds equal the number of icons
generated. Suppression Fire (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes)
Use this Stratagem when an ally Whirlwind or Thunderfire
Stooping Dive (Cost 3; Adeptus Custodes) Cannon that has not moved is shooting. That Whirlwind or
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally within 24m on a Thunderfire Cannon may activate a second time to shoot.
bike. You or the ally may make an immediate charge attack as if it
was your activation. This does not count as your or your ally’s Supreme Deception (Cost 2; Officio Assassinorum, <Callidus>)
activation this turn. Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the turn to have target
Callidus’s Reign of Confusion ability to be in effect for the
Storm of Retribution (Cost 2; Adepta Sororitas) entire turn.
Use this Stratagem when making an attack to gain one of the
following: (1) When attacking with a Heavy Bolter, gain +2 Synaptic Severance (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>)
Bonus Dice, (2) When attacking with a Heavy Flamer, gain +2 Use this Stratagem when targeting a Synapse creature with a
ED, or (3) When attacking with a Multi-Melta, add 24m to the ranged attack. Gain +2 Bonus Dice to the attack roll.
range of the weapon and gain +2 Base Damage.
Tactical Air Control (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, <Militarum
Storm Strike (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>) Tempestus>)
Sue this Stratagem when a vehicle ally attacks to have them add 1 Use this Stratagem and select a visible threat. The threat suffers a
Bonus Die to the attack, and +1 ED to the damage for their (15+4ED, AP 0) attack.
Tactical Expertise (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Ultramarines>)
Stranglehold (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven Guard>) Use this Stratagem before you or an ally activates and only if the
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the game. If a there are any Tactical Doctrine is in effect. Yourself an all allies receive a +1
ally Scout or Phobos units and a threat uses Wrath/Glory/Ruin, bonus to the AP of all Rapid Fire or Assault weapons for the turn.
roll a d6, if an icon is generated, they must spend one more point.
Tactical Flexibility (Cost 1, Space Marines)
Strike First, Strike Hard (Cost 1; Astra Militarum) Use this Stratagem at the start of a mobs activation, if that mob
Use this Stratagem to have an ally gain +2 Bonus Dice to their has not split into combat teams, it may do so and each team may
next attack. activate in turn at this time.

Strike from the Shadows (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven Tactical Misdirection (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, <Militarum
Guard>) Tempestus>)
Use this Stratagem and make a Stealth test for any 1 Champion or Use this Stratagem when you or an ally destroy a threat unit, until
ally. That Champion or ally gains bonus dice to their next attack the beginning of your next activation, all threats make ranged
equal to the number of exalted icons generated on the Stealth test. attacks at +1 DN.

Take Cover! (Cost 1; Astra Militarum)

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally that was just
targeted by a ranged attack. The attack is made at a -2DN penalty Teleportarium (Cot 1 or 3, Space Marine, <Deathwatch>)
in addition to any other penalties. Use this Stratagem to deploy Infantry or a Dreadnaught on to the
battlefield at the beginning of any activation, stealing initiative
Talismanic Shield (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>) and gaining surprise. Everyone teleporting must be within 12m
Use this Stratagem when a threat Psyker manifests a power. radius of a teleport homer. If no teleport homer is available
Choose a Champion and have that champion attempt to Deny The choose a target point to teleport and roll for scatter as if a grenade
Witch as if they were a Psyker. attack. All individuals teleporting in must be set up within 10m of
the teleport point. If there are any threats in the area of the
Tanglefoot Grenade (Cost 1; Imperium) teleport, they must pass an Agility Test (DN 4) or take 1 mortal
Use this Stratagem when a visible threat moves. The selected wound. Mobs take d3 mortal wounds. Those teleporting in may
threat is affected by a Tanglefoot Grenade attack. Tanglefoot not move on their next activation but may attack freely.
Grenade (Ground movement reduced by half within 6m of
impact point. Does not affect vehicles with the Fly keyword.) Tempest Shells (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>)
Use this Stratagem when an ally vehicle attacks with a weapon
Tank Ace I (Cost 1 or 3; Astra Militarum) using Special Issue Ammunition, the attack does an addition d3
Use this Stratagem and select a non-Titanic Vehicle (for 1 pt) or a mortal wounds if it is successful.
Titanic vehicle (for 2 pts) and that vehicle gains +2 Bonus Dice
for ranged attacks for the game. All vehicles (non-Titanic) within Tenacious Assault (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Black Templars>)
12m of this unit gains +1 Bonus Dice to ranged attacks. Use this Stratagem and choose a non-flyer infantry threat that was
attacked already this turn that has just activated. The chosen
Tank Ace II (Cost 1; Astra Militarum) threat may not declare a move this activation.
Use this Stratagem to give one friendly Astra Militarum Main
Battle, Support, or Super-Heavy Tank one of the Tank Ace Test of Faith (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas)
Warlord Traits. Use this Stratagem when you gain a Miracle Die as a result of
Purity or Valour. Gain an additional d3 Miracle Dice.
Tank Hunters (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Imperial Fists>)
Use this Stratagem and select one threat vehicle within sight of Thunderstomp (Cost 1; Imperial Knights)
this Champion. Until the end of the round, all attacks made Use this Stratagem after an ally Titanic model makes a melee
against the selected vehicle are made at +1ED. attack. Choose a threat Infantry or Mob within 2m to suffer d3
mortal wounds.
Target Sighted (Cost 3; Adeptus Astartes)
Use this Stratagem and select yourself or an ally equipped with Touch Of The Wild (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>)
Bolt Types weapons have the weapons gain the Mortal 2 trait Use this Stratagem when you or an ally makes a melee attack. For
until the end of the turn. that attack, a Critical Hit is scored if the Wrath Die generates any
Targeting Guidance (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Angels>)
Use this Stratagem to have yourself and all allies within 12m gain Transhuman Physiology (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes)
+2 Bonus Dice when targeting a threat vehicle on their next Use this Strategy when a non-vehicle Champion is targeted by an
Activation. attack and that attack rolls a complication. The attack is a miss
and no dice on that attack roll may be rerolled.
Targeting Scramblers (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes,
<Deathwatch>) Tremor Shells (Cost 1; Imperium)
Use the Stratagem immediately after you or an ally is targeted by Use this Stratagem when a Artillery Emplacement makes a
Tau Markerlights. The Markerlights have no effect. ranged attack. If the attack hits, the target’s movement during
their next activation is halved (round down). Tremor Shells have
Tear Them Down (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas <Order of the no effect on Titanic threats.
Bloody Rose>)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally makes a melee attack to True Grit (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>)
gain +2ED to the attack. Use this Stratagem and select yourself or an ally that is within 2m
of a threat to have their Bolt weapons gain the Pistol Trait until
Tech-Adept (Cost 1; Adeptus Mechanicus) the end of the turn.
Use this Stratagem after a Champion has repaired a vehicle. They
may immediately attempt to repair again and on the same vehicle Truesilver Armor (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>)
if needed. Move this Champion up to his speed to be with 2m of a Use this Stratagem when an ally Vehicle suffers a mortal wound.
second vehicle if needed. Roll a d6, on a 6 that mortal wound is ignored. Do so for the rest
of the Turn.
Teleportation Boost (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>)
Use this Stratagem to have yourself or an ally make a Teleport Turbo-Penetrator Round (Cost 1; Officio Assassinorum
Shunt movement even if they have activated this turn. <Vindicare>)
A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Use this Stratagem after a Vindicare Assassin attacks with an Vengeance for Sanguinus (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood
Exitus Pistol or Exitus Rifle and hits either a Vehicle or Angels>)
Monstrous Creature. Do make a damage roll this attack, the Use this Stratagem when you or an ally makes a melee attack
damage for the attack becomes 2d3+2 mortal wounds. Do not use against a Heretic Astartes unit. If the attack scores a critical, then
the Head Shot ability if this Stratagem was used. they may make an immediate second attack the same Heretic
Astartes unit at no multi-action penalty. If the attack is made
Unflinching (Cost 1; Adeptus Custodes) against a Black Legion unit, the second attack is made if the wrath
Use this Stratagem whenever you or an ally has a held action and die generates an icon and not just an exalted icon.
a threat charges. You or your ally gain +2 Bonus Dice to attack
the charging threat. Vengeance of the Machine Spirit (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes)
Use this Stratagem when an ally vehicle with the Machine Spirit
Unleash The Lions (Cost 2; Adeptus Custodes) ability is reduced to 0 wounds. The vehicle may do one of the
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of your activation. Select an following: automatically explode, make one ranged attack with
ally troop hat is visible to you and have them immediately any one weapon, or make one melee attack with any one weapon.
activate. You finish your activation after they are finished with
their activation. Vessel of the Emperors Will (Cost 2; Adepta Sororitas)
Use this Stratagem to have the chosen Act of Faith effect all
Unquestioning Obedience (Cost 1; Astra Militarum <Militarum allies within 12m.
Use this Stratagem when this Champion or an ally with 24m must Veteran Intercessors (Cost 1 or 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Primaris>)
take a Resolve Test. The test is passed without need of rolling. Use this Stratagem and select an Intercessor Squad. Until the
end of the turn, increase that squad’s Agility, Initiative, and
Untamed and Unbowed (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Wisdom by +2. The cost for this is based on the size of the squad,
Knights>) Cost 1 for up to 5 members, and Cost 2 for over 5 members.
Used this Stratagem to gain a +2* Armor Bonus and to pass any
Resolve Test until the end of the Turn. Victor of the Blood Games (Cost 2; Adeptus Custodes)
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the game. For the game
Upon Wings of Fire (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood Angels>) duration of the game you can gain+2 Bonus Dice on any one
Use this Stratagem and select yourself or an ally equipped with a ranged attack, +2 Bonus Dice on any 1 melee attack, and +2 ED
Jump Pack to be removed from the battlefield and placed back on any one damage roll.
on the battlefield anywhere no closer than 18m of a threat.
Vicious Executioners (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space
Valiant Last Stand (Cost 2; Imperial Knights) Wolves>)
Use this when a Titanic ally is reduced to 0 wounds and did not Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is attacked in in melee
explode. That ally may make an immediate ranged attack. combat. Until the end of their next activation, you or the ally that
was attacked will cause 1 mortal wound in addition to any other
Venator Doctrine (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch>) damage you deal in melee combat.
Use this Stratagem when attacking a Bike, Jump Pack, or Land
Speeder (or equivalent) Threat, add 1 icon to the damage roll Vicious Riposte (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Black Templars>)
against this threat. Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is attacked by a threat
with a melee weapon that rolls a Complication on the attack. The
Venerated Saint (Cost 1; Adepta Sororitas) threat suffers d3 mortal wound in addition to any other effects of
Use this Stratagem to use an Act of Faith ability without the Complication.
spending Faith to do so.
Vicious Traps (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, Catachan)
Vengeance for Cadia! (Cost 1; Astra Militarum) Use this Stratagem when you or an ally who has the benefit from
Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally to gain +1 a cover bonus is attacked by a threat within 4m. Roll a die, if an
Bonus Dice and +1 ED when targeting a Chaos threat this turn. Icon is rolled the threat takes 1 mortal wound, if an exalted icon is
rolled the threat takes d3 mortal wounds
Vengeance for Calth (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Ultramarines>)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally makes an attack against a Visage of the Damned (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Blood
<Word Bearers> threat, the attack gains +1 Bonus Dice and +1 Angels>)
ED. Use this Stratagem and select an ally with the Death Mask ability.
All attacks made against the selected ally for the rest of the turn
Vengeance for Isstvan V (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Raven are made at an additional +1 DN penalty.
Use This Stratagem and select yourself or an ally to make any Volley Fire (Cost 1; Astra Militarum, Mordian)
attacks against <World Bearers>, <Iron Warriors>, <Night Use this Stratagem and choose yourself or an ally, when they
Lords>, or <Alpha Legion> units to be made at +1 Bonus Dice. make a ranged attack this turn, if it rolls a 6 on the Wrath Die, it

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
may make an immediate second attack with the same weapon. Use this Stratagem when you or an ally attacks with a Plasma
This second attack does not generate more attacks. weapon. The Plasma weapon gains +2 Base Damage until the end
of the turn.
Vortex Missile (Cost 3; Astra Militarum)
Use this Stratagem and choose an ally that is equipped with a Wisdom of the Ancients (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus
Deathstrike Missile Launcher, that ally may make an immediate Custodes)
attack even if it has already activated. Use this Stratagem at the start of the turn. You and any allies
within 12m of target Space Marine Dreadnaught gain +1 Bonus
Weapons From The Dark Age (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Dark Dice on all attack rolls until the end of the turn.
The Wolf’s Eye (Cost 1; Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>)
Use this Stratagem when you or an ally is making a ranged attack to gain either +1 Bonus Dice or +1 ED on attacks this activation.

Wrath of Mars (Cost 2; Adeptus Mechanicus, <Mars>)

Use this Stratagem before a Champion, Troops, or Vehicle activates. All rolls of 6 on the wrath die for ranged attacks generate 1 mortal
wound in addition to any other damage dealt.

Wrathful Machine Spirit (Cost 2; Adeptus Astartes, <Iron Hands>)

Use this Stratagem and choose an ally vehicle to gain+1 Bonus Dice on all attacks on their next activation.

Zealous Congregation (Cost 3; Adeptus Mechanicus)

Use this stratagem at the end of the turn to activate target ally even if this ally has activated already in this turn.

A living conversion document by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Section 2:


A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Armour Traits
Bulk X: Reduce speed of wearer by X
Powered X: Raise the bearer’s Strength by X. Bearer ignores the
Cumbersome: Bearer cannot run or sprint. Heavy Weapons Trait.

Force Shield: Bearer can soak mortal wounds. This armour rating Rad Resistant: This armour adds its rating to Toughness rolls
is Invulnerable and cannot be reduced by AP. made to resist radiation, corrosion, and environmental energy
Invulnerable: This armors’ rating cannot be reduced by AP.
These are noted by an ‘*’. Shield: This armour grants its rating to attacks coming from the
front and side as the GM sees fit. Some Shields are Invulnerable
Phobos: Increases the DN to notice or locate the wearer by and are denoted by an *.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Armour Types
Please note that if there are any discrepancy between the listings Allarus Terminator Armour: Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome;
in this section and those elsewhere in this document, that the Powered 6; Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak mortal
information presented in this section takes precedence. <Adeptus Custodes>
Aquilla Mark I Armor: Armor Rating 2, Cumbersome, Powered
Basic Armour Types 1
Arbites Carapace Armour: Armour Rating 5, Bulk 1, Sealed, Aquilla Mark II Armor: Armor Rating 2, Cumbersome,
Vox Caster Powered 2
Armoured Body Glove: Armour Rating 3 Aquilla Mark III Armor: Armor Rating 3, Cumbersome,
Armoured Undersuit: Armour Rating 1, Stacks with all other Powered 2
armour. Aquilla Mark IV Armor: Armor Rating 4, Cumbersome,
Armourweave Armour: Armour Rating *3 Powered 2
Astartes Scout Amour: Armour Rating 4 Aquilla Mark V Armor: Armor Rating 4, Cumbersome,
Body Glove: Armour Rating 2 Powered 3
Bullgryn Plate: Armour Rating 6 Aquilla Mark VI Armor: Armor Rating 4, Powered 3
Carapace Armour: Armour Rating 4, Bulk 1 Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5, Powered 3
Carapace Armour, Light: Armour Rating 4 Aquilla Mark VIII Armour: Armour Rating 6, Powered 3
Carapace Armour, Heavy: Armour Rating 5, Bulk 1 Auric Aquilla Armour: Armour Rating *6, Powered 3 <Adeptus
Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3 Ablative Overlay Custodes>
Flak Coat: Armour Rating 3 Cataphracti Terminator Armor: Armour Rating 6;
Furnace Plate: Armour Rating 8, Bulk 1 Cumbersome; Powered 4; Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer
Hardened Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3, 4 vs Blast and Flame to soak mortal wounds
Attacks. Reduce the AP or ranged attacks against this armour by Centurion Armour: Armour Rating 10; Cumbersome; Powered 7
1. Heavy Powered Armour: Armour Rating 6, Bulk 1,
Layered Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3, 4 vs Blast and Flame Cumbersome, Powered 3
Weapons. Ignatus Powered Armour: Armour Rating 5, Powered 2
Haz-Mat Suit: Armour Rating 2, Immune to Blaze or Rad Light Powered Armour: Armour Rating 4, Powered 1
effects. Sisters of Silence Armour: Armour Rating 5, Powered 2
Mesh Armour: Armour Rating 3 Sororitas Power Armour: Armour Rating 5, Powered 2
Palantine Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3, 4 vs Blast and Flame Squat Exo Armour: Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome; Powered 4.
Attacks Includes integral Auspex, Boltgun, and Power Axe.
Palantine Hardened Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3, 4 vs Blast Tactus Mk X Gravis Powered Armour: Armour Rating 7,
and Flame Attacks. Reduce the AP or ranged attacks against this Cumbersome, Powered 6 <Primaris>
armour by 1. Tactus Mk X Phobos Powered Armour: Armour Rating 7,
Palantine Hardened Layered Flak Armour: Armour Rating 4, Cumbersome, Powered 5, Phobos <Primaris>
5 vs Blast and Flame Attacks. Reduce the AP or ranged attacks Tactus Mk X Powered Armour: Armour Rating 7,
against this armour by 1. Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>
Palantine Layered Flak Armour: Armour Rating 4, 5 vs Blast Tartaros Terminator Armor: Armour Rating 6; Powered 4;
and Flame Attacks. Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak mortal wounds
Platemail Armour: Armour Rating 1, 2 vs Blast Weapons and Terminator Armour: Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome; Powered
attacks in the front arc. 5; Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak mortal wounds
Primitive Armour: Armour Rating 2, Bulk 2
Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3, Rad Resistant Shields
Synskin: Armour Rating 3, Sealed, +4 Bonus Dice to Survival in Aquilla Aegis Field: Grants a +*2 Armour Bonus
Hostile Environments. Belt of Russ: +*2 Force Shield <Space Wolves>
Tempestus Carapace: Armour Rating 4, Sealed, Vox Caster, Blizzard Shield: *3 Force Shield, Shield, Dreadnaught Only
Omnishield Helm <Space Wolves>
Brute Shield: *4, Shield
Powered Armor Types Ceramite Shield: *4 Shield, Ignore attacks with the Melta trait if
Aegis Armour: Armour Rating 6, Powered 3, A Psyker adds ½ from the direction protected by the shield.
their Psychic Mastery as an Invulnerable Armor Bonus vs Combat Shield: Armour Rating +*1; Force Shield, Shield
Daemons, incorporates a Wrist-Mounted Storm Bolter <Grey Conversion Field: *2 Force Shield. In addition, if the attacker
Knights> rolls a critical hit, all within 6m must make an Agility (DN3) Test
Aegis Terminator Armour: Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome; or be blinded till the end of the round.
Powered 5; Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak mortal Displacer Field: *2 Force Shield. In addition, if the attacker rolls
wounds, A Psyker adds ½ their Psychic Mastery as an a critical hit, the bearer of this field is teleported a number of
Invulnerable Armor Bonus vs Daemons, incorporates a Wrist- meters equal to the base damage of he attack in a random
Mounted Storm Bolter <Grey Knights> direction.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Emanatus Force Field: Provide a bonus +*2 Force Shield Armor Armour Spikes: Body slam type attacks gain the Brutal trait.
Rating and gains an additional +1 for each other friendly <Forge Corpse Grinder Masks <Corpse Grinder Cult>
World> vehicle with an Emanatus Force Field within 12. • Butcher’s Mask: Armour Rating *1 Shield, any threat
<Adeptus Mechanicus> charging this unit must pass a Resolve (DN3) Test or be
Iron Halo: +*2 Force Shield Feared and cannot move toward this unit and their
Refractor Field: Armour Rating *3; Force Shield activation is ended.
Repulsor Grid: Provide a bonus +*2 Force Shield Armor Rating
vs Ranged attacks. If the attacker rolls a Complication on the • Cutter’s Mask: Armour Rating *1 Shield, any threat
attack, it suffers 1 mortal wound. <Adeptus Mechanicus> charging this unit must pass a Resolve (DN3) Test or be
Scrap Shield: Armour Rating 2, Shield vs Melee only. Terrified and cannot move toward this unit and their
Suppression Shield: Armour Rating +*3, Shield activation is ended.
Rosarius: Armour Rating *4; Force Shield
Slabshield: *5, Shield, Rad Resistant • Initiate’s Mask: Armour Rating *1 Shield.
Storm Shield: Armour Rating *2, Bulk 1, Force Shield, Shield • Skinner’s Mask: Armour Rating *1 Shield, any threat
Vigilance Pattern Assault Shield: Armour Rating *3 Shield. In charging this unit must pass a Resolve (DN3) Test or be
Melee is (4+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Assault) Terrified and cannot move toward this unit and their
Voltagheist Field: Armour Rating *2, Force Shield activation is ended.
Wolf Amulet: Armour Rating *4; Force Shield <Space Wolves>
Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak mortal wounds
Armor Pieces & Misc Clothing Hexagramatic Field: Increase the ranged attack DNs by +2, and
the melee attack DNs by +1 for attacks that target the wearer. If
Ablative Overlay: Increases the Armour Rating of a suit of the attack generates a critical hit, then the field is drained.
armour by 4. Each attack that penetrates the armour ad deals Omnishield Helm: Armour 3 to head only Sealed, Low-Light
damage to the bearer reduces the Ablative Overlay armour rating Vision
by 1. When the Overlay’s armour rating reaches 0, it is exhausted
and must be reapplied.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Weapons Traits
For all traits, if no number is listed for X, assume a value of 1. Some weapons will be limited to certain organizations. These will be denoted
by ‘< >’ in the traits listing.

Acidic: Weapons with this trait deal the listed number of Mortal Heavy Sidearm: A Heavy weapon with this trait gains the Pistol
Wounds, Shock, and any other damage effects to all threats in the trait in addition to any other traits when the character or walker
area of effect. using it is within 2m of a threat.

Agonizing: For every wound this weapon inflicts, the victim Indirect: A weapon with this trait may target threats outside of
suffers 1 shock. An exhausted character who suffers more shock line of site and ignores any cover modifiers for all targets
is rendered unconscious.
Invulnerable: A the Armour Trait.
Anti-Air: A weapon with this trait gains +2 bonus dice when
targeting a threat with Fly Lance: When a weapon with this trait is used in a charge attack,
double the users Strength and use that as the base damage instead.
Arc X: A weapon with this trait gains +X ED when targeting a
Vehicle Limit X: Weapons with the Limit trait may only be fired X
number of times before they are effectively permanently out of
Assault: Assault weapons can be fired as part of a run action, ammo. If there is no X listed assume a Limit of 1.
increasing the DN of the attack by +2.
Lucky: Weapons with add +2 Bonus Dice to attack rolls
Bane <X>: Weapons with the Bane trait deal damage as mortal
wounds to threats with the <X> Keyword. In addition, if a Macro: This weapon cannot be fired in the same activation that
weapon with the Bane <Psyker> trait wounds a Psyker, that the bearer moved. Conversely, the bearer of this weapon cannot
Psyker automatically suffers Perils of the Warp at a level equal to move if they fired this weapon this activation. Macro Weapons
half the number of wounds suffered (after soak if any) to a deal double damage versus Titanic size threats.
minimum of 1
Melta; Melta weapons add +1ED at close range against vehicles
Blast (Size): Noted as SBT, MBT, LBT, and HBT for small, and an additional +1 to the ED result at close range against
medium, large, and huge blast template. If an attack with a blast vehicles and fortifications
weapon misses it deviates. If a weapon with the blast and fire
keywords miss, the weapon hits the area intended but no damage Mortal X: Attacks with this weapon that score a critical hit on the
is dealt, Weapons with the blast and fire keywords ignore cover attack roll inflict 1 or more mortal wounds as indicated, in
bonuses to defense. A pistol weapon with the blast keyword only addition to any other damage dealt.
damages the target the welder is engaged with and no one else.
Natural: Attacks made with this weapon do not incur a Multi-
Brutal: When rolling dice for the damage of a brutal weapon, add Attack penalty when combined with any other attacks made by
+1 to the result of each die rolled before calculating icons this threat. If a threat is equipped with 2 or more of the same
generated. A 6 still only generates 2 icons. weapons, that weapon automatically gains the Natural trait.

Fast: When attacking with a weapon with this trait, you may OTH (Over The Horizon): A Weapon with this trait has a
make a second attack with it at no multi-attack penalty. minimum range and no maximum range.

Final Attack: A Threat armed with this weapon can, upon being Parry: A weapon with this trait grants +1 to the wielder’s defense
reduced to 0 wounds, make one attack with this weapon against against melee attacks.
any for nearby.
Penetrating X: When a weapon with Penetrating has any icons
Force: A Psyker wielding a force weapon adds ½ Willpower to shifted to damage, increase the AP of the weapon by X
the weapon’s base damage in addition to Strength.
Pistol: A Pistol weapon can be fired while in close combat using
Devastating: Weapons with trait deal +1 wound if the target of the Weapon Skill instead of Ballistic Skill.
the attack takes 1 or more wounds from the attack.
Psi: A weapon with this trait adds the users Psychic Mastery to
Heavy X: For each point of Strength less than X, the wielder the weapons base damage.
suffers a +2 DN penalty on ranged attacks with tis weapon. A roll
of 1 o the wrath die knocks the user prone as well. Character in Rad X: Weapons with this trait add +X to the ED rolls.
powered armor ignore the Heavy Trait of weapons used.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Rapid Fire X: Weapons with this trait add +X Bonus Dice to the Supercharge: A weapon fired in Supercharge modes deals +2ED
attack at close range. but deals d6 mortal wounds to the wielder on a Complication.

Regen X: When a creature kills a threat with this weapon it heals Thunderstrike: When an attack with this weapon reduces a
X wounds. vehicle or Monstrous Creature to 0 wounds, choose a threat within
18m and roll d6. The chosen threat suffers a number of mortal
Seismic: A Weapon with this trait deals double damage to wounds equal to the number of icons generated plus 1.
Toxic X: A character who is damaged by a weapon with this trait
Shield-Breaker: A Weapon with this trait may reduce becomes Poisoned. The character must make a Toughness Test
invulnerable armor ratings with it’s AP. (DN X) at the end of each turn or suffer X wounds. A Medicae
Test (DN X-2) will cause the effect to end along with making the
Sniper X: A weapon with this trait increase the bonus from Toughness Test.
Aiming to +2d and ignore the penalty for firing into close combat.
In addition, after aiming, increase the weapons ED by X. Twin: A weapon with this trait doubles the salvo of the weapon
(or gains Salvo 2 if it has no Salvo) and is Heavy +2 (or Heavy 2
Spread: When a weapon with Spread kills a troop in a mob, the if it was not a Heavy weapon)
remaining damage is applied to the next nearest troop I the mob
and continues till no damage remains. Unwieldly X: Wielder’s of a weapon with trait suffer an addition
penalty to their attacks equal to -X DN.
Steadfast: Each combat, ignore the first Complication for this
weapon. All repair tests made for this weapon are made at +1 Venomous X: Any threat that suffers a wound by a weapon with
Bonus Dice. this trait suffers an additional DN penalty to all Tasks till the end
of their next activation equal to X.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Weapon Upgrades
Autoloader: This upgrade allows the weapon to the reloaded as a Infra-Sight: A weapon with this upgrade ignores smoke/gas
free action during combat. clouds when targeting a threat at short range.

Bayonet Lug: This upgrade allows the weapon to be used in Las Projector: Gain a -1DN modifier for all ranged attacks at
melee with an attached knife or bayonet. This upgrade does not short range.
count against the weapons maximum number of upgrades.
Master-Crafted: This upgrade grants +2 Bonus dice to attacks
Chem Darts: (Needle Weapons only): Allows for the delivery at made with this weapon and the weapon gains Steadfast.
range of a chemical substance.
Megathoule Accelerator (Lucious Pattern): A weapon with this
Distinction: A weapon with this upgrade grants +1 Bonus Dice to upgrade gains +2 Salvo and loses Steadfast (if it possessed it).
Intimidation rolls. Distinction does not count against the weapons Las weapons only.
maximum number of upgrades.
Monoscope: This weapon reduces range DN penalties by 2.
Dueling: This upgrade grants +1 Bonus Dice to attacks made with
this weapon. This upgrade may only be applied to pistols and one- Preysense Sight: This weapon upgrade allows the wielder to see
handed melee weapons. pitch-black darkness by tracking ambient heat.

Focusing Crystals: (Las Weapons Only, except LasCannon): Red-Dot Sight: This upgrade grands +1 Bonus Dice to ranges
Increase weapon AP by -2. attacks.

Gene-Grip Bio-Veritor: A weapon with this upgrade will only Silencer: Weapons with this upgrade are +4DN to Awareness to
function for the designated user. It will lock up and cease to hear. Bolt and Projectile Weapons only, Not available for Heavy
function if used by anyone else. Weapons.

Gun Shroud: Increase the Awareness Test to hear this weapon Suspensors: Remove the Heavy trait from a weapon with this
fire by +2DN. upgrade.

Hot-Shot Las Pack: Turns a normal Laspistol or Lasgun into a Telescopic Sight: This upgrade reduces the range DN modifier by
Hot-Shot Las weapon. 3 at medium or long range.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Weapons: Ranged
Please note that if there are any discrepancy between the listings in this section and those elsewhere in this document, that the
information presented in this section takes precedence.

Man-Portable Weapons

Arc Weapons Macro-Stubber (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 4; Pistol

Arc Pistol (14+1ED; AP -1; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Arc 2, Pistol; <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Value 5 Rare <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Reaper Autocannon (13+1ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 8;
Arc Rifle (14+1ED, AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Arc 2, Rapid Heavy 8)
Fire 1; Value 6 Rare <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Reductor Pistol (10+2ED; AP -3; Range 10m; Salvo 0; Pistol)
Heavy Arc Rifle (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 90m; Salvo 3; Arc 2, Shotgun (8+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Assault, Spread;
Heavy 4 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Value 3 Common)
Shotgun, Arbites (8+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 2; Assault,
Autogun, Projectile, & Shotgun Weapons Spread)
Accelerator Autocannon (13+2ED; AP -2; Range 120m; Salvo Shotgun, Combat (9+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Salvo 2; Assault,
4; Heavy 8 <Primaris>) Rapid Fire 1, Spread; Value 3 Uncommon)
Archaeotech Pistol (11+2ED; AP -2; Range 42m; Salvo 1; Shotgun, Enforcer (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Rapid
Pistol) Fire 1; Assault, Spread)
Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo 6; Heavy 8; Shotgun, Sawn Off (8+1ED, AP0; Range 10m; Salvo 1; Assault,
Value 6 Uncommon) Pistol, Spread)
Autocannon (16+1ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Salvo 3, Heavy 8; Stubber or Stubgun (7-1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Pistol;
Value 5 Common) Value 2 Common)
Autogun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 3; Rapid Fire 1; Stubcarbine (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 46m; Salvo 4; Pistol
Value 3 Common) <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Autopistol (9+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Pistol; Value 3 Stubcannon (9+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Brutal; Value 2
Common) Common)
Blunderbuss (8+1ED, AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo -; Spread) Transuranic Arquebus (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 15m; Salvo -;
Cognis Autocannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 120m; Salvo 3; Devastating, Macro <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Assault, Heavy 6 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Cognis Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 72m; Salvo 3, Bolt Weapons
Assault, Heavy 4 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Absolver Bolt Pistol (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 40m; Salvo 1;
Deathwatch Shotgun (Damage 10+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Brutal, Pistol)
Salvo 2; Assault, Spread, Steadfast, <Deathwatch>) Angelus Boltgun (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 40m; Salvo 3; Assault,
Hand Cannon (9+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Pistol; Value Brutal)
4 Common) Assault Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 36m; Salvo 3; Assault,
Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (11+1ED; AP -1; Range Brutal; Value 8 Very Rare; <Primaris>)
80m; Salvo 4; Brutal; Heavy 4 <Primaris>) Astartes Sniper Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 150m; Salvo 0;
Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 72m; Salvo 3, Heavy 4; Sniper 2; Value 6 Uncommon)
Value 5 Uncommon) Auto Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal,
Hot-Shot Volley Gun (10+1ED; AP -2; Range 48m; Salvo 4; Assault <Primaris>)
Heavy 4, Steadfast; Value 6 Very Rare) Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 50m; Salvo 4;
Icarus Autocannon (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 3; Assault <Primaris>)
Brutal, Heavy 6 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Bolt Carbine (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Brutal,
Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stubber (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Assault <Primaris>)
Salvo 3; Brutal, Heavy 4, Anti-Air) Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Pistol;
Icarus Stormcannon (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 120m; Salvo 3; Value 4 Uncommon)
Brutal, Heavy 4, Anti-Air) Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid
Ironhail Autocannon (16+2ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Salvo 3) Fire 2; Value 7 Very Rare)
Ironhail Heavy Stubber (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 3, Bolt Sniper Rifle (Damage 12+1ED; AP 0; Range 150m; Salvo --
Heavy 4) ; Sniper 2; Heavy 1)
Ironhail Skytalon Array (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 3; Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid Fire
Heavy 10, Anti-Air) 2; Value 4 Uncommon)
Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon (13+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Boltstorm Gauntlets (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 3;
Salvo 2; Brutal, Heavy 4) Pistol)
Liberator Autostub (10+2ED; AP -1, Range 60m; Salvo 2; Condemnor Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2;
Pistol) Brutal, Rapid Fire 2, +3ED vs Psykers)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Enforcer Boltgun (10+2ED; AP -1; Range 40m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Flamestorm Gauntlets
Rapid Fire 1) • Ranged:(10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 2; Assault,
Executioner Pistol (10+1Ed; AP -1; Range 30m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Spread <Primaris>)
Devastating, Pistol, Bolt Weapon)
Exitus Pistol (10+3ED; AP -3; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Pistol, • Melee: (8+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee <Primaris>)
Brutal, Shield-Breaker, Bolt Weapon)
Golianth Pattern Combi-Pistol
Exitus Rifle (11+3ED; AP -3; Range 180m; Salvo 1; Heavy 2,
Sniper 2, Brutal, Shield-Breaker, Bolt Weapon) • Primary: Bolt Pistol or Stubgun
Heavy Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Brutal, • Secondary: Hand Flamer or Plasma Pistol
Pistol; Value 7 Rare; <Primaris>)
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Golianth Pattern Combi-Weapon
Heavy 4; Value 6 Uncommon) • Primary: Bolter
Hurricane Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 12; Brutal;
Heavy 6) • Secondary: Flamer, Grenade Launcher, Melta Gun or
Jackal Sniper Rifle (10+3ED; AP -2; Range 90m; Salvo 2; Plasma Gun
Heavy 2; Sniper 2)
Guardian Spear <Adeptus Custodes>
Marksman Bolt Carbine (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2;
Brutal, Mortal 1 <Primaris>) • Ranged: (10+2ED, AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Rapid
Oculus Bolt Carbine (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Fire 2)
Brutal, Rapid Fire 1; No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Primaris>) • Melee: (5+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee 4m; Lance,
Silencer Sniper Rifle (10+3ED; AP -1; Range 120m; Salvo 0; Penetrating 2 <Adeptus Custodes>)
Sniper 2, Bane <Psyker>)
Sniper Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 120m; Salvo 0; Sniper 2) Icarus Array (Combi-Weapon, May fire all 3 weapons on the
Special Issue Boltgun (10+1ED; AP -2; Range 76m; Salvo 2; same activation)
Brutal) • Daedalus Missile Launcher (See Launchers)
Stalker Bolt Rifle (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 120m; Brutal, Heavy
3, Sniper 3) • Gatling Rocket Launcher (See Launchers)
Stalker Pattern Boltgun (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2;
Heavy 2, Brutal, Rapid Fire 2, <Deathwatch>) • Twin Icarus Autocannon (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 90m;
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal, Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy 6 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Rapid Fire 2; Value 6 Rare) • Infernus (As Flamer or Master Crafted Boltgun)
Combi-Weapons • Infernus Heavy Bolter: As Heavy Bolter or Heavy
Assault Ram, SLHG Pattern “Sledge Hammer” Flamer (<Deathwatch>)
• Assault Ram (6+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal)
Pole Arm with Auto Gun
• Grenade Launcher: Damage As Grenade; AP As • Ranged: As Autogun
Grenade; Range 40m; Salvo 1)
• Melee: (5+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee 4m)
Castellan Axe <Adeptus Custodes>
• Ranged: (10+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Rapid Ripper Gun
Fire 2) • Ranged (12+1ED; AP 0; Range 36m; Salvo 3; Assault)

• Melee: (7+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee, Brutal) • Melee (5+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal, Unwieldly
• Combi-Flamer: As Boltgun and Flamer Sentinel Blade <Adeptus Custodes>
• Ranged (10+1ED; AP -0; Range 30m; Salvo 2; Pistol,
• Combi-Grav: As Boltgun and Grav-Gun Brutal)
• Melee: (4+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal)
• Combi-Melta: As Boltgun and Melta Gun
Watcher’s Axe <Adeptus Custodes>
• Combi-Plasma: As Boltgun and Plasma Gun • Ranged: (11+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Rapid
Fire 1)
Electro-Static Gauntlets <Adeptus Mechanicus >
• Ranged: (11+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 3; Assault • Melee: (10+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal)

• Melee: (5+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Devastating Flame Weapons

<Adeptus Mechanicus>) Atalan Incinerator (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Blaze,
Heavy 5, Spread)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Clearance Incinerator (11+1ED, AP -1; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Laspistol (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol, Steadfast;
Blaze, Brutal, Heavy 6, Spread) Value 3 Common)
Cognis Flamer (10+1ED, AP 0; Range 16m; Salvo 1; Assault, Light Multi-Laser (12+1ED; AP 0; Range 70m; Salvo 2;
MBT, Blaze, Spread <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Steadfast)
Flamer (10+1ED, AP 0; Range 16m; Salvo 1; Assault, MBT, Long Las (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 140m; Salvo 0; Sniper 1,
Blaze, Spread; Value 5 Uncommon) Steadfast; Value 6 Uncommon)
Flamestorm Cannon (14+2ED; AP 2; Range 16m; Salvo 2; Multi-Laser (14+2ED; AP 0; Range 70m; Salvo 3; Steadfast)
Heavy 6, Blaze, Spread) Suppression Laser (11+2ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 3;
Hand Flamer (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 12m; Salvo 4; SBT, Blaze, Spread, Steadfast)
Pistol, Spread; Value 5 Rare) Twin-Linked Heavy Las-Carbine (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 72m;
Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2, LBT, Salvo 4; Rapid Fire 3; Steadfast)
Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6; Value 5 Rare)
Heavy Incinerator (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 30m; Salvo 2; LBT, Melta Wepons
Bane <Daemon>, Blaze, Spread, Heavy 4 <Grey Knight>) Inferno Cannon (18+4ED; AP -2; Range 32m; Salvo 3; LBT,
Immolation Flamer (18+4ED; AP -2; Range 32m; Salvo 3; LBT, Melta, Spread)
Blaze, Spread) Inferno Pistol (15+1ED; AP -4; Range 16m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Incendine Combustor (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Melta; Value 6 Very Rare)
Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Assault, Melta;
Incendium Cannon (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 20m; Salvo 2; Value 6 Uncommon)
Blaze, Spread, Heavy 4) Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta,
Incinerator (12+1ED; AP -1; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Bane Heavy 8; Value 7 Rare)
<Daemon>, Assault, Blaze <Grey Knight>)
Plasma Weapons
Freeze Weapons Assault Plasma Incinerator (14+2ED; AP -4; Range 60m; Salvo
Hellfrost Cannon (14+6ED; AP -4; Range 60m; Salvo 1; Heavy 4; Assault, Supercharge)
4, Brutal, Mortal 2 <Space Wolves>) Heavy Plasma Cannon (16+4ED, AP -3, Range 60m; Salvo 3;
Hellfrost Destructor (14+6ED; AP -4; Range 60m; Salvo 1; Supercharge, Heavy 6)
Heavy 6, Brutal, Mortal 2 <Space Wolves>) Heavy Plasma Incinerator (18+2ED, AP -4, Range 90m; Salvo
Hellfrost Pistol (14+3ED; AP -4; Range 30m; Salve 2; Pistol, 3; Supercharge, Heavy 6)
Mortal 1 <Space Wolves>) Macro-Plasma Incinerator (15+2ED; AP -4; Range 90; Salvo 2;
Heavy 6; Macro, Supercharge)
Improvised Weapons Plasma Blaster (14+2ED; AP -2; Range 120m; Salvo 3; Heavy 8,
Heavy Mining Laser (15+6ED; AP -3; Range 90m; Salvo 1; Supercharge)
Steadfast, Heavy 6) Plasma Caliver (14+2ED; AP -3; Range 46m; Salvo 4; Assault,
Heavy Rivet Cannon (12+2ED; AP -2; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Supercharge <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Heavy 6, Brutal, Blaze, Rapid Fire 1) Plasma Cannon (15+2ED; AP -3; Range 72m; Salvo 3; Heavy 8;
‘Krumper’ Rivet Cannon (12+2ED; AP -2; Range 20m; Salvo Supercharge; Value 7 Very Rare)
1; Rapid Fire 1, Blaze, Penetrating 1, Heavy 4) Plasma Culvern (14+2ED; AP -3; Range 90m; Salvo 4; Heavy 8,
Mining Laser (15+3ED; AP -3; Range 60m; Salvo 1; Steadfast, Supercharge <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Heavy 2) Plasma Cutter (13+1ED; AP -3; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Assault,
Storm Welder (11+1ED, AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Rapid Fire Supercharge)
1, Agonizing) Plasma Exterminator (15+2ED; AP -3; Range 50m; Salvo 5;
Assault, Supercharge, <Primaris>)
Las Weapons Plasma Incinerator (14+2ED, AP -4, Range 76m; Salvo 3;
Cognis Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 1; Supercharge, Rapid Fire 1)
Assault, Heavy 8; Steadfast <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Plasma Pistol (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Dueling Laspistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 24; Salvo 1; Pistol; Supercharge; Value 6 Rare)
Value 6 Very Rare) Plasma Gun (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1,
Hot-Shot Lasgun (7+1ED; AP -2; Range 36m; Salvo 2; Rapid Supercharge; Value 6 Rare)
Fire 1; Steadfast; Value 6 Very Rare) Plasma Storm Battery (14+3ED; AP -3; Range 90m; Salvo 2;
Hot-Shot Laspistol (7+1ED; AP -2; Range 17m; Salvo 1; Pistol, Heavy 8, Supercharge)
Steadfast; Value 6 Very Rare) Plasma Talon (14+2ED; AP -3; Range 46m; Salvo 2; Assault,
Icarus Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 1; Supercharge)
Heavy 8; Steadfast, Anti-Air)
Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 1; Heavy 8; Primitive Ranged Weapons
Steadfast; Value 9 Uncommon) Bow, Primitive (Range 46m; Salvo 0)
Lascarbine (9+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1) Crossbow, Heavy (Range 70m, Salvo -, Unwieldly)
Lasgun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1, Crossbow, Pistol (Range 40m; Salvo -; Pistol)
Steadfast; Value 3 Common)
Rad Weapons
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Rad Cannon (8+1ED; AP -2; Range 8m; Salvo 2; Heavy 4; Rad Phosphor Serpenta (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 46m; Salvo 2;
2; MBT) Assault, No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Rad Gun (8+1ED, AP-2; Range 60m; Salvo 1; Rad 2) Psicannon (13+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Bane
Radium Carbine (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 36m; Salvo 3; Assault, <Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 6, Force <Grey Knight>)
Rad 2; Value 6 Very Rare <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Psilencer (10+3ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Bane
Radium Jezzail (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 76m; Salvo 2; Heavy 4, <Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 8, Force <Grey Knight>)
Rad 2 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Seismic Cannon (11+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo 3; Heavy 6,
Radium Pistol (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol, Rad Brutal)
2; Value 6 Rare <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Solar Atomiser (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 30m; Salvo 3; assault, A
Half Range, this weapon gains +3ED <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Exotic Weapons Volkite Blaster (12+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal,
Animus Speculum (11+1ED; AP -4; Range 46m; Salvo 3; Heavy 6, Mortal 1 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Agonizing, Assault, Bane <Psyker>) Volkite Charger (11+2ED; AP 0; Range 38m; Salvo 2; Brutal)
Conversion Beamer (14+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 1; Web Pistol (9+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Pistol, Spread)
Heavy 6; At half or greater range, 16+3ED AP 2) Webber (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Assault, Spread)
Concussion Carbine (9+1E; AP -1; Range 40m; Salvo 3; Spread,
Concussion Ram, Heavy (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 72m; Salvo -;
Seismic; Brutal, Heavy 4)
Eradication Beamer (14+3ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 2;
Heavy 6, At Half Range, this weapon gains +3ED and AP
<Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Eradication Ray (14+1ED; AP -2; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Heavy
4; A Half Range, this weapon gains +2ED and AP <Adeptus
Flechette Blaster (9+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 3; Pistol
<Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Galvanic Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire
1, Penetrating 1; Value 5 Rare <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Gamma Pistol (12+2ED; AP -3; Range 30m; Salvo 1;
Devastating vs Vehicles <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Gatling Psilencer (10+3ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Bane
<Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 8, Force <Grey Knight>)
Grav-Cannon with Grav-amp (12+1ED; AP -3; Range 60m;
Salvo 1; Heavy 4, Penetrating 2)
Grav-Gun (12+1ED; AP -3; Range 40m; Salvo 1; Rapid Fire 1,
Penetrating 1, <Deathwatch>)
Grav-Pistol (12+1ED; AP -3; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Penetrating 1, <Deathwatch>)
Heavy Grav-Cannon (11+1ED; AP -3; Range 76m; Salvo 1;
Heavy 8; Penetrating 2 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Heavy Phosphor Blaster (12+1ED; AP -2; Range 90m; Salvo 2;
Heavy 4, No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Adeptus
Heavy Psicannon (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Heavy
4, Bane <Daemon>, Brutal, Force <Grey Knight>)
Heavy Seismic Cannon (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 48m; Salvo 3;
Heavy 6, Seismic, Brutal, Heavy 4)
Needle Pistol (7+3ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 3; Pistol,
Neural Shredder ((20-Targets Willpower)+0ED; AP –(10-
Targets Intellect); Range 24m; Salvo 0; Agonizing, Assault,
Shield Breaker)
Neuron Laser (16+6ED; AP -4; Range 120m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Devastating, Heavy 8 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Phosphor Blast Pistol (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 30m; Salvo 1;
Pistol, No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Phosphor Blaster (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Rapid
Fire 1, No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Adeptus Mechanicus>)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Please note that if there are any discrepancy between the listings in this section and those elsewhere in this document, that the
information presented in this section takes precedence.

Grenade Launchers Daedalus Missile Launcher (Damage as Daedalus Missile; AP

Balistus Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As As Daedalus Missile; Range 36m; Salvo 0; Indirect, OTH,
Grenade; Range 30m; Salvo 2; Assault, <Adeptus Custodes>) <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Deathwatch Frag Cannon (Damage As Grenade; AP As Death Strike Missile Launcher (Damage As Death Strike
Grenade; Range 50m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 2, Assault, Missile; AP As Death Strike Missile; Range 36m; Salvo 0;
<Deathwatch>) Indirect, OTH, Limit 1)
Frag Assault Launchers (Damage As Frag Grenade, AP As Exorcist Missile Launcher (Damage As Missile; AP As Missile;
Frag Grenade; Range 50m: Salvo 3; Forward only) Range 36m; Salvo 0; OTH, Limit 4)
Frag Cannon (Damage As Frag Grenade, AP As Frag Hellstrike Missile Battery (Damage As Missile, AP As Missile;
Grenade; Range 50m: Salvo 2; Assault, Rapid Fire 2) Range 72m; Salvo 2; OTH)
Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Hunter Killer Missile Launcher (As Krak Missile; Range 36m;
Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault, Rapid Fire 2) Salvo 1; Limit 1)
Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Grenade; Ironstorm Missile Pod (Damage as Ironstorm Missile; AP As
Range 60m; Salvo 1) Ironstorm Missile; Range 36m; Salvo 1; Heavy 8, Indirect)
Grenadier Gauntlet (Damage As Grenade; AP As Grenade; Missile Launcher (Damage and AP by Missile Type; Range
Range 20m; Salvo 1) 150m; Salvo -, Heavy 6; Value 4 Common)
Krakstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Redemption Missile Silo (Damage as Missile; AP as Missile;
Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault) Range 36m; Salvo 2; Indirect, OTH)
Militarum Tempestus Grenade Launcher (Damage As Salvo Launcher (Damage as Missile; AP As Missile; Range
Grenade; AP As Grenade; Range50m; Salvo 1; Assault; Value 6 90m; Salvo 2; Heavy 4, <Adeptus Custodes>)
Uncommon) Skyhammer Missile launcher (Damage as Skyhammer Missile;
Ravenwing Grenade Launcher (Damage as Grenade; AP As AP As Skyhammer Missile; Range 36m, Salvo 0; Anti-Air,
Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Assault) Indirect, OTH)
Stormfang Auto-Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Skyspear Missile Launcher (Damage As Skyspear Missile; AP
Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 1) As Skyspear Missile; Range 36m; Salvo 0; Indirect; Limit 4,
Subjugation Pattern Grenade Launcher (Damage as Grenade, OTH)
AP As Grenade; Range 48m; Salvo 1) Stormstrike Missile launcher (Damage as Stormstrike Missile;
Twin-Linked Assault Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Stormstrike Missile; Range 36m, Salvo 1; Anti-Air,
AP As Grenade; Range 40m; Salvo -; Assault) Indirect, OTH)
Voss Pattern Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Taurox Missile Launcher (Damage As Missile; AP As Missile;
Grenade; Range 40m; Salvo 1, Assault; Value 5 Uncommon) Range 120m; Salvo -)
Wrist-Mounted Grenade Launcher (Damage as Grenade; AP Typhoon Missile Launcher (Damage by missile; AP by missile;
As Grenade; Range 30m; Salvo 2; Assault) Range 200m; Salvo 1; Special, Heavy 8)
• Special: In addition to the normal benefits, spending a
Reload to Salvo with a Typhoon Missile Launcher
Missile Launchers allows the wielder to attack a specific enemy with three
Bellicarius Missile Array (Damage As Missile; AP As Missile;
missiles. To resolve this, make a single attack and triple
Range 36m; Salvo 0; OTH)
the missile’s damage value and ED, then triple the
Centurion Missile Launcher (Damage As Centurion Missile,
target’s resilience.
AP As Centurion Missile; Range 72m; Salvo 1; Assault,
Indirect) Vortex Missile Launcher (Damage as Missile; AP as Missile;
Cyclone Missile Launcher (Damage by Missile Type; AP by Range 100m; Salvo 1; Indirect, OTH)
Missile Type; Range 150m; Salvo 1; Special, Heavy 8; Value 11
Very Rare)
Mortar Launchers
• Special: In addition to the normal benefits, spending a
Heavy Mortar (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 120m; Salvo 1; LBT,
Reload to Salvo with a Cyclone Missile Launcher allows
Indirect, Heavy 6)
the wielder to attack a specific enemy with three
Mole Launcher (Damage as Round; AP As Round; Range 120m;
missiles. To resolve this, make a single attack and double
Salvo 1, Unwieldly)
the missile’s damage value and ED, then double the
Mortar (Damage As Mortar Round; AP As Mortar Round; Range
target’s resilience.
120m; Salvo 3; LBT, Indirect)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Wyvern Quad Stormshard Mortar (30+4ED; AP -3; Range
60m; LBT, Indirect)

Rocket Launchers
Blackstar Rocket Launchers (Damage as Rocket Type; AP As
Rocket Type; Range 5km; Salvo 3; <Deathwatch>)
Cerebus Launcher (Damage As Cerebus Rocket; AP As
Cerebus Rocket; Range 72m; Salvo 1; Heavy 4)
Deathwind Launcher (Damage As Deathwind Rocket; AP As
Deathwind Rocket; Range 20m; Salvo 2)
Exorcist Conflegration Rocket (11+16ED; AP -2; Range 10km;
Salvo 0; LBT, Indirect; Limit 4)
Gatling Rocket Launcher (Damage As Gatling Rocket; AP As
Gatling Rocket; Range 150m; Salvo 4; Anti-Air <Adeptus
Icarus Rocket Launcher (Damage As Rocket; AP As Rocket;
Range 1km; Salvo 2; Heavy 6)
Storm Eagle Rocket Launcher (Damage As Storm Eagle
Rocket; AP As Storm Eagle Rocket; Range 10km; Salvo 0;
Indirect; Limit 4)
Stormspear Rocket Pod (Damage As Stormspear Rocket; AP
As Stormspear Rocket; Range 120m; Salvo 0)
Whirlwind Castellan Rocket Launcher (Damage As Castellan
Rocket; AP As Castellan Rocket; Range 10km; Salvo 0;
Whirlwind Vengeance Rocket Launcher (Damage As
Vengeance Rocket; AP As Vengeance Rocket; Range 10km;
Salvo 0; Indirect)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Emplacement and Vehicle Weapons

Please note that if there are any discrepancy between the listings in this section and those elsewhere in this document, that the
information presented in this section takes precedence.

Aquila Macro-Canon (20+6ED; AP -3; Range 100m; Salvo 4; Taurox Gatling Cannon (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 8;
Brutal, Heavy 10, Indirect, Macro, OTH) Spread)
Armiger-Autocannon (13+3ED; AP -1; Range 150m; Salvo 4; Thermal Cannon (15+6ED; AP -4; Range 90m; Salvo 2; Heavy
Heavy 6, Brutal) 8, Melta)
Avenger Gatling Cannon (12+2; AP -2; Range 90m; Salvo 4; Thermal Spear (14+6Ed; AP -4; Range 72m; Salvo 2, Assault,
Brutal, Heavy) Melta)
Battle Cannon (16+3ED; AP -2; Range 140m; Salvo -; Heavy 6, Thundercoil Harpoon (22+10ED; AP -6; Range 30m; Salvo -;
LBT) Heavy 2, Mortal 3, Macro)
Chem Cannon (1d3 mortal wounds, 1d6 shock, Staggered; Torsion Cannon (14+6ED; AP -4; Range 60m; Salvo 0; Brutal,
Range 10m; LBT, Acidic) Heavy 4 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Conflagration Cannon (13+2ED; AP -2; Range 48m; Salvo 2, Twin Autocannon (16+1ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Salvo 6)
Spread, Blaze) Twin Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo 12;
Demolisher Cannon (20+3ED; AP -3, Range 50m; Salvo -; LBT) Heavy 8)
Dual Turbo-Laser Destructor (22+12ED; AP -3; Range 48m; Twin Cognis Autocannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 120m; Salvo
Mortal 4, OTH) 6; Assault, Heavy 6 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Earthshaker Cannon (15+3ED; AP -2; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Twin Cognis Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo
Heavy 8, Brutal, Indirect, HBT, OTH) 2; Assault, Heavy 8; Steadfast <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Eradicator Nova Cannon (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 70m; Salvo 1; Twin Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Grenade;
LBT, Melta) Range 60m; Salvo 2)
Executioner Plasma Cannon (13+3ED; AP -3; Range 70m; Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6;
Salvo 1; LBT; Supercharge) Brutal; Heavy 6)
Heavy Laser Destroyer (16+6ED; AP -4; Range 180m; Salvo 3; Twin Heavy Plasma Cannon (16+4ED, AP -3, Range 60m;
Devastating, Heavy 6; Steadfast <Primaris>) Salvo 6; Supercharge, Heavy 6)
Hydra Quad Autocannon (20+4ED; AP -1; 3km; Salvo 4) Twin Hellfrost Cannon (14+6ED; AP -4; Range 60m; Salvo 2;
Icarus Lascannon (16+6ED; AP -3; Range 240m; Salvo 2; Anti- Heavy 4, Brutal, Mortal 2 <Space Wolves>)
Air, Steadfast) Twin Icarus Autocannon (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 6;
Las-Impulsor (18+6ED; AP -4; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Heavy 8) Brutal, Heavy 6)
Las-Talon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 60m; Salvo 1; Heavy 4; Twin Ironhail Autocannon (16+2ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Salvo
Steadfast) 6; Heavy 6)
Macro-Plasma Incinerator (15+2ED, AP -4, Range 90m; Salvo Twin Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3; Heavy
3; Macro, Supercharge, Heavy 10 <Primaris>) 10, Steadfast)
Onslaught Gatling Cannon (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo Twin Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m; Salvo 2; Assault,
4; Brutal; Heavy 4 <Primaris>) Melta)
Orbital Array (16+6ED; AP -4; Range 180m; Salvo 3; Heavy 6; Twin Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Heavy
LBT, Indirect, Limit 1) 2, Melta)
Plasma-Decimator (14+2ED; AP -3; Range 120m; Salvo 3; Twin Heavy Phosphor Blaster (12+1ED; AP -2; Range 90m;
Heavy 12, Supercharge) Salvo 4; Heavy 4, No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Adeptus
Plasma Obliterator (14+2ED; AP -3; Range 180m; Salvo 3; Mechanicus>)
Heavy 10, Supercharge) Twin Plasma Cannon (15+2ED, AP -3, Range 48m; Salvo 4;
Predator Autocannon (16+2ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 4; Heavy 2, Rapid Fire 1, Supercharge)
Brutal; Heavy 8) Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (13+3ED; AP -1; Range 120m;
Punisher Gatling Cannon (12+2ED; AP 0, Range 40m; Salvo 5; Salvo 6; Heavy 8, Brutal)
Rapid Fire 10; Spread) Vanquisher Battle Cannon (16+3ED; AP -3; Range 140m;
Quad-Gun (13+1ED; AP -1; Range 120m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Salvo -; LBT; Penetrating 10)
Heavy 8, Anti-Air) Volcano Lance (20+9ED; AP -5; Range 200m; Salvo 4; Heavy 8,
Quad Icarus Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 6; Macro)
Heavy 8; Steadfast, Anti-Air)
Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon (14+3ED; AP -2; Range 180m; Salvo
3; Heavy 12; LBT)
Taurox Battle Cannon (13+3ED; AP 1; Range 120m; Salvo -;

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Weapons: Munitions
Please note that if there are any discrepancy between the listings in this section and those elsewhere in this document, that the
information presented in this section takes precedence.

All Munitions have the Explosive trait.

Grenades wounds, SBT; 4-5: A few more live worms. D3 mortal wounds,
Throw Range is STR x4m unless noted otherwise. LBT; 6: A can full of worms!. 2d3 mortal wounds. LBT)

All Missiles/Rockets are Value 6 Rare unless noted otherwise. Mines/Bombs

Blasting Charge (9+1ED; AP 0; Range Str x3m; MBT)
Anti-Plant Grenade (Destroys all plant life instantly with 4m of Demolition Charge (14+3ED; AP -3; Range Str x2m; LBT)
point of impact) Plant Based threats suffer a (15+2ED; AP -3, • Cache of Demolition Charges gains Assault Trait.
Toxic 3) damage.
Balistus Grenade (10+1ED; AP -3; MBT) Frag Bomb (10+1ED; AP 0; Range: Str x4m; LBT)
Blind Grenade (Agility DN4 test or Blinded. Toughness or Haywire Mine (Explodes when a threat moves to within 6m. Roll
Medicae DN4 test to recover. SBT) a d6, deal a number of mortal wounds equal to 1 + the number of
Choke Grenade (Toughness DN4 test or be Staggered. Icons generated. If a Vehicle, deal d3 + the number of icons
Toughness or Medicae DN 4 test to recover. SBT. Does not affect generated instead.)
targets in sealed environments.) Melta-Bombs (16+3ED; AP -4; Range STR x4m; Salvo 1; MBT,
Concussion Grenade (Toughness DN4 test or be knocked Prone Melta)
and Staggered. Toughness or Medicae DN 4 test to recover. SBT.
Does not affect targets in sealed environments.) Missiles/Rockets
Flare Provides illumination equal to daylight in a 24m diameter
area (48m if fired from a launcher) for 10+2d3 rounds. If fired at a All Missiles/Rockets are Value 6 Very Rare unless noted
target or touched, does (10+3ED; AP-2; Fire) otherwise.
Fleshrenderer Grenades (11+2ED; AP -3; MBT; No Cover
Bonus) Anti-Plant Missile (Destroys all plant life instantly with 6m of
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT; Value 2 Common) point of impact)
Hallucinogen Grenade (Toughness DN4 test or be Feared. If a Blind Missile (Agility DN4 test or Blinded. Toughness or
complication is rolled, then Terror. Toughness or Medicae DN 4 Medicae DN4 test to recover. MBT)
test to recover. SBT. Does not affect targets in sealed Centurion Missile (10+2ED; AP 0; SBT)
environments.) Castellan Rocket (20+3ED; AP 0; LBT)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT; Value 4 Uncommon) Cerebus Missile (10+1ED; AP 0; SBT)
Phosphor Cannister (10+2ED; AP -3; SBT; Blaze; Melta) Choke Missile (Toughness DN4 test or be Staggered. Toughness
Photon Flash Grenade (Agility DN test or Blinded. Toughness or Medicae DN 4 test to recover. MBT. Does not affect targets in
or Medicae DN4 test to recover. SBT) sealed environments)
Plasma Grenade (11+2ED; AP -1, SBT, Blaze; Value 6 Rare) Corvid Rocket (14+2ED, AP -1; Heavy 6, Anti-Air,
Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane <Psyker or <Deathwatch>)
Daemon>) Daedalus Missile (13+6ED; AP-3; LBT <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Rad Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Rad 2) Death Strike Missile (40+5ED; AP -5; HBT)
Scare Grenade (Toughness DN6 test or be Feared. If a Draco Rocket (10+1ED; AP 0; Heavy 6, SBT, <Deathwatch>)
complication is rolled, then Terror. Toughness or Medicae DN 6 Exorcist Missile (16+4ED; AP -4; LBT)
test to recover. SBT. Does not affect targets in sealed Flakkburst Missile (13+3ED; AP -1; MBT, Anti-Air)
environments.) Frag Missile (16+2ED; AP 0; LBT; Value 4 Common)
Shock Grenade (10+1ED; AP0; MBT, Agonizing) Fragstorm Missile (10+1ED; AP 0; HBT, Brutal)
Smoke Grenade (Provides +2DN smoke-based cover to ranged Gatling Rocket (12+1ED; AP -2; SBT <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
attacks made through the MBT area of effect) Hallucinogen Grenade (Willpower DN4 test or be Feared. If a
Stun Grenade (8+1ED; AP -1; SBT; Toughness (DN of Damage complication is rolled, then Terror. Toughness or Medicae DN 4
Suffered or be Unconscious)) test to recover. MBT. Does not affect targets in sealed
Tanglefoot Grenade (Ground movement reduced by half within environments.)
6m of impact point. Does not affect vehicles with the Fly Hellstrike Missile (14+3ED; AP -3; SBT)
keyword.) Icarus Missile (13+3ED; AP -1; MBT)
Threadneedle Worm Cannister (Roll a d6 for effect. If a Icarus Rocket (13+1ED; AP -1; SBT)
complication is rolled, the cannister opens centered on the user. 1: Ironstorm Missile (11+2ED; AP -1; MBT)
Dead worms, no effect; 2-3: A few life worms. D3 mortal Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; SBT; Value 6 Uncommon)
Krakstorm Missile (14+3ED; AP -3; MBT, Brutal)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Melta Missile (14+6ED; AP -4; MBT, Melta)
Photon Flash Missile (Agility DN test or Blinded. Toughness or
Medicae DN4 test to recover. MBT)
Rad Missile (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT, Rad 2)
Scare Missile (Toughness DN6 test or be Feared. If a
complication is rolled, then Terror. Toughness or Medicae DN 6
test to recover. MBT. Does not affect targets in sealed
Shieldbreaker Missile (16+6ED; AP -4; Range 120m; Salvo -;
Heavy 2; LBT, Limit 1, Shield-Breaker)
Skyhammer Missile (18+3ED, AP -1; MBT)
Skyspear Missile (20+4ED; AP -3; LBT)
Smoke Missile (Provides +2DN smoke-based cover to ranged
attacks made through the LBT area of effect)
Stormstrike Missile (20+4ED, AP -3; MBT)
Storm Eagle Rocket (40+4ED; AP -3; LBT)
Stormshard Mortar Round (30+4ED; AP -3; LBT)
Stormspear Rocket (14+6ED; AP -2; MBT)
Vengeance Rocket (22+3ED; AP -1; LBT)
Vortex Missile (HBT, 2d3+3 Mortal wounds)

Mortar Rounds
Frag Round (12+2ED; AP 0; LBT; Value 5 Rare)
Krak Round (16+2ED; AP -3, MBT; Value 7 Rare)
Mole Round (12+1ED; AP -2; SBT)
Plasma Round (12+1ED; AP -1, MBT, Blaze; Value 9 Rare)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Special Issue Ammunition

Please note that if there are any discrepancy between the listings in this section and those elsewhere in this document, that the
information presented in this section takes precedence.

Special Issue Battle Cannon Ammunition Gas Round: Gains SBT and can deliver a gas compound,
generally Toxic 2.
(Battle Cannon, Taurox Battle Cannon, Vanquisher Battle Gatebreaker Bolts <Imperial Fists>: Weapon is AP -5 and gains
Canon only) +3 ED.
Gunk Bolts: Weapon gains the Toxic 2 trait.
All Special Issue Battle Cannon Ammunition is Value 8 Very Haywire Bolts <Iron Hands> When used against a vehicle, deal
Rare an additional d3 mortal wounds for each icon generated on the
Wrath Die.
Anti-Armour Ammunition: When fired this attack gains the Arc Hellfire Round <Deathwatch>: Weapon gains +2ED, +3ED vs
4 Trait. organic targets
Cannister Ammunition: When fired, the attack loses the Blast Hellfury Bolts <Ultramarines>: Deals 1 mortal wound in addition
Template Trait and gains the Brutal and Spread Traits. to any other damage done.
Chemical Ammunition: When fired, choose one of the following Hyperfrag Round: Increase Salvo of weapon by +2
grenade types for the effect but the attack is a HBT: Anti-Plant, Korvidari Bolts <Raven Guard> Increase the weapons range by
Choke, Hallucination, Tanglefoot. 12m and this weapon gains the Indirect Trait.
Extended Range Ammunition: When fired, increase the Range Kraken Bolt <Deathwatch>: Weapons AP is increased by -2
of the attack by ½. Manstopper: +1ED; Projectile Weapons only, not available for
Illumination Ammunition: When fired, an area 36m in radius Heavy Weapons.
does not suffer any penalties for darkness penalties for 2d3 Turns Morkai’s Teeth Bolts <Space Wolves>: Single attack only.
Radium Ammunition: When fired the attack gains the Rad 3 Weapon gains Mortal 1. All further attacks the threat hit by this
Trait. weapon are made at a -1DN Bonus.
Mortis Round: Improve AP by -2, Gains +1ED, on a critical hit,
Special Issue Primitive Bow/Crossbow Ammo deals 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage done.
Penetrator Round: Weapon gins Penetrating 2.
Bows use arrows, Crossbows use Bolts. Pistol Crossbows use Psybolt <Grey Knights>: A bolter firing this ammo gains the
normal bolts but reduce the Base Damage of the ammunition by - Bane <Daemon & Psyker> Trait.
2. Quake Bolts <Blood Angels>: A bolter firing this ammo gains +1
Bonus Dice to the attack. If a hit is scored, the target is knocked
Standard Arrow (81ED; AP -1) prone in addition to any other damage that may be dealt.
Standard Bolt (9+2ED; AP 1) Shatter Rounds: Weapon gains SBT
Frag Arrow/Bolt As Frag Grenade Stormwrath Bolts <White Scars>: Increase the weapons base
Krak Arrow/Bolt As Krak Grenade damage by +3, improve the AP by -1. If the target of the attack is
a Monstrous Creature, increase the ED by +3.
Turbo-Penetrator Round: When you make a damage roll for an
Special Issue Bolter Ammunition attack with this weapon, the damage for the attack becomes 2d3+2
mortal wounds.
(Bolter type weapon only, not usable in Heavy Bolter, Twin Vengeance Bolt <Deathwatch>: Weapon gains Spread Trait and
Heavy Bolter, or Hurricane Bolter). May also be used in Sniper ignores any cover bonus to the target’s Defense.
Projectile weapons. Witchseeker Bolts <Black Templar>: This weapon has the Bane
<Psyker> trait in addition to any other traits when firing this
All Special Bolter Ammunition is Value 10 Very Rare round.

Bolt of Judgement <Dark Angels>: Weapon gains AP -2 and Special Issue Projectile Weapon Ammunition
Dragonfire Bolt <Deathwatch>: Weapon gains Blaze Trait and (Projectile Type weapons only. May not be used in Assault
ignores any cover bonus to the target’s Defense. Cannon, Autocannon and Stubcannon unless noted in the
Dum-Dum Rounds: Weapon gains +1 Base Damage. entries below)
Executioner Round: Improve AP by -1, Attack Ignores Cover
Modifier All Special Issue Projectile Weapon Ammunition is Value 6 Very
Fragmentation Rounds: Weapon is -1 Base Dame, but gains - Rare

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Basic Shotgun Round (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Spread)

Acid Rounds: Shotgun Only. Weapons gains the Acidic Trait.

Breaching Rounds: Shotgun only. The attack does double
damage versus structures.
Cryptclearer Round: Shotgun Only. (10+1ED; AP 0; Range
30m; Spread, <Deathwatch>)
Dum-Dum Rounds: Weapon gains +1 Base Damage.
Emperor’s Wrath Rounds: Blunderbuss only. Weapon gains
+20m Range and Brutal.
Executioner Rounds: Shotgun only: Weapons gains Penetrating
2 and Mortal 2 traits.
Firestorm Rounds: Shotgun only. The attack gains the Blaze and
Spread traits.
Fragmentation Rounds: Weapon is -1 Base Dame, but gains -
Full Metal Jacket Rounds: The attack gains the Penetrating 2
Gas Round: Shotgun only. Loses Spread and gains SBT and can
deliver a gas compound, generally Toxic 2.
Hollow Point Rounds: The attack gains the Mortal 2 trait.
Hyper-Velocity (H-V) Rounds: The attack gains the Arc 2 Trait
but gains a Complication on a 1 or 2 on the Wrath Die for the
attack roll. A weapon firing these rounds loses the Steadfast trait.
Inferno Rounds: Shotgun Only. Weapon gains the Melta trait.
Non-Lethal Rounds: Shotgun only. The attack gains the
Agonizing trait.
Phosphor Rounds: Ranged attacks vs threats that have ben bit by
an attack with this ammo gain +1 Bonus Dice. The Phosphor can
be removed as a full action.
Plantbuster Round: +1 Based Damage and +2ED vs Plant-based
Purgation Shot: Blunderbuss only. Weapon gains Blaze.
Rad Rounds: The attack gains the Rad 1 trait. Used in Assault
Cannon and Autocannon weapons only.
Salvo Rounds: Shotguns only. Gains +2 to Salvo.
Shatter Rounds: Shotguns only. Weapon loses Spread and gains
Shredder Rounds: Shotgun only. Weapon gains Mortal 1.
Solid Rounds: Shotguns only. The attack loses the Spread Trait
gains the Brutal trait.
Static Rounds: Auto and Stub guns only. Weapons gains Shield
Xenopurge Slug: Shotgun Only. Weapon gains <Bane (Xeno
Type)> <Deathwatch>
Wyrmsbreath Shell: Shotgun Only. Weapon gains Melta.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Weapons: Melee
Please note that if there are any discrepancy between the listings in this section and those elsewhere in this document, that the
information presented in this section takes precedence.

Man-Portable Melee Weapons

Unless noted otherwise, all weapons will have the wielder’s Arco-Flails (5+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal)
Strength added to the Base Damage listed. Flail (5+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal)
Flail of the Unforgiven (6+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee, Spread)
Arc Mace of Absolution (10+3ED, AP -2; Range Melee)
Arc Claw (5+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Arc 2 <Adeptus
Mechanicus>) Force
Arc Maul (6+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Arc 2 <Adeptus Force Axe (5+2ED; AP -2; Force; Value 6 Very Rare)
Mechanicus>) Force Hammer (6+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee 2m; Force,
Arc Scourge (9+1ED; AP -1; Range Mele; Arc 2 <Adeptus Unwieldly 2; Value 7 Very Rare)
Mechanicus>) Force Rod (4+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee 2m; Brutal, Force;
Value 6 Uncommon)
Axe Force Stave (5+2ED; AP -2; Force, Parry)
Axe (5+1ED; AP 0; Ranged Melee) Force Sword (5+1ED; AP -3; Force, Parry; Value 6 Rare)
Axe, Boarding (5+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee)
Axe, Great Frost (10+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee 2m; Brutal, Frost
Power Field, Unwieldly 2 <Space Wolves>) Frost Axe (6+1ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal, Power Field
Axe, ‘Renderizer’ Serrated (6+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee; <Space Wolves>)
Brutal) Frost Claws (5+1ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal, Power Field
Axe, Two-Handed (6+2ED, AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal, <Space Wolves>)
Unwieldly) Frost Sword (5+1ED, AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry, Power
Omnissian Axe (5+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee, 2m; Power Field, Field <Space Wolves>)
Two-Handed; Value 6 Very Rare)
Runic Axe (5+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal <Space Hammer/Maul
Wolves>) Bullgryn Maul (7+1ED, AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal)
Corvus Hammer (5+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal)
Chain Hammer, Two-Handed (5+3ED; AP 0; Range Melee, Brutal,
Brute Chain (4+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee) Unwieldly)
Butcher’s Chain Cleaver (5+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee, Brutal) Heavy Thunder Hammer (16+4ED; AP -3; Range 2m, Melee;
Chain Axe (5+2ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal, Penetrating 1; Brutal, Unwieldly 2, <Deathwatch>)
Value 5 Rare) Maul (4+2ED; Ap 0; Range Melee; Brutal)
Chain Bayonet (4+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal; Value 4 Tempest Hammer (10+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal,
Rare) Unwieldly 2, Mortal 2 <Space Wolves>)
Chain Fist (7+3ED; AP -4; Brutal, Unwieldly 3; value 10 Very Thunder Hammer (8+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Brutal, Power
Rare) Field, Unwieldly 2; Value 9 Unique)
Chain Glaive (6+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee 4m; Brutal,
Unwieldly) Improvised
Chain Sword (5+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry; Value 9-70 Entrenching Tool (3+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Value 2
5 Uncommon) Common)
Drilldozer Blade (5+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal)
Claw/Fist Heavy Improvised Weapon (6+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee;
Chordclaw (4+3ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Mortal 3, Natural Brutal)
<Adeptus Mechanicus>) Heavy Power Hammer (8+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee 2m;
Hydraulic Claw (10+3ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal, Brutal, Unwieldly 2)
Cumbersome <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Heavy Rock Cutter (8+3ED; AP -4; Range Melee, Brutal,
Kastelan’s Fist (8+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee <Adeptus Mortal 2, Unwieldly 2)
Mechanicus>) Heavy Rock Drill (8+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee, Brutal, Mortal
Lightning Claw (5+1ED, AP -3, Range Melee; Power Field, 1, Unwieldly 2)
+2ED per claw after the first) Heavy Rack Saw (8+2ED; AP -4; Range Melee; Brutal)
Wolf Claw (5+1ED, AP -2, Range Melee; Power Field, +2ED per Improvised Weapon (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee)
claw after the first) Industrial Bludgeon (4+2ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal,
Wulfen Claws (4+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee, <Space Wolves>) Unwieldly 1; Value 3 Uncommon)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Lascutter (9+2ED, AP -3; Range Melee 4m, Steadfast) Taser Goad (6+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Devastating <Adeptus
Power Sledgehammer (8+5ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Mechanicus>)
Power Field) Taser Lance (7+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee 2m; Devastating
Rotary Flensing Saw (5+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal, <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Seismic Hammer (21+6ED; AP -4; Range Melee; Brutal, Power
Unwieldly 2) Death Cult Powerblade (5+ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Parry;
Value 6 Very Rare)
Knife/Cleaver Power Axe (5+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Penetrating 1, Power
Brute Cleaver (4+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee) Field; Value 6 Rare)
Butcher’s Cleaver (5+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee) Power Fist (7+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Power Field,
Heavy Chain Cleaver (6+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee, Brutal) Unwieldly 2; Value 8 Very Rare)
Knife/Bayonet (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Value 2 Common) Power Hammer (7+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Power
Knife, Astartes Combat (3+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Steadfast; Field)
Value 3 Uncommon) Power Lance (7+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee 6m; Brutal, Lance;
Knife, Cultist (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee) Power Field)
Knife, Fighting (4+1ED, AP -1; Range Melee) Power Maul (5+1ED, AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Power Field)
Knife, Flensing (4+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee, Brutal) Power Pick (5+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Penetrating 2, Power
Knife, Huge (4+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee, Brutal) Field)
Knife, Mono- (3+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Penetrating 1; Power Sword (5+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power Field;
Value 3 Uncommon) Value 6 Rare)
Knife, Skinblade (4+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Awareness
(DN5) Test to notice) Staff/Septor
Knife, Throwing (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Str x4m; Value 2 Crozarius Arcanum (8+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Brutal, Master
Common) Crafted, Power Field, Steadfast)
Poison Blades (3+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Penetrating 1, Dialogus Staff (5+1ED, AP 0; Range Melee)
Toxic 4) Electroleech Stave (6+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Mortal 2
<Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Neural/Shock Runic Stave (6+3ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal <Space
Neuro-Gauntlet (5+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Agonizing, Wolves>)
Neural Whip (3+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee 4m; Agonizing; Sword
Value 5 Rare) Black Sword (8+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee, Devastating, Parry)
Shock Baton (4+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Agonizing) Champions Blade (7+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Master Crafted,
Shock Maul (4+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Agonizing, Brutal; Penetrating 1)
Value 5 Uncommon) The Emperor’s Sword (10+3ED; AP -4; Devastating, Parry)
Shock Stave (5+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Agonizing, Parry) Eviscerator (6+2ED; AP -4; Range 2m; Brutal, Unwieldly 2;
Shock Whip (4+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee 4m; Agonizing, Value 6 Rare)
Penetrating 2; Value 5 Very Rare) Executioner Greatblade (5+3ED; AP-3; Range Melee; Brutal,
Whip (1+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee 4m; Agonizing; Value 2 Parry, Power Field)
Common) Penitant Eviscerator (10+2ED; AP -2; Range 2m; Brutal,
Unwieldly 2)
Nemesis Phase Sword (4+2Ed; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Shield-
Nemesis Daemon Hammer (12+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Breaker)
Bane <Daemon>, Brutal, Unwieldly 1 <Grey Knight>) Psykana Mercy Blade (2+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Value 2
Nemesis Falchion (5+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Bane Uncommon)
<Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>) Relic Blade (8+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee, Master Crafted,
Nemesis Force Halberd (7+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Bane Steadfast)
<Daemon>, Force <Grey Knight>) Runic Sword (4+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry, Power
Nemesis Force Sword (5+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Bane Field <Space Wolves>)
<Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>) Sword (3+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Parry; Value 3 Common)
Nemesis Greatsword (8+6ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Bane Sword of the High Marshals (7+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee;
<Daemon>, Force, Unwieldly 2 <Grey Knight>) Devastating, Parry)
Nemesis Warding Stave (6+2Ed; AP -1; Rage Melee; Bane Sword, Stiletto (4+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Toxic 2)
<Daemon>, Force, Invulnerable <Grey Knight>) Transonic Blades (5+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Mortal 1
<Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Pole Arms/Lance/Spear Transonic Razor (4+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Mortal 1
Interceptor Lance (5+3ED, AP -3; Range Melee 4m; Lance, <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Penetrating 4 <Adeptus Custodes>)
Khan’s Spear (5+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee. Lance) Exotic/Misc.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Auto Boltstorm Gauntlet (8+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee,
Boltstorm Gauntlet (8+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee)
Garrote (3+2ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Mortal 2; Value 3
Misericordia (4+1ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Penetrating 4
<Adeptus Custodes>)
Servo Arm (10+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Unwieldly 1)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Vehicle Melee Weapons
Please note that if there are any discrepancy between the listings in this section and those elsewhere in this document, that the
information presented in this section takes precedence.

Vehicle Weapons incorporate the vehicles inherent strength into the Base Damage already.

Blood Talons (8+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal, Lucky, Devastating)

Dreadfist (20+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal)
Dreadnaught Chain Fist (21+5ED; AP -4; Range Melee; Brutal, Unwieldly 1)
Dreadnaught Combat Weapon (20+5ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal)
Fenrisian Great Axe (When attacking with this weapon, choose which of the following profiles to use. <Space Wolves>)
• Cleave (20+6ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Unwieldly 1)

• Scythe (14+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Fast)

Freedom’s Hand (12+12ED; AP -4; Range Melee 8m; Brutal, Thunderstrike) *Titanic Vehicles Only
Furioso Fist (16+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Lucky)
Great Wolf Claw (16+6ED; AP -2; Range Melee 2m; Brutal, Power Field, Unwieldly 2 <Space Wolves>)
Invictor Fist (24+3ED; AP 3; Range Melee)
Nemesis Daemon Greathammer (16+3ED; AP -4; Range Melee 2m; Bane <Daemon>, Brutal, Force, Unwieldly 1 <Grey Knight>)
Penitent Buzz Blades (16+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee 4m, Brutal)
Penitent Flail (13+1ED; AP -2; Range Melee 4m, Brutal, Mortal 2)
Reaper Chain-Cleaver (12+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee 8m; Brutal, LBT) *Titanic Vehicle Only
Reaper Chainsword (18+6ED; AP -3; Range Melee 8m; Brutal) *Titanic Vehicles only
Redemptor Fist (20+5ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal)
Siege Drill (20+3ED; AP -4, Range Melee; Brutal)
Sentinel Chainsaw (7+1ED, AP -1; Range 4m; Salvo -; Brutal)
Thunderstrike Gauntlet (12+6ED; AP -4; Range Melee 8m; Thunderstrike) * Titanic Vehicles only
Titanic Feat (14+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal, Devastating) *Titanic Creatures or Vehicles only

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Miscellaneous Wargear
Adornments Devices
Chaplet Ecclesiasticus: Decorative emblem of the Adeptus Chem Synth: When used in conjunction with a chem or gas
Ministorum or Adepta Soriatas that may double as a garrote as weapon, make a Tech-Use (DN4) Test to increase the Base
necessary. Damage of the chem or gas by +2. This bonus lasts until the end
Symbol of Authority: This item grants +1 Bonus Dice to of your next activation.
Leadership and Intimidation Tests vs appropriate targets. Frenzon Collar: A collar that dispenses Frenzon to the wearer
whenever the collar is activated by a master activator device.
Bionics and Cybernetic Augmentations
Aortic Supercharger: Increase Toughness by +1 Combat Chem Stash
Artificer Bionics: A character with this ability gains a +*5 Effect: Gains +2d3 Initiative
Armour Bonus Side-Effect: If the gain is a ‘2’, then Initiative is reduced
Bio-Booster: Ignore the first wound suffered in a combat. to 1 until the beginning of their next activation.
Bionic Arm: Increase Weapon Skill by +1 per arm. Frenzon
Bionic Eyes: Increase Ballistic Skill by +1. Effect: Gains the Nerves of Steel, True Grit,
Bionic Leg: Increase Speed by +1 per leg. Unstoppable, and Berserk Talents. In combat, they must always
Bionics: A character with this ability gain a +*3 Armour Bonus. draw an additional Complication whenever they draw a
Blade Mowhawk: Headbutt attacks gain Penetrating 2. Complication or Critical. They must always move and attack the
Cortex Cogitator: closest threat when able.
• Mundane: Increase Intellect or Willpower by +1 Side-Effect: Highly Addictive, after the combat/scene is
over, they must make a Toughness (DN4) Test with +2 Bonus
• Improved: Increase Intellect and Willpower by +1 each. Dice or become addicted.
Cranial Spikes (4+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Headbutt attack,
Effect: Is used by a Psyker, they gain +3 Bonus Dice to
cannot wear a helmet)
their Psychic Mastery Tests. If used by a non-Pryker, they gain
Cybernetic Enhancement: Provides Armour Rating 2
the use of one random power for the combat/scene.
Lobo Chip: Increase Fellowship by +1
Side-Effect: Make Willpower (DN4) Test at the end of
Massive Cybernetic Enhancement: Provides Armour Rating 3
the combat or scene. If failed, reduce your Willpower by 1, by 2 if
Masterwork Bionics: A character with this ability gain a +*4
the Test has a Complication.
Armour Bonus.
Icrotic Slime
Serrated Mowhawk: Headbutt attacks gain Brutal
Effect: Increase Speed, Strength, Toughness, and
Skeletal Enhancers: Increase Strength by +1
Initiative by d3 each.
Side-Effect: While under the influence of this chem,
reduce Intellect, Willpower, and Fellowship by d3 each. AT the
Lex Imperialis: The Book of Imperial Law issued to all Adeptus
end of the combat or scene, make a Willpower (DN4) Test using
the unmodified rating. If a complication is rolled, suffer 2d3
Sacred Tomes: Various books and scrolls of an Order. Includes
mortal wounds (will not kill) and become addicted to the chem.
the Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer and other such
Effect: Increase Initiative and Strength by +2.
Side-Effect: Toughness (DN4) or suffer 2d3 mortal
Chemicals & Drugs
wounds (will not kill). IF a complication is rolled, decrease
Toughness n2 and Strength by 1 permanently!
Basic Rules: Using a Chem is a full action. All Chems have an
effect and a side effect.
Effect: Increase Speed by 2 and Initiative by 4.
Mixing Chems: If more than 1 chem is taken during a combat, the
Side-Effect: At the end of each activation roll a d6. On a
user must roll a d6. If the result is equal to or less than the number
roll of 1 the chem ends and has no further effect.
of chems taken (including the new one) they are under the
influence of, they must pass a Toughness (DN6) Test or suffer
Effect: On a successful Medicae test, it restores 1d3+6
2d3 mortal wounds (will not kill them)
Shock rather than 1d3+3. A stimm ampoule must be restocked to
Addiction: If the side-effect has the user become addicted, they
be used again.
must take the chem at the beginning of each combat. To come
Side-Effect: None
clean of the chem, the user must succeed Willpower (DN3) Test
Stimm-Slug Stash
to not take the chem and a Toughness (DN3) to not suffer
Effect: As an action, the user gains +2 Speed, +2
withdrawal symptoms of -1 to Toughness and Fellowship for the
Strength, and +2 Toughness until the end of their next activation.
session. If both tests are successful, the character is no longer
Side Effect: When this effect ends, make a Toughness
(DN2) test, If the test is failed, the user is -2 Speed, -2 Strength,
and -2 Toughness until the end of their next activation.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Stinger Mould Ammunition Bandolier: A character with this upgrade may carry
Effect: Adds +4 Bonus Dice to any 1 Medicae test made two additional Reloads.
to treat the user. Ammunition Drum: This upgrade allows a character can carry
Side-Effect: none one additional Reload for that weapon.
Grenade Harness: A character equipped with a Grenade Harness
Clothing starts with double the number of Grenades.
Camo Cloak: Add +2 icons for all Stealth Tests
Gutter Forged Cloak: Provides Armour Rating 1, Shield Electronics
Industrial Respirator: User gains +3 Bonus Dice to Toughness Auto-Quill: Grants +2 Bonus Dice to tests to forge or alter
Tests to resist the effects of gases or airborne toxins. If combined documents.
with a Haz-Mat suit, increase the Bonus to +4 Bonus Dice. O2 Card Sniffer: Tech-Use (DN4) to locate the metals of a cred chi
cannisters are replaceable and good for 3 hours each. in close proximity.
Photo-Goggles: As Preysense Goggles below plus grants low- Chrono: Time keeping device
light sight and if subject to a flash attack, gains +1 Bonus Dice to Data-Slate: Personal data storage device
resist the effects. Data-Tether: A Mob with a Data-Tether in it may reroll 1s
Photo-Lumans: The Bearer may attack upto 24m away in Pitch (except for Complications) for Resolve Tests.
Black conditions with no penalty from lighting. • Broad-Spectrum Data-Tether: As Data-Tether
Preysense Goggles: User is immune to penalties due to darkness but also +2 Bonus Dice to Resolve Tests.
and fog.
Reflex Shroud: Provides Armour Rating 2. Las, Plasma, and • Enhanced Data-Tether: As Data-Tether but also
Melta Weapons have their AP reduced to “-“ when targeting the +1 Bonus Dice to Resolve Tests.
Data-Thief; Adds +1 Bonus Dice for Tech-Use Tests to tap into
Respirator: User gains +2 Bonus Dice to Toughness Tests to
data/comm lines.
resist the effects of gases or airborne toxins. If combined with a
Falsehood: Adds +4 Bonus Dice to visual Deception Tests
Haz-Mat suit, increase the Bonus to +4 Bonus Dice. O2 cannisters
Slate Monitorum: A data-slate that tracks personal health
are replaceable and good for 2 hours each.
information and can be synked up to a squad leader for passing
around information.
• Partial: Wearer gains -1 Initiative and -2 Speed, +2
Strength, +1 Toughness, gains the Power Keyword in
respect to Weapon Traits. Cult Icon: An ally with line of sight to this Icon gains +2 Bonus
• Full: As Partial but without the negative modifiers. Dice to Resolve Tests.
Cult Icon <Corpse Grinder Cult>: As a Cult Icon but also all ally
Spymask: This Champion does not suffer penalties to his ranged troops may Mob Up as a free action.
attacks for attacking threats in cover. Regimental Banner: Any Astra Militarum Troops within 20m of
Stealth Suit: This Champion gains a +1DN modifier to all attacks a <Regiment> Regimental Banner gains +2 Bonus Dice to
made against it from range. Increase this to +2DN if this Resolve or Conviction Tests.
Champion already is subject to a cover modifier.
Suspensor Harness: A person wearing one of these has their Medical
Strength increased by +4 in regards to carrying loads or using a Diognostor: Grants +1 Bonus Dice to Medicae Tests to detect
weapon with the Heavy trait. ailments and diagnose patients; and to Awareness and
Void Suit: Protects the user from the rigors or low-atmosphere Investigation Tests when examining a corpse.
and hard vacuum. Has an internal vox and 5 hours of oxygen. Healing Balms: A character equipped with these balms may heal
Salvaged suits may only have d3 hours of oxygen. a target non-vehicle of d3 wounds.
Medkit: Required minimum equipment to treat battlefield injuries
Communications Devices with the Medicae skill.
Cult Vox Caster: A Mob with a Cult Vox Caster in it gains +1 Medi-Pack: A Guardsman equipped with a Medi-Pack receives
Bonus Dice for Resolve Tests. +2 Bonus Dice to any Medicae Tests.
Data Augers: Whilst within 48m of a friendly vehicle, this Narthecium: As an action, a Narthecium grants a target a free
vehicle gains +2 Bonus Dice on ranged attacks. soak roll and removes all shock from the wounded target. The
Vox: Personal radio communicator. Vox Beads have 1km range, Nethecium also grants the target a new Defiance check to recover
larger units can range to 100km. near death. The Nethecium can be used but once per target per
Vox Caster: Anyone equipped with a vox-caster that is within wound set received.
24m of anyone else equipped with a vox caster or with 24m of
anyone with the Voice of Command ability, will increase the Movement
range of said individuals Voice of Command ability by 24” Drop Rig: Allows the user to descend vertical surfaces at 3x
Containers Grapnel Launchers: A grapnel launcher allows the user to move
Ammunitiion Backpack: A character with this upgrade may up vertical surfaces at 2x Speed and down at 3x Speed.
carry ten additional Reloads.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Grav Chute: A grav-chute emits a suspensor field that counters Munitorum-Issued Mess Kit: Mess Kits grant a +1d bonus to
the force of gravity at the particle level, and two small Survival tests made to find food and water.
promethium fueled thrusters to provide some directional control. Periculum Kit: A periculum kit contains the following items:
A grav-chute can be used to hover for up to one minute at a time. Chrono, Data-Slate, Magnoculars, 2 Ration Packs, Respirator, and
In many ways, a grav-chute is similar to the jump pack, but it only a Vox-bead.
controls a fall rather than lift the wearer into true flight. The grav- Personal Teleporter: When moving, you ignore terrain and other
chute’s solar battery provides enough energy to operate creatures. You must end your movement not in the same space as
Jump Pack: Instead of a normal movement, a hero wearing a another object or creature.
jump pack can attempt a Pilot test to move up to twice their base Radcounter: Detects zones of harmful radiation. A Tech-Use
movement, (DN2) Test identifies the level of radiation and classifies it as
ignoring all intervening obstacles. On a failed Pilot test, the user’s “safe” to “deadly”
movement deviates like a grenade (see page 286). A complication Ration Packs: Standard food packs for one adult for one day
on the Pilot test indicates a rough landing, inflicting 1d3 shock on Servo-Skull: Servo-Skulls have the following commonalities.
the user in addition to other complications. Defense 4, Resilience 4, Speed 8, Stays within 4m of owner,
typically a rating of 5 in any skill they are programmed with.
Psyker Related Example Servo-Skulls are as follows:
Hexagramatic Fetish: When the bearer I subject to a psychic • Gun Skull: May be equipped with any 1 pistol or rifle
power, roll a d6 to determine the effect on the Psyker manifesting that does not have the Heavy Trait or a melee weapon
the power: that is not Unwieldly.
• 1: None
• Harrier Skull: Has Deception 8 to act as a decoy for
• 2-5: Increase the DN of the Psychic Mastery Test by +1 attacks made by creatures against its owner.

• 6: Increase the DN of the Psychic Mastery Test by +3 • Medi-Skull: Ads +2 Dice to Medicae Tests of owner.
Equipped with a Bio-Scanner.
Psychic Focus: User gains +1 Bonus Dice for Psychic Mastery
Tests. • Repair Skull: An ally vehicle (or this one) within 24m is
Psychic Hood: provides +1 Icon for Deny the Witch Tests and the repaired d3 wounds.
user does not need to use a Hold Action to perform a Deny the
Witch test, but is limited to one Deny the Witch test per turn per • Sensor Skull: Adds +2 Bonus Dice to Awareness Tests
Tier Level. of owner. Is equipped with a Bio-Scanner.

Tools • Targeting Data Skull: An ally within 24m of this

9-70 Entrenching Tool: This item is a general digging tool that vehicle gains +2 Bonus Dice on their ranged attacks till
halves the time to create earthen fortifications. Adds +1 Bonus the end of the turn.
Dice to Survival Tests. • Vox Skull: All allies within 24m of this vehicle gain +2
Augur Array (Once per game, you can re-roll a single roll to hit Bonus Dice on Willpower based tests till the end of the
for this vehicle turn.
Auspex: Range 50m, Grants +2 Bonus Dice to Awareness Tests.
Auspex Array: A vehicle equipped with an Auspex Array may Servo-Skull Hub: Once per activation, may activate any one
reroll 1s (except for Complications) when shooting at a threat Servo Skull serviced by the Hub.
with the Fly keyword. Signum Array: Allies within 6m of this Champion gain +4
Ballistic Appeasement Auto-Reliquary (Absolutis Pattern): A Bonus Duce to their Ballistic Tests.
character equipped with this item may clear a jammed weapon as Simulacrum Imperialis: A Champion or Squad with a
a free action. Simulacrum Imperialis gains +2 Faith points.
Bio-Scanner: Has Awareness (10) to detect life-forms up to 30m Strip Kit: Adds +2 Bonus Dice to Tech-Use Tests to access
away from it. terminals and crack electronic locks.
Filter Plugs: Gain +1 Bonus Dice to Toughness Dice to resist the Survey Auger: Threats do not receive a bonus from cover when
effects of Gas or Airborne Toxin affects if not wearing a attacked with a ranged weapon from a Champion, Troop, or
Respirator or sealed suit. Vehicle equipped with a Survey Auger.
Lock-Punch: User gains +6 Bonus Dice to Strength when trying Survival Kit: Survival Kits grant +1 bonus dice to all Survival
to force a mechanical lock open. Tests.
Magnacles: Magnetic restraints that lock the wearer into place on
metal surfaces. Strength (DN12) to break free. Vehicle Wargear
Magnoculars: Awareness tests made with this item suffer no Blackstar Cluster Launcher: As a vehicle with Fly passes over
penalties for distance. threats while moving, it may attack them with its Blackstar
Missionary Kit: Missionary kits grant a +1d bonus to Persuasion Cluster Launcher. Roll a d6 for each threat that is passed over,
tests made involving converts to the Imperial Creed and those do 1 mortal wound for each icon generated on that d6
seeking redemption through the grace of the God-Emperor Deathwatch Teleport Homer: If a Deathwatch Squad contains a
member on a bike with a Deathwatch Teleport Homer and another

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
member in Terminator Armor, then on one of that squads’ Omnispex: Negate the penalty to attack rolls for attacking a threat
activations, set up the Teleport Homer within 2m of the Bike in cover upto 72m range.
member. Anytime after that on any of that squads’ activations, an Orbital Comms Array (Vehicles Only): Any vehicle equipped
emergency teleport action may be declared. When this is done, with this array may, as its activation, call in an orbital barrage.
immediately move all squad members to within 6m of the teleport Treat the orbital barrage as if the Orbital Bombardment Stratagem
homer. If any threat gets within 6m of the teleport homer, they had been used. This does not count as a use of the Orbital
may use an activation to destroy it. Bombardment Stratagem.
Dozer Blade (When Ramming or making a vehicle melee attack, Sacred Machine Oil: A character with is item may ignore the
add +3 ED to the damage inflicted by the Ramming vehicle only) first complication in combat when using a weapon or machine.
Infernum Halo Launcher: May only be equipped to a vehicle Shield Dome: This vehicle gains +*3 Armour, Shield.
with Fly. Threats suffer a -2 DN penalty when shooting at this Smoke Launchers (Vehicle Only): Any vehicle equipped with
vehicle these launchers can declare their use at the beginning of their
Magna-Grapple: A vehicle equipped with a Magna-Grapple that activation. Until the end of this vehicles next activation all ranged
declares a Charge against another vehicle, adds +4 to their speed. attacks against this vehicle are at +2 DN.
Omniscope: Negate the penalty to attack rolls for attacking a Spotter: A Vehicle with a spotter increases the range of all ranged
threat in cover upto 36m range. Allies within 10m gain this bonus weapons by 12m

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Special-Issue Wargear
Special-Issue Wargear may be used by PC Champions, with GM’s permission, and should be treated as ultra-rare Wargear.

Adamantine Mantle When this Champion uses their Blessings of the Omnissiah
When this Champion would take any wound, roll a d6. If you roll ability, roll 2 dice and discard one result.
an exalted icon, ignore that wound.
Headtaker’s Trophies
Angel’s Ambit <Dark Angels> Threats within 12m of this Champion are -2 Willpower.
The wearer of this helmet has their aura abilities increased by
12m. Icon of the Angel <Blood Angels>
A Champion with this Icon grants allies making a charge an
Arbiter’s Gaze <Dark Angels> additional +1 Bonus Dice to their attacks if they start their charge
This bionic eye grants this Champion the ability to ignore within 6m of this Champion.
negative modifiers to ranged attacks.
Reliquary of Vengeance
Arridian Drakehide Cloak Once per game, this Champion can reveal the reliquary. All allies
When a Champion with this cloak is hit by an attack, reduce the gain +2 Initiative while within 12m of this character.
damage dealt by 1 to a minimum of 1 before rolling Soak.
Seal of Oath
Artificer Armour Once per game, at the start of any activation, select a visible
Armour Rating 6; Cumbersome, Powered 3. The bearer of this threat. This character and any allies within 12m gain +1 Bonus
armour may soak mortal wounds. Dice and +2 ED for the attacks against the chosen threat.

Auric Aquilla Shadowmaster Cloak

Grants +2* Armor and if the bearer would suffer a mortal wound A Champion with this cloak gains an additional +3DN cover
from a psychic power, the bearer may attempt to soak as if it was bonus while in cover.
a normal wound.
Shard of Isstavan
Auto-Medicae Bionics A Champion with this talisman gains +2 Initiative. Allies within
At the start of each of your activations, if you have suffered any 12m gain +1 Bonus to any Resolve Tests.
wounds since you last activation, then regain d3 lost wounds.
Silentus Pistol
Cyber-Eagle Helm As a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol but is (11+2ED; AP -2; Range
Allies within 12m gain +2 bonus dice on attacks when resolving a 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Lucky, Pistol)
hold action and attacking.
Sunwrath Pistol
Digital Weapons As a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol but is (14+2ED; AP -3; Range
Replaces one of the Champions fingers. Damage is 1 mortal 30m; Salvo 2; Pistol, Supercharge)
wound if a successful melee attack roll is made against a threat.
Tanith Straight Silver Knife
Equis-Pattern Bolt Pistol As a Master Crafted Combat Knife but is (4+1ED; AP -2,
As a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol but is (10+1ED; AP -1; Range Range Melee; Steadfast)
20m; Salvo 15; Brutal, Pistol)
Teeth of Mars
Fist of Terra As a Master Crafted Chain Sword but is (4+2ED; AP 2; Range
As a Master Crafted Power Fist (10+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Melee; Brutal, Parry). When used to attack a vehicle increase the
Brutal, Power Field, Unwieldly 2) damage to 8+2ED.

Fortis-Pattern Data Spike Warden’s Cuirass

The bearer of this relic gains +2 Wounds while wearing this relic.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Relics can only be possessed by NPC Champions and should be treated as ultra-rare Wargear

The Adamantine Arm <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Metalica> As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (5+1ED; AP -3;
Replaces one of this Champion’s arms and has the following Range Melee; Parry, Power Field). Against a Monstrous
profile when making a melee attack (15+3ED; AP -3; Ranged Creature, the sword is 5+4ED. Against a Daemon Mostrous
Melee; May not add Strength to Base Damage) Creature, the sword is 5+6ED.

The Aegis Ferrum <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands> The Armour Indominitus <Adeptus Astartes>
As Tactus Mk X Powered Armour (Armour Rating 7, This Artificer Armour is Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome,
Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>) but adds +2 Toughness Powered 4. The bearer of this armour may soak mortal
and reduces wounds suffered by 1, to a min of 1. wounds.

Aetheric Conduit <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights> The Armour of Graf Toschenko <Astra Militarum>
Tech Marine Only. This Champion increases the result of his <Vostroyan>
Blessing of the Omnissiah ability by d3 wounds regained. Agmetic Armour: Armour Rating 6, +2 Toughness

Agripinaa-Class Orbital Tracker <Astra Militarum> The Armour of Konor <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines>
Basilisks, Hydras, and Wyverns within 12m of this Terminator Armour equipped Champion only. All Damage
Champion do not suffer cover modifiers to their attack rolls suffered is reduce by half, rounded up.
when targeting threats in cover.
The Armour of Russ <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
Ancient Breviary <Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templars> This Artificer Armour is Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome,
This ancient prayer book allows the Chaplain that bears it to Powered 4. The bearer of this armour may soak mortal
use one more Litany a turn than normal. wounds.

Angel Artifice <Adeptus Astartes> The Armour of Shadows <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven
This Aquilla Mark VI Armor (Armor Rating 6, Powered 3) Guard>
is also +*2 Armour. This Aquilla Mark VI Armor (Armor Rating 4, Powered 3)
grants +2Bonus Dice to Stealth. All ranged attacks made
The Angel’s Grace <Imperial Knights> < House against a Champion wearing this armour generate a
Hawkshroud> Complication on a 1-3 on the Wrath Die. This armour makes
Whenever this Champion would suffer a wound by a psychic no noise when articulated or from its power pack.
power whilst in their Knight, roll a d6. If an Icon is generated,
the wound is not lost. Armour of the Sainted Ion <Imperial Knights>
This Champions Knight has a +*4 Armour Bonus.
The Angel’s Wing <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels>
As a Master Crafted Jump Pack that adds +4 to the bearer’s Artisan Nullifier Matrix <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey
speed and threats suffer an additional +1DN penalty when Knights>
attacking the bearer. Librarian Only. When an ally makes a Psychic Mastery Test
within 12m of this relic, the ally may increase the result of any
Annunciation of the Creed <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of the 1 die they rolled for the test by 1.
Ebon Chalice >
As a Master Crafted Condemnor Boltgun but is (11+3ED; Augurium Scrolls <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights>
AP -2; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid Fire 2, +3ED vs When the Bearer and allies within 12m score a critical hit,
Psykers) draw 2 Wrath Cards and apply the results of both. Exalted
Icons used to increase the severity of a critical must be done
Anzion’s Pseudodegenetor <Adeptus Mechanicus> for each card separately.
A Champion with this Relic may use the following
Mechandendrites in melee combat: (10+1ED, AP -1; Range Auric Aquilas <Adeptus Custodes>
Melee; Devastating vs infantry) As a Master Crafted Jetbike but has a +*4 Armour Bonus
and has +2 Speed when charging.
Aquittal <Adeptus Astartes>
As a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol but is (11+1ED; AP -3; The Auric Mask <Imperial Knight> <House Vulker>
Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Pistol) Against non-vehicles, this Threats within 24m of this Knight suffer a -1 Die penalty to
weapon is +d6 ED instead of +1ED. Fellowship based tests.

The Archangel’s Shard <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels> Auric Shackles <Adeptus Custodes>

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Any sentient that is put into these shackles has their Wisdom This weapon also does 1d3 mortal wounds when the attack
reduced to 1. with it is a critical hit.

The Aurillian Shroud <Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templars> Beneficience <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of the Bloody Rose>
When revealed, the bearer and all allies with 6m of the bearer As a Master Crafted Chainsword but is (5+2ED; AP -2;
gain a +*3 Armour Bonus. This bonus lasts until the start of Range Melee; Brutal, Parry)
the bearers next activation.
Betrayer’s Bane <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands>
Autocauduseus of Arkhan Land <Adeptus Mechanicus> As a Master Crafted Combi-Melta but is:
The Champion with this relic heals 1 wound at the start of his Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2;
activation. In addition, when this Champion uses an ability to Brutal, Rapid Fire 1)
repair a vehicle, roll the dice twice for how many wounds are Meltagun (14+6ED; AP -4; Range 30m; Salvo 2;
to be repaired and choose one of the results. Assault, Melta)

The Axe of Medusa <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands> Biomantic Sarcophagus <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood
As a Master Crafted Power Axe but is (7+4ED; AP -3; Angels>
Range Melee; Penetrating 1, Power Field) Librarian Dreadnaught Champion only. Add 12m to the
range of any psychic power this Champion manifests that are
Bane Bolts of Eryia <Adeptus Astartes> <Deathwatch> Blood Angels powers. In addition, once per turn, gain +2
For weapons that can use Special Issue Ammunition only. Bonus Dice to any one Psychic Mastery Test or Deny The
Increase damage done by +2ED. In addition, roll a d6, on a 6 a Witch Test.
mortal wound is also done in addition to any other damage.
Black Death <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
The Banner Inviolate <Imperial Knights> < House Raven> As a Master Crafted Frost Axe but is (6+1ED; AP -2;
Allies within 12m of this Champion gain +1 Bonus Dice for Devastating, Force)
melee attacks.
Blade of Admonition <Imperium>
Banner of Mecharius Triumphant <Imperial Knights> As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (6+3ED; AP -3;
Imperial Knight only. Allies within 12m of this Champion Range Melee; Parry, Power Field)
gain +1 Bonus Dice for all Wisdom Based Tests.
Blade of Burden <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels>
Banner of Refining Flame <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (6+2ED; AP -4;
Knights> Range Melee; Mortal 2, Parry, Power Field)
A Champion bearing this Banner loses their Rites of
Banishment ability. Instead, when they manifest the Smite The Blade of Conquest <Astra Militarum>
power, it deals d6 mortal wounds. As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (8+3ED; AP -4;
Range Melee; Parry, Power Field)
The Banner of Staganda <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Fists
Allies within 12m of this banner wielder gain +2 Bonus Dice Blade of the Foresworn <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights>
to melee attacks. As a Master Crafted Nemesis Force Sword but is (5+3ED;
AP -3; Range Melee; Bane <Daemon>, Force, Parry)
Banner of the Eagle <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars>
Ally <White Scars> within 12m of this Champion have their Blade of Triumph <Adeptus Astartes>
Strength increased by +2. As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (6+3ED; AP -4;
Range Melee; Bane <Daemon>, Parry, Power Field)
The Beacon Angelus <Adeptus Astartes> <Deathwatch>
Once per game session, the bearer can us the Beacon Angelus Blessed Boltgun <Astra Militarum> <Militarum Tempestus>
to teleport an ally <Deathwatch> Troop Mob or Biker Squad As a Master Crafted Boltgun but is (11+2ED; AP -2; Range
from their current position to within 18m of the bearers 40m; Salvo 2; Bane <Psyker>, Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)
position. That unit may act as normal on their next activation.
The teleported ally may be from anywhere on or off the The Bones of Osrak <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Fists>
current battlefield. An Imperial Fists Librarian with this relic may re-roll a
psychic test to manifest a power.
Bellicos Bolt Rifle <Adeptus Astartes> <Primaris>
As a Master Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle but is (11+2ED; AP -1; Book of St. Lucius <Imperium>
Range 60m; Salvo 4, Brutal, Assault <Primaris>) Increase the range of this Champions aura abilities by 6m

Benediction of Fury <Adeptus Astartes> Brazier of Eternal Flame <Imperium>

As a Master Crafted Crozarius Arcanum (8+3ED; AP -3; Friendly <Order> units with the Shield of Faith ability gain
Range 2m; Brutal, Master Crafted, Power Field, Steadfast). +4 Bonus Dice to Deny The Witch tests.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
As a Master Crafted Nemesis Daemon Hammer but is
The Burning Blade <Adeptus Astartes> (12+4ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Bane <Daemon>, Brutal,
As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (7+3ED; AP -5; Unwieldly 1 <Grey Knight>)
Range Melee; Parry, Power Field)
Distraction Charges <Imperium>
Casket of Penance <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of the When a unit with this relic is charged, reduce the speed of the
Valourous Heart> charger by 2, and they also are +1DN to the charge attack.
Threats within 2m of the bearer of this relic have their
Toughness reduced by 4. Doctrina Foreas Servo-Skill <Adeptus Mechanicus>
Friendly units of Cybernetica or Kastalan Robots within 18m
Cawl’s Wrath <Imperial Knights> of this Champion can attempt to change their Battle Protocols
As a Master Crafted Plasma Decimator but is (17+3ED; AP each activation.
-4; Range 120m; Salvo 3; Heavy 12, Supercharge)
Domina Liber Daemonica <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey
The Cerebral Techno-Mitre <Adeptus Mechanicus> Knights>
<Graia> All Daemons within 12m of this Champion have their
Tech-Priest Dominus only. Start the game session with +2 Willpower reduced by 2.
Dominus Aegis <Adeptus Astartes> <Deathwatch>
Claw of the Desert Tigers <Astra Militarum> <Tallarn> This Storm Shield is Armour Rating *3, Bulk 1, Force
As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (5+3ED; AP -3; Shield, Shield. In addition, if the bearer does not move during
Range Melee; Parry, Power Field). Bearer gains +2 Bonus his activation, any ally <Deathwatch> Marines within 6m may
Dice to Weapon Skill Tests with this Relic. soak mortal wounds till the end of the turn.

Companion’s Blade <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves> Drake Smiter <Adeptus Astartes> <Salamanders>
As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (6+2ED; AP -3; As a Master Crafted Thunder Hammer but is (10+3ED; AP
Range Melee; Parry, Power Field; Value 6 Rare) If this -4; Range 2m; Brutal, Mortal 3, Power Field, Unwieldly 2)
character is within 6m of an ally character, you gain +1 Bonus
Dice on attacks with weapon. Duty’s Burden <Adeptus Astartes> <Crimson Fists>
As a Master Crafted Bolt Rifle but is (11+2ED; AP -2; Range
Corvus Oculus <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels> 60m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)
All ranged attacks made by this Champion are made at +10M
range and at +2 Bonus Dice. Eagle’s Eye <Adeptus Custodes>
This helm improves any +*X Armour Bonus this Champion
The Crusader’s Helm <Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templar> has by an additional +*1.
The wearer increases any aura abilities they possess by 6m.
The Ebonclaws <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven Guard>
Cuirass of Sacrifice <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights> As a pair Master Crafted Lightning Claws but is (4+3ED,
When this Champion suffers a wound, roll a d6, if an Icon is AP -3, Range Melee; Lucky, Natural, Power Field, +2ED per
generated that wound is ignored. claw after the first)

Cypra Mundi Null-Emitter <Astra Militarum> The Emperor’s Benediction <Astra Militarum>
If this Champion is targeted by a psychic power, roll a d6, if As a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol but is (10+3ED; AP -1;
an icon is generated, the power has not effect. Range 24m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Pistol). Bearer gains +2 Bonus
Dice when targeting a Threat Champion.
The Dagger of To’Sokh <Astra Militarum>
This Champion and one other non-vehicle <Regiment> ally The Emperor’s Fury <Astra Militarum> <Militarum
may attack from ambush if they have not activated yet this Tempestus>
game. When they do so, set them up within 6m of a threat. As a Master Crafted Plasma Pistol but is (14+2ED; AP -3;
They may move and attack as normal. Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol, Supercharge)

Decimator <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angles> The Emperor’s Judgement <Adeptus Astartes>
As a Master Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle but is (11+2ED; AP -1; When the Champion bearing this Aquilla Armour Helm that is
Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal, Assault <Primaris>) attacked by a threat using a melee weapon, the threat does not
benefit from any bonus dice to the attack or damage nor may
The Deathmask Of Ollanius <Astra Militarum> the threat re-roll any dice for the attack or damage. In addition,
This Champion may soak mortal wounds. Once per game he all threats withing 12m must pass a DN 4 Resolve test to
may heal d6 wounds. attack this champion. If they fail they are Terrified until the
start of their next activation.
Destroyer of Crys’yllk <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights>
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
The Emperor’s Light <Adeptus Custodes> As a Master Crafted Thermal Cannon but is (15+8ED; AP -
As a Master Crafted Misericordia but is (6+1ED; AP -2; 4; Range 90m; Salvo 2; Heavy 8, Melta)
Range Melee; Penetrating 4 <Adeptus Custodes>)
Gallian’s Staff <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels>
Endless Fury <Imperial Knights> As a Master Crafted Force Stave but is (6+3ED; AP -1;
As a Master Crafted Avenger Gatling Cannon but it (12+2; Force, Parry). The Bearer gains +1 icon for any Psychic
AP -2; Range 90m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Heavy 18, Mortal 2) Mastery Test he has to make.

The Endurant Protector <Adeptus Astartes> Gatekeeper <Adeptus Custodes>

This armour carapace grants the bearer +2 Toughness and a As a Master Crafted Guardian Spear but is: Ranged
+*2 armour bonus. (10+2ED, AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 3); Melee
(5+3ED, AP -3; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 2). Attacks
Ex Tenebris <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven Guard> made from held actions with this weapon are made at +2
As a Master Crafted Bolt Rifle but is (10+2ED; AP -2; Bonus Dice.
Range 90m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Assault, No DN Modifiers for
targets in cover) The Gene-Cog Corpus <Adeptus Mechanicus>
As a Master Crafted Omnissiah Axe but is (5+2ED; AP -2;
The Eye of Hypnoth <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Fists> Range Melee, 2m; Mortal 3, Power Field, Two-Handed)
Friendly Imperial Fists troops within 12m of this Champion
gain Lucky on ranged attacks. Ghost Weave Cloak
As a Camo Cloak, but also reduce the damage done to the
The Eye of the Unseen <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels> bearer by 1.
Threats within 6m of this Champion suffer -2 to their Wisdom.
Threat Champions within 6m must activate last in the turn. Glaive of Vengeance <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars>
As a Master Crafted Khan’s Spear but is (5+3ED; AP -3;
The Eye of Xi-Lexum <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Agripina> Range Melee. Lance). Add the base damage of this weapon to
Is a Servo-Skull that grants an ally <Agripina> vehicle twice the Champions Strength instead of using just 2x
Devastating vs target threat vehicle within 36m of this Strength for the base damage.
Champion. If the target threat vehicle is Chaos, then all ally
<Agripina> within 36m gain Devastating vs the target vehicle. Gleaming Pinions <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels>
Jump Pack equipped Champion only. This Champion gains
Figure of Death <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels> +4m to their movement.
As a Master Crafted Crozius Arcanum but is (7+2ED; AP -
-2; Range 2m; Brutal, Master Crafted, Power Field, Steadfast) The Gorgon’s Chain <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands>
When this weapon successfully deals damage to a threat, that A Champion with this relic gains a +*2 Armour Bonus and
threat is also Terrified. has any wounds they suffer reduced by 1 to a minimum of 1.

Fire of Judgement <Astra Militarum> <Militarum The Hammer of Baal <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels>
Tempestus> As a Master Crafted Thunder Hammer but is (10+3ED; AP
As a Master Crafted Hot-Shot Laspistol but is (7+1ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Brutal, Power Field, Unwieldly 2)
-2; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Mortal 2, Pistol, Steadfast)
Hammer of Sunderance <Astra Militarum>
The Fist of Vengeance <Adeptus Astartes> <Crimson Fists> As a Master Crafted Battle Cannon but is (14+3ED; AP -2;
As a Master Crafted Power Fist but is (10+3ED; AP -3; Range 180m; Salvo -; Heavy 6, LBT)
Range Melee; Brutal, Power Field, Unwieldly 2)
The Headsman’s Mark <Imperial Knights> < House Krast>
Foe-Smiter <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels> Whilst this Champion is in a Knight, he gains +1 ED to all
As a Master Crafted Storm Bolter but is (10+2ED; AP 1; attacks against Vehicle and Monster threat. This bonus
Range 60m; Salvo 4, Brutal, Rapid Fire 2) increases to +2ED if against a Titanic threat.

Frostfury <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves> Healer’s Aegis <Adeptus Astartes>

As a Master Crafted Storm Bolter but is (10+2ED; AP -1; This champion and any allies within 2m of this Champion
Range 60m; Salvo 4, Brutal, Rapid Fire 2, Mortal 2) gain a +*2 Armour Bonus.

Fury of Demos <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights> Heavenfall Blade <Dark Angels>
As a Master Crafted Storm Bolter but is (11+1ED; AP -1; As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (6+3ED; AP -3;
Range 40m; Salvo 5, Brutal, Rapid Fire 3) Range Melee; Parry, Power Field) Each activation that this
Champion make a melee attack with this weapon, they may
Fury of Mars <Imperial Knights> <House Taranis> make a second attack with it at no multi-action penalty.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
The Helm Dominatus <Imperial Knight Any ally vehicle within 6m of this Champion that suffers a
While this Champion is piloting a Knight, when he activates, damage, has the number of wounds it suffers reduced by 1, to
he may select one threat within 48m. He gains +1 Bonus Dice a minimum of 1.
for attacks against the selected threat.
Judgement <Imperial Knights>
Helm of Censure <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines> As a Master Crafted Stormspear Rocket Pod but attacks are
This Champion gains Lucky on all attacks and Devastating made at an added +2 Bonus Dice for being Master Crafted.
on all damage rolls. Against Adeptus Astartes or Heretic
Astartes this Champion gains +2 Bonus Dice to attacks and Key of Achrababel <Adeptus Astartes> < Dark Angels>
damage rolls. A Champion with this relic gains +2 Strength and Initiative.

Helm of Durfast <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves> Krakenbone Sword <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
A Champion with this Wolf Helm gains Lucky on their As a Master Crafted Frost Sword but is (5+1ED; AP -4;
ranged attacks and threats do not benefit from cover from this Devastating, Force, Parry)
Champions ranged attacks.
Kurov’s Aquilla <Astra Militarum>
Helm of the Nameless Warrior <Imperial Knights> Each time this Champions opponent spends a Wrath, Glory or
This Champion gains +1 Bonus Dice to melee attacks when Ruin Point, roll a d6, on a 5+ gain one Ruin.
wearing this helm.
Lament <Adeptus Astartes>
The Holy Orb <Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templar> As a Master Crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle but is (12+3ED; AP -
Once per game, instead of a normal ranged attack, the bearer 2; Range 120m; Brutal, Heavy 3, Sniper). In addition, on a
may throw the Orb at a visible target within (Str x 5m). If hit, critical hit, this weapon does a mortal wound in also done in
roll a d6 for every 10 members of the targeted unit. Deal a addition to any other damage.
number of mortal wounds equal to the number of icons +1
rolled on each die. The Laurels of Command <Astra Militarum>
When this Champion issues use his Voice of Command
The Hound’s Teeth <Astra Militarum> <Militarum ability, roll a d6, on a 4+ he may issue the same order an
Tempestus> <Regiment> Infantry Troops within 12m of him.
As a Master Crafted Chain Sword but is (5+2ED; AP -2;
Range Melee; Bane <Aeldari>, Brutal, Parry) Light of Saint Agnaetha <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of the
Sacred Rose>
The Hounor Vehement <Adeptus Astartes> Daemons within 12m of the bearer of this relic suffer -2 Dice
Ally <Chapter> Space Marines within 12m of this Champion to any Wisdom based Tests. The bearer can discard a Miracle
increase the bonus dice from the Shock Assault ability to +2. Die and make a ranged attack with this relic. If it hits, the
target takes d3 mortal wounds, if the target is a Daemon it
Honour’s Bite <Imperial Knights> <House Mortan> takes 2d3 mortal wounds.
As a Master Crated Reaper Chainsword but is (18+6ED;
AP -4; Range Melee 8m; Brutal) Lion’s Roar <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels>
As a Master Crafted Combi-Plasma but is Boltgun
The Hunter’s Eye <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars> (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)
Select an ally within 12m of the bearer. Until the end of the and Plasma Gun (14+2ED; AP -3; Range 48m; Salvo 2;
Turn, the selected ally does not suffer any penalties from Assault, Supercharge)
cover when targeting a threat with a ranged attack.
Litanies of Faith <Imperial>
The Hunter’s Eye <Imperial Knights> <House Cadmus> Whenever an Act of Faith is successfully used within 12m of
Threats do not gain a bonus from cover whilst the target of this Champion roll a d6. Gain a number of Faith equal to the
this champions attacks when in a Knight. number of icons generated on the die roll.

Iron Surplice of Saint Istaela <Adepta Sororitas> Litanies of the Holy Synod <Astra Militarum>
As Adepta Sororitas Power Armour but has a +5* Armour Ally Infantry within 12m of this Champion gains Lucky on
Bonus. their Resolve Tests. If this Champion is slain and there is an
ally Infantry unit within 12m, that unit may pick up the
Ironfang of Ammagrimgue <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Litanies and will automatically pass all Resolve tests and gain
Wolves> +2 Initiative for the rest of the game.
As a Master Crafted Power Axe but is (5+3ED; AP -2;
Range Melee; Penetrating 1, Mortal 1, Power Field) Mace of Redemption <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels>
As a Master Crafted Power Maul but is (7+3ED, AP -3;
The Ironstone <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands> Range Melee; Brutal, Power Field) This weapon is
Devastating against Heretic Astartes threats.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
At the end of each of this Champion’s activations, roll a die
Mamorph Tuskblade <Astra Militarum> <Catachan> for each threat within 2m. Deal a number of mortal wounds to
As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (8+3ED; AP -3; that threat equal to the number of icons generated.
Range Melee; Parry, Power Field)
Mantle of the Stormseer <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars> Oppressor’s End <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven Guard>
Psyker Only. The wearer of the Relic gains +2 bonus dice to As a Master Crafted Astartes Combat Knife but is (5+1ED;
Psychic Mastery Tests. AP -2; Range Melee; Natural, Steadfast)

Mantle of Ophelia <Adepta Sororitas> Order of the Iron Star of Mordia <Astra Militarum>
This Champion gains a +*4 Armour Bonus. <Mordian>
Each time the bearer suffers a wound or mortal wound, roll a
Mark of the Lance <Imperial Knights> <House Griffith> die for each wound or mortal wound and on a 6 that wound or
Each time this Champion completes a Charge move in a mortal wound is ignored.
Knight, choose a threat within 2m to suffer d3 mortal wounds.
Complete the charge action as normal after this. The Osseus Key <Adeptus Astartes> <Deathwatch>
Enemy Vehicles suffer a -1DN penalty on attacks when with
Mark of the Omnissiah <Imperial Knights> 18m of the bearer. In addition, the bearer can make a Melee
Each time this Champion activates and is in a Knight, the attack with the Key, if he hits, he does d3 mortal wounds for
Knight recovers d2+1 lost wounds. damage.

Martyr’s Vengeance <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of our The Paragon Gauntlet <Imperial Knights>
Martyred Lady> As a Master Crafted Thunderstrike Gauntlet but is (12+8ED;
As a Master Crafted Inferno Pistol but is (15+6ED; AP -4; AP -4; Range Melee 8m; Thunderstrike)
Range 16m; Salvo 1; Pistol, Melta)
Pater Cog-Tooth <Adeptus Mechanicus>
The Mindforge <Adeotus Astartes> <Iron Hands> As a Master Crafted Omnissiah Axe but is (6+3ED; AP -2;
As a Master Crafted Force Axe but is (10+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee, 2m; Power Field, Two-Handed)
Pennant of Remembrance <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark
Monster Sayer of Caliban <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels>
Angels> When an ally within 12m of this Champion would lose 1 or
As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (6+3ED; AP -3; more Wounds, roll a d6, the ally regains a number of wounds
Range Melee; Parry, Power Field) This weapon is Mortal 3 equal to the number of Icons generated.
versus Monstrous Creatures or Vehicles.
Pennant of the Fallen <Adeptus Astartes>
Mortis Machina <Adeptus Astartes> Allies within 12m of this Champion can make one additional
As a Master Crafted Power Axe but is (7+3ED; AP -3; melee attack at no added penalties.
Range Melee; Penetrating 1, Power Field) This weapon is
Mortal 2 against vehicles. Pertrov’s MK 45 <Astra Militarum> <Valhallan>
As a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol but is (10+3ED; AP -1;
Mountain-Breaker Helm <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Pistol). Ally <Vallhalan> Troops
Wolves> within 12m gain +2 Bonus Dice for Resolve Tests.
When the character wearing this helm attacks with a melee
weapon, you can select one threat within 2m of this character Phosphoenix <Adeptus Mechanicus>
to suffer d3-1 Mortal Wounds. As a Master Crafted Phosphor Serpenta but is (11+1ED;
AP -3; Range 46m; Salvo 2; Assault, No Cover Saves vs this
Neural Shroud <Adeptus Astartes> weapon <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
A Champion with this relic gains +24m to their Psychic Hood
abilities. Plume of the Planesrunner <Adeptus Astartes> <White
Obliteratum <Adeptus Custodes> Ally <White Scars> Troops within 12m of this Champion add
As a Master Crafted Balistus Grenade Launcher but +2 to their Speed when charging.
increases the AP of grenade fired by +2.
The Praetorian Plate <Adeptus Custodes>
The Omniscient Mask <Adeptus Mechanicus> As Allarus Terminator Armour but once per game, this
Friendly Skitarii within 12m of this Champion gain Lucky for Champion may Teleport to anywhere on the battlefield that is
their melee attack rolls. no closer than 4m of any threat.

The Omnissiah’s Hand <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Stygies Primarch’s Wrath <Adeptus Astartes>
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
As a Master Crafted Boltgun but is (12+3ED; AP -1; Range
40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid Fire 2) Reliquary of the Repentant <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark
Purgatorus <Adeptus Astartes> Threats within 6m of this Champion have their Resilience
As a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol but is (12+2ED; AP -3; reduced by 2.
Range 24m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Pistol)
Sacrosanct Rosarius <Adeptus Astartes>
Quicksilver Veil <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of the Ardent As a Rosarius but has a +*6 Armour rating.
All attacks made against the bearer suffer a -2 Die Penalty to The Salamander’s Mantle <Adeptus Astartes>
the Attack roll. <Salamanders>
The wearer of this relic increases their Toughness by +2.
Raiment of Sorrows <Adeptus Custodes>
If an Infantry or a Biker ally is reduced to 0 wounds and Sanctic Shard <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights>
within 12m of this Champion, then roll a d6. If an icon is A Psyker with this relic may re-roll a Psychic Mastery Test
generated the ally may make 1 last attack. and gains +1 Bonus Dice to any Psychic Mastery Test made.

Raiment of the Technomartyr <Adeptus Mechanicus> The Sanctic Halo <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines>
Each time this Champion suffers a wound, roll a d6, on a 6 The bearer can soak mortal wounds. In addition, the bearer
that wound is ignored. In addition, when a friendly <Forge can attempt a Deny The Witch action (using their Willpower)
World> Troop attacks with a held action and rolls a critical as if they were a Psyker.
hit, this Champion may make one immediate attack that does
not count as an activation for the turn. Sanctuary <Imperial Knights>
Vehicle with Ion Shields only. This vehicles armour rating is
Ravager <Imperial Knights> increased by +*2.
As a Master Crafted Reaper Chainsword but is (14+6ED;
AP -4; Range Melee 8m; Brutal) Scimitar of the Great Khan <Adeptus Astartes> <White
The Raven Skull of Korvaad <Adeptus Astartes> < Raven As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (5+2ED; AP -3;
Guard> Range Melee; Parry, Power Field). In addition, when a critical
Once per activation this Champion may use the Lucky or the hit is rolled when attacking with this weapon increase the ED
Devastating Trait for any one attack you make. If this to +5ED.
Champion is slain, then all attacks by allies this turn against
the threat that killed this Champion are made as if the attack Severer of Threads <Adeptus Astartes> <Flesh Tearers>
had Brutal. As a Master Crafted Chainsword but is (5+1ED; AP -1;
Range Melee; Brutal, Mortal 1, Parry)
Raven’s Fury <Adeptus Astartes>
Master Crafter Jump Pack: Bearer gains +4 to Speed and The Shield Eternal <Adeptus Astartes>
may reroll 1s (except Complications) on any Pilot Test when Acts as a Storm Shield, but any damage suffered is halved
using this Relic. before any rolls to Soak are made.

The Red Axe <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Mars> The Shield of Mortwald <Astra Militarum>
As a Master Crafted Omnissiah Axe but is (5+2ED; AP -5; As a Combat Shield but provides Armour Rating *3; Force
Range Melee, 2m; Power Field, Two-Handed) Shield, Shield

Refractor Field Generator <Imperium> Shroud of Heroes <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels>
This relic grants a +4* Armor Bonus up to 6m in diameter. This champion gains +2 Defense versus melee attacks.

Relic of Lost Cadia <Astra Militarum> <Cadian> Skull Mask of Acheron <Astra Militarum> <Armageddon>
At the start of any Turn, the bearer can unveil this Relic to Threats within 6m of this Champion suffer a -2DN penalty to
allow all ally <Cadians> within 24m to reroll 1s (except for Willpower based tests. Orks suffer a -4 penalty instead.
Complications) on attack rolls and damage rolls till the end of
the Turn. The Skull of Elder Nikola <Adeptus Mechanicus>
Once per game on their activation, this Champion may
Reliquary of Gathalamor <Adeptus Astartes> <Primaris> unleash the power of the Skull. Rolla die for each threat
When a Psychic Mastery Test is made by a threat within 36m within 4d6m of this Champion and deal a number of mortal
of this Champion, the test suffers a +1 DN penalty. If a threat wounds equal to the number of icon generated on the die roll.
Psyker fails a Psychic Mastery Test while within 36m of this
Champion, roll a d6 and they suffer a number of mortal Skull of the Cacodominus <Adeptus Astartes> <Black
wounds equal to the number if icons generated on the die roll. Templar>
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
A threat Psyker within 24m of this skill that manifests a The bearer of this standard may plant it on the battlefield on
power must roll a d6 and suffer 1 mortal wound for each Icon their activation. Until the end of their next activation, all
generated on the die roll. Primaris troops within 12m gain Lucky on attacks and
Devastating on damage rolls.
Skyshield <Imperial Knights>
As a Master Crafted Twin Icarus Autocannon but is Standard of the Unforgiving Hunt <Adeptus Astartes>
(13+2ED; AP -2; Range 90m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy 6, Anti- <Dark Angels>
Air) This Champion and all allies within 12m gain +2 Speed when
Soldier’s Blade <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines>
As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (5+2ED; AP -4; Stave of Supremacy <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights>
Range Melee; Parry) A threat within 36m of this relic suffers Perils of the Warp
automatically when manifesting a psychic power.
The Solar Flare <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Lucius>
Once per game on this Champions activation, instead of Stormsong <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
moving as normal, this Champion may teleport anywhere up As a Master Crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle but is (12+3ED; AP -
to 60m from his starting position. He may be no closer than 3; Range 120m; Brutal, Heavy 3, Sniper 3)
18m of any threat
Sword of Judgment <Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templars>
Sorrow’s Genesis <Adeptus Astartes> <Flesh Tearers> As a Master Crafted Power Sword but is (5+3ED; AP -3;
As a Narthecium but with the following abilities instead of Range Melee; Parry, Power Field)
normal abilities: Sorrow’s Genesis restores 3 wounds to any
one target. Any target that was reduced to 0 wounds may have The Tactical Auto-Reliquary of Tyberius <Astra
3 wounds restored to it as long as the target has not been at 0 Militarum> <Militarum Tempestus>
wounds for more than 2 complete turns. This Champion may issue 1 additional Order with his Voice of
Command ability. Roll a d6 when issuing this second order,
Soul Glaive <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights> on a 1 the Reliquary issues contradictory nonsense and
As a Master Crafted Nemesis Force Halberd but is (7+3ED; nothing happens.
AP -3; Range Melee; Bane <Daemon>, Devastating, Force,
Lucky <Grey Knight>) Talisman of Storms <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
Rune Priest Only. After resolving the first Psych Mastery Test
The Spartean <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Fist> of a Turn, each threat within 24m suffers d2-1 Mortal
As a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol but is (10+3ED; AP -1; Wounds.
Range 24m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Pistol). The Bearer gains +2
Bonus Dice when targeting a threat Champion. Tarentian Cloak <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines>
This Champion gains a +*2 Armour Bonus. At the start of
The Standard of Macragge Inviolate <Adeptus Astartes> each of this Champions activation, he gains d3 lost wounds.
Friendly <Ultramarines> with 12m of this Champion gain +2 Teeth of Terra <Adeptus Astartes>
Initiative and Agility. Those within 24m automatically pass As a Chainsword but is (6+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal
Resolve Tests. Parry)

Standard of Righteous Hatred <Adeptus Astartes> The Tempered Helm <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands>
Allies within 12m of this Champion gain +1 Bonus Dice to all Each time you use a Wrath/Glory/Ruin Point while this
attacks. Champion is on the battlefield, roll a d6. If an icon is
generated the Point is refunded. You may only have 1 point
The Standard of Sacrifice <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood refunded a turn.
Any time a Blood Angels Infantry and Bikers within 12m of The Thief of Secrets <Adeptus Astartes> <Deathwatch>
this Champion lose a wound, roll a d6, if an icon is generated, As a Power Sword but is (7+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee;
the wound is not lost. Parry, Power Field) At the beginning of the game session,
choose one of the following keywords: Ork, Tyranid, Tau,
Standard of the Emperor Ascendant <Adeptus Astartes> Aeldari, or Necron. You may rereoll 1s on the damage rolls
The bearer of this standard, on any activation, unfurl this against threats with this keyword.
Standard. Any ally Space Marines within 12m gains +2 Bonus
Dice to any Resolve Tests while the Standard is flying. Thunder of Voltoris <Imperial Knights> <House Terryn>
As a Master Crafted Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon but is
Standard of the Ultima Founding <Adeptus Astartes> (15+3ED; AP -2; Range 180m; Salvo 3; Heavy 12; LBT)

The Tome of Ectoclades <Adeptus Astartes> <Deathwatch>

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
At the start of this Champions activation, choose a Mission Vinculem Vitae <Adeptus Astartes>
Tactic. Until the end of the Turn, this Champion may choose As a Master Crafted Force Sword but is (5+3ED; AP -3;
to use the effects of the current Mission Tactic or that of the Force, Parry) Any critical hit scored with this weapon deals
Mission Tactic for the Tome of Ectoclades to apply to target 2d3 mortal wounds instead of any other damage.
ally <Deathwatch> Troop or Vehicle within 12m when they
attack. The Vox Esperitum <Adeptus Astartes> <Primaris>
Increase this Champions aura abilities by 6m. This does not
Tome of Malcaador <Adeptus Astartes> affect psychic powers or Litanies of Battle that are aura
Psyker only. The Bearer knows any one other Psyker Power. abilities

Traitor’s Pyre <Imperial Knights> Weapon XCIX <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Ryza>

As a Master Crafted Conflagration Cannon but is As a Master Crafted Volkite Blaster but is (13+2ED; AP -1;
(13+4ED; AP -2; Range 48m; Salvo 2, Spread, Blaze) Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal, Heavy 6, Mortal 1 <Adeptus
Tryptych of the Macharian Crusade <Imperial>
When the bearer would lose a wound, roll a d6, if an Icon is Wolf Tail Talisman <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
generated the wound is not lost. Threat Psykers within 36m of a character with tis relic suffer a
-2DN penalty to their Psychic Mastery Tests.
The Uncreator Gauntlet <Adeptus Mechanicus>
As a Master Crafted Power Fist but is (10+3ED; AP -3; Wrath of Baal <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels>
Range Melee; Brutal, Power Field, Unwieldly 1, Mortal 1 vs A Champion bearing this banner grants ally Jump Pack
Vehicles) equipped units a bonus of +4m to their movement.

The Veiled Blade <Adeptus Custodes> Wrath of the Emperor <Imperium>

As a Master Crafted Sentinel Blade but is: Ranged As a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol but is (11+2ED; AP -1;
(10+1ED; AP -0; Range 30m; Salvo 2; Pistol, Brutal), Melee Range 46m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Pistol.
(4+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal)
Wrath of the Heavens <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars>
Vengeful Arbiter <Adeptus Astartes> <Crimson Fists> A Champion with this relic on a Bike has his Cruising Speed
As a Master Crafted Bolt Pistol but is (11+2ED; AP -1; increased to 32m an ignores intervening terrain and allies
Range 30m; Salvo 2; Pistol, Brutal). If an attack with this when moving.
weapon hits but is not a Complication, make an immediate
second attack against the target with no added penalties. This Wyrdbane <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
second attack does not generate additional attacks. As a Master Crafted Runic Sword but is (7+3ED; AP -4;
Range Melee; Brutal, Parry, Power Field, Name <Psyker>
Vengeance of Ultramar <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines> <Space Wolves>)
As a Master Crafted Storm Bolter but is (10+1ED; AP 0;
Range 60m; Salvo 6, Brutal, Devastating, Rapid Fire 4) Wyrmspitter <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Marines>
As a Master Crafted Power Axe but is (7+2ED; AP -2;
The Veritas Vitae <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels> Range Melee; Penetrating 1, Power Field; Value 6 Rare) This
Each time this Champion uses a Stratagem, roll a d6, if an weapon gains +2 ED vs Vehicles.
icon is generated, gain +1 Wrath/Glory/Ruin as appropriate.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Section 3:


A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Warlord Traits
Warlord Traits are usable by NPC Champions only. Typically, only 1 trait may be used by a Champion at a time.

The following Warlord Traits are available to any Imperial Beacon of Faith <Adepta Sororitas>
Champions unless noted otherwise restricted. At the start of each of this Champion’s activations, roll a d6.
Gain a number of Faith equal to the number of icons generated
Adamantium Knight <Imperial Knights> <House Vulker> on the die roll. This Champion may use a second Act of Faith
Whilst this Champion is piloting a vehicle, damage rolls for each activation.
attacks against this vehicle of 3 or less are ignored.
Bellowing Firebrand <Adeptus Astartes>
Adept of the Codex <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines> Chaplain Champion Only. Add 6m to this Champions
Whilst this Champion is alive, roll a d6 whenever a Ruin Point Spiritual Leader Ability and all Litanies.
is spent, on a 6, that point is refunded.
Bellowing Voice <Astra Militarum>
Adept of the Legio Cybernetica <Adeptus Mechanicus> This Champions Aura of Discipline and Voice of Command
Once per game, when this Champion uses their Master of abilities are increased by 6m.
Machines ability to repair a Vehicle, increase the damage
repaired by an addition d3+1 wounds. Blazing Ire <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of the Bloody Rose>
This Champion gains +3 Speed when Charging and +2
Adept of the Omnissiah <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands> Initiative.
This Champion may repair an ally vehicle within 2m of 1
wound. If this Champion is a Techmarine, when he uses the Blessed By The Sacristans <Imperial Knights>
Blessings of the Omnissiah ability, he repairs an additional d3 Vehicle based weapons this Champion attacks with gain the
wounds. Mortal 1 trait.

All Flesh is Weakness <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands> Brilliant Strategist <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels>
When this Champion loses a wound roll a d6, if an icon is Once per battle this Champion gains +2 Bonus Dice or +2 ED
generated the wound is not lost. for any one attack roll, damage roll, or Resolve test.

Angels of Death <Adeptus Astartes> Calm Under Fire <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines>
Threats within 12m suffer a -1DN penalty to Resolve or When resolving an attack by an ally within 12m of this
Convictions Tests Champion that suffered enough wounds to be considered
Wounded or Heavily Wounded previously this turn, may make
Anvil of Strength <Adeptus Astartes> <Salamanders> attacks as if it we not wounded until the end of the turn.
This Champion gains +2 Strength.
Castellan of the Black Vault <Adeptus Astartes>
Architect of War <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Fists> <Deathwatch>
Allies within 12m that are receiving the benefit from being in Choose any one weapon used by the Champion, that weapon’s
cover receive a +1 bonus to that benefit is attacked with a damage is increased by +2ED. This does not affect a weapon
weapon that has an AP of -1. using the Banebolts of Eryxia Relic.

Armour Slayer <Astra Militarum> Champion of Humanity

This Champion gains +2 ED when targeting a threat vehicle When this Champion is targeting a threat Champion with an
attack, add +2 bonus dice and +2ED to the attack.
Artisan of War <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels>
Increase the Base Damage of one weapon carried by this Champion of the Household <Imperial Knights> < House
Champion by +2. This may not be a Relic of Baal. Terryn>
This Champion gains +3 Speed when Charging.
Autocauduseus of Arkhan Land <Adeptus Mechanicus>
The Champion with this relic heals 1 wound at the start of his Champion of the Imperium
activation. In addition, when this Champion uses an ability to Infantry, Bike, and Dreadnaught allies within 24m of this
repair a vehicle, roll the dice twice for how many wounds are Champion gain +2 Speed when Charging.
to be repaired and choose one of the results.
Chogorian Storm <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars>
Bane of Monstrosities <Adeptus Astartes> <Deathwatch> When this Champion makes a charge attack, increase its
This Champion gains +2 Bonus Dice when attacking Vehicles Weapons skill by +3.
and Monstrous Creatures.
Chorister Technis <Adeptus Mechanicus>
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
This Champion may choose two Canticle of the Omnissiah Executioner of Heretics <Adepta Sororitas>
abilities each turn to be subject to. Threats within 12m of this Champion are -2 to Wisdom based
Courage of the First Legion <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark
Angels> Expert Instructor <Adeptus Astartes> <Crimson Fists>
Allies within 24m automatically pass Resolve Tests. One target ally troops within 18m of this Champion gains +1
Bonus Dice on attacks on their next activation this turn.
Cretacian Born <Adeptus Astartes> <Flesh Tearers>
This Champion cannot me surprised. Faithful Servant of the Throne <Astra Militarum>
<Militarum Tempestus>
Cunning Commander <Imperial Knights> This Champion may attempt a Deny The Witch action (using
Once per combat, his Champion may add either +1 Bonus their Willpower) as if a Psyker.
Dice to any test or +2ED to any attack. In addition, this
Champion has 1 more Ruin at the beginning of the game. Father of the Future <Adeptus Astartes>
Apothecary Champion only. Ally infantry or biker units within
Daemon-Slayer <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights> 12m of this champion who lose a wound do not do so if they
If this Champion wounds a Daemon with a melee attack, that roll a 6 on a d6. If they have the Flesh is Week chapter tactic
Daemon suffers a -2 penalty to Resilience for the remainder of they do not lose the wound on a 5+.
the combat.
Fear Made Manifest <Adeptus Astartes>
Deadly Hunter <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars> Threats within 12m of this Champion must pass a DN4
When this Champion makes a charge attack, add 1 mortal Resolve Test or suffer Fear until passing a subsequent
wound to the damage dealt. Resolve Test.

Defensive Gunner <Astra Militarum> Fearsome Reputation <Imperial Knights>

When attacking threat infantry, gain +2 Bonus Dice for all Threats within 24m of this Champion whilst he is piloting a
ranged attacks for the vehicle this Champion is embarked Knight suffer an added -1 DN penalty to Wisdom based tests.
upon. Those within 12m suffer an added -2 DN penalty.

Draconian Disciplinarian <Astra Militarum> Feigned Flight <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven Guard>
Ally Troops within 12m of this Champion gain +2 Bonus Dice This Champion may move through terrain and units as if they
on Resolve Tests. were not there. This Champion must end its movement more
than 2m from a threat.
Duty of the Foresworn <Imperial Knights> <House
Hawkshroud> Fiery Denouncer <Astra Militarum>
This Champion cay select a threat at the beginning of combat. This Champion and ally Infantry troops within 12m gain +1
When this Champion attacks the selected threat he gains +1ED Bonus Dice on melee attacks.
on the attacks.
First-Hand Field Training <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Ryza>
Echo of the Ravenspire <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven Guard> Choose one weapon that your Champion is equipped with,
Once per battle, at the beginning of this Champions activation, increase that weapons Base Damage and ED by +2.
if it is not within 12m of a threat remove it from the
battlefield. Then set it up anywhere more than 18m from a First In The Fray <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights>
threat and continue with this Champions activation. This Champion gains +2 Speed when Charging. All allies gain
the same bonus if their start their charge within 12m of this
Emotionless Clarity <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Graia> Champion.
Ally Troops within 12m of this Champion gain the Pistol Trait
for any Assault or Rapid Fire weapons they have. First Knight <Imperial Knights> <House Krast>
This Champion gains +1 Bonus Dice to all attacks.
The Emperor’s Companion <Adeptus Custodes>
This champion gains +2 ED on all attacks. Fleetmaster <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Fists>
Once per battle, if this Champion has not attacked on their
Epitome of Piety (Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templars> Activation, this Champion may use the Orbital Bombardment
This Champion may resist one Psychic Power per turn as a Stratagem for no cost. This does not count as a use of the
Psyker by Deny The Witch but gains +1 Bonus Dice to the test. Stratagem for other uses during play.

Ex-Gang Leader <Astra Militarum> <Armageddon> Front-Line Commander <Adeptus Astartes> <Black
This Champion gains +2 Strength and +1ED to melee Templars>
damage rolls. When an ally with 12m of this Champion would make a
Charge attack, increase their speed by +2.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Impervious to Pain <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of the
Fury of the Lion <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels> Valourous Heart>
Allies within 12m of this Champion gain +2 Strength until the When this Champion would suffer a wound, roll a d6, if an
end of the turn whenever this Champion Charges or is Icon is generated, the wound is not lost.
Implacable Determination <Astra Militarum>
Gift of Foresight <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels> During this Champions activation, if he makes a charge attack,
Roll a d6 each time this Champion suffers a wound. Rerolling select an ally within 12m to make a charge attack at the same
1s, on a exalted icon, the wound is ignored. If this Champion time as this Champion. Add +4 the speed of both this
has the Black Rage ability, the wound id ignored if any icon is Champion and the ally Troops.
Impregnable Mind <Adeptus Custodes>
Grand Strategist <Astra Militarum> This Champion may attempt to Deny The Witch as if a
Once per game, this Champion may reroll any number of dice Psyker.
for any one Test (including 1s). Whenever this Champion uses
a Ruin Point, roll a d6, on a 6 gain a Ruin Point. Indomitable I <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Firsts>
If this Champion did not move this activation, all friendly
Grav-Chute Commando <Astra Militarum> troops within 12m of this Champion automatically pass any
Allies gain +2 Bonus Dice on attacks when they disembark Resolve Tests and receive a +1DN bonus for being in cover.
from a Valkyrie with12m of this Champion.
Indomitable II <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Fists>
Hammer of Righteousness <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey When resolving an attack against this Champion, a roll of 1-3
Knights> on the Wrath die is always a Complication.
When this Champion charges, he adds +1 ED to his damage
rolls. Indomitable Belief <Adepta Sororitas>
Allies within 12m of this Champion with the Shield of Faith
Hand of Dorn <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Fists> ability, gain +2 Resilience.
This Champion gains 2d3 Wrath Points before game begins.
Indomitable Spirit <Astra Militarum>
Heroic Bearing <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels> If this Champion would lose a wound, roll a d6, if an Exalted
Allies within 12m of this Champion automatically pass Icon is generated, ignore the wound loss. At the beginning of
Resolve Tests. each of this Champion’s Activations, regain one lost wound.

High Scholar of the Librarius <Adeptus Astartes> Inexorable <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels>
Librarian Champion Only. This Champion may choose Any attack against this Champion that rolls a 1 or 2 on the
psychic powers from any Adeptus Astartes discipline Wrath Die is a Complication.
regardless of chapter restriction.
Inspirational Fighter <Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templars>
Honoured Duelist <Astra Militarum> <Vostroyan> Allies within 12m of this Champion who score a critical hit
This Champion gains +1 Bonus Dice and +1 ED on Melee with a melee weapon have the AP of the weapon used
Attacks and Melee Damage. increased by +1.

Hunter’s Instincts <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars> Inspiring Orator <Adepta Sororitas>
This Champion receives +2 Bonus Dice and +2ED when Allies within 12m of this Champion gain +2 Bonus Dice on
making an attack against a threat Vehicle or Monstrous their Resolve Tests.
Ion Bulwark <Imperial Knights>
Huntsman <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels> This Champions +*X Armour Bonus increases by +*2.
This Champion gains +2 Bonus Dice when attacking with a
Pistol, Assault, Rapid Fire, or Grenade weapon against a Iron Discipline <Astra Militarum> <Mordian>
threat Champion. Ally Troops within 12m of this Champion gain +2 Bonus Dice
to Resolve Tests.
Impeccable Mobility <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels>
This Champion and any allies within 12m on bikes gain +6m Iron Resolve
to their Speed. This Champion gains +2 Wounds. In addition, when this
Champion would suffer a wound, roll a d6 for each wound, on
The Imperium’s Sword a 6 the wound is ignored.
This Champion gains +2 Speed when Charging and 2 Bonus
Dice to his attack rolls the same activation he charged. Keys to the Armoury <Astra Militarum> <Militarum
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Allies within 12m of this Champion gain +1 Bonus Dice to This Champion knows any one other Psychic Power not
Ranged Attacks. restricted to him.

Knight of Mars <Imperial Knights> <House Taranis> Magos Biologis <Adeptus Mechanicus>
Anytime this Champion scores a critical hit with a ranged This Champion gains +2 ED against threat Troops and
weapon, increase that weapon’s AP by -1. Monstrous Creatures.

Knight Senecshal <Imperial Knights> Marksman’s Honour

This Champion gains +2 to his Weapon Skill and Ballistic Weapons used by this Champion have a +2ED bonus. This
Skill when piloting a Knight. does not apply to Relics or Grenade-Type weapons.

Landstrider <Imperial Knights> Master Duelist <Adeptus Astartes>

Allies within 12m of this Champion gain +1 to their Speed. When a threat rolls a Complication on a melee attack against
this Champion, they suffer 1 mortal wound.
Lay Low The Mighty <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels>
This Champion gains +2 Bonus Dice when making melee Master Exemplar <Adeptus Astartes>
attacks against threat Champions. Allies within 12m of this Champion gain +2 Speed when
Lead from the Front <Astra Militarum> <Catachan>
If an ally Champion with 12m suffers damage from a threat’s Master of Ambush <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven Guard>
charge attack, this Champion may be moved to within 2m of At the beginning of any turn, select this Champion and any
that Champion and takes the damage instead. one ally. Remove them from the battle and replace them
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 18m away from a
Legacy of the Black Pall <Imperial Knights> <House threat and within 6m of each other. This counts as both unit’s
Mortan> movement on their activations for the turn. This ability may
Threats that target this Champion from 36m or greater only be used once a game and neither unit can be engaged in
distance suffer an added -1DN penalty on their attacks. melee combat.

Light of the Emperor <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of the Master of Arms <Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templars>
Sacred Rose) This Champion always activates first in a turn. Threats cannot
When this Champion or an ally performs an Act of Faith that steal initiative from this CHmapion.
affects this Champion, this Champion gains 1 Miracle Die.
Master of Biosplicing <Adeptus Mechanicus>
Lightning Fast Reactions <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark When a unit of Kataphron Breachers or Destroyers suffers a
Angels> casualty and there is a unit of Servitors within 12m them,
This Champion always activates first in the Turn and threats This Champion may immediately slay a Servitor to return a
cannot Steal the Initiative from him. slain Kataphron to its unit. Both units of Kataphron and
Servitors must be within 12 m of this Champion.
Lord of Deceit <Adeptus Astartes> <Primaris>
Once per game, instead of and on this Champions activation in Master of Command <Astra Militarum>
a turn, remove up to 3 ally Phobos units from the game and This Champion gains the Voice of Command ability. If he
place them anywhere on the battlefield greater than 24m from already has this ability, he may issue 2 orders instead of the
any threat. normal 1 order per turn.

Lord of Fire <Adeptus Astartes> <Salamanders> Master of Machines <Adeptus Astartes>

Allies within 12m of this Champion that attack with a Flame Techmarine Champion Only. Ally vehicles within 12m gain
weapon gain +2 Icons on any damage rolls. +1 Bonus Dice on attacks.

Lord of Hidden Knowledge <Adeptus Astartes> Master of Maneuver <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels>
<Deathwatch> Allies within 12m of this Champion gain +2 Speed when
Once per game, this Champion may reroll any number of dice Charging.
for any one Test (including 1s). Whenever this Champion uses
a Ruin Point, roll a d6, on a 6 gain a Ruin Point. Master of Snares <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars>
When a threat within 2m of this Champion moves, roll a d6,
Lord of Ordinance <Astra Militarum> on a 4+ that threat cannot move.
Basilisks, Hydras, and Wyverns within 12m of this
Champion gain +1AP on their attacks if a Critical Hit is rolled Master of Strategy <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines>
on their attack rolls. Once per turn, if this Champion is on the battlefield, select one
ally within 12m. Until the end of the turn, the selected ally is
Lore Master <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights>
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
considered to have the Tactical Doctrine in effect for it when it Monitor Malevolus <Adeptus Mechanicus>
makes an attack. One per game this Champion gains +2 Bonus Dice or +2 ED
for any 1 attack or damage roll. In addition, each time a
Master of the Joust <Imperial Knights> <House Griffith> Stratagem is used, roll a d6, on a 6 you gain one Glory or Ruin
After this Champion completes a charge action, choose a as appropriate.
threat within 2m. The threat suffers d3-1 Mortal Wounds.
Necromechanic <Adeptus Mechanicus>
Master of the Trial <Imperial Knights> <House Raven> Each time this Champion repairs a vehicle, it gains one
Increase this Champions Resilience by 2 against weapons additional wound.
with an AP of -1 or better.
Nemesis Lord <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights>
Master of the Vanguard <Adeptus Astartes> <Primaris> Your melee weapons gain +2 Base damage. If you wield a
Add +2 to the Speed of any ally Phobos units within 12m of Relic, choose another Warlord Trait.
this Champion.
Nobility Made Manifest <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines>
Master of Vigilance <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven Guard> When this Champion would be dealt damage from an attack,
Whenever this Champion rolls a critical on a melee attack, the you may have an ally Infantry within 6m make a DN4
attack inflicts 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage. Conviction test. If it passes the test, the selected Infantry
suffers the damage from the attack instead of the Champion.
Master Rider <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars> Move the selected Infantry to within 2m of this Champion.
Biker only. Increase this Champions Speed by +4 when he
makes a charge attack. Attacks that target this Champion Nowhere to Hide <Adeptus Astartes> <Deathwatch>
suffer a -2DN penalty if this Champion moved his last At the beginning of this Champions activation each turn,
activation. choose a visible threat. Until the beginning of the is
Champions next activation, that Threat does receive the
Master Swordsman <Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templar> benefit of cover modifiers to attacks made against it.
This Champion gains +2 Initiative and each time a critical is
rolled for a melee attack, draw an extra Critical Card and add Oathkeeper <Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templar>
it to the damage dealt. If an ally Champion within 12m suffers damage, this
Champion may be moved to within 2m of that Champion and
Master Vox <Astra Militarum> <Militarum Tempestus> takes the damage instead.
This Champions Voice of Command ability is increased to
48m. In addition, he may use this ability while embarked in a Of Wrath and Rage <Adeptus Astartes> <Flesh Tearers>
vehicle. When this Champion scores a critical hit with a melee
weapon, he may make a second attack at no added penalties.
Master Work Bionics<Adeptus Mechanicus> <Lucius> This second attack does not generate added attacks.
This Champion gains a +*4 Armor Rating. This replaces the
Champions Bionics ability if it already has one. Old Grudges <Astra Militarum>
At the beginning of the game session, choose one of the
Mechadominator <Adeptus Mechanicus> following keywords: Chaos, Ork, Tyranid, Tau, Aeldari, or
Any vehicles that target this Champion suffer a +1 DN Penalty Necron. You gain +2 Bonus Dice on damage rolls against
in addition to any other DN penalties currently suffered on threats with this keyword.
their attacks.
Ordered Efficiency <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Metalica>
Mechanised Commander <Astra Militarum> Ally Troops that start a charge while within 12m of this
This Champion’s Voice of Command Ability is usable when Champion gain a +1 DN Bonus to their attacks.
embarked on a Chimera or Taurox and is considered to have
a range 36m. Outrider <Adeptus Astartes> < Dark Angels>
Once per battle, this Champion may double the Speed that a
Merciless Butcher <Adeptus Astartes> <Flesh Tearers> bike he is riding moves.
When this Champion attacks a mob he can make one
additional attack with no added penalties for each 5 members Paradigm of War <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines>
of the mob up to 3 added attacks. This Champion’s attacks are considered Mortal 1 (or Mortal
+1 if the weapon already has the Mortal trait)
Merciless Logic <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands>
Any time this Champion rolls a 6 on the Wrath Die for an Paragon of Fury <Adeptus Astartes> <Black Templar>
attack, immediately make a second attack using the same After this Champion performs a Charge Attack, each threat
weapon. This second attack does not generate additional within 2m suffers 1 mortal wound.
Peerless Warrior <Adeptus Custodes>
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Each time this Champion scores a critical hit on an attack they
may make an immediate second attack against the same threat. Saga of the Beastslayer <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
These second attacks do not generate additional attacks. This Champion adds +2 bonus dice to damage rolls against
Vehicles and Monstrous Creatures.
Precision Targeting <Astra Militarum> < Militarum
Tempestus> Saga of the Hunter <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
At the beginning of the Turn, select a threat that is visible to This Champion gains +1DN to any cover modifier he has.
this Champion. The threat does not benefit from any cover DN
modifiers to tanged attacks made by allies within 12m of this Saga of the Savage <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
Champion. This Champion gains +2 Initiative when they declare a charge.

Prime Hermeticon <Adeptus Mechanicus> Saga of the Warrior Born <Adeptus Astartes> <Space
Ally Troops within 12m of this Champion gain +1 Bonus Dice Wolves>
on their melee attacks. This Champion gains the Counter Strike Talent.

Psychic Mastery <Adeptus Astartes> Saga of the Wolfkin <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves>
Librarian Champion only. The first time a turn that this Friendly Wolfen, Cavalry or Beasts within 12m of this
champion makes a Psychic Mastery Test he gains +1 Bonus Champion may make one free melee attack each activation. In
Dice to the test. addition, these units do not need to take Resolve Tests when
within 12m of this Champion.
Pure of Will <Adepta Sororitas>
This Champion can attempt a second Deny The Witch attempt Sanctity of Spirit <Astra Militarum> <Militarum Tempestus>
each turn. Any threat Psykers within 24m of this Champion When a threat Psyker rolls a Perils of the Warp, that Psyker
gain a +2DN penalty to their Psychic Tests. generates an additional level 1 Peril in addition to any others
Radiant Mantle <Adeptus Custodes>
All threats suffer an additional +1DN penalty when attacking Selfless Healer <Adeptus Astartes>
this Champion Apothecary Champion only. This champion can provide
medical attention to 2 allies at once or to the same ally twice
Raiment of the Technomartyr <Adeptus Mechanicus> in the same activation as long as they are within4m of this
Each time this Champion suffers a wound, roll a d6, on a 6 champion.
that wound is ignored. In addition, when an ally Troop attacks
with a held action and rolls a critical hit, this Champion may Selfless Heroism <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of the Argent
make one immediate attack that does not count as an Rose>
activation for the turn. When an ally is attacked, this Champion may move up to 12m
towards the attacker and be subject to the attack instead of the
Refuse to Die <Adeptus Astartes> <Crimson Fists> ally.
When this Champion is reduced to 0 wounds, make a Soak
Roll and heal a number of wounds equal to icons generated Selfless Valour <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels>
plus 1. This roll does not incur any Shock. If an ally Champion within 12m suffers damage, this
Champion may be moved to within 2m of that Champion and
Reinforced Exoskeleton <Adeptus Mechanicus> takes the damage instead.
When this Champion suffers damage, reduce it by 2. Reduce Shadowmaster <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven Guard>
any mortal wounds suffered by 1. All damage reduced in the Enemy units cannot attack using held actions against this
manner is to a minimum of 1. Champion.

Righteous Rage <Adepta Sororitas> Shield Bearer <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of Our Martyred
This Champion gains +2 ED for damage rolls when Charged Lady>
or Charging This Champion gains +3 Wounds.

Rites of War <Adeptus Astartes> Shoot and Fade <Adeptus Astartes> <Primaris>
Allies within 12m of this Champion automatically pass At the start of this Champions activation, choose an ally
Resolve Tests they are required to make. Phobos unit within 12m of this Champion. The chosen unit
can make an immediate ranged attack then a move. This
Saga of Majesty <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves> counts as the chosen unit’s activation this turn.
Allies within 24m do not have to make Resolve Tests.
Siege Master <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Fists>
Saga of the Bear <Adeptus Astartes> <Space Wolves> Increase the damage this Champion does against a vehicle or
This Champion gains +2 Wounds. building by +2ED.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Silent Stalker <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven Guard> Swift and Deadly <Adeptus Astartes> <Raven Guard>
Threats that target this Champion from a Hold Action suffer a Allied units within 12m of this Champion gain +2 Speed when
-1DN penalty to their attacks. they charge.

Singular Presence <Adeptus Astartes> Swift Attacker <Astra Militarum> <Tallarn>

Allied infantry, biker, and Dreadnaught units within 6m of this This Champion and all allies within 12m gain +2 Speed when
Champion may use the Heroic Intervention Stratagem as if Charging.
they were a Champion. This Warlord Champion pays he cost
of the Stratagems use. Tactically Flexible <Adeptus Astartes> < Dark Angels>
Once per battle, this Champion may select any Combat
Skilled Tracker <Astra Militarum> <Militarum Tempestus> Doctrine not in effect to be in effect in addition to any other
Gain +1 Bonus Dice to all Awareness or Survival Tests Doctrine in effect until the end of the current round.

Soul Warden <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels> Target Priority <Adeptus Astartes> <Primaris>
This Champion may attempt Deny the Witch as a Psyker. If At the start of this Champions activation, choose an ally
this Champion is a Psyker, he may attempt to Deny The Witch Phobos unit with 12m to gain +2 Bonus Dice for any ranged
one additional time each turn. attacks made for the rest of the turn.

Speed of the Primarch <Adeptus Astartes> <Blood Angels> Target Protocols <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands>
This Champion always activates first in a turn and initiative Choose an ally within 12m of this Champion to gain +2 Bonus
cannot be stolen from him. Dice and +2 ED on all attacks for their next activation this
Static Psalm-Code <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Mars>
This Champions aura abilities have their range increased by Tenacious <Astra Militarum> <Valhallan>
6m When this Champion takes a wound or mortal wound, roll a
d6, on 5+ that wound is ignored. If this Champion is a vehicle,
Stealth Adept he may do so on a roll of 6.
All attacks made against this Champion are made at an
additional -2 DN penalty. Tenacious Opponent <Adeptus Astartes> <Crimson Fists>
If there are 10 or more enemy with 12m of this Champion,
Stoic Defender <Adeptus Astartes> <Crimson Fists> then this Champion gains +2 Bonus Dice on melee attacks.
All allies within 12m of this Champion gain +1 Defense.
Terrible Knowledge <Adepta Sororitas> <Order of the Ebon
Storm of Fire <Adeptus Astartes> Chalice>
Allies within 12m that roll a 6 on the Wrath Die when This Champion gains d3 Wrath and 1 Miracle Die that is s ‘6’
attacking improve the AP or their attack by -1. at the beginning of the game.

Stubborn Heroism <Adeptus Astartes> <Imperial Fists> Trophy Taker <Adeptus Astartes> <White Scars>
This Champion must attack the nearest Champion Threat. When this Champion defeats a threat Champion, increase its
Reduce any damage this Champion receives from troops by Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill by +2 until the end of the
half before rolling to Soak. combat for each Champion they defeat.

Stubborn Tenacity <Adeptus Astartes> <Dark Angels> Uncompromising Prosecution <Astra Militarum>
Roll a die whenever this Champion would lose a wound. Add <Militarum Tempestus>
1 to the die roll if the Champion did not move this turn. If an Allies within 12m have the AP of their Hot-Shot weapons
icon is generated the Champion does not lose the wound. increased to -4.

Student of History <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands> Unflinching Resolve <Astra Militarum>
This Champion may move up to 4m anytime a threat moves This Champion and ally Leman Russ within 12m gain Lucky
closer to him. on ranged attacks when holding your action.

Superior Creation <Adeptus Custodes> Unyielding Anvil <Adeptus Astartes> <Grey Knights>
Each time this Champion would lose a wound, roll a d6, if an Ally Troops within 12m automatically pass any Resolve Test.
icon is generated the wound is not lost.
Veteran of Gryphonne IV <Imperial Knights> <House
Superior Tactical Training <Astra Militarum> <Cadian> Cadmus>
When this Champion issues an Order, roll a d6, on a 4+ he Reduce all damage from melee attacks to this Champion by 1
may issue the same order to a second Leman Russ or Infantry to a minimum of 1.
Squad within 12m of him.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Vigilance Incarnate <Adeptus Astartes> <Deathwatch>
Once during the game, you may choose to change the current Master Mechanic: Reduce the weapon base damage of
Mission Tactic to any other one. ranged weapons made against this Champions vehicle is
reduced by 2.
Warden of Macragge <Adeptus Astartes> <Ultramarines>
This Champion may suffer the damage dealt to any ally non- Slow and Purposeful: If this Champions vehicle did not move
vehicle within 12m of him. or moved up to half speed on its activation, it gains +2 Bonus
Dice to ranged attacks until it’s next activation.
Warden of the Ancients <Adeptus Astartes>
Techmarine Champion only. Ally Dreadnaughts with 12m of Steel Commander: This Champion may issue one extra Tank
this Champion gain +2 Strength and Initiative. Order each time it does so.

The Watch Eternal <Adeptus Astartes> <Deathwatch> Up-Armoured: This Champions vehicle gains a +3* Armor
Each time an ally within 12m takes suffers a wound, roll a d6 bonus.
for each wound. On a 6, that wound is ignored.
Weapons Expert: Increase the AP of turret weapons this
Watched <Adeptus Astartes> < Dark Angels> Champions vehicle is equipped with by -1.
This Champion may attempt to use Deny The Witch as if he
was a Psyker if within 48m of the enemy Psyker attempting Support Aces (Basilisk, Destroyer, Hydra, Manitcore, and
to manifest a power. Wyvern only)

Will of Iron <Adeptus Astartes> <Iron Hands> Full Payload: Weapons that this Champions vehicle are
This Champion may attempt to use Deny The Witch as if he equipped with gain +1 Base damage for every ED the weapon
was a Psyker if within 48m of the enemy Psyker attempting has.
to manifest a power. If this Champion is a Psyker, then he can
attempt to deny one additional power each turn. Shatterer of Will: After resolving an attack by this
Champions vehicle, select one threat that suffered at least on
Wise Orator <Adeptus Astartes> wound from the attack. That unit must make an immediate
Chaplain Champion only. This Champion may use one Resolve test vs a DN of 2 plus the number of wounds suffered.
additional Litany than normal. If it fails it must immediately move away from this vehicle by
the most direct route at the full speed.
Xenarite Studies <Adeptus Mechanicus> <Stygies VIII>
Increase the damage this Champion deals by +2 ED against Well-Stocked Magazines: This Champions vehicle may
any threat that does not have the Chaos, Imperium, or ignore the first Complication rolled in each game.
Unaligned Keywords.
Super-Heavy Aces (Titanic keyword vehicles only)
Astra Militarum Tank Ace Warlord Abilities.
Inspiring Might: Friendly units within 12m of this
You may give any Astra Militarum Champion who is a tank Champions vehicle gain +2 Bonus Dice to Resolve Tests.
crew on of the following Warlord Traits from the list below
instead of one of the traits listed above. Hull-Down Deployment: The first turn that this Champions
vehicle moves, it receives a +2 DN cover bonus to all attacks
Main Battle Tank Ace (Leman Russ only) made against it.

Armored Rush: This Champions vehicle may use the Steadfast Leviathan: This Champions vehicle gains +2
Grinding Advance ability no matter what amount it moved on wounds.
its activation.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Champions are individuals that act as leaders of Space Marine forces. These individuals may use Ruin through the course of the
game to influence the troops under their control. Champions may not Mob. Champions may also represent Space Marine

Callidus Assassin Toughness 5 Fellowship 5

Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary Initiative 6 Defense 5
Speed 6 Wounds 5
Strength 5 Intellect 10 Shock 6 Soak 5
Agility 7 Willpower 10 Resolve 5 Conviction 6
Toughness 5 Fellowship 5 Passive Awareness: 6
Initiative 7 Defense 6 Resilience: 15 (Sororitas Power Armor: Armour Rating 5,
Speed 8 Wounds 9 Powered 2, Rosarius: Armour Rating *4; Force Shield)
Shock 10 Soak 5 Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 14
Resolve 9 Conviction 10 Size: Average
Passive Awareness: 6 Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta
Resilience: 9 (Synskin: Armour Rating 3, Sealed, +4 Bonus Sororitas, <Order>, Champion
Dice to Survival in Hostile Environments.)
Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 14 Wargear
Size: Average Is equipped with Sororitas Power Armor: Armour Rating 5,
Keywords: Imperium, Officio Assassinorum, <Callidus>, Powered 2 , Rosarius: Armour Rating *4; Force Shield,
Champion Chaplet Ecclesiasticus

Wargear Weapons
Is equipped with Synskin: Armour Rating 3, Sealed, +4 Is armed with a choice of ranged weapon and a melee weapon
Bonus Dice to Survival in Hostile Environments. plus d3 ea of Frag Grenade and Krak
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Weapons Pistol)
Neural Shredder ((20-Targets Willpower)+0ED; AP –(10- Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid
Targets Intellect); Range 24m; Salvo 0; Agonizing, Assault, Fire 2)
Shield Breaker) Chain Sword (12+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry)
Phase Sword (9+2Ed; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Shield- Eviscerator (13+2ED; AP -4; Range 2m; Brutal, Unwieldly
Breaker) 2)
Poison Blades (8+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Penetrating 1, Grenades
Toxic 4) Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Special Abilities
Independent Operative Special Abilities
Lightning Reflexes Acts of Faith
Polymorphine: This Champion may enter the battle on any Purity of Faith: The Canoness and any allies within 15
turn by taking the place of any threat troop. Remove the Troop metres and line of sight add +Rank to Corruption tests. A
model and replace with this Assassin. This Champion may Canoness gain +Rank to any dice pool to resist psychic
activate as normal. powers and effects.
Hit and Run: This Champion can move and attack without Shield of Faith
incurring any DN penalties. Lead the Righteous: Friendly <Order> Allies within 12m of
Reign of Confusion: For the rest of the turn, all uses of this Champion gain Lucky for attack rolls.
Wrath, Glory, or Ruin but a threat cost one additional point to (Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions Commissar

Canoness Threat Classification: Tier 1+ Adversary

Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary Strength 3 Intellect 3

Agility 3 Willpower 3
Strength 5 (7) Intellect 6 Toughness 3 Fellowship 3
Agility 6 Willpower 6 Initiative 3 Defense 2
Speed 6 Wounds 3
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Shock 3 Soak 3 Keywords: Imperium, Officio Assassinorum, <Culexus>,
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Champion
Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 8 (Flak Coat Armour 3) Wargear
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 Is equipped with Synskin: Armour Rating 3, Sealed, +4
Size: Average Bonus Dice to Survival in Hostile Environments.
Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Regiment>, Champion
Wargear Animus Speculum (11+1ED; AP -4; Range 46m; Salvo 3;
Wears a Flak Coat (Armour Rating 3). Is armed with a Agonizing, Assault, Bane <Psyker>)
Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, or Plasma Pistol and Chainsword or Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane <Psyker or
Power Fist. Optioally may be armed with both a Daemon>)
Chainsword and a Power Fist with no ranged weapon.
Special Abilities
Independent Operative
Weapons Lightning Reflexes
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Abomination: This Champion cannot be the target of or
Pistol) affected by a psychic power. Psykers within 36m of this
Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid Champion are +4DN to all Psychic Mastery or Deny The
Fire 2) Witch tests.
Chainsword (8+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal Parry) Etherium: Attacks that target this Champion are resolved as if
Plasma Pistol (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol, the attacker had a Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill of 6 (if it
Supercharge) was already greater than 6).
Power Sword (8+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power Life Drain: Any melee attack made by this Champion are
Field) made as if the target was not wearing any armor.
Psychic Assassin: This Champion may attack with its Psyk-
Special Abilities Out Grenades at no multi-action penalty each activation it
Aura of Discipline: Ally <Regiment> troops within 12m of attacks with its Animus Speculum.
the is Commissar may use the Commissars Resolve instead (Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions
of their own when making Resolve Tests.
Summary Execution: If an ally <Regiment> troop within Custodes Shield-Captain
12m of this Commissar fails a Resolve or Conviction Test,
have it suffer 1 mortal wound and pass said test. Threat Classification: Elite at Tier 1+
Voice of Command Strength 13 Intellect 10
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Glory or Ruin Agility 9 Willpower 12
Actions Toughness 8 Fellowship 10
Initiative 8 Defense 7
Variant Unit Speed 6 Wounds 13
Lord Commissar: As Commissar with the following Shock 12 Soak 8
Resolve 13 Conviction 10
+2 to all skills and Willpower.
Equipped with a Refractor Field (Armour Rating *3; Force
Passive Awareness: 6
Resilience: 15 (Auric Aquila Armour: Armour Rating *6,
Powered 3)
Culexus Assassin Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 14
Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary Size: Average
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Custodes
Strength 5 Intellect 10
Agility 5 Willpower 10 Wargear
Toughness 5 Fellowship 5 Wears Auric Aquila Armour (Armour Rating *6, Powered
Initiative 5 Defense 4 3), Storm Shield (Armour Rating *2, Bulk 1, Force Shield,
Speed 8 Wounds 9 Shield) if armed with a Sentinel Blade, Misericordia, and
Shock 10 Soak 5 choice of 1 other weapon from below.
Resolve 9 Conviction 10
Passive Awareness: 6 Weapons
Resilience: 9 (Synskin: Armour Rating 3, Sealed, +4 Bonus Castellan Axe (10+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Rapid
Dice to Survival in Hostile Environments.) Fire 2 <Adeptus Custodes>)
Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 14 Castellan Axe (20+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee, Brutal
Size: Average <Adeptus Custodes>)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Guardian Spear (10+2ED, AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2;
Rapid Fire 2 <Adeptus Custodes>) Special Abilities:
Guardian Spear (18+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee 4m; Lance, Automatic Shielding: This Champion has a +*2 Armour
Penetrating 2 <Adeptus Custodes>) Bonus
Misericordia (17+1ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Penetrating 4 (Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions.
<Adeptus Custodes>)
Sentinel Blade (10+1ED; AP -0; Range 30m; Salvo 2; Pistol, Custodes Vexilus
Brutal <Adeptus Custodes>)
Sentinel Blade (17+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal
<Adeptus Custodes>)
Threat Classification: Elite at Tier 1+
Special Abilities Strength 16 Intellect 10
Aegis of the Emperor: A character with this ability gains a Agility 9 Willpower 12
+*2 Armor Bonus. In addition, may soak any mortal wounds Toughness 8 Fellowship 10
suffered by a psychic power. The character suffers no shock Initiative 8 Defense 7
when soaking in this manner. Speed 6 Wounds 13
Inspirational Fighter: Allies within 12m of this Champion Shock 12 Soak 8
gains Lucky for any one attack during their activation. Resolve 13 Conviction 10
(RUIN) Champion: This Champion may use Ruin abilities.
Passive Awareness: 6
Optionally the Shield-Captain may wear Allarus Terminator Resilience: 14 (Allarus Terminator Armour: Armour Rating
Armour: Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome; Powered 6; Crux 7; Cumbersome; Powered 6; Crux Terminatus: Allows the
Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak mortal <Adeptus wearer to soak mortal <Adeptus Custodes>)
Custodes> or ride a Dawneagle Jetbike Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 14
Size: Average
Custodes Venerable Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Custodes
Contemptor Wargear
Dreadnaught-Class Wears Allarus Terminator Armour (Armour Rating 7;
Warmachine Cumbersome; Powered 6; Crux Terminatus: Allows the
wearer to soak mortal <Adeptus Custodes>); Misericordia, a
Crew: 1 Veteran Space Marine Custodes Vexilia, and a Balistus Grenade Launcher.
Passengers: 0
Cruising Speed: 24 Balistus Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As
Defense: 5 Grenade; Range 30m; Salvo 2; Assault, <Adeptus Custodes>)
Wounds: 15 Balistus Grenade (10+1ED; AP -3; MBT)
Resilience: 17 (+*2) Misericordia (20+1ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Penetrating 4
<Adeptus Custodes>)
Default Skill: 12
Piloting: 14 Special Abilities
Ballistic Skill: 14 Aegis of the Emperor: A character with this ability gains a
Weapon Skill: 14 +*2 Armor Bonus. In addition, may soak any mortal wounds
suffered by a psychic power. The character suffers no shock
Traits: Walker, Monstrous Creature, Explodes, Size: Huge when soaking in this manner.
(+2D) Custodes Vexilus: You must choose which Vexilus this
Champion is equipped with. In addition, all Infantry and Biker
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Custodes allies gain +2 Bonus Dice on Resolve Tests if with 12m of this
Weapons: This Dreadnaught is armed with a all the below Vexilus Defensor: Infantry allies within 12m of this
except either a Multi-Melta or Kheres-Pattern Assault Champion gain a +*2 Armour Bonus.
Cannon. Vexilus Imperius: Non-vehicle allies within 12m of
Dreadnaught Combat Weapon (20+5ED; AP -3; Range the Champion gain +2 Initiative.
Melee; Brutal) Vexilus Magnifica: Allies within 12m of this
Kheres-Pattern Assault Cannon (13+1ED; AP -1; Range Champion gain a +2 DN bonus against ranged attacks
60m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Heavy 4) targeting them.
Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta) (RUIN) Champion: This Champion may use Ruin abilities.
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
Rapid Fire 2) Cybernetica Datasmith
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary Wargear
Equipped with a Dialogus Staff.
Strength 6 Intellect 5
Agility 5 Willpower 5 Weapons
Toughness 6 Fellowship 5 Dialogus Staff (10+1ED, AP 0; Range Melee)
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Special Abilities
Speed 6 Wounds 17
Acts of Faith
Shock 5 Soak 4
Shield of Faith
Resolve 4 Conviction 5
Land Hailer: Allies within 2m gain +2 Willpower.
Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 12 (Cybernetic Enhancement Armor Rating 2;
Refractor Field: Armour Rating *3; Force Shield) Eversor Assassin
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12; Tech
Use 12 Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary
Size: Average
Keywords: Astra Militarum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult Strength 5 Intellect 10
Mechanicus, <Forge World>, Champion Agility 7 Willpower 10
Toughness 5 Fellowship 5
Wargear Initiative 7 Defense 6
Equipped with Cybernetic Enhancement (Provides Armour Speed 8 Wounds 10
Rating 2) with a Refractor Field (Armour Rating *3; Force Shock 10 Soak 5
Shield) and a Servo Arm with 2 attachments. Armed as Resolve 9 Conviction 10
follows: Passive Awareness: 6
Resilience: 9 (Synskin: Armour Rating 3, Sealed, +4 Bonus
Weapons Dice to Survival in Hostile Environments.)
Gamma Pistol (12+2ED; AP -3; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 14
Devastating vs Vehicles <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Size: Average
Power Fist (7+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Power Keywords: Imperium, Officio Assassinorum, <Eversor>,
Field, Unwieldly 2) Champion

Special Abilities Wargear

Cybernetic Enhancement with Servo Arm Is equipped with Synskin: Armour Rating 3, Sealed, +4
Canticles of the Omnissiah Bonus Dice to Survival in Hostile Environments.
Refractor Field
Master of Machines: Cybernetica Datasmiths automatically Weapons
reduce the time by half for any Tech test. They receive +Rank Executioner Pistol (10+1Ed; AP -1; Range 30m; Salvo 3;
on Tech tests to fix or repair a damaged machine. When Brutal, Devastating, Pistol, Bolt Weapon)
repairing a <Forge World> Vehicle or Astra Militarum Melta-Bombs (16+3ED; AP -4; Range STR x4m; Salvo 1;
Vehicle they receive +2x Rank on the Test. For a Questor MBT, Melta)
Mechanicus vehicle they receive +1 ½ Rank on the test. Neuro-Gauntlet (10+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Agonizing,
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions Devastating)
Power Sword (10+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power
Dialogus Field)

Threat Classification: Elite at Tier 1+ Special Abilities

Strength 5 Intellect 8 Independent Operative
Agility 5 Willpower 8 Lightning Reflexes
Toughness 5 Fellowship 8 Bio-meltdown: Explodes as a Vehicle
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Sentinel Array: Each time a threat moves away from this
Champion, this Champion may make an immediate ranged
Speed 6 Wounds 8
attack against them. These attacks do not count as this
Shock 8 Soak 5
Champions activation this turn.
Resolve 6 Conviction 8
Frenzon: When this Champion charges, he gains +3 Speed,
and +4 Initiative.
Passive Awareness: 5 Killing Rampage: Each time a Threat is killed by a melee
Resilience: 5 attack made by this Champion, this Champion may make an
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 12 immediate melee attack against a threat within 2m. The
Size: Average additional attacks do not generate additional attacks.
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta Sororitas
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions Initiative 3 Defense 2
Speed 6 Wounds 3
Inquisitor Shock 3 Soak 3
Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary Passive Awareness: 4
Resilience: 8 (Flak Armour 3)
Strength 5(7) Intellect 10 Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 12
Agility 5 Willpower 10 Size: Average
Toughness 5 Fellowship 8 Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Regiment>, Champion
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Speed 6 Wounds 9 Wargear
Shock 10 Soak 5 Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3; Lasgun; 1d3 Frag
Resolve 9 Conviction 10 Grenades; Knife or Bayonet
Passive Awareness: 5 Weapons
Resilience: 11 (Ignatus Power Armour: Armour Rating 5,
Knife/Bayonet (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee)
Power 2) Grenades (Range STR x4m)
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Size: Average Lasgun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1;
Keywords: Imperium, Inquisition, <Ordo>, Champion
Special Abilities
Is equipped with Ignatus Power Armour (Armour Rating 5, Artillery Barrage: As Preliminary Bombardment
Power 2), Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, d3 ea of Frag Grenade
Stratagem, Range 500m, Limit 1
and Krak Grenade.
Master of Basilisks: Any ally <Regiment> Basilisks,
Wyverns, Manticores, or Deathstrikes within 12m gain +2
Weapons Bonus Dice when targeting threats over 90m away.
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions
Chain Sword (12+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Missionary
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Elite, Tier 3+Troop
Special Abilities
Authority of the Inquisition Strength 5 Intellect 8
Quarry Agility 5 Willpower 8
Iron Will: If a threat Psyker would target an Inquisitor who Toughness 5 Fellowship 8
is not a Psyker with an ability, the Inquisitor may use their Initiative 5 Defense 4
Wisdom to attempt to Deny The Witch as if they were a Speed 6 Wounds 8
Psyker. Shock 8 Soak 5
Psyker: If this Champion is a Psyker, they begin play with Resolve 6 Conviction 8
any combination of two minor psychic powers and/or Passive Awareness: 4
discipline powers from the Wrath and Glory Core Book, All Resilience: 11 (Rosarius: Armour Rating *4; Force Shield)
Astra Militarum Disciplines (Irregardless to <Regiment> Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10
restrictions), all Inquisition powers, and the smite psychic Size: Average
power. They may purchase additional powers, subject to Tier Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Champion
restrictions. They may attempt to Deny the Witch.
Unquestionable Wisdom: All Imperium allies within 12m of Wargear
this Champion use this Champions Wisdom for any Wisdom Is equipped with a Rosarius: Armour Rating *4; Force Shield
based tests they must make.
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions Weapons
Is armed with a choice of ranged weapon and a melee weapon
Master of Ordinance plus d3 ea of Frag Grenade and Krak
Autogun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 3; Rapid Fire 1)
Threat Classification: Tier 1+ Adversary Chain Sword (10+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry)
Strength 3 Intellect 4 Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Agility 3 Willpower 3 Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Toughness 3 Fellowship 3 Laspistol (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Passive Awareness: 5
Special Abilities Resilience: 8/11 (Flak Armour 3; Refractor Field: Armour
Word of the Emperor: Adeptus Ministorum Troops within Rating *3; Force Shield)
12m may Re-roll failed Resolve Tests. Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
War Hymns: Adeptus Ministorum and Astra Militarum Size: Average
Troops within 12m gain +2 Initiative. Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Regiment>, Champion
Zealot: A Champion or Troop with this ability gains an
additional +2 Bonus Dice when making a Charge attack. Wargear
(Glory or Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3; Refractor Field: Armour
Actions Rating *3; Force Shield. Is armed with a Boltgun, Bolt Pistol,
or Plasma Pistol and Chainsword or Power Fist, and 2d3
Mistress of Repentance Frag Grenades. Optionally may be armed with both a
Chainsword and a Power Fist with no ranged weapon.
Threat Classification: Elite at Tier 1+

Strength 5(7) Intellect 8 Weapons

Agility 5 Willpower 8 Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Toughness 5 Fellowship 8 Pistol)
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid
Speed 6 Wounds 5 Fire 2)
Chainsword (8+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal Parry)
Shock 8 Soak 5
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; Range Str x4m; Salvo 0;
Resolve 7 Conviction 8
Passive Awareness: 5
Plasma Pistol (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Resilience: 10 (Sororitas Power Armour: Armour Rating 5,
Powered 2)
Power Sword (8+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 12
Size: Average
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta
Special Abilities
Sororitas, <Order>
Voice of Command
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions
Equipped with Sororitas Power Armour (Armour Rating 5,
Powered 2), Neural Whip, and d3 ea of Frag and Krak Primaris Psyker
Threat Classification: Tier 1-3: Adversary; Tier 4+ Elite
Neural Whip (10+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee 4m; Agonizing) Strength 3 Intellect 3
Grenades Agility 3 Willpower 4
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Toughness 3 Fellowship 2
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Initiative 5 Defense 4
Speed 6 Wounds 5
Special Abilities Shock 4 Soak 3
Acts of Faith Resolve 3 Conviction 4
Shield of Faith Passive Awareness: 4
Driven Onward: <Order> Sisters Repentia within 12m gain Resilience: 8 (Flak Coat Armour 3)
+ Bonus Dice on their melee attacks. Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10;
Psychic Mastery 12
Platoon Commander Size: Average
Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Regiment>, Champion
Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary
Strength 3 Intellect 3 Wears a Flak Coat: Armour Rating 3; And is armed with a
Agility 3 Willpower 3 Laspistol and Force Stave
Toughness 3 Fellowship 3
Initiative 3 Defense 2
Laspistol (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Speed 6 Wounds 3 Steadfast)
Shock 3 Soak 3 Force Stave (11+2ED; AP -2; Force, Parry)
Resolve 4 Conviction 4

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Special Abilities And They Shall know No Fear
It’s for your own good: If this Psyker is slain as a result of Rites of Medicae: Apothecaries automatically reduce the time
Perils of the Warp and is within 12m of an ally Commissar, by half for any Medicae test. Apothecaries heal a number of
they are executed before anything untoward happens – The wounds equal to the number of icons generated on a Medicae
power they were attempting still fails but no allies or threats Test plus their Rank.
suffer any harm from the Perils of the Warp result. Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may
Psyker: A Primaris Psyker begins play with any draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical
combination of two minor psychic powers and/or discipline Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
powers from the Wrath and Glory Core Book, All Astra (Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions.
Militarum Disciplines (subject to <Regiment> restrictions),
and the smite psychic power. They may purchase additional Variants
powers, subject to Tier restrictions. They may attempt to Deny
the Witch. Blood Angels Sanguinary Priest
(Glory or Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin As an Apothecary above except as follows:
Actions Has <Blood Angels> as his Chapter.
Gains the Blood Chalice Special ability: Blood Chalice: Ally
Space Marine Blood Angels Infantry and Bikers within 12m of a
Sanguinary Priest gain +2 Strength.
Deathwing Apothecary
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite Has <Dark Angels> as his Chapter.
Gains the Deathwing Keyword
Strength 7 (10) Intellect 3 Wears Terminator Armour: Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome;
Agility 5 Willpower 4 Powered 5; Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 mortal wounds
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Speed 7 Wounds 10 Grey Knights Apothecary
Shock 10 Soak 6 As an Apothecary above with the following changes:
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Member of the <Grey Knights>, has Psychic Mastery 10, and
Passive Awareness: 4 may attempt to manifest one psychic power during their
Resilience: 12 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5, activation.
Powered 3) Wears either Aegis Terminator Armor.
Skills: Default 8; Medicae 10; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Bears an Iron Halo
Skill 10 Has the following Special Abilities:
Size: Average And They Shall Know Know Fear
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> Daemon Hunters
Rites of Banishment
Wargear Teleport Strike
Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered 3), Bolt Is armed as follows:
Pistol, Astartes Combat Knife, Chainsword, 1d3 Frag Nemesis Falchion (18+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee;
Grenades, 1d3 Krak Grenades, and a Narthecium. Bane <Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>) or
Nemesis Force Halberd (17+3ED; AP -2; Range
Narthecium: As an action, a Narthecium grants a target a Melee; Bane <Daemon>, Force <Grey Knight>)
free soak roll and removes all shock from the wounded target. d3 ea of the following Grenades:
The Nethecium also grants the target a new Defiance check to Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
recover near death. The Nethecium can be used but once per Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
target per wound set received. Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT,
Bane <Psyker or Daemon>)
Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Primaris Apothecary
Steadfast) As an Apothecary above except as follows:
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Gains <Primaris> in addition to any other <Chapter> they
Pistol) have, and +1 Strength and +4 Wounds
Chainsword (15+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal Parry) Wears Tactus Mk X Powered Armour: Armour Rating 7,
Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>.
x4m; Salvo --) Is equipped with the following weapons:
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Absolver Bolt Pistol (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 40m;
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Brutal, Pistol)
Reductor Pistol (10+2ED; AP -3; Range 10m; Salvo
Special Abilities 0; Pistol)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Grenades as above.
A Captain may use Terminator Armor instead of Aquilla
Ravenwing Apothecary Mark VII Armor with the following weapon options
As an Apothecary above except as follows: available to him
Has <Dark Angels> as his Chapter. • Chain Fist (21+3ED; AP -4; Brutal, Unwieldly 3)
Gains the Ravenwing Keyword • Power Sword (19+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry,
Gains the Inner Circle and Jink Special Abilities. Power Field)
Rides a Space Marine Bike. • Relic Blade (22+2ED; AP -3; Master Crafted, Range
Space Marine Captain • Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4,
Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)
Threat Classification: Tier 1-3: Adversary; Tier 4+: Elite • Wrist Mounted Grenade Launcher (on Power Fist)
(Damage as Grenade, AP as Grenade; Range 40m;
Strength 7 (10) Intellect 4 Salvo 1)
Agility 5 Willpower 4 • Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 • Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Initiative 5 Defense 4 • Note: Size becomes Large (+1D)
Speed 7 Wounds 13
Shock 10 Soak 6 Dark Angels Master
Resolve 4 Conviction 5 As a Captain above with the following changes:
Passive Awareness: 6 Has <Dark Angels> as his chapter.
Resilience: 16 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5,
Powered 3), Iron Halo (Armour *4) Grey Knights Brother-Captain
Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 14, As a Captain above with the following changes:
Leadership 14 Member of the <Grey Knights>, has Psychic Mastery 10, and
Size: Average may attempt to manifest two psychic powers during their
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> activation.
Wears either Aegis Armor or Aegis Terminator Armor.
Wargear Bears an Iron Halo
Astartes Power Armour (Armour 5, Powered), Iron Halo, Has the following Special Abilities:
Bolt Pistol, Master Crafted Boltgun, Chainsword, 2d3 And They Shall Know Know Fear
Frag Grenades, 2d3 Krak Grenades. Optional use of Jump Daemon Hunters
Pack, Relic Blade, and Storm Shield. Rites of Banishment
Iron Halo: Armor Rating *4, Force Shield Teleport Strike
Storm Shield: Armour Rating: Armour Rating *2, Bulk 1, Psychic Focus: Ally <Grey Knights> within 12m
Force Shield, Shield double the range of the Smite power when they manifest it.
Is armed as follows:
Weapons Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4,
Bolt Pistol: (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)
Pistol) Nemesis Force Halberd (17+3ED; AP -2; Range
Chainsword (15+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal Parry) Melee; Bane <Daemon>, Force <Grey Knight>)
Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR d3 ea of the following Grenades:
x4m; Salvo --) Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT,
Master Crafted Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo Bane <Psyker or Daemon>)
2; Brutal, Rapid Fire 2, Steadfast)
Relic Blade (18+2ED; AP -3; Master Crafted, Range Melee) Primaris Captain
As a Captain above except as follows:
Special Abilities Gains <Primaris> in addition to any other <Chapter> they
Rite of Battle: <Chapter> allies within 12m gain +1 Bonus have, and +1 Strength and +4 Wounds
Dice to attack rolls. Wears either of the following armours:
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier Tactus Mk X Phobos Powered Armour: Armour
for any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 5, Phobos <Primaris>
may draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Tactus Mk X Powered Armour: Armour Rating 7,
Critical Chart, make two rolls and pick one). Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>.
(Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions. Is equipped with the One each of the following ranged and
melee weapons, plus Grenades as above:
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1;
Brutal, Pistol) Special Abilities
Master Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Dual Wielder: Weapon Skill
Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal, Assault <Primaris> Honour or Death: If the Chapter Champion is with 6m of
Master Crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle (12+3ED; AP -2; another <Chapter> Character or Champion, the Chapter
Range 120m; Brutal, Heavy 3, Sniper 3) Champion must attempt a Heroic Intervention Action for said
Power Sword (19+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, target. This action immediately has the Chapter Champion
Power Field) move with 2m of target and takes any attack damage said
target would have. A Chapter Champion may reroll 1’s
Wolf Priest (except for Complications) made on melee attack rolls.
As a Captain above except as follows: Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier
Gains <Space Wolves> for his Chapter for any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they
Wears a Belt of Russ may draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the
Is equipped with the One each of the following ranged and Critical Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
melee weapons, plus Grenades as above: (Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions.
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1;
Brutal, Pistol) Variants
Master Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0;
Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal, Assault <Primaris> Deathwing Champion
Master Crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle (12+3ED; AP -2; Has <Dark Angels> as his chapter.
Range 120m; Brutal, Heavy 3, Sniper 3) Gains the Deathwing Keyword.
Power Sword (19+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Wears Terminator Armour: Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome;
Power Field) Powered 5; Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak
Or any Frost Melee Weapon. mortal wounds
Size: Large (+1D)
Space Marine Chapter
Grey Knights Brotherhood Champion
As a Champion above with the following changes:
Member of the <Grey Knights>, has Psychic Mastery 10, and
Threat Classification: Tier 1-3: Adversary; Tier 4+: Elite may attempt to manifest one psychic power during their
Strength 7 (10) Intellect 4 Wears either Aegis Armor.
Agility 5 Willpower 4 Bears an Iron Halo
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 Has the following Special Abilities:
Initiative 5 Defense 4 And They Shall Know Know Fear
Speed 7 Wounds 11 Daemon Hunters
Shock 10 Soak 6 Rites of Banishment
Resolve 4 Conviction 5 Teleport Strike
Passive Awareness: 5 The Perfect Warrior: Each time a Brotherhood
Resilience: 12 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5, Champion activates choose one of the following to apply till
Powered 3) the beginning of their next activation:
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 12, Sword Strike: Add +2 icons to melee attack
Leadership 10 damage rolls.
Size: Average Blade Shield: Add +2 to Deafense.
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> Is armed as follows:
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4,
Wargear Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)
Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered 3), Nemesis Force Sword (15+3ED; AP -3; Range
Champions Blade, Power Sword, 2d3 Frag Grenades, 2d3 Melee; Bane <Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>)
Krak Grenades. d3 ea of the following Grenades:
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Weapons Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Champions Blade (15+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Master Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT,
Crafted, Penetrating 1) Bane <Psyker or Daemon>)
Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR
x4m; Salvo --) Ravenwing Champion
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) As a Chanpion above except as follows:
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Has <Dark Angels> as his Chapter.
Power Sword (16+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power Gains the Ravenwing Keyword
Field) Gains the Inner Circle and Jink Special Abilities.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Rides a Space Marine Bike. Invocation of Destruction <Blood Angels>: Choose
an ally with 12m. Until your next activation, whenever the
Space Marine Chaplain selected ally makes a melee attack, if they score a critical hit,
the AP of their weapon is increased by 4.
Threat Classification: Tier 1-3: Adversary; Tier 4+: Elite Invocation of Focus <Grey Knight>: Allies within
12m that are armed with Nemesis or PSI weapons have their
Strength 7 (10) Intellect 4 weapons AP increased by -1.
Agility 5 Willpower 6 Litany of Faith: When allies within 12m make a
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 Soak roll, they receive 1 less Shock from the roll.
Mantra of Strength: You gain +2 to Strength and
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Weapon Skill. Add +1ED to melee weapon damage rolls.
Speed 7 Wounds 13
March for Macragge <Ultramarines>: Allies within
Shock 10 Soak 6
12m gain +2 Speed when Charging
Resolve 6 Conviction 5 Medusan Furore <Iron Hands>: Allies gain +2
Passive Awareness: 5 Strength while within 12m of this Champion.
Resilience: 16 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Recitation of Focus: Allies within 12m receive +2
Powered 3); Rosarius (Armour *4) Bonus Dice to Weapon Skill rolls
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 10, Recitation of Projection <Grey Knights>: Allies
Leadership 10 within 12m armed with Bolt or PSI weapons have their ranges
Size: Average increased by 12m.
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> Refrain of Convergence <Grey Knight>: This
Champion gains +2 Bonus Dice for Deny the Witch Tests.
Wargear Selfless Saviors <Salamanders>: Troop allies within
Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered 3) of 12m can become the target of any attack that targets a
choice, Rosarius (Armour *4, Force Shield), Crozius Champion within 4 m of the troop.
Arcanum, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, Astartes Combat Knife, Stoic Prosecution <Dark Angels>: When an ally
Power Fist, 2d3 Frag Grenades and 2d3 Krak Grenades. within 12m makes a ranged attack, they gain +2 ED to the
Optional Jump Pack with Aquilla Mark VII Armor damage.
Strike off The Head <White Scars>: When an ally
Weapons within 12m makes a melee attack, they gain +1 ED to the
Bolt Pistol: (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, damage.
Pistol) Swift as the Raven <Raven Guard>: Allies within
Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid 12m gain +2 Speed when Charging.
Fire 2) Tale of the Wolf King and the Lord of the Deeps
Crozarius Arcanum (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Brutal, <Space Wolves>: Allies within 12m gain +2 ED when using a
Master Crafted, Power Field, Steadfast) melee weapon versus a Monster or a Vehicle.
Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR Words of Power <Grey Knights>: Allies within 12m
x4m; Salvo --) gain +1ED to damage rolls.
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Litanies of the Devout <Black Templar>: A Black Templar
Chaplain may know Litanies from this list or from the Litanies
Special Abilities of Battle list, but not both. Before the start of combat, choose
Litanies of Battle: Before the start of combat, choose one of one of the following Litanies of the Devout to be in effect
the following Litanies of Battle to be in effect until combat until combat ends:
ends: Fervent Acclimation: Allies within 12m of this
Canticle of Hate: Increase the Speed of allies within Champion have all aura ability ranges increased by 6m.
12m by +4 when making charge attacks. Fires of Devotion: Select an ally with 12m of this
Catachism of Fire: When allies within 12m make a Champion. If that ally makes a Charge attack, they gain +2
ranged attack against the closest visible threat to them, they Initiative.
add +1ED to the damage roll. Litany of Devine Protection: Select an ally within
Exhortation of Rage: When allies within 12m roll a 12m of this Champion. If that ally would lose a wound, roll a
critical on a melee attack, they can make an immediate second d6, on a 5+ the wound is not lost.
attack with the same weapon. This second attack does not Oath of Glory: Select one ally within 12m of this
generate any additional attacks. Champion to activate first in the turn. Threats cannot steal
Fortress of Resolve <Imperial Fists>: When an ally initiative from the selected ally.
within 12m attacks from a held action, they gain +2 Bonus Psalm of Remorseless Protection: Allies within
Dice to the attack. 12m of this Champion gain +1 ED when making melee
Intonement For Guidance <Grey Knights>: Allies attacks.
with 12m ignore all DN modifiers to their shooting attacks this Vow of Retribution: Threats within 12m of this
turn. Champion suffer a -2 penalty to all Willpower Tests.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Primaris Chaplain
Litanies of Hate: <Chapter> allies within 12m gain +1 Bonus As a Chaplain above except as follows:
Dice on melee attack rolls. Gains <Primaris> in addition to any other <Chapter> they
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier have, and +1 Strength and +4 Wounds
for any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they Wears Tactus Mk X Powered Armour: Armour Rating 7,
may draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris> and a Rosarius (as
Critical Chart, make two rolls and pick one). above)
Spiritual Leader: All <Chapter> allies with 18m may use the Is equipped an Absolver Bolt Pistol, Crozarium Arcanum,
Chaplains’ Resolve instead of their own. and Grenades as above:
(Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions. Absolver Bolt Pistol (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 40m;
Brutal, Pistol)
Wolf Priest
Optional Terminator Armor with the following weapon As a Chaplain above except as follows:
options: Gains <Space Wolves> as a Chapter
Crozarius Arcanum (22+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Has a Wolf Amulet (Armour *4, Force Shield) instead of a
Brutal, Master Crafted, Power Field, Steadfast) Rosarius
Stormbolter Has Healing Balms: A character equipped with these balms
Combi-Weapons may heal a target non-vehicle of d3 wounds.
Combi-Flamer: As Boltgun and Flamer
Combi-Melta: As Boltgun and Melta Gun Space Marine
Combi-Plasma: As Boltgun and Plasma
Size: Large (+1D) Warmachine

Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain Crew: 1 Veteran Space Marine

As a Chaplain above with the following changes: Passengers: 0
Gains <Dark Angels> as his chapter.
Gains the Deathwing Keyword, the Inner Circle ability, and Cruising Speed: 12
the Aura of Dread ability. Defense: 5
Inner Circle <Dark Angels>: A Dark Angel with Wounds: 18
this ability automatically passes Resolve Tests and gains Resilience: 16
Lucky for melee attacks against threats with the Fallen
keyword. Default Skill: 10
Aura of Dread <Dark Angels>: Any threat within Piloting: 12
12m of this Champion suffers an additional +2DN penalty to Ballistic Skill: 12
all Wisdom basted tests. Weapon Skill: 12

Grey Knights Chaplain Traits: Walker, Monstrous Creature, Explodes, Size: Huge
As a Chaplain above with the following changes: (+2D)
Member of the <Grey Knights>, has Psychic Mastery 10, and
may attempt to manifest two psychic powers a turn during Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
their activation.
Wears Aegis Armor Weapons:
Has the following Special Abilities: Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo 6;
And They Shall Know Know Fear Heavy 8)
Daemon Hunters Dreadnaught Combat Weapon (20+5ED; AP -3; Range
Rites of Banishment Melee; Brutal)
Teleport Strike Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2; LBT,
Is armed as follows: Blaze, Heavy 6, Spread)
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Heavy Plasma Cannon (16+4ED, AP -3, Range 60m; Salvo
Brutal, Rapid Fire 2) 3; Supercharge)
Crozarius Arcanum (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Missile Launcher (Damage Missile, AP As Missile, Range
Brutal, Master Crafted, Power Field, Steadfast) 150m; Salvo --; Heavy 6)
d3 ea of the following Grenades: Frag Misile (10+2ED; AP 0; Range --; Salvo --;
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) LBT)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --;
Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, SBT)
Bane <Psyker or Daemon>) Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal, Any combination of 3 of the following
Rapid Fire 2) Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range
Twin Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3; 16m; Salvo 2, LBT, Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6)
Heavy 10, Steadfast) Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m;
Salvo 1; Assault, Melta)
Special Abilities: Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m;
(Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions. Salvo 4, Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)
May take Smoke Launchers or a Magna-Grapple
Variants Smoke Launchers: Any vehicle equipped with these
launchers can declare their use at the beginning of their
Iron Clad Dreadnaught-Class Variant activation. Until the end of this vehicles next activation all
As standard Dreadnaught except as follows: ranged attacks against this vehicle are at +2 DN.
Increase Wounds to 20, and Resilience to 18. Magna-Grapple: A vehicle equipped with a Magna-
May choose from the following weapons: Grapple that declares a Charge against another vehicle, adds
Dreadnaught Chain Fist (21+5ED; AP -4; Range +4 to their speed.
Melee; Brutal, Unwieldly 1)
Dreadnaught Combat Weapon (20+5ED; AP -3; Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnaught
Range Melee; Brutal) As a Dreadnaught above except as follows:
Hunter Killer Missile Launcher (Damage As Krak Has the <Blood Angels> chapter
Missile; AP As Krak Missile; Range 150m; Salvo 0; Limit 2) Is armed with the following weapons
Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo - Furioso First or Blood Talons
-; SBT) Furioso Fist (16+3ED; AP -3; Range
Hurricane Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Melee; Brutal, Lucky)
Salvo 12; Brutal; Heavy 6) Blood Talons (8+3ED; AP -2; Range
Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Melee; Brutal, Lucky, Devastating)
Assault, Melta) Any combination of 3 of the following
Seismic Hammer (21+6ED; AP -4; Range Melee; Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range
Brutal, Unwieldly 2) 16m; Salvo 2, LBT, Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6)
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m;
Brutal, Rapid Fire 2) Salvo 1; Assault, Melta)
Has Smoke Launchers Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m;
May be equipped with Ironclad Assault Launchers: If this Salvo 4, Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)
Ironclad Dreadnaught charges, any threat within 6m of this May take Smoke Launchers or a Magna-Grapple
Dreadnaught at the end of the charge takes d3 mortal wounds. Smoke Launchers: Any vehicle equipped with these
Special Ability: Wrecker: If the Ironclad Dreadnaught is launchers can declare their use at the beginning of
equipped with two melee weapons then it can reroll 1s (except their activation. Until the end of this vehicles next
for Complications) when making melee attacks activation all ranged attacks against this vehicle are at
+2 DN.
Venerable Dreadnaught-Class Variant Magna-Grapple: A vehicle equipped with a Magna-
As standard Dreadnaught except as follows: Increase Piloting, Grapple that declares a Charge against another
Ballistic Skill, and Weapon Skill to 15 vehicle, adds +4 to their speed.
Special Ability: Unyielding Ancient: Anytime this threat
would take a wound, for each wound it would take roll a d6, Blood Angels Librarian Dreadnaught
on a 6 that wound is ignored. As a Dreadnaught above except as follows:
Has Smoke Launchers Has the <Blood Angels> chapter
Is a Psyker: A Librarian begins play with any combination of
Blood Angels Death Company Dreadnaught two minor psychic powers and/or discipline powers from the
As a Dreadnaught above except as follows: Wrath and Glory Core Book, All Space Marine Disciplines
Has the <Blood Angels> chapter (subject to <Chapter> restrictions), and the smite psychic
Has the Death Company Keyword power. They may purchase additional powers, subject to Tier
Has the Black Rage and Insatiable Special Abilities: restrictions. They may attempt to Deny the Witch. He may
Insatiable: This Blood Angel may move up to 6m after if attempt to manifest two powers each activation.
performs a melee attack that a threat has suffered one or more Has a Psychic Hood: Psychic Hood provides +1 Icon for
wounds from. Deny the Witch Tests and the user does not need to use a Hold
Is armed with the following weapons Action to perform a Deny the Witch test, but is limited to one
Furioso First or Blood Talons Deny the Witch test per turn per Tier Level.
Furioso Fist (16+3ED; AP -3; Range
Melee; Brutal, Lucky) Grey Knights Dreadnaught
Blood Talons (8+3ED; AP -2; Range As standard Dreadnaught or Venerable Dreadnaught above
Melee; Brutal, Lucky, Devastating) except as follows:
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Member of the <Grey Knights>, has Psychic Mastery 10, and Cruising Speed: 18
may attempt to manifest one psychic power a turn during their Defense: 5
activation. Wounds: 20
Has the following Special Abilities: Resilience: 18
Daemon Hunters
Rites of Banishment Default Skill: 10
Piloting: 12
Space Wolves Wulfen Dreadnaught Ballistic Skill: 12
As a standard Dreadnaught above except as follows: Weapon Skill: 12
Member of the <Space Wolves>
Equipped with a Fenrisian Great Axe and a Great Wolf Traits: Walker, Monstrous Creature, Explodes, Size: Huge
Claw with Storm Bolter or Heavy Flamer. (+2D)
Fenrisian Great Axe (When attacking with this
weapon, choose which of the following profiles to use. <Space Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>,
Wolves>) <Primaris>
Cleave (20+6ED; AP -3; Range Melee;
Unwieldly 1) Weapons:
Scythe (14+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Fast) Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As
Great Wolf Claw (16+6ED; AP -2; Range Melee Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault, Rapid Fire 2)
2m; Brutal, Power Field, Unwieldly 2 <Space Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2, LBT,
Wolves>) Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6)
Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (11+1ED; AP -1; Range
2; LBT, Blaze, Heavy 6, Spread) 80m; Salvo 4; Brutal; Heavy 4 <Primaris>)
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Icarus Rocket Launcher (Damage As Rocket; AP As
Brutal, Rapid Fire 2) Rocket; Range 1km; Salvo 2; Heavy 6)
The Great Wolf Claw and Storm Bolter or Heavy Flamer Icarus Rocket (13+1ED; AP -1; SBT)
may be replaced with a Blizzard Shield Macro-Plasma Incinerator (15++2ED; AP -4; Range 90;
Blizzard Shield: *3 Force Shield, Shield, Salvo 2; Heavy 6; Macro, Supercharge)
Dreadnaught Only <Space Wolves> Onslaught Gatling Cannon (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m;
Has the following Special Abilities instead of above: Salvo 4; Brutal; Heavy 4 <Primaris>)
Murderlust: When a Wulfen Dreadnaught charges, Redemptor Fist (20+5ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal)
it gains +2 Bonus Dice to melee attacks. Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
Rapid Fire 2)
Space Wolves Wulfen Dreadnaught
As a Venerable Dreadnaught above except as follows: Special Abilities:
Member of the <Space Wolves> (Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions.
May be equipped with a Fenrisian Great Axe and a Great
Wolf Claw with Storm Bolter or Heavy Flamer. VARIANT MODELS
Fenrisian Great Axe (When attacking with this No known variants known
weapon, choose which of the following profiles to use. <Space
Wolves>): Cleave (20+6ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Unwieldly Space Marine Librarian
1) or Scythe (14+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Fast)
Great Wolf Claw (16+6ED; AP -2; Range Melee Threat Classification: Tier 1-3: Adversary; Tier 4+: Elite
2m; Brutal, Power Field, Unwieldly 2 <Space Wolves>)
Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo Strength 7 (10) Intellect 4
2; LBT, Blaze, Heavy 6, Spread) Agility 5 Willpower 6
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)
Initiative 5 Defense 4
The Great Wolf Claw and Storm Bolter or Heavy
Speed 7 Wounds 13
Flamer may be replaced with a Blizzard Shield
Shock 10 Soak 6
Blizzard Shield: *3 Force Shield, Shield,
Dreadnaught Only <Space Wolves> Resolve 6 Conviction 5
Passive Awareness: 5
Space Marine Resilience: 12 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5,
Redemptor-Class Powered 3)
Warmachine Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12,
Psychic Mastery 12
Crew: 1 Veteran Space Marine Size: Average
Passengers: 0 Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>, Psyker

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Wargear Member of the <Grey Knights>, has Psychic Mastery 10, and
Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered 3) of may attempt to manifest two psychic powers a turn during
choice, Psychic Hood, Force Stave, Boltgun, Bolt Pistol, their activation.
Astartes Combat Knife, Power Fist, 2d3 Frag Grenades Wears Aegis Terminator Armor and a Psychic Hood:
and 2d3 Krak Grenades. Psychic Hood provides +1 Icon for Deny the Witch Tests and
Psychic Hood: Psychic Hood provides +1 Icon for Deny the the user does not need to use a Hold Action to perform a Deny
Witch Tests and the user does not need to use a Hold Action to the Witch test, but is limited to one Deny the Witch test per
perform a Deny the Witch test, but is limited to one Deny the turn per Tier Level.
Witch test per turn per Tier Level. Has the following Special Abilities:
Optional Jump Pack with Astartes Power Armour And They Shall Know Know Fear
Daemon Hunters
Weapons Rites of Banishment
Bolt Pistol: (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Teleport Strike
Pistol) Is armed as follows:
Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4,
Fire 2) Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)
Force Stave (18+2ED, AP -2, Force, Parry) Nemesis Warding Stave (18+2Ed; AP -1; Rage
Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR Melee; Bane <Daemon>, Force, Invulnerable <Grey
x4m; Salvo --) Knight>)d3 ea of the following Grenades:
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane
Special Abilities <Psyker or Daemon>)
Psyker: A Librarian begins play with any combination of two Size: Large (+1D)
minor psychic powers and/or discipline powers from the
Wrath and Glory Core Book, All Space Marine Disciplines Primaris Librarian
(subject to <Chapter> restrictions), and the smite psychic As a Librarian above except as follows:
power. They may purchase additional powers, subject to Tier Gains <Primaris> in addition to any other <Chapter> they
restrictions. They may attempt to Deny the Witch. He may have, and +1 Strength and +4 Wounds
attempt to manifest two powers each activation. Wears either of the following armours plus a Psychic Hood
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier (as above):
for any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they Tactus Mk X Phobos Powered Armour: Armour
may draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 5, Phobos <Primaris>
Critical Chart, make two rolls and pick one). Tactus Mk X Powered Armour: Armour Rating 7,
(Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions. Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>.
Is equipped a Bolt Pistol, Force Sword, Grenades as above.
Variants Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1;
Brutal, Pistol)
Optional use of Terminator Armor with the following Force Sword (18+1ED; AP -3; Force, Parry)
changes: Resilience becomes 14 (Terminator Armor 7,
Powered 5, Crux Terminatus May soak mortal wounds), Space Marine
Strength becomes 7(13). Has the following weapon choices:
Combi-Flamer: As Boltgun and Flamer
Threat Classification: Tier 1-3: Adversary; Tier 4+: Elite
Combi-Melta: As Boltgun and Melta Gun
Combi-Plasma: As Boltgun and Plasma Gun
Force Axe (19+2ED; AP -2; Force) Strength 7 (10) Intellect 4
Force Stave (19+2ED; AP -2; Force, Parry) Agility 5 Willpower 4
Force Sword (19+1ED; AP -3; Force, Parry) Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Size: Large (+1D) Initiative 5 Defense 4
Speed 7 Wounds 11
Dark Angels Librarian Shock 10 Soak 6
As a Librarian above with the following changes: Resolve 4 Conviction 5
Has <Dark Angels> as his chapter Passive Awareness: 6
Gains the Deathwing Keyword and the Inner Circle ability. Resilience: 12 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5,
Powered 3)
Grey Knights Librarian Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 12,
As a Librarian above with the following changes: Leadership 12
Size: Average
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Gains <Space Wolves> for his Chapter
Wargear May use Frost Melee Weapons.
Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered 3), Bolt
Pistol, Master Crafted Boltgun, Chainsword, 1d3 Frag Space Marine
Grenades, 1d3 Krak Grenades. Optional use of Jump Pack
with Astartes Power Armour.
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite
Bolt Pistol: (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Pistol) Strength 7 (10) Intellect 3
Chainsword (15+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal Parry) Agility 5 Willpower 4
Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
x4m; Salvo --) Initiative 5 Defense 4
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Speed 7 Wounds 10
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Shock 10 Soak 6
Master Crafted Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo Resolve 4 Conviction 4
2; Brutal, Rapid Fire 2, Steadfast) Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 12 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5,
Special Abilities Powered 3)
Tactical Precision: <Chapter> allies within 12m may reroll Skills: Default 10; Tech Use 14; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic
1’s made on soak rolls. Skill 14
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier Size: Average
for any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
may draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the
Critical Chart, make two rolls and pick one). Wargear
(Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions. Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered 3), 1
Ranged Weapon, 1 Melee Weapon, d3 Frag Grenades, and
Variants d3 Krak Grenades, Servo Arm with 2 Augments or a
Conversion Beamer with no Servo Arm. The Techmarine
Primaris Lieutenant may crew a Thunderfire Cannon but must have 2 servo arms
As a Lieutenant above except as follows: and stay within 12m of it to fire it.
Gains <Primaris> in addition to any other <Chapter> they
have, and +1 Strength and +4 Wounds Weapons
Wears either of the following armours: Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee;
Tactus Mk X Phobos Powered Armour: Armour Steadfast)
Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 5, Phobos <Primaris> Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Tactus Mk X Powered Armour: Armour Rating 7, Pistol)
Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>. Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid
Is equipped a one of the following ranged weapons, a Force Fire 2)
Sword, and Grenades as above. Combi-Weapons
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Combi-Flamer: As Boltgun and Flamer
Brutal, Pistol) Combi-Melta: As Boltgun and Melta Gun
Master Crafted Auto Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Combi-Plasma: As Boltgun and Plasma Gun
Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal, Assault <Primaris> Conversion Beamer (14+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo
Master Crafted Stalker Bolt Rifle (12+3ED; AP -2; 1; Heavy 6; At half or greater range, 16+3ED AP 2)
Range 120m; Brutal, Heavy 3, Sniper 3) Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR
Power Sword (19+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, x4m; Salvo --)
Power Field) Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Ravenwing Talon Master Power Axe (15+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Penetrating 1,
As a As a Lieutenant above except as follows: Power Field)
Gains <Dark Angels> as his chapter. Thunderfire Cannon (13+6ED; AP -1; Range 180m; Salvo
Has a Space Marine Land Speeder. 5; Heavy 8, Indirect, MBT)
Gains the following ability:
No Escape: Threats do not receive any cover bonuses versus Special Abilities
attacks made by Ravenwing units within 12m of this And They Shall know No Fear
Champion. Rite of Repair: Tech-Priests automatically reduce the time by
half for any Tech test. Tech-Priests repair a number of wounds
Wolf Guard Battle Leader to vehicle or machine equal to the number of icons generated
As a Lieutenant above except as follows: on a Tech Test plus their Rank.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may Melee Weapon. A Plasma Pistol may be taken in place of
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical either the Bolt Pistol or the Chainsword.
Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
(Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions. Weapons
Bolt Pistol: (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Variants Pistol)
Chainsword (15+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal Parry)
Grey Knights Tech-Marine Frost Axe (6+1ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal, Power Field
As a Tech-Marine above with the following changes: <Space Wolves>)
Member of the <Grey Knights>, has Psychic Mastery 10, and Frost Claws (5+1ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal, Power
may attempt to manifest one psychic power during their Field <Space Wolves>)
activation. Frost Sword (5+1ED, AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry,
Wears either Aegis Armor. Power Field <Space Wolves>)
Has the following Special Abilities: Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR
And They Shall Know Know Fear x4m; Salvo --)
Daemon Hunters Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Rites of Banishment Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Blessings of the Omnissiah: A Grey Knights Tech- Plasma Pistol (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Marine may repair a <Grey Knights> Vehicle during his Supercharge)
activation of d3 wounds if it is within 2m of him.
Is armed with the following additional weapons: Special Abilities
o d3 Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Tactical Precision: <Chapter> allies within 12m may reroll
Bane <Psyker or Daemon>) 1’s made on soak rolls.
Tactical Versatility: Space Marine training prepares a soldier
Iron Priest for any combat circumstance. When making a critical hit, they
As a Tech-Marine above with the following changes: may draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the
Gains <Space Wolves> as his Chapter. Critical Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
Equipped with the following weapons: Member of the Pack: A Wolf Guard Pack Leader has the
Hellfrost Pistol (14+3ED; AP -4; Range 30m; Salve Special Abilities of the Squad he is leading in addition to his
2; Pistol, Mortal 1 <Space Wolves>) own.
Tempest Hammer (10+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; (Ruin) Champion: This threat may take Ruin Actions.
Brutal, Unwieldly 2, Mortal 2 <Space Wolves>)
Space Wolves Pack
A Wolf Guard Pack Leader may use Terminator Armor
Leader instead of Aquilla Mark VII Armor with the following
weapon options available to him
Threat Classification: Tier 1-3: Adversary; Tier 4+: Elite Chain Fist (21+3ED; AP -4; Brutal, Unwieldly 3)
Power Sword (19+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power
Strength 7 (10) Intellect 4 Field)
Agility 5 Willpower 4 Relic Blade (22+2ED; AP -3; Master Crafted, Range Melee)
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Rapid Fire 2)
Speed 7 Wounds 11 Wrist Mounted Grenade Launcher (on Power Fist)
Shock 10 Soak 6 (Damage as Grenade, AP as Grenade; Range 40m; Salvo 1)
Resolve 4 Conviction 5 Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Passive Awareness: 6 Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Resilience: 12 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5,
Powered 3) Size: Large (+1D)
Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 12,
Leadership 12 Tank Commander
Size: Average
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves> Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Elite
Wargear Strength 3 Intellect 3
Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered 3), Bolt
Agility 3 Willpower 3
Pistol, Chainsword, 1d3 Frag Grenades, 1d3 Krak
Toughness 3 Fellowship 3
Grenades. Optional use of Jump Pack with Astartes Power
Initiative 3 Defense 2
Armour. The Chainsword may be replaced with any Frost
Speed 6 Wounds 3
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Shock 3 Soak 3 Equipped with Masterwork Bionics: Armour Rating *4;
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Armed with any two different ranged weapons and an
Passive Awareness: 5 Omnissian Axe
Resilience: 8 (Flak Armour 3)
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10; Weapons
Piloting 12 Eradication Ray (14+1ED; AP -2; Range 60m; Salvo 2;
Size: Average Heavy 4; A Half Range, this weapon gains +2ED and AP
Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Regiment>, Champion <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Macro-Stubber (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 4; ,
Wargear Macro, Pistol <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3; Lasgun; 1d3 Frag Omnissian Axe (11+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee, 2m; Power
Grenades; Knife or Bayonet. A Tank Commander also has Field, Two-Handed)
his choice of Leman Russ Battle Tank and crew for it. Phosphor Serpenta (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 46m; Salvo 2;
Assault, No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Adeptus
Weapons Mechanicus>)
Knife/Bayonet (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee) Volkite Blaster (12+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal,
Grenades (Range STR x4m) Heavy 6, Mortal 1 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Lasgun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1; Special Abilities
Steadfast) Masterwork Bionics
Canticles of the Omnissiah
Special Abilities Refractor Field
Voice of Command Lord of the Machine Cult: All ally <Forge World> within
Tank Orders: A Tank Commander may issue one of the 12m gain Lucky for their ranged attacks.
following Tank Orders to an ally <Regiment> Leman Russ Master of Machines: Tech-Priest Dominus automatically
within 18m as part of his activation: reduce the time by half for any Tech test. They receive +Rank
Full Throttle!: Target Leman Russ moves as if it were there on Tech tests to fix or repair a damaged machine. When
activation. This does not count as their activation. repairing a <Forge World> Vehicle or Astra Militarum
Gunners, Kill on Sight!: Target Leman Russ +1 Bonus Dice Vehicle, they receive +3x Rank on the Test. For a Questor
on their next activation for Ballistic Skill Tests. Mechanicus vehicle, they receive +2x Rank on the test.
Strike and Shroud!: Target Leman Russ that has not fired it’s (Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions
Smoke launchers this turn may immediately fire it’s weapons
and Smoke Launchers as if it was their activation. This does Tech-Priest Enginseer
not count as that Leman Russ’ activation.
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary

Tech-Priest Dominus Strength 4 Intellect 5

Agility 4 Willpower 5
Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary Toughness 4 Fellowship 5
Initiative 4 Defense 3
Strength 6 Intellect 5 Speed 6 Wounds 4
Agility 6 Willpower 5 Shock 5 Soak 4
Toughness 6 Fellowship 5 Resolve 4 Conviction 5
Initiative 6 Defense 4 Passive Awareness: 4
Speed 6 Wounds 14 Resilience: 7 (Cybernetic Augmentation: Armour Rating 2)
Shock 5 Soak 4 Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10; Tech
Resolve 4 Conviction 5 Use 12
Passive Awareness: 5 Size: Average
Resilience: 14 (Bionics *4 Armor Rating; Refractor Field: Keywords: Astra Militarum, Cult Mechanicus, <Forge
Armour Rating *3; Force Shield) World>, Champion
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 14; Tech
Use 12 Wargear
Size: Average Equipped with Cybernetic Augmentation: Armour Rating 2
Keywords: Astra Militarum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult with Servo Arm of choice; Armed with a Las Pistol and an
Mechanicus, <Forge World>, Champion Omnissian Axe

Wargear Weapons
Laspistol (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Omnissian Axe (9+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee, 2m; Power
Field, Two-Handed) Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary

Special Abilities Strength 5 Intellect 10

Master of Machines: Tech-Priest Engineseers automatically Agility 7 Willpower 10
reduce the time by half for any Tech test. They receive +Rank Toughness 5 Fellowship 5
on Tech tests to fix or repair a damaged machine. When Initiative 7 Defense 6
repairing a <Forge World> Vehicle or Astra Militarum Speed 8 Wounds 9
Vehicle, they receive +2x Rank on the Test. For a Questor Shock 10 Soak 5
Mechanicus vehicle, they receive +1 ½ Rank on the test. Resolve 9 Conviction 10
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions Passive Awareness: 6
Resilience: 9 (Synskin: Armour Rating 3, Sealed, +4 Bonus
Tempestor Prime Dice to Survival in Hostile Environments.)
Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 14
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+ Troops Size: Average
Keywords: Imperium, Officio Assassinorum, <Vindicare>,
Strength 3 Intellect 3 Champion
Agility 3 Willpower 3
Toughness 3 Fellowship 3 Wargear
Initiative 3 Defense 2 Is equipped with Synskin: Armour Rating 3, Sealed, +4
Bonus Dice to Survival in Hostile Environments.
Speed 6 Wounds 3
Shock 3 Soak 3
Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Exitus Pistol (10+3ED; AP -3; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Passive Awareness: 4 Brutal, Shield-Breaker, Bolt Weapon)
Resilience: 9 (Tempestus Carapace 4)
Exitus Rifle (11+3ED; AP -3; Range 180m; Salvo 1; Heavy
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
2, Sniper 2, Brutal, Shield-Breaker, Bolt Weapon)
Size: Average Blind Grenade (Agility DN4 test or Blinded. Toughness or
Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Militarum Tepestus>, Medicae DN4 test to recover. SBT)
Special Abilities
Wargear Independent Operative
Tempestus Carapace: Armour Rating 4, Sealed, Vox Caster; Lightning Reflexes
Omnishield Helm; choice of ranged weapon; 1d3 Frag Deadshot: Each time this Champion scores a critical hit, the
Grenades; 1d3 Krak Grenades; Knife/Bayonet, and ED of the attack increases to +6ED from +3ED.
Chainsword. Faultless Aim: If this Champion has not moved this activation
then he gains +4 Bonus Dice to his first attack roll of the
Weapons activation. He may move after his attacks this activation.
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Head Shot: If this Champion attacked with a ranged weapon
Pistol) and did not kill its target, roll a d6, if an icon is generated, deal
Chainsword (8+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal Parry) 1 mortal wound and roll again. Continue this until no
Grenades (Range STR x4m) additional mortal wounds are generated.
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Spymask: This Champion does not suffer penalties to his
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) ranged attacks for attacking threats in cover.
Hot-Shot Lasgun (7+1ED; AP -2; Range 36m; Salvo 2; Stealth Suit: This Champion gains a +1DN modifier to all
Rapid Fire 1; Steadfast) attacks made against it from range. Increase this to +2DN if
Knife/Bayonet (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee) this Champion already is subject to a cover modifier.
Plasma Pistol (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol, (Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions

Special Abilities
Voice of Command
Tempestus Command Rod: A Tempestus Prime with a
Tempestus Command Rod may use the Voice of Command
ability twice during a turn instead of once. Resolve the effects
of the first order before resolving the effects of the second.
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions

Vindicare Assassin
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium

Troops encompass the infantry of the Armies of the Imperium.

Troop squads are led by a Sergeant. These squad leaders have the same profile as the troops they lead except as follows:
• Is considered a Champion and can use Ruin
• +2 Initiative and +2 Willpower
• Is armed with a Pistol-type weapon and a Power or Chain type Sword of choice depending on the Tier of the Troop in
addition to a primary weapon of the Troop they lead.

Acolyte Resilience: 12/*3 (Arbites Carapace Armour: Armour

Rating 5, Bulk 1, Sealed, Vox Caster; Suppression Shield:
Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary Armour Rating +*3, Shield)
Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10
Strength 5 Intellect 8 Size: Average
Agility 5 Willpower 8 Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Arbites
Toughness 5 Fellowship 6
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Is equipped with Arbites Carapace Armour, Suppression
Speed 6 Wounds 5
Shield, Arbites Shotgun, Combat Knife, Shock Maul, d2
Shock 8 Soak 5
Choke Grenades, d2 Shock Grenades, d2 Smoke Grenades;
Resolve 7 Conviction 8 a copy of the Lex Imperialis.
Passive Awareness: 4
Resilience: 4 Weapons
Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10 Arbites Shotgun (8+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 2;
Size: Average Assault, Spread)
Keywords: Imperium, Inquisition, <Ordo> Combat Knife (3+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee)
Grenade (Damage As Grenade; AP As Grenade; Range Str
Wargear x4m)
Is equipped with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword. Choke Grenade (Toughness DN4 test or be
Staggered. Toughness or Medicae DN 4 test to recover. SBT.
Weapons Does not affect targets in sealed environments.)
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Shock Grenade (10+1ED; AP0; MBT, Agonizing)
Pistol) Smoke Grenade (Provides +2DN smoke-based
Chain Sword (10+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry) cover to ranged attacks made through the MBT area of effect)
Shock Maul (4+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Agonizing,
Special Abilities Brutal)
Authority of the Inquisition
Quarry Special Abilities
Loyal Servant: Any Acolyte within 6m of an <Ordo> By the Emperor’s Law: A Champion with this ability gains
Inquisitor may suffer an attack that targets the Inquisitor. +Rank Bonus Dice to Attack and Interaction tests when
(MOB) Mob: Acolytes may form a Mob. dealing with or targeting any Heretic or Scum-type threats
Voice of Command: A Champion with this ability may issue
Adeptus Arbites Combat Orders (see Astra Militarum Common Abilities) to
ally troops.
Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary (MOB) Mob: Arbites may form an Arbites Squad lead by a
Strength 5 Intellect 8 Proctor: As Adeptus Arbites above but is +1
Agility 5 Willpower 8 Strength, Toughness, and Scholar.
Toughness 5 Fellowship 6
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Arco-Flagellants
Speed 6 Wounds 5
Shock 8 Soak 5 Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3-
Resolve 7 Conviction 8 4; Troops at Tier 5+
Passive Awareness: 4
Strength 5 Intellect 8
Agility 5 Willpower 8

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Toughness 5 Fellowship 3 Special Abilities
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Acts of Faith
Speed 7 Wounds 5 Shield of Faith
Shock 8 Soak 5 (MOB) Mob Up: Battle Sisters may form a mob of up to 10
Resolve 7 Conviction 8 members. One member may take a Simulacrum Imperialis
Passive Awareness: 5 (A Battle Sister or Squad with a Simulacrum Imperialis
Resilience: 6 gains +2 Faith points)
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 10
Size: Average Variants
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum
Retributor Squad
Wargear As a Battle Sisters Squad except as follows:
Equipped with Arco-Flails. Each of the up to 5 members of the squad is equipped with a
Bolt Pistol, a weapon from the list below, and d3 each of
Weapons Frag and Krak Grenades, and 2 of the following pistols:
Arco-Flails (10+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal) Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Special Abilities Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal,
Zealot Heavy 4)
Berserk Killing Machines: Each time an Arco-Flagellant Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2, LBT,
would lose a wound roll a d6. If an icon is generated, the Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6)
wound is not lost. Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta,
(MOB) Mob Up: Arco-Flagellants may form a mob of up to 9 Heavy 8)
Seraphim Squad
Battle Sisters As a Battle Sisters Squad except as follows:
Each member of the squad is equipped with a Jump Pack, d3
each of Frag and Krak Grenades, and 2 of the following
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3-
4; Troops at Tier 5+
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Strength 5(7) Intellect 8 Hand Flamer (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 12m; Salvo 4; SBT,
Agility 5 Willpower 8 Blaze, Pistol, Spread)
Toughness 5 Fellowship 8 Inferno Pistol (15+1ED; AP -4; Range 16m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Melta)
Speed 6 Wounds 5 A Seraphim Squad has the following additional Special
Shock 8 Soak 5 Ability:
Resolve 7 Conviction 8 Angelic Visage: Increase the bonus for their Shield of Faith
Passive Awareness: 5 ability to +*4.
Resilience: 10 (Sororitas Power Armour: Armour Rating 5,
Powered 2) Zephyrim Squad
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 12 As a Battle Sisters Squad except as follows:
Size: Average Each member of the squad is equipped with a Jump Pack, d3
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta each of Frag and Krak Grenades, and the following
Sororitas, <Order> weapons:
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Wargear Pistol)
Equipped with Sororitas Power Armour (Armour Rating 5, Plasma Pistol (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Powered 2), Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, and d3 ea of Frag and Supercharge)
Krak Grenades. Power Sword (12+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power
Weapons A Zephyrim Squad has the following additional Special
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Ability:
Pistol) Angelic Visage: Increase the bonus for their Shield of Faith
Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid ability to +*4.
Fire 2)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Blood Angels Death
Company Space Marine
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite successful attack against a Mob.
Black Rage
(MOB) Tactical Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10
Strength 7 (10) Intellect 3
troops lead by a Sergeant. No more than 2 heavy weapons
Agility 5 Willpower 4
allowed in the mob.
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Combat Teams of up to 5 members with each team having no
Speed 7 Wounds 10 more than 1 heavy weapon.
Shock 10 Soak 6
Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Passive Awareness: 5 Blood Angels Death
Resilience: 12 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5, Company Intercessor
Powered 3) Marine
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Size: Average
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Blood Angels>, Death Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite
Strength 8 (13) Intellect 3
Wargear Agility 5 Willpower 4
Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered 3), 1 Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Ranged Weapon, 1 Melee Weapon, d3 Frag Grenades, and Initiative 5 Defense 4
d3 Krak Grenades. Optionally a Death Company Marine Speed 7 Wounds 14
may take a Thunder Hammer instead of any other melee or Shock 10 Soak 6
ranged weapon. May use Jump Packs. Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Passive Awareness: 5
Weapons Resilience: 14 Tactus Mk X Powered Armour (Armour
Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>)
Steadfast) Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Size: Average
Pistol) Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid
Fire 2) Wargear
Chain Sword (5+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry) Tactus Mk X Powered Armour (Armour Rating 7,
Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>), 1 Ranged Weapon, 1
x4m; Salvo --) Melee Weapon, d3 Frag Grenades, and d3 Krak Grenades
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Weapons
Hand Flamer (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 12m; Salvo 4; SBT, Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee;
Blaze, Pistol, Spread) Steadfast)
Inferno Pistol (15+1ED; AP -4; Range 16m; Salvo 1; Pistol, Auto Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal,
Melta) Assault <Primaris>
Plasma Pistol (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol, Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Brutal,
Supercharge) Rapid Fire 2)
Power Axe (5+2ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Penetrating 1, Chain Sword (18+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry)
Power Field) Hand Flamer (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 12m; Salvo 4; SBT,
Power Fist (7+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Power Blaze, Pistol, Spread)
Field, Unwieldly 2) Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Power Maul (5+1ED, AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Power Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Field) Power Sword (18+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power
Power Sword (5+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power Field)
Field) Stalker Bolt Rifle (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 120m; Brutal,
Thunder Hammer (8+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Brutal, Power Heavy 3, Sniper 3)
Field, Unwieldly 2) Thunder Hammer (21+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Brutal,
Power Field, Unwieldly 2)
Special Abilities
And They Shall know No Fear Special Abilities
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may And They Shall know No Fear
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical
Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may (A Celestian Sister or Squad with a Simulacrum Imperialis
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical gains +2 Faith points)
Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any
successful attack against a Mob.
Black Rage
Threat Classification: Tier 1+ Troops
Intercessor Sergeant: Add +2 to all skills
May have any of the following weapons:
Power Sword (15+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power Strength 3 Intellect 3
Field) Agility 3 Willpower 3
(MOB) Intercessor Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to Toughness 3 Fellowship 3
10 troops lead by an Interceptor Sergeant. For every 5 Initiative 3 Defense 2
members of the squad, one may take a Grenade Launcher in Speed 6 Wounds 3
addition to any other weapon they carry. Shock 3 Soak 3
Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Grenade; Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Range 60m; Salvo 1) Passive Awareness: 3
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two Resilience: 8 (Flak Armour 3)
Combat Teams of up to 5. Skills: Default 6; Weapon Skill 8; Ballistic Skill 8
Size: Average
Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Regiment>
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3- Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3; Lasgun; 1d3 Frag
4; Troops at Tier 5+
Grenades; Knife or Bayonet
Strength 5(7) Intellect 8 Weapons
Agility 6 Willpower 8 Knife/Bayonet (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee)
Toughness 5 Fellowship 8 Grenades (Range STR x4m)
Initiative 6 Defense 5 Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Speed 6 Wounds 5 Lasgun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1;
Shock 8 Soak 5 Steadfast)
Resolve 7 Conviction 8
Passive Awareness: 5 Special Abilities
Resilience: 10 (Sororitas Power Armour: Armour Rating 5, Raw Recruits: When a Mob of Conscripts is issued an order
Powered 2) via the Voice of Command ability, make a Resolve Test (DN
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 12 2), if failed, the Conscript Mob ignores the Order and cannot
Size: Average be given another order this turn.
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta (Mob) Mob Up: Conscripts always form a mob when able.
Sororitas, <Order>
Corpuscarii Electro-
Equipped with Sororitas Power Armour (Armour Rating 5, Priests
Powered 2), Bolt Pistol, Boltgun, and d3 ea of Frag and
Krak Grenades. Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3-
4; Troops at Tier 5+
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Strength 5 Intellect 5
Pistol) Agility 5 Willpower 5
Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid Toughness 5 Fellowship 5
Fire 2) Initiative 5 Defense 4
Grenades Speed 6 Wounds 5
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Shock 5 Soak 5
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Resolve 4 Conviction 5
Passive Awareness: 4
Special Abilities Resilience: 8 (Voltagheist Field: Armour Rating *2, Force
Acts of Faith Shield)
Shield of Faith Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 10
(MOB) Mob Up: Celestians may form a mob of up to 10 Size: Average
members. One member may take a Simulacrum Imperialis Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult
Mechanicus, <Forge World>
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
suffered by a psychic power. The character suffers no shock
Wargear when soaking in this manner.
Equipped with Voltagheist Field: Armour Rating *2, Force (MOB) Custodial Guard may form a mob of up to 10
Shield and is armed with a Electrostatic Gauntlet. members.

Weapons Variants
Electro-Static Gauntlets (11+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo
3; Assault <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Allarus Wardens
Electro-Static Gauntlets (5+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; As Custodial Guardians except as follows:
Devastating <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Wears Wears Allarus Terminator Armour (Armour Rating
7; Cumbersome; Powered 6; Crux Terminatus: Allows the
Special Abilities wearer to soak mortal <Adeptus Custodes>); and is equipped
Canticles of the Omnissiah with a Balistus Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade;
Fanatical Devotion: Each time a Corpuscarii Electro-Priest AP As Grenade; Range 30m; Salvo 2; Assault, <Adeptus
loses a wound, roll a d6, if an icon is generated, that wound is Custodes>) (Balistus Grenade (10+1ED; AP -3; MBT)
not lost. May be equipped with a Castellan Axe or Guardian Spear
Voltagheist Field: Armour Rating *2, Force Shield Castellan Axe (10+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo
(MOB) Mob Up: Corpuscarii Electro-Pirests may form a 2; Rapid Fire 2 <Adeptus Custodes>)
mob. Castellan Axe (20+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee,
Brutal <Adeptus Custodes>)
Custodian Guard Has the Slayers of Tyrants Special Ability:
Slayers of Tyrants: Allarus Wardens gain +6 speed
Threat Classification: Elite at Tier 1+ if they Charge a threat Champion.
Strength 13 Intellect 8
Agility 9 Willpower 10 Custodial Wardens
Toughness 8 Fellowship 10 As Custodial Guardians except as follows:
May be equipped with a Castellan Axe
Initiative 8 Defense 7
Castellan Axe (10+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo
Speed 6 Wounds 13
2; Rapid Fire 2 <Adeptus Custodes>)
Shock 8 Soak 8
Castellan Axe (20+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee,
Resolve 11 Conviction 10 Brutal <Adeptus Custodes>)
Has the Binding Oaths Special Ability:
Passive Awareness: 6 Binding Oaths: Custodial Wardens roll a d6 each
Resilience: 15 (Auric Aquila Armour: Armour Rating *6, time they suffer a wound. If an exalted icon is generated, the
Powered 3) would is not lost.
Skills: Default 12; Weapon Skill 14; Ballistic Skill 14
Size: Average
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Custodes Daemonhost

Wargear Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary

Wears Auric Aquila Armour (Armour Rating *6, Powered
3), Storm Shield (Armour Rating *2, Bulk 1, Force Shield, Strength 5 Intellect 8
Shield) if armed with a Sentinel Blade, Misericordia, and Agility 5 Willpower 8
choice of 1 other weapon from below. Toughness 5 Fellowship 2
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Weapons Speed 6 Wounds 7
Guardian Spear (10+2ED, AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Shock 8 Soak 5
Rapid Fire 2 <Adeptus Custodes>) Resolve 7 Conviction 8
Guardian Spear (18+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee 4m; Lance, Passive Awareness: 4
Penetrating 2 <Adeptus Custodes>) Resilience: 6/8 (Has a +*2 Armour Bonus)
Misericordia (17+1ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Penetrating 4 Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10
<Adeptus Custodes>) Size: Average
Sentinel Blade (10+1ED; AP -0; Range 30m; Salvo 2; Pistol, Keywords: Imperium, Inquisition, Daemon
Brutal <Adeptus Custodes>)
Sentinel Blade (17+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal Wargear
<Adeptus Custodes>) No Wargear

Special Abilities Weapons

Aegis of the Emperor: A character with this ability gains a Unholy Gaze (14+1ED; AP -1; Range 30m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
+*2 Armor Bonus. In addition, may soak any mortal wounds Assault, Mortal 2)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Warp Grasp (4+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee)
Strength 7 (10) Intellect 3
Special Abilities Agility 5 Willpower 4
Daemonic: This Daemonhost has a +*2 Armor Bonus Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Daemonic Power: At the beginning of each of this Initiative 5 Defense 4
Daemonhosts activations, roll a d6 and apply the following Speed 7 Wounds 10
result to him until the beginning of his next activation. Shock 10 Soak 6
1-2: Daemonic Speed: Increase this Daemonhosts Resolve 4 Conviction 4
speed by 6 and it gains the Fly keyword. Passive Awareness: 5
3-4: Re-Knit Host Form: Remove any wounds Resilience: 12 (Aegis Armor: Armor Rating 5, Powered 3)
suffered since this Daemonhosts last activation. Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
5-6: Energy Torrent: Roll a d6 for each threat Size: Average
within 6m of this Daemonhost. The threat suffers 1d3 mortal Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>
wounds for each icon generated o the die roll.
. Wargear
Fulgrite Electro-Priests Aegis Armour: (Armour Rating 6, Powered 3, A Psyker adds
½ their Psychic Mastery as an Invulnerable Armor Bonus vs
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3- Daemons, incorporates a Wrist-Mounted Storm Bolter <Grey
4; Troops at Tier 5+ Knights>), 1 Ranged Weapon, 1 Mele Weapon, d3 ea Frag
Grenades, Krak Grenades, Psych-Out Grenades.
Strength 5 Intellect 5
Agility 5 Willpower 5 Weapons
Toughness 5 Fellowship 5 Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee;
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Steadfast)
Speed 6 Wounds 5 Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR
Shock 5 Soak 5 x4m; Salvo --)
Resolve 4 Conviction 5 Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Passive Awareness: 4 Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Resilience: 8 (Voltagheist Field: Armour Rating *2, Force Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane <Psyker or
Shield) Daemon>)
Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 10 Incinerator (12+1ED; AP -1; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Bane
Size: Average <Daemon>, Assault, Blaze <Grey Knight>)
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult Nemesis Daemon Hammer (12+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee;
Mechanicus, <Forge World> Bane <Daemon>, Brutal, Unwieldly 1 <Grey Knight>)
Two Nemesis Falchion (5+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Bane
Wargear <Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>)
Equipped with Voltagheist Field: Armour Rating *2, Force Nemesis Force Halberd (7+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Bane
Shield and is armed with a Electroleech Stave. <Daemon>, Force <Grey Knight>)
Nemesis Force Sword (5+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Bane
Weapons <Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>)
Electroleech Stave (6+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Mortal 2 Nemesis Warding Stave (6+2Ed; AP -1; Rage Melee; Bane
<Adeptus Mechanicus>) <Daemon>, Force, Invulnerable <Grey Knight>)
Psicannon (13+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Bane
Special Abilities <Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 6, Force <Grey Knight>)
Canticles of the Omnissiah Psilencer (10+3ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Bane
Fanatical Devotion: Each time a Fulgrite Electro-Priest <Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 8, Force <Grey Knight>)
loses a wound, roll a d6, if an icon is generated, that wound is Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
not lost. Rapid Fire 2)
Siphoned Vigor: Each time a Fulgrite Electro Priest reduces
a threat to 0 wounds, increase its Armour Rating by +1 till the Special Abilities
beginning of its next activation. And They Shall know No Fear
Voltagheist Field: Armour Rating *2, Force Shield Demon Hunters
(MOB) Mob Up: Fulgrite Electro-Priests may form a mob. Rites of banishment
Teleport Strike
Personal Teleporter: When moving, you ignore terrain and
Grey Knight Interceptor other creatures. You must end your movement not in the same
Marine space as another object or creature.
Has Psychic Mastery 10 and may attempt to manifest one
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite power on his activation.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
(MOB) Interceptor Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
10 troops. Rapid Fire 2)
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
Combat Teams of up to 5 members. Special Abilities
And They Shall know No Fear
Demon Hunters
Grey Knight Paladin Rites of banishment
Marine Teleport Strike
Has Psychic Mastery 10 and may attempt to manifest one
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite power on his activation.
(MOB) Paladin Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10
Strength 7 (12) Intellect 3 troops. For every 5 members of the squad, 2 may be armed
Agility 5 Willpower 4 with an Incinerator, Psicannon, or Psilencer.
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 (MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
Combat Teams of up to 5.
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Speed 7 Wounds 10
Shock 10 Soak 6 Grey Knight Purgation
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Marine
Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 14 (Aegis Terminator Armor: Armor Rating 7,
Powered 5) Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Size: Average Strength 7 (10) Intellect 3
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights> Agility 5 Willpower 4
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Wargear Initiative 5 Defense 4
Aegis Terminator Armour (Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome; Speed 7 Wounds 10
Powered 5; Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak Shock 10 Soak 6
mortal wounds, A Psyker adds ½ their Psychic Mastery as an Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Invulnerable Armor Bonus vs Daemons, incorporates a Wrist- Passive Awareness: 5
Mounted Storm Bolter <Grey Knights>), 1 Ranged Weapon, Resilience: 12 (Aegis Armor: Armor Rating 5, Powered 3)
1 Mele Weapon, d3 ea Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Psych-Out Grenades. Size: Average
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights>
Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Wargear
Steadfast) Aegis Armour: (Armour Rating 6, Powered 3, A Psyker adds
Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR ½ their Psychic Mastery as an Invulnerable Armor Bonus vs
x4m; Salvo --) Daemons, incorporates a Wrist-Mounted Storm Bolter <Grey
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Knights>), 1 Ranged Weapon, 1 Mele Weapon, d3 ea Frag
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Grenades, Krak Grenades, Psych-Out Grenades.
Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane <Psyker or
Daemon>) Weapons
Incinerator (12+1ED; AP -1; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Bane Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee;
<Daemon>, Assault, Blaze <Grey Knight>) Steadfast)
Nemesis Daemon Hammer (12+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR
Bane <Daemon>, Brutal, Unwieldly 1 <Grey Knight>) x4m; Salvo --)
Two Nemesis Falchion (5+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Bane Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
<Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>) Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Nemesis Force Halberd (7+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Bane Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane <Psyker or
<Daemon>, Force <Grey Knight>) Daemon>)
Nemesis Force Sword (5+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Bane Incinerator (12+1ED; AP -1; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Bane
<Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>) <Daemon>, Assault, Blaze <Grey Knight>)
Nemesis Warding Stave (6+2Ed; AP -1; Rage Melee; Bane Nemesis Daemon Hammer (12+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee;
<Daemon>, Force, Invulnerable <Grey Knight>) Bane <Daemon>, Brutal, Unwieldly 1 <Grey Knight>)
Psicannon (13+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Bane Two Nemesis Falchion (5+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Bane
<Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 6, Force <Grey Knight>) <Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>)
Psilencer (10+3ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Bane Nemesis Force Halberd (7+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Bane
<Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 8, Force <Grey Knight>) <Daemon>, Force <Grey Knight>)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Nemesis Force Sword (5+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Bane Incinerator (12+1ED; AP -1; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Bane
<Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>) <Daemon>, Assault, Blaze <Grey Knight>)
Nemesis Warding Stave (6+2Ed; AP -1; Rage Melee; Bane Nemesis Daemon Hammer (12+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee;
<Daemon>, Force, Invulnerable <Grey Knight>) Bane <Daemon>, Brutal, Unwieldly 1 <Grey Knight>)
Psicannon (13+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Bane Two Nemesis Falchion (5+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Bane
<Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 6, Force <Grey Knight>) <Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>)
Psilencer (10+3ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Bane Nemesis Force Halberd (7+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Bane
<Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 8, Force <Grey Knight>) <Daemon>, Force <Grey Knight>)
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal, Nemesis Force Sword (5+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Bane
Rapid Fire 2) <Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>)
Nemesis Greatsword (8+6ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Bane
Special Abilities <Daemon>, Force, Unwieldly 2 <Grey Knight>)
And They Shall know No Fear Nemesis Warding Stave (6+2Ed; AP -1; Rage Melee; Bane
Demon Hunters <Daemon>, Force, Invulnerable <Grey Knight>)
Rites of banishment Psicannon (13+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Bane
Teleport Strike <Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 6, Force <Grey Knight>)
Has Psychic Mastery 10 and may attempt to manifest one Psilencer (10+3ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Bane
power on his activation. <Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 8, Force <Grey Knight>)
(MOB) Purgatation Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
10 troops. Up to 4 members of the squad may be armed with Rapid Fire 2)
an Incinerator, Psicannon, or Psilencer.
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two Special Abilities
Combat Teams of up to 5 members. And They Shall know No Fear
Demon Hunters
Rites of banishment
Grey Knight Strike Teleport Strike
Marine Has Psychic Mastery 10 and may attempt to manifest one
power on his activation.
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite (MOB) Strike Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10
troops. For every 5 members of the squad, 1 may be armed
Strength 7 (10) Intellect 3 with an Incinerator, Psicannon, or Psilencer.
Agility 5 Willpower 4 (MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 Combat Teams of up to 5 members.
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Speed 7 Wounds 10 Heavy Weapons Squad
Shock 10 Soak 6
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Threat Classification: Tier 1+ Adversary
Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 12 (Aegis Armor: Armor Rating 5, Powered 3) Strength 3 Intellect 3
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 Agility 3 Willpower 3
Size: Average Toughness 3 Fellowship 3
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knights> Initiative 3 Defense 2
Speed 6 Wounds 3
Wargear Shock 3 Soak 3
Aegis Armour: (Armour Rating 6, Powered 3, A Psyker adds Resolve 4 Conviction 4
½ their Psychic Mastery as an Invulnerable Armor Bonus vs Passive Awareness: 8
Daemons, incorporates a Wrist-Mounted Storm Bolter <Grey Resilience: 7 (Flak Armour 3)
Knights>), 1 Ranged Weapon, 1 Mele Weapon, d3 ea Frag Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10
Grenades, Krak Grenades, Psych-Out Grenades. Size: Average
Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Regiment>
Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Wargear
Steadfast) Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3; Lasgun; 1d3 Frag Grenades;
Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR Knife or Bayonet
x4m; Salvo --)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Weapons
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Knife/Bayonet (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee)
Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane <Psyker or Grenades (Range STR x4m)
Daemon>) Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Lasgun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1; Veteran Infantry Squad: As above but with the following
Steadfast) changes
+1 to Strength, Toughness, Willpower, and Default Skill.
Special Abilities +2 to Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill.
(Mob) Heavy Weapons Squad: Guardsmen may form into a Each of the Veterans is armed with one of the following
Special Weapons Squad of 6 Guardsmen. 3 Guardsmen in the ranged weapons:
squad may take one of the following weapons in place of their Autogun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 3; Rapid Fire 1)
Lasgun: Lasgun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1,
Autocannon (16+1ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Salvo 3) Steadfast)
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal) Shotgun (8+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Assault,
Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 1; Heavy 8; Spread)
Steadfast) One member of the squad may replace his Lasgun with a
Missile Launcher (Damage and AP by Missile Type; Range Heavy Flamer
150m; Salvo -) Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2, LBT,
Frag Missile (16+2ED; AP 0; LBT) Blaze, Spread)
Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; SBT) Two members of the squad may form a Heavy Weapons
Mortar (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 120m; Salvo 3; LBT, Team
Indirect) One member of the squad may have a Vox-Caster

Imperial Guardsman Command Squad: As a Veteran Infantry Squad above but

with the following changes
Threat Classification: Tier 1+ Troops 5 Man Squad, each is armed with one of the following ranged
Strength 3 Intellect 3 weapons and Melee Weapons:
Agility 3 Willpower 3 Chain Sword (5+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal Parry)
Toughness 3 Fellowship 3 Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2, LBT,
Blaze, Spread)
Initiative 3 Defense 2
Lasgun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1,
Speed 6 Wounds 3
Shock 3 Soak 3
Laspistol (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Steadfast)
Passive Awareness: 4 One member of the squad may have a Vox-Caster or a Medi-
Resilience: 7 (Flak Armour 3) Pack
Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10 One member of the squad may carry a Regimental Banner
Size: Average
Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Regiment>
Jokaero Weaponsmith
Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3; Lasgun; 1d3 Frag Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Adversary
Grenades; Knife or Bayonet
Strength 3 Intellect 8
Weapons Agility 3 Willpower 8
Knife/Bayonet (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee) Toughness 5 Fellowship 4
Grenades (Range STR x4m) Initiative 3 Defense 2
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Speed 6 Wounds 5
Lasgun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1; Shock 8 Soak 5
Steadfast) Resolve 7 Conviction 8
Passive Awareness: 3
Special Abilities Resilience: 4/6 (+*2 Armour Bonus)
(Mob) Mob Up: Guardsmen may form into an Infantry Squad Skills: Default 6; Weapon Skill 6; Ballistic Skill 10
of up to 10 Guardsmen. Size: Average
Heavy Weapons Team: Two Guardsmen in the Mob may Keywords: Imperium, Inquisition, <Ordo>, Xenos
form a Heavy Weapons Team as per the Heavy Weapons
Team Entry. Wargear
Special Weapons Trooper: One Guardsman in the Mob may No Wargear
be equipped as per the Special Weapons Squad Entry.
Vox Caster: One Guardsman may be equipped with a Vox Weapons
Caster. Digital Weapon (12+2ED; AP -2; Range 30m; Salvo 3;
Special Abilities
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Defense Orbs: A Jokaero Weaponsmith gains a +*2
Armour Bonus Strength 7 Intellect 5
Inconceivable Customization: Each time a Jokaero Agility 5 Willpower 5
Weaponsmith activates select an ally within 6m and roll a d6. Toughness 7 Fellowship 5
Apply the result from the table below to the selected ally for Initiative 5 Defense 4
the remainder of the Turn. Speed 6 Wounds 14
1-2: Augmented Targeting: Gain +2 Bonus Dice for Shock 5 Soak 4
all ranged attacks with one weapon of choice. Resolve 4 Conviction 5
3-4: Augmented Penetration: Gain +2 ED for all Passive Awareness: 4
ranged attacks with one weapon of choice. Resilience: 13 (Massive Cybernetic Enhancement (Armour
5-6: The Works: Gain both for all ranged attacks Rating 3) and Armour Plating (Armour Rating *2))
with one weapon of choice. Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10
Size: Large (+1D)
Kataphron Breachers Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult
Mechanicus, <Forge World>
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3-
4; Troops at Tier 5+ Wargear
Equipped with Massive Cybernetic Enhancement (Armour
Strength 7 Intellect 5 Rating 3) and Armour Plating (Armour Rating *2). Armed
Agility 6 Willpower 5 with any two different ranged weapons below:
Toughness 7 Fellowship 5
Initiative 6 Defense 5 Weapons
Speed 6 Wounds 14 Cognis Flamer (10+1ED, AP 0; Range 16m; Salvo 1;
Shock 5 Soak 4 Assault, MBT, Blaze, Spread <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Resolve 4 Conviction 5 Heavy Grav-Cannon (11+1ED; AP -3; Range 76m; Salvo 1;
Passive Awareness: 4 Heavy 8; Penetrating 2 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Resilience: 14 (Massive Cybernetic Enhancement (Armour Hydraulic Claw (17+3ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal,
Rating 3) and Armour Plating (Armour Rating *2)) Cumbersome <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10 Phosphor Blaster (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2;
Size: Large (+1D) Rapid Fire 1, No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Adeptus
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult Mechanicus>)
Mechanicus, <Forge World> Plasma Culvern (14+2ED; AP -3; Range 90m; Salvo 4;
Heavy 8, Supercharge <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Equipped with Massive Cybernetic Enhancement (Armour Special Abilities
Rating 3) and Armour Plating (Armour Rating *2). Armed Massive Cybernetic Enhancement
with one each of the following ranged and melee weapons. Canticles of the Omnissiah
Heavy Battle Servitor: A Kataphron Destroyer may ignore
Weapons the Heavy trait for any Heavy weapons it uses.
Arc Claw (12+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Arc 2 <Adeptus (MOB) Mob Up: Kataphron Destroyers may form a mob.
Heavy Arc Rifle (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 90m; Salvo 3; Arc Miltarum Tempestus
2, Heavy 4 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Scions
Hydraulic Claw (17+3ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal,
Cumbersome <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+ Troops
Torsion Cannon (14+6ED; AP -4; Range 60m; Salvo 0;
Brutal, Heavy 4 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Strength 3 Intellect 3
Agility 3 Willpower 3
Special Abilities Toughness 3 Fellowship 3
Massive Cybernetic Enhancement
Initiative 3 Defense 2
Canticles of the Omnissiah
Speed 6 Wounds 3
Heavy Battle Servitor: A Kataphron Breacher may ignore
Shock 3 Soak 3
the Heavy trait for any Heavy weapons it uses.
(MOB) Mob Up: Kataphron Breachers may form a mob. Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 9 (Tempestus Carapace 4)
Kataphron Destroyers Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Size: Average
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3- Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Militarum Tepestus>
4; Troops at Tier 5+
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Ripper Gun (12+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal,
Wargear Unwieldly 1)
Tempestus Carapace: Armour Rating 4, Sealed, Vox Caster;
Omnishield Helm; Hot-Shot Lasgun; 1d3 Frag Grenades; Special Abilities
1d3 Krak Grenades; Knife or Bayonet Avalanche of Muscle: Ogryns gain a +3 Bonus Dice instead
of +1 when charging.
Weapons (Mob) Mob Up: Ogryns may form a mob.
Grenades (Range STR x4m)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Variants
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Hot-Shot Lasgun (7+1ED; AP -2; Range 36m; Salvo 2; Ogryn Bodyguards: As Ogryns above with the following
Rapid Fire 1; Steadfast) changes:
Knife/Bayonet (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee) Ogryn Bodyguards wear Bullgryn Plate and may have either
a Brute Shield or Slabshield
Special Abilities Bullgryn Plate (Armour Rating 6)
(Mob) Mob Up: Tempestus Scions may form into a Brute Shield (*4, Shield)
Stormtrooper Squad of 10 Scions. Slabshield (*5, Shield)
For every 5 Tempestus Scions in the Mob, Two Tempestus Armed with a Ripper Gun, Huge Knife, and 1d3 Frag
Scions in the Mob may be armed with a Flamer, Meltagun, Bombs
Plasma Gun, Militarum Tempestus Grenade Launcher, or Huge Knife (11+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee, Brutal)
Hot-Shot Volley Gun. May exchange their Ripper Gun for one of the following:
Flamer (10+1ED, AP 0; Range 16m; Salvo 1; Assault, MBT, Bullgryn Maul (14+1ED, AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal)
Blaze, Spread) Grenadier Gauntlet (Damage As Grenade; AP As Grenade;
Hot-Shot Volley Gun (10+1ED; AP -2; Range 48m; Salvo 4; Range 20m; Salvo 1)
Heavy 4, Streadfast) Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Assault, Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Melta) Avalanche of Muscle: Ogryns gain a +3 Bonus Dice instead
Militarum Tempestus Grenade Launcher (Damage As of +1 when charging.
Grenade; AP As Grenade; Range50m; Salvo 1; Assault) Bodyguard: If an Ogryn Bodyguard is within 6m of an ally
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Character or Champion that has been hit by a ranged attack, it
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) may make an Initiative Test (DN4), if it passes, the damage
Plasma Gun (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid from the attack is applied to the Ogryn Bodyguard instead. If
Fire 1, Supercharge) this case apply the Brute Shield or Slabshield to the Ogryn
Bodyguards Resilience no matter the angle of the attack.
Ogryns Ogryn Bodyguards may not Mob

Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Elite; Tier 3+: Adversary Bullgryns: As Ogryns with the following changes
Add +2 Strength and Toughness
Strength 7 Intellect 3 Equipped with either a Bullgryn Maul or a Grenadier
Agility 4 Willpower 3 Gauntlet and either a Brute Shield or Slabshield
Toughness 7 Fellowship 3 (Mob) Mob Up: A Bullgyn Mob is led by a Bullgryn Bone
Initiative 4 Defense 3 ‘Ead with the following changes:
Add +1 to Intellect and Willpower
Speed 6 Wounds 7
Shock 3 Soak 7
Resolve 2 Conviction 3 Primaris Aggressor
Passive Awareness: 4 Marine
Resilience: 11 (Flak Armour Armour 3)
Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 10 Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite
Size: Large (+1D)
Keywords: Astra Militarum
Strength 8 (14) Intellect 3
Agility 5 Willpower 4
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3; Ripper Gun; and 1d3 Frag
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Speed 7 Wounds 14
Weapons Shock 10 Soak 6
Frag Bomb (10+1ED; AP 0; Range: Str x4m; LBT) Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Ripper Gun (12+1ED; AP 0; Range 36m; Salvo 3; Assault) Passive Awareness: 5

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Resilience: 14 Tactus Mk X Gravis Powered Armour Size: Average
(Armour Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 6 <Primaris>) Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Size: Average Wargear
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> Tactus Mk X Powered Armour (Armour Rating 7,
Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>), a Bolt Pistol, d3 ea
Wargear Frag Grenades and Krak Grenades, and any 1 other ranged
Tactus Mk X Gravis Powered Armour: Armour Rating 7, weapon
Cumbersome, Powered 6 <Primaris>, and 2 of any one
weapon (count is as Twin, doubling the Salvo). Note: The Weapons
Gauntlets have both a ranged and a melee profile! Assault Plasma Incinerator (14+2ED; AP -4; Range 60m;
Salvo 4; Assault, Supercharge <Primaris>)
Weapons Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 50m; Pistol)
Salvo 4; Assault <Primaris>) Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Auto Boltstorm Gauntlet (22+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
<Primaris>) Heavy Plasma Incinerator (18+2ED, AP -4, Range 90m;
Flamestorm Gauntlets (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 2; Salvo 3; Supercharge, Heavy 6)
Assault, Spread <Primaris>) Plasma Incinerator (14+2ED, AP -4, Range 60m; Salvo 3;
Flamestorm Gauntlets (22+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee Supercharge, Rapid Fire 1)
Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Special Abilities
Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault, Rapid Fire 2) And They Shall know No Fear
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may
Special Abilities draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical
And They Shall know No Fear Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical successful attack against a Mob.
Chart, make two rolls and pick one). Hellblaster Sergeant: Add +2 to all skills
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any May replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol
successful attack against a Mob. Plasma Pistol (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
Fire Storm: Aggressors may attack twice each activation Supercharge)
without penalty if they do not move. (Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions
Relentless Assault: Aggressors do not suffer any penalties to (MOB) Hellblaster Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to
attacks for movement. 10 troops.
Aggressor Sergeant: Add +2 to all skills (MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
(Ruin) Champion: This champion may take Ruin Actions Combat Teams of up to 5.
(MOB) Aggressor Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10
troops. Primaris Inceptor
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
Combat Teams of up to 5.

Primaris Hellblaster Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite
Marine Strength 8 (14) Intellect 3
Agility 5 Willpower 4
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Strength 8 (13) Intellect 3 Speed 7 Wounds 14
Agility 5 Willpower 4 Shock 10 Soak 6
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Passive Awareness: 5
Speed 7 Wounds 14 Resilience: 14 Tactus Mk X Gravis Powered Armour
Shock 10 Soak 6 (Armour Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 6 <Primaris>)
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Passive Awareness: 5 Size: Average
Resilience: 14 Tactus Mk X Powered Armour (Armour Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>)
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 Wargear

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Tactus Mk X Gravis Powered Armour (Armour Rating 7, Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Cumbersome, Powered 6 <Primaris>), Jump Pack, and 2 of Haywire Mine (Explodes when a threat moves to within 6m.
either ranged weapon below (count as Twin, Doubling their Roll a d6, deal a number of mortal wounds equal to 1 + the
Salvo) number of Icons generated. If a Vehicle, deal d3 + the number
of icons generated instead.)
Weapons Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Assault Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 56m; Salvo 3; Oculus Bolt Carbine (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 3;
Assault, Brutal <Primaris>) Brutal, Rapid Fire 1; No Cover Saves vs this weapon
Plasma Exterminator (15+2ED; AP -3; Range 50m; Salvo 5; <Primaris>)
Assault, Supercharge, <Primaris>) Smoke Grenade (Provides +2DN smoke-based cover to
ranged attacks made through the area of effect)
Special Abilities
And They Shall know No Fear Special Abilities
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may And They Shall know No Fear
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may
Chart, make two rolls and pick one). draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
successful attack against a Mob. Multi-Spectrum Array: An Incursor Marine or Squad
Crushing Charge: When an Inceptor Marine makes a equipped with this wargear makes a ranged attack, ignore all
charge attack using his Jump Pack movement, if the attack DN penalties for the attack other than wound penalties.
deals a critical hit, deal an additional mortal wound. Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any
(MOB) Inceptor Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10 successful attack against a Mob.
troops. (MOB) Incursor Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two troops.
Combat Teams of up to 5. (MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
Combat Teams of up to 5.
Primaris Incursor
Marine Primaris Infiltrator
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite
Strength 8 (13) Intellect 3
Agility 5 Willpower 4 Strength 8 (13) Intellect 3
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 Agility 5 Willpower 4
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Speed 7 Wounds 14 Initiative 5 Defense 4
Shock 10 Soak 6 Speed 7 Wounds 14
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Shock 10 Soak 6
Passive Awareness: 7 Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Resilience: 14 Tactus Mk X Phobos Powered Armour Passive Awareness: 7
(Armour Rating 7, Cumbersome, Phobos, Powered 5 Resilience: 14 Tactus Mk X Phobos Powered Armour
<Primaris>) (Armour Rating 7, Cumbersome, Phobos, Powered 5
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 <Primaris>)
Size: Average Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Keywords: Primaris Astartes, <Chapter> Size: Average
Keywords: Primaris Astartes, <Chapter>
Tactus Mk X Phobos Powered Armour (Armour Rating 7, Wargear
Cumbersome, Phobos, Powered 5 <Primaris>), a Bolt Pistol, Tactus Mk X Phobos Powered Armour (Armour Rating 7,
Ocullus Bolt Carbine, d3 ea Frag Grenades, Krak Cumbersome, Phobos, Powered 5 <Primaris>), a Bolt Pistol,
Grenades, and Smoke Grenades, and paired Astartes Marksman Bolt Carbine, d3 ea Frag Grenades, Krak
Combat Knives. Grenades, and Smoke Grenades.

Weapons Weapons
Astartes Combat Knife (3+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Steadfast) Pistol)
Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Pistol) Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Marksman Bolt Carbine (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Brutal,
2; Brutal, Mortal 1 <Primaris>) Rapid Fire 2)
Smoke Grenade (Provides +2DN smoke-based cover to Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
ranged attacks made through the area of effect) Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Stalker Bolt Rifle (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 120m; Brutal,
Special Abilities Heavy 3, Sniper 3)
And They Shall know No Fear
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may Special Abilities
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical And They Shall know No Fear
Chart, make two rolls and pick one). Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may
Infiltrator Comms Array: A unit equipped with this wargear draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical
is always considered in range of a Captain or Lieutenant in Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
Phobos armor for their Rites of Battle and Tactical Precision Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any
abilities. successful attack against a Mob.
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any (MOB) Interceptor Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to
successful attack against a Mob. 10 troops. For every 5 members of the squad, one may take a
(MOB) Infiltrator Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10 Grenade Launcher in addition to any other weapon they carry.
troops. Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Grenade;
The Squad may also contain an Infiltrator Helix Adept with Range 60m; Salvo 1)
the following additions: (MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
Has Medicae 12 Combat Teams of up to 5.
Rites of Medicae: Infiltrator Helix’s automatically reduce
the time by half for any Medicae test. Infiltrator Helix’s heal Primaris Intercessor
a number of wounds equal to the number of icons generated
on a Medicae Test plus their Rank.

(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite
Combat Teams of up to 5.
Strength 8 (13) Intellect 3
Agility 5 Willpower 4
Primaris Interceptor
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Marine Initiative 5 Defense 4
Speed 7 Wounds 14
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite Shock 10 Soak 6
Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Strength 8 (13) Intellect 3 Passive Awareness: 5
Agility 5 Willpower 4 Resilience: 14 Tactus Mk X Powered Armour (Armour
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>)
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Speed 7 Wounds 14 Size: Average
Shock 10 Soak 6 Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Passive Awareness: 5 Wargear
Resilience: 14 Tactus Mk X Powered Armour (Armour Tactus Mk X Powered Armour (Armour Rating 7,
Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>) Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>), 1 Ranged Weapon, 1
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 Melee Weapon, d3 Frag Grenades, and d3 Krak Grenades
Size: Average
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> Weapons
Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee;
Wargear Steadfast)
Tactus Mk X Powered Armour (Armour Rating 7, Auto Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal,
Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>), 1 Ranged Weapon, 1 Assault <Primaris>
Mele Weapon, d3 Frag Grenades, and d3 Krak Grenades Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Brutal,
Rapid Fire 2)
Weapons Chain Sword (18+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Brutal, Parry)
Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Hand Flamer (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 12m; Salvo 4; SBT,
Steadfast) Blaze, Pistol, Spread)
Auto Bolt Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2, Brutal, Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Assault <Primaris> Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Power Sword (18+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may
Field) draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical
Stalker Bolt Rifle (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 120m; Brutal, Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
Heavy 3, Sniper 3) Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any
Thunder Hammer (21+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Brutal, successful attack against a Mob.
Power Field, Unwieldly 2) Terror Troops: Threats within 12m of a Reiver Marine suffer
a -2 Penalty to their Willpower.
Special Abilities May have Grapnel Launchers and/or Grav-Chutes
And They Shall know No Fear Grapnel Launchers: A grapnel launcher allows the
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may user to move up vertical surfaces at 2x Speed and down at 3x
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Speed.
Chart, make two rolls and pick one). Grav Chute: A grav-chute emits a suspensor field
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any that counters the force of gravity at the particle level, and two
successful attack against a Mob. small promethium fueled thrusters to provide some directional
(MOB) Intercessor Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to control. A grav-chute can be used to hover for up to one
10 troops. For every 5 members of the squad, one may take a minute at a time. In many ways, a grav-chute is similar to the
Grenade Launcher in addition to any other weapon they carry. jump pack, but it only controls a fall rather than lift the wearer
Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Grenade; into true flight. The grav-chute’s solar battery provides enough
Range 60m; Salvo 1) energy to operate
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two (MOB) Reiver Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10
Combat Teams of up to 5. troops.
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
Primaris Reiver Marine Combat Teams of up to 5.

Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite

Primaris Suppressor
Strength 8 (13) Intellect 3
Agility 5 Willpower 4 Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Strength 8 (13) Intellect 3
Speed 7 Wounds 14 Agility 5 Willpower 4
Shock 10 Soak 6 Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Initiative 5 Defense 4
Passive Awareness: 5 Speed 7 Wounds 14
Resilience: 14 Tactus Mk X Phobos, Powered Armour Shock 10 Soak 6
(Armour Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>) Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 Passive Awareness: 5
Size: Average Resilience: 14 Tactus Mk X Powered Armour (Armour
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> Rating 7, Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>)
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Wargear Size: Average
Tactus Mk X Phobos Powered Armour (Armour Rating 7, Keywords: Adeptus Primaris, <Chapter>
Cumbersome, Phobos, Powered 5 <Primaris>), 1 Ranged
Weapon, 1 Mele Weapon, d3 of each Grenade. Wargear
Tactus Mk X Powered Armour: Armour Rating 7,
Weapons Cumbersome, Powered 5 <Primaris>, Grav-Chute, d3 ea
Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, and Smoke Grenades
Bolt Carbine (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Weapons
Assault <Primaris>) Accelerator Autocannon (13+2ED; AP -2; Range 120m;
Heavy Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Salvo 4; Heavy 8 <Primaris>)
Brutal, Pistol <Primaris>) Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Pistol)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Shock Grenade (10+1ED; AP0; MBT, Agonizing) Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Special Abilities Special Abilities
And They Shall know No Fear And They Shall know No Fear

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may Weapons
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical None
Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any Special Abilities
successful attack against a Mob. Incantation of the Iron Soul: Servitors are unaffected by
(MOB) Suppressor Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 5 powers and abilities that effect the mind. They never need to
troops. make Resolve Tests to continue fighting.
Mindlock: Servitors gain +2 to their Ballistic Skill and
Weapon Skill when within 12m of an ally Tech-Priest.
Ratling Snipers (Mob) Mob Up: Servitors always form a mob when able.

Threat Classification: Tier 1+ Adversary Variants

Strength 2 Intellect 3 Combat Servitor: As Servitor but +2 Weapon Skill

Agility 4 Willpower 3 Combat Servo Arm (Damage 9+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee;
Toughness 2 Fellowship 3 Brutal, Unwieldly 2)
Initiative 3 Defense 2 (Mob) (Complication) Failed Rite: As a complication, one
Speed 5 Wounds 3 Combat Servitor in the mob malfunctions and becomes
Shock 3 Soak 2 Unconscious.
Resolve 2 Conviction 3 Gun Servitor: As a Servitot but +2 Ballistic Skill
Passive Awareness: 4 Heavy Bolter Servo Arm (Damage 12+2ED; AP -1; Range
Resilience: 6 (Flak Armour Armour 3) 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Heavy 4)
Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 12 (Mob) (Complication) Failed Rite: As a complication, one
Size: Small (-1D) Combat Servitor in the mob malfunctions and becomes
Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Regiment> Unconscious.

Wargear Sicarian Infiltrator

Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3; Camo Cloak; Sniper Rifle

Weapons Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3-

Knife/Bayonet (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee) 4; Troops at Tier 5+
Sniper Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 120m; Salvo 0; Sniper 2)
Strength 6 Intellect 4
Special Abilities Agility 6 Willpower 4
(Mob) Mob Up: Ratling Snipers may form a mob of up to 10 Toughness 5 Fellowship 4
Snipers. Initiative 6 Defense 5
Speed 8 Wounds 7
Servitors Shock 5 Soak 4
Resolve 4 Conviction 5
Threat Classification: Tier 1+: Troops Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 13 (Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3;
Strength 4 Intellect 1 Bionics *4 Armor Rating;)
Agility 2 Willpower 1 Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Toughness 3 Fellowship 1 Size: Average
Initiative 3 Defense 2 Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult
Speed 5 Wounds 3 Mechanicus, <Forge World>
Shock 2 Soak 4
Resolve 1 Conviction 2
Equipped with Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3;
Passive Awareness: 2
Bionics: Armour Rating *3; Armed with any one each of the
Resilience: 7 (Cybernetic Enhancement: Armour 2)
following ranged and melee weapons.
Skills: Default 4; Weapon Skill 5; Ballistic Skill 5; Tech Use
Size: Average
Flechette Blaster (9+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Salvo 3; Pistol
Keywords: Adeptus Mechanicus, Astra Militarum, <Forge
<Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Power Sword (11+1ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Parry, Power
Stubcarbine (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 46m; Salvo 4; Pistol
Has Cybernetic Emhancement (Armor 2); and a Servo Arm
<Adeptus Mechanicus>)
of choice

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Taser Goad (11+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Devastating Speed 7 Wounds 5
<Adeptus Mechanicus>) Shock 8 Soak 5
Resolve 7 Conviction 8
Special Abilities Passive Awareness: 5
Bionics Resilience: 11 (Sisters of Silence Armour: Armour Rating 5,
Canticles of the Omnissiah Powered 2)
Necrotic Aura: Threats within 6m suffer a -2 penalty to Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Willpower and Intellect. Size: Average
(MOB) Mob Up: Sicarian Infiltrator may form a mob. Keywords: Imperium, Astra Telepathica, Sisters of Silence

Sicarian Ruststalkers Wargear

Equipped with Sisters of Silence Armour (Armour Rating 5,
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3- Powered 2), a Boltgun and d3 Psych-Out Grenades.
4; Troops at Tier 5+
Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid
Strength 6 Intellect 4
Fire 2)
Agility 6 Willpower 4
Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane <Psyker or
Toughness 5 Fellowship 4
Initiative 6 Defense 5
Speed 8 Wounds 7 Special Abilities
Shock 5 Soak 4 Psychic Abomination
Resolve 4 Conviction 5 Witch Hunters
Passive Awareness: 5 Prosecution Protoculs: Ranged attacks made by his unit gain
Resilience: 13 (Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3; +2 Bonus Dice when targeting a threat with the Psyker
Bionics *4 Armor Rating;) keyword.
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 (MOB) Mob Up: Prosecutors may form a mob of up to 10
Size: Average members.
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult
Mechanicus, <Forge World>
Sisters of Silence
Wargear Vigilators
Equipped with Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3;
Bionics: Armour Rating *3; Armed with a Transonic Razor Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3-
and Chordclaw or with a pair of Transonic Blades 4; Troops at Tier 5+

Weapons Strength 5/7 Intellect 8

Chordclaw (10+3ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Mortal 3, Natural Agility 5 Willpower 8
<Adeptus Mechanicus>) Toughness 5 Fellowship 8
Transonic Blades (11+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Mortal 1 Initiative 5 Defense 4
<Adeptus Mechanicus>) Speed 7 Wounds 5
Transonic Razor (10+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Mortal 1 Shock 8 Soak 5
<Adeptus Mechanicus>) Resolve 7 Conviction 8
Passive Awareness: 5
Special Abilities Resilience: 11 (Sisters of Silence Armour: Armour Rating 5,
Bionics Powered 2)
Canticles of the Omnissiah Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
(MOB) Mob Up: Sicarian Ruststralkers may form a mob. Size: Average
Keywords: Imperium, Astra Telepathica, Sisters of Silence
Sisters of Silence
Prosecutors Wargear
Equipped with Sisters of Silence Armour (Armour Rating 5,
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3- Powered 2), an Executioners Greatblade and d3 Psych-Out
4; Troops at Tier 5+ Grenades.

Strength 5/7 Intellect 8
Executioner Greatblade (12+3ED; AP-3; Range Melee;
Agility 5 Willpower 8
Brutal, Parry, Power Field)
Toughness 5 Fellowship 8
Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane <Psyker or
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Daemon>)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Size: Average
Special Abilities Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta
Psychic Abomination Sororitas, <Order>
Witch Hunters
(MOB) Mob Up: Prosecutors may form a mob of up to 10 Wargear
members.. Equipped with a Penitant Eviscerator.

Sisters of Silence Weapons

Penitant Eviscerator (15+2ED; AP -2; Range 2m; Brutal,
Unwieldly 2)
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3- Special Abilities
4; Troops at Tier 5+ Acts of Faith
Shield of Faith
Strength 5/7 Intellect 8 (MOB) Mob Up: Sisters Repentia may form a mob of up to
Agility 5 Willpower 8 9 members
Toughness 5 Fellowship 8
Initiative 5 Defense 4
Speed 7 Wounds 5
Skitarii Rangers
Shock 8 Soak 5
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3-
Resolve 7 Conviction 8
4; Troops at Tier 5+
Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 11 (Sisters of Silence Armour: Armour Rating 5,
Strength 5 Intellect 5
Powered 2)
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 Agility 6 Willpower 5
Size: Average Toughness 5 Fellowship 5
Keywords: Imperium, Astra Telepathica, Sisters of Silence Initiative 6 Defense 5
Speed 6 Wounds 14
Wargear Shock 5 Soak 4
Equipped with Sisters of Silence Armour (Armour Rating 5, Resolve 4 Conviction 5
Powered 2), a Flamer and d3 Psych-Out Grenades. Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 13 (Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3;
Weapons Bionics *4 Armor Rating;)
Flamer (10+1ED, AP 0; Range 16m; Salvo 1; Assault, MBT, Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 12
Blaze, Spread) Size: Average
Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane <Psyker or Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult
Daemon>) Mechanicus, <Forge World>

Special Abilities Wargear

Psychic Abomination Equipped with Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3,
Witch Hunters Rad Resistant, Bionics: Armour Rating *3; Armed with a
(MOB) Mob Up: Prosecutors may form a mob of up to 10 Galvanic Rifle. Has an Omnispex or Enhanced Data-
members. Tether.

Sisters Repentia Galvanic Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 2; Rapid
Fire 1, Penetrating 1 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3-
4; Troops at Tier 5+ Special Abilities
Strength 5 Intellect 8 Canticles of the Omnissiah
Agility 5 Willpower 8 Heavily Augmented: The Skitarius’ body is designed to
Toughness 5 Fellowship 8 withstand the rigours of war. Skitarii do not bleed and gain
Initiative 5 Defense 4 +1/2 Rank to Soak tests.
Speed 6 Wounds 5 Omnispex: Negate the penalty to attack rolls for attacking a
Shock 8 Soak 5 threat in cover upto 72m
Resolve 7 Conviction 8 Enhanced Data-Tether: A Mob with a Data-Tether in it may
Passive Awareness: 5 reroll 1s (except for Complications) for Resolve Tests.
Resilience: 6 Provides +1 Bonus Dice for Resolve Tests.
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 (MOB) Mob Up: Skitarii Rangers may form a mob.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Skitarii Vanguard Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 17 (Centurion Armour: Armour Rating 10;
Cumbersome; Powered 7)
Threat Classification: Adversary at Tier 1-2; Elite at Tier 3-
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
4; Troops at Tier 5+
Size: Large (+1D)
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Strength 5 Intellect 5
Agility 6 Willpower 5 Wargear
Toughness 5 Fellowship 5 Centurion Armour (Armour Rating 10; Cumbersome;
Initiative 6 Defense 5 Powered 7). Each Centurion is armed with Siege Drills, two
Speed 6 Wounds 14 Flamers, and Centurion Assault Launchers (If this
Shock 5 Soak 4 Centurion charges, any threat within 6m of this Centurion at
Resolve 4 Conviction 5 the end of the charge takes d3 mortal wounds). Optionally, the
Passive Awareness: 5 Flamers can be replaced with two Melta-Guns or the
Resilience: 12 (Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3; Centurion Assault Launchers replaced with Hurricane
Bionics *4 Armor Rating;) Bolters.
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 12
Size: Average Weapons
Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Cult Flamer (10+1ED, AP 0; Range 16m; Salvo 1; Assault, MBT,
Mechanicus, <Forge World> Blaze, Spread)
Hurricane Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 12;
Wargear Brutal; Heavy 6)
Equipped with Skitarii Auto-Cauirass: Armour Rating 3; Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Assault,
Bionics: Armour Rating *3; Armed with a Radium Carbine. Melta)
Has an Omnispex or Enhanced Data-Tether. Siege Drill (34+3ED; AP -4, Range Melee; Brutal)

Weapons Special Abilities

• Radium Carbine (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 36m; And They Shall Know No Fear
Salvo 3; Assault, Rad 2 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical
Special Abilities Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
Bionics (MOB) Centurion Assault Squad: Troop may form a mob of
Canticles of the Omnissiah up to 10 troops..
Heavily Augmented: The Skitarius’ body is designed to (MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into to
withstand the rigours of war. Skitarii do not bleed and gain Combat Teams of up to 5 members
+1/2 Rank to Soak tests. (Ruin) Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons
Radiation Saturation: All threats (except for vehicles) within to any successful attack against a Mob.
2m of a Skitarii Vanguard have their Toughness reduced by
2. Variants
Omnispex: Negate the penalty to attack rolls for attacking a Centurion Devastator Marine: As Centurion Space Marine
threat in cover upto 72m with the following changes:
Enhanced Data-Tether: A Mob with a Data-Tether in it may Armed as follows: two Heavy Bolters and a Hurricane
reroll 1s (except for Complications) for Resolve Tests. Bolter. Optionally the Heavy Bolters can be replaced with
Provides +1 Bonus Dice for Resolve Tests. two Lascannon or a Grave-cannon with Grave-amp. The
(MOB) Mob Up: Skitarii Vanguard may form a mob. Hurricane Bolters can be replaced with a Centurion Missile
Launcher. Centurion Devastators do not have Centurion
Space Marine Assault Launchers.
Centurions Centurion Missile Launcher (Damage As Centurion
Missile, AP As Centurion Missile; Range 72m; Salvo 1;
Assault, Indirect)
Threat Classification: Tier 1-4: Adversary; Tier 5+: Elite Centurion Missile (10+2ED; AP 0; SBT)
Grave-cannon with Grav-amp (12+1ED; AP -3; Range
Strength 7(14) Intellect 3 60m; Salvo 1; Heavy 4, Penetrating 2)
Agility 5 Willpower 4 Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal,
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 Heavy 4)
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Hurricane Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 12;
Speed 7 Wounds 10 Brutal; Heavy 6)
Shock 10 Soak 6 Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 1; Heavy 8,
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Decimator Protocols: Centurion Devastators do not suffer Use The Terrain: Space Marine Scouts receive +Rank to all
penalties for moving and shooting Heavy Weapons. Stealth Tests when they move into, thru, or out of cover.
(MOB) Centurion Devastator Squad: Troop may form a (MOB) Scout Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10
mob of up to 10 troops troops. No more than 2 heavy weapons allowed in the mob.
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two (MOB) Scout Combat Squad: This mob may break down
Combat Teams of up to 5 members into two Combat Teams of up to 5 members with each team
having no more than 1 heavy weapon.
Space Marine Scouts
Space Marine Tactical
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3-4: Elite; Marine
Tier 5+ Troops (Mobs only)
Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite
Strength 6 Intellect 3
Agility 4 Willpower 4 Strength 7 (10) Intellect 3
Toughness 5 Fellowship 2 Agility 5 Willpower 4
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Speed 7 Wounds 9 Initiative 5 Defense 4
Shock 10 Soak 5 Speed 7 Wounds 10
Resolve 3 Conviction 4 Shock 10 Soak 6
Passive Awareness: 5 Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Resilience: 10 (Astartes Scout Armour 4) Passive Awareness: 5
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 Resilience: 12 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5,
Size: Average Powered 3)
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Size: Average
Wargear Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Astartes Scout Amour (Armour 4), Boltgun or Bolt Pistol,
Combat Knife, d3 each of Frag and Krak Grenades. Wargear
Optional use of Camo Cloak (Add +2 icons for all Stealth Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered 3), 1
Tests). May switch out the Bolt Pistol or Boltgun for either Ranged Weapon, 1 Mele Weapon, d3 Frag Grenades, and d3
the Astartes Shotgun or Astartes Sniper Rifle. Krak Grenades
Weapons Weapons
Astartes Combat Knife (9+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee; Astartes Combat Knife (13+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee;
Steadfast) Steadfast)
Astartes Shotgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Salvo 2; Bolt Pistol (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal,
Assault, Spread, Steadfast) Pistol)
Astartes Sniper Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 150m; Salvo 0; Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid
Sniper 2) Fire 2)
Bolt Pistol: (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Brutal, Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR
Pistol) x4m; Salvo --)
Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; Brutal, Rapid Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Fire 2) Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Grenade (Damage by Grenade, AP by Grenade; Range STR Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal,
x4m or Launcher; Salvo --) Heavy 4)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2; LBT,
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Blaze, Heavy 6, Spread)
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 1; Heavy 8,
Heavy 4) Steadfast)
Missile Launcher (Damage Missile, AP As Missile, Range Missile Launcher (Damage Missile, AP As Missile, Range
150m; Salvo --; Heavy 6) 150m; Salvo --; Heavy 6)
Frag Missile (10+2ED; AP 0; Range --; Salvo --; Frag Missile (10+2ED; AP 0; Range --; Salvo --;
Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --; Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --;
Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta)
Special Abilities Plasma Cannon (15+2ED, AP -3, Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid
And They Shall know No Fear Fire 1, Supercharge)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Increase Default, Ballistic Skill, and Weapon Skill by +2.
Special Abilities Gain the Keyword <Deathwatch>
And They Shall know No Fear Gain the following Special Abilities
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may Defenders of Humanity
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Special Issue Ammunition
Chart, make two rolls and pick one). (Mob) Deathwatch Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any 10 troops.
successful attack against a Mob. Mixed Unit: A Deathwatch Squad may contain members in
(MOB) Tactical Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10 Terminator Armour or on Bikes. The squad may contain
troops. No more than 2 heavy weapons allowed in the mob. Black Shield Space Marines and Vanguard Veteran Space
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two Marines
Combat Teams of up to 5 members with each team having no Unflinching: If a Deathwatch Squad contains members in
more than 1 heavy weapon. Terminator Armour then all squad members automatically
(MOB) Veteran Tactical Squad: Troop may form a mob of pass any Resolve Tests.
up to 10 troop. No more than 2 heavy weapons allowed in the Deathwatch Teleport Homer: If a Deathwatch Squad
mob. contains a member on a bike with a Deathwatch Teleport
(MOB) Veteran Combat Squad: This mob may break down Homer and another member in Terminator Armor, then on one
into two Combat Teams of up to 5 members with each team of that squads’ activations, set up the Teleport Homer within
having no more than 1 heavy weapon. 2m of the Bike member. Anytime after that on any of that
squads’ activations, an emergency teleport action may be
Variants declared. When this is done, immediately move all squad
members to within 6m of the teleport homer. If any threat gets
Space Marine Assault Marine: As Tactical Marine with the within 6m of the teleport homer, they may use an activation to
following changes destroy it.
Assault Marines are equipped with either Bolt Pistol, Hand (Mob) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
Flamer, or Plasma Pistol; and a Chainsword Combat Teams of up to 5 members
Assault Marines are equipped with Jump Packs
(MOB) Assault Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10 <Deathwatch> Veteran Tactical Marines have access to the
troop. No more than 2 Blaze Heavy weapons allowed in the following Wargear
mob. Issued Aquilla Mark VIII Armour: Armour Rating 6,
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two Powered 3
Combat Teams of up to 5 members with each team having no Deathwatch Frag Cannon (Damage As Grenade; AP As
more than 1 Blaze Heavy weapon. Grenade; Range 50m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 2, Assault,
Space Marine Devastator Marine: As Tactical Marine with Deathwatch Shotgun (Damage As Ammo Choice; AP As
the following changes: Ammo Choice; Range As Ammo Choice; Salvo 2; Assault,
Devastator Marines are equipped with either Bolt Pistol, Steadfast, <Deathwatch>)
Astartes Combat Knife and any 1 of the following: Heavy Basic Round (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 24m; Spread)
Bolter, Heavy Flamer, Lascannon, or Missile Launcher. Cryptclearer Round (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 30m; Spread,
Armorium Cherub: Any Character or Mob accompanied by <Deathwatch>)
one or more Armorium Cherub has 1 additional Salvo Xenopurge Slug (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 30m; Brutal,
available to it for each Armorium Cherub accompanying it. <Deathwatch>)
The Armourium Cherub negates the ‘Out of Ammo’ Wyrmsbreath Shell (12+1ED; AP 0; Range 18m; Blaze,
Complication. Armorium Cherubs may be targeted in Spread, <Deathwatch>)
combat, they have Defense 4, Resilience 4, Wounds 1, and Grav-Gun (12+1ED; AP -3; Range 40m; Salvo 1; Rapid Fire
explode as a Frag Grenade when they are reduced to 0 1, Penetrating 1, <Deathwatch>)
Wounds. Grav-Pistol (12+1ED; AP -3; Range 20m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
(Mob) Signum: Before this Mob shoots in a turn, choose a Penetrating 1, <Deathwatch>)
squad member within 4 m of their Sergeant, that squad Heavy Thunder Hammer (16+4ED; AP -3; Range 2m,
member may reroll 1s (except for Complication) on their Melee; Brutal, Unwieldly 2, <Deathwatch>)
attack roll. Inferno Pistol (15+1ED; AP -4; Range 16m; Salvo 1; Pistol,
(Mob) Devastator Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to 10 Melta, <Deathwatch>)
troop. Infernus Heavy Bolter: As Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer
(Mob) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two (<Deathwatch>)
Combat Teams of up to 5 members Stalker Pattern Boltgun (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo
2; Heavy 2, Brutal, Rapid Fire 2, <Deathwatch>)
<Deathwatch> Veteran Tactical Marine: As Tactical
Marine with the following changer: Vanguard Space Marine
Increase Strength, Toughness and Willpower by +2, As Space Marine Tactical Marine with the following
recalculating traits as needed. Changes:
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
May be equipped with a Jump Pack member may reroll 1s (except for Complication) on their
May be equipped with any of the following: Bolt Pistol, attack roll.
Chain Sword, Lightning Claws, Thunder Hammer, Storm (Mob) Long Fangs: Troop may form a mob of up to 5 troops.
Shield, 2d3 Frag Grenades, 2d3 Krak Grenades, 1 The Pack Leader may have a Chainsword.
Meltabombs A Long Fangs Squad may contain a Wolf Guard Pack
(MOB) Vanguard Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to Leader
10 troops. No more than 2 Blaze Heavy weapons allowed in
the mob. Dark Angels Deathwing Knights
(MOB) Vanguard Combat Squad: This mob may break As Space Marine Tactical Marine with the following
down into two Combat Teams of up to 5 members with each Changes:
team having no more than 1 Blaze Heavy weapon. Has <Dark Angels> as his chapter.
Has the following additional abilities:
<Space Wolves> Blood Claws Gains the Deathwing Keyword.
As Space Marine Tactical Marine with the following Has the following additional special abilities:
Changes: Inner Circle
Has the following additional abilities: Watcher in the Dark: A squad of Deathwing Terminators is
Berserk Charge: Blood Claws gain 1 free melee attack when accompanied by a Watcher in the Dark. The Watcher must
they charge stay as close to the squad as possible. When this squad is
Headstrong: If a Blood Claw does not start their activation targeted by a psychic power by a threat, roll a d6. If an icon is
within 12m of a Pack Leader or Wolf Guard, then the Blood generated, the power has no effect. No matter if the power as
Claw must charge the nearest threat. any effect or not, the Watcher disappears. The Watcher has no
May be equipped with any of the following: Bolt Pistol, other effect on the game and cannot be targeted by any
Chain Sword or Frost Melee Weapon, 2d3 Frag Grenades, abilities or attacks, The Watcher disappears if this unit is slain.
2d3 Krak Grenades Is equipped with a Mace of Absolution and a Stormshield
Pack Leader may be equipped with a Power Sword, Power Mace of Absolution (10+3ED, AP -2; Range Melee)
Axe or Power Fist Storm Shield: Armour Rating *2, Bulk 1, Force Shield,
(MOB) Blood Claws Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to Shield
10 troops. No more than 2 of the following weapons allowed (MOB) Deathwing Knights Squad: Troop may form a mob
in the mob. of up to 10 troops.
Flamer, Plasma Gun, Melta-Gun
A Blood Claws Squad may contain a Wolf Guard Pack Space Marine
<Space Wolves> Skyclaws
As Space Marine Assault Marine with the following Threat Classification: Tier 1-4: Adversary; Tier 5+: Elite
Has the following additional abilities: Strength 7(12) Intellect 3
Berserk Charge: Skyclaws gain 1 free melee attack when Agility 5 Willpower 4
they charge Toughness 6 Fellowship 2
Headstrong: If a Skyclaws does not start their activation Initiative 5 Defense 4
within 12m of a Pack Leader or Wolf Guard, then the Speed 7 Wounds 10
Skyclaw must charge the nearest threat. Shock 10 Soak 6
A Skyclaws Squad may contain a Wolf Guard Pack Leader. Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Passive Awareness: 5
<Space Wolves> Long Fangs: As Tactical Marine with the Resilience: 14 (Terminator Armour Armour Rating,
following changes: Powered 5)
Long Fangs are equipped with either Bolt Pistol, Astartes Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12
Combat Knife and any 1 of the following: Heavy Bolter, Size: Large (+1D)
Heavy Flamer, Lascannon, or Missile Launcher. Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Armorium Cherub: Any Character or Mob accompanied by
one or more Armorium Cherub has 1 additional Salvo Wargear
available to it for each Armorium Cherub accompanying it. Terminator Armour (Armour Rating 7; Cumbersome;
The Armourium Cherub negates the ‘Out of Ammo’ Powered 5; Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak
Complication. Armorium Cherubs may be targeted in mortal wounds), Threats may use any 1 melee and any 1
combat, they have Defense 4, Resilience 4, Wounds 1, and ranged weapon. Optional use of a Storm Shield
explode as a Frag Grenade when they are reduced to 0
Wounds. Weapons
(Mob) Fire Disciple: Before this Mob shoots in a turn, choose Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo 6;
a squad member within 4 m of their Pack Leader, that squad Heavy 8)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Chain Fist (19+3ED; AP -4; Brutal, Unwieldly 3)
Combi-Weapons Cataphractii Terminator: As a Terminator Space Marine
Combi-Flamer: As Boltgun and Flamer with the following changes:
Combi-Melta: As Boltgun and Melta Gun Wears Cataphracti Terminator Armor: Armour Rating 6;
Combi-Plasma: As Boltgun and Plasma Gun Cumbersome; Powered 4; Crux Terminatus: Allows the
Cyclone Missile Launcher (Damage by Missile Type; AP by wearer to soak mortal wounds
Missile Type; Range 150m; Salvo 1; Special, Heavy 8) Has the following additional weapons choices:
Special: In addition to the normal benefits, spending d3 Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
a Reload to Salvo with a Cyclone Missile Launcher allows the d3 Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
wielder to attack a specific enemy with three missiles. To Grenade Harness: A character equipped with a Grenade
resolve this, make a single attack and double the missile’s Harness starts with double the number of Grenades.
damage value and ED, then double the target’s resilience.
Frag Missile (10+2ED; AP 0; Range --; Salvo --; Deathwatch Veteran Terminator: As Terminator Space
LBT) Marine with the following changes:
Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --; Increase Strength, Toughness and Willpower by +2,
SBT) recalculating traits as needed.
Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2; LBT, Increase Default, Ballistic Skill, and Weapon Skill by +2.
Blaze, Heavy 6, Spread) Gain the Keyword <Deathwatch>
Lightning Claw (17+1ED, AP -3, Range Melee; Power Field, Gain the following Special Abilities
+2ED per claw after the first) Defenders of Humanity
Power Fist (19+2ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal, Power Special Issue Ammunition
Field, Unwieldly 2) Unflinching: Automatically pass any Resolve Tests.
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal, (Mob) Deathwatch Terminator Squad: Troop may form a
Rapid Fire 2) mob of up to 10 troops.
Thunder Hammer (20+3ED; AP -3; Range 2m; Brutal, (Mob) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two
Power Field, Unwieldly 2) Combat Teams of up to 5 members
Deathwatch Veteran Terminators have access to the
Special Abilities following special wargear:
And They Shall Know No Fear Combi- Grav: As Boltgun and Grav-Gun (<Deathwatch>)
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical Deathwing Terminator Squad: As Terminator Space
Chart, make two rolls and pick one). Marine above with the following changes:
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any Has <Dark Angels> as his chapter.
successful attack against a Mob. Gains the Deathwing Keyword.
Teleport Strike: This threat may teleport onto the battlefield Has the following special ability:
at the beginning of any activation, stealing initiative and Watcher in the Dark: A squad of Deathwing Terminators is
gaining surprise. All members of this threat must be within accompanied by a Watcher in the Dark. The Watcher must
12m radius of a teleport homer. If no teleport homer is stay as close to the squad as possible. When this squad is
available choose a target point to teleport and roll for scatter as targeted by a psychic power by a threat, roll a d6. If an icon is
if a grenade attack. All individuals teleporting in must be set generated, the power has no effect. No matter if the power as
up with 10m of the teleport point. If there are any threats in any effect or not, the Watcher disappears. The Watcher has no
the area of the teleport, they must pass a Agility Test (DN 4) other effect on the game and cannot be targeted by any
or take 1 mortal wound. Mobs take d3 mortal wounds. Those abilities or attacks, The Watcher disappears if this unit is slain.
teleporting in may not move on their next activation but may
attack freely. Grey Knights Terminator Squad: As Terminator Space
(MOB) Terminator Squad: Troop may form a mob of up to Marine above with the following changes:
10 troops. Member of the <Grey Knights>, has Psychic Mastery 10, and
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into to may attempt to manifest one psychic power during their
Combat Teams of up to 5 members activation.
Wears either Aegis Terminator Armor.
Variants Has the following Special Abilities:
And They Shall Know Know Fear
Terminator Close Assault Marine: As Terminator Space Daemon Hunters
Marine with the following changes: Rites of Banishment
Armed as follows: Twin Lightning Claws, Lightning Claws Is armed with the following additional weapons:
and Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield Nemesis Force Sword (5+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Bane
(MOB) Terminator Close Assault Squad: Troop may form a <Daemon>, Force, Parry <Grey Knight>)
mob of up to 10 troops. d3 Psyk-Out Grenade (8+1ED; AP 0; SBT, Bane <Psyker or
(MOB) Combat Squad: This mob may break down into two Daemon>)
Combat Teams of up to 5 members
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Tartaros Terminator: As a Terminator Space Marine with charging. The range is doubled to 24m for friendly Blood
the following changes: Claws units.
Wears Tartaros Terminator Armor: Armour Rating 6; Kill: Friendly <Space Wolves> Infantry, Biker or
Powered 4; Crux Terminatus: Allows the wearer to soak Cavalry units within 12m of a Wulfen gain 1 free melee attack
mortal wounds each activation. The range is doubled to 24m for friendly
Has the following additional weapons choices: Blood Claws units. Wulfen are not subject to this portion of
Reaper Autocannon (13+1ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 8; this ability.
Heavy 8) (MOB) Wulfen Pack: Troop may form a mob of up to 10
Volkite Charger (11+2ED; AP 0; Range 38m; Salvo 2; troops. Any member of the Pack may also be equipped with a
Brutal) Stormfang Auto-Launcher.
d3 Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Storm Fang Auto-Launcher (Damage As Grenade;
d3 Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) AP As Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 1)
Grenade Harness: A character equipped with a Grenade Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Harness starts with double the number of Grenades. Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)

Space Wolves Wulfen Special Weapons Squad

Threat Classification: Tier 1-2: Adversary; Tier 3+: Elite Threat Classification: Tier 1+ Adversary

Strength 7 (10) Intellect 3 Strength 3 Intellect 3

Agility 5 Willpower 4 Agility 3 Willpower 3
Toughness 6 Fellowship 2 Toughness 3 Fellowship 3
Initiative 5 Defense 4 Initiative 3 Defense 2
Speed 7 Wounds 10 Speed 6 Wounds 3
Shock 10 Soak 6 Shock 3 Soak 3
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Passive Awareness: 5 Passive Awareness: 4
Resilience: 12 (Aquilla Mark VII Armor: Armor Rating 5, Resilience: 7 (Flak Armour 3)
Powered 3) Skills: Default 8; Weapon Skill 10; Ballistic Skill 10
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12; Ballistic Skill 12 Size: Average
Size: Average Keywords: Astra Militarum, <Regiment>
Keywords: Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>
Wargear Flak Armour: Armour Rating 3; Lasgun; 1d3 Frag
Aquilla Mark VII Armor (Armor Rating 5, Powered 3), and Grenades; Knife or Bayonet
Wulfen Claws.
Knife/Bayonet (2+1ED; AP 0; Range Melee)
Grenades (Range STR x4m)
Wulfen Claws (4+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee, <Space
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Lasgun (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1;
Special Abilities
And They Shall know No Fear
Special Abilities
Tactical Versatility: When making a critical hit, they may
(Mob) Special Weapons Squad: Guardsmen may form into a
draw two Wrath Cards and choose one (if using the Critical
Special Weapons Squad of 6 Guardsmen. 3 Guardsmen in the
Chart, make two rolls and pick one).
squad may take one of the following weapons in place of their
Angel of Death: Space Marines add +1/2 Rank icons to any
successful attack against a Mob.
Flamer (10+1ED, AP 0; Range 16m; Salvo 1; Assault, MBT,
Bounding Lope: When a Wulfen charges, they gain +2 Speed
Blaze, Spread)
and suffer no penalty for moving through difficult terrain.
Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Assault,
Death Frenzy: When a Wulfen wound supper a wound, roll a
d6, if an icon is generated the wound is ignored. If a Wulfen is
Plasma Gun (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid
reduced to 0 wounds, that Wulfen may make an immediate
Fire 1, Supercharge)
melee attack against any threat within 2m of it.
Sniper Rifle (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 120m; Salvo 0; Sniper 2)
Curse of the Wulfen: This ability has two forms, Hunt and
Voss Pattern Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP
Kill as detailed below.
As Grenade; Range 40m; Salvo 1, Assault)
Hunt: Friendly <Space Wolves> Infantry, Biker or
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Cavalry units within 12m of a Wulfen gain +2 Speed when
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium

Section 4:


A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Vehicle Traits
Assault Vehicle: When this vehicle ends its movement, all Open Top: An open top vehicle leaves its crew and
passengers may disembark and make an immediate move at passengers exposed to the elements and enemy attacks, but
Speed+2. This movement does not count as an activation for leaves passengers and crew free to attack from the vehicle
that passenger nor can they charge into attack. without penalty (see Attacking from Vehicles on page 235).
Attacking an occupant of an open top vehicle does not require
Crash Webbing: Occupants strapped into a vehicle with crash a called shot.
webbing are immune to Shock caused by impacts, Blast
weapons, and System Shock. Getting into or out of crash Sealed: Occupants of a sealed vehicle are immune to toxic
webbing is an action. gasses and airborne diseases while all hatches are closed. The
occupants of a Sealed vehicle cannot be targeted by called
Crawler: A vehicle with this trait may not perform a charge shots. A vehicle cannot possess both the Open Top and Sealed
attack, but suffers no penalty to moving and shooting weapons traits.
with the Heavy trait.
Tracked: Tracked vehicles are equipped with caterpillar
Explodes: When this vehicle is reduced to 0 Wounds, roll a treads that chew through rough ground. A tracked vehicle
d6, if an icon is rolled this unit explodes. On an Icon, any takes no penalty from rough terrain when moving up to its
character within 10m takes 1 mortal wound, mobs take d3 Cruising Speed.
mortal wounds. On an Exalted Icon, damage is increased to d3
and 2d3 mortal wounds respectively. Transport: Any vehicle that carries 3 or more troops or
walkers to deploy on the battlefield is a Transport.
Gyro-Stabilised: A Gyro-Stabilised vehicle grants a +1d
bonus to Pilot tests. Vacuum Hardened: Vacuum Hardened craft can function in
absolute vacuum and are equipped with life support
Hover: Hover vehicles ignore all penalties from rough terrain, capabilities. Vacuum Hardened vehicles have all the benefits
pass over obstacles and obstructions, and can lift 10m off the of the Sealed trait. Flying vehicles with the Vacuum Hardened
ground as part of its movement. trait are space worthy and capable of surface to orbit flight.

Immobile: A vehicle with this trait cannot move after it is Walker: A walker takes no penalty from rough terrain when
deployed and has a Defense of 0. Nothing may embark upon moving up to half its Cruising Speed, can ascend sharp
this vehicle after it has disembarked its passengers. inclines, and can perform a ram stunt without moving against
targets within 1m by “stomping” them.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Vehicle Catalog: Wheeled/Tracked
Vehicles are crewed and not autonomous (Machine Spirit being the exception to this!). The crew is standard Infantry (based on
keywords) and if a vehicle commander is listed in the Crew, then they are the equivalent of a Sergeant. If the crew of a vehicle is ever
reduced to half or less of the amount needed to operate, then all skill tests for the vehicle are made at an added +2DN penalty.

Chimera-Class Armored Passengers: 0

Weapons: Replace Turret with Earthshaker Cannon
Troop Transport (15+3ED; AP -2; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Heavy 8, Brutal,
Indirect, HBT, OTH)
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner, 1 Commander No Pintle or Lasgun Array Weapons
Passengers: 12
Death Strike-Class Variant
Cruising Speed: 24 Passengers: 0
Defense: 2 Weapons: Replace Turret with Death Strike Missile
Wounds: 12 Launcher (Damage As Death Strike Missile; AP As Death
Resilience: 12 Strike Missile; Range 36m; Salvo 0; Indirect, OTH, Limit 1)
Death Strike Missile (40+5ED; AP -5; HBT)
Default Skill: 8 No Pintle or Lasgun Array Weapons
Piloting: 10
Ballistic Skill: 10 Devil Dog-Class Variant
Passengers: 0
Traits: Amphibious, Crash Webbing, Sealed, Tracked, Size: Weapons: Replace Turret with Melta Cannon (20+3ED; Ap-
Huge (+2D) 4; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Melta)
Hull Weapon may be replaced by Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP
Key Words: Imperium, Astra Militarum, <Regiment> -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta)
No Pintle or Lasgun Array Weapons
Turret Weapons (Choose 1) Hellhound-Class Variant
Multi-Laser (14+2ED; AP 0; Range 70m; Salvo 3; Steadfast) Passengers: 0
Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2, LBT, Weapons: Replace Turret with Inferno Cannon (18+4ED;
Blaze, Spread) AP -2; Range 32m; Salvo 3; LBT, Blaze, Spread)
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal) Hull Weapon may be replaced by Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP
Hull Weapons (Choose 1) Fire Forward Only -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta)
Heavy Bolter or Heavy Flamer (As Above) No Pintle or Lasgun Array Weapons
Pintle Mount (Choose 1)
Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 72m; Salvo 3) Hydra-Class Variant
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal, Passengers: 0
Rapid Fire 2) Weapons: Replace Turret with Hydra Quad Autocannon
Lasgun Array (3 Port, 3 Starboard; Fired by Embarked (20+4ED; AP -1; 3km; Salvo 4)
Passengers) No Pintle or Lasgun Array Weapons
(7+1ED; AP 0; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Rapid Fire 1;
Steadfast) Manticore-Class Variant
Passengers: 0
Variants Weapons: Replace Turret with Storm Eagle Rocket
Launcher (Damage As Storm Eagle Rocket; AP As Storm
Bane Wolf-Class Variant Eagle Rocket; Range 10km; Salvo 0; Indirect; Limit 4)
Passengers: 0 Storm Eagle Rocket (40+4ED; AP -3; LBT)
Weapons: Replace Turret with Chem Cannon (1d3 mortal No Pintle or Lasgun Array Weapons
wounds, 1d6 shock, Staggered; Range 10m; LBT, Acidic)
Hull Weapon may be replaced by Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP Wyvern-Class Variant
-4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta) Crew: 2 Gunners
No Pintle or Lasgun Array Weapons Passengers: 0
Weapons: Replace Turret with Wyvern Quad Stormshard
Basilisk-Class Variant Mortar (30+4ED; AP -3; Range 60m; LBT, Indirect)
Crew: 2 gunners No Pintle or Lasgun Array Weapons
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Dozer Blade (When Ramming, Add +3 ED to the damage
Leman Russ-Class Main inflicted by the Ramming vehicle only)
Hunter Killer Missile Launcher (As Krak Missile; Limit 1)
Battle Tank
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Main Gunner, 1 Commander, 1 Loader Grinding Advance
Passengers: 0 Smoke Launchers
Emergency Plasma Vents: A vehicle firing a Supercharged
Cruising Speed: 20 Plasma Cannon suffers only 1 mortal wound when rolling a
Defense: 4 complication on the attack roll instead of the normal 1d6
Wounds: 18 mortal wounds.
Resilience: 18
Default Skill: 8 None at this time
Piloting: 10
Ballistic Skill: 10 Space Marine Bike-Class
Traits: Amphibious, Crash Webbing, Sealed, Tracked, Transport
Explodes, Size: Huge (+2D)
Crew: 1 Pilot
Key Words: Imperium, Astra Militarum, <Regiment> Passengers: 0

Weapons: Cruising Speed: 28

Turret Weapons (Choose 1) Defense: 5
Battle Cannon (16+3ED; AP -2; Range 140m; Salvo -; LBT) Wounds: 8
Demolisher Cannon (20+3ED; AP -3, Range 50m; Salvo -; Resilience: 14
Eradicator Nova Cannon (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 70m; Default Skill: 10
Salvo 1; LBT, Melta) Piloting: 12
Executioner Plasma Cannon (13+3ED; AP -3; Range 70m; Ballistic Skill: 12
Salvo 1; LBT; Supercharge) Weapon Skill: 12
Punisher Gatling Cannon (12+2ED; AP 0, Range 40m;
Salvo 5; Rapid Fire 10; Spread) Traits: Open Top
Vanquisher Battle Cannon (16+3ED; AP -3; Range 140m;
Salvo -; LBT; Penetrating 10) Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>, Biker,
Hull Weapons (Choose 1) Fire Forward Only Size: Large (+1D)
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal;
Heavy 4) Weapons:
Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; Ap -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2; LBT; Twin Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4; Burst,
Blaze; Heavy 6; Spread) Rapid Fire 2)
Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 1; Heavy 8;
Steadfast) Special Abilities:
Sponson Weapons (Choose 1, same on both sides) Fire Side to Turbo-Boost: When declaring a charge, add 6m to speed for
Front only) Heavy Bolter this vehicle or mob
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal; (Mob) This vehicle may form a Bike Squadron Mob.
Heavy 4) (Mob) Bike Gang Tactics: For each bike in the mob after the
Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; Ap -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2; LBT; first, add 1 icon to attack rolls made for the bike squadron.
Blaze; Heavy 6; Spread)
Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Heavy 8; Note: Bike Pilots may use any pistol or melee weapon that is
Melta) one-handed in nature or use any grenades on hand when
Plasma Cannon (15+2ED; AP -3; Range 72m; Salvo 3; attacking in addition to firing the Twin Boltgun.
Heavy 8; Supercharge)
Pintle Mount (Choose 1) Variants
Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 72m; Salvo 3)
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal, Assault Bike-Class Variant
Rapid Fire 2) Passengers: +1 in sidecar with one of the following weapons:
Auxiliary System (1 or More as desired) Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal,
Augur Array (Once per game, you can re-roll a single roll to Heavy 4)
hit for this vehicle) Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Special Abilities: Defense: 3
(MOB) This vehicle may form an Attack Bike Squadron Mob. Wounds: 25
(Mob) Bike Gang Tactics: For each bike in the mob after the Resilience: 19
first, add 1 icon to attack rolls made for the bike squadron.
Default Skill: 10
Deathwatch Bikers Piloting: 12
As Space Marine Bike with the following changes: Ballistic Skill: 12
Gains the <Deathwatch> keyword Weapon Skill: 12
Increase Skills by +2
Add the following Special Abilities Traits: Amphibious, Crash Webbing, Sealed, Tracked, Smoke
Defenders of Humanity Launchers, Explodes, Transport, Size: Gargantuan (+3D)
Special Issue Ammunition
May be equipped with a Deathwatch Teleport Homer Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes

<Space Wolves> Swiftclaws Weapons:

As Space Marine Bike or Assault-class Bike with the Hull Weapon (Choose 1 of the Following)
following Changes: Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6;
Has the following additional abilities: Brutal; Heavy 6)
Berserk Charge: Swiftclaws gain 1 free melee attack when Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta)
they charge Sponson Weapons (Choose 1 of the follow)
Headstrong: If a Swiftclaws does not start their activation Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6;
within 12m of a Pack Leader or Wolf Guard, then the Brutal; Heavy 6)
Swiftclaws must charge the nearest threat. Twin Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3;
A Swiftclaws Squad may contain a Wolf Guard Pack Leader. Heavy 10, Steadfast
Pintle Mount
Ravenwing Bike Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
As a Bike above except as follows: Rapid Fire 2)
Has <Dark Angels> as his Chapter. Auxiliary Weapons Systems (Choose 1 or more)
Gains the Ravenwing Keyword Hunter Killer Missile Launcher (Damage As Krak Missile;
Gains the Jink key word. AP As Krak Missile; Range 150m; Salvo 0; Limit 1)
Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --; SBT)
Ravenwing Assault Bike Frag Assault Launchers (Damage As Frag Grenade, AP As
As an Assault Bike above except as follows: Frag Grenade; Range 50m: Salvo 3; Forward only)
Has <Dark Angels> as his Chapter. Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Gains the Ravenwing Keyword
Gains the Jink key word. Notes:
Power of the Machine Spirit: +1 Bonus Dice to attacks when
Ravenwing Black Knight Bike moving.
As a Bike above except as follows:
Has <Dark Angels> as his Chapter. Variants
Gains the Ravenwing Keyword
Gains the Inner Circle and Jink keywords. Custodes Venerable Land Raider-Class Variant
The Bike has a Plasma Talon instead of Twin Boltguns As a Land Raider above except for:
Plasma Talon (14+2ED; AP -3; Range 46m; Salvo 2; Assault, Loses Adeptus Astartes, Gains Adeptus Custodes
Supercharge) Gains Unyeilding Ancient Special Ability: Each time this
The rider is equipped with the following: vehicle would lose a wound, roll a d6, if an exalted icon is
Bolt Pistol, d3 Frag and Krak Grenades, 1 Meltabomb, and generated the wound is not lost.
a Corvus Hammer.
Corvus Hammer (5+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee; Brutal) Crusader-Class Variant
Space Marine Land Replace the Hull Weapon with the following:
Twin Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo
Raider-Class Armored 12; Heavy 8)
Transport Replace the Sponson Weapon with the following:
Hurricane Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 12;
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander Brutal; Heavy 6)
Passengers: 12 You may replace the Pintle Weapon with the following:
Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta)
Cruising Speed: 20
Excelsior-Class Variant
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Weapons: Hunter Killer Missile Launcher (Damage As Krak
Replace the Hull Weapon with the following: Missile; AP As Krak Missile; Range 150m; Salvo 0; Limit 1)
Grav-Cannon with Grav-amp (12+1ED; AP -3; Range 60m; Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --;
Salvo 1; Heavy 4, Penetrating 2) SBT)
Replace the Pintle Weapon with the following: Notes:
Combi-Plasma: Self-Repair: At the beginning of a turn roll a die, repair
Boltgun (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 2; wounds equal to number of Icons rolled
Brutal, Rapid Fire 2) Transport: A Rhino can transport up to 10 Infantry. It cannot
Plasma Gun (15+1ED; AP -3; Range 48m; Salvo 2; transport Jump Pack, Terminator, Primaris, or Centurion
Rapid Fire 1, Supercharge) equipped infantry.
Has the following additional abilities:
Aquilla Aegis Field: Grants a +*2 Armour Bonus Variants
Data Augers: Whilst within 48m of a friendly vehicle, this
vehicle gains +2 Bonus Dice on ranged attacks. Baal Predator-Class Variant
Rites of Battle: Allies within 12m of this vehicle gain Lucky Passengers 0
on their attacks. Weapons:
Add Turret with Any 1 of the following:
Redeemer-Class Variant Flamestorm Cannon (14+2ED; AP 2; Range 16m; Salvo 2;
Weapons: Heavy 6, Blaze, Spread)
Replace the Hull Weapon with the following: Twin Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo
Twin Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo 12; Heavy 8)
12; Heavy 8) Add Sponsons with any 1 of the following on each sponson:
Replace the Sponson Weapon with the following: Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6;
Flamestorm Cannon (14+2ED; AP 2; Range 16m; Salvo 2; Brutal; Heavy 6)
Heavy 6, Blaze, Spread) Twin Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 4,
You may replace the Pintle Weapon with the following: LBT, Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6)
Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1; Melta) Auxiliary Weapons Systems (Choose 1 or more)
Hunter Killer Missile Launcher (Damage As Krak Missile;
AP As Krak Missile; Range 150m; Salvo 0; Limit 1)
Space Marine Rhino- Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --; SBT)
Class Armored Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
Rapid Fire 2)
Transport Special Abilities:
Overcharged Engines: This vehicle adds +4 to speed when it
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner charges.
Passengers: 10 Standard Infantry
Exorsist-Class Variant
Cruising Speed: 24 Passengers 0
Defense: 3 Adepta Sororitas Only
Wounds: 15 Traits: no Self-repair
Resilience: 15 Weapons:
Add Turret with the following:
Default Skill: 10 Exorcist Conflegration Rocket (11+16ED; AP -2; Range
Piloting: 12 10km; Salvo 0; LBT, Indirect; Limit 4)
Ballistic Skill: 12 Exorcist Missile Launcher (16+4ED; AP -4; Range 10km;
Weapon Skill: 12 Salvo 0; LBT, Indirect; Limit 4)

Traits: Amphibious, Crash Webbing, Sealed, Tracked, Smoke Hunter-Class Variant

launchers, Explodes, Transport, Size: Huge (+2D) Passengers 0
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>, Adepta Add Turret with the following:
Sororitas, <Sisterhood>, Sisters of Silence, Astra Telepathica Skyspear Missile Launcher (Damage As Skyspear Missile;
AP As Skyspear Missile; Range 36m; Salvo 0; Indirect; Limit
Weapons: 4, OTH)
Pintle Mount Skyspear Missile (20+4ED; AP -3; LBT)
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4,
Brutal, Rapid Fire 2) Immolator-Class Variant
Auxiliary Weapons Systems (Choose 1 or more) Passengers 0
Adepta Sororitas Only

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Traits: no Self-repair Stalker-Class Variant
Weapons: Passengers 0
Add Turret with Any 1 of the following: Weapons:
Immolation Flamer (18+4ED; AP -2; Range 32m; Salvo 3; Add Turret with the following:
LBT, Blaze, Spread) Icarus Stormcannon (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 120m; Salvo 3;
Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy 4, Anti-Air)
Brutal; Heavy 6)
Twin Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Vindicator-Class Variant
Melta) Passengers 0
Predator-Class Variant Add Hull Weapon of the following:
Passengers 0 Demolisher Cannon (20+3ED; AP -3; Range 60m; Salvo 0;
Weapons: Brutal; HBT)
Add Turret with Any 1 of the following:
Predator Autocannon (16+2ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 4; Whirlwind-Class Variant
Brutal; Heavy 8) Passengers 0
Twin Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m, Salvo 2; Weapons:
Heavy 8; Steadfast) Add Turret with one of the following:
Add Sponsons with any 1 of the following on each sponson: Whirlwind Castellan Rocket Launcher (Damage As
Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6; Castellan Rocket; AP As Castellan Rocket; Range 10km;
Brutal; Heavy 6) Salvo 0; Indirect)
Twin Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m, Salvo 2; Castellan Rocket (20+3ED; AP 0; LBT)
Heavy 8; Steadfast) Whirlwind Vengeance Rocket Launcher (Damage As
Vengeance Rocket; AP As Vengeance Rocket; Range 10km;
Primaris-Class Variant Salvo 0; Indirect)
Passengers 0 Vengeance Rocket (22+3ED; AP -1; LBT)
Add Turret with the following: Taurox-Class Armored
Twin Plasma Cannon (15+2ED, AP -3, Range 48m; Salvo 4;
Heavy 2, Rapid Fire 1, Supercharge)
Orbital Array (16+6ED; AP -4; Range 180m; Salvo 3; Heavy
Crew: 1 Driver
6; LBT, Indirect, Limit 1)
Passengers: 0
Hunter Killer Missile Launcher (As Krak Missile; Limit 1)
Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; SBT)
Cruising Speed: 50
Has the following Special abilities:
Self-Repair: At the beginning of this vehicle’s activation, roll Defense: 3
Wounds: 15
a d6 and repair a number of wounds equal to the number of
icons generated. Resilience: 15
Servo-Skull Hub: Once per activation, one of the following
Servo-Skulls may be activated with the following effect: Default Skill: 8
Piloting: 10
Repair Skull: An ally vehicle (or this one) within
24m repairs d3 wounds. Ballistic Skill: 12
Targeting Data Skull: An ally within 24m of this Weapon Skill: 12
vehicle gains +2 Bonus Dice on their ranged attacks till the
Traits: Tracked, Sealed, Crash-Webbing, Size: Huge (+3D)
end of the turn.
Vox Skull: All allies within 24m of this vehicle gain
Key Words: Imperium, Astra Militarum, <Regiment>
+2 Bonus Dice on Willpower based tests till the end of the
Razorback-Class Variant Main Weapon
Autocannon (16+1ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Salvo 3)
Passengers 0
Weapons: Pintle Weapons (Choose 1)
Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 72m; Salvo 3)
Add Turret with Any 1 of the following:
Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6; Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
Rapid Fire 2)
Brutal; Heavy 6)
Twin Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m, Salvo 2;
Special Abilities
Heavy 8; Steadfast)
Twin Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo Transport: A Taurox can transport 10 Astra Militarum
Troops. Heavy Weapons teams count as 2 troops, Ogryns
12; Heavy 8)
count as 3 troops.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium

Taurox Prime-Armored Transport

As Taurox above except as noted below:
<Regiment> is <Militarum Tempestus>
Gains Officio Prefectus Keyword
Weapon Choices are as follows instead of above:
Main Weapon (Choose 1)
Taurox Battle Cannon (13+3ED; AP 1; Range 120m; Salvo -
; MBT)
Taurox Gatling Cannon (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo
8; Spread)
Taurox Missile Launcher (Damage As Missile; AP As
Missile; Range 120m; Salvo -)
Frag Missile (16+2ED; AP 0; LBT)
Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; SBT)
Secondary Weapons (Choose 1)
Hot-Shot Volley Gun (10+1ED; AP -2; Range 48m; Salvo 4;
Heavy 4, Streadfast)
Autocannon (16+1ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Salvo 3)
Pintle Weapons (Choose 1)
Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 72m; Salvo 3)
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
Rapid Fire 2)
Transport Ability is as follows: Can transport up to 10
Militarum Tempestus or Officio Prefectus Troops

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Vehicle Catalog: Hover Vehicles

Vehicles are crewed and not autonomous (Machine Spirit being the exception to this!). The crew is standard Infantry (based on
keywords) and if a vehicle commander is listed in the Crew, then they are the equivalent of a Sergeant. If the crew of a vehicle is ever
reduced to half or less of the amount needed to operate, then all skill tests for the vehicle are made at an added +2DN penalty.

Custodes Dawneagle Wounds: 24

Resilience: 20
Default Skill: 10
Crew: 1 Pilot Piloting: 12
Passengers: 0 Ballistic Skill: 12
Weapon Skill: 12
Cruising Speed: 40
Defense: 5 Traits: Amphibious, Crash Webbing, Sealed, Hover, Smoke
Wounds: 11 Launchers, Explodes, Transport, Size: Gargantuan (+3D)
Resilience: 15
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Primaris>
Default Skill: 12
Piloting: 14 Weapons:
Ballistic Skill: 14 Sponson Weapons (Choose 1 of the following; Fire Forward
Weapon Skill: 14 and Side only)
Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As
Traits: Bike, Fly, Size: Huge (+2D) Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault, Rapid Fire 2)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Custodes Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
Rapid Fire 2)
Weapons: Equipped with an Interceptor Lance and either a Pintle Mount
Hurricane Bolter or Salvo Launcher Ironhail Heavy Stubber (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo
Hurricane Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 12; 3, Heavy 4)
Brutal; Heavy 6) Auxiliary Weapons Systems (Choose 1 or more)
Interceptor Lance (5+3ED, AP -3; Range Melee 4m; Lance, Bellicarius Missile Array (Damage As Missile; AP As
Penetrating 4 ) Missile; Range 12km; Salvo 0)
Salvo Launcher (Damage as Missile; AP As Missile; Range Frag Missile (16+2ED; AP 0; LBT)
90m; Salvo 2; Heavy 4) Icarus Missile (13+3ED; AP -1; MBT)
Flakkburst Missile (13+3ED; AP -1; MBT, Anti- Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; SBT)
Air) Ironhail Skytalon Array (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo
Melta Missile (14+6ED; AP -4; MBT, Melta) 3; Heavy 10, Anti-Air)
Shield Dome: This vehicle gains +*3 Armour, Shield.
Variants Orbital Comms Array: Any vehicle equipped with this array
may, as its activation, call in an orbital barrage. Treat the
Vertus Praetors orbital barrage as if the Orbital Bombardment Stratagem had
As a Dawneagle Jetbike above except as follows been used. This does not count as a use of the Orbital
(Mob) May form a mob of up to 10 members. Bombardment Stratagem.
Gains the Implacable Vanguard ability:
Implacable Vanguard: When this unit charges, it gains +6 to Notes:
its Speed. Repulsor Field: Threats that charge an Impulsor do so at -2
Space Marine Impulsor- Transport: A Impulsor can transport up to 6 Infantry. Each
Mark X Gravis or Jump Pack armoured infantry takes up
Class Armored the space of 2. It cannot transport Centurion or Terminator
Transport equipped Infantry.
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander
Passengers: 6 Space Marine Land
Cruising Speed: 48
Speeder-Class Transport
Defense: 3
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-pilot/Gunner Icon of Old Caliban: Threats targeting allies within 12m of
Passengers: 0 this Landspeeder Darkshroud suffer an additional +1 DN
penalty to their ranged attacks.
Cruising Speed: 32 Ravenwing Landspeeder Vengeance
Defense: 5 As a Landspeeder above except as follows:
Wounds: 12 Has <Dark Angels> as his Chapter.
Resilience: 14 Gains the Ravenwing Keyword
Gains the Jink Kew Word.
Default Skill: 10 Is armed with an Autocannon or Heavy Bolter, and a Plasma
Piloting: 12 Storm Battery
Ballistic Skill: 12 Plasma Storm Battery (14+3ED; AP -3; Range 90m; Salvo
Weapon Skill: 12 2; Heavy 8, Supercharge)

Traits: Hover, Fly, Gyro-Stabilised, Open Top, Explodes, Space Marine Repulsor-
Transport, Size: Huge (+2D)
Class Armored
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter> Transport

Weapons: Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander

Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo 6; Passengers: 10
Heavy 8)
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Cruising Speed: 48
Heavy 4) Defense: 3
Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2; LBT, Wounds: 24
Blaze, Heavy 6, Spread) Resilience: 20
Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 1, Melta)
Default Skill: 10
Variants Piloting: 12
Ballistic Skill: 12
Land Speeder Typhoon-Class Variant Weapon Skill: 12
Adds a Typhoon Missile Launcher under the hull:
Typhoon Missile Launcher (Damage by missile; AP by Traits: Amphibious, Crash Webbing, Sealed, Hover, Smoke
missile; Range 200m; Salvo 1; Special, Heavy 8) Launchers, Explodes, Transport, Size: Gargantuan (+3D)
Special: In addition to the normal benefits, spending a Reload
to Salvo with a Typhoon Missile Launcher allows the wielder Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Primaris>
to attack a specific enemy with three missiles. To resolve this,
make a single attack and triple the missile’s damage value and Weapons:
ED, then triple the target’s resilience. Turret Weapon (Choose 1 of the Following, plus Krakstorm
Frag Misile (10+2ED; AP 0; Range --; Salvo --; LBT) Grenade Launchers)
Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --; SBT) Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (11+1ED; AP -1; Range
80m; Salvo 4; Brutal; Heavy 4 <Primaris>)
Land Speeder Storm- Class Variant Las-Talon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 60m; Salvo 1; Heavy 4;
May Transport up to 5 infantry in Adeptus Scout Armor Steadfast)
Adds a Cerebus Launcher (Damage As Cerebus Missile; AP Krakstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP
As Cerebus Missile; Range 72m; Salvo 1; Heavy 4) under the As Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault)
Hull: Hull Weapons (Choose 1 of the follow, Fire Forward only)
Cerebus Missile (10+1ED; AP 0; SBT) Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6;
Brutal; Heavy 6)
Ravenwing Landspeeder Twin Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3;
As a Landspeeder above except as follows: Heavy 10, Steadfast
Has <Dark Angels> as his Chapter. Hull Weapons (Choose 1 of the follow, Fire Rear only)
Gains the Ravenwing Keyword Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As
Gains the Jink Key Word. Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault, Rapid Fire 2)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Ravenwing Landspeeder Dark Shroud Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
As a Landspeeder above except as follows: Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stubber (10+1ED; AP -1; Range
Has <Dark Angels> as his Chapter. 90m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Heavy 4, Anti-Air)
Gains the Ravenwing Keyword Icarus Rocket Launcher (Damage As Rocket; AP As
Gains the Jink and Icon of Old Caliban Key words. Rocket; Range 1km; Salvo 2; Heavy 6)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Icarus Rocket (13+1ED; AP -1; SBT) Turret Weapon (Has the Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Pintle Mount plus either Heavy Laser Destroyer or Macro-Plasma
Ironhail Heavy Stubber (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo Incinerator)
3, Heavy 4) Heavy Laser Destroyer (16+6ED; AP -4; Range 180m; Salvo
Auxiliary Weapons Systems (Choose 1 or more) 3; Devastating, Heavy 6; Steadfast <Primaris>)
Hunter Killer Missile Launcher (Damage As Krak Missile; Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon (11+1ED; AP -1; Range
AP As Krak Missile; Range 150m; Salvo 0; Limit 1) 80m; Salvo 4; Brutal; Heavy 4 <Primaris>)
Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --; SBT) Macro-Plasma Incinerator (15+2ED, AP -4, Range 90m;
Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Salvo 3; Macro, Supercharge, Heavy 10 <Primaris>)
Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault, Rapid Fire 2) Hull Weapons (Fire Forward only)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6;
Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal, Brutal; Heavy 6)
Rapid Fire 2) Hull Weapons (Choose 1 of the follow, Fire Rear only)
Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As
Notes: Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault, Rapid Fire 2)
Power of the Machine Spirit: +1 Bonus Dice to attacks when Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
moving. Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Repulsor Field: Threats that charge a Repulsor do so at -2 Twin Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stubber (10+1ED; AP -1;
Speed. Range 90m; Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy 4, Anti-Air)
Transport: A Repulsor can transport up to 10 <Primaris> Icarus Rocket Launcher (Damage As Rocket; AP As
Infantry. Each Mark X Gravis armoured infantry takes up the Rocket; Range 1km; Salvo 2; Heavy 6)
space of 2. It cannot transport Jump Pack equipped Infantry. Icarus Rocket (13+1ED; AP -1; SBT)
Pintle Mount
Ironhail Heavy Stubber (10+1ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo
Space Marine Repulsor 3, Heavy 4)
Executioner-Class Auxiliary Weapons Systems (Choose 1 or more)
Armored Transport Hunter Killer Missile Launcher (Damage As Krak Missile;
AP As Krak Missile; Range 150m; Salvo 0; Limit 1)
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Commander Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --; SBT)
Passengers: 6 Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As
Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault, Rapid Fire 2)
Cruising Speed: 48 Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Defense: 3 Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
Wounds: 24 Rapid Fire 2)
Resilience: 20
Default Skill: 10 Aquilon Optics: If this vehicle either does not move or moves
Piloting: 12 upto half its speed during its activation, it may fire its turret
Ballistic Skill: 12 weapons twice at the same target.
Weapon Skill: 12 Power of the Machine Spirit: +1 Bonus Dice to attacks when
Traits: Amphibious, Crash Webbing, Sealed, Hover, Smoke Repulsor Field: Threats that charge a Repulsor do so at -2
Launchers, Explodes, Transport, Size: Gargantuan (+3D) Speed.
Transport: A Repulsor can transport up to 6 <Primaris>
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Primaris> Infantry. Each Mark X Gravis armoured infantry takes up the
space of 2. It cannot transport Jump Pack equipped Infantry.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Vehicle Catalog: Walker Vehicles
Vehicles are crewed and not autonomous (Machine Spirit being the exception to this!). The crew is standard Infantry (based on
keywords) and if a vehicle commander is listed in the Crew, then they are the equivalent of a Sergeant. If the crew of a vehicle is ever
reduced to half or less of the amount needed to operate, then all skill tests for the vehicle are made at an added +2DN penalty.

Adepta Sororitas Wounds: 11

Resilience: 15
Mortifier Walker
Default Skill: 8
Crew: 1 Driver, Piloting: 10
Passengers: 0 Ballistic Skill: 10
Weapon Skill: 10
Cruising Speed: 30
Defense: 2 Traits: Walker, Open-Topped, Gyro Stabilized, Explodes,
Wounds: 11 Size: Huge (+3D)
Resilience: 15
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum
Default Skill: 10
Piloting: 12 Weapons:
Ballistic Skill: 12 Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2, LBT,
Weapon Skill: 12 Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6)
Penitent Buzz Blades (16+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee 4m,
Traits: Walker, Open-Topped, Gyro Stabilized, Explodes,
Size: Huge (+3D)
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta
Sororitas Berserk Killing Machines: Each time a Penitent Engine
would lose a wound roll a d6. If an icon is generated, the
Weapons: Is equipped with any combination of 2 ranged and wound is not lost.
2 melee) Desperate for Redemption: A Penitent Engine may make 2
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, attacks with its Buzz Blades each activation with no multi-
Heavy 4) action penalty.
Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2, LBT,
Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6)
Penitent Buzz Blades (16+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee 4m, Grey Knight Nemesis
Brutal, Natural if equipped with 2) Dreadknight
Penitent Flail (13+1ED; AP -2; Range Melee 4m, Brutal,
Mortal 2, Natural if equipped with 2) Crew: 1 Pilot
Passengers: 0
Anguish of the Unredeemed: When this unit is destroyed, Cruising Speed: 18
roll a d6, if an Icon is generated, all threats within 2m suffer Defense: 3
d3 Mortal Wounds. Wounds: 18
Blaze of Agony: When this unit activates and declares a Resilience: 15
shooting attack, Heavy Bolters gain the Assault Trait and
Heavy Flamers gain the Pistol Trait. Default Skill: 10
No Reprieve: Each time a Penitent Engine would lose a Piloting: 12
wound roll a d6. If an icon is generated, the wound is not lost. Ballistic Skill: 12
Weapon Skill: 12
Adepta Sororitas
Traits: Open Top, Gyro-Stabilized, Walker, Vehicle, Size:
Penitent Engine Walker Huge (+2D)
Crew: 1 Driver, Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Grey Knight>
Passengers: 0
Cruising Speed: 24 A Nemesis Dreadknight is equipped with 2 Dreadfists and
Defense: 2 may have up to 2 different of the following ranged weapons. 1
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Dreadfist may be replaced with either a Nemesis Daemon Complications) for Resolve Tests. Also adds +2 Bonus Dice to
Greathammer or Nemesis Greatsword. Resolve Tests
Dreadfist (20+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Brutal) (MOB) Mob Up: Ironstrider Ballistarii may form a mob.
Heavy Incinerator (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 30m; Salvo 2;
LBT, Bane <Daemon>, Blaze, Spread, Heavy 4 <Grey Kastelan Robots
Heavy Psicannon (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 2;
Heavy 4; Bane <Daemon>, Brutal, Force <Grey Knight>) Crew: 0
Gatling Psilencer (10+3ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Bane Passengers: 0
<Daemon>, Brutal, Heavy 8, Force <Grey Knight>)
Nemesis Daemon Greathammer (16+3ED; AP -4; Range Cruising Speed: 30
Melee 2m; Bane <Daemon>, Brutal, Force, Unwieldly 1 Defense: 2
<Grey Knight>) Wounds: 9
Nemesis Greatsword (8+6ED; AP -3; Range Melee; Bane Resilience: 17
<Daemon>, Force, Unwieldly 2 <Grey Knight>)
Default Skill: 8
Special Abilities: Ballistic Skill: 10
And They Shall Know No Fear Weapon Skill: 10
Daemon Hunters
Rites of Banishment Traits: Explodes, Gyro-Stabilized, Walker, Size: Large (+1D)
Psyker: has Psychic Mastery 10 and may attempt to manifest
one psychic power a turn during their activation. Key Words: Adeptus Mechanicus <Forge World>
Force Shielding: A Nemesis Dreadknight may soak mortal
wounds. Weapons: (Choose 1 Plus Kastelan Fists or 2 without
Kastelan Fists)
Variants Heavy Phosphor Blaster (12+1ED; AP -2; Range 90m; Salvo
No known variants 2; Heavy 4, No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Adeptus
Incendine Combustor (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 30m; Salvo 1;
Ironstrider Ballistarii Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Kastelan’s Fist (16+3ED; AP -3; Range Melee <Adeptus
Crew: 1 Mechanicus>)
Passengers: 0
Special Abilities
Cruising Speed: 30 Canticle of the Omnissiah
Defense: 2 Repulsor Grid: Kastelan Robots have a bonus +*2 Force
Wounds: 9 Shield Armor Rating vs Ranged attacks. If the attacker rolls a
Resilience: 15 Complication on the attack, it suffers 1 mortal wound.
<Adeptus Mechanicus>
Default Skill: 8 Battle Protocols: At the beginning of a Kastelan Robots first
Piloting: 12 activation, choose one of the following Protocols to apply till
Ballistic Skill: 12 the end of combat. A friendly <Forge World> Cybernetica
Weapon Skill: 12 Datasmith within 12 may attempt to change the current
protocol during their turn by rolling a d6 and generating an
Traits: Gyro-Stabilized, Walker, Explodes, Size: Huge (+2D) icon.
• Aegis Protocol: Add +2 to this Robots’s
Key Words: Adeptus Mechanicus <Forge World> Defense
• Congueror Protocol: This Robot may not use
Weapons: (Choose 1) ranged attacks but can attack twice with melee
Twin Cognis Autocannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 120m; weapons with no multi-attack penalty.
Salvo 6; Assault, Heavy 6 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) • Protector Protocol: This Robot may not move
Twin Cognis Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m; but may attack twice with ranged weapons with
Salvo 2; Assault, Heavy 8; Steadfast <Adeptus Mechanicus>) no multi-attack penalty.
(MOB) Mob Up: Kastelan Robots may form a mob.
Special Abilities
Canticle of the Omnissiah Onager Dunecrawler
Bionics: +*3 Armor Bonus.
Broad-Spectrum Data-Tether: A Mob with a Broad-
Spectrum Data-Tether in it may reroll 1s (except for Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Passengers: 0
Cruising Speed: 24
Defense: 3 Cruising Speed: 18
Wounds: 17 Defense: 4
Resilience: 17 Wounds: 10
Resilience: 14
Default Skill: 8
Ballistic Skill: 10 Default Skill: 8
Weapon Skill: 10 Piloting: 10
Ballistic Skill: 10
Traits: Crawler, Explodes, Size: Huge (+2D) Weapon Skill: 10

Key Words: Adeptus Mechanicus <Forge World> Traits: Open Top, Walker, Size: Huge (+1D)

Weapons: Key Words: Imperium, Astra Militarum, <Regiment>

Primary Weapon (Choose 1)
Cognis Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 72m; Salvo 3, Weapons:
Assault, Heavy 4 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Main Weapons (Choose 1)
Eradication Beamer (14+3ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 2; Multi-Laser (14+2ED; AP 0; Range 70m; Salvo 3; Steadfast)
Heavy 6, At Half Range, this weapon gains +3ED and AP Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2, LBT,
<Adeptus Mechanicus>) Blaze, Spread)
Icarus Array (Combi-Weapon, May fire all 3 weapons on the Autocannon (16+1ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Salvo 3)
same activation) Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 1;
Daedalus Missile Launcher (Damage as Daedalus Missile; Steadfast)
AP As Daedalus Missile; Range 150m; Salvo 0; Indirect Missile Launcher (Damage and AP by Missile Type; Range
<Adeptus Mechanicus>) 150m; Salvo -; Limit 4)
Daedalus Missile (13+6ED; AP-3; LBT <Adeptus Frag Missile (16+2ED; AP 0; LBT)
Mechanicus>) Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; SBT)
Gatling Rocket Launcher (Damage As Gatling Rocket; AP Auxiliary Weapons System (1 or More as desired)
As Gatling Rocket; Range 150m; Salvo 4; Anti-Air <Adeptus Sentinel Chainsaw (7+1ED, AP -1; Range 4m; Salvo -;
Mechanicus>) Brutal)
Gatling Rocket (12+1ED; AP -2; SBT <Adeptus Hunter Killer Missile Launcher (As Krak Missile; Limit 1)
Twin Icarus Autocannon (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Variants
Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy 6 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Neuron Laser (16+6ED; AP -4; Range 120m; Salvo 1; Sentinel-Class Armored Walker Variant
Brutal, Devastating, Heavy 8 <Adeptus Mechanicus>) Resilience: 16
Twin Heavy Phosphor Blaster (12+1ED; AP -2; Range 90m; Traits: Sealed, Remove Open Top
Salvo 4; Heavy 4, No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Adeptus Weapons: Add the following to Main Weapons Listing:
Mechanicus>) Plasma Cannon (15+2ED; AP -3; Range 72m; Salvo 3;
Secondary Weapon (Optional) Supercharge)
Cognis Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 72m; Salvo 3,
Assault, Heavy 4 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Space Marine Invictor-
Special Abilities Class Tactical Warsuit
Canticle of the Omnissiah
Emanatus Force Field: Onager Dunercrawler’s have a Crew: 1 Pilot
bonus +*2 Force Shield Armor Rating, and gains an additional Passengers: 0
+1 for each other friendly <Forge World> vehicle with an
Emanatus Force Field within 12. <Adeptus Mechanicus> Cruising Speed: 20m
Broad-Spectrum Data-Tether: A Mob with a Broad- Defense: 5
Spectrum Data-Tether in it may reroll 1s (except for Wounds: 18
Complications) for Resolve Tests. Also adds +2 Bonus Dice Resilience: 16
to Resolve Tests
Default Skill: 10
Sentinel-Class Scout Piloting: 12
Ballistic Skill: 12
Weapon Skill: 12
Crew: 1 Driver
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Traits: Open Top, Gyro-Stabilized, Walker, Vehicle, Defense: 2
Explodes Size: Huge (+2D) Wounds: 9
Resilience: 15
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Default Skill: 8
Weapons: The Warsuit is equipped with all listed below Piloting: 12
except for a choice of Incendium Cannon or Twin Ironhail Ballistic Skill: 12
Autocannon. Weapon Skill: 12
Fragstorm Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As
Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 4; Assault, Rapid Fire 2) Traits: Gyro-Stabilized, Walker, Explodes, Size: Huge (+2D)
Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT)
Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT) Key Words: Adeptus Mechanicus <Forge World>
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal,
Heavy 4) Weapons:
Incendium Cannon (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 20m; Salvo 2; Ranged Weapons (Choose 1)
Blaze, Spread, Heavy 4) Phosphor Serpenta (11+1ED; AP -1; Range 46m; Salvo 2;
Ironhail Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP -1; Range 72m; Salvo Assault, No Cover Saves vs this weapon <Adeptus
4) Mechanicus>)
Twin Ironhail Autocannon (16+2ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Radium Jezzail (7+1ED; AP 0; Range 76m; Salvo 2; Heavy
Salvo 6) 4, Rad 2 <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Invictor Fist (24+3ED; AP 3; Range Melee) Melee Weapons (Choose 1)
Taser Lance (7+2ED; AP -1; Range Melee 2m; Devastating
Special Abilities: <Adeptus Mechanicus>)
Angels of Death
Heavy Sidearm: This vehicles’ Heavy Bolter has the Heavy Special Abilities
Sidearm Trait. Canticle of the Omnissiah
Bionics: +*3 Armor Bonus.
Sydonian Dragoon Broad-Spectrum Data-Tether: A Mob with a Broad-
Spectrum Data-Tether in it may reroll 1s (except for
Complications) for Resolve Tests. Also adds +2 Bonus Dice
Crew: 1 to Resolve Tests.
Passengers: 0 (MOB) Mob Up: Sydonian Dragoons may form a mob.

Cruising Speed: 30

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Vehicle Catalog: Aeronautica Vehicles
Vehicles are crewed and not autonomous (Machine Spirit being the exception to this!). The crew is standard Infantry (based on
keywords) and if a vehicle commander is listed in the Crew, then they are the equivalent of a Sergeant. If the crew of a vehicle is ever
reduced to half or less of the amount needed to operate, then all skill tests for the vehicle are made at an added +2DN penalty.

Space Marine Corvus only be attacked by other vehicles or creatures with the Fly
trait. This vehicle gains the Hard to Hit ability while
Blackstar-Class Airbourne.
Gunship Hover Jets: At the beginning of this vehicles activation it can
declare to be using Hover Jets. This vehicles Cruising Speed
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner becomes 20m. A vehicle that is using Hover Jets loses their
Passengers: 12+ (See below) Airbourne and Hard to Hit abilities.
Hard to Hit: Threats take a -2 die penalty to all ranged attacks
Cruising Speed: 90m while targeting this vehicle.
Defense: 3 Blackstar Cluster Launcher: As the Corvus Blackstar
Wounds: 28 passes over threats while moving, it may attack them with its
Resilience: 15 Blackstar Cluster Launcher. Roll a d6 for each threat that is
passed over, do 1 mortal wound for each icon generated on
Default Skill: 10 that d6 roll.
Piloting: 12 Infernum Halo Launcher: Threats suffer a -2 DN penalty
Ballistic Skill: 12 when shooting at this vehicle.
Weapon Skill: 12 Transport Capacity: May transport 12 <Deathwatch>
infantry. Jump pack and Terminator infantry takes the space of
Traits: Fly, Explodes, Transport, Size: Gargantuan (+3D) two other infantry. Space Marine Bikes may be transported,
and each takes up the space of 3. Primaris and Redemptor
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Deathwatch> Dreadnaughts cannot be transported.
Crash and Burn: When this unit is reduced to 0 Wounds, it
Weapons: A Corvus Blackstar is equipped with Twin crashes on the battlefield at appoint relative to where it was
Assault Cannons and two Stormstrike Missile Launchers. flying and Explodes.
The Twin Assault Cannon may be replaced with Twin
Lascannon. The two Stormstrike Missile Launchers may be Space Marine Drop Pod-
replaced with two Blackstar Rocket Launchers. A
Stormraven may optionally have two Hurricane Bolters or
Class Transport
an Auspex Array Crew: 0
Auspex Array (A vehicle equipped with an Auspex Array Passengers: 10
gains +2 Bonus Dice when shooting at a threat with the Fly
keyword.) Cruising Speed: 0
Blackstar Rocket Launchers (Damage as Rocket Type; AP Defense: 6/0
As Rocket Type; Range 5km; Salvo 3; <Deathwatch>) Wounds: 20
Corvid Rocket (14+2ED, AP -1; Heavy 6, Anti-Air, Resilience: 15
Draco Rocket (10+1ED; AP 0; Heavy 6, SBT, Default Skill: 10
<Deathwatch>) Piloting: 12
Hurricane Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 12; Ballistic Skill: 12
Brutal; Heavy 6) Weapon Skill: 12
Stormstrike Missile launcher (Damage as Stormstrike
Missile; AP As Stormstrike Missile; Range 36m, Salvo 1; Traits: Immobile, Explodes, Transport, Size: Gargantuan
Anti-Air, Indirect, OTH) (+3D)
Stormstrike Missile (20+4ED, AP -3; MBT)
Twin Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
12; Heavy 8)
Twin Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3; Weapons:
Heavy 10, Steadfast Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal,
Rapid Fire 2)
Special Abilities:
Special Abilities;
Airbourne: At the beginning of this vehicles activation it can
Drop Pod Assault: Up to 10 infantry may deploy from a Drop
declare to be Airbourne. While Airbourne it can attack and
Pod. These infantry may not include Jump Packs, Terminators,
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Primaris, or Centurions. The Drop Pod deploys anywhere on Twin Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3;
the field of battle. To do so, choose a point on the battlefield. Heavy 10, Steadfast
Make a Piloting Test (DN4), if the test is failed, the Drop Pod Twin Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 2;
deviates a number of meters equal to the number of icons Heavy 2, Melta)
generated on 4d6. If the Drop Pod lands on any threats, do Twin Plasma Cannon (15+2ED, AP -3, Range 48m; Salvo 4;
damage as if ramming (20+3ED, AP 0) with any exalted icons Rapid Fire 1, Heavy 2, Supercharge)
Typhoon Missile Launcher (Damage by missile; AP by
from the pilot test being shifted to damage. Infantry on board
missile; Range 200m; Salvo 1; Special, Heavy 8)
may deploy on their next activation Special: In addition to the normal benefits, spending a Reload
Variants to Salvo with a Typhoon Missile Launcher allows the wielder
to attack a specific enemy with three missiles. To resolve this,
Deathwind-Class Transport make a single attack and triple the missile’s damage value and
Replace Stormbolter with Deathwind Launcher (Damage As ED, then triple the target’s resilience.
Deathwind Rocket; AP As Deathind Rocket; Range 20m; Frag Missile (10+2ED; AP 0; LBT)
Salvo 2) Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; SBT)
Deathwind Launcher (Damage As Deathwind Rocket; AP
As Deathind Rocket; Range 20m; Salvo 2) Special Abilities:
Deathwind Rocket (12+1ED; AP 0; SBT) Airbourne: At the beginning of this vehicles activation it can
declare to be Airbourne. While Airbourne it can attack and
only be attacked by other vehicles or creatures with the Fly
Space Marine trait. This vehicle gains the Hard to Hit ability while
Stormraven-Class Airbourne.
Gunship Hover Jets: At the beginning of this vehicles activation it can
declare to be using Hover Jets. This vehicles Cruising Speed
becomes 20m. A vehicle that is using Hover Jets loses their
Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner Airbourne and Hard to Hit abilities.
Passengers: 12+1 Dreadnaught (See below) Hard to Hit: Threats take a -2 die penalty to all ranged attacks
while targeting this vehicle.
Cruising Speed: 90m Power of the Machine Spirit: +1 Bonus Dice to attacks when
Defense: 3 moving.
Wounds: 28 Transport Capacity: May transport 12 infantry and 1
Resilience: 15 Dreadnaught. Jump pack and Terminator infantry takes the
space of two other infantry and each Centurion takes up the
Default Skill: 10 space of 3. Primaris and Redemptor Dreadnaughts cannot be
Piloting: 12 transported.
Ballistic Skill: 12 Crash and Burn: When this unit is reduced to 0 Wounds, it
Weapon Skill: 12 crashes on the battlefield at appoint relative to where it was
flying and Explodes.
Traits: Fly, Explodes, Transport, Size: Gargantuan (+3D)
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Stormtalon-Class Gunship Variant
Weapons: A Stormraven is equipped with Twin Assault As the Stormraven Gunship with the following changes:
Cannons, Twin Heavy Bolters, and two Stormstrike Missile Is equipped with Twin Assault Cannon and two Heavy Bolter
Launchers. The Twin Assault Cannon may be replaced with Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal,
either Twin Lascannon or Twin Plasma Cannon. The Twin Heavy 4)
Heavy Bolter may be replaced with Twin Multi-Melta or Twin Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo
Typhoon Missile Launcher. A Stormraven may optionally 12; Heavy 8)
have two Hurricane Bolters. The Stormtalon may replace its Heavy Bolters with two
Hurricane Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 60m; Salvo 12; Lascannon, a Skyhammer Missile Launcher, or a Typhoon
Brutal; Heavy 6) Missile Launcher.
Stormstrike Missile launcher (Damage as Stormstrike Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 1; Heavy 8,
Missile; AP As Stormstrike Missile; Range 36m, Salvo 1; Steadfast)
Anti-Air, Indirect, OTH) Skyhammer Missile launcher (Damage as Skyhammer
Stormstrike Missile (20+4ED, AP -3; MBT) Missile; AP As Skyhammer Missile; Range 36m, Salvo 0;
Twin Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo Anti-Air, Indirect, OTH)
12; Heavy 8) Skyhammer Missile (18+3ED, AP -1; MBT)
Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6; Typhoon Missile Launcher (Damage by missile; AP by
Brutal; Heavy 6) missile; Range 200m; Salvo 1; Special, Heavy 8)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Special: In addition to the normal benefits, spending a Reload Hover Jets: At the beginning of this vehicles activation it can
to Salvo with a Typhoon Missile Launcher allows the wielder declare to be using Hover Jets. This vehicles Cruising Speed
to attack a specific enemy with three missiles. To resolve this, becomes 20m. A vehicle that is using Hover Jets loses their
make a single attack and triple the missile’s damage value and Airbourne and Hard to Hit abilities.
ED, then triple the target’s resilience. Power of the Machine Spirit: +1 Bonus Dice to attacks when
Frag Misile (10+2ED; AP 0; Range --; Salvo --; LBT) moving.
Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; Range --, Salvo --; SBT) Transport: A Thunderhawk may transport 15 Infantry. Each
The Stormtalon has the following Special Abilities: Jump Pack, Centurion, Terminator, or Primaris takes the
Airbourne: At the beginning of this vehicles activation it can place of 2 Infantry, Each Bike takes the place of 3 Infantry. In
declare to be Airbourne. While Airbourne it can attack and addition, it may transport the following vehicles: 1 Land
only be attacked by other vehicles or creatures with the Fly Raider or any 2 Rhino. Note that some transported vehicles
trait. This vehicle gains the Hard to Hit ability while may themselves transport more Infantry.
Airbourne. Void Hardened Hull: This vehicle has a +*3 Armour Bonus
Hover Jets: At the beginning of this vehicles activation it can
declare to be using Hover Jets. This vehicles Cruising Speed Space Wolves
becomes 20m. A vehicle that is using Hover Jets loses their
Airbourne and Hard to Hit abilities.
Hard to Hit: Threats take a -2 die penalty to all ranged attacks Gunship
while targeting this vehicle.
Strafing Run: Crew: 1 Driver, 1 Gunner
Crash and Burn: When this unit is reduced to 0 Wounds, it Passengers: (See below)
crashes on the battlefield at appoint relative to where it was
flying and Explodes. Cruising Speed: 150m
Defense: 3
Space Marine Wounds: 21
Thunderhawk-Class Resilience: 18
Transport Default Skill: 10
Piloting: 12
Crew: 1 Pilot, 1 Co-Pilot, 2 Other Crew Ballistic Skill: 12
Passengers: See Below Weapon Skill: 10
Cruising Speed: 250 Traits: Fly, Explodes, Transport, Size: Gargantuan (+3D)
Defense: 2/5 (+*3)
Wounds: 23 Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Space Wolves>
Resilience: 40
Weapons: A Stormfang is equipped with Hellfrost
Default Skill: 10 Destructor, two Twin Heavy Bolters, and two Stormstrike
Piloting: 12 Missile Launchers. The Twin Heavy Bolters may be
Ballistic Skill: 14 replaced with either Twin Multi-Meltas or a Skyhammer
Weapon Skill: 0 Missile Launcher. The Stormstrike Millile Launcher may
be replaced with two Lascannon.
Traits: Crash Webbing, Sealed, Hover, Explodes, Fly, Hellfrost Destructor (14+6ED; AP -4; Range 60m; Salvo 1;
Transport, Size: Titanic (+5D) Heavy 6, Brutal, Mortal 2 <Space Wolves>)
Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3; Heavy
Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Primaris> 10, Steadfast
Skyhammer Missile launcher (Damage as Skyhammer
Weapons: Missile; AP As Skyhammer Missile; Range 36m, Salvo 0;
Hellstrike Missile Launcher (Damage As Missile, AP As Anti-Air, Indirect, OTH)
Missile; Range 72m; Salvo 2; OTH) Skyhammer Missile (18+3ED, AP -1; MBT)
Hellstrike Missile (14+3ED; AP -3; SBT) Stormstrike Missile launcher (Damage as Stormstrike
Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6; Missile; AP As Stormstrike Missile; Range 36m, Salvo 1;
Brutal; Heavy 6) Anti-Air, Indirect, OTH)
Stormstrike Missile (20+4ED, AP -3; MBT)
Notes: Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6;
Airbourne: At the beginning of this vehicles activation it can Brutal; Heavy 6)
declare to be Airbourne. While Airbourne it can attack and Twin Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 2;
only be attacked by other vehicles or creatures with the Fly Heavy 2, Melta)
trait. This vehicle gains the Hard to Hit ability while
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Special Abilities:
Airbourne: At the beginning of this vehicles activation it can Stormwolf-Class Gunship Variant
declare to be Airbourne. While Airbourne it can attack and As the Stormfang Gunship with the following changes:
only be attacked by other vehicles or creatures with the Fly A Stormwolf is equipped with two Lascannon, a Twin
trait. This vehicle gains the Hard to Hit ability while Hellfrost Cannon, two Twin Heavy Bolters. The Twin
Airbourne. Heavy Bolters may be replaced with either Twin Multi-
Hover Jets: At the beginning of this vehicles activation it can Meltas or a Skyhammer Missile Launcher.
declare to be using Hover Jets. This vehicles Cruising Speed Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3; Heavy
becomes 20m. A vehicle that is using Hover Jets loses their 10, Steadfast
Airbourne and Hard to Hit abilities. Skyhammer Missile launcher (Damage as Skyhammer
Hard to Hit: Threats take a -2 die penalty to all ranged attacks Missile; AP As Skyhammer Missile; Range 36m, Salvo 0;
while targeting this vehicle. Anti-Air, Indirect, OTH)
Power of the Machine Spirit: +1 Bonus Dice to attacks when Skyhammer Missile (18+3ED, AP -1; MBT)
moving. Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6;
Transport Capacity: May transport 6 infantry. Jump pack Brutal; Heavy 6)
and Terminator infantry takes the space of two other infantry Twin Hellfrost Cannon (14+6ED; AP -4; Range 60m; Salvo
and each Centurion takes up the space of 3. Primaris cannot be 2; Heavy 4, Brutal, Mortal 2 <Space Wolves>)
transported. Twin Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 2;
Crash and Burn: When this unit is reduced to 0 Wounds, it Heavy 2, Melta)
crashes on the battlefield at appoint relative to where it was Transport Capacity: May transport 16 infantry. Jump pack
flying and Explodes. and Terminator infantry takes the space of two other infantry
and each Centurion takes up the space of 3. Primaris cannot be
Variants transported.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Vehicle Catalog: Titanicus Vehicles

Vehicles are crewed and not autonomous (Machine Spirit being the exception to this!). The crew is standard Infantry (based on
keywords) and if a vehicle commander is listed in the Crew, then they are the equivalent of a Sergeant. If the crew of a vehicle is ever
reduced to half or less of the amount needed to operate, then all skill tests for the vehicle are made at an added +2DN penalty.

Armiger Helverin Defense: 5 (+*2)

Wounds: 42
Resilience: 20
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0 Default Skill: 8
Piloting: 10
Cruising Speed: 42 Ballistic Skill: 10
Defense: 5 (+*2) Weapon Skill: 8
Wounds: 18
Resilience: 17 Traits: Gyro-Stabilized, Walker, Vehicle, Explodes Size:
Titanic (+5D)
Default Skill: 8
Piloting: 10 Key Words: Imperium, <Household>, <Questor Allegiance>,
Ballistic Skill: 10 Dominus Class
Weapon Skill: 10
Weapons: Equipped with a Plasma Decimator, Volcano
Traits: Gyro-Stabilized, Walker, Vehicle, Explodes Size: Lance, 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles, 2 Twin Meltaguns, 2
Titanic (+5D) Twin Siegebreaker Cannon. May Replace the 2
Siegebreaker Cannon with 2 Shieldbreaker Missiles.
Key Words: Imperium, <Household>, <Questor Allegiance>, Plasma-Decimator (14+2ED; AP -3; Range 120m; Salvo 3;
Armiger Class Heavy 12, Supercharge)
Shieldbreaker Missile (16+6ED; AP -4; Range 120m; Salvo -
Weapons: Equipped with 2 Armiger Autocannons and either ; Heavy 2; LBT, Limit 1, Shield-Breaker)
a Heavy Stubber or Meltagun. Titanic Feat (14+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal,
Armiger-Autocannon (13+3ED; AP -1; Range 150m; Salvo Devastating)
4; Heavy 6, Brutal) Twin Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m; Salvo 2;
Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 72m; Salvo 3, Heavy Assault, Melta)
4) Twin Siegebreaker Cannon (13+3ED; AP -1; Range 120m;
Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Assault, Salvo 6; Heavy 8, Brutal)
Melta) Volcano Lance (20+9ED; AP -5; Range 200m; Salvo 4;
Heavy 8, Macro)
Special Abilities:
Ion Shields: This unit has a +*2 Armour Bonus Special Abilities:
Dual Plasma Core Explosion: (Replaces Explosion) When
Variant Units this vehicle is reduced to 0 Wounds, roll a 2d6, if an icon is
rolled on either dice, this unit explodes. On an Icon, any
Armiger Warglaive character within 10m takes 1 mortal wound, mobs take d3
As Armiger Helverin except as follows: mortal wounds. On an Exalted Icon, damage is increased to d3
Replaces their 2 Armiger Autocannon with a Reaper Chain- and 2d3 mortal wounds respectively. If an Icon is generated on
Cleaver and a Thermal Spear both dice, the damage increased by an additional +d3 mortal
• Reaper Chain-Cleaver (12+3ED; AP -3; Range wounds.
Melee 8m; Brutal, LBT) Ion Shields: This unit has a +*2 Armour Bonus
• Thermal Spear (14+6Ed; AP -4; Range 72m; Super-Heavy Walker: This unit ignores intervening terrain
Salvo 2, Assault, Melta) and units when it moves.

Knight Castellan Variant Units

Knight Valiat
Crew: 1
As a Knight Castellan except as follows
Passengers: 0
Replaces the Plasma Decimator with a Thundercoil
Harpoon (22+10ED; AP -6; Range 30m; Salvo -; Heavy 2,
Cruising Speed: 30
Mortal 3, Macro)
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Replaces the Volcano Lance with a Conflagration Cannon Knight Crusader
(13+2ED; AP -2; Range 48m; Salvo 2, Spread, Blaze) As a Knight Errant except as follows:
Increases to 4 Shieldbreaker Missiles Adds a Avenger Gatling Cannon (12+2; AP -2; Range 90m;
May replace 2 missiles with a Twin Siegebreaker Cannon Salvo 4; Brutal, Heavy)
(13+3ED; AP -1; Range 120m; Salvo 6; Heavy 8, Brutal) Adds a Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2,
LBT, Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6)
Adds either a Heavy Stubber with a Meltagun (16+2ED; AP
Knight Errant -4; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Assault, Melta)
Replaces their Reaper Chainsword one of the following:
Crew: 1 • Thermal Cannon (15+6ED; AP -4; Range 90m;
Passengers: 0 Salvo 2; Heavy 8, Melta)
• Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon (14+3ED; AP -2;
Cruising Speed: 36 Range 180m; Salvo 3; Heavy 12; LBT) with a
Defense: 5 (+*2) Heavy Stubber
Wounds: 36 May replace their Heavy Stubber with a Multi-Laser
Resilience: 20 (14+2ED; AP 0; Range 70m; Salvo 3; Steadfast)

Default Skill: 8 Knight Galiant

Piloting: 10 As a Knight Errant except as follows:
Ballistic Skill: 10 Adds a Thermal Cannon (15+6ED; AP -4; Range 90m;
Weapon Skill: 10 Salvo 2; Heavy 8, Melta)
May replace their Reaper Chainsword with a Thunderstrike
Traits: Gyro-Stabilized, Walker, Vehicle, Explodes Size: Gauntlet (12+6ED; AP -4; Range Melee 8m; Thunderstrike)
Titanic (+5D)
Knight Paladin
Key Words: Imperium, <Household>, <Questor Allegiance> As a Knight Errant except as follows:
Adds a Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon (14+3ED; AP -2; Range
Weapons: Is equipped with either a Reaper Chainsword, 180m; Salvo 3; Heavy 12; LBT)
and either a Heavy Stubber, or Meltagun. May also have any May replace their Reaper Chainsword with a Thunderstrike
one of Ironstorm Missile Pod, Stormspear Rocket Pod, or a Gauntlet (12+6ED; AP -4; Range Melee 8m; Thunderstrike)
Twin-Icarus Autocannon. May replace their Heavy Stubber with a Multi-Laser
Heavy Stubber (10+2ED; AP 0; Range 72m; Salvo 3, Heavy (14+2ED; AP 0; Range 70m; Salvo 3; Steadfast)
Ironstorm Missile Pod (Damage as Ironstorm Missile; AP Knight Preceptor
As Ironstorm Missile; Range 36m; Salvo 1; Heavy 8, As a Knight Errant except as follows:
Indirect) Adds a Las-Impulsor (18+6ED; AP -4; Range 60m; Salvo 2;
• Ironstorm Missile (11+2ED; AP -1; MBT) Heavy 8)
Meltagun (16+2ED; AP -4; Range 24m; Salvo 1; Assault, May replace their Reaper Chainsword with a Thunderstrike
Melta) Gauntlet (12+6ED; AP -4; Range Melee 8m; Thunderstrike)
Reaper Chainsword (18+6ED; AP -3; Range Melee 8m; May replace their Heavy Stubber with a Multi-Laser
Brutal) (14+2ED; AP 0; Range 70m; Salvo 3; Steadfast)
Stormspear Rocket Pod (Damage As Stormspear Rocket; Mentor: Armiger Class Allies within 12m gain +1 Bonus
AP As Stormspear Rocket; Range 120m; Salvo 0) Dice for attacks.
• Stormspear Rocket (14+6ED; AP -2; MBT)
Titanic Feat (14+3ED; AP -2; Range Melee; Brutal, Knight Warden
Devastating) As a Knight Errant except as follows:
Twin Icarus Autocannon (13+2ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Adds a Avenger Gatling Cannon (12+2; AP -2; Range 90m;
Salvo 6; Brutal, Heavy 6) Salvo 4; Brutal, Heavy)
Adds a Heavy Flamer (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 16m; Salvo 2,
Special Abilities: LBT, Blaze, Spread, Heavy 6)
Ion Shields: This unit has a +*2 Armour Bonus May replace their Reaper Chainsword with a Thunderstrike
Super-Heavy Walker: This unit ignores intervening terrain Gauntlet (12+6ED; AP -4; Range Melee 8m; Thunderstrike)
and units when it moves. May replace their Heavy Stubber with a Multi-Laser
(14+2ED; AP 0; Range 70m; Salvo 3; Steadfast)
Variant Units

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Vehicle Catalog: Voidspace Vehicles
Vehicles are crewed and not autonomous (Machine Spirit being the exception to this!). The crew is standard Infantry (based on
keywords) and if a vehicle commander is listed in the Crew, then they are the equivalent of a Sergeant. If the crew of a vehicle is ever
reduced to half or less of the amount needed to operate, then all skill tests for the vehicle are made at an added +2DN penalty.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Section 5:

Battlefield Terrain,
Emplacements, &

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Barrier Material
& Breaching Barriers
Various materials are in use throughout the Imperium to construct buildings, vehicles, and other barriers that will get in a character’s
way while adventuring, and there will be a time when a character must try and bust or blat his way through these barriers.

Material Ratings Attacking a Barrier

Below is a list of various material examples and the Resilience When making an attack against a barrier or construction made
and Wounds for the materials. of the material, the attack is made against a Defense 1, but any
Material Thickness Resilience Wounds Complications rolled on the attack still apply. Various attacks
Dirt, Loose 1m 2 1 will produce different final effects based on the type of
Dirt, Hard Packed 1m 2 2 weapon used.
Wood 1m 3 3
Concrete 1/2m 4 5 Arc/Power Weapons: Double their AP when dealing damage
Steel Reinforced 1/2m 6 7 to any metal materials
Concrete Bolt/Projectile Weapons: Pierce the material but do not create
Basic Metals 1/2m 7 9 anything larger than a small hole
Hardened Metals 1/4m 9 13 Blast Template Weapons: Create a hole in the material that is
Armour Plate 1/10m 12 15 1m in diameter per icon of damage dealt over the wound
Vehicle Plate 1/10m 15 18
Melta/Plasma Weapons: Create a hole in the material that is
Hull Plate 1/10m 20 25
1/2m in diameter per icon of damage dealt over the wound
threshold and sets the material on fire.
Each doubling of the thickness of the material triples the
Wounds of the barrier.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Battlefield Terrain
In this section you will find expanded terrain rules based on new material from Chapter Approved 2019.

All of the following terrain features presume that the feature is closer to the shooter than the target is, if not the target does not gain a
bonus to cover from the terrain feature.

Barricades provide infantry with a +1 DN bonus from cover and reduce movement by 2m when crossing over them.

Movement thru a crater is slowed by 2m. Infantry wholly in a crater gain a +1 DN cover bonus.

Death World Forests

These features grant a +1 DN cover bonus but also reduce movement as Woodlands. Death World Forests come in 4 varieties:
• Barbed Venomgorse: When a unit moves with 6m of this feature, roll a d6. If an Exanted Icon is generated that unit
suffers d3 mortal wounds as the feature lashes out and attacks the unit.
• Eldritch Ruin: Psykers making a Psychic Mastery Test with 6m of this feature gain +2 Bonus Dice for the test.
• Grapple Weed: As Barbed Venomgorse but at the end of the Turn, Grapple Weed moves 2d6m towards the nearest unit
but stops when within 2m of any unit or another terrain feature.
• Shardwrack Spine: When a unit moves with 6m of this feature, roll a d6. If an Exanted Icon is generated that unit
suffers d3 mortal wounds as the feature shoots piecing spines and attacks the unit.

Galvanic Servohaulers
Infantry within 2m of a Servohauler gains a +1 DN cover bonus.

Haemeotropic Reactors
Infantry within 6m of a Reactor gains a +2 cover bonus and is considered Hazurdous Cover.

Hazardous Cover
If the attack generates a Critical Hit while targeting a unit within a terrain feature that is considered Hazardous Cover then roll a d6.
The unit closest to the reactor, either friend or foe, (or a random one if more than one) suffers a number of mortal wounds equal to the
number of Icons Generated.

Imperial Statuary
Statuary grants a +1 DN cover bonus to infantry within 4m of it. Any Imperial unit within 6m of Imperial Statuary that is a minimum
of 50% identifiable as such gain +2 Bonus Dice to any Resolve Tests.

Munitorum Armoured Containers

These containers provide a +1 DN cover bonus if the target is inside a container, a +2 cover bonus if on the other side of a container.
Any infantry within 2m of a container that is equipped with a Storm Bolter may, on their activation, operate the Storm Bolter as if
they are equipped with it. Storm Bolter (10+1ED; AP 0; Range 40m; Salvo 4, Brutal, Rapid Fire 2)

Obstacles fall into 2 categories: Tank Traps for Vehicles and Monster, and Tanglewire for Infantry. Any unit moving thru an obstacles
has its Speed reduce by half. Obstacles do not affect Flyers or Titanic units.

Infantry and non-Titanic vehicles that are wholly within a ruin gain a +3 DN bonus from cover. If partially within a ruin, the benefit is
only +1 DN. Speed is reduce by 2m for Infantry and by half for non-titanic vehicles or monsters that move within a Ruin.

Sacristan Forgeshrine
Acts a Sector Mechanicus Structure. Any Vehicle within 2m of this Forgeshrine can invoke one of the following Auto-Sacristan
Rites on their activation:
• Rite of Refueling: The Vehicle is considered fully fueled for the rest of the game and gains +6 to its Speed.
• Ritual of Reloading: The Vehicle has all of its weapons stores topped off, including Limit weapons, and ignores the next
2 ‘Out of Ammo’ Complications for the rest of the game.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
• Ritual of Repairing: The Vehicle regains 2d3 lost wounds. If there is an ally Tech-Priest or Tech-Marine on the
Sacristan Forgeshrine, the number of lost wounds regained is 6.

Sealed Fronteris Structure

Provide +3 DN cover bonus to any target with 4m of the structure. Any target on top of the structure gains no cover bonus. Vehicles
and Monsters cannot gain a cover bonus from these structures.

Sector Mechanicus Structures

Act as a Ruin for cover modifiers but do not restrict movement for Infantry. Vehicles and Monsters of any type may not move thru a
Sector Mechanicus Terrain Feature.

Thermic Plasma Conduits

Act as Barricades but are Hazardous Cover.

Thermic Plasmic Regulators

Act as Sector Mechanicus Structures but are Hazardous Cover.

Infantry has Speed reduced by 2m, Vehicles under Titanic in Size have Speed Reduced by half until completely cleared of a woodland
terrain feature. Shooting attacks mad against a target wholly within a woodlands terrain feature gain a +2 DN bonus from cover, if
partially within, the bonus is only +1 DN.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Emplacement Weapon
& Fortification Traits
Automated Weapons: This weapon or fortification may Magazine Explosion: When this fortification is reduced to 0
attack when no crewmen are present. Use the Ballistic Skill wounds, roll a d6. If a 6 is rolled this fortification suffers a
listed in the abilities section for attacks. All attacks must me catastrophic magazine explosion. Roll a d6 for each infantry
directed to the nearest threat that is more then 2m away. or vehicle embarked in or within 2d6m the fortification and
deal a number of mortal wounds equal to the number of icons
Battlements: This fortification provides minimal defensive generated on the die roll.
structures for infantry manning the tops of walls and
structures. Any attacks targeting infantry on the battlements Mighty Bulwark: This fortification has open-air fire points on
are made at +1DN for cover. top of the fortification for up to half of the allowable amount
of infantry to attack from. Infantry manning the bulwark may
Crew-Served: This weapon or fortification requires one or be attacked but they gain a +*3 Armour Bonus.
more crewman to operate. The crew is standard Infantry
(based on keywords) and if a vehicle commander is listed in Plasma Explosion: When this fortification is reduced to 0
the Crew, then they are the equivalent of a Sergeant. If the wounds, roll a d6. If a 4+ is rolled this fortification suffers a
crew of a vehicle is ever reduced to half or less of the amount catastrophic magazine explosion. Roll a d6 for each infantry
needed to operate, then all skill tests for the vehicle are made or vehicle embarked in or within 3d6m the fortification and
at an added +2DN penalty. Any additional crew requirements deal a number of mortal wounds equal to the number of icons
will be listed in the abilities section of the entry. generated on the die roll.

Fire Points: This fortification has points that any embarked Reactor Explosion: When this fortification is reduced to 0
infantry may fire from. The entry will not in the abilities how wounds, roll a d6. If a 6 is rolled this fortification suffers a
many embarked infantry may use the fire points. Attacks are catastrophic reactor explosion. Roll 2d6 for each infantry or
measured from the closest point on the fortification to the vehicle embarked in or within 3d6m the fortification and deal
targeted threat. a number of mortal wounds equal to the number of icons
generated on the die roll.
Immobile: This weapon or fortification is not able to be
moved without the aid of heavy machinery. It always has a Emplacement Weapons and Fortifications all count as
Cruising Speed of 0. This weapon or fortification has an Vehicles for the purpose of being targeted by abilities, powers,
effective Defense of 0. Roll to attack as normal and shift all and other weapons.
exalted icons generated on the attack roll to Glory or Damage.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Emplacement Weapon
& Fortifications Catalog
Aegis Defense Line Weapons: Any 1 of the following
Earthshaker Cannon (15+3ED; AP -2; Range 60m; Salvo 3;
An Aegis Defense Line consists of fortifications of Small Heavy 8, Brutal, Indirect, HBT, OTH)
Shield Sections and Large Shield Sections with Gun
Emplacements armed and armored as detailed below, Special Abilities:
multiples of which may be combined to create any number of Artillery Battery: One or more weapons emplacements
designs of a single fortification. within 10m of each other. Each crewed by 4 crewmen and
commanded by a Sergeant.
Crew: 0
Passengers: 10 per Section Automated Weapons
Cruising Speed: 0
Defense: 0 Crew: 0
Wounds: 60 Passengers: 0
Resilience: 25
Cruising Speed: 0
Default Skill: 6 Defense: 0
Piloting: 0 Wounds: 10
Ballistic Skill: 8 Resilience: 15
Weapon Skill: 0
Default Skill: 4
Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Magazine Explosion, Automated Piloting: 0
Weapons, Battlements, Size: Titanic (+5D) Ballistic Skill: 8
Weapon Skill: 0
Key Words: Imperium
Traits: Automated Weapons, Immobile, Magazine Explosion,
Weapons: Size: Huge (+2D)
Gun Emplacement (choose 1 per emplacement)
Icarus Lascannon (16+6ED; AP -3; Range 240m; Salvo 2; Key Words: Imperium, Astra Militarum, <Regiment>
Anti-Air, Steadfast)
Hydra Quad Autocannon (20+4ED; AP -1; 3km; Salvo 4) Weapons: Any 1 of the following
Battle Cannon (16+3ED; AP -2; Range 140m; Salvo -;
Special Abilities: Heavy 6, LBT)
None Demolisher Cannon (20+3ED; AP -3, Range 50m; Salvo -;
Artillery Battery Eradicator Nova Cannon (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 70m;
Salvo 1; LBT, Melta)
Crew: 4 crewmen per weapon plus 1 commander Executioner Plasma Cannon (13+3ED; AP -3; Range 70m;
Passengers: 0 Salvo 1; LBT; Supercharge)
Hydra Quad Autocannon (20+4ED; AP -1; 3km; Salvo 4)
Cruising Speed: 0 Las-Talon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 60m; Salvo 1; Heavy 4;
Defense: 0 Steadfast)
Wounds: 10 Missile Launcher (Damage and AP by Missile Type; Range
Resilience: 15 150m; Salvo -, Heavy 6)
• Flakkburst Missile (13+3ED; AP -1; MBT,
Default Skill: 8 Anti-Air)
Piloting: 10 • Frag Missile (16+2ED; AP 0; LBT)
Ballistic Skill: 12 • Fragstorm Missile (10+1ED; AP 0; HBT,
Weapon Skill: 12 Brutal)
• Krak Missile (16+3ED; AP -2; SBT)
Traits: Crew Served, Immobile, Magazine Explosion, Size: • Krakstorm Missile (14+3ED; AP -3; MBT,
Huge (+2D) Brutal)
Predator Autocannon (16+2ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 4;
Key Words: Imperium, Astra Militarum, <Regiment> Brutal; Heavy 8)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Punisher Gatling Cannon (12+2ED; AP 0, Range 40m; Vengeance Weapon Battery
Salvo 5; Rapid Fire 10; Spread) As above but with one of the following changes:
Quad-Gun (13+1ED; AP -1; Range 120m; Salvo 4; Brutal, Battle Cannon (16+3ED; AP -2; Range 140m; Salvo -;
Heavy 8, Anti-Air) Heavy 6, LBT)
Twin Autocannon (16+1ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Salvo 6) Punisher Gatling Cannon (12+2ED; AP 0, Range 40m;
Twin Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo Salvo 5; Rapid Fire 10; Spread)
12; Heavy 8) Quad Icarus Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m;
Twin Grenade Launcher (Damage As Grenade; AP As Salvo 6; Heavy 8; Steadfast, Anti-Air)
Grenade; Range 60m; Salvo 2)
• Frag Grenade (10+1ED; AP 0; MBT) Battle Sanctum
• Krak Grenade (14+2ED; AP -2, SBT)
Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6; A Battle Sanctum is a single fortification.
Brutal; Heavy 6)
Twin Heavy Plasma Cannon (16+4ED, AP -3, Range 60m; Crew: 0
Salvo 6; Supercharge, Heavy 6) Passengers: 10 per Section
Twin Ironhail Autocannon (16+2ED; AP -1; Range 96m;
Salvo 6; Heavy 6) Cruising Speed: 0
Twin Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3; Defense: 0
Heavy 10, Steadfast) Wounds: 30
Twin Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Resilience: 20
Heavy 2, Melta)
Twin Plasma Cannon (15+2ED, AP -3, Range 48m; Salvo 4; Default Skill: 0
Heavy 2, Rapid Fire 1, Supercharge) Piloting: 0
Vanquisher Battle Cannon (16+3ED; AP -3; Range 140m; Ballistic Skill: 0
Salvo -; LBT; Penetrating 10) Weapon Skill: 0

Special Abilities: Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Size: Titanic (+5D)

Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum
Sabre Weapons Battery None
As above but with the following changes:
Add the following Special Abilities: Special Abilities:
Defense Searchlight: At the beginning of this unit’s Blessings of the Saint: At the beginning of any turn that a
activation, select a visible threat within 96m, all allies the member of the Adeptus Ministorum is within 6m of this
threat is visible to gain +2 Bonus Dice for ranged attacks structure, they gain 1 Miracle Die.
against the selected threat until the beginning of this units next Consecrated Ground: Adeptus Ministorum units within 2m
activation. of this structure gain +2 Bonus Dice for all Wisdom based
Skyfire: All equipped weapons gain the Anti-Air Trait. Tests. Chaos Units within 2m of this structure gain a -2 Die
penalty to any Wisdom based Tests.
Tarantula Air-Defense Battery
As above but with the following changes: Castellum Stronghold
Twin Lascannon only.
Add the following Special Abilities:
A Castellum Stronghold consists of a Tacticus Bunker (with a
Automated Battery: This unit may only target threats with
primary weapons system) and multiple Bunker Annexes. All
the Fly keyword
connected by one or more Shield Gate entry points and Wall
Tarantula Battery
As above but with the following changes:
Crew: 0
Twin Heavy Bolter or Twin Lascannon only.
Passengers: 30 per Tacticus Bunker, 20 per Bunker Annex.
Add the following Special Abilities:
Terminator, Centurion, Primaris, and Jump Pack Infantry
Automated Battery: If this unit is equipped with Twin Heavy
count as 2 for determining the number of passengers allowed
Bolters, then it will target the closest Infantry threat on its per section. Up to 1 Gargantuan, 2 Huge, or 4 Large vehicles
activation. If this unit is equipped with Twin Lascannon, then
may also be embarked in the Stronghold per any combination
it will target the closest non-Infantry threat on its activation. of 4 bunkers.
If there are none of the specified threat available, then it will
shoot at the closest threat. Cruising Speed: 0
Defense: 0
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Wounds: Tacticus Bunker 30; Bunker Annex 20; Walls 20; Embarked Vehicles: Any vehicles embarked in the
Shield Gates 20 fortification may fire their ranged weapon at threats outside
Resilience: 23 the fortification if the weapon has the Indirect trait.
Shield Gate Barriers: All attacks made by threats thru a
Default Skill: 6 Shield Gate are made as if the target of the attack has a +*5
Piloting: 0 Armour Bonus.
Ballistic Skill: 8
Weapon Skill: 0 Firestorm Redoubt
Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Magazine Explosion (per bunker), Crew: 0
Automated Weapons, Firing Points (Tacticus Bunker 15, Passengers: 20
Bunker Annex 10), Battlements, Size: Titanic (+5D)
Cruising Speed: 0
Key Words: Imperium Defense: 0
Wounds: 30
Weapons: Resilience: 20
The Tacticus Bunker may have any 2 of the following, a
Bunker Annex may have any 1 of the following: Default Skill: 6
Battle Cannon (16+3ED; AP -2; Range 140m; Salvo -; Piloting: 0
Heavy 6, LBT) Ballistic Skill: 8
Demolisher Cannon (20+3ED; AP -3, Range 50m; Salvo -; Weapon Skill: 0
Eradicator Nova Cannon (12+3ED; AP -2; Range 70m; Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Magazine Explosion, Automated
Salvo 1; LBT, Melta) Weapons, Fire Points (10), Size: Titanic (+5D)
Executioner Plasma Cannon (13+3ED; AP -3; Range 70m;
Salvo 1; LBT; Supercharge) Key Words: Imperium
Predator Autocannon (16+2ED; AP -1; Range 90m; Salvo 4;
Brutal; Heavy 8) Weapons: Any 2 of the following.
Punisher Gatling Cannon (12+2ED; AP 0, Range 40m; Battle Cannon (16+3ED; AP -2; Range 140m; Salvo -;
Salvo 5; Rapid Fire 10; Spread) Heavy 6, LBT)
Twin Autocannon (16+1ED; AP -1; Range 96m; Salvo 6) Punisher Gatling Cannon (12+2ED; AP 0, Range 40m;
Twin Assault Cannon (14+2ED; AP -1; Range 48m; Salvo Salvo 5; Rapid Fire 10; Spread)
12; Heavy 8) Quad Icarus Lascannon (18+3ED; AP -3; Range 150m;
Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6; Salvo 6; Heavy 8; Steadfast, Anti-Air)
Brutal; Heavy 6)
Twin Heavy Plasma Cannon (16+4ED, AP -3, Range 60m; Special Abilities:
Salvo 6; Supercharge, Heavy 6) None
Twin Ironhail Autocannon (16+2ED; AP -1; Range 96m;
Salvo 6; Heavy 6)
Twin Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3;
Fortress of Redemption
Heavy 10, Steadfast)
Twin Multi-Melta (16+3ED; AP -4; Range 48m; Salvo 2; Crew: 0
Heavy 2, Melta) Passengers: 30
Twin Plasma Cannon (15+2ED, AP -3, Range 48m; Salvo 4;
Cruising Speed: 0
Heavy 2, Rapid Fire 1, Supercharge)
Vanquisher Battle Cannon (16+3ED; AP -3; Range 140m; Defense: 0
Wounds: 45
Salvo -; LBT; Penetrating 10)
Whirlwind Castellan Rocket Launcher (Damage As Resilience: 25
Castellan Rocket; AP As Castellan Rocket; Range 10km;
Salvo 0; Indirect) Default Skill: 6
Piloting: 0
Castellan Rocket (20+3ED; AP 0; LBT)
Whirlwind Vengeance Rocket Launcher (Damage As Ballistic Skill: 8
Weapon Skill: 0
Vengeance Rocket; AP As Vengeance Rocket; Range 10km;
Salvo 0; Indirect)
Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Magazine Explosion, Automated
Vengeance Rocket (22+3ED; AP -1; LBT)
Weapons, Fire Points (15), Size: Titanic (+5D)
Special Abilities:
Command Relay: Any Champions allied to the fortification Key Words: Imperium
that spend Wrath/Ruin/Glory for Abilities or Stratagems do so
at a 1 point reduction in cost to a minimum of 1 point. Weapons:
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Heavy Bolter (x4) (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Explodes, Automated Weapons,
Brutal, Heavy 4) Fire Points (5), Size: Titanic (+5D)
Redemption Missile Silo (Damage as Missile; AP as Missile;
Range 36m; Salvo 2; Indirect, OTH) Key Words: Imperium
Fragstorm Missile (10+1ED; AP 0; HBT, Brutal)
Krakstorm Missile (14+3ED; AP -3; MBT, Brutal) Weapons: Armed with either a Icarus Lascannon or a Quad-
Twin Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3; Gun
Heavy 10, Steadfast) Icarus Lascannon (16+6ED; AP -3; Range 240m; Salvo 2;
Anti-Air, Steadfast)
Hydra Quad Autocannon (20+4ED; AP -1; 3km; Salvo 4)
Special Abilities:
None Special Abilities:
Imperial Bastion
Imperial Defense Line
Crew: 0
Passengers: 20 Imperial Defense Lines are surface trench fortifications that
link multiple Imperial fortifications. The information below is
Cruising Speed: 0 for a 20m section of Defense Line, including any intersection
Defense: 0 points
Wounds: 30
Resilience: 23 Crew: 0
Passengers: 10 per Section
Default Skill: 6
Piloting: 0 Cruising Speed: 0
Ballistic Skill: 8 Defense: 0
Weapon Skill: 0 Wounds: 30
Resilience: 20
Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Magazine Explosion, Automated
Weapons, Fire Points (10), Size: Titanic (+5D) Default Skill: 6
Piloting: 0
Key Words: Imperium Ballistic Skill: 8
Weapon Skill: 0
Weapons: Armed with 4 Heavy Bolters and either a Icarus
Lascannon or a Quad-Gun Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Mighty Bulwark, Size: Titanic
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, (+5D)
Heavy 4)
Icarus Lascannon (16+6ED; AP -3; Range 240m; Salvo 2; Key Words: Imperium
Anti-Air, Steadfast)
Hydra Quad Autocannon (20+4ED; AP -1; 3km; Salvo 4) Weapons:
Special Abilities:
Non Special Abilities:
Difficult Terrain: Any vehicle without the Fly keyword or
Imperial Bunker smaller than Gargantuan in size must make a Piloting Test
(DN 4) or be stopped within 2m of this fortification.
Crew: 0
Passengers: 10 Imperial Fortress
Cruising Speed: 0
Defense: 0 This data entry represents individual sections of fortifications
Wounds: 18 for Walls, Gate with Gate Towers, and Towers armed and
Resilience: 20 armored as detailed below, multiples of which may be
combined to create any number of designs of a single
Default Skill: 6 fortification.
Piloting: 0
Ballistic Skill: 8 Crew: 0
Weapon Skill: 0 Passengers: 20 per Section

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium
Cruising Speed: 0 Crew: 0
Defense: 0 Passengers: 20
Wounds: 60
Resilience: 25 Cruising Speed: 0
Defense: 0
Default Skill: 6 Wounds: 30
Piloting: 0 Resilience: 23
Ballistic Skill: 8
Weapon Skill: 0 Default Skill: 6
Piloting: 0
Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Magazine Explosion, Automated Ballistic Skill: 8
Weapons, Mighty Bulwark, Size: Titanic (+5D) Weapon Skill: 0

Key Words: Imperium Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Plasma Explosion, Automated

Weapons, Fire Points (10), Size: Titanic (+5D)
Gate Tower or Tower (Choose 1): Key Words: Imperium
Twin Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 6;
Brutal; Heavy 6) Weapons:
Twin Lascannon (18+5ED; AP -3; Range 150m; Salvo 3; Plasma Obliterator (14+2ED; AP -3; Range 180m; Salvo 3;
Heavy 10, Steadfast) Heavy 10, Supercharge)

Special Abilities: Special Abilities:

None None

Maco-Cannon Aquila Primaris Redoubt

Crew: 6
Crew: 0 Passengers: 20
Passengers: 30
Cruising Speed: 0
Cruising Speed: 0 Defense: *2
Defense: 0 Wounds: 30
Wounds: 30 Resilience: 20
Resilience: 25
Default Skill: 6
Default Skill: 6 Piloting: 0
Piloting: 0 Ballistic Skill: 8
Ballistic Skill: 8 Weapon Skill: 0
Weapon Skill: 0
Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Reactor Explosion, Automated
Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Magazine Explosion, Automated Weapons (Heavy Bolters only), Size: Titanic (+5D)
Weapons, Fire Points (15), Size: Titanic (+5D)
Key Words: Imperium
Key Words: Imperium
Weapons: Any 1 plus 4 Heavy Bolters.
Weapons: Armed with 4 Heavy Bolters and an Aquila Macro- Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal,
Cannon Heavy 4)
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal, Dual Turbo-Laser Destructor (22+12ED; AP -3; Range
Heavy 4) 48m; Mortal 4, OTH)
Aquila Macro-Canon (20+6ED; AP -3; Range 100m; Salvo
4; Brutal, Heavy 10, Indirect, Macro, OTH) Special Abilities:
Battle Crew: All attacks against Titanic threats are made at
Special Abilities: +2 Bonus Dice on the skill test.
None Force Dome: This fortification has a +*2 Armour Bonus

Plasma Obliterator Rapier Laser Destroyer

Crew: 2
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Passengers: 0 gain 2d3 wounds at the start of each turn from
the auto-repair systems built into the landing
Cruising Speed: 10 pad.
Defense: 3
Wounds: 6 Thunderfire Cannon
Resilience: 15
Crew: 1 Techmarine
Default Skill: 8 Passengers: 0
Piloting: 10
Ballistic Skill: 12 Cruising Speed: 10
Weapon Skill: 12 Defense: 3
Wounds: 6
Traits: Crew-Served, Vehicle, Tracked, Explodes, Size: Large Resilience: 15
Default Skill: 8
Key Words: Imperium, Astra Militarum, <Regiment> Piloting: 10
Ballistic Skill: 12
Weapons: Weapon Skill: 12
Heavy Laser Destroyer (16+6ED; AP -4; Range 180m; Salvo
3; Devastating, Heavy 6; Steadfast) Traits: Crew-Served, Tracked, Vehicle, Size: Large (+1D)
Special Abilities: Key Words: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>
Skyshield Landing Pad Thunderfire Cannon (13+6ED; AP -1; Range 180m; Salvo
5; Heavy 8, Indirect, MBT)
Crew: 0
Passengers: 0 Special Abilities:
Crew-Served: Requires 1 Adeptus Astartes Techmarine to be
Cruising Speed: 0 within 12m. One Techmarine may operate up to 3 Thunderfire
Defense: 0 Cannons at one time.
Wounds: 30
Resilience: 20 Void Shield Generator
Default Skill: 0 Crew: 0
Piloting: 0 Passengers: 0
Ballistic Skill: 0
Weapon Skill: 0 Cruising Speed: 0
Defense: 0
Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Size: Titanic (+5D) Wounds: 27
Resilience: 20
Key Words: Imperium
Default Skill: 0
Weapons: Piloting: 0
None Ballistic Skill: 0
Weapon Skill: 0
Special Abilities:
Landing Pad Configuration: This fortification may be Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Size: Titanic (+5D)
configured Shielded or Unfurled, each detailed below. At the
start of any embarked unit’s activation, the configuration may Key Words: Imperium
be changed, but the change does not take effect until the
beginning of the next turn. Weapons:
• Shielded: Any units (friend or foe) on the None
Skyshield Landing Pad gain a cover bonus of
+4DN in addition to any other cover bonus they Special Abilities:
might have to ranged attacks against them off the Projected Void Shields: Any unit (friend or foe) within 24m
Landing Pad. of this fortification gains a +*3 Armour Bonus against any
• Unfurled: Any ally vehicle units on the ranged attacks originating from outside the shield coverage
Skyshield Landing Pad in this configuration area.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Traits: Immobile, Vehicle, Automated Weapons, Fire Points
(15), Size: Titanic (+5D)
Vortex Missile Aquila
Strongpoint Key Words: Imperium

Crew: 0 Weapons: Armed with 4 Heavy Bolters and Vortex Missile

Passengers: 30 Launcher
Heavy Bolter (12+2ED; AP -1; Range 60m; Salvo 3; Brutal,
Cruising Speed: 0 Heavy 4)
Defense: 0 Vortex Missile Launcher (Damage as Missile; AP as Missile;
Wounds: 30 Range 100m; Salvo 1; Indirect, OTH)
Resilience: 25 Vortex Missile (HBT, 2d3+3 Mortal wounds)

Default Skill: 6 Special Abilities:

Piloting: 0 Containment Failure: When this fortification is reduced to 0
Ballistic Skill: 8 wounds, the Vortex Missile explodes. All units within 4d6m
Weapon Skill: 0 suffer 2d3+3 mortal wounds.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Section 6:


A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Carnosaur Cavalry Mount: Thunderwolves are large enough to be

ridden (using Pilot) into battle. An infantry squad in non-
Threat Classification: Troops at all Tiers powered armour may use a Cavalry Horse as mounts.

Strength 9 Intellect 5 Fenrisian Wolf

Agility 9 Willpower 5
Toughness 12 Fellowship 2 Threat Classification: Troops at all Tiers
Initiative 6 Defense 8
Speed 8 Wounds 15 Strength 6 Intellect 5
Shock 5 Soak 6 Agility 6 Willpower 5
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Toughness 6 Fellowship 5
Passive Awareness: 5 Initiative 6 Defense 5
Resilience: 12 (16) Thick Armour Hide (Armour Rating 4) Speed 10 Wounds 7
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12 Shock 5 Soak 6
Size: Large (+1D) Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Keywords: Beast, Troops Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 7
Wargear Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12
Thick Armour Hide (Armour Rating 4) Size: Average
Keywords: Beast, Troops
Teeth & Claws (15+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee) Weapons
Teeth & Claws (10+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee)
Special Abilities
Taste of Blood: After engaging in melee combat, Carnosaurs Special Abilities
must pass a Willpower test (DN 3). On a failure, the Swift Hunters: Fenrisian Wolves gain +2 Speed when
Carnosaur feels a strong urge to eat the fallen - the rider must charging.
pass a DN 4 Pilot test to make the Carnosaur resist this urge (MOB) Mob: Fenrisian Wolves may for a Pack. The Pack
and continue in the combat. If the Carnosaur’s failure my include a Cyberwolf (see below) as an Alpha.
involves a complication, the Carnosaur may not resist this (MOB) Pack Mentality: Increase this units Wisdom by +2 for
urge. every 5 pack members in the mob.
Cavalry Mount: Carnosur are large enough to be ridden
(using Pilot) into battle. An infantry squad in Mk VII or lower Variant Unit
armor, Scout armour, or non-powered armour may use a
Carnosaur as mounts. Cyberwolf
As a Fenrisian Wolf above except as follows:
Cavalry Horse +1 Willpower
Has Bionics: A character with this ability gain a +*3 Armor
Threat Classification: Troops at all Tiers Bonus.

Strength 6 Intellect 5 Thunderwolf

Agility 6 Willpower 5
Toughness 6 Fellowship 5 Threat Classification: Troops at all Tiers
Initiative 6 Defense 5
Speed 10 Wounds 7 Strength 8 Intellect 5
Shock 5 Soak 6 Agility 8 Willpower 5
Resolve 4 Conviction 4 Toughness 8 Fellowship 5
Passive Awareness: 5 Initiative 8 Defense 5
Resilience: 7 Speed 10 Wounds 9
Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12 Shock 5 Soak 8
Size: Large (+1D) Resolve 4 Conviction 4
Keywords: Beast, Troops Passive Awareness: 5
Resilience: 9
Weapons Skills: Default 10; Weapon Skill 12
Hooves (10+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee) Size: Large (+1D)
Keywords: Beast, Troops
Special Abilities
War Horse: Cavalry Horses gain +2 Speed when charging.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
Crushing Teeth & Claws (15+1ED; AP -1; Range Melee,

Special Abilities
Cavalry Mount: Thunderwolves are large enough to be
ridden (using Pilot) into battle. An infantry squad in Mk VII or
lower armor, Scout armour, or non-powered armour may use a
Thunderwolf as mounts.

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Section 7:

Conversion Notes

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Attributes and Skills: Wounds: (W x 1.5)

Weapons and Traits/Keywords as needed
40k Rating -> 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9+
Size Small 2 3 5 6 7
Size Medium 3 5 7 8 10
Size Large/Huge* 4 8 9 10 12
Size Gargantuan* 5 10 11 12 15 Weapon Profiles:
Size Titanic* 6 12 13 15 17
Base Damage: S+6
Size Large/Huge, Gargantuan and Titanic use these lines for Melee: 4+weapon S for small to average size
Strength and Toughness only! Use the Size Medium line for creatures; 5+ weapon S for large or monstrous
all other attribute conversions. creatures; a S of ‘X2’ is a base 10.

40K S = Strength ED: =D

40K T = Toughness Rapid Fire Weapons add X x.5 to ED
40K A = Initiative and Agility
40K L = Intellect, Willpower, and Fellowship AP: =AP
Fellowship is modified up or down based on the race.
Range: Guns n Such: Inches x2.5m; Missiles/Rockets x3m;
Defense: Initiative -1 Artillery x2.5km

Speed: =M Salvo: D+1

For Small and Average: x1; For Large or Huge: x1.5; For Rapid Fire and Assault Weapons, increase
For Gargantuan and Titanic x2; Fly: x4? calculated Salvo by X x.5

Shock: Willpower Type: same except for the following

Gargantuan+ add (W-1) Grenade = Explosive; Heavy x = Heavy X x1.5

Resolve: Willpower -1 Traits: added as needed

Wounds: Toughness For weapons with multiple profiles to represent different

Gargantuan+ add [(W-1) x2] power settings, use the most powerful profile and use the
Champions add (W-1) to toughness for final wound ‘Supercharge’ Trait.

Soak: Toughness

Conviction: Willpower

Resilience: Toughness +1

Passive Awareness: ½ Awareness

Weapons Skill & Ballistic Skill: = WS/BS

6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 2+
6 8 10 12 14

Default Skill: Highest of WS or BS -2

Vehicle Profiles:
Cruising Speed: Mx3m

Defense: (6-SV)

Resilience: (T x 2.5)

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

Heroes of the Imperium

Document Change Log

• 4/10/2020
o Finished updating for Imperial Knights
o Added Imperial Pilot archetype
• 4/7/2020
o Begun adding in Imperial Knights material from Codex: imperial Knights and Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus
o Need to add an Imperial Pilot/Driver Archetype
• 4/1/20
o Updated for Psychic Awakening: Saga of the Beast
• 3/25/20
o New Wargear section layout
• 2/21/20
o Updated for Psychic Awakening: The Greater Good
• 2/18/20
o Updated for Codex Supplement: Imperial Fists and Psychic Awakening: Ritual of the Damned
• 1/18/20
o Updated for Codes: Adepta Sororitas
o Separated the Vehicle Catalog out by vehicle types
• 1/5/20
o Removed all entries in the Troops sections for ‘sergeant’ level entries and made a generic Sergeant entry in the
beginning of the section to cover all occurrences of them as a space saving measure.
o Added Naval Crewman archetype
• 1/2/20
o Material added from Psychic Awakening: Faith & Fury
• 1/1/20
o Material from Chapter Approved 2019 added including Warlord Traits, Stratagems, and Battlefield Terrain
o Material Added from Psychic Awakening: Blood of Baal
• 12/31
o General clean up. Most references to gaining the Lucky and Devastating traits are changed to add Bonus Dice
or ED. Most references to rerolling 1s changed to gaining bonus dice.
• 10/30
o Added hyperlink boot marks to each section and sub-section
• 10/17
o Added Salamanders Previews
• 10/16
o Added Iron Fists Previews
• 10/15
o Added Sisters of Silence from WD Oct 2019.
▪ New Archetype, Wargear, Troops
• 10/10
o Added Adeptus Arbites as Archetype and Troops
o Added new Wargear
o Added new generic Talents
o Added PC Creation Rules section
▪ Has PC creation summary
▪ Has information for Tier 6 play
o Added Space Marine Thunderhawk Transport
o Added information for barrier material and breaching barriers
o Added a Basic Ascension Package
• 10/8
o Space Marine Successor Chapter rules, Squat <Brotherhood> and <Guild> information added to Organizational
Abilities section.
o Added Twin Grenade Launcher to Weapons
o Added Missile Launcher and Twin Grenade Launcher to the Automated Weapons Entry
o Added Carnosaur and Cavalry Horse to the Bestiary.
A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth
Heroes of the Imperium
o Basic Editing and minor formatting made across the document.
• 10/7
o Modified the layout of the document to reduce the page count. Went from 240 to 140 pages after doing so!
• 10/6
o Added Codes: Adeptus Custodes
o Modified wording on Stratagems
o Added Emplacement weapons and fortifications
o Added Adeptus Custodes as Species
o Added Custodes Guardian and Shield-Captain as Archetypes
• 10/5
o Added Inquisition
o Added Codex Supplement: Iron Hands
• 10/4
oAdded Ogryns and Bullgryns to Species List
oAdded Codex Supplement: Raven Guard
oUpdated wording on all Stratagems, Warlord Abilities and Psychic Powers to allow more free use on allies in
• 10/3/2019
o Document created
o Added Adeptus Astartes
o Added Index Imperialis
o Added Astra Militarum
o Added Adeptus Mechanicus
o Added Conversion notes

A Wrath & Glory Fan Supplement written by Eric A. Duckworth

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