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ARTICLE : The Old Man And The Sea

WRITER : Ernest Hemingway’s
GROUP : Group 1
NAME : Yuma Bagas Dewangga
PARAGRAPH : The Old Man and the Sea: The Culmination by Wirt Williams
PAGE : 48 – 51

CS 1 : the old man is artist, as he was Christ at the Last Supper, when the boy brings
him the gift of food to strengthen him for the next day’s fishing
Description : a. Independent Clause (IP) : the old man is artist
b. Dependent Clause (DP) as he was Christ at the Last Supper, when the boy
brings him the gift of food to strengthen him for the next day’s fishing
Ph (in the CS) 1. Noun Phrase (NP): the old man, the last Supper, the boy, the gift, food,
the next day's
2. Verb phrase: vp: is artist, was Christ, brings him, fishing
3. Preposition phrase: of food, to strenghthen, for the next day
CS 2 : He thinks of the money the fish will bring in the market, enough to feed him
through the winter
Description : a. Independent clause : enough to feed him through the winter
b. Depandent clause : He thinks of the money the fish will bring in the market

Ph 1. Noun phrase : the money, the fish, the market, feed, winter
2. Verb phrase : thinks of
3. Preposition phrase : of the money, in the market, to feed, through the
Cs 3 When Santiago speaks of eating turtle eggs to keep himself strong in the
winter, the author is not only speaking of the physical nourishment but of
the experience that can be fashioned into art which journalism has given
him; the figure recalls certain lines from the introduction to his collected
short stories
descriptiom a. the author is not only speaking of the physical nourishment but of the
experience that can be fashioned into art which journalism has given
him; the figure recalls certain lines from the introduction to his
collected short stories

b. When Santiago speaks of eating turtle eggs to keep himself strong in

the winter
Ph 1. Noun phrase: himself, the winter, the author, the physical nourishment,
the experience, the figure, the introduction, his collected short stories
2. Verb phrase: speaks of, eating turtle eggs, is not only, speaking of the
physical nourishment, has given him,
3. Preposition phrase: to keep himself strong, in the winter, of the
experience, into art, to his collected short stories.
Cs 4 Still in the end it sounds something of the same theme as The Old Man and the
Sea, though admittedly a little more that of The Sun Also Rises
Description a. Independent : Still in the end it sounds something of the same theme as
The Old Man and the Sea
b. though admittedly a little more that of The Sun Also Rises

Ph 1. noun phrase: the end, the same theme, the Old Man and the Sea, The
Sun Also Rises
2. preposition phrase: in the end, of the same theme, of the Sun Also
3. adjective phrase: a little more
4. adverb p: admittedly a little more that of The Sun Also Rises
Cs 5 As Theseus offers sanctuary to Oedipus, so Frank the bartender tells Blindy he
can sleep in the back of the bar.
Description A. independent clause: so Frank the bartender tells Blindy he can sleep in
the back of the bar.
B. Depandent clause : As Theseus offers sanctuary to Oedipus
1. Noun phrase : the bartender, the back of the bar, the bar
2. adverb phrase: as theseus, so Frank
3. verb phrase: offers sanctuary to Oedipus, tells Blindy he can sleep in
the back of the bar
4. preposition phrase : to Oedipus, in the back of the bar, of the bar
Cs 6 he uses the narrative structure of a literary masterwork as his own base, as
other writers used pure myth
Description a. Independent clause : he uses the narrative structure of a literary
masterwork as his own base,
b. Depandent clause : as other writers used pure myth
Ph 1. Noun phrase : the narrative structure, his own base
2. Verb phrase: uses the narrative structure, used pure myth
3. Preposition phrase: of a literary masterwork,
4. adverb phrase : as his own base, as other writers used pure myth

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