Data Scanning Devices: GC University, Lahore Department of Computer Science Report Template B.A/B.Sc (Hons) 2 Semester

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GC University, Lahore

Department of Computer Science

Report Template
2nd Semester

Data Scanning Devices

Submitted to (Bookman Old Style, 16)

Theory Teacher Name (Verdana, 12)
Department of Computer Science
GC University, Lahore

Submitted by
ABC 0294-BH-BT-20


Report Submission (Soft Copy)

Friday 04th June 2021

Table of Contents

Introduction 3
1.1 First Level Heading 4
1.1.1 Second Level Heading 5
1.2 First Level Heading 5
1.3 First Level Heading 6
1.3.1 Second Level Heading 6

Predicate Logic is a Formal Language 6

2.1 First Level Heading 6
2.2 First Level Heading 8
2.3 First Level Heading 9
2.4 First Level Heading 10
2.5 First Level Heading 11


Introduction to Topic

Write down Introduction about Logic, Propositional Logic, Predicate Logic.and Formal
Dear Students please follow the instructions mentioned in this sample documents. You should
strictly follow the same heading, font style and sizes as mentioned here. Font size 12 should be
used throughout the document in the body of any topic and the font style for headings and text
is Times New Roman. [1]
Font Size for Chapter no should be 15 and it should also be bold with right alignment while the
title of the chapter should be centered align with font size 15 and bold [2]. For lists bullet
should be used as following
• List item 1
• List item 2
• List item 3
You can also give list in the following way if required.
1) List item 1
2) List item 2
3) List item 3
For paragraph and line spacing you should use exactly 15pt line spacing and 6 pt before and
after paragraph spacing.

1.1 First Level Heading:

Subheading should be bold with font size 13 without underline. Always start subheading after
one line of the previous paragraph. Every picture used in the document should be properly
numbered as mentioned below. Also mention the reference in case you have copied the picture.


Overlay Network


Physical nodes
Overlay nodes

Physical link
Logical link
(Overlay link)

Figure 1.1: overlay network [1]

1.1.1 Second Level Heading:

You can add upto level 2 subheading while such heading title should be bold with font size 12.
If you want to add any table then align it in center and use no border setting for the borders of
the table as mentioned below.

Second Level Heading Second Level Heading

Text of the table. Text of the table Text Text of the table Text of the table Text
of the table Text of the table Text of of the table Text of the table Text of
the table Text of the table Text of the the table
Text of the table Text of the table Text Text of the table Text of the table Text
of the table Text of the table of the table Text of the table Text of
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of the table Text of the table Text of of the table Text of the table Text of
the table Text of the table Text of the the table Text of the table Text of the
table table Text of the table

1.2 First Level Heading

Subheading should be bold with font size 13 without underline. Always start subheading after
one line of the previous paragraph. Every picture used in the document should be properly
numbered as mentioned below.

Chapter Title

Write down about the Topic “Predicate Language is a Formal Language.

Make chapters of the topic for the ease of the task and to improve readability. Headers and
footers should be properly used at every page. “If you want to copy any material as it is from
any source then enclose that text with inverted commas otherwise all text will be considered as
your own and if plagiarism is found you will be awarded 0 marks for the paper.” [7]
In case of any difficulty in understanding of the instructions given in this template consult you
concerned teachers.

2.1 First Level Heading

Subheading should be bold with font size 13 without underline. Always start subheading after
one line of the previous paragraph. Every picture used in the document should be properly
numbered as mentioned below. [7]

[1] J. F. Kurose “Computer Networking” 4th edition
[2] L. Peterson and B. S. Davie “Computer Networks” 4th edition
[3] A Scalable Alternative for P2P Diego Doval and Donal O’Mahony • Trinity College
Dublin Published by the IEEE Computer Society
[4] “A Proposal on Overlay Measurement” Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. April 2007
[5] The Growth of Internet Overlay Networks: Implications for Architecture, Industry
Structure and Policy
[6] “Informed Content Delivery across Adaptive Overlay Networks” ACM August 2002
[8] Detour: informed Internet routing and transport Savage, S.; Anderson, T.; Aggarwal, A.;
Becker, D.; Cardwell, N.; Collins, A.; Hoffman, E.; Snell, J.; Vahdat, A.; Voelker, G.;
Zahorjan, J. IEEE,Micro Volume 19 Issue 1 1999.
[10] David, Hari, Frans, and Robert Resilient Overlay Network 2001 ACM.
[11] [EECS 122: Introduction to Computer Networks Overlay Networks and P2P Networks Ion
Stoica Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
[12] L. Subramanian, I. Stoica, H. Balakrishnan, and R. Katz. OverQoS: offering Internet QoS
using overlays. In Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, 2003.
[14] SOS: Angelos D. Keromytis, Vishal Misra, Daniel Rubenstein- Columbia University
[15] REKHTER, Y., AND LI, T. A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4). Internet Engineering
Task Force, 1995. RFC 1771.
[16] LABOVITZ, C., AHUJA, A., BOSE, A., AND JAHANIAN, F. Delayed Internet Routing
Convergence. In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM (Stockholm, Sweden, September 2000), pp. 175–187.
Throughput: A Simple Model and its Empirical Validation. In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM
(Vancouver, Canada, September 1998), pp. 303–323.

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