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Quasicomplemented residuated lattices

Article  in  Soft Computing · May 2020

DOI: 10.1007/s00500-020-04778-y


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1 author:

Saeed Rasouli
Persian Gulf University


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Soft Computing


Quasicomplemented residuated lattices

Saeed Rasouli1

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

In this paper, the class of quasicomplemented residuated lattices is introduced and investigated, as a subclass of residuated
lattices in which any prime filter not containing any dense element is a minimal prime filter. The notion of a disjunctive
residuated lattice is introduced, and it is observed that a residuated lattice is Boolean if and only if it is disjunctive and
quasicomplemented. Finally, some characterizations for quasicomplemented residuated lattices are given by means of the
new notion of α-filters.

Keywords Quasicomplemented residuated lattice · Disjunctive residuated lattice · α-Filter

1 Introduction via quasicomplemented residuated lattices. To keep the paper

brief, the reader is referred to Galatos et al. (2007) for results
As a generalization of distributive pseudocomplemented on residuated lattices and to Grätzer (2011) for results on
lattices, Varlet (1963) studied lattices, which are just pseu- lattices.
docomplemented. He observed that a distributive lattice is This paper is organized into five sections as follows: In
pseudocomplemented if and only if each of its annulets is Sect. 2, some definitions and facts about residuated lattices
principal. By this motivation, Varlet (1968) introduced the are recalled and some of their propositions are proved. In
notion of a quasicomplemented lattice as a generalization Sect. 3, the notion of a quasicomplemented residuated lattice
of a distributive pseudocomplemented lattice. Speed (1969a, is introduced and some of their properties are investigated.
Proposition 3.4) proved that the class of quasicomplemented In Sect. 4, the notion of a (weakly) disjunctive residuated
lattices is equivalent to the class of -lattices, which has lattice is introduced and some characterizations are derived.
been introduced by Speed (1969b) as a subclass of dis- It is observed that the lattice of principal filters of a residu-
tributive lattices. Quasicomplemented lattices are studied ated lattice is Boolean if and only if it is weakly disjunctive
extensively by Cornish (1972, 1973), Jayaram (1986), and and quasicomplemented. In Sect. 5, the notion of α-filters is
Speed (1974). This notion is discussed for rings in Knox introduced and some of their properties are studied. Weakly
et al. (2009). According to Evans (1972), quasiregular rings, disjunctive residuated lattices are characterized in terms of
introduced by Endo (1961), are analogous to quasicomple- α-filters, and it is shown that a residuated lattice is quasicom-
mented lattices. In this paper, however, we shall only be plemented if and only if any its prime α-filter is a minimal
concerned with quasicomplemented residuated lattices. This prime filter. We end this section by deriving a set of equivalent
work is greatly motivated by the above works and a desire to conditions for any α-filter to be principal.
extend these investigations to residuated lattices. The notion
of a quasicomplemented residuated lattice is introduced and
investigated. Our findings show that the results obtained by
2 Preliminaries
Cornish (1973) and Speed (1969a) can also be reproduced
An algebra A = (A; ∨, ∧, , →, 0, 1) is called a residu-
Communicated by A. Di Nola. ated lattice if (A) = (A; ∨, ∧, 0, 1) is a bounded lattice,
B Saeed Rasouli (A; , 1) is a commutative monoid, and (, →) is an adjoint pair. A residuated lattice A is called non-degenerate if 0 = 1.
de f .
1 For a residuated lattice A and a ∈ A, we put ¬a = a → 0
Department of Mathematics, Persian Gulf University, de f .
Bushehr 75169, Iran and a n = a  · · ·  a (n times), for any integer n. An

S. Rasouli

element a ∈ A is called nilpotent, provided that a n = 0, for Table 2 The Cayley table for  0 a b c d 1
some integers n. The set of nilpotent elements of A shall be “” of A6
denoted by N(A). It is well known that N(A) is an ideal of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(A). Idziak (1984) has shown that the class of residuated a a 0 a 0 a
lattices is equational and so it forms a variety. The properties b 0 0 b b
of residuated lattices were presented in Galatos et al. (2007). c a b c
For a survey of residuated lattices, we refer to Jipsen and d d d
Tsinakis (2002). 1 1

Remark 1 (Jipsen and Tsinakis 2002, Proposition 2.2) Let A

Fig. 3 The Hasse diagram of A7
be a residuated lattice. The following assertions are satisfied
for any x, y, z ∈ A:

r1 x  (y ∨ z) = (x  y) ∨ (x  z);
r2 x ∨ (y  z) ≥ (x ∨ y)  (x ∨ z).

Example 2.1 Let A4 = {0, a, b, 1} be a lattice whose Hasse

diagram is given in Fig. 1. Routine calculation shows that
A4 = (A4 ; ∨, ∧, , →, 0, 1) is a residuated lattice where
the commutative operation “” is givenin Table 1 and the
operation “→” is defined by x → y = {a ∈ A4 |x  a ≤
y}, for any x, y ∈ A4 . Table 3 The Cayley table for  0 a b c d e 1
“” of A7
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Example 2.2 Let A6 = {0, a, b, c, d, 1} be a lattice whose a a a a a a a
Hasse diagram is given in Fig. 2. Routine calculation shows
b b a b a b
that A6 = (A6 ; ∨, ∧, , →, 0, 1) is a residuated lattice
c a a c c
where the commutative operation “” is given in Table 2
 d b c d
and the operation “→” is defined by x → y = {a ∈
e e e
A6 |x  a ≤ y}, for any x, y ∈ A6 .
1 1

Fig. 1 The Hasse diagram of A4

Example 2.3 (Rasouli 2019, Example 2.2) Let A7 = {0, a,

b, c, d, e, 1} be a lattice whose Hasse diagram is given in
Fig. 3. Routine calculation shows that A7 = (A7 ; ∨, ∧, , →
, 0, 1) is a residuated lattice where the commutative opera-
tion “” is given in Table 3 and the operation “→” is defined

by x → y = {a ∈ A7 |x  a ≤ y}, for any x, y ∈ A7 .
Table 1 The Cayley table for  0 a b 1
“” of A4 Let A be a residuated lattice. A non-void subset F of A is
0 0 0 0 0 called a filter of A provided that x, y ∈ F implies x  y ∈ F,
a a 0 a and x ∨ y ∈ F, for any x ∈ F and y ∈ A. The set of
b b b filters of A is denoted by F(A). A filter F of A is called
1 1 proper if F = A. Clearly, F is proper if and only if 0 ∈ / F.
For any subset X of A, the filter of A generated by X is
Fig. 2 The Hasse diagram of A6 denoted by F(X ). For each x ∈ A, the filter generated by
{x} is denoted by F(x) and called principal filter. The set of
principal filters is denoted by PF(A). Recall (Grätzer 2011,
§5.7) that a complete lattice A is called a frame if it satisfies
the join infinite distributive law (JID), i.e., for any a ∈ A
and S ⊆ A, a ∧ S = {a ∧ s | s ∈ S}. According to
Galatos et al. (2007), (F(A); ∩, , {1}, A) is a frame where
F = F(∪F), for any F ⊆ F(A).

Quasicomplemented residuated lattices

Table 4 The sets of filters of A4 , A6 , and A7 Table 5 The sets of maximal, prime, and minimal prime filters of A4 ,
A6 , and A7
Prime filters
A4 {1}, {a, 1}, {b, 1}, A4
Maximal filters Minimal prime filters
A6 {1}, {a, c, 1}, {d, 1}, A6
A7 {1}, {b, d, 1}, {e, 1}, {a, b, c, d, e, 1}, A7 A4 {a, 1}, {b, 1} {a, 1}, {b, 1}
A6 {d, 1}, {a, c, 1} {d, 1}, {a, c, 1}
A7 {a, b, c, d, e, 1} {b, d, 1}, {e, 1}
Example 2.4 Consider the residuated lattice A4 from Exam-
ple 2.1, the residuated lattice A6 from Example 2.2, and the
de f .
residuated lattice A7 from Example 2.3. The sets of their only if P c = A\P is a ∨-closed subset of A which it is
filters are presented in Table 4. maximal with respect to the property of not containing 1.
The following proposition has a routine verification. Example 2.8 Consider the residuated lattice A4 from Exam-
Proposition 2.5 Let A be a residuated lattice and F be a filter ple 2.1, the residuated lattice A6 from Example 2.2, and the
of A. The following assertions hold, for any x, y ∈ A: residuated lattice A7 from Example 2.3. The sets of their
maximal, prime, and minimal prime filters are presented in
de f . Table 5.
(1) F(F, x) = F  F(x) = {a ∈ A| f  x n ≤
a, for some f ∈ F and n ∈ N}; Let (A; ∨, ∧, 0, 1) be a bounded lattice. Recall (Grätzer
(2) x ≤ y implies F(F, y) ⊆ F(F, x); 2011, §I.6.1) that an element x ∈ A is called complemented
(3) F(F, x) ∩ F(F, y) = F(F, x ∨ y); if there is an element y ∈ A such that x ∨y = 1 and x ∧y = 0;
(4) F(x)  F(y) = F(x  y) = F({x, y}); y is called a complement of x. Complements in a bounded
(5) PF(A) is a sublattice of F(A); lattice are generally not unique unless the lattice is distribu-
(6) if A is finite, then F(A) = PF(A). tive. If y is the unique complement of x, we write y = x c . If
A is a residuated lattice, the set of complemented elements of
A proper filter of a residuated lattice A is called maximal (A) is denoted by B(A) and called the Boolean center of A.
if it is a maximal element in the set of all proper filters. In residuated lattices however, although the underlying lat-
The set of maximal filters of A is denoted by Max(A). A tices need not be distributive, the complements are unique.
proper filter P of A is called prime if x ∨ y ∈ P implies For further study about the Boolean center of a residuated
x ∈ P or y ∈ P, for any x, y ∈ A. The set of prime filters lattice, we refer to Buşneag and Piciu (2006).
of A is denoted by Spec(A). Since F(A) is a distributive
lattice, Max(A) ⊆ Spec(A). By Zorn’s lemma follows that Proposition 2.9 (Georgescu and Mureşan 2014, Lemma 2.5)
any proper filter is contained in a maximal filter and so in a Let A be a residuated lattice. The following assertions hold:
prime filter. A non-empty subset C of A is called ∨-closed
if it is closed under the join operation, i.e., x, y ∈ C implies (1) F(e) = {a ∈ A|e ≤ a}, for any e ∈ B(A);
x ∨ y ∈ C. (2) x ∈ B(A) if and only if x ∨ ¬x = 1, for any x ∈ A;
(3) ec = ¬e, for any e ∈ B(A).
Theorem 2.6 (Rasouli 2019, Theorem 3.18) If C is a ∨-
closed subset of A which does not meet the filter F, then Let A be a residuated lattice. Following by Rasouli (2018),
F is contained in a filter P which is maximal with respect to for any subset X of A, we write X ⊥ = {a ∈ A|a ∨ x =
the property of not meeting C; furthermore, P is prime. 1, ∀x ∈ X } and we set:
Let A be a residuated lattice and X be a subset of A. A
prime filter P of A is called a minimal prime filter belonging • (A) = {X ⊥ |X ⊆ A}.
to X or X -minimal prime filter if P is a minimal element in
the set of prime filters containing X . The set of X -minimal Elements of (A) are called coannihilators of A. For the
prime filters of A is denoted by Min X (A). A prime filter basic facts concerning coannihilators and coannulets of a
P is called minimal prime if P ∈ Min{1} (A). The set of residuated lattice, we refer to Rasouli (2018).
minimal prime filters of A is denoted by Min(A). For the
Proposition 2.10 (Rasouli 2018, Proposition 3.1) Let A be a
basic facts concerning minimal prime filters of a residuated
residuated lattice. The following assertions hold:
lattice belonging to a filter, we refer to Rasouli (2019).
Theorem 2.7 (Rasouli 2019, Theorem 3.24) Let A be a resid- (1) X ⊆ Y ⊥ implies Y ⊆ X ⊥ , for any X , Y ⊆ A;
uated lattice. A subset P of A is a minimal prime filter if and (2) X ∩ X ⊥ ⊆ {1}, for any X ⊆ A;

S. Rasouli

(3) X ⊆ X ⊥⊥ , for any X ⊆ A; Corollary 2.13 (Rasouli 2019, Proposition 5.1) Let A be a
(4) (F(X ))⊥ = X ⊥ , for any X ⊆ A; residuated lattice. Then, for any subset X of A, we have
(5) X ⊥ is a filter of A, for any X ⊆ A; 
(6) X ⊥⊥⊥ = X ⊥ , for any X ⊆ A; X⊥ = {m ∈ Min(A)| X  m}.
(7) X ∈X X = ( X ) , for any X ⊆ P(A).
Proposition 2.14 (Rasouli 2018, Proposition 3.15) Let A be
Let A be a ∧-semilattice with zero. Recall (Grätzer 2011, a residuated lattice. The following assertions hold, for any
§I.6.2) that an element a ∗ ∈ A is a pseudocomplement of x, y ∈ A:
a ∈ A if a ∧ a ∗ = 0 and a ∧ x = 0 implies that x ≤
a ∗ . An element can have at most one pseudocomplement. A (1) x ≤ y implies x ⊥ ⊆ y ⊥ ;
is called pseudocomplemented if every element of A has a (2) x ⊥ ∩ y ⊥ = (x  y)⊥ ;
pseudocomplement. The set S(A) = {a ∗ | a ∈ A} is called (3) x ⊥  y ⊥ ⊆ x ⊥ ∨ y ⊥ = (x ∨ y)⊥ ;
the skeleton of A, and we have S(A) = {a ∈ A | a = a ∗∗ }. (4) x ⊥⊥ ∩ y ⊥⊥ = (x ∨ y)⊥⊥ ;
(5) x ⊥⊥ ∨ y ⊥⊥ = (x  y)⊥⊥ ;
Proposition 2.11 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following (6) e⊥ = F(¬e), for any e ∈ B(A).
assertions hold:
Let A be a residuated lattice. We set:
(1) F ⊥ is the pseudocomplement of F, for any F ∈ F(A);
(2) (F(A); ∩, {1}) is a pseudocomplemented ∧-semilattice; • γ (A) = {x ⊥ |x ∈ A};
(3) S(F(A)) = {F ⊥ | F ∈ F(A)} = {F ∈ F(A) | F = • λ(A) = {x ⊥⊥ |x ∈ A}.
F ⊥⊥ };
(4) (A) = S(F(A)). Elements of γ (A) and λ(A) are called coannulets and dual
coannulets of A, respectively.
Proof (1): Let F be a filter of A. By Proposition 2.10(2)
follows that F ∩ F ⊥ = {1}. Assume that F ∩ G = {1}, Proposition 2.15 Let A be a residuated lattice. Then γ (A)
for some filter G. Let a ∈ G and b ∈ F. Since a, b ≤ and λ(A) are sublattices of (A).
a ∨ b so a ∨ b ∈ F ∩ G = {1}. Thus, a ∈ F ⊥ , and it Proof By Proposition 2.14((2) and (3)) follows that γ (A) is
shows that G ⊆ F ⊥ . a sublattice of (A), and by Proposition 2.14((4) and (5))
(2): It follows by (1). follows that λ(A) is a sublattice of (A). 

(3): It is evident.
(4): It is obvious that S(F(A)) ⊆ (A). Let F ∈ (A). Let A be a residuated lattice. A subset X of A is called
Thus, F = X ⊥ , for some X ⊆ A. By Proposition dense if X ⊥ = {1}. The set of all dense elements of A shall
2.10(5) follows that F ∈ F(A), and by Proposi- be denoted by d(A). By Proposition 2.14((1) and (3)) follows
tion 2.10(6) follows that F ⊥⊥ = F. So F ∈ S(F(A)). that d(A) is an ideal of (A). Also, by Proposition 2.10(1)

 follows that a filter of A is dense, provided that it contains a
dense element.
By Grätzer (2011, Theorem 100) follows that if A is a
pseudocomplemented complete ∧-semilattice, then S(A) is Proposition 2.16 Let A be a residuated lattice. Then, any
a complete Boolean lattice, where the meet in S(A) is cal- non-dense prime filter of A is a coannulet.
culated in A, the join in S(A) is given by ∨X = (∧{x ∗ |
de f . Proof Let P be a non-dense prime filter of A. So there exists
x ∈ X })∗ , for any X ⊆ S(A), and 1 = 0∗ . So by Proposi- 1 = x ∈ P ⊥ . This implies that P ⊆ P ⊥⊥ ⊆ x ⊥ . Otherwise,
tions 2.10(7) and 2.11follows that ((A); ∩, ∨ , {1}, A) is a y ∈ x ⊥ implies that x ∨ y = 1 ∈ P. But x ∈/ P since x ∈ P
complete Boolean lattice, where for any F ⊆ (A) we have states that x ∈ P ∩ P ⊥ = {1} and this means that x = 1, a
∨ F = (∪F)⊥⊥ . This gives another proof for the following contradiction. So y ∈ P and it shows that P = x ⊥ . 

Let A be a residuated lattice. For any ideal I of (A), we
Theorem 2.12 (Rasouli 2018, Corollary 3.14) Let A be
write ω(I ) = {a ∈ A|a ∨ x = 1, ∃x ∈ I } and we set:
a residuated lattice. ((A); ∩, ∨ , {1}, A) is a complete
Boolean lattice, where for any F ⊆ (A) we have ∨ F =
• (A) = {ω(I )|I is an ideal of (A)}.
(∪F)⊥⊥ .

The following corollary characterizes coannihilators of a Elements of (A) are called ω-filters of A. By Rasouli and
residuated lattice in terms of minimal prime filters. Kondo (2019, Proposition 3.7) follows that ( (A); ∩, ∨ω ,
{1}, A) is a bounded distributive lattice, where F ∨ω G =

Quasicomplemented residuated lattices

ω(I F  IG ), for any F, G ∈ (A) (by , we mean the (3)⇒(1): By Corollary 2.13 follows that x ⊥ = d(x) =

join operation in the lattice of ideals of (A)). Also, by d(y) = y ⊥ . 

Rasouli and Kondo (2019, Lemma 3.8) follows that γ (A)
is a sublattice of (A). For a prime filter P of A, we write
D(P) = ω(P c ). For the basic facts concerning ω-filters of a 3 Quasicomplemented residuated lattices
residuated lattice, we refer to Rasouli and Kondo (2019).
In this section, the notion of a quasicomplemented residuated
Proposition 2.17 Any proper ω-filter in a residuated lattice
lattice is introduced and studied.
A contains no dense elements.
Definition 3.1 Let A be a residuated lattice. A is called qua-
Proof Let F be a proper ω-filter. Assume that F contains sicomplemented, provided that for any x ∈ A, there exists
a dense element as d. Hence, d ∈ x ⊥ for some x ∈ I F . It y ∈ A such that x ⊥⊥ = y ⊥ (i.e., λ(A) ⊆ γ (A)).
implies that x ∈ d ⊥ and it means 1 ∈ I F . So F = A, a
 The following proposition characterizes quasicomple-
mented residuated lattices.
The following corollary characterizes minimal prime fil-
Proposition 3.2 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following
ters belonging to a filter.
assertions are equivalent:
Theorem 2.18 (Rasouli and Kondo 2019, Theorem 3.16) Let
A be a residuated lattice. The following assertions are equiv- (1) A is quasicomplemented;
alent: (2) for any x ∈ A, there exists y ∈ A such that x  y ∈ d(A)
and x ∨ y = 1;
(1) P is a minimal prime filter; (3) γ (A) is a Boolean lattice.
(2) P = D(P);
(3) for any x ∈ A, P contains precisely one of x or x ⊥ . Proof (1)⇒(2): Consider x ∈ A. So there exists y ∈ A
such that x ⊥⊥ = y ⊥ . Applying Proposition 2.10(2) and
Corollary 2.19 (Rasouli and Kondo 2019, Corollary 3.23) 2.14(2), it follows that x  y is a dense element and
Let A be a residuated lattice and P be a prime filter of A. We Proposition 2.10(2) shows that x ∈ x ⊥⊥ = y ⊥ and so
have x ∨ y = 1.
 (2)⇒(3): By applying Proposition 2.14((3) and (4)), it is
D(P) = {m ∈ Min(A)|m ⊆ P}. evident.
(3)⇒(1): Let x ∈ A. So there exists some y ∈ A such
Let A be a residuated
 lattice. For a subset M of Min(A), that x ⊥ ∩ y ⊥ = {1} and x ⊥ ∨ y ⊥ = A. By Proposi-
we write k(M) = {m|m ∈ M}, and for a subset X of A, we tion 2.11(1), the former states y ⊥ ⊆ x ⊥⊥ and the latter
write h(X ) = {m|X ⊆ m}. Also, let d(X ) = Min(A)\h(X ). states the reverse inclusion. 

If the collection {h(x)|x ∈ A} is taken as a closed basis, the
resulting topology is called the hull-kernel topology, which The following proposition derives a sufficient condition
is denoted by τh , and if the collection {h(x)|x ∈ A} is taken for a residuated lattice to become quasicomplemented.
as an open basis, the resulting topology is called the dual Proposition 3.3 Let A be a residuated lattice. A is quasicom-
hull-kernel topology, which is denoted by τd . For a detailed plemented, provided that in this any coannulet is principal.
discussion of spaces of minimal prime filters in residuated
lattices, we refer to Rasouli and Dehghani (2018). Proof Consider x ∈ A. So there exists y ∈ A such that x ⊥ =
F(y). Using Proposition 2.10(4) follows that x ⊥⊥ = y ⊥ , and
Corollary 2.20 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following
so A is quasicomplemented. 

assertions are equivalent for any x, y ∈ A:
Corollary 3.4 Any finite residuated lattice is quasicomple-
(1) x ⊥ = y ⊥ ; mented.
(2) h(x) = h(y);
(3) d(x) = d(y). Proof It follows by Proposition 2.5(6) and 3.3. 

Some necessary and sufficient conditions for a residuated

Proof (1)⇒(2): Let m ∈ h(x). By Theorem 2.18(3) fol-
lattice to become quasicomplemented are given in the fol-
lows that y ⊥  m and so y ∈ m. It implies that
lowing proposition.
m ∈ h(y). Thus, we have h(x) ⊆ h(y). The other
inclusion is analogous by symmetry. Proposition 3.5 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following
(2)⇒(3): It is evident. assertions are equivalent:

S. Rasouli

(1) A is quasicomplemented;
(2) any prime filter not containing any dense element is min-
imal prime;
(3) any filter not containing any dense element is contained
in a minimal prime filter.

Proof (1)⇒(2): Let P be a prime filter such that P ∩

d(A) = ∅. Consider x ∈ P. Applying Proposition 3.2(2),
there exists y ∈ A such that x  y is dense and x ∨ y = 1.
This shows that x  y ∈ / P and so y ∈ / P. Hence, x ∈
D(P) and this states that P = D(P). So the result holds
Fig. 4 The diagram of disjunctive residuated lattices
by Theorem 2.18.
(2)⇒(3): It follows by Theorem 2.6.
(3)⇒(1): Let x ∈ A. By Theorem 2.18(3) follows that Banaschewski’s results in Banaschewski (1964, Section 4).
F(x)  x ⊥ cannot be contained in any minimal prime In this section, we introduce and study notions of disjunctive
filter and so it contains a dense element like d. Hence, and weakly disjunctive residuated lattice.
there are a ∈ F(x) and b ∈ x ⊥ such that a  b ≤ d. Let A be a residuated lattice. We set D(A) = {d(x)|x ∈
So for some integer n follows that x n  b is dense. Let A} and H (A) = {h(x)|x ∈ A}. By Rasouli and Dehghani
u ∈ b⊥ and v ∈ x ⊥ . Thus, we have (u ∨ v) ∨ b = 1 (2018, Proposition 3.6 and 3.10), it follows that (D(A); ∩,
and (u ∨ v) ∨ x n = 1, and by using r2 we deduce that ∪, d(1) = ∅, d(0) = Min(A)) and (H (A); ∩, ∪, h(0) =
(u ∨ v) ∨ (x n  b) = 1. It shows that u ∨ v = 1 and it ∅, h(1) = Min(A)) are bounded lattices. Consider the fol-
means that b⊥ ⊆ x ⊥⊥ . The other inclusion is evident by lowing diagram;
Proposition 2.10(1), and so the result holds. 
 Recalling that, if A and B are two algebras of a same
type and f : A −→ B is a homomorphism, then κ( f ) =
Quasicomplemented residuated lattices are characterized {(a1 , a2 ) ∈ A2 | f (a1 ) = f (a2 )} is a congruence relation on
under the name of -residuated lattices in Rasouli and A. The following remark has a routine verification.
Dehghani (2018). The following theorem gives a topological
Remark 2 (1) By Proposition 2.10(4) and Corollary 2.20 fol-
characterization for quasicomplemented residuated lattice.
lows that f 3 , f 4 , f 5 , and f 6 are well defined.
Theorem 3.6 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following (2) f 2 = f 4 f 1 and f 5 f 3 = f 6 f 4 .
assertions are equivalent: (3) f 2 , f 3 are lattice epimorphisms and f 1 , f 4 are dual lattice
(1) A is quasicomplemented; (4) f 5 is a dual lattice isomorphism and f 6 is a lattice iso-
(2) τh and τd coincide; morphism.
(3) (Min(A); τh ) is compact. (5)  := κ( f 3 ) = κ( f 4 ), so f 3 is injective if and only if f 4
is injective.
Proof It follows by Rasouli and Dehghani (2018, Theorem (6) f 2 is injective if and only if f 1 , f 4 are injective.
 (7) F(1)/ = {F(1)} and F(0)/ = {F(x)|x ∈ d(A)}.
(8) 1/κ( f 2 ) = {1} and 0/κ( f 2 ) = d(A).
(9) 1/κ( f 1 ) = {1} and 0/κ( f 1 ) = N(A).
4 Disjunctive residuated lattices
Proposition 4.1 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following
assertions are equivalent:
Speed (1969a) introduced a certain class of distributive
lattices with zero named disjunctive lattices. This notion
(1) A is quasicomplemented;
has been discussed in semilattices by Büchi (1948) and in
(2) (A)/κ( f 2 ) is a Boolean lattice;
commutative semigroups by Kist (1963). Cornish (1972,
(3) PF(A)/ is a Boolean lattice.
Theorem 7.6) proved that if A is a disjunctive normal lat-
tice and Max(A), the space of maximal filters of A with
Proof It is an immediate consequence of Proposition 3.2 and
the hull-kernel topology, is a compact Hausdorff totally dis-
Remark 2. 

connected space, then A is complementedly normal. Also,
Cornish (1973, Proposition 2.3) showed that a disjunctive Definition 4.2 Let A be a residuated lattice. With notations
normal lattice is dual isomorphic to its lattice of annulets. of Fig. 4, A is called disjunctive, provided that f 2 is injective,
Actually, disjunctive lattices are themselves important in the and weakly disjunctive, provided that f 3 (or, equivalently f 4 )
study of annulets; information can be obtained by dualizing is injective.

Quasicomplemented residuated lattices

Table 6 Disjunctive and weakly disjunctive residuated lattices

Disjunctive Weakly disjunctive

A6 × 
A7 × ×

(2)⇒(1): Let (F(x))c = F(y). So we have F(x) ∩ F(y) = 1

and F(x)F(y) = A. By Propositions 2.10(4) and
Fig. 5 The interrelation between the subclasses of quasicomplemented 2.11(1), the former implies F(y) ⊆ (F(x))⊥ = x ⊥
and disjunctive residuated lattices and so the latter implies F(x)  x ⊥ = A. It shows
that F(y) = x ⊥ . So A is quasicomplemented since
By Remark 2(6), it is evident that if a residuated lattice x ⊥⊥ = y ⊥ and A is weakly disjunctive since x ⊥ =
is disjunctive, then it is weakly disjunctive. In the following y ⊥ implies (F(x))c = (F(y))c and so F(x) =
proposition, the interrelation between the subclasses of qua- F(y). 

sicomplemented and disjunctive residuated lattices is given Remark 4 Let A be a residuated lattice. Applying Proposition
(Fig. 5). 2.5, it is easy to see that PF(A) is a Boolean lattice if and only
Proposition 4.3 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following if for any a ∈ A there exists b ∈ a ⊥ such that a  b ∈ N(A).
assertions are equivalent: This gives a new characterization for quasicomplemented
and weakly disjunctive residuated lattices.
(1) A is quasicomplemented and disjunctive;
Example 4.5 Consider the residuated lattice A4 from Exam-
(2) (A) is a Boolean lattice;
ple 2.1, the residuated lattice A6 from Example 2.2, and the
(3) A is quasicomplemented, d(A) = {0} and the operation
residuated lattice A7 from Example 2.3 (Table 6).
¬ is injective as a function.

Proof (1)⇒(2): It follows by Proposition 4.1.

(2)⇒(3): By Proposition 2.9 follows that the operation ¬ is 5 ˛-Filters
injective as a function. By Proposition 2.5(6) and
2.14(5) follows that d(A) = {0} and so by Propo- The notion of α-ideals was introduced by Cornish (1973) in
sition 3.2 follows that A is quasicomplemented. distributive lattices with 0. Jayaram (1986) generalized the
(3)⇒(1): Let x ⊥ = y ⊥ . So we have (x  ¬y)⊥ = {1} and concept of α-ideals to 0-distributive lattices. Some further
it implies that ¬y ≤ ¬x. Analogously, we can properties of α-ideals for 0-distributive lattices were obtained
conclude that ¬x ≤ ¬y and it implies that ¬x = by Pawar and Mane (1993) and Pawar and Khopade (2010).
¬y. Since ¬ is an injective operation, the result Haveshki and Mohamadhasani (2015) proposed the concept
 of α-filters in BL algebras as the dual notion of α-ideals.
Recently, Dong and Xin (2019) extended the concept of α-
Remark 3 Let (A, ∨, ∧, , 0, 1) be a Boolean lattice and
filters to residuated lattices. In this section, the notion of
define a → b = a  ∨ b, for all a, b ∈ A. It is well known that
α-filters in a residuated lattice is investigated and some prop-
(A, ∨, ∧,  = ∧, →, 0, 1) is a residuated lattice, in which
erties of them are derived.
¬ = . So by Proposition 2.9(2) follows that (A) is a Boolean
lattice if and only if x ∨ ¬x = 1, for any x ∈ A. This gives a Definition 5.1 Let A be a residuated lattice. A filter F of A
new characterization for quasicomplemented and disjunctive is called an α-filter if for any x ∈ F we have x ⊥⊥ ⊆ F. The
residuated lattices. set of α-filters of A is denoted by α(A). It is obvious that
{1}, A ∈ α(A).
Proposition 4.4 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following Example 5.2 Consider the residuated lattice A4 from Exam-
assertions are equivalent: ple 2.1, the residuated lattice A6 from Example 2.2, and the
residuated lattice A7 from Example 2.3. The sets of their
(1) A is quasicomplemented and weakly disjunctive; α-filters are presented in Table 7.
(2) PF(A) is a Boolean lattice.
Let A be a residuated lattice. It is obvious that α(A) is
Proof (1)⇒(2): It follows by Proposition 4.1. an algebraic closed set system on A. The closure operator

S. Rasouli

Table 7 The sets of α-filters of α-filters f i1  · · ·  f in ≤ x. By Proposition 2.14(1) follows

A4 , A6 , and A7 that x ⊥⊥ ⊆ ( f i1  · · ·  f in )⊥⊥ and it means a ∈ .
A4 {1}, {a, 1}, {b, 1}, A4 (3): It follows by (1).
A6 {1}, {a, c, 1}, {d, 1}, A6 (4): By Proposition 2.5(3), we have the following formulas:
A7 {1}, {b, d, 1}, {e, 1}, A7
α(F, x) ∩ α(F, y) = α(F(F, x)) ∩ α(F(F, y))
= α(F(F, x) ∩ F(F, y))
associated with this closed set system is denoted by α A : = α(F(F, x ∨ y)
P(A) −→ P(A). Thus, for any subset X of A, α A (X ) = = α(F, x ∨ y).
∩{F ∈ α(A)|X ⊆ F} is the smallest α-filter of A containing
X , which is called the α-filter of A generated by X . When (5): By Proposition 2.5(4), we have the following formulas:
there is no ambiguity, we will drop the superscript A. Hence,
α(A) is a complete compactly generated lattice where the α(F, x) ∨α α(F, y) = α(F(F, x)) ∨α α(F(F, y))
infimum is the set-theoretic intersection and the supremum = α(F(F, x)  F(F, y))
of F ⊆ α(A) is ∨α F = α(∪F). It is obvious that α(X ) = = α(F(F, x  y))
α(F(X )) for any X ⊆ A and so we have ∨α F = α(F). = α(F, x  y).

Proposition 5.3 For any residuated lattice A, (α(A); ∩, ∨α ) 

is a frame.
Let A be a residuated lattice. We set:
Proof We know that α(A) is a complete lattice. Let {F} ∪ G
be a family of α-filters. We have the following sequence of • PFα (A) = {α(x)|x ∈ A}.
Corollary 5.5 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following
F ∩ (∨α G) = α(F ∩ (G)) assertions hold:
= α(G∈G (F ∩ G))
= ∨αG∈G (F ∩ G). (1) (PFα (A); ∩, ∨α , {1}, A) is a bounded lattice;
(2) (PFα (A); ∩, ∨α , {1}, A) and (λ(A); ∩, ∨ , {1}, A) are
It shows that α(A) is a frame. 
 isomorphic lattices.
It is well known that a lattice is a frame if and only if
it is a complete Heyting algebra. So due to Proposition 5.3, Proof (1): It follows by Proposition 5.4((4) and (5)).
we deduce that for any residuated lattice A, (α(A); ∩, ∨α , (2): Routinely one can see that the mapping ρ : PFα (A) −→
→, {1}, A) is a Heyting algebra, where F → G = {H ∈ λ(A), given by ρ(α(x)) = x ⊥⊥ , is a well-defined lattice
α(A)|F ∩ H ⊆ G} for any F, G ∈ α(A). isomorphism. 

Proposition 5.4 Let {F} ∪ {Fi }i∈I be a family of filters in a The following proposition gives some equivalent asser-
residuated lattice A, and x, y ∈ A. The following assertions tions for a filter to be an α-filter.
hold: Proposition 5.6 Let A be a residuated lattice and F be a filter
of A. The following assertions are equivalent:
(1) α(F) = ∪x∈F x ⊥⊥ ;
α F = {a ∈ A|a ∈ ( f  · · ·  f )⊥⊥ , ∃n ∈
(2) ∨i∈I i i1 in (1) F is an α-filter;
N, i 1n ∈ I , f i j ∈ Fi j }; (2) if x ⊥ = y ⊥ and x ∈ F, then y ∈ F for any x, y ∈ A;
de f .
(3) α(F, x) = α(F ∪ {x}) = ∪ f ∈F,n∈N ( f  x n )⊥⊥ ; (3) if d(x) = d(y) and x ∈ F, then y ∈ F for any x, y ∈ A;
(4) α(F, x) ∩ α(F, y) = α(F, x ∨ y); (4) if h(x) = h(y) and x ∈ F, then y ∈ F for any x, y ∈ A.
(5) α(F, x) ∨α α(F, y) = α(F, x  y).
Proof By Corollary 2.20, it follows that (1), (2), and (3) are
Proof (1): It proves quite in a routine way. equivalent. So we only prove the other cases.
(2): We have ∨i∈I α F = α(
i i∈I Fi ) = {a ∈ A|a ∈
x , f or some x ∈ i∈I Fi }. Let = {a ∈ A|a ∈ (1)⇒(2): Let x ⊥ = y ⊥ for some y ∈ A and x ∈ F. Then,
f )⊥⊥ , ∃n, i 1 , · · · , i n ∈ N f i j ∈ Fi j }. It is obvi- y ∈ y ⊥⊥ = x ⊥⊥ ⊆ F.
1 t
ous that ⊆ ∨i∈I α F . Suppose that a ∈ ∨α F . Thus,
i (2)⇒(1): Let x ∈ F and y ∈ x ⊥⊥ . So x ⊥ ⊆ y ⊥ . By
i∈I i
a ∈ x ⊥⊥ for some x ∈ i∈I Fi . So there exist an Proposition 2.14(4) follows that y ⊥ = x ⊥ ∨ y ⊥ =
integer n, i 1 , · · · , i n ∈ I and f i j ∈ Fi j such that (x ∨ y)⊥ and it states that y ∈ F since x ∨ y ∈ F. 

Quasicomplemented residuated lattices

Let A = (A; ≤) and B = (B; ) be two posts. We recall In the sequel for any residuated lattice A, we set Specα (A)
that a pair ( f , g) is called an adjunction (or isotone Galois = Spec(A) ∩ α(A).
connection) between posets A and B, where f : A −→ B
Corollary 5.9 Let F be an α-filter of a residuated lattice A
and g : B −→ A are two functions such that for all a ∈ A
and X be a non-empty subset of A. The following assertions
and b ∈ B, f (a)  b if and only if a ≤ g(b). It is well known
that ( f , g) is an adjunction connection if and only if g f is
inflationary, f g is deflationary and f , g are isotone (García-
(1) If X  F, then there exists P ∈ Specα (A) such that
Pardo et al. 2013, Theorem 2). It is well known Cg f = g(B),
F ⊆ P and P is maximal with respect to the property
where Cg f is the set of fixed points of the closure operator
X  P; 
gf .
(2) α(X ) = {P ∈ Specα (A)|X ⊆ P}.
Theorem 5.7 Let A be a residuated lattice. We define
Proof (1): Let x ∈ X − F. By taking C = {x}, it follows by
 : F(A) −→ F(γ (A))  : F(γ (A)) −→ F(A) Theorem 5.8.
F −→ {x ⊥ |x ∈ F}, F −→ {x ∈ A|x ⊥ ∈ F}.
(2): Set σ X = {P ∈ Specα (A)|X ⊆ P}. Obviously, we have

Then, the pair (, ) is an adjunction and we have α(X ) ⊆ σ X . Now, let a ∈ / α(X ). By (1) follows that
(F) = α(F) for any F ∈ F(A). In particular, we have there exits an α-prime filter
P containing α(X ) such that
C = α(A). a∈/ P. It shows that a ∈ / σX . 

Proof Quite in a routine way, we can show that the pair The following proposition characterizes weakly disjunc-
(, ) forms an adjunction. Let F be a filter of A. We have tive residuated lattices by using of α-filters.
the following formulas: Proposition 5.10 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following
assertions are equivalent:
(F) = ((F))
= {a ∈ A|a ⊥ ∈ (F)} (1) A is weakly disjunctive;
= {a ∈ A|a ⊥ = x ⊥ , ∃x ∈ F} (2) any filter of A is an α-filter;
= {a ∈ A|a ∈ x ⊥⊥ , ∃x ∈ F} = ∪x∈F x ⊥⊥ = α(F). (3) any prime filter of A is an α-filter.
The rest is evident. 

Proof (1)⇒(2): Let F be a filter of A. Consider x, y ∈ A
The next theorem should be compared with Theorem 2.6. such that x ⊥ = y ⊥ and x ∈ F. Since A is weakly
disjunctive, F(x) = F(y) and this implies that y ∈
Theorem 5.8 Let C be a ∨-closed subset of A which does not F(y) = F(x) ⊆ F. Hence, F is an α-filter due to
meet the α-filter F. Then, F is contained in an α-filter P Proposition 5.6(2).
which is maximal with respect to the property of not meeting (2)⇒(3): It is trivial.
C; furthermore, P is prime. (3)⇒(1): Let x ⊥ = y ⊥ and F(x) = F(y) for some x, y ∈ A.
Without loss of generality, suppose that F(x) 
Proof Let = {G ∈ α(A)|F ⊆ G, G ∩C = ∅}. It is easy to F(y). Let = {F ∈ F(A)|y ∈ F, x ∈ / F}.
see that satisfies the conditions of Zorn’s lemma. Let P be F(y) ∈ and satisfies the conditions of Zorn’s
a maximal element of . Assume that x ∨ y ∈ P and neither lemma. Let P be the maximal element of . Let
x ∈
/ P nor y ∈ / P. By maximality of P, we have α(P, x) ∩ a ∨b ∈ P and a, b ∈ / P. So F(P, a), F(P, b) ∈ /
C = ∅ and α(P, y) ∩ C = ∅. Suppose ax ∈ α(P, x) ∩ C and this states that x ∈ F(P, a) ∩ F(P, b). By
and a y ∈ α(P, y) ∩ C. By Proposition 5.4(3), there exist Proposition 2.5(3) follows that x ∈ F(P, a) ∩
px , p y ∈ P and integers n, m such that ax ∈ ( px  x n )⊥⊥ F(P, b) = F(P, a ∨ b) = P and this leads us
and a y ∈ ( p y  y m )⊥⊥ . It follows that to a contradiction. Thus, P is a prime filter, and
this implies that x ∈ x ⊥⊥ = y ⊥⊥ ⊆ P, a contra-
ax ∨ a y ∈ ( px  x n )⊥⊥ ∩ ( p y  y m )⊥⊥ diction. 

= (( px  x n ) ∨ ( p y  y m ))⊥⊥
Remark 5 For the sake of more clarity of Proposition 5.10,
⊆ (( px ∨ p y )  ( px ∨ y m ))  (x n ∨ p y ) see Examples 4.5 and 5.2.
(x ∨ y)nm )⊥⊥
In the following proposition, we show that any coannihi-
⊆ P.
lator filter and any ω-filter is an α-filter.
It is a contradiction. So x ∈ P or y ∈ P and it shows that P Proposition 5.11 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following
is a prime filter. 
 assertions hold:

S. Rasouli

(1) (A) ⊆ α(A); (4)⇒(5): A is a dense element of α(A). Now, if F is a proper

(2) (A) ⊆ α(A). dense α-filter, then there exists a filter G = {1} such that
F ∩ G = {1} and this implies that G ⊆ F ⊥ = {1} due to
Proof (1): Let F ∈ (A) and x ∈ F. By Proposition 2.11, Proposition 2.11(1). So G = {1} and it is a contradiction.
we have x ⊥⊥ ⊆ F ⊥⊥ = F and this shows that F is an (5)⇒(1): It is trivial.
α-filter. Now, let A satisfy (1) and x ∈ A. Set F = x ⊥  x ⊥⊥ .
(2): Let F ∈ (A). So there exists a lattice ideal I of A such It implies that α(F)⊥ ⊆ x ⊥ ∩ x ⊥⊥ = {1} and it means
that F = ω(I ). Consider y ∈ F. So there exists x ∈ I that α(F) is a dense filter. So α(F) = A and it states that
such that y ∈ x ⊥ and it follows that x ∈ y ⊥ . Assume 0 ∈ α(F). It follows that y ⊥ = 1 for some element y ∈ F.
z ∈ y ⊥⊥ . Thus, y ⊥ ⊆ z ⊥ and it follows that x ∈ z ⊥ . So Hence, there exist a ∈ x ⊥ and b ∈ x ⊥⊥ such that a 
we observe that z ∈ x ⊥ ⊆ F. 
 b ≤ y. Therefore, a ⊥ ∩ b⊥ = {1} and it shows that a ⊥ ⊆
b⊥⊥ ⊆ x ⊥⊥ . On the other hand, a ∈ x ⊥ gives x ⊥⊥ ⊆
Corollary 5.12 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following a ⊥ . Combining both the inclusions follows that x ⊥⊥ = a ⊥ .
assertions hold: Hence, A is quasicomplemented. 

(1) Any non-dense prime filter is an α-filter; In the following proposition we give some equivalent con-
(2) any minimal prime filter is an α-filter. ditions for each α-filter to be an ω-filter.
Theorem 5.14 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following
Proof (1): It is an immediate consequence of Proposi- assertions are equivalent:
tion 2.16 and Proposition 5.11(1).
(2): It is an immediate consequence of Theorem 2.18 and (1) A is quasicomplemented;
Proposition 5.11(2). 
 (2) every α-filter is an ω-filter;
(3) every coannihilator is an ω-filter;
In the following proposition, we give some equivalent con- (4) For any x ∈ A, x ⊥⊥ is an ω-filter.
ditions for each α-filter to be a coannihilator.

Proposition 5.13 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following Proof (1)⇒(2): Let F be an α-filter and set I F = {a ∈
assertions are equivalent: A| f ⊥ ⊆ a ⊥⊥ , f or some f ∈ F}. It is obvious that
0 ∈ I F . Let a1 , a2 ∈ I F . So f 1⊥ ⊆ a1⊥⊥ and f 2⊥ ⊆ a2⊥⊥
for some f 1 , f 2 ∈ F. By Proposition 2.14 follows that
(1) Any proper α-filter is non-dense;
( f 1  f 2 )⊥ ⊆ (a1 ∨ a2 )⊥⊥ and it states that a1 ∨ a2 ∈ I F .
(2) any dense filter contains a dense element;
Now let a1 ≤ a2 and a2 ∈ I F . So there exists f ∈ F
(3) any α-filter is a coannihilator;
such that f ⊥ ⊆ a2⊥⊥ and on the other hand we have
(4) for any proper α-filter F, there exists a proper α-filter G
a2⊥⊥ ≤ a1⊥⊥ . Hence, we have f ⊥ ⊆ a1⊥⊥ and it means
such that F∩G = {1} (i.e., α(A) is semi-complemented);
that a1 ∈ I F . Thus, I F is a lattice ideal of A. Now, let
(5) α(A) has a unique dense element.
x ∈ ω(I F ). Consequently, x ∈ a ⊥ for some a ∈ I F and
so x ∈ f ⊥⊥ for some f ∈ F. Since F is an α-filter,
Moreover, any of the above assertions implies that A is qua- it follows that x ∈ F. Otherwise, let x ∈ F. Since A
sicomplemented. quasicomplemented, it follows that x ⊥⊥ = a ⊥ for some
a ∈ A. It means that a ∈ I F . Therefore, x ∈ x ⊥⊥ =
Proof (1)⇒(2): Let F be a dense filter of A. It implies that
a ⊥ ⊆ ω(I F ) and it shows that F ⊆ ω(I F ).
α(F) is a dense filter and it means that α(F) = A. Therefore,
(2)⇒(3): It is obvious, since any coannihilator is an α-
0 ∈ α(F) and it means that x ⊥ = 1 for some element x ∈ F.
(2)⇒(3): Let F be an α-filter. F, F ⊥ ⊆ F  F ⊥ and so
(3)⇒(4): It is obvious, since for any x ∈ A, x ⊥⊥ is a
(F  F ⊥ )⊥ ⊆ F ⊥ ∩ F ⊥⊥ = {1}. So F  F ⊥ is a dense
filter and so it contains a dense element. Assume that x is a
(4)⇒(1): Let x ∈ A. So there exists a lattice ideal I such
dense element in F  F ⊥ . So there exist a ∈ F and b ∈ F ⊥
that x ⊥⊥ = ω(I ). So x ∈ ω(I ) and it implies that x ∈ y ⊥
such that a  b ≤ x. It implies that a ⊥ ∩ b⊥ ⊆ x ⊥ = {1}
for some y ∈ I . Thus, x ⊥⊥ ⊆ y ⊥ ⊆ ω(I ) = x ⊥⊥ . 

and since a ⊥⊥ is the pseudocomplement of a ⊥ , it follows
that b⊥ ⊆ a ⊥⊥ ⊆ F as F is an α-filter. On the other hand, Lemma 5.15 Let F be a filter of a residuated lattice A. Then,
b ∈ F ⊥ implies that F ⊥⊥ ⊆ b⊥ and it states that F ⊥⊥ ⊆ F. α(F) is proper if and only if F contains no dense element.
The other inclusion is evident.
(3)⇒(4): Since the set of all coannihilators forms a Boolean Proof Let F ∩ d(A) = ∅. So there exists a dense element d
lattice, it follows that α(A) is semi-complemented. in F. By Proposition 5.4(1), we get that A = d ⊥⊥ ⊆ α(F)

Quasicomplemented residuated lattices

and it implies α(F) = A. Otherwise, if α(F) = A, then 0 ∈ Lemma 5.18 Let A be a residuated lattice, F be an α-filter
α(F). So there exists x ∈ F such that 0 ∈ x ⊥⊥ . Therefore, and a ∈ F. If for any prime α-filter P which contains a we
x ⊥ ⊆ 0⊥ = {1} and it means that x is a dense element.   have F ⊆ P, then F = α(a).

Lemma 5.16 Let A be a quasicomplemented residuated lat- Proof It is a direct consequence of Corollary 5.9(2). 

tice and P be a prime filter. The following assertions are Proposition 5.19 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following
equivalent: assertions are equivalent:

(1) P is an α-filter; (1) For any P ⊆ Specα (A) and any α-filter F, F ⊆ P
(2) P contains no dense element; implies F ⊆ P for some P ∈ P;
 any P ⊆ Specα (A) and any prime α-filter Q, Q ⊆
(3) P is minimal prime; (2) for
(4) P contains precisely one of x, y ∈ A such that x ⊥⊥ = P implies Q ⊆ P for some P ∈ P;
y⊥. (3) any prime α-filter is principal;
(4) any α-filter is principal.
Proof (1)⇒(2) follows by Lemma 5.15 and (2)⇒(3) follows
by Proposition 3.5(2). Proof (1)⇒(2): It is obvious.
(2)⇒(3): Let Q be a prime α-filter which is not principal.
(3)⇒(4): Let x and y be any pair of elements for which By Lemma 5.18, for any a ∈ Q there exists a
x ⊥⊥ = y ⊥ . Since x ∨ y = 1 and P is prime so either prime
 α-filter Pa such that Q  Pa . We have Q ⊆
x ∈ P or y ∈ P. Also, x ⊥ ∩ y ⊥ = {1} implies that {Pa |a ∈ Q} and so Q ⊆ Pa for some a ∈ Q, a
x ⊥ ⊆ P or y ⊥ ⊆ P. Now we can deduce the result by contradiction.
Theorem 2.18(3). (3)⇒(4): It is obvious that A is a principal α-filter. Set  be
(4)⇒(1): Let x ∈ P and y be an element such that x ⊥⊥ = the set of all proper non-principal α-filters of A.
y ⊥ . Since y ∈
/ P, y ⊥ ⊆ P and it shows that P is an α- Let  be not empty. In a routine way, we can show
 that  satisfies the conditions of Zorn’s lemma.
Let M be a maximal element of . Let a ∨ b ∈ M
and a, b ∈/ M. Thus, there exist x, y ∈ A such that
In the next corollary, we characterize the quasicomple-
α(M, a) = α(x) and α(M, b) = α(y). Applying
mented residuated lattice in terms of α-filters. This result
Proposition 5.4, it follows that M = α(x ∨ y), a
should be compared with Proposition 3.5.
contradiction. Thus, M is a prime α-filter and so it
Corollary 5.17 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following is principal, a contradiction. Hence,  = ∅ and it
assertions are equivalent: gets the result.
(4)⇒(1): Let F be an α-filter such that F ⊆ ∪P for some
(1) A is quasicomplemented; P ⊆ Specα (A). By hypothesis, F = α(a) for
(2) any prime α-filter is minimal prime; some a ∈ A. So there exists P ∈ P such that a ∈
(3) any proper α-filter is the intersection of minimal P. Hence, F ⊆ P and it proves the implication.  
prime filters; Lemma 5.20 If any coannulet of a residuated lattice is prin-
(4) any proper α-filter is contained in a minimal prime cipal, then any its prime α-filter is a minimal prime filter.
Proof Let P be a prime α-filter of A. By Proposition 5.6(2),
Proof (1)⇒(2) is followed by Proposition 3.5 and Lemma it is obvious that P has no any dense element. Let x ∈ P.
5.16, (2)⇒(3) is followed by Corollary 5.9(2) and (3)⇒(4) By hypothesis x ⊥ = F(y) for some y ∈ A. So we have
is obvious. (x  y)⊥ = x ⊥ ∩ y ⊥ = x ⊥ ∩ x ⊥⊥ = {1} and so x  y ∈ / P.
Hence, y ∈ / P and so x ∈ D(P). By Theorem 2.18, the result

(4)⇒(1): Let F be a filter such that F ∩ d(A) = ∅. By
Lemma 5.15, α(F) is proper and so it is contained in Proposition 5.21 Let A be a residuated lattice. The following
a minimal prime filter. It means that F is contained in assertions are equivalent:
a minimal prime filter. Hence, the result is followed by
Proposition 3.5(3). 
 (1) Any α-filter is principal;
(2) any ω-filter is principal;
We end this paper by deriving a set of equivalent assertions (3) any coannulet is principal and any minimal prime filter
for any α-filter of a residuated lattice to become principal. is non-dense;

S. Rasouli

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Acknowledgements The author is highly grateful to referees for their Algebra App 8(01):17–40
valuable comments and suggestions which were helpful in improving Pawar Y, Khopade S (2010) ‘α-ideals and annihilator ideals in 0-
this paper. distributive lattices’. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis
Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 49(1):63–74
Pawar Y, Mane D (1993) α-ideals in 0-distributive semilattices and o-
Compliance with ethical standards distributive lattices. Indian J Pure Appl Math 24(7–8):435–443
Rasouli S (2018) Generalized co-annihilators in residuated lattices. Ann
Univ Craiova-Math Comput Sci Ser 45(2):190–207
Conflict of interest The author declares that he has no conflict of inter- Rasouli S (2019) The going-up and going-down theorems in residuated
est. This article does not contain any studies with human participants lattices. Soft Comput 23(17):7621–7635.
or animals performed by any of the authors. s00500-019-03780-3
Rasouli S, Dehghani A (2018) The hull-kernel topology on residuated
lattices. arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.11510
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