CSE 115: Programming Language I: North South University

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North South University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

CSE 115: Programming Language I

Course Outline – Spring 2021

Instructor: Ishtiaque Hossain (IHa)

Office Location: SAC 1010A
Email: ishtiaque.hossain@northsouth.edu

Note: Office hour consultation is scheduled in advance. If you would like to visit me during office hours,
send me an email the day before specifying the time so that I can accommodate you into my schedule.

Online Class Information: www.classroom.google.com

Credit: 4 credit hours.

Course Outline: This course provides students with a comprehensive study of the C programming
language. Classroom lectures stress the strengths of C, which provide programmers with the means of
writing efficient, maintainable, and portable code.
Topics that will be covered:
1. Number systems
2. Introduction to computers and programming
3. Variables and data types
4. Selection structures
5. Repetition with loops
6. Arrays
7. Functions
8. Pointers
9. Dynamic memory allocation
10. Structures and union types
11. File processing
12. C preprocessor

1. Problem Solving And Program Design In C, Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman, 7th Edition
2. C: The Complete Reference, Herbert Schildt

Reference Book: Programming In ANSI C, 5th edition by Balagurusamy

Marks distribution:

1. Assignments (2 out of 2) 20%

2. Quizzes (2 out of 3) 20%
3. Midterm (1 out of 1) 25%
4. Final (1 out of 1) 35%
Day Lecture Topic Exams Syllabus
1 1 Number Systems
2 2 Introduction to C Programming
3 3 Basic Input/Output
4 4 Introduction to Problem Solving
5 5 Operators and Expressions Quiz 1 Lecture 1 - 4
6 6 Selection Structures
7 7 Repetition Structures
8 8 Repetition Structures (contd.) Assignment 1 Announced in class
9 9 Functions
10 10 Functions (contd.)
11 Midterm Lecture 1 - 10
12 11 Recursion
13 12 Arrays
14 13 Arrays (contd.)
15 14 Strings
16 15 String (contd.)
17 16 Pointers Quiz 2 Lecture 11 - 15
18 17 Pointers (contd.) Assignment 2 Announced in class
19 18 Dynamic Memory Allocation
20 19 User Defined Types
21 20 User Defined Types (contd.)
22 21 File Processing Quiz 3 Lecture 16 - 20
23 22 C Preprocessor
24 Reserved day

General course administration: The class presentations will be interactive lectures. To supplement
course administration, Google Classroom (www.classroom.google.com), an online course management
system, will be used for this course. All students must subscribe to this service and monitor activities on
the web site regularly. Lectures slides and other materials will be provided via Google Classroom.

Exams and Quizzes: Exams and quizzes will be closed book and closed notes. No electronic devices
except non-programmable calculators will be allowed during exams. Calculators cannot be shared with
friends. Nobody will be allowed to go outside the exam hall. There will be no makeup exam, as I will
drop one quiz, with the lowest score. If you miss any of them, you will get zero for that. There will be
only one midterm exam. The schedules for the midterm exam and the final exam will be announced well
ahead. It is your responsibility to make sure that your personal schedules do not conflict with the exam
dates. Any violation of the exam policy may result in cancellation of the corresponding exam or quiz,
and in extreme case, in an F grade for the course.

Assignments: All the assignments involve programming. You have to submit assignments on Google
Classroom when it is due. If you miss this deadline, your assignment points will be reduced by 40% for
each day of delay. It is your responsibility to submit the assignments in time.

Class etiquette: Distracting others in class is violating others rights to be attentive. So, food, laptop or
cell phones are not allowed during class time. Be careful about personal discussion during the class.

Academic Honesty: Any means of unauthorized assistance in preparing materials which a student
submits as original work is deemed to be cheating and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action.
Instructors are expected to use reasonably practical means of preventing and detecting cheating. Any
student judged to have engaged in cheating might receive a reduced grade for the work in question, a
failing grade in the course, or such other lesser penalty, as the instructor deems appropriate. Serious
instances may be referred to the Disciplinary Committee in the Office of the Vice Chancellor.

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