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Christie Maggi

Ed 258

The Importance of Multicultural Education

Multicultural education has drastically transformed lately in the school systems. This form of

education can be defined as any form of education or teaching that involves the history, text and values of

a different background. Usually, this includes cultures of minorities. This type of education often

reinforces the removal of barriers to make sure that all students can be successful. The value of

introducing multicultural education is allowing other students to think deeply about everyone and feel

celebrated. With understanding the goals of multicultural education, finding ways to implement the new

way of educating and helping educators learn how to teach the new change students might have a brighter

future in understanding all different types of cultures.

With the use of multicultural education within schools teachers now have the ability to open

children’s eyes to all types of cultures. In an interview with Enid Lee, she unpacks the idea of

multicultural education and the importance to why we should teach this to students. Multicultural

education is often called “anti-racist” education from Enid Lee. She calls multicultural education or “anti

racist” education because it “addresses the histories and experiences of people who have been left out of

the curriculum.” (Pg 15) In Enid’s eyes it is important for educators to teach students more practices that

encompass people from all different cultures and not just the western world. Some of the goals that Enid

Lee mentions that comes with teaching students all cultures is that it allows students to open their minds

to other cultures. Enid Lee mentions that it may be hard to get all staff interested in changing the

education but opening up children’s mind to other cultures is extremely important. Gorski suggests that

one goal in integrating multicultural education is eliminate the equities in society and help change society

as a whole. Meaning that with the help of multicultural education our society can finally change to

become a fair and just place to live.

For educators wanting to open students eyes they must look for books and other resources in

order to teach the students well. Enid suggests that teachers should “look for the voice of people who are

frequently silenced.” (Pg 17) The educator must find literature that teaches students relevant topics on

other cultures. She also suggests that when implementing the material that teachers do not need to go out
of their way to spend loads of money on material. In fact, she suggests that teachers should encourage

their district for more funds to help allow the new material. Also, a good suggestion that Enid mentions is

that students should gain more information from family members. She mentions that children

grandparents may have more information on different life experiences and students can learn from family

though interviewing their grandparents.

In order to make multicultural education possible in schools there are a few things that need to

happen. Students, teachers and parents alike must all want to try and change the curriculum as a whole.

Teachers especially will need to do research in order to see how they can incorporate new curriculum into

their classrooms. Also, It would be important to have open conversations amongst the students about

multicultural education and why it is important to teach it. It may get a little uncomfortable; even Enid

suggests that some topics may be hard to hear and may make some white children feel guilty. She

mentions that even “if we don’t make it clear that some people benefit from racism, then we are being

dishonest.” (Pg 17) For this reason I feel that the only way to truly move forward and to change the topic

of multicultural education we must have those hard and uneasy conversations.

In conclusion, multicultural education can have a positive benefit to children. With implementing

the new curriculum children will have a better understanding of cultures that may not be mentioned as

often. With the help from writers such as Enid Lee educators now have the ability to learn how to help

their students learn about other cultures. As mentioned earlier it takes many people on board with the new

education shift - teacher, parents and students all must push to help the new change. With the new

guidance, teachers can finally educate their students about other cultures.


1. Multicultural Education Definition. (2013, August 29). Retrieved January 17, 2021, from https://

2. Rethinking Our Classrooms Vol 1 - Revised Edition: Wayne ... (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2021,


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