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Cursuri/Initieri /Acordaje /Consultanta despre : Zalmoxe,Cristale, Dragoni, Ingeri, Zane,

Shamanice, Metatron, Egiptene, Reiki,Unicorni, Puteri Cosmice ,Radiestezie, Reiki,Maestri
Ascendenti, Kaballah, Abundenta:

1 Reiki Usui gradele 1-20

2 Reiju
3 Karuna si Karuna Ki Reiki 1 2 M
4 Shamballa Reiki 1, 2 ,3 M
5 Inforeiki 1, 2, M
6 Ordinul lui Melchisedek 1, 2, M
7 Money Reiki 1, 2, M
8 Huna
9 River Money Reiki
10 Abundance & Prosperity Reiki
11 Baraka
12 Culorile Ingerilor
13 Angel Reiki
14 Tehnica Divina a Iluminarii
15 Ceremonia Focului
16 Purificare Transformare Iluminare Divina
17 Tehnica Buddha Amithaba
18 Radiestezie gradele 1-10.
19 Radiestezie Multi Dimensional Healing MDH gradul 1,2
20 Cristale Eterice
21 Ascension Reiki 1~1o M
22 Cronica Akasha
23 Armonia Universala
24 Ordinul lui Metatron
25 Grand Master Reiki Gradele 5 - 20
26 Angel Flame
27 Merlin Empowerment
28 Ama Deus
29 Munay Ki
30 Shamanism
31 Puteri Cosmice:
1 Kali,
2 Tara,
3 Tripura Sundari
4 Bhuvaneshwari,
5 Tripura Bhairavi
6 Chinnamasta,
7 Dhumavati,
8 Bagalamukhi,
9 Matangi,
10 Kamalatmika
11 Ganesha
12 Shiva
32 Gtummo Mao Shan 1, 2, 3, 4 M
33 Knights of Archangel Michael
34 Seikim
35 Isis Seikim
36 Ahara Reiki
37 RA
38 Isis
39 Horus si Ochiul lui Horus
40 Marea Piramida
41 Lightarian Rays
42 Osiris
43 Anubis
44 Ptah
45 Ma`at
46 Hathor
47 Geb
48 Nut
49 Sekhmet
50 Nephthys
51 Sobek
52 Bast
53 Sufi Reiki
54 Gayatri Mantra Empowerment
55 Dragon Empowerment
56 Energy for Protection of Reiki
57 Order of Saint Germain
58 Psychic Protection Flame
59 Silver Violet Flame
60 Ze`or Continuum
61 Rakama Reiki
62 The White Wolf Empowerment
63 Ajna Lens
64 Ankh Golden
65 Constiinta Cristica
66 Kuan Yin Attunement 1~7
67 Light of Prosperity Empowerment
68 Maha Kali Seikim
69 Medicine Buddha
70 Nature Devas and Fairies Attunement
71 Fearless Reiki
72 The four Holy Arhengels
73 The Gates of Ra
74 Earth Star Attunement
75 Rainbow Light Healing System 2
76 Rainbow Light Healing System 1
77 Faery Tree Spirit Energy
78 Archangel Gabriel link
79 The Atlantian Cristal Activation
80 Ganesha Empowerment
81 Biological Aura
82 Melchizedek Initiation
83 White Dove Reiki
84 The 7 basic steps to ascension
85 Love and Compassion
86 Zodiac Reiki Balanta
87 The 12 Chakras
88 Te Exorciso
89 Zodiac Reiki Rac
90 Zodiac Reiki Maestru
91 Zodiac Reiki Fecioara
92 Zodiac Reiki Pesti
93 Zodiac Reiki Taur
94 Nectar of the Sphinx
95 Metatron Initiation
96 Constantine Protector
97 Zodiac Reiki Gemeni
98 Universal Reiki
99 The Calming Spiritual Waters Empowerment
100 Zodiac Reiki Scorpion
101 New Lemurian Energy
102 Wing Care
103 Tiger Reiki
104 Opening to Channel
105 Orgone Diffuser
106 Phoenix Rising
107 Zodiac Reiki Leu
108 Metatron's Cube Manual
109 The Secret to Abundance
110 The Crystal Dragons
111 Telos Energy System
112 Magic of Merlin
113 Falon Dafa Qigong
114 Zodiac Reiki Sagetator
115 Golden Triangle
116 Grand Master Five Element
117 Sakkara Fire Reiki
118 Violet Flame Reiki
119 Lavender Plant Shakti
120 Full Spectrum Light
121 Zodiac Reiki Capricorn
122 Zodiac Reiki Berbec
123 Ki Manna
124 Knights of the Order of the Holy Grail
125 Gold Reiki
126 Imara Reiki
127 Tibetan Reiki
128 Fear Disorders Reiki
129 Elemental Reiki
130 Durga Shakti
131 Deep Red Reiki
132 Celestial Reiki
133 Orb of Life
134 M92 Star Cluster Reiki
135 El Morya Healing System
136 Crystal Deva Empowerment
137 Nine Witches of Brittany
138 Energy and Magic of the Fairies
139 Chandra Aura
140 Excalibur Reiki
141 Chinese Dragons
142 Chamuel Archanghel Link
143 Colors of Fairies
144 Kundalini Reiki
145 Michael Archangelic Link
146 The Diamond of Seraph Zapharel
147 Chakra Healing Attunements
148 DNA Healing
149 Archangel Uriel Link
150 Ashta Lakshmi Reiki
151 Diamond Himalaya Reiki
152 Archangel Jophiel Link
153 Aura Empowerment Reiki
154 New Celtic Reiki
155 Metatron Archangelic Link
156 Celtic Reiki
157 Dragon Egg Reiki
158 Archangel Cassiel
159 Astral Body Radiance
160 Ariel Archangelic Link
161 Cippus of Horus
162 Angelic Senses
163 Elven (Elf) Shamanic Healing
164 Angelic Cellular Healing
165 Akashic Records Attunement
166 Spiritual Cuddle Empowerment
167 Sand Empowerment
168 Ordinul lui Zalmoxe 1, 2
169 Spiritual Transmission
170 Erotic Empowerment
171 Whale Spiral Song Reiki
172 Vajrasattva Bronze Dragon
173 Stargate Initiantion 12:12
174 Sea Salt Empowerment
175 Unicorns Energy Healing System
176 Tibetan Sunrise
177 Stargate Initiantion 13:13
178 Raku Kei The Way of the Fire Dragon
179 Templar and Troubador
180 Mont Saint Michel Empowerment
181 Turquoise Flame
182 Who Am I Reiki
183 Grounding-Empowerment
184 Hawaiian Trinity Aloha Reiki
185 Indigo Kids
186 Hawaiian Trinity Kahuna Reiki
187 Hawaiian Trinity Uhane Reiki
188 Sacre Coeur of Paris
189 Isis Blue Moon Healing System
190 Chakra Mudra Balancing Empowerment
191 love Forgive Magic Angels
192 Lucky Hoodoo Reiki
193 Golden Scroll Reiki
195 Archangel Raziel
196 Agape Reiki
197 Feathers of An Angel
198 Dragons Lair
199 Francisc de Assisi Reiki
200 Buddhas Bliss
201 Angel Garadiel Energy
202 Gnostic Rose
203 Green Tara Seichim
204 Awakining of the Guardians of the Holy Grail
205 Angel Contact
206 Alchemy Reiki
207 Alchemy & Requisite of 13-20-33 Circuitry
208 Starseed Energy Bundle
209 Seven Lucky Gods of Japan
210 Higher Clearing Ray
211 Working Toward Ascension in 2012
212 love Cocoons
213 Lullaby Reiki
214 Mithras Initiation
215 Grandmother Moon
216 Hearth Attunement
217 Grandmaster Cedar Temple Five Animals
218 Enchanted Hedgerows
219 Pachamama Shaman Aura
220 Alien Aura Devices Reiki
221 Egyptian Energies
222 13 Ascended Masters
223 Pale Green Muscovite Empowerment
224 The Royal Order of the Swan
225 Dolphin Stone of Mu
226 Dolphin Seichim Reiki
227 The Knights Templars
228 Diamond Ray of Quan Yin
229 Dolphins of Atlantis
230 Dos Rios Reiki
231 Amulet of Kemet
232 Planetary Ray 1
233 Planetary Ray 2
234 Cosmic Ray Attunement 3
235 Order of LightWorkers
236 Ray of Hope Empowerment
237 Dhuni Reiki
238 Balance Out Empowerment
239 Tehnici Psiho-Informationale Master Class PSY IT
240 Allowing Abundance Attunement
241 Cele 12 Raze ale Arhanghelilor
242 Blue Light Star System
243 Elenari Healing System
244 Shield of Archangel Michael
245 Hands of Jesus Attunement
246 The Golden Keys to Ascension
247 God Attunements
248 Telos Empowerment
249 Scoala Spirituala Zalmoxiana Solariana Gradul 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 si 7
250 Clear the Path Reiki
251 Angel Contact manual
252 Angelic Human Activation
253 Earth Blessing Empowerment
254 Planetary Intelligence Attunements
255 The Flame of Universal Love
256 Tsukuyominomikoto 1
257 Merkaba
258 Bardo
259 Curs Mandala
260 Curs Numerologie
261 Morning Dew Reiki
262 Shinki
263 Infinite Light Empowerment
264 Shift Your Energy Empowerment
265 Money Freedom Empowerment
266 Attune to Divinity Empowerment
267 Azarel
268 Tsukuyominomikoto 2
269 Metatron Energy System
270 Om Empowerment
271 The Third Eye Activation
272 White Protection Energy Bubble
273 Mastering Self Attunements
274 Fusion Reiki
275 Buddha Dzambhala of Prosperity
276 Etheric Acupuncture
277 Agape Reiki
278 Raphael Arhanghel Link
279 Earthlight Energy
280 Above the Radar Reiki
281 Life Force Energy Healing
282 The Courage Of Spirit Empowerment
283 Sandalphon Archangelic Link
284 Pain Management Empowerment
285 Osiris's Male Relationship Repair Empowerment
286 Chakra Flush Empowerment
288 Elohim Initiation
289 Bible Initiations
292 Intuition Reiki
293 Pulse Resonance Attunements
294 Tera Mai
295 Lyran Star Attunement
296 Akashic Angels
297 Reiki-Shamanism
298 Image Reiki
299 Knight of the Order New Golden Age of Peace
301 Connecting with the Sekhem Energy
302 Fairy Realms
304 Ethereal Anointing
305 Mahatma Ascension
306 Ka Shen Sekhem
308 White Dragon
310 MariEL Reiki
311 Ma`heo`o Reiki
312 Sacred Flame Reiki
313 Tehnica Rewind
315 The Crystal Skull Activation
316 13 Crystal Skulls
317 Inimi Indragostite
318 Unicorn Healing Elixir
319 The River of Light
320 The Cosmic Dragon
321 Vastu Vidya
322 Mother of God Protection and Healing Ray
323 Mother Mary Initiation
324 Clear View Energy
325 Blue Fire Protector
326 Magic Reiki
327 Angelic Sphere of Light
328 Jade Dragon
329 Age Of Aquarius Attunement
330 Knights of Mother Mary
331 God and Archangel Metatron s Tree of Life Ascension
332 Angel Bedaliel Attunement
333 Angel Azuriel Attunement
334 Lady Nada Attunement
335 Crystal Wind Empowerment
336 Shamballa 13 D
337 Shamballa 1024
338 Shamballa Unity
339 Dragon Ki
340 Great Spirit Star Mother
341. Inner Sun
343 Colours of Angels
344. Full Spectrum Healing
345 Gendai Reiki Ho
346 Kaballah Healing
347 Multidimensional Selves Attunements
348 Archangelic Seichim
349 Animal Empowerment
350 Amara Omni Empowerment
351 Giving Thanks Empowerment
352 Twentyone Taras Attunements
353 Atlantis Healing System
354 49 Angelic Symbols
355 Angel Stone Empowerment
356 Aloha Reiki
357 Karmic Auric Reiki
358 Shaman Power
359 Inner Angel Awakening
360 The Rainbow Rays Sacred Stone Activations
361 Aliniament Divin
362 The Angel of Abundance Empowerment
363 Saint Germaine's Elixir of Life Initiation
364 Abundance Reiki & Ganesha
365 Blue Lotus Energy Healing System
366 The Angels of Manmes
367 Blue Star Celestial Energy
368 Reiki and Archangels
369 Threshold Reiki
370 Tehnica Radianta Gradele 1-7
371 Angel Light Healing
372 Chios Energy Healing Level I,II,III
374 Earth Core Fire
375 The Angel of Communication and Expression Empowerment
376 Avalon Attunement
377 The Angel of Space Clearing Empowerment
378 The Universal Rays
381 Ancient Lemurian Knowledge
382 Ancient Atlantean Wisdom
383 TUMMO Reiki
384 Cakra ILAHI
385 AngelReiki System
386 Crystal Spheres Empowerments
387 Angel Light Initiations
388 The Crystal Faery Shield Empowerment
389 The Angel of Healing Addictive Behaviour Empowerment
390 Angels and Archangels
391 Learn to Channel in a Spiritual Way
392 Twin Ray
393 Yocona Reiki
394 Brighid Attunement
396 CELTIC WISDOM Energy System
397 Buddha Blue Light of Mushin Empowerment
398 The Companion Angels Empowerment
399 Angel Blessing
400 Angel Light Initiation
401 Archeia Charity
402 Arolo Tifar Reiki
404 Archangel Michael and the Selenite Sword of Light
405 Melchizedek's Golden Temple Master Attunement
406 Reiki Psychic Attunement
407 Usui Reiki Hikkei
408 Divine Light Reiki
409 Angel Assiel Attunement
410 Golden Ray
411 Light of Archangels Empowerment
412 Chrystic Codes
413 Zenos Starman Attunement
414 Shamanic Empowerment
415 Sacred Breath
416 Quan Yin's Lavender Flame
417 Angelic Empowerments
419 Financial Influx Service Attunements
420 The Quan Yin Ascension Quantum Leap
422 The Blue Sapphire of Archanghel Mihael
423 The Green Sapphire of Archanghel Rafael
424 The Pink Sapphire of Achanghel Chamuel
425 The Purple Sapphire of Archanghe Zadchiel
426 The Star Sapphire of Archanghel Uriel
427 The White Sapphire of Archanghe Gabriel
428 The Yellow Sapphire of Archanghel Jofiel
429 Shing Chi Attunement
430 Sufi Lata`ifa
431 KorManu
432 PRISMology Of Light Healing
433 Original Seven Degree Reiki
434 The Blessings of the Seraphim Angeles
435 Blessings of the Prosperity Angels
436 INTI Reiki
437 Phoenix Seichim
438 Twelve Archetypes Initiation
440 Mayan Reiki
441 Meridian Flush Empowerments
442 Angels of Aromatherapy
443 Breath of Bliss Attunement
444 The Templar Degree Attunement
445 Nur Ilahi Reiki
446 Kofutu Touch Healing
447 The Grateful Mystic Attunement
448 Light Dream Attunements
449 Gentle Love Reiki
450 Balance Attunement
451 Angel LightWorker
452 Sacred Earth Energy
454 Kava Reiki
455 Enlightenement Reiki
456 Lady Portia Attunement
457 Surya Shakti Attunement
460 Silver Sword Empowerment
461 Fairy Light RayKey
463 HAMIED Angel for Miracles
464 Rosari Reiki
465 Run Valdr (Runic Reiki)
466 Danburite Stone of Radiance
467 NEW Energy Ways
468 21 Angel Essences Attunement
469 Jesus of Nazareth Healing Ray
470 How to attune yourself and others into any healing system
472 Maitri Vihara Reiki
473 Joseph's Coat of Many Colours Initiation
474 Veritas Reiki
475 Zaphrael Archangelic Link
476 Aphrodite Shining Star
477 Gayatri Reiki Cours
478 The Archangel Michael Attunement
479 Reiki Chakra
480 11:11Angel Attunements
481 Ayurveda Reiki
482 Infinit Oneness Activation
483 Aurora Reiki
484 Taraman Knight The Eight Gates of Power
485 Initiere in Clarviziune
486 Wabi Sabi Empowerment
487 Shamanic Energy Attunement
488 Yod Attunement
489 Gird Your Loins Empowerment
490 KaHuna Reiki
491 Bridge Energy Empowerment
493 Egyptian Cartouche
495 Fourteen Holy Helpers Empowerment
496 Twin Flames
497 Banyan Tree Empowerment
499 Waratah Dreamtime Flora Empowerment
500 Elixir of Life St. Germaine Attunement
501 Majestic Conch Shell Empowerment
502 DOLPHIN REIKI Attunement
503 Dolphin Trilogy Empowerment
504 SPIRIT Reiki
505 The Gold Ray of Raphael
506 Kalakdhara Empowerment
507 Elen Of The Ways Initiation British Traditional Shamanism
508 Elen of the Ways Shamanic Healing System
509 The Grimoire of Armadel
510 GAIA Now Attunement
511 Diamond Heart Aladya
512 Devic Template Attunement
513 Gryphons Lair Empowerment
514 Navigator Angel Orbs Attunement
515 Butterfly Maiden Empowerment
516 Ka Shen Sekhem 2
517 Lotus Reiki
518 Rose Quartz Attunement
519 Kundalini Tu-Mo
520 Samhain - All Hallows Eve Attunement
521 Fairies of the Sea Empowerment
522. Ascension Ease Activation
523 Chikara-Reiki-Do & Radical Reiki Empowerment
524 Essenes Initiation
525 Solar Angels Attunement
526 White Light Attunement
527 Pegasus` Lair Energy
528 Five Fairy Herbs Empowerment
529 Yule Reiki
530 Christmas Joy Empowerment
531 CHI BALL Attunement
532 MOMENT Method Attunement
533 KiRAEL Interior Master
534 Pyramid Reiki Master Empowerment
535 Healing Hart Empowerment
536 Tehnici de Respiratie / Breathing Techniques
537 Inner Light Reiki Attunement
538 Cosmic Clinic Channel Attunement
539 RUNE
540 Aura and Chakra Healing
541 Kaballah Reiki
542 Isle of Avalon Empowerment
544 Birds of Paradise Quintessence
545 DACIC Reiki
546 Zadkiel Archangelic Link
547 Buddha Palm Attunements
548 Archangel Selaphiel Link
549 Starseed Lineage Maintenance Attunement
550 OBE Reiki
551 Energy Of The Bodhisattvas Attunement
552 Crystal Reiki Master Attunement
553 Negativ Entities Clearing Reiki
554 Gayatri Seichim Attunement
555 Clear Quartz Attunement
557 Smoky Quartz Reiki
558 Stellar Gateway Maintenance Attunement
559 Lightbringer Reiki Attunement
560 The Three Graces Attunement
561 Domestic Cat Empowerment
562 Emotional Freedom Techniques EFT
563 Chenrezig Reiki Attunement
564 Water and Stone Empowerment
565 Eclipse Energy Empowerment
566 Wolf Empowerment
567 Ethereal Plants
568 Unified Field Activation
569 7 Rays of Enlightement
571 Diamond Dolphin Vibration Attunement
573 Energetic Protection Now Empowerment
574 PETALITE CRYSTAL Empowerment
575 Balance, Calm And Focus Empowerment
576 Negative Energy Clear And Cleanse Empowerment
577 Yin Yang Reiki
578 Ascension Vibration Attunement Healing System
580 New Earth Teacher
581 Firebird Lair Attunement
583 Rays Of Aten Healing System
584 Multi Moment Attunement
586 Ordinul Preoteselor Bendise
587 Amon Ra Attunement
588 SPIDER WOMAN Attunement
589 Make a Wish Blessing Attunement
590 Lemurian Facilitator
591 Taokan Karuna
592 Hawk Empowerment
593 Activation of the Shaman Energy
594 Activation of the Labyrinth
595 Activation of the Medicine Wheel
596 Vulture Medicine Empowerment
597 MERIDIAN Reiki
598 Komyo Reiki Kai
599 Lighten the Load Reiki
600 Happy Trail Attunement
601 Serenity Energy Flush Attunement
602 Sacred Path Reiki
603 The Elemental Earth Star Empowerment
604 Bone Lotion Reiki
605 The Truth Ray Infusion
606 Pink Flame
607 Wolf Shadow Protection Attunement
608 Magical Mugwort Psychic Protection Attunement
610 Oktagonal Piramid Reiki
611 Sacred Moon Reiki Attunement
612 Virus Inhibitor Field Attunement
613 Usui Teate Reiki
614 The Order of the Gold Light of Melchisedek
615 Kabbala Soul Empowerment System
616 The Secret Grimoire of TURIEL Empowerment
617 Angel Muriel Attunement
618 INNER Baptism Attunement
619 Earth Energy Boost Attunement
622 Taokan Seikim
623 White Buffalo Calf Woman INITIATION
624 Rose Aura Saraphic Link Attunement
625 Long Time Sun Blessing Attunement
626 Humble Fairy Herbs Attunement
627 Reikiflow Chakra Healing Method
628 HERMETIC Reiki
629 UHANE NUI Reiki
630 Connective Tissue Service Attunements
631 Solar and Lunar Light Empowerment
632 NEW Usui REIKI
633 The Akashic Record Attunement
634 Akashic Records Flush Empowerment
635 Maha KAAL Bhairav Energy
636 TARA Empowerment
638 Tathagata Wisdom Reiki Attunements
639 SERAPIS BEY’S time to move FORWARD Empowerment
640 The Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)
641 Snow White Healing Atunements
643 The Eyes of Saint Germain Empowerment
644 Love from Your Soul Star
645 Clearing 7 Karma Removal Attunement
646 Love from Source Attunement
647 Karnak Temple Empowerment
648 Energy Implants Neutralizer Attunement
649 Abundantia Abundance Ray
650 Anubis Transition Attunement
652 Luxor Temple Empowerment
653 Blessing of the Galactic Stars Attunement
654 Respiratory Healing System Attunement
655 Axiatonal Lines Reconnection Attunement
656 Old Energies Release Flush Attunements
657 Chalice of Andromeda Attunement
658 Felicitas Money Empowerment
659 SATHYA GTumo Attunement
660 The Polar Sky Jacob`s Ladder Attunement
661 Shieldmaiden Wisdom & Protection Empowerment
662 Thor's Hammer Empowerment
663 Lineage Tune-Up Attunement
664 Lemurians Seed Crystal Attunements
665 Celtic Angelic Soul Attunement
666 Four Sons of HORUS Attunement
667 The Blessing of the Unicorns Attunement
668 Wisdom of Thot Attunement
669 Prosperity Flow Reiki Attunement
670 Softly Kundalini Attunement
671 Mirror Shield Protection Attunement
672 Crystalline Grid Alignment Attunement
673 Archangel Michael`s Sword Of Deliverance Attunement
675 Intuition & Enorasis Empowerment
676 FREYR Initiation Inner Peace & Prosperity Empowerment
677 Angels of Kabbalah Etheric Red String Protection Attunement Healing System
678 EMPOWERMENT Reiki Healing Attunements
679 Dark Angel Stone Attunement
680.20 ANGELS ESSENCES AttunementS
681 HERMES EmpowermenT
682 The APOLLO AttunemenT
683 Mahatma Initiation
684 The Guide To Cosmic Ordering Course
685 ANDREW EMPOWERMENT / Inputernicirea Sfantul Apostol Andrei
687 The Mystic Climb Empowerment
688 Three Wise Men Bearing Gifts Initiation
689 Seferiel Archanghel Link
691 HEIMDALL AttunemenT
692 Odin’s Wisdom Empowerment
695 Crystal Skulls Initiation
696 Blue Star Alcyone Empowerment
697 Starseed Bundle Attunement
699 Alfar Light Elves Empowerment
700 Valentines Day & Cupids Arrow Empowerment
701 Seven Rays Initiation
702 Mithras Smiles AttunemenT
703 Goddess Ostara Initiation
704 Raven Empowerment
705 Silver Rain Attunement
706 Udines Attunement
707 Bealtaine Attunement
708 The Ashvins Attunement
709 Whole Self Attunement

Persoane de la care am luat initieri, cursuri, consiliere, seminari..

Cercul Bruno Gröning Vindecator;
Yang Yun Sung Maestru Qi Gong;
Daniela Cumpanici Maestru Reiki;
Karyn Maria Taulescu Lombrea Maestru Reiki;
Andreea Talmazan Psiholog, Astrolog;
Paul Apostica Psiholog, Maestru Rei
Adi Manea ,Maestru Reiki;
Dorian Radu Shaman, Maestru Reiki;
Tampai Rimpoche Achariya Maestru Tibetan;
Dorina Dabija Radiestezist, Maestru Reiki;
Ovidiu Dragos Argeseanu Doctor, Maestru Reiki;
Bogdan Georgescu Maestru Reiki;
Rodica Mihaela Pasalau Yoga;
Maria Sarbu Astrolog;
Adina Binder Astrolog;
Dr. August Thalhamer Shaman, psihoterapeut si teolog;
Teodor Vasile Psiholog, Maestru Reiki, Qi Gong, Feng Shui;
Vlad T. Popescu Maestru Reiki;
Risvan Vlad Rusu Maestru Reiki, Psiholog, Feng Shui;
Oana Marinescu Falon Dafa;
Daniela Badic Astrolog;
Mihaela Pacheco Instructor Drunvalo Melchisedek;
Dan Brule Breath work;
Horatiu Mihail Maestru Reiki;
Andrei Ludosan Psiholog;
Bruno Medicina Trainer, Coach;
Andrew Fretwell Tao;
Dorotheea Petre Actrita;
Mihai Popa Radu Coach;
Maria Cristina Stroiny Maestru Reiki;
Daniela Andreescu Coach;
Albert Ignatenko Psy It Tehnicii Psiho-Informaționale;
Jasmuheen Pranic Nourishmentor Breatharianism;
Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche Maestru Tibetan;
Jampa Lungtog Maestru Tibetan;
Gerard O'Donovan Coach;
Emil Strainul Autor ;
Bogdan Prosperio Toma Maestru Reiki;
Nicoleta Svârlefus Astrolog ;
Irina Holdevici Psiholog clinician, Psihoterapeut;
Remer Ra Autor, Maestru Reiki;
Ruxandra Bulzan Hipnoterapeut;
Crina Vereș Doctor;
Jae - Sheen Yu Maestru Sundao (Tao);
Silvia Dumitru Maestru Reiki, Formator;
Scoala Internaţionala a Rosacrucii de Aur;
Ciprian Homm Consultant;
Yogeshvar Karthik Traditional spiritual teacher in practici yoghine, tantrice, vedice;
Sarani Anisoara Cismasu Maestru Reiki;
Sri Vasudeva Visionary leader;
Anda Ciobanu Saman, trainer;
Mihaela Popescu Formator;
Catalin Manea Autor
Liviu Pasat Coach;
Andrei Voicu Hipnotist;
Bruno Giuliani (Uno) profesor didact de Biodanza;
Amalia Mateescu profesor Biodanza;
Guy Rivoallan Calugar Zen, Zazen;
Stefana Badiu Actrita si trainer;
Cristina Ciugudean Terapeut holistic;
Stoian Nicolaie Terapeut;
Dr. John Heiss Herbalife;
Oreste Teodorescu Autor;
Svetlana Lungu Diagnosticare Energetica, Consiliere psihologica;
Andrei Lungul Diagnosticare energetica;
Cosette Grigoras Terapeut Bowen, instructor Theta Healing;
Luang Phi Pasura Călugăr Budist;
Andu Guinea Maestru Qigong;
Valeriu-Ioan Lapadatescu Terapeut;
Contescu Cornel, Contele Incappucciato Analiza cu Biospecter;
Eugen Popa Hipnoza;
Vasile Sarmi Ghid turistic;
Marin Constantin Maestru Terapeut Reiki, Radiestezie;
Dr. Eric Pearl Reconectare;
Dr.Loredana Marcu, Iulian Marcu Bucur Tiens;
Cristina Chitac, Monica Dascalu Vedere Intuitiva;
Eugen Mitroi Maestru Reiki;
Dr.Leslie Szamosi Senior Lecturer / MBA Academic Director;
Loredana Latis Coach;
Yonathan Dominitz Trainer;
Kaisa Puhakka Dr.Psiholog;
Laura Mihaela Liciu Maestru All Love/Seikim;
Patrick Scott Zeigler Fondatorul Seikim/All Love;
Bhante Yogavacara Rahula Calugar Budist;
Claus Kostka Psihoterapeut ;
Ion Duvac Doctor Psiholog ;
Mark Komissarov Founder Infovision;
Tiberiu Felber Coach si Trainer ITA-NLP;
Maria Ciobanu Bioenergoterapeut;
Stelian si Gigi Chivu Psiholog si Parapsiholog
Carmen Harra Psiholog intuitiv ;
Dumitru Constantin Dulcan Psihiatru Neurolog Prof.Dr.Univ;
Marieta Buzescu Terapeut Reiki si Theta Healing;
Dan Cismas Maestru Reiki si Vindecare Dinamica;
Cristian Alexandru Trainer;
Ioan Toroican Autor;
Loredana Caradimu Terapeut Terapii Alternative;
Adrian Constantinescu Invatator Spiritual;
Nistor Romeo Scoala Kryon;
Cerasela Rogen Coach Trasformational;
Constantin Dornean Astrolog;
Delia Muresan Spiritual Coach;
Rita Andreea Muresan Designer ,Trainer;
Ramona Popescu Trainer;
Georges Colleuil Filosof şi Psihoterapeut;
Dumitru Prunariu Cosmonaut;
Cristian Nicolae Facilitator si Mentor Coach;
Catalina Molnar Coach ;
Mugurel Calin Coach ;
Camelia Daniela Stefan Life Coach NLP;
Dr. Prashant Kakoday  Raja Yoga;
Andy Szekely Autor, Trainer şi speaker în dezvoltare personala;
Ovidiu Bojor Fitoterapeut;
Dr.Adrian Restian Medicina de familie;
Swami Parthasarathy Filozof;
Florian Iulian Mincu consultant de astrologie chineza BaZi si Feng Shui traditional;
Oana Niculae Coach, Trainer;
Ion Manzat Dr.Psiholog;
Mario Simoes Psiholog;
Cyrus Iranpour Dr.PsiholoG, Psihiatru;
Stefano Pischiutta Psihoterapeut;
Ionel Mohirta Psiholog:
Maite Pardo Sol Psihoterapeut, Saman;
Mihaela Minulescu Psiholog;
Cinzia Lemno Psiholog;
Catalin Tomescu Antreprenor;
Arpad Urszuly Maestru Prananadi;
Daniela Fechete Maestru Prananadi;
Anca Munteanu Psiholog;
Pierre Pastel Psihoterapeut, Sociolog;
Alessandra Brunelli Psihoterapeut Respiratia Pneuma;
Gabriel Dragomir Psihiatru;
Monique Hanley Fourrage Arhitect;
Raoul Radu Psiholog Clinician, Psihoterapeut;
Lucien Alfille Psihoterapet;
Mircea Pocol Psiholog;
Teodora Anghel Psiholog , Psihoterapeut;
MARIA APAZA MACHACA – Alto Misayoc Saman Inca;
ISABELA APAZA MACHACA - Pampa Misayoc Saman Inca;
Olimpia Mioara Mirestean Teacher, Trainer, Shaman;
Laurentiu Marga BioenergoTerapeut;
AURELIA CURAJ Medic Primar Geriatrie-Gerontologie;
CRISTINA SCHAFROTH medic specialist chirurgie buco-maxilo-facială;
Antonescu Maria Cristina Energoterapeut;
Diana Cooper Spiritual Teacher;
Vernon Foster Shaman Amerindian;
Don Francisco Chura Flores Shamanan Q’ero;
Juan Yool Gómez Shaman Maya;
Daniel Meze Cabala;
Zoltan Veres Speaker, trainer și coach;
Andrew J. Bevan Astrolog;
Grațian Sonu Antreprenor;
Laurentiu Florea Coach;
Sal Rachele healer, author, channel;
Anatol Basarab Psiholog, numerology;
Ozana Giusca Antreprenor;
Ariendra – Dagoz Family Boluri Tibetane
Bryan Eisenberg Speaker, Author;
Calin Biris Trainer consultant marketing;
Rune Heivang Teacher;
Ioan Nistor Astrolog Human Design, Saman;
Alina Finta Coach;
Claudia Ciocirlan Life Coaching;
Vasile Sturzu Saman Inca;
Madalina Ghinescu Trainer, Coach John C. Maxwell Team;
Bogdan Gavrila Profesor Al Ferasa;
Braco Spiritual Teacher;
Dr. David C. Muss Tehnica Rewind;
Alexandru Bocunescu Tainer Face Keys Romania;
Dragos Barbalata Trainer, Antreprenor;
Iuliana Delcuescu Maestru Reiki;
Adinkarela Sorina Burtea Terapeut Medicina Alternativa;
Raine Hilton Spiritual Teacher;
Andi Beldianu Coach Adlerian;
Alexandrea Chiru Coach Adlerian, Gene Keys;
Cristi Lazar, Anca Juganaru Instructori Metoda Silva;
Val Voicu Hatha Yoga;
Anda Manta Terapeut;
Ing.Eugen Bîrgaoanu Aim Grup;
Leon Zagrean prof.univ.dr.Fiziologie ;
Mihai Abagief Vipassana;
Rajko Kuzmanovic Metoda Silva;
Prof.Dr.Dan Farcas Matematician;
Juan Ruiz Naupari Psihoterapeut;
Gaia Michael Zipf Terapeut Satsang;
Ovidiu Victor Coșbuc Prof.Dr.Cercetator Antropolog;
Lorin Nicolae Arhitect Lector.dr.arh;
Robina Courtin Buddhist Teacher;
Uca Marinescu Prof.Explorator;
Johann Muller-Dragoman Terapeut Holistic și Spiritual;
Mădălin Bratu Psiholog;
Swami Ananda Saraswati Maestru Yoga și Vedanta;
Ajahn Dhammanando Calugarul Buddhist Theravada;
Dr. Munire Ibram Medic Apifitoterapie , Ayurveda;
Marius Spiridon Coach;
Déva Psesence Speaker motivational, Autor;
Joanne Richardson Shaman;
Alexandra Dumitrica Facilitator Aliniament Divin;
Alex Ciochina Maestru Reiki;
Andy Neagu Instructor Meditatie Trascedentala;
Cristina Udrescu Numerolog;
Cerasela Sindile/Dragos Toma Moroseanu Instructor Chi Nei Tsang ,Tao;
Flavia-Isabela M. Cioceanu Terapeut/Vindecator;
Claudiu Fartade /Sadhguru , Isha Kriya Yoga;
Sabin Gîlceava Consilier in negociere;
Anca-Ioana Bandac MiniCRM;
Mircea Saplacan Emiral Media;
Marius Marinoff Trainer Limbajul corpului;
Jimeno Maria Claudia Terapeut Traspersonal;
Elías Manuel Capriles Arias Instructor Buddhism, Dzogchen;
Cristina Niculescu Terapeut;
Augustin Niculescu Terapeut;
Shahidul K.K. Shuvra Teacher;
Prof. Dr. Florin Colceag Expert international in educatie; Munteanu Cercetator ştiinţific;
Costas Papaikonomou, Cofondator Happen Innovation Agency;
Ignacio Juliá Vilar, Chief Innovation Officer ING Group;
Vlad Şovărel Traducător Sanskrită;
Tudor Borza Hipnoterapeut;
Bogdan Dirjan Consultant;
Radu SEUCHE Trainer,Coach;
Daniel Gaucan Energoterapeut;
Mihaela Sofroni Energoterapeut;
Dr.Nogali Amelia Luiza Maestru Qigong Medical;
Emese Magdás Terapeut;
Livia Soare Trainer Institutului Diamond Cutter;
Octavian Baban Trainer Institutului Diamond Cutter;
Aurelian Ursulescu Psihoterapeut;
André Riehl Profesor Yoga;
Peter Halmagyi Terapeut Sunete;
Des O’Connor Social Media Consultant;
Grandmother Arapata , Kundalini Yoga instructor and Restorative Yoga teacher;
Costin Vasile Instructor TAO, Qigong;
Jerry Sargeant Ghid Spiritual;
Prof. Alexandros Psychogios Birmingham City University;
Simona Savin Terapeut;
Jivan and Kiran Facilitatori Meditatia Dinamica OSHO
Dr. Cristian Andrei Psiholog;
Manuela Golescu Silver Executive Asea;
Allan Kleynhans Trainer ,speaker Tony Robbins Team;
Sumeia Ananda Coach ;
Chris Waters Shaman Healer;
Adriana Sorina Stefanescu Coach, pedagog;
Floriana Ungureanu Terapeut Boluri Tibetane;
Daniel Donciu Shaman Facilitator Inka;
Radha Govinda Dasa Consultant Studii Vedice;
Grig Oprea Coach;
Daniela Daniela Gheorghiu Psiholog, Maestru Reiki;
Anthony Robbins author, life coach Webinar
Joey Yap Chinese Metaphysics, Webinar;
Lorand Soares Szasz Entrepreneur ,Webinar;
Pera Novacovici Psiholog, Webinar;
Mindvalley Masterclass webinar cu:
(Jeffery Allan, Author and Energy healer;
Ajit Nawalkha Coach;
Rich Litvin Coach;
Jason Goldberg Coach;
Christie Marie Sheldon, Abundancelife coach and author;
Robin Sharma, Leadership Expert;
T. Harv Eker, Abundance Coach;
Marisa Peer, Therapist;
Neal Donald Walsh, Spiritual messenger;
Felicity Fletcher, Expert in meditation;
Jim Kwik, Brain Coach;
Vishen Lakhiani Author and Entrepreneur;
Ben Greenfield Author, Speaker Fitness;
Lorenzo Delano Physiologist ;
Ronan Diego de Oliveira Tainer Health and Fitness;
Hang Wang - Healer, Writer, Teacher, Herbalist;
Paul McKenna Hypnotherapist;
Srikumar Rao Public Speaker;
Eric Edmeades Diet Coach;
Marie Diamond Feng Shui Master;
Jon and Missy Butcher Entrepreneurs;
Lisa Nichols Communication Coach;
Steven Kotler Writer;
Juan Pablo Barahona Trasformational Leader;
Regan Hillyer Abundance Coach;
Katherine Woodward Thomas Conscious Uncoupling Coach;
Ariya Lorenz Author/ Helaer/ Coach;
Niraj Naik World’s Leading Breathwork Expert & Ceremony Facilitator;
Parashakti Sigalit Kundalini Yoga Teacher;
Elena Bensonoff Wholistic Health Practitioner;
Brett Bevell Reiki Master;
Deborah King Master Healer Author;
Anodea Judith, Author, Teacher)
Carola Esparza Shaman;
Madalina Bozeanu Instructor Yoga;
Anja Normann Shaman;
Elena Zoltareanu Maestru Reiki;
Dana Predu Coach;
Bergher Sandu Iulian Dr.Specialist in Acupuncture;
Eusebiu Burcas Coach Financiar;
Stela Toderascu Coach;
Aurora Sitarus Parapsiholog;
Ciprian Cucu Fizionomist;
Dorel BUTUCĂ Hipnoterapeut;
Magdalena Ourecka Trainer Yantra YOGA Tibetana;
Tudorel Butoi Psiholog Principal Expert;
Bogdan Codreanu Antreprenor;
Magnoliu Stan Trainer;
Sotiris Chatzidakis Coach;
Oana Stoianovici Coach;
Simona Ionita-Margarit Terapeut;
Ioan Prisecaru Coach;
Khentrul Rimpoché Jamplel Lodrö Maestru Tibetan;
Philip Hilton Consultant specialising in Shamanic Services, spiritual Life Coaching and
Complementary Health Care;
Mantak Chia Maestru TAO;
Nick Scott Vipassana Meditation Teacher;
Flavius Adrian Țurcanu Coach;
Doru Pelivan Marketer;
Pera Novacovici Psiholog;
Geppo KOBORI Master Zen;
Alina Mărgineanu – NLP Coach;
Adrian Singurov Preot;
Petra, Medium;
Daniela Iacobescu Coach;
Anhka Numerolog;
Medeea Life Coach;
Eliade Rotariu Trainer Coach;
Robert Schwartz Hipnoterapeut;
Dorina Baciu Psiholog Teolog Tehnician Biorezonanta;
Lucian Mihai Parapsiholog Teolog;
Gabriela Popa Psiholog Tehnician Biorezonanta ;
Balassan Cornelia Coral Club;
Catalina Dutu, EMBA - Trainer, Business Consultant;
Anna Dulgheru - Terapeut Holistic, Consultant Hidratare, Health Coach, Trainer transfornational,
Distribuitor Internațional Enagic;
Lilian Eden Psychic-Medium-Hypnotherapist;
Cyndi Dale Author, Intuitive, Healer;
Suzanne Giesemann Mystic, Medium, and Author ;
Anita Moorjani Author, Speaker;
Manex Ibar Visionary Mystic & Shaman;
Stewart Farquharson Reiki Master;
Emma Bisschoff RM WMA Metaphysical Practitioner:
Daniela Elena Andrei Psiholog;
Ciprian Constantin Vlad Trainer;
Ruxandra Mîndroceanu Trainer;

Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram : Alexe Daniel Andrei, Sector 1,B-dul Ion Mihalache ,Bucuresti
Telefon: +40768581843.

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