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Module 3

Prepared by: Shaina Camille Juradas, LPT.

At the end of the sessions, the student is able to:

1.Define the term “Global South”;

2.Differentiate the Global South from the Third
3.Differentiate between regionalization and
- Refers broadly to the regions of Latin America,
Asia, Africa, and Oceania.
- “Third World” and “Periphery”
- Mostly low-income and often politically or
culturally marginalized.
- Central focus on development or cultural
difference toward an emphasis on geopolitical
relations of power.
The “double divide” is caused by political power,
economic dependency, and importation/
exportation of resources. The transition of
industrial production to cheaper labor sources,
international media, and expanding international
trade and communication have in some ways
made the world smaller, yet in other ways made
the gasps between nations larger by creating
greater dependency of poor nations to wealthy

- People refer to the two as "Third World/South"
and "First World/North" because the Global
North is more affluent and developed, whereas
the Global South is less developed and often
-  "Third World" has been redefined in many
evolving dictionaries in several languages to
refer to countries considered to be
underdeveloped economically and/or socially. 
Industrialization and Immigration

- Slave economy supported agriculture

- By the beginning of the Civil War, only one-ninth of the United

States industrial capacity was situated.
- By 1860, the population is nine million

- 80 percent of southerners were employed in agriculture.

- Free society enabled industrialization

- Produced 97 percent of the country’s firearms and 93 percent

of its pig iron.
- 1860, North population stood at 23 million

- 40 percent were employed in agriculture.

Political Identities

- Before and after the Civil War, the North and South
were very different in their political alignments.
- 1800s, many Northerners belonged to the Whig
Party, while Southerners tended towards the
- By the 1850s and beyond, the Whig Pig had
collapsed, and many more northerners became
Republicans, while Southerners remained loyal to
the Democrats.
Digital Divide
- Is a term that refers to the gap between
demographics and regions that have access to
modern information and communications
technology, and those that don’t or have restricted
- Has tremendous impact upon the culture and the
people of every region.
- The North-South divide is broadly considered a
socio-economic and political divide.
Global digital divide – The divide between differing
countries and regions of the world.

Global North – USA, Canada, Western Europe,

outer most regions of the European Union,
developed parts of Asia (the four Asian Tigers,
Japan, Brunei and Israel), Australia, and New

Global South – Africa, Latin America, developing

Asia including Middle East.
- The North mostly covers the West and the First World,
along with much of the Second World, while the South
largely corresponds with the Third World. The North
may be defined as the richer, more developed region
and the South as the poorer, less developed region,
many more factors differentiate between the global
- 95% of the North has enough food and shelter. The
Global South “lacks appropriate technology, it has no
political stability, the economics are disarticulated, and
their foreign exchange earnings depend on primary
products exports.”
- Is the process of the dividing an area into smaller
segments called regions.
- Example: Division of nation into states or provinces.

- Business also use regionalization as management tool.

- It is the process of international integration arising from
the interchange of the world views, products, ideas and
other aspects such as technology, etc.
- Globalization - promotes the integration of economies
across states borders all around the world.
- Regionalization – precisely the opposite because it is
dividing an area into smaller segments.

- Globalization allows many corporations to trade on
international level so it follows free market.
- Regionalization – monopolies are more likely to develop.

Cultural and Societal Relations:

- Globalization acceleration to multiculturalism by free and
inexpensive movement, but regionalization does not
support this.
- Globalized international community is also more willing to
come to the aid of the country stricken by a national
- Regionalized system not get involved in the affairs of
other areas.

Technological Advances:
- Globalization has driven great advances in technology, but
advanced technology is rarely available in one country or
Task 1. The “double divide” is caused by political
power, economic dependency and importation/
exportation of resources. Explain this statement.
(10 points)

Task 2. Discuss your concept on the “divide”

among government of Asian countries.

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