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Balancing of Accounts Solution

Question 3
In the Books of Karl
Dr Cash Account Cr
Date Details F Amount Date Details F Amount
2011 2011
1-Apr Capital 105000 2-Apr Ordinary goods purchased 30000
Apr Revenue 25000 7-Apr Ordinary goods purchased 20000
Apr Revenue 35000 9-Apr Ordinary goods purchased 15000
20- 21-
Apr Revenue 45000 Apr Rent 8000
Apr Electricity 1200
Apr Stationery 12000
Apr Wages 13000
Apr Balance c/d 110800
210000 210000
1-May Balance b/d 110800
Capital Account
Apr Balance c/d 105000 1-Apr Cash 105000
105000 105000
1-May Balance b/d 105000
Ordinary goods purchased Account
2-Apr Cash 30000
7-Apr Cash 20000
9-Apr Cash 15000 Apr Income Statement 65000
65000 65000
Revenue Account
Apr Cash 25000
Apr Cash 35000
30- Income 20-
Apr Statement 105000 Apr Cash 45000
105000 105000
Rent Account
21- 30-
Apr Cash 8000 Apr Income Statement 8000
8000 8000
Electricity Account
22- 30-
Apr Cash 1200 Apr Income Statement 1200
1200 1200
Stationery Account
26- 30-
Apr Cash 12000 Apr Income Statement 12000
12000 12000
Wages Account
30- 30-
Apr Cash 13000 Apr Income Statement 13000
13000 13000

Question 4
In the Books of Mark Twain
Dr Cash Account Cr
Date Details F t Date Details F Amount
2011 2011
1-Jun Capital 240000 3-Jun Ordinary goods purchased 50000
8-Jun Revenue 85000 4-Jun Ordinary goods purchased 80000
12-Jun Revenue 60000 5-Jun Ordinary goods purchased 30000
15-Jun Revenue 100000 22-Jun Telephone bill 3000
16-Jun Rent received 4000 24-Jun Electricity 2000
17-Jun Commission received 8000 28-Jun Water bill 1000
20-Jun Rent received 12000 29-Jun Salary 10000
30-Jun Balance c/d 333000
509000 509000
1-Jul Balance b/d 333000
Capital Account
30-Jun Balance c/d 240000 1-Jun Cash 240000
240000 240000
1-Jul Balance b/d 240000
Ordinary goods purchased Account
3-Jun Cash 50000
4-Jun Cash 80000
5-Jun Cash 30000 30-Jun Income Statement 160000
160000 160000
Revenue Account
8-Jun Cash 85000
12-Jun Cash 60000
30-Jun Income Statement 245000 15-Jun 100000
245000 245000
Rent Received Account
16-Jun Cash 4000
30-Jun Income Statement 16000 20-Jun Cash 12000
16000 16000
Commission Received Account
30-Jun Income Statement 8000 17-Jun Cash 8000
8000 8000
Telephone Bill Account
22-Jun Cash 3000 30-Jun Income Statement 3000
3000 3000
Electricity Bill Account
24-Jun Cash 2000 30-Jun Income Statement 2000
2000 2000
Water Bill Account
28-Jun Cash 1000 30-Jun Income Statement 1000
1000 1000
Salary Account
29-Jun Cash 10000 30-Jun Income Statement 10000
10000 10000

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