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All About Logan!

Thank you for letting me work with your child, it was an incredible experience. We found a chapter book
series that he really enjoys, Spy School, which was a huge motivator for both of us! Logan is a creative
thinker and is always willing to put in the effort. 
Can do!
Logan can read texts with amazing fluency, and he uses clues from the text to guide how he reads
something. He also responds well to modeling fluent reading. Logan has incredible ideas for writing and
can think very quickly about how to write about his ideas. I am so happy he got to write his own story for
me, I loved it!
Ready to Try!
Logan is ready to practice monitoring his own comprehension. With the tools he has, he can begin
stopping and thinking about the reading and move into evaluating the texts he reads. I have attatched a
tip sheet for the summer as Logan continues to read and write this summer.
Little Library
I have also created a library for Logan that includes some books I recommend based on his interests! That
is attatched as well.
Writing Project
This summer, we collaborated with another student to write penpal letters to each other. We enjoyed
having an authentic purpose for writing, and being able to respond to a student his age!

Thank You Again & Have a Great Summer!

Keep reading!
I know that "Spy School" was a super fun read and I
hope Logan continues to read it throughout the
summer. Refer to his little library for more book ideas
when he's finished!

Incorporate writing into everyday activities!

Keeping a journal is a great way to write every day.
Writing down recipes, how-to manuals, etc. are super
engaging and can help with developing communication
of ideas through writing. A super fun writing activity is
the peanut butter and jelly challenge, which is easy to
find on google. Logan has responded well to writing
with an authentic purpose.

Listen to audiobooks!!
Logan responded very well to our read alouds.
Modelling fluent reading is something I worked on to
help Logan with comprehension. Reading to your child
is very beneficial in supporting their reading
development as well.

Watch TV and movies together!

Watching movies together provide a great opportunity
for discussion and talking with your child is an easy way
to help expand their speaking vocabulary.

Family game night

Logan really enjoyed drawing and kahoot trivia when we
would have our sessions. Turn this into a fun family
game night with pictionary or trivia games!

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