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Our mission is to combine technology and lifestyle to make
customer life enriched and easier.

Our vision is to be the most preferred Data Service Provider
for the best customer experience.

• Satisfy our customers with innovative technology and
superior quality, value and service.
• Convert key trends into best products and services
• Act with uncompromising honesty and integrity in
everything we do.
• Passionate about the job we do so that we come to work
every day with ideas about how to make a difference. We
do not forget that passion is contagious.
• Always have positive attitude.

• Professionalism
• Openness
• Cooperation
• High quality services
• Customer focused
ALBtelecom in numbers

Key Indicators 2013 2014

Total Assets (EUR million) 219.82 206.83
Consolidated Income (EUR million) 84.20 75.76
EBITDA (EUR million) 18.40 10.02

EBITDA (EUR million)

200 Consolidated Income (EUR million)

Total Assets (EUR million)




Year 2013 Year 2014

Active Subscribers 2013 2014

Total Active Subscribers 633.493 609.090
Fixed 209.256 177.318
xDSL 64.068
IPTV 15.118
Voice 138.429 98.132
Mobile 424.237 431.772

500 IPTV

400 xDSL
300 Fixed
Total Active Subscribers
Year 2013 Year 2014

Active Subscribers Market Share 2013 2014
Fixed Voice 75% 74%
Fixed Broadband 40% 40%
Mobile 12% 13%


Fixed Broadband

Fixed Voice

Year 2013 Year 2014


As at 31 December 2014 No. Of Shares (000) Values (000 EUR) %

ALBTelecom 15.000 108.727 100%
CETEL (Calik 80%, Turk
11.400 82.633 76%
Telecom 20%)
Ministry of Economy,
Transport and Energy 2.515 18.232 17%
Albanian Post 450 3.262 3%
Other Shareholders 635 4.061 4%

Other Shareholders
500 Albanian Post

400 Ministry of Economy, Transport and Energy (METE)

CETEL (Calik 80%, Turk Telecom 20%)
No. Of Shares (000) Values (000 EUR)
In %

ALBtelecom Shareholding Structure




16 ,7 %
4 ,2%

76% Cetel Telekom İletişim Sanayi
ve Ticaret Anonim Şirket

16.7% Ministry of Economic

Development, Trade &

3% Albanian Post sh.a.

4,2% Others

76 percent of ALBtelecom shares is owned by CETEL a.s. in Ankara, and by the

Albanian Government and other shareholders (24 percent). CETEL a.s. itself is
owned by one of the biggest companies in Turkey, Çalik Group, with 80 percent of
the shares and by Turk Telekom, with 20 per cent of the shares, turning this into a
successful entrepreneurship.

Çalik Group

Mr. Ahmet Çalık
President of Çalık Holding


Established by the initiatives taken in 1981 by Ahmet Çalık, a member of Çalık
family engaged in trade activities since the 1930s, Çalık Holding currently
operates in sectors of energy, telecom, textile, construction, finance and
One of the largest industrial enterprises in Turkey, Çalık Holding employs
about 24,000 people in 17 countries. The Group conducts businesses in
Central Asia, Balkans, Middle East and Africa as one of the leading Turkish
investors with around 7.5 billion USD of annual consolidated asset size.

Çalik Group

Achieving consistent growth both in Turkey and in the mining sector, increased its share in
other countries of activity since its foundation, Polimetal Madencilik, its joint venture with
the Group acquired ALBtelecom, the Albanian Alacer Gold from 50 percent to 80 percent in
fixed line operator and internet provider 2013,.
in 2007; Yeşilırmak Electricity Distribution
During the same year, the gold production
Company -YEDAŞ, electricity distributer for 5
in the Çöpler Gold Mine, owned by Anagold,
provinces in Turkey in 2010; Kosovo Electricity
an affiliate of Lidya Madencilik, exceeded
Distribution Company in 2012; and lastly ARAS
270,000 ounces by a 43 percent increase over
EDAŞ, a company operating in 7 provinces in
the previous year.
Carrying out its projects with an innovative
Çalık Holding's Energy Group became one of
and sustainable business approach, Aktif Bank
the preferred companies in countries with rich
established Aktif Bank Sukuk Varlık Kiralama
energy reserves such as Central Asia, Middle
A.Ş. in 2013 for the purpose of issuing lease
East, and Africa, and sustained its business
certificates. Aktif Bank surpassed global
portfolio in 2013 thanks to its reliability in
giants and was given the grand prize for
the global energy sector and its business
its "Aktif Nokta" project in the "Physical
mentality differentiating the Group from its
Distribution Channels" category during
the event held by the European Financial
Çalık Enerji continued the construction of three Management and Marketing Association
power plants which started in Turkmenistan's (EFMA).
Ahal, Lebap, Mari provinces in 2013 and
BKT, a Çalık Holding Company operating
signed a contract for two additional power
in Albania and Kosovo, was recognized for
plants in Ahal and Derweze. The Company
the third time in the last four years as "The
positioned itself as the largest EPC Contractor
Best Bank" by The Banker, one of the most
in Georgia with the Gardabani project in 2013
prestigious magazines on international
and completed two power plants with a total
financial markets.
capacity of 2000-MW in Iraq during the same
year. The Adacami HEPP Project in Rize was On the other hand, the Group sold its shares
also completed in 2013. in Turkuvaz Media Group as part of its
strategy to focus on main fields of business.
Gap İnşaat undertook the EPC contract of the
"Turkmenbashi International Sea Port" which is Recognized for its prestige, reliability and
designed as a logistics hub for the route from strong financial structure demonstrated
Asia to Europe consisting of 6 ports and one by continuous activities across different
shipyard with a project value of 1.5 billion USD. geographies in the world, Çalık Holding
Çalık Gayrimenkul, property development collaborates with major companies on an
and urban renewal Company of Çalık Group, international level. The Group stands out
received the grand prize for "Tarlabaşı 360" in as a leading and powerful player in its main
"Urban Renewal" category at the "European sectors of focus thanks to its long-established
Property Awards 2013", the most prestigious corporate structure, rich company culture,
real estate awards ceremony in Europe. highly qualified human resource, pioneering
initiatives, innovative approaches and
Delivering operations in line with growth
accurate strategies, and continues to
strategies proven to be effective, Lidya
operate in all business fields aligned with its
Madencilik, a Çalık Holding Company operating
sustainable growth target.

Türk Telekom


Türk Telekom, Turkey’s leading communication and convergence technology group,
offers integrated telecommunication services from fixed voice and GSM to broadband.
Türk Telekom owns a 100% shares in broadband provider TTNET; the convergence
technologies company Argela, IT solution provider Innova, online education company
Sebit, call center company AssisTT, wholesale data and capacity service provider Türk
Telekom International AT AG, and its subsidiaries, and  a 89.99% shares of Avea, one of
the three mobile operators in Turkey.
55% of Türk Telekom shares belong to Oger Telekomünikasyon AŞ and 30% of shares
belong to Turkish Republic Prime Ministry Under-secretariat of Treasury. The remaining
15% is publicly traded. Türk Telekom shares are traded at Istanbul Stock Exchange as of
May 2008.
Türk Telekom’s consolidated investment has exceeded 17.3 billion TL since 2005, and
with its investments, Türk Telekom continues to create value for the economy, its
customers and the society. 

Company Telecommunication Milestones
December 5 The Ministry of Post Telegraph Telephones
was established.

The first manual telephone central office with 200 numbers is


A new automatic departmental telephone central with 150

1930 numbers and cable network restricted only for the connection of
ministries and other central institutions is added to Tirana.

The first public telephone central is mounted in Tirana with 800

numbers; teletype devices are mounted in several districts of the
1947 e country and the first course is opened with the best technicians
of the time.

4000 numbers are added to the Tirana central and new automatic
centrals are mounted in the main cities of the country like Shkodra,
1955 - 1960 Gjirokastra, Korça, etc. a process which finishes in all cities and
districts of the country in 1983.

The telephone connection of all the villages in the country is

December 3 1973 completed, a system mainly based on air lines and in some areas
on cable network.

The first automatic telegraph central is set into operation,

containing 200 numbers, crossbar technology, produced by
1978 Ericsson and ensured entrance of telegraph offices into Gentex
automatic transmission, later to be upgraded by the telex
electronic central of the French production Sagem.

The first two digital local centrals, produced by “Italtel”, are set
1990 into operation in Tirana (3000 numbers) and in Durres (2000

“Telekomi Shqiptar” is established as a state enterprise providing

1992 telecommunications services to fixed network.

“Telekomi Shqiptar” signs contracts with the company Alcatel for

installing 66 thousand telephone numbers, and with the company
1994 Sirti for the construction of the interurban transmission network,
based on the SDH technology with optical fibers and radio relay.

Albania became part of a fiber optic network: Germany-Austria-
1996 Croatia –Albania –Greece.

Posta Shqiptare sh.a. and ALBtelecom sh.a. became joint stock


ALBtelecom is granted the license for the third GSM operator:

March 2004 “Eagle Mobile”.

2007 Çalik Holding and Turk Telecom acquire 76% of ALBtelecom shares.

The third mobile telephony operator Eagle Mobile starts

March 2008 operation. Eagle Mobile reaches 97.8 % population coverage and
90.8% territory coverage.

International access through international fiber optics. Over

2010 10GB/s transmitted by the fiber system in all directions.

2.000 km fiber optics installed through backbone system

2011 throughout Albania.

Completion of technological transformation to ensure high speed

2012 broadband data through Xdsl. Development of CISCO technology
central network.

“Eagle Mobile” is granted the third individual authorization for the

December 17 2012 provision of 3G services.

• ALBtelecom and Eagle Mobile merged in one company,

• Fiber extension to urban areas (Fiber to Home);
2013 • Launch of 3G service through fiber connections;
• Wi-Fi offered in urban areas

• March - Launch of VDSL

• April - ALBtelecom and Eagle Mobile introduced the new
unified brand to the public in amaranth color and the new
2014 image of the company.
• April - ALBtelecom and Eagle Mobile launched IPTV services,
becoming thus the first company in Albania able to provide
converged fixed telephony, broadband Internet, mobile and
TV services.

Board of ALBtelecom

Giuseppe Farina
Chairman of the Board
of ALBtelecom

Mehmet Ertuğrul Gürler Rami Aslan

Member Member

Erkan Serbülent Tabak Mahmut Can Çalık
Member Member

Tahsin Yılmaz Frederik Seiti

Member Member

Management team of ALBtelecom

Ayse Özden Burak Yurtsever

Chief of Corporate Chief of Finance Group
Services Group

Indrit Daci Murat Çakmak

Chief of Consumer Chief of
Business Group Technology Group

Erjola Hoxha
Head of Marketing Communication

Ervin Shpori Floreta Zhulali
Chief of Legal Regulation and Chief of Enterprise
Competition Group Business Group

Vahap Yeroğlu
Chief of
IT Group

Irida Bonati Alban Tartari

Head of Human Resources Head of Public Relations
Division Division

Chairman’s Message
2014, another successful year for ALBtelecom, the only company providing on a national level
fixed and mobile telephony services, high speed internet and TV. We have the biggest fiber optic
infrastructure in the country, the highest number of WI-FI hot spots and great mobile coverage.

ALBtelecom is a telecommunications giant. strategic vision as “To be the most preferred

A 103 years old giant who is getting younger data service provider for the best customer
and more dynamic each year. experience.”
We are the only company providing on a In line with our social responsibility, we
national level fixed and mobile telephony are working with educational and health
services, high speed internet and TV. Our aim institutions as well as State Social Services to
is to continuously improve the life quality of support Children’s Home in different cities.
Albanian people and make communication So we care, work and spend our energy for
simpler for the society by the means of high Albania.
quality, European standard products, best
As we look into the future, we are inspired
customer care and ‘one stop shop’ experience.
by the opportunities in front of us. The
As ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile, we work with core advantages we have as a strong
the best telecommunications partners in the telecommunication company will facilitate
World and each year we invest millions of the challenges deriving from the highly
euro for our infrastructure and the newest competitive market we are operating in. The
technologies to provide world-class services way we do business, fairly and with integrity
to our customers. IPTV service launched in all levels of organization, sets us apart
nation-wide in 2014 and 4G-LTE network to in the marketplace, while strong corporate
be live in September 2015 are two recent governance and business ethics, are our
examples of our vision and strategy. priority.
In terms of data usage and smart phone in 2015 and the years that follow ALBtelecom
penetration, we see a long way to go therefore will continue to pursue its growth and
a big opportunity in Albania. In a very near development.
future, we expect a steady increase both in
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity
fixed and mobile data usage. We are technically
to express, personally and on behalf of the
and commercially ready for this future shaped
Board of Directors, my sincerest appreciation
around data. We have the biggest fiber optic
to our loyal and prospective customers,
infrastructure in the country, the highest
our employees, and our stakeholders for
number of Wi-Fi hot spots and great mobile
accompanying us on this journey.
coverage. We have also recently updated our



CEO’s message
2014 witnesses very positive results for ALBtelecom, since our fixed and mobile businesses are
positive EBITDA operations. In mobile revenue, our Year-to-date growth compared with 2013 is
over 17%. In fixed voice and broadband with 77% and 40% of market share respectively, we are by
far the leading operator. We successfully launched ALBtv, our IPTV product.

2014 was a successful year for ALBtelecom & we are able to maintain our fixed subscriber
Eagle Mobile. Our good performance on all base thanks to our international minutes
areas of the business has already started to and high speed internet offering. Only by
reflect in our financials and this positive trend paying the fixed fee, our fixed subscribers
and our growth still continue. can enjoy the best broadband experience by
ALBtelecom. In terms of revenue, we kept
We have started a “U” turn in 2013 and by
the steady growth on broadband which has
the end of 2014 I can happily say that both
already started to fuel more with the launch
ALBtelecom and Eagle Mobile, our fixed
of IPTV.
and mobile businesses, are positive EBITDA
operations. This year, we successfully launched ALBtv,
our IPTV product. It simplifies the life of
In mobile revenue, our Year-to-date growth
the customer with single postpaid bill for
compared to 2013 is over 17%. This is an
TV, high speed broadband access and fixed-
excellent increase especially in such a highly
line packaged in a single value for money.
competitive environment. Our monthly top-
As ALBtelecom, we invested a lot to bring
up recharges are in average 30% higher
advanced IPTV technology to Albanian
compared to the same period of the previous
people to replace old-fashioned television
year. Our mobile market share has reached
broadcasting. I would like to thank all our
15% and continues to increase steadily.
subscribers who showed a record interest and
So I should say I am very proud of the
demand for ALBtv.
performance of our mobile business. With
our 4G-LTE service to be live in September Additionally, taking advantage of our Next-
2015, we will start offering the latest mobile Generation Network, we launched for the
technology to our subscribers, which will also first time  in the market VDSL services for
help our subscriber number, market share and fixed internet access for speeds more than
profitability to increase even further. 100 mbps. Our Wi-Fi service has reached
200 hotspots at the end of 2014. Our mobile
As ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile, we are always
business portfolio is renewed with new mobile
trying to offer the best quality services with
plans, bundling National and International
the most competitive prices. In line with
minutes, SMS, data as well as for the first
European Union practices, the tariffs will be
time roaming benefits. ICT solutions were
adjusted in 2015 decreasing the club effect in
expanded by introducing Colocation service,
the market. That will work in the favor of fair
and Virtual PBX. Our collection ratios have
competition, we will be able to provide more
reached 97% in fixed and 93% in mobile.
to our subscribers and at the end of the day
Albanian end-users will benefit. We have even more ambitious targets for 2015
and we are confident to achieve them as well
Our fixed business is also going well. We are
thanks to our strong brand, latest technology
by far the leading operator in fixed voice and
infrastructure, competitive commercial
broadband, with 77% and 40% market share
offers, and qualified staff and experienced
respectively. Despite the global trend of
Board of Directors.
shifting usage from fixed telephony to mobile,



ALBtelecom Awards


ALBtelecom, due to its support and collaboration with the
Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth for various social projects,
in a special ceremony was awarded with the appreciation
certificate “Friends of Social Welfare”


The award was given to the company that brought innovation
in marketing during the Super League 2013-2014 season, by
“giving a good example through the modern sponsorship of
one of the most popular Albanian football teams “Partizani”.

The CEO of ALBtelecom and Eagle Mobile, Dr. Erkan TABAK,
received the title "Gratitude of the Town of Saranda" for the
contribution ALBtelecom has given to this town, both for the
best service coverage, worthy of a tourist town like Saranda,
and the social projects realized in the Children’s Home in this

DECEMBER 19 2014 • The Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth has awarded
Social Solidarity Prize for the year 2014 to Mr. Ahmet Çalik,
President of Çalik Holding, with motivation: “For special
attention and contribution of Çalik Holding companies in

Evaluation of 2014 Activities


• ICT solutions were expanded by introducing
• VDSL service launch (consumer and
Colocation service, and Virtual PBX service.
business). Taking advantage of NGN and
Work initiated also for further expanding
investments ALBtelecom launched for the
the portfolio, and unifying their end user
first time fix internet access through use
of VDSL technology. The internet access
packages were launched in the form of • Business segment activities were for the
duo play (internet and telephony) and were first time supported by integrated bid and
initially introduced as two asymmetrical offer preparation.
packages with download speeds of 30 and
• Work initiated also in further improving
100 Mbps for consumer customers in April,
dedicated mobile and data solutions.
followed in June with 50 and 100 Mbps for
business customers. • During 2014, detailed and thorough
• IPTV service launch: After years of tentative marketing analysis work was initiated to
analysis, the year 2014 saw the introduction update dedicated solutions according to
of ALBtv, the IPTV classical model through fix investments done, costs incurred, and
access. The initiative was introduced through competition benchmarks.
triple play packages, initially with one provider
and for the full launch introduced with two WHOLESALE SERVICES:
content providers. The 2014 launch was for
consumer customers only and provided basic • Bitstream access service re-launch: Firstly
IPTV functionalities such as Live TV, VoD, EPG introduced in 2012 in meeting regulatory
and control. For this initiative a phased launch requirements, during 2014 Bitstream
was done with introducing in two cities firstly Access service was revised in pricing, and
in April, then progressing into a national was further developed by presenting it
launch in October 2014. to key ISP in the market. The service was
• Wi-Fi service enhanced footprint to reach further developed by including the contract
200 hotspots at end of 2014, and extended activation and packages in centralized BSS
validity of premium package to full one day and OSS systems. All the efforts have paid
• After the success of 2013 with regional off by proving that ALBtelecom can actually
based initiatives, the targeted initiatives develop more and sell wholesale internet
were used in introducing new services, or and data services in Albanian market, and as
creating customized packages. of end 2014, wholesale ports reaching 1%
• Duo play packages for small and medium of total active base.
businesses, first time a try for free internet • Leased lines were modified according to
(with 1 GB) in one region. regulatory requirements in May 2014.
• Renewal of all mobile business portfolio • Unified reference offers were centralized in a
with ten new mobile plans, which bundle separate category on our official public page.
different volumes of National and
International minutes, SMS, Data volumes
as well as for the first time inclusion of
roaming benefits in a tariff plan.

IMPROVEMENTS AND FUTURE • ALBtelecom successfully managed to
INITIATIVES: integrate fix services devices (portfolio,
testing, and customization) for ADSL/VDSL
• Fix Internet was further improved by service, and new IPTV service.
introducing centralized innovative
functionalities and policies: notifications,
volume interface for Wi-Fi, speed throttling, BUSINESS BASE SEGMENTATION:
stabilized speed testing process, fair usage. • In order to achieve a more in depth customer
• Not to forget the work done in stabilizing behaviour knowledge or specific patterns,
presales, sales and after sales processes. the business base was segmented into
SOHO, SMEs, Corporate and Institutions.
• A focus also for enhancing customer
experience by reaching a milestone of • This segmentation was used to better
merging two of core services (PSTN and target specific segments and customers
ADSL) into one contract. through tailored products in different price
or volume ranges.
• Work performed in identifying all areas
without fix services coverage. • Common mobile and fixed customers were
identified and were targeted through
• Work was initiated for identifying future fix
converged offers (fixed, mobile and data &
broadband evolution services such as FTTx,
internet services)
and other services.
Roaming service was expanded by facilitating
SMS sending and further footprint and
reduction in IOT. The service was enhanced
by expanding promo countries in preferential
voice, SMS and roaming data charging.

2013 2014 Delta 2014 vs 2013

Net Ending Base for Prepaid

576,257 431,772 (144,485)

Net Ending Base for

100,422 94,653 (5,769)
Postpaid Subscribers

Prepaid Active per event

323,815 337,119 13,304

One month Active Prepaid 261,765 278,950 17,185

One Month Active Postpaid 58,775 49,640 (9,135)

Fixed ADSL Users 70,827 82,474 11,647

Fixed Users 209,256 182,591 (26,665)

Evaluation of 2014 Activities
The merger of the two large companies,
ALBtelecom and Eagle Mobile a year ago,
generated the necessity of communicating the
two brands as a single company. This was made
possible through a large re-branding campaign by
unifying the two brands, which carry resembling
elements with each other, in a natural manner
and conveying the visual message that these
brands belong to the same company.
After a thorough study and important strategic
decision for the Company of ALBtelecom & Eagle
Mobile, all positive values of these two brands
came embodied and reflected in a powerful and
dignified presentation, both qualitative and
dynamic, which brought a bold innovation to the
Albanian market, represented in the portrait of
successful Albanian singer, Elvana Gjata.
The new spirit of dynamism, innovation,
modernization and power, not only in technology
but also in marketing, guaranteed indisputable
success and positioning our Company as
communications leader in the Albanian market. In
the same line of communication, we successfully
carried out 26 full advertising campaigns, coming
up with unique elements in communication and
bringing innovation throughout the Albanian
The support of these campaigns with special
events produced an atmosphere of celebration
by embracing a large number of young people
and clients. "ALBtelecom Loves You" was the
campaign that traveled throughout Albania
conveying ALBtelecom’s care for its customers as
well as “Kisses” and gifts as a sign of appreciation
to our customers while welcoming new ones.
The greatest gifts were delivered through the
summer draw, where an automatic mechanism
selected the winners of a Super Porsche car
and an apartment in the center of Tirana. The
campaign's big closing event, "Fest On", filled
downtown Tirana with the sounds of celebration,
best singers and modern music for three
consecutive nights, where ALBtelecom exhibited
its contribution to improving the values and

cultural life in the capital.
For the first time, Eagle Mobile Packages came as
an ads series, where the fantasy and imagination
of the main characters created a cool new
stream of delivering offers for every situation.
This approach brought forward the messages
in an attractive flair and filled with witty humor
whilst making the offers in subtle yet attractive
Besides the three successful services of
ALBtelecom, arranged as a surprise, was the
launching for the first time of the unique ALBtv
service across the country, which brought a
completely new dimension of technology in the
Albanian market.
The opening of new ALBtelecom & Eagle
Mobile stores at Don Bosco Str. in Tirana as
well as another store in Berat, and moreover
the branding update in all our stores, ensured
the visible and dignified unification of brands
initiated at the beginning of the year.
For the first time ALBtelecom & Eagle
Mobile leads the "Top List" in audio-visual
communication in 2014, leaving behind strong
competitors in the field of telecommunications.
This has been achieved not only through air time
of TV spots on different TV programs but also
through sponsorships of TV programs/important
TV shows. Thus ensuring a fruitful and efficient
investment in targeting the right audience.
The increased communication in Digital and
Social Media, where the deployment of web
banners in most active online sites and especially
the creation of interactive games on Facebook,
attracted more and more users to become
an active part of our games, and making the
ALBtelecom website quite attractive.
During 2014, we presented our company with
a clear profile, important and dignified in the
telecommunication market in Albania, where in
contrast to our competitors, our customers can
find four services in a single bill, with a better
quality, technology and service.

Evaluation of 2014 Activities

APRIL 2014 ALBtelecom launched IPTV services becoming thus the first company
in Albania able to provide converged fixed telephony, broadband,
mobile and TV services.
Through the combined ALBtv packages ALBtelecom offers for
the first time in Albania the comfort of obtaining all essential
communication services from the same operator and under the
same bill.
IPTV is an advanced interactive television experience that combines
traditional TV, Video on Demand, HD format and value-added
features such as EPG, EPG personalization and Parental PIN Control.
With the launch of IPTV service, ALBtelecom has acquired a unique
position in the Albanian competitive landscape:
• We are providing the best value for money relying on the stable
network, highly competitive packages, rich content selection and
an unmatchable user experience.
• Having a very wide footprint both in terms on network and
distribution channels, we are uniquely able to reach a significant
fraction of the market.


Initially launched in Korçë and Pogradec area, the service was
gradually rolled-out in other regions. October 13, 2014 marks the
national launch of ALBtv.

APR. 2014 JUN. 2014 JUL. 2014 AUG. 2014 SEPT. 2014 OCT. 2014

Korçë Ersekë Fier, Shkodër Vlorë Librazhd Nationwide
Pogradec Bilisht Patos, Ballsh Kukës

In the first few months after the launch, ALBtv encountered a very fast take-up in the market with
approximately 1700 new activations/month.


600,000 EUR
2014 Revenues

Avg. new activations/month

The service offers a rich choice of content based on the cooperation with the two biggest content
providers in Albania: Digitalb and Tring Communication.
ALBtv SMALL MEDIUM LARGE EXTRA LARGE ALBtv was launched in the market with
Price (All/
1,300 2,200 2,900 4,000 a very attractive commercial offering:
TV Content Tring Base Package Tring Full Package • Packages with Tring as well as
VoD, EPG, Parental Control PIN Digitalb Content
Bandwidth 1 Mbps 2 Mbps 4 Mbps 8 Mbps
• Fixed telephony and broadband
Volume 1 GB Unlimited
On-net Min 2000
benefits to satisfy every pocket
60 and need
Off-net Min 60 International 60 International International
+ 60 Off-net • Integration of a mobile
Mobile 1 SIM Card + 6 Monthly Combined Packages 1000 for free
proposition to effectively launch
the first quad-play product in
Price (All/
1,300 2,500 3,500 5,500 • Integration of VAS services such
TV Content Digitalb Beginner Digitalb Family 1
Digitalb Digitalb as VoD, EPG, Parental Control
Family 2 Premium
VoD, EPG, Parental Control PIN
Bandwidth 1 Mbps 2 Mbps 4 Mbps 8 Mbps
Volume 1 GB Unlimited
On-net Min 2000
Off-net Min 60 International 60 International International
+ 60 Off-net
Mobile 1 SIM Card + 6 Monthly Combined Packages 1000 for free

Evaluation of 2014 Activities
ALBtelecom as a leader in the field of ALBtelecom is seeing the development of
telecommunication in Albania, it was the first information technology or data services
company in the country, which has undertaken as the next big step in which will pass all
and carried out local investments in cloud telecommunication companies for next 10
computing technology. This technology is years. Therefore this company together with
present and available for all business chain the desire to be the preferred provider for all
in Albania, ranging from personal, SOHO, local subscribers, has started the investment
small medium business (SMB) and going up on this direction. Interested parties already
to corporate businesses. Cloud Computing are not required to navigate in Internet
Platform models that ALBtelecom offers for and require a bid online, but may navigate
the domestic market are identically the same to official ALBtelecom website (www.
as the models offered by major international or ask in its stores throughout
companies, which operate in this business. Albania to receive the service they require.
Another novelty, that it is not possible in case
ALBtelecom with this platform has provided
of an international provider, is the fact that
a new innovation in the Albanian market,
customers with a simple request may visit
guaranteeing to all potential subscribers to
environment where are processed and stored
this service:
their data, so they can visit Data Centers.
1. Maximum speeds platforms accessed by ALBtelecom had also taken into consideration
consequent lower time data processing the redundancy of the processes in case that
and high performance of the service. there may be a technical problem to primary
2. Highest safety for subscribers’ data, site, by building a second Data Center in
keeping, processing and carrying within order to process and store data without any
a national network, inside national disruption to service and any effect to the
locations. subscribers. This Data Center is based on
international technical specifications as in
3. Data Centers of such data processing are the crow flies is about 40 km far away from
located within the territory of Albania, the first Data Center.
with address published for all interested
parties. These Data Center are protected, ALBtelecom has successfully completed
controlled and certified according to all implementation of the first convergent
national and international standards, billing platform. This platform together
for example: TIER3 certificates, safety with Customer Relation Management (CRM)
certificates ISO 27001 etc. Also these platform and Enterprise Resource Planning
locations are 24x7 monitored and (ERP) have created a unique and contemporary
supervised by a specialized staff of ecosystem realized so far in Albania.
systems specialists and network operating
center (NOC) specialists.
ALBtelecom unlike other operators, is not
focused only on standard telecommunications
services, but it has developed additional
services in the domain of Information
Technology. With this potential development
for Albanian market, ALBtelecom is the only
company which offers the local potential
clients the opportunity to start their modern
activities such as e-commerce, with minimal
cost and high quality of service.


INTERCONNECTION ALBtelecom provides wholesale services

of high-performance, IP, Data and network
International Interconnection Agreements that transport facilities for national and international
ALBtelecom has established with important telecommunication operators.
carriers of international market, have enabled We are proud of being pioneers of telecom
the highest quality connections in national industry in Albania, a position we have gained
market for a global reach. These connections by being the first telecommunication company
are offered not only to customers of fix and in Albania, innovative, reliable and customer
mobile networks of ALBtelecom but also to oriented. Our advanced products and services
other operators in the Albanian market. are delivered in a cost-effective and sustainable
Our focus is to maximize profits by manner based on a deep understanding of
taking advantage of latest trends of customer needs. Through improved success
telecommunication market and by cooperating and innovative services we secure customer
and developing the bilateral relations with satisfaction.
international telecommunication operators. The wholesale market is changing rapidly. While
Currently, ALBtelecom strictly manages 23 prices are dropping down, the amount of data
agreements with international operators in traffic is quickly growing. In order to find
following the best practices, effective and balance, stay ahead of competition and achieve
reliable partnership as well as evaluating new profitability we have commercially improved
agreements. wholesale services and strategies. Only
through advanced service offerings, business
During 2014 and ongoing, the focus of the and financial modeling we have achieved direct
company’s policy has been the increase of margins and generated better revenues.
customer base and variety of offers and
services for local customers of ALBtelecom ALBtelecom offers a range of services such
and Eagle Mobile. In accordance with these as: Internet Access, Data, Leased Line, Duct
objectives, International Interconnection, has infrastructure, Co-location, Dark FO, LLU,
managed to provide the lowest price per unit Beatstream, IXP. These services are made
for international market by effectively using the possible by collaborating with strategic
transit routes, also by establishing preferential partners in the international market so the
agreements with strategic international services offered are of high quality.
operators. As below, some figures of data wholesale
Preferential agreements are important projects achievements for 2014:
of taking the opportunities with partnerships in • Revenues have increased by 25%.
the countries where a lot of Albanian live and • Expenses have decreased by 23% meanwhile
work. Such agreements have been finalized the purchased capacity has increased.
during 2014 with Greece and Italy proving very • Profit has increased by 53%.
good results. • Number of national internet operators has
All these policies have impacted positively the increased by 27%.
reduction of international interconnection • Number of national data service operators
enabling the best offers in the market for our has increased by 47%.
customers, as well as the accomplishing the • IP delivered capacity has increased by 37%.
objectives of the company to be number 1 in • Data delivered capacity has increased by
porting in mobile numbers, significant increase 62%.
of fix and mobile usage to international • Number of access points has increased by
destinations. 54%.

Evaluation of 2014 Activities

FTE number as of December 2014 - 994 where 42% are males and 58% females. Average age 35

13% of the staff are in managerial positions where 44% are Females and 56% Males.


ALBtelecom Training Academy is to create and Another topic covered in the Training academy
maintain a solid foundation of knowledge, has been Service Culture, which enhances our
skills and confidence by providing quality performance and helps maintain a Company
training and development opportunities for Culture that stresses out people’s values and
our employees. The Training Academy in skills and create excellent customer impressions
ALBtelecom is a mechanism to understand, that last forever.
transmit and materialize the Mission, Vision
During 2014, 70% of the staff has received
and Core Values of our Company, which
indeed are the motto of what we actually do
in our everyday work. Training Academy is 28 % of the trainings have been internal and
providing periodical training programs, soft 72% External
skills and hard skills trainings, tailored trainings
and seminars, workshops etc. The variety of Training Distribution
topics covered in the ALBtelecom Training
Academy is interesting, starting form Global 28%
Economic Crises, Developed GSM System, NGN
System, Finance, Psychology, Social topics, 72%
Communication in the Workplace and in the
Media, Marketing, IT and continuing with Health
Internal Trainings External Training
and Safety in the workplace and life.

ABA started as an education program for the best performers within the training academy of
Being officially licensed as a professional training program, the ALBtelecom Business Academy
was introduced in 2014 with a class of 38 participants; the top performers of ALBtelecom in 2013
and some employees of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth and the Ministry of Education.
The participants took lessons from well-known professors and top managers, and together they
made this program interactive, fun, enjoyable, and most importantly very productive.

Sales Integrated Assessment System

Our focus for 2014 has been as well the sale staff motivational programs. We published the
Consumer Business Sales and Support Integrated Assessment System Procedure where the main
purpose was to set the standards for a periodic performance appraisal of sales representatives
and specify the details of the evaluation. This process identifies the best sales persons and
motivate them by giving various career opportunities in the company.

Evaluation of 2014 Activities
Job Shadowing
Following the talent development of the people we initiated the Job Shadowing for the talents and
gave career opportunities to the internal employees. This project provides a unique opportunity
to find out how other staff work and what their roles involve. It develops a deeper knowledge and
understanding of other roles and functions within the company.

By being part of this project the employees will be able to:

• See how other staff and teams work.
• Gain insight into the roles and responsibilities of other members of staff and other departments.
• Reflect and learn from others.
• See the bigger picture and understand more about how the team functions.

Career Days
ALBtelecom has a close relationship with the Universities, public and private ones.
The HR cooperates with different divisions and universities to plan the internships according
to the field of study of the candidates. It is the duty of every division to provide a friendly
and helpful environment for the interns. The main purpose of the internship is not only
to help students put into practice the theoretical knowledge gained at school, but to also
consider the best internship students as potential candidates for the future recruitment
In 2014 we had 167 students that completed the internship in our company in different divisions.
104 out of 167 students were coming from Informatics and electronic branch.

Out of this process we organized the Career Day with Polytechnic University and Natural Sciences
students in order to identify the best ones and considering them as potential candidates for hiring.
In 2014 the employability of the interns was 4%.

It was organized for the first time in September 2014. The main focus was to highlight the
achievements of the company. The top management showed its acknowledgment of each
employees’ contribution and emphasized that every single employee can make the difference.

Social activities are attracting a high number of employees. We have organized many social
activities such as chess, bowling, football and volleyball championship.

Evaluation of 2014 Activities
ALBtelecom’s risk management objective is to ensure competitive business activities at minimum
risk levels and without compromising its vision, values and codes of conducts. Risk management
is integrated within the company’s annual strategy planning process and key risks highlighted
therein by business units are tracked through various control, monitoring and review processes.
Every Business Unit reports their strategic risk matrix in their annual strategy plan, based on a
thorough risk assessment process. The risks are then aggregated from the Business Unit strategy
plans and presented to the Top Management for continuous consideration during the decision
making process. Business Units annually update the strategic risks indicated in the strategy plan
and also report key strategic risks that have emerged, including the status of actions to mitigate
the risks.

RISK FACTORS IN ALBTELECOM Business and Technical processes such as

Provisioning, Tariff Implementation, Real
Time Charging are periodically monitored in
1. Financial Risks order to provide zero mistake charging and
billing with the help of the best systems in
Financial risks are continuously monitored
the world.
and analyzed. Main fields with high potential
for financial risk include Credit Management,
Collection, Offer Profitability and Charging 2. Operational Risks
Issues. Necessary measures are being
Operational risks are always evident in the
continuously taken to mitigate these risks,
telecom line of business due to the considerable
reduce the risk of financial losses and to protect
number of systems being used, fraudulent
the benefits of our subscribers.
activities outside the company as well as
• In terms of Credit Management, there are the huge amount of data maintained for our
different procedures to monitor, detect customers’ activity. The main operational risks
and take action in case of high volume which are strongly addressed in ALBtelecom
subscribers. This monitoring covers all are:
aspects of traffic be it Voice, SMS or GPRS
• The growing trend of ALBtelecom services
which may be performed locally or abroad.
in the Albanian market and the considerable
• For Collection, a consolidated team has number of interconnection and roaming
been built which covers payments, dunning agreements with the international partners
and follow up processes. Automatic controls brings with it the potential for exposure
are performed after every dunning process to fraud and corruption, stakeholders
to ensure the quality of the process and who may have a differing set of business
guarantee accurate charging. values from those under which ALBtelecom
• Product and Offer Profitability is also operates. Such occurrences apart from the
strongly addressed. In the highly competitive financial damage can be seen also as failure
environment of telecommunications to adhere to the values that ALBtelecom
industry, our aim is to offer to our commits to in our global operations and
subscribers the best products and offers may damage customer perception of the
while performing pre and after offer ALBtelecom brand as well as adversely
analysis to minimize fraud and exploitation impact company’s results of operations.
of our favorable tariffs. Most types of fraudulent activity such as
international traffic bypass, appliances or
• Charging is continuously monitored by network hacking, intentional offer abuse,
Operational Risk Management Division.

subscription fraud, are successfully addressed via different real time control measures
undertaken within Operational Risk Management Division as well as in cooperation with the
other sectors that might be affected.
• The introduction of new business models and technologies in the telecom sector may lead to
structural changes and different competitive models. Failure to meet the maturing demands
in the marketplace has the potential to impact ALBtelecom’s position in service offerings,
customer relationships and the value chain. This is why the company has addressed such concerns
via the implementation of the new SAP Billing System as well as the 4G-LTE infrastructure in
order to increase capabilities in terms of convergent charging, network quality and coverage
and reliability of service.

QUALITY with ISO standards, respectively with ISO 9001:

2008 and ISO 27001:2005. The audit covered
MANAGEMENT the procedures/controls implemented in
ALBtelecom and confirmed the effectiveness
The quality and reliability of ALBtelecom of the Quality Management System and
services depend on the stability of its network Information Security Management System.
and the networks of other service providers During 2014, ALBtelecom has worked on
with which it interconnects. These networks are establishing an Occupational Health and
vulnerable to damage or service interruptions. Safety Management System and has a target
Repeated, prolonged or catastrophic network to be certified in 2015 for OHSAS 18001 by an
or IT system failures could damage the Group’s independent accredited institution.
reputation and ability to attract and retain
subscribers. Different measures are taken
from all interested parties be them technical or INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY
business to address such issues in the shortest
time possible and with minimal effects on our
customers. In 2014, ALBtelecom published Information
ALBtelecom handles substantial volumes of Security Policy and Quality Policy. These
confidential information. Loss, mismanagement policies place the highest company priority on
or unauthorized disclosure of such information, activities related to information security and
e.g. through cybersecurity attacks or even quality management systems.
internal access, could adversely affect the
Group’s business and reputation. In order to
minimize such risks, measures have been taken
to reduce the access rights as well as to have a ALBtelecom has established Information
better protection for customer information in Security Management System based on
terms of IT infrastructure. ISO 27001:2013 Standard in order to ensure
As ALBtelecom, we are making the greatest security of client data, business continuity
effort to maintain the highest level of quality and minimize business damage by managing
and security. In 2014, ALBtelecom successfully information security incidents. Our Top
passed the external surveillance audits for the Management is committed to work closely
Quality Management System and Information with our customers, employees, stakeholders
Security Management System by an independent and regulatory bodies in order to develop
accredited institution. The findings indicated and improve this system. As part of this
that the systems implemented are in compliance commitment, we aim to:

Evaluation of 2014 Activities
• Use training and communication to all employees to ensure proper Information Security
Management awareness;
• Establish Information Security culture in ALBtelecom as a long-term commitment;
• Ensure proper security, confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information;
• Safeguard security of our information assets through effective business continuity
• Ensure that all information security breaches and incidents are reported and properly followed;
• Ensure that we understand and comply with the relevant legal and regulatory information
security requirements;
The Information Security Policy is reviewed on an annual basis in management review meetings to
ensure its effectiveness and accordance.

ALBtelecom is committed to establishing and maintaining a Quality Management System based
on ISO 9001:2008 Standard that enables all employees to continue to improve products and
services and to provide a total customer satisfaction. As part of our commitment on quality, we
• To improve customer satisfaction;
• To improve process efficiency;
• To improve employee productivity and motivation;
• To improve effectiveness;
We encourage cooperation within the company by focusing on the needs of our customers,
employees, stakeholders and regulatory bodies. We take measures and follow policies and
procedures to ensure that these processes are followed properly and monitored regularly.
In order to reach customer satisfaction and company objectives we follow a systematic review
of the Quality Management System. ALBtelecom assures that all employees are aware of their
responsibilities regarding Quality. The Quality Management Policy is reviewed on an annual basis
in management review meetings to ensure its effectiveness and accordance.

CSR Activities of ALBtelecom and Eagle 2014

ALBtelecom responded to Top-

Channel’s social initiative. Revenues
gathered from the SMS-s to short
1-4 January 2014
number 55099 in the 1-4 January
(2014) period, went to isolated families
in the Province of Shkodra.

ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile, being

part of the Campaign “Albania wishes,
Albania donates” launched between
the dates 24-31 December 2013, all
January 2nd 2014
revenues coming from sent SMS-s
at number 0674067677 went to
Orphanage “Zyber Hallulli”. 

ALBtelecom donated 80 decorative

trees to the Municipality of Tirana in
order to be planted alongside two
February 4th 2014 streets in the capital city where the
greenery was missing.

ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile financially

supported the Association “New
Horizon Cultural Centre” for the
organization of the artistic event
March 4th 2014 “Simfonia e Jetës” (The Symphony of
Life) on March 4th, 2014, at Opera and
Ballet Theatre. This was part of 8th of
March (International Day of Women)

ALBtelecom has made its contribution

to improving the quality of services
in the University Hospital of Lung
Diseases "Shefqet Ndroqi" (The
March 9th 2014 Sanatorium) in Tirana. The company
has contributed to the furnishing of
the doctors' rooms in the University
Hospital, where there are also donated
desktop computers, tables and new
static chairs.

ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile supported
Turkish Embassy in Tirana in order
April 23th 2014 to organize the cultural activity of
International Day of Children.

ALBtelecom supported Vlora-Volley

April 24th 2014 team by providing sports’ materials.

ALBtelecom supported the Week of

Innovation undertaken by Minister
of State of Innovation and Public
Administration. 10 computers were
May 9-16th 2014 donated to the Albanian School of
Public Administration and PROTIK’s
KODE Project was supported within
the innovation week.

ALBtelecom & Eagle Mobile brought

joy to the children of Saranda’s
Orphanage within the framework of
International Day of Orphan Children.
May 20th 2014 Rehabilitation projects of Saranda and
Vlora’s Orphanages were promised by
the General Director of ALBtelecom &
Eagle Mobile during this event.

ALBtelecom, in collaboration with the

State Committee on Cults, brought
joy to the children of Elbasan’s
Orphanage within the framework
June 1st 2014
of 1st of June (Children’s Holiday)
festivities. Toys and clothes were
donated to these children.

CSR Activities of ALBtelecom and Eagle 2014

ALBtelecom donated 300 food

July 19th 2014 packages for people in need in the
framework of Ramadan Month.

ALBtelecom donated swimming suits,

July 21 st
2014 summer toys and clothes for the
orphans of Saranda.

ALBtelecom donated office

July 2014 equipment for the Foundation
“Autism speaks Albanian”

ALBtelecom organized the ceremony

September 3 rd
2014 of Doctor Honoris Causa for
Mr. Ahmet ÇALIK.

ALBtelecom donated equipment for

the laboratory of Public Relations and
October 1st 2014 Marketing Department of the Faculty
of History and Philology, University of

ALBtelecom inaugurated the
October 16th 2014 rehabilitation of the Children’s Home
of Saranda.

ALBtelecom inaugurated the

October 16 th
2014 rehabilitation of the Children’s Home
of Vlora.

ALBtelecom rehabilitated the cinema

October 21st 2014 hall of Children’s Home in Tirana.

ALBtelecom sponsored the cultural

activity organized by The First Lady
of Albania with Ambassadresses
October 24th 2014 accredited in Tirana, in the framework
of support, protection and stimulation
of cultural heritage.

ALBtelecom donated free internet for

1 year for Children Home of Shkodra.
Also employees of the company
November 6th 2014 voluntarily donated more than 100
different books for the orphans of this

CSR Activities of ALBtelecom and Eagle 2014

ALBtelecom offered free wi-fi service

in the anti-nuclear tunnel. The
underground world of dictatorship
November - December 2014 comes to light to be present to the
public in the commemoration of the
70th anniversary of Albania’s liberation
from Nazi-fascists and 25th anniversary
of the Berlin Wall’s fall.

ALBtelecom was one of the sponsors

of Presidential Ball organized in
December 19th 2014
the end of year by President of the
Republic of Albania.

ALBtelecom organized the reward

ceremony of Mr. Ahmet ÇALIK
December 19th 2014 with Social Solidarity Prize and an
event with children of Zyber Hallulli

ALBtelecom’s employees voluntary

December 2014 supported a family in need ( IT Group).

ALBtelecom’s employees donated a

special dinner for the Elderly House in
Tirana. (Initiative of Customer Service

Experience Sharing Forums (with
Marketing Club of Epoka University,
with the pupils of Mehmet Akif
April 23th 2014 College, with students of Bedër
University, with students of Master
of Journalism and Communication
Department, University of Tirana)

Audit Report

Albtelecom sh.a
The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014
(All the amounts are disclosed in thousand ALL, except when otherwise stated)


As at 31 December 2014

Notes 31 December 2014 31 December 2013


Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 4 24,459,097 25,691,124
Intangible assets 5 698,853 724,542
Other accounts receivable 6 43,308 45,871

Total non-current assets 25,201,258 26,461,537

Current assets
Inventory 7 510,492 567,867
Prepayment and deferred expenses 8 849,410 516,198
Other accounts receivable 9 405,241 499,475
Trade receivables 9 2,502,378 3,085,760
Cash and cash equivalent 10 169,792 523,599
Total current assets 4,437,313 5,192,899
Total Assets 29,638,571 31,654,436

Share capital 11 15,000,000 15,000,000
Other reserves (4,783,971) (2,287,240)
Total comprehensive incomes (2,673,849) (2,496,731)
Total equity 7,542,180 10,216,029
Non-current liabilities
Long term loans 12 8,991,662 10,789,679
Provisions 13 218,786 218,786
Non-current trade payables 14 2,561,506 4,007,030
Deferred tax 21 668,095
Grants and deferred incomes 15 468,091 358,591

Total non-current liabilities 12,908,140 15,374,086

Current liabilities
Short term borrowings 12 4,008,027 2,448,787
Trade Payables 14 4,592,915 3,120,606
Grants, deferred incomes and other
liabilities 15 138,878 182,258
Other accounts payable 16 448,431 312,670

Total current liabilities 9,188,251 6,064,321

Total liabilities 22,096,391 21,438,407

Total equity and liabilities 29,638,571 31,654,436

The notes are an integral part of these financial statements

Audit Report

Albtelecom sh.a
The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014
(All the amounts are disclosed in thousand ALL, except when otherwise stated)


For the year ended 31 December 2014

Notes 31 December 2014 31 December 2013

Revenues 17 10,598,672 11,787,206

Cost of service sold 18 (7,350,713) (6,110,749)
Gross profit (loss) 3,247,959 5,676,457

Sales and distribution expenses 18 (2,105,333) (2,082,826)

General and administrative expenses 18 (2,443,028) (3,288,406)
Other revenues / expenses from
operating activities 19 271,370 (1,867,402)
Profit (Loss) from operating activities (1,029,032) (1,562,177)

Net financial income (expenses) 20 (976,722) (909,284)

Net financial income (expenses) (976,722) (909,284)

Profit before tax (2,005,754) (2,471,461)

Income tax expense 21 - (25,270)

Current year profit / (loss) (2,005,754) (2,496,731)

Total profit /(loss) of the year attributed

The shareholders of the company (2,005,754) (2,496,731)
Non-controlling interests - -

The notes are an integral part of these financial statements

Albtelecom sh.a
The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014
(All the amounts are disclosed in thousand ALL, except when otherwise stated)


For the year ended 31 December 2014

31 December 2014 31 December 2013

Current year Profit /(Loss) (2,005,754) (2,496,731)

Other comprehensive income

Items that may be reclassified later in profit
/ loss:

Items that cannot be reclassified later in

profit / loss:
Deferred tax recorded directly in other
comprehensive income 21 (668,095)

Current year other comprehensive income (668,095) -

Total other comprehensive income (2,673,849) (2,496,731)

Total other comprehensive income

attributed to
Shareholders of the company (2,673,849) (2,496,731)
Non-controlling interests - -

The notes are an integral part of these financial statements

Audit Report

Albtelecom sh.a
The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014
(All the amounts are disclosed in thousand ALL, except when otherwise stated)


For the year ended 31 December 2014

31 December 2014 31 December 2013

Cash flows from operating activities

Profit before tax (2,005,754) (2,471,461)
Adjustments for non-monetary items:
Depreciation and amortization 2,519,828 2,110,293
Result from the sale of property, plant and
(261,915) 1,901,213
Other provisions and impairment 297,119 621,990
Interest gains (4,011) (14,858)
Interest expenses 1,075,066 709,036

Changes in working capital

Changes in inventory 57,375 (266,305)
Changes in trade and other receivables 344,404 23,370
Changes in trade and other payables 1,450,324 905,212
Cash and cash equivalents generated from
3,472,436 3,518,490
operating activities

Paid interests (974,523) (561,147)

Prepaid income tax during the year - (251,375)
Net cash and cash equivalents from
2,497,913 2,705,968
operating activities

Investing activities
Purchase of property plant and equipment (1,397,824) (10,879,829)
Sale of property plant and equipment 324,374
Cash flow generated from the merge with
Eagle Mobile
Cash and cash equivalent generated from the
merge with Eagle Mobile
Received interest 4,011 14,858
Net cash flows generated from investing
(1,069,439) (9,705,838)

Financing activities
(Repayments)/ inflows from long term
(1,445,524) 1,590,278
(Repayments)/ inflows from long term
2,563 89,587
Net (Repayments)/ inflows form loans (339,320) 5,417,860
Paid dividends
Net cash flows from financing activities (1,782,281) 7,097,725

Changes in cash and cash equivalents (353,807) 97,855

Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning 523,599 425,744
Cash and cash equivalent at the end of the
169,792 523,599

The notes to financial statements are an integral part of these financial statements


Address: Autostrada Tiranë-Durrës, Km 7, Kashar Tirana – Albania

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