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Dysphagia 22:251–265 (2007)

DOI: 10.1007/s00455-006-9074-z


Strength-Training Exercise in Dysphagia Rehabilitation: Principles,

Procedures, and Directions for Future Research

Lori M. Burkhead, PhD,1,3, Christine M. Sapienza, PhD,2,3 and John C. Rosenbek, PhD1,3
Department of Communicative Disorders, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA; 2Department of Communication Sciences and
Disorders, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA; and 3Brain Rehabilitation Research Center of Excellence, Malcom Randall VA
Medical Center, Gainesville, Florida, USA

Abstract. Dysphagia rehabilitation, historically, has [1–4], those with head and neck cancer [5–8], and
focused a great deal on various compensations during those with tracheostomy and/or ventilator depen-
swallowing to prevent aspiration and/or improve dency without neurologic/structural disturbances
safety and efficiency. Exercise, in general, has been a that would otherwise precipitate dysphagia [9–12].
part of the dysphagia rehabilitation landscape. Regardless of etiology, the potential health risks that
However, heightened discussions in the field regard- can stem from dysphagia are great and include in-
ing best practices for exercise training, particularly creased likelihood for malnutrition, pulmonary
strengthening, raise more questions than answers. infection [13], and death [14].
The intent of this paper is to (1) explore the over- Dysphagia can negatively impact medical
riding principles of neuromuscular plasticity with recovery, resulting in longer hospitalizations and an
regard to strength training, (2) evaluate how current increased need for long-term care [15]. Aspiration
exercise-training interventions in dysphagia rehabili- pneumonia, a common sequela of dysphagia, is
tation correspond to these principles, and (3) postu- associated with a significant risk for morbidity and
late directions for future study of normal and disor- mortality [16]. It has been reported that in the eight-
dered swallowing and determine how to incorporate year period from 1991 to 1998, the number of patients
these principles into dysphagia rehabilitation. hospitalized for aspiration pneumonia increased by
93.5%, making it the second most common reason for
Key words: Deglutition — Deglutition disorders —
hospitalization [17]. Identifying more effective meth-
Dysphagia — Swallowing — Exercise — Strength-
ods of diagnosis and treatment has been designated as
ening — Muscle.
a top priority in rehabilitation research [18] in order to
improve the health and quality of life and decrease
fatalities in those with dysphagia.
Historically, research has focused largely on
Dysphagia is a pervasive and potentially life-threat-
the use of compensatory maneuvers while swallowing
ening condition that can emerge from a variety of
to prevent aspiration. Postural compensations such
disturbances affecting neural, motor, and/or sensory
as manipulating the head, oral structures, and/or
systems that underlie swallowing function. Published
body position [19, 24] have been beneficial to this end.
reports indicate a high incidence and prevalence of
Altering viscosity, volume, and consistency of food
dysphagia among neurologically impaired individuals
and liquid has also proven successful for improving
safety and efficiency of oral intake [19, 25, 26]. In
Correspondence to: Lori M. Burkhead, PhD, Department of addition to the use of compensations, a variety of
Otolaryngology, Division of Laryngology, Medical College of exercise regimens have been proposed to improve
Georgia, 1120 15th Street, Suite BP 4109, Augusta, GA, 30912-
4060, USA; E-mail: lburkhead@mcg.edu swallowing ability by targeting range of motion [27],
252 L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation

increasing swallowing effort volitionally or through exercise-training interventions in dysphagia rehabili-

exercise [28–32], and stimulating the sensory system tation correspond to these principles, (3) discuss how
[33–36]. The use of biofeedback as an adjunct in these principles might be incorporated into dysphagia
treatment to increase awareness of swallowing pat- rehabilitation, and (4) postulate directions for future
terns and to help the patient modify, monitor, and study of normal and disordered swallowing.
challenge performance while executing swallowing
maneuvers has also yielded positive results [37–39].
While these endeavors have greatly contributed to the Overview of Muscle Structure and Function
current knowledge base about how the swallowing
mechanism responds to treatment, they do not offer Before delving into skeletal muscle response to
much regarding how to best prescribe these inter- strength training, a general overview of muscle
ventions for maximum benefit. In addition, many of structure and function is warranted. Muscles con-
the most popular therapeutic interventions are based tain sarcomeres, which are the smallest functional
on findings reported from a limited number of small unit involved in muscle contraction [46]. Contrac-
group studies, single-case studies, unreplicated find- tion is achieved when there is successful binding of
ings, or even clinical intuition. At present, there re- proteins (actin and myosin) along the sarcomere
main more questions than answers regarding how to causing the filaments to slide toward each other,
most effectively and efficiently approach dysphagia creating the shortening action of contraction [47,
rehabilitation. 48]. Bundles of sarcomeres form muscle fibers that
While these preliminary levels of evidence are are organized with a complex matrix of other
important for building the foundation to discover structural and connective tissue to ultimately com-
effective treatments, what is also needed is continued, prise whole muscles. Force production and endur-
programmatic investigation with larger group studies ance capabilities of muscles are determined by
and replication of research with implied positive characteristics of the muscle fibers and their bio-
outcomes in order to improve statistical power. In energetic capacity for adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
addition, investigation of treatments and, in partic- production which provides the energy to fuel con-
ular, how exercise-based training regimens are de- traction. While there are numerous muscle fiber
signed and delivered is needed. In recent years there types, those in human skeletal muscle can be gen-
has been a surge in discussions about how current erally categorized as slow twitch (Type I) and fast
exercise training practices in dysphagia rehabilitation twitch (Type II).
relate to what is known about principles of neural Type I fibers are slower to contract in com-
plasticity and muscular adaptation and general parison with other fibers but are more resistant to
principles of exercise training [40–42]. fatigue due to a more efficient capacity for ATP
Just as a physical trainer might ask a client his/ production through aerobic metabolism. Because of
her goals before prescribing a training program, the contractile speed and bioenergetic properties for
rehabilitation specialists should also have a clear vi- oxygen consumption during aerobic metabolism,
sion of specific performance goals to be targeted with Type I fibers are also described as slow-oxidative fi-
exercise in swallowing dysfunction. Findings in bers. They are relatively smaller in diameter than
exercise science and physical rehabilitation literature Type II fibers and, consequently, have a lower
suggest that the method and manner of training capacity for force generation.
should differ quite significantly whether the goal is to By comparison, Type II fibers are larger in
increase strength, speed, endurance, or some combi- diameter and more adept at force generation. Despite
nation thereof [43]. Understanding how exercise more rapid twitch response and greater capacity for
training can be structured to facilitate and maximize force production, Type II fibers are less efficient with
neuromuscular plasticity is an integral component in energy metabolism and therefore more subject to
developing successful treatments. A clear under- fatigue. Type II fibers can be further subdivided into
standing of the mechanisms of neuromuscular plas- Type IIa and Type IIb. At the furthest end of the
ticity and having clearly defined outcomes is critical spectrum is the Type IIb muscle fiber. It has the
for structuring interventions to maximize peripheral greatest capacity for force generation but is inefficient
and central adaptation for long-lasting improvement because it is fast contracting but easily fatigable.
in function [44, 45]. Type IIb fibers are rich in glycolytic enzymes, which
The intent of this article is to (1) explore the fuel anaerobic metabolism for ATP production,
overriding principles of neuromuscular plasticity with making them fast-glycolytic fibers. Finally, Type IIa
regard to strength training, (2) evaluate how current fibers are considered to possess characteristics of
L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation 253

Type I and Type IIb fibers, making them highly evidence in both animal and human models suggests
adaptable because they contain a blend of contractile that muscles of mastication and swallowing do ap-
and bioenergetic characteristics of both fiber types. pear to adapt in response to loading conditions [50–
Type IIa fibers are fast-oxidative/glycolytic, having 52]. Although structural adaptations in muscle occur
both aerobic and anaerobic capacity for producing in response to increased or decreased activity, there
ATP. are other adaptations that occur in response to
Whole muscles contain a blend of fiber types, exercise other than fiber type shifts. Determinants of
but one type is generally predominant; no muscle type and degree of adaptation depend on the activity
contains entirely one fiber type or another. The pri- and duration and intensity.
mary role of a muscle usually dictates the predomi-
nant fiber type. Tonically active muscles, such as
those used for postural maintenance, are composed Effects of Training and Detraining
of primarily more slow-twitch, highly fatigue-resis-
tant Type I fibers. Those used in a more phasic, Adaptations to Training
forceful, ballistic fashion, as is required for increasing
or decreasing joint angle, are composed of mostly Early changes in strength training are generally the
faster-twitch, more easily-fatigable Type II fibers. result of modifications in how the nervous system
In addition to the typical Type I, IIa, IIb fi- activates the muscle rather than a structural alter-
bers, oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal muscles also ation in the muscle itself. Improved performance may
contain hybrid fibers. Muscles involved in mastica- be the result of an increased number of motor units
tion and swallowing exhibit unique fiber types, recruited or improved speed and coordination of
architecture, and composition, unlike any other hu- motor unit recruitment [53, 54]. These early altera-
man skeletal muscle. Considering that form follows tions in neural activation can improve force produc-
function in determining muscle properties, the tion, coordination, and precision of movement. As a
uniqueness of these muscles is logical when consid- training program progresses, strength gains then ap-
ering the spectrum of actions undertaken, including pear to be more the result of morphologic changes
respiration and verbal communication as well as within muscle tissue because the relative contribution
mastication and swallowing. In addition, the demand of neural factors decreases [53, 54].
on these muscles may shift quite rapidly from tonic Two types of morphologic adaptations that
contraction for maintaining airway patency during occur in muscle responding to exercise are fiber type
inhalation to rapid low-force movements during shifts and hypertrophy. The contractile properties of
speech to more forceful bursts of activity during the muscle fibers generally shift toward a more slowly
chewing and swallowing. While a comprehensive re- contracting, fatigue-resistant phenotype (Type I).
view of this complex topic is beyond the scope of this Hypertrophy (enlargement of the muscle fiber) is the
article, readers are encouraged to refer to a review on structural adaptation that affects the true force-gen-
the topic by Kent [49] that provides a detailed review erating capacity of a muscle and is usually the pri-
of the unique properties of these muscle groups. In mary goal of strength training [46, 53]. Each of these
addition to unusual fiber types, the more common structural adaptations occurs at different times
Type I, IIa, and IIb fibers are found in oropharyngeal throughout the training period. Reports in the exer-
muscles, with a predominance of the Type II fibers. cise science literature suggest that fiber type shifts (in
As would be expected, there is a relatively high con- combination with neural adaptation) may account
centration of Type I and Type IIa fibers found in the for early improvements, before the muscle has an
anterior tongue. This blend of fatigue-resistant Type I opportunity to undergo hypertrophic changes [43].
fibers and the relatively faster-contracting IIa fibers Although some controversy exists about the exact
provide the structural support for the anterior tongue length of time it takes before hypertrophy occurs in
to perform rapid, repetitive, low-force movements response to strength training, it has been reported
during speech production. Alternately, more rapidly that a sufficient degree of hypertrophy can occur as
contracting, larger-diameter Type IIb fibers congre- early as five weeks into strength training to consider it
gate toward the tongue base and in the pharyngeal the dominant cause for observed changes in perfor-
constrictors that produce rapid but more forceful mance [43, 46, 55]. The intensity and type of training
actions during swallowing. dictate whether hypertrophic changes will, in fact,
There is a paucity of data on structural occur.
adaptations of human oropharyngeal muscle to In addition to structural changes in the
exercise. It is noteworthy, however, that the existing periphery during the later phases of training, struc-
254 L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation

tural changes have also been observed in the central assume this could lead to a detraining effect of this
nervous system [56]. While the method and manner of muscle group but this theory remains uninvestigated.
cortical reorganization following volitional strength-
training exercise in dysphagia rehabilitation is cur- Effects of Training and Detraining in Aging
rently unknown, some studies have demonstrated
motor map reorganization in response to sensory Several changes occur throughout the body with
stimulation. Hamdy et al. [57] reported that cortical normal aging, and muscle tissue is not exempt. Pro-
reorganization occurred in patients who exhibited gressive decreases in strength and rapid force pro-
swallowing recovery. Furthermore, in animal studies duction are attributed to reduced muscle mass. The
of skilled motor movement training, structural process of muscle atrophy in aging is multifactorial.
adaptations have been reported in the central nervous Age-induced hormone imbalances are associated with
system in the form of synaptogenesis and dendritic reduced cross-sectional area in aging skeletal limb
branching [58]. These findings from both human and muscle [63]. Sarcopenia, an age-related reduction in
animal models support the notion that the neuro- muscle fibers that preferentially affects fast-twitch fi-
motor system is highly stimulable to experience- bers (Type II) more than slow-twitch fibers (Type I)
dependent adaptation and may include restructuring [64, 65], also contributes to progressive strength de-
of the central nervous system as well as the periphery. cline with advancing age. While there is more than a
These studies also provide dysphagia researchers with single contributor to this process, the selective
a model for investigating what level of intensity and reduction of Type II fibers from sarcopenia may be
duration of training is needed to maximize central the mitigating factor for decreased strength in swal-
and peripheral adaptation. Insights gained from such lowing with normal aging because the oropharyngeal
investigations could help eliminate some of the muscles contain a greater percentage of Type II fi-
guesswork in treatment planning by providing guid- bers.
ance to patients and clinicians about expected In addition to muscle fiber loss with advancing
recovery periods related to rehabilitation efforts. age, there is also a decrease in motor units and
remodeling of the motor unit structure [66]. Loss of
Adaptations to Detraining strength due to these age-related structural degrada-
tions is most notable beginning with the sixth decade
The effects of detraining tend to occur more rapidly of life [67–71]. Progressive decrease in activity with
than the effects of training. The precipitation of de- aging may also account for some of these deleterious
training varies for athletes versus those recently effects and engaging in regular exercise may help
trained, because the latter return to pretraining levels stave off some of these negative consequences [72, 73].
more rapidly than do athletes [59]. Skeletal muscle It has been reported that exercise training
response to detraining includes atrophy, reduced across the lifespan can produce adaptations in muscle
force-generating capacity, and a fiber-type shift to- and brain resulting in improved motor performance
ward the fast-fatigable, glycolytic phenotype (Type [74, 75]. Improvements in isolated strength and func-
IIb) [46]. Significant decreases in strength gains can tional tasks in elders who engage in strength training
be observed after approximately four weeks following are primarily the result of adaptations in neural acti-
cessation of training [59]. vation of muscles in the early states of training fol-
Another detraining condition is that of lowed by hypertrophy of both Type I and Type II
chronic bedrest. After only four to six weeks of muscle fibers [63, 76]. When comparing the strength
bedrest from usual activity, muscle mass of skeletal gains of middle-aged and elderly men, Hakkinen et al.
limb muscles can decrease dramatically, resulting in [63] found that exercise-induced structural adaptations
as much as a 40% decrease in strength [60]. Individ- follow a similar pattern to that of younger individuals
uals with compromised health and those of advanced but that the relative contribution of neural factors to
age are most susceptible to the effects of prolonged overall strength gains is proportionally greater in older
bedrest and other forms of muscle disuse [60, 61]. individuals. Some investigations of skeletal limb mus-
This model of deconditioning from reduced muscle cle also demonstrate that the rate and maintenance of
use is provocative with regard to dysphagia. Dys- strength development differs between younger, mid-
phagic patients are known to elicit spontaneous saliva dle-aged, and older individuals [77].
swallows with less frequency than other hospitalized People of all ages respond to well-designed
but nondysphagic counterparts [62]. Furthermore, exercise regimens of adequate intensity, including the
patients who rely on nonoral feeding methods have frail and advanced elderly, greater than 80 years of
less need to activate swallowing muscles. One would age [74]. Maintenance of training effects, however,
L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation 255

may differ across the lifespan. A recent study by the exercise stimulus. Specificity refers to how closely
Toraman [78] revealed differences in maintenance of the exercise task corresponds with the targeted out-
training effects between two groups of elderly be- come. Transference is implicated in the rationale for
tween 60 and 73 and between 74 and 86 years of age. using cross-training and nonspecific strength training
There was no significant difference between the to ultimately improve function. These three main
groups after six weeks of detraining following a nine- concepts and their relevance to dysphagia treatment
week exercise program. The maintenance of effects are discussed below.
between the two groups diverged, however, after 52
weeks of detraining. While both groups exhibited a Intensity
decline in function, the decline was greater for the
older of the two groups, with the decline reaching Engaging in exercise that is not intense enough to
levels that were worse than initial baseline levels [78]. push the system beyond the level of activity to which
Lemmer et al. [79] found that while force production it is accustomed will not result in adaptation. The
significantly improved in both younger and older exercise task must exceed usual levels of activity and
subjects, the younger group exhibited a greater pro- be performed for an adequate duration (within a
portion of gains over the training cycle. The effects of session and over time) to trigger the need for change
age on degree of strength development during train- in the systemÕs response [43, 46, 53, 54, 81]. With that
ing and rate of decline during detraining were found premise, intensity can be defined on three levels: (1)
to be stable across gender [79]. Following cessation of the mechanical or resistive load placed on the system,
exercise, elders have been shown to maintain perfor- (2) amount or repetition of practice during the
mance above baseline anywhere from 5 to 31 weeks. training regimen, and (3) duration of training over
With continued exercise of once per week, older time. Each of these levels of intensity has proven
individuals have been shown to maintain both critical in bringing about neuromuscular adaptations.
strength and muscle size after completing an initial
strength-training regimen [77, 80]. These findings Resistive Loading
suggest that maintenance programs are important for
prolonging training effects. Because many individuals Swallowing can be considered a submaximal muscu-
with dysphagia are of advanced age, the long-term lar activity, meaning that the muscular force gener-
effects of detraining and methods for maintaining ated to successfully complete the activity is well below
effects in this population could be fertile ground for the maximal force that can be generated by the
future study. As is suggested in studies of skeletal muscles involved. Most functional activities per-
limb muscle, maintenance exercise programs may be formed on a daily basis (e.g., walking, reaching,
necessary to prevent a loss of the benefits gained speaking) do not use maximal muscle force and are
during the exercise-training period. The utility and therefore considered submaximal activities. None-
practicality of participating in a maintenance exercise theless, when muscles become weak or muscle acti-
program merits investigation. If maintenance exercise vation is otherwise disrupted, the perceived effort
programs do prove beneficial, investigations that with which those ‘‘simple’’ activities are performed
query the necessary frequency and intensity of con- becomes much greater, even though the absolute
tinued activity would be important for structuring demands for the activity have not changed. For
manageable but effective programs. example, an activity usually requiring approximately
10% effort out of the maximal voluntary force-gen-
erating capacity of a healthy muscle could be per-
Principles of Strength Training formed quite easily and without much perceived
effort. Attempting to perform the same activity with a
Exercise efforts that do not force the neuromuscular muscle that is functioning at only half its usual
system beyond the level of usual activity will not elicit capacity would require a greater percentage of the
adaptations [81]. By challenging the system beyond total force-generating capacity of that muscle. The
typical use, adaptations occur to accommodate the proportion of potential of force-generating capacity
increased demand. When considering principles of in relation to the effort required to perform a certain
exercise that have been found effective in other areas task is known as functional (or physiologic) reserve
of physical rehabilitation, exercise science, and sports [82]. The less functional reserve that exists in pro-
training, three general themes emerge: intensity, portion to the force needed to perform an activity,
specificity, and transference [53]. Intensity encom- the more quickly the muscle will fatigue and the
passes the amount of load, volume, and duration of greater the individualÕs perception of effort will be.
256 L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation

Strength, in its simplest terms, can be defined effects in resistive loading protocols for strength
as the ability to generate force [53]. To increase the training in dysphagia rehabilitation. Treatments
force-generating capacity and therefore functional using this approach of overload from 60% to 75% of
reserve, the physiologic load must exceed the demand 1RM in strengthening oropharyngeal muscle for
typically encountered. This concept, known as the dysphagia rehabilitation have elicited promising re-
overload principle [53, 81, 83-85], is important to sults [32, 89, 90].
keep in mind throughout training. Over the course of Isometric lingual strengthening has received
training, the muscle will increase force-generating increasing attention as a viable treatment option for
capacity; likewise, demand must also be continuously improving swallowing ability by implementing this
increased in order for strength to continue to im- more focused approach to strengthening through
prove. progressive resistance. Investigations by Lazarus [91]
To maximize gains over time, the absolute and Robbins [32] revealed that healthy lingual muscle
value of load placed on the muscle must be progres- trained at loads at or above 60% of 1RM does re-
sively adjusted over the course of the exercise pro- spond to isometric strengthening to improve force-
gram. This practice, known as progressive resistance, generating capacity. Robbins [32, 92] also reported
is necessary to maintain the relative physiologic load that following an eight-week progressive resistance
as a proportion of the maximal force-generating lingual exercise program using the Iowa Oral Per-
capacity [53, 81, 83–86]. In strength training, this is formance Instrument (IOPI) in dysphagic stroke pa-
expressed as a percentage of the 1-repetition maxi- tients, not only did maximal isometric pressure
mum (1RM), i.e., the load one can bear with maximal generation increase, but oral pressures during swal-
effort to complete a single repetition. Most strength- lowing also improved. In addition, patients in Rob-
training regimens begin with an initial resistive load binsÕ study improved swallowing function and safety
of approximately 60% of 1RM [43, 55, 83]. Intui- as measured by the Aspiration-Penetration Scale [93].
tively, one might assume that if 60% of 1RM results Although the isometric lingual strengthening tasks do
in strength gains, then greater loads would produce not directly incorporate swallowing as part of the
even greater increases in strength. This theory merits training regimen, improving the force-generating
investigation because studies of larger muscle groups capacity during tongue-to-palate contact appears to
have reported that in some muscles training at loads impact swallowing function. The ability to manipu-
greater than 60% of 1RM is effective only in athletes late progressive increases in the pressure-generating
or other individuals regularly participating in a goal with isometric lingual strengthening regimens is
strength-conditioning program. These studies also likely one of the keys to eliciting measurable and
suggest that training some muscle groups at loads of functional gains.
60% 1RM or greater may actually cause overuse Another progressive load-bearing strength-
injuries, particularly in those who have been inactive training exercise that has emerged as a potential op-
or who exercise without adequate rest periods [81, tion in dysphagia rehabilitation is expiratory muscle
87]. strength training (EMST) [89, 90, 94]. EMST entails
Although muscle injury with proper exercise is exhaling into a device with a one-way, spring-loaded
thought to be rare, it does occur. The most common pressure release valve wherein the threshold to allow
cause of injury is thought to be that of overuse [88]. release of the valve is set between 60% and 80% of the
Micheli [88] reports that the most effective way to individualÕs maximal expiratory pressure. This
avoid injury is to increase training load by no more threshold is re-evaluated and adjusted at regular
than approximately 10% per week and to avoid great intervals throughout the training program in order to
boosts in volume or intensity. This is the general rule maintain the relative resistance during exhalation,
for endurance and strength training in large muscle thus incorporating a progressive load. Kim and Sa-
groups, but the limits of overuse remain unknown for pienza [94] have postulated that the mechanism by
oropharyngeal muscles. which EMST may improve swallowing ability is
Applying the concept of progressive load to through afferent stimulation to brain stem swallow-
the muscles of mastication and swallowing is less ing centers through peripheral sensory receptors in
clear because the upper and lower limits of load the tongue and oropharynx and by strengthening
necessary to force functional and structural adapta- oropharyngeal, laryngeal, and supralaryngeal mus-
tions in these muscle groups have not been clearly cles involved in swallowing. This type of training
defined. Because other skeletal muscles respond to could exploit the principle of transference by directly
loads at or above 60% of 1RM, this seems a rea- training the common neural substrates and muscles
sonable level at which to begin investigating training activated in both respiration and swallowing.
L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation 257


Fig. 1. Electromyographic (EMG)
-40 activity of the submandibular muscles
during rest breathing (A) and
breathing through an expiratory

-500 muscle strength trainer set at 25% of

maximum expiratory pressure (B) and
-500 75% of maximum expiratory pressure
(C). Respiratory flow is shown in the
top, with flow being measured in
cmH2O. The middle and lower graphs
represent the left and right suprahyoid
-500 region, respectively, with raw surface
A B C EMG data measured in microvolts.

Unpublished pilot data in a healthy adult volunteer swallowed boluses of increasing viscosity. This evi-
seen in Figure 1 suggests that the task of exhaling dence suggests that altering bolus viscosity may offer
through a device using high expiratory force causes a practical method of loading lingual muscle while
an increase in activity of the suprahyoid muscles. swallowing. A limitation of this approach would be
Figure 1 demonstrates surface electromyography of the difficulty in quantifying and progressively
suprahyoid muscle group increasing with progressive manipulating load over time.
increases in pressure threshold load of the EMST The Mendelsohn maneuver [28] has also been
device. Aside from the potential effect of EMST on employed to increase strength and range of motion.
suprahyoid muscle recruitment, EMST is known to This maneuver may also be performed either with or
improve expiratory driving pressures for cough [95], without ingesting a bolus. In this technique a patient
which could aid in the effectiveness of redirective is asked to swallow but then to ‘‘hold’’ the larynx at
cough in the event of aspiration or penetration of the peak of the swallowing gesture, before it begins its
material into the airway. descent. This should facilitate increased effort and
Other than emerging therapies such as EMST neuromuscular activation and may also improve
and lingual strengthening protocols incorporating endurance in that the patient is instructed to hold the
progressive resistance, there is little in the clinicianÕs larynx in its highest position for a period of time. In
arsenal for imposing quantifiable load, let alone fact, Ding et al. [100] reported a significant increase in
progressive load, on muscles for dysphagia rehabili- suprahyoid muscle group activity when the Mendel-
tation. Regardless of this limitation, there are some sohn maneuver was performed compared with nor-
creative methods that can be used to impose some mal swallowing. While this may provide some degree
degree of loading and to manipulate force production of load and endurance training by resisting laryngeal
in swallowing musculature. descent after a swallow, like the effortful swallow
The simplest method of eliciting increased exercise, it does not allow for progressive manipula-
muscular effort during swallowing is with an effortful tion of physiologic load over time or the objectifica-
swallow maneuver. With this technique a patient is tion of the amount of load imposed during the
instructed to swallow with maximal effort either with exercise.
or without ingesting a bolus. It has been reported that The tongue-holding maneuver, commonly
use of an effortful swallow can result in increased referred to as the Masako maneuver [101], also
pressure generation between tongue and palate dur- provides some degree of passive load to the system
ing a swallow [29] and between tongue base and while performing a dry swallow and it is implied
pharyngeal wall [96]. Huckabee and Steele [97] found that this technique will increase muscular work. This
that instructing individuals to emphasize tongue-to- maneuver entails swallowing while the tongue is
palate contact during effortful swallowing, pharyn- maintained in an anterior position, held between the
geal and oral pressure generation was significantly teeth. Again, like the Mendelsohn maneuver and the
enhanced. It may be possible to further increase the effortful swallow, manipulation of progressive
degree of muscle activation during effortful swal- physiologic load along the continuum of the train-
lowing by introducing a high-viscosity bolus during ing program is not possible which may limit the
the activity [98, 99]. Miller and Watkin [98] found amount of strengthening that could otherwise be
that duration and amplitude of lingual force pro- possible if the amount of load could be increased
duction progressively increased when participants over time.
258 L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation

Another exercise regimen that incorporates In a meta-analysis of the exercise training lit-
some degree of passive resistance is the Shaker Head erature of skeletal limb muscle, Rhea et al. [87] found
Lift [102]. This technique involves a combination of that variations in exercise dose significantly altered
isometric and isokinetic contractions involving the outcomes, with detrimental results occurring with
strap muscles of the neck and suprahyoid muscula- overly aggressive training regimens. Furthermore,
ture as it imposes a degree of loading by lifting the they found a substantial number of studies suggesting
weight of the head against gravity. The exercise that trained and untrained individuals respond quite
begins with the isometric task of lifting the head to differently to exercise volume and intensity with re-
look at the feet while in the supine position for one spect to different muscle groups throughout the body.
full minute, three times, with one-minute rest peri- Some muscle groups responded optimally to only one
ods between each static head lift. The technique then set of exercise at 60% of 1RM [87]. Engaging in
commences with the isokinetic task of lifting the additional sets did not cause harm but they were of
head for 30 consecutive repetitions. The prescribed no measurable benefit. Furthermore, the number of
regimen involves performing the isokinetic-isometric repetitions within a set also altered outcomes in
technique three times per day over a six-week skeletal limb muscle. While the primary objective of
training period. Shaker et al. [102] reported that strength training is to increase force-generating
following this exercise regimen, persons with dys- capacity, the manner in which training is approached
phagia significantly improved with respect to the may impact other qualitative aspects of movement
following: hyolaryngeal excursion, degree of upper such as power (amount of work performed over a
esophageal sphincter opening, amount of postswal- given amount of time) and endurance (the ability to
low pyriform sinus residue, and occurrence of aspi- sustain activity over time). If building strength and
ration after the swallow. The improvements were endurance is the goal, 8–12 repetitions per set of
attributed to increased strength in the suprahyoid exercise proved most effective, while 6–8 repetition
musculature following the exercise protocol. Because sets elicited greater outcomes for generating strength
the suprahyoid muscles are not typically accustomed with greater power [81, 87].
to lifting the weight of the head within the manner Findings of dose-response studies of other
and degree of intensity outlined in the Shaker Head skeletal muscles raises the question of whether these
Lift exercise protocol, the overload principle does seemingly minute variations in the structure of an
appear to be incorporated in this paradigm. On the exercise program might impact these subtle but
other hand, the amount of load is not easily quan- potentially important movement patterns during
tifiable and is not progressively manipulated over swallowing. It may be that simply altering the num-
the course of the exercise program. This limitation ber of repetitions and sets of an exercise regimen for
may influence the impact of the program over the oropharyngeal muscles might differentially impact
duration of the protocol because the amount of outcomes of strength, endurance, and power during
work performed is less in relation to the expected swallowing. Perhaps patients exhibiting greater
increases in maximal force-generating capacity over impairment toward the end of a meal might benefit
the course of training. from treatment regimens consisting of strength
training with 8–12 repetition sets. On the other hand,
Repetition and Volume of Practice patients exhibiting a generally weak swallow might
benefit more from treatment structured in sets of 6–8
In addition to exposing the muscle to adequate repetitions with high load demands. While exercise
amounts of load during strength-training efforts, the techniques and maneuvers are available to the dys-
manner in which these efforts are structured can also phagia clinician, the optimal dose (i.e., number of sets
affect outcomes. The volume of exercise can be and repetitions over a set amount of time) has not
manipulated by adjusting the number of repetitions been determined. Questions regarding the upper and
performed in sequence, total sets completed, the lower limits of load, volume, and intensity are
length of rest periods between sets, the number of important to consider as our field moves forward in
days of exercise per week, and the number of weeks the investigation of how both healthy and disordered
the exercise is performed. While dose-dependent oropharyngeal muscles respond to exercise training
studies investigating these parameters for exercise in for maximal gains. Answering these questions of dose
oropharyngeal muscle do not exist, the importance of will aid in determining the most efficient and effective
studying this variable is impressive when considering training programs.
investigations of this kind involving other skeletal In addition to impacting nuances of perfor-
muscle groups. mance outcomes, the volume of exercise prescribed
L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation 259

can affect compliance with an exercise program [81]. forms of endurance-geared cardiovascular exercise.
Anyone who has attempted to undertake an exercise Specifically, participants who underwent swim train-
program will attest to the notion that the most suc- ing demonstrated an increase in endurance and car-
cessful training program is one that employs an diovascular performance during swimming.
adequate volume of exercise to evoke measurable However, when endurance and cardiovascular per-
improvements balanced with a feasible degree of ef- formance were measured during running, no appre-
fort. There are many challenges for researchers ciable training effect was observed [104]. Although it
studying dysphagia and for clinicians treating it. One seems intuitive that endurance training targeting the
of the more important challenges is to strike a bal- same underlying system (i.e., cardiovascular perfor-
ance between structuring exercise programs with mance) would carry over to improved performance in
adequate volumes of work for eliciting functional related activities (i.e., all cardiovascular exercise), the
change and the constraints imposed by the patientÕs evidence suggests that this is not necessarily the case.
situations (e.g., financial, reimbursement issues, time Simply targeting ‘‘endurance’’ or ‘‘strengthening’’ of
demands). Easterling et al. [103] took on this chal- a specific system or muscle group in a general sense
lenge in an investigation of compliance and program may not necessarily be enough to force the types of
duration with the Shaker Head Lift exercise protocol. adaptation necessary to improve performance of a
In a six-week training regimen of the Shaker specific task. The greatest gains for a particular
Head Lift protocol, Easterling et al. [103] evaluated activity are elicited when the training task resembles
outcomes of compliance, swallowing physiology, and the end-goal as much as possible. Therefore, if
time to attainment of both isokinetic and isometric becoming a better runner is the goal, then running
goals. Of the 26 healthy adults enrolled in the study, 7 should be the training task; if improved swallowing is
completed the six-week regimen. Of those 7, 100% the goal, then swallowing would be the optimal
attained the isokinetic goal and 74% attained the training task. In some instances, however, this may
isometric goal. Four of the participants agreed to a not be possible.
fluoroscopic examination of swallowing. All partici- Treatment regimens incorporating task speci-
pants examined demonstrated gains in fluoroscopic ficity within a framework of adequate load, repeti-
swallowing measures. The authors concluded that a tion, volume, and duration to force central and
more structured and progressive introduction to the peripheral adaptations are certainly ideal. In other
protocol is needed and that this, along with increased words, having patients swallow with a controlled
education of participants, would likely improve proportion of physiologic load would likely be the
compliance and outcomes. This investigation is an optimal training activity for the rehabilitation of
excellent illustration of the utility of investigating swallowing function. However, clinicians are fre-
feasibility and the durational effects of exercise for quently charged with the task of rehabilitating de-
developing a successful training program. Findings glutitive function in individuals who cannot even
from this type of inquiry will provide guidance for remotely demonstrate the postures necessary for
continued investigations intended to further refine controlling and manipulating a bolus in the oral
this technique and identify the optimal volume and cavity, let alone initiate a pharyngeal swallow. These
duration of the regimen. practical obstacles can sometimes prove difficult for
simple application of some of the aforementioned
Specificity principles of specificity, volume, and intensity. Given
this situation, general strength training may be
Change in overall performance due to exercise in- implemented as a precursor to practicing functional
volves a complex constellation of both central and tasks [82, 105–110]. Strength training has been shown
peripheral adaptations. By implementing task speci- to improve performance in limb and whole-body
ficity into a training regimen, these collections of submaximal dynamic functional activities when used
factors are all focused toward one common goal. in conjunction with or as a precursor to more task-
Task specificity in training refers not only to endur- specific training. In essence, participation in isolated
ance training versus strength training, but also to the strength-training tasks may impact ability during
actual task being undertaken. Examples in exercise dynamic tasks by building a foundation of force-
science literature illustrate the importance of task producing capacity, increasing functional reserve,
specificity in training. and priming the neuromuscular system for activity.
Magel et al. [104] reported that athletes who This transference of effects from isolated force-gen-
were endurance-trained in one form of cardiovascular erating exercise tasks to dynamic activities has great
exercise did not demonstrate a training effect in other implication for dysphagia rehabilitation.
260 L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation

Transference Isolated strength-training regimens that

incorporate progressive resistance have been shown
While specificity of exercise is a well-established to transfer to improved performance in functional
principle in the exercise science literature, another activities. In studies of skeletal limb, isolated
intriguing concept that has also been shown effective strength-training tasks undertaken as a precursor to
is that of transference. Athletes frequently engage in or in conjunction with dynamic tasks resulted in
isolated exercise drills to fine-tune specific compo- greater functional outcomes when compared with
nents of movement in order to improve overall ath- simply training the dynamic exercise alone [107, 109,
letic performance. Some studies show that 113]. In addition, isolated strength training can be
implementing rote practice of specific movements particularly effective for improving function in frail
(e.g., ‘‘drill’’ practice) can positively influence per- or decompensated individuals with significant weak-
formance in dynamic activities by improving ness [82, 105, 110].
somatosensory processing and optimizing neuro- Buchner and de Lauter [82] postulated that
muscular firing patterns [106, 107, 109]. Complex improvements in functional tasks following isolated
neural, biochemical, and hemodynamic systems that strengthening exercises may be the result of increased
are activated during exercise can have widespread physiologic reserve. They propose that the relation-
effects throughout related or parallel systems of the ship between strength and function is curvilinear in
body. Transference might explain how tasks that that gross maximal force-generating capacity is most
incorporate sound exercise principles but are not highly correlated with function up to the point of
swallowing-specific (i.e., EMST, lingual strengthen- threshold of relative strength necessary for a targeted
ing, Shaker Head Lift) may improve swallowing task. The correlation between strength gains and
function. The principle of transference may also ac- function tends to plateau after the point of threshold,
count for improvements noted in the swallowing and additional gains in strength then contribute to
ability of ParkinsonÕs patients following an intensive physiologic reserve but do not necessarily impact
regimen of Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT), functional skill [82]. By increasing force-generating
an intervention that focuses on loud voice production capacity beyond the strength threshold for a task,
through a variety of tasks [111]. individuals then execute activities using a lesser pro-
LSVT is an intervention program that was portion of their functional reserve, leading to less
originally designed to improve voice and speech perception of effort. While there are no known
production in patients with ParkinsonÕs disease. It studies of the effect of functional reserve on perfor-
has been reported that this intense, high-effort treat- mance in oropharygneal muscles, this concept was
ment targeted at improving respiratory support and pointed out by Luschei [114] who stated that to
vocal fold adduction has also impacted swallowing produce rapid articulatory movements during speech,
function. Sharkawi et al. [111] reported a significant the underlying strength must be greater than expected
improvement in both oral and pharyngeal swallowing to meet these demands. Determining the degree that
measures as assessed through pre- and post-treatment functional reserve impacts safety, efficiency, and
videofluoroscopy following an intensive four-week perceived effort in swallowing would be useful in
LSVT intervention program. The authors postulate determining training goals.
that the improvement noted in the seemingly dispa- Another concept that substantiates the utility
rate function of swallowing is due to the habituation of isolated motor tasks impacting subsequent per-
of increased effort, which may provide an over- formance is that of postactivation potentiation (PAP)
abundance of stimulation to the neuromuscular sys- [115]. In a review of how PAP might affect motor
tem associated with the entire aerodigestive tract. performance, Sale [75] explains that skeletal muscle,
Will and Ramig [112] suggested that increased at any given point in time, is affected by its contractile
recruitment of suprahyoid and laryngeal musculature history. This is readily seen in an extreme example
during high-effort tasks during LSVT might con- when an individual fatigues, a situation wherein
tribute to increasing strength in these muscles, which prolonged history of use ultimately results in failure.
are critical in airway protection during the swallow. The concept of PAP appears to be an underlying
Although the intensity of effort and volume of prac- rationale for implementing ‘‘warmup’’ exercises be-
tice employed with LSVT certainly overloads the fore an athletic event (e.g., baseball player practicing
system during treatment, much like other exercise- a swing with a weighted bat before attempting to hit
based interventions for dysphagia rehabilitation dis- the ball). The concept of PAP suggests that when the
cussed thus far, the amount of load is not known or muscle engages in contractile activity (but not so
manipulated over the course of the training period. much to induce fatigue), the muscle is essentially
L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation 261

primed for subsequent use. The mechanism of PAP is functional reserve, stimulate motor unit recruitment,
explained by increased biochemical activity and mo- and prime the system for the intended activity. These
tor unit activation that positively impacts contractile effects may lessen perceived effort, allowing subjects
ability and efficiency. With regard to strengthening to consequently participate in longer bouts of task-
activities specifically, it appears that PAP can impact specific exercise [116]. With that being said, strength
rate of force development that may be of interest with training can be a potent treatment alone, but perhaps
regard to rapid movements necessary for airway may elicit even greater effects when implemented as
protection during swallowing. In his review, Sale [75] an adjuvant therapy to task-specific swallowing
indicates that the application of PAP to increase practice.
human motor performance is a fertile area for future Strength-training programs in dysphagia
research. This concept provides a methodologic rehabilitation may be more effective if tailored to
framework for using strengthening activities as a target different activation patterns encountered dur-
method of priming the muscle for subsequent task- ing various swallowing conditions. For example, it
specific activity. Although there are no formal studies may be beneficial to structure strength-training tasks
investigating the use of priming the system before aimed at improving power by targeting rapid force
swallowing tasks, this may be an interesting area to generation, if the goal is to improve the driving force
investigate. If the principles of PAP apply to oro- during tongue base retraction at the initiation of the
pharyngeal muscle, then engaging in activities that pharyngeal swallow. On the other hand, it may be
would increase neuromuscular activation before an beneficial to target sustained static contraction during
exercise session or before oral intake might prove treatment if the aim is to improve endurance of sus-
beneficial by improving performance. tained muscle activity such as that encountered dur-
ing consecutive swallows. Structuring treatments with
specific numbers of sets and repetition may also lead
Application of Exercise Principles in Swallowing to more specific performance gains. The effect of
Rehabilitation structuring training efforts in such a way for dys-
phagia rehabilitation remains to be seen.
By manipulating viscosity, bolus size, and/or position, The current therapies reviewed here each
many persons with dysphagia are able to continue safe touch upon some of the principles of effective
oral intake, even if only in a therapeutic manner with strength training. Deciphering whether strength
direct supervision. The use of these modifications training can drive adaptations in the neural substrates
helps facilitate the task-specific activity of swallowing. of swallowing or if it will result in lasting, functional
Simply swallowing food, liquid, or saliva, however, is change begs further inquiry. Specifically, the impact
not an activity that can provide the degree of load that of swallowing rehabilitation efforts on central mech-
is necessary to force adaptations in the neuromuscular anisms is an area that has not been thoroughly ad-
system to increase in strength. Even so, some creative dressed in the literature. The challenge is to continue
solutions have been presented in the literature in an investigation of therapies that apply and/or manipu-
attempt to introduce some degree of load during late different aspects of strength-training principles to
swallowing activities to build strength. optimize outcomes through the most efficacious,
In swallowing rehabilitation today, there ex- efficient, effective approaches possible.
ists a repertoire of treatment interventions incorpo-
rating manipulations of swallowing gestures and
strengthening activities involving subsystems that Implications for Future Research
require the use of oropharyngeal muscles but do not
involve the task-specific activity of swallowing. These Robey and Shultz [117] proposed a research model
treatment approaches may capitalize on principles of for clinical outcomes in communication sciences and
transference, build functional reserve, and promote disorders. This model is structured upon a progres-
more efficient activation of motor patterns, as is seen sion of investigations moving from explorations first
in skeletal limb muscle. of efficacy (the possibility that therapeutic benefits
Studies implicating the functional utility of may result under optimal conditions), then of effec-
strength training in skeletal limb muscle provide tiveness (the probability that therapeutic benefits will
theoretical rationale for strategically targeting more result under typical clinical conditions), and, finally,
structured exercise regimens in dysphagia rehabilita- of efficiency (the cost versus the benefit of a treatment
tion. Approaching strength training in this way may protocol). To optimally investigate the responsive-
improve general force-generating capacity, increase ness of the neuromuscular system underlying swal-
262 L.M. Burkhead et al.: Strength-Training Exercises in Dysphagia Rehabilitation

lowing to strength training, the investigations should ability. This notion only strengthens the case for
incorporate, as possible, the key principles of strength looking beyond simple biomechanical measures to
training and adhere to the standards of the research capture the true impact an intervention has on oneÕs
outcomes model proposed by Robey and Shultz ability to perform tasks, increase functional abilities,
[117]. Adhering to the rubric of systematic investi- and ultimately improve participation. As suggested
gation in this manner calls for the consideration of by Robey and Shultz [117], the key to discovering the
the impact of exercise regimens not only on function overriding effectiveness and efficiency of a treatment
but also on disability and societal impact in later is in a stepwise fashion that starts with the investi-
stages of investigation. gation of efficacy in impacting function.
The International Classification of Function- Logemann [42] recently affirmed the impor-
ing, Disability, and Health (ICF), put forth by the tance of and need for systematic investigations, par-
World Health Organization and ratified by the World ticularly in the field of swallowing and swallowing
Health Assembly in 2001 [118], provides the frame- disorders. Foundational work is needed to illuminate
work for conceptualizing the differences between the method and manner in which the normal systems
body functions (such as physiologic measures of adapt in response not only to specific exercise tech-
swallowing) and oneÕs ability to function in a typical niques but also to varying levels of intensity. A more
environment (as one would when eating meals so- thorough understanding of the typical response of a
cially). For researchers, this model provides a guide healthy neuromuscular system will provide the
for delineating which aspect of ability a research en- knowledge base upon which interventions can be
deavor may address and also how these efforts may built for remediation of dysphagia in disordered
or may not relate to the overall participation in life populations. A model of typical physiologic adapta-
events. The ICF also helps illustrate that simply tions in response to exercise will provide researchers
improving performance on a physiologic measure of and clinicians with a framework upon which to
movement may or may not result in the ultimate goal scaffold new interventions that can be investigated in
of rehabilitation: maximizing participation and disordered populations.
quality of life. As the field of dysphagia rehabilitation It is encouraging that strength training and the
progresses with its methods of strength training, it is principles governing effective methods for training
critical to also be mindful of this ultimate outcome. have begun to infuse exercise-based investigations in
Dysphagia researchers can glean insight on the dysphagia rehabilitation. In addition to the principles
importance of the distinction between the potential of intensity, specificity, and transference discussed in
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