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Glades of Death

Authors: Editor:
Patrick Lawinger, Scott Greene, and David Mannes Patrick Lawinger

Contributing Authors: D20 Content Editing:

Erica Balsley, Chris Bernhardt, Casey W. Scott Greene
Christofferson, Bill Collins, Jim Collura, Chad
Coulter, Patrick Goulah, Skeeter Green, Jeff Att Direction and Design:
Harkness, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Mike Chaney
Richard Hughes, Robert Hunter, Al Krombach, Rob
Interior Art:
Mason, Matt McGee, Clark Peterson, Michael
Brian Leblanc, Llyn Hunter, Tom Biondillo,
Proteau, Greg Ragland, Gary Schotter, Joe D. Malachai Penney, Eric Lofgren, Jeremy McHugh,
Walmsley, and Bill Webb & Mike Chaney
Developer: Front Cover Art:
Patrick Lawinger Rick Sardinha.

Producer: Special Thanks:

Bill Webb Necromancer Games would like to thank all of our
fans and dedicate this book to our fans and dedi-
cated gamers throughout the world.

Product Update Password forEldricth Sorcery: Deborah Larson

This product requires the use of the
Dungeons and Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
published by Wizards of the Coast®.
This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.

©2005 Necromancer Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the written
permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden. Necromancer Games, Necromancer Games,
Inc. and the Necromancer Games logo and Tome of Horrors are trademarks of Necromancer
Games, Inc. All characters, names, places, items, art and text herein are copyrighted by
Necromancer Games, Inc. “D20 System” and the D20 System logo are trademarks owned by
Wizards of the Coast and are used under the terms of the D20 Trademark License. Dungeons
and Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, and are used
in accordance with the Open Game License contained in the Legal Appendix. The mention
of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark

or copyright concerned.
This book uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and
supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader
discretion is advised.
Check out Necromancer Games online at http://www.necromancergames.com
Visit the Sword and Sorcery Studio online at http://www.swordsorcery.com
Third Edition Rules,
First Edition Feel


Table of Contents
Introduction 3
Chapter One: Using This Book 4
Chapter Two: New Feats 7
Chapter Three: Spells 12
Chapter Four: Spell Listings A-Z 31
Appendix One: Spell Index 140
Appendix Two: Legal 144

Introduction Glades of Death

Fantasy gaming and literature has many you are sailing ships across the high seas, ne-
variations and themes, but one underlying el- gotiating delicate contracts, delving into
ement weaves through all of them, magic. dungeons, or fighting vast armies, there are
Sometimes magic is used only by the dark spells here that can help you with your en-
priests or wizards hunting heroes across the deavors. The collection is large enough that
land, other times it is the heroes who hold the we are certain that a large number of these
awesome powers of the cosmos in their hands. spells can fit into any campaign, exactly which
Magic transforms the ordinary into the ex- spells these might be can only be determined
traordinary, the mundane into the thrilling, by you and the world you play in.
and helps bring worlds to life in our imagina-
tions. Organization
Role-playing games provide an escape from The next chapter provides a few guidelines
real world pressures, and magic helps us dive on choosing the spells you wish to use in your
into a game world that is as different as our game world and is followed by a brief chapter
imaginations allow. Here, the writers and fans containing a few Feats that you might find
of Necromancer Games present a wide collec- useful in tailoring your character(s) or en-
tion of spells to add into your campaign world, hancing the NPCs of your world. After that we
whether as rewards for PCs or tools for vil- present the meat of the book, the spells, spells,
lains, these spells can help give your campaign and more spells. Finally, we have, wait, that is
world its own special character and flavor. it, just the spells.
Every campaign is different, as are players We hope that this collection of spells sparks
and DMs, so we have done our best to present your imagination and brings you dreams of
a wide collection of spells from those that epic battles and heroic quests through magical
affect the mind to those that leave behind lands. We ask only one thing of you while you
nothing but scorched earth and ashes. Whether read on, please, please, don’t read out loud …

Chapter One:

Using this Book

This book is not designed as a replacement for your Conjuration
PHB, or even to replace whatever other books you might Conjurations can bring manifestations of objects,
be using at your gaming table. It is designed simply to creatures, or some form of energy into being as well as
help you expand the magic use in your campaign into help heal injuries. Conjurations fall into the
areas that are a little bit different from the usual. As such, subschools of calling (transports a creature from an-
we can’t claim that every spell or feat we present is right other plane to your own), creation (manipulates
for your game world or campaign. Only you, with the matter), healing, summoning (summons creature or
help of your gaming group, can decide which of the spells object), or teleportation.
below is acceptable in your world. Below we provide
some lose guidelines and suggestions about things you Divination
should consider when allowing new spells or feats into Diviners delve into secrets long forgotten as well as
your campaign. The first thing to consider is the various predicting the future. Divination spells can help
schools of magic. reveal thoughts, as well as defeat deceptive spells,
and even assist a wizard in combat by giving brief
Schools of Magic glimpses into the future. Some divination spells also
As a supplement to the PHB, the collection of depend on scrying, looking at people, places, or things
spells here is not balanced by level with respect to the secretly from a great distance.
power or number of spells in each school of magic at
each level. What does this mean for you? The main Enchantment
game play effect is on specialist wizards, those wizards Enchanters influence the minds of others, often
that gain additional spells of a certain school of magic controlling their thoughts and behavior. These Mind-
at the expense of being able to cast spells from other Affecting spells generally fall into two categories:
schools of magic. Basically a specialist wizard in your charm, changes how the subject views you, and com-
game might gain more spells than normal, or even far pulsion, forces the subject to act in a particular
less than others, if you allow all of these spells into manner. Enchantment spells can be used to calm
your game without checking them over. Normal wiz- emotions and effect negotiations as well as to control
ards, sorcerers, and other classes are unaffected by and manipulate.
this. You can overcome this potential issue by re-
stricting certain spells, by allowing spells as Evocation
“replacements” to similar spells in the PHB, or shift- Often considered the “flashy” side of magic, evoca-
ing certain spells from one school of magic to another. tion spells control energy to produce a wide variety of
Some spells can easily be seen to “overlap” between spectacular, and often destructive effects. Evocation
different schools of magic and can be shifted from one spells can unleash a vast amount of energy and deal a
school to another if this assists game play. For ex- large amount of damage in a short period of time.
ample, a spell that erects a protective barrier to keep
out a particular type of creature would often be put Illusion
into the Abjuration school of magic, but one could Many times dreaded by DMs, illusion spells fool the
also find reasons to put it in the Evocation school as perceptions of others causing them to see, hear, or
it is a barrier that has been created or even Conjura- even feel things that aren’t really there. Illusions
tion because it is something that is brought into have five types, figments (create a false sensation),
being. The various schools of magic are described in glamers (changes the way an item or creature is
detail in Chapter 10: Magic of the PHB and a brief perceived), patterns (mind-affecting figments), phan-
description of the schools of magic is provided below. tasms (mental image in the mind of the caster or
target), and shadows (partially real). Illusions wielded
Abujuration by knowledgeable wizards can be truly devastating.
Protective spells that create physical or magical Players and DMs should discuss the adjudication of
barriers are considered Abjurations. These spells can illusion spells in advance so that rules for disbelieving
negate magical or physical effects, prevent creatures illusions are clear to all involved (Consult Chapter
from entering a certain area, harm creatures passing 10: Magic in the PHB).
through a barrier, or even banish foes to other planes.


Necromancy inflict or the effects they produce. This can break down
One of the favored schools of magic at Necromancer when you begin to include special abilities from prestige
Games, necromancy spells manipulate life force to control classes and specialized feats.
life, death, and “undeath.” Often considered the darkest of As an example; a prestige class that provides +1 to the DC
disciplines, necromancy is generally associated with the of saving throws against spells of the elemental type com-
control and creation of undead, but spells that control bined with the Spell Focus (evocation) feat from the PHB
negative energy, fear effects, and even those spells that can and the Elemental Focus (fire) feat from this book could
snuff out life altogether fall into this category. create a wizard that adds +4 to the saving throw DC for his
fireball spells. In such a case, it might be wise for the DM to
Transmutation rule that some of these bonuses do not stack or the DM can
Transmuters exert their power by transforming the simply take this into account when planning encounters
properties of creatures or objects. These transforma- (fireballs don’t do much damage on the elemental plane of
tional spells can weaken or strengthen targets, or fire). Whether or not a wizard like this is “broken” in your
even change them entirely. Who hasn’t heard stories game is a question that only you can answer.
of wizards turning annoying interlopers into frogs?
Things to Look For
Universal When adding new spells to your campaign you
Some magical spells cross all of the boundaries, need to consider several factors:
existing somewhat in all classes, yet not entirely. Special Weaknesses: do some of the creatures in your
Such spells are classified as “universal” and can be world have special weaknesses? If most of the creatures in
used by specialist wizards of all types. your world have a special weakness for sonic-based spells
then a sonic spell might be far more deadly in your
The Power of Magic campaign than it would be in someone else’s.
Magic spells vary in power and effect, but we do try to Immunities: creatures that have special immunities or
follow general guidelines that keep spells of a certain resistances could render some of the spells of this book
level in line with each other. This means that, while not completely worthless in some situations. At the same time,
all 2nd-level spells are identical, they should be rela- a wizard that is immune to poison could use area-effect
tively similar with respect to the amount of damage they poison spells with impunity, never fearing his own magic.


Prestige Class Abilities: some of the many prestige role-playing restrictions are usually not a good way to
classes available create spellcasters that are particularly balance game mechanics. If you choose this route, make
powerful in a special school or subtype of magic. If some of certain that the DM and all of the players agree as to what
these abilities are combined with some of the spells pre- those restrictions might be, and how to implement them.
sented here the combination could be much more powerful
than anticipated. Prestige classes provide an exciting way to Introducing New Spells
tailor characters to a specific concept and can help with
Okay, you have examined the spells and decided what
role-playing but sometimes the special abilities and charac-
is in, and what is out. How do you get them into the
teristics granted are not completely compatible with the
game? First, you can simply allow the spells into the
introduction of new spells.
game, they can be researched at the local wizard’s guild
Feats: feats from many sources, even this book, can be or learned from anther source. Second, the spell could be
combined to create spellcasters that are particularly power- recovered in a lost spellbook, divine scroll, or hidden
ful in some areas. A combination of feats and special tablet. Third, a deity could grant the new spell as a reward
abilities that profoundly alters the damage dice of a spell or for a particular quest or activity. Fourth, the spell could
the spell’s save DC should be carefully examined. be created as a result of research or experimentation by
Players and DMs should look at these factors together. a PC wizard, cleric, or even traveling ranger. Finally, the
While it is often a goal to create a powerful character, spell itself could become the source of a grand adventure.
unbalanced characters can rapidly ruin a game for everyone Perhaps the PCs need to find a way to create Jaerel’s
involved. Agreements can be made about the descriptions curtain of fire in order to stop an encroaching army and
of a spell effect, or the level it can be used at to make this requires delving into the depths of a deadly dungeon.
everyone happy. Open, respectful discussion about the Whatever methods you choose, we provide the feats
power level of a campaign can help everyone enjoy game and spells below to help you drive your own campaign in
play better. whatever direction you choose. If we do nothing more
than spark your imagination then we have accomplished
Role-Playing Restrictions at least one small part of our goal. As you read over the
One way that is often used to balance some of the spells think not only about whether or not you want the
considerations mentioned above is to use role-playing spell in your campaign, but how you can use it, and even
restrictions to balance out the game mechanics. While this how you might be able to alter it to make it your own.
can work in some situations, and might work well in yours,


New Feats
Feats are useful for specializing a character by adding Augment Undead [General]
special abilities or enhancing special abilities they al- Your created or animated undead are more power-
ready possess. As with spells, the DM should make the ful than normal.
final decision as to whether or not one of these feats is Prerequisite: Spell Focus (necromancy).
allowed into their game. Prestige class special abilities,
Benefit: Each undead creature you create using
class abilities, and the spells you allow into your game can
create undead, create greater undead, animate dead, or
influence the power of the feats described below as well
similar spells gains a +2 enhancement bonus to
as how those feats might affect game play. Several of
Strength and +2 hit points per HD.
these feats do add new class specific abilities or skills to
characters that must be examined carefully with respect
Ceremonial Turning [General]
to other feats and special abilities gained by prestige
You and several others can combine your turning
classes or campaign specific items.
attempts for greater effect.
All of the feats listed here pertain to classes that
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead.
cast spells or have magical abilities.
Benefit: Each character participating must be
within 5 feet of you and must spend (or donate) a
General Feats turning attempt (a free action for the donors that
The following “general” feats can be taken by takes place on your turn). You act as the focus. The
characters that meet the prerequisites. Some of the first donated turning attempt grants you a +4 bonus
prerequisites include class specific abilities that might on your turning check and turning damage roll. Each
require several levels in a particular character class additional turning attempt donated by another char-
before one can qualify for the feat listed. acter adds an additional +1 on both your turning
check and your turning damage roll. The total num-
Arcane Affinity [General] ber of donated turning attempts cannot exceed your
You have a knack for learning the mysteries of Charisma modifier. No character can donate more
arcane magic. than one turning attempt.
Benefit: Choose one arcane spellcasting class. This
class is a favored class for you in addition to any other Disciplined [General]
favored class you have. This feat may be used to add You have a strong mind and determination. You
an arcane class as a favored class or to add an addi- are difficult to distract from your task.
tional arcane class as a favored class in addition to Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves and a
one you have already selected. For example, a halfling +2 bonus on Concentration checks. These bonuses
(favored class rogue) that selects this feat now has stack with any other bonuses on your Will save and
two favored classes. Similarly, a human fighter/rogue Concentration checks.
(with either of these classes as its favored class) could
take this feat and add levels of sorcerer or wizard Divine Affinity [General]
without suffering an XP penalty for multiclassing. You have a knack for learning the mysteries of
divine magic.
Atheist [General]
Benefit: Choose one divine spellcasting class. This
You disbelieve the existence of all gods to the point class is a favored class for you in addition to any other
that divine magic has little effect on you. favored class you have. This feat may be used to add
Prerequisite: Cannot follow the tenets of any reli- a divine class as a favored class or to add an additional
gion, cannot have class levels in a divine spellcasting divine class as a favored class in addition to one you
class that requires the worship of a god (such as cleric). have already selected. For example, a halfling (fa-
Benefit: You gain a +2 resistance bonus on saving vored class rogue) that selects this feat now has two
throws against spells cast by divine spellcasters. favored classes. Similarly, a human fighter/rogue (with
Drawback: While you can still receive healing spells, either of these classes as its favored class) could take
your disbelief in an afterlife of any sort, or of any gods, this feat and add levels of druid or cleric without
prevents you from being raised or resurrected. You can suffering an XP penalty for multiclassing.
only be returned to life with a wish spell.


Divine Focus [General] Elemental Focus [General]

You are in tune with your deity and can affect Choose a single element (air, earth, fire, or water). Your
undead more easily. spells with that descriptor are more potent than normal.
Prerequisites: Ability to turn undead, Cha 13 +. Benefit: Add +2 to the DC for all saving throws
Benefit: You gain a +2 sacred bonus on turning against spells with your chosen elemental descriptor.
checks and turning damage rolls. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its
effects do not stack. Each time you select this feat, it
Domain Affinity [General] applies to a new elemental descriptor. This bonus
You are in tune with the aspects of your patron stacks with that gained from Spell Focus and Greater
deity, even if you are not a divine spellcaster. Spell Focus.
Prerequisites: Must have a patron deity, must have
an alignment within one step of your patron deity. Essence Magic [General]
Benefit: You gain a domain ability of your choice You can cast spells without relying on material
from one of the domains of your patron deity, even if components.
you are not otherwise a divine spellcaster. The do- Prerequisite: Eschew Materials.
main ability functions at your divine spellcasting Benefit: You can cast any spell that has a material
level (or 1st level if you do not have a divine component without needing the components by sub-
spellcasting level). stituting 1 XP for every 5 gp of the total cost of the
If you are a divine spellcaster, this feat allows you to material component(s). For example, bless water re-
choose an extra domain from the domains allowed by quires 5 pounds of powdered silver (worth 25 gp) as a
your deity in addition to the two normally allowed to material component. Using this feat, you could cast
clerics. You may choose domain spells from that domain the spell without needing the component by using 5
in addition to gaining the extra domain ability. XP of your own life essence. The casting of the spell
Special: If your alignment ever moves more than one still provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.
step away from your patron deity’s alignment, you lose Special: You cannot use this feat on spells that
the abilities granted by this feat until your alignment is have a material component cost of less than 5 gp. You
restored and you have received atonement. cannot lose a level using this feat. If substituting XP


for the cost would cause you to lose a level, you Benefit: You can spend one of your turning at-
cannot use this feat, but must instead use the material tempts to turn or rebuke creatures that have been
component for the spell. brought back to life through revivification magic
(raise dead, reincarnate, resurrection, for instance).
Herbalist [General] Make a turning check against the creature(s) using
You easily identify rare herbs used in healing and the normal rules for turning undead. (The target’s
potion creation. character level is used as the maximum HD you can
Benefit: Your ability to identify special rare herbs affect.) You cannot destroy creatures using this feat.
helps you heal others and determine the most potent
materials to use while brewing potions or performing Seasonal Magic [General]
other alchemical combinations. You receive a +2 Your magic is enhanced during one season of the
bonus to all Heal checks and to Craft (alchemy) year.
checks. You also more easily identify poisonous or Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells.
hazardous plants and receive a +2 circumstance bo- Benefit: Choose one season (Winter, Spring, Sum-
nus to any Knowledge (nature) or Survival skill mer, Autumn). During that season you gain +1 caster
checks when attempting to identify dangerous plants. level. During the “opposite” season (Winter-Sum-
mer, Summer-Winter, Spring-Autumn,
Lunar Magic [General] Autumn-Spring) you take a –1 caster level. The
Your magic is enhanced during one phase of the modifier to caster level applies to level checks and
moon. spell effects. It does not affect the number of spells
Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells. you can prepare or cast per day. The modifier stacks
Benefit: Choose one phase of the moon (new, first with other modifiers to caster level.
quarter, full, last quarter). During that phase you gain You can only take this feat once.
+1 caster level. Additionally, during the “opposite”
phase (new-full, full-new, first quarter-last quarter, Seductive Magic [General]
last quarter-first quarter), you take a –1 caster level. You use your charming ways to make your compul-
The modifier to caster level applies to level checks sion spells harder to resist.
and spell effects. It does not affect the number of Prerequisites: Cha 15+, Spell Focus (Enchant-
spells you can prepare or cast per day. The modifier ment).
stacks with other modifiers to caster level. Benefit: You cast spells of the Enchantment school
You can only take this feat once. at +2 caster level. The modifier to caster level applies
to level checks and spell effects. It does not affect the
Maximize Undead Creation [General] number of spells you can prepare or cast per day.
Your animated or created undead have maximum Special: You can only take this feat once.
hit points.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (necromancy). Shape Master [General]
Benefit: Each undead creature you create using Your training allows you to wild shape faster than
create undead, create greater undead, animate dead, or usual.
similar spells has maximum hit points for its HD. Prerequisites: Natural Spell, wild shape (elemental)
Benefit: Three times per day you can wild shape as
Power Turning [General] a free action without provoking an attack of opportu-
You can make exceptionally powerful turning nity. This does not add to the number of times per day
checks. you can wild shape, nor does it alter the shapes and
Prerequisites: Ability to turn undead, Cha 13+. forms you can assume, it simply allows you to change
Benefit: You may choose to subtract a number from shape faster than usual.
your turning check and add the same number to your Normal: Wild shape is a standard action that does
turning damage roll. This number cannot exceed not provoke an attack of opportunity.
your class level (in the class that grants you the ability
to turn undead). Item Creation Feats
The following feats allow you to use your personal
Scorn of the Death God [General] powers and abilities to create create special magic
You can channel energy to turn or rebuke creatures items or objects. Creation of magic items generally
that have cheated death. requires a some of your own essence in the form of an
Prerequisite: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, XP cost that is dependant upon the value of the item
worshipper of the god of death, ability to cast 4th- to be created.
level divine spells, Cha 13+.


Craft Magic Candle [Item Creation] Benefit: You are adept and finding and identifying
You can create magic candles that hold spells until the rare herbs and compounds necessary for your
triggered (by burning out on their own or being potions. The ability to find these to find these mate-
snuffed out). Magic candles function similar to po- rials makes your potions more potent and reduces the
tions. amount of energy you must expend to create new
Prerequisite: Spellcaster 3rd+. potions. The base price of a potion is still spell level
x its caster level x 50 gp, and the components still
Benefit: You can create a candle of any 3rd-level or
cost half of the base price, but the XP cost for the
lower spell that you know and that targets one or
creator is now 1/50 of the base price. In addition, you
more creatures. Crafting a candle takes one day.
can create potions with up to 4th-level spells that
When you create a candle, you set the caster level,
follow the same guidelines mentioned in the Brew
which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question
Potion feat.
and no higher than your own level. The base price of
a candle is its spell level times its caster level times 50 Normal: You can’t create potions with 4th level
gp. To craft a candle, you must spend 1/25 of this base spells or avoid the XP costs of potion creation.
price in XP and use up raw materials costing one half
this base price. Metamagic Feats
When you create a candle, you make any choices Metamagic feats allow you to cast your spells in
that you would normally make when casting the slightly different ways than they were originally de-
spell. A magic candle burns for 1 hour or until snuffed signed or learned. They can help you appear more
out. Creatures within range (as determined by the impressive or simply make it easier to cast or prepare
spell) are the targets of the spell. A spell with a range the spells you normally use. It might be more difficult
of “Touch” affects a single creature within 5 feet of to prepare or cast a spell using a metamagic feat, but
the candle. these feats can create new possibilities from the spells
Any candle that stores a spell with a costly material you already know.
component or an XP cost also carries a commensurate
cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base Anchored Spell [Metamagic]
price, the character must expend the material com- You can cast spells without material components
ponent or pay the XP when creating the candle. by scribing them on your body.
Prerequisite: Ability to prepare spells.
Craft Magic Talisman [Item Creation] Benefit: An anchored spell is inscribed on your
You can create magic fetishes (also called charms) body in the form of a rune, sigil, tattoo, or ideogram.
that hold spells until triggered. A talisman is a single- The illustration is permanent and takes the place of
use magic item and functions like a scroll. the spell’s material component(s). The symbol light-
Prerequisite: Spellcaster 3rd+. ens after the spell is cast and darkens when the spell
Benefit: You can create a talisman of any spell that is prepared. An anchored spell uses up a spell slot at
you know. Crafting a talisman takes one day for each least one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
1,000 gp in its base price. The base price of a talisman The slot used up depends on the cost of the spell’s
is its spell level times its caster level times 25 gp. To material component.
craft a talisman, you must spend 1/25 of this base
price in XP and use up raw materials costing one-half Material Component (gp) Slot Used
of this base price. Any talisman that stores a spell 1 – 50 one level higher
51 – 500 two levels higher
with a costly material component or an XP cost also
501 – 900 three levels higher
carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs
901 + four levels higher
derived from the base price, you must expend the
material component or pay the XP when crafting the
talisman. Colorize Spell [Metamagic]
Activating a talisman is the same as activating a You can add color to or change the colors of any
scroll (see the DMG for details). visible spell effect.
Prerequisites: Ability to cast at least one illusion
Master Alchemist [Item Creation] spell, Int 13+.
You can easily identify and collect the herbs and Benefit: The caster can change the color of any
materials necessary for your potions. visible spell effect. For example, a fireball could be
Prerequisites: Int or Wis 15+, Craft (alchemy) 15 made green, purple, or red. Changing the color of a
ranks, Brew Potion, Herbalist, ability to cast 4th level spell effect does not alter its effect or increase any
arcane or divine spells. damage dealt, but it does make even simple spells
appear to be something far more impressive and


dangerous. Casters using Colorized spells get a +2 slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level.
circumstance bonus to all Leadership rolls and In- Only divine spells benefit from this feat.
timidate and Bluff checks for a period of 10 rounds
after the Colorized spell is cast, or, for spells with a Sympathetic Magic [Metamagic]
duration, after the spell ends. A Maximized, Colorized Your spells are harder to resist if you have a bit of
spell adds a +4 circumstance bonus to Leadership the target’s substance.
rolls, and Intimidate and Bluff checks. A Colorized Prerequisite: Ability to cast spells.
spell uses up a spell slot of the spell’s normal level. Benefit: If you have a bit of the target’s substance
(such as flesh, blood, hair, fingernails, or some other
Sacramental Magic [Metamagic] body part or portion of body part), he or she takes a
You imbue your damaging spells with divine es- –2 penalty on all saves against any spells you cast
sence. which directly target him or her. Area spells are
Prerequisite: Ability to cast divine spells. unaffected and saved against normally. If the target is
Benefit: This feat can be applied to any divine spell an object or other nonliving structure, you are still
that deals damage. Half the damage results directly required to have a piece of it (such as a bit of wood
from divine force and is therefore not subject to being from a building, a bit of glass from a window, and so
reduced by protection from energy and similar magic. on). A sympathetic spell uses up a slot of the spell’s
The other half is normal. A divine spell uses up a spell normal level.

Chapter Three:

This chapter begins with a list of the spells that are terms of schools of magic, spell components, cast-
described in the rest of the book. The lists are alphabeti- ing times, ranges, targets, etc. Some of the spells
cal by class and level with the prestige classes of Assassin listed below are lesser, greater, or mass versions of
and Blackguard (two of our favorites at Necromancer spells found in the PHB. In an effort to conserve
Games) included along with the core classes. After the space we have not repeated information found in
spell listing, the meat of the chapter begins with spells, the PHB where we could avoid it.
spells, and more spells.
Spells are listed in alphabetical order, with some
exceptions. Spells that are part of a chain, or are Assassin Spells
related versions of the same thing, such as “lesser,”
“greater,” or “mass” spells are listed along with the 1ST–LEVEL ASSASSIN SPELLS
main spell. For example, “Greater Chant” is listed
Assassin’s Mark: Leaves a symbol on a victim.
as “Chant, Greater” immediately after the descrip-
Decrypt: Helps decipher a coded message or cipher.
tion of the chant spell.
Encrypt: Encode a message to protect it from view.
For the description of spell effects the term
“level” indicates the caster level of the creature
casting the spell. In the event that a character has
more than one spellcasting class, the term “level” Fluid Form: You turn yourself and your equipment
means the caster level in the character class cast- into a liquid.
ing the spell. The term “Hit Dice” or “HD” means
the total number of hit dice and class levels a 3RD–LEVEL ASSASSIN SPELLS
monster might have, or the total number of class Assassin’s Coin: A customer signals you for work.
levels a character has. Merge into Art: Hide within a painting or tapestry.
This book is meant to be used along with the
PHB so the spells below follow the same guidelines 4TH–LEVEL ASSASSIN SPELLS
for presentation as the spells found in the PHB in Spell Legs: Moves a magical area of effect.

eldritch sorcery

Bard Spells Kristoff’s Solar Window: Draw sunlight to your location

through a magic window.
0–LEVEL BARD SPELLS (CANTRIPS) Message, Greater: You are able speak to creatures over
Decrypt: Helps decipher a coded message or cipher. great distances.
Detect Charm: Reveals charm effects on creatures within Player Instrument: Plays an instrument without physical
30 ft. contact by the bard.
Detune: Removes the tuning from a nearby instrument. Resonant Imbalance: Creates a cone of nauseating sound.
Encrypt: Encode a message to protect it from view. Sound Worm: Distracts spell-users
Unseen Attendant: Cleans and straightens you and your
Harmonic Discord: Discordant sound makes it difficult
1ST–LEVEL BARD SPELLS for those in range to act.
Acid Wind: Creates a breeze of stinging acid droplets. Paean of Greater Glory: Continuous song gives combat
bonuses to allies and penalties to enemies.
Bewitch: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Bluff
and Diplomacy checks. Paper Tigers: You fold a horde of paper constructs, one of
which is deadly.
Copy: Copies pages, books, or maps.
Unchained Melody, Greater: Causes a lock or chain to
Irritation: Afflicts target with itching sensation or a
deep red rash.
Voice of Confession: Target must answer your questions.
Detect Current: Detect the direction and speed of any
water currents nearby.
Disguise Magic Aura: Make an item appear more or
Charm Person, Mass: As charm person, but multiple
less magical.
Forked Tongue: Provides a +5 circumstance bonus on
Player Instrument, Greater: As player instrument
an attempt to verbally bluff someone.
with a longer duration.
Sonic Shield: Confers a +2 (or greater) deflection
Shattering Cry: Causes 1d6/level sonic damage, ig-
bonus to your AC.
nores some Hardness.
Unchained Melody: Provides a +5 circumstance bo-
Song of Vengeance: Share damage with enemies.
nus to escape artist checks.
Spell Legs: Moves a magical area of effect.
2ND–LEVEL BARD SPELLS Striking Likeness: You paint an image so realistic it
Babel’s Curse: Subject cannot speak or understand becomes real.
any language. Voice of Memories: Hypnotize a target and alter their
Detect Illusion: Reveals illusions on creatures or area. memories.
Expeditious Retreat, Greater: As expeditious retreat,
but affects all movement modes
Harmonious Dissolution: Sonic burst damages ev-
Know Alignment: Reveals alignment of creatures in
erything in a limited area.
the area.
Jelver’s Illusory Illusion: Make a real item appear to
Lucky Cloak: You gain a luck bonus in certain situa-
be illusionary.
Lost Wanderer: Creature becomes hopelessly lost and
Phantom Accompaniment: Summons an illusory band
cannot find its way.
to play along with you.
Nymph’s Aura: Gain additional Charisma and a
Taunt: Enrage creatures into attacking you.
bonus on saving throws and AC.
Tune of Passage: Substitute your Perform skill check
Pocket Paradise: Create illusory palace that provides
for an Open Locks check.
no rest, but allows recovery from certain mind-affect-
Undetectable Charm: Conceals charm and compul- ing and status conditions.
sion effects for 24 hours.
Revelation Field: Suppresses illusions and shapeshifts.
Blade Song: Weapon deals 1d6 sonic damage.
Blackguard Spells
Cacophony: Clap of thunder; 1d6 sonic damage/level.
Crystal Wail: Inflict up to 10d6 points of sonic damage on
Sanctified Reverie of Arms: Unholy trance gives
objects and crystalline creatures.
combat advantages.
Dread Scream: Sound vibrations panic creatures in a 40 ft.


2ND–LEVEL BLACKGUARD SPELLS Detect Life: You determine whether a creature is alive
Fortify Armor: Doubles the effectiveness of a non- or dead.
magical shield or suit of armor. Destroy Water: Dries up and destroys water or dam-
ages creatures with the Water subtype.
3RD–LEVEL BLACKGUARD SPELLS Irritation: Afflicts target with itching sensation or a
Demon Flesh, Lesser: The subject gains damage deep red rash.
reduction 5/cold iron and good. Precipitation: Area is covered in rain, snow, or sleet
Favor Servant: Grant your fiendish servant com- for 1 minute.
bat and ability bonuses. Protection from Spirits: +2 to AC and saves, counter
Merge into Art: Hide within a painting or tapestry. mind control, against spirits.
Unholy Ice Axe: Conjure an axe of unholy ice to Protection from Undead: +2 to AC and saves; counter
slay your foes. mind control, against undead.
Reduce Nausea: A nauseated creature becomes sick-
4TH–LEVEL BLACKGUARD SPELLS ened, and the duration is halved.
Divine Sovereignty: Creatures look upon you as Sacred Watch: Watches over the target, giving imme-
their rightful sovereign. diate knowledge when they are in danger.
Paean of the Unholy: Song inflicts penalties and Spiritual Trance: You enter a trance that lets you
fear on foes. sense magical creatures and effects around you.
Share Spell Resistance: Share your mount or Summon Undead I: Calls undead to fight for you.
servant’s SR.
Wall of Blood: Create a quivering wall of blood 2ND–LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS
that provides concealment and makes creatures pass- Anointed: Grants a saving throw bonus that you may
ing through nauseated. use to reroll a save.
Zone of Ablation: Minimizes all variable weapon Augment Skeleton: One skeleton gains a +4 bonus to
damage inflicted on you. AC.
Blessed Watchman: Subject gains a +4 sacred bonus
Cleric Spells on Spot and Listen checks and a +2 sacred bonus on
saves against mind-affecting effects.
0–LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS (ORISONS) Cat’s Eyes: Grants low-light vision to creature touched.
Detect Charm: Reveals charm effects on creatures Chant: +1 bonus to allies, –1 penalty to enemies.
within 30 ft. Charnel Stench. You exude a carrion stench that
Putrefy Food and Drink: Spoils and poisons food and sickens creatures within 10 feet.
drink. Negative Energy Armor: Foes attacking you unarmed
Resistance to Fear: The subject gains a +2 morale or with natural weapons take 2d6 points of damage.
bonus against fear effects for 1 minute. Detect Curse: Detects curses on creatures, objects, or
Thicken: You can alter the strength and thickness of an area.
small inanimate objects. Divine Lock: Magically locks a door, portal, or chest.
Dolphin Fins: Grant subject +20 to swim skill check
1ST–LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS for 2 minutes per level.
Detect Balance: Reveals how far away from true Faerie Ward: Hedges out and damages fey creatures.
neutral a creature, object, or area is. Frostfire: Cone deals 1d4 cold/level (max. 5d4).
Animate Skeleton: Creates 1 undead skeleton/level. Glowing Bones: A creature’s bones glow, revealing
Animate Zombie: Creates 1 undead zombie/level. their whereabouts.
Avert Attack: Grants a +5 deflection bonus to AC Green Water: Change water into green slime.
against the next attack directed at the target. Immunity to Fear: The subject gains immunity to fear
Call Upon Faith: You gain a +3 sacred bonus on a effects for 1 round/level.
single skill or ability check. Know Alignment: Reveals alignment of creatures in
Detect Current: Detect the direction and speed of any the area.
water currents nearby. Luck of the Saints: Grant a luck bonus to single roll
Detect Disease: Detects disease in one creature or within 1 minute/level.
object. Nap: Subjects sleep for one hour, but feel as if they had
Detect Land: Locate nearby islands or land while on slept for eight and regain lost hit points, heal ability
the ocean. damage, and regain spells.

eldritch sorcery

Protection from Paralysis: Creature touch gains im- Lucky Cloak: You gain a luck bonus in certain situations.
munity to paralyzing effects. Magic Circle against Spirits: As protection from spirits, but
Radiance: You sheathe your body in fire; deals 1d6 all within a 10-ft. radius.
points of damage in 5-ft. radius and by touch. Magic Circle against Undead: As protection from undead,
Slur: Make a target’s speech garbled, possibly prevent- but all within a 10-ft. radius.
ing spellcasting. Muck: Creates sticky ooze beneath the feet of your foes to
Snake Charm: Charm snakes only, as per charm hold them fast.
animal. Ooze Bolt: Bolt of acid deals 2d6 points of damage.
Speed Undead: Undead gain +10 feet speed, +2 to Protection from Oozes and Slimes: +2 to AC and saves,
Dexterity and Reflex saves. hedge out oozes and slimes.
Strengthen Mind: Subject gains +4 resistance bonus Random Pain: An affected weapon deals damage to its
on saves against mind-affecting effects. wielder or one of the wielder’s allies rather than the target
Summon Dust Devil: Calls a 2 HD dust devil to fight of a successful attack.
for you. Remove Nausea: Cures nausea and sickeness.
Summon Undead II: Calls undead to fight for you. Speak with Objects: You can talk to objects.
Swim: Subject gets a bonus on Swim checks. Squeaking Floor Alarm: A 10-ft. by 10-ft. area of ground
Thorn Snare: Thicket of thorns snags and slows or floor squeaks loudly when stepped on or touched.
enemies. Summon Undead III: Calls undead to fight for you.
Undetectable Charm: Conceals charm and compul- Vigor: Fatigue creatures are rested; exhausted creatures are
sion effects for 24 hours. fatigued.
Wound Reading: By touching a subject, you learn
what caused its wounds. 4TH–LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS
Wyvern Guard: Creates an insubstantial guardian Aura of Tsathogga: Aura deals acid damage to foes;
that paralyzes an opponent. protects you from acid attacks.
Babel’s Curse: Subject cannot speak or understand
Air Breathing: Allows water-breathing creatures to breathe Chant, Greater: +2 bonus to allies, –2 penalty to
air. enemies.
Angel’s Cloak, Lesser: The subject gains damage reduc- Curse of Life: Brings a creature back to life, with
tion 5/silver and evil. penalties.
Blessed Warmth: You create a shaft of light that wards the Exorcise: Ejects possessing creature from host.
subject against cold. Force Corporeality: You force a single incorporeal
Bone Armor: The subject gains DR 10/slashing or pierc- creature to assume a corporeal state.
ing. Kristoff’s Solar Window: Draw sunlight to your loca-
Call Lesser Demon: Calls a demon of 5 HD or less to serve tion through a magic window.
you. Mucus Mask: Glob of acidic slime causes an array of
Choose Fate: The subject can roll any single roll twice, effects.
keeping whichever result is better. Snakes to Sticks: Change living snakes into inani-
Cure/Cause Bends: Cure or inflict the bends on a target. mate sticks.
Curse of Light: Curses a creature with sensitivity to bright Sticks to Snakes: Turn inanimate sticks into poison-
light. ous snakes.
Delay Death: Subject continues to fight normally even at Summon Undead IV: Calls undead to fight for you.
0 or negative hit points. Twig Torture: Twig totem inflicts damage when
Demon Flesh, Lesser: The subject gains damage reduc- broken.
tion 5/cold iron and good.
Discern Lycanthrope: Reveals whether a creature is a 5TH–LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS
lycanthrope or not. Angel’s Cloak: The subject gains damage reduction
Donor: Transfers hit points from one creature to another. 10/silver and evil.
Feign Death: The subject appears dead. Aspect Tattoo: Use an animal’s strength to create a
Fire Gills. Grants the ability to breathe normally in lava or tattoo granting some of its power.
heavy fires. Clot: Causes a being’s blood to harden in its veins.
Fortify Armor: Doubles the effectiveness of a non-magi- Corrupt Water: Changes water into poison; damages
cal shield or suit of armor. water-based creatures.
Heat flesh: Flesh burns and blisters.


Demon Flesh: The subject gains damage reduction Summon Undead VII: Calls undead to fight for you.
10/cold iron and good. Symbol of Discord: Causes discord in those that view
Devouring Darkness: Inflicts up to 10d6 points of the symbol.
damage and creates darkness. Symbol of Hopelessness: All creatures within the
Earthen Snare: Trap a target in a pocket dimension of area suffer hopelessness.
Elemental Earth. Wither Limb: Withers one limb; reduces subject’s
Necrotic Touch: Touch deals pain to target; 1d6/ speed or hampers combat abilities.
level and 2d4 Str damage. Zone of Metamagic Minimization: Field minimizes all
Slime Bucket: Slime does 1d6 points of cold damage/ variable damage results from spells inflicted on those within.
level to an area.
Spellchain Grounding: Attract secondary bolts from 8TH–LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS
chain-type spells and negate them. Blindness/Deafness, Mass: Multiple opponents are
Summon Undead V: Calls undead to fight for you. blinded or deafened.
Vigor, Improved: Removes fatigue and exhaustion Godsblood: Vial of holy water is enchanted with
from multiple creatures. various effects.
Primeval Seal: Hedges out outsiders, aberrations, and
Augment Skeleton, Mass: Multiple skeletons gain a Soul Strike: Burst of negative energy, 40-ft. radius,
+4 bonus to AC. 1d6 damage per level (maximum 20d6).
Death Gaze: Your gaze deals damage or kills its target. Summon Undead VIII: Calls undead to fight for you.
Lifeleech: Extends life with the sacrifice of an intelli- Xenophobic Rage: Causes the target to hate and
gent creature. attack all creatures of a different race.
Lost Wanderer: Creature becomes hopelessly lost and
cannot find its way. 9TH–LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS
One with the Earth: Allows movement from one Curse of the Ancient Mariner: Curse a captain
natural earthen structure to another. making it impossible to sail again.
Revelation Field: Suppresses illusions and shapeshifts. Exact Task: Calls one outsider or elemental of 27 HD
Steal Breath: Steals a victims air from their lungs or less to perform a task.
leaving them unable to breath or speak. Hide the Soul: Subject’s soul is hidden in an animal.
Summon Animals: Summons normal animals whose Immunity to Energy: Subject gains immunity to one
total HD don’t exceed twice your level. energy type.
Summon Undead VI: Calls undead to fight for you. Summon Undead IX: Calls undead to fight for you.
Torrent: Strike creatures with a cone of high pressure
water doing non-lethal damage. New Cleric Domains
New clerical domains are listed below. These do-
7TH–LEVEL CLERIC SPELLS mains can be added to gods in your campaign world to
Acid Blast: 1d6/level acid damage. help give added flavor and individuality.
Create Crypt Thing: Turns a corpse into a crypt thing. Spells with no description are found in the PHB.
Chill of Evil: Make a good creature feel heartless and Spells marked with an asterisk (*) are described in the
evil. Original Spell Name Compendium found on the legal
Dolphin Fins, Mass: As dolphin fins, affects one subject/ page of www.necromancergames.com. Spells with one
level. line descriptions are found later in this chapter.
Elemental Cloak: Alter the subtype of a willing crea-
ture. Beast Domain
Enrich Soil: You create an area of fertile earth capable Granted Power: You gain Scent as an extraordinary
of supporting plant life. ability.
Greater Curse: –12 to one ability score; –6 to two Beast Domain Spells
ability scores; –8 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; 1. Claws of the Beast: Gives you claws with
25% chance of acting normally. which you can make natural attacks.
Mark of Exile: Force a creature to stay away from an 2. Bull’s Strength
area under penalty of complete destruction. 3. Greater Magic Fang
Plague: You infect multiple creatures with disease. 4. Rage
Scorching: Heat waves cause 1d6/2 levels subdual 5. Summon Animals: Summons normal ani-
damage. mals whose total HD don’t exceed twice
your level.
eldritch sorcery

5. Cone of Cold
Clerical Domains 6. Wall of Ice
7. Cold Fog: Cloud of icy fog deals cold dam-
We introduce some new clerical domains
and some new domain spells to help tailor
clerics to gods of your own campaign world. 8. Polar Ray
We have only listed new domains, and the 9. Elemental Swarm (ice elementals only)
spells associated with those domains, here.
Other spells for domains listed in the PHB are Darkness Domain
marked with a domain name and an asterisk Granted Power: You gain darkvision to a range of 60
(*) throughout the spell descriptions. The new feet. If you already possess this ability, the range
domains listed below include spells from the increases by 60 feet.
PHB as well. Darkness Domain Spells
In some cases we introduce more than one 1. Obscuring Mist
spell per level for a particular domain. DMs 2. Darkness
and players should note that domains are not 3. Deeper Darkness
designed to give more than one spell per level. 4. Solid Fog
DMs and players should agree on which of the
5. Nightmare
multiple spells should the single domain spell
for that level. 6. Shadow Walk
7. Control Weather
8. Power Word Blind
6. Hold Monster 9. Imprisonment
7. Claws of Digging: Claws grant natural at-
tack and ability to burrow through rock. Entropy Domain
8. Animal Shapes Granted Power: You may cause unrest in one creature
9. Shapechange touched. The target takes a –2 profane penalty on
saves and checks for 1 minute. This spell-like ability
Charm Domain may be used once per day.
Granted Power: You cast all compulsion spells at +1 Entropy Domain Spells
caster level. 1. Random Action
Charm Domain Spells 2. Sound Burst
1. Charm Person 3. Dispel Magic
2. Enthrall 4. Confusion
3. Geas, Lesser 5. Mind Fog
4. Suggestion 6. Eyebite
5. Charm Monster 7. Prismatic Spray
6. Dominate Person 8. Xenophobic Rage: Causes the target to hate
7. Suggestion, Mass and attack all creatures of a different race.
8. Dominate Monster 9. Mord’s Disjunction
9. Demand
Fertility Domain
Cold Domain Granted Power: You can create water once per day as
Granted Power: Turn or destroy fire creatures as a the spell. This is a spell-like ability.
good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bol- Fertility Domain Spells
ster cold creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use 1. Bless Water
these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 2. Speak with Plants
3 + your Charisma modifier. This granted power is a 3. Plant Growth
supernatural ability. 4. Repel Vermin
Cold Domain Spells 5. Commune with Nature
1. Frostfire: Cone deals 1d4 cold/level (max. 6. Heroes’ Feast
5d4). 7. Control Weather
2. Chill Metal 8. Mass Heal
3. Resist Energy (cold or fire only) 9. Miracle
4. Ice Storm


Guardian Domain Music Domain Spells

Granted Power: Cast abjuration spells at +1 caster level. 1. Hypnotism
Guardian Domain Spells 2. Sound Burst
1. Sacred Watch: Watches over the target, 3. Sculpt Sound
giving immediate knowledge when they are 4. Blade Song: Weapon deals 1d6 sonic dam-
in danger. age.
2. Shield Other 5. Harmonic Discord: Discordant sound makes
3. Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law it difficult for those in range to act.
4. Dimensional Anchor 6. Ott’s Irresistible Dance*
5. Hallow/Unhallow 7. Harmonious Dissolution: Sonic burst dam-
6. Primeval Seal: Hedges out outsiders, aberra- ages everything in a limited area.
tions, and undead. 8. Mass Charm Monster
7. Spell Turning 9. Wail of the Banshee
8. Protection from Spells
9. Immunity to Energy: Subject gains immu- Necromancy Domain
nity to one energy type. Granted Power: You can turn or rebuke undead a
number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma
Hunter Domain modifier (minimum 1). If you can already turn undead,
Granted Power: You gain Track as a bonus feat. Add you turn or rebuke creatures as if you were one level
Survival to your list of class skills. higher than you are in the class that grants you the
Hunter Domain Spells
Undead Domain Spells
1. Detect Animals or Plants
1. Animate Skeleton: Creates 1 undead skel-
2. Snare
3. Darkvision
2. Command Undead
4. Locate Creature
3. Animate Dead
5. Commune with Nature
4. Enervation
6. Find the Path
5. Unhallow
7. Greater Scrying
6. Create Undead
8. Discern Location
7. Control Undead
9. Sympathy
8. Create Greater Undead
Malediction Domain 9. Energy Drain
Granted Power: You may place a hex on one living
Retribution Domain
creature touched. The target takes a –2 profane pen-
alty on attack rolls, checks, and saves for 1 minute. Granted Powers: Once per day, as a supernatural
This supernatural ability may be used once per day. ability, you can make a strike of vengeance with a
single weapon against an individual that has harmed
Malediction Domain Spells
you in combat. If this attack succeeds, you deal maxi-
1. Doom
mum damage.
2. Touch of Idiocy
Retribution Domain Spells
3. Bestow Curse 1. Shield of Faith
4. Paralyze: Convinces creatures they are para-
2. Endurance
3. Malicious Intent, Greater: As malicious in-
5. Feeblemind
tent, but penalties are –2 or –4.
6. Harm 4. Fire Shield
7. Symbol of Weakness
5. Mark of Justice
8. Symbol of Insanity
6. Planar Ally
9. Imprisonment 7. Spell Turning
8. Greater Curse: –12 to one ability score; –6
Music Domain
to two ability scores; –8 on attack rolls,
Granted Power: You gain a +2 resistance bonus to
saves, and checks; 25% chance of acting
saves against sonic attacks. Perform is a class skill.
9. Storm of Vengeance

eldritch sorcery

Rivers Domain 6. Mislead

Granted Power: You gain a swim speed equal to your 7. Mass Invisibility
standard speed. If you already have a swim speed or 8. Sequester
your current swim speed is faster than your land speed, 9. Mind Blank
add +10 to your current swim speed. Additionally, you
gain a +8 bonus on all Swim checks. Time Domain
Rivers Domain Spells Granted Power: You can react to danger before your
1. Bless Water senses would normally allow you to do so. You gain the
2. Fog Cloud uncanny dodge special ability. You retain your Dexter-
3. Water Breathing ity bonus to AC (if any) even if you are caught
4. Control Water flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However,
you still lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if immobi-
5. Transmute Rock to Mud
6. Otluke’s Freezing Sphere*
If you already have uncanny dodge from a different
7. Control Weather class you automatically gain improved uncanny dodge
8. Summon Nature’s Ally (aquatic creatures instead.
Time Domain Spells
9. Elemental Swarm (water only)
1. True Strike
2. Gentle Repose
Slime Domain
3. Haste
Granted Power: You can summon level-equivalent
oozes rather than fiendish or celestial monsters with 4. Freedom of Movement
your summon monster spells. Also, you can rebuke or 5. Permanency
command oozes as an evil cleric rebukes undead. You 6. Time Acceleration: Makes time appear to
can use this ability a number of times per day equal to go much faster than normal.
3 + your Charisma modifier. 7. Mass Haste
Slime Domain Spells 8. Temporal Stasis
1. Green Water: Change water into green 9. Time Stop
2. Ooze Bolt: Bolt of acid deals 2d6 points of Torment Domain
damage. Granted Power: You can inflict tremendous pain on
3. Muck: Creates sticky ooze beneath the feet a single living creature by making a successful melee
of your foes to hold them fast. touch attack. If your attack succeeds, the target must
4. Mucus Mask: Glob of acidic slime causes an succeed on a Will save (DC 15 + your cleric class level)
array of effects. or be stunned for 1 round per 5 caster levels you possess
5. Slime Bucket: Slime does 1d6 points of cold (maximum 4 rounds at 20th level). A stunned creature
damage/level to an area. can attempt a Will save each round to break free. This
supernatural ability is usable once per day.
6. Turn to Ooze: Turns target into harmless
ooze Torment Domain Spells
7. Slimeball: Ball of slime deals fire and acid 1. Inflict Light Wounds
damage to target and its possessions. 2. Inflict Moderate Wounds
8. Word of Chaos 3. Inflict Serious Wounds
9. Summon Monster IX (calls an ooze demon 4. Inflict Critical Wounds
[see the Tome of Horrors II by Necroman- 5. Circle of Doom
cer Games] to fight) 6. Destruction
7. Blasphemy
Stealth Domain 8. Horrid Wilting
Granted Power: Hide and Move Silently are class 9. Rot to the Core: Kills subject from the
skills. inside out.
Stealth Domain Spells
1. Expeditious Retreat Vermin Domain
2. Cat’s Grace Granted Power: You are immune to the effects of all
3. Displacement diseases (both magical and normal), but can still be a
4. Freedom of Movement carrier and infect others.
5. Improved Invisibility Vermin Domain Spells


1. Spider Climb Chlorophyll: Absorb healing energy from the sun

2. Summon Swarm through your skin.
3. Poison Claws of the Beast: Gives you claws with which you
4. Giant Vermin can make natural attacks.
5. Insect Plague Destroy Water: Dries up and destroys water or dam-
6. Web ages creatures with the Water subtype.
7. Creeping Doom Detect Balance: Reveals how far away from true
neutral a creature, object, or area is.
8. Summon Monster VIII (monstrous abyssal
vermin or demon only) Detect Current: Detect the direction and speed of any
water currents nearby.
9. Summon Monster IX (monstrous abyssal
vermin or demon only) Detect Disease: Detects disease in one creature or
Weather Domain Detect Land: Locate nearby islands or land while on
Granted Power: Knowledge (nature) and Survival are the ocean.
class skills for you. Earthen Blast: You release a blast of rock and earth in
Weather Domain Spells a 15-ft. cone; 1d4 damage and stun for 1 round.
1. Endure Elements. Empower Companion: Give your animal companion
a +10 competence bonus to a skill.
2. Fog Cloud
Feather Step: Allows you to walk lightly and avoid
3. Sleet Storm
sinking into soft surfaces.
4. Control Temperature: Change temperature
Ice shards: Sharp icicles fly from your hands to strike
by 10 degrees/level.
5. Control Winds
Irritation: Afflicts target with itching sensation or a
6. Call Lightning Storm deep red rash.
7. Control Weather Leaf Tide: Leaves rise up to slam a foe.
8. Whirlwind Pattern Grass: Flatten grass to expose opponents or
9. Storm of Vengeance hide tracks.
Precipitation: Area is covered in rain, snow, or sleet
Druid Spells for 1 minute.
Predict Weather: Provides bonus to Survival checks
0–LEVEL DRUID SPELLS (ORISONS) to predict the weather.
Daze Animal: Dazes one animal of 4 or fewer HD. Pummel: Bombard a target with branches and debris.
Divining Rod: Use natural spirits as a guide to food or Quill Skin: Coat your body with sharp quills to
water. damage creatures swallowing you.
Putrefy Food and Drink: Spoils and poisons food and Signal Flare: Launch a flare that provides light in a
drink. large area.
Drench: Puts out Fine or Tiny fires and deals 1 point Tree Ladder: Create a ladder on the trunk of a natural
of subdual. tree.
Resistance to Fear: The subject gains a +2 morale
bonus against fear effects for 1 minute. 2ND–LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
Shield Open Flame: Protects small fire from being Animal Ocular: You see through a willing animal’s
extinguished. eyes.
Thicken: You can alter the strength and thickness of Bestow Speech: Grant an animal companion the
small inanimate objects. ability to speak.
Branch Assault: You cause a natural tree to attack
Affect Normal Fog: Alter the density of normally Cat’s Eyes: Grants low-light vision to creature touched.
occurring fog. Cat Nip: Create tokens to lure and bewilder animals.
Animal Auditory: You listen through a willing animal’s Cavewalker: You temporarily adapt to the subterra-
ears. nean.
Aquatic Entangle: As entangle but works in the ocean. Charge: Touched object deals 1d4 electricity damage
Beesting: One or more foes are stung for minor dam- +1/level.
age and poison effect. Curse of Light: Curses a creature with sensitivity to
Buoyancy: Make a creature lighter than water. bright light.

eldritch sorcery

Dolphin Fins: Grant subject +20 to swim skill check 3RD–LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
for 2 minutes per level. Animal Scout: Charms an animal to do a task.
Earth Ear: Locate creatures based on vibrations in the Air Breathing: Allows water-breathing creatures to
ground. breathe air.
Eyes of the Hawk: Subject gets bonus on Spot checks. Chrysalis: Creates a cocoon that accelerates healing
Frostfire: Cone deals 1d4 cold/level (max. 5d4). for subject within.
Headwind: You use a focused blast of air to Bull Rush Dire Rage: Inspire primitive rage in your animal
an opponent. companion.
Icy Hammer: You create a magical warhammer that Discern Lycanthrope: Reveals whether a creature is a
deals cold damage. lycanthrope or not.
Immunity to Fear: The subject gains immunity to fear Eye of Ice: See through bad weather and ice out to 120
effects for 1 round/level. feet.
Keen Ears: Subject gets bonus on Listen checks. Eyes of the Hawk, Greater: As eyes of the hawk plus
Leaf Fall: You cause leaves to fall from nearby trees. provides immunity to blindness effects.
Luck of the Saints: Grant a luck bonus to single roll False Tracks: You alter your tracks to make them
within 1 minute/level. difficult to follow.
Melt: Raises temperature in area enough to melt ice or Feign Death: The subject appears dead.
snow. Fire Gills: Grants the ability to breathe normally in
Moon Servant: You call forth a nighttime servant lava or heavy fires.
from the energies of nature. Halt Plant: Makes as may as 4 plant creatures immo-
Nature’s Aura: Aura helps you put wild animals at bile.
ease. Jungle Cry: Agitates animals and makes them aggres-
Net: Conjure an underwater net to trap foes. sive.
Pollen Cloud: Conjures a 20-ft.-radius cloud of pollen Know Alignment: Reveals alignment of creatures in
and floating seeds making breathing difficult. the area.
Radiance: You sheathe your body in fire; deals 1d6 Locust Leap: You gain extraordinary leaping ability.
points of damage in 5-ft. radius and by touch. Lucky Cloak: You gain a luck bonus in certain situa-
Regenerate Plant Life: Cure’s plants of diseases and tions.
allows them to heal quickly. Moonbeam: Creates a beam of moonlight that can be
Rooted in Place: Cause a target to sprout roots and moved as a searchlight.
become immobile. Mud Slam: A wall of mud slams into a foe potentially
Scent Mask: Conceals the subject’s natural scent, knocking them prone.
making it harder to track. Protection from Pressure: Protects deep divers from
Silver Lance: Conjures a lance of liquid silver inflict- ocean pressures.
ing 4d4 points of damage. Steam Bolt: Burns an opponent with a blast of super-
Silent Hunter: Subject gets bonus on Move Silently heated steam.
checks. Undulating Earth: Knock creatures prone by sending
Snake Charm: Charm snakes only, as per charm a wave through the ground.
Starlight: Creates shadowy illumination in a 60-ft.- 4TH–LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
radius area. Absorption: Water and potions dry up.
Stench of Death: Pungent odor drives away animals. Aspect Tattoo: Use an animal’s strength to create a
Summon Dust Devil: Calls a 2 HD dust devil to fight tattoo granting some of its power.
for you. Control Temperature: Change temperature by 10
Thorn Snare: Thicket of thorns snags and slows degrees/level.
enemies. Corrupt Water: Changes water into poison; damages
Tremor Sense: Gain the Tremor Sense ability for a water-based creatures.
short period of time. Earthen Wave: You knock opponents prone in a
Trip: Animate a vine or other object to trip oppo- straight line.
nents. Illusionary Forest: Creates an illusionary forest.
Wound Reading: By touching a subject, you learn Muck: Creates sticky ooze beneath the feet of your
what caused its wounds. foes to hold them fast.
Plant Door: Creates a magic portal through trees and


Quicksand: Transform normal earth or stone into Lost Wanderer: Creature becomes hopelessly lost and
quicksand. cannot find its way.
Snakes to Sticks: Change living snakes into inani- Plant Aura: Take on the characteristics of a plant.
mate sticks. Transmute Dust to Water: Transforms two 10-ft.
Sticks to Snakes: Turn inanimate sticks into poison- cubes per level.
ous snakes. Transmute Water to Dust: Transforms two 10-ft.
Transform Boulder to Pebble: Changes boulders into cubes per level.
small pebbles.
Transform Pebble to Boulder: Turns a thrown pebble 7TH–LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
into a boulder. Acid Blast: 1d6/level acid damage.
Vines of Binding: Conjures vines that wrap up your Animate Rock: One or more rock creatures animate
opponents. and fight for you.
Plague: You infect multiple creatures with disease.
5TH–LEVEL DRUID SPELLS Electrical Storm: Burst centered on you, 1d6 electric-
Air Sphere: Conjure a sphere of pure air for breathing. ity damage (maximum 20d6) to all in area.
Cloak of Serpents: Writhing mass of snakes provides Revelation Field: Suppresses illusions and shapeshifts.
protection and can attack nearby targets with poisonous Scorching: Heat waves cause 1d6/2 levels subdual
bites. damage.
Earthen Snare: Trap a target in a pocket dimension of
Enrich Soil: You create an area of fertile earth capable Chariot of Fire: You call forth a fiery chariot and
of supporting plant life. horses to carry you and your allies.
Kiss of the Nereid: Subject’s lungs fill with water. Darken Forest: Summons dark powers to bring trees
Lightning Wheel: Creates a flying lightning disc that to life and cause creatures to flee.
deals 1d6/level to one target. Mark of Exile: Force a creature to stay away from an
One with the Earth: Allows movement from one area under penalty of complete destruction.
natural earthen structure to another. Mass Polymorph: Changes a group of enemies into
Ray of Desiccation: A desiccating ray inflicts a 1d6+1/ sheep.
2 levels Con penalty.
Torrent: Strike creatures with a cone of high pressure 9TH–LEVEL DRUID SPELLS
water doing non-lethal damage. Hide the Soul: Subject’s soul is hidden in an animal.
Transmute Water to Acid: Transform ordinary water Immunity to Energy: Subject gains immunity to one
into acid. energy type.
Summon Animals: Summons normal animals whose Plant Enlightenment: Turn a willing animal into a
total HD don’t exceed twice your level. sentient plant.
Vengeful Environs: Local flora and fauna lash out at Ravaging Fire: Destroy a vast area with crushing rocks
your enemies. and fire.
Rimeshatter: Causes 1d6 cold/level and 1d6 Con/10
Acorn Grove: You can grow a grove of trees from a handful Wither Limb: Withers one limb; reduces subject’s
of acorns. speed or hampers combat abilities.
Blades of Jade: You give leaves and grasses a razor-
sharp edge. Paladin Spells
Dolphin Fins, Mass: As dolphin fins, affects one sub-
Elemental Cloak: Alter the subtype of a willing crea- Avert Attack: Grants a +5 deflection bonus to AC
ture. against the next attack directed at the target.
Elemental Scimitar: Create a scimitar with various Aura of Valiance: Your presence wipes away doubt
elemental effects. and fear.
Fangstorm: Fangs of force cause 10d6 damage and may Call Upon Faith: You gain a +3 sacred bonus on a
cause bleeding. single skill or ability check.
Ice Sled: You create one or more sleds made of ice for Detect Charm: Reveals charm effects on creatures
travel in arctic conditions. within 30 ft.

eldritch sorcery

Detect Disease: Detects disease in one creature or Chant, Greater: +2 bonus to allies, –2 penalty to
object. enemies.
Holy Infusion: Weapon does extra damage to undead. Circle of Divine Censure: Magical aura damages
Immunity to Fear: The subject gains immunity to fear undead, evil outsiders.
effects for 1 round/level. Divine Sovereignty: Creatures look upon you as their
Luck of the Saints: Grant a luck bonus to single roll rightful sovereign.
within 1 minute/level. Iron Judgement: Touch attack outlines evil outsider
Protection from Undead: +2 to AC and saves; counter with holy fire.
mind control, against undead. Paean of the Holy: Song brings bonuses and blessings
Reduce Nausea: A nauseated creature becomes sick- to allies.
ened, and the duration is halved. Peacebinding: By putting away your weapons, you
Unfettered Steed: Allows warhorse or other special compel others to follow your example.
mount to move freely in armor. Share Spell Resistance: Share your mount or servant’s
2ND–LEVEL PALADIN SPELLS Silver Shield: Gives AC to you, your mount and
Blessed Watchman: Subject gains a +4 sacred bonus innocents.
on Spot and Listen checks and a +2 sacred bonus on Zone of Ablation: Minimizes all variable weapon
saves against mind-affecting effects. damage inflicted on you.
Chant: +1 bonus to allies, –1 penalty to enemies.
Fortify Armor: Doubles the effectiveness of a non- Ranger Spells
magical shield or suit of armor.
Know Alignment: Reveals alignment of creatures in 1ST–LEVEL RANGER SPELLS
the area. Animal Auditory: You listen through a willing animal’s
Righteous Conviction: Immunity to evil mind-effect- ears.
ing spells and abilities. Bewildering Tracks: A target creature leaves tracks of
Sanctified Reverie of Arms: Holy trance gives com- a different creature type.
bat advantages. Camouflage: Grants bonus to Hide checks.
Undetectable Charm: Conceals charm and compul- Daze Animal: Dazes one animal of 4 or fewer HD.
sion effects for 24 hours. Detect Disease: Detects disease in one creature or
3RD–LEVEL PALADIN SPELLS Divining Rod: Use natural spirits as a guide to food or
Angel’s Cloak, Lesser: The subject gains damage water.
reduction 5/silver and evil.
Empower Companion: Give your animal companion
Blessed Warmth: You create a shaft of light that wards a +10 competence bonus to a skill.
the subject against cold.
False Tracks: You alter your tracks to make them
Favor Mount: Grants a +4 luck bonus to your mount’s difficult to follow.
attack and damage rolls.
Feather Step: Allows you to walk lightly and avoid
Holy Fire Hammer: Conjure a hammer of divine fire. sinking into soft surfaces.
Magic Circle against Spirits: As protection from spirits, Hound’s Scent: Gain the ability to use the Scent
but all within a 10-ft. radius. ability for Tracking.
Magic Circle against Undead: As protection from Jungle Cry: Agitates animals and makes them aggres-
undead, but all within a 10-ft. radius. sive.
Mighty Steed: Your special mount is enhanced for Message Cache: Hides a note that others can retrieve.
Pattern Grass: Flatten grass to expose opponents or
Remove Nausea: Cures nausea and sickeness. hide tracks.
Vigor: Fatigue creatures are rested; exhausted crea- Predict Weather: Provides bonus to Survival checks
tures are fatigued. to predict the weather.
Wings of Heaven: Your mount grows wings and can Signal Flare: Launch a flare that provides light in a
fly. large area.
Swirling Leaves: Leaves swirl around you making you
4TH–LEVEL PALADIN SPELLS difficult to hit.
Bare the Soul: You compel the target to reveal the
Tree Ladder: Create a ladder on the trunk of a natural


Tremor Sense: Gain the Tremor Sense ability for a Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
short period of time.
Abjur Resistance to Fear: The subject gains a +2
Animal Ocular: You see through a willing animal’s morale bonus against fear effects for 1 minute.
Shield Open Flame: Protects small fire from
Animal Scout: Charms an animal to do a task. being extinguished.
Bestow Speech: Grant an animal companion the Div Decrypt: Helps decipher a coded message or
ability to speak. cipher.
Cat Nip: Create tokens to lure and bewilder animals. Detect Charm: Reveals charm effects on
Dire Rage: Inspire primitive rage in your animal creatures within 30 ft.
companion. Evoc Fire Bolt: You fire a bolt of flame, 1d3 fire.
Eye of Ice: See through bad weather and ice out to 120 Fire Touch: Touch deals 1d4 fire.
Frost Touch: Touch deals 1d4 cold.
Eyes of the Hawk: Subject gets bonus on Spot checks.
Shock Touch: Touch deals 1d4 electricity
Earth Ear: Locate creatures based on vibrations in the damage.
Spark: Ray deals 1d3 electricity damage.
Keen Ears: Subject gets bonus on Listen checks.
Trans Alter Normal Fires: Changes the bright-
Leaf Fall: You cause leaves to fall from nearby trees. ness of a fire.
Moon Servant: You call forth a nighttime servant Encrypt: Encode a message to protect it
from the energies of nature. from view.
Nature’s Aura: Aura helps you put wild animals at
Scent Mask: Conceals the subject’s natural scent, Abjur Anchor: Magically secure a ship against
making it harder to track. moving currents and winds.
Silent Hunter: Subject gets bonus on Move Silently Avert Attack: Grants a +5 deflection bonus
checks. to AC against the next attack directed at the
Snake Charm: Charm snakes only, as per charm target.
animal. Protection from Spirits: +2 to AC and
Wound Reading: By touching a subject, you learn saves, counter mind control, against spirits.
what caused its wounds. Protection from Undead: +2 to AC and
saves; counter mind control, against undead.
3RD–LEVEL RANGER SPELLS Restraining Order: Prevents a creature from
Axe of Destruction: Imbues an axe to destroy objects. approaching or attacking.
Eyes of the Hawk, Greater: As eyes of the hawk plus Conj Acid Wind: Creates a breeze of stinging acid
provides immunity to blindness effects. droplets.
Smart Arrow: Allows you to shoot an arrow at a target Gaze Reflector: Reflects gaze attacks back
out of line of sight or behind cover without penalty. on the attacker.
Unstoppable Tracker: You ignore negative modifiers Irritation: Causing itching or rash on sub-
to your Tracking ability. ject.
Summon Undead I: Calls one undead to
4TH–LEVEL RANGER SPELLS fight for you.
Charm Animal, Mass: As charm animal, except it Zatmenye’s Coat of Arms: Conjures weap-
affects multiple targets. ons with differing enchantments.
Discern Lycanthrope: Reveals whether a creature is a Div Detect Current: Detect the direction and
lycanthrope or not. speed of any water currents nearby.
Illusionary Forest: Creates an illusionary forest. Detect Disease. Detects disease in one crea-
Plant Door: Creates a magic portal through trees and ture or object.
undergrowth. Detect Land: Locate nearby islands or land
Track Magic: Allows you to trail a magical creature or while on the ocean.
spellcaster. Forecast: Predict the local weather.
Vengeful Environs: Local flora and fauna lash out at Locate Fish: You learn where fish are in the
your enemies. local area.

eldritch sorcery

Zatmenye’s Combat Mind: Provides AC 2nd–Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells

bonus through knowledge of opponent’s ac- Abjur Faerie Ward: Hedges out and damages
tions. fey creatures.
Ench Farsighted: Alter a target’s ability to focus Immunity to Fear: The subject gains im-
on things nearby. munity to fear effects for 1 round/level.
Malicious Intent: Subjects in area take –1 Protection from Paralysis: Creature
or –2 on saves. touched gains immunity to paralyzing ef-
Nearsighted: Alter a target’s ability to focus fects.
on things at a distance. Scent Mask: Conceals the subject’s natu-
Twitch: Cause a target’s fingers to tremble ral scent, making it harder to track.
and shake disrupting spells and skill checks. Strengthen Mind: Subject gains +4 resis-
Evoc Copy: Copies pages, books, or maps. tance bonus on saves against
Earthen Blast: Cone of rock and earth; 1d4 mind-affecting effects.
damage and stun for 1 round. Conj Icy Hammer: You create a magical
Fiery Grasp: Flames coat your arms grant- warhammer that deals cold damage.
ing a burning touch attack. Ironshot: Creates balls of iron for use as
Fire Burst: You cause an existing fire source ranged weapons.
to shoot fiery arrows in a 10 ft. radius. Net: Conjure an underwater net to trap
Frostfire: Cone deals 1d4 cold/level (max. foes.
5d4). Ooze Bolt: Bolt of acid deals 2d6 points of
Ice shards: Sharp icicles fly from your hands damage.
to strike enemies. Summon Undead II: Calls undead to
Push: You force a creature or object back 10 fight for you.
feet. Yellow Smoke: Create a 20-ft.-radius bank
Subdual Ray: Ray deals 1d6+1 points of of yellow fog that sickens anyone inside.
nonlethal damage. Div Detect Curse: Detects curses on crea-
Illus Bewitch: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus tures, objects, or an area.
on Bluff and Diplomacy checks. Detect Illusion: Reveals illusions on crea-
Necro Animate Skeleton: Creates 1 undead skel- tures or area.
eton/level. Prowess of the Prophet: Provides insight
Animate Zombie: Creates 1 undead zom- for attack rolls.
bie/level. Speak with Objects: You can talk to
Trans Affect Normal Fog: Alter the density of objects.
normally occurring fog. Ench Hesitate: Creatures second-guess their ac-
Buoyancy: Make a creature lighter than tions.
water. Insomnia: Target can’t rest or sleep to
Camouflage: Grants bonus to Hide checks. heal or regain spells.
Dead Man’s Hands: You gain a claw attack Dream Speaker: You question a sleeping
that deals 1d6 points of damage. creature.
Erase: Removes magical and mundane writ- Sneeze: Subject takes –4 on attacks,
ings. checks, and saves while sneezing.
Etch Stone: Inscribe messages on stone. Taunt: Enrage creatures into attacking
Firewater: Transforms water into flammable you.
liquid. Evoc Boarding Plank: Create a boarding plank
Fist of Stone: One of your hands turns to of force.
stone; you gain Str 23 with that hand. Death March: Ghostly drummer marches
Friendly Form: Gain a bonus on Diplomacy to target and explodes.
checks to alter NPCs’ attitudes. Delude: You borrow the alignment of one
Lasting Breath: Increases the amount of creature within 30 ft. in order to mask your
time subjects can hold their breath own.
Precipitation: Area is covered in rain, snow, Flameswell: Fire soars up to 40 ft high,
or sleet for 1 minute. dealing 1d6/2 levels.
Tree Ladder: Create a ladder on the trunk of Ghostly Throttle: A pair of ghostly hands
a natural tree. strangle the subject for 1d4+2 rounds.


Leaf Fall: You cause leaves to fall from Protection from Oozes and Slimes: +2 to
nearby trees. AC and saves, hedge out oozes and slimes.
Spectral Sail: Create a sail out of magical Conj Aerial Pilot: Special unseen servant that
energy to keep a ship on course. can pilot a ship.
Undertow: Pull creatures beneath the Blinding Ash: Obscure vision and cause
water and attempt to drown them. 2d6 fire damage per round.
Illus Disguise Magic Aura: Make an item ap- Call Lesser Demon: Calls demon of 5 HD or
pear more or less magical. less to fight for you.
Necro Augment Skeleton: One skeleton gains a Foggy Flying Carpet: Conjure a flying car-
+4 bonus to AC. pet made of fog.
Blood Bath: Force blood out of a creature Summon Undead III: Calls undead to fight
damaging it. for you.
Charnel Stench: Carrion stench sickens Water Double: Creates a double out of
creatures. water that tries to engulf and kill the target.
Negative Energy Armor: Foes attacking Div Discern Lycanthrope: Reveals whether a
you unarmed or with natural weapons take creature is a lycanthrope or not.
2d6 points of damage. Ench Bad Luck: Force a target to use the worst of
Glowing Bones: A creature’s bones glow, two saving throw rolls.
revealing their whereabouts. Lucky Cloak: You gain a luck bonus in
Trans Brittle: Reduces the hardness of an item. certain situations.
Expeditious Retreat, Greater: As expedi- Malicious Intent, Greater: As malicious in-
tious retreat, but affects all movement tent, but penalties are –2 or –4.
modes. Evoc Cacophony: Clap of thunder; 1d6 sonic
Eyes of the Hawk: Subject gets bonus on damage/level.
Spot checks. Chaos Bolt: Fires bolt of chaotic energy;
Fool’s Gold: Changes copper coins or 1d6/level.
brass items into gold. Hard Water Blast: Blast a target with a
Glide: Allows you to control descent dur- stream of water.
ing a fall. Kristoff’s Solar Window: Draw sunlight to
Ignite: Ray burns target and can set them your location through a magic window.
on fire. Sand Blast: Hurl a cone of scorching sand to
Keen Ears: Subject gets bonus on Listen damage and daze your foes.
checks. Steam Bolt: Burns an opponent with a blast
Leaf Tide: Leaves rise up to slam a foe. of superheated steam.
Melt: Raises temperature in area enough Undulating Earth: Knock creatures prone
to melt ice or snow. by sending a wave through the ground.
Rooted in Place: Cause a target to sprout Wall of Water: Create a thick curtain of
roots and become immobile. water that provides concealment and can
Slur: Subject’s speech becomes slurred. damage fire-based creatures.
Swim: Subject gets a bonus on Swim Necro Bonetrap: Touched skull or large bone deals
checks. 1d4 damage/level.
Zatmenye’s Tracer: Melee weapons leave Cure/Cause Bends: Cure or inflict the bends
a confusing after image. on a target.
Delay Death: Subject continues to fight
3RD–LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS normally even at 0 or negative hit points.
Abjur Blackout. Blocks darkvision. Donor: Transfers hit points from one crea-
Demon Flesh, Lesser: The subject gains ture to another.
damage reduction 5/cold iron and good. Feign Death: The subject appears dead.
Glass House: Create a protective cube of Heat flesh: Flesh burns and blisters.
magical glass. Hemophilia: Target’s wounds bleed pro-
Magic Circle against Spirits: As protection fusely, suffering Con damage.
from spirits, but all within a 10-ft. radius. Ray of Paralysis: Ray paralyzes target 1d6+4
Magic Circle against Undead: As protection rounds.
from undead, but all within a 10-ft. radius.

eldritch sorcery

Trans Air Breathing: Allows water-breathing crea- Lightning Wheel: Creates a flying lightning
tures to breathe air. disc that deals 1d6/level to one target.
Babel’s Curse: Subject cannot speak or Scalding Sea: Draws scalding steam from
understand any language. the surface of the water doing damage over
Blade Song: Weapon deals 1d6 sonic dam- several rounds.
age. Slimeball: Ball of slime deals fire and acid
Eyes of the Hawk, Greater: As eyes of the damage to target and its possessions.
hawk, plus immunity to blindess. Illus Distance Distortion: You can alter the di-
Eye of Ice: See through bad weather and ice mensions of an area, making it larger or smaller.
out to 120 feet. Massmorph into Trees: Subjects appear as
Message, Greater: You are able speak to normal trees.
creatures over great distances. Paralyze: Convinces creatures they are para-
Mud Slam: A wall of mud slams into a foe lyzed.
potentially knocking them prone. Necro Blood Fire: You ignite the blood of the
Spell Kill: Wipes spells or slots from subject’s target, 2d6 fire damage for the duration.
mind. Feed Summoned Creature: Outsider gains
stolen hit points from subject.
4TH–LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS Mind Carve: Creature takes Intelligence
Abjur Charge: Touched object deals 1d4 electric- and Wisdom damage.
ity damage +1/level. Ray of Desiccation: A desiccating ray in-
Protection from Pressure: Protects deep flicts a 1d6+1/2 levels Con penalty.
divers from ocean pressures. Twig Torture: Twig totem inflicts damage
Conj Aura of Tsathogga: Aura deals acid damage when broken.
to foes; protects you from acid attacks. Trans Desail: Remove a sail from a ship to slow it.
Instant Exit: Opens a door that teleports crea- Earthen Wave: You knock opponents prone
tures stepping through it to a random location. in a straight line.
Mage Armor, Greater: Grants subject a Fill the Sails: Creates a strong wind to drive
+10 armor bonus to AC. a ship forward.
Mucus Mask: Glob of acidic slime causes an Fluid Form: You turn yourself and your
array of effects. equipment into a liquid.
Rainbow Spear: Creates a magical spear Force Corporeality: You force a single in-
with an array of effects. corporeal creature to assume a corporeal state.
Summon Undead IV: Calls undead to fight Fumble: Subject drops held items and falls
for you. prone.
Div Portrait: Obtain an image of the last person Hard Water Weapons: Create simple me-
to touch an item. lee weapons out of water.
Prophet’s Eye: See, hear, and feel a target’s Ironrope: Give ropes or rigging the hard-
experiences. ness of iron.
Remember Seas: Allow a ship to pilot itself Reinstate Spell: Renew a spell whose dura-
on a known path. tion has just expired, up to 4th level.
Ench Fire Charm: Subjects are charmed by danc- Transform Boulder to Pebble: Changes
ing flames; susceptible to suggestions. boulders into small pebbles.
Evoc Bubble Goop: You breathe forth bubbles that Transform Pebble to Boulder: Turns a
coat a target with sticky goo when popped. thrown pebble into a boulder.
Deflect Ram: Protect a ship from being Treacherous Blow: Grants the ability to
rammed. make sneak attacks.
Dig: Excavates earth in a 10-ft. cube/2 lev- Warrior’s Touch: Grant a creature the BAB
els; deals 4d6 points of damage to earth of a fighter and other bonuses.
Fiery Blast: You fire a blast of fire in a 60-ft. 5TH–LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS
cone dealing 1d6 points of damage per caster Abjur Demon Flesh: The subject gains damage
level. reduction 10/cold iron and good.
Flame Spiral: Fire deals 1d6 damage per Spellcaster’s Refusal: Wards area, prevent-
level and may daze targets. ing spellcasters from entering.


Spellchain Grounding: Attract secondary Corrupt Water. Changes water into poison;
bolts from chain-type spells and negate them. damages water-based creatures.
Conj Air Sphere: Conjure a sphere of pure air for Hovership: Allows an ocean-going ship to
breathing. pass over land.
Earthen Snare: Trap a target in a pocket Jolt: Casts haste on your party and allows an
dimension of Elemental Earth. additional spell that round.
Kiss of the Nereid: Subject’s lungs fill with Lower Spell Resistance: Reduces creature’s
water. spell resistance.
Rainbow Staff: Creates magical staff with Metamorphose Weapon: Temporarily
an array of effects. change the material type of even magical
Steam Cloud: Conjures a cloud of burning weapons.
steam. Transmute Water to Acid: Transform ordi-
Summon Shadow: Calls one or more shad- nary water into acid.
ows to fight for you. Unyielding Durability: Item becomes im-
Summon Undead V: Calls undead to fight pervious to physical damage.
for you. Univ Spell Legs: Moves a magical area of effect.
Ench Charm Person, Mass: As charm person, but
Megalomania: You make the target believe Abjur Spiritbreaker: Damages an outsider and
they are better than they really are. condemns it to its own plane.
Touch of Madness: Drop a victim’s Wis- Cold Fog: Cloud of icy fog deals cold
dom score to 1. damage.
Weaken Outsider Will: Weakens the resis- Revelation Field: Suppresses illusions and
tance of an oppositely-aligned outsider in shapeshifts.
order to force compliance. Conj Ice Sled: You create one or more sleds
Evoc Devouring Darkness: Inflicts up to 10d6 made of ice for travel in arctic conditions.
points of damage and creates darkness. Summon Undead VI: Calls undead to
Fangstorm: Fangs of force cause 10d6 dam- fight for you.
age and may cause bleeding. Evoc Acid Blast: 1d6/level acid damage.
Nullifying Cloak: Damages subject any time Fiery Constrictor: A snake-like tendril
it attempts to cast a spell. lashes out and constricts a foe, dealing fire
Shattering Cry: Causes 1d6/level sonic dam- damage.
age, ignores some Hardness. Scorching: Heat waves cause 1d6/2 levels
Necro Blood Purge: You disgorge blood from the subdual damage.
target’s body dealing Con damage. Illus Jelver’s Illusory Illusion: Make a real
Bone Blight: Afflicts creature with super- item appear to be illusionary.
natural curse that causes its bones to collapse. Necro Augment Skeleton, Mass: Multiple skel-
Clot: Causes a being’s blood to harden in its etons gain a +4 bonus to AC.
veins. Death Gaze: Your gaze deals damage or
Grim Resilience: Remain alive and active kills its target.
despite any hit point damage below 0. Dust of Death: Transforms a small amount
Heat Bone: A creature’s bones burn from of normal sand into deadly poison.
within, possibly crumbling. Negative Energy Mantle: You create an
Lifeleech: Extends life with the sacrifice of aura around the subjects that prevents
an intelligent creature. healing and regeneration.
Necrotic Touch: Touch deals pain to tar- Spilling of Blood: Opens wound in sub-
get; 1d6/level and 2d4 Str damage. ject that causes continuous bleeding.
Skull Bomb: Create a destructive bomb Trans Breach Defense: Negates a creature’s
from a skull or large bone. damage reduction.
Soul Shatter: You deal 1d6 Cha drain or Claws of Digging: Claws grant natural
damage to a single target. attack and ability to burrow through rock.
Trans Blood Blade: Weapon gains the wounding Farvision: Create an object giving
special ability. darkvision 90 ft.

eldritch sorcery

Glass Window: Transform an area of Xenophobic Rage: Causes the target to

stone, metal, or wood allows viewing hate and attack all creatures of a different
through it. race.
Mind Meld: Two casters fuse their minds Evoc Acid Storm: You bring a caustic, damag-
together to increase their casting ability. ing downpour of acid into the area.
Reinstate Spell, Greater: Renew one spell Create Iceberg: Create an iceberg out of
per 3 levels whose duration has just ex- nearby sea water.
pired, up to 6th level. Mangling Foot: Giant foot appears to
Strength of the Earth: Touched object stomp on targets.
gains +5 hardness and Break DC; hit points Shield of Crackling Fire: Fire and light-
are doubled. ning protect you and damage attackers.
Synaptic Disturbance: Creature takes Illus Time Acceleration: Makes time appear
damage each time it takes an action. to go much faster than normal.
Transmute Dust to Water: Transforms Time Deceleration: Makes time appear
two 10-ft. cubes per level. to go much slower than normal.
Transmute Gold to Steel: Transforms Necro Blindness/Deafness, Mass: Multiple op-
gold into high quality steel. ponents are blinded or deafened.
Transmute Water to Dust: Transforms Chain Enervation: Fires a bolt of nega-
two 10-ft. cubes per level. tive energy at a primary target that hits
Transparent Steel: Transforms high qual- additional targets nearby.
ity steel to make it transparent. Cone of Decay: Destroys non-living or-
ganic matter.
7TH–LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS Create Crypt Thing: Turns a corpse into
Abjur Primeval Seal: Hedges out outsiders, ab- a crypt thing.
errations, and undead. Progressive Curse: Bestow a long-term
Volley Spell: Returns a single spell to- curse that grows worse as days pass.
ward the original caster. Soul Strike: Burst of negative energy, 40-
Conj Crawling Chaos: Chaos field follows tar- ft. radius, 1d6 damage per level (maximum
get, inflicting random effects. 20d6).
Death Wish: Challenges an outsider to Trans Icebreaker: Clear a passage through ice
come hunt you down and kill you. for a ship.
Magma Eruption: Ground spews magma Sleep of Power: Caster goes into coma;
over a 100-ft. radius, 20d6 damage, con- last spell cast is extended.
tinuing effects. Turn to Ooze: Turns target into harmless
Raise Island: Conjures an island of bare ooze
stone in the ocean.
Summon Hellhounds: Summons 1d4+2 8TH–LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS
hellhounds to fight for you. Abjur Zone of Metamagic Minimization: Field
Summon Undead VII: Calls undead to minimizes all variable damage results from
fight for you. spells inflicted on those within.
Ench Chaos: Causes confusion in multiple crea- Conj Summon Undead VIII: Calls undead to
tures. fight for you.
Control Lycanthrope: Lycanthropes Teleport Other: Teleports an unwilling
don’t attack you while under your com- target to away from you.
mand. Evoc Electrical Storm: Burst centered on you,
Dream Thief: Subject does not get a good 1d6 electricity damage/level.
night’s sleep and suffers array of penalties. Harmonious Dissolution: Sonic burst
Interdiction: Prevents subject from cast- damages everything in a limited area.
ing arcane spells. Ice Geyser: Ice fountains into the air,
Symbol of Discord: Causes discord in dealing 20d6 cold damage.
those that view the symbol. Prismatic Chain: Target suffers from all
Symbol of Hopelessness: All creatures colors of a prismatic spray and nearby tar-
within the area suffer hopelessness. gets are struck as per a prismatic spray.


Raise Shipwreck: Pull a ship from the 9TH–LEVEL SORCERER/WIZARD SPELLS

bottom of the ocean up to the surface. Abjur Hide the Soul: Subject’s soul is hidden in
Illus Luna’s Glare: Creates a false moon that an animal.
causes tides and affects lycanthropes. Immunity to Energy: Subject gains im-
Necro Annihilate: Snuffs out victim’s life force; munity to one energy type.
prevents raising. Conj Jaerel’s Curtain of Fire: Conjure curtain
Death Bringer: Through injuring your- of magical flames that burns all organic
self you slay sleeping creatures within 1 matter.
mile. Summon Undead IX: Calls undead to
Devour Essence: You consume a corpse’s fight for you.
essence, thereby preventing revivification. Evoc Conflagration: Incinerates a subject in
Greater Curse: –12 to one ability score; fire; deals 2d6 points of fire damage/round,
–6 to two ability scores; –8 on attack rolls, no save.
saves, and checks; 25% chance of acting Multiple Contingency: As contingency but
normally. allows a wider range of spells.
Plague: You infect multiple creatures with Rimeshatter: Causes 1d6 cold/level and
disease. 1d6 Con/10 levels.
Zephyr of Death: Send a breeze of death Scintillating Doom: Create mobile field
magic over your enemies slaying 1d4 HD/ of lights that target all within with pris-
level matic spray effect.
Trans Annihilation Vortex: Creates a vortex of Storm of Vitriol: Causes acid, unnamed
nothingness that disintegrates objects and and Dex damage in a large area.
creatures. Illus Quicken Assassin: Create loyal clone to
Fusing of Bones: Subject’s Dexterity is assassinate and replace a foe.
permanently reduced to 1. Trans Crystal Transformation: Changes a vol-
Glass to Steel: Gives glass the strength ume of metal into a brittle, crystalline,
and resiliency of steel. glass-like substance.
Rot to the Core: Kills subject from the Eternal Sleep: As temporal stasis, but
inside out. condition allows spell to be broken.

Chapter Four: Eldritch Sorcery

Spell Listings
Absorption Spell Resistance: Yes Acid Wind
Transmutation When an acid blast spell is cast,
Conjuration (Acid)
Level: Drd 4 you release a bolt of caustic acid Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M from your hands and extending Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round outward in a cone. The roiling Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) waves of acid do not harm any Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature creatures or objects in the area Area: one 5 ft. square
Duration: Instantaneous that you wish to exclude from dam- Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude, see text age. Any other creature within the Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: Yes area takes 1d6 points of acid dam- Spell Resistance: No
You cause any liquid carried by a age per caster level (maximum You call forth a breeze full of sting-
creature to dry up. The spell af- 15d6). ing acid droplets from your
fects potable waters as well as outstretched hand dealing 1d6/3 lev-
potions, although magical potions Acid Storm els (max 3d6) of acid damage to
get a saving throw to resist the Evocation [Acid] everything the target square. The
effect. Potions carried by a crea- Level: Sor/Wiz 7 acid quickly loses its potency leav-
ture can use that creature’s Components: V, S, M ing behind a sticky, wet film of water.
Fortitude saving throw bonus or Casting Time: 1 standard action Material Component: A dried
their own, whichever is better. Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) lemon peel.
While the spell instantly dries up Area: 20-ft.-radius circle
water carried by a character, it can Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Acorn Grove
only destroy a limited number of
Spell Resistance: Yes Conjuration (Creation)
magic potions. Potions destroyed
Level: Drd 6
are limited to those whose total This spell brings a caustic down-
Components: V/S/M
spell levels are less than half the pour of acid into the area of effect. Casting Time: 1 standard action
level of the spell’s caster. For ex- Creatures within the area are Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
ample, a 7th-level caster can coated with acid and take damage Target: 6 acorns +1 acorn/2 lvls
destroy a potion of mage armor each round as shown on the table Duration: 1 hour/level
(1st-level), and a potion of below. Saving Throw: None
barkskin (2nd-level) but is unable Round Damage Spell Resistance: No
to destroy any more potions. 1–3 3d4 You can cause acorns to take
Which potion is affected first 4–6 1d10 root and grow into adult trees
should be determined randomly. 7+ 1d8 where you throw them. The acorns
The target of the spell knows that must land in fertile earth for the
something has happened to the A creature receives a Reflex save spell to be effective. Once the spell
liquids in their possession but does in the first round. If successful, is cast, you must throw the acorns
not know which potions, if any, that creature takes only half dam- as a group using a move equivalent
might be ruined until they take age each round for the duration of action. Full-grown trees grow
the time to examine all of their the spell. A creature affected can where the acorns land and take
vials. The spell cannot be used take a full round action to rinse root. These trees remain for 1 hour/
against a living creature or plant the acid off using water or another caster level after which they shrink
to dry up its blood or liquid. liquid. This action provokes an back down into their original seeds
attack of opportunity. Spellcasters over a period of 1 minute. You may
Acid Blast coated with acid must succeed at a enchant 6 acorns + 1 acorn for
Evocation [Acid] Concentration check (DC=15 + every 2 caster levels beyond 9th.
Level: Clr 7, Drd 7, Sor/Wiz 6 damage taken during round + spell You have a special bond with this
Components: V, S level) to overcome the constant grove while it exists, and all spells
Casting Time: 1 standard action distraction of the burning acid and you cast in the grove will be at an
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) successfully cast a spell. effective +1 caster level. The grove
Area: Cone-shaped burst Material Component: A few drops can be used to provide cover or
Duration: Instantaneous of acid. obstacles and trees within the grove
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Chapter Four: Spell Listings—A

can be animated. Animated trees Air Breathing projectiles per level. You can’t cast
lose their animation and shrink Transmutation this spell on a natural weapon,
back down into an acorn if the Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 such as an unarmed strike.
spell ends before any spell animat- Components: V, S, M/DF When you make a weapon good,
ing them. Casting Time: 1 standard action evil, lawful, or chaotic, align weapon
Material Component: 1 acorn for Range: Touch is a good, evil, lawful, or chaotic
each tree grown. Target: Living creatures touched spell, respectively.
Duration: 2 hours/level; see text
Aerial Pilot Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Alter Normal Fires
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Transmutation
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Air breathing allows water- Level: Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S, M breathing creatures to breath air Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action freely. Divide the duration evenly Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Maximum of 150 ft. from caster among all the creatures you touch. Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: See text The spell does not make crea- Area: One Medium size or smaller fire
Duration: 1 hour/level (D) tures unable to breathe water. Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None Arcane Material Component: A Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No sliver of copper. Spell Resistance: No
This spell produces a being simi- You cause an existing fire of Me-
lar in all respects to an unseen Air Sphere dium or smaller size to either reduce
servant, yet it has only a single in size and light to that of a tindertwig
Conjuration (Creation, Air)
purpose: to steer a vessel and navi- or to increase in brightness (but not
Level: Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 5, Air 4*
gate competently. The pilot follows size) to that of a light spell. Reducing
Components: V, S, M
simple instructions on matters of a Casting Time: 1 standard action a fire cuts fuel consumption in half
ship’s bearing. The Strength of the Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) (therefore a torch or lantern affected
aerial pilot is equivalent to that of Effect: One 10 ft. diameter sphere by this spell would burn twice as
the caster only for the action of Duration: 1 hour +1 hour/level long), and increasing a fire doubles
steering a vessel, while it is equal Saving Throw: None the fuel consumption (a torch or
to an unseen servant for all else. Spell Resistance: None lantern would burn half as long as
Material components: a piece of This spell creates a 10 ft. diameter normal). Heat output is not affected
string and a bit of wood. pocket of pure, fresh air. The pocket by this spell, only the brightness and
has a semi-permeable surface; it al- light intensity.
Affect Normal Fog lows persons to enter and leave its
Transmutation area, but water, vapors, gasses, etc. Anchor
Level: Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 cannot enter the sphere. Physical Abjuration
Components: V, S, M objects such as arrows or thrown weap- Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action ons may pass into the sphere. Strong Components: V, S, M
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) winds (over 25 mph) disrupt this spell Casting Time: 1 standard action
Area: 50 cubic feet per level as if a dispel magic had been cast at the Range: 1 ship
Duration: 10 minutes/level sphere. Pressure from being deep un- Area: See text
Saving Throw: None derwater does not affect the sphere. Duration: 2 hours/level (D)
Spell Resistance: None The air remains pure and clean Saving Throw: None
This spell allows a caster to ma- for the duration of the spell. Up to Spell Resistance: No
nipulate a normal fog bank. The 5 Medium creatures may be con- This spell maintains a ship’s posi-
fog can be made into a thick, ob- tained in the sphere at one time. tion against currents, holding ships
scuring mass of watery vapors, weighing up to 10 tons per caster
Material component: a
limiting normal sight to 5 ft. The level. The material components are
spell can alternately be used to small bit of iron and a piece of string.
thin away an existing fogbank to Align Weapon, Mass
allow for easier sight and clear navi- Angel’s Cloak
Transmutation [see text]
gation. Only normal, naturally Abjuration [Good]
Level: Clr 4
occurring fog can be affected; any Level: Clr 5
Range: 30 ft.
magically created fog is not sub- This spell functions as lesser
Target: One weapon/level or 50 projec-
ject to this spell. tiles/level, all of which must be within 30 ft. angel’s cloak, except angel’s cloak
Material component: a tiny candle This spell functions like align grants the subject damage reduc-
and a small horn (not consumed) weapon, except mass align weapon tion 10/silver and evil for the
affects one weapon per level or 50 duration of the spell.

Eldritch Sorcery

Angel’s Cloak, Lesser of an animal (companion or other) Animate Rock

Abjuration [Good] that regards you as friendly or help- Transmutation
Level: Clr 3, Pal 3 ful. The animal must willingly agree Level: Drd 7
Components: V, S, DF with your request. The animal acts as Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action a scout or spy allowing you to see Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch exactly what the animal views. Of Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: Creature touched course the animal does not always Targets: One Large rock per three caster
Duration: 1 min./level or until discharged follow exact requests and may be levels or all rocks within range; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) distracted my instinct, hunger or Duration: 1 round/level or 1 hour/level; see
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) other factors. Most common uses are text
You temporarily imbue a creature a circling bird to scan the surround- Saving Throw: None
with the goodness and purity of an ing landscape or a mouse to peer Spell Resistance: No
angel granting damage reduction 5/ behind doors or explore otherwise in You imbue inanimate rocks with
silver and evil for the duration of the inaccessible areas. mobility and a semblance of life.
spell. Once the spell has prevented a Each animated rock then immedi-
total of 10 points of damage per caster Animal Scout ately attacks whomever or whatever
level (maximum 100 points) it is you initially designate as though it
Enchantment (Charm)
discharged. This spell can’t be cast were an animated object of the ap-
Level: Druid 3, Ranger 2
on evil creatures. propriate size category. You may
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action animate one Large or smaller rock, or
an equivalent number of larger rocks,
Animal Auditory Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
per three caster levels. A Huge rock
Divination Target: one Fine, Tiny or Small animal
Duration: 10 minutes/level counts as two Large or smaller rocks,
Level: Drd 1, Rgr 1 a Gargantuan rock as four, and a
Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Colossal rock as eight. You can
Casting time: 1 standard action
You charm an animal into scout- change the designated target or tar-
Range: Personal
Target: You ing for you. You must give them a gets as a move action, as if directing
Duration: 1 min./level (D) simple task, such as “Find out what is an active spell.
By holding your ears and concen- on the other side of that hill.” The Use the statistics for animated
trating, you can hear through the animal does it’s best to accomplish objects.
ears of an animal (companion or what you ask, returning before the Animate rock cannot affect rock or
other) that regards you as friendly or spell ends. (If it cannot accomplish earth creatures or elementals.
helpful. The animal must willingly the task before the spell ends, it re- Material Component: A few small
agree with your request. The animal turns to give you a brief idea why.) It chips of stone.
acts as a scout or spy allowing you to does not attack others or knowingly
hear exactly what the animal hears put itself in danger and can only Animate Roots
or interprets (in the case of bats or interpret what it sees based on its
dolphins). Of course the animal does limited intelligence (see below). If Level: Drd 4, Plant 5
not always follow exact requests and you give it a task that would force it Components: V
may be distracted my instinct, hun- to go into an area that it knows or Casting Time: 1 standard action
ger or other factors. Unfortunately, realizes is inherently dangerous, the Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
your mind is not able to interpret spell automatically fails. (A forest Area: 15 ft. radius spread
sounds that you would not normally fire, for example, is inherently dan- Duration: 1 round/level (D)
be able to hear. This means one can’t gerous. A battlefield is too. An area Saving Throw: none
use a bat’s sonar to map a dark cave or where a wolf prowls occasionally is Spell Resistance: no
locate enemies in darkness. not.) The animal does not travel You animate the roots of nearby trees
further than 2 miles from its home turning them into grappling weapons.
Animal Ocular territory. While this spell can only be cast in a
Divination For the duration of the task, the forested area, or in an area near several
Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2 animal scout gains +4 to its Intelli- large trees, it is a powerful spell when
Components: V, S, M gence. It gains no new languages or used properly. Roots in the area of effect
Casting time: 1 standard action additional ability to communicate, reach out of the earth as far as 10 ft. to
Range: Personal but you may gain higher quality in- grapple all opponents in the area. The
Target: You formation upon its return by using roots are treated as size Large, have a
Duration: 1 min./level (D) spells like speak with animals. Strength of 19, and have a base attack
By shutting your eyes and concen- Material Component: A small piece bonus equal to the level of the caster.
trating, you can see through the eyes of food and a stick that you throw. This means that the roots have a grapple

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—A

Animate Roots
bonus of 8 + caster level. Creatures in Casting Time: 1 standard action released.) If you are a cleric, any undead
the area, or entering the area, must Range: Touch you might command by virtue of your
succeed at a grapple check to avoid the Targets: One or more corpses touched power to command or rebuke undead do
grasping roots, those that fail are Duration: Instantaneous not count toward the limit.
grappled. Once successfully grappled, Saving Throw: None
A skeleton can be created only
the root begins to squeeze its victim and Spell Resistance: No
from a mostly intact corpse or skel-
pull them into the earth. With every This spell turns the bones of dead eton. The corpse must have bones. If
successful grapple check the root does creatures into undead skeletons that a skeleton is made from a corpse, the
1d4+4 points of subdual damage. Any follow your spoken commands. For flesh falls off the bones.
victims brought to unconsciousness are each caster level you possess, you
Material Component: You must pre-
dragged beneath the earth where they can animate one skeleton that has a
pare a salve worth at least 10 gp per
suffocate and die if not rescued within CR of 1 or less.
HD of the skeleton and rub it on
10 rounds. The roots can be attacked, The skeletons can follow you, or each corpse you intend to animate.
they have an AC of 16, 20 hp each, they can remain in an area and at-
hardness 4, and acid, fire, and cold tack any creature (or just a specific
kind of creature) entering the place.
Animate Zombie
resistance 10. Unfortunately, every at-
They remain animated until they are Necromancy [Evil]
tack against a root stands a 50% chance
destroyed. (A destroyed skeleton Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
of hurting the person grappled by it
can’t be animated again.) Components: V, S, M
instead. Once freed from a root by ei- Casting Time: 1 standard action
ther destroying it or succeeding at a The skeletons you create remain un- Range: Touch
grapple check, the target has one round der your control indefinitely. No matter Targets: One or more corpses touched
to flee the area of the moving roots how many times you use this spell, how- Duration: Instantaneous
before a new root moves in to attempt to ever, you can control only a number of Saving Throw: None
grapple them again. skeletons equal to your caster level at Spell Resistance: No
one time. If you exceed this number, all This spell functions like the animate
Animate Skeleton the newly created creatures fall under skeleton spell, but animates the corpses
Necromancy [Evil] your control, and any excess skeletons as zombies rather than skeletons.
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Undead 1* from previous castings become uncon- A zombie can be created only from
Components: V, S, M trolled. (You choose which creatures are a mostly intact corpse. The corpse
Eldritch Sorcery

Quickening the Dead

Necromancers and wizards in tune with darker powers often choose to make unquestioning
servants out of the dead. Doing so requires animating these creatures and imbuing them with
something that resembles life, yet is not. They “quicken” a specially prepared corpse by tapping into
the Negative Energy Plane and animating the corpse with negative energy.
Corpses animated in this fashion become permanent servants of their master, though usually only
able to accept simple commands. Undead created with these spells count against the total HD of
undead a cleric or necromancer can control (4 HD of undead per caster level). If a caster creates more
undead than they can control, the most recently created undead remain under their control while
previously quickened undead become free to take their own actions.

must be that of a creature with a true You draw forth a potent vortex of pure hold up anything above them poten-
anatomy. nothingness that destroys everything it tially causing buildings or fortifications
Material Component: You must bathe touches. This vortex moves at a speed of to collapse to the ground. Tunnels that
each corpse in a bath of special salts. 15 ft. per round at your direction. This is are created with this spell have no sup-
The salts must be worth at least 10 gp considered a fly speed with perfect ma- ports to hold up the ground above and
per HD of the zombie. neuverability because it disintegrates any are likely to collapse depending upon
solid objects it touches, you can direct it the material the tunnel moves through.
Annihilate in virtually any direction at all. Any solid The annihilation vortex can even destroy
object the vortex touches is disintegrated force effect spells such as a wall of force
Necromancy [Death]
Level: Sor/Wiz 8 as per the disintegrate spell. The vortex is but doing so ends its movement for that
Components: V, S, M 5 ft. tall and 5 ft. wide and can move round. This magic vortex can be de-
Casting Time: 1 standard action through as much as two 5 ft. squares of feated by an anti-magic field, successful
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) solid material per round. You must main- dispel magic or some other means of
Target: One living creature tain your concentration to manipulate disrupting magical energy.
Duration: Instantaneous the vortex, you cannot cast spells or take
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates part in strenuous activity such as combat. Anointed
Spell Resistance: Yes If you take damage it requires a Concen- Abjuration
You snuff out the life force of one tration check to maintain control of the Level: Clr 2, Pal 2
living creature within range. If the vortex. If you lose control of the vortex it Components: V, S, DF
target’s Fortitude saving throw suc- moves in a random direction until either Casting Time: 1 standard action
ceeds, it instead takes 10d6 points of dismissed or the spell’s duration runs out Range: Touch
damage (which may be enough to In addition to solid objects, the vor- Target: Creature touched
kill the target anyway). The only tex can be directed at living creatures. Duration: 10 minutes/level
way to restore life to a creature slain Living creatures receive a Reflex save to Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
by this spell (when the target either avoid the vortex, with those that fail Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
fails its save or takes enough damage being touched by the pure nothingness You provide a +2 luck bonus to one
to kill it) is to use true resurrection, a and drawn partially in to it taking 2d6 type of save (Fortitude, Reflex or Will)
wish, or miracle, each of which must points of damage/caster level (max for the target. This spell overlaps and
be cast by someone with a higher 30d6). Any creature killed by this dam- does not stack with subsequent castings
caster level than you. age is entirely disintegrated leaving of Divine Grace, but a second casting
Material Component: The heart of behind nothing but dust. Unfortunately, would grant the bonus to a different
a chaotic evil creature which you a second Reflex save must be made for save type once the first spell’s duration
consume while casting this spell. the creature’s equipment, if any. This ends. If you fail a saving throw where
save uses the highest saving throw bo- the bonus granted by this spell applies,
Annihilation Vortex nus of the most magical item worn, or you may choose to reroll the save by
the save bonus of the creature wearing ending this spell as a free action. You
the equipment (whichever is highest). must accept the result of the second roll.
Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S, M If this save is successful the equipment
Casting Time: 1 standard action flies away from the vortex, cast out by Aquatic Entangle
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) the energy used to destroy the victim. If Transmutation
Area: 5-ft. diameter vortex the save fails the creature’s equipment is Level: Drd 1, Plant 1*
Duration: 1 round/2 levels concentra- disintegrated as well. Components: V, S, DF
tion (D) This spell normally sees use to de- Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: Reflex negates stroy buildings or create tunnels. Walls Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Spell Resistance: Yes that are disintegrated can no longer Area: 40 ft. diameter spread

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—A

Duration: 1 minute/level duration and can be activated by the Components: V, S

Saving Throw: Reflex (see text) wearer as a free action. The possible Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: Yes tattoos and the abilities they bestow are Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft./2 levels)
This spell is an aquatic version of the listed below: Target: a body slain by your own hand
druid spell entangle. It calls forth sea Duration: Instantaneous
Badger: allows the wearer to go into
grasses and seaweed to snare swimmers Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless,
a battle frenzy (+2 to attack and damage object)
and underwater travelers. Small ships rolls, –1 AC, remain conscious until at Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
can also be caught in the area of effect. –10 hp) for 20 rounds. Cast this spell on a victim. The
Any target caught in the area of effect Bear: when a bear tattoo is activated wound from your death blow (or an-
suffers a –2 penalty to attack rolls, –4 to the wearer receives a +8 enhancement other of your choice) instantly
Dexterity, and cannot move. An en- bonus to their Strength score for a pe- reshapes into a mark, tattoo or sym-
tangled creature attempting to cast a riod of 20 rounds. bol of your choice. It is automatically
spell must succeed on a DC 15 Concen- Cheetah: grants the wearer a +4 en- identified as your mark. When you
tration check, or lose the spell. The hancement bonus to Dexterity and a 20 first learn this spell, you select the
target may attempt a DC 20 Strength ft./round enhancement to their move- mark it creates. You cannot change
check or Escape Artist check to escape ment rate for a period of 20 rounds. the mark once chosen without ex-
the entanglement. A successful save
Panther: grants the wearer a +15 treme magical means (such as a wish
allows the target to move at half speed
bonus to all Hide and Move Silently or miracle).
out of the area. Any ship caught must be
skill checks for 5 minutes.
smaller than 30 ft. in length, and to
escape, the navigator of the vessel must XP Cost: 2,000 XP must be used to Augment Skeleton
succeed on a successful DC 20 Survival replace the special energies of the ani- Necromancy
or Navigation skill check. mal imbued into the tattoo. Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Note: the DM is free to add other Components: V, S, DF/M
animals and abilities to the list above. Casting Time: 1 round
Aspect Tattoo Range: Touch
Level: Drd 4, Clr 5 Assassin’s Coin Target: Undead slÔleton touched
Duration: 10 min./level
Components: V, S, XP Conjuration (Summoning)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Casting Time: 1 hour Level: Asn 3
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action By touching a single undead skel-
Target: Creature touched
Range: Touch eton, you grant it a +4 natural armor
Duration: Permanent
Target: one gold or platinum coin bonus to its AC. This bonus stacks
Saving Throw: No (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Duration: Permanent (until discharged) [D] with any existing natural armor bo-
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, nus the skeleton may have.
You tie a portion of a willing
object) Arcane Material Component: A
animal’s energy and abilities into a
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object) pinch of crushed bone.
tattoo that you place on the target’s
Take a coin from a payment, and
skin. This permanent tattoo grants
a special power once per day based
cast this spell upon it. Return it to the Augment Skeleton,
person who paid you the money.
on the animal it is based on. A
When they wish to contact you, they Mass
creature can have only one aspect Necromancy
must throw the coin into the air and
tattoo, any attempt to add additional Level: Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 6
call out the name you gave them. The
aspect tattoos meets in failure. The Casting Time: 1 minute
coin vanishes, and reappears in your
powers of the tattoo are drawn from Targets: One or more undead skeletons
pocket, giving you a brief mental im-
the animal, and this energy drain This spell functions like augment skel-
age of the person who wishes your
must be replaced by some of your eton, except that mass augment skeleton
services. No message may be con-
own life essence (XP). affects a number of skeletons whose
veyed by this spell. Any individual
The animal chosen must be a will- combined HD do not exceed twice your
may have only one of these coins from
ing participant in the spell, as must level. You must touch each skeleton
the same caster in their possession.
the recipient. The caster, or another during the casting that is to be affected.
Material Component: The material
individual, must communicate with
component is the coin, which re-
the animal to obtain its consent.
turns to the caster when used. Aura of Tsathogga
Attempting to cast the spell without
the willing participation of the ani- Conjuration (Creation) [Acid]
mal results in automatic failure. Assassin’s Mark Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Transmutation [Evil] Components: V, S, M
Each tattoo grants a particular ability Casting Time: 1 standard action
or enhancement 1/day for a limited Level: Asn 1
Range: Personal

Eldritch Sorcery

Target: You Your aura of courage ability becomes

Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Axe of Destruction
more effective in protecting your allies
Saving Throw: None (harmless) Transmutation
from fear. Whenever an ally within its
Spell Resistance: No (harmless) Level: Rgr 3
radius is subjected to a fear effect requir- Components: DF
A swirling vapor of greenish mist ing a saving throw, they may make two Casting time: 1 round
engulfs your body, protecting you saving throws instead of one, and use Range: Touch
from acid attacks and dealing acid whichever is higher. Additionally, when Target: Axe touched
damage to your foes. Any creature an ally who has already succumbed to a Duration: 1 min./level (D)
striking you with its body or with fear effect that allowed a saving throw Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless,
a handheld weapon deals normal comes within your aura of courage, they object)
damage, but takes 1d6 points of may make another saving throw. In Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
acid damage. Likewise, the both of the above situations, the +4 You imbue an axe with destructive
attacker’s weapon takes 1d6 points morale bonus on saving throws against power over non-living objects. You
of acid damage. fear effects, which an aura of courage may use any type of axe but no other
Additionally, you can deal 1d6 normally bestows, still applies. weapon or tool maybe affected. The
points of acid damage by making a axe ignores hardness and deals an
successful touch attack against a foe. Avert Attack extra 2d6 points of damage to objects
While this spell is in effect, you Abjuration for the duration if the spell. Axe of
have resistance to acid 10. Level: Clr 1, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Destruction is particularly effective
Material Component: A small piece Components: V, S against animated objects, but does
of a bombardier beetle. Casting Time: 1 standard action not overcome other damage reduc-
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) tions unless the axe already meets
Aura of Valiance Target: One creature those requirements. A normal axe
Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged imbued with this spell is not consid-
Saving Throw: None (harmless) ered magical for the means of damage
Level: Pal 1
Spell Resistance: No (harmless) reduction/magic. The axe does not
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action You grant the subject a +5 deflec- have any additional abilities against
Range: Personal tion bonus to AC against the next creatures other than animated ob-
Target: You attack that targets it. Whether the jects.
Duration: 1 minute/level attack succeeds or not, the spell is Material Component: An axe that
triggered and the effect ends. is not harmed in the casting.

Babel’s Curse Arcane Material Component: A small saving throws equal to your caster
Transmutation clay model of a ziggurat, which shat- level at the time of casting the spell.
Level: Brd 2, Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 3 ters when the verbal component is
Components: V, S, DF pronounced. Bare the Soul
Casting Time: 1 standard action Enchantment
Range: Touch Bad Luck Level: Pal 4
Target: Creature touched Enchantment Components: V, S, DF
Duration: 1 min./level Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will negates Components: V, S Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Spell Resistance: Yes Casting Time: 1 round Target: 1 living creature
This spell causes the creature Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Duration: 1 round/level
touched to be unable to speak and Target: 1 living creature Saving Throw: Will negates
understand any language; all commu- Duration: see text Spell Resistance: Yes
nication is gibberish and to the affected Saving Throw: Will negates You compel the target of the spell
creature, all communication sounds Spell Resistance: Yes to reveal the truth. They must an-
like gibberish. Verbal communica- You bind magical energies around swer truthfully any question asked
tion of any kind is impossible for the your target’s being that makes them of them, and cannot refuse to an-
affected creature. If the creature is a unlucky at virtually everything they swer. Although they must answer
spellcaster, it cannot cast any spells do. Although transient, this enchant- questions, they are not required to
requiring a verbal component. Like- ment is potentially deadly to anyone provide additional information
wise, it cannot use any magic item or failing their Will save. Those af- above and beyond the limits of the
device requiring a command word. flicted with this curse are forced to question(s). Extremely broad ques-
Babel’s curse counters or dispels make two rolls for their saving throws, tions can be answered vaguely. You
tongues and can be countered by or always using the worst roll. This lasts may ask 1 question/round.
dispelled by tongues. until they have rolled for a number of Divine Focus: The Paladin’s Holy Symbol

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—B

Beesting Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Normal light sources are not blocked by
Conjuration this spell however, and it does not inter-
Range: Personal or Touch fere with normal or low-light vision or
Level: Drd 1 Target: You or a Large or smaller crea-
Components: V, S, M any other senses. Like darkness, this spell
ture touched
Casting Time: 1 standard action may be cast on an object.
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Save: None or Will Negates (Harmless) Material Component: A small smoky
Targets: One or more creatures, no two of Spell Resist: No or Yes (Harmless) quartz crystal that you dash to the
which can be more than 30 ft. apart ground and shatter while casting.
You assign a natural animal or
Duration: Instantaneous
humanoid track to yourself or the
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
creature touched. The new tracks Blades of Jade
Spell Resistance: No
must be that of a creature within one Transmutation
This spell strikes its targets with a
size class of the target creature. Thus Level: Drd 6
nasty sting, as if from a very large bee. Components: S, M
a horse (Large) can be made to leave
You create one sting for every three Casting Time: 1 standard action
tracks of a human (Medium) or a hill
caster levels you possess (minimum Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10ft./level)
giant (Huge) or anything in between.
one, maximum 6 at 18th level). Each Area: 30 ft. radius
Those trying to track someone leav-
beesting inflicts 1 point of piercing Duration: 10 min./level
ing bewildering tracks suffer a –10
damage, as if from a magical weapon Saving Throw: Reflex special, see text
circumstance penalty to their Sur-
for the purposes of overcoming dam- Spell Resistance: No
vival skill checks and are 50% likely
age reduction. If this damage is not You imbue green leaves, petals and
to go in the wrong direction before
somehow negated (such as by damage blades of grass with the sturdiness of
losing the trail if they fail their skill
reduction), the subject is poisoned with steel and a razor-sharp edge. Plants
check for tracking.
weak venom that inflicts 1 Con/1 Con are unharmed and return to normal
damage as its initial and secondary A true seeing spell shows the false
after the spell ends. Visual inspec-
effect, with a Fortitude save allowed at tracks for what they are and magical
tion is unlikely to reveal the altered
the spell’s difficulty class to negate it. means of tracking such as unstoppable
nature of the plants (Spot DC 35)
The damage and venom from multiple tracker can counter bewildering tracks.
but a Listen check (DC 30, calm; DC
stings is cumulative, though a subject 22, light breeze; DC 15, high winds)
saves only once even if subjected to Bewitch might reveal the tiny metallic jin-
several stings by a single casting. Illusion gling of the clashing leaves or blades
Material Component/Focus: A Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 of grass.
bumblebee’s stinger. Components: V, S Traversing the maze of razor sharp
Casting Time: 1 standard action
blades inflicts damage dependant on
Range: Personal
Bestow Speech Target: You
the terrain. Short grass deals 1d6 for
(Companion) Duration: 10 min./level every 5 feet traveled. Creatures pass-
ing through the area must make a
Transmutation This spell makes you appear more
successful Reflex save or suffer inju-
Level: Drd 2/Rgr 2 likable, more attractive, and easier
ries to their legs and feet (movement
Components: V, S, M, DF to talk to and deal with. You gain a
Casting time: 1 standard action reduced to one-third for 24 hours,
+4 circumstance bonus on Bluff and
Range: Touch Heal check (DC = spell DC) to dress
Diplomacy checks for the duration
Target: Animal Companion and heal sooner). Thick underbrush
of the spell.
Duration: 10 minute/level (D) and tall grass are a more serious threat.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Moving through such an area results
Spell Resistance: Yes
Blackout in 3d6 points of damage for every 5 ft.
Abjuration traversed in addition to injury to the
Bestow speech may only be cast on
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 feet and legs (as above). A victim
your companion creature. Your com-
Components: V, S, M surrounded by foliage or leaves at the
panion creature gains the ability to
Casting Time: 1 standard action time of spell casting suffers 6d6 points
speak any single language you know. Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels]
The creature may converse with oth- of damage in addition to the potential
Area: 20 foot radius
ers that share this language in penalties of moving through the area.
Duration: 1 minute/level
common. The spell does not increase Saving Throw: None Plants affected by blades of jade are
Intelligence, so the animal speaks from Spell Resistance: No immune to other spells altering plant
its point of view and knowledge. You create an area that looks like growth, movement, or maturity such
shifting shadows to anyone with as leaf fall, entangle, or plant growth,
Bewildering Tracks darkvision. Anyone looking through the and any plants already under the
Transmutation area of a blackout with darkvision can- effects of such spells can’t be affected
Level: Rgr 1 not see into or past the area of this spell. by blades of jade.

Eldritch Sorcery

Blade Song Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) heats the air within it. Once created,
You grant the target a +4 sacred the cloud is stationary. This spell func-
Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3, Music 4* bonus on Spot and Listen checks and tions like Obscuring Mist except that
Components: V, S a +2 sacred bonus on Will saves to fire spells do not burn off the mist.
Casting Time: 1 standard action resist charms, compulsions, and Water and cold-based spells such as
Range: Touch mind-affecting effects. Additionally, Cone of Cold or Sleet Storm will clear
Target: Bladed weapon touched the subject cannot be surprised. out the smoke and ash however. Any-
Duration: 1 round/level one within the cloud takes 2d6 fire
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harm- Blight Fog damage each round. Affected crea-
less, object) Necromancy tures may attempt to save for half
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object) Level: Drd 6 damage (Reflex). Spell resistance ap-
You imbue a single bladed weapon Components: V, S plies normally to the fire damage. This
you touch with a magical aura that Casting Time: 1 standard action spell does not function underwater.
causes the weapon to emit a Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Material Component: Ashes from a
cacophonic blast of sound whenever Effect: 20 ft. radius gray cloud that moves fire or hearth.
it successfully strikes a target. Any away from the caster
creature hit by the imbued weapon Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
takes an additional 1d6 points of
sonic damage. Spell Resistance: Yes Mass
You call forth a thick gray cloud of Necromancy
Blessed Warmth deadly mist designed specifically to Level: Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 7
kill off plants. Normal plants wither Targets: One creature/level, no two of
Abjuration which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Level: Clr 3, Pal 3 and die within 5 rounds of being
touched by the mist as it simply sucks This spell functions like blindness/
Components: V, S, DF
the life energy out of the plants leav- deafness, except that mass blindness/
Casting Time: 1 standard action
ing their desiccated husks behind. deafness affects multiple opponents.
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched; see text Plant-type creatures suffer wracking
Duration: 10 min./level pain as their life force is drawn out Blood Bath
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) into the cloud suffering 1d6 points of Necromancy
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) damage for every 5 caster levels Level: Sor/Wiz 2
You draw a shaft of shimmering (maximum 4d6). When initially Components: V, S, M
light to down on the creature touched called forth the gray mist is in a 20 ft. Casting Time: 1 standard action
granting it resistance to cold 10. For radius cloud that reaches 20 ft. high Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
every level above 7th, you can create that begins to move away from the Area: 1 creature
another shaft of light to ward an- caster at a pace of 10 ft. per round. A Duration: Instantaneous
other creature (maximum of 14 shafts moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses Save: Fortitude half
at 20th level). Warded creatures must the cloud in 4 rounds while a strong Spell Resistance: Yes
remain within 20 feet of you or they wind (21+ mph) easily dissipates the This gruesome spell causes blood
lose the benefit of this spell and the cloud in a single round. This necro- to spurt from the target’s eyes, ears,
shaft of light warding them winks mantic mist is specifically designed nose, and mouth, dealing 1d6 points
out (though you can create another to work against plants, all other crea- of damage per level of the caster
shaft to protect the creature if it ture types are immune to the effects, (max 8d6). The victim is allowed a
moves back within range). although the mist does provide con- Fortitude save for half damage. For-
cealment equal to a fog cloud spell. tunately, this dreadful spell is limited
Note: Blessed warmth overlaps (and
by the fact that it only affects a single
does not stack with) protection from
energy (cold) and resist energy (cold). Blinding Ash creature and is unable to affect crea-
tures without blood, though the DM
Conjuration (Creation)
can rule that other bodily fluids (such
Blessed Watchman Level: Sor/Wiz 3
as the ichor of a beholder) consti-
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affect- Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action tutes that creature’s “blood.”
Level: Clr 2, Pal 2 Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Components: V, S, DF Effect: Cloud 30 ft. diameter and 20 ft. Blood Blade
Casting Time: 1 standard action high Transmutation
Range: Touch Duration: 1 round/level Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Target: Living creature touched Saving Throw: None (See text) Components: V, S
Duration: 1 hour/level Spell Resistance: No (See text) Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Ash, cinders and smoke rise into a Range: Touch
great cloud that obscures vision and Target: One bladed weapon touched

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—B

Duration: 1 min./level successful Fortitude save). Creatures as the magical flames draw blood out
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, without blood (such as oozes, undead, of the creature to use for fuel. A
object) plants, and so on) are unaffected by Fortitude save may be made each
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object) this spell. round to negate the fire damage for
By touching a bladed weapon (such that round only. Creatures without
Material Component: A few drops
as a spear, sword, dagger, or the like), you blood (such as oozes, undead, plants,
of blood and a tiny glass tube.
imbue it with the wounding special qual- and so on) and creatures immune to
ity for the duration of this spell. For more
information, see the wounding special Bloodburn fire are unaffected by this spell as
their blood simply can’t be burned.
quality in the DMG. You cannot cast Necromancy
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 A resistance to fire offers no protec-
this spell on a weapon that already has tion against bloodburn as much of the
the wounding special quality. Components: V, S, F, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action damage is really due to blood loss.
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Focus: The exposed blood of the
Blood Purge Target: One living creature subject.
Necromancy Duration: 1d4+2 rounds Material Component: A pinch of
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text sulphur.
Components: V, S, M Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Bloodburn allows you to ignite the Boarding Plank
exposed blood of one creature, turn-
Target: One living creature Evocation (Force)
ing its flowing blood into hellish Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Duration: Instantaneous flames. The target must have been
Saving Throw: Fortitude half Components: V, S
wounded within the last 1 minute by Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: Yes
a piercing or slashing weapon, and Range: See text
This spell violently disgorges blood
the wound cannot have been treated Area: See text
from the body of the subject (through
by any cure spell or healing magic or Duration: 5 minutes/level
its eyes, ears, nose, mouth, pores, and
“dressed” with a Heal check or this Saving Throw: None
so on), dealing 2d10 points of Con-
spell has no effect. Spell Resistance: No
stitution damage to the target (half
The subject takes 2d6 points of This spell creates a shimmer-
that amount if the target makes a
damage each round from blood loss ing board of force, 4 feet in width

Eldritch Sorcery

and stretching up to 25 feet long. Bone Blight

The board keeps itself level at all Necromancy [Evil] Bone Blight
times and can support a weight Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Bone blight is a supernatural
of up to a ton and a half (3,000 Components: V, S, M curse that causes an afflicted
lbs.) before it collapses. Casting Time: 1 standard action creature’s bones to deteriorate
Casting this spell requires you Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) at an alarming rate. In the final
to touch either the ship or where Target: One living creature stages of the disease, the
it is to dock and mentally extend Duration: See text victim’s skull and spine col-
the board to its destination. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text lapse, killing it. Successful saves
Spell Resistance: Yes do not allow the victim to re-
Bolster Mental The subject contracts a supernatural cover (though they do prevent
curse known as bone blight which strikes damage normally). Creatures
Fortitude immediately (no incubation period). without bones (oozes, plants)
Abjuration See the sidebar for information on bone and incorporeal creatures are
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 blight. The DC noted is for subsequent immune to the effects of bone
Components: V, S, DF/M saves (use this spell’s normal save DC blight.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
for the initial saving throw). Unlike normal diseases, bone
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched Material Component: A few drops blight continues until the vic-
Duration: 1 min./level of aqua regia and a bit of powdered tim reaches Strength 0 and
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) bone. Constitution 0 (and dies) or is
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) cured as described below.
The creature touched gains a +4 Bonetrap Bone blight is a powerful
resistance bonus on saving throws Necromancy curse, not a natural disease.
against all mind-affecting attacks and Level: Sor/Wiz 3 While afflicted with bone
effects. Components: V, S, M blight, a character does not heal
Arcane Material Component: A Casting Time: 1 standard action damage (ability or hit points)
small gold or silver circlet (5 gp). Range: Touch naturally. Also, any bludgeon-
Target: One skull touched ing attack doubles its critical
Duration: Permanent until discharged (D) threat range against an afflicted
Bone Armor Saving Throw: See text character. Further, a character
Necromancy Spell Resistance: Yes attempting to cast any conju-
Level: Clr 3 You place this spell on a single
Components: V, S, DF ration (healing) spell on a
skull or other large bone taken from creature afflicted with bone
Casting Time: 1 standard action
the skeletal remains of a Medium or blight must succeed on a DC
Range: Touch
smaller creature. When the skull or 20 caster level check, or the
Target: Creature touched
bone is touched, a blast of red and spell has no effect on the af-
Duration: 10 min./level or until discharged
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harm- violet negative energy fills the area flicted character.
less) within a 10-foot radius around the To eliminate bone blight, the
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) spell’s center. The negative energy curse must first be broken with
You strengthen the bones of deals 1d4 points of damage per caster break enchantment or remove
a single creature you touch. level (maximum 10d4). Anyone curse (requiring a DC 20 caster
The subject gains resistance within 10 feet of the skull is entitled level check for either spell),
to bludgeoning damage in the to a Reflex save for half damage. The after which a caster level check
form of damage reduction 10/ bone used is destroyed by the blast. is no longer necessary to cast
piercing or slashing. (It ig- Material Component: A pinch of healing spells on the victim,
nores the first 10 points of dust taken from a wight or vampire. and the bone blight can be
damage from a bludgeoning magically cured as any normal
weapon, though a piercing or Branch Assault disease.
slashing weapon bypasses the Transmutation An afflicted creature that
reduction.) Once the spell has Level: Drd 2 dies of bone blight collapses
prevented a total of 10 points Components: M, S into a mound of quivering flesh.
of damage per caster level Casting Time: 1 standard action
(maximum 100 points), it is Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./lvl) Disease DC Damage
discharged. Creatures without Effect: One tree Bone blight 20 1d4 Str,
bones (such as oozes and Duration: 1 min./level 1d4 Con
plants) do not gain any ben- Saving Throw: None
efit from this spell. Spell Resistance: No

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—B

You imbue one natural tree You reduce the hardness of an ob- a slashing weapon. The goo has
with the ability to attack crea- ject by 5. If the object is in motion or 10 hit points. For every addi-
tures within its reach (10 ft.). animated, it gets a reflex save to tional bubble that strikes a foe,
The tree is immobile and can negate. If it is stationary or is not increase the goo’s hit points by
only attack creatures under its animated, it gets no save. The spell +3. A creature trying to scrape
branches. Once per round the can only affect an object with an area goo off itself, or another crea-
tree attacks at the caster’s base of 15 ft. square or smaller. If the ture assisting, does not need to
attack bonus dealing 2d6 points object is larger (such as a wall), it make an attack roll; hitting the
of bludgeoning damage with a only affects a 15 ft. square area. goo is automatic, after which
successful hit. The tree ceases its Material Component: A drop of a the creature that hit makes a
attacks if it receives more than corrosive substance. damage roll to see how much of
30 points of damage (hardness 4; the goo was scraped off. Once
AC 14). Bubble Goop free, the creature can move (in-
cluding flying) at normal speed.
Breach Defense Level: Sor/Wiz 4 A character capable of
Transmutation Components: V, S, M spellcasting who is bound by
Level: Sor/Wiz 6 Casting Time: 1 standard action the goo must make a DC 15
Components: V, S, M Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Concentration check to cast a
Casting Time: 1 round Effect: One or more bubbles spell. The goo becomes brittle
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Duration: Instantaneous and fragile after 1 minute,
Target: One creature Saving Throw: Reflex negates cracking apart and losing its ef-
Duration: 1 round/level Spell Resistance: Yes fectiveness. An application of
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Bubble breath allows you to universal solvent dissolves the
Spell Resistance: Yes breathe forth one bubble per two goo immediately.
Breach defenses negates the caster levels (maximum 6 bubbles Material Component: A bit of
damage reduction of a creature at 12th level) that quickly float tree sap which must be consumed
whose HD are not more than toward a designated target. When during the casting. Alternately,
twice your caster level. This a bubble contacts a solid surface you can substitute a piece of flesh
spell’s effect does not affect a or creature, it pops and releases a from a mimic. The flesh is con-
creature’s ability to overcome sticky goo that quickly covers a sumed during the casting.
damage reduction using natural 5-foot area or a creature (a crea-
or melee weapons (thus, while ture can attempt a Reflex save to Buoyancy
this spell would negate a bearded avoid the goo). One bubble can Transmutation (Water)
devil’s damage reduction, it cover a Medium or smaller crea- Level: Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Water 1*
would not affect its natural or ture. For every size category Components: V, S, M
melee weapons which are con- larger than Medium, one addi- Casting Time: 1 standard action
sidered lawful-aligned and tional bubble is required to cover Range: Touch
evil-aligned). a creature. If you release mul- Target: One creature touched
Breach defenses has no effect on tiple bubbles, you can direct Duration: 10 minutes/level
creatures with epic damage reduc- them to strike a single creature Saving Throw: Fortitude (Harmless)
tion (e.g., a creature with damage or several creatures. Spell Resistance: Yes
reduction 20/epic). A creature covered with goo Normally cast upon a drown-
Material Component: One marble- takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls ing companion, buoyancy causes
sized ball of iron and a bit of flesh or and a –4 penalty to Dexterity the target to become lighter than
a few drops of blood from a creature and it can move only at half the surrounding liquid. The tar-
with damage reduction. speed. A flying creature must get either begins to rise to the
make a second Reflex save or be surface of any surrounding water
Brittle unable to fly (assuming it uses its (at a rate of 10 ft./round), or the
wings to fly) and fall to the affected person floats on the sur-
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 ground. This spell does not func- face of the water regardless of
Components: V/S/M tion underwater. Multiple encumbrance or armor.
Casting Time: 1 standard action bubbles that hit a single creature The target is in no way granted any
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) do not increase the penalty on additional mobility or breathing ben-
Target: 1 object (see text) attack rolls or the penalty to Dex- efits while in the water. This spell
Duration: 1 round/level terity. only keeps the subject from sinking.
Saving Throw: See text A creature can break free by Material component: a small white
Spell Resistance: Yes dealing damage to the goo with ring.

Eldritch Sorcery

Summon Lesser Demon

Cacophony Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
of corruption (see the Tome of Horrors
Evocation [Sonic] for details on these demons) so they
Range: Personal might corrupt the caster and turn him
Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Target: You
Components: V, S toward chaos and evil. Good-aligned
Duration: 1 min./level or until discharged; creatures can employ this spell if desired.
Casting Time: 1 standard action see text
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) The target creature gets a Will
You call upon your deity to assist
Area: One 5-ft.-square/level save. If the save succeeds, the crea-
you in a task you are facing. You
Duration: Instantaneous ture resists the spell. If the save fails,
receive a +3 sacred bonus on any one
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text) the creature is immediately drawn to
ability check or skill check. Once
Spell Resistance: Yes your location. A demon subjected to
you attempt the skill or ability check,
Cacophony causes a clap of thun- this spell receives a penalty to its
the spell expires (whether the check
der to erupt an area designated by save or SR roll based on the align-
succeeds or not).
you when you cast this spell. Crea- ment of the caster and how far away
tures in the area must make a from chaotic evil the caster is. For
successful Fortitude save or be deaf- Call Lesser Demon each step that the caster is removed
ened for 1 minute per caster level. Conjuration (Calling) from chaos (on the law-chaos axis),
Brittle or crystalline objects (includ- Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 the demon receives a -1 penalty to its
ing creatures) in the area of effect Components: V, S save and SR roll. For each step that
take 1d6 points of sonic damage per Casting Time: 10 minutes the caster is removed from evil (on
caster level (maximum 10d6). A Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) the good-evil axis), the demon re-
Effect: One summoned demon of up to 5
creature holding an affected object HD ceives a -1 to its save and SR roll.
can negate damage to them by mak- Duration: Instantaneous These penalties stack. Thus, a de-
ing a successful Reflex save. Saving Throw: Will negates mon summoned by a neutral evil
A deafened character cannot hear. Spell Resistance: Yes caster receives a –1 penalty to its
She takes a –4 penalty on initiative By casting this spell, you summon a save and SR roll (neutral is one step
checks, automatically fails Listen lesser demon of 5 HD or less. You do not removed from chaos on the law-chaos
checks, and has a 20% chance of need to have the same alignment or axis), while a demon summoned by a
spell failure when casting spells with general alignment as the demon sum- lawful good caster receives a –4 pen-
verbal components. moned. This spell was specifically created alty to its save and SR roll (+2 for
by a powerful demon prince (some men- lawful and +2 for good).
Call Upon Faith tion Demogorgon, others say Orcus) You may ask the demon to perform
Conjuration and allowed to pass into the hands of one task for you, and the demon may ask
Level: Clr 1, Pal 1 mortal spellcasters to summon demons for some service in return (note that

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—C

demons of corruption never request Cat Nip Target: One primary target, plus one sec-
ondary target/level (each of which must
anything in return, desiring only to use Enchantment (compulsion) be with 30 ft. of the primary target)
their whisper of madness ability). The Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2 Duration: Instantaneous
more demanding the task requested, Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: None and Reflex, see text
the greater the return favor asked by the Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes
summoned demon. This bargaining Range: Close You fire a bolt of negative energy
takes at least 1 round, so any actions by Target: 10 berries at a primary target that then splits
the demon begin the round after it Duration: 1 minute/level and strikes nearby enemies. The
arrives. If the character agrees to the Saving Throw: None negative energy suppresses life force
service, the demon performs the task Spell Resistance: No
of the targeted creatures. The caster
the character requested, reports back to You infuse a handful of berries with must make a ranged touch attach
the character afterward (if possible), the power lure and intoxicate animals. upon the primary target. Creatures
and returns to its home plane. The When you cast the spell you determine can avoid the secondary bolts with a
character is honor bound to perform the which animal type the berries work on successful Reflex save at a –4 pen-
return favor. If the return favor is not and toss them where they can be found. alty. If the attack misses the primary
completed as promised, the summoner Animals with scent capabilities follow target all the bolts fade harmless away.
is visited by an appropriate number of the aroma and unerringly seek them out
demons to slay him and take his soul. If the attack succeeds the primary
and devour them. Once eaten, the ani-
target gains 1d4 negative levels.
mals are be reduced to a state equating
Lesser bolts leap from the primary
Camouflage drunkenness, taking on penalties of –5
target to one additional opponent
Transmutation to attacks and –2 to all checks and saves.
per level of the caster. All adjacent
Level: Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 These berries only work on creatures of
opponents of the primary target gain
Components: V, S, M the animal type with the exception of
1 negative level. All opponents must
Casting Time: 1 standard action sentient or awakened animals.
be within 30 ft. of each other.
Range: Touch Material Components: 5–10 berries
Target: Creature touched If the subjects have as many negative
in season
Duration: 1 min./level (D) levels as HD, they die. Each negative
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) levels bestows a –1 penalty to attack rolls,
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Cavewalker saving throws, skill checks, ability checks,
Transmutation and effective level (for determining the
By changing the subject’s colora-
Level: Drd 2 power, duration, DC, and other details of
tion to blend with that of its
Components: V, S, DF spells or spell like abilities). Addition-
surroundings, the subject gets a +10 Casting Time: 1 standard action
enhancement bonus on Hide checks. ally, a spell caster loses one spell or spell
Range: Personal slot from his or her highest available.
The enhancement bonus increases Target: You
to +20 at caster level 5th, and to +30 These negative levels stack.
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D)
(the maximum) at caster level 9th. Assuming the subject survives, the
This spell can only be cast in an
Material Component: Internal or- negative levels return after a number of
underground environment. If the
gans of a chameleon. hours equal to the spell caster’s level.
caster leaves an underground envi-
Unlike enervation, if the duration ex-
ronment while the spell remains in
ceeds 24 hours either by a 24th level
Cat’s Eyes effect, the spell ends prematurely.
caster or the use of a metamagic feat, the
Transmutation For the duration of the spell, you are negative levels have a chance of be-
Level: Clr 2, Drd 2 adapted to an underground environ- coming permanent. A single Fortitude
Components: V, S ment. Though you suffer from light DC versus the spell must be made after
Casting Time: 1 standard action sensitivity, so that you are dazzled in
Range: Personal or touch 24 hours to see if the negative levels
bright sunlight or in the radius of a become permanent. See negative levels
Target: You or one creature touched daylight spell, you gain the ability to see
Duration: 1 min./level in the PHB.
60 feet even in total darkness, as the
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Undead creatures struck by the bolts
darkvision spell, and a +6 Insight bonus
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) gain 1d6x5 temporary hit points for 1 hour.
to Climb and Balance checks made on
You confer low-light vision on your- natural, uncut, or unworked stone. Arcane Material Component: The
self or on one creature touched. finger bone of a wight which is bro-
Low-light vision allows the subject (or ken during the casting of the spell.
yourself) to see objects twice as far away
Chain Enervation
under bright or shadowy illumination
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
(see the PHB, Light Sources and Illumi- Conjuration (Creation)
Components: V, S
nation for more information). Level: Clr 2, Pal 2
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft +10ft/ levels) Components: V, S, DF

Eldritch Sorcery

Casting Time: 1 standard action barbarians, fighters, specialist wizards unsuccessful dispel magic spell does
Range: 30 ft. (enchanters), monsters that have no not discharge the spell.
Area: All allies and foes within a 30-ft. supernatural or spell-like abilities and You can use the charged object
radius centered on you have an Intelligence score of 4 or less, without discharging it, as can any
Duration: Concentration (up to 1 min./level)
creatures with an Intelligence score individual to whom the object was
Saving Throw: None
of 21 or higher, and creatures with specifically attuned when cast. At-
Spell Resistance: No
more HD than the caster. Other crea- tuning a charged object to an
As long as you chant (maximum
tures do not receive a save to avoid individual usually involves setting a
duration up to 1 minute per caster
the effects of chaos. password that you can share with
level), you bring special favor upon
Material Component: A small friends.
your allies and bring disfavor to your
bronze disc and a small iron rod. Note: Magic traps such as a charged
enemies. You and your allies gain a
+1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon trap are hard to detect and disable. A
damage rolls, saves, and skill checks Chaos Bolt rogue (only) can use the Search skill
while your foes take a –1 penalty on Evocation [Chaotic, Force] to find a charged trap and Disable
such rolls. You must chant in a clear Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Device to thwart it. The DC in each
voice. Any interruption in your Components: V, S case is 25 + spell level (DC 27 for a
chanting, such as a failed Concen- Casting Time: 1 standard action druid’s charge or DC 29 for the arcane
tration check, a silence spell or Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) version).
speaking or casting another spell, Target: One creature Material Component: A thin strand
ends this spell. As an exception to Duration: Instantaneous of copper wire wrapped around a
Saving Throw: Reflex half small piece of lodestone.
the general rule, the effects of this
Spell Resistance: Yes
spell stack with those of a prayer spell
You tap the realm of chaos and Chariot of Fire
if cast by a cleric of your alignment
release a bolt of chaotic energy that
and who worships the same deity as Conjuration (Summoning) [Fire]
deals 1d6 points of damage per caster
you. Level: Drd 8
level (maximum 10d6) to your target.
Components: V, S, DF, M
A lawful-aligned creature receives a –
Chant, Greater 4 penalty on its saving throw. A
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Conjuration (Creation) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
chaotic-aligned creature receives a Effect: Flaming chariot pulled by two fiery
Level: Clr 4, Pal 4 +4 bonus on its saving throw. The horses
This spell is identical to the chant bolt begins at your fingertips. Duration: 1 hour + 10 min./level
spell except that you and your allies Saving Throw: None
gain a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls, Charge Spell Resistance: No
weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill Chariot of fire creates clap of thun-
Abjuration [Electricity]
checks while your foes take a –2 der and roiling bank of smoke from
Level: Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 4
penalty on such rolls. The bonus which a flaming chariot drawn by two
Components: V, S, M
from this spell does not stack with Casting Time: 10 minutes reddish-brown fiery horses emerges.
that gained from the chant spell. As Range: Touch The chariot has a base land speed of
an exception to the general rule, the Target: Object touched 70 feet per round and a fly speed of
effects of greater chant stack with those Duration: Permanent until discharged 140 feet per round with average ma-
of a prayer spell if cast by a cleric of Saving Throw: Fortitude half neuverability. The chariot can carry
your alignment and who worships Spell Resistance: Yes you and up to 8 other Medium or
the same deity as you. You protect a single item with a smaller creatures that you designate
magical trap that releases an electri- (by touch) during the casting. Crea-
Chaos cal charge when anyone other than tures larger or smaller than Medium
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affect- you touches it. The discharge deals can be designated. A Large creature
ing] 1d4 points of electricity damage +1 counts as two Medium or smaller crea-
Level: Sor/Wiz 7 point per caster level (maximum tures. A Huge creature counts as four
Components: V, S, M +20). A successful save halves the Medium or smaller creatures. A Gar-
Targets: All creatures in a 40-ft. radius damage. The item protected by this gantuan creature counts as eight
burst spell is not harmed by this discharge. Medium or smaller creatures. Colos-
Saving Throw: None and Will negates; see
text A charged item cannot have a sec- sal creatures cannot board the chariot.
Spell Resistance: No and Yes; see text ond closure or warding spell placed Creatures other than you and those
This spell functions as confusion, on it. A knock spell does not bypass a you designate that come within 5 feet
except as noted above. Only the fol- charge, although it can unlock any of or touch the chariot or the horses
lowing creatures receive a Will saving locks or open the item, when it is take 2d4 points of fire damage per
throw to resist the effects of this spell: touched the spell still goes off. An round they remain in the area. While

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—C

aboard the chariot, all passengers gain HD do not exceed twice your level, or at Range: Touch
resistance to fire 10. least one animal regardless of HD. If Target: 1 living creature
You control the chariot verbally there are more potential targets than Duration: 1 week
causing the horses to run, trot, fly, you can affect, you choose them one at Saving Throw: Will Negates
a time until you choose a creature with Spell Resistance: Yes
turn, and so on. The chariot is a
tangible manifestation and can be too many HD. You fill the target with the deep
damaged or attacked as can the chill of evil. This feeling extends
horses. See the sidebar for statistics Charm Person, Mass down the core of the targets being,
for the chariot and horses. making them more paranoid as well
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]
as stripping away their compassion
Level: Brd 5, Sor/Wiz 5
and warmth for others. Those af-
Chariot of Fire: AC 20, Components: V
Targets: One or more creatures, no two of fected often show extreme mood
hardness 10, 100 hit points, swings, episodes of maniacal laugh-
which can be more than 30 ft. apart
can only be hit by magic weap- ter and a very strong feeling of
Duration: One day/level
ons. contempt for those around them.
This spell functions like charm per-
Fiery Horses (2): CR 4; SZ Often, this spell’s effects will be
son, except that mass charm person affects
L Magical Beast [Fire]; HD manifested when normal deeds be-
a number of creatures whose combined
4d10+12; hp 34; Init +1; Spd come twisted perversions of the
HD do not exceed twice your level, or at
70 ft., fly 140 ft. (average); AC original intent. For example, a noble
least one creature regardless of HD. If
14 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natu- knight who afflicted by this spell
there are more potential targets than
ral), touch 10, flat-footed 13; may deem it just to not only elimi-
you can affect, you choose them one at
BAB/Grap +4/+12; Atk +7 nate his opponent on the honorable
a time until you choose a creature with
melee (1d6+4, hoof); Full Atk field of battle, but purify him through
too many HD.
+7 melee (1d6+4 [x2], hooves); pain and torture him to death. This
SA heat aura (5-ft., 2d4 fire);
SQ fire subtype, darkvision 60 Charnel Stench spell also manifests its effects in other
ways, such as subtle smirks in re-
ft., damage reduction 10/magic; Necromancy
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 sponse to grisly things.
AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +5,
Components: V, S, DF/M Those that know the target well
Will +2; Str 18, Dex 13, Con
Casting Time: 1 standard action can make a Sense Motive check (with
17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6.
Range: 10 ft. a –15 penalty due to the subtlety of
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +5. the spell) to determine that they are
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation centered
Feats: Endurance, Run. on you under the effect of a spell. The target
The chariot and horses can Duration: 1 round/level (D) essentially acts as if they were neu-
be dismissed or dispelled. In Saving Throw: None or Fortitude negates tral evil, thinking only of themselves
such a case the spell ends, leav- Spell Resistance: Yes and their own personal goals and
ing the passengers unharmed You exude a carrion stench that ambitions. Characters or creatures
(unless of course they happen causes all living creatures (except that are already evil are unaffected
to be airborne when the spell you) in a 10-foot radius emanation by this spell.
disappears in which case they to become sickened. This condition This spell is most often used by
might take falling damage). lasts as long as the creature is in the evil clerics to cause paladins and
Material Component: A small area and for 1d4+1 rounds after it good clerics to fall from grace, at least
piece of wood, two holly ber- leaves. Any creature that succeeds during the duration of the spell if not
ries, and a source of fire at least on its save but remains in the area longer. Once the spell expires the
as large as a torch. must continue to save each round on target recalls all of the feelings and
your turn. A neutralize poison spell actions they made during the prior
Charm Animal, Mass removes the effects from a sickened week.
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting) creature, and creatures immune to
poison are unaffected by the stench.
Level: Drd 4, Rgr 4 Chlorophyll
Components: V Arcane Material Component: A few
Casting Time: 1 standard action internal organs taken from a rotting Level: Drd 1
Targets: One or more animals, no two of corpse. Components: V, S, M
which can be more than 30 ft. apart
Casting time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 hour/level Chill of Evil Range: Personal
Saving Throw: Will negates
Enchantment (evil) (charm) [mind effecting] Target: You
Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: Clr 7 Duration: 24 hours (D)
This spell functions like charm ani- Components: V,M Your skin takes on a green tint
mal, except that mass charm animal affects Casting Time: 1 standard action that allows you to draw energy from
a number of animals whose combined

Eldritch Sorcery

the sun. While under this spell you The chrysalis has Hardness 0 and 1 Size Damage
do not need to eat although water hit point. If it is destroyed the spell ends, Fine 1
and air are still required to survive. and the subject is stunned for 1 round. Diminutive 1d2
You can survive indefinitely while Material Component/Focus: A co- Tiny 1d3
exposed to the sun. Further more, coon from a butterfly. Small 1d4
while in direct sunlight you regain Medium 1d6
lost hit points at twice the normal Circle of Large 1d8
rate through normal rest. Huge 2d6
Divine Censure Gargantuan 2d8
Choose Fate Abjuration Colossal 3d6
Level: Pal 4
Components: V, S, F
Level: Clr 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action Claws of Digging
Components: V, S, DF, M
Range: Personal Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Area: 30 ft. radius from you Level: Beast 7*, Sor/Wiz 6
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level Components: V, S
Target: Living creature touched
Saving Throw: Will Partial Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes Range: Touch
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) You radiate a magical aura that Target: Creature touched
damages any undead or evil out- Duration: 5 min. + 1 min./level
The subject can roll twice any
siders that come within 30 feet Saving Throw: None (harmless)
single roll he makes in this round or Spell Resistance: No (harmless)
of you. Undead and evil outsid-
the next and keep the better of the
ers take 2d6 points of damage You transform your hands (or the
two results. The roll chosen must be
every round they stay within your hands of a creature touched) into
a single attack roll, skill check, sav-
radius of effect, and evil outsid- thick, wide claws that allow you to
ing throw, or ability check.
ers must pass a Will save to burrow through earth and stone.
Material Component: Two grains remain within the radius after The subject can burrow through
of salt and a rose petal. taking damage. This spell stacks earth at a speed equal to its land speed
with any other “aura”-type abili- and through stone or rock at one-
Chrysalis ties you may be using, and denies quarter its base land speed. Burrowing
Transmutation undead within its radius the ad- through earth leaves no tunnel,
Level: Drd 3 vantages of desecration. though the subject can dig at one-half
Components: V, S, M Focus: A holy rune inscribed in its base land speed to ensure that the
Casting Time: 10 minutes silver on your shield or armor. passage remains open. (Burrowing
Range: Touch through stone leaves a tunnel.)
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level Claws of the Beast Additionally, the subject can use
Transmutation the claws as natural weapons, gain-
Saving Throw: No (see text)
Spell Resistance: No Level: Beast 1*, Drd 1 ing two claw attacks that deal 2d4 +
Components: V, S, DF Str bonus each.
With this spell, you encapsulate a
willing subject in a silky cocoon or Casting Time: 1 standard action
chrysalis. While within the chrysalis, Range: Touch Cloak of Serpents
the subject does not need to eat or Target: Creature touched Abjuration
Duration: 1 round/level (D) Level: Drd 5, Serpent [Good] 5
drink and heals as if they receive a full
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harm- Components: V, S, DF
day’s rest each hour. Unfortunately, less)
while healing the subject is considered Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Range: Personal
helpless, and can do nothing while The subject’s hands transform
inside the chrysalis. If awakened, the Target: You
into beast-like claws for the du- Duration: 1 round/level (D)
subject can break free from the chrysa- ration of the spell. This grants Saving Throw: No (see text)
lis as a full round action that provokes the subject two natural attacks Spell Resistance: No
an attack of opportunity. The spell (claws) each round. The subject A writhing, twisting, and hissing
ends with the subject is fully healed or can use both claws equally well mass of snakes surrounds you, pro-
when the duration expires. in combat (i.e., there is no off- tecting you from attacks and biting
The subject inside the chrysalis hand penalty for using both claws those that come near you. This spell
retains rudimentary awareness of his in the same round). Each claw has two effects:
environment, and can make Spot or deals damage based on the First, you gain a +2 deflection bo-
Listen checks with a –5 penalty to subject’s size as shown in the nus to your AC for the duration of
notice things going on. table above right. the spell.

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—B

Second, the snakes surrounding cold. Each round on your turn, starting Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
you are at your command and attack when you cast the spell, the fog deals Target: One creature
any creature that comes within 5 feet 2d6 points of cold damage to each Duration: 1 round/level
of you if you so desire. All the snakes creature and object within it. Saving Throw: None; see text
attack as a single monster and use Spell Resistance: Yes
Arcane Material Component: A
your base attack bonus + your pinch of powdered crystal or glass. Conflagration sets the subject on
Strength modifier. On a successful fire and deals 2d6 points of fire dam-
age to the subject for the duration of
attack, the target takes 1d4 points of Cone of Decay the spell (no save). Creatures within
damage and must succeed on a Forti-
Necromancy 10 feet of the subject take 2d6 points
tude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your caster Level: Sor/Wiz 7
level + your Wis modifier) or take of fire damage (Fortitude save for
Components: V, S, M/DF
1d8 points of Strength damage. One half). Flammables within 10 feet of
Casting Time: 1 standard action
minute later, another save (same DC) the subject likewise catch fire.
Range: 60 ft.
must be made to avoid another 1d8 Area: Cone-shaped burst The subject can move and fight
points of Strength damage. Duration: Instantaneous normally (at least as normally as a
You can attack or move normally Saving Throw: Reflex half (see below) person on fire can), but cannot cast
(including casting other spells) while Spell Resistance: Yes spells while ablaze.
this spell is in effect. You do not need Cone of decay deteriorates non- The conflagration can be con-
to concentrate to maintain it. living organic material in an instant, trolled by fully immersing the subject
originating at your hand and extend- in sand or water. This reduces the
Clot ing outward in a cone. The cone damage to 1d4 points per round for as
Necromancy deals 1d6 points of damage per caster long as he remains fully immersed.
Level: Sor/Wiz 5, Clr 5 level to organic materiel. The spell Dousing the subject with water or
Components: V, S, M has no effect on living creatures, sand (including water or sand cre-
Casting Time: 1 round stone, metals, enchanted or other ated by spells) does not extinguish
Range: Touch non-degradable items. Creatures gain the fire and causes a cloud of steam or
Target: One being a Reflex save in order to avoid dam- burning dust to fill a 20-foot radius
Duration: Instantaneous age to items carried. Unattended for 1 round, centered on the subject.
Saving Throw: Fort negates non-living organic matter crumbles Creatures caught within the cloud
Spell Resistance: Yes to dust and blows away in the wind. take 1d6 points of fire damage.
You cause a being’s blood to so- Wooden doors fall to saw dust leav- Material Component: A small wax
lidify inside its body, inflicting ing only metal hinges and nails, doll and a pinch of dung.
damage on internal organs as blood leather armor becomes brittle and
flow slows. The being suffers 1d6 useless, and clothing rots into fine Control Lycanthrope
points of damage per caster level particles lint within the area of effect Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]
(12d6 maximum). If a being suffers of this spell. Magical items are unaf- Level: Sor/Wiz 7
more than 66 total points of damage fected by this spell, but mundane Components: V, S, F
from a single casting of the spell, it items such as backpacks, pouches, Casting Time: 1 standard action
must make a separate Fort save or belts and straps are. Items held by Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
suffer 2d6 additional points of dam- these drop to the floor. Targets: Up to 2 HD/level of lycanthropes,
age from internal organ damage. This spell is a particularly effective no two of which can be more than 30 ft.
against corporeal undead and some apart
Duration: 1 min./level
Cold Fog constructs. A cone of decay deals 1d6
Saving Throw: Will negates
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold] points of damage per caster level
Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: Sor/Wiz 6, Cold 7 (maximum 15d6) to corporeal
This spell enables you to com-
Components: V, S, M/DF undead and constructs made of ef-
mand lycanthropes for a short period
Casting Time: 1 standard action fected materials, Reflex save for half.
of time (as if by charm monster). A
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Constructs that have spell immunity
Effect: Fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. lycanthrope, regardless of its current
are also immune to this spell.
high shape (humanoid, hybrid, or animal)
Arcane Material Component: A
Duration: 1 round/level can be affected by this spell. You
pinch of dust and a carrion beetle.
Saving Throw: None command them by voice and they
Spell Resistance: No understand you, no matter what lan-
Cold fog creates a billowing mass of
Conflagration guage you speak. Even if vocal
icy and misty vapors similar to that Evocation [Fire] communication is impossible, the
produced by a solid fog spell. In addition Level: Sor/Wiz 9 controlled lycanthropes do not at-
to slowing creatures down and obscur- Components: V, S, M tack you. At the end of the spell, the
Casting Time: 1 round subjects revert to their normal be-
ing sight, this spell’s vapors are freezing
Eldritch Sorcery

havior. Lycanthropes remember that Corrupt Water On any round when the chaos
you controlled them. Transmutation [Water] field moves or passes through a
Focus: A small piece of polished Level: Clr 5, Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 5 creature’s space, the victim is sub-
moonstone. Components: V, S, DF/M jected to a single random effect rolled
Casting Time: 1 round from the table below.
Control Temperature Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Die Roll
Transmutation Area: Water in a volume of 10 ft./level by (d%) Result
Level: Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Weather 4 10 ft./level by 2 ft./level (S)
01-35 Target takes 2d20 points
Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level (D) of force damage, Reflex
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Fortitude negates or Forti- save half
tude half; see text 36-50 Target sustains 1d8 points
Range: 10 ft./level
Spell Resistance: Yes of damage to a single, ran-
Area: 10 ft.-radius circle/level, centered
on you You change an area of water into a domly determined ability
Duration: 10 min./level poisonous and toxic substance. Crea- score (roll 1d6 to deter-
tures in the area or that enter the mine which one); Fortitude
Saving Throw: None save negates
Spell Resistance: No area while the spell is in effect must
51-60 Target is nauseated for
You change the temperature in the succeed on a Fortitude save or take one round; Will save ne-
local area. You can alter the tempera- 1d8 points of Constitution damage. gates
ture, either up or down, by 10 degrees One minute later, another Fortitude 61-75 The target is subjected to
Fahrenheit per caster level. Moving save must be made to avoid another a targeted greater dispel
the temperature to extremes (either 1d8 points of Constitution damage. magic
Water-based creatures (such as 76-85 Target is stunned for one
hot or cold) can have detrimental ef- round; Will save negates
fects on living creatures (see the DMG water elementals) can be targeted 86-95 Target is confused (as the
for more information). The tempera- with this spell and take 1d6 points of spell) for one round; Will
ture continues as you left it for the damage per caster level (maximum save negates
duration. A control weather spell can do 10d6). A successful Fortitude save 96-00 Target is treated as if he
away with the effects of this spell. halves the damage. has been targeted by a rod
Arcane Material Component: The
of wonder (see the DMG);
save DCs where appropri-
Copy venom of a spider or the tooth of a ate are as per this spell
Evocation viper.
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 The energy field cannot be harmed
Components: V, S, F, M Crawling Chaos or damaged, for it is not a creature or
Casting Time: 1 round Conjuration coherent force, but it can be dispelled. If
Range: Touch Level: Sor/Wiz 7 the target moves beyond the range of
Area: One page or book Components: V, S, F the spell the caster can redirect it as a
Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round free action.
Saving Throw: Will negates (object); see Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Focus: An iridescent gem worth at
text Target: One creature least 5,000 gp that is not consumed.
Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Duration: 1 round/level
Copy enables you to make a per- Saving Throw: Varies; see text
fect duplicate of any written or drawn Spell Resistance: Yes
Create Crypt Thing
document (legal documents, letters, You conjure forth an incorporeal Necromancy
maps, and so on). To copy text, you Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7
field of malign, chaotic energy that
simply hold a blank piece of parch- Components: V, S, M
appears next to you and moves in-
ment or paper over the object to be Casting Time: 1 hour
exorably toward the target of the Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 levels)
duplicated during the casting. The spell. The field appears as a shifting,
amount of text that can be copied in Target: One corpse
shimmering field of barely-visible Duration: Instantaneous
a single casting is limited to 10 pages. energies five feet in diameter that Saving Throw: None
If the target being copied is cur- constantly shimmer and change. Spell Resistance: No
rently in a creature’s possession, the The chaos effect moves at a speed This spell allows you to animate a
object receives a saving throw. of 30 ft. on your initiative, taking the single corpse into a crypt thing (see
Spellbook pages can be copied, but shortest possible path toward its tar- the Tome of Horrors by Necroman-
magical writings (such as scrolls) cannot. get. As an incorporeal force, it may cer Games). You must cast this spell
Focus: A blank page (or pages or pass through water and even solid in the area the creature is to lair in or
book). objects, though it cannot pass protect. The corpse must be mostly
Material Component: A drop of through force effects. intact and have bones (so, no oozes,
black ink. worms, or the like). The statistics for

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—C

the crypt thing depend on its size, Crystal Transformation or broken. Artifacts and relics can-
not on what abilities the creature Transmutation not be affected by this spell.
may have possessed while alive. Only Level: Sor/Wiz 9 If you target a creature constructed
one crypt thing is created with this Components: V, S, M of metal with this spell, you must
spell, and it remains in the area where Casting Time: 1 standard action make a melee touch attack. If the
it was created until destroyed. Range: Touch attack succeeds, the creature must
Material Component: A black pearl Target: One touched object of up to 2 cu. make a successful Fortitude save to
gem worth at least 300 gp. The gem ft./level resist the effects. Even if the save
is placed inside the mouth of the Duration: Permanent succeeds, the creature takes 1d6
corpse. When the corpse animates, Saving Throw: Will negates (object) or points of damage per caster level
the gem is destroyed. Fortitude half (see text) (maximum 10d6).
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
The effects of this spell are perma-
You are able to change one metal
Create Iceberg object, whether as hard as adaman-
nent and can only be reversed with a
Evocation (Cold) wish, miracle, or greater magic.
tine or as soft as gold, into a
Level: Sor/Wiz 6, Water 7* crystalline, glass-like substance that Material Component: A small crys-
Components: V, S, M
is more easily broken or damaged. talline dagger (worth at least 20 gp)
Casting Time: 1 round that is shattered during the casting.
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) You must succeed at a melee touch
attack against the object to be af-
Area: 50 cubic feet/level
fected if it is worn or attended by a Crystal Wail
Duration: Permanent, see text
creature. If you succeed, one single Evocation (Sonic)
Saving Throw: None
metal item is affected. Thus, you Level: Brd 4
Spell Resistance: No
could affect a creature’s shield, but Components: V, S
This spell creates a huge chunk of ice out Casting Time: 1 standard action
of ordinary seawater. There must be suffi- his armor and weapon would be un-
affected. Normal, non-magical items Range: 40 ft.
cient seawater present to support an iceberg Area: 40 ft. radius centered on you
of corresponding size. Unless in arctic con- are automatically affected, but at-
Saving Throw: Fortitude half
ditions, the iceberg melts at a rate tended or worn magic items receive
Spell Resistance: Yes
determined by the DM, but usually 5 cubic a save and use their own or the saves
Your piercing scream vibrates
feet per hour in temperate conditions. of the wearer, whichever is better.
through the surrounding materials
Material component: semi-precious An item affected by this spell be- and people damaging almost every-
gemstone worth at least 50 gp that is comes brittle (hardness 1, 1 hp/inch thing with in a 40 ft. radius.
crushed and thrown into the ocean. of thickness) and is easily shattered

Crystal Wail
Eldritch Sorcery

Unattended crystal or glass items take This ancient and powerful rite be detected with a detect magic or
1d6 points of damage/caster level causes disastrous luck to befall the similar divinations. This aura may
(max 10d6) with no saving throw captain of a sea vessel. The captain only be removed by three ways: a
while crystalline creatures, or crea- can never again safely sail the seas, carefully worded wish or miracle
tures damaged by sound, receive a nor can he be a part of any crew on a spell, or if the target dies.
Fortitude saving throw for half dam- seagoing ship. The necromantic aura forces the
age. All creatures in the area must The target of this curse has the creature brought back to make a
make a Fortitude save to avoid being material component hung around Will save to resist healing (cur-
deafened for 1d4 rounds. The sound his neck, marking him as cursed. ing) spells from this point forward.
vibrations are so powerful that they Placing the component around the Another drawback is the fact that
can damage metal (2d6 points of neck requires an attack roll on the the creature is unable to resist
damage) and stone (3d6 points of part of the caster. Success means negative energy based spells, for
damage) objects. The sound damage that the component has been example, they are not allowed a
ignores any hardness an item may placed around the neck; even if saving throw against any inflict-
have. Held or carried metal and stone removed immediately, the curse type spells.
items are unaffected, but structures takes effect. From this point on, In addition to the effects above,
such as walls or doors are damaged. the target can never safely set foot the target also loses a level when
Casting the spell does have certain on a ship again. The effects of the curse of life is cast and the caster
risks. You are unable to speak or curse can be many-fold; a colossal must also pay an XP cost to com-
vocalize for 2 full rounds after casting sea monster may come to attack plete the spell. For reasons
leaving you unable to cast any spells the ship, terrible weather may scholar’s can’t explain, a creature
that have a vocal component or com- plague the ship until it is finally can only be brought back to life
municate verbally with your party. submerged, the ship itself may sim- once with this spell.
ply begin to take on water and sink, The target must be willing to
Cure/Cause Bends et cetera. The DM is encouraged to return to life for this spell to func-
Necromancy make up any curse that seems ap- tion, and although they may be
Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 propriate. In all cases, the curse at willing, they do not know that
Components: V, S the very least destroys the ship that curse of life is being cast.
Casting Time: 1 standard action the target boards. The effect can Note: This spell can bring char-
Range: Touch only be removed with a wish or acters back to life that where killed
Target: One humanoid miracle. by death effects, such as circle of
Duration: Instantaneous Material component: a dead alba- death.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates tross. XP Cost- 500 XP
Spell Resistance: Yes
By casting this spell upon, the wiz- Curse of Life Curse of Light
ard or cleric either causes a humanoid
Necromancy Enchantment (light)
target to double over in pain from Level: Clr 4
high-pressure gas bubbles forced into Level: Clr 3, Drd 2
Components: V, S, XP Components: V, S
their bloodstream, or cures said af- Casting Time: Two full rounds
fliction as it occurs naturally in divers. Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch Range: Touch
A target afflicted with the bends can Target: One Dead Creature (see text) Target: Creature touched
only take partial actions and suffers a Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 hour/level
1d8 point penalty to their Constitu- Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: Will negates
tion for 1d4 hours. Spell Resistance: No Spell Resistance: Yes
You bring a willing creature back You make the subject extremely
Curse of the Ancient to life so long as they died within sensitive to light. Abrupt exposure
24 hours. When the subject is
Mariner brought back to life, they are at –
to bright light (such as sunlight or a
Transmutation daylight spell and immediately after
9 hit points and stable. the spell is successfully cast under
Level: Clr 9
Unfortunately, the casting of this these conditions) blinds the subject
Components: V, S, M, DF
spell taps into the negative energy for 1d4 rounds. On subsequent
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch plane giving the creature brought rounds, they are dazzled as long as
Target: One creature back a weak, necromantic aura they remain in a brightly lit area.
Duration: Permanent from this point forward. Further- Once adjusted to the light, the crea-
Saving Throw: None more, the creature brought back ture still suffers a –1 penalty to all
Spell Resistance: Yes radiates a weak negative energy aura attack, damage, and saving throw
that affects healing. The aura may rolls.

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—D

Darken Forest
Darken Forest 8 HD can make a Will save against Range: Personal
Target: You
Transmutation the fear effect. Creatures above 8 HD
are immune to the fear effect. Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Level: Drd 8
You transform your hands into
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Daze Animal wicked, filthy, dirt-caked claws. You
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) gain a single natural attack each
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affect-
Area: 40 ft. radius ing] round that deals 1d6 points of dam-
Duration: 1 round/level Level: Drd 0, Rgr 1 age at your normal attack bonus. You
Saving Throw: Special, see text. Components: V, S, DF, M can still deliver touch attack spells
Spell Resistance: No Casting Time: 1 standard action while your hands are transformed.
You give the forest a dark and sinister Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Material Component: The withered
air as you animate nearby trees to attack Target: One animal of 4 HD or less hand of a humanoid or monstrous
living creatures in the area. Animated Duration: 1 round humanoid corpse.
trees have the same statistics as treants Saving Throw: Will negates
and fight as treants in all respects but Spell Resistance: Yes Death Bringer
cannot animate other trees. You ani- This enchantment clouds the mind Necromancy (evil)
mate 1d4 + 1/4 levels treants with this of an animal with 4 or fewer Hit Dice Level: Evil 7*, Sor/Wiz 8
spell. While they do not attack you, the so that it takes no actions. Animals of Components: V, S, M, F
animated trees are not under your con- 5 or more HD are not affected. A dazed Casting Time: 30 minutes
trol and aggressively attack all other subject is not stunned, so attackers get Range: 1 mile burst
living creatures in the area (including no special advantage against it. Target: See text
Medium or larger animals). Material Component: A pinch of Duration: Instantaneous
The dark and angry powers you use fur from an animal. Saving Throw: See text
to animate these trees gives the whole Spell Resistance: Yes
area a sinister feel that all animals Dead Man’s Hands Using a minor, but ancient evil
flee from immediately. Intelligent Transmutation ritual, you stab yourself in the chest
creatures with less than 4 HD flee as Level: Sor/Wiz 1 and spread the pain over a wide area,
if affected by a fear spell with no Components: V, S, M bringing death to sleeping creatures
saving throw while creatures with 5– Casting Time: 1 standard action
Eldritch Sorcery

as far as a mile away. The hideous Death March time of casting. Devils and Demons
dagger of bleached bone always strikes Evocation are the most common outsiders used
you as a critical hit, even if you would Level: Sor/Wiz 2 to fulfill the death wish.
normally be immune to critical hits, Components: V, S, M The outsider summoned to kill
and deals an additional 2 points of Casting Time: 1 standard action you has quadruple standard treasure
Con damage while leaving you Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) and maximum hit points (and uses
stunned for 5 rounds. Area: 20-ft. radius spread whatever gear he has to the best of
Sleeping creatures with less than 6 Duration: Instantaneous (see text) his ability to kill you). If the outsider
HD within a one-mile radius must Save: Reflex half has the means to, he first studies you
succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 Spell Resistance: Yes using divination magic in order to
+ damage dealt to caster) or die. This spell brings forth a phantom more successfully engage you. If you
Those that succeed, and sleeping drummer in a tattered military uni- have friends or guards, the outsider
creatures with more than 6 HD, form, that appears much like an finds others to help deal with them
awaken suddenly as if from a night- undead soldier. The drummer is com- so it can do battle with you one on
mare including the figure of Death pletely incorporeal. The drummer one. If the outsider kills you it burns
attempting to slay them. marches methodically toward any your body as an offering to the power
Arcane and Divine Focus: A mas- target you designate, tapping out a you challenged and takes all of your
terwork dagger made of bone from a death cadence on its dilapidated belongings. If you succeed in defeat-
skeleton the caster previously ani- drum. The drummer marches at a ing the outsider sent you are able to
mated. speed of 25 feet. After one of two claim anything it was carrying which
conditions is met, the drummer ex- should include at least one major
Death Gaze plodes as per the fireball spell, dealing wondrous item.
1d4 points of damage per caster level The outsider summoned can take
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 6 to all within range (max 10d4). The as long as one month to choose the
Components: V, S, M two conditions are (1) the drummer best opportunity to attack you.
Casting Time: 1 standard action reaches the designated target, or (2)
Range: 30 ft. the drummer reaches the spell’s maxi- Decrypt
Target: One living creature/round mum range. If you denote a living
Duration: 1 round/level (D) creature as the target, the drummer Level: Asn 1, Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Saving Throw: None or Fortitude partial follows that target through all barri- Components: V, S
or Fortitude negates; see text ers and across all terrain, until one of Casting Time: 1 round
Spell Resistance: Yes the two trigger conditions is met. A Range: Touch
This spell changes the whites of marching drummer may be eradi- Target: Document touched
your eyes to black and reshapes your cated with a successful dispel magic. Duration: 1 minute/level
pupils into small white skulls. Each Saving Throw: None
round this spell is in effect, one crea- Death Wish Spell Resistance: No
ture within 30 feet that meets your Conjuration (evil) You gain insight into an encrypted
gaze must succeed on a Fortitude Level: Sor/Wiz 7, message. This spell gives you a +10
save or be affected as follows (de- Components: V, S circumstance bonus to any Decipher
pending on its HD). Casting Time: 1 minute Script skill checks you might need to
Range: Unlimited interpret or read a document. While
HD Effect
Target: An unknown evil higher power this doesn’t insure success, it does
6 or more 2d6 points of damage (see text)
(Fortitude negates) make the interpretation of encrypted
Duration: 1 month messages much easier. This spell can
3-5 Death (2d6 points of
damage on a success- Saving Throw: None be specifically used to counter the
ful save) Spell Resistance: No encrypt spell and automatically re-
2 or less Death (no save) You challenge an evil deity or other moves encryption created by the spell
higher power to send a creature after (though this doesn’t make the lan-
If your gaze is reflected back on you to do battle. An evil deity or guage it was written in any easier to
you (such as by a mirror, pool of other high power of the DM’s choos- interpret).
water, and so on), you take 2d6 points ing hears your wish for death and
orders an outsider (of the DM’s choos-
of damage, no save. At the end of this
ing) to fulfil it. The outsider arrives
Deflect Ram
spell, you must make a DC 10 Forti- Evocation (Force)
tude save or be blinded for 1d6+4 on your plane 5–500 (1d100 x 5)
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
hours. miles away. The specific outsider sum-
Components: V, S
Material Component: Two small moned varies, but is usually 1 CR or
Casting Time: 1 standard action
marbles, the same color as your eyes. more higher than the caster at the
Range: 50 ft.

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—D

Area: See text Duration: 10 min./level tion of the spell. This affects the
Duration: 1 round/level You mask your true alignment from sailing speed of any ship, depending
Saving Throw: None all forms of divination by “borrow- on the number of sails the ship has
Spell Resistance: No ing” the alignment aura of one (DM to determine game effects).
Used as a defense in seaborne com- creature within 30 feet of you when Material component: a tiny candle.
bat, this spell deflects an oncoming you cast this spell. The creature whose
ship attempting to ram another ves-
sel. Though the attacking ship might
alignment you are borrowing retains Destroy Water
its original alignment (you are copy-
still strike its target, the blow of its Transmutation [Water]
ing it, not stealing it) and must have
Level: Clr 1, Drd 1
ram is “softened,” dealing no damage an Intelligence of 3 or higher or the Components: V, S
to the target vessel. The spell is ca- spell automatically fails. If the spell Casting Time: 1 standard action
pable of diverting a vessel of 5 tons succeeds, you radiate the exact same Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
per level of the caster. Vessels too alignment as the one you copied for Effect: Up to 2 gallons of water/level
large for the spell to handle are ca- the duration of this spell. Duration: Instantaneous
pable of ramming normally. Saving Throw: None; see text
Demon Flesh Spell Resistance: Yes
Delay Death Abjuration [Evil] This spell destroys (dries up) up to
Necromancy Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5 2 gallons of water per caster level,
Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 This spell functions as lesser demon including magical water, but exclud-
Components: V, S, DF/M flesh, but grants the subject damage ing magic potions. You can target a
Casting Time: 1 standard action reduction 10/cold iron and good for water creature with this spell.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) the duration of the spell. Elementals composed of water (or
Target: One living creature other creatures with the Water sub-
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) Demon Flesh, Lesser type) take 1d4 points of damage per
caster level from this spell (5d4 max).
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Abjuration [Evil]
A successful Fortitude save negates
The affected creature can continue Level: Blk 3, Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, DF/M the damage.
to act, move, cast spells, and fight
Casting Time: 1 standard action This spell counters or dispels cre-
without penalty at 0 or less hit points;
Range: Touch ate water and can be countered or
i.e., the subject is not disabled at 0
Target: Creature touched dispelled by create water.
hit points and is not unconscious
Duration: 1 min./level or until discharged Note: This spell can’t destroy wa-
and dying at –1 to –9 hit points. A
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) ter within a creature. Water weighs
creature reduced to –10 hit points or Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) about 8 pounds per gallon. One cu-
lower still dies however. This spell
The creature touched gains dam- bic foot of water contains roughly 8
does not prevent a creature from
age reduction 5/cold iron and good for gallons and weighs about 60 pounds.
dying due to death from massive dam-
the duration of the spell. Once the
age or ability damage or drain.
If this spell’s duration expires while
spell has prevented a total of 10 points Detect Balance
of damage per caster level (maximum Divination
the subject is at 0 or less hit points, 100 points), it is discharged.
the creature is either disabled (if at 0 Level: Clr 1, Drd 1
Arcane Material Component: A bit Components: V, S, DF
hit points) or is unconscious and
of flesh from a demon. Casting Time: 1 standard action
dying (less than o hit points).
Range: 60 ft.
Note: The spell can only be cast on
a subject with 1 or more hit points; it
Desail Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Transmutation Duration: Concentration, up to 10 min./
has no effect on a creature already at level (D)
0 or less hit points. Level: Sor/Wiz 4,
Saving Throw: None
Components: V, S, M
Arcane Material Component: A Spell Resistance: No
Casting Time: 1 standard action
piece of stone from a tombstone or a Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) You sense the aura of neutral crea-
sliver of wood from a coffin. Area: One sail of a ship tures. The amount of information
Duration: 10 minutes/level revealed depends on how long you
Delude Saving Throw: Fortitude negates study a particular area or subject.
Evocation Spell Resistance: Yes 1st Round: Presence or absence of
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 This spell allows a caster to destroy neutral auras.
Components: V, S one sail of one target ship. The size of 2nd Round: Number of neutral auras
Casting Time: 1 standard action the sail is unimportant, but only one (creatures, objects, or spells) in the
Range: Personal sail is affected per casting. The sail area and the strength of the strongest
Target: You simply ceases to exist for the dura- neutral aura present. If you are of any

Eldritch Sorcery

neutral alignment, and the strongest Saving Throw: None diseased. You can determine the exact
neutral aura’s strength is overwhelm- Spell Resistance: No type of disease with a DC 20 Wisdom
ing (see below), and the HD or level of By using the spell, you can deter- check. A character with the Heal skill
the aura’s source is at least twice your mine the direction and speed of any may try a DC 20 Heal check if the
character level, you are stunned for 1 current of water, be it freshwater or Wisdom check fails, or may try the
round and the spell ends. saltwater. You know if the direction Heal check prior to the Wisdom check.
3rd Round: The strength and location and speed of the current over an area The spell can penetrate barriers,
of each neutral aura. If an aura is outside extending to your maximum range. but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common
your line of sight, then you discern its metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of
direction but not its exact location. Detect Curse wood or dirt blocks it.
Aura Strength: The strength of a Divination
neutral aura is determined by how far Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Detect Illusion
away from true neutral the target’s Components: V, S, DF Divination
alignment components are, as given Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
on the following table: Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Components: V, S
Target or Area: Creature or object Casting Time: 1 standard action
Alignment Strength touched, or a cone-shaped emanation
Range: 60 ft.
Neutral Strong Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level
(D) Area: Cone-shaped emanation
LN, CN, NE, NG Moderate Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level
LE, CG weak Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object)
LG, CE no aura Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
Saving Throw: None
You can determine whether a crea- Spell Resistance: No
Each round, you can turn to detect ture, object (including magic items), You detect illusions cast by some-
neutrals in a new area. The spell can or area is affected by a curse. You one with a lower caster level than
penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, must touch a creature or object. If a you. If the caster level is equal to your
1 inch of common metal, a thin creature is unwilling to be touched, own you must make a caster level
sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt you must succeed at a melee touch check (1d20 + caster level) versus
blocks it. attack. You can determine the exact the save DC of the spell. The amount
type of curse and its effects with a DC of information revealed depends on
20 Wisdom check. A character with
Detect Charm the Spellcraft skill may try a DC 20
how long you study a particular area
Divination or subject.
Spellcraft check if the Wisdom check
Level: Brd 0, Clr 0, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 0 1st Round: Presence or absence
fails, or may try the Spellcraft check
Components: V, S of illusions.
prior to the Wisdom check.
Casting Time: 1 standard action 2nd Round: Number of differ-
Range: 30 ft. This spell does not function when
ent illusions.
Area: Cone-shaped emanation used on an artifact. The spell can
penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 3rd Round: The location of each
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D)
1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet illusion.
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt This spell tells you only that illu-
You determine whether a creature blocks it. If the item touched has a sions are present, not exactly what
is under the effects of a charm person curse invoked by touching it, you those illusions are, but knowledge
or charm monster spell. You can de- immediately know about the curse that illusions are present gives you
termine the exact spell with a DC 20 while possibly being affected by it. an automatic +4 circumstance bo-
Wisdom check. nus to any saving throws required to
disbelieve the illusion(s).
The spell can penetrate barriers, Detect Disease
but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common Divination
metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Detect Land
wood or dirt blocks it. Components: V, S Divination
Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Earth 1*, Sor/Wiz 1,
Water 2*
Detect Current Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Components: V, S
Divination Target or Area: One creature, one object,
or a 5-ft. cube Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Water 1* Range: 1 mile/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S Area: See text
Saving Throw: None
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: Concentration up to 2 minutes/
Spell Resistance: No
Range: 1/3 of a mile/3 levels level (D)
Area: See text You determine whether a creature, Saving Throw: None
Duration: Concentration up to 2 minutes/level (D) object, or area has been diseased or is Spell Resistance: No

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—D

This spell automatically locates any Duration: Instantaneous and see text Casting Time: 1 standard action
and all islands and continents within the Saving Throw: Ref half ; see text Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
spell’srange.Suchlandfallsmustbeabove Spell Resistance: Yes Area: Up to one 10-ft. cube/2 levels (S)
the surface of the water. Only the direc- You create a blast of negative energy Duration: Permanent or 1 round/level; see text
tion of the land is known, and not other that damages living creatures and leaves Saving Throw: See text
features such as size or terrain type. behind an area of darkness. Living crea- Spell Resistance: No
tures within the area of effect suffer take This spell allows you to excavate
earth, sand, or mud for one round per
Detect Life 1d6 points of negative energy damage
caster level in an area equal to one
per caster level of damage (10d6 max;
Reflex save for half) and leaves behind 10-ft. cube per two caster levels. Each
Level: Clr 1
an area of darkness equal to that left by round this spell is in effect you can
Components: V, S, DF
a deeper darkness spell for 1 round/ expand an existing hole or start a
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) caster level. As a negative energy based new one.
Target or Area: One creature spell, undead within the area of effect While digging, the earth removed
Duration: Instantaneous are healed instead of damaged and crea- from the area is scattered evenly
Saving Throw: None tures protected against negative energy around the hole. If you excavate a
Spell Resistance: No damage suffer no ill effects. hole deeper than 20 feet, there is a
Using this spell, you determine Creatures slain by a devouring dark- 15% chance that the hole collapses.
whether a creature is alive or dead. A ness spell rise in 1d4+2 rounds as a The chance the hole collapses in-
creature in a coma, trance, suspended shadow. The newly risen shadow is creases by +5% for every 5 feet beyond
animation, or even masked by a feign not under the caster’s control and is 20 feet unless it is somehow braced or
death spell can be detected by this as likely to attack its creator as it is supported.
spell. This spell does not work on any other nearby creatures. You can use this spell to tunnel
undead or creatures that were never through earth. If the tunnel is longer
alive (such as constructs). Devour Essence than 10 feet, there is a 30% it col-
The spell can penetrate barriers, Necromancy lapses (+5% for every 5 feet beyond
but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common Level: Sor/Wiz 8 30 feet), unless the tunnel is braced
metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of Components: V, S or supported.
wood or dirt blocks it. Casting Time: 1 round Alternately, you can target a single
Range: Touch earth creature with this spell (a crea-
Detune Target: One corpse ture with the earth subtype or one
Duration: Instantaneous from the Elemental Plane of Earth).
Saving Throw: None Against earth creatures, this spell
Level: 0
Spell Resistance: No deals 4d6 points of damage (Forti-
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action You consume the essence of a re- tude save for half).
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) cently deceased creature (one that has Note: You cannot use this spell to
Target: 1 instrument died within the last 24 hours). You open a hole beneath an existing ob-
Duration: Instantaneous gain some of the general knowledge of ject or creature. You can however,
Saving Throw: None the creature whose essence you de- tunnel underneath a creature or ob-
Spell Resistance: Yes voured. Although you gain no ject and cause a hole to appear in the
While learning this handy cantrip is particular skills, feats, spells, or spell- space (or spaces) it occupies.
not particularly encouraged at bardic like abilities, you do gain their general
colleges, it still seems to make the geographic knowledge, and some of Dire Rage (Companion)
rounds among students. With it, you the general experiences and memories
cause a single instrument within range of some of the individuals they knew.
Level: Drd 3/Rgr 2
to lose its tuning, giving performance You knowledge is deep enough to pro-
Components: V, S, M
checks with it a –4 modifier. Re-tun- vide a +10 circumstance bonus (that Casting time: 1 standard action
ing an instrument takes 1d4 full rounds stacks with other bonuses) to Disguise Range: Touch
and usually creates a rather irate bard. and Bluff skill checks while pretending Target: Animal Companion
to be that person. Until you are slain, Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Devouring Darkness the deceased creature cannot be Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)
brought back to life by any means. Spell Resistance: Yes
Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5 You tap into the unbridled primeval
Components: V, S Dig heritage that dwells deep within the
Casting Time: 1 standard action Evocation [Earth] animal. Dire rage may only be cast on
Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft./level) Level: Sor/Wiz 4 your companion creature. The animal
Area: 20-foot radius Components: V, S, M takes on a feral appearance and its

Eldritch Sorcery

muscles throb with adrenaline. Dire Range: Touch True seeing reveals the true dimen-
rage releases a prehistoric nature imbu- Target: one magic item sions of the affected area.
ing the animal with ferocity and Duration: 24 hours (D) Note: This spell can be cast only in
physical prowess. The animal tempo- Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, an area composed of or surrounded by
rarily gains a +6 bonus to Strength, a earth, dirt, or similar material (such as
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
+6 bonus to Constitution, and a +3 a corridor in an underground cave).
morale bonus on Will saves, but he You disguise a magic item’s aura to
appear stronger or weaker than it really Material Component: A lump of
takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class for soft clay and a pinch of stone (or
the duration of the spell. The increase is. An object’s magic aura may be shifted
to be one category stronger or weaker “flesh” if you prefer) from an earth
in Constitution increases the animal’s elemental.
hit points by 3 points per hit dice, but than the item’s actual aura rating, as
these hit points go away at the end of outlined in detect magic. (Faint magic
auras may be made to appear non- Divine Lock
the spell when its Constitution score
magical.) At 6th level you may disguise Abjuration
drops back to normal. (These extra hit
the aura to be two categories different. Level: Clr 2
points are not lost first the way tempo-
At 12th level you may change it by Components: V, S, DF
rary hit points are.) While under dire Casting Time: 1 standard action
rage, an animal cannot use any Cha- three, and at 17th level you may alter
it by up to four categories. Artifacts Range: Touch
risma-, Dexterity-, or Target: The door, chest, or portal touched,
Intelligence-based skills (except for cannot be made to appear less than
up to 30 sq. ft./level in size
Balance, Escape Artist, and Intimi- faintly magical by this spell.
Duration: Permanent
date). When the spell ends, the animal Material Component: The remains Saving Throw: None
reverts back to normal and is consid- of a shattered, used or destroyed magic Spell Resistance: No
ered fatigued as its body readjusts. item, such as a spent wand, potion A divine lock is an arcane lock variant
vial or an expended scroll. employed by clerics. The spell is cast
Discern Lycanthrope upon a door, chest, or portal by carving
Distance Distortion or tracing the deity’s symbol (or some
Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Rgr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Illusion (Glamer) variant thereof) on a suitable surface.
Components: V, S, DF/M Level: Sor/Wiz 4 The caster and those of the caster’s
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M religion can freely pass the lock with-
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Casting Time: 1 round out affecting it; otherwise, a door or
Targets: One creature/level, no two of Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) object secured with divine lock can be
which can be more than 30 ft. apart Area: One 10-ft. cube/level (S) opened only by breaking in or by a
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round/ Duration: 1 hour/level successful dispel magic spell. A knock
level (D) Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with) spell does not remove a divine lock, but
Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: No
it can bypass it for a number of rounds
Spell Resistance: No You can make an area up to one 10- equal to the level of the caster.
Each round you concentrate on one ft. cube per caster level appear to be
The divine lock can also be dis-
subject, who must be within range. You longer or shorter, wider or narrower
pelled by a cleric of a different religion
know if the subject is a lycanthrope or that it actually is. This doubles or halves
if he makes a successful turn/rebuke
not, regardless of its current shape (hu- (your choice) the time it takes to travel
attempt against the door. In this case,
manoid, hybrid, or animal). You can across the affected area. For example, a
treat the lock as an undead with Hit
determine the exact type of lycanthrope 10th-level caster could alter a 10-foot
Dice equal to the caster’s level.
with a DC 20 Wisdom check. A char- high by 10-foot wide by 100-foot-long
acter with the Knowledge (nature) skill corridor so it seemed to be either 20 feet Add 10 to the normal DC to break
may try a DC 20 Knowledge (nature) wide by 20 feet high by 200 feet long or open a door or portal affected by this spell.
check if the Wisdom check fails, or may 5 feet wide by 5 feet high by 50 feet long.
try the Knowledge (nature) check prior All affected dimensions must be collec- Divine Sovereignty
to the Wisdom check. tively reduced or expanded. You cannot, Enchantment [Compulsion, Mind-Affect-
Each round you may concentrate for example, reduce the width and height ing]
on a different subject. of a corridor and expand its length. Level: Blk 4, Pal 4
Components: V, S, DF
Arcane Material Component: A bit This spell includes audible, visual,
Casting Time: 1 round
of fur or flesh from a lycanthrope. tactile, and olfactory elements. It
Range: Personal
cannot disguise, hide, or add crea- Target: You
Disguise Magic Aura tures (though creatures within the Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Illusion (Glamer) area might hide themselves within For the duration of the spell, all crea-
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 the illusion just as they can hide tures with 4 HD or less within 300 ft.
Components: V, M themselves within the real location). view you as their legitimate ruler and
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Chapter Four: Spell Listings—D

obey you as they would their sovereign are made at +20 for the duration of the Range: 40 ft.
king. Because this spell only affects how spell. This spell does not provide the Area: 40 ft. cone
you are viewed by onlookers, and does ability to breathe underwater, only the Duration: 1 round/level
not directly control their behavior, law- ability to swim more effectively. Saving Thow: Will partial
ful creatures tend to be much more Spell Resistance: Yes
The target of the spell must be in the
obedient than chaotic creatures. Pala- water already for the spell to take effect. You create sound vibrations in a 40 ft.
dins use this spell to nullify the influence cone burst that gives creatures a deep,
Divine Focus: Wooden statuette of
of illegitimate, evil rulers over innocent unexplained feeling of fear. Creatures
a dolphin.
populace while blackguards use this to failing their Will save are Panicked (see
usurp rule and use unwitting people to the Condition Summary of Chapter 8:
Dolphin Fins, Mass Glossary in the DMG for effects). Those
their own end. Using this spell to over-
Transmutation that succeed remain so uneasy that they
rule a legitimate ruler is an unlawful act
Level: Drd 6, Clr 7, Water 6* suffer a –2 penalty to all attack and
and against the paladin code of conduct.
Components: V, S, DF damage rolls and have a –2 penalty on
Casting Time: 1 standard action all future Will saves against fear effects.
Divining Rod Range: Close
Although this spell is based on
Divination Target: 1 creature/level no 2 of which may
Level: Drd 0, Rgr 1 be more than 30 ft. apart sound, it is vibrations from the sound
Components: M Duration: 1 hour/level that cause the fear effect. Deaf or
Casting time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Will negates/harmless deafened creatures are not immune,
Range: Touch Spell Resistance: yes/harmless but they do receive a +4 circum-
Area: 1 mile/level Functions as the spell dolphin fins stance bonus to their Will saves.
Target: 1 object (stick) except it affects one creature per
Duration: 1 hour/level (D) caster level. Dream Speaker
You call upon the spirits of the wood- Enchantment (compulsion) [mind effect-
land to guide you to water, natural Donor ing]
shelter, or food. By casting divining rod Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 2
upon a forked stick, you request simple Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Components: V,S,F
knowledge from the nature spirits to Components: V, S, DF/M Casting Time: 1 minute
lead you to water, natural shelter or Casting Time: 1 round Range: Close touch
grown food. The rod points in the direc- Range: Touch; see text Target: One Sleeping Creature
tion of the objective of the spell. The Targets: Two creatures, both of which can Duration: 10 minutes (see text)
rod does not necessarily lead you past be no more than 10 ft. apart; see text Saving Throw: Will negates/harmless (see
Duration: Instantaneous text)
dangers or obstacles, just a direct path to
Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: Yes
the requested necessity. The rod may
Spell Resistance: Yes You touch a sleeping creature and
sense the location only if the objective
By means of this spell, you can whisper questions quietly into their
is with in radius of the spell. The rod
transfer hit points from yourself or a ear. If the target fails their initial Will
reveals nothing else. Divining rod may
donor creature to another creature. save they answer the questions in an
only direct to uncultivated palatable
The donor must be within 10 feet of equally quiet whisper (not heard be-
vegetation if provisions are requested.
the subject. If the donor is unwilling, yond 5 ft.) in their native language. A
The rod detects water underground only
you must succeed at a melee touch creature that makes their initial sav-
if the source is with in 10 ft.
attack. You can serve as the donor, ing throw simply rolls away from the
caster and continues sleeping. While
Dolphin Fins but cannot be the recipient of this
the answers are never lies or direct
spell’s effects.
Transmutation trickery, the target can make a second
Level: Drd 2, Clr 2 For every hit point you drain from
Will save to avoid divulging special
Components: V, S, DF the donor, you transfer an equal
secrets or hidden plans. If this save is
Casting Time: 1 standard action amount to the subject. Using this
successful they awaken immediately
Range: Close spell, you can drain and transfer a
with no memory of the questioning, if
Target: Touched creature total number of hit points equal to
it is failed the target answers.
Duration: 2 minutes/level your caster level.
Saving Throw: Will negates/harmless The caster can ask one question/
Arcane Material Focus: A needle.
Spell Resistance: yes/harmless level. This spell does not work on
creatures with an Intelligence score
You grant upon a creature the ability Dread Scream less than 3 nor does it grant any
to feel at home within the water. The Enchantment [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
hands and feet of the target become means to understand the language
Level: Brd 3 spoken by the target. It can’t be cast
webbed and they are able to see under- Components: V, S
water as normal. All Swim skill checks more than once on a single target in
Casting Time: 1 standard action a 24 hour period.

Eldritch Sorcery

Dream Thief
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 day/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell steals the dreams from the subject’s mind
each time he sleeps. So long as the subject is affected by
this spell, it does not gain the benefits of a good night’s
sleep. That is, the subject does not regain hit points or
heal ability damage, does not regain lost spells, and
functions as if fatigued (effective ability decrease of –2
to Strength and Dexterity). Creatures that do not sleep
(such as undead and constructs) cannot be affected by
this spell. Elves, however, can be. The effective penalty
to ability scores does not stack from day to day.

Level: Drd 0
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft/level)
Target: one object or creature up to size Large
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Ref negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
With a gesture upwards, you conjure a sudden freezing
cold downpour on the designated target, dealing 1 point
of subdual damage (0 if they make a Reflex save.) This
spell is usually used to quench small fires and can instantly
quench a natural fire that is 5 ft. or less in diameter.

Dust of Death
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Touch
Area: A few ounces of sand
Duration: 1 hour
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text
Spell Resistance: No
This spell transforms a few ounces of normal sand
into a deadly poison for the duration. If the sand is
then consumed (say because it was placed in a foe’s
drink or sprinkled on its food), the imbiber must
succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or take 2d6 points
of Constitution damage. One minute later another
Fortitude save (same DC) must be made to avoid an
additional 2d6 points of Constitution damage.
Material Component: A pinch of sand and crushed
Dread Scream
Chapter Four: Spell Listings—E

Earth Ear width as the longest dimension of the Area: Burst, centered on you, with a radius
of 100 ft. + 10 ft./level
Divination trapped creature. A successful Reflex
save at a –4 penalty avoids the trap Duration: Instantaneous
Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2 Saving Throw: Reflex half
Components: S completely. Rogues may add their trap
Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 standard action sense modifier to this save. A trapped
creature can attempt to break the walls You release a powerful burst of
Range: Personal
of their enclosure to force the spell to electricity in all directions away from
Area: 100 ft. radius
end early (Hardness 8, hp equal to you. Each creature within the area
Duration: 1 round/caster level
caster); otherwise they must simply takes 1d6 points of electricity dam-
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No wait for the spell to end. Once the spell age per caster level (maximum 20d6).
You place your ear to the ground ends the victim is violently ejected The electrical storm sets fire to com-
in an effort to determine the loca- from the earth taking 8d6 points of bustibles and damages objects in its
tion and size of creatures moving physical damage and ending up prone path. It can melt metals with a low
above or beneath the surface of the in the spot they originally occupied. If melting point, such as lead, gold, cop-
ground. With a successful Listen the space there were in is occupied per, silver, or bronze. If the damage
check (DC 15 + 1 per 5 ft. of dis- they are shunted in a random direction caused to an interposing barrier shatters
tance) you can determine the size, to the closest open square. or breaks through it, the burst may
distance and direction of creatures As a magical, quasi-planar open- continue beyond the barrier if the spell’s
walking on the ground or traveling ing; spells such as ethereal jaunt, teleport, range permits; otherwise, it stops at the
beneath it due to the vibrations they dimension door, or related spells don’t barrier just as any other spell effect does.
create. A separate Listen check is function. The earth snare can be dis- Material Component: A bit of fur,
required for each creature. pelled normally from either the inside powdered steel, and an amber, crys-
or outside ending the spell as above. tal, or glass rod.
Earthen Blast
Evocation [Earth] Earthen Wave Elemental Cloak
Level: Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Transmutation (Earth) Transmutation
Components: V, S Level: Drd 4, Wiz/Sor 4 Level: Clr 7, Drd 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action Component: V, S, M Components: V, S, XP
Range: 15 ft. Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 10 minutes
Area: Cone-shaped burst Area: 5 ft. line, 30 ft. long Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous Target: Willing creature touched
Saving Throw: Reflex half Save: Reflex, see text Duration: Permanent
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resist: No Saving Throw: None
You strike the earth with enough Spell Resistance: Yes
A cone of earth, rock, and dirt
shoots from your fingertips. Any crea- magical force to send a wave through You transform a willing creature into
ture in the area of the blast takes 1d4 the ground away from you in a straight something with a near elemental na-
points of damage per caster level line. The 5 ft. wide line extends as far ture converting it to subtype cold or fire
(maximum 5d4). If the creature fails as 30 ft. potentially knocking any- giving it new immunities and weak-
its Reflex save, it is stunned for 1 one in the area off their feet. Creatures nesses (see below). A creature can only
round. within the area take 5d6 points of possess one subtype; casting of this spell
physical damage from the flying rock on a creature already possessing one of
the above subtypes automatically fails.
Earthen Snare and soil and must succeed at a Reflex
Once a creature has a new subtype it can
Conjuration save to remain standing. Those that
fail their save are knocked prone. only be removed with a limited wish,
Level: Clr 5, Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 5 wish, miracle, or similar magic.
Components: V, S Creatures with the Earth subtype
are not knocked prone by this spell The subtypes that can be conferred
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) and take only half damage. This spell with an elemental cloak and the abili-
Target: single creature can only be cast in an area of natural ties added to the creature that receives
Duration: Instantaneous, see text stone or earth, it does not function that subtype are listed below:
Save: Reflex at –4 negates on worked stone. Cold Subtype: immunity to cold
Spell resist: No damage, takes 50% more damage
You conjure a small planar trap that Electrical Storm from fire-based spells whether or not
opens beneath the target creature a save is allowed.
Evocation [Electricity]
(which must be Large or smaller) that Level: Drd 7, Sor/Wiz 8 Fire Subtype: immunity to fire
creates a burst of suction pulling the Components: V, S, M damage, takes 50% more damage
target creature into a spherical con- Casting Time: 1 standard action from cold-based spells whether or
tainment cell of the same height and Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) not a save is allowed.

Eldritch Sorcery

A creature with the new subtype is 1d6 points of damage and 1d6 points of Target Area: 100 square ft./2 levels
not considered an elemental and does fire damage. On a successful critical hit Duration: 1 year/2 levels
not gain any additional immunities. It (18–20), the scimitar deals additional Saving Throw: None
does not gain an “outsider type” and can 1d10 points of fire damage. This fire does Spell Resistance: No
still be raised, or resurrected just as it not harm you. Furthermore, a creature You call upon the forces of nature to
could before having its subtype changed. struck must succeed at a Reflex saving bring minerals and other materials into
XP Cost: 2,500 XP worth of life throw or catch fire for 1d4 rounds. The the soil and earth of a limited area in
energy is required to make the trans- fire deals 1d6 points of damage per round, order to support plant growth. This
formation. but may be extinguished normally. spell does not create water for the area,
Scimitar of Water: This wavy blue nor does it conjure plant life. It does
make the soil fertile for plants natural to
Elemental Scimitar blade is equivalent of an acid burst
the area. Overuse of this spell can create
Evocation scimitar. It deals 1d6 points of damage
and 1d6 points of acid damage. On a imbalances in nature drawing the wrath
Level: Drd 6
successful critical hit (18–20), the of powerful druids and deities so its use
Components: V, S, DF
scimitar deals additional 1d10 points is generally somewhat limited.
Casting time: 1 standard action
Effect: Scimitar-like blade of acid damage. Once per round, the
Duration: 1 min./level (D) blade may discharge up to four globs Empower Companion
Saving Throw: See below of acid at 120 ft. range. You decide the Transmutation
Spell Resistance: Yes number of globs ejected and multiple Level: Drd 1, Rgr 1
This spell calls forth a weapon com- targets maybe selected. The balls deal Components: V, S
prised of elemental energy. There are 1d6 points of acid damage and maybe Casting time: 1 standard action
four variations of this spell and you combined: one orb deals 4d6 points of Range: Touch
may freely switch between these as a acid damage, two orbs deal 2d6 points Target: Animal Companion
free action at the beginning of your of acid damage each or any variation Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
turn. These weapons strike with a +3 there of. Each individual orb requires Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)
a successful ranged attack. Spell Resistance: Yes
bonus to attack but not to damage.
Each of the four versions has different The weapon can only be wielded Empower companion may only be
powers depending on their nature. by the caster and, if sundered, re- cast on your companion creature. Your
forms or returns to its normal form companion creature gains a +10 com-
Scimitar of Air: This translucent
on your next turn. petence bonus to one skill selected by
weapon acts as a brilliant energy scimitar
you. Multiple empower companion
ignoring non-living armor and dealing
spells do not stack, but may provide
2d6 points of damage on each success- Encrypt bonuses to additional skills.
ful hit. Once per round while wielding Transmutation
this weapon you can deflect a single Level: Asn 1, Brd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
ranged attack so that you take no dam- Components: V, S
age or effect from it. The scimitar of air Casting Time: 1 round Transmutation
does not deflect massive ranged weap- Range: Touch Level: Sor/Wiz 1
ons, but does harmlessly deflect arrows, Target: Document touched Components: V, S
crossbow bolts, and magical ranged Duration: Permanent (D) Casting Time: 1 standard action
attacks such as acid arrow, and other Saving Throw: None Range: Touch
ranged touch or ray attacks. Spell Resistance: No Target: Page or pages touched
You alter the writing on a scroll or Duration: Permanent
Scimitar of Earth: This dull gray blade Saving Throw: Will negates (object); see text
deals 3d6 points of damage to any oppo- piece of paper to make it unintelli-
Spell Resistance: Yes (object); see text
nent in contact with solid ground. In gible. Properly interpreting the
You can remove magical or mun-
addition, an opponent struck by the encrypted text requires a Decipher
dane writings on a surface no larger than
scimitar of earth must succeed a Fortitude Script skill check (DC 25 + caster
9 inches by 12 inches, from up to two
save or temporarily be turned to stone. level). This spell is directly opposed
sheets of paper or parchment, or from a
Each round on its turn, the subject may by the decrypt spell which can easily
single scroll. This spell does not remove
attempt a new saving throw to end the remove the encryption placed on the
spells in effect such as explosive runes or
effect. (This is a full round action and hidden message or information.
any of the various symbol spells, if any
does not provoke attacks of opportu-
such spells on the document are trig-
nity.) This effect ends with a successful Enrich Soil gered by touch they are triggered when
saving throw. If the creature does not Transmutation (Earth) you touch the item to be erased. Magical
succeed at a saving throw, they return to Level: Drd 5, Clr 7 writings (such as scrolls) receive a save
flesh at the end of the spell’s duration. Components: V, M to avoid the effects. Mundane writings
Scimitar of Fire: This fiery weapon is Casting Time: 10 minutes receive no such save.
equivalent of a flame burst scimitar. It deals Range: Area touched

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—E

Etch Stone Target: Creature touched

Duration: Permanent
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One called outsider or elemental of
Transmutation Saving Throw: Fortitude negates 27 HD or less
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S Saving Throw: None
This variation of temporal stasis al-
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: No
Range: Touch lows you to set a condition that breaks
the subject’s state of suspended anima- This spell is similar to the various
Target: Stone or stone object
tion. During the casting of this spell, planar ally spells, except it only calls one
Duration: One hour
you speak aloud the condition that creature, payment is made after the ser-
Saving Throw: none
breaks this enchantment. The specific vice or task is performed, and if the cleric
Spell Resistance: No
condition could be the next solar fails to live up its end of the bargain, the
A sorcerer or wizard can magically
eclipse, a particular day or year, the called creature can gain control of the
inscribe messages or text in stone using
death of a ruler, the birth of a child, or cleric (as by a geas/quest spell).
an ordinary quill for one hour after
casting this spell. Any type of message, the invasion of an army. You can cast By casting this spell, you call an el-
design, or rune created with the quill is this spell on yourself. This spell, unlike emental or outsider (of 27 HD or less) of
permanently inscribed in the stone for temporal stasis cannot be removed by your choice. The creature called must
anyone to see. Combining additional dispel magic (unless the caster has a share your philosophical alignment. If
spells with an etch stone spell allows the higher caster level than you). you know an individual creature’s name,
caster to inscribe hidden or magical Material Component: A powder you may request that individual by speak-
messages on simple stone walls. Scrolls composed of diamond, emerald, ruby, ing the name during the spell. You
or spellbooks can be created in stone if and sapphire dust, sand, and crushed cannot call a demigod or more powerful
someone were willing to take all of the rose petals. The total value of the deity or god with this spell.
extra time and expense. dust must be at least 4,000 gp. You may ask the creature to perform
XP Cost: 500 XP. one task in exchange for a payment
from you. Tasks might range from the
Eternal Sleep simple to the complex. You must be
Transmutation Exact Task
able to communicate with the creature
Level: Sor/Wiz 9 Conjuration (Calling) [see text]
called in order to bargain for its services.
Components: V, S, M, XP Level: Clr 9
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, DF, M The creature called requires a pay-
Range: Touch Casting Time: 5 minutes ment for its services. This payment can

Eternal Sleep
Eldritch Sorcery

take a variety of forms, from donating Casting Time: 10 minutes Casting Time: 1 standard action
gold or magic items to an allied temple, Range: 10 ft. Range: Touch
to a gift given directly to the creature, Target: One creature or object Target: Creature touched
to some other action on your part that Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 minutes/level
matches the creature’s alignment and Saving Throw: Will negates Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
goals. This payment is made after the Spell Resistance: Yes (see text) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
creature agrees to perform any ser- By casting this spell, you negate pos- You cover the target’s eye with a
vices. The bargaining takes at least 1 session of a creature or object by any glittering coating of deep blue ice. It still
round, so any actions by the creature force, whether creature (a ghost using functions as a regular eye (losing the icy
begin in the round after it arrives. its malevolence ability, for example) or cover when the spell ends), but the
A task taking up to 1 minute per magic (a spellcaster using magic jar). subject gains the ability to see clearly and
caster level requires a payment of When you cast this spell, you must without vision penalty through non-
100 gp per HD of the creature called. make a caster level check (1d20 + your magical rain, fog, ice and snow out to a
For a task taking up to 1 hour per caster level) against the possessing range of 120 feet. While using the eye,
caster level, the creature requires a creature’s spell resistance. If successful, you are still subject to normal illumina-
payment of 500 gp per HD. A long- the possessing creature is ejected from tion and your normal visual limitations;
term task, one requiring up to one the host and stunned for 1 round. this spell just negates normal storms,
day per caster level, requires a pay- Creatures without spell resistance are weather and ice as barriers to vision.
ment of 1,000 gp per HD. automatically ejected. A creature af- Example: if you attempt to look into an
fected by this spell cannot attempt to iceberg with this spell, you see only
A nonhazardous task requires only
possess the same host for one day. darkness unless you also use true seeing or
half the indicated payment, while an
This spell can be cast on a lich’s some other means to provide magical
especially hazardous task might require
phylactery or an ancient vampire’s sight. However, if you then cast darkvision,
a greater gift. Few if any creatures will
soul object (see Necropolis by Nec- you might be able to see deep within.
accept a task that seems suicidal (re-
member, a called creature actually dies romancer Games for more
when it is killed, unlike a summoned information on ancient vampires). If Eyes of the Hawk
creature). However, if the task is strongly the creature currently inhabits its phy- Transmutation
aligned with the creature’s ethos, it may lactery or soul object, it is immediately Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
halve the payment. ejected and possesses the closest ma- Components: V, S, M
terial body (which could very well be Casting Time: 1 standard action
At the end of its task, or when the
yours). A creature so inhabited (pos- Range: Touch
duration bargained for expires, the
sessed) is affected as if by magic jar. Target: Creature touched
creature returns to you to collect its Duration: 1 min./level (D)
payment. Failure to fulfill your end of If holy water is sprinkled on the object or
creature during the casting of this spell, you Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
the bargain results in you being sub- Spell Resistance: Yes
jected to a geas/quest spell (as if cast gain a +2 bonus on your caster level check
and the Will save DC (for creatures with- The subject gets a +10 enhance-
by the called creature) or being at- ment bonus on Spot checks. The
tacked by the called creature. In the out spell resistance) is increased by +2.
enhancement bonus increases to +20
latter scenario, the called creature is at caster level 6th, and to +30 (the
immune to all attacks made by you Expeditious Retreat, maximum) at caster level 10th.
(including all melee, ranged, and Greater Material Component: A magnify-
psionic attacks, and spells).
Transmutation ing glass or the feather of a hawk.
Note: When you use a calling spell Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
that calls an air, chaotic, earth, evil,
fire, good, lawful, or water creature,
Components: V, S Eyes of the Hawk,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
it is a spell of that type. Range: Personal Greater
Material Component: A bit of matter Target: You Transmutation
or substance from the native plane of the Duration: 1 min./level (D) Level: Drd 3, Rgr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
creature to be called. A piece of parch- This spell functions like expedi- This function as the eyes of the
ment (with knowledge of the creature’s tious retreat, except that greater hawk spell, but in addition, renders
nature or its true name written on it) that expeditious retreat affects all of your the subject immune to any spell or
is burned during the casting. movement modes (land speed, bur- magical effect that causes blindness
row, climb, fly, and swim). (such as the blindness spell). This
Exorcise does not allow the subject to see
Abjuration Eye of Ice through smoke, fog, dust, or the like.
Level: Clr 4 Transmutation Material Component: A magnify-
Components: V, S, DF Level: Drd 3, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 3 ing glass or the feather of a hawk.
Components: V, S

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—F

Faerie Ward Area: 20 ft. radius, 40 ft. high

Duration: Instantaneous
take no other action while gazing
Abjuration through the enchanted object.
Saving Throw: Fort half Material components: a glass or crystal
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V, S, DF/M eye and a pinch of high-quality sand.
You cause the air to fill with glowing
Casting Time: 1 standard action
fangs of force that rip and tear into the
Range: Touch
flesh of anyone in the area of effect. The
Favor Mount
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation centered Transmutation
on touched creature fangs deal 10d6 points of physical dam-
Level: Pal 3
Duration: 1 round/level age, and cause the wounds to bleed at a
Components: V, S, DF
Saving Throw: Fortitude half rate of 1 hp per four caster levels (max 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: Yes hp/round). If the Fortitude save is suc-
Range: Touch
You create a magic circle that dam- cessful, the target takes half damage and Target: Paladin’s mount
ages any fey creature currently in or does not begin bleeding. This spell is Duration: 10 minutes/level
entering the area. Affected creatures effective against incorporeal targets, but Saving Throw: Yes (harmless)
take 1d4 points of damage per two such targets do not begin bleeding. Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
caster levels (maximum 5d4) each round You infuse your mighty steed with
they remain in the area. A successful Farsighted divine vigor. Although you are unable to
Fortitude save halves the damage. A Enchantment (compulsion) [mind effecting] cast this on any other creature, your
Fortitude save can be made each round Level: Sor/Wiz 1 mount receives a +4 luck bonus to attack
a creature is within the area. Components: V, S, F and damage rolls and receives the full
Arcane Material Component: Pow- Casting Time: 1 standard action benefit of an expeditious retreat spell. These
dered iron sprinkled on the creature Range: Touch effects are not shared with the caster and
to be warded. Target: Creature touched can only benefit a paladin’s mount.
Duration: 1 round/level (see text)
Saving Throw: Will negates
False Tracks Spell Resistance: Yes
Favor Servant
Transmutation Transmutation
Your touch confuses the vision of
Level: Drd 3, Rgr 1 Level: Blk 3
the target making it almost impossible
Components: M Components: V, S, DF
Casting time: 1 standard action to focus on anything within 30 ft. This
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch does not prevent ranged combat, but
Range: Touch
Area: 1 mile does cause the target to suffer a 40% Target: Blackguard’s fiendish servant
Duration: Permanent (D) miss chance during melee combat. A Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: None successful Will save negates the spell Saving Throw: Yes (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No and a victim that fails their save can Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You may alter your tracks to re- spend a full round action attempting to You infuse your fiendish servant with
semble any animal, humanoid, shake off the effects in order to make divine vigor. Your fiendish servant re-
monstrous humanoid or giant known another Will save at a –2 penalty. ceives a +4 luck bonus to attack and
to you. Your tracks are altered for one Focus: A cloudy gem worth at least damage rolls and receives the benefit of
mile in length and the spell must be 15 gold. the bull’s strength and endurance spells.
cast prior to making the tracks. The These effects are not shared with you,
DC for tracking depends on the terrain Farvision and this spell can only be used on your
and your efforts to hide or reveal them. Transmutation fiendish servant
A Survival check used to track you Level: Sor/Wiz 6
that succeeds by more than 5 reveals Components: V, S, M Feather Step
your ruse. Creatures using the Scent Casting Time: 1 standard action Transmutation
ability for tracking are not confused by Range: Touch Level: Drd 1, Rgr 1
the spell and suffer no penalties The Target: 1 inch of touched transparent object/level Components: V, S, M
tracks may be altered to appear as Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 standard action
traveling in either direction, but must Saving Throw: None Range: Touch
follow the course you take. Spell Resistance: No Target: Creature touched
This spell targets transparent ob- Duration: 1 minute/level
Fangstorm jects such as glass and crystal, imbuing Saving Throw: None (harmless)
them with qualities similar to spec- Spell Resistance: No (harmless)
Evocation (Force)
Level: Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6 tacles. Those peering through an object You allow the target to step lightly
Components: V, S imbued with farvision can see distances across snow, mud, loose sand, etc. with-
Casting Time: 1 standard action up to 90 ft. as if they had darkvision. out sinking in and having their movement
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) Characters must concentrate and can slowed. While the actual weight of the

Eldritch Sorcery

Fiery Constrictor

target isn’t changed, they step as lightly as or else the spell fails. If both conditions are secondary damage both occur while the
if they had no weight at all. The target can met, the outsider gains temporary hit points subject is still affected by feign death. If
even tread across a pressure plate without equal to the damage you deal. Note, the secondary damage occurs after the feign
setting it off. All attempts to Move Si- outsider cannot gain more than the death spell has ended, the subject is affected
lently while under the effects of the spell subject’s current hit points + 10, which is by the poison normally (though he is still
receive a +2 circumstance bonus. enough to kill the subject. The temporary permitted a save if the poison allows a save).
Material Component: The feather hit points disappear 1 hour later.
of a small bird. Fiery Blast
Feign Death Evocation [Fire]
Feed Summoned Necromancy Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Fire 5
Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Components: V, S, M/DF
Creature Components: V, S, DF/M Casting Time: 1 standard action
Necromancy Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: 60 ft.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 Range: Touch Area: Cone-shaped burst
Components: V, S Target: Creature touched Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch Duration: 10 min./level (D) Saving Throw: Reflex half
Target: Living creature touched Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 hour; see Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Fiery blast creates an area of extreme
Saving Throw: None Feign death allows you or a single heat and flame, originating at your
Spell Resistance: Yes creature you touch to fall into a cata- hand and extending outward in a cone,
This spell enables you to increase the leptic state that resembles death. While dealing 1d6 points of fire damage per
hit points of a called or summoned out- in this state, the subject can hear, caster level (maximum 10d6).
sider by draining hit points from a subject smell, and taste, but cannot feel or see. Arcane Material Component: A pinch
you touch during the casting of this spell. The subject need not eat, breathe, or of sulphur and a bit of candle wax.
You must succeed on a melee touch at- drink while affected by this spell.
tack, and if successful, the subject takes Any damage suffered while in this state Fiery Constrictor
1d6 points of damage per two caster levels is halved. Further, the subject is immune to Evocation
(maximum 10d6). The summoned out- paralyzing effects, energy drain, and mind- Level: Sor/Wiz 6
sider you have chosen as the recipient affecting effects. The subject is likewise Components: V, S, M, F
must be present and within 30 feet of you immune to poison so long as initial and Casting Time: 1 standard action

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—F

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Effect: Creates a fiery tendril that con-
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Fire Charm
stricts opponents Effect: One ships sail Enchantment (Compulsion) [Fire, Mind-
Duration: 1 round/level (D) Affecting]
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: None Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No Components: V, S, M
Spell Resistance: None
Casting Time: 1 standard action
You create a tendril of flame from This spell is similar to the 5th level Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
an existing fire source that lashes out druid spell control winds, except that Targets: Living creatures within range that
at any foe that you designate within it creates a localized rush of air that view the fire source
20 feet. Its attack bonus is equal to 5 fills the sails of one ship. The wind Duration: 2 rounds/level
(6 for the tendril’s Strength, –1 for its force generated is equal to normal Saving Throw: Will negates
size) + your caster level + your Intel- wind of 50 mph. This spell is only Spell Resistance: Yes
ligence or Charisma modifier (for designed for use on a ship’s sails and You cause an existing fire (10 ft.
wizards or sorcerers). If the tendril does not affect any weather condi- diameter or smaller) to become cov-
hits a foe, it attempts to start a grapple tions outside of the radius of the ship ered in a multi-hued veil of dancing
as a free action without provoking an on which it is cast. It can be used to flames. (Touching the multicolored
attack of opportunity (grapple bonus put out fires set on a ship’s sails but is flames deals 1d6 points of fire dam-
is the same as its attack bonus, except of no more general use than this. age.) Creatures within range viewing
with a +4 size modifier instead of a – the dancing flames become trans-
1). If it wins the grapple check, it Fire Bolt fixed, standing motionless and staring
constricts, dealing 3d6 points of fire if they fail their saving throw. An
Evocation [Fire]
damage each round the hold is main- Level: Sor/Wiz 0 affected creature can be given a sug-
tained. Directing the spell to a new Components: V, S gestion (as the spell) of 12 words or
target is a move action. Casting Time: 1 standard action less and can make another Will save
The tendril can be attacked. If Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) (with a –4 penalty on the roll) to
reduced to 0 or less hit points, it Effect: Ray resist the suggestion. You can give
dissipates and the spell ends. The Duration: Instantaneous one such suggestion to each affected
tendril is AC 20 and has hit points Saving Throw: None creature as a standard action. You
equal to yours. The tendril has dam- Spell Resistance: Yes can give each affected creature a
age reduction 10/magic. You fire a small bolt of fire from different suggestion (if you want).
Material Component: A fragment your fingertips. You must succeed on The effects of such a suggestion wear
of a red dragon scale. a ranged touch attack to damage off in one hour, unless dispelled or
Focus: The existing fire source. your target. The bolt deals 1d3 points negated. A creature that succeeds on
of fire damage and does not ignite its save to resist a suggestion is still
Fiery Grasp combustibles. transfixed by the fire charm.
Evocation [Fire] Any physical attack on a fire
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Fire Burst charmed creature automatically
Components: V, S, M Evocation [Fire] breaks the effect on that creature.
Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Likewise, interposing a solid barrier
Range: Touch Components: V, S, F between a subject and the veil of
Target: One creature Casting Time: 1 standard action flames breaks the effect.
Duration: 1 round/level (D) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Material Component: A small piece
Saving Throw: Will negates Area: 10-ft. radius circle of multicolored silk which is thrown
Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: Instantaneous into the fire source during the casting.
You cause glowing orange flames Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
to burn along your arms. Although
You cause an existing fire source
Fire Gills
you feel no heat, the flickering flames Transmutation
grant you a touch attack that deals (ranging in size from a candle to a
Level: Clr 3, Drd 3, Fire 2*
1d6 points of fire damage. You do bonfire) to release arrows of flame
Components: S, M
need to be cautious because any- outward in all directions, centered
Casting Time: 1 round
thing you touch, including your own on the fire source. Creatures within Range: Touch
bags, also suffers this damage. 10 feet take 1 point of fire damage Target: Creature touched
per caster level (maximum 10 Duration: 10 min./level
Fill the Sails points). A creature that makes a Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
successful saving throw suffers no Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
damage. You cause gills to appear on a
Level: Air 4*, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S Focus: The existing fire source. creature’s neck. These magical gills

Eldritch Sorcery

allow a being to breathe normally in The firewater created evaporates the saving throw is Dazed for one round.
lava, heavy fires, or even heavy smoke. and becomes useless in one round (at Creatures with more Hit Dice than
Powerful as this magic might appear, the end of your next turn), even if it’s you and creatures with the fire subtype
it does not confer any resistance to in containers or sealed. are not subject to the Daze effect.
fire, merely the ability to breath in an One cubic foot of water contains
area of high heat, flames, smoke, or roughly 64 pints (8 gallons) and Flameswell
even in lava. The magical gills are weighs about 60 pounds. Evocation
designed to create enough oxygen for Material Component: A pinch of Level: Sor/Wiz 2
a creature to survive in high heat or sugar and a raisin. Components: V, S, M
smoke, but do not provide the ability Casting Time: 1 standard action
to breathe underwater, despite efforts Fist of Stone Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
of some to Target: one fire up to 10 ft. radius
Area: Cylinder up to 40ft. high, 10 ft. wide
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Fire Touch Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Evocation [Fire] Saving Throw: Ref negates
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Sor/Wiz 0 Spell Resistance: Yes
Range: Personal
Components: V, S Target: You With a mighty roar, you cause one
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 round/level non-magical fire to swell up into a
Range: Touch Using this spell, you transform one gigantic column of flames. They soar
Target: One creature of your hands (your choice) into upward to forty feet above the ground.
Duration: Instantaneous stone. Your hand is flexible and can Anyone caught in the area of effect
Saving Throw: None still be used to manipulate objects, takes 1d6/2 levels (max 5d6) fire
Spell Resistance: Yes carry objects, and even perform the damage (Reflex save negates). The
You surround your hand in a shim- somatic elements of spells. Your target fire must have a minimum of a
mering orange and yellow flame. You Strength score (when using that 5 ft. radius. The cylinder is as wide as
must succeed on a melee touch at- hand) is 23. You can attack a foe the target fire. This exhausts the fuel
tack to strike a target. The subject with your fist of stone using your nor- source, so the fire turns to ash and
takes 1d4 points of fire damage. This mal attack bonus (gaining a +6 on goes out immediately after it flares.
spell does not light combustibles on attack and damage rolls due to your Some mages enjoy signaling with
fire. increased Strength with that hand) the help of this spell, while others
without drawing an attack of oppor- use it to surprise flying creatures pass-
Firewater tunity. If you strike a foe you deal 1d4 ing overhead.
Transmutation plus your Strength bonus points of Material Component: The fire is
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 damage. If you use a weapon, you do the material component of the spell.
Components: V, S, M not gain the benefits of the increased
Casting Time: 1 standard action Strength. Fluid Form
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Transmutation
Effect: Up to 1 pint of water/level
Duration: Instantaneous
Flame Spiral Level: Asn 2, Sor/Wiz 4
Evocation Components: V
Saving Throw: None Casting time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: No Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S Range: Personal
This spell transforms a volume of Target: You
Casting Time: 1 standard action
water into a highly-flammable sub- Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Range: 0
stance akin to alcohol. You do not Effect: spinning flames out to a 30 ft. You transform your body and items
have to see the water to affect it, but radius carried into a liquid form. You and
you must be able to see the container Duration: Instantaneous; see text your equipment melt into a liquid
it is in. For example, you could affect Saving Throw: Fort half form that has the same volume as
an opponent’s waterskin even though Spell Resistance: Yes your normal form. (A medium crea-
you can’t see the water inside. This Fire flares into a 5 ft. wide roaring ture creates a 5 ft. square pool.) You
spell has no effect on magical water funnel that spirals out and away from become amorphous; gaining immu-
or potions. you. One at a time, the flames enter nity to poison, sleep, paralysis,
If the substance is exposed to fire, each and every square around yours polymorph, and stunning effects. If
it bursts into flames dealing 2d6 out to a 30 ft. radius, beginning clock- already poisoned, Fluid does not pre-
points of fire damage to any creature wise. (The caster is not affected by the vent the poison effects. You are not
touching or touched by the firewater. spell.) Anyone in the area takes 1d6/ subject to critical hits and, having no
The fire is instantaneous and does caster level fire damage (Fortitude save clear front or back and cannot be
not ignite flammables. for half; max 10d6). Anyone failing flanked.

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—F

While in this state your move- Casting Time: 1 round

Range: 10 ft.
ment decreases by 10 ft. but no less Divination
than 5 ft. You may flow up slanted Area: 1 ft. cube/level
Duration: 1 hour/level Level: Sor/Wiz 1
surfaces as long as the surface is rela- Components: V, S, F
tively flat and slither between any Saving Throw: None or Will negates; see text
Spell Resistance: No Casting Time: 1 minute
crack and crevasse of any size. While Range: 50 mile radius
in fluid form, your Strength drops to You change a volume of copper coins
Target: See Text
1 and any equipment carried at the or brass items into gold for the duration of Duration: Instantaneous
time of casting is negligible as it the spell. For purposes of this spell assume Saving Throw: None
becomes part of the new form. You 2,000 cp fill 1 cubic foot. A creature Spell Resistance: No
may not Climb or use any other viewing the fool’s gold that makes a suc- You accurately predict the local
Strength based skills. You gain a +20 cessful saving throw detects the falsehood. weather for the near future using this
circumstance bonus to Escape Artist Fool’s gold is particularly vulner- spell. Local weather is anything
and Move Silently checks. able to cold-wrought iron. The effects within 50 miles from the point you
You may not speak or attack while of this spell can be negated if the cast the spell. Your weather predic-
in fluid form. Although you gain dam- masked item is struck against or by tion extends as far as 1 day per three
age reduction 5/–, magical attacks cold-wrought iron. The chance de- caster levels into the future. Each
still affect you normally. While in pends on the material component day beyond the first there is a 10%
fluid form you take double damage used during the casting of this spell. chance (cumulative) that conditions
from cold-based spells. You cannot be change within that period of time
divided, but maybe held in a con- Negation making your prediction somewhat
tainer, providing that it is large enough Component Chance inaccurate.
to hold your total mass. You return to Citrine (50 gp or less) 30% Focus: A special set of dice with
normal at the end of the duration and Amber (100 gp or less) 25% weather related markings on them,
may take crushing damage if in a Topaz (500 gp or less) 10% such as lighting bolts, suns and water
confined space at that time. Corundrum topaz 1% drops (worth at least 10 gold).
(1,000 gp or less)
Foggy Flying Carpet Forest Home
Conjuration Material Component: A powdered Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 citrine (50 gp or less), amber (100 gp Level: Drd 4, Clr 5
Components: V,S or less), topaz (500 gp or less), or Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action corundrum topaz (1,000 gp or less). Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Caster Range: Touch
Duration: 10 minutes/level Force Corporeality Effect: 15 ft. square underground struc-
Saving Throw: None (harmless) Transmutation ture
You conjure a supernaturally thick Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4 Duration: 2 hours plus 1 hour/level
fog beneath your feet that lifts you Components: V, S, DF/M You create an earthen-based shel-
into the air. You can create a carpet Casting Time: 1 standard action ter beneath the roots of a nearby tree.
that ranges from 5 ft. square up to 20 Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) You must use a handful of dirt or
ft. square that can carry up to 200 lbs/ Target: One incorporeal or spirit creature debris from the forest as you chant
caster level. You choose the size at Duration: 1 round/level the spell and then finish by touching
the time of casting. The foggy flying Saving Throw: Will negates the ground where the door should
carpet flies at a speed of 40 ft. under Spell Resistance: Yes appear. A door appears at the base of
the mental direction of the caster You force a single creature with the the tree, or in the ground if the tree
(maneuverability; clumsy). The fog, incorporeal or spirit subtype to lose is not wide enough. When opened,
though magical, can be dissipated by that subtype and become corporeal for the door reveals a series of steps that
gale force winds (greater than 50 the duration of the spell. The creature head down into a wide 15 ft. square
mph). If it is dissipated, or dispelled, can move and attack (its incorporeal room. The caster chooses up to nine
any characters or items on board attacks become normal slam or claw individuals that can open the door
plummet back to earth unless they attacks). The subject cannot use any and enter the underground home,
have some other means of protec- supernatural or spell-like ability or spells and designates what temperature the
tion from falling. to alter its substance (such as ethereal temporary shelter should be kept.
jaunt). Once the duration expires, the While it keeps the occupants safe
Fool’s Gold creature automatically assumes incor- from storms, forest fires, and other
Transmutation poreal form again. natural hazards, the door is visible to
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Arcane Material Component: A anyone passing by the location where
Components: V, S, M pinch of powdered lead. the spell was cast (Spot DC 10) and

Eldritch Sorcery

can be forced open or destroyed as if This spell does have one unfortu- Casting Time: 1 standard action
it were a locked, 2 in. thick oak door. nate drawback, the armor enchanted Range: 15 ft.
Characters or creatures remaining crumbles to dust (or flakes away if Area: Cone-shaped burst
inside the shelter when the spell ends leather or hide) at the end of the Duration: Instantaneous
are expelled violently as the earth spell’s duration. If the armor is some- Saving Throw: Reflex half
closes around them and ejects them how successfully reduced to 0 hp it Spell Resistance: Yes
back outside (1d6 points of blud- crumbles to dust immediately. A cone of freezing ice shoots from
geoning damage). Material Components: The armor your fingertips. Any creature in the
or shield that is being enhanced. area of the blast takes 1d4 points of
cold damage per caster level (maxi-
Forked Tongue mum 5d4).
Enchantment Friendly Form
Level: Brd 1 Transmutation
Components: V, S, M Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M Transmutation
Range: Touch Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Target: Creature touched Range: Personal Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 minute/level or discharge Target: You Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Duration: 1 min./level Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Spell Resistance: Yes Saving Throw: None and Will negates; see Target: One creature
You provide the creature touched text Duration: 1 round/level
with an aura of persuasiveness, mak- Spell Resistance: No and Yes; see text Saving Throw: Will partial and Reflex ne-
gates; see text
ing them able to be very convincing For the duration of the spell, you
Spell Resistance: Yes
when trying to deceive another. This gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks
(or Charisma checks if you don’t A fumble spell causes the subject to
provides a +5 competency bonus to
have the Diplomacy skill) to influ- become clumsy taking a –4 penalty
the next Bluff check they make in-
ence an NPC’s attitude (see the to Dexterity. Further, in any round
volving a verbal bluff (it does not
Diplomacy skill in the PHB for de- the subject moves (including taking
apply to attempts to feint in combat
tails). An NPC receives a Will save a 5 foot step), he or she must succeed
or other physical bluffs). The spell
whenever you attempt to influence on a Reflex save or trip and fall. This
remains in effect for 1 minute/caster
his or her attitude with this spell in save is repeated each time the sub-
level or until discharged. The bonus
effect. If the save succeeds, your check ject attempts to move. The subject
only applies to the first Bluff check
result is reduced by 2 points against can move at one-half normal speed
made after the spell is cast.
that NPC. with a DC 10 Balance check. Failure
Material Component: A bit of wool.
means it can’t move that round (and
Material Component: Chalk or
must make a Reflex save or fall),
Fortify Armor white flour, soot, and vermillion ap-
while failure by 5 or more means it
Abjuration plied to your face.
Level: Blk 2, Clr 3, Pal 2, Protection 2* An affected creature likewise has
Components: V, M Frost Touch trouble holding on to weapons,
Casting Time: 1 standard action Evocation [Cold] shields, and so on. Any object the
Range: Touch Level: Sor/Wiz 0 subject is holding when this spell
Target: 1 non-magical shield or suit of Components: V, S
armor takes effect is dropped. A Reflex save
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: 1 min./level must be made each round that the
Range: Touch
Saving Throw: None creature attempts to pick an object
Target: One creature
Spell Resistance: No up or use an object in its hands.
Duration: Instantaneous
You transform a suit of armor or a Saving Throw: None A creature that succeeds on its
shield into something of legendary Spell Resistance: Yes initial Will saving throw resists the
make and quality, for a short while. You surround your hand in a shim- effects of this spell, but functions as if
Although this only works on a non- mering blue glove of freezing ice. slowed (as the spell, no save) for 1
magical shield or suit of armor, it You must succeed on a melee touch round for every caster level you pos-
doubles the effectiveness of the ar- attack to strike a target. The subject sess.
mor. For example, this spell cast on a takes 1d4 points of cold damage. Material Component: A small bit of
chain shirt would cause the chain solidified milk fat.
shirt to give a +8 armor bonus, in- Frostfire
stead of the normal +4. This does not
Evocation [Cold] Fusing of Bones
alter the any armor check penalties Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Cold 1*, Sor/Wiz 1 Transmutation
or Dexterity bonus limitations. Components: V, S Level: Sor/Wiz 8

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—G

Components: V, S, M ject fails a Fortitude save, its Dexter- than you) is used to cancel the effects
Casting Time: 1 standard action ity drops to 1. The affected creature of this spell. Creatures without bones
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) cannot use Dexterity-based skills and (oozes and most plant creatures for
Target: One living creature suffers all appropriate penalties to example) and incorporeal creatures
Duration: Instantaneous and permanent; see text AC, and on Reflex saves, and so on. are immune to the effects of this
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates The subject remains in this state spell.
Spell Resistance: Yes until a heal, limited wish, miracle, wish, Arcane Material Component: A set
You permanently fuse and bind or dispel magic (the latter cast by a of masterwork iron shackles.
the bones of the subject. If the sub- spellcaster with a higher caster level

Gaze Reflector ject by the neck, a spellcaster must Glass Window

Conjuration (Creation) succeed on a Concentration check Transmutation
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 (DC 10 + damage dealt) each time Level: Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M he or she attempts to cast a spell with Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action a verbal component. Additionally, Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Personal the subject takes a –2 penalty on Range: Touch
Target: You attack rolls, skill checks, and ability Area: 3-ft. wide by 2-ft. high area of stone,
Duration: 1 round/level checks while being throttled. metal, or wood
This spell creates a shimmering Note: The subject must be size Duration: 1 round/level
veil, akin to a mirror, in the area in Small, Medium, or Large or the spell Saving Throw: None
front of your face. The veil moves has no effect. Spell Resistance: No
with you and you can see normally Focus: A piece of knotted cloth. This spell makes a section of stone,
through it. Any gaze attack requiring metal, or wood as transparent as glass
allowing viewing through the mate-
that you meet the opponent’s eyes Glass House rial. There are two possible versions
(such as that of a medusa or basilisk) Abjuration
is reflected back upon the opponent of this spell, but regardless of which
Level: Protection 3*, Sor/Wiz 3
and affects it normally unless the version is cast, glass window allows
Components: V, S, F
creature is immune to its own gaze viewing through up to 4 inches of
Casting Time: 1 standard action
attack (the creature gets a save to metal, up to 6 feet of stone, or up to
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
avoid the effects if its gaze normally Target: 1 or more creatures (see text) 20 feet of wood. The viewing area
allows one). Duration: 1 minute/level created is always 3 feet wide and 2
Material Component: A small sil- Saving Throw: Reflex negates feet high.
ver mirror. Spell Resistance: No Looking Glass: You (and only you)
You create a shimmering 10 ft. square can see through the affected mate-
rial. The material does not actually
Ghostly Throttle cube of magically enhanced, transpar-
change to those viewing it, but does
Evocation ent glass. This glass house can be used as
a means to trap opponents that can fit to you, allowing you to see clearly
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
within the cube (Reflex save avoids), through it.
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action or it can be used as a protective enclo- One-Way Window: You create a
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) sure for the caster and any companions one-way “window” in the material
Effect: A pair of ghostly hands that can fit inside of it. that allows you and up to one crea-
Target: One creature When created, the glass house must ture per caster level to see through
Duration: 1d4+2 rounds be supported by a solid surface below the viewing area. The affected area
Saving Throw: Fortitude half; see text it capable of holding 500lbs, or else becomes transparent to all designated
Spell Resistance: Yes the casting fails. The glass house has creatures. The “window” does not
Ghostly throttle creates a pair of hitpoints equal to triple your caster appear on the other side of the mate-
ghostly humanoid hands that strangle level and its Break DC is 20 + your rial, so any creatures on the other
a single living creature of size Small caster level. The walls of the glass side cannot see it (and thus cannot
to Large for the duration of the spell house have resistance to acid, cold, see through it either). The created
with a successful ranged touch at- electricity, and fire 10 and have DR “window” has the hardness, hit
tack. If your attack fails, you can 15/bludgeoning. points, and Break DC of the trans-
make another attempt next round. If any creatures are inside the glass muted material.
The hands deal 1d4 points of dam- house when it breaks, they take 3d6 Note: This spell does not work on
age each round the hold is maintained points of slashing and piercing dam- lead, gold, or platinum.
(Fortitude save halves the damage, age from the exploding glass walls. Material Component: A small piece
and a new save must be made each Focus: A one inch cube of glass. of glass or crystal.
round), and because it grasps its sub-

Eldritch Sorcery

Glass to Steel
Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Object touched, which cannot exceed 10
pounds of weight/level
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows you to alter the strength
of nonmagical glass or crystal to that of steel.
The item does not actually change type, so it
is still transparent, and appears to be normal
glass or crystal in every respect but strength
and durability. Spells that affect metal do
not affect a glass to steel object. Spells that
affect glass or crystal still affect it however.
Using this spell with glass-related Craft
check, you can fashion glass items that func-
tion as steel items. Thus, glass plate armor
and glass swords can be created that are as
durable as their normal steel counterparts.
Material Component: A small piece of glass
and a small piece of steel.

Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 free action (see text)
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels)
Target: 1 living creature
Duration: Until landing or 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
You control your descent during a fall,
including direction and speed. By spreading
your arms out you are able to catch air
currents and glide to a safe landing. You can
move at a speed of 30 ft. in a single direction
during the fall but fall the same distance as
you do so. You may change directions each
round, but you have a maneuverability of
poor and are not able to gain altitude once
the descent begins. This spell can be cast
while falling, or on a falling comrade with a
simple word and gesture. Although you can
still act the round you cast this spell, you
can’t cast a spell in the round you cast glide.

Glowing bones
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 20 ft. radius burst Gaze Reflector
Chapter Four: Spell Listings—G

Target: Living creatures within range 4. If sprinkled over food or drink, it devours flesh. On the first round of
Duration: 10 min./level acts as a purify food and drink spell contact, the slime can be scraped off
Saving Throw: Will negates that affects up to four times the a creature (likely destroying the scrap-
Spell Resistance: Yes normal quantity of provisions. ing device), but after that it must be
You draw upon the inner life force Material Component: A vial of holy frozen, burned, or cut away (dealing
of creatures in the area causing their water and a 5,000 gp ruby, which is damage to the victim as well). Any-
bones to glow. The light within their crushed and dissolved in the liquid. thing that deals cold or fire damage,
bodies is enough to shine through sunlight, or a remove disease spell
XP Component: 1,000 xp.
their skins granting a +10 circum- destroys a patch of green slime.
stance bonus on Spot checks to notice Against wood or metal, green slime
hidden creatures. All bones in the Greater Curse
deals 2d6 points of damage per round,
area begin to glow, including inani- Necromancy
ignoring metal’s hardness but not
mate bones, as well as your own bones Level: Clr 7, Retribution 8*, Sor/Wiz 8
that of wood. It does not harm stone.
and those of any companions nearby. Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action Material Component: A stone flask
The glowing light does no damage, it of water and green dye.
Range: Touch
just makes it easier to Spot creatures
Target: Creature touched
that are affected. A successful Will
save negates the effect.
Duration: Permanent Grim Resilience
Saving Throw: Will negates Necromancy
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Godsblood This spell functions as bestow curse Components: V, S, M
Conjuration (Healing) but is more powerful. Choose one of Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Clr 8 the following three effects. Range: Personal
Components: V, S, M, XP • –12 decrease to an ability score Target: You
Casting Time: 10 minutes (minimum 1) or –6 decrease to Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Range: 0 ft. For the duration of the spell, you
two ability scores (minimum 1).
Effect: Enchants a single vial of liquid do not die from physical damage from
Duration: 1 day or until used • –8 penalty on attack rolls, saves,
ability checks, and skill checks. any source. When your hit points
Saving Throw: None
• Each turn, the target has a 25% drop to 0 or less you are not staggered
Spell Resistance: No
chance to act normally; otherwise, or disabled, and may continue to act
Through a holy ritual, you en- normally. However, while you can-
chant a vial of holy water to become it takes no action.
not die from grievous wounds, the
godsblood, a representation of the You may also invent your own
pain felt by them is very real. For
blood of your patron deity. curse, but it should be no more pow-
every 2 points of damage below 0 you
Once crafted, the blood can have erful than those described above.
have, you suffer a cumulative –1 cir-
numerous possible uses, as detailed The curse bestowed by this spell cumstance penalty to all attack rolls,
below. The liquid remains enchanted cannot be dispelled or removed with saving throws, skill checks, and abil-
until one day has passed, or until it is a remove curse spell, but it can be ity checks due to excruciating pain
used. removed with a break enchantment from the wounds. Casting spells while
Uses for godsblood are as follows: (cast by someone whose caster level below 0 hp is also taxing, requiring a
1. If drunk, it acts upon the imbiber is higher than yours), limited wish, successful Concentration check (DC
as if heal (for clerics who turn miracle, or wish spell. 15 + # hit points below 0 + spell
undead) or harm (for clerics who level). If you have the Diehard feat,
rebuke undead) had been cast upon Green Water you may ignore the first 5 points of
him. Transmutation these penalties.
2. If anointed to a dead creature’s Level: Clr 2, Slime 1 You still suffer 1 point of damage if
lips, eyes, and chest over the heart, Components: V, S, DF, M you take any strenuous actions while
it acts as a raise dead spell. If the Casting Time: 1 minute your hit points are at 0 or below, just
recipient is a faithful follower of Range: Touch as you would if you were disabled.
the cleric’s chosen deity, and in Area: Water in a volume of 5 ft. by 5 ft. by
1 ft. The spell does not protect against
good standing with the church, it Duration: Instantaneous damage or effects not expressed in
instead acts as resurrection. Saving Throw: Will negates (object) terms of hit point loss, including
3. If applied to a single weapon or up Spell Resistance: Yes (object) ability score damage, ability score
to 10 missiles such as arrows or This spell changes an area of water drain, negative energy levels, death
sling bullets, the weapon bypasses up to 5 ft. by 5 ft. by 1 ft. into green effects, drowning, and others.
all damage reduction. This effect slime. A single 5-foot square of green Material Component: A gobbet of
lasts 1 minute per five caster lev- slime deals 1d6 points of Constitu- flesh from a zombie, which is con-
els. tion damage per round while it sumed upon casting the spell.

Eldritch Sorcery

Halt Plant This attack is a stream of water, capable of using simple weapons use
Necromancy which emanates from either palm of your creations for the duration of the
Level: Drd 3 the caster. This stream strikes a tar- spell. The main benefit to the spell is
Components: V, S, DF get for 1d10 points of damage per 2 avoiding extra encumbrance by not
Casting Time: 1 standard action levels of the caster. The shot can having to carry bulky weapons on
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) reach a distance of 300 feet before it one’s person.
Targets: Up to four plants creatures, no dissipates, still inflicting standard
two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart damage even at that range. The ef- Harmonic Discord
Duration: 1 round/level fect is such that even individuals Evocation
Saving Throw: Will negates (see text) who are unaffected by water still suf- Level: Brd 4, Music 5*
Spell Resistance: Yes fer half damage from the sheer force Components: V, S
This spell renders as many as four of the attack. Casting Time: 1 standard action
plant creatures immobile. A non-intel- Area: 60 ft. radius from caster
ligent plant creature gets no saving throw; Hard Water Weapons Duration: 1 round/caster level
an intelligent plant creature does. If the Saving Throw: Will negates
spell is successful, it renders the plant Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Water 5* Spell Resistance: Yes
creature immobile for the duration of Components: V, S You create a discordant sound
the spell (similar to the effects of hold Casting Time: 1 standard action making it difficult for anyone in the
person) The effect is broken if the halted Range: Touch area to cast spells and concentrate
creatures are attacked or take damage. Area: See text on what they are doing. This spell
This spell dispels or counters entangle. Duration: 2 minutes/level affects everyone in the area, friend or
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object) foe, unless they succeed at a Will
Hard Water Blast Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object) save. You must make a Perform check
Evocation (Water/Force) This spell allows you to transform to complete the spell, the result of
Level: Sor/Wiz 3, Water 4* ordinary water into solid versions of this skill check effects how easy or
Components: V, S any simple weapon. You can create difficult it is for affected spell casters
Casting Time: 1 standard action up to one weapon per caster level. to complete a spell. Spell casters must
Range: 300 ft. The weapons cause the normal dam- make a successful Concentration
Area: See text age for the weapon type they check (DC= your Perform check +
Duration: Instantaneous represent and inflict double damage spell level) to complete a spell. All
Saving Throw: Reflex half to opponents susceptible to water- effected in the area suffer a –2 pen-
Spell Resistance: Yes based attacks. You can even let others alty to attack rolls, saving throws,

Hard Water Blast

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—H

and skill checks. The casting of this Headwind slaying them instantly. If the target
spell requires you to use one of your Conjuration (Air) has more than 100 hp the spell fails,
Perfor skills, if that skill requires you Level: Drd 2 but any living creature with a beat-
to use an instrument you must have Components: V, S, DF ing heart is instantly slain as their
that instrument in your hands to Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) heart is torn from their chest and
complete the spell. Target: Single creature flies to your hand to the terror of all
Duration: Instantaneous those around them. Adding to the
Harmonious Saving Throw: None power and fear is the fact that the
Spell Resistance: No creature rises the next round as a
Dissolution zombie under your control.
You conjure a tightly focused blast
Evocation [Sonic]
of wind that travels in a straight line
Level: Brd 6, Music 7*, Sor/Wiz 8
Components: V, S
away from your outstretched hand Heat Bone
Casting Time: 1 round toward a single target. The focused Necromancy
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) blast of air Bull Rushes the target as Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Area: 10 ft. radius burst if it were a Large creature with a Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous Strength of 20 (+9 to the opposed Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial Strength roll). Creatures pushed Range: Touch
Spell Resistance: Yes more than 10 ft. are knocked prone. Target: One creature
You create a field of intense har- Duration: Instantaneous
monic vibrations that register audibly Heart Rip Saving Throw: Will negates, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
as a faint but intense buzz or hum Necromancy (evil)
emanating from the target point. The Level: Sor/Wiz 9 You cause a creature’s bones to
vibrations are dangerous to all forms Components: V, S begin to burn, doing 1d8 points of
of matter as they shake the very mol- Casting Time: 1 standard action fire damage per level (Will save for
ecules items are made of. The caster Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) half; 10d8 maximum). If a being
inflicts 1d6 points of sonic damage/ Target: single living creature takes more than 60 points of dam-
level (Fortitude save for half; max Duration: Instantaneous age from a single spell, it must make
20d6) to all creatures and objects in Saving Throw: None (see text) another Will save or its bones be-
the area, creatures slain, or objects Spell Resistance: Yes come too brittle to support it.
destroyed, by this damage are treated With a gesture and word of power Excessive movements (such as run-
as if struck with a disintegrate spell. you draw the heart from a victim ning or fighting) deal 1d4 points of

Eldritch Sorcery

damage in each instance. The brittle Spell Resistance: Yes a wish or miracle cannot restore life to
bones can be restored by a heal spell Hesitate causes a number of crea- a soulless subject. Only by bringing
or a total of 40 points of healing tures in the area to hesitate and the focus animal within 5 feet of the
from various cure spells. second-guess their actions. Roll 2d4 slain subject’s body and bleeding it
to determine how many total HD of (dealing 1 point of damage) during
Heat Flesh creatures can be affected. Creatures the revivification attempt can the
Necromancy with the fewest HD are affected first. subject be returned to life. This im-
Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Among creatures with equal HD, mediately returns the subject’s soul
Components: V, S, M those who are closest to the spell’s to its body and cancels the effects of
Casting Time: 1 standard action point of origin are affected first. No this spell. If the animal cannot be
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) creature with 5 or more HD is af- obtained or is not within range, all
Target: One creature fected, and HD that are not sufficient attempts at revivification automati-
Duration: Instantaneous to affect a creature are wasted. cally fail until the above conditions
Saving Throw: Will special (see text) Affected creatures take a –4 pen- are met.
Spell Resistance: Yes alty on their initiative. This in effect The focus animal’s soul remains in
You cause a creature’s flesh to heat bumps them down the initiative or- its body unaffected by the caster’s
and burn, causing 1d4 points of fire der for one round per caster level. soul. In essence, the souls share the
damage per caster level (8d4 maxi- After the spell ends (or is dispelled), body of the focus animal. If a spell or
mum). If a being takes more than 28 an affected creature moves back to power that affects or damages the
points of total damage from a single heat its original place in the initiative soul (trap the soul, for instance) is cast
flesh spell, it must make a Will save or order. on the focus animal while it houses
spontaneously combust, suffering an ad- Material Component: A snail. the subject’s soul, there is a 50%
ditional 6d6 points of fire damage. chance that the subject’s soul (rather
Hide the Soul than the focus animal’s soul) is af-
Hemophilia Abjuration fected. In such a case, the effects of
Necromancy Level: Clr 9, Drd 9, Sor/Wiz 9 hide the soul are immediately nulli-
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Components: V, S, M, F fied, and the subject suffers the full
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 10 minutes effects of the spell or power in ques-
Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal or touch tion.
Range: Touch Target: You and one creature touched A true seeing spell cast on the sub-
Target: 1 living creature Duration: Permanent ject reveals a ghostly image of the
Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will negates focus animal overlying the subject. If
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: No true seeing is cast on the focus animal,
Spell Resistance: Yes You draw your soul (or the soul of an overlying translucent and ghostly
This spell causes the blood of the a creature touched) from the body image of the subject can be seen.
victim to thin, and prevents blood and store it in the body of any single Material Component: A black sap-
clotting. Any wounds sustained by animal you touch during the casting. phire gem (total value equal to at
the subject during the spell’s dura- By storing the soul elsewhere, the least 1,000 gp x the subject’s charac-
tion from slashing or piercing weapon subject becomes immune to all spells ter level). The gem is powdered and
attacks inflict an additional 1 point or abilities that damage or affect the mixed with nine drops of blood from
of Constitution damage per blow. soul (such as the trap the soul or soul the subject and nine drops of blood
Living creatures that do not have bind spells). Likewise, a subject whose from the focus animal. The subject
blood are immune to the effects of soul is stored elsewhere cannot be consumes one half of the mixture
this spell. affected by the clone spell. To free a while the focus (animal) consumes
Material Component: A drop of hidden soul, the subject must bleed the other half.
venom from an adder or cobra. the animal (dealing 1 point of dam- Focus: The animal that is to con-
age) and consume the blood. If the tain the subject’s soul.
Hesitate animal containing the subject’s soul
is killed, the subject must make a
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
successful DC 20 Constitution check
Holy Fire Hammer
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
or die as well (though he can now be Conjuration (Fire)
Components: V, S, M
returned to life normally). If the Level: Pal 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) check succeeds, the subject’s soul is
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Area: One or more creatures within a 20- returned to its body and the effects of
ft.-radius burst Range: Personal
this spell are ended. Duration: 1 round/level
Duration: Instantaneous and 1 round/level; If the subject is killed, raise dead,
see text Saving Throw: None
resurrection, true resurrection, or even Spell Resistance: No
Saving Throw: Will negates

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—H

You call a hammer formed of divine weapon you possess may be so in- Hovership
fire to your hands. This functions as a fused, but if it leaves your grasp for Transmutation
+3 returning light hammer. The holy any reason, the spell immediately Level: Sor/Wiz 5
nature of the hammer bypasses the DR ends. The weapon is treated as magi- Components: V, S, M
for demons, devils, and other evil out- cal for the purpose of hitting undead Casting Time: 10 minutes
siders. The hammer deals 3d6 points of creatures, but you gain no additional Range: Touch
physical damage, 1d8 points of holy advantage against incorporeal foes, Target: One ship touched
damage, and 1d8 points of fire damage though this spell does stack with Duration: 10 minutes/level
against evil creatures, half this damage ghost touch effects. Saving Throw: None
to neutral creatures, and no damage at Material Component: A drop of Spell Resistance: Yes
all to good-aligned creatures. While holy water. A powerful and very useful spell,
wielding the hammer you gain resis- hovership grants a normal watercraft the
tance to fire 15 and are surrounded by Hound’s Scent ability to pass over land and other solid
a magic circle against evil. Only the surfaces as if it were gliding through the
caster can wield the hammer. Level: Rgr 1 water. This spell causes the ship to hover
Components: S, M 5 ft. above the surface of whatever me-
Holy Infusion Casting Time: 1 standard action dium it is crossing (land, ice, marshland,
Enchantment Range: Personal et cetera). The ship behaves in all other
Level: Pal 1 Target: You ways as if it were in the water.
Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour Note that while the ship is still mo-
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: None bile and moves at its standard speed, it
Range: Personal Spell Resistance: No can only remain in motion by force of
Target: Your melee weapon You gain the ability to use the wind or poling along the ground; row-
Duration: 1 round/level Scent ability (see the MM) for Track- ing is not possible while hovering.
Saving Throw: None ing. Unfortunately, this sensitivity is Uneven and broken ground causes the
Spell Resistance: No only valuable for following a trail, ship to move at 1/3 normal speed. If a
You infuse your weapon with holy the concentration required to stay drop of more than 5 ft. occurs, the ship
power, making it cause additional on the trail of your quarry prevents has a chance to rupture the hull. The
damage to undead. Your weapon does you from using the Scent ability to base chance to rupture is 25% at a 5 ft.
an additional 1d6 points of damage notice or identify nearby opponents. drop, + 5% per foot after that.
with every successful attack for the Material Component: A sliver of Material components: several eagle
duration of the spell. Any one melee dogwood. feathers fastened to the ship’s hull.

Components: V, S, M, DF
Ice Geyser Ice Shards Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels)
Evocation Evocation Effect: Creates a caravan of sleds made
Level: Sor/Wiz 8 Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Drd 1 of ice with 5 square feet of cargo space
Components: V, S Components: V, S per caster level. Weight capacity is 500
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action lbs per caster level.
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./ 2 levels) Duration: 3 hours/level
Area: cylinder; see text Target: One creature Save: None (harmless)
Duration: 2 rounds Duration: Instantaneous Spell resist: No
Saving Throw: Ref half Saving Throw: Ref half You create one or more sleds
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes made of ice, capable of rapid trans-
Ice and freezing water fountains You launch icy bolts at your en- port over snow or ice conditions.
forth high into the sky from a spot emies. You can create one bolt per 2 The sleds only function on ice or
designated by you, before raining caster levels (one at first, two at 3rd, snow, but are capable of passing
down upon the ground below. The etc.) for a maximum of five bolts at over small patches so long as at
initial effect deals 20d6 points of 9th level. All of the bolts strike a least one sled has runners touch-
cold damage in a 10 ft. radius, 40 ft. single target for 1d6 points of cold ing snow or ice. The sleds simply
high cylinder. One round later, the damage each with a Reflex save for halt and crumble if forced over
secondary effect deals 10d6 points of half damage. areas without snow or ice. Each
cold damage in a 20 ft. radius, 20 ft. sled can carry 10 cubic ft. of mate-
high cylinder. The secondary effect Ice Sled rial or 500 lbs of material
radiates from the same center as the Conjuration (Water) (whichever is limiting). For each 4
initial effect. Targets within the area Level: Druid 6, Sor/Wiz 6 caster levels you gain the ability to
of effect(s) can make a Reflex save Casting time: 1 minute conjure an additional sled that is
for half damage each round.
Eldritch Sorcery

attached to the lead sled by a chain icy hammer is immaterial, your Illusionary Forest
made of ice. You direct the sleds Strength modifier does not apply to Illusion (Pattern)
through simple mental commands the damage. The spell can function Level: Drd 4, Rgr 4
of direction and speed with a maxi- underwater. Components: V, S, M
mum speed of 60 ft. The sleds are Casting Time: 1 standard action
made of ice and are susceptible to Identify Tracks Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
fire damage and can be damaged Abjuration/Divination Area: One 30-ft. cube/level
by spells or attacks (Hardness 6, Level: Drd 2, Rgr 1 Duration: Permanent (D)
hp equal to caster’s). Components: M, S, V Saving Throw: None and Will disbelief;
Arcane Spell Component: A Casting Time: 1 standard action see text
roughly shaped snow or ice ball Range: Touch Spell Resistance: No
Area: 10ft. radius You create a illusionary forest in
Icebreaker Duration: Instantaneous the designated area. To onlookers,
Saving Throw: None the forest appears, smells, and
Spell Resistance: No sounds real, and is indistinguish-
Level: Sor/Wiz 7, Water 7*
Components: V, S, F You determine the size, creature able from a real forest. Creatures
Casting Time: 1 standard action type, direction, and age of tracks of moving through the area have their
Range: See text the last 2 creatures that passed movement rate slowed accordingly.
Area: See text through the area immediately sur- Druids, fey, centaurs, rangers,
Duration: 1 hour/level rounding you. The spell can only and plant creatures can make a
Saving Throw: None be cast in natural terrain and the Will save to disbelieve the illusion
Spell Resistance: No most recent tracks are identified when they first view the illusionary
This mighty spell assists ships first. The spell reveals the infor- forest; other creatures do not re-
moving through ice-locked areas mation even if the tracks are not ceive a saving throw.
of the sea. The caster points his discernable. The age of the tracks Structures, equipment, and crea-
finger at any sheet of solid ice, and can be determined up to one day tures within the area are not hidden
that ice shatters into tiny shards. per caster level. or changed in appearance.
The area affected is always a strip Material Component: A bit of tree
35 feet wide, 15 feet deep, and 600 Ignite bark and the leaf of an oak, ash, or
feet long, permitting all but the Transmutation maple tree.
largest of vessels a safe passage. Level: Sor/Wiz 2
This only effects ice over a body of Components: V, S, M Immunity to Energy
water, not a wall made of ice, an Casting Time: 1 standard action
icy barrier in a dungeon, et cetera. Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Level: Clr 9, Drd 9, Guardian 9*, Sor/
Focus: a miniature field plow of Target: One creature or object Wiz 9
any material. Duration: 1d6 rounds (see text) Components: V, S, DF
Saving Throw: Reflex (partial) Casting Time: 1 standard action
Spell Resistance: Yes
Icy Hammer Range: Touch
You fire a thick wavy orange and Target: Creature touched
Conjuration (Cold)
purple at the target as a ranged Duration: 10 min./level
Level: Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
touch attack, causing an explosion Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harm-
Components: V, S, DF
of fire and flames. The target takes less)
Casting Time: 1 standard action
1d6 points of fire damage/level Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: Hammer-like weapon of ice (max 5d6). In addition to the fire This abjuration grants a crea-
Duration: 1 min./level (D) damage, a target that fails a Reflex ture total immunity from damage
Saving Throw: None save catches fire and begins to burn of whichever of five energy types
Spell Resistance: Yes for 1d6 rounds (1d6 points of fire you select: acid, cold, electricity,
A 3 ft. long, swirling beam of ice damage per round). The victim fire, or sonic. This spell protects
resembling a warhammer springs can use a full round action to ex- the subject’s equipment as well.
forth from your hand. You wield tinguish the flames, this action Immunity to energy grants immu-
this hammer-like beam as if it were draws an attack of opportunity. nity to damage only. The subject
a warhammer. Attacks with the icy The fire might also be extinguished could still suffer unfortunate side
hammer are melee touch attacks. through the use of any magical effects, such as drowning in acid
The hammer deals 1d8 points of spell that can quench a fire. (since drowning damage comes
cold damage +1 point per two caster Material component: A drop of from lack of oxygen) or becoming
levels (maximum +10). Since the tree sap wrapped in a red cloth. encased in ice.

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—I

Immunity to Fear Saving Throw: Will negates

Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell causes a door to sud-
Abjuration [Mind-Affecting] denly appear on a wall or other
You steal away a creature’s ability flat surface within range. Crea-
Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, DF/M to rest or sleep. The target of this tures that step through the door
Casting Time: 1 standard action spell cannot sleep for the duration of are instantly teleported to a ran-
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) the spell, accruing penalties for fa- dom location within 1,000 feet
Target: One creature tigue in addition to being unable to of the door. You can bring along
Duration: 1 round/level heal naturally. Even creatures, such objects as long as their weight
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) as elves, that normally do not sleep doesn’t exceed your maximum
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) are unable to get a proper rest with load. Only objects held or in use
The subject gains an immu- which to re-energize to gain spells or (attended) by another person
nity to fear effects for the heal naturally. This spell can be coun- receive saving throws and spell
duration of the spell. If the sub- tered by a sleep spell and it can be resistance.
ject is under the influence of a used to counter a sleep spell or other You have no control over
fear effect when receiving this magical means of inducing sleep. where you or any other creatures
spell, that effect is suppressed for are transported but all creatures
the duration of the spell. Instant Exit stepping through the door are
Arcane Material Component: A bit Conjuration (Teleportation) transported to the same location.
of hair or flesh from a lion or tiger. Level: Sor/Wiz 4 There is no chance you arrive off
Components: V, S, M target but there is a 5% chance
Insomnia Casting Time: 1 standard action this spell malfunctions and
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) dumps all affected creatures into
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Target: You and touched objects or the Ethereal Plane.
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 other willing creatures
Components: V, S Material Component: A small
Duration: 1 round; see text
Casting Time: 1 standard action silver door embedded with
Saving Throw: None and Will negates
Range: Touch (object) chipped rubies (total value at
Target: One living Creature Spell Resistance: No and Yes (ob- least 500 gp).
Duration: 1 day + 1 day/3 levels ject)

Iron Judgement

Eldritch Sorcery

Interdiction Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
prone. Unused iron balls disappear
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] at the end of the spell’s duration.
Range: Touch
Level: Sor/Wiz 7 Effect: 100 ft. rope or 100 square feet of
Components: V, S, M rigging/level
Casting Time: 1 round Duration: 1 day Conjuration (Creation)
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) Level: Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Target: One arcane caster whose HD is equal Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S, DF/M
to or less than yours Casting Time: 1 standard action
This spell changes the
Duration: 1 round/level Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Saving Throw: Will negates strength and hardness of nor-
Target: One creature
Spell Resistance: Yes mal rope to that of forged iron.
Duration: 1d4 rounds; see text
The rope gains the toughness
This spell suppresses the Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
of iron (hardness 10; hit points
subject’s ability to cast arcane Spell Resistance: Yes
10; Break [DC 27]), but the
spells for the duration of the spell. There are two distinct ver-
rope also gains the rigidity of
This spell only affects an arcane sions of this spell. You choose
iron as well. The new ironrope
caster whose Hit Dice/level is the effect when you cast the
is no longer as supple and flex-
equal to or less than yours. It does spell.
ible as normal rope, although
not affect the subject’s ability to Itching: You cover the target’s
it does flex and bend to some
use divine spells or spell-like abili- body in an itching sensation that
ties. lasts 1d4 rounds. For the dura-
This spell is invaluable on
Material Component: A pinch tion, the target takes a –1
long voyages where fire and use
of diamond dust worth at least penalty on attack and damage
occasionally damage rigging
500 gp. rolls, checks, and saves, and suf-
and moorage ropes. The ropes
fers a –1 penalty to its AC if it
are usually fastened in their
Iron Judgement working positions and then the
fails a Fortitude saving throw.
Evocation The creature can scratch as a
spell is cast. Add +20 to any
Level: Pal 4 standard action, thus negating
Use Rope check DC Value to
Components: V, S, DF the penalties for that round.
manipulate ironrope after it has
Casting Time: 1 standard action Creatures with a natural armor
been enchanted. No sailor
Range: Touch bonus of +4 or higher are im-
wishes to untie a knot after
Target: Creature touched mune to this version of irritation.
ironrope has been cast upon it!
Duration: 1 round/level Rash: You cover the target’s
Saving Throw: None Material component: a bit of
body in a deep red rash, which
Spell Resistance: Yes (see text) iron powder sprinkled on the
appears 1d3 rounds after casting
Your touch shows an evil crea- rope to be enchanted.
the spell. If the target makes a
ture for what it truly is. Calling successful save, it suffers no ef-
upon the powers of your god you Ironshot fects of the rash. If the save fails,
touch an evil creature outlining it Conjuration (Creation) each day thereafter, the rash be-
in flickering holy flames that in- Level: Sor/Wiz 2 comes worse causing a –1
flict 2d6 points of holy damage per Components: V, S, M circumstance penalty to all Cha-
round, while also negating any in- Casting Time: 1 standard action risma-based checks made by the
visibility the creature may have and Range: Personal subject. This penalty increases
making it impossible for the crea- Effect: one iron shot per 2 caster levels
by an additional point each day,
ture to hide. This potent spell also Duration: 1 round/level
to a maximum of –4 (after four
acts as a dimensional anchor on Saving Throw: See text
days). One week later, the sub-
creatures that have the magical or Spell Resistance: No
ject takes a –2 effective penalty
supernatural ability to teleport or You conjure forth one 2 in. di-
to its Dexterity score.
use similar abilities. The holy fire ameter ball of iron per two caster
levels (max 5). They appear and The rash persists until dispel
can be of any color based on the magic or remove disease is cast on
god you worship. float in the air next to you. You
may grasp and throw one ball per the subject. The penalties to
If you attempt to use this on a Charisma-checks and Dexterity
round at any target as a ranged
creature that is not evil the spell disappear immediately when the
touch attack with a range incre-
simply fails. rash is removed.
ment of 20 ft. The iron balls strike
with enough force to deal 1d6 Arcane Material Component:
Ironrope points of damage and force a Re- Crushed leaves from poison ivy,
Transmutation flex save to avoid being knocked oak, or sumac.
Level: Sor/Wiz 4

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—J

Jaerel’s Curtain of Fire

Conjuration (Fire)
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect: moving 20 ft. tall curtain of fire, 20 ft. long/level
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Fortitude special, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You tap into the secrets of Jaerel the Dark to create his
infamous curtain of fire, bringing into existence a curtain of
flickering purple and pink flames that burns the life out of
everything it touches. The curtain moves in a direction of
your choice at a rate of 5 ft./round consuming all organic
matter in its path. Once a direction has been chosen, that
is the direction the curtain moves, it can’t move back over
an area it has incinerated, as it has no fuel.
The flames themselves seem cool; the curtain puts out
no heat as it devours the very essence of life from the
soil, plants, and materials it passes through. All organic
material coming into contact with the curtain is treated
as if struck by a disintegrate spell, living creatures touch-
ing the wall are also treated as if struck by a disintegrate
spell with a Fortitude save to avoid the effect (consult
the disintegrate spell for details). Buildings and items
made from stone or metal are unharmed by this spell,
but hiding within a building is not a safe option as the
magical fire can penetrate up to 2 ft. of stone or 2 in. of
any metal to turn living matter into lifeless ash. The
magical fire burns life out of the very soil as well,
extending its horrid power to a depth of 5 ft. beneath the
surface of the earth.
Areas struck by Jaerel’s curtain of fire are easy to
ascertain as they are nothing but lifeless scars of black
dust and sand unable to support any life whatsoever.
Any wizard powerful enough, and wanton enough, to
cast this spell is a true hazard to nature and life and is
assured of becoming a target for every druid in the land.
Fortunately, a single wizard can only cast this spell
once per week and it takes a toll on their own life force
to do so. The spark to start the curtain of fire must come
from within, draining the very life of the person creat-
ing it.
XP Cost: 5,000 XP must be used to spark the initial

Jelver’s Illusory Illusion

Illusion (figment)
Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area: 20-ft. cube + 10-ft. cube/level
Duration: Permanent until triggered, then 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with)
Spell Resistance: No Jungle Cry
Eldritch Sorcery

This devious and complicated spell Range: Close 9 25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Spell Resistance: Yes
is intended to make real objects appear Targets: You + 1 creature/level, no two of You utter a loud, echoing scream
to be illusions. Anyone interacting which can be more than 30 ft. apart. throughout the trees of any large forest
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level agitating and possibly enraging all ani-
with the affected object should make a
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harm-
Will save, as per the standard rules for less) mals within range. Use of this spell is
disbelieving illusions. A successful Will Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) potentially as dangerous to the caster as
save indicates that the PC senses the it is to others. All animals that hear the
You transmute creatures with a quick
subtle magic of illusion covering the cry become more agitated than normal.
word of power and sudden motion.
object, at which point he is likely to Predators that normally would avoid
This spell is cast so quickly that it
assume that the object is actually a humanoids now believe any creature
counts as a free action you can still
spell such as programmed image. He they sense is a threat and should be
make both a move action and a stan-
pays the price for this assumption if the attacked. Other animals cry in fear at the
dard action the round you use it.
object is a creature intent on attacking sight of any humanoids or magical beasts
Basically, you jolt your friends and your-
him! In other words, the PC does and flee without making any attempt to
self into action providing all of the
indeed detect a real illusion, but this be quiet. Larger beasts receive a Will
benefits of a haste spell while still allow-
illusion is merely a “layer” upon a very save to maintain their normal behavior.
ing yourself to perform a full round’s
real object. Jelver’s illusory illusion tricks actions in addition to your casting. The agitation these animals feel
the character into assuming a certain gives all spells or effects used to calm
This means you can haste your
object is an illusion. or charm animals a –4 circumstance
party for battle and still cast a fireball
Conversely, a failed Will save means penalty to save DC values or to Wild
to soften up the enemy.
that the PC wasn’t intuitive enough Empathy checks.
to detect the faint presence of the Agitated animals can help reveal
illusion magic, so he behaves as if the
Jungle Cry the location of hiding targets and
object were real—which it truly is! Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] help locate others through the noise
Level: Drd 2, Rgr 1
they make as well as possible attacks.
Components: V, S
Jolt Casting Time: 1 standard action
The caster suffers an equal danger at
Transmutation the hand of agitated animals as the
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Targets: All animals within range animals draw no special distinction
Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous for the one who cast the spell over
Casting Time: see text Saving Throw: Will negates others they see or find in the area.

Keen Ears Duration: Instantaneous

Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Transmutation Spell Resistance: Yes Range: 30 ft.
Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
You conjure water in the form of a Area: Cone-shaped emanation
Components: V, S, M
Nereid that seems to kiss the target and Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Casting Time: 1 standard action
force itself into their lungs. Onlookers see Saving Throw: None
Range: Touch
the brief watery form of the Nereid as it Spell Resistance: No
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 min./level (D) appears to dive inside the victim. Since You instantly know the alignment
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) the target’s lungs fill rapidly with water, of any creature within the area. Each
Spell Resistance: Yes holding its breath does no good. The round, you can turn to detect align-
The subject gets a +10 enhance- subject can make a Fortitude save to avoid ments in a new area.
ment bonus on Listen checks. The the effects of this spell. If the save suc- The spell can penetrate barriers,
enhancement bonus increases to +20 ceeds, the subject spends one round, plus but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common
at caster level 6th, and to +30 (the 1 round per four caster levels coughing metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of
maximum) at caster level 10th. and spitting up water (treat as nauseated). wood or dirt blocks it.
Material Component: A small crys- If the save fails, the subject falls uncon- Know alignment counters and is
tal or metal cone. scious (0 hp). On the next round, the countered by undetectable alignment.
subject drops to –1 hit points and is dying.
Kiss of the Nereid On the third round, the subject drowns. Kristoff’s Solar
Material Component: A few drops
Conjuration (Creation) [Water]
of water. Window
Level: Drd 5, Water 4*, Sor/Wiz 5 Evocation
Components: V, S, M Level: Brd 3, Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action Know Alignment Components: V, S
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Divination Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: One living creature Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Drd 3, Pal 2 Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—L

Kiss of the Nereid

Area: Cone bright light are affected as if standing ments or when you need to melt ice or
Duration: 5 minutes/level in direct sunlight. Being natural rather warm a chilly companion. The solar
Saving Throw: None than magical light, the glow of the solar window may be opened anywhere within
Spell Resistance: No window is negated by magical dark- the spell’s range, and you may mentally
This spell opens a conduit to the ness. Unfortunately, the light provided move it for the duration of the spell,
sun. Though darkness may reign in is filtered and is unable to damage redirecting the cone of light. For ex-
your current surroundings, somewhere creatures such as vampires that take ample, the window may be positioned
in the world, the sun is shining. Kristoff’s damage from natural sunlight. on a ceiling, so that the cone aims down-
solar window transports actual sunlight But the solar window has advantages ward, and the next round you may shift
to your location, appearing as if through over the standard daylight spell. The light it so that it points upward from the floor.
an open window and throwing light in is as warm as normal sunlight, so that the Each change in positioning is a partial
a cone 50 feet long, 25 feet wide at its temperature within the cone is a balmy action. You may open and close the solar
end. Creatures who suffer penalties in 85 degrees, very useful in cold environ- window at any time as a free action.

Lasting Breath ject doesn’t know how much addi- any creature’s hiding within the foli-
Transmutation tional time is granted from this spell). age. The falling leaves also provide
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 one-half concealment (light foliage)
Components: V, S Leaf Fall to anyone beneath them for one
Casting Time: 1 standard action Evocation round (20% chance of an attacker
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 missing). Leaves dry and drop from
Target: One living creature/level Components: V, S, M the tree over a period of one round.
Duration: Instantaneous; 1d4 rounds +1 Casting Time: 1 round Pine needles become brittle, and pine
round/level (see text) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) cones split and drop to the ground.
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless) Target: Leaves or pine needles in a 10-ft. The tree goes dormant but sprouts
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) radius spread. leaves when spring arrives.
This spell increases the amount of Duration: Instantaneous
time a subject can hold its breath by Saving Throw: No Leaf Tide
1d4 rounds +1 round per caster level. Spell Resistance: No
This spell must be cast on a creature The caster causes all of the leaves
Level: Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
already holding its breath, and the or pine needles within range to wither Components: V, S, M
subject is never aware of how long the and fall from a tree, leaving the Casting Time: 1 standard action
duration is (in other words, the sub- branches bare and possibly exposing Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Eldritch Sorcery

Target: Pile of leaves ity. Casting the spell requires the Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous sacrifice of a sentient creature of the Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Saving Throw: Ref avoids same race as the spellcaster. The Target: one creature or object
Spell Resistance: No creature to be sacrificed must be help- Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged
You cause a pile of leaves to rise up (D)
less and/or bound while the spell is
in a wave that charges forward to Saving Throw: Ref half
being cast.
slam a foe. The temporary mass and Spell Resistance: Yes
At the culmination of the spell, A 3 ft. diameter disc of crackling
speed of the leaf pile helps it inflict the caster gains an automatic coup de
1d4 points of damage per level (8d4 lightning appears at your fingertips,
grace attack upon the victim. If the awaiting your command to strike.
maximum). The tide heads in a victim dies as a result of this attack,
straight line away from the you until You may direct it through the air
his life force is transferred to the toward a target or allow it to hover in
it reaches the spell’s maximum dis- caster (or another target within touch
tance or hits an obstacle or creature. place next to you. As a standard
range of the caster). The target gains action, you may direct it to strike a
Once it strikes something the leaves immunity to aging effects for 1 month
swirl to the ground again. This spell single target. It streaks toward the
per Hit Dice or level of the creature target, moving past, over, or around
can only be cast in a forested area. sacrificed. items or creatures in its way to strike,
A creature slain by this spell can dealing 1d6 points of electricity dam-
Lifeleech only be restored to life through the age/level (max 15d6) followed by a
Necromancy successful casting of a resurrection, loud (non-harmful) clap of thunder.
Level: Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 5 true resurrection, wish, or miracle spell. You may dismiss the spell at any time
Components: V, S, XP Raise dead has no effect on a creature before detonation as a free action.
Casting Time: 10 minutes slain by the lifeleech spell.
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
XP Cost: 10 XP per Hit Dice of the Locate Fish
Duration: Instantaneous Divination
Saving Throw: No Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Water 1*
Spell Resistance: No Lightning Wheel Components: V, S
This spell is frequently used by evil Evocation (Electricity) Casting Time: 1 standard action
magicians and death priests to Level: Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 4 Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
achieve a limited form of immortal- Components: V, S Area: 100-ft. diameter

Lightning Wheel
Chapter Four: Spell Listings—L

Duration: Concentration up to 2 min-

utes/level (D)
Lost Wanderer Luck of the Saints
Saving Throw: None Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] Enchantment
Spell Resistance: No Level: Brd 6, Clr 6, Drd 6 Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Pal 1
You determine the species, range, Components: V, S, F Components: V, S
Casting Time: 3 rounds Casting Time: 1 standard action
number, and depth of all fish in the
Range: Touch Range: Touch
local area. If you continue concen-
Target: Creature touched Target: Creature touched
trating you can learn their general
Duration: 10 min./level Duration: 1 min./level or until discharged
swimming patterns and which direc- Saving Throw: None or Will negates (harmless) Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
tion the various fish are moving in. Spell Resistance: No or Yes (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes
The recipient of this spell becomes This spell functions like guidance,
Locust Leap completely lost and cannot find its but it instead provides a luck bonus
Transmutation way. Unless led (by another creature of +1 per 3 caster levels to a single
Level: Drd 3 or a map, for example), the creature attack roll, saving throw, or skill
Components: V wanders aimlessly about seeking its check. Use of the bonus must be
Casting time: 1 standard action destination (which it remembers; it declared before making a roll.
Range: Personal just can’t remember how to get there)
Target: You
Duration: 2 rounds/level (D)
for the duration of the spell. Any Lucky Cloak
destination an affected creature seeks Enchantment
You gain incredible leaping ability is lost to it for the duration, not just Level: Brd 2, Clr 3, Drd 3, Luck 2*, Sor/
as well as the ability to cling to most one it may have had in mind when Wiz 3
surfaces. You gain a +15 enhance- this spell took effect. Components: V, F
ment bonus to Jump checks and no Casting Time: Free action (see text)
This spell is keyed to the recipient,
longer need a running start before a Range: Personal
not its companions, and its effect
Jump (all Jump check DCs are as if Target: Self
does not predict or allow for the
you were running). Penalties for en- Duration: See text
actions of creatures (including guard-
cumbrance and armor still apply. If Saving Throw: None
you have a heavy load this spell does Spell Resistance: No
Lost wanderer counters and dispels
not function as long as you are not You grant yourself a luck bonus
find the path. Likewise, find the path
heavily encumbered. You are not re- that can be used in one of several
counters and dispels lost wanderer.
quired to have a running start to any different ways. Originally created
leap granted by this spell. Vertical Focus: A set of ivory counters or
by bards, this spell has been mim-
leaps are easier, you do not need a bones which you break during the
icked by clerics and wizards alike.
running start and the DC for a high casting.
This spell grants you one of the
jump is only 2 times the distance to following options, which must be
be cleared. Encumbrance and armor Lower Spell Resistance chosen at the time of casting:
check penalties still apply. You can- Transmutation
not jump farther than your movement, Level: Sor/Wiz 5 1 +1 luck bonus to AC for
and the bonus does not stack with Components: V, S, M every three caster levels
other magical movement bonuses, Casting Time: 1 standard action (may only be used in re-
such as the longstrider spell. You al- Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) sponse to an attack roll
ways land on your feet after a leap. Target: One creature against you that has not
Duration: 1 round/level yet been determined a
You may leap onto walls, ceilings, hit).
Saving Throw: None
trees or anything else within your 2 Create an amount of gold
Spell Resistance: Yes
movement range provided the sur- equal to your HD times
This spell enables you to reduce four (usable 1/month).
face is not perfectly smooth. While
the subject’s spell resistance. The 3 +1 luck bonus to hit for
this spell does not provide for move-
target does not get a save against the every three caster levels
ment along these surfaces; you may (may only used before a
effect, and you gain a +4 competence
leap to another part of the surface. hit is determined a suc-
bonus to your caster check to beat its
You need not have your hands free to cess)
spell resistance. If successful, the
stand on any surface. If the spell ends 4 +1 luck bonus to damage
subject’s spell resistance is reduced on your next damage roll
while you are on a vertical surface or
by a number of points equal to one- for every three caster
suspended upside down, you plum-
half your caster level (maximum 10 levels (must be used in
met back to the ground taking response to confirmed
points, caster level 20th).
appropriate damage. hit).
Material Component: A broken iron
5 +10 luck bonus to speed
or silver rod. for one round

Eldritch Sorcery

You can trigger the luck bonus You create a quasi-real image of the ately begins to change, moving to-
at any time within 10 minutes of moon in the sky, which can be seen wards the false moon. If cast near a
casting. Bards gain a special ben- from as far away as 100 miles. What river, the moving water is concen-
efit of 1d10 points of healing upon effects might arise from the presence of trated into a fast-moving wave of
casting this spell. this faux moon cannot be fully antici- 1d8 feet in height. Waves of this
Focus: A cloak (or other piece of pated, but two outcomes are well known: height and speed are capable of cap-
clothing at DM’s discretion) owned Lycanthropy – Any creatures that sizing smaller vessels and damaging
by the character since he began change shape based upon the ap- those tied to stationary docks. The
adventuring. It must be worn at pearance of the moon must succeed first effects of Luna’s glare are seen
the time of casting. at a Will save (DC = 10 + caster’s after a period of 1d12 rounds. The
modifier – Lycanthrope’s HD) or tide is pulled toward the moon when
Luna’s Glare forcibly alter form. If the save suc- it appears, and thus the caster can use
ceeds, the lycanthrope must this spell to aid ships leaving harbor
Illusion (Shadow)
Level: Sor/Wiz 8, Water 8* attempt another save each hour against the tide, to mire approaching
Components: V, S, M the moon is present in the sky, enemies in a trackless swamp, or to
Casting Time: 1 standard action with the DC increasing by 1 for flood a dry area with the resulting
Range: Sight each subsequent attempt. wave.
Area: 100-mile radius Tidal Effects – The casting of the Material component: a small white
Duration: 1 hour/ 4 levels Luna’s glare has similar effects on the or silver pearl of no less than 100
Saving Throw: None waters in the area, as if the moon had gp in value, which is destroyed
Spell Resistance: No risen normally. The tide immedi- with the casting of the spell.

Mage Armor, Greater Arcane Material Component: A little Saving Throw: Reflex half; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
Conjuration (Creation) [Force] powdered iron with which you trace a 3-
foot diameter circle on the floor (or You cause the ground in the af-
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S, F ground) around the creature to be warded. fected area to explode and spew forth
Casting Time: 1 standard action a geyser of molten rock that quickly
Range: Touch Magic Circle covers the area of effect. A creature
Target: Creature touched in the area when the geyser erupts
Duration: 1 min./level
against Undead takes 10d6 points of fire damage and
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Abjuration 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage.
Spell Resistance: No Level: Clr 3, Pal 3, Sor/Wiz 3 A successful save halves the damage.
Components: V, S, M/DF Creatures and objects remaining in
This spell functions as mage armor,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
except it provides a +10 armor bonus or entering the area take 2d6 points of
Range: Touch
to AC. This spell does not stack fire damage per round of exposure from
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation from
with, but overlaps mage armor. touched creature the magma (no save). Damage from
Focus: A piece of steel from a suit Duration: 10 min./level magma continues for 1d3 rounds after
of plate armor. Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) exposure ceases, but this additional
Spell Resistance: No; see text damage is only half of that dealt during
Magic Circle All creatures within the area gain actual contact (that is, 1d6 points per
the effects of a protection from undead round). At the end of the spell, the
against Spirits spell. This spell is not cumulative with geyser ends, and 1d3 rounds later, the
Abjuration protection from undead and vice versa. lava melts away into the ground leav-
Level: Clr 3, Pal 3, Sor/Wiz 3 ing behind scorched earth.
Arcane Material Component: Dirt from
Components: V, S, M/DF An immunity or resistance to fire
a cemetery with which you trace a 3-foot
Casting Time: 1 standard action serves as an immunity to lava or magma.
Range: Touch diameter circle on the floor (or ground)
around the creature to be warded. However, a creature immune to fire
Area: 10-ft.-radius emanation from
touched creature might still drown if completely immersed
Duration: 10 min./level Magma Eruption in lava (see Drowning, in the DMG).
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Conjuration (Creation) [Fire] Material Component: A bit of lava rock.
Spell Resistance: No; see text Level: Sor/Wiz 7
All creatures within the area gain Components: V, S, M Malicious Intent,
the effects of a protection from spirits Casting Time: 1 standard action Greater
spell. This spell is not cumulative with Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
protection from spirits and vice versa. Area: 100-ft.-radius spread (S)
Level: Retribution 3*, Sor/Wiz 3
Duration: 1 round/level

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—M

Magma Eruption

This spell is identical to the mali- Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) its hold. You may also use the foot to Bull
cious intent spell, except the subjects Effect: Large foot (10 ft. by 10 ft.) Rush an opponent using the Strength,
take a –2 penalty on all saving throws, Duration: 2 rounds/level (Concentration) (D) speed, and other bonuses described
or a –4 penalty on saving throws if Saving Throw: None above. You may also use it to provide
you select a single school of magic. Spell Resistance: Yes cover or to block a passage (the foot can
You create an enormous glowing blue- occupy a 10 ft. square).
Malicious Intent white foot that stomps or kicks where
you direct it to attack. The foot may take Mark of Exile
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
one standard action per round for at-
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Abjuration
tacks. It hovers automatically, and flies
Components: V Level: Clr 7, Drd 8
Casting Time: 1 standard action through the air at a movement rate of 60
Components: V, S, DF
Range: 60 ft. ft. (perfect). The foot is considered to Casting Time: 1 standard action
Area: All creatures in a 30-ft.-radius have a Strength of 24 giving it a +7 Range: Touch
spread centered on you bonus to attack rolls, Bull Rush, checks, Target: Creature touched
Duration: 2 rounds/level (D) and Grapple checks (see below). The Duration: Permanent (see text)
Saving Throw: None foot has a base attack bonus equal to Saving Throw: None (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes your level. You have several options Spell Resistance: Yes
Malicious intent causes all subjects while controlling the foot, each of which You draw an indelible mark on the
in the area of effect to take a –1 is a standard action. You may direct it to subject and declare some area or
penalty on all saving throws. Alter- stomp on someone rolling an attack roll named location taboo. If the subject
nately, you can select a single school with a bonus equal to your caster level – subsequently enters the specified
of magic and cause all subjects in the 1 (size modifier) +7 (Strength) and deal area, it is instantly and irrevocably
area to take a –2 penalty on saving 2d6+14 points of damage. If you success- destroyed (no save). The specified
throws against spells from that school. fully hit you can immediately attempt to area can be no larger than 1 square
pin a Medium or smaller target to the mile per caster level. If the target is
Mangling Foot ground with a successful Grapple check already in the specified area when
Evocation (force) with a bonus equal to your caster level the spell is cast, nothing happens,
Level: Sor/Wiz 7 +4 (size bonus) +7 (Strength). Once but if the target leaves the area and
Components: V, S the foot has a creature pinned it can attempts to return, the baneful ef-
Casting Time: 1 full action make no other actions without releasing fects of mark of exile are triggered.
Eldritch Sorcery

Only one mark of exile can affect a Massmorph into Trees Melt
creature at any given time. Illusion (Glamer) Transmutation
The spell leaves an invisible mark Level: Sor/Wiz 4 Level: Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
upon the target. The target can al- Components: V, S, M Components: V, S, M
ways sense when it is within 100 feet Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
of the borders of the forbidden area. Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Mark of exile cannot be dispelled, but Area: One or more creatures, no two of Area: Up to one 5-ft. square/level
it can be removed with a remove curse, which can be more than 30-ft. apart Duration: Instantaneous; see text
break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, Duration: Concentration Saving Throw: Fortitude half; see text
or wish spell. Remove curse works only Saving Throw: Will negates; see text Spell Resistance: Yes; see text
if its caster level is equal to or higher Spell Resistance: Yes; see text You can raise the temperature in
that your mark of exile caster level. You instantly change the appearance of the area of effect enough to melt ice
the subjects so they appear as normal trees and snow in the affected area. Melted
Mass Polymorph and maintain that appearance for the ice and snow transforms into water
spell’s duration. The subjects look, feel, in a single round. (Results of such an
and smell just like real trees. If attacked, occurrence, such as flooding or the
Level: Drd 8
Components: V, S, DF the illusion is negated on that creature like are left to the discretion of the
Casting Time: 1 standard action (and that creature only), unless it’s you, in DM.) The temperature remains
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) which case you must succeed on a Con- above freezing for 1 round per caster
Targets: 1 Medium or smaller humanoid/3 centration check (DC 14 + damage taken) level, after which time the tempera-
caster levels within a 30-ft. radius to maintain the spell. If your check fails, ture returns to normal and any water
Duration: 1 hour/level the spell ends, revealing all massmorphed begins to refreeze (at the normal rate).
Saving Throw: Will negates subjects. Affected creatures resume their Alternately, you can target crea-
Spell Resistance: Yes normal appearances if slain. tures with the cold subtype in the
You effect a mass transformation of Unwilling targets can negate the spell’s area of effect (up to one creature per
your enemies into harmless sheep. You effect on them by making Will saves or caster level, maximum 10 creatures).
can transform 1 Medium or smaller with spell resistance. Those who inter- An affected creature takes 1d4 points
humanoid for every 3 caster levels you act with the subjects can attempt Will of damage +1 point per caster level
possess. All of the targets must be within disbelief saves to see through the glamer, (maximum +20). A creature gets a
a 30-ft-radius. Targets that fail Will but spell resistance doesn’t help. save to reduce the damage by half.
save are transformed into sheep for 1 True seeing reveals a massmorphed Material Components: A few rock
hour/level. The targets retain their creature. salt crystals and a pinch of soot.
memories and experiences (as well as Material Component: A handful of
their hp) but their equipment is as-
sumed into their new form (which is
bark chips. Merge into Art
Small) allowing them only their Base Transmutation
Attack Bonus and Base Saving Throw
Megalomania Level: Asn 3, Blk 3
bonuses with the additional statistics: Enchantment (charm) [mind effecting] Components: V, S
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 Casting Time: 1 standard action
Str 12, Dex 15, Con 12, Int unchanged,
Components: V, S Range: Personal
Wis unchanged, Cha unchanged. In
Casting Time: 1 standard action Target: Caster
addition, the targets cannot speak and
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels) Duration: 1 minute/level
cannot cast spells with verbal or so- Saving Throw: see text
Target: One living Creature
matic components unless they have a Duration: 1 round/level Spell Resistance: No
special ability allowing them to do so. Saving Throw: Will negates You step into a painting, tapestry, or
The sheep can attack with 2 hooves Spell Resistance: Yes fabric mosaic large enough to encom-
(1d2+1) at the maximum BAB of the You force a creature to believe that their pass your height. Magic items, such as a
target and a bite (1d3+1) at BAB–5 skills are so much better than they really are magic painting, repel your efforts to
with appropriate Strength and size bo- that their overconfidence causes them to merge. Your shape and form is woven
nuses to attack rolls. act rashly and without forethought. The into the picture or tapestry as if it were
Druids and other creatures or classes target begins to make wild swings, confi- part of the original work, changing your
that are capable of shapechanging dent in their ability to overwhelm an coloration and form slightly if necessary.
can simply transform back into their opponent. Spell casters confidently step Someone studying the work of art may
normal form as a free action on their into battle believing they can’t be struck make a Spot check (DC = 15 + caster
turn. Other creatures must have this before completing a spell. If the creature level or DC = your Hide skill check).
magic dispelled through a dispel magic, fails a Will save they suffer a –4 penalty to You aware of their surroundings as if
break enchantment, or similar spell or attack rolls and skill checks and a –2 pen- watching through a window, anything
wait until the magic fades. alty to damage rolls and Will saving throws. taking place beyond the borders of the

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—M

artwork are beyond the scope of your invisible, undetectable and not Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
vision. You cannot speak or cast spells harmed by inclement weather or lo- Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
while merged but you can exit the spell at cal conditions short of magic. You Your special mount is infused with
any time during the spell’s duration. If you may designate one person plus one righteous power, preparing it for battle.
wait until the spell ends you are forced out more per three ranger levels who can For the duration of the spell, it enjoys a
of the picture. Damage of any type done find the cache if they look for it. +4 enhancement bonus to Strength,
to the tapestry or painting immediately When they get within a hundred Constitution, Dexterity, and Natural
forces you out dealing 1d6 points of dam- feet, they automatically become Armor. This spell only works on your
age and leaving you Dazed for 1 round. aware of the location. The cache is own special mount and does not work on
visible to them, allowing retrieval of any other creature, including yourself.
Message, Greater the note. Once someone takes out
Transmutation the message, the magic ends. If no- Mind Carve
Level: Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 body retrieves the note before the Necromancy
Components: V, S, F spell ends, the message and the ma- Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Casting Time: 1 standard action terial it was written on remain in the Components: V, S
Range: 1,000 miles cache spot but are no longer magi- Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: 1 creature/level cally protected and invisible. Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Duration: 1 min/level Effect: Ray of negative energy
Saving Throw: None (see text) Metamorphose Weapon Target: One living creature
Spell Resistance: No Transmutation Duration: Instantaneous
Functions as the spell message but it Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
does not require line of sight to cast. The Components: V, S, M Spell Resistance: Yes
caster must know the target(s) well and Casting time: 1 standard action You point your finger while uttering
the targets must be willing. You utter Range: Touch the verbal components of this spell
the name of the target and if they are Target: Weapon touched or fifty projec- and release a ray of silver, crackling
awake and willing they begin to hear tiles (all of which must be in contact with energy at one target. You must make a
your words, and you theirs. An unwill- each other at the time of casting) ranged touch attack to hit. If the attack
ing target can remove themselves from Duration: 1 min./level (D) succeeds, the target takes 1d6 points of
the conversation or refuse to hear a Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object) Intelligence and Wisdom damage. A
message without requiring a saving Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object) caster whose relevant ability is Intelli-
throw. The caster cannot make strenu- Metamorphose weapon temporarily gence (wizards) or Wisdom (clerics,
ous actions such as combat or spell changes a weapon’s substance and is druids, paladins, and rangers) takes a –
casting while sharing a message with a usually used to help overcome damage 4 penalty on its save to avoid the
distant friend or friends. At the same reduction. Unlike similar spells, this effects. This spell cannot reduce an
time, the spell does enable the caster to works on any weapon, even magical ability score below 1. If the save suc-
have a short conversation with one or weapons. The weapon touched by the ceeds, the creature avoids the ability
more individuals from a great distance. caster is temporarily transmuted into damage, but is stunned for 1 round per
any other substance such as adaman- four caster levels (maximum 5 rounds).
Focus: a piece of fine gold wire
tine, cold iron, mithral, or silver. A A creature that has its Intelligence
worth at least 50 gp.
metamorphosed weapon flickers with score reduced below 3 cannot speak. A
the fleeting the elemental change. The
Message Cache weapon is not affected in any other
spellcaster whose relevant ability score is
reduced to less than 10 cannot cast spells.
Illusion (Glamer) way other than the basic make up, but
Level: Rgr 1 Ability damage can be healed normally.
changes into some metals can change
Components: V, S the amount of damage a weapon is able
Casting Time: 1 standard action to withstand during attempts to Sun-
Mind Meld
Range: Touch Transmutation
der it. This spell cannot affect other
Target: one written message Level: Sor/Wiz 6
items such as armor nor can this change
Duration: See text Components: V, S
ever be made permanent.
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 1 round
Spell Resistance: No Range: 30 ft.; see text
Choose a natural hiding place, such Mighty Steed Targets: You and one other arcane caster
as the hollow of an old tree, beneath Transmutation within 30 ft. that is at least two levels
a mossy rock, or down an abandoned Level: Pal 3 lower than you.
Components: V, S Duration: 1 min./level (D)
mole hole. You may cast then spell
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
on it to hide a message of ten words
Range: Touch Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
plus one per ranger level. For up to 1
Target: Your mount Mind meld fuses your mind with that
week per caster level, your message is
Duration: 1 minute/level of another arcane spellcaster within 30

Eldritch Sorcery

feet who is at least 2 levels lower than must make a successful Will save (DC 20) Moonbeam counters and dispels any
you. When the spell takes effect, the or suffer the effects of confusion. darkness spell (one with the darkness
other caster has his caster level in- Material Component: Two small gems descriptor) of an equal or lower level.
creased by one-half the difference worth at least 500 gp each and a bit of glue. Material Component: A piece of
between your caster level and his un- moonstone and a few seeds from any
changed/normal caster level. For Moon Servant moonseed plant.
example, if you are a 10th-level caster
Conjuration (Creation)
and you meld your mind with a 6th- Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2 Muck
level caster, the 6th-level caster throws Components: V, S, DF Conjuration (Creation)
all spells as an 8th-level caster (one-half Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: Clr 3, Drd 4, Slime 3
of four levels difference between you Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Components: V, S, M
and your target). Additionally, your Target: 1 medium servant Casting Time: 1 standard action
caster level increases by +1. Duration: 5 hours Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
An increase in caster level does Saving Throw: None Effect: 15-ft. radius spread
not allow either spellcaster to cast Spell Resistance: No Duration: 1 min./level
spells they couldn’t cast otherwise. You call upon the forces of nature Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see text
Meaning, neither you nor the target to create a short-lived, unintelligent Spell Resistance: Yes
gain access to spells of a higher level servant. This spell is similar to an Using this spell, you create an adhe-
than you could cast nor do you gain unseen servant spell with several ex- sive and sticky ooze-like creature under
more spells of a certain level. ceptions. The servant is formed from the feet of your foes. A creature in the
For the duration of the mind meld, all the palest moonlight (even on a cloudy area when the spell takes effect must
spells cast by you or the other caster evening) giving it a faint humanoid make a Reflex save. If the save succeeds,
function at the increased caster level. outline. The servant can perform the creature is stuck, but can still move.
For example, the 6th–level caster men- simple, menial tasks at your com- If the save fails, the creature is stuck and
tioned earlier (now casting as an mand (see the unseen servant spell). It can’t move from its space, but can break
8th–level caster) could cast fireball and cannot attack anything or act as a loose by spending 1 round and making
it would function in all respects as if guard or alarm because it makes no a DC 22 Strength check or a DC 27
thrown by an 8th–level caster. sound. The servant remains active for Escape Artist check. A stuck creature
Any spell you or the other caster as long as 5 hours or until daylight. takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a
have in effect before you cast mind Created from the energy provided by –4 penalty to effective Dexterity.
meld is unaffected by this spell. That the moon and stars, the moon servant Once loose (either by making the
is, the caster level or its effects are not cannot exist during the day. initial Reflex save or a later Strength
subject to this spell. So, if our 6th– check or Escape Artist check), a crea-
level caster has a charm person spell in Moonbeam ture remains stuck, but may move
effect before receiving the benefits of Evocation [Light] through the muck slowly. Each round
this spell, the charm person spell still Level: Drd 3 devoted to moving allows the crea-
functions as cast by a 6th–level caster. Components: V, S, DF, M ture to make a new Strength check
Spells in effect (either on you, the Casting Time: 1 standard action or Escape Artist check. A creature
other caster, or some other target or Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) moves 5 feet for each full 5 points by
area) cast while the mind meld is Area: Cylinder (10-ft. radius, 60 ft. high) which the check result exceeds 10.
functioning end when this spell ends. Duration: 1 min./level On your next turn after casting this
Saving Throw: None, see text spell, the muck sprouts tentacles and
If either caster is damaged while
Spell Resistance: No attempts to grapple any creature stuck
mind meld is in effect, the caster taking
You create a beam of moonlight that in it. The muck has a grapple bonus
damage must make a successful Con-
strikes downward and illuminates a 10- equal to your caster level, + your
centration check (DC 10 + damage
ft. radius area within range. The Wisdom modifier, +6 for its Strength
taken) or this spell ends. In such a case,
moonbeam provides shadowy illumina- score (22). The tentacles hold, but do
both casters linked by this spell must
tion in the area. Creatures that take not harm a creature. A grappled crea-
make a successful Will save (DC 15 +
penalties in bright light do not take them ture cannot move until it breaks free.
damage taken by the caster attacked)
while within the radius of this light. On The muck is susceptible to cold. Any
or suffer the effects of confusion.
your turn, you can direct the moonbeam cold-based spell or effect freezes a 5-
If either caster moves more than 30 feet to a different area within range. A lycan-
from the caster he is linked to, this spell foot square and allows a creature in
thrope must leave the moonbeam within that area to escape that area (whether
ends. If either caster is knocked uncon- 2 rounds or be forced to change forms if
scious or killed, the spell ends as well, and the creature was stuck or grappled).
they fail a Will save. A successful Will
the other caster (unless he is killed or Material Component: A drop of glue
save allows the lycanthrope to remain in
knocked unconscious in the same round) and a clod of dirt.
control of their form.

Chapter Four: Spell Listings—M

Mucus Mask ing round, she drops to –1 hit points and Multiple Contingency
Conjuration (Creation) [Acid] is dying. In the third round, she suffocates.
Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Slime 4 It requires two minutes (20 rounds) Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Components: V, S, M for the creature to remove enough mu- Components: V, S, M, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action cus to breathe. Two people can remove Casting Time: At least 10 minutes (see text)
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) enough mucus in one minute (10 Range: Personal
Target: One creature rounds) to allow breathing. Three people Target: You
Duration: Permanent; see text (the subject plus two allies) can remove Duration: 1 day/level or until discharged
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates enough mucus in 8 rounds to allow Save: Special
Spell Resistance: Yes breathing. No more than two people Spell Resistance: Special
A glob of mucus is hurled through the can assist the victim. This is a more powerful form of con-
air at the intended victim. The caster Material Component: Phlegm. tingency, functioning much like that
must succeed at a ranged touch attack to spell, save you may prepare up to three
hit. If successful, the glob hits the target in Mud Slam companion spells of up to 8th level, and
the face and quickly covers the subject’s these spells are not limited to spells that
entire head. Level: Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 affect your person. In other words, you
The mucus has three effects. First, it is Components: V, S, M may prepare between one and three
caustic and burns out the victim’s eyes Casting Time: 1 standard action spells of any level of 8th level or lower
(causing permanent blindness until cured). Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) and set them to activate upon a certain
Second, the mucus seals the ears, deaf- Target: 1 creature trigger, as per contingency. For example,
ening the target until the mucus is removed Duration: Instantaneous the caster may set a trigger condition to
(see below). Saving Throw: Reflex half, see text discharge pyrotechnics, fireball, and mir-
Third, the creature begins to suffocate. Spell Resistance: Yes ror image simultaneously. The multiple
A character can hold her breath for 2 You cast a ball of mud at your en- contingency otherwise performs as per
rounds per point of Constitution. After emies, that grows into a wall of mud that contingency. Refer to that spell descrip-
this period of time, the character must slams into them potentially knocking tion for further information.
make a DC 10 Constitution check in order them back. The mud slams into the You cannot have both a multiple contin-
to continue holding her breath. The save target, doing 1d6 points of damage per gency and a contingency spell active at the
must be repeated each round, with the DC caster level (Reflex half; 10d6 max.). A same time. Only the most recently cast
increasing by +1 for each previous success. Medium or smaller target that fails its spell remains in effect, the previous spell is
When the character fails one of these Reflex save must then make a Strength lost upon the casting of the new spell.
Constitution checks, she begins to suffo- check opposed by your caster level check Focus: a statuette of yourself carved
cate. In the first round, she falls (1d20 + your caster level). If they fail out of jade and decorated with dia-
unconscious (0 hit points). In the follow- that check they are knocked prone. monds worth at least 5,000 gp.

Eldritch Sorcery

Nap Note: Nap can only be cast on a checks and related skills and abilities.
willing creature. Additionally, a crea- This spell enables powerful druids and
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Clr 2 ture can only be affected by a nap rangers to put even the most ferocious
Components: V, S, DF, M spell once per week. and violent natural beasts into a calm
Casting Time: 1 round Material Component: A feather and and peaceful state.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) a pebble, the latter of which the
Target: One living creature/level caster must have carried on his or her Nearsighted
Duration: 1 hour person for one week. Enchantment (compulsion) [mind-effect-
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) ing]
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Nature’s Aura Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Nap causes a magical slumber to Transmutation Components: V, S, F
come upon the subjects who then sleep Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2 Casting Time: 1 standard action
for 1 hour. Upon awakening, a subject Components: V, S Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
feels refreshed, as if he or she had slept Casting Time: 1 standard action Target: One living Creature
a full night. A subject recovers hit Target: You Duration: 1 round/level (see text)
points and ability damage as if he or she Duration: 10 min./level Saving Throw: Will negates
rested for a full night. Spellcasters re- Spell Resistance: Yes
You are surrounded by a calming,
gain lost spell slots or can prepare spells You alter a creature’s vision so that
natural aura that helps put animals and
just as if they had rested for eight hours. they can no longer focus on anything
sentient plants at ease. During the
beyond 30 ft. away. If the target fails
duration of the spell you
their Will save everything beyond
receive a +3 bonus per 5
30 ft. away has full concealment for
caster levels on all Wild
the purposes of ranged weapons or
Empathy checks as well as
spells. The victim can choose to use
Handle Animal skill
a full round action in an attempt to
clear their vision granting an addi-
tional Will save. Once a Will save is
successful the spell effects end.

Necrotic Touch
Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, DF/M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You inflict tremendous pain on the
target by making a successful melee touch
attack. The target takes 1d6 points of
damage per caster level (maximum 10d6)
and 2d4 points of Strength damage.
Arcane Material Component: Sev-
eral pieces of flesh from a corpse.

Conjuration (Creation, Water)
Level: Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: One 20 ft. diameter net
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: None
Nature’s Aura
Chapter Four: Spell Listings—N

This spell is very similar to the 2nd and ranged weapons deal damage to you Components: V, S, M
level arcane spell web, except that it normally and the attacker doesn’t take Casting Time: 1 standard action
creates an underwater net of very supple damage from this spell. Your unarmed Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
and strong strands to snare victims. or natural attacks do not deal this dam- Target: One spellcasting creature
The strands are slightly barbed, and age to a foe; death armor is strictly Duration: 1 round/level (D)
engulfed creatures are stuck fast. defensive. Only when a creature attacks Saving Throw: Will negates
you unarmed or with natural weapons is Spell Resistance: Yes
The spell effect creates a 20 ft. diam-
eter net at the desired range which this spell’s effects triggered. You cloak a single creature in a faint,
entangles up to 4 Medium creatures, Though the field surrounding you is silvery, shimmer of light that suppresses
unless a Reflex save is made. Any crea- composed of negative energy, undead any spellcasting ability (including spell-
ture stuck in a net suffers a –2 penalty to creatures that attack with natural weap- like abilities) and deals 2d4 points of
attack rolls, a –4 penalty to Dexterity, ons can be affected by this spell. damage whenever the subject attempts
and cannot swim or move. Engulfed to cast a spell (or use a spell-like ability).
Material Component: A bit of flesh
spell casters attempting a spell must The target must make a successful DC
from a corpse.
succeed on a DC 15 Concentration 20 caster level check each time it at-
tempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like
check or lose the spell. Negative Energy Mantle ability. If the check fails, the spell fizzles
The net is quite strong; a DC 20 Necromancy away just as if it had been cast (or the
Strength check is required to break the Level: Sor/Wiz 6 spell-like ability fails to work) and the
bonds of the net once the targets are Components: V, S, M target takes 2d4 points of damage. If the
engulfed. The strands can also be cut, Casting Time: 1 standard action check succeeds, the target is still dam-
and require a slashing weapon doing 15 Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) aged, but the spell or spell-like ability
points of damage to release one subject. Area: Living creatures within a 20-ft.- takes affect normally. Inherent spell-
The net is completely immune to fire. radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous; 10 min./level (see like abilities that are “always on” and
Material component: a strand of spells that are permanently in effect on
woven seaweed. the target are not affected by this spell.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: A bit of lead.
Negative Energy Armor Negative energy mantle creates a
Necromancy shimmering aura of negative energy Nymph’s Aura
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 that negates all healing (including Transmutation
Components: V, S, M fast healing), regeneration, and cura- Level: Brd 6
Casting Time: 1 standard action tive magic and effects on affected Components: V, S
Range: Personal
creatures for 10 minutes per caster Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: You
level (this includes spells that heal Range: Personal
Duration: 1 round/level
ability damage and drain, nonlethal Target: Self
A crackling black aura of negative
damage, and restore lost limbs). Duration: 1 min./level
energy engulfs your form. Creatures at-
Material Component: Powdered black You take on some of the unearthly
tacking you unarmed or with natural
opal (worth at least 500 gp) and a bit of beauty and presence of a nymph,
weapons take 2d6 points of negative
flesh from an undead creature. giving you +8 to your Charisma. Your
energy damage each time one of their
enhanced Charisma bonus is added
attacks hits. Negative energy armor does
not render you immune to attacks; you Nullifying Cloak to all of your saving throw rolls and as
Evocation a deflection bonus to your AC for the
still take damage from a successful un-
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 duration of the spell as well as apply-
armed or natural attack. Melee weapons
ing to any skill checks or magic spells.

One with the Earth tion of earth, or boulder to another. propriate kind within the transport
Each stone must be free standing range as shown on the table below.
Conjuration (Teleportation)
(i.e., a stretch of flat farmland would
Level: Drd 5, Clr 6
Components: V, S, DF not suffice, but a barrow of packed Type of Transport
earth in that field would permit pas- Stone Range
Casting Time: 1 standard action
sage) and at least somewhat greater Natural stone 3,000 feet
Range: Personal
in size and weight than the caster. Worked stone 2,000 feet
Target: You
Upon entering the stone, the caster Earthen mound 1,000 feet
Duration: 1 hour/level or until expended; see text
knows immediately the location of Sand dune 500 feet
This spell is a dwarven version of
the druid spell tree stride, although in all other sufficient stones, mounds,
this instance the caster moves from or dunes within the range listed be- Each transport takes a full-
one large block of stone, dune, sec- low. You can choose to pass to any round action. You can move into
stone or portion of earth of the ap- a boulder, dune, section of earth,
Eldritch Sorcery

Ooze Bolt
or block of stone up to one time For every three caster levels you providing a safe, moving path
per caster level (passing from one possess (up to caster level 15th), through even the thickest growth.
to another counts only as mov- the acid, unless somehow neu- Plants move or bend away from
ing into one stone). The spell tralized, lasts for another round, the opening and then close back
lasts until the duration expires dealing another 2d6 points of up behind it, leaving no sign that
or until you exit a boulder, dune, acid damage for that round. anyone has passed through. One
section of earth, or block of Material Component: Dried gray of the main benefits is the ability
stone. You can opt to remain ooze and saliva. for a party to travel at normal
within the stone without trans- Focus: A crossbow bolt. speed through thick undergrowth
porting, but you are forced out for the duration of the spell. It is
when the spell ends. as useful for opening trails, as it is
Open Trail for covering them up, anyone at-
Ooze Bolt Level: Drd 2, Rgr 1
tempting to track people that
Conjuration (Creation) have passed through the wilder-
Components: V, S
Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 2, Slime 2* ness using an open trail spell suffer
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V, S, M, F a –10 penalty on all Survival
Range: Special, see text
Casting Time: 1 standard action Area: Special, see text checks.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft/2 levels) Duration: Concentration It is wise to protect the caster
Effect: One ooze bolt This spell enables you to open of the spell though, if the caster
Duration: Instantaneous; see text a narrow 20 ft. opening through takes any damage the concentra-
Saving Throw: None tion required to maintain the
thick underbrush and heavy
Spell Resistance: No spell is broken and vegetation
growth. The opening is 5 ft. wide
A bolt of gray ooze springs begins to slowly close back over
and 20 ft. long and starts from the
from your hand and flies toward the area of the path over a period
casting point and moves in a di-
the target. You must succeed at of 1d4+1/level of the caster
rection indicated by the caster.
a ranged touch attack to hit. rounds potentially leaving the
The opening then moves along
The bolt deals 2d6 points of acid PCs trapped in brush and under-
with the caster while they walk,
damage with no splash damage. growth during a battle.


Paean of Greater The only difficulty with this Spell Resistance: Yes
spell is the fact that you must You call favor to yourself and
Glory continue singing for the effects your allies through the loud proc-
Enchantment [Compulsion, Mind-Af-
fecting] to remain and this song requires lamation of joy and faith in your
Level: Brd 4 your full concentration. You are god. This proclamation calls
Components: V permitted a single move action down favor from your god that
Casting Time: 1 standard action during a round while maintain- can be used in one of several
Range: 100 ft. ing the song and any damage you different manners listed below:
Area: 100-ft.-radius around you take forces a Concentration Paean of Glory: +3 dodge bo-
Duration: Concentration up to 2 check (DC 10 + damage taken) nus, and +2 circumstance bonus
rounds/level (see text) to continue the song. Any at- to Will saves for all allies.
Saving Throw: Will negates tempt on your part to cast a spell Paean of Judgment: all allies’
Spell Resistance: Yes or make an attack immediately weapons do an additional 1d6
You fill the air with a powerful brings the spell, and all of its points of Holy damage and are
song of glory that inspires your effects, to an end. treated as “good” for damage re-
allies and bolsters their spirits duction.
while planting the seeds of doubt Paean of the Holy Paean of Blessing: allies gain
in your enemies. Allies able to Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind- +3 bonus to attack and damage
hear your song gain a +4 morale Affecting] rolls.
bonus on attack rolls, damage Level: Pal 4 Paean of Light: allies gain a
rolls, and skill checks as well as a Components: V, S, DF
+4 circumstance bonus to all sav-
+2 bonus on saving throws and a Casting Time: 1 standard action
ing throws while enemies suffer
+2 deflection bonus to their AC. Range: 40 ft.
a –2 penalty to all saves.
Meanwhile, enemies failing a Target/Targets/Area/Effect: All al-
Will save suffer a –2 morale pen- lies and foes within a 40-ft.-radius The caster must choose one,
alty to all skill checks, saving burst centered on you and only one, of the above and a
throws, and attack rolls. Duration: 1 round/level paean of the holy can only be cast
Saving Throw: None once per day. These songs of

Paean of the Holy

Eldritch Sorcery

power do not stack, but two pala- the real tiger, having the statis- plants to reveal opponents at-
dins can sing songs granting tics of a tiger — it can be a tempting to hide in the area (+15
different powers simultaneously. different tiger each round. You circumstance bonus to Spot
may also ready an action to se- checks). The soft-stemmed
Paean of the Unholy lect a tiger to be the real tiger as plants recover after the spell is
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind- a standard action. All the fake over but the flattening of the
Affecting] tigers function as tigers except plants makes tracking through
Level: Blk 4 that their attacks deal no dam- the area very difficult, Survival
Components: V, S, DF age, and even a single point of checks for tracking in areas af-
Casting Time: 1 standard action damage instantly destroys them. fected by this spell receive a –10
Range: 40 ft. Damage to the real tiger car- circumstance penalty.
Target/Targets/Area/Effect: All ries over from round to round
foes within a 40-ft.-radius burst cen-
tered on you
even if a different tiger is se- Peacebinding
Duration: 1 round/level lected to be the real tiger; if it is Enchantment [Compulsion, Lawful,
Saving Throw: Will negates, see text destroyed, the spell ends. Mind-Affecting]
Spell Resistance: Yes Material Component: 10 gp Level: Pal 4
worth of black paper and gold Components: V, S
Your loud proclamation of faith
foil. Casting Time: 1 standard action
in your dark god draws power
Range: 80 ft.
down to plague your adversaries Targets: All creatures with an Int of
with failing confidence and fear. Paralyze 3 or higher within range that are
Adversaries in the area of effect Illusion (Shadow) [Mind-Affecting] aware of you and your actions
are permitted a Will save at a –6 Level: Malediction 4*, Sor/Wiz 4 Duration: 1 minute/level (see text)
circumstance penalty to avoid Components: V, S Saving Throw: Will negates
the effects of the spell. Anyone Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes
with less than 8 HD that fails Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) This spell can only be cast
their save is affected as if by a Area: Several living creatures within when you have one or more weap-
fear spell, those above 8 HD that a 20-ft.-radius burst ons drawn. As you cast this spell,
fail suffer a –4 circumstance pen- Duration: 1 min./level (D) you must sheathe, or otherwise
Saving Throw: Will disbelief
alty to all saving throws and a –2 put away, all weapons you cur-
Spell Resistance: Yes
penalty to all attack and damage rently wield. This can be done
This spell creates convinces a
rolls. simultaneously. Once you have
number of creatures in the area
done so, all targets must make a
whose combined Hit Dice do not
Paper Tigers exceed twice your caster level
Will save or be compelled to put
Illusion (Shadow) up their weapons for the dura-
that they are paralyzed. Crea-
Level: Brd 4 tion of the spell, philosophically
tures that fail their save believe
Components: V, S, M as well as literally.
themselves to be paralyzed and
Casting Time: 1 round Creatures affected must put up any
stand rigid and unmoving, un-
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) weapons they are wielding and re-
able to take any action, for the
Effect: Several semi-real creatures frain from attacking any creature.
duration. A creature receives
Duration: 1 minute/level (D) For purposes of this spell, an attack
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if in- only one save against this spell;
includes any spell targeting a foe or
teracted with); varies; see text when the spell first takes effect.
whose area or effect includes a foe.
Spell Resistance: Yes Dispel magic, break enchantment,
(Exactly who is a foe depends on the
wish, or miracle negate this spell.
You fold 1d4 origami tigers plus 1 your character’s perceptions.) Ac-
per 2 caster levels (up to a maximum tions directed at unattended objects
of nine) from the material compo- Pattern Grass do not break the spell. Causing harm
nents of the spell. They immediately Transmutation indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an
appear somewhere within range, grow Level: Drd 1, Ranger 1 affected creature can open doors, talk,
to the size of real tigers, and spring to Components: M, S, V eat, climb stairs, summon monsters
life to fight under your complete con- Casting Time: 1 standard action and have them attack, cut the ropes
trol for the duration of the spell. Range: medium (100 ft. +10 ft./level)
holding a rope bridge while enemies
Only one of the tigers has substance, Target: 20 ft. radius
are on the bridge, remotely trigger
however, and the rest are no more Duration: 1 hour
traps, open a portcullis to release
Saving Throw: None
solid than a mirror image. attack dogs, and so forth.
Spell Resistance: No
Each round, at the beginning If you attack any creature, or
You temporarily flatten grass,
of your action, you may select draw your weapons, the spell im-
cane or other soft-stemmed
one of the origami tigers to be mediately ends for all targets.


Any creature affected by this You convert yourself into a (much like a meld with stone spell
spell that is attacked by any plant-like creature for the dura- allows the caster to enter stone or a
means is immediately released tion of the spell. As a Plant type rope trick spell allows the caster to
from its effect. creature you are immune to criti- enter an extradimensional space).
cal hits, immune to poison, sleep The tree must be large enough to
Phantom effects, paralysis, polymorph, and accommodate your body in all three
stunning. While you do not gain dimensions. While inside a tree, you
Accompaniment complete immunity, you do gain are undetectable by normal means.
Illusion [Figment] a +4 circumstance bonus on sav- Even magical means of detection
Level: Brd 2 doesn’t give you away though the
ing throws against mind-affecting
Components: V, S, M tree you are hiding in will radiate
effects. In addition, the spell pro-
Casting Time: 1 round
vides a natural armor bonus magic. Dryads can detect your pres-
Range: Close (25 ft.+ 5 ft./2 levels)
exactly the same as a barkskin ence with a successful Wisdom check
Area: Audible within normal hearing
range spell. This spell converts your (DC 15) if they come within 10 ft. of
Duration: Concentration + 1 minute body, but not any of your equip- the tree.
Saving Throw: Will save partial ment, leaving you with the same If the tree is cut down or burned
Spell Resistance: No items and proficiencies as nor- while you are inside, you must escape
You use this spell to enhance your mal. You can cast spells in this before the tree falls to the ground or
performances, summoning a ghostly form, but you can not wildshape before it is completely consumed in
band to play along with you. The or use similar polymorph or fire. If still inside when either hap-
band can only play pieces you are shapechanging abilities. pens, you must make a successful
already familiar with, but the selec- Casting the spell requires a small Fortitude save (DC 15) or die.
tion of instrumentation is entirely jade statue of the caster created by a Material Component: A piece
up to you, including choral voices. master artisan that is used as a focus. of bark from an ash or oak tree.
The use of this spell gives you a The statue costs at least 150 gp and
temporary +4 circumstance bonus to can only be used for the caster it was Plant Enlightenment
skill checks when using any of your created for. Transmutation
Bardic Music abilities. A listener Level: Drd 9
making a successful Will save is not Plant Door Components: V, S, DF, XP
affected by this bonus. Transmutation Casting Time: 24 hours
Material Component: A small, Level: Drd 4, Rgr 4 Range: Touch
lit candle. Components: V, S, M Target: Animal Touched
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: Instantaneous
Plague Range: Personal or touch Saving Throw: Will negates
Target: You or one creature touched Spell Resistance: Yes
Necromancy [Evil]
Level: Clr 7, Drd 7, Sor/Wiz 8 Area: 10 ft. wide by 10 ft. high by 10 You use your divine knowledge of
ft. long/level plants and plant growth combined
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes/level with some of your own life energy to
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Saving Throw: None (harmless) convert an animal or magical beast
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Spell Resistance: No (harmless) into an enlightened, plant type crea-
Target: One creature/level, no two
of which can be more than 30 ft. Plant door enables you to open a ture. Similar to awaken, you need to
apart magic portal through trees, under- make a Will save (DC = 10 + HD of
Duration: Instantaneous growth, and other such the converted creature) in order to
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates growths—including magical variet- succeed. If successful, the “plant-im-
Spell Resistance: Yes ies (such as a wall of thorns). The path bued” template is added to the
This spell functions like conta- opened is 10 ft. wide, 10 ft. high, and creature making it a plant type crea-
gion, except that it affects up to 10 ft. long per caster level. Thus ture and giving it additional
multiple creatures. The same dis- a 10th–level druid opens a path 10 ft. characteristics (See pages 100-101).
ease affects all subjects. wide, 10 ft. high, and 100 feet long. The newly enlightened creature is
The plant door allows you, other dru- friendly toward you, but you have no
Plant Aura ids, rangers, and dryads to pass safely special empathy or connection with
Transmutation through it. Other creatures cannot it. Plant imbued creatures have their
Level: Drd 6, Plant 7 see or use the plant door. You cannot own free will and decide who they
Components: V, S, F use this spell to pass through plant want to associate with, and what
Casting Time: 1 standard action creatures. they wish to do, at the same time,
Target: You An alternate version of the spell they always view you as a friend un-
Duration: 10 min./level (D) allows you to enter a solid tree trunk less you attack them.

Eldritch Sorcery

Plant-imbued creatures are animals or magical Damage Reduction: Plant-imbued creatures
beasts that have been magically converted to a are can resist, or instantly heal, damage caused
plant-type creature through the use of the powerful by some types of weapons based on their total
druidic spells plant enlightenment. These creatures number of hit dice and levels.
not only gain some of the characteristics and abili-
ties of plants, they also gain additional Wisdom Plant-Imbued Damage Reduction
and Intelligence. While they can be found in a Total Hit Dice Damage Reduction
wide variety of different locations, they are almost 1–5 5/magic
never found underground or in areas that get little 6–10 10/magic
sunlight. These mystical creatures are often in the 11–15 15/magic
company of druids, or found in areas where power- 16+ 15/magic cold iron
ful druids reside. Once created, their additional
Spell Resistance (Ex): plant-imbued creatures
Wisdom and Intelligence gives them the free will
gain spell resistance equal to 10 + their total hit
to go where they wish and learn new things about
the world around them. Those plant-imbued crea-
tures that do choose to learn more of the world can Fast Healing (Ex): plant-imbued creatures heal
eventually become almost fey-like as they age. wounds more quickly that normal creatures and
heal 5 points of damage every round (fast healing
Creating a Plant-Imbued Creature 5).
“Plant-Imbued” is a template that can be added Acute Senses (Ex): plant-imbued creatures can
to any creature of the animal or magical beast base instantly sense anything within 60 ft. of them,
type. The creature’s type changes to “plant type” they can not be flanked or surprised and gain
and uses all of the base creature’s statistics and Improved Uncanny Dodge as if they possessed
abilities except as described below. rogue levels equal to their total hit dice. They can
also detect invisible foes or opponents in heavy
Size and Type: The new creature retains the
fog or other obscuring conditions allowing them
base creature’s size despite any normal size in-
to strike without any miss chance.
creases due to the hit die increase (see below), but
it becomes a “plant type” creature and gains plant Darkvision (Ex): Plant-imbued creatures gain
immunities. darkvision 60 ft. if the base creature did not
already possess darkvision. If the base creature
Hit Dice: Plant-Imbued creatures use d8 hit dice
already possessed darkvision, that ability is ex-
and, if they are less than 2 full HD, are advanced to
tended by an additional 30 ft.
2 HD creatures before conversion.
Woodland Stride (Ex): Plant-imbued creatures
Speed: Same as base creature.
can move through any sort of undergrowth at
Armor Bonus: Add an additional +4 natural their full movement rate without taking any pen-
armor bonus to the base creature’s natural armor, if alties or suffering any damage. Magical
any. enchantments designed to impede movement still
Special Attacks: Plant imbued creatures retain affect them.
all of the base creature’s special attacks and natural Saves: Same as the base creature.
weapons. Along with the additional benefits de-
Abilities: The plant-imbued creature has the
scribed below.
same Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores
Spell-like Abilities (Su): A plant imbued creature of the original creature but the other abilities are
gains the ability to cast the following spells as a 9th altered as follows: Intelligence is replaced with a
level druid: at will—freedom of movement; 3/day— new score generated by rolling 3d6; a new Wis-
entangle, magic fang; 1/day—sunburst, tree stride. dom score is generated by rolling 1d6 and adding
Special Qualities: A plant-imbued creature re- the result to the base creature’s Wis score, and
tains all of the special qualities of the base creature finally, base creatures with a Charisma score less
while gaining the additional benefits described than 10 roll 2d6 and add the result to the original
below. score, base creatures with a Cha score of 11–14
Plant Type: Immune to critical hits, mind-affect- roll 1d4 and add the result to the base score, base
ing effects, poison, sleep effects, paralysis, creatures with a Cha score of 14+ retain their
polymorph, and stunning, don’t need to sleep. original Cha score.


Skills: Same as the base creature. The base crea- Climate/Terrain: Any aboveground or sunlit areas
ture does not use its new Int score to recalculate Challenge Rating: 2–8 HD, base creature +2; 9+
previous skill points, but it does use the new ability HD; base creature +1
scores to determine skill points gained by class ad- Treasure: same as base creature
vancement (see below). Plant imbued creatures Alignment: Any*
receive an additional +4 circumstance bonus to any
Advancement: By character class*
Hide skill checks made in natural terrain, this bonus
is in addition to any bonuses the base creature might *The conversion to an intelligent, free-willed crea-
have. ture means that the new plant imbued creature can
choose its own way in life. Plant-imbued creatures
Feats: Same as base creature, with the possible
advance by character class with druid as their favored
addition of a feat due to new hit dice.

Sample Plant-Imbued Creature

Plant-Imbued Brown Bear

Large Plant Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +3
Hit Dice: 6d8+24 (51 hp) Abilities: Str 27, Dex 13, Con 19, Int 13,
Initiative: +1 Wis 13, Cha 12
Speed: 40 ft. Skills: Listen +4, Spot +7, Swim +12
Armor Class: 19 (–1 Size, +1 Dex, +9 natu- Feats: Endurance, Run, Track
ral), touch 10, flat-footed 18 Environment: Cold Forests
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+16 Organization: Solitary or pair
Attack: Claw +11 melee (1d8+8) Challenge Rating: 6
Full Attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d8+8) and Advancement: by character class
bite +6 melee (2d6+4)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. *Skills: The skill points for this creature are
Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Spell-like generated based on the base creature’s Intelligence
Abilities score, not the new score created while enlightening
Special Qualities: Plant type immunities, SR 16, the creature and imbuing it with plant characteris-
DR 10/magic, fast healing 5,
tics. The plant-imbued brown bear has a +4 racial
darkvision 60 ft., acute senses
(improved uncanny dodge); bonus on Swim checks and a +4 plant-imbued
woodland stride bonus on Hide checks.

Eldritch Sorcery

Creatures created with this spell gain the ability to

speak Sylvan, as well as other languages known by the
caster based upon their Intelligence bonus. Plant-im-
bued creatures cannot serve as familiars or animal
companions, although they might choose to travel with
someone for a while on their own.
XP Cost: 100 XP/HD of creature enlightened, mini-
mum of 500 XP.

Player Instrument
Conjuration (Calling)
Level: Brd 3
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./caster level)
Target: 1 musical instrument
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You are able to make a musical instrument play as if
you were physically playing it, without having to be in
contact with the instrument. You must make a Perform
check to determine the quality of the playing. The
instrument continues to play until you are out of the
spell’s range or the duration expires. You may use this to
spell to use your bardic music abilities, but doing so
requires a Concentration check each round (DC 15 +
damage sustained if any) and counts as a move action.
Focus: The focus is a musical instrument.

Player, Instrument, Greater

Conjuration (Calling)
Level: Brd 5
Duration: 1 minute/level
This spell functions like player instrument except it has
a greater duration and the Concentration check to use
the instrument for your bardic abilities is reduced to DC
10 + damage sustained.
Focus: The focus is a musical instrument.

Pocket Paradise
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Brd 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 30 ft.
Effect: Extradimensional paradise, up to 30 ft./level radius area
Duration: 10 min/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
To cast this spell, you must render a performance in
song, oration, or music that evokes the image of a lush
paradise. As the casting continues, your description
grows more vivid in the minds of the subjects, until after
one minute all subjects find themselves physically trans-
ported to the location you’ve described.
Plant Enlightenment

At first glance, the paradise may seem tossing a pinch of pollen or sawdust into to touch the item was wearing a mask at
similar to that created by a magnificent the air. The cloud fills an area roughly the time they touched it, you see only
mansion spell. However, the pocket para- 20-ft.-radius, and 10 ft. high. Those their masked face, although you still get
dise is much more opulent and pleasant. caught within the cloud are forced to an idea of their general size and shape.
The exact design is left to the bard in make a Fortitude save to breathe prop- Focus: The item this spell is cast on.
question, but typical paradises resemble erly in the dusty air. Those that fail have
balmy tropical islands, silk-strewn sera- difficulty breathing and suffer a –1 pen- Precipitation
glios, or crystal towers atop craggy alty to all attack and damage rolls and
mountains. Whatever the appearance, spellcasters are forced to make a Con- Level: Clr 1, Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
the actual total area of the paradise is a centration check (DC 15 + spell level) Components: V, S, M
30-ft-radius per caster level. to cast any spells with a verbal compo- Casting Time: 1 standard action
Those within the paradise find nent. This effect continues for 2 rounds Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
themselves the subject of pampered after leaving the cloud. Area: 60-ft.-radius circle
treatment at the hands of a staff of The cloud can be dissipated by a Duration: 1 minute
illusory servitors; again, the exact gust of moderate wind or if the air Saving Throw: None
design of these servitors is left to you. temperature can be reduced by 15 Spell Resistance: No
Although there is delicious food and degrees Fahrenheit for a full round. This spell collects existing water va-
sweet drink in plenty, all of this is illu- A steady rainfall also pulls the par- por in the atmosphere and releases it as
sion, and provides no sustenance. Further, ticles out of the air. light rain, sleet, or snow for the duration
any rest gained while in the paradise is Material Component: pinch of pol- of the spell. If the temperature in the
fleeting, and those exiting find them- len or sawdust surrounding area is 90° F or higher, the
selves just as fatigued as they were when duration is doubled, except in desert
they went in. Time spent here cannot be Portrait areas. In an area where the temperature
used to apply to the eight hours of rest a is between 31° and 33° F, the precipita-
spellcaster needs to regain spells. tion takes the form of sleet. At
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
However, the paradise has a sooth- temperatures of 30° F or less, the precipi-
Components: V, S, F
ing effect on the minds of those within tation takes the form of snow. If
Casting Time: 1 standard action
it. Those who rest at least 10 minutes Range: Touch precipitation is cast on a Large or larger fire
in the paradise find themselves cured Target: One object source (such as a wall of fire), or if magical
of the following conditions: cower- Duration: Instantaneous heat or fire (such as a fireball or flame
ing, dazed, dazzled, fascinated, Saving Throw: None strike) is cast in the area of precipitation, a
frightened, nauseated, panicked, Spell Resistance: No cloud of warm fog (treat as a fog cloud)
shaken, sickened, and stunned. In You obtain a mental image of the billows through the area of effect for 3
addition, they are allowed to make a last creature that touched the tar- rounds. If a cold-based spell or effect is
new save against any other mind- geted item. Any creature that used on an area soaked by precipitation
affecting effects they suffer from when touched the item with an intelli- (such as a cone of cold cast on rain-soaked
they first enter the pocket paradise. gence score of 3 or below is not ground), normal ice is formed. Such ice
A subject of the spell may opt to revealed. You can see the last intel- remains for the duration of this spell if
leave the paradise at any time before ligent creature to touch the item the temperature is 30° F or higher; oth-
the spell’s duration expires. Once some- within a number of days equal to erwise, the ice melts normally when the
one has left, they cannot return. If you your caster level. If the item hasn’t temperature rises above freezing.
leave, the spell ends and everyone been touched for a number of days Material Component: A pinch of
remaining inside is ejected as well. greater than your caster level you silver dust.
obtain no image at all. For example,
Pollen Cloud a diviner investigating a murder can Predict Weather
Conjuration (Creation) cast this spell on an item found at the Transmutation
Level: Drd 2 murder scene to receive a mental Level: Drd 1, Rgr 1
Components: V, M image of who touched it last in hopes Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action of identifying the killer. dragon’s Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./caster breath weapon. Range: Touch
level) This spell can be fooled with illu- Target: Creature touched
Effect: 20-ft.-radius, 10 ft. high cloud sions. For example, if a diviner cast this Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Duration: 1 round/level spell on a silver coin last touched by an Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Saving Throw: Fort negates Elf that was polymorphed to look like a Spell Resistance: Yes
Spell Resistance: No Halfling, a mental image of the Halfling The subject gets a +10 enhance-
You create a cloud of pollen, floating with the silver coin in hand would be ment bonus on Survival checks when
seeds, and other airborne particles by revealed. In addition, if the last person used to predict the weather. The

Eldritch Sorcery

enhancement bonus increases to +20 spray that can strike secondary targets. On the fifth day, the subject suffers 1
at caster level 5th, and to +30 (the You must first hit primary target with a point of ability score drain from a ran-
maximum) at caster level 9th. ray attack as a ranged touch attack. If it dom ability. Every five days, the subject
Material Component: The leaf of a hits, the target is subjected to all seven suffers another point of ability drain.
maple or oak tree. colored effects of a prismatic spray spell, On the tenth day, and every ten
with a separate saving throw required days thereafter, you may cast a spell
Primeval Seal for each effect. A single spell resistance you know with a range of touch and
check is allowed against the entirety of have it affect the subject, so long as
Level: Clr 8, Guardian 6*, Sor/Wiz 7 the spell; if it is made, the entire spell is you and the subject are on the same
Components: V, S, M, XP negated. The spell likewise fails if the plane. The spell cast can be no higher
Casting Time: 1 minute initial ray attack misses. than third level.
Range: Touch After striking the primary target, After the first month, and every
Target: One location (up to a 20-ft. cube/level) the beam splits into a rainbow of month thereafter, the subject suffers a
Duration: 1 hour/level beams spreading in a 10 ft. radius terrible stroke of ill fortune. The exact
Saving Throw: Will partial from the initial target. Creatures nature of the disaster is determined by
Spell Resistance: Yes within this area are struck by one or the DM (not by you); possible effects
This potent spell hedges out all out- more beams of light with the power include but are not limited to: death of
siders, undead and aberrations. By of a prismatic spray (consult the pris- a loved one, major financial loss, or
casting the spell, the caster quickly traces matic spray spell). Creatures with 8 destruction of a prized possession.
a visible seal upon a surface, doorway, HD or less struck by either primary or Material Component: A hair, blood,
arch, or similar structure. The seal can- secondary beams are automatically or bit of flesh from the spell’s subject.
not be used for personal protection or blinded for 2d4 rounds. The component must have come
inscribed on an item to be carried around. from his body within no more than 1
The primeval seal forces creatures of the Progressive Curse day per caster level.
designated type to feel an overpowering Necromancy [Evil]
urge to leave the area. A compulsion Level: Sor/Wiz 7 Prophet’s Eye
forces them to abandon the area, shun- Components: V, S, M Divination
ning it and never willingly returning to Casting Time: 10 minutes Level: Sor/Wiz 4
it while the spell is in effect. A creature Range: Unlimited, on same plane only Components: V, S, F
that makes a successful save can stay in Target: One creature Casting Time: 1 standard action
the area but feels uncomfortable doing Duration: Permanent (D) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
so. This discomfort makes the creature Saving Throw: Will negates Target: Self and one living creature
suffer a –2 penalty to all attack rolls, Spell Resistance: Yes Duration: 1 hour
damage rolls, saving throws, and skill Using materials from the target’s Saving Throw: Will negates (see text)
checks as well as a –4 penalty to their body and incense and other materi- Spell Resistance: Yes
AC. als (value of at least 1,000 gp) you You gain an immediate insight into
The seal cannot be dispelled, but call upon dark powers to inflict a the target’s bodily experiences. You see
it can be removed with a limited wish, horrible, growing curse on your vic- what they see, experience what they
miracle, or wish spell. tim. Once the spell is cast, the subject experience, hear what they hear and
Material Component: A handful of black is allowed a single Will save with a – even taste what they taste for the dura-
dust from the surface of a dying star. 4 penalty to evade the effects of the tion of the spell. You do not take damage
XP Cost: 1,000 XP. spell. Should that fail, the curse can if the target takes damage, nor do you
then only be lifted by a remove curse heal damage if the target heals. An un-
or break enchantment spell (or similar
Prismatic Chain effect) cast by someone whose caster
willing target that fails the saving throw
knows only that some sort of magic has
Evocation level is at least equal to yours when
Level: Sor/Wiz 8 passed through them, not what it was. If
you placed the curse. Alternately, the target creature begins to do or say
Components: V, S
you may dismiss the curse at any something that would normally be kept
Casting Time: 1 standard action
time. secret they are allowed a second Will
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets: One primary target, plus up to The effects of this curse start out save, if this save is successful they get an
seven secondary targets within 30 feet mild, but grow progressively worse uneasy feeling that someone is watching
Duration: Instantaneous with each day that passes. them but no idea who or how.
Saving Throw: See text In the first day, the subject suffers a During the duration of the spell,
Spell Resistance: Yes –1 luck penalty to all attack rolls, sav- you see what the target sees in addi-
This spell blasts the targeted subject ing throws, skill checks, and ability tion to what your normally see. This
with a beam of scintillating light, which checks. This penalty increases by 1 for overlapping of images and sounds
then refracts into an area prismatic every week the spell has been active. can make it very difficult to perform


complex tasks giving you a –4 cir- magic such as a hold person spell, slow First, the subject gains a +2 deflec-
cumstance penalty on all skill checks spell, and a ghoul’s touch. The spell tion bonus to AC and a +2 resistance
and forcing a Concentration check does not grant immunity to damage bonus on saves. Both these bonuses
(DC=15 + spell level) to cast a spell. (so a ghoul’s claw would still damage apply against attacks made or effects
Focus: A carefully crafted glass eye the warded creature but wouldn’t para- created by spirit creatures.
worth at least 400 gp. lyze him). If the subject is under the Second, the barrier blocks any at-
influence of a paralysis effect when tempt to possess the warded creature
Protection from Oozes receiving this spell, that effect is sup- (by a magic jar attack, for example) or
pressed for the duration of the spell. to exercise mental control over the
and Slimes Arcane Material Component: A bit creature (including enchantment
Abjuration of cloth from a cleric’s robe. (charm) effects and enchantment
Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3 (compulsion) effects that grant the
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action Protection from caster ongoing control over the sub-
ject, such as dominate person). The
Range: Touch Pressure protection does not prevent such ef-
Target: Creature touched Abjuration (Water) fects from targeting the protected
Duration: 1 min./level (D) Level: Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) creature, but it suppresses the effect
Components: V, S, M for the duration of the protection from
Spell Resistance: No; see text Casting Time: 1 standard action
This spell wards a creature from spirits effect. If the protection from
Range: Touch
attacks by oozes and slimes It creates spirits effect ends before the effect
Target: Creature touched
a magical barrier around the subject granting mental control does, the
Duration: 1d10 minutes + 10 minutes/level
at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier Saving Throw: None (harmless) would-be controller would then be
moves with the subject and has two Spell Resistance: No (harmless) able to mentally command the con-
major effects. Those who seek to travel the ocean trolled creature. Likewise, the barrier
depths need protection against the keeps out a possessing life force but
First, the subject gains a +2 deflec-
extreme pressures that might other- does not expel one if it is in place
tion bonus to AC and a +2 resistance
wise crush their humanoid bodies. before the spell is cast.
bonus on saves. Both these bonuses
apply against attacks made or effects You protect yourself, or another crea- The protection against spirits ends
created by oozes and slimes. ture you touch, from the crushing if the warded creature makes an at-
pressure deep beneath the ocean’s tack against or tries to force the barrier
The protection against amorphous
surface. This spell negates any pres- against the blocked creature. Spell
creatures ends if the warded creature
sure effects, so long as they are resistance can allow a creature to
makes an attack against or tries to
water-related (in other words, it can’t overcome this protection and touch
force the barrier against the blocked
prevent you from being flattened by the warded creature.
creature. Spell resistance can allow a
creature to overcome this protection a boulder!). It prevents deep divers Arcane Material Component: A
and touch the warded creature. from suffering from the “bends,” a little powdered iron with which you
diver protected by this spell can dive trace a 3-foot-diameter circle on the
Arcane Material Component: A
and surface as quickly as they wish. floor (or ground) around the crea-
mixture of rare salts with which you
Focus: a carefully constructed 1- ture to be warded.
trace a 3-foot -diameter circle on the
floor (or ground) around the crea- inch iron sphere worth at least 50 gp.
ture to be warded. Protection from Undead
Protection from Spirits Abjuration
Level: Clr 1, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Protection from Abjuration
Components: V, S, M/DF
Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Paralysis Components: V, S, M/DF Casting Time: 1 standard action
Abjuration Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Range: Touch Target: Creature touched
Components: V, S, DF/M Target: Creature touched Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 min./level (D) Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Range: Touch Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: No; see text
Target: Creature touched Spell Resistance: No; see text Similar to protection from evil, this
Duration: 1 min./level This spell wards a creature from at- spell wards a creature from attacks by
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harm- tacks by spirit creatures (creatures with undead creatures. It creates a magi-
less) cal barrier around the subject at a
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) the spirit subtype). It creates a magical
barrier around the subject at a distance distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves
The warded creature gains immu- with the subject and has two major
of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the
nity to paralyzing effects or related effects.
subject and has two major effects.

Eldritch Sorcery

First, the subject gains a +2 deflec- level. Use of a bonus must be de- You must succeed on an attack roll to
tion bonus to AC and a +2 resistance clared before making an attack roll. hit the target, using your base attack
bonus on saves. Both these bonuses The bonus applies to attacks with bonus + your Intelligence modifier
apply against attacks made or effects ranged spells and touch attack spells (if a wizard) or Charisma modifier (if
created by undead creatures. as well as with weapons. a sorcerer). Creatures who fall within
Second, the barrier blocks any at- For example; an 8th–level wizard the weight capacity of the spell can
tempt to possess the warded creature casting this spell receives 24 points be pushed, but they are allowed Will
(by a magic jar attack, for example) or to attack with. This wizard could saves (and spell resistance) to negate
to exercise mental control over the make 3 attacks at +8, 6 attacks at +4, the effect, as are those whose held
creature (including enchantment or 2 attacks at +8 combined with 2 possessions are targeted by the spell.
(charm) effects and enchantment attacks at +4, etc. The caster can use If a creature is pushed against a solid
(compulsion) effects that grant the the insight pool in any manner they surface, it takes damage as if it had
caster ongoing control over the sub- wish so long as they declare the num- fallen 10 feet (1d6 points).
ject, such as dominate person). The ber of points they are using before Pushed weapons cause standard
protection does not prevent such ef- their attack and do not more points damage (with no Strength bonus;
fects from targeting the protected than their caster level. Points that note that arrows or bolts deal dam-
creature, but it suppresses the effect remain unused at the end of the age as daggers of their size when used
for the duration of the protection from spell’s duration are lost. in this manner). Other objects cause
undead effect. If the protection from damage ranging from 1 point per 25
undead effect ends before the effect Pummel pounds (for less dangerous objects)
granting mental control does, the Transmutation to 1d6 points of damage per 25 pounds
would-be controller would then be Level: Drd 1 (for hard, dense objects).
able to mentally command the con- Components: M, S, V Material Component: A small pinch
trolled creature. Likewise, the barrier Casting Time: 1 standard action of powdered brass.
keeps out a possessing life force but Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10ft./level)
does not expel one if it is in place Target: Single creature Putrefy Food and Drink
before the spell is cast. Duration: Instantaneous Transmutation
The protection against undead Saving Throw: None Level: Clr 1, Drd 1
creatures ends if the warded creature Spell Resistance: No Components: V, S
makes an attack against or tries to You use fallen or dead branches as Casting Time: 1 standard action
force the barrier against the blocked projectiles, launching them at a tar- Range: 10 ft.
creature. Spell resistance can allow a get as a ranged touch attack. The Target: 1 cu. ft./level of food and water
creature to overcome this protection flying limb can strike a single target Duration: Instantaneous
and touch the warded creature. inflicting 2d4 points of bludgeoning Saving Throw: Will negates (object) and
Arcane Material Component: Dirt damage, with an additional 1d4 Fortitude negates; see text
from a cemetery with which you trace points of damage for every two caster Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
a 3-foot-diameter circle on the floor levels (maximum of 6d4). This spell spoils and poisons food
(or ground) around the creature to and liquids and makes them unsuit-
be warded. Push able for consumption. A creature
Evocation [Force] consuming such food or drink must
Prowess of the Prophet Level: Sor/Wiz 1 succeed on a Fortitude save or take 1
Components: V, S, M point of Constitution damage. One
Casting Time: 1 standard action minute later another Fortitude save
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) (same DC) must be made to avoid
Components: V, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action Target: Single creature or object another point of Constitution dam-
Range: Self Duration: Instantaneous age.
Target: Self Saving Throw: None (see text) Holy water and similar food and
Duration: 1 minute/level Spell Resistance: No drink is spoiled by putrefy food and
Saving Throw: None An invisible blast of force pushes drink. This spell has no effect on any
Spell Resistance: No away a single creature or object within type of creature or magic potions.
You create an insight pool that range back 10 feet. You can push up Putrefy food and water counters
you can draw from to raise your at- to a total weight of 25 pounds per and is countered by purify food and
tack rolls. Upon casting the spell you caster level (maximum 250 pounds water.
gain an insight pool equal to 3/level at 10th level). Movement is along a Note: Water weighs about 8
(max 60) and you can split this num- horizontal plane only (i.e., you can- pounds per gallon. One cubic foot
ber among any number of attacks, not use this spell to move an object of water contains roughly 8 gallons
using a maximum bonus of your caster or creature up a wall for example). and weighs about 60 pounds.


Quash Summoning Casting Time: 4 hours, see text Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Range: Touch Area: 5 ft. square/2 levels
Target: Duplicate creature Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
Level: Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Reflex, see below
Components: V, S, M/DF
Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No
Casting Time: 1 round
Spell Resistance: No You transform a normal dirt, sand,
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: 30 ft. radius You create a near-perfect clone of an or stone floor into quicksand. Crea-
Duration: 1 round/level individual you want killed and replaced. tures standing on the effected surface
Saving Throw: Special, see text After working with base materials for receive a saving throw to escape the
Spell Resistance: yes several days (1 day/level of creature to area before the transformation is com-
You can use this potent spell to be cloned) you spend an exhausting 4 plete. Those that succeed are forced to
prevent adversaries from using any sum- hours magically shaping the clone and move out of the area on their next
moning spell with in the area of effect finally bringing it to life, or “quicken- turn. Creatures with nowhere to es-
for the duration of the spell. Creatures ing” it. The clone has no true soul, but cape automatically fail the save. Those
summoned outside the area of effect it does become a living, breathing copy that fail the save begin to sink in the
must succeed at a Will saving throw to of the person it is meant to represent. It quicksand. Creatures in the quicksand
enter the area, if they fail they can not has all of the skills, feats, and abilities of are permitted DC 10 Swim check to
enter the area. If they succeed they can the creature it is meant to represent as remain near the surface or a DC 15
enter the area but suffer a –1 penalty to well as enough of the memories and Swim check to move 5 ft. in any direc-
all attack, damage, and saving throw personalities to impersonate the in- tion desired. Consult the quicksand
rolls. Spellcasters attempting to sum- tended victim (+25 to all Bluff checks). entry under Marsh Terrain in Chapter
mon within the area of effect can make The creature has just enough of its 3: Adventures of the DMG for further
a Spellcraft check with a DC equal to target in it to know that it is a mere information on quicksand. The spell
the save DC of the spell to recognize duplicate, and stops at nothing to elimi- covers a 5 ft. square per 2 levels and is
that it won’t work and be able to nate its target and assume its life. The 1 ft. deep per level. It is possible to
abandon casting without losing the quickened assassin’s goal is to kill the crea- cause floors in underground passages
spell. Summoned creatures already ture it was cloned from and assume its to collapse into the area below if the
within the area of effect are forced to identity in order to better serve you, the thickness is covered in the spell’s area.
make a Will save, those that fail are person that graciously brought it to life. At the end of the duration, the
forced to flee the area of effect while You have a telepathic link that you effected area becomes fine sand and
those that succeed can remain but can exercise through concentration dirt.
suffer a –1 penalty to all attack, dam- to communicate with the assassin, Material components: A small
age, and saving throw rolls. The caster who remains loyal to you as long as it amount of water and sand.
must make a caster level check to lives. A powerful wizard could use this
affect summoned creatures with spell spell to replace a king or other ruler Quill Skin
resistance. While quite potent, this with a clone that is completely loyal Transmutation
spell has only a short duration and does to them in every way. Level: Drd 1
not prevent the use of Gate spells or Unlike normal living creatures, a Components: V
any form of teleportation spell. It is also quickened assassin has no soul giving it Casting time: 1 standard action
non-selective, it affects all summoned the extra will to survive even after re- Range: Personal
creatures, even those summoned by duced to 0 hit points. Once reduced to Target: You
allies of the caster or the caster himself. 0 hit points it is destroyed and cannot be Duration: 2 rounds/level (D)
The main limitation on this spell brought back to “life” with anything Hundreds of thin pointed quills in-
is that it only works outdoors, or in short of a wish, miracle, or similar magic. stantly erupt from your skin. The quills
vast underground caverns, not in the Material Component: some portion effectively serve as armor spikes and
smaller interior of buildings or struc- of the creature to be duplicated and you are treated as if you are proficient
tures. This limitation can be turned 15,000 gp worth of raw materials to with them. These quills cover the
into an advantage, if cast immedi- help form the clone. majority your body and do not harm
ately outside a structure, the area of XP Cost: 5000 XP worth of your you, hinder movement or any other
effect can surround the structure, own life force is required for quick- actions. The quills sprout out of natu-
while the interior of the structure ening the clone. ral and leather armor but remain
remains unaffected. harmless under other types. The quills
Quicksand are fine enough as not to cause damage
Quicken Assassin Transmutation
to clothing or other items worn.
Illusion (Shadow) Level: Drd 4 Creatures swallowing you immedi-
Level: Sor/Wiz 9 Components: V, S, M, DF ately take 3d6 points of damage each
Components: V, S, M, XP Casting time: 1 standard action round while you remain swallowed.

Eldritch Sorcery

Radiance Green Poisoned, initial and sec- Raise Island

Transmutation [Fire] ondary damage 1d6 Con Conjuration
Level: Clr 2, Drd 2 (Fortitude save negates) Level: Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, DF Blue 1d4 + 1/caster level (max Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action +20) points of electric- Casting Time: 5 rounds
ity damage (Reflex save
Range: Personal for half) Range: Up to 300 yards from caster, see
Area: 5-ft. radius emanation, centered on text
Indigo Stunned for 1d4 rounds
you (Will save negates) Area: 50 square feet/level
Duration: 1 round/level (D) Violet 1d8 + 1/ two caster lev- Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: None and Reflex half; see els (max +10) points of Saving Throw: None
text sonic damage (Reflex Spell Resistance: No
Spell Resistance: No save for half) You conjure an island of bare stone
You sheathe your body in glowing upon the completion of this spell.
yellowish-orange fire. This does not harm Rainbow Staff The island can only appear on salt-
you or any objects or items in your posses- Conjuration (Creation) water. It floats on the surface for the
sion. The fire sheds light in a 10-ft. radius. Level: Sor/Wiz 5 duration of the spell, but cannot be
Creatures coming within 5 feet of you or Components: V, S moved.
touching you (or creatures you touch) Casting Time: 1 standard action Material component: a piece of gran-
take 1d6 points of fire damage. A success- Range: 0 ft. ite thrown into the sea.
ful Reflex save halves the damage. Target: Rainbow-colored staff
Duration: 1 round/level Raise Shipwreck
Rainbow Spear Saving Throw: See text
Evocation (Force)
Conjuration (Creation) Spell Resistance: See text
Level: Sor/Wiz 8
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 You conjure a shimmering,
Components: V, S, M
Components: V, S ever shifting, rainbow-colored
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Casting Time: 1 standard action staff of energy. Each attack with Range: 100 ft./level
Range: 0 ft. the staff is made as a touch at- Area: 1 ship
Effect: Rainbow-colored shortspear tack and deals 1d6 points of Duration: 20 minutes/level (D)
Duration: See text bludgeoning damage along with Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: See text the damage based on the color of Spell Resistance: No
Spell Resistance: See text the staff conjured. The staff A powerful tool for those who
You focus energy to create a changes colors each round so ad- make their homes on the high
shortspear of a specific color and ditional effects and damage will seas, this spell allows the you to
effect that is thrown as a ranged likely vary from round to round. cause any sunken ship to rise from
touch attack. The caster must choose the seabed at a speed of 10 ft.
what color to make the spear with You can only raise a single ship,
each color having a different special 1d8 Color Effect but that ship may be of any size.
effect. The caster can create one 1-2 Red 2d6 points of fire The distance the ship rises is lim-
spear for every 5 caster levels (maxi- damage (Reflex save ited to 100 ft. per experience
mum 4 spears) but can only throw for half)
level of the caster. Furthermore,
one spear per round. Spears must be 3 Orange 2d8 points of acid
damage (Reflex save the caster must be able to see the
used within 10 rounds of their cre- wreckage to raise it. In other
for half)
ation and can only be used by the words, he can’t cause a shipwreck
4 Yellow Slowed as per the
caster. A successful hit deals 1d6 slow spell for 2 to rise while he remains on the
points of piercing damage plus the rounds (Will save ne- surface; he must be down there
following special effects: gates) in the depths, within sight of the
5 Green Poisoned; initial and heap, to make the spell function
Color Effect secondary damage
1d4 Con (Fortitude properly. Once on the surface,
Red 1d4 + 1/caster level
(max +20) points of fire save negates) the wreck floats for the spell’s
damage (Reflex save 6 Blue 2d6 points of elec- duration, before sinking again.
for half) tricity damage
(Reflex save for half)
Orange 1d8 + 1/ 2 caster levels
7 Indigo Stunned for 1d4
Random Pain
(max +10) points of acid
damage (Reflex save rounds (Will save ne- Transmutation
for half) gates) Level: Clr 3
Yellow Slowed as per the slow 8 Violet 2d8 points of sonic Components: V, S, DF, F
spell (Will save ne- damage (Reflex save Casting Time: 1 standard action
gates) for half) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)


Raise Shipwreck
Target: One melee weapon
Duration: 1 round/level
Ravaging Fire ing rocks (Reflex save for half). Wild
Evocation (Earth, Fire) animals that see the cloud approach-
Saving Throw: Will negates (object) ing flee at their top rate of speed.
Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Level: Drd 9
Components: V, S, DF, XP Structures in the area of effect suffer
Random pain warps the fabric of 8d6 points of bludgeoning damage
Casting Time: 1 round
cause and effect around a single Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level) per round and anything flammable is
weapon. This spell affects only a me- Effect: moving 100-ft.-radius cloud of fire incinerated by the heat of the par-
lee weapon not natural weapons or and rock tially molten stones constantly
missile weapons of any kind. On a Duration: 1 round/level (D) striking everything in the area. Those
successful hit with the affected Saving Throw: Special, see text actually surviving an attack of this
weapon, it deals damage normally Spell Resistance: No magnitude swear that the very earth
but not to the target of the attack. Your anger and rage call down a began to burn.
Rather, damage is dealt to the wielder rain of burning rocks and magma When the spell ends, cooling
or to one of his companions (includ- over a massive area of land. The rubble and ash are all that is left
ing any additional effects such as burning rocks rise and fall in a rolling behind. The dark black scar in the
extra damage from a critical hit, fire cloud of ash and fire crushing and earth cannot support life for another
or cold damage, and so on). The DM burning everything in their wake. 1d4 years unless someone makes the
randomly determines who is affected The cloud covers a 100-ft.-radius that effort to magically revive the area.
by this weapon. No damage is dealt moves at a speed of 20 ft./round in a XP Cost: 2,500 XP of your own life
(to anyone) if the weapon misses on direction of your choice. Used by force must be drawn out to invoke
an attack roll. angry or evil druids, this spell can the dark powers required.
This spell targets and affects a completely erase entire townships or
weapon, not the wielder, so the sections of forest from existence.
wielder can simply discard the
Ray of Desiccation
Living creatures in the area of ef-
weapon for the duration of this spell Necromancy
fect suffer 10d6 points of fire damage
Level: Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 4
and avoid the effects of random cau- from the awesome heat (Fortitude Components: V, S, M
sality. save for half) as well as 8d6 points of Casting Time: 1 standard action
Focus: The weapon to be affected. bludgeoning damage from the crush- Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft. /2 levels)

Eldritch Sorcery

Effect: Ray
Duration: 1 minute/level
creature nauseated for 10 rounds that Reinstate Spell, Greater
receives this spell, is no longer nau- Transmutation
Saving Throw: None seated, only sickened for 5 rounds.
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Sor/Wiz 7
This spell has no effect on a sickened
You fire a desiccating ray that As reinstate spell, but you can reinstate
drains the water from a target on a up to one spell or spell-like effect per
Material Component: A few crushed three caster levels, and the maximum
successful ranged touch attack roll. feverfew leaves.
The target takes a 1d6+1/2 levels level of spell that can be reinstated is 6th.
(max 1d6+5) penalty to their Con-
stitution score. This penalty is not
Regenerate Plant Life Remember Seas
stackable so a creature cannot be Conjuration (Healing) Divination
Level: Drd 2, Plant 2 Level: Sor/Wiz 4
affected more than once. A target
Components: V, S, M Components: V, S
that has their Constitution reduced
Casting Time: 1 standard action Casting Time: 1 standard action
to 0 is killed. Creatures with the
Range: Touch Range: Touch
aquatic or water subtype are particu- Target: One Medium or larger plant or all
larly susceptible, taking a 1d6+1/level Target: Ship’s wheel
small plants in a 25 ft. radius
(max. 1d6+10) penalty to their Con- Duration: see text
Duration: 5 rounds/level
stitution score. Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Material Component: A small bit of Spell Resistance: No
You cast this spell on the ship’s
sponge. This spell grants plants the ability
wheel to make it “memorize” the course
to regenerate previous damage. The
you follow for the next 1 hour/caster
Ray of Paralysis spell can affect one Medium or Large
level. The journey instilled in the
Necromancy plant, or the caster can imbue all
wheel’s “memory” remains until either
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 plants of Small or smaller size in a 25-
replaced by a new journey or dispelled.
Components: V, S, M ft.-radius. Plants affected by the spell
At any future trip through this area,
Casting Time: 1 standard action are cured of all diseases and infesta-
the wheel does not require guidance.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) tions and gain the supernatural ability
Upon command it steers itself to any
Effect: Ray to regenerate 5 hitpoints per round.
point stored in its “memory.” If it passes
Duration: Instantaneous; see text This spell works on all living plant
beyond the bounds of its recorded jour-
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates life, whether animated or not, how-
ney, it immediately drifts aimlessly until
Spell Resistance: Yes ever, the spell ends if the plant moves,
correctly piloted. A ship’s wheel can
Imbuing you with negative energy, attacks, or is damaged.
only hold one journey in it’s “memory”
this spell allows you to fire a crackling
at a time.
ray of negative energy at a single Reinstate Spell
target. You must succeed on a ranged
touch attack to strike. The subject is
Transmutation Remove Nausea
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
paralyzed for 1d6+4 rounds if it fails a Conjuration (Healing)
Components: V, S
Fortitude save. Level: Clr 3, Pal 3
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Material Component: A pinch of Components: V, S, DF, M
Range: Personal
Casting Time: 1 standard action
earth from a ghoul’s lair or a bit of Target: You
Range: Touch
flesh from a ghoul. Duration: Instantaneous
Target: Creature touched
This spell reinstates any spell or Duration: Instantaneous
Reduce Nausea spell-like effect whose duration has Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Conjuration (Healing) expired within the last round. Only a Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Level: Clr 1, Pal 1 single spell or spell-like effect up to Remove nausea removes any sick-
Components: V, S, DF, M 4th level can be reinstated. The rein- ened or nausea effect from the
Casting Time: 1 standard action stated spell has a new duration and creature touched.
Range: Touch effect as if the spell had been newly
Material Component: Crushed fe-
Target: Creature touched cast. Spells and effects with a dura-
verfew leaves and clove buds that
Duration: Instantaneous tion of instantaneous cannot be
have been boiled in water.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) reinstated.
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Because dispel magic and related
Reduce nausea lessens a nausea ef- spells cause a spell’s duration to ex-
Resistance to Fear
fect on the creature touched, pire prematurely, dispelled spells can Abjuration
changing the effect to sickened and be reinstated through the use of this Level: Clr 0, Drd 0 Sor/Wiz 0
cutting the duration of the remain- spell. Components: V, S
ing effect in half. Therefore, a Casting Time: 1 standard action


Range: Touch ated creatures are unable to attack, Components: V, S, DF
Target: Creature touched cast spells, or do anything beyond Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 minute single move actions or free actions. Range: 0
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Material Component: A small pa- Area: 40-ft.-radius emanation from caster
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) Duration: 1 minute per level [D]
per cone the bard yells through.
The subject gains a +2 morale bo- Saving Throw: None
nus against fear effects for 1 minute. Spell Resistance: Yes
If the subject is under the influence
Restraining Order You temporarily suppress illusions, in-
of a fear effect when receiving this Abjuration visibility spells (including improved
spell, he can immediately attempt a Level: Sor/Wiz 1 invisibility), or non-instantaneous
Components: V, S, F shapechange spells (including those cre-
save to break the effect. If the save
Casting Time: 1 standard action ated by supernatural abilities) within the
fails, this spell has no effect.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
field. The spells are still in effect, just
Target: One medium or smaller creature
Resonant Imbalance Duration: 1 round/level (see text)
magically suppressed. A creature with im-
Evocation proved invisibility appears within the spell,
Saving Throw: Will negates
Level: Brd 3 Spell Resistance: Yes but disappears again if it moves out of the
Components: V, M area. If you target a creature that used a
This spell creates a protective aura
Casting Time: 1 standard action supernatural ability or spell of higher level
that causes the target to become in-
Range: 60 ft. than revelation field to create the effect,
capable of approaching you or
Area: Cone-shaped burst you must check to suppress the power or
attacking you. The creature targeted
Duration: Instantaneous ability as if casting a dispel magic. You
must stay at least 10 ft. away from you
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates become aware of the general location of a
for the duration of this spell.
Spell Resistance: Yes creature that resists your spell, but you
If the caster moves closer than 10 ft.
You use your voice to create a learn nothing about the spell or ability
to the target, or makes any sort of attack
disturbing cone of sound, extending that was not suppressed. For example, an
on any other creature, the spell ends.
outward from you in whatever direc- invisible stalker resists. You now know
tion you face. Creatures caught Focus: A wooden sphere. which square the monster is in, but you are
within the area of effect must suc- still subject to the miss chance if you attack
ceed at a Fortitude save or be Revelation Field it, and you don’t know what is there or
nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds. Nause- Abjuration how it became invisible.
Level: Brd 6, Clr 6, Drd 7, Sor/Wiz 6
Eldritch Sorcery

Righteous Conviction Spell Resistance: Yes Cutting the roots inflicts 1d6 points of
At your command, bitter cold that damage to the creature and takes 1
Level: Pal 2 freezes the blood and chills flesh like round per leg. Attempting to cut a root
Components: S being dropped into liquid nitrogen provokes an Attack of Opportunity.
Casting Time: 1 standard action envelops the area, coating everyone
Range: Personal and everything with a thick layer of Rot to the Core
Target: You frost. Anything in the area takes 1d6
Duration: 1 round/level points of cold damage/caster level and Level: Sor/Wiz 8, Torment 9*
Saving Throw: None 1d6 points of Constitution damage/ Components: V, S, M
Spell Resistance: No 10 caster levels (Fortitude save for Casting Time: 1 standard action
You are immune to mind-affect- half). Any creature brought to –10 hp Range: Touch
ing spells and spell-like abilities, (or object brought to 0 hp) by this Duration: Instantaneous
provided they come from an evil spell cracks and shatters into pieces. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text)
source, including, but not limited to, Spell Resistance: Yes
confusion, geas, charm person, a harpy’s Rooted in Place Touching a victim, the caster makes
song, etc. Furthermore, you receive a Transmutation the inner body of the target into a bright
+2 enhancement bonus to Will saves Level: Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 orange pulp instantly killing him. Im-
against similar effects from non-evil Components: V, S, M mediately thereafter the victim’s body
sources for the duration of the spell. Casting Time: 1 standard action breaks open with liquid and spores spew-
Range: Touch ing out of every orifice. These spores
Rimeshatter Target: One creature form a cloud 20 feet in diameter. Any-
Duration: 1 round/level one caught in this in the area must
Evocation (cold)
Saving Throw: Will negates succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save or
Level: Drd 9, Sor/Wiz 9
Spell Resistance: Yes take 2d6 points of Constitution dam-
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action Your touch forces a creature sprout age. Even if the Fortitude save is
Range: Long 400 ft. + 40 ft./level tree-like roots anchoring them to the successful, a creature takes 3d6 points of
Area: 20-ft.-radius radius burst spot. Once anchored, the creature has a damage as she fights off the attack.
Duration: Instantaneous –4 armor class penalty, a –4 attack Material Component: Pumpkin
Saving Throw: Fort half penalty, and its base speed drops to zero. seeds and a bit of mold.

Rot to the Core


Sacred Watch Save: Fortitude half

Spell Resistance: Yes
making it impossible to detect using
Abjuration the scent ability. Creatures with the
By casting sand blast, you cause a scent ability do not gain the bonus to
Level: Clr 1, Guardian 1*
Components: V, S, DF cone of powerful, hot sand to erupt Survival checks for scent when track-
Casting Time: 1 round from your hand, moving outward with ing a creature protected by scent mask.
Range: Touch the force of a scorching desert wind. If this spell is cast on a creature
Target: One living creature touched Small flames such as torches are au- with an odor-based special attack,
Duration: 1 day/level tomatically extinguished. Anyone such as a troglodyte, the creature’s
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless) within the cone of stinging sand must special attack is negated for 10 min-
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) make a Fortitude save or have the utes if it fails a Fortitude saving throw.
Sacred watch allows you to become moisture sucked from their bodies Arcane Material Component: A
instantly aware when the subject of and take 4d6 points of damage. A scentless flower.
this spell is in danger. Distance is not successful save reduces this damage
to 2d6. Furthermore, creatures who
a factor and the spell even works
fail their save are considered dazed
Scintillating Doom
across multiple planes and dimen-
for 1d4 rounds. Evocation
sions. You receive a mental image of Level: Sor/Wiz 9
the subject, including the surround- Components: V, S
ing area when danger is present. Scalding Sea Casting Time: 1 standard action
Note: This spell does not tell you Evocation (Air/Water) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
where the subject is; only that he is Level: Air 5*, Sor/Wiz 4, Water 4* Effect: Mobile energy field in a 20 foot
in danger. Components: V, S cube
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Sanctified Reverie Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Saving Throw: See text
Area: 50-ft.-radius Spell Resistance: Yes
of Arms Duration: 3 rounds A field of shimmering, scintil-
Transmutation Saving Throw: Reflex half lating energy of brilliant colors
Level: Blk 1, Pal 2 Spell Resistance: Yes springs into being at the coordi-
Components: V, S You draw a cloud of super-heated nate designated by you. All those
Casting Time: 1 standard action steam from the surface of the water. inside the energy field are treated
Range: Personal As it rises it deals an initial 1d6 points as if they have been subjected to
Target: You of damage to anything within its area a prismatic spray spell, including
Duration: 1d4 rounds + 1 round/level of effect. The second round, the steam both the blindness and the ran-
Saving Throw: None inflicts 2d6 points of damage, and 3d6 dom color strike effect (see
Spell Resistance: No on the third and final round, after below).
You combine your religious medi- which the gout of steam dissipates Every round as a standard ac-
tations with your combat skills to immediately. The radius of this spell tion, you may move the
greatly enhance your fighting abil- is large enough to encompass an en- scintillating doom up to 30 feet.
ity. While in this trance, you gain tire ship so it is usually used to attack Alternately, you may set the spell
one additional melee attack per round ships, as it has a chance to cause to move in a set direction at up
at your highest normal attack bonus. damage to every sailor onboard. Sail- to 30 feet per round until you
You must be able to chant while in ors below decks in a ship sailing again redirect it or the spell ends.
your reverie, so conditions that would through the steam take no damage, You can only redirect the field if
hamper this (silence, underwater, etc) but all exposed sailors do. it is within the spell’s maximum
prevent you from utilizing the spell.
range and you have line of effect
This extra attack provided by Scent Mask to it.
this spell does not stack with the
Abjuration Any creature moving within
extra attack provided by the haste
Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 the area of the spell is immedi-
spell. Components: V, S, M ately subjected the following
Casting Time: 1 standard action effects. First, creatures with 8
Sand Blast Range: Touch HD or less are immediately
Evocation Targets: One touched creature/level blinded for 2d4 rounds. Second,
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Duration: 10 min./level creatures are randomly effected
Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: Yes (harmless) or Forti-
tude negates; see text by one color of the scintillating
Casting Time: 1 standard action lights with effects determined on
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) or Yes;
see text the table below. A creature can
Area: Cone
This spell conceals any odors ema- only be affected by this spell a
Duration: Instantaneous
nating from the subject thereby maximum of once per round.

Eldritch Sorcery

1d8 Color Effect Shattering Cry has spell resistance, it rolls once and
1 Red 20 points fire dam- Evocation (sonic) applies the result to both effects. Any
age (Reflex half) Level: Brd 5, Wiz/Sor 5 weapon with a 10 ft or greater reach
2 Orange 40 points acid dam- Components: V, M does not subject its wielder to the
age (Reflex half) Casting Time: 1 standard action damage or discharge effect.
3 Yellow 80 points electricity Range: 50 ft.
damage (Reflex half)
4 Green Poison (death, For-
Effect: Cone shaped burst Shield Open Flame
titude partial, 1d6 Duration: Instantaneous Abjuration
Con damage instead) Saving Throw: Fort half Level: Drd 0, Sor/Wiz 0
5 Blue Turned to stone Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S
(Fortitude negates) You utter a powerful, magically- Casting Time: 1 standard action
6 Indigo Insane (Will negates) enhanced tone that travels in a Range: 10 ft.
7 Violet Sent to another plane cone-shaped burst from your mouth. Target: One small flame
(Will negates) The sound does 1d6 sonic damage/ Duration: 10 min./level
8 Blindness (Will ne- caster level (max 10d6), and ignores Saving Throw: None
gates) and roll again Spell Resistance: No
1 point of Hardness per 2 caster lev-
els (max 5). Exposed potions and You shield a single small flame no
Scorching non-magical items made of glass, crys- larger than a torch from being extin-
tal or similar brittle materials in the guished by non-magical gusts of wind
area of effect failing their saving throw (including tornado- and hurricane-
Level: Clr/Drd 7, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, DF are shattered. like gusts of wind). Magical wind
Casting Time: 1 standard action Material Component: A small piece (such as that produced by a gust of
Range: Medium 100 ft + 10 ft./level of crystal worth 25 gp. wind spell) extinguishes the flame
Area: 40 ft. radius burst normally and ends this spell.
Duration: one round Shield of Crackling Fire
Saving Throw: None Evocation (fire, electricity) Shock Touch
Spell Resistance: Yes Level: Sor/Wiz 7 Evocation [Electricity]
The air where you point broils Components: V, S Level: Sor/Wiz 0
with intense heat waves. The sud- Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S
den increase in temperature causes Range: Personal Casting Time: 1 standard action
1d6/caster level points of non-le- Target: You Range: Touch
thal damage to everyone in the Duration: 1 round/level (D) Target: Creature or object touched
area (max 10d6). Saving Throw: See text Duration: Instantaneous
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text Saving Throw: None
Share Spell Resistance You surround yourself with magical Spell Resistance: Yes
dark red flames coursing with bright Your successful melee touch at-
sparks of electricity. The arcing flames tack deals 1d4 points of electricity
Level: Blk 4, Pal 4
Components: V, DF act as a protective shield against fire damage. When delivering the jolt,
Casting Time: 1 standard action and lightning attacks, granting fire and you gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls if
Range: Touch lightning resistance 20 (this overlaps the opponent is wearing metal armor
Target: Paladin’s mount or Blackguard’s and does not stack with protection from (or if the opponent is constructed of
fiendish servant fire, protection from lightning or similar metal).
Duration: 1 round/level magic). They damage creatures that
Saving Throw: None attack you in melee. The flames also Signal Flare
Spell Resistance: No illuminate a 10 ft. radius around you. Evocation
You are able to share your mount’s When you are touched or attacked Level: Drd 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 2
(or fiendish servant’s) spell resistance, with a natural or a handheld melee Components: V, S, DF
if any, for the duration of the spell. weapon, if the strike hits, the attacker Casting Time: 1 standard action
You must remain within 5 ft. of your deals damage normally, but takes 1d4/ Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
mount or servant to retain the ben- caster level fire damage (max 10d4, Effect: 120 ft. radius or 1 creature (see
efit, moving further away ends the below)
Fortitude save for half). At the same
spell. The spell resistance gained is Duration: 1 round/level (D)
time, there is an electrical discharge.
equal to that of the mount or servant Saving Throw: Reflex negates
The attacker must make a Reflex save
and overlaps with (thus does not Spell Resistance: Yes
equal to the spell DC or be pushed
stack with) spell resistance provided The signal flare creates a burst of
back 5 feet as if Bull Rushed. (Size
by items, special abilities, extraordi- brilliant light that shoots forth from
Huge or greater creatures aren’t af-
nary abilities and class abilities. your hand. The light slowly falls to the
fected by the discharge.) If a creature


ground (10 ft./round). The light is as Components: V, S A creature struck directly receives
bright as full daylight in a 60 ft. radius, Casting Time: 1 standard action no saving throw, but creatures within
and dim light for an additional 60 ft. Range: Personal the area of effect can make a Reflex
beyond that. Creatures that take pen- Area: Living creatures within a 20-foot save for half damage. If you miss the
alties in bright light also take them creature with your ranged attack the
Duration: 10 minutes/level (see text)
while within the radius of this magical bomb lands in a random direction as
Saving Throw: None
light. If you aim the light to burst a grenade and still explodes doing
Spell Resistance: No
directly at a single creature, that crea- damage to the area. Consult the
You call upon your divine power
ture takes 1d4 points of fire damage Throw Splash Weapon section of Chap-
to help protect innocents. You may
unless it makes a successful Reflex save. ter 8: Combat in the PHB to
only use this spell when defending,
The flare may ignite combustible sub- determine where the bomb lands.
rescuing or otherwise going to the
stances if fired directly at them. You may use throw the bomb imme-
aid of an innocent (fallen comrades
who can’t defend themselves count diately after creating it, or you may
Silent Hunter as innocents). A silvery field of force hold it and wait for as long as 1 round/
Transmutation surrounds you and any friends, allies level before using it. If you are still
Level: Drd 2, Rgr 2 or innocents who may fit within the holding the bomb at the end of this
Components: V, S, DF area, granting a +5 divine bonus to period of time it explodes in your hand.
Casting Time: 1 standard action AC. This includes a paladin’s mount. Material component: skull or large
Range: Touch Those who leave the spell’s area lose bone.
Target: Creature touched
the bonus, but if they reenter it, they
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
gain it again. Anyone that makes an Sleep of Power
attack, or casts an aggressive spell Transmutation
Spell Resistance: Yes
loses the protection granted by this Level: Sor/Wiz 7
You create a buffering field of energy
spell. Once the innocent is out of Components: V, S, XP
around the subject granting a +10 en- Casting Time: 1 standard action
immediate danger (i.e. there are no
hancement bonus on Move Silently Range: Personal
visible foes or threats in the area),
checks. The enhancement bonus in- Target: You
the spell ends.
creases to +20 at caster level 6th, and to Duration: Special (see text)
+30 (the maximum) at caster level 10th. Saving Throw: None (harmless)
Skull Bomb Spell Resistance: None (harmless)
Silver Lance Necromancy (evil)
This spell must be cast in the round
Level: Cleric 5, Sor/Wiz 5
Conjuration directly after you have cast another
Components: V, S, M
Level: Drd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 spell with a non-permanent and non-
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: M, S, V Range: See text instantaneous duration. At the
Casting Time: 1 standard action Area: 20-ft-radius blast completion of the spell, you fall into
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10ft./level) Duration: Instantaneous, see text a deep coma-like sleep. Your body
Target: One creature Save: None for creature struck, Reflex functions cease and you do not grow
Duration: Instantaneous half older. You are unaware of your sur-
Saving Throw: None Spell resist: Yes roundings and devoid of your senses.
Spell Resistance: No You imbue a skull or other large You are considered helpless while
You conjure a lance of silver and launch bone with destructive negative en- under the effects of this spell.
it at a single target as a ranged touch ergy that is released on impact with a The purpose of this sleep is to ex-
attack dealing 4d4 points of piercing creature or the ground. You may tend the duration of the spell cast
damage. The silver forms a thin sheen throw the bomb as a ranged touch directly before sleep of power. The first
over the target’s skin after it strikes. This attack with a 20 ft. range increment. spell lasts as long as you are in a coma.
coating dissipates after one full round. On impact it releases a burst of nega- You set the conditions for when you
Although there are other spells that can tive energy doing 1d4+1d4/2 levels want to wake up; the first spell then
deal more damage, creatures with silver (max 10d4) negative energy damage ends. The conditions you set must be
damage reduction take normal damage against living creatures, or an equal clear, although they can be general. If
from weapons during the round that the amount of bonus hitpoints for complicated or convoluted conditions
thin sheen of silver covers their skin as undead. The negative energy clings are described, the spell may be miscast
the silver fills in wounds made on their to living victims making it impos- and you may never wake up again.
body before they can instantly heal. sible to heal this damage with The first spell is empowered by the
anything less than a heal (or greater) slow leeching of your own life-force
Silver Shield spell for 24 hours. After 24 hours the (represented by an XP loss).
Abjuration negative energy aura fades and nor- For example, you cast a prismatic wall,
Level: Pal 4 mal curative spells function. which normally lasts for 10 minutes per

Eldritch Sorcery


caster level. In the following round, you explode in all directions. The slime falls. Anyone in the area takes 1d6
cast sleep of power with the condition to is not alive but has the heat and points of cold damage per caster
wake up when the seventh wall of the consistency of molten lead. The level (max 15d6) as the slime coats
prismatic wall is destroyed. You fall into slimeball does 1d6 points of fire dam- anyone in the area. The cold is cre-
a coma for days, years or even centuries. age per caster level (maximum 10d6). ated by the slime drawing heat away
When the seventh prismatic wall is de- Each round after the first, up to 1 from everything in the area, after
stroyed, you wake up. round per five caster levels (maxi- which it becomes inert. The slime is
If you are successfully attacked, mum 4 rounds at caster level 20th), unable to freeze water surfaces and
you wake up, and the associated spell the slimeball begins to eat through sinks slowly if cast over water.
ends immediately. armor, clothes and flesh dealing 3d6
XP Cost: 1 XP per day you spend in points of acid damage to armor, cloth- Slur
your coma-like state. If the caster is ing, and the affected creature. A Transmutation
reduced to 0 XP as a result of this successful Reflex save halves the ini- Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
spell, he dies, and the associated spell tial damage and avoids the secondary Components: V, S
ends. Note that this XP drain is an damage. Casting Time: 1 standard action
exception to the rule prohibiting a Material Component: A bit of ooze Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
caster from casting a spell that would or other protoplasmic material. Target: One creature
reduce his level. Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Slime Bucket Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Slimeball Conjuration (Creation)
You temporarily alter the target’s
Evocation [Acid, Fire] Level: Clr 5, Slime 5
Components: V, S, DF throat and mouth in minor ways that
Level: Sor/Wiz 4, Slime 7 cause their speech to become garbled
Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) and twisted making him very hard to
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Area: Cylinder (10 ft. diameter, 40 ft. understand. A creature attempting
Range: Long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Area: 20-ft. radius spread high) to discern the subject’s words must
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous make a successful DC 20 Intelligence
Saving Throw: Reflex half Saving Throw: Reflex half check. A spellcaster affected by this
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes spell must succeed on a Spellcraft
Throwing a ball of gunk, goop or You conjure a glop of slime 40 ft. check (DC 12 + one-half your caster
other protoplasmic material at a tar- above the intended area that then level + your relevant ability score
get, the caster causes a ball of slime to


modifier) any time he attempts to there are more potential targets than Song of Vengeance
cast a spell with a verbal component. you can affect, you choose them one Abjuration
If the check fails, the spell fizzles at a time until you choose a creature Level: Brd 5
away just as if it had been cast. The with too many HD. Unfortunately, Components: V, M
target can resist these minor changes this spell only affects snakes of the Casting Time: 1 standard action
on a successful Fortitude save. animal type. Snake-like creatures Range: Personal
(such as magical beasts, aberrations, Area: 30 ft. radius
Smart Arrow outsiders, and so on) cannot be af- Duration: 1 round/level
Transmutation fected by this spell. Saving Throw: None
Level: Rgr 3 Spell Resistance: Yes
Components: V, S, M Snakes to Sticks You sing a song that expresses the
Casting Time: 1 standard action Transmutation pain you feel in a very potent fash-
Range: Touch Level: Clr 4, Drd 4, Serpent [Good/ ion. For the duration of this spell,
Target: 1 arrow or bolt/2 caster levels Evil] 4 whenever an enemy successfully
Duration: 1 round/caster level (see text) Components: V, S, DF strikes you during combat, all en-
Saving Throw: None Casting Time: 1 standard action emies within 30 feet of you take the
Spell Resistance: No Range: 60 ft. same amount of damage. The dam-
You can fire an arrow or bolt at a Target: 1d4 snakes plus 1 snake/level age sustained by your enemies is
target out of your line of sight or who Duration: 1 round/level (D) subdual damage that may render
has cover with no penalty. You must Saving Throw: Fortitude negates them unconscious. Once uncon-
have seen the target within 2 rounds Spell Resistance: Yes scious, they no longer suffer the effects
of firing the projectile, but the arrow By means of this spell, you change of the spell. Creatures that cannot
moves around obstacles, corners, 1d4 Small or Medium snakes plus hear, or that are immune to sonic
trees etc. or over walls etc. to strike at one per caster level (maximum damage are also immune to this spell.
the target. When using an arrow that 1d4+20) into Small or Medium The damage is considered sonic dam-
the spell has been cast on, you choose sticks, (snakes under 4 feet long age for the purposes of energy
a target within range of your weapon become Small sticks, and snakes resistance or similar spells.
and make your attack roll as if they over 4 feet long become Medium Material Component: Invoking the
were in line of sight and had no sticks). This spell affects only snakes spell consumes a ruby of at least 50 gp
cover. The arrow does not count as of the animal type. Snake-like crea- value.
magical to overcome damage resis- tures (such as magical beasts,
tance, unless it is cast upon a magic aberrations, outsiders, and so on)
cannot be affected by this spell.
Sonic Shield
arrow or fired from a magical bow.
You can enchant 1 arrow for every 2 Snakes to sticks dispels and
Level: Brd 1
caster levels and these arrows remain counters sticks to snakes.
Components: V
enchanted for 1 round/caster level or Casting Time: 1 standard action
until fired. Sneeze Range: Personal
Material Component: A piece of wire Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Af- Target: You
wrapped around the shaft of the arrow. fecting] Duration: 1 minute/level
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Saving Throw: None
Snake Charm Components: V, S, M Spell Resistance: No
Casting Time: 1 standard action This spell allows you to shape sound
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affect-
ing] Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) in such a way as to make attacks
Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2 Target: One creature against you less effective. You essen-
Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level tially use your voice to vibrate the air
Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Will negates
around you into a sonic shield that
Range: 30 ft. Spell Resistance: Yes
confers a +2 deflection bonus to your
Target: One or more snakes, no two of By placing your hand, palm-side
AC. This bonus increases by 1 for
which can be more than 30 ft. apart up, near your mouth and blowing
every four caster levels you have be-
Duration: One hour/level gently across it, you cause the target
yond 4th (+3 at 8th level, +4 at 12th
Saving Throw: Will negates to suffer fits of sneezing if it fails its
level) to a maximum bonus of +5.
Spell Resistance: Yes Will save. The subject suffers a –4
This spell may be used at the same
This spell functions like charm per- penalty on attack rolls, checks, and
time as your other vocal abilities, but
son or charm animal, except that it saves while sneezing. After the spell
situations that deny you the use of
only affects snakes. This spell affects ends, the subject can act normally.
your voice (underwater, magical si-
a number of snakes whose combined Material Component: A pinch of lence, etc) also negate this spell.
HD do not exceed twice your level. If pepper.

Eldritch Sorcery

Soul Shatter Saving Throw: Will partial

Spell Resistance: Yes
The spell doesn’t make animated
Necromancy objects or constructs any more
You utter an arcane rhyme that friendly or cooperative than normal.
Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M disrupts a spell-caster’s ability to Furthermore, they are likely to make
Casting Time: 1 standard action keep control over the complex inane comments. If an animated ob-
Range: Touch process and concentration re- ject or construct is friendly toward
Target: Living creature touched quired to cast spells, not unlike the caster, it may do some favor or
Duration: Instantaneous shouting out random numbers service for the caster (as determined
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial while someone is trying to count. by the DM).
Spell Resistance: Yes You can affect a single spell-user
You touch the subject while utter- (who receives no saving throw) Spectral Sail
ing the words to this spell and send a plus an additional spell-user for Evocation (Force)
wave of negative energy coursing every 4 caster levels you have Level: Sor/Wiz 2
through its body that tears at its soul. (max 4), provided they are within Components: V, S, M
The subject takes 1d6 points of Cha- 30 feet of your primary target. Casting Time: 1 standard action
risma drain. If the subject makes its Your secondary targets may at- Range: See text
Fortitude save, the drain is actually tempt a Will save to negate. Area: See text
ability damage (that can be healed Affected spell-users must succeed Duration: 3 hours/level
normally or magically). at a Concentration check op- Saving Throw: None
Material Component: Dirt from the posed by your Perform check each Spell Resistance: No
ground where a murder-born (see time they attempt to cast a spell You create a shimmering sail of
the Tome of Horrors II) was de- for the duration. magical energy to take the place of a
stroyed or powdered gems totaling lost or damaged sail to help keep a
300 gp. Spark ship on course. The spectral sail at-
Evocation [Electricity] taches itself to the yardarm indicated
Soul Strike Level: Sor/Wiz 0 by the caster and performs precisely
Components: V, S like a standard sail. It is made of
Casting Time: 1 standard action magical force energy and is able to
Level: Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 7
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) withstand even the strongest winds
Components: V, S, DF/M
Casting Time: 1 standard action Effect: Ray but damage from almost any source
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Duration: Instantaneous disrupts the woven plane of energy
Area: 40-ft.-radius burst Saving Throw: None and ends the spell. Material compo-
Duration: Instantaneous Spell Resistance: Yes nent: a small swatch of canvas.
Saving Throw: Fortitude half You fire a small bolt of electricity
Spell Resistance: Yes from your fingertips at your target. You Speed Undead
You create a burst of negative must succeed on a ranged touch attack Necromancy
energy in the designated area. Any to damage your target. The bolt deals Level: Clr 2
living creature caught in the area 1d3 points of electricity damage. Components: V, S, DF, M
takes 1d6 points of damage per Casting Time: 1 standard action
caster level (maximum 20d6). A Speak with Objects Range: Touch
creature slain by this spell cannot Divination Targets: One skeleton or zombie/level
be returned to life by a raise dead Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 2 Duration: 1 min./level
spell. Resurrection, true resurrec- Components: V, S Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
tion, wish, and miracle work Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
normally however. Range: Personal This spell grants an undead skel-
Arcane Material Component: The Target: You eton or zombie a +2 bonus to its
heart of a humanoid killed within Duration: 1 min./level Dexterity score and Reflex saves and
the past week. You can comprehend and com- increases an affected creature’s base
municate telepathically with objects, land speed by 10 feet. Further, an
including animated objects and con- affected zombie’s single actions only
Sound Worm structs. You are able to ask questions special quality is suppressed while
Enchantment and receive answers from objects. this spell is in effect, thus allowing it
Level: Brd 3 An inanimate object’s sense of its to move and attack normally.
Components: S, V
surroundings is limited, so it won’t be Material Component: Three drops
Casting Time: 1 standard action
able to give or recognize detailed of water, sinew from a mammal, and
Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level)
descriptions of creatures or answer a drop of quicksilver.
Target: 1 or more spell-casters
Duration: 1 round/level questions about events outside its
immediate vicinity.

Spell Kill you automatically succeed. A suc- You can divide the area of effect
Transmutation cessful check allows you to direct the among multiple points of entry so
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 movement of the spell effect as a long as the total area affected does
Components: V, S move equivalent action. Spell ef- not exceed your limit. You must be
Casting Time: 1 standard action fects that cannot be cast into certain able to see each point of entry to be
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) areas or locations cannot be moved warded when you cast this spell.
Effect: Ray into those locations with spell legs. The barrier does not prevent
Duration: Instantaneous If the spell is under control of a spell ranged attacks, ranged spells, or
Saving Throw: Will negates caster already, such as a flaming sphere, dimensional travel (such as
Spell Resistance: Yes you must first make the above check, teleport, dimension door, and so on)
You fire a silvery ray of energy and then make a Concentration check by anyone, including a blocked
toward the target in an effort to wipe opposed by the Concentration check spellcaster. The invisible barrier is
away a spellcaster’s prepared spells or of the caster presently in control of impervious to physical or magical
spell slots. You must make a success- the spell. If both checks succeed you attacks (except for effects that dis-
ful ranged touch attack to strike. wrest control of the spell away from pel it). A disintegrate spell instantly
While a non-spellcaster feels noth- the original caster and can turn the destroys the barrier and ends this
ing more than a tingling sensation, spell against them. spell.
against a spellcaster the ray negates a When the spell effect is moved Arcane Material Component: A
number of prepared spell levels (or over a target creature, that creature pinch of dust from a spellcaster’s tomb
spell slots in the case of bards and must make any saving throws the or burial site and a pinch of pow-
sorcerers) equal to one-half your spell effect permits to avoid its ef- dered chrysolite.
caster level. You choose a combina- fects. The saving throw, and spell
tion of spell levels (or slots) to be effects, are those of the originally Spellchain Grounding
depleted. The DM determines the cast spell. If the creature has spell Abjuration
specific spells (if prepared) that are resistance a caster level check is made Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5
lost. For example, a 9th–level caster using the original caster’s level. Components: V, S, M
can deplete a total of 4 spell levels. You can’t usurp control of any Casting Time: 1 standard action
She can choose to deplete one 4th– spell effect above 3rd-level and the Range: Personal
level spell, or two 2nd–level spells, original caster can still dismiss any Target: You
or one 3rd– and one 1st–level spell, spell that can be dismissed. Duration: 1 min/level (D)
etc. This spell creates an invisible aura
Lost spells (or slots) can be re- Spellcaster’s Refusal around you that attracts secondary
gained normally. effects of chain-type spells, such as
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 chain lightning or prismatic chain. Any-
Spell Legs Components: V, S, M time you are within range of a
Universal Casting Time: 1 round secondary beam or effect from such a
Level: Asn 4, Brd 5, Sor/Wiz 5 Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) spell, all such secondary beams auto-
Components: V, S Area: One 20-ft. cube/level matically arc to you and are negated.
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 hour/level (D) This spell does not prevent damage
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Saving Throw: None to you if you are the primary target of
Area/Effect: Spell effect already created Spell Resistance: No such an effect, though it does pre-
Duration: Concentration up to 1 round/ You create an invisible barrier that vent any secondary beams from then
level wards a point of entry (hallway, door- arcing out from you and striking oth-
Saving Throw: Special, see text way, window, or the like) against ers.
Spell Resistance: Special, see text spellcasters and prevents them from Material Component: An iron nail.
You usurp control of a spell with passing through the area. Non-
an ongoing effect such as a fog cloud,
stinking cloud or darkness spell and
spellcasters, creatures with spell-like Spilling of Blood
abilities (but not those that can spe- Necromancy
can move it at a rate of 20 ft. round as cifically replicate spells such as
a move equivalent action. After cast- Level: Sor/Wiz 6
nymphs), and spellcasters you desig- Components: V, S, M
ing this spell at the effect in question nate, may freely pass through the Casting Time: 1 standard action
you must make a Knowledge (arcana) barrier. Spellcasters (including bards, Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
check with a DC value determined paladins, and rangers that are of suf- Target: One living creature
by the level of the caster that created ficient level to cast spells and Duration: 1 round/level (D)
the spell (DC 10 + caster level of creatures such as the nymph that Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see text
effect). If you cast the spell yourself replicate spells) are blocked from Spell Resistance: Yes
passing through the barrier.

Eldritch Sorcery

You channel negative energy into it. If the creature refuses and you itself costs 1,000 gp for the paper or
the target causing a gaping wound to continue the spell, it is eventually parchment, special pens, and other
open on its body and gush blood each condemned to its plane of origin. materials. The ink used to scribe the
round. Each round this spell is in This spell is often used in combina- document must be made from pow-
effect, the target takes 1 point of tion with the various binding spells. dered rubies (totaling at least 5,000
Constitution damage. A successful In order to cast this spell, you must gp) and the blood of a vrock, marilith,
Fortitude save negates the Con dam- have a specially prepared document hezrou, or glabrezu.
age for that round only. A new save that contains the outsider’s true Note: An outsider’s true name is
must be made each round. A success- name; otherwise, the spell automati- not easy to come by. Many (particu-
ful Heal check (DC 10 + 1/2 your cally fails. You can start and pause larly in the case of demons) have
caster level + your relevant ability the reading at any time, so long as a more than one name they go by and
score modifier) slows the spilling of number of rounds equal to your caster some do not even know their own
blood to 1 point of Con damage level has not elapsed since the spell true name. No outsider will ever vol-
every other round for the remainder was started. You can end the casting untarily reveal its true name to
of the duration. at any time by simply not finishing anyone, especially a spellcaster from
Material Component: A few drops the reading of the document. the Material Plane.
of blood. When you begin reading the docu-
ment, the subject feels great Squeaking Floor Alarm
Spiritual Trance discomfort and is rooted to the spot Transmutation
Divination (unable to move from its location by Level: Clr 3
Level: Clr 1 either normal or magical means). Components: V, S, DF, M
Components: V, S The creature can escape in this round Casting Time: 1 standard action
Casting Time: 1 round by pitting its spell resistance against Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Range: 100 ft. your caster level check. If it suc- Area: One section of ground or floor 10
Area: 100-ft.-spread, centered on you ceeds, the creature is still powerless ft./level by 10 ft./level
Duration: 1 round/level (D) to attack you, but can move nor- Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None mally (including retreating to its Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No home plane unless magically held or Spell Resistance: No
You place yourself in a trance (you contained in such a way that it can- This spell causes a surface such as
cannot move, speak, or take any ac- not escape; such as by any of the a floor or section of ground to squeak
tion and are considered helpless) that planar binding spells). loudly when stepped on or touched.
allows you to sense magical creatures During the second round of read- The noise generated by the squeaking
(any creature with spell-like or su- ing, the subject feels great pain course floor can be heard clearly in a 100-
pernatural abilities) or permanent through its body; it is robbed of one- foot radius regardless of any barriers.
magical effects in the area (the pres- quarter of its total hit points (no The affected surface must be solid
ence of magic affecting an area, not save). (not liquid or gas or other such sub-
magic items). Each round you are in stances), but can be made of wood,
At the beginning of the third round
the trance, you can detect the pres- earth, stone, dirt, and so on; material
of reading, the subject is in immense
ence of any spirit (a creature with the matters not, but it must be solid.
pain and loses one-half of its current
spirit subtype), incorporeal creature, hit points (no save). At the end of A creature attempting to move
or permanent magical effect. This the third round, the creature is con- quietly across the affected area takes
spell does not allow you to commu- demned to its home plane—where it a –20 circumstance penalty on Move
nicate with a creature in the area. remains confined (unable to be sum- Silently checks. Flying over the af-
moned to your plane and unable to fected area does not trigger the spell.
Spiritbreaker leave its own plane) and in torture Material Component: A rusty hinge.
Abjuration for a number of years equal to your
Level: Sor/Wiz 6 caster level. (From this point for- Starlight
Components: V, S, F ward, said creature is your sworn Evocation [Light]
Casting Time: 3 rounds; see text enemy. Note, this confinement/con- Level: Drd 2
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) demnation does not prevent the Components: V, S, DF, M
Target: One outsider creature from sending its minions Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: See text and servitors to deal with you.) Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Saving Throw: None Effect: Dim light and shadowy illumination
Focus: The specially prepared
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text in a 60-ft.-radius area
document (described above) must
Spiritbreaker allows you to inflict Duration: 10 min./level (D)
contain the true name of the out-
wracking pains on an outsider, usu- Saving Throw: None
sider to be affected. The document Spell Resistance: No
ally in order to exact a service from


You illuminate an area with light its lungs. The target can go without Target: One creature
equivalent to that given off by a clear breathing for a number of rounds Duration: Instantaneous
night sky filled with stars. Such light equal to twice its Constitution. Each Saving Throw: None
does not provide bright illumina- round thereafter, the subject must Spell Resistance: Yes
tion, only shadowy illumination. (See make a Constitution check (DC 10, You cause a superheated cloud of
the section on Vision and Light in +1 per previous check) to continue steam to strike an opponent. The steam
the PHB for more information.) A doing so. If the subject fails a Consti- does 1d6 points of damage per caster
creature in the area has concealment tution check, it falls unconscious (0 level (10d6 maximum) to any single
relative to a character viewing it. A hp). On the next round, the subject creature it strikes. Anyone struck by
creature in the area can make a Hide drops to –1 hit points and is dying. the cloud is coated with a thin film of
check to conceal itself. On the third round, the subject suf- water as the steam scalds them.
Starlight counters and dispels any focates and dies.
darkness spell (one with the dark- A creature that is unable to breath Steam cloud
ness descriptor) of an equal or lower is also unable to speak and cannot cast Conjuration (Fire)
level. spells with a verbal component or Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Material Component: Several stalks communicate verbally with others. Components: V, S, M
from an amaryllis. The target can break the spell by Casting Time: 1 standard action
first making a successful Constitu- Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft.
Steal Breath tion check using spell’s save DC
Necromancy followed by a successful Fortitude
Duration: 1 round/level
Level: Clr 6 save. Attempting to fill one’s lungs Saving Throw: Fort half
Components: V, S, DF in this manner is a full-round action Spell Resistance: No
Casting Time: 1 standard action that draws an attack of opportunity.
You call up a billowing cloud of
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) superheated air that rolls across the
Target: One living creature Steam Bolt ground toward an enemy. The steam
Duration: Instantaneous (see text) Evocation [Fire] cloud deals 1d4 points of damage per
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (see text) Level: Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 caster level (10d4 maximum) to crea-
Spell Resistance: Yes Components: V, S, M tures that remain in the cloudbank.
You literally “take the subject’s Casting Time: 1 standard action Anyone within the cloudbank is also
breath away” by stealing the air from Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) treated as if they are within a fog cloud.

Snakes to Sticks
Eldritch Sorcery

The steam cloud moves away from save just as if the person holding the Material Component: A pinch of
you at 10 ft. per round. Figure out the stick was making the saving throw. powdered adamantine worth 200 gp.
cloud’s new spread each round based The snakes have the abilities and
on its new point of origin, which is 10 statistics of a standard Small or Medium Striking Likeness
ft. farther away from the point of origin viper (see the MM). The snakes do not Illusion [Shadow]
where you cast the spell. A strong attack you, and seek to attack your oppo- Level: Bard 5
wind, or gust of wind spell, forces the nents to the best of their ability. You can Components: V, S, M, F
cloud to dissipate in 2 rounds. direct a snake as if by telepathy not to Casting Time: See text
attack, to attack particular enemies, or Range: 0 ft.
Stench of Death to perform other actions. When reduced Effect: One semi-real object
Necromancy to 0 or less hit points, a snake reverts to Duration: 1 day
Level: Drd 2 its original (undamaged) stick form. Saving Throw: None
Components: V, S, M Sticks to snakes dispels and Spell Resistance: No
Casting Time: 1 standard action counters snakes to sticks. Casting the spell takes as long as it
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level) does to craft the painting, determined
Target: Object or creature Storm of Vitriol per the normal rules for the Craft skill,
Duration: 10 min./level except that the goal is the price of the
Evocation (acid)
Saving Throw: Fort negates item being painted (not the paint-
Level: Sor/Wiz 9
Spell Resistance: Yes ing), raw materials costs are replaced
Components: V, S
You cause a pungent odor to arise Casting Time: 1 standard action with the material components, each
around you. The smell drives away Range: one mile check is DC 20 and represents one
wild animals that come into range Area: 100 foot radius minute’s work instead of one week’s,
(although familiars or animal com- Duration: Instantaneous and each check gives progress in gold
panions can remain on a successful Saving Throw: Fort half pieces as opposed to silver pieces. For
Fort save). Creatures that rely on the Spell Resistance: [Yes/No] example, Leonard wishes to use this
Scent ability must also make the Fort You blast a large area with burning spell to produce a working model of a
save to remain in the area. This spell droplets of vitriol, corroding and dis- marble statue from his sketch. The
reliably keeps most normal animals, solving anything in the area. This statue’s final value would be 4,000 gp,
and even magical beasts, away from spell does 1d6/level acid damage (max and he has a Craft (painting) modifier
an area but it has the drawback of 15d6) and 1d6/2 levels unnamed of +15. Taking 10, he ‘produces’ 500
attracting carrion eating creatures damage (max 10d6) (Fortitude save gp of progress per minute, and thus
from great distances. for half damage). Anyone who takes finishes the painting (and casting the
damage from the vitriol must make a spell) in 8 minutes, using 40 gp worth
Sticks to Snakes second Fortitude save (same as the of paints and pigments in the process.
Transmutation spell DC) or take 1d3 points of tem- Once the painting is completed, the
Level: Clr 4, Drd 4, Serpent [Good/Evil] 4 porary Dexterity damage from the object springs in to being from the
Components: V, S, DF poisonous fumes. Creatures that do canvas. For one day, it functions as
Casting Time: 1 standard action not breathe (such as undead) or though it really were what it represents
Range: 60 ft. which are immune to acid are im- (except for a curious tendency to leave
Target: 1d4 sticks plus 1 stick/level mune to the secondary effect. paint stains on anything it touches),
Duration: 1 round/level but then it molders in to formless shad-
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
Strength of the Earth ows and color and is no more.
Transmutation [Earth] This spell cannot create magic
By means of this spell, you change items. Items created by this spell
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
1d4 sticks plus one per caster level cannot be used as spell components,
Components: V, S, M
(maximum 1d4+20) into Small or Casting Time: 1 round but they can be used as spell foci.
Medium poisonous vipers, depend- Range: Touch Material Components: Paint or
ing on the size of the wood used Target: One object touched other pigments equal in value to 1/
(sticks under 4 feet long become Duration: Permanent 100th the price of the final item.
Small vipers, and sticks over 4 feet Saving Throw: None Focus: A paintbrush made of phoe-
long become Medium vipers). Sticks Spell Resistance: No nix feathers, worth 2,000 gp, with
or wood of a magical nature, or those This spell imbues a single object of which the painting is done.
larger than 6 feet long, cannot be Large or smaller size with a hardness
affected by this spell. If a target stick of 6 or less with the essence of the
is held or carried by someone other Subdual Ray
earth. This increases the object’s
than the caster when this spell is Evocation
hardness by +5, its Break DC by +5,
cast, the item receives a Fortitude Level: Sor/Wiz 1
and doubles its hit points.
Components: V, S, M


Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One or more summoned creatures,
Summon Dust Devil
Target: One living creatures no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart Conjuration (Calling)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: 1 round/level (D) Level: Clr 2, Drd 2
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None Components: V, S, DF
Spell Resistance: No Spell Resistance: No Casting Time: 3 rounds
This spell summons a number of Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
A ray of whitish-gray energy
Effect: One called elemental of 2 HD
projects from your pointing finger. normal animals (including giant-
Duration: 1 round/level
You must succeed on a ranged touch sized or dire) that fight for you. You
Saving Throw: None
attack with the ray to deal damage to can’t summon more HD of animals
Spell Resistance: No
a target. The ray deals 1d6 points of than twice your caster level with a
By casting this spell, you summon
non-lethal damage +1 point per single casting of this spell. The ani-
a dust devil from the Elemental Plane
caster level (maximum +10). Crea- mals appear where you designate and
of Air. You can communicate with
tures that are immune to non-lethal act immediately, on your turn. They
the creature (it speaks Common)
damage (such as constructs) do not attack opponents to the best of their
and direct it to attack, not attack, or
take any damage from this ray. ability. If you can communicate with
to perform special actions. If you and
Material Component: A glove. the creatures, you can direct them
the dust devil move more than 30
not to attack, to attack particular
feet apart, the creature is automati-
Summon Animals enemies, or to perform other actions.
cally dispelled and returns to its home
Animals cannot be summoned into plane.
Conjuration (Summoning)
Level: Beast 5*, Clr 6, Drd 5 an environment that cannot support
The dust devil cannot be sum-
Components: V, S them. You choose what kind of animals
moned into an environment that
Casting Time: 1 standard action to summon, and you can change that
cannot support it. Likewise, the dust
choice each time you cast the spell.
devil cannot attack creatures native

Dust Devil: CR 2; SZ M Elemental [Air]; HD 2d8+2; hp 11; Init +3; Spd fly 100 ft. (perfect); AC
16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13; BAB/Grap +1/+1; Atk whirlwind (see text); Full Atk
whirlwind (see text); SA air mastery, whirlwind; SQ darkvision (60 ft.), elemental traits; AL N; SV Fort
+1, Ref +6, Will +0; Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11.
Skills: Listen +2, Spot +3. Feats: Flyby Attack, Weapon Finesse (b).
SA—Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against a dust
SA—Whirlwind (Su): A dust devil’s natural form is that of a whirlwind, 5 feet wide at the base, 10 feet
wide at the top, and 15 feet tall. A dust devil can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed.
Another creature might be caught in the whirlwind if it touches or enters the whirlwind, or if the
elemental moves into or through the creature’s space.
An affected creature must succeed on a DC 12 Reflex save when it comes into contact with the dust
devil or take 1d4 points of damage. A creature one or more size categories smaller than the dust devil
must also succeed on a second DC 12 Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the
powerful winds, automatically taking 1d4 points of damage each round. A creature that can fly is
allowed a DC 12 Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but
can leave if the save is successful. The save DC is Strength based.
Creatures trapped in the whirlwind cannot move except to go where the elemental carries them or
to escape the whirlwind.
Creatures caught in the whirlwind can otherwise act normally, but must succeed on a Concentration
check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a –4 penalty to
Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. The elemental can have only as many creatures trapped inside
the whirlwind at one time as will fit inside the whirlwind’s volume.
The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the
whirlwind happens to be. It always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane.
If the dust devil’s base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered
on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind’s height. The cloud obscures all vision,
including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while those farther away
have total concealment.
Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell.

Eldritch Sorcery

to a plane different from yours. If

the dust devil attacks a creature Summoning Undead
with innate spell resistance (not
spell resistance gained from a magic As with all spells, the DM should have final control over what
item, spell, or spell-like ability), it types of undead can be summoned and how easily they can be
deals normal damage if it hits, but is controlled. Other spells and abilities should be taken into account
automatically dispelled after it at- when determining whether or not these spells are allowed in your
tacks. game. The DM, and players, should keep several things in mind;
first, many undead have profound weaknesses that others can take
advantage of, second, undead that are summoned can be success-
Summon Hellhounds fully turned or rebuked by opposing clerics. A summoner is advised
Conjuration (Calling) [Evil] to dismiss the spell quickly if the undead they summon are rebuked
Level: Sor/Wiz 7 and controlled by an evil cleric.
Components: V, S, M
Summoned undead that create spawn of any sort when killing a
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) creature do not have control of the created spawn, nor does the
Effect: Three or more hellhounds, no caster summoning them. Wise casters know of this potential
two of which can be more than 30 ft. drawback and choose the undead summoned with caution.
apart; see text
Duration: One week or one year (D);
see text
appear where you designate and act can direct it not to attack, to attack
Saving Throw: None
immediately, on your turn. They at- particular enemies, or to perform
Spell Resistance: No
tack your opponents to the best of other actions.
This spell summons 1d4+2
their ability. If you can communi- The spell conjures one of the crea-
hellhounds. The creatures will-
cate with them, you can direct them tures from the 1st–level list on the
ingly aid you in combat or battle,
not to attack, to attack particular accompanying Summon Undead
perform a specific mission, or serve
enemies, or to perform other actions. table. You choose which kind of crea-
as bodyguards. The creatures re-
Summoned shadows can be turned ture to summon, and you can change
main with you for one week unless
or rebuked, and even redirected to- that choice each time you cast the
you dismiss them. If the hellhounds
ward you if successfully rebuked. spell.
are created only for guard duty,
however, the duration of the spell A summoned shadow cannot sum- A summoned undead cannot sum-
is one year. In this case, the mon or otherwise conjure another mon or otherwise conjure another
hellhounds can only be ordered to creature, nor can it use any creature, nor can it use any
guard a specific site or location. teleportation or planar travel abili- teleportation or planar travel abili-
Hellhounds summoned to guard ties. Shadows created by summoned ties. Creatures cannot be summoned
duty cannot move outside the shadows act independently and are into an environment that cannot
spell’s range, which is measured not under your control. support them.
from the point where each first See the MM for details of the When you use a summoning spell
appeared. shadow. to summon an air, chaotic, earth,
Material Component: A bit of bat Material Component: A bit of smoky evil, fire, good, lawful, or water
dung, and a pinch of dirt from one quartz. undead, it is a spell of that type.
of the planes of Hell or a few drops Arcane Focus: A small (not neces-
of blood from a devil. Summon Undead I sarily lit) candle and a bit of flesh or
Conjuration (Summoning) [see text] hair from a corpse.
Summon Shadow Level: Clr 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Conjuration (Summoning) [Evil] Components: V, S, F/DF Summon Undead II
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Casting Time: 1 round Conjuration (Summoning) [see text for
Components: V, S, M Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) summon undead I]
Casting Time: 1 round Effect: One summoned creature Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Duration: 1 round/level (D) Effect: One or more summoned creatures,
Effect: One or more shadows, no two of Saving Throw: None no two of which can be more than 30 ft.
which can be more than 30 ft. apart Spell Resistance: No apart
Duration: 1 round/level (D) This spell summons an undead This spell functions like summon
Saving Throw: None creature. It appears where you desig- undead I, except that you can sum-
Spell Resistance: No nate and acts immediately, on your mon one undead from the 2nd–level
You can summon 1 shadow for turn. It attacks your opponents to list or 1d3 creatures of the same kind
every three caster levels (maximum the best of its ability. If you can from the 1st–level list.
6 shadows at 18th level). Shadows communicate with the creature, you


Summon Undead
1st Level Wolf, shadow* Demiurge*
Ghoul Wraith Dread wraith
Shadow, lesser* Zombie, juju, Medium* Ghost (CR 5–8)
Shadow rat, common* Zombie, minotaur Murder-born**
Skeleton, human warrior Zombie, spellgorged (CR 2–3)** Skeleton, cloud giant
Skeleton, owlbear Zombie, wyvern Undead ooze*
Skeleton, wolf Zombie, umber hulk Vampire (CR 5–8)
Zombie, brine* 4th Level Zombie, spellgorged (CR 6–7)**
Zombie, human commoner Barrow wight* 7th Level
Zombie, juju, Tiny* Bleeding horror (CR 4–5)* Apparition*
Zombie, kobold Bloody bones* Bleeding horror (CR 7–8)*
Zombie, spellgorged (CR 1/2–1)** Draug* Bleeding horror minotaur*
Zombie, troglodyte Grave risen** Bodak
2nd Level Haunt* Cinder ghoul**
Allip Mummy Ghost (CR 6–9)
Cadaver** Mummy of the deep* Greater Shadow
Ghast Skeleton, ettin Mohrg
Ghoul-stirge* Spectre Troll, spectral*
Poltergeist* Vampire Spawn Vampire (CR 6–9)
Shadow Zombie, juju, Large* 8th Level
Skeleton, troll Zombie, gray render Bleeding horror (CR 8–9)*
Wight Zombie, spellgorged (CR 3–4)** Ghost (CR 7–10)
Wolf, ghoul* 5th Level Skeleton, young adult red dragon
Zombie, bugbear Bleeding horror (CR 5–6)* Vampire (CR 7–10)
Zombie, juju, Small* Bog mummy* Vampiric ooze*
Zombie, ogre Fear guard** Zombie, juju, Huge*
Zombie, spellgorged (CR 1–2)** Fire phantom** 9th Level
3rd Level Murder crow** Bleeding horror (CR 9–10)*
Coffer corpse* Skeleton, advanced megaraptor Crucifixion spirit**
Hanged man** Skeleton, black** Devourer
Hoar spirit** Zombie, spellgorged (CR 5–6)** Ghost (CR 8–11)
Huecuva* 6th Level Lich (11 HD)
Shadow rat, dire* Bhuta* Phantasm**
Skeleton, chimera Bleeding horror (CR 6–7)* Red jester**
Skulleton* Darnoc* Vampire (CR 8–11)
* Monster detailed in the Tome of Horrors by Necromancer Games.
** Monster detailed in the Tome of Horrors 2 by Necromancer Games.

Summon Undead III Effect: One or more summoned creatures,

no two of which can be more than 30 ft.
mon one creature from the 5th–level
Conjuration (Summoning) [see text for list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind
summon undead I] from the 4th–level list, or 1d4+1
This spell functions like summon creatures of the same kind from a
Level: Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3
undead I, except that you can sum- lower-level list.
Effect: One or more summoned creatures,
no two of which can be more than 30 ft. mon one creature from the 4th–level
list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind
from the 3rd–level list, or 1d4+1
Summon Undead VI
This spell functions like summon
creatures of the same kind from a Conjuration (Summoning) [see text for
undead I, except that you can sum- summon undead I]
mon one undead from the 3rd–level lower-level list.
Level: Clr 6, Sor/Wiz 6
list, 1d3 creatures of the same kind Effect: One or more summoned creatures,
from the 2nd–level list, or 1d4+1 Summon Undead V no two of which can be more than 30 ft.
creatures of the same kind from the Conjuration (Summoning) [see text for apart
1st–level list. summon undead I] This spell functions like summon
Level: Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5 undead I, except you can summon
Summon Undead IV Effect: One or more summoned creatures,
no two of which can be more than 30 ft.
one creature from the 6th–level list,
Conjuration (Summoning) [see text for 1d3 creatures of the same kind from
summon undead I] the 5th–level list, or 1d4+1 creatures
This spell functions like summon of the same kind from a lower-level
Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4
undead I, except that you can sum- list.
Eldritch Sorcery

Swirling Leaves
Level: Rgr 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You surround yourself with swirl-
ing leaves making it difficult for an
opponent to hit you with ranged at-
tacks or melee weapons. All attacks
against you suffer a 20% miss chance.

Symbol of Discord
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affect-
Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: 0 ft.; see text
Effect: One symbol
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell functions like symbol of
death, except that all creatures with
Summon Undead IV an Intelligence score of 3 or higher
within 60 feet who fail a Will save
Summon Undead VII This spell functions like sum- immediately fall into loud bickering
Conjuration (Summoning) [see text for mon undead I, except that you can and arguing. Meaningful communi-
summon undead I] summon one creature from the cation is impossible. If the affected
Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7 9th–level list, 1d3 creatures of the creatures have different alignments,
This spell functions like summon same kind from the 8th–level list, there is a 50% chance that they attack
undead I, except that you can summon or 1d4+1 creatures of the same each other. Bickering lasts 5d4 rounds.
one creature from the 7th–level list, kind from a lower-level list. Fighting begins 1d4 rounds into the
1d3 creatures of the same kind from bickering and lasts 2d4 rounds. This
the 6th–level list, or 1d4+1 creatures Swim symbol must be carefully engraved on
of the same kind from a lower-level list Transmutation a surface. Once triggered, the symbol
Level: Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 lasts 10 minutes per caster level. This
Summon Undead VIII Components: V, S, M version is a mind-affecting spell.
Conjuration (Summoning) [see text for Casting Time: 1 standard action Material Component: Mercury and
summon undead I] Range: Touch phosphorus, plus powdered diamond
Level: Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 8 Target: Creature touched and opal with a total value of at least
This spell functions like summon Duration: 1 min./level (D) 5,000 gp.
undead I, except that you can summon Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
one creature from the 8th–level list,
The subject gains a +10 enhance-
Symbol of Hopelessness
1d3 creatures of the same kind from
ment bonus on Swim checks. The Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affect-
the 7th–level list, or 1d4+1 creatures ing]
of the same kind from a lower-level list. enhancement bonus increases to +20
Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7
at caster level 6th, and to +30 (the
Components: V, S, M
maximum) at caster level 10th.
Summon Undead IX Casting Time: 10 minutes
Material Component: A few scales Range: 0 ft.; see text
Conjuration (Summoning) [see text for
summon undead I] from a fish. Effect: One symbol
Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9 Duration: See text


Saving Throw: Will negates at normal speed. In either case, the Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Spell Resistance: Yes creature can defend normally if at- Saving Throw: Will negates
This spell functions like symbol of tacked. Once triggered, the symbol Spell Resistance: Yes
death, except that all creatures within lasts 10 minutes per caster level. This You create a disruption in the nerve
the radius must attempt Will saves. If version is a mind-affecting spell. cells of the target creature causing
the rune is carefully engraved on a Material Component: Mercury and them to misfire and send false im-
surface, the save DC increases by 4. If phosphorus, plus powdered diamond pulses to the victim’s brain each time
the save fails, the creature suffers from and opal with a total value of at least it takes an action. During the dura-
hopelessness for 3d4x10 minutes and 5,000 gp. tion of the spell, each time the target
submits to simple, demands from foes, creature makes or decides on an ac-
such as to surrender or get out. If no Synaptic Disturbance tion it must succeed at a Will save to
foes are present to make demands, avoid taking 1d6 points of damage.
there is a 25% chance that a hopeless Spell casters suffer even more horri-
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
creature proves unable to take any bly, the pain induced forces a both a
Components: V, S
action except hold its ground. If the Casting Time: 1 standard action successful Will save and a successful
creature remains free to act, there is a Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Concentration check (DC 20+ spell
25% chance it retreats from the rune Target: One living creature level) in order to cast a spell.

Taunt gnolls (2 HD each) and 2 minotaurs can certainly remove a specific tar-
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affect- (6 HD each). He can affect a total of get from battle.
ing] 12 HD worth of creatures. Thus, he
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 can choose to affect either both Thicken
Components: V, S minotaurs (12 HD total) or all 3 Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 standard gnolls (6 HD total). If he chooses the Level: Drd 0, Clr 0
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) gnolls, he affects all 6 HD; the re- Components: V, S
Targets: One or more creatures, whose maining 6 HD he could affect is Casting Time: 1 standard action
total HD do not exceed twice your caster wasted (since there are no more hu- Range: Touch
level. manoids to be affected). Target: Object Touched
Duration: 1 round/level Duration: 1 minute/level
Multiple taunt spells overlap, they
Saving Throw: Will negates Saving Throw: None
do not stack. If a creature is affected
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: No
by more than one taunt, when the
You call out insults and challenges Once this spell is cast you are able
first wears off, it moves and directs its
that irritate and enrage creatures to manipulate small objects made
attacks at the caster of the taunt spell
nearby forcing them to direct all of from organic materials such as wood,
still in effect.
their attacks at you. You can affect a wool, linen, etc. You can increase, or
number of creatures whose total com-
bined HD do not exceed twice your Teleport Other even decrease, their thickness and
strength. For example, you are able
caster level. Creatures failing a Will Conjuration [Teleportation]
Level: Sor/Wiz 8 to thicken a woolen shirt into a warm
save move toward you at their nor- winter proof covering or a change a
mal speed, foregoing any ranged Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action thin hemp rope into a hardy cord
attacks and spells, to engage you in capable of withstanding a Medium
melee combat. Mindless creatures Range: 30 ft.
Target: One creature creature’s weight.
and creatures with an Intelligence
Duration: Instantaneous The object you wish to manipu-
score less than 3 are immune to the
Saving Throw: Will negates late can’t have a volume greater than
effects of this spell.
Spell Resistance: Yes 1 cubic foot and must be made of
When you cast this spell, you You direct magical energies at a organic material. You can increase,
choose the type (humanoid, magical single creature up to size Large that is or decrease, the hardness and hp
beast, monstrous humanoid, and so within 30 feet in an effort to teleport possessed by the item by 10% per
on) of creature to be affected. Only the target to a specific location up to caster level (max 50%). This spell
one type can be affected by a single 100 miles away per caster level. The won’t work on metal armor or weap-
taunt spell. Hit Dice that are not caster must be very familiar with the ons because they are not made of
sufficient to affect a creature, or “ex- teleport destination. Any attempt to organic materials. While you couldn’t
tra” Hit Dice left over (if there are teleport a target into a solid object, increase the AC value of a suit of
not enough creatures of one type to underwater, or to a location not firmly leather armor, you could alter its
affect) are wasted. known to the caster results in auto- ability to withstand damage for a
For example, Cyrel, a 6th-level matic failure. While this spell can’t short period of time. Objects that
wizard, casts taunt at a group of 3 be used to directly injure a target, it already have some form of enchant-

Eldritch Sorcery


ment or magical nature cannot be Area: One 10-ft. cube Spell Resistance: Yes
affected by this spell. Duration: 1 hour/level The spell affects the minds and
Saving Throw: None bodies of those entering the area into
Spell Resistance: Yes
Thorn Snare believing the passage of time is much
The spell affects the minds and slower than normal. Every 10 min-
Conjuration (Creation)
bodies of those entering the area into utes spent in the area seems like a
Level: Clr 2. Drd 2
Components: V, S, M believing the passage of time is much round; every hour is equal to 10 min-
Casting Time: 1 standard action faster than normal. Every 10 minutes utes; one day seems like four hours.
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) spent in the area seems like a full While in the area, a creature must
Effect: Thorn thicket 5 ft./level radius hour; every hour is equal to six hours; eat, sleep, etc. according to the slower
Duration: 1 min./level four hours is equal to one day. While passage of time. Spells cast or in
Saving Throw: None in the area, a creature must eat, sleep, effect in the area follow the deceler-
Spell Resistance: No etc. according to the faster passage of ated passage of time. Likewise,
A thicket of thorns rises from the time. Spells cast or in effect in the creatures in the area rest, heal, and
ground to snag at enemies trying to area follow the accelerated passage recover lost spells at a decelerated
pass. Movement through the thorny of time. Likewise, creatures in the rate.
patch is halved as branches are cut or area rest, heal, and recover lost spells Time deceleration dispels and
moved aside. Anyone attempting at an accelerated rate. counters time acceleration.
normal movement must succeed at a Time acceleration dispels and
Reflex save or take 1d6 points of counters time deceleration. Torrent
damage from the briar patch and be Evocation [Water]
slowed to 5 ft. of movement per round Time Deceleration Level: Clr 6, Drd 5
while in the thicket. Illusion (Phantasm) Components: V, S, M
Level: Sor/Wiz 7 Casting Time: 1 standard action
Time Acceleration Components: V, S Range: 60 ft.
Illusion (Phantasm) Casting Time: 1 standard action Area: Cone-shaped burst
Level: Sor/Wiz 7, Time 6* Range: 30 ft. Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S Area: One 10-ft. cube Saving Throw: Reflex half
Casting Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 hour/level Spell Resistance: Yes
Range: 30 ft. Saving Throw: None


You create a blast of water, origi- If the target fails a Will saving trail of any creature that has active
nating at your hands and extending throw, its Wisdom score drops to 1. (or continuous) spells, magic items
outward in a cone. A creature struck The affected creature is unable to use or spell-like abilities. You must still
takes 1d6 points of nonlethal dam- Wisdom-based skills or cast spells (if make Survival checks and have the
age per caster level (maximum 10d6). the subject’s relevant casting ability Track feat to attempt to trail some-
Additionally, treat the blast of water score is Wisdom). The subject re- one in this fashion. Instead of weather
attack as a bull rush with a +12 on mains in this state until a heal, limited affecting your ability to follow, dis-
the Strength roll (+6 for Strength wish, miracle, or wish spell is used to charges of magic in an area have the
22, +4 size, and +2 for charging, cancel the effect of touch of madness. same effect as rain on the magical
which it always gets). The torrent A creature that can cast divine spells, tracks. The spell lets you see a faint,
always moves with the opponent to such as a paladin or cleric, takes a – glowing trail, but you cannot tell
push that target back the full dis- 4 penalty on its saving throw. what type of magic creates it. For
tance allowed, and it has no speed Material Component: A handful of every three active items/spells/abili-
limit. coal dust and a bit of broken glass or ties, you gain a +1 circumstance
Material Component: A small glass quartz. bonus to the Track check. This spell
cone and a few drops of sea water. does not help you track via magic
Track Magic used to conceal or alter normal tracks,
Touch of Madness Divination
such as trackless step or dust of
Level: Rgr 4 tracelessness, but it would still give
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affect-
ing] Components: V, S, F you a chance to track other active
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Casting Time: 1 round magic in the possession of someone
Components: V, S, M Range: Personal using those magics to avoid being
Casting Time: 1 standard action Target: You tracked.
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) Duration: 1 hour/level Focus: A rare wooden dowsing rod
Target: One creature Saving Throw: Yes (harmless) enchanted with special oils and com-
Duration: Instantaneous Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) ponents worth 250 gp.
Saving Throw: Will negates, see text You give yourself the ability to see
Spell Resistance: Yes traces of magic. You may follow the

Eldritch Sorcery

Transform Boulder For every three caster levels, you Range: Touch
Area: up to 1 lb. per level
can throw and change one additional
to Pebble pebble. You can only throw one per Duration: Permanent
Transmutation round and all affected pebbles must Saving Throw: None (See Text)
Level: Drd 4, Sor/Wiz 4 be thrown in consecutive rounds (one Spell Resistance: No
Components: V, S, F right after the other) or the spell The idea that some would want to
Casting Time: 1 standard action ends. change gold into steel is unthinkable
Range: 50 ft. to most, but this spell has very potent
This spell has no effect on crea-
Targets: One boulder/level, all of which powers when used in conjunction
must be no larger than a 10-ft. cube tures constructed of stone.
with other spells or in the creation of
Area: Boulders within a 50-ft.-radius Focus: The pebble(s) to be affected.
magic items. Soft, easily worked gold
spread, centered on you
can be shaped into complex forms or
Duration: Permanent; see text (D) Transmute Dust razor thin blades and then turned
Saving Throw: None (object)
Spell Resistance: No (object) to Water into the highest grade steel with a
This spell enables you to change Transmutation [Water] simple spell. The steel created by the
one boulder per caster level into a Level: Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6 spell is automatically free from any
miniscule pebble no larger than 1- Components: V, S, DF/M flaws or imperfections and is ready
inch in size. Each boulder to be Casting Time: 1 standard action for immediate enchantment. It also
affected must be within a 50-ft.- Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) holds enchantments better and
radius around you, and none can Area: Up to two 10-ft. cubes/level (S) longer than less pure forms of steel.
Duration: Permanent; see text Transmute gold to steel can only be
be larger than a 10-ft. cube. Boul-
Saving Throw: None used on inanimate objects that have
ders that are transmuted remain
Spell Resistance: No been prepared specifically for this
that way until dispelled and each
This spell transforms an area of purpose so there is no saving throw
radiates magic if detected for.
dust or dirt into wholesome, fresh, and magic resistance does not apply.
This spell has no effect on crea- drinkable water. Magical dust or earth
tures constructed of stone, nor can
it be used to alter statues, gem-
cannot be affected by this spell. The Transmute Water
depth of the water created cannot
stones, or other such items. exceed 10 ft. A creature unable to to Acid
Focus: The boulder(s) to be af- swim in the area sinks to the bottom Transmutation [Acid]
fected. and follows all rules for submersion Level: Drd 5, Sor/Wiz 5
in water. Creatures large enough to Components: V, S, DF/M
Transform Pebble walk on the bottom can wade through Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
to Boulder the area at one-half their normal
Effect: Up to 2 gallons of water/level
Transmutation Duration: Instantaneous
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 This spell does not work on rock, Saving Throw: None and Will negates and
Components: V, S, F stone, or the like and has no effect on Fortitude half; see text
Casting Time: 1 standard action creatures formed of earth (such as Spell Resistance: No and Yes; see text
Range: Touch earth elementals). This spell transforms a volume of
Target: One pebble, plus 1/3 levels The water remains until a success- normal or magical water into an equal
Duration: Instantaneous ful dispel magic or transmute water to volume of highly corrosive acid. Any
Saving Throw: None (object) dust spell restores its substance—but creature touching this acid takes 1d6
Spell Resistance: No (object) not necessarily its form. Evaporation points of damage per round of expo-
This spell enables you to change a turns the water to normal dirt over a sure. If the acid is consumed, the
single pebble (a small rock no larger period of days. The exact time de- victim takes 10d6 points of damage
than 1-inch in size) that you hurl at pends on exposure to the sun, wind, and must make a successful Fortitude
an opponent into a boulder (in mid- and normal drainage. save (DC 15 + your relevant ability
flight) that deals damage as if hurled Arcane Material Component: A score modifier) or take 2d4 points of
by a hill giant (2d6+7 points of dam- handful of dust, a seashell, and a Constitution damage. One minute
age). You are considered proficient pinch of diamond dust (worth at later the victim must make a second
with the pebble and must make a least 500 gp). save (same DC) or take another 2d4
successful ranged attack to hit. The points of Constitution damage.
pebble has a range increment of 20 Transmute Gold to Steel Magical liquids (including potions)
ft. You must throw the pebble for the can be affected by this spell and lose
spell to take effect. The spell does their magical properties if transmuted.
Level: Sor/Wiz 6
not affect a pebble thrown by any Potions and other magical waters re-
Components: V, S, M
other creature. Casting Time: 1 round


ceive a save against this spell’s effect. Transparent Steel

Artifacts cannot be affected. Transmutation
Weapons of
This spell cannot be used to change Level: Sor/Wiz 6 Transparent Steel
water that a creature has already con- Components: V, S, M Weapons made of transpar-
sumed or ingested. Casting Time: 1 round ent steel usually have a visible
If targeted against a water-based Range: Touch hilt for the wielder. Opponents
creature (one with the water sub- Area: up to 10 lb. per level do not know the exact length
type), the creature takes 1d6 points Duration: Permanent or shape of the weapon, giving
of damage per caster level (maxi- Saving Throw: None (See Text)
attacks with a transparent
mum 15d6). A successful Fortitude Spell Resistance: No
weapon a +1 circumstance bo-
save halves the damage. This interesting spell is used to create
nus to attack rolls. Individuals
Only dispel magic, limited wish, wish, entire blocks of transparent steel. Used
with a Weapon Focus feat spent
miracle, or similar magic can restore centuries ago to create windows imper-
on the appropriate weapon type
waters transmuted by this spell. vious to breakage or attack, the spell
receive a +2 circumstance bo-
Arcane Material Component: A few requires only the purest of starting ma-
nus to attack rolls and a +2
drops of acid and water. terials. Steel products not made with
bonus to AC through an in-
the utmost of care (Craft check DC 20)
creased ability to parry with
fail to take the enchantment properly.
Transmute Water The costs of the spell, and its limited
the transparent weapon. These
bonuses only apply to combat
to Dust use, generally meant a craftsman could
with creatures that are able to
Transmutation [Earth] make a product out of gold and then use
see the wielder. They do not
Level: Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 6 transmute gold to steel before using trans-
apply to sneak attacks, attacks
Components: V, S, DF/M parent steel. This undoubtedly increased
against blind or blinded crea-
Casting Time: 1 standard action costs considerably, but the end product
tures, or similar situations.
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) was always the hardest steel and almost
Transparency of a weapon is
Area: Up to two 10-ft. cubes/level (S) completely transparent. Blocks of trans-
Duration: Permanent considered a +1 bonus with
parent steel used as windows have been
Saving Throw: None or Fortitude partial; respect to cost of creation and
discovered in the ruins of some ancient
see text enchantment (see the DMG)
castles, and some windows still exist in
Spell Resistance: No and all transparent weapons
some areas. In rare cases, some individu-
This spell transforms normal wa- discovered to date have addi-
als have been discovered with
ter into fine dust. Any creature in the tional enhancement bonuses.
transparent, razor-sharp weapons that
water is allowed a Reflex save to are virtually undetectable, even with a
escape before the area is turned to detect invisibility spell.
dust (though only creatures that re- Components: V, S, M
quire water for survival, such as fish, Casting Time: 1 standard action
suffer any ill effects from the dust).
Treacherous Blow Range: Touch
Transmutation Target: One tree
If the body of water targeted is
Level: Sor/Wiz 4 Duration: 1 round/level
larger than the area affected by this
Components: V, S Saving Throw: See text
spell, the remaining water simply pours
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes
into the affected area mixing with the Range: Personal or touch
dust and causing a silt-like mud to Easy-to-climb, ladder-like
Target: You or living creature touched handholds grow from the bark of a
form on the surface in the area. Duration: 1 round/level living tree, allowing quick access into
If targeted against a water-based Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) the upper branches of a tree (Climb
creature (one with the water sub- Spell Resistance: No DC 5). The handholds are natural
type) of Huge or smaller size, the Using this spell grants you (or the crea- growths, but are sturdy enough to
spell kills the creature if it fails a ture you touch) the ability to sneak attack support a Medium creature. The
Fortitude saving throw. Even if the an opponent as a rogue equal to your caster growths sink back into the tree when
save succeeds, the creature takes 1d6 level. The conditions of a sneak attack the spell ends. If used on a sentient
points of damage per caster level must still be met (opponent must be de- tree, the target gets a Will save to
(maximum 15d6). nied Dexterity bonus to AC or must be resist the effect.
Transmute water to dust counters flanking the target, and ranged sneak at-
and dispels transmute dust to water. tacks are only effective within 30 feet).
Tremor Sense
Arcane Material Component: A bit
of seashell and powdered diamond Tree Ladder Level: Drd 2, Ranger 1
(worth at least 500 gp). Transmutation Components: V, S, M
Level: Drd 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 Casting Time: 1 standard action

Eldritch Sorcery

Range: Personal Components: V, S into the twig being. If the spell

Duration: Five rounds/level Casting Time: 1 standard action succeeds, the caster is able to
Saving Throw: None Range: Personal inflict pain upon the target by
Spell Resistance: No Target: 1 lock per caster level breaking individual twigs of the
You gain the supernatural ability of Duration: 1 minute caricature. You inflict pain on
Tremor Sense and can detect all mov- Saving Throw: Personal the victim by breaking or burn-
ing creatures in contact with the ground Spell Resistance: No ing pieces of the twig figure. You
within a 30 ft. radius. This provides You gain the ability to manipulate can do a total of 1d6/level (max
you with a +10 bonus to Spot checks locks by humming at a special frequency. 10d6) points of damage to the
versus creatures hiding or moving on This enables you to use a Perform skill victim and you can split this dam-
the ground and effectively negates in- check against a lock’s Open Lock DC age up over time. For example, a
visibility for any moving creature. Flying value. If you succeed you unlock the 10th-level cleric could do 1d6
or motionless creatures cannot be de- lock. Note that this does not deactivate points of damage with one break,
tected through the use of this spell but any traps and it cannot be used at a followed by 5d6 points of dam-
creatures tunneling underground are distance. You must be standing within age on the next break, etc. until
easily detected. 5 ft. of the lock you are attempting to she deals a total of 10d6 points of
open. You can open up to 1 lock per damage. You can spread this dam-
Trip level with this spell, within the duration age out over a period of hours if
of the spell. It takes just as long for you you wish, or inflict it all at once.
to get the proper harmonics as it would The first time you break a twig
Level: Drd 2
for a rogue to use their Open Locks skill. the victim gets a Will save, if the
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action save is successful the link be-
Range: Touch Turn to Ooze tween the twig figure and the
Target: One vine or similar object, 5 ft. Transmutation victim is broken and damage to
long/level (see text) Level: Sor/Wiz 7, Slime 6 the figure does not harm the tar-
Duration: 1 min./level Components: V, S, M get. Once you have done
Saving Throw: None (see text) Casting Time: 1 standard action maximum damage to the target,
Spell Resistance: No Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) or if the target made their saving
This spell allows you to magically Effect: Ray throw, the figure is destroyed and
animate a length of rope or vine, a Duration: Instantaneous worthless.
pole, stick, or other such object up to Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
Material Component: Personal
5 feet long per caster level in order to Spell Resistance: Yes
effect of target, twine left out-
trip an unsuspecting opponent. This An unearthly pink light spring
side during a full moon.
spell causes the affected object to rise from your palms causing the target
slightly off the ground whenever a and all possessions to turn into a
living creature moves into a space puddle of harmless ooze. You must Twitch
occupied by the object. Treat this as a succeed at a ranged touch attack. A Enchantment (compulsion) [mind effecting]
trip attack with a +5 bonus on the creature that makes a successful For- Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Strength check (+5 for Strength 20). titude save is only partially affected. Components: V, S, F
The creature takes 4d6 points of dam- Casting Time: 1 standard action
An opponent that succeeds at its op-
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
posed check cannot react to trip the age instead of liquefying. Only the
Target: One living creature
animated rope, vine, pole, or object first creature struck can be affected.
Duration: 5 rounds
affected by this spell. A creature fail- Saving Throw: Will negates
ing its opposed roll falls prone and is Twig Torture Spell Resistance: Yes
stunned for 1 round. A running crea- Necromancy (Evil) You cause a target to lose precise
ture takes 1d6 points of nonlethal Level: Clr 4, Sor/Wiz 4 control over their finger move-
damage and is stunned for one addi- Components: V, S, M ments. While this doesn’t cause
tional round if it fails its opposed roll. Casting Time: 1 round problems holding weapons for com-
The affected object takes on a trans- Range: 1 mile bat, spellcasters suffer a 20%
lucent form and is likely to be overlooked Target: 1 creature chance of miscasting and losing
(DC 25 Spot check to notice it). Duration: 1 hour/level any spell with a somatic compo-
Focus: A length of vine, rope, a Saving Throw: Will negates
nent. The target also suffers a –4
pole, or stick, at least 5 feet long. Spell Resistance: Yes
circumstance penalty to Disable
You form a crude representa-
Device, Open Lock, Use Magic
tion of a humanoid from dead
Tune of Passage twigs. Something belonging to
Device, and Use Rope skill checks.
Evocation A successful Will save negates all
the target must be incorporated
Level: Brd 2 spell effects.


Undead Alteration

Unchained Melody spell causes the locking mechanism such as a ghast, or even a vampire, is
to malfunction and open as if un- a lowly skeleton or zombie. Anyone
locked. If the target is a chain, it interacting with the creature(s)
Level: Brd 1
Components: V caused a link to pull open, allowing cloaked by this spell, or attempting a
Casting Time: 1 standard action the chain to be broken or pulled turning check, is permitted a Will
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 caster levels) apart. The effect occurs as soon as save to disbelieve the new
Area: 20 ft. radius the spell is cast, but the lock can be form.Material Component: Three
Duration: 1 round relocked or the chain link fixed, drops of water, sinew from a mam-
Saving Throw: None which would negate the effects of mal, and a drop of quicksilver.
Spell Resistance: No the spell.
You weaken bonds providing all Undertow
within a 20 ft. radius a +5 circum- Undead Alteration Evocation (Force)
stance bonus on Escape Artist checks. Illusion Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Water 3
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 Components: V, S
Unchained Melody, Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 standard action
Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Greater Range: Touch Area: 10-ft. radius/level
Transmutation Targets: Undead equal to 1 HD/caster level Duration: 3 rounds/level.
Level: Brd 4 Duration: 1 min./level Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Components: V Saving Throw: Will negates Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes You create a powerful undertow
Range: Close (25 ft. +5 ft./2 caster levels) You alter the form of an undead that pulls any swimmer failing a For-
Target: 1 lock or chain creature to make it look like a skel- titude save beneath the surface of
Duration: Instantaneous (see text) eton or zombie. The undead creature the water to a depth of 10 ft. Every
Saving Throw: None
is cloaked with an illusionary form of round thereafter, until the spell’s
Spell Resistance: No
a skeleton or zombie (your choice). duration elapses, the victim is per-
You target one lock or chain with This is normally used to fool others mitted a DC 18 Strength check or a
this spell. If the target is a lock, the into thinking a more powerful undead DC 20 Swim check to break free of
Eldritch Sorcery

the undertow. Remember, a sub- Components: V, S, DF

Casting Time: 1 standard action
Unseen Attendant
merged creature can hold its breath
Range: Touch Conjuration (Creation)
for a number of rounds equal to twice
Target: Your mount touched Level: Brd 0
its Constitution score. Thereafter, it Components: V, S, M
must succeed on a Fortitude save Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Casting Time: 1 standard action
(DC 10+1 per round) or start to Range: Touch
drown. Drowning PCs are reduced to Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
For the duration of the spell, your Effect: Cleans and grooms person touched
0 hp in the second round, and then Duration: 1 minute/2 caster levels
to –10 on the third unless they get to mount does not suffer an armor check
Saving Throw: None
air. penalty if wearing light or medium
Spell Resistance: Yes
barding, nor is its speed decreased. If
You create an invisible, shapeless,
your caster level is 5th or higher, this
Undetectable Charm applies to heavy barding as well.
mindless creature that quickly grooms
Abjuration you or a creature touched, straighten-
Level: Brd 2, Clr 2, Pal 2 ing clothing, brushing hair, freshening
Components: V, S Unholy Ice Axe breath, cleaning dirt from boots, clean-
Casting Time: 1 standard action Conjuration (cold) ing off dirt and grime, etc. and generally
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Level: Blk 3 making you more presentable.
Target: One creature or object Components: V, S, DF
Material Component: A bit of soap
Duration: 24 hours Casting Time: 1 standard action
and a brush or comb
Saving Throw: Will negates (object) Range: Personal
Spell Resistance: Yes (object) Duration: 1 round/level
An undetectable charm spell con- Saving Throw: None Unstoppable Tracker
ceals any charm, compulsion, or Spell Resistance: No Divination
You call an axe formed of unholy Level: Rgr 3
enchantment effect of an object or a
evil cold to your hands. This acts as Components: V, S, M
creature from all forms of detection
a +3 returning throwing axe that can Casting Time: 1 round
(such as by a detect charm spell).
only be wielded by the caster. Dam- Range: Personal
age from the unholy axe bypasses the Target: You
Undulating Earth DR of all good-aligned outsiders. For Duration: 1 hour/level
Evocation (Earth) Saving Throw: None
all others the axe is considered magic
Level: Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3 Spell Resistance: No
and evil. A successful hit from the
Components: V, S You magically enhance your abil-
axe inflicts 3d6 points of physical
Casting Time: 1 standard action ity to Track to such an extent that no
Range: 60 ft. damage and 3d8 points of unholy
cold damage. While wielding the negative modifiers apply to your Sur-
Area: 60 ft. cone vival check. This spell forces you to
Duration: Instantaneous axe you gain resistance to fire and
cold 15 and are surrounded with a keep in motion while tracking, if you
Saving Throw: Reflex negates stop moving the spell ends. You gain
Spell Resistance: No magic circle against good.
no bonuses to your Survival checks
By exerting control over the ele- while tracking, you simply do not
ments you send a powerful wave Unluck suffer from any negative modifiers. If
through the ground to knock your Transmutation the creature or person you are track-
opponents off their feet. You reach Level: Sor/Wiz 3 ing used magical means such as pass
down to touch the ground with your Components: V, S, M without trace to cover their trail this
hand driving a wave of force through Casting Time: 1 standard action
spell negates their magic allowing
the earth that travels away from you in Range: 40 ft.
you to track them normally. You can
a 60 ft. cone. Creatures failing a Reflex Target: One living creature
maintain this spell for 1 hour/level
save are knocked prone while those Duration: 1d6+2 rounds (D)
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (max 8 hours) so long as you con-
that succeed remain on their feet and tinue moving and focusing on
are unaffected. The quick wave undu- Spell Resistance: Yes
You surround one creature with a Tracking. If you stop to rest or for
lates through the ground only to lose combat the spell immediately ends.
power and have the earth return to fluctuating pattern of chaos. Each
time the creature makes an attack Material component: a sliver of clear
normal in an instant. Trees and other
roll, damage roll, skill or ability check, quartz that is crushed into powder
plants that take root are unaffected but
or saving throw, he must roll twice, and placed beneath the eyes.
all other creatures in the area are.
taking the worst of the two rolls.
Unfettered Steed Material Component: A broken Unyielding Durability
mirror or a crushed 4-leaf clover. Transmutation
Transmutation Level: Sor/Wiz 5
Level: Pal 1


Components: V, S, M This spell enchants an item so that it If the object is subjected to a disin-
Casting Time: 1 standard action cannot be broken by any mortal means. The tegrate effect, the object remains
Range: Touch object, which can weigh no more than 1 undamaged but the unyielding dura-
Target: Object touched pound per caster level, is immune to damage bility spell ends.
Duration: 1 min./level or breakage from any source, though it is not Material Component: 500 gp of re-
Saving Throw: None or Will negates (harmless) immune to magic effects that transform its fined adamantine.
Spell Resistance: No basic nature, such as polymorph any object.

Vengeful Environs or magical, such as that created by may entwine a single creature, but
Transmutation waves of exhaustion or ray of exhaustion), only one saving throw is required to
Level: Drd 5, Rgr 4 the exhaustion is changed to fatigue. dodge the vines. An entangled crea-
Components: V, S This spell has no effect on a spellcaster’s ture can break free with a DC 20
Casting Time: 1 round ability to prepare spells; they must still Strength check or a DC 25 Escape
Range: Medium (100ft. + 10ft./level) rest and prepare spells normally. Artist check for each vine.
Area: 40 ft. radius spread The vines have AC 15, 10 hit
Duration: 1 round/level Vigor, Improved points, and hardness 4.
Saving Throw: None Conjuration (Healing)
Spell Resistance: No Level: Clr 5 Voice of Confession
You cause every plant, bug, and ani- Components: V, S Enchantment
mal within the spell’s radius to lash out Casting Time: 1 standard action Level: Brd 4
against your enemies. Anyone within Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Components: V, S, F
the radius takes 2d6 points of damage Targets: One creature plus one additional Casting Time: 1 round
plus 1 point per caster level. This acts creature per four levels, no two of which
can be more than 30 ft. apart Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
similar to a swarm attack with every Target: One humanoid creature
small insect, animal and plant in the Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Duration: See Description
area inflicting a small portion of the Saving Throw: Will partial
damage. Spell casting in the area is Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
almost impossible, requiring a Concen- Improved vigor functions as vigor, ex-
You are able to use your voice to
tration check (DC 10 + damage dealt + cept that it removes both fatigue and
compel a creature to answer your
spell level) to cast a spell. Individual exhaustion from each creature in the area.
questions truthfully and completely.
melee and missile attacks against the You may ask one question per level.
affected area are useless, but area attacks Vines of Binding The victim receives a Will save
(fireball, etc) can do enough damage to Conjuration (plant) against each question and may not
disrupt the spell in at least part of the Level: Drd 4, Plant 4 be asked about the same subject again
area. Consider the “swarm” created to Components: V, S, DF unless the question is cleverly worded
have 20 hp per 5 ft. square and a possible Casting Time: 1 standard action enough as to make it seem different
saving throw of +0 against area damage. Range: Multiple targets with in 30-ft.-
radius. (DC 15 Bluff check). Although you
Once these hp are exceeded the small can’t know for certain if the subject
plants, insects, and animals in that 5 ft. Target: One target/level
Duration: Instantaneous is resisting the spell, you receive a
square are destroyed. +10 circumstance bonus to Sense
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No Motive checks to determine whether
Vigor Vines shoot forth from your finger or not the target is telling the truth.
Conjuration (Healing) tips entwining targeted creatures. One The target of the spell answers ques-
Level: Clr 3, Pal 3 vine per level (max 10) springs from tions truthfully, but does not
Components: V, S your fingers to twist and wrap around volunteer any additional pertinent
Casting Time: 1 standard action a creature. Each vine is 30 ft. long and information. For instance, a ques-
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) tion such as, “did you steal the jewels?”
may entangle a large or smaller crea-
Targets: One creature plus one additional elicits just a “yes” answer but not
creature per four levels, no two of which ture. Anyone failing a Reflex save is
wrapped up tightly in the vines and additional information such as, “Yes,
can be more than 30 ft. apart
falls to the ground prone and helpless. they are in the lockbox under my bed
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Vines that miss their target fall harm- at the Green Harpy Inn, and look
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) lessly to the ground. The vines created out for the poison needle trap.” Only
by this spell wither and fall to dust in one individual may be questioned
Vigor frees each affected creature
2d4 minutes. per spell.
from the effects of fatigue (whether
normal or magical in nature). If the The vines are not attached to your Focus: A shiny gold coin or
subject is exhausted (whether normal hands or the ground. Multiple vines pocketwatch.

Eldritch Sorcery

Voice of Memories Will save to reject new memories or save is affected normally by the origi-
Enchantment [Mind-Affecting] overcome a block to recalling erased nal spell and the volley spell ends.
Level: Brd 5 memories. Normal healing spells can- For example, a character protected
Components: V, S not overcome the memories created by this spell is targeted by a lightning
Casting Time: 1 round by this spell but a limited wish, wish, bolt. When the protected character
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) miracle or similar magic instantly re- is struck, the lightning bolt bounces
Target: One humanoid creature turn the target to normal. Hypnosis back to the original caster who must
Duration: Special or other spells of the mind also stand make a Reflex save. If the save suc-
Saving Throw: Will negates a chance of identifying the changed ceeds, it takes no damage and the
Spell Resistance: Yes memories (DM option). spell again flies toward the original
You weave magic into your voice target. That character must succeed
or music as you begin hypnotizing Volley Spell on another Reflex save to reflect the
your target. If the target fails their Abjuration spell. If successful, the spell bounces
Will save their subconscious mind Level: Sor/Wiz 7 again toward the original caster. This
comes under your influence. You Components: V, S, M continues for three full exchanges (6
have a period of 3 minutes to instill Casting Time: 1 standard action bounces) or until the character pro-
false memories, or cause the target to Range: Touch tected by this spell or the original
forget painful experiences. New Target: One creature touched caster fails a save.
memories are somewhat fragmented; Duration: 1 hour/level or until discharged; Note: This spell reflects area spells
yet the target’s own mind fills them see text or spells that target more than one
in actually making the spell more Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
and see text creature. In such a case, only the
effective over time. New memories portion that affects the creature pro-
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) and see
that go far against anything the tar- text tected by this spell is volleyed;
get has ever experienced allow a This spell allows the recipient to creatures or additional targets are
second Will save to reject the turn (or volley) a single spell that affected normally.
“memory” as nothing but a dream. targets it back upon the original Additionally, if an area or mul-
This spell can be used to set up a caster. Range, duration, saving throw, tiple-target spell is volleyed, only the
“patsy” to take the blame for a crime, or and so on are unchanged. The origi- original caster, and not those around
it can be used to help erase and ease nal caster receives a save against the him, is affected by this spell. Like-
painful memories to help an individual volleyed spell. If the save succeeds, wise, if the original caster saves and
begin to move back into normal life after the spell again flies toward the origi- the spell volleys, only the warded
a horrible trauma. You receive no infor- nal target. If the target again succeeds character is affected if it fails its save
mation about memories already on its save, the spell once again vol- (those around it are not affected again
contained in the target’s mind, you need leys back to the original caster. The by the spell).
to be familiar with the character’s back- spell continues volleying back and Material Component: A bit of bent
ground already before attempting to erase forth until either creature fails its willow (or other flexible wood),
memories or add new memories. save or until the spell has volleyed a wrapped with specially prepared
A special trauma or careful exami- number of times equal to twice the strands of gut.
nation of one’s past can offer another spell’s level. A creature that fails its

drop any held items. The smell and

Wall of Blood into existence with the lower edge
taste are also virtually impossible to
Evocation touching a flat surface of the same
size or larger. The wall shape must be ignore. Any creature with a
Level: Blk 4
a flat plane, but the edges can con- discernable anatomy (i.e. subject to
Components: V, S, M
form to fit the space it’s created in if critical hits) must make a Fortitude
Casting Time: 1 standard action
smaller than the area. save or they become nauseated for
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
the next round.
Area: wall whose area is up to one 5 ft sq/ The wall is one inch thick per
2 levels caster level. Because it is liquid, it The nauseating affect of this spell
Duration: 1 round/level does not have any hit points. Objects typically does not affect creatures
Saving Throw: See text and creatures can pass through it. (such as fiends or demons) that en-
Spell Resistance: No The wall gives concealment to those joy the taste of blood.
Blood pours from your hands, form- behind it (20% miss chance). Any- Material Component: A bloody rag.
ing into a heaving, queasy crimson one passing through it becomes
mass. The wall of blood is a flat, verti- coated with thick, slippery, cloying Wall of Water
cal barrier that appears where you fluid. They must make a Reflex sav- Evocation [Water]
designate, however it must be brought ing throw against the spell’s DC or Level: Sor/Wiz 3


Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: Curtain of water whose area is up to one 5-
ft. square/level, or hemisphere of water with a
radius of up to 3 ft. + 1 ft./level
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
An immobile curtain of water springs into
existence in the area you designate. The
wall need not be anchored on its sides, but it
must touch the ground. Depending on the
material component used, the wall can be
composed of saltwater, freshwater, or brack-
ish water. A wall of water is 1 inch thick per
four caster levels and composed of up to one
5-foot square per level. You can double the
wall’s area by halving its thickness. The wall
cannot be conjured so that it occupies the
same space as a creature or another object.
The wall is immune to damage of all
kinds, and is unaffected by most spells (dispel
magic still affects it). Disintegrate immedi-
ately destroys it, as does a rod of cancellation,
a sphere of annihilation, or a Mord’s disjunction
spell. Control water destroys a single 5-ft.
section of the wall.
Creatures on one side of the wall of water
have total concealment (see the PHB for
rules on concealment) from creatures on the
other side. Ranged attacks made through
the wall suffer a –2 penalty on attack and
damage rolls. Spells can be cast successfully
through the wall though it blocks vision and
any spell that requires the caster to see his
targets fails.
Creatures can move through the wall at
their normal movement rate without harm.
Fire creatures or those with a weakness to
water take 1d4 points of damage per 2 caster
levels (maximum 10d4).
Hemisphere: The wall takes the form of a
hemisphere whose maximum radius is 3 ft. +
1 ft. per caster level. The hemisphere func-
tions as the curtain, but it does not deal
damage to fire creatures that go through a
Material Component: A vial of saltwater,
freshwater, or brackish water, depending on
the type of wall you wish to form.

Warrior’s Touch
Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Wall of Blood
Eldritch Sorcery

Range: Touch so. Its attack bonus is equal to your mind-influencing effects. (This pen-
Target: Creature touched caster level + your Intelligence or alty replaces, and does not stack with,
Duration: 1 round/level Charisma modifier (for wizards or the penalty from the previous round.)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) sorcerers). If the touch succeeds, the The creature suffers a –6 morale pen-
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless) victim must make a successful Reflex alty to saves against mind-affecting spells
You bestow a warrior’s touch to save (DC 13 + your relevant caster cast by the caster of the weaken outsider
the creature you touch granting them ability score). If the save succeeds, will spell for a period of 30 minutes after
a Base Attack Bonus equal to their the water double dies. If the save fails, the end of the spell.
total HD or levels in place of their the liquid quickly spreads across the If the caster is interrupted or dis-
normal BAB. The target also gains a creature’s body, engulfing it in a thin, tracted during the casting of weaken
+2 bonus to all Fortitude saves and a liquid film. The film constricts the outsider will and fails a Concentration
+4 enhancement bonus to their Con- creature dealing 1d6 points of dam- check, the target creature can auto-
stitution. Fighters, paladins, rangers age each round until the spell expires, matically dominate the caster (as per
or others with a BAB equal to their is dispelled, or the film is destroyed. the dominate person spell) who does not
HD or level receive only the bonus The film is AC 15 and has hit points get a save to negate the domination.
to Fortitude saves and the enhance- equal to the creature it resembles.
ment bonus to their Constitution. Note: When you use weaken out-
Attacking the film with spells or sider will to force compliance from
weapons deals an equal amount of chaotic creature, it is a lawful spell;
Water Double damage to the creature engulfed. forcing compliance from an evil crea-
Conjuration Spells that manipulate water such ture, a good spell; forcing compliance
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 as control water or transmute water to from a lawful creature, a chaotic spell;
Components: V, F dust instantly kills the water double and forcing compliance from a good
Casting Time: 1 standard action and ends the spell. creature, an evil spell.
Range: Touch
Area: A single body of liquid
Duration: See text; 1 round/level
Weaken Outsider Will Weapon of Retribution
Saving Throw: None; see text Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affect- Transmutation
ing] [see text] Level: Pal 3
Spell Resistance: Yes; see text
Level: Sor/Wiz 5 Components: V, S, DF
By touching a body of liquid rang- Components: V, S
ing in size from a goblet to an ocean, Casting time: 1 standard action
Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch
you cause the liquid to form an exact Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
duplicate of the first living creature Target: Melee weapon touched
Target: One extraplanar creature Duration: 10 min. or until discharged (D)
to cast a reflection in the affected Duration: 3 rounds Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, ob-
liquid. The liquid holds the spell Saving Throw: None ject)
until triggered and does not evapo- Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object)
rate. Using this spell, the caster attempts You call upon your deity to imbue a
When a creature casts a reflection to force compliance from an oppo- melee weapon with power to seek jus-
on the liquid, an exact double rises in sitely aligned extraplanar creature. tice against a single evil opponent. The
the same round. The double is the In most cases, the creature is bound opponent must have aggrieved you or
same size as the one who cast the in a magic circle or restrained by a one of your allies. The weapon gains the
reflection unless the volume of liq- planar binding spell so it cannot at- ability to strike a single devastating
uid prevents this. For example, if the tack the caster while the spell is cast. blow to the specified enemy. The
affected liquid is contained in a gob- During the round weaken outsider will subject’s name need not be known.
let, then the double will only be is cast, the target creature feels uneasy This bonus only applies to the intended
about 6 inches tall. Once animated, and suffers a –2 morale penalty to saves target chosen at the time of casting. You
the double remains for 1 round per against mind-influencing effects. gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and
caster level (maximum 10 rounds). In the next round, the creature damage per level of caster (maximum of
The water double has a base speed becomes nervous; the affected crea- +20) with the weapon chosen. This
equal to twice that of the creature it ture suffers a –4 morale penalty to bonus only applies to the melee weapon
resembles. It cannot use any of the saves against mind-influencing ef- focused on at the time of casting. The
target’s equipment, spells, or special fects. (This penalty replaces, and does bonus applies only once and is expended
abilities. The water double, being not stack with, the penalty from the whether the first attack roll is successful
amorphous, can flow through cracks previous round.) or not and is not multiplied by a critical
and small openings. hit. You can use your smite evil ability in
The following round, the creature
The water double attempts to touch feels a dull pain slowly envelope its addition to this bonus to create a truly
the creature it resembles. It must body; the affected creature suffers a – devastating blow against your evil op-
succeed at a melee touch attack to do 6 morale penalty to saves against ponent.


The effect must be used within 10 mediately. In 2d8 rounds, the withered the injury appears in your mind (an-
minutes or it fades from the weapon. member drops from the opponent’s body other person, a monster, trap,
If the weapon leaves your hand the and crumbles to dust. A withered leg self-inflicted wound, and so on). If the
effect fades immediately. causes an opponent to fall prone and subject did not see its attacker, you
slows its movement to 5 ft. per round. A divine no information using this spell.
Wind Speak withered arm might inhibit the
Evocation creature’s attack or defence if it loses its Wyvern Guard
Level: Drd 1, Rgr 1 “sword arm” or “shield arm.” Anything Conjuration (Creation)
Components: V a creature is holding when an arm is Level: Clr 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action withered is dropped. A spellcaster who Components: V, S, DF
Range: Long (400 ft. + 10 ft./level) loses an arm must succeed on a Spellcraft Casting Time: 1 standard action
Target: Familiar creature check (DC 10 + level of the spell at- Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration: Instantaneous tempted) any time it attempts to cast a Effect: Creates one wyvern-like creature
Saving Throw: None spell with a somatic component. If the Duration: 8 hours and 1 round/level; see text
Spell Resistance: No check fails, the spell fizzles and fails to Saving Throw: None and Fortitude ne-
You able to whisper a short non- take effect (the caster loses it or the slot gates; see text
magical message of 1 word/level into a for the day just as if it had been cast). Spell Resistance: No and Yes; see text
breeze and have it carried a distance Wither limb counters regenerate and Wyvern guard creates a bank of swirl-
away. Both you and your target must be is countered by regenerate. ing, nearly insubstantial haze that
outdoors at the casting of the spell, if quickly takes the shape of a wyvern.
This spell is typically used to guard a
so, the message is brought to the target’s Woodland Shriek particular area against interlopers or
ears. The target must be able to under-
Abjuration trespassers. The wyvern created is Huge,
stand the language you speak. You Level: Drd 1
must know the creature you are send- and has a reach of 10 feet. The wyvern
Components: V, S, M
ing the message to by name and must is immobile and does not leave the area
Casting Time: 1 standard action
have met them in person at least once. Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) it occupies. Any living creature that
Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation centered comes within 10 feet of it is attacked.
Wings of Heaven on inanimate trees and bushes The wyvern has an attack bonus equal
Duration: 1 hour/level (D) to your caster level + your Wisdom
Saving Throw: None modifier, +3 for its Dexterity score (16),
Level: Pal 3
Components: V, S, M Spell Resistance: No –2 for being Huge. On a successful
Casting Time: 1 standard action You imbue plants and bushes in an attack, an opponent struck must suc-
Range: Touch area to shriek wildly if a Small or larger ceed on a Fortitude save or be paralyzed
Target: Paladin’s mount creature enters the warded area. The for 1 round for each caster level you
Duration: 10 minutes/level shrieking plants are audible up to a mile possess (maximum of 6 rounds). If the
Saving Throw: Will Negates (Harmless) away. This alarm warning is rather non- wyvern succeeds on its attack roll
Spell Resistance: Yes specific and can often be triggered by (whether it paralyzes an opponent or
You cause your called mount to animals, such as deer, that would nor- not), this spell ends and the wyvern
sprout wings like a pegasus and gain mally be considered harmless. Once a dissipates. (Note, a paralyzed creature
the ability to fly. The mount has a fly shriek has been triggered the spell ends. remains paralyzed for 1 round per caster
speed of 120 ft. with average maneu- Invisible, ethereal, or astral crea- level or until healed even after the
verability. tures do not trigger the shriek. wyvern guard ends.) If the wyvern’s at-
Material Component: Wing feather The spell fails if cast on a sentient tack roll misses, the wyvern guard remains
of a large flying creature plant. in place, and the wyvern can attack
again in the next round. Attacks or
spells (including area spells) directed at
Wither Limb Wound Reading the wyvern do not harm it. The wyvern
Necromancy [Evil] Divination guard can be dispelled normally.
Level: Clr 7, Drd 9 Level: Clr 2, Drd 2, Rgr 2
Components: V, S, DF This spell lasts 8 hours unless dis-
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 3 full rounds Casting Time: 1 minute pelled or discharged (when the
Range: Touch Range: Touch wyvern makes a successful attack roll).
Target: Living creature touched Target: Creature touched In areas of bright light the wyvern is
Duration: Instantaneous and permanent; see text Duration: Instantaneous clearly visible; in twilight, it takes a DC
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Saving Throw: None 20 Spot check to notice it at distances of
Spell Resistance: Yes Spell Resistance: None 30 ft. or greater; in darkness, it takes a
You choose one member (arm or leg) By touching the wounds on a sub- DC 30 Spot check to notice it at dis-
that withers and ceases functioning im- ject a mental image of what inflicted tances of 30 ft. or greater.

Eldritch Sorcery

Xenophobic Rage sickened. This condition lasts as discard a chosen blade and select
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind- long as the creature is in the another at any time during the
Affecting] cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after spell’s duration, as long as you’re
Level: Clr 8, Sor/Wiz 7 it leaves. (Roll separately for of sufficient level to use the de-
Components: V, S, DF each sickened character.) A sick- sired weapon; a discarded blade
Casting Time: 1 standard action ened character takes a –2 penalty vanishes and may not be used
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) on all attack rolls, weapon dam- until the spell is cast again. Any
Targets: 1 Medium or smaller human- age rolls, saving throws, skill weapon that leaves your hand
oid/4 levels checks, and ability checks. Any vanishes in the same manner
Duration: 1 hour/level (see text) creature that succeeds on its save making it impossible to pass one
Saving Throw: Will partial (see text) but remains in the cloud must of these weapons to an ally. The
Spell Resistance: Yes continue to save each round on following is a list of the garment’s
You sow chaos by drawing upon your turn. advancement in regards to caster
the secret fears of the target(s) to level.
Yellow smoke can be made per-
make them instantly aggressive to
manent with a permanency spell.
anyone not of their own race. Elves Zatmenye’s Combat
A permanent yellow smoke dis-
won’t attack elves, but they do at-
persed by wind reforms in 10 Mind
tack the nearest dwarf, halfling,
gnome, or human without pause. Divination
Material Component: The Level: Sor/Wiz 2
You give the target an “us against
crushed petals of a carrion flower. Components: V, S, M
them” mentality where anyone of
their own race is “us” and every Casting Time: 1 standard action
other creature is “them” and de- Zatmenye’s Coat Range: Personal
Target: You
serving of a deep-seated feeling of of Arms Duration: 1 round/level
hatred and rage. The targets use all Conjuration (Creation)
of their skills to the best of their Save: No
Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Spell Resistance: No
ability to destroy their enemies Components: V, S, M
(which basically include anyone not Combat mind is a limited form
Casting Time: 1 standard action
of their own race). of telepathy used during a com-
Range: Personal
Target: You bat situation, allowing the caster
This potent enchantment lasts
Duration: 1d4 rounds + 1 round/level to read the thoughts of his oppo-
for up to 1 hour/level and cannot be
Save: None nent in order to anticipate his
removed with a dispel magic. A break
You cast this spell upon your moves. Unlike detect thoughts,
enchantment, heal, limited wish, wish,
cloak or cape, at which time the combat mind does not relay your
miracle, or similar magic must be
garment flashes with light and opponent’s surface thoughts but
used to bring the spell to an early
fourteen magical swords appear rather his more subtle subcon-
end. Those targets fortunate enough
in a fanned array along its width. scious thoughts that take over
to make their Will saves are still
You may select any one blade during combat. As all swords-
affected as if by a confusion spell for
and remove it from the garment men can attest, conscious
1 round/level.
to use in standard melee combat. thought during a battle only re-
sults in hesitation and ultimately
Yellow Smoke The exact power of the weapon
defeat, therefore one relies in-
Conjuration (Creation) depends on the caster’s level. All
fourteen blades always appear, stead upon actions ingrained in
Level: Sor/Wiz 2 the subconscious portions of the
Components: V, S, M regardless of the caster’s level,
though a 1st-level caster only mind. This spell grants you the
Casting Time: 1 standard action foreknowledge of your
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) has access to the first and weak-
est blade, while a 2nd-level caster opponent’s upcoming attacks and
Effect: Cloud spreads in 20-ft. ra-
dius, 20 ft. high has access to the first two blades, defenses. This spell gives you that
Duration: 1 round/level et cetera, all the way to a caster split-second edge that may just
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates; see of 14th level, who may select save your life.
text from any of the fourteen blades Because you anticipate your
Spell Resistance: No he desires. opponent’s moves before he makes
Yellow smoke creates a bank of If you are not proficient with them, you receive a +1 bonus to your
fog similar to that created by the particular type of weapon you AC in melee combat for the dura-
stinking cloud, except that the select from the garment, you suf- tion of the spell. This bonus increases
vapors are sickening. Living crea- fer the usual penalties in combat. proportionally to the distance that
tures in the cloud become You may use a partial action to separates you from your opponent, as
you have more time to react after

C H A P T E R F O U R : S P E L L L I S T I N G S — X,Y, & Z

Level Type and Name Attack/Dmg Bonus (Special)

1 dagger of parrying +1 (+4 to hit on attempts to disarm or strike opponent’s weapon)
2 short sword of the mariner +1 (+1d6 damage vs. aquatic creatures)
3 short sword of purity +1 (+1d6 damage vs. lycanthropes)
4 falchion of speed +1 (+4 on initiative rolls)
5 rapier of chivalry +1 (+4 when defending unarmed member of opposite sex1)
6 rapier of wounding +1 (victim bleeds as per a weapon of wounding in the DMG)
7 longsword of frostbite +2 (+1d6 damage vs. fire-based creatures)
8 bastard sword of scorching +2 (+1d6 damage vs. regenerating creatures)
9 scimitar of the sun +2 (shines with daylight, +1d6 damage vs. undead)
10 dagger of the magi +3 (+1d6 damage vs. fighters)
11 scimitar of sand +3 (sand blast, 1/day [see spell description above].)
12 longsword of the sea +3 (may fight underwater without combat penalties2)
13 greatsword of war +4 (+1d6 if used in mass combat3)
14 short sword of severing +4 (critical hit severs head as per vorpal weapon in the DMG)
Notes to Table
1. The DM remains the final arbiter, but usually the subject in need of defense must be
unarmed and in obvious danger from an attacker.
2. You never suffer negative modifiers to your attack rolls when fighting in water, whether
you are partially or wholly submerged.
3. The DM decides what constitutes mass combat, but it is always a clash between opposing
armies, town militias, or other groups of paid soldiers, rather than a group of PCs fighting
a gang of orcs.

“reading” the incoming attack. a single opponent only. From dis- Zatmenye’s Tracer
Against ranged attacks of up to 10 tances between 11 and 20 feet, the
feet away, you receive a +2 AC bo- AC bonus increases to +3. Between
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
nus. This applies to the attacks from 21 and 30 feet, the bonus reaches its Components: V, S, M
maximum of +4. Casting Time: 1 standard action

Zephyr of Death
Eldritch Sorcery

Range: Personal Saving Throw: Will negates You surround yourself with a
Target: You Spell Resistance: Yes barely-perceptible shimmering
Duration: 1 round/level You send a light breeze past field that reduces damage from
Save: Will negates your hated enemies. Whispers most physical sources. All vari-
Spell Resistance: No and taunts of death and mayhem able dice of damage from purely
This spell causes your melee carried quietly on the breeze send physical sources, such as weapon
weapon to leave a blinding such horrible images into their attacks and falling, is minimized
“tracer” of itself as it is swung, minds that the weak-willed are to 1 per die. This includes dam-
appearing as a brightly glowing driven to their own deaths by age from critical hits and sneak
corona that trails wisps of crack- their secret fears. The breeze attacks, but does not include
ling light. The tracer leaves an extends from your mouth in a damage from special effects, such
afterimage of your weapon in the cone to a maximum distance of as poison or energy effects. It
air, making it harder for your 100 ft. before losing its power. also does not affect variable ef-
opponent to discern your You are able to extend your men- fects that do not cause direct hit
weapon’s location at any one tal power to slay as many as 1d4 point loss, such as ability score
time and resulting in a +2 attack HD of creatures per caster level, damage or drain.
bonus for you for the spell’s du- with creatures above 10 HD be-
ration. Furthermore, your ing immune to your Zone of Metamagic
opponent cannot use the Dodge manipulations. The closest crea-
feat against you, as he is unable tures are affected first, with all Minimization
to judge accurately your weapon’s creatures allowed a Will save to Abjuration
movements. A successful Will resist the effects. Undead crea- Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 8
save means that your opponent tures and outsiders are immune Components: V, S
keeps his wits about him, and to this spell. Casting Time: 1 round
the spell has no effect. Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area: 20-ft.-radius emanation
Zone of Ablation Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Zephyr of Death Abjuration This spell generates a dim purple-
Necromancy (Evil) [Fear, Mind-Af- Level: Blk 4, Pal 4
fecting] hued glowing field of energy at a
Components: V, S
Level: Sor/Wiz 8 fixed point in space. Within this glow,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: V all variable damage caused directly
Range: Personal
Casting Time: 1 standard action Target: You by spells and spell-like effects is mini-
Range: 100 ft. Duration: 1 round/level (D) mized. The spell does not reduce
A r e a / T a r g e t s : Living creatures damage from effects that inflict dam-
within a 100 ft. cone age indirectly, such as damage from
conjured weapons and summoned


Feats Assassin’s Coin 36 Charm Person, Mass 46

Anchored Spell 10 Assassin’s Mark 36 Charnel Stench 46
Arcane Affinity 7 Augment Skeleton 36 Chill of Evil 46
Atheist 7 Augment Skeleton, Mass 36 Chlorophyll 46
Augment Undead 7 Aura of Tsathogga 36 Choose Fate 47
Ceremonial Turning 7 Aura of Valiance 37 Chrysalis 47
Colorize Spell 10 Avert Attack 37 Circle of Divine Censure 47
Craft Magic Candle 10 Axe of Destruction 37 Claws of the Beast 47
Craft Magic Talisman 10 Claws of Digging 47
Disciplined 7 B Cloak of Serpents 47
Divine Affinity 7 Babel’s Curse 37 Clot 48
Divine Focus 8 Bad Luck 37 Cold Fog 48
Domain Affinity 8 Bare the Soul 37 Cone of Decay 48
Elemental Focus 8 Beesting 38 Conflagration 48
Essence Magic 8 Bestow Speech (Companion) 38 Control Lycanthrope 48
Herbalist 9 Bewildering Tracks 38 Control Temperature 49
Lunar Magic 9 Bewitch 38 Copy 49
Master Alchemist 10 Blackout 38 Corrupt Water 49
Maximize Undead Creation 9 Blades of Jade 38 Crawling Chaos 49
Power Turning 9 Blade Song 39 Create Crypt Thing 49
Sacramental Magic 11 Blessed Warmth 39 Create Iceberg 50
Scorn of the Death God 9 Blessed Watchman 39 Crystal Transformation 50
Seasonal Magic 9 Blight Fog 39 Crystal Wail 50
Seductive Magic 9 Blinding Ash 39 Cure/Cause Bends 51
Shape Master 9 Blindness/Deafness, Mass 39 Curse of the Ancient Mariner 51
Sympathetic Magic 11 Blood Bath 39 Curse of Life 51
Blood Blade 39 Curse of Light 51
Spells Blood Purge 40
Bloodburn 40 D
A Boarding Plank 40 Darken Forest 52
Absorption 31 Bolster Mental Fortitude 41 Daze Animal 52
Acid Blast 31 Bone Armor 41 Dead Man’s Hands 52
Acid Storm 31 Bone Blight 41 Death Bringer 52
Acid Wind 31 Bonetrap 41 Death Gaze 53
Acorn Grove 31 Branch Assault 41 Death March 53
Aerial Pilot 32 Breach Defense 42 Death Wish 53
Affect Normal Fog 32 Brittle 42 Decrypt 53
Air Breathing 32 Bubble Goop 42 Deflect Ram 53
Air Sphere 32 Buoyancy 42 Delay Death 54
Align Weapon, Mass 32 Delude 54
Alter Normal Fires 32 C Demon Flesh 54
Anchor 32 Cacophony 43
Demon Flesh, Lesser 54
Angel’s Cloak 32 Call Upon Faith 43
Desail 54
Angel’s Cloak, Lesser 33 Call Lesser Demon 43
Destroy Water 54
Animal Auditory 33 Camouflage 44
Detect Balance 54
Animal Ocular 33 Cat’s Eyes 44
Detect Charm 55
Animal Scout 33 Cat Nip 44
Detect Current 55
Animate Rock 33 Cavewalker 44
Detect Curse 55
Animate Roots 33 Chain Enervation 44
Detect Disease 55
Animate Skeleton 34 Chant 44
Detect Illusion 55
Animate Zombie 34 Chant, Greater 45
Detect Land 55
Annihilate 35 Chaos 45
Detect Life 56
Annihilation Vortex 35 Chaos Bolt 45
Detune 56
Anointed 35 Charge 45
Devouring Darkness 56
Aquatic Entangle 35 Chariot of Fire 45
Devour Essence 56
Aspect Tattoo 36 Charm Animal, Mass 46
Dig 56
Eldritch Sorcery

Dire Rage (Companion) 56 Fire Gills 66 Icebreaker 77

Discern Lycanthrope 57 Fire Touch 67 Icy Hammer 77
Disguise Magic Aura 57 Firewater 67 Identify Tracks 77
Distance Distortion 57 Fist of Stone 67 Ignite 77
Divine Lock 57 Flame Spiral 67 Illusionary Forest 77
Divine Sovereignty 57 Flameswell 67 Immunity to Energy 77
Divining Rod 58 Fluid Form 67 Immunity to Fear 78
Dolphin Fins 58 Foggy Flying Carpet 68 Insomnia 78
Dolphin Fins, Mass 58 Fool’s Gold 68 Instant Exit 78
Donor 58 Force Corporeality 68 Interdiction 79
Dread Scream 58 Forecast 68 Iron Judgement 79
Dream Speaker 58 Forest Home 68 Ironrope 79
Dream Thief 59 Forked Tongue 69 Ironshot 79
Drench 59 Fortify Armor 69 Irritation 79
Dust of Death 59 Friendly Form 69
Frost Touch 69 J
E Frostfire 69 Jaerel’s Curtain of Fire 80
Earth Ear 60 Fumble 69 Jelver’s Illusory Illusion 80
Earthen Blast 60 Fusing of Bones 69 Jolt 81
Earthen Snare 60 Jungle Cry 81
Earthen Wave 60 G
Gaze Reflector 70 K
Electrical Storm 60
Ghostly Throttle 70 Keen Ears 81
Elemental Cloak 60
Glass House 70 Kiss of the Nereid 81
Elemental Scimitar 61
Glass Window 70 Know Alignment 81
Encrypt 61
Glass to Steel 71 Kristoff’s Solar Window 81
Enrich Soil 61
Empower Companion 61 Glide 71
Erase 61 Glowing Bones 71
Lasting Breath 82
Etch Stone 62 Godsblood 72
Leaf Fall 82
Eternal Sleep 62 Greater Curse 72
Leaf Tide 82
Exact Task 62 Green Water 72
Lifeleech 83
Exorcise 63 Grim Resilience 72
Lightning Wheel 83
Expeditious Retreat, Greater 63 Locate Fish 83
Eye of Ice 63 Locust Leap 84
Halt Plant 73
Eyes of the Hawk 63 Lost Wanderer 84
Hard Water Blast 73
Eyes of the Hawk, Greater 63 Lower Spell Resistance 84
Hard Water Weapons 73
Harmonic Discord 73 Luck of the Saints 84
F Lucky Cloak 84
Faerie Ward 64 Harmonious Dissolution 74
Headwind 74 Luna’s Glare 85
False Tracks 64
Fangstorm 64 Heart Rip 74
Farsighted 64 Heat Bone 74
Mage Armor, Greater 85
Farvision 64 Heat Flesh 75
Magic Circle against Spirits 85
Favor Mount 64 Hemophilia 75
Magic Circle against Undead 85
Favor Servant 64 Hesitate 75
Magma Eruption 85
Feather Step 64 Hide the Soul 75
Malicious Intent, Greater 85
Feed Summoned Creature 65 Holy Fire Hammer 75
Malicious Intent 86
Feign Death 65 Holy Infusion 76
Mangling Foot 86
Fiery Blast 65 Hound’s Scent 76
Mark of Exile 86
Fiery Constrictor 65 Hovership 76
Mass Polymorph 87
Fiery Grasp 66 I Massmorph into Trees 87
Fire Bolt 66 Ice Geyser 76 Megalomania 87
Fill the Sails 66 Ice Shards 76 Melt 87
Fire Burst 66 Ice Sled 76 Merge into Art 87
Fire Charm 66 Message, Greater 88


Message Cache 88 Protection from Oozes and Slimes Shock Touch 111
Metamorphose Weapon 88 102 Signal Flare 111
Mighty Steed 88 Protection from Paralysis 102 Silent Hunter 112
Mind Carve 88 Protection from Pressure 102 Silver Lance 112
Mind Meld 88 Protection from Spirits 102 Silver Shield 112
Moon Servant 89 Protection from Undead 102 Skull Bomb 112
Moonbeam 89 Prowess of the Prophet 103 Sleep of Power 112
Muck 89 Pummel 103 Slimeball 113
Mucus Mask 90 Push 103 Slime Bucket 113
Mud Slam 90 Putrefy Food and Drink 103 Slur 113
Multiple Contingency 90 Smart Arrow 114
Snake Charm 114
N Quash Summoning 104 Snakes to Sticks 114
Nap 91 Quicken Assassin 104 Sneeze 114
Nature’s Aura 91 Quicksand 104 Song of Vengeance 114
Nearsighted 91 Quill Skin 104 Sonic Shield 114
Necrotic Touch 91 Soul Shatter 115
Net 91 Soul Strike 115
Negative Energy Armor 92 Radiance 105
Rainbow Spear 105 Sound Worm 115
Negative Energy Mantle 92 Spark 115
Nullifying Cloak 92 Rainbow Staff 105
Raise Island 105 Speak with Objects 115
Nymph’s Aura 92 Spectral Sail 115
Raise Shipwreck 105
Random Pain 105 Speed Undead 115
Ravaging Fire 106 Spell Kill 116
One with the Earth 92
Ray of Desiccation 106 Spell Legs 116
Ooze Bolt 93
Ray of Paralysis 107 Spellcaster’s Refusal 116
Open Trail 93
Reduce Nausea 107 Spellchain Grounding 116
P Regenerate Plant Life 107 Spilling of Blood 116
Paean of Greater Glory 94 Reinstate Spell 107 Spiritual Trance 117
Paean of the Holy 94 Reinstate Spell, Greater 107 Spiritbreaker 117
Paean of the Unholy 95 Remember Seas 107 Squeaking Floor Alarm 117
Paper Tigers 95 Remove Nausea 107 Starlight 117
Paralyze 95 Resistance to Fear 107 Steal Breath 118
Pattern Grass 95 Resonant Imbalance Steam Bolt 118
Peacebinding 95 108 Steam Cloud 118
Phantom Accompaniment 96 Restraining Order Stench of Death 119
Plague 96 108 Sticks to Snakes 119
Plant Aura 96 Revelation Field Storm of Vitriol 119
Plant Door 96 108 Strength of the Earth 119
Plant Enlightenment 96 Righteous Conviction 109 Striking Likeness 119
Player Instrument 99 Rimeshatter 109 Subdual Ray 119
Player, Instrument, Greater 99 Rooted in Place 109 Summon Animals 120
Pocket Paradise 99 Rot to the Core 109 Summon Dust Devil 120
Pollen Cloud Summon Hellhounds 121
100 S Summon Shadow 121
Sacred Watch 110 Summon Undead I 121
100 Sanctified Reverie of Arms 110 Summon Undead II 121
Precipitation Sand Blast 110 Summon Undead III 122
100 Scalding Sea 110 Summon Undead IV 122
Predict Weather Scent Mask 110 Summon Undead V 122
100 Scintillating Doom 110 Summon Undead VI 122
Primeval Seal 101 Scorching 111 Summon Undead VII 123
Prismatic Chain 101 Share Spell Resistance 111 Summon Undead VIII 123
Progressive Curse 101 Shattering Cry 111 Summon Undead IX 123
Prophet’s Eye 101 Shield of Crackling Fire 111 Swim 123
Shield Open Flame 111

Eldritch Sorcery

Swirling Leaves 123 Tune of Passage 129 W

Symbol of Discord 123 Turn to Ooze 129 Wall of Blood 133
Symbol of Hopelessness 123 Twig Torture 129 Wall of Water 133
Synaptic Disturbance 124 Twitch 129 Warrior’s Touch 134
Water Double 135
T U Weaken Outsider Will 135
Taunt 124 Unchained Melody 130 Weapon of Retribution 135
Teleport Other 124 Unchained Melody, Greater 130 Wind Speak 136
Thicken 124 Undead Alteration 130 Wings of Heaven 136
Thorn Snare 125 Undertow 130 Wither Limb 136
Time Acceleration 125 Undetectable Charm 131 Woodland Shriek 136
Time Deceleration 125 Undulating Earth 131 Wound Reading 136
Torrent 125 Unfettered Steed 131 Wyvern Guard 136
Touch of Madness 126 Unholy Ice Axe 131
Track Magic 126 Unluck 131 X
Transform Boulder to Pebble 127 Unseen Attendant 131 Xenophobic Rage 137
Transform Pebble to Boulder 127 Unstoppable Tracker 131
Transmute Dust to Water 127 Y
Unyielding Durability 131
Transmute Gold to Steel 127 Yellow Smoke 137
Transmute Water to Acid 127 V
Transmute Water to Dust 128 Vengeful Environs 132
Vigor 132 Zatmenye’s Coat of Arms 137
Transparent Steel 128
Vigor, Improved 132 Zatmenye’s Combat Mind 137
Treacherous Blow 128
Vines of Binding 132 Zatmenye’s Tracer 138
Tree Ladder 128
Voice of Confession 132 Zephyr of Death 139
Tremor Sense 128
Voice of Memories 133 Zone of Ablation 139
Trip 129
Volley Spell 133 Zone of Metamagic Minimization 139

Legal Appendix

This printing of Eldritch Sorcery is done under version 1.0a of the of the 1. The name “Necromancer Games” as well as all logos and
Open Game License, below, and version 6.0 of the d20 System Trademark identifying marks of Necromancer Games, Inc., including but not
License and version 5.0 of the d20 System Trademark Logo Guide. limited to the Orcus logo and the phrase “Third Edition Rules, First
Notice of Open Game Content: This product contains Open Game Edition Feel” as well as the trade dress of Necromancer Games
Content, as defined in the Open Game License, below. Open Game products;
Content may only be Used under and in terms of the Open Game License. 2. The Necromancer Games product name “Eldritch Sorcery,” as
Designation of Open Game Content: All spells, spell descriptions, well as any and all Necromancer Games product names referenced in
spell stat blocks and spell names as well as all feats, feat stat blocks, feat the work;
descriptions and feat names and any other content that comes directly 3. All artwork, illustration, graphic design, maps, and cartography,
from the d20 System Reference Document within this book — excluding including any text contained within such artwork, illustration, maps or
any text on the inside or outside of the front or back cover or on the cartography;
Credits page — is hereby designated as Open Game Content, subject to 4. The proper names, personality, descriptions and/or motivations
the Product Identity designation below. Any questions regarding the of all artifacts, characters, races, countries, creatures, geographic loca-
Open Game Content within this module should be directed to Clark tions, gods, deities, historic events, magic items, organizations and/or
Peterson at clark@necromancergames.com. groups unique to this book, but not their stat blocks or other game
Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby mechanic descriptions (if any), and also excluding any such names
designated as Product Identity as provided in section 1(e) of the Open when they are included in spell or feat names;
Game License: 5. Any other content previously designated as Product Identity is
Any and all material or content that could be claimed as Product hereby designated as Product Identity and is used with permission and/
Identity pursuant to section 1(e), below, is hereby claimed as product or pursuant to license.
identity, including but not limited to:

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in
1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b) “Derivative Material” Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with
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Product Identity; (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures; characters; updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this
stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, art- License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally
work, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes distributed under any version of this License.
and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with
descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equip- 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
ment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
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Contributor; (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
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Game Content; (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable,
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open enforceable.
Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this
License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate System Reference Document Copyright 2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Your acceptance of the terms of this License. Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive Original Spell Name Compendium Copyright 2002 Clark Peterson; based on
license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. NPC-named spells from the Player’s Handbook that were renamed in the System
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing Reference Document. The Compendium can be found on the legal page of
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions www.necromancergames.com.
are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights Eldritch Sorcery Copyright 2005, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors Patrick
conveyed by this License. Lawinger, Scott Greene, and David Mannes, with Erica Balsley, Chris Bernhardt,
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT Casey W. Christofferson, Bill Collins, Jim Collura, Chad Coulter, Patrick
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT Goulah, Skeeter Green, Jeff Harkness, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale,
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distribut- Richard Hughes, Robert Hunter, Al Krombach, Rob Mason, Matt McGee, Clark
ing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s Peterson, Michael Proteau, Greg Ragland, Gary Schotter, Joe Walmsley, and Bill


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