Chapter-1-Answer Mix With 2

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Chapter 1: Globalization Debates (Answer)

1. Globalization scholars do not agree on a common definition of globalization.

Identify and briefly explain those different definitions of globalization.
a. Internationalization:
 Global is simply another adjective to describe cross-border relations
between countries, and globalization designates a growth of international
exchange and interdependence.
 Role of nation state: state is main actor to play important in policy.
c. Liberalization:
 Globalization refers to a process of removing state-imposed restrictions
on movements between countries in order to create an open borderless
‘world economy.
 Economic liberty is main actor
d. Universalization:
 Globalization is the process of spreading various objects and experiences
to people at all corners of earth.
 Make the things to be the same base
e. Westernization (modernization):
 Globalization is spread of western thing in both values and objects. It is a
dynamic whereby the social structures of modernity are spread the world
over, normally destroying pre-existent cultures and local self-
determination in the process (capitalism, rationalism, industrialism,
bureaucratism, and individualism).
 Globalization is spread only from western.
f. Respatialization
 Globalization entails a reconfiguration of social geography with increased
transplanetary connections between people. (the change in social space
and people’s perception spaces)
 Because of the connection between trans-planetary and supra-territorial.

2. There is disagreement on the existence of globalization. Briefly explain this

The existence and scale of globalization
a. Globalists:
b. Contemporary social relations have become thoroughly globalized. It also tends to
regard globalization as the single most important fact of contemporary history.
c. Ultra-sceptics: the notion of globalization as myth. It views that global is not
always free bedside state and all global policy still make by state.
d. Third view: the world is globalization but it’s still processing.
3. There is also a lack of consensus on when globalization began. Briefly explain this
disagreement among globalization scholars.
The history of globalization
a. Old: globalization is old because base on recurrent trend cyclical. Cyclical trend
refers to the work as cycle process of state from 0 connection to first step to
second step until have full connection => and then become less and less until 0
connection. This period doesn’t know what time exactly (De-globalization).
b. Old: globalization have a long history but it in linear rather than cyclical term. It
was processing 15th until 19th, it takes off in middle of 19th century.
c. New: globalization has been entirely novel to present time. It only focus only on
new technologies (jet aero-plane and the computer network).
d. Old & New: globalization as the growth of trans-planetary and more particularly
supra-territorial social relation. Global connections have certain antecedents in
earlier centuries, but they have figured as pervasive, major aspect of social life
mainly since the middle of the twentieth century (some is old, some is new). New
connection is following from the old one.
e. Future course: first, 21st century will be globalization. Second, it will slow or stop
once it reaches a certain plateau. Third, it as a cyclical trend, so that the recent
phase of rising global relations is transient and will be succeeded by another
phase of decline. Fourth, future of de-globalization as consequence of nationalist
and localist opposition.

4. Globalization scholars do not agree on the causes of globalization? Briefly explain

the disagreement.
a. First, there is a disagreement between idealist and materialist. Idealist can refer to
social constructivist or post-modernist/post colonialist whereas the materialist can
refer to realist, liberalist, Marxist or social ecologist. For the idealist, it gives the
value to the mental forces like imagination, invention metaphor, identity and
ideology as the driving force of globalization. They believe that mind is the
powerful and abstract to create the global connection. Hence, the global
connection can be created or destroyed based on those identities or perceptions.
For instance, the reason why we join ASEAN because we view those countries as
friend. However, for the materialist, it focuses on the concrete factors like modern
technology, institutions like UN or WTO, law, policy, and other tangible things as
the driving force of globalization. The belief of materialist and idealist are
extreme toward one force.
b. Second, there is a disagreement between individualist and structuralist. The
individualist refers to the social actors, officials, business people, politicians and
so on, whereas structuralist refers to the structure or social order. For
individualist, globalization is not created by state or institution, but by everyone
or individual. It is based on whether people want to build these connections with
others. However, for the structuralist, globalization was created based on the
systems like economic, political, or social to whether it is socialism, capitalism, or
nationalism. If people stay is the wrong system, there will no global connection.
For example, there is no widespread of global connection in North Korea, but
there is, in South Korea. From this example, individualist cannot be used to
explain this situation.
c. Third, there is a disagreement between objectivist and subjectivist which focus on
the research methodology. For objectivist, they use the methods that tend to be
objective finding. Their finding normally is accurate and unchanged. They use the
quantitative methods where the findings are mostly reached the same outcome.
With objectivist, the finding must be made without the external influence. For
instance, with the Apple evolvement, objectivist view that is was developed due
to the profit based on statistic calculation. The objectivist is based on the outer
image like the materials resources, or economic growth. However, it was
criticized that the finding is not in-depth and comprehensive. For the subjectivist,
their finding can be varied and modified from time to time which does not require
the objective finding. Their conclusion may be logical today, but may be illogical
in the next 10 years, hence, it requires modification. For instance, the finding
based on interpretivist are in-depth and comprehensive to conduct the
understanding on driving forces of globalization. For example, Apple
development, it can be happened based on the background and idea of company
which cannot be explain by the number, but by the interview. Hence, the
subjectivist is based on the inner image including the idea of people.

5. Scholars do not agree on whether globalization causes the society to change

completely or remain the same (change vs continuity). Briefly explain this
a. First, in production aspect, in perspective of all-change thesis, it believes that the
mode of production is completely change. The mode of production refers to the
economic system like capitalism that is worldwide and popular. Capitalism is
about the privatization which is not control by state to determine the decision on
the business; private ownership where it cannot guarantee the equality and cause
the gap between rich and poor, economic moving forward because of the mass
manufacturing or mass production that cause the gain in profit and sale survival
because of consumer tendency to consume the product, otherwise the system will
be collapse. However, the globalization has changed this system based on two
groups. First, it changes the capitalism to the post-capitalism which it is no longer
depend on the mass production, but the knowledge on service of state as main
engine. For example, Singapore has facilitated the service to maintain the
economy. Second, it changes from capitalism to late capitalist to post capitalist
where the world currently stays at the late capitalist. This second group does not
agree with the first group that is new system is the post-capitalism, but it will be
happened in the future, in the perspective of the continuity thesis, it is based on
Marxist idea that focus on the nature of exploitation of capitalism that allow
human being to exploit human being which the capitalism is remained unchanged.
For the perspective of the change within continuity thesis, the main structure of
capitalism remains the same but there are some changes. The surplus accumulated
does not happen in the same way. Although they still produce and sell, the way
they make profit has changed. For instance, the Japanese car is not really made in
b. Second, in the governance aspect, the focus is on the power or
activities/mechanism to govern the issue which state is the main actor in dealing
with the issue through the regulation and enforcement. This is known as the statist
governance. There are 3 main indicators to see how the globalization changes the
statist governance including the state power, sovereignty and authority. For the
all change thesis, they view the state is becoming weaker and weaker which mean
their power is declining. Eventually, they will be lost all of their powers and
become death. As the result, governance will be ruled by other actors like IGOs,
and NGOs. For the continuity thesis, state is remained strong. For instance, UN
cannot be functioned without state influence. For the change within continuity
thesis, the statist governance is the multi-scale governance where the power of
state is done or assisted by others for governance. State will only remain alive but
not strong because the state is smart, knowledgeable on how to be adapted,
changed and flexible. However, they are not strong because it needs to depend on
c. Third, the identity aspect, it focuses on how people identify themselves. For the
optimistic view like homogenization, in the future, the globalization will be
homogenized or integrated into one identity. It will destroy other identity which is
inferior. For instance, in the future the western as the dominant identity will
destroy the Asian identity. For the extremist like heterogenization globalization
does not unite people, but make the different identity and diversity. There will be
a clash of civilization which is a war among the civilizations. They predict that
the world is not peaceful, globalization cannot make people understand each other
and accept each other identity but to diversify them. For the hybridization, the
identity will not be eliminated but to mix those identities. For instance, the
Cambodian identity is remained there, but there will be some changes which is
mix with other identity.
d. Fourth, for the knowledge aspect, it refers to the mode of knowledge or concept of
fact to extent of what is considered as a fact and how or why people accept it as a
fact. For the rationalism or rationale mode of knowledge, they make decision
based on the observation, fact and logic as the evidence to constitute the fact.
They believe in the scientific evidence. For instance, when people believe that the
world is flat or round, the rational people, will go the find the fact through
traveling to see whether it is round or flat rather to accept the fact without any
conducted experiment. However, for the religious mode of knowledge, people
will construct the fact based on the religion belief. For instance, asking the god or
superstition. The face is constructed based on the knowledge of authority or the
head of people like bible, monk, king and others. They do not conduct the
experiment or scientific evidence to construct the fact. Globalization has changed
the mode of knowledge into 3 trends. First, they believe that there is a change
from the religious mode of knowledge to rationalism when people are exposed to
the outside world. Second, there may change from religious mode to rational
mode and back to the religious mode. For instance, ISIS and Al-Qaida, they
conduce the bomb suicide; they convince people to join based on the religious
belied. Because of the bad impact of globalization, it makes people no longer
accept the globalization and diverse to the religious belief. Third, there is a
reflexive rationalism. it believes that people will reflect themselves on the rational
that you have made or we called it as the self-critical.

6. Briefly explain the disagreement on the impacts of globalization on security,

equality and democracy.
a. For security, there are two type of security including traditional and non-
traditional. Traditional security refers to the absence of the threat of invasion from
other states. It focuses on the state and war protection. For instance, North Korea
has developed the nuclear program to ensure the traditional security. However,
non-traditional security refers to the absence of the threat to people lives and it
focuses on human-centric or human security. For example, economic issues like
unemployment, poverty, livelihood; social issues like discrimination, no social
infrastructure; political issues like no freedom of expression. The globalization
gives both positive and negative impact. It can enhance the physical security
like UN to maintain the peace and security. It created the joint efforts on
economic and environmental integration. However, it may also increase the
violence like terrorism, environmental disaster like pollution from the
increase in global production change, economic crisis that the crisis is
interdependence like 1997 Asian financial crisis. It also helps to safeguard your
identity through exposing to the world whereas it can also destroy the culture
when people start to adopt other cultures.
b. For equality, the state has more equal voice like in UNGA, one state, one vote.
However, it also has some inequality like in UNSC and World Bank. Moreover,
only the powerful state can impose the sanction to small state. For gender,
globalization raise the gender equality through raising the awareness and provide
more opportunity for women. However, there is still some gender equality in
some society. For geographical, the globalization brings people closer and have
same access, but it only in some states and to some area. For instance, rural
people have less opportunity than in the urban.
c. For democracy, it refers standard that constitute the democracy. If it looks into
few aspects like election, the democratization is increasing where it is more
popular participation. The globalization empowers people to voice their concern
to put the pressure on government through the IGOs, NGOs, or social media.
However, if the standard is high to which it also needs the people to have power
in ruling the state, not the elite, the democracy is problematic. It will lead to the
fake democracy where the power is only on the small elite not the people, for
instance, Myanmar. Most of the democracy is not the real democracy since the
election is only created to manipulate the people. Moreover, it also decreases
democracy among the states. There is no democracy in the institution. For
instance, in the IMF, it allows people to borrow the money in one condition is to
follow their policy. That policy is only set by few powerful states. Hence, the
globalization empowered to ruling elite or state not to people.

7. What are the different policies adopted towards globalization? Which one is the
most and least popular? Why?
a. Neoliberalism
 Globalization should be approached with large scale removal of official
interventions in the market, especially through processes of liberalization,
deregulation, privatization and fiscal constraints (more freedom for market
and government little control).
 For deregulation, there should be the removal of various state controls (on
prices, wages and foreign exchange rates).
 For privatization, a major contraction of state ownership of productive
assets and a transfer of many service provisions from government agencies
to the private sectors.
 For fiscal constraint, it has demanded tight controls on government
spending in order to limit public-sector debt and reduce tax rates.
(favorable = globalization)
b. Rejectionism (Isolation policy)
 De-globalization has come in diverse forms; economic nationalism, religious revivalism
and radical environmentalism.
 Economic nationalists have put the emphasis on reestablishing self-
determination of countries by delinking them from global economic
activities (enjoy on what state already has, not on outside state).
 Religious revivalists among some Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews and
Muslims have prescribed going local to retrieve the original beliefs and
practices of their faith (Globalization destroy the good religious).
 Radical environmentalism: “deep green” ecologists have aimed to restore
pre-modern respect of and harmony with nature through self-sufficient
local communities.
c. Reformism
 Reform policy is similar neoliberalist policy that reform and correct
something wrong or inequality on globalization.
 Example:
1. Anti-trust measures: Government need to control some
globalization because other will compete with the government.
2. Anti-dumping measures: the competition between challenger like
discount for customer to against other company.
3. Minimum wage: government should control how much wage that
people should receive.
d. Transformation
 It treats the emergence of a more global world as an occasion to create a
thoroughly different society.
 Transformists do not seek only to produce new laws and institutions that
make the existing social order work better.
 It does not want to back the history but just move on to the news transform
society. Example: New social structure and new society

Chapter 2: defining globalization

1. When did the term(globalization) become popular? Briefly illustrate the popularity
of the term (globalization).
 It’s started from 15th century that use words Globe from Latin globus in English
language. After that in the late 17th century they started to use words in Global term.
As well as, in 1940s the words of globalize and globalism are appeared. So, 1959 the
words globalization started surfaced in the English language, and after that in 1961 it
entered a dictionary. In late 20th century (1980s) the globalization become famous
because many article use it many time, every time as well as everywhere.

2. Why is a clear and precise definition of globalization necessary? What are the
criteria of meaningful definition? Briefly explain.
 Sometimes, people known about it definition, not meaning. So it necessary because
definition can affect our knowledge and our understanding, as well as knowledge and
understanding can shape policies behaviors and outcomes. So, definition can involve into
polices which would shape state action.
 If their definition (positive): it can make their economic more increasing, peace, security,
trade and cooperation keep growing.
 However, if their definition(negative): it can have led state face many issues such as
terrorism, genocide, ethic issues and so on.
 So, we need to be careful about definition.
But how to choose a good definition?
 There are 5 criteria of a good definition:
1. It serves to advance new knowledge
2. It should be as neutral as possible
3. It is relative to a context
4. It is not fixed, definition
5. It is clear, precise, explicit, consistent and cogent.
1. It serves to advance new knowledge: it referred to open for finding something new, new
term, but if it’s a new term it will explain something new also. Actually, some definition
uses a new term but their phenomenon is still the same. Eg, liberalization: past promote
cooperation and it still keep those concepts till nowadays. It meant that there is nth new
in liberalization term.
2. It should be as neutral as possible: but nth in this world is stay neutral, as well as
definition will biases.
3. It is relative to context: if it is a modern context, definition will in the modern time while
context can not stay forever.
4. It not fixed, definition: actually, definition will change from time to time.
5. It is clear, explicit, consistent and cogent: it need support from empirical evidence, it not
refers to imagine but really existed (eg, those connect must be exist).

3. What are the weakness of the following definition of(globalization)?

 Globalization is internationalization:
Bias: they did not stay neutral, actually they focused only rule of state not
individual actors.
 Redundant: there is nothing new. They just talking about the relation btw states
while this action happened for a long time.
 Globalization is liberalization:
 Bias: its talking only economic
 Redundant: just clamed about the trade relation among states, and cus of those
action can make state economic more increasing while its happened ready in the
 Globalization is universalization:
 Bias: favor to dominant the culture to the world.
 Redundant: actually, universalization is talking about the spread same thing
among states. For instance, spread such as cultural, economic while those thing
happened for a long time.
 Globalization is westernization:
 Bias: just focused only the western culture spread to around the world.
 Redundant: The spread of western culture ready use since colony period.

4. What is the 5th definition of globalization? Why does the author argue that this
definition is the best of all? Briefly explain.
It’s the Respatialization: is the spread of transplanetary and supraterrriorial. Actually,
Respatialization is the space in order to make our perspective to define the word of
The author argue that this definition is the best of all cus:
 New knowledge: just we known that in the past we still have a travel but currently travel
is much better rather than before. Ex, airplane, bus….
 Not bias: they did not refer to economic, or political term, they just stay in neutral.
 Not fix: actually, nowadays we use technology in order to connected with one another
while in the future those technologies will more develop than today.
 Cogent: they ready have an evidence that those connected are ready existed.

5. Briefly explain the differences between (global) and (world, international,


Actually, world, international and transnational is a connect but it did not have meaning
as globalization.
 International: it a relation btw state with other state while their border still exists.
 Transnational: just relation among 2 states.
 World: There are 2 meaning of the word world; 1. World as the whole. 2. World
connect with different world. Ex china, they claimed that outside of china is the
barbarian world.
6.idenify and briefly explain various instances of globality in the contemporary area.
The character of globalization as the spread of transplanetary connections and it also include
supraterritoral. So, globality can touch pretty well in all aspects in social life. Actually, the great
ideas of globality is showing through:
 Communication: currently, everyone using internet in order to share information,
talking, discussion or can video call with who is far from them. So, because of internet
news can spread around the world. Moreover, phone in nowadays are more update so
everyone can easy to connected with one another faster and quickly. As well as, because
of globality can create the express postal services, it meant that we can easy buy the
product from other country. For instance, if u want to buy the product from US, u not
need to go to US directly just buy it through app and so on.
 Travel: other of globality create in the transplanetary movement of people. Well, the
mode of transport in the world more improve such as increase of ship, airplane, train,
bus and so on. But sometimes they travel of migrant, tourism, or refugees.
 Productions: many productions are going to competition and sold through global market,
for instance as coca, Nike or Toyota.
 Money: because of global communication, travel from one state to other state, production
more competition in global market all of those are linked to global money. For example,
US dollar, Japanese yen, the British pound those of all money are much more than
national currencies. Because the way that product move as the money move to other.
Moreover, bank card with access to global ATM networks. So, it meant that their money
more connected from states around the world.
 Finance: As we known that banking provide load to everyone and there is no
discriminate from who they are or where they leave, as well as, globality was created the
securities market to everyone that make them easy to gain more profits while they sell,
or buy stock, security, bond and so on.
 Organization: nowadays, associations are coordinate the activities of individual spread
across the planet. And there are many actors in the global organization such as MNCs
(private), state-sponsor and non-state. Actually, as we can see the activities of state-
sponsor such as UN, WTO, IMF and UNESCO that those of them are extend across the
planet. And for non-state actors as NGOs or CS group those of them are more
cooperation across the planet either.
 Military: In military part it divided it into 2 part: 1, global weapon: actually, the
weapon keep ability to attack everyone and every targets. 2, global campaign is referring
to military campaign, it meant that how u expand military to other states. For ex, UN
about the military campaign as we can see that they spread the peace-keeping in order to
expand military to other states in order to keep the conflict or issues, as well as if we refer
to state military campaign, it meant that state try to expand the military around the world.
For instance, as US try to expand the military to other states.
 Ecology: it refers to global warming, global cooperation and global environment
pollution. For ecology part, it has a both of positive and negative point. So, for positive
point it meant that state and non-state increase of cooperation and its increase meeting
among states in order to discuss among states or find any solutions that they faced.
However, for negative point, it refers to the pollution that effect from another states. Such
as global environment pollution as we can see the haze pollution from Indonesia it will
spread affect to other country as SG, Malaysia and so on. So, it made other country need
to come together in order to solution those issues while it will face many challenge in
those issues cus sometime state need to protect their own national interest.
 Health: for the positive point, it made the world become more connection as the global
cooperation and global health crisis that they need to come together in order to solution
the problems. However, for negative connections it will spread disease from one area to
other. EX, the disease from Africa spread to Asia.
 Law: it refers to the global law that this law will applies across the world such as the UN
 Consciousness: as the global view: it wants to create the global languages in order to
use as the global (spounish) while it failed and it also refer to global symbol/event, it
refer to activities as the global such as world-cup or Olympic game. Moreover, it also
stated about the global thinking/view. For instance, they will think the world are the one,
they care about other state as the WHO (help all the states).
7.briefly explain the major qualification to the 5th definition of globalization? (what
cautions need to be taken when the 5th notion of globalization is applied?
Actually, when the 5 th notion of globalization is applied it is crucial reject the following six
1. Globalism: they think that the world currently is globalized while it meant that the border
become less as well as they can easy to communicate across the nation. But, it the mis-
understanding cus of many reasons: eg, flight to anywhere still need to go to airport. And
territory is still matter to some extent.
2. Reification: actually, they want to make global, regional, nation, local more separate
from other, it meant that they want to make it clear during their space from one to another
one. Meanwhile, in the social world we can not separate it far away cus we can not
clearly define among it. Eg, SUMSUNG production, we can not define it as local or
global product.
3. Global/ local binaries: global can considers as the enemy of local cus local think itself
always good while they stated that global are bad. So, both of local and global did not
have a global of think
4. Cultural homogenization: people believe that they have the same of identity. Well, it will
become of Mis-understanding cus in some context will understand based on their own
identity. According to the authors, they stated that globalized will make state become
same identity but also different from another it can called (hybrid-identity). Actually, in
the globalization will divided by 2 part: globalized and localized. For globalized it meant
that we try to change something in order to fit with another. Ex, food btw Islamic and
china. And localized refers to we need to make it same faction for other. Ex, phone for
western, Asia, and Africa.
5. Universality: it refers to same planet same of equality. Eg, rural and urban area they will
get same rights to get global, and connected but in reality it not cus it still unequal btw
rural and urban area.
6. Political neutrality: in the world there is nothing stay neutral. Eg, some group think that
they will gain benefit from competition cus they think that both of transplanetary and
supraterrriorial stay in neutral but it the reality it is not all cus it’s can give more benefit
to one group rather than other.

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