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AO 482 : Flight Against Gravity_study materials

Note: The materials given below are only indicative and strictly for the prescribed syllabus from
an exam point of view. You can refer any material or sources or text books of your choice.

Module 1 & 2

Historical Developments in Aeronautical Activities: Early air vehicles: Balloons:– Chapter 1

Introduction to Flight J D Anderson (attached here)

Biplanes and Monoplanes: – see the attached pdf

Helicopters; Developments in aerodynamics, aircraft materials, aircraft structures & aircraft

propulsion: - see the attached pdf

Aircraft Configurations: Different types of flight vehicles and their classifications : refer
materials available on internet

Components of fixed wing airplane and functions : see the first three chapters from Understanding
Flight (attached here),Also see relevant portions from chapter 5 Introduction to Flight J D Anderson
(attached here)

Airfoils, wings and other shapes : : see the first three chapters from Understanding Flight
(attached here),Also see relevant portions from chapter 5 Introduction to Flight J D Anderson
(attached here)

Module 3 & 4
Principles of atmospheric flight: Physical properties and structure of atmosphere: see the
attached pdf file
The standard atmosphere; temperature, pressure and altitude relationships: see up to
article 3.4, chapter 3 Introduction to flight (attached here)
Evolution of theory of lift and drag: see chapter 2 from understanding flight.
Maneuvers: chapter 7 understanding Flight. Also see the attached pdf
Concepts of stability and control: see up to article 7.5, chapter 7 Introduction to Flight J D
Anderson (attached here)

Introduction to space flight; upper atmosphere: see the attached pdf file
Space vehicle trajectories, Keplers Laws: up to article 8.6, chapter 8, Introduction to Flight J D
Anderson (attached here) (No derivations)
Module 5 & 6

Introduction to aircraft structures and materials: chapter 10 Introduction to Flight J D

Anderson (attached here),Also see the attached pdf files.

Power plants used in airplanes : upto article 9.7 ,chapter 9 (only description , no derivations)
Introduction to Flight J D Anderson (attached here),Also see chapter 5 Understanding Flight

Principle of operation of Rockets : article 9.8 to 9.10 ,chapter 9 (only description , no

derivations) Introduction to Flight J D Anderson (attached here). Also refer material available
from internet.
Exploration into space : refer internet , read about Indian space programs

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