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Positivism, Neopositivism, FRAMEWORK Phenomenology,

Postpositivism Constructivism, Naturalism,

It’s objective, there is a unique REALITY It’s subjective, there are

reality and it doesn’t change. several subjective realities,

Apply Deductive Logic (from LOGIC Apply Inductive Logic (from

general to particular) particular to general)
It takes into account laws and It doesn’t take into account
data theories laws.

Ethnography, Observation METHOD Experiments, Correlation

He/she takes a neutral position. RESEARCHER He/she takes into account

He/she doesn’t involve his/her his/her values and beliefs
values and beliefs.
Test hypotheses and theories, PURPOSE Understand and interpret
check the cause and effect, social interactions.
develop prediction for the future.

Delimited, bounded, specific, a STATEMENT OF Opened, free, non-delimited,

little bit flexible THE PROBLEM very flexible

Confirm ans test the hypothesis HYPOTHESIS Formulate the hypothesis

Structured and predetermined DESIGN Flexible and emergent

The sample population is large. SAMPLE Small groups analyzed almost

never show generalization.

Numbers and statistics. DATA TYPE Words, images, objects.

Quantitative data, based on DATA Qualitative data such as

precise measurements using COLLECTION open-ended responses,
structured and validated data interview, observation and
collection instruments field notes.

Identify patterns, features, DATA ANALYSIS Identify statistical

themes. relationships.

Objective, impersonal and REPORT OF Personal and emotional tone

unemotional tone. RESULTS
Statistical report with Narrative report with
correlational comparison. contextual description.

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