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Nama: M.

Qawiyyun Aziz
NPM: 0620101002


Part 1 - Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the verbs in
brackets ( ). Remember that the adverbs 'ever' and 'never' go AFTER
'have/has' and BEFORE the past participle.

1. Sophie and I have know each other since we were at school together.
2. I have played tennis since I was eight years old.
3. Alain has been in hospital three times this year.
4. I have wanted to be an actor for as long as I can remember.
5. My uncle has smoked 40 cigarettes a day for 40 years – and he's a doctor!
6. You have had that suit for more than ten years! Isn't it time to get a new
7. Since he finished university, my brother has worked in five different
8. Zerrin has watched that TV programme every week since it started.
9. I have never liked bananas. I think they're horrible!
10. What's the most interesting city you have ever visites ?

Part 2 – Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).

1. I have not work today.

2. We have bought a new lamp.
3. We have not plan our holiday yet.
4. Where have you been
5. He has written five letters.
6. She has not seen him for a long time.
7. Have you been at school?
8. School has not started yet.
9. has he spoken to his boss?
10. No, he has not had the time yet.

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