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2 Treating Viruses
Write all things in red, sequentially in your notebook

EQ1: What role do VACCINES and your IMMUNE SYSTEM play in the prevention, contraction
and spread of viruses?
EQ2: How can humans use viruses to their benefit?

Types of Viruses
DNA Viruses (Herpes, Papilloma, warts, Poxes)
• ~30% of viruses
• Contain only DNA for genetic material
• DNA disables Cell’s DNA; Viral DNA goes through regular protein synthesis (DNA copied by mRNA,
mRNA delivers message to a Ribosome which assembles amino acids into proteins, which make virus

RNA Viruses (influenza, colds, measles, rabies, polio, HIV)

• ~70% of viruses (including the flu)
• Contain only RNA for genetic material
• Sometimes called retroviruses (retro = reverse; retrovirus RNA is first turned into DNA which is then
copied by the cell’s mRNA)
• More likely to mutate - more opportunity for mutations when it has to convert from RNA to DNA and
back to RNA(which is why the flu vaccine contains 3-4 strains/types of flu virus)

Treating Viral Infections

• Once infected, only the body’s immune system can destroy viruses; if this doesn’t happen, death will
likely occur. We can, however, attempt to alleviate symptoms.
• One of the body’s best defenses against viruses: FEVER Specific viruses can only exist at specific
temperatures; if the temperature changes, the virus is often destroyed.
• Some cold-blooded animals will create a “behavioral fever” by going to warmer locations
• Remember that the development of a fever is POSTIVE FEEDBACK because the rising temperature is
moving the body AWAY from normal

• Antibiotics don’t work

• Antibiotics target specific LIVING cells (bacteria), and viruses are not made of cells
• Prevention is the only weapon we have
• Take steps to decrease spread or…
• Vaccines
▪ Attenuated (harmless parts, weakened or inactivated) viruses are introduced to the body to
stimulate an immune response. The body makes immune cells and antibodies that “tag” the
real virus if it ever shows up.

1. Attenuated form of
the virus is introduced

3. If the actual virus

shows up, the pre-made
out to mark them for
destruction (memory)
2. The immune system
specific to the
weakened virus


Edward Jenner
• Invented the first vaccine (1796)
• WATCH THIS – How we conquered the smallpox virus
• Used cowpox pus from an infected milkmaid to create a vaccine against smallpox
• Experimented on his gardener’s 8 year-old son; the boy developed a fever but was immune to smallpox
How Can We Utilize Viruses?

Genetic Engineering – Manipulating genes to our benefit

• Viruses are used as taxis

• Viruses targeting specific cells are “loaded up” with “good” genes
• When the cell is infected by the virus, it drops off the “good” genes &
incorporated into the cell’s DNA (which directs protein synthesis)
• Cell is not destroyed by the virus
• Every time the cell divides, the inserted genes are replicated and
passed down

Cancer Vaccines
The Future of Antibodies in treating diseases
Agriculture Released in the environment to attack the cells of pests
Eg. Viruses specific to crop-eating bugs are sprayed on plants
Used for producing stripes and bright colors in flowers

Cells have the color break virus

Cells do no not have the

color break virus

1. Answer the EQs and update your notebook

2. Complete the following new vocabulary terms: (7) Vaccine, (8) Edward Jenner,
(9) Genetic engineering, (10) Cancer Vaccine

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