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Mi vida en otra lengua

Semana 4
Semana de integración

Proyecto integrador. My biography

Proyecto integrador:

a) Answer the questions about your past, present and future. Illustrate each section with a
photograph or image representing that stage of your life.
(Contesta las preguntas acerca de tu pasado, presente y futuro. Ilustra cada sección con una
fotografía o imagen que represente esa etapa de tu vida.)
My past

Paste a picture here.

Where were you born? I was born in reynosa tamaulipas

Where did you live? Todasy I live in ciudad victoria tamaulipas

What were you doing before Before starting prepa en linea sep I only worked
starting Prepa en Línea-SEP?

My achievements

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

Proyecto integrador:

What were the three most  Have a stable job

important achievements in your  Get. My own house
life?  Become independent

Write about an experience in When I finished high school my parents could not
which you have overcome some continue paying for mu studies, which is why I had to
difficulty. move from Rio Braco to Cd Victoria with my
grandparents, here I had to start working from a very
young age in order to continue studying.
Due to lack of money I could not continue mu studies so I
decided to continue working, and thanks to online
preparatory I will be able to finish my high school studies

My present and what I want to accomplish

Paste a picture here.

Describe your school and work Every morning from 8 in the morning I enter the online
routine. prepa platform sep, dedicating only one hour, since 9bin
the morning I get ready to go to work , from 10:30 to 7:00
pm is my schedule work, whn I get home I go back to
the platform from 8 to 10 pm at night to return to the
routine the next day.

What do you do in your free In my free time I dedicate it to doing the activities of the
time? platform, because work does not allow me to finish them
during the week. I take advantage of that time to finish

What new skills or challenges I want to have in the future the ability to speak Englsh to
are you trying to overcome? perfection.
And my challenge would be to be able to finish high
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

school to be able to continue studying later and pursue a

career Proyecto integrador:
Write about any difficulties in Being working and studying siince there is very little time
this moment of your life. that I can dedicate to activities, on occcasions I am on
the last day of delivery pressed to finish the activities of
the week.q¼

What are you doing to overcome I do everuthing possible, from getting up earlier and
those difficulties? being able to dedicate more time to my activities, in the
same way when I finish my workday arriving hime, I go
directly to the platform to continue eith what I left started
in the morning.

My future and my goals and plans

What are your plans after Be able to enter university and finish a professional
Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

completing Prepa en Línea- carrer.

SEP? Proyecto integrador:
Would you like to study for a I would klike to have a professional degrre in criminology
degree? Which one? Which at the icest university in ciudad victoria.

What would you like to work on? I would like to work in the future in a security department
as a criminologist.

What is your greatest goal? Have a better life, both work and financial, and thus be
able my parents

What challenges will you have to Firstly, to finish high school, secondly to be able to get a
face to achieve your goal? better job and be able to pay for my university studies.

b) Write a half-page reflection on what you learned during the modules "Mi mundo en otra lengua"
and "Mi vida en otra lengua" and how they contributed to your formation.
(Redacta una reflexión de media cuartilla sobre lo que aprendiste durante los módulos “Mi
mundo en otra lengua” y “Mi vida en otra lengua” y cómo contribuyeron a tu formación.)

In the module “ my world in another language”, I learned a lot. I learned the main verbs of
the present and the past, which is a bit difficult for me. My pronunciation has also improved
and I have learned some new words that can help me match sentences. Now I can speak a
little more English and I can also talk about my family and my day job. I can express myself
in writing and verbally. I like to share my stories.
In the module, I learned many things. I learned to use expressions of time, prepositions of
time, this is also difficult for me, but I like it because I learn new things. It also helped me
think and talk about the future. But now I can communicate with my classmates in writing . I
am proud of some of my classmates. This will serve us well in the future and we will always
keep in mind that we can achieve many things. Now I can understand many more things.
The events of the past simple made me a bit difficult. But I will keep practicing, I also watch
videos to understand better.

c) Record the questions and answers of your biography (point a), as well as the reflection (point
b). Save your audio in a cloud and share the link in this space. Remember do not exceed over
than 2 minutes.
(Graba las preguntas y respuestas de tu biografía (inciso a), así como la reflexión (inciso b).
Guarda tu audio en una nube y comparte la liga en este espacio. Recuerda no exceder más de
2 minutos.)

My audio or URL

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 4
Semana de integración

(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

Proyecto integrador:

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