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Libertas et Iusticia

Nationalism • Egalitarianism • Scholasticism

2008 Précis in Political & Public International Law

(A Pre-Week Material)


Consitutional Law
Part I ……………….. 2
Administrative Law &
Law on Public Officers
Part II ……………….. 5
Laws on Suffrage
Part III ……………….. 7
Local Government Code &
Public Corporations
Part IV ……………….. 10

Public International Law

Part V ……………….. 12

(This material is for Personal Use only)

2008 Pre-Week in Political & Public Int’l. Law Libertas Et Iusticia 2

PART I. ensure that government agencies involved in

Constitutional Law regulating bank transactions adequately protect
the public who invest in foreign securities.
There is no violation of its right against
self-incrimination since they do not stand as
accused in a criminal case nor are they subjected
by Senate Committee to any penalty by reason of
their testimonies. Hence they cannot altogether
decline appearing before the body, although they
may invoke the privilege when a question calling
for an incriminating answer is propounded.
(Standard Chartered Bank v. Senate Committee on
Banks, Dinancial Institutions, and Currencies, GR
No. 167173, December 27, 2007)

REQUISITES OF TAXPAYER’S SUIT Q: The bus of M crashed into the radio room of
a. public funds are disbursed by a political Philippine National Construction Company
subdivision or instrumentality; and (PNCC). The incident was initially investigated by
b. a law is violated or some irregularity is PNCC and thereafter the bus was towed by to
committed, and that the petitioner is directly PNCC’s compound where it was stored. Despite
affected by the alleged ultra vires act requests of M for its release, PNCC did not
release the said bus. What constitutional right
Q: How does the 1987 Constitution deal with was violated by PNCC, if any?
one’s exercise of religion? The constitutional right against unreasonable
Our Constitution adheres to the benevolent seizure. The seizure and impounding of
neutrality approach that gives room for petitioner's bus, were unquestionably violative of
accommodation of religious exercises as required "the right to be let alone" by the authorities as
by the Free Exercise Clause. Thus, in arguing that guaranteed by the Constitution. (Superlines
respondent should be held administratively liable Transportation Co. v. PNCC, G.R. No. 169596, 28
as the arrangement she had was “illegal per se March 2007)
because, by universally recognized standards, it is
inherently or by its very nature bad, improper, Q: NAPOCOR seeks to build a transmission line
immoral and contrary to good conscience,” the project that traverses the private property. Is
Solicitor General failed to appreciate that the owner of the private property entitled to be
benevolent neutrality could allow for compensated for the monetary equivalent of the
accommodation of morality based on religion, land?YES. The easement is intended to
provided it does not offend compelling state perpetually or indefinitely deprive the owner of
interests. (Estrada v. Escritor, A.M. No. P-02-1651, his proprietary rights through the imposition of
22 June 2006, Resolution, en banc) conditions that affect the ordinary use, free
enjoyment and disposal of the property or
Q: Is a bank’s right to privacy and right against through restrictions and limitations that are
self-incrimination violated when the bank is inconsistent with the exercise of the attributes of
called by a Senate Committee to appear before ownership, or when the introduction of structures
it? or objects which, by their nature, create or
NO! Employing the rational basis relationship test increase the probability of injury, death upon or
in the 1968 case of Morfe v. Mutuc, the Court also destruction of life and property found on the land
found that petitioners’ right to privacy has not is necessary, then the owner should be
been violated as the requirement to disclose compensated for the monetary equivalent of the
information before the Senate Committee was for land. (NAPOCOR v. Tiangco, G.R. No. 170846, 06
a valid and compelling state purpose, i.e., to February 2007)

Q: An accused’s right to be informed was GOALS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY

violated when he was arraigned only after the 1. More equitable distribution of wealth;
case was submitted for decision. TRUE or FALSE. 2. Increased wealth for the benefit of the
FALSE. Appellant's belated arraignment did not people; and
prejudice him. This procedural defect was cured 3. Increased productivity.
when his counsel participated in the trial without
raising any objection that his client had yet to be TEMPORARY TAKE OVER OF BUSINESS
arraigned. In fact, his counsel even cross- AFFECTED WITH PUBLIC INTEREST
examined the prosecution witnesses. His They State may:
counsel's active participation in the hearings is a 1. In times of national emergency,
clear indication that he was fully aware of the 2. when the public interest so requires,
charges against him; otherwise, his counsel would 3. during the emergency and under reasonable
have objected and informed the court of this terms prescribed by it, and
blunder. Moreover, no protest was made when 4. temporarily take over or direct the operation
appellant was subsequently arraigned. The parties of any privately owned public utility or
did not question the procedure undertaken by the business affected with public interest.
trial court. It is only now, after being convicted
and sentenced to two death sentences, that Q: Elma was appointed as PCGG Chairman and
appellant cries that his constitutional right has as Chief Presidential Legal Counsel. Are the
been violated. It is already too late to raise this appointments in violation of Section 13, Article
procedural defect. This Court will not allow it. VII of the Constitution?
(People v. Pangilinan, G.R. No. 171020, 14 March NO. The prohibition in Section 13, Article VII of
2007) the 1987 Constitution does not apply to Elma
since neither the PCGG Chairman nor the CPLC is
SAFEGUARDS THAT GUARANTEE INDEPENDENCE a Cabinet secretary, undersecretary, or assistant
OF CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSIONS secretary. Even assuming, arguendo, that Section
1. Constitutionally created; cannot be abolished 13, Article VII is applicable to Elma, he still could
by statute; not be appointed concurrently to the offices of
2. Conferred with powers and functions which the PCGG Chairman and CPLC because neither
cannot be altered by statute; office was occupied by him in an ex-officio
3. Chairmen and members removable only by capacity, and the primary functions of one office
impeachment; do not require an appointment to the other post.
4. Chairmen and members may not be Moreover, even if the appointments in question
reappointed or appointed in acting capacity; are not covered by Section 13, Article VII of the
5. Fiscal autonomy; and 1987 Constitution, said appointments are still
6. Commission may promulgate its own prohibited under Section 7, Article IX-B, which
procedural rules, provided they do not covers all appointive and elective officials, due to
diminish, increase or modify substantive the incompatibility between the primary
rights. functions of the offices of the PCGG Chairman and
the CPLC. (Public Interest Center, Inc. v. Elma, G.R.
GROUNDS FOR IMPEACHMENT No. 138695, 30 June 2006)
1. Culpable violation of the Constitution;
2. Treason; Q: Is there a law that deals with dual allegiance?
3. Bribery; NONE. To begin with, Section 5, Article IV of the
4. Graft and Corruption; Constitution is a declaration of a policy and it is
5. Other high crimes; and not a self-executing provision. The legislature still
6. Betrayal of public trust. has to enact the law on dual allegiance. In
Sections 2 and 3 of Rep. Act No. 9225, the framers
were not concerned with dual citizenship per se,
but with the status of naturalized citizens who
2008 Pre-Week in Political & Public Int’l. Law Libertas Et Iusticia 4

maintain their allegiance to their countries of from the Veterans formula, which uses a different
origin even after their naturalization. Congress multiplier. While the simplified formula in the
was given a mandate to draft a law that would set former uses “allotted seats for the first party,” the
specific parameters of what really constitutes judicially recognized formula utilizes the “number
dual allegiance. Until this is done, it would be of additional seats allocated to the First Party” as
premature for the judicial department, including its multiplier, the application of which would
this Court, to rule on issues pertaining to dual result in a “material, substantial, and significant”
allegiance. (AASJS v. Datumanong, G.R. No. disparity. Likewise, the Court said that its pro hac
160869, 11 May 2007, en banc) vice ruling in Ang Bagong Bayani, which granted
one additional seat to the party-list Buhay
Derivative Citizenship. – The unmarried child, Hayaang Yumabong (BUHAY), cannot be set as a
whether legitimate, illegitimate or adopted, precedent to future cases as the simplified
below eighteen (18) years of age, of those who formula it used has since been abandoned. (CIBAC
reacquire Philippine citizenship upon effectivity of v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 172103, 13 April 2007, en
this Act shall be deemed citizens of the banc)
Philippines. (Section 4, R.A. No. 9225, Citizenship
Retention & Reacquisition Act of 2003) Q: May the Congress validly enact a law granting
the ARMM Regional Assembly the power to
Q: What is Naturalization? create provinces and cities?
Naturalization signifies the act of formally NO. We rule that Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054,
adopting a foreigner into the political body of a insofar as it grants to the ARMM Regional
nation by clothing him or her with the privileges Assembly the power to create provinces and
of a citizen. There are three ways by which an cities, is void for being contrary to Section 5 of
alien may become a citizen by naturalization: (a) Article VI and Section 20 of Article X of the
administrative naturalization per R.A. No. 9139; Constitution, as well as Section 3 of the Ordinance
(b) judicial naturalization per C.A. No. 473; and (c) appended to the Constitution. Only Congress can
legislative naturalization in the form of a law create provinces and cities because the creation
enacted by Congress bestowing Philippine of provinces and cities necessarily includes the
citizenship to an alien. (So v. Republic, G.R. No. creation of legislative districts, a power only
170603, 29 January 2007) Congress can exercise under Section 5, Article VI
of the Constitution and Section 3 of the
Q: Give the formula that should be strictly Ordinance appended to the Constitution. The
applied in determining the number of additional ARMM Regional Assembly cannot create a
seats a winning party-list is entitled to in order province without a legislative district because the
to promote the “proportional representation” Constitution mandates that every province shall
intended by R.A. No. 7941. have a legislative district. Moreover, the ARMM
Regional Assembly cannot enact a law creating a
The Veterans Formula should be applied. national office like the office of a district
representative of Congress because the legislative
powers of the ARMM Regional Assembly operate
only within its territorial jurisdiction as provided
in Section 20, Article X of the Constitution. Thus,
we rule that MMA Act 201, enacted by the ARMM
Regional Assembly and creating the Province of
Shariff Kabunsuan, is void. (Sema v. COMELEC, 16
July 2008, G.R. No. 177597)
should not have used the simplified formula in In exacting the assailed Universal Charge through
Ang Bagong Bayani as it “is materially different” Sec. 34 of the EPIRA, the State's police power,

particularly its regulatory dimension, is invoked. Q: Where should one appeal the decision of the
The assailed Universal Charge is not a tax, but an Secretary of Justice?
exaction in the exercise of the State's police To the Office of the President not the CA, under
power. Public welfare is surely the established principle of exhaustion of
promoted. (Gerochi v. DOE, G.R. No. 159796, 17 administrative remedies. Section 1, Rule 43, ROC
July 2007) includes the Office of the President in the
agencies named therein, thereby accentuating
PART II the fact that appeals from rulings of department
Administrative Law and Law on Public Officers heads must first be taken to and resolved by that
office before any appellate recourse may be
resorted to. (Orosa v. Roa, G.R. No. 140423, 14
July 2006)

Q: Are administrative issuances required to be

published or filed with the Office of the National
Administrative Register (ONAR) of the University
of the Philippines Law Center before it may be
1) right to a hearing; YES. The Administrative Code of 1987, particularly
2) tribunal must consider evidence presented; Section 3 thereof, expressly requires each agency
3) decision must have something to support to file with the ONAR three certified copies of
itself; every rule adopted by it. Administrative issuances
4) evidence must be substantial; which are not published or filed with the ONAR
5) decision must be based on evidence adduced are ineffective and may not be enforced. (GMA
at hearing or at least contained in the record Network, Inc. v. MTRCB, G.R. No. 148579, 05
and disclosed to parties; February 2007)
6) board of judges must act on its independent
consideration of facts and law of the case, REQUISITES OF A DE FACTO OFFICERSHIP
and not simply accept view of subordinate in 1) De jure office;
arriving at a decision; and 2) Color of right or general acquiescence by the
7) decision must be rendered in such a manner public; and
that parties to controversy can know various 3) Actual physical possession of the office in
issues involved and reason for decision good faith.
Q: Is the Special Prosecutor a mere subordinate
Q: May the Energy Regulatory Board order of the Ombudsman?
MERALCO to reconnect the electric service of the YES! As such, he can investigate and prosecute
latter’s consumer pending the determination of cases only upon the Ombudsman’s authority or
the propriety of the disconnection? YES! The order. He is under the supervision and control of
power of control and supervision over public the Ombudsman. Control means “the power of an
utilities would otherwise be a meaningless officer to alter or modify or nullify or set aside
delegation were the ERB is precluded from what a subordinate officer had done in the
requiring a public utility to reconnect pending the performance of his duties and to substitute the
determination of propriety of the disconnection. judgment of the former for that of the latter.”
(MERALCO v. ERB, G.R. No. 145399, 17 March Clearly, in disapproving the recommendation of
2006) the Office of the Special Prosecutor to dismiss all
the charges against petitioner and his co-accused,
respondent Ombudsman did not act with grave
abuse of discretion. (Calingin v. Desierto, G.R. No.
145743-89, 10 August 2007)
2008 Pre-Week in Political & Public Int’l. Law Libertas Et Iusticia 6

Q: The issuance of a wage order by the Regional to a reasonable opportunity to be heard, and to
Tripartite Wages & Productivity Board involves the administrative decision based on substantial
the performance of a quasi-judicial function. evidence. Note that it is the administrative order,
TRUE or FALSE? Why? not the preliminary report, which is the basis of
FALSE. In the issuance of the wage order, RTWPB any further remedies the losing party in an
did not act in any judicial, quasi-judicial capacity, administrative case may pursue.
or ministerial capacity. It was in the nature of One’s right to administrative due process only
subordinate legislation, promulgated by it in the requires an opportunity to be heard and to a
exercise of delegated power under R.A. No. 6727. decision based on substantial evidence. No more,
It was issued in the exercise of quasi-legislative no less. (Viva Footwear Mfg., Corp. v. SEC, G.R.
power. Quasi-legislative or rule-making power is No. 163235, 27 April 2007)
exercised by administrative agencies through the
promulgation of rules and regulations within the Q: May the SEC’s approval of the Rehabilitation
confines of the granting statute and the doctrine Plan impair BPI’s right to contract?
of non-delegation of certain powers flowing from NO! The non-impairment clause is a limit on the
the separation of the great branches of the exercise of legislative power and not of judicial or
government. (Metrobank v. NWPC, G.R. No. quasi-judicial power. The SEC, through the
144322, 06 February 2007) hearing panel that heard the petition for approval
of the Rehabilitation Plan, was acting as a quasi-
EXCEPTIONS TO THE DOCTRINE OF EXHAUSTION judicial body and thus, its order approving the
OF ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES plan cannot constitute an impairment of the right
1. Doctrine of qualified political agency except and the freedom to contract. (BPI v. SEC, G.R. No.
where law expressly provides exhaustion; 164641, 20 December 2007, en banc)
2. Administrative remedy is fruitless;
3. Where there is estoppel on part of Q: What the so-called rule of administrative res
administrative agency; judicata? It is a rule which forbids the reopening
4. Issue involved is purely legal; of a matter once judicially determined by
5. Administrative action is patently illegal, competent authority applies as well to the judicial
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction; and quasi-judicial facts of public, executive or
6. Where there is unreasonable delay or official administrative officers and boards acting within
inaction; their jurisdiction as to the judgments of courts
7. Where there is irreparable injury or threat having general judicial powers. It has been
thereof, unless judicial recourse is declared that whenever final adjudication of
immediately made; persons invested with power to decide on the
8. In land case, subject matter is private land; property and rights of the citizen is examinable by
9. Where law does not make exhaustion a the Supreme Court, upon a writ of error or a
Condition precedent to judicial recourse; certiorari, such final adjudication may be pleaded
10. Where observance of the doctrine will result as res judicata.
in nullification of claim; To be sure, early jurisprudence were
11. Where there are special reasons or already mindful that the doctrine of res judicata
circumstances demanding immediate court cannot be said to apply exclusively to decisions
action; and rendered by what are usually understood as
12. When due process of law is clearly violated. courts without unreasonably circumscribing the
scope thereof and that the more equitable
Q: A respondent in an administrative case is attitude is to allow extension of the defense to
entitled to be informed of the preliminary decisions of bodies upon whom judicial powers
findings and recommendations. TRUE or FALSE? have been conferred. (NHA v. Almeida, G.R. No.
FALSE. A respondent in an administrative case is 162784, 22 June 2007)
not entitled to be informed of the preliminary
findings and recommendations; he is entitled only

ON REPLACEMENT OF NON-ELIGIBLE BY appointing authority can decide. The CSC is not

ANOTHER NON-ELIGIBLE. Where a non-eligible authorized to curtail or diminish the exercise of
holds a temporary appointment, his replacement discretion of the appointing power on the nature
by another non-eligible is not prohibited. (CSC v. or kind of appointment to be extended. The CSC,
Darangina, G.R. No. 167472, 31 January 2007) by ignoring or annulling, or supplanting with its
Q: Does the issue of whether or not a contractor own, Director Opinion’s appointment of
with an expired license at the time of the petitioner on a coterminous basis, has acted
execution of its contract with the DPWH is beyond its authority. (Jaucian v. Wycoco, G.R. No.
entitled to be paid for completed projects require 164710, 28 September 2007, en banc)
exhaustion of administrative remedy?
NO! It is a pure question of law. It does not
involve an examination of the probative value of PART III
the evidence presented by the parties. There is a Laws on Suffrage
question of law when the doubt or difference
arises as to what the law is on a certain state of
facts, and not as to the truth or the falsehood of
alleged facts. Said question at best could be
resolved only tentatively by the administrative
authorities. The final decision on the matter rests
not with them but with the courts of justice.
Exhaustion of administrative remedies does not
apply, because nothing of an administrative
nature is to be or can be done. The issue does not
require technical knowledge and experience but Failure of Elections – three (3) instances where a
one that would involve the interpretation and failure of elections may be declared:
application of law. (Republic v. Lacap, 02 March a. The election in any polling place has not been
2007, G.R. No. 158253) held on the date fixed on account of force
majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud, or other
AND EMPLOYEES OF THE OFFICE OF THE b. The election in any polling place had been
OMBUDSMAN VS. CSC’S STANDARDS OF suspended before the hour fixed by law for
EMPLOYMENT. The CSC cannot substitute its the closing of the voting on account of force
own standards for those of the department or majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud, or other
agency, specially in a case like this in which an analogous causes; and
independent constitutional body is involved. c. After the voting and during the preparation
Under the Constitution, the Office of the and transmission of the election returns or in
Ombudsman is an independent body. As a the custody or canvass thereof such election
guaranty of this independence, the Ombudsman results in a failure to elect on account of force
has the power to appoint all officials and majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud or other
employees of the Office of the Ombudsman, analogous causes.
except his deputies. This power necessarily
includes the power of setting, prescribing and STATE POLICY ON THE
administering the standards for the officials and AUTOMATED ARMM ELECTIONS.
personnel of the Office. (Ombudsman v. CSC, 30 It is the policy of the State to ensure free, orderly,
July 2007, G.R. No. 162215) honest, fair and credible elections, and ensure the
secrecy and sanctity of the ballot in order that the
Q: Can the CSC supplant its own discretion in the citizenry shall be assured that the results of
appointment of an employee? elections, plebiscites, referenda and other
NO. The power of appointment involves electoral exercises are truly reflective of their will.
considerations of wisdom which only the (Sec. 1, R.A. No. 8046) This is the underlying policy
2008 Pre-Week in Political & Public Int’l. Law Libertas Et Iusticia 8

in authorizing the COMELEC to conduct a Q: Sinando had been elected for three
nationwide demonstration of a computerized consecutive terms as municipal councilor in 1998-
election system and pilot-test the same in the 2001, 2001-2004, and 2004-2007. On his second
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao term, however, he succeeded as vice mayor of
elections. due to the retirement of Vice Mayor Petronilo. Is
Sinando still qualified to run as municipal
Q: When is a petition for inclusion or exclusion of councilor in the 2007 elections? YES. Sinando’s
voters in the Voters’ List prohibited? assumption of office as vice-mayor was an
Section 34 of R.A. No. 8189 proscribes the filing of involuntary severance from his office as municipal
a petition for inclusion of voters in the permanent councilor, resulting in an interruption in the
list of voters one hundred five (105) days prior to service of his 2001-2004 term. It cannot be
a regular election or seventy-five (75) days prior deemed to have been by reason of voluntary
to a special election. Section 35 of the same Act renunciation because the assumption of office as
prohibits the filing of a petition for exclusion of vice-mayor was by operation of law. Hence, he is
voters from the permanent list at anytime except qualified to run as municipal councilor in the 2007
one hundred (100) days prior to a regular elections. (Montebon v. COMELEC, 08 April 2008,
election or sixty-five (65) days before a special G.R. No. 180444, en banc)
Q: Can the COMELEC be compelled to disclose the
Q: When may the COMELEC annul the Book of names of party-list nominees? YES. The people
Voters? has a right of to information on matters of public
The Commission shall, upon verified petition of concern. Likewise, the State adopts and
any voter of election officer of duly registered implements a policy of full public disclosure of all
political party, and after notice and hearing, annul its transactions involving public interest.
any book of voters that is not prepared in It has been repeatedly said in various
accordance with the provisions of this Act or was contexts that the people have the right to elect
prepared through fraud; bribery, forgery, their representatives on the basis of an informed
impersonation, intimidation, force or any similar judgment. Hence the need for voters to be
irregularity, or which contains data that are informed about matters that have a bearing on
statistically improbable. No order, ruling or their choice. The ideal cannot be achieved in a
decision annulling a book of voters shall be system of blind voting. Besides, there is no
executed within (90) days before an election. national security or like concerns is involved in
the disclosure of the names of the nominees of
Q: Is an alleged misrepresentation of profession the party-list groups in question.
or occupation on a certificate of candidacy of a The prohibition imposed on the COMELEC
candidate for punong barangay punishable as an under Section 7 of R.A. No. 7941 (Party-list
election offense under Section 262 in relation to System Act) is limited in scope and duration as it
Section 74 of B.P. 881? extends only to the certified list which the same
NO. Profession or occupation not being a provision requires to be posted in the polling
qualification for elective office, misrepresentation places on election day. It further said that to
of such does not constitute a material stretch the coverage of the prohibition to the
misrepresentation. Certainly, in a situation where absolute is to read into the law something that is
a candidate misrepresents his or her profession or not intended. (BA-RA 7941 v. Comelec, GR No.
occupation in the certificate of candidacy, the 177271; Rosales v. Comelec, GR No. 177314, 04
candidate may not be disqualified from running May 2007, en banc)
for office under Section 78 as his or her certificate
of candidacy cannot be denied due course or
canceled on such ground. (Lluz v. COMELEC, G.R.
No. 172840, 07 June 2007)

TYPES OF ELECTORAL PROCESSES face of the election return. The rationale is that a
( full reception of evidence aliunde and the
1. Regular elections are those held regularly meticulous examination of voluminous election
over a period of time as mandated by the documents would run counter to the summary
Constitution: nature of a pre-proclamation controversy.
a. National Elections However, this rule is not without any exception.
b. Local Elections While the summary nature of pre-
c. Barangay Elections proclamation controversies is intended to ensure
d. ARMM Elections, for Regional Governor, that the canvass and proclamation be delayed as
Regional Vice-Governor, and Regional little as possible so as not to create a vacuum in
Assemblymen for the Autonomous elective positions, the Board of Canvassers cannot
Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), close its eyes to patently dubious entries that
every 3 years; and would put a reasonable person on notice that
e. Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Elections something is wrong or irregular.
The public policy that frowns
2. Special elections against “grab-the-proclamation-prolong-the
a. Plebiscite is the name given to a vote of the protest” attempts has to be balanced against the
people expressing their choice for or against a clear and present dangers created by a lengthy
proposed law or enactment submitted to period of non-proclamation of winners, a period
them. In the Philippines, the term is applied commonly fraught with tension and danger for
to an election at which any proposed the public at large. (Ewoc v. COMELEC, 04 April
amendment to, or revision of, the 2007, G.R. No. 171882, en banc)
Constitution is submitted to the people for
their ratification; Q: Morales was elected mayor for three
b. A referendum is the submission of a law consecutive terms. On his second term, an
passed by the national or local legislative election protest was decided against him thereby
body to the voting citizens for their declaring his proclamation as mayor void.
ratification or rejection. Power of referendum However, the said protest was decided after he
is the right reserved to the people to adopt or has already served his second term in office.
reject any act or measure which has been Morales won for the fourth consecutive term
passed by a legislative body, which would maintaining that he served his second term
become a law without action on the part of (1998 to 2001) only as a “caretaker of the office”
the electors; or as a “de facto officer.”
c. An initiative is the process whereby the Section 8, Article X of the Constitution is violated
people directly propose and enact laws. and its purpose defeated when an official serves
Amendments to the Constitution may likewise in the same position for three consecutive terms.
be directly proposed by the people through Whether as “caretaker” or “de facto” officer, he
initiative; and exercises the powers and enjoys the prerequisites
d. Recall is a method by which a public officer of the office which enables him “to stay on
may be removed from office during his tenure indefinitely”. Morales should be promptly ousted
or before the expiration of his term by a vote from the position of mayor. (Rivera v. COMELEC,
of the people after registration of a petition G.R. No. 167591, 09 May 2007)
signed by a required percentage of the
qualified voters. Q: Which among the following may be a ground
to annul elections based on fraud?
Q: May the Board of Canvassers go beyond what a) transfer of venue of the canvass without
appears on the face of the election return? previous notice to candidates;
It is a well-established rule in pre-proclamation b) proclamation of candidate without canvassing
cases that the Board of Canvassers is without the results of a “farcical election”;
jurisdiction to go beyond what appears on the c) erasures in the certificate of canvass;
2008 Pre-Week in Political & Public Int’l. Law Libertas Et Iusticia 10

d) lack of initials by the Provincial Board of requirements exacted of an ordinary voter under
Canvassers; ordinary conditions, are qualified to vote.”
e) use of different inks and handwritings; (Nicolas-Lewis, et al. v. COMELEC, 04 August 2006,
f) the act of the Provincial Board of Canvassers GR. 162759, en banc)
in simply noting objections to the canvass of
the returns; or Q: Filipinos who are immigrants and permanent
g) None of the above. residents abroad are disqualified to vote under
Answer: (g) The above are not grounds that would the Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003 or R.A.
warrant the annulment of the elections. To No. 9189. TRUE or FALSE? Why?
warrant a declaration of failure of election on the FALSE. An Filipino immigrant or permanent
ground of fraud, the fraud must prevent or resident abroad may be allowed to register as
suspend the holding of an election, or mar fatally voter and vote for as long as he executes an
the preparation, transmission, custody and affidavit to show that he has not abandoned his
canvass of the election returns. The conditions domicile. This is a promise to resume actual
for the declaration of failure of election are physical permanent residence in the Philippines
stringent. Otherwise, elections will never end for not later than three (3) years from approval of his
losers will always cry fraud and terrorism. registration. Likewise he must declare therein
The allegations of massive substitution of that he has not applied for citizenship in another
voters, multiple voting, and other electoral country. The effect of his failure to return shall
anomalies should be resolved in a proper election cause the removal of his name from the National
protest in the absence of any of three instances Registry of Absentee Voters and his permanent
justifying a declaration of failure of election. In an disqualification to vote in absentia. (Makalintal v.
election protest, the election is not set aside, and COMELEC, G.R. No. 157013, 10 July 2003, en banc)
there is only a revision or recount of the ballots
cast to determine the real winner. (Mutilan v. PART IV
COMELEC, 02 April 2007, G.R. No. 171248) Local Government Code & Public Corporations

Q: May dual citizens register and vote as

absentee voters?
YES! Those who retain or re-acquire Philippine
citizenship under Republic Act No. 9225, the
Citizenship Retention and Re-Acquisition Act of
2003, may exercise the right to vote under the
system of absentee voting in Republic Act No.
9189, the Overseas Absentee Voting Act of 2003.” Decentralization of Power – this involves the
In effect, they are likewise exempt from the abdication of political power in favor of LGUs.
residency requirements prescribed under Section
1, Article V of the Constitution. Decentralization of Administration – the central
There is no provision in the dual government delegates administrative powers to
citizenship law, RA 9225, requiring ‘duals’ to political subdivisions in order to broaden base of
actually establish residence and physically stay in government power and in process make LGUs
the Philippines first before they can exercise their more responsive and accountable and ensure
right to vote. On the contrary, RA 9225, in implicit their fullest development as self-reliant
acknowledgment that ‘duals’ are most likely non- communities and make them effective partners in
residents, grants under its Section 5(1) the same the pursuit of national development and social
right of suffrage as that granted an absentee progress.
voter under RA 9189. It cannot be
overemphasized that RA 9189 aims, in essence, to Devolution – an act by which national
enfranchise as much as possible all overseas government confers power and authority upon
Filipinos who, save for the residency

various LGUs to perform specific functions and Instead, it is the City of Las Piñas which
responsibilities. has the duty to control the flood therein as
provided for in Sec. 17 of the LGC. (Ibid.)
b. must not contravene the Constitution and any Q: E.O. No. 179, s. 2003 was issued by PGMA
statute; designating the MMDA to implement a program
c. must not be unfair or oppressive; to decongest traffic in the metro by eliminating
d. must not be partial or discriminatory; bus terminals located along major Metro Manila
e. must not prohibit, but may regulate trade; thoroughfares. Is the issuance valid?
f. must not be unreasonable; and NO! The MMDA cannot order the closure of
g. must be general in application and consistent respondents' terminals not only because no
with public policy. authority to implement the Project has been
granted nor legislative or police power been
REQUISITES OF VALID MUNICIPAL CONTRACTS delegated to it, but also because the elimination
a. LGU has express, implied, or inherent power of the terminals does not satisfy the standards of
to enter into a particular contract; a valid police power measure.
b. Entered into by proper department, board, Finally, an order for the closure of
committee, or agent; respondents' terminals is not in line with the
c. Must comply with substantive requirements; provisions of the Public Service Act.
d. Must comply with formal requirements; and The establishment, as well as the
e. In case entered into by local chief executive maintenance of vehicle parking areas or
on behalf of LGU, prior authorization by passenger terminals, is generally considered a
Sanggunian concerned is needed necessary service to be provided by provincial bus
operators like respondents, hence, the
Q: Is a corporation which developed a investments they have poured into the acquisition
subdivision liable for its failure to address the or lease of suitable terminal sites. Eliminating the
silting problem of the a river located nearby? terminals would thus run counter to the
NO! Article 502 of the Civil Code provides that provisions of the Public Service Act. (MMDA v.
rivers and their natural bed are of public Viron Transportation, G.R. No. 170656, 15 August
dominion. As the river is a public property, hence, 2007)
it is the government which should address the
problem. (Filinvest Land, Inc. v. Flood-Affected INSTANCES WHEN LGU MAY BE REPRESENTED BY
Homeowners of Meritville Alliance, G.R. No. A PRIVATE LAWYER
165955, 10 August 2007) 1) When the municipality is an adverse party in a
case involving the provincial government or
Q: Is the MMDA the agency to shoulder the another municipality or city within the
responsibility for the flooding? province; or
NO! MMDA is a “development authority.” In 2) Where original jurisdiction is vested with the
other words, the MMDA is “an agency created for Supreme Court.
the purpose of laying down policies and
coordinating with the various national Q: What is the true criterion in determining
government agencies, people’s organizations, whether a corporation is public or private?
non-governmental organizations, and the private The true criterion to determine whether a
sector for the efficient and expeditious delivery of corporation is public or private is found in the
basic services” in the Metropolitan Manila area. totality of the relation of the corporation to the
The MMDA cannot be held responsible as its State. If the corporation is created by the State as
services only involve laying down policies and the latter's own agency or instrumentality to help
coordination with other agencies relative to its it in carrying out its governmental functions, then
primary functions. that corporation is considered public; otherwise,
it is private. Applying the above test, provinces,
2008 Pre-Week in Political & Public Int’l. Law Libertas Et Iusticia 12

chartered cities, and barangays can best PART V

exemplify public corporations. They are created Public International Law
by the State as its own device and agency for the
accomplishment of parts of its own public works.
The fact that a certain juridical entity is
impressed with public interest does not, by that
circumstance alone, make the entity a public
corporation, inasmuch as a corporation may be
private although its charter contains provisions of
a public character, incorporated solely for the
public good. This class of corporations may be
considered quasi-public corporations, which are
private corporations that render public service,
supply public wants, or pursue other Q: Who can declare war on behalf of the
eleemosynary objectives. While purposely Philippines as a State?
organized for the gain or benefit of its members, A: No one! The Constitution has withheld this
they are required by law to discharge functions power from the government. What the
for the public benefit. Examples of these Constitution allows is a declaration of a “State of
corporations are utility, railroad, warehouse, War”. Under Art. VI, Sec. 23(1), Congress, by a
telegraph, telephone, water supply corporations vote of 2/3 of both Houses, in joint session
and transportation companies. It must be assembled, voting separately, shall have the sole
stressed that a quasi-public corporation is a power to declare the existence of a state of war.
species of private corporations, but the qualifying This presupposes that we are already under
factor is the type of service the former renders to attack.
the public: if it performs a public service, then it
becomes a quasi-public corporation. What are the principal purposes of the UN?
Authorities are of the view that the 1. To maintain international peace and security
purpose alone of the corporation cannot be taken 2. To develop friendly relations among nations
as a safe guide, for the fact is that almost all 3. To achieve international cooperation in
corporations are nowadays created to promote solving international economic, social,
the interest, good, or convenience of the public. cultural and humanitarian problems
A bank, for example, is a private corporation; yet, 4. To promote respect for human rights
it is created for a public benefit. Private schools 5. To be a center of harmonizing the actions of
and universities are likewise private corporations; nations towards those common goals.
and yet, they are rendering public service. Private
hospitals and wards are charged with heavy social Q: May a potential extraditee be granted bail?
responsibilities. More so with all common While our extradition law does not provide for the
carriers. On the other hand, there may exist a grant of bail to an extraditee, there is no provision
public corporation even if it is endowed with gifts prohibiting him or her from filing a motion for
or donations from private individuals. (Philippine bail, a right under the Constitution. A potential
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals v. extraditee may be granted bail on the basis of
COA, G.R. No. 169752, 25 September 2007) clear and convincing evidence that the person is
not a flight risk and will abide with all the orders
and processes of the extradition court.
If bail can be granted in deportation
cases, we see no justification why it should not
also be allowed in extradition cases. Likewise,
considering that the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights applies to deportation cases, there
is no reason why it cannot be invoked in

extradition cases. After all, both are the exchange of two documents, each of the
administrative proceeding where the innocence parties being in the possession of the one signed
or guilt of the person detained is not in issue. by the representative of the other. Under the
(Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative usual procedure, the accepting State repeats the
Region V v. Judge Olalia, Jr. and Muñoz, G.R. No. text of the offering State to record its assent. The
153675, 19 April 2007) signatories of the letters may be government
Ministers, diplomats or departmental heads. The
REQUISITES OF BELLIGERENCY [COWS] technique of exchange of notes is frequently
1. an organized civil government that has resorted to, either because of its speedy
control and direction over the armed struggle procedure, or, sometimes, to avoid the process of
launched by the rebels; legislative approval.
 a “provisional government” Treaties, agreements, conventions,
charters, protocols, declarations, memoranda of
2. occupation of a substantial portion of the understanding, modus vivendi and exchange of
state’s territory; notes” all refer to “international instruments
 more or less permanent occupation binding at international law. (Abaya v. Ebdane, Jr.,
 legitimate government must use G.R. No. 167919, 14 February 2007)
superior military force to dislodge the
(a) overflight without landing;
3. seriousness of the struggle, which must be so (b) landing for non-traffic purposes;
widespread thereby leaving no doubt as to (c) put down traffic from state to airline;
the outcome; and (d) embark traffic destined for state of
 must be so widespread, leaving no aircraft; and
doubt as to the outcome (e) embark traffic or put down traffic to or
from a third state

International Humanitarian Law (IHL) HOW MEMBERS OF ICJ ARE CHOSEN

These are the laws of armed conflict. It used to 1. Nomination made by national groups in
be called the laws of war. accordance with the Hague Conventions of
It regulates the conduct of actual conflict (jus 1907. No group shall nominate more than
in bello) as distinguished from laws providing for four persons and not more than two of whom
the instances of the lawful resort to force (jus ad shall be of their own nationality.
bellum). 2. Candidates obtaining an absolute majority in
It is a functional and utilitarian body of laws, the GA and SC are considered elected. In the
not just humanitarian. event that more than 1 national of the same
It is part of International Criminal Law and state obtain the requisite majorities in both
deals with breaches of international rules on the bodies, only the eldest is chosen.
laws of armed conflict entailing the personal 3. In cases when membership is not completed
liability of the individuals concerned, as opposed by the regular elections, a joint conference
to the responsibility of the State which is covered shall be convened. If this still fails, the judges
by Public International Law proper. (IHL: A Field elected shall fill the remaining vacancies.
Guide to the Basics, The 2007 Metrobank Lecture
on International Law, 22 Nov. 2007 by Associate
Justice Adolfo S. Azcuna)

What is an “exchange of notes”?

An “exchange of notes” is a record of a routine
agreement that has many similarities with the
private law contract. The agreement consists of
2008 Pre-Week in Political & Public Int’l. Law Libertas Et Iusticia 14

POINTERS ON DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITIES AND h) A diplomatic agent shall be exempt from all
PRIVILEGES dues and taxes, personal or real, national,
The more important are the following: regional, or municipal except in certain
specified cases like the imposition of indirect
a) The person of a diplomatic agent shall be
inviolable and he shall not be liable to any
form of arrest or detention. The receiving
i) The mission and its head shall have the right
state shall treat him with due respect and
to use the flag and emblem of the sending
shall take all appropriate steps to prevent any
state on the premises of the mission,
attack on his person, freedom or dignity.
including the residences of the head of the
mission and on his means of transport.
b) A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from
the criminal, civil and administrative
jurisdiction of the receiving state, except in
certain cases as, for example, when the civil
action deals with property held by him in a
private or proprietary capacity.
c) The diplomatic premises shall be inviolable,
and the agents of the receiving state may not
enter them without the consent of the head
of the mission. Such premises, their
furnishings and other property thereon and
2008 Bar Academics
the means of transportation of the mission
Libertas Et Iusticia
shall be immune from search, requisition,
attachment or execution.

d) The archives and documents of the mission

shall be inviolable at any time and wherever
they may be.

e) The receiving state shall permit and protect

free communication on the part of the
mission for all official purposes. In
communicating with the government and
other missions, and consulates of the sending
state wherever situated, the mission may
employ all appropriate means, including
diplomatic couriers and messages in code or
cipher. The official correspondence of the
mission shall be inviolable.

f) Subject to its laws and regulations concerning

national security, the receiving state shall
insure to all members of the mission freedom
of movement and travel in its territory.

g) A diplomatic agent is not obliged to give

evidence as a witness.

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