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Borja, Yasmin Kaye C.

HUM 002 – Logic

1. Differentiate nominal definition with formal definition.

Nominal Definition is a definition which speaks about a term but not
declaring anything about it. This is done by considering the origin of the
term, by describing the term, by giving the synonym of the term or by citing
an example that will represent the term. While a formal definition is based
upon a concise, logical pattern that includes as much information as it can
within a minimum amount of space.

2. Identify the different ways of defining things nominally.

Nominal Definition by Etymology, attained by tracing the origin of the
term. Nominal Definition by Description, attained by describing the term.
Nominal Definition by Synonym, it is done by giving a word equivalent to
the term. Nominal Definition by Example, it is done by citing anything that
will represent the term.

3. Differentiate the classifications of terms according to quantity.

As regards to quantity: Singular Term stands for a single individual or
object. Particular Term stands for an indefinite number of individuals of a
class. Universal Term stands not only for a class as a whole but also for
each member of that class. Collective Term refers to a group or collection
of objects or individuals regarded as a unit. A collective term, however, may
be universal (e.g., family), particular (e.g., some family), or singular (e.g.,
this family).

4. Differentiate the different classifications of term according to

As regards to incompatibility, Contradictory Terms are those wherein
one affirms what the other denies. Contrary Terms represent the two
extremes among objects of a series belonging to the same class. Privative
Terms are those wherein one signifies a perfection and the other denies a
perfection in a subject which naturally ought to possess it. Correlative
Terms are those wherein one cannot be understood without the other.

5. Differentiate the different classifications of terms according to

definiteness of meaning.
As regards to the definiteness of the meaning, Univocal Terms are
two or more individuals or things in exactly the same sense and admits of
only one meaning. Equivocal Terms means many in an entirely different
sense, and admits of two or more meanings. Analogous Terms are two or
more things that is partly the same and partly different sense.

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