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PassMark (R) Software's Sleeper

Copyright (C) 2006-2007 PassMark Software

All Rights Reserved

Sleeper is a small utility program developed by PassMark Software to help
test the ability of PC systems to enter and recover from sleep and hibernation

Sleeper is free for personal use and free for customers that have purchased

There is no installation required. Unzip the zip file and run the Sleeper.exe file.

Delete the folder that it was previously installed in or delete
the contents of the folder.

Platforms: Windows 98, 2000, ME, XP, 2003, Vista, Windows 7
Requirements: 32MB Ram
Must be run as administrator

Version History
Here is a summary of all changes that have been made in each version of Sleeper.

Revision Author Date

Sleeper v2.3 (1012) TR 9 Dec 2016

1. Added support for enabling/disabling hybrid sleep
2. Made some changes when using command line options the current config file is
loaded first so existing
settings will be used and the command line options will overwrite them
(rather than using default
settings as it did previously). This will allow options like the "external
actions" to be set
in the config file and still be used when running with command line options.

Sleeper v2.3 (1011) 30 March 2016

1. Added log messages to log when woken up prematurely and the cause.

Sleeper v2.3 (1010) TR 26 June 2015

1. Built with new compiler
Sleeper v2.3 (1009) TR 15 Oct 2012
1. Fixed a bug where the cycle count was not being logged correctly

Sleeper v2.3 (1008) TR 10 Oct 2012

1. Fixed a bug that could prevent the "sleep time too short" error being
displayed correctly
2. Updated the help to add some information about warning and error conditions

Sleeper v2.3 (1007) TR 13 Sept 2012

1. Fixed a registry write error in Windows 8 when using the "Restart
automatically after power cycle" option

Sleeper v2.3 (1006) MF 12 May 2010

1. Removed restriction prohibiting the running of external apps when using
command line parameters
2. Fixed bug where it was not possible to run when only hibernate mode is

Sleeper v2.3 (1005) TR 22 May 2009

1. Added "Wake Source" log message when using "Debug & Events" configuration
option (Vista Only)
2. Fixed some possible crashes that could occur during logging

Sleeper v2.3 (1004) MF 8 July 2008

1. Added additional error reporting for logging failures.

Sleeper v2.3 (1003) MF 24 Sept 2007

1. Fixed a bug which only became apparent after Sleeper had been cycling for
many hours.

Sleeper v2.3 (1002) MF 10 July 2007

1. Added extra display box showing current cycle number.
2. Fixed a rare bug involving crashing on exit.

Sleeper v2.3 (1001) MF 4 July 2007

1. Help file updated for Vista.
2. Sleeper now automatically requests to run as admin when using Vista.
3. Tested to work with Vista.

Sleeper v2.3 (1000) DW 5 Oct 2006

1. First attempt a being Vista compatible.
In Vista may need to set administrator privilege level from .exe properties.
More work, including a complete re-write of the help file is still required
for full Vista compatibility.
2. Additional checking and warnings messages about needing to be the
3. New icon with 256 colors
4. Changes to a number of internal functions to give the software a better
of working on Vista.

Sleeper v2.2 (1006) SK 22 Dec 2005

1. Fixed bug whereby if the log file name length is too long, Sleeper's stack
gets corrupt,
resulting in unexpected behavior. Log file name length can now accomodate up
to 511 characters.
If a -L option is followed by a log file name whose length is greater than
511, an error message box
will be displayed.
2. Fixed bug whereby log entry is written to the desktop.
3. Added separators after coomand line options report.
4. Added separators before "About to start next cycle"
5. Fixed bug whereby -B does not override configuration file in command line,
Sleeper.exe --config=configAllSleepState.dat -B -E
will execute all sleep states instead of only supported states.
6. Feature enhancement: Sleeeper will create the log path if it does not exist.
Supported paths are:
a) Absolute local path, i.e. beginning with an alphabet followed by
a colon or
beginning with an alpha-numeric and not followed by a colon.
(Example: A:\a\b\c\d\test.log, b:\1\2\3\4\5\here.log, etc,
my\path\test.log, 1\2\3\test.log, etc)
b) Network path, i.e. beginning with double backslashes followed by
the shared folder's name
(Example: \\userXP\sharedFolder\example.log, etc)
Unsupported paths are:
a) Relative paths (i.e. paths that starts with dots or double dots,
or paths
that contains dots or double dots between back slashes)
(Example: .\my\path\test.log, ..\my\path\test.log,
7. Feature enhancement: Sleeper will not support Hibernate (S4) if Hibernate
is not enabled
from Control Panel:Power Options. It will treat it as an unsupported mode.
However, Sleeper
does not prevent user from checking S4 and forcing system to Hibernate even
though Hibernate is
not enabled from the Control Panel:Power Options.

Sleeper v2.2 (1005) SK 09 Dec 2005

1. Fix bug in configuration window whereby "Log to file", "Restart automatically
after power cycle""
and "Stop and prompt user upon error" cannot be unchecked once it is checked.
2. Because "Log level:Debug" turns on trace logging in Sleeper's user visible
log file, "debug.log"
has been removed.
3. Fix bug whereby "Log colour classification" is not repainted if sleep is
4. Fixed bug whereby logs are split between 2 files.
5. Fixed bug where invalid command line option causes crash.
6. Added error dialog for invalid command line.
7. Check boxes to run suspend states are now saved in configuration file.
8. Change command line behavior to following:
i) If no command line options are specified, Sleeper will attempt to load
the last
used configuration (sleeperCfg.dat). If sleeperCfg.dat is not present,
default values will be used.
ii) If a configuration file is specified, the configuration file will be
iii) If a configuration file is specified along with other command line
the configuration file will be used. Any command line option that
after the configuration file (i.e. --config option) will override the
configuration file's settings. For example, if the sleep duration for
is 60 in "myconfig.dat", and we run Sleeper with:
Sleeper.exe --config=myconfig.dat -R 90.
Then Sleeper will attempt to sleep for 90 seconds instead of 60
iv) If command line options are specified without a configuration file
(i.e. without --config option), default values will be used and the
command line options will override its default values. If any of the
command line option is invalid, Sleeper will use its default values.
However, if a valid log file is specified (i.e. valid -L, -La or -Lo
along with other invalid options, logs will be written to the specified
log file
9. Added -La (append to log) and -Lo (overwrite log) in command line.
10. Sets default behavior to append to log unless -Lo is specified.
11. Changed behavior where if log file name is changed in Configuration window,
it will only
take effect from next start of Sleeper.

Sleeper v2.2 (1004) SK 02 Dec 2005

1. Added Log colour classification in main window.
2. Some bug fixes.

Sleeper v2.2 (1003) SK 30 Nov 2005

1. Created Readme.txt for Sleeper.
2. Added Sleeper version (and built date/time) to log file.
3. Added ability to specifiy duration per sleep state from command line.
4. Added logging of sleep states that are not supported.
5. Added 4 radio buttons in config window that specify the state fallback (when
a requested state
is not supported). Also add this cbility from command line.
6. Added command line option -O or -O[x] that queries (without executing any
sleep states) which
sleep states are supported.
7. Added ability to load and save config by adding a "Load Config" and "Save
Config" button in config dialog.
Also added this ability from command line with syntax
8. Added ability to have debug(trace) logging in user visible log file.
9. Added 3 radio buttons in config window that user can choose level of logging.
10. Updated SLEEPER.HLP with above changes.
All the documentation is included in the online help file.
It can be accessed from the help button.

For technical support, questions, suggestions, please check the help file for
our email address or visit our web page at

Ordering / Registration
All the details are in the help file documentation
or you can visit our sales information page

The PassMark Development team

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