Role Play Set 1A

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Would you rather questions:

1. Would You Rather Be The BEST Of A LOSING Team Or The WORSE Of A


2. Would you rather Win $50,000 or let your best friend win $500,000?

3. Would you rather Look 10 years older from the neck up, or the neck down?

4. Would you rather Rule the World or live in a World with absolutely no problems at

5. Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?

Role Play Cards - A

A. You are a manager. You have an employee that hasn’t been performing well. He/
she is often late. He/she also spends a lot of time checking his/her private emails and
strange websites instead of doing work. Yesterday, you caught her/him sleeping at
his/her desk. Please fire the employee (in a nice way).

B. You are at work. Please tell your boss that you have accepted a position at another
company, so you will be leaving the company in 2 weeks.

C. Your boss has been forcing you to work more and more overtime every week. You
have also been given many extra responsibilities that do not fall under your job
description. You haven’t been able to spend much time with your family, and your
husband/wife is threatening to divorce you. Please talk to your boss.
D. You have recently been hired as a security guard. When you were hired, you were
offered an hourly wage of $10. You accepted this because you needed the money.
However, recently you have learned that this is below the minimum wage. Discuss
this issue with your boss.

E. You work at a bank. When you started working there, you worked the standard 40
hours a week. However, the boss has been slowly giving you more and more work.
As a result, you’ve been doing more and more overtime. There are two issues: there
overtime is unpaid and you have too much work. Discuss the issue with your boss.

F. You manage a shoe store. Two of your employees have asked for a vacation time
during the Christmas season. You rejected their request because Christmas is your
busiest season. Now, another one of your employees would like to speak with you.

Phone calls

1. You have an appointment tomorrow with your dentist, Dr. White, at 8 am. Call his
office and try to reschedule your appointment to next week. You are free next week
on Thursday and Friday in the early morning

2. You are a recruiter for a headhunting company. You’d like to recruit Student B, a
senior engineer, for a position at another company. Call and ask if he/she is satisfied
with his/her job. Try to get him/her to have lunch with you to discuss your offer.

3. You are calling your friend Alex. His number is 555-4481.

4. You are calling your supervisor Jane Smith to tell her that you will be 45 minutes
late for work today. Your car broke down and you must take the bus.
5. You are calling the library because you want to know if they are open on Sundays.

6. You have an account with a bank called SmartBank. Soon, you will get a phone

7. You just got your ACB Cable bill in the mail. You usually subscribe to the standard
package for $35.99 a month, but your bill says that you have the upgraded digital
package for $65.99 a month. No one in your family asked for the upgrade. You must
call the cable company and fix the problem.
Before you call, what information do you need? Account number -- 615239482

8. You just got your XYZ Telephone Long Distance bill in the mail. You signed up for
a new long distance plan on May 1. The new plan has much lower rates to your native
country than your old plan. You made many calls from May 2-May 9 to your native
country. Your bill is charging you for the calls at the old, more expensive rate. The
calls you made after May 10 are at the lower rate. You must call the phone company
and ask about the problem
Before you call, what information do you need? Account number -- 717555826401

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