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Art of Appreciation

“Arts is a Product of Imagination”

Remember that art is made by people supported by workmanship materials,

apparatuses and abilities, and molded by their inventiveness and creative mind. Regardless of
how close art is to nature, the human brain, heart and hands are the ones that shape
In making art, what is truly significant is the topic. When the understudies realize
his topic he will be searching for mediums or workmanship material to understand his specialty.
Before an understudy can make a work of arts, he needs to realize how to control his preferred
workmanship vehicles. In any case, craftsmanship mediums change in structure and capacities.
In painting, the understudy may utilize oil, watercolor, acrylic, banner paint, fresco
or gum- based paint. In mold, the understudy utilizes wood, mortar, marble, dirt and other
material materials. In design, understudy utilizes substantial marble and stones, glass and steel.
In visual expressions, such as drawing, painting, printmaking, design, photography,
different craftsmanship mediums are utilized. (9 SENTENCES LANG ITO!) PWEDE NA

The Work of Arts

Commonly, people try to comprehend and to be perceived. We are interested about

existence. We need to communicate our own translation of our general surroundings, and we
need to know the understanding of others to find how it analyzes to our own. Craftsmanship
starts with the maker. A craftsman is headed to communicate their novel viewpoint be it a
melodic score, a canvas, a scholarly work, or quite a few different structures. There is fulfillment
in the simple demonstration of making, yet the work is satisfied when it inspires an emotional
response in the being of another. Workmanship is a method for relating one explicit knowledge
to others via feeling, mind, and the faculties.
I would characterize craftsmanship as moving inventiveness and creative mind into
substantial signs, regardless of whether it is music, works of art, models, drawings, pictures, or
dance. Workmanship comes in numerous tones, topics, sizes, styles, and structures. A lot of
this, I believe, is because of the individual craftsman's social connection, ethnic and social
foundation, and societal position. This could've remained constant for the past too, however in
this day and age, the measure of time presented to enlightening media (TV/radio news, PCs
with web access) must be added to the rundown of impacts. (208 WORDS LANG ITO!) PWEDE
This 1st phase regards the identification of the community where the students will be
immersed at willingness of local groups and community leaders to work with you on
community projects or Presence of development agencies and other support institutions
helping the areas.
The 2nd phase is to ensure success in entering the community, it is necessary to have
community mapping of the target area. Similarly, immersion begins with the initial steps in
community organizing.
In 3rd phase is the Integration is a continuous process wherein the trainees come into
direct contact and become involved with the community people. Where the People-Centered
Method of Living with the People.
In last steps Needs assessment, social analysis or community diagnosis as others refer
to, is a concrete base for the formulation of programs. Community needs assessment is the
process wherein problems, issues and concerns of the community are identified through the
use of several tools for assessment.

Post Assessment
I. Title: 3Rs of Managing Solid Waste
II. Identified location: Malamig, Pandi Bulacan
III. Rationale:
This actvitity was written as a means to introduce the ‘3Rs’ of waste management to the
public’s awareness. Although most people are now familiar with the term recycling, which is a
part of the 3Rs, knowledge on the remaining two which makes up this trinity are still obscure to
a large subset of our population. The R’s in the trinity of the 3Rs are acronyms for the term
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle as can be seen in the topic heading of my project. And the meaning
and the role they play on solid waste management will be discussed in the following
Reduce—as individuals we should buy only what we require thereby reducing the
household waste we produce.
Reuse—if we need to acquire goods, purchasing used ones or eco-friendly substitutes is
encouraged or we can reuse our old packages in creative ways.
Recycle—when discarding waste, we must consider ways of recycling or reusing them
before taking the last option which is to discard.


Day 2 Review
Guide Question

1. What are the emerging ethical dilemmas all about?

It investigates reasonable, moral and strategy issues where science
and innovation converge with society from various disciplinary points of
view. Its will likely advance the headway of science and innovation for the
benefit of everyone.
2. What factors or events lead to this dilemma?
- One of the endeavors by the socialists to exploit expanded registering
power, fake intelligent and track and control the Chinese public.
- For them, it is a method of rehearsing discipline out in the open.
- "It is tied in with building trust. Trust-keeping is remunerated, cost of
breaking trust will in general be low. Basically, Chinese society has trust
- to make more straightforwardness about organizations and people that
are violating the law or are resistant with true commitments and boost the
right behaviors with the general objective of improving administration and
market request.

3. What are the societal implications of this dilemma?

Individuals with low score just as the boycotted may at last be rebuff
by the system by losing certain rights. They have 1000 focuses to begin.
Specialists make allowances for awful conduct like criminal traffic offenses
and add focuses for appropriate conduct, for example, giving for charity.
People will be cautious with their activities since everybody will follow with
government approaches and guidelines to try not to have low score. Over
the long haul, issues with food handling issues, cheating, and fake products
will be wiped out. China's point is to upgrade trust and social soundness by
making a culture of earnestness. Just as organizations and organizations
will anxiously achieve a decent score since, in such a case that not, they will
confront higher assessment rates, speculation limitations and most
presumably an awful picture to individuals of China.

4. What is it important to question the moral and ethical issues surrounding

innovations in science and technology?
In this advancement individual security of everybody is concerned. It's
significant that we know about what's going on in our environmental
factors since we don't realize that there is somebody who find out about us
than we know ourselves. We are being checked by somebody and that is
exceptionally disturbing for our security and protection. Yet, in some great
angles this development can help. For instance, following a crook or
tracking down a missing individual or even straightforwardness in our
administration. This development can tackle numerous issues however it
can likewise annihilate our own privileges.

5. In this face of this dilemma, why it is important to study STS?

Technology, knowledge and science are fundamental in modern
contemporary society. The understanding of how social, cultural and
material elements influence the production of new practices, new ways of
understanding and new institutions is vital in our understanding of
contemporary postmodern society. Studies of technology and science
provides students with insight into how different processes of knowledge
are initiated and progressed, and how innovative technological processes
are developed, employed and increase in importance.

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