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F2 - THECAPITAL,Sunday, October 2,2005

~ubonicplague still "instills fear

vefY'now and then 1 run into bubonic
. of his feet had to be People- includingdoctors- fled the
E plague. . .
When I was in graduate school
the guy in the lab next door was growing
In the wild, bubonic
plague circulates
city just as frightened peasants had done
600"yearsago during Europe's greatest
outbreak of plague. Only 56 people died
gallons of Yersinia pestis, the agent of naturally among in Surat, but India's economy took a $600
plague, for his thesis. Years later, in different rodent million hit from disrupted tra.vel, trade and
ColohI'iio, I watched from behind the populations and their quarantines. ,
relative safety of gloves and respirator fleas. People usually The 14th century Black Death that
as' my, CDC colleagues picked plague,." catch it from flea
decimated medieval Europe left indelible
carrying fleas from wild rodents. Last fall, bites, or from handling !narks on Europe's psyche, culture"art and
in Central Asia, I visited some old Soviet PATHOGENSipfected animals. One
genes - in the form of a genetic mutation,
anti-plague institutes-where they had been BePEOPLE highly contagious which today confers some resistance to
collecting and storing plague specimens By Edward 'form, called pneumonic HIV.
for decades-much to the consternation of plague, can spread
McSweegan from person to person The memory of that infectious
U:S. bioterrorism experts. Standing in the
airport in Astana one night, I stopped to through coughing. apocalypsewas so compellingthe Travelers
read a sign warning travelers about plague Symptoms of plague infection include Insuran'ce Company featured it in their
(;f,Chum'a")in western Kazakhstan. Maybe swollen glallds, fever, chills, headache and 1964World's Fair exhibit, "The Triumph
Denver International Airport should have extreme fatigue. The infection is treated of Man." The exhibit's 13 historical audio
a similar sign. with antibiotics such as doxycycline and and visual dioramas depicted humanity's
Last month in Colorado, colonies of Cipro. Untreated, the mortality rate can ascent from the African plains to outer
prairie dogs started dying from bubonic be 40 to 60 percent Pneumonic plague is space. The eighth exhibit, entitled, "The
plague. The fate of prairie dogs might not usually 100percent fatal if not treated in Black Death," was a reminder of just how
be of any great public health interest but the first 24 hours. rocky and uncertain was that ascent
for the fact that prairie dog fleas jump There was an anti-plague vaccine, but If our rise from savannah scavengers
from animal to animal, animal to pet, and it is no longer manufactured in the U.S. It to star gazers has been fairly swift,
sometimes animal to people. In December, was crude and painful, and the only people then so too has the rise of Yersinia
a 66-year-old man in Pueblo, Colo., died who ever used it were laboratory scientists pestis. Recept genetic studies of the
from plague. He was the third case in 2004. w;orkingwith plague and veterinarians plague bacillus suggest it evolv:edfrom a
'You don't have to travel to any exotic working out West relatively harmless bacterium..caned Y.
locations to find bubonic plague. It is ,Bubonic plague has a worldwide
endemic in 17 western states. Sometimes it distributiontnat includes the U.S.,much pseudotuberculosis within theJast 1,500
.'* to 20,000years. Genetically, that's the
can even show up in downtown Manhattan, of South America, southern Africa, India,
which it did in November'of 2002. China ,and Central Asia. The U.S. averages blink of an eye. But that's time enough to
,''1". '\
~ In the Manhattan case, a middle-aged about 13 cases a year. Worldwide, there spread from rat to rat and ship to ship.
<;ouple traveled from New Mexico to New 'inight be 2,000 to 3;000 reported cases each Time enough to spread from Mongolia to
York and suddenly fell ill. Both were Manhattan. Time enough for us to make a
ye~r.. .'..'. ' ..~..
hospitalized and a diagnosis of bubonic Giyen,plague's giQbaldistribution and new vaccine?
plague was made - briefly touching off its maihtenance in wild rodents a.ndfleas,
fears of terrorism. They were treated with it is not'likelyw~.will ever eradicate this Edward McSweegan has a Ph.D. in
antibiotics, but the husband's condition terrifying infectIon. microbiologyand lives in Crofton.He
~eteriorated. He developed sepsis, renal Andit~can bel>terrifying.Panic erupted works on and writes about infectious
failure, respiratory distress and eventually in theIndian' cityof';''Surat in September disease issues. He may be contacted at
required dialysis and ventilation. Both 1994'aft,e~ pla.gue was discovered there.

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