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com: Overview and Key Features

NYTi i s a multi-platform news tool that provi des full access to New York Ti mes and International New York Times content, i ncluding
brea king news, multimedia, reviews a nd opinion, blogs, vi deos and more. NYTi is updated 24/7 with corresponding time stamps. From
the home page, one can access more than 25 Ti mes s ections, including World, Politics, New York, Opinion, Business, Technology, Science, Sports,
Arts , Fa s hion & Styl e, and Video.

International Edition
Edi ted from Paris, London, Hong Kong a nd New York, The International New York Ti mes (formerly The International He rald Tribune) provides
rea ders with a continuous flow of geopolitical, business, s ports a nd culture coverage from a distinctly gl obal perspective. Users a re able to read the
International Edition with simple navi gational tools on both the web a nd mobile apps. Us ers a re also a ble to read the Chinese Edition on the web.

Sharing & Commenting

NYTi a llows the user to email an a rticle (to both subscribers and non-subscribers) a nd s hare it vi a social media, i ncluding Facebook,
Twi tter, Google+, Reddit, a nd Li nkedIn. Its cross-platform feature allows the user to retrieve saved articles from the device of his/her choice. The
perma link feature allows hyperlinks to easily be a dded to any Cours e Management System. Us ers are a ble to submit comments on each article,
a nd will be posted upon review by the New York Times newsroom.

Newsletters, Alerts & Times Wire

NYTi provides 30+ da ily a nd weekly newsletters on topics such as Top Headlines, Breaking News, Small Business, Movies Update, and
Cooki ng, delivered directly to the user’s i nbox. Its most recent, ‘What We’re Reading’ email newsletter features a roundup of great reads from
a round the web, chosen by New York Ti mes reporters a nd editors. Custom alerts ca n also be created to monitor when specific keywords a ppear in
NYTi Ti mes Wire is a continuous stream of the latest a rticles a nd blog posts published on

Most Read & Recommended Articles

NYTi l ists the ‘most emailed’ a nd ‘most vi ewed’ a rticles by our readers each day. It also serves up ‘recommended for you’ articles based
on the a rticles each user has previously vi ewed.

Us ers have the a bility to a ccess ‘on the go’ using a collection of phone and tablet apps for i Phone, iPad, Android, Wi ndows Phone,
Bl a ckBerry, a nd Ki ndle Fire.

Historical Coverage
NYTi i nstitutional subscriptions provide full a ccess to New York Times articles published between 1851 through 1922, a nd between 1981
through current day. Access to the years 1923-1980 i s limited for institutional s ubscribers.

NYTi provides s earchable access to articles, vi deos, blogs, features, intervi ews, obituaries, and columns. features a single
s earch box wi th result-filtering that i ncludes date range, result type (a rticle vs . blog), section, a uthor a nd the a bility to s earch on ‘images only.’

Today’s Paper
Toda y’s Pa per s ection a llows the user to read all of the current day’s print content i n a digital format. Contained in this section are all of the
a rti cl es found in that day’s print edition (along with corresponding page numbers).

Times Topics
Ti mes Topics pages consolidate all the news, reference and a rchival information, photos, gra phics, audio and vi deo files published on predefined
topi cs ra nging from A M Ca s tle & Company to Zyuganov, Gennadi A. Ti mes Topics pages cover people, subjects, organizations, and places. Ti mes
Topi cs also provides other resources from a round the web that have been selected by researchers and editors of The New York T imes.

Cross Searching with Other Relevant Content

NYTi i s primarily a single- source browsable tool, but i t does provide content from other sources selected by the New York Ti mes
news room vi a Times Wire, Times Topics and NYT Now (top news iPhone a pp).

Real-Time Market Data Information & Company Research Pages

NYTi provides real-time global snapshots of US a nd World Ma rkets, Funds, Currencies, Bonds & Consumer Rates powered by Thomson
Reuters with data provided by Morningstar & Ba nkRate. In-depth company research pages covering 11,000+ public a nd private companies are also
provi ded.

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