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Lesson Title Lesson Duration Year Class/Group

Equivalence and the equals sign 60 mins 4 Grade 4. Mr Delorenzo

Syllabus Outcomes – content Proficiency focus

• Find unknown quantities in number sentences involving addition and subtraction and identify • Understand that the equals sign shows that
equivalent number sentences involving addition & subtraction (ACMNA083) what is on the left of the sign is EXACTLY the
same as what is on the right i.e. “is the same
Where does this lesson fit in the unit sequence? First lesson of sequence Organisational elements (if necessary)
What have the students learned so far? Students have just completed a unit on multiplication & division. These Risks: NIL
following lessons focus on areas that need consolidating as identified by PAT testing Resources required: PowerPoint, Chrome books for
Where do they go next? Algebraic thinking attempting Solve Me puzzles
Grouping & classroom environment:
The lesson in detail Monitoring learning and providing feedback
What will you look for to monitor what students are
Learning intention: To build understanding of the equals sign and what it means learning and how well they are learning it? What
Success criteria: I can explain that the equals sign means “same as” and I can explain that both sides of feedback strategies might you employ?
the equation are equal in value
Are students participating? Is this engaging?
Engage Ensure to move on once attention has waned.
• With a partner play rock-paper-scissors
• However on “scissors,” students reveal a particular number of fingers
• Both students compete to work out the answer of multiplying the 2 numbers together

Can students come up with invented strategies for
Number talk
solving the problem?
Using the maths problem from PAT testing Do they understand the meaning of the equals sign
11 + ? = 15 + 3 and recognise the relationship between left & right
What is the missing number? sides of the equation?
• Solve using mental maths Any misconceptions?
• Students share their answers and describe how they did it
• Place thumb at chest level once they have come up with a solution
• Students share thinking
Provide feedback about merit of particular strategies.
• Represent students thinking on the board Highlight any valuable ones and ask students to
• Ask students to defend one of them by explaining their reasoning explain their thinking.
• Choose one of the strategies & ask students to make visual representation

Explicit teaching What words do students use to explain? “Equal to”
“same as” OR “answer the question” “complete it”
Think-pair-share: What does the equals sign mean? If you had to explain it to a prep student, how
Does their language reflect accurate conceptual
would you do this? understandings?

The equals sign means “is equal to” or “is the same as” rather than “find the answer.” Does the visual of the balance aid comprehension?
Use analogy of the balance. Both sides of the equation MUST equal the same amount. It’s like a
balance scale, whatever you put on this side of the scale, you must also put on the other side so that
the scale is balanced.

Debunk misconceptions – often students think that the equal sign is a command to do something, to
solve the equation or to find an answer. “Do the equation, computer and write the answer.” *Students have probably been on the floor for a while
now. Monitor focus levels. May need to head back to
tables or move on with next activity.
We often see equations in the form ___ + ___ =
BUT equations can come in many different forms.
• We might have 2 numbers on the right side
• We might have 3 numbers on the left side and 2 on the right

True/false statements Can students immediately apply this knowledge?

4+5 = 9
6+4 = 9 Enabling: for students who need further
9 = 4+5 consolidation, work with a group of students and go
5+4 = 6+3 over concepts again.
6 x 8 = 48
35 = 7x5

Is the game engaging?
Solve Me Puzzles. Go to ‘Mobiles’ – ‘Play’
Enabling: Attempt the “Explorer”
Extending: Attempt “puzzler” or “master”

Attempt another similar question. Evaluating their ability to solve a problem very similar
17 + ? = 15 + 8 to the first one. How has their understanding
changed/deepened? Do they still need more work?
Self reflection: How am I feeling about what we have learnt today?
How do they rate their own understanding?
• Give yourself a rating out of 4

Comments/reflections/strategies on inclusion and/or differentiation

• Students provided with differentiated option during ‘solve me puzzles’: Explorer
• Worksheet: ‘Meaning of the equals sign’

• Differentiated options: Puzzler or master
• Extension activity/early finishers: addition problems worksheet

Resources used:

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