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Disciplina: Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade

Professora: Giovanna Pezarico

Aluno externo: David Ferreira Severo
Ficha de Leitura

Aula do dia 03/12/2020


MARX, Leo e SMITH, Merrit Roe. Introduction. IN: SMITH, Merrit Roe e MARX, Leo.
Does technology drive history?: the dilema of technological determinism.
Bekersville: MIT, 1994.

Os autores apresentam na “A sense o f technology’s pow er as a crucial agent o f

introdução a evolução do change has a prom inent place in the culture o f m odernity. It
entendimento de tecnologia ao belongs to the body o f widely shared tacit know ledge that is
longo da história moderna à m ore likely to be acquired by direct experience than by the
contemporaneidade, tomando transm ittal o f explicit ideas. A nyone who has witnessed the
como pano de fundo vários advent o f the com puter, for exam ple, knows a great deal
episódios históricos about how new technology can alter the very tex tu re o f daily
importantes. life, and has gained this un derstan din g as m ore than a
bystander. Even those who do not use com puters have had
to accomm odate their ways to som e o f its requirem ents in
superm arkets, post offices, banks, libraries, schools, airlines,
hospitals, or the m ilitary services— few dep artm ents o f
contem porary life rem ain unaffected by the new inform ation
technology. But o f course the com puter is only one o f the
radically new science-based technologies—along with
television, je t aircraft, nuclear weaponry, antibiotics, the
contraceptive pill, organ transplants, and biogenetic
engineering—whose transformative pow er has been
experienced by millions alive today.” (p. 9-10)
A tecnologia vem sendo "T he structure o f such popular narratives conveys a vivid
encarada, desde muito tempo, sense of the efficacy o f technology as a driving force o f
como objeto autônomo de history: a technical innovation suddenly appears and causes
desenvolvimento. É o caso, por im portant things to happen. It is notew orthy that these m ini-
exemplo, dos círculos das fables direct attention to the consequences rath er than the
grandes navegações a partir do genesis o f inventions. W hether the new device seems to
século XV e da criação da com e out o f now here, like som e deus ex machina, or from
tipografia, como se essas the brain o f a genius like G utenberg or W hitney, the usual
conquistas fossem resultado de em phasis is on the m aterial artifact and the changes it
motivações independentes da presum ably effects. In these episodes, indeed, technology is
situuação histórica de produção. conceived in almost exclusively ardfactual term s, and its m
ateriality serves to reinforce a tangible sense o f its decisive
role in history." (p. 10-11)
Esse endeusamento da era “Such a determ inistic view o f technology is a pervasive them
tecnológica é mais evidente com e o f the mass m edia nowadays. Take, for exam ple, “T h e
o advento do computador e da M achine T h at Changed the W orld,” a 1993 docum entary
internet. television series about the coming o f the com puter.” (p. 11)
Contudo se há uma visão “To un derstan d the origin o f a particular kind o f
ingênua de considerar a technological power, we m ust first learn about the actors. W
neutralidade da tecnologia em ho w ere they? W hat were their circum stances? T his
suas circustâncias de produção; approach leads willy-nilly to the m ore exacting and
há, no outro extremo do productive questions in the historian’s tool kit. W hy was the
espectro, os deterministas innovation m ade by these people and not others? W hy was
“suaves” começam nos it possible at this time and this place rath er than ano th er tim
lembrando que a história da e or place? Who benefited, and who suffered? In lieu o f a “h
tecnologia é uma história das a rd ” m onocausal explanation for the genesis o f the presum
ações humanas. ed determ inative pow er of a technical innovation, these
questions suggest the greater plausibility o f a “soft,” less
specific, m ultivalent explanation.” (p. 13)

Professora, infelizmente ainda não tenho proficiência na leitura do inglês, por isso só fiz o
fichamento da introdução do texto em que tive acesso à tradução.
Já estou estudando inglês para diminuir essa situação.

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