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1. For you, how would you define beauty?

Beauty for me is not a physical aspect of the body, it’s an inner characteristic of the
person with a good heart that willing to help to anyone else without rewards or
exchange gift.
2. What is important outer or inner beauty?
Inner beauty is the most important because it’s a key to have a self confidence due to
being true to self and others. Having a golden heart and helpful to everyone.
3. Why having a good personality is important?
Having a good personality is having a many friend to your life. It is importance because
it reflects as being human that makes complete.

Day 3 Application

Nasan yung Quote nito?


1. How do you want to look physically 5 years from now?

I saw in my physical body in 5 years it looks different due to have muscular body
specially in my lower body. Maintaining physically fit because of regular outdoor
activity like bicycling.
2. What are the things that you should do to achieve this?
I am actively participated in bicycle associated in my home town. We do regular
exercise and joining to recreational activity in additional to make me physically fit.
3. What is the important of having a good image for your personal ang professional growth?
Having a good image that makes person a good example or being the role model to

Day 3 Application

” What you are now is a product of your beginning”

I believe that you striving hard for your future career you will receive a reward. Every
person who successful in life they also experience struggles. Struggles that make them to be
inspire or make them challenge in their life. In my stage, I promise to my self that I will finish my
obligation to study in college, I grab the opportunity of the government until free education in
state and university.
Post Assessment

1. What if one of the essential components is missing………

No because the parts are individuals, messages, channels, input, codes, encoding and
decoding, and feedback. These parts are significant and important to produce a message
that is compelling in handing-off your planned significance to someone else effectively.

Communication is the trading of messages between at least two individuals to create

meaning. The objective of correspondence is to produce normal implications through a
message with the expectation that it will be perceived by the individual whom you are
attempting to speak with. To effectively impart, you need to know how correspondence
really functions, and the parts utilized. The parts are individuals, messages, channels, input,
codes, encoding and deciphering, and commotion.

Day 3 Application


It is important that we are knowledgeable to our local language before we study

another language. Because I experience to my new friend when he talking very native language it is hard
to understand what he taking about.


Strategic communication I encounter this to my old friend, he talks very powerful that
my colleague follows his command and instruction.


It symbolizes your culture or where group you belong. Last month, I when to store then I
heard very native language. In my mind the two people talking is originated somewhere in Visayas
talking Ilonggo.


(Ano meaning ng discourse jan sa module mo?)

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